#oc: aurora nobyl
confunderewrites · 4 years
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poor baby is going through it™
“So…” Aurora muttered. “Did you watch the game?”
“I did.” Amanda said.
“I’ve never done that in a game before. I’ve never lost my shit in a game like that before. I’ve gotten into fights but I… just… blacked out. And then I woke up and his face was… mush. He wasn’t even angry after, basically thanked me for the good fight but I still felt awful.”
“Sounds like something else is bothering you.”
“I keep wanting to throw the lamp.”
“The lamp. There’s a lamp in Dale’s office. And whenever we fight it’s right in my peripheral and he keeps accusing me of cheating or something or it’s my fault that our relationship is like this because he wants to start a family and I don’t yet and he won’t listen to me or believe me and all I want to do is throw the lamp.”
Her therapist looked at her, brow furrowed in worry. “At him?”
“No. No, God no.” She felt her throat squeezing, her chest getting tight. “I didn’t want to hurt him. I- I-” wanted to hurt something. Someone. I was so angry, so, so angry, and I didn’t know where to put it and- “I don’t like this person I am right now. I don’t. I’m not this person.” Her eyes were welling up, her lip quivering. “I’m- I’m scared.”
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inquisitorlavcllan · 5 years
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confunderewrites · 4 years
heads up 7 up
tagged by the lovely @adycat2
rules: post the last 7 lines you wrote and tag 7 people.
I’m gonna have to cheat a bit here seeing as I was bouncing around a lot in this scene.
She opened up every drawer one by one. “Joggers… Jumpers… Jeans… A-ha! T-shirts!” she rifled through them looking for one she wanted to wear.
They were all Arborist shirts.
Every. Single. One.
How was every single t-shirt in the drawer an Arborist shirt?
Nike. Puma. FILA. Hummel. …Adidas? When were the Arborists sponsored by Adidas?
She groaned, looked for another t-shirt drawer but to her dismay this was the only one.
tagging: @purple-hawke @boredwriter-16 @pens-swords-stuff @hannahs-creations @aeolus-x @letswritestories101 @dorianpavus and anyone else who wants to do it! :)
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confunderewrites · 4 years
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That’s the thing about two a.m. It makes you weak.
wc: 335 character(s): aurora nobyl PG
All she wanted to do was sleep but sleep wanted nothing to do with her and she tossed and turned until two in the morning before she gave up and started scrolling though social media.
Alistar had posted a video with workout tips and she could always tell which posts were him and which were his PR team.
This one was unmistakably him. Overcomplicated movements combined with a sure-of-himself attitude that made it seem like what he was talking about was simple despite the average person probably not being able to get it at all.
Someone made a joke off camera at the end and he laughed.
That’s the thing about two a.m. It makes you weak. It makes you think bad ideas are good ones. You’re hypnotized by the way the phone screen glows in the pitch blackness of the room and you think ‘Sure, why not call them?’
And next thing you know you’re sitting cross-legged in your bed with the phone ringing in your ear begging it not to go to voicemail even though it’s two a.m. and they never go to bed past eleven.
But you’re tired, you can’t sleep, and despite everything…
“Hi Ali…” she practically whispered into the phone. “I know it’s late. And I know you’ve probably been really busy with cairbre and stuff and I know you said you needed space and I- um-” she sighed. “I’m sorry.” She paused. “Dale and I broke up. Well, more like I left and I feel… like complete and total rubbish and like nothing is going right and I- I-” she could feel her voice breaking. “I could really use a friend. So if you happen to have some time maybe we could go for a run or something…” she let out a weak laugh. “I know you probably have something to say about my last game and I- I don’t know. Bye.” She dropped the phone and pressed her face into her hands.
…you miss them.
banner by: @aeolus-x​
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confunderewrites · 4 years
last line tag game
tagged by @juls-writes thank you!!
She realized as she looked down that with how bad the rain was she couldn’t see the ground.  It should’ve been scarier, but not seeing it somehow made her feel better and she flew up another metre.  If she doubled it she’d be at regulation height. So she did, and took in a deep breath. “You alright up there?” he called out.  There was a touch of concern in his voice and all it did was piss her off more because she was Aurora fucking Nobyl not some novice who’d never flown before. “Fine!” she yelled back.
tagging: @dorianpavus @boredwriter-16 @aeolus-x @letswritestories101 and anyone else who wants to do it :)
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confunderewrites · 4 years
aurora: -beats a mans face in-
also aurora when a friend asks her if she wants to cuddle: yes 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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confunderewrites · 4 years
You're *taunting* me?
Aurora to her therapist
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confunderewrites · 4 years
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I have come to the conclusion I’m never going to finish this piece so here’s a wip that’s been sitting in my drafts for a year now of alistar and aurora smooching.
taglist under the cut:
@adycat2 @aeolus-x @thewritingcaddy @frankensteinn 
(I had to dig this taglist up from my notes so let me know if you’re no longer interested, no hard feelings of course :) )
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confunderewrites · 4 years
sometimes I feel like I don’t show auroras adhd enough but like:
- has trouble regulating emotions - rejection sensitive dysphoria - FIDGETING - hyperfixations - GOGOGOGOGOGOGO.... stop.  - information overload
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confunderewrites · 5 years
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Nobyl Blood Excerpt #1: The First Game
(header by @crypticsx​) So I’m 12000 words in and my main pairing have only just now had their first interaction!  the slow burn hurts  Also!  I’m restarting the excerpt count seeing as this is the newest version of Nobyl Blood.  I’ll eventually start phasing out the old excerpts properly and replacing them with their updated versions.  The excerpt number also might not be indicative of their place in the story.
wc: 190 characters: Alistar, Aurora PG
She saw Reid making laps around the field like he usually did before a match.  He’d done it for as long as she could remember, keeping his head down and eyes straight ahead, not one to get too involved with the crowd. She flew right in front of him, snapping him out of his trance and he rolled his eyes.
“Good luck keep!” she shouted, sliding her visor up.
“Same to you, Nobyl.  Try not to get yourself benched again, right?”
“Pfft.” She waved her hand and winked. “Don’t give me a reason.”
“Very funny, very sportsmanlike.”
“I’m joking.”
“Your track record doesn’t exactly display that, y’know?” he smiled.
 She shrugged and slapped her visor down again.  “All’s fair in love and war!”  She yelled before flying off to rejoin her team.
“And this is neither of those things!”  He called back.
Aurora smirked.  Still the same old Alistar Reid Rivero.  Despite him getting a little miffed at her tactics and her feeling like he constantly had a stick up his arse they still had nothing but respect for each other.  He was a good player, and a good bloke.
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confunderewrites · 5 years
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(header by @crypticsx​)
Nobyl Blood Excerpt #2: A New Body
Almost at the halfway point for nano!  Still so much catching up to do with only 8 days left.  Here have a bit of world-building of the medical side of things.  Post inciting incident.
wc: 728 characters: aurora, dale, doctor that I probably won’t bother actually giving a name cw: paralysis, surgery, misc medical discussion
“We should talk about options.”
“I thought we already did that.  My nervous system gets fixed, I do physio for that part.  Wash, rinse, repeat.”
“There is another option.” Her doctor said.  She still couldn’t ever remember his name.  She was terrible with names and saw Jacqueline so much more often than she did him.  But that was to be expected.  She even started calling her Jackie.
Dale was sitting in the armchair that he had moved right beside her bed and was holding her hand.  It was a strange, uncomfortable sensation to be able to see something but not feel it.  If she tried hard enough she could almost imagine the feeling of his fingers laced into hers and the circles his thumb was stroking on the top of her hand.  But the sensations ran through like sand, no matter how good her imagination was.  
“What is it?” he asked hopefully.
“A full replacement.”
Dales entire body stiffened. “A what?”
“Because athletes are required to get a full body scan we have the ability to print her an entirely new one.  It doesn’t come without it’s own set of complications however.”
She’d never seen the 3D printers used to print body parts before.  But she imagined a casket shaped object and its lid unsealing, steam pouring out from the sides, and her naked body from the neck down becoming visible as it dissipated.  Then, a team of doctors cutting her head off, sticking it on the new body, and her walking out good as new.
“It’s not as simple as sewing her head on her neck and calling it a day.” He smiled echoing her thoughts.
She felt sick.
Dale shook his head ever so slightly.
“What would it entail, then?” she asked.
He gave her a look that meant ‘You’re actually considering this?’
She ignored it.
“Well, for starts we’d have to print the body of course.” Doctor man stated. “Full body replacements don’t happen often and as an arm takes a week or so to fully print-”
Her brand-new knee caps that took a day each came to mind.
“-It would be, at the lower end, a month and a half.”
“Do you even have a printer here that could handle it?” Dale asked.
Doctor man nodded. “We do.  We’re the leading hospital for replacements in the country, Mr. Lewis.  I assure you your wife is in good hands.”
He didn’t look convinced.
Aurora didn’t like the thought of waiting what could be two months to get back out there.  She didn’t have that time but she should at least explore all her options, right?
“Okay, let’s say I do that.  What next?  What happens in the meantime?”
“In the meantime we’d start preparing.  Make a full plan, map out every connection we have to make, what we’d do in event of complications, et cetera.  We’d go through it with you from top to bottom.  No surprises.”
“And what happens to this body?  In the meantime?”
“We’d keep you comfortable until your new one was ready.”
She felt as if someone had dropped an anvil on her chest.  No, no.  Absolutely not.  She couldn’t just lie here for two months.
“And the old one?  After?  We’re contra.” Dale said sternly.
“Ah, right.  In that case we’d freeze it until you or your next of kin request it.”
Just like her bag of kneecaps.
She looked at her lap, then back up at the doctor.  “What are the benefits of this over repairing the one I already have?”
“Your body was severely damaged in the fall, Mrs. Nobyl.  You wouldn’t be dealing with any repercussions that would come out of that.  For example, your hand.  Due to how the disc hit it and the extensive repairs you’ve had on it in the past it is unlikely it would ever return to one hundred percent.  Also, I won’t sugarcoat.  The physio needed after nerve repair is very painful.  We would be more reconnecting rather than repairing in this case.  With less of the nervous system to repair than we would have to otherwise, the physio, while still extensive because it would be a new body, would be much less painful.”
“I can handle pain.”
“I don’t doubt you can.  But many athletes credit this as excruciating.”
Then those athletes were wimps.  She was sure she could handle it.
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confunderewrites · 5 years
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She’s done!  I’ve had the icon for a hot minute but it took me a stupid long time to clean this up enough to post.  Did another portrait of Aurora because I couldn’t help myself. (click for quality)
Tags under the cut (as always lmk if you want to be added/removed):
@crypticsx @bigmoodword @screamingbasement @mvcreates
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confunderewrites · 5 years
Last Line Tag Game
tagged by both @boredwriter-16 and @qwordy 
thanks!!  (sorry this is so late lmao)
“Oh my god.” Dale put his head in his hands.
“Oh, don’t be so dramatic.” She scoffed. “I just won’t smile with teeth, it’s fine.”
“It’s not fine.  You’re missing a tooth!”
“I’ll get my manager to make an appointment for a replacement in the morning and I’ll have a full set of chompers right away.  Don’t you worry your pretty little head.”  She said tapping him on the nose.
He straightened out his tie with a sigh. “I just wish you’d be a little more careful.”
tagging: @crypticsx @screamingbasement @purpleshadows1989 @frankensteinn @magicalmisstemi
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confunderewrites · 5 years
Last Line Tag
Rules: Post the last lines you wrote and then tag people equal to the number of  words in the last sentence.
Tagged by @inexorableblob who always writes stuff that makes me want to know more (and who can’t count ;) )
From Nobyl Blood and I apologize for how mushy this is.  I did say it was a romance.
If she was still clinging to the edge, her grip was surely loosening with every kiss and every inch that her hand slipped under his shirt.  Lost in the soft rhythm of his breathing and the steady beat of his heart on which her hand had settled.  It was a stark contrast to the erratic way hers was pounding.  The way it always pounded when he was around. She would have to get used to it.
Tagging: @crypticsx @screamingbasement @boredwriter-16 @writingwithhotchocolate @ficsinhistory @c-vendett @pens-swords-stuff @decantae
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confunderewrites · 5 years
aurora you know I love you but your stubbornness is literally ruining my plot pacing.
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confunderewrites · 5 years
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“That Nobyl’s a loose cannon.” “Yeah, but a loose cannon that’ll have your keeper’s eyes less on the ball and more on the discs.  Get Rowley on her arse, and make damn sure she doesn’t get near our end.” “Got it, coach.”
Name: Aurora Nobyl Age: 24 Height: 1,65m Weight: 72kg Citizenship: England Position: Guardsman Current Team: Harriers
My first completed digital art piece from start to finish!  Usually I sketch traditionally then scan it but not this time.  Used GIMP as the art program and a Wacom Intuos Draw.   
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