#oc: Tyrrnith Zarmahan
imperial-topaz2003 · 2 years
Little something that happened.
So, while playing SWTOR, I got up to use the bathroom, and got sidetracked talking with people on Discord. When I finally got back into SWTOR, I found this.
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Malavai fuckin killed an entire walker and brought the next to about 30% health. As a healer. This is exactly why I'm gay for him.
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
Okay, this is my first time doing one of these asks. I decided to do that character attraction post. If you don't mind, what do you think Gahraath Vaiken would think of my Sith OC Tyrrnith Zarmahan? Thank you in advance
Send me a ❣ and I’ll gauge my character’s attraction to yours at this point in time
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✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧ | Sexual Attraction ✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Romantic Attraction ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ | Crushing ✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Squishing ✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Sensual Attraction ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ | Aesthetic Attraction
A mountain of muscle and power? Uhm, yes, please?
So real talk - I will say that Gahraath - despite being rather a "horn dog" - has only ever actually been with two Sith. And he chose them as partners largely because he was confident they would be unable to attempt to "keep" him.
If he trusted that Tyrrnith couldn't / wouldn't try to do that, his chances are excellent.
Long-term… i don't know if I can see Gahraath in a long-term relationship with a Sith? He has certain… ahem… perceptions about how that would eventually go.
But given the right circumstances, he could definitely take a ride on the Tyrrnith train!
Thanks for the ask!
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sunderedazem · 2 years
Just for fun, what do you think your Legacy. would think of my sith warrior, Tyrrnith? As in, how'd they see him, would they get along with him, ect? You can list as many or as few of your OCs as you want.
You're gonna get all of them then, LMAO! Moonrise Legacy takes on the Zarmahan.
Corrain: Depends on when they would meet, to be honest. If it's baby-Jedi Corrain, prior to the Vitiate Trauma, he'd just be confused. Praven kind of baffled him, and since Tyr's a pretty honorable Sith, it would only deepen that confusion. They'd get along eventually, it would just take Corrain time to figure out how the fuck he felt about it.
However, if Corrain first meets Tyr as the *Emperor's Wrath* rather than the *Empire's Wrath* - he's almost certainly never going to trust Tyr, ever. That first impression will stay with him far too long, and his hatred of Vitiate/Valkorion never truly fades - it's a scar he carries for the rest of his life. Meeting Tyr around JK chapter 3 or Ilum would mean Tyr gets caught up in that association.
But if they meet around the SoR or KOTXX point, he's likely to want to reach out - he'd see Tyr as someone who sticks to his ideals and he respects that a lot. They wouldn't see eye to eye, but that's something Corrain values because it challenges him to think outside the box. They'd probably have some pretty decent conversations.
Kalvonut: Kalvonut would probably be conflicted. He's extremely diplomatic and actively avoids confrontation where he can, so they'd 'get along' for the most part, but Kalvo would see Tyr as the embodiment of the culture he never had a connection to. As a Pureblood Sith taken in by the Jedi after his Revanite mother was killed by the Dark Council, trying to learn about Sith customs would be almost certainly viewed with suspicion by the Republic (though not the Jedi, per se) and so he stayed away.
Actually, on second thought? If Tyr isn't patient they probably wouldn't click - Kalvonut would almost certainly bombard him with questions. He's a massive nerd, lmao.
Kessin: They'll shoot him in the face before anything, unless Corrain or someone else they trusted told them to back off. It doesn't really matter when - they never trust Sith. Ever. Tyr would never be able to prove himself to Kessin, even if he wanted to.
Deitente: She can respect Tyr's sense of honor, but she'd view him more as a formidable opponent than anything else. So she'd respect him as a warrior and enemy, but that's about it - she's too loyal to the Republic to ever befriend him.
Eiri: They'd probably get along, to be honest. Eiri doesn't give a rat's ass about the Empire (because he's not Imperial, he's Zakuulan, and he maintains that identity) but he'd be able to respect that Tyr does. He'd also be the most comfortable in the face of Tyr's aloofness, as he's a fairly laid-back guy - he doesn't mind awkward conversations or silences or anything of the sort. He makes them comfortable, honestly.
Sekulyn: She'd see Tyr as a threat, and just for that she'd respect him. Even more so after they become Darth Occlus and rise to the Dark Council. They don't have a code of Sith honor in the traditional sense - but they don't half-ass it when going up against formidable opponents, and they wouldn't spare any effort if they had to take Tyr down. As long as they share the same goal, however - keeping the Empire strong (and therefore Sekulyn's powerbase secure) - then they'd get along fine. Probably pretty damn well, all things considered.
Elennye: She'd begrudgingly like Tyr. He puts the Empire first - as she does - and isn't one of the fuckhead Sith whose power struggles are tearing apart the Empire from the inside. Not to mention he's not a jackass about aliens. She'd gladly offer her services as the Star Cabal leader/Information broker to him when he needs them, as long as it doesn't fuck with Vaylin and Zakuul.
Astayr: Honorable Sith are a decent sort, and he's good in a fight, so xey would be more than happy to work with him if he's willing to pay hir fee. Plus, xey know that xey can trust any bounties he pays xem to take out to be fair play - there's not going to be falsified info or coercion (of Astayr) involved. Xey might be too rowdy for him though - xey would almost certainly try to get him to shoot net'ra gal with them and the other Mandalorians LMFAO
Thanks for the ask! I love Tyr, so these were pretty fun answers to brainstorm.
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imperial-topaz2003 · 2 years
Got started on making my own family tree for my SWTOR stuff.
Kudos to @magicallulu7 for recommending this app for me.
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Oh yeah, and Tyr is Senya's nephew, now. Don't worry, it's part of the narrative I'm building up.
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imperial-topaz2003 · 2 years
Tyr also doesn't know jack about alien cultures.
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Don't get me wrong, he doesn't want to appear intolerant. He's just kinda slow. Growing up in a Sith family that culturally taught him very little outside of the empire hasn't done him any favors.
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imperial-topaz2003 · 2 years
Vette in the Zarmahan Legacy
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So, @swtorpadawan was wondering what Vette was like in my SWTOR OC verse. I wanted to reply to his comment, but I figured this was best saved for an actual post. Vette and Tyr met like in most Sith Warrior storylines. Vette was released from slavery to find the tomb chamber, yadda yadda. At first, their relationship wasn't anything special. Tyr didn't hate Vette or anything like that (he did remove her shock collar as soon as they got off Korriban), but he didn't think terribly highly of her, initially just being dismissive.
However, as they travelled together, Vette really grew on him. The two of them eventually came around to developing a sort of surrogate big brother/little sister type friendship. He even lent a hand in helping reunite and free her family.
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So, Tyr and Vette stick around with eachother and enjoy travelling together. Hell, Tyr's even joined in at sometimes making fun of his enemies with her. But yeah, Tyr and Vette have a really good platonic relationship.
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...my screenshotting skills suck.
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imperial-topaz2003 · 2 years
Tyrrnith as a Companion
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Selection line:
Good day to you, too.
You require my assistance?
Let's press on.
I'm afraid I'm not the best at conversation.
Battle lines:
If you have a death wish, step right up! And so, it begins. That is the last mistake you'll ever make!
Exiting battle:
Perhaps I'm not as rusty as I thought I was.
That's the end of that.
You gave me no other choice
KO'd/ Low Health:
Go on...without me...
Not sure how much more I can take!
So, this is how it ends...
Urgh... I'll be more careful, next time. Th...thank you, friend.
Misc. click lines:
Being out here certainly beats those dreadful Dark Council meetings.
[Tatooine-specific] Have I ever told you how much I hate sand? It's...ahem, nevermind.
Someone remarked I'd look good if I grew out my beard. What do you think?
We sure do a lot of people's work for them. I feel more like an errand boy than a Sith Lord.
[idle Sith Opera humming]
Just between you and me, I greatly appreciate your company, friend.
Gifts: Trophy [favorite]: I...I don't have the words...thank you!
Military Gear, Imperial Memorabilia [love]: It's lovely! Thank you.
Technology, Luxury, Underworld [like]: You have my gratitude, friend.
Republic Memorabilia, Cultural Artifacts, Courting [indifferent]: Erm, I'm...sure I can find some use of this.
Likes: Confidence, Professionalism, Pragmatism in combat, Calculated actions, Assisting the Empire,
Dislikes: Cowardice, letting emotions play into decision making, killing indiscriminately, Helping everyone in sight, Hindering the Empire
Inspired by @grandninjamasterren
No pressure tags for anyone who wants to do this: @davidoodles @swtorpadawan @shynmighty @shabre-legacy @starknstarwars
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imperial-topaz2003 · 2 years
Oh shit, I accidentally made him light
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imperial-topaz2003 · 2 years
Yet another meme I made
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Featuring @whitepadi 's Nathandra. Yes, I used this template already, sue me.
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imperial-topaz2003 · 2 years
For the "OC voice" list - 2, 6, and 14 for Yuli and Tyr? 👀
Here we go! First is Yuli!
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2. What kind of conversations do they usually have?
Yuli is fairly laid back when it comes to casual conversation. She'll bring up a variety of topics and likes chatting simply for the sake of talking. It's her way of bonding with people. Granted, she can become a bit hot-blooded about a few certain topics, but for the most part, she's pretty respectable during her talks.
6. How do they correct others?
Depends on her mood. When she's chill and relax, she'll remain pretty casual about it, but if she gets riled up, she might act a bit more vicious about it. However, once she cools off, she'll apologize for snapping.
14. What trait immediately repels them?
Yuli does not really like people who are always stoic. She can understand awkwardness and not being too willing to open up at first, but if someone is going out of their way to show no emotion whatsoever, she's not gonna like it, especially if they're being a dick about it.
Next is Tyr
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2. What kind of conversations do they usually have?
Tyr's social skills are pretty lacking. He's good at listening, sure, but he does not make the best conversations, and his responses tend to be blunt and straightforward. However, there are times where he'll try to be more receptive and engaging, even if it does end up feeling forced.
6. How do they correct others?
Tyr is brutally honest. He'll get right to the matter at hand, and generally won't care if he's being too honest in correcting someone. However, if he notices he accidentally hurt someone, he'll apologize and try to be a bit gentler about it.
14. What trait immediately repels them?
Tyr does not like people who are overly emotional and expressive. He'll find a way to work with them, sure, but these kinds of people tend to leave a bad taste in his mouth. Thanks for the asks!
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imperial-topaz2003 · 2 years
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Made some additions to the family tree
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imperial-topaz2003 · 2 years
Status update: Tyrrnith is still socially awkward
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Oh, and he got some new drip to fit his Emperor's Wrath style.
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imperial-topaz2003 · 2 years
Huh, guess Tyr is more on the light.
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Don't get me wrong, he is certainly no sofie. But now that I think of it, maybe Tyr does lean a bit more on the light side.
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imperial-topaz2003 · 2 years
Tyrrnith's new drip
I decided to get Tyr a new flagship outfit. I present to you The Sovereign of Zakuul!
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Yeah, it's basically just the Zakuulan Inquisitor's set with Senya's saber. I wanted to give Tyr an Alliance/Zakuulan-esque look to fit his new characterization. Flushed 40 bucks down the drain, but it was worth it. What do you guys think?
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imperial-topaz2003 · 2 years
Honestly, this is the best way to describe SWTOR and its companions
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imperial-topaz2003 · 2 years
Odd Ask
🍋,🍒, 🍰 & 🍇 for Tyrrnith?
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What is your OC's most painful memory?
The lost of his homeworld, Ziost. After keeping all of his sorrow and emotion locked up, it was the first time in a while that Tyr actually burst out into tears. It definitely still haunts him to this day.
Has Your OC had their first kiss yet? If so, with who?
He has. He kissed Malavai sometime after Makeb, and it was the time where the two officially affirmed their interest in one another.
What's something your OC counts as unforgivable?
Swore I answered this one before, so I'll copy paste that, since I'm a lazy fuck. Any form of sexual assault or rape. Tyr can be pretty forgiving at times, but this is his one limit. If you commit any form of sexual harassment, regardless of who you are or who you did it to, he's gonna chop ya into many little bits.
What sort of friend are they? Where are they in the group dynamic?
The intimidating friend. If he sees you've been hurt, he'll bluntly ask who did it and then excuse himself. That night, whoever jumped you got a one-way ticket to the ICU. Definitely not the most sociable friend, and his answers tend to be pretty blunt and direct, so don't expect much of a conversation out of him. But in a casual setting, he's generally calm and agreeable, and will do just about anything with you (within reason), and vigorously defend you against anyone who wants to hurt or bully you. He might be big and scary, but at least he's on your side.
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