#oc: ct-4293 | ARC gaze
homemade-clones · 1 year
Mist Squad | The Masterlist
Part of the 767th Battalion - a recon force specialized in locating, capturing targets and rescue allies -, the Mist Squad is an ARF unit focused on the capture side of things. Led by the experienced Sergeant Tooka, and aided by their highly trained massiffs, the squad has an excellent rate of successful missions.
Current members (click on their name to be taken to each individual masterlist!):
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SERGEANT TOOKA | ARF | CT-8652 A seasoned trooper who has been at the lead of many successful operations before settling as the Sergeant of Mist Squad. His gruff exterior and tired eyes do well to convey the permanent "single, weary father of five" role he's been stuck in since taking over the squad. His daughter massiff is Socks, a large, scarred female who has been by his side since cadet days.
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GAZE | Sniper | CT-4293 The most recent squad's addition, transferred after the loss of his sight and original squad during an infiltration mission gone horribly wrong. Voluntold to receive a pair of experimental, enhanced cybernetic prosthetics that restored his sight (at the cost of his health). Choosing to survive both out of spite and his unchecked, trauma-born emotional dependency towards anyone who talks to him for 0.5 seconds.
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CHEESE | Medic | CT-2437 As fiery as the auburn locks on his head, the medic and second oldest is easily the heart of the Mist Squad. Cheese is intent on making sure his brothers are taken care of to the best of his abilities - both physically and emotionally - even if it means literally strong-arming them into self-care. Cheese's massiff is Aid, who bravely dives snout-first into the battlefield besides him, carrying the medical kits necessary to patch up the squad, even during active battle.
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BEDBUG | ARF | Tracking Specialist | CT-2252 One of the best trackers of his squad (and the 767th as a whole). Fueled by a seemingly endless reserve of restless energy, Bedbug is always moving - be it exercising with his massiff Burr, be it fidgeting or taking apart whatever object is unlucky enough to end up in his hands during downtime. His eerie, nigh unbreakable focus during missions is balanced by a hair-graying lack of impulse control outside them. Despite the squad's eagle-eyed attempts at keeping Bedbug on their sights during leave, he's still managed to rack up a forked tongue and sharpened teeth, besides the too many piercings and tattoos scattered around his body.
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CHARM | ARF | Infiltration Specialist | CT-2253 The team's best slicer and hacker, and indispensable asset during infiltration missions. Named after the feat he pulled during one of his first missions when he, somehow, charmed a meal (his vod, Cheese) out of a young Kryat's dragon mouth. His massiff, Dinui (mando'a for 'gift'), is not only a work partner but also son, pride, joy, and the reason Charm is always peniless despite often taking side jobs whenever the GAR isn't looking. He'll be damned if he'll let his boy have anything but the absolute best he's able to provide.
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CAKE | ARF | Explosives Specialist | CT-2254 Youngest batchmate of Charm and Bedbug (by a mere ten seconds they won't ever let him forget), the squad's trap and explosives specialist is also an incurable trickster. Always down for shenanigans and seamlessly pinning the blame on his vode, pranking is his love language. The only who seems to be immune to his antics is Sugar, his massiff. She is not immune to Cake's 'fashion sense', tho, always found with armor (and scarves when off-duty) carefully color coordinated with his own outfits.
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[probably more troopers will join the squad, but for now there's that!]
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Gaze is so starved for any crumb of praise, the need spread even onto his sex life, as a praise kink.
He'll eat up every single praise you give, be it verbal (try calling him a "good boy" while he goes down on you, and watch as he starts to malfunction in the most wonderful ways.) or not (he will moan all the same if you squeeze and grab most parts of his body, knowing you approve of his looks is praise enough to get him going).
On the flip side, Gaze will not stand or deliver any degree of degradation from/to his partner; harsh words will break his trust, confidence and heart, all in one go. Don't be mean to him.
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homemade-clones · 1 year
"So apparently the 'bad vibes' I've been feeling are actually 'severe psychological distress'."
CT-4293 | ARC Trooper Gaze
Headcanons & Fics 🤩 platonic | 🥰 romantic | 🤕 angst | 🥺 fluff | 🤡 crack
How are his hugs? | 🥺 fluff
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homemade-clones · 1 year
Gaze is 100% the guy to learn his crush's favorite (love) song and then serenade them with it. He believes in the power of wooing and romancing.
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homemade-clones · 10 months
Why are the Mist boys all ticking bombs (except Cake. This one is more like an unmarked landmine waiting for someone to step on it)
Gaze is a foot and a half in the grave, and sinking fast.
Charm's devotion to his vode is slow but steadily dragging him to the Dark side of the Force.
Tooka's injuries are taking longer to stop hurting with each mission, and the aches are his constant companions. But he needs to push trough it and not let it slow him down, the squad depends on him.
Cheese's mental health is kept afloat with the help of his service massiff, but there's only so much weight Aid can help shoulder, when the war wages on and his vode keep dying and the guilt keeps piling up.
Bedbug's 'adventures' get the more risky and borderline destructive because he needs the thrill to be harder than the horrors he sees in the battlefield, but this war is hell and there's no end in sight. If he's going to die, then it's better if it's doing something that gives him some joy.. Right?
And then there's Cake. Who's watching the war kill his brother's spirits and knowing there's nothing he can possibly do to make it better. There's only so much that pranks and jokes can do to distract them from their harsh reality. He's at his limit and one failed mission away from setting them all free.
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homemade-clones · 1 year
Gaze "fun" fact:
His cybernetic eyes can switch between infrared, heat, night and a rudimentary x-ray modes. But for all the cool ways to see the world, he can't see colors at all!
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Also, running any of the modes for too long (including the "default", which is grayscale and a bit laggy) heats up the internal circuitry and must be turned off to cool down or else it burns him.
Cheese tried requesting, many times, a seeing eye service animal for his vod, but so far the requests seem to fall in deaf ears.
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homemade-clones · 11 months
Gaze says "I know a place" and takes you to a picnic with a scenic view he happened to discover while searching for a spot to snipe from. He thinks it's pretty, but he can't see colors anymore, so he can only hope you like the wildflowers and the birds
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homemade-clones · 11 months
Having Gaze fall asleep around you for the first time would probably be one of the biggest milestones of a platonic/romantic relationship with him.
And it would be so easy to miss, too, because it would definitely be an accidental thing for him, and the seriousness of the situation would wake him up so fast. Trusting someone this much would be a surprise for him - yes he knows attachment and how easy he latches on people - but this? This is trust, and it's something so few care to earn from him.
It would be the first time he would avoid you, too. Because it's scary and he was not ready, trusting someone like this means giving his loyalty, truly letting someone in, and he's not ready to even think of how much it would hurt if they decide to walk out of his life now.
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homemade-clones · 1 year
Kajdkajd I meant to send some earlier but got busy but 🖊️ 💤 💛 🤔 for Gaze and Talya(I really hope I remember that correctly sjhfksh)
Yay thanks for the ask <3 (First ask for Tayla, woot!! 🎉🎉)
🖊️ — does your oc have any tattoos? do they want any (more) tattoos?
GAZE He's got a tattoo on his left thigh! It's a sabercat holding a vibroknife between its jaws – designed by Spur, one of his batch mates. And while he likes tattoos, he would not get another. The one he has carries too much meaning for him to give it any other companions. It would feel wrong, somehow. TAYLA Noo she still a baby (actually a teen, but baby >:o), no tattoos for her yet!
💤 — is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits?
GAZE Heavy, light? None of that. Gaze is simply a sleeper. He's constantly suffering from the eepy, can and will fall asleep if undisturbed for long enough (5 minutes). He can only fall asleep if he's around people he trusts, tho. If he's not sharing the room/barracks/general vicinity with his brothers, friends, or a lover, he will stay wide awake, no matter how tired he is. TAYLA She's a heavy sleeper. Like 'there's a bantha stampede happening right outside the window and won't wake up' kind of heavy sleeper. It comes from the way she was raised: growing up in a large merchant caravan, one has to learn to filter out noises when the neighbors are never quiet! And she's an early bird, the kind of person that wakes up and it's bouncing off the walls with energy! Goes to sleep half a second after the sun sets, don't try to keep her up she'll simply curl up in the spot and sleep.
💛 — how many languages does your oc speak? what language(s) are they learning, if any?
GAZE He knows how to speak fluent Basic and trade tongue (Meese Caulf). Also knows bits and pieces of mando'a, huttese and kaminoan. TAYLA Ooo can this girl talk. She's fluent in durese and togruti (taught by mom and dad, respectively), basic, and the some of the common trade tongues (Sy Bisti, Huttese, Jawa trade). And she knows enough to get around in a bunch of other languages. Again, it comes in the package of growing up in a merchant caravan with people of the most diverse species :D
🤔 — what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms?
GAZE - Because of the way his eyes work, they don't get dry. And because of this, Gaze often. forgets. to blink. It often unnerves people at first, so he's a bit self-conscious about the fact and will sometimes overcompensate and blink nonstop. - He sighs a lot. For no apparent reason. Sits down? sigh. gets up? sigh. busy embroidering? siiiiighhh. It just happens. TAYLA - She purrs! It's a trait she got from her togruta dad, and it comes out when she's feeling really happy and relaxed. But because she's a hybrid, she can't sustain it unbroken like dad, and it's quite louder, too (see this video at 1:23 for an approximation of what she sounds like)!
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homemade-clones · 1 year
Gaze, and crying cw: blood, eye horror (kinda?)
After (physically) recovering from receiving the eye prototypes, whenever he cries (and he's a very emotional man, so it's not that rare of an occurrence) the tears are tinted red. The longer he sheds them, the redder they become, to the point he seems to be crying pure blood (spoiler: he is).
As the time passes, the first tears get darker, and eventually every single one of them are just blood.
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homemade-clones · 1 year
Gaze learned how to embroider while recovering from his eye/head injuries.
It started because he needed something to keep his mind occupied and hands steady, and then it grew into a proper hobby.
He's got a small 'travel' kit he occupies himself with in the long, idle hours hidden away on his sniper's nest.
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homemade-clones · 1 year
💥💤☕️🌌 For Cheese and Gaze if it’s not to much pls <33
Of course, of course! Thank you for the ask! &lt;;3 OC emoji asks
💥 - What emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
CHEESE Guilt is the emotion that weighs the heaviest on his shoulders. He can laugh away his fear, and pick a brother (or partner, or massiff) to cuddle away the anxiety. But the guilt of all the lives he's not fast/skilled enough to save is something that keeps him awake at night, slowly chipping away at his resolve to face another day in this endless war. GAZE Loneliness. All the trauma this boy went through before finally settling into the squad left scars he's not sure how to heal nor deal with. It's the most apparent during missions, when – because of his position as sniper – he needs to split from the rest of the squad. He can manage it (so far), but the separation anxiety is always there, dancing in the back of his mind.
💤 - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
CHEESE Usually, yeah. He's got the ability to fall asleep quickly - and to stay that way until the sun rises again, if no there's no emergency. But then The Horrors and Losses of War™ bring forth bouts of insomnia. When he can't sleep because of anxiety, Aid puts his training to work - either with cuddles to ground him, or herding every available squad member (including his massiff siblings) for an impromptu cuddle pile until he's calm enough to sleep. Or, he may choose to keep pulling shifts and all-nighters in the med bay until he blacks out in exhaustion :) GAZE As long as he's not alone, Gaze is the guy that, if left idle for five minutes, will nap. Doesn't matter how awkward or uncomfortable the surface (or lack of it, he's fine with napping standing up too), it's Nap Time. And because he doesn't snore, most of the time people won't even know he's offline – he doesn't really have the need to blink as his eyes don't dry out (he only does it out of habit).
☕️ - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
CHEESE Hot drinks, all the way! For him, nothing cold can ever beat the amount of comfort brought by a good cup of tea, caf, or hot cocoa. GAZE He's ambivalent about it, both cold and hot drinks have their merits! He is very fond of iced tea, though, so he may favor cold drinks a bit more than hot ones.
🌌 - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
CHEESE He was the last one of the squad to be created. At first, he was supposed to fill the “sunshine golden retriever, emotional glue” spot in the squad, but then – as it goes with ocs – he took over my brain and turned into a very much fleshed out character! And the first thing I decided about him? That he's a redhead 😅 GAZE Ah, Gaze, my beloved chew toy, my poor wet cat babygirl. He came to me in a vision while I listened to “The Horror and the Wild” by The Amazing Devil. I have to admit, he's still being worked on, and may have strayed a bit from the original 'vision' of what he was meant to be - but no complaints, I very much like the shapes he's taking inside my brain. And the first thing I decided about him was how did his eyes work and affected his (lack of) quality of life and demeanor.
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homemade-clones · 11 months
Thank you for sharing your OCs! I love reading about Mist Squad and I must admit, Gaze and Cheese have wormed their way into my heart. I see that Gaze is a cuddle bug? Would he like warm cuddles with hot chocolate and a fluffy blanket? If he prefers a different drink, I’d be happy to buy it for him. It’s cold today, the perfect weather for long cuddles.
-💋 anon
*gasp* THE @kiss-anon?? It's an honor to have you grace my inbox!! 🥹 I must say, you have excellent taste 😌 those two are the sweetest of the hearts in the whole squad Indeed, Gaze is big on cuddling – physical contact is his favored love language on both the giving and receiving ends!
“Company, cuddles, a soft place to settle, and a warm treat?” Gaze says, a shy smile on his face, the red glare of his eyes softening as he looks with fondness at the items, “You spoil me, sarad. But I wouldn't dream of turning down your offers.” He reaches for the blanket, a more daring smile lifting a corner of his lip before he reaches for your hand instead, tugging you towards a small lounging couch near the window.
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homemade-clones · 1 year
Mist Squad | Headcanon
Squad intro
Hugs (ft. Sergeant Tooka, Gaze and Cheese)
Sergeant Tooka
Get ready for a whole body hug experience with this one. This man is built broad like a clone commando, and he will deploy this to his advantage. One arm around your middle, the other across your shoulder, hand cradling the back of your head as he pulls you into his chest/crook of his neck (depends on your height). Draws patterns in your nape and soothes a hand over your waist. Might sway a little if you're standing, and if it goes for a while, suggest sitting and cuddling for a while (his back is not the same since the grenade incident, and without the armor back brace for support, my man gets uncomfy sometimes, rip). Will hold you for as long as you need.
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Asks you at least three times if you're sure. Not that he's not willing (because sweet maker, he is!), he's just not used to people seeking him out for comfort. Takes a moment to ease into the hug, will wait for you to place your arms in your preferred spots, and then will hold you back. His body temp is perfectly toasty, and he tends to wear the softest hoodies known to mankind, so at least you're in for a cozy time. Depending on your preferences, he might come off as a bit too earnest with the way he clings to, and squeezes you tight to his chest. Gaze is seeking as much comfort from you as you are from him.
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You want hugs? Look no further, this man is always looking for half an excuse to have you in his arms. His hugs are on the shorter side (he's so busy!), but there are plenty delivered along the day! A lazy embrace in the morning, sleepy face nuzzling against you before leaving bed. A hug from behind and a little keldabe kiss before he leaves the house. A quick side hug plus a kiss on the cheek as he slips away from his station for a moment, to check on you and remind you to hydrate. A hearty squeeze when as soon as he's back home, reluctantly pulling away to peel off his armor before gluing himself back to you. Your arms are like home to him, and oh, he happens to be such a domestic man.
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homemade-clones · 1 year
Tooka, Cheese and - surprisingly - the troublemaker Cake are so protective over Gaze.
They all know their vod is prone to getting very attached to people, very quickly, and unlikely to put down/enforce his boundaries even when the person is clearly not interested in hearing about or respecting them.
They watch like hawks whoever is trying to approach the sniper, and will not be shy to pull the potential new friend / suitor aside and ask them what are their intentions towards their brother.
Gaze has lost too much already, and his heart is not getting broken anytime soon, not on their watch.
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homemade-clones · 1 year
🎫 Gaze plsssss<3
Gaze is a holodrama lover: the cheesier the drama, the better! He gets super invested in the dramatic plot twists of each arc, and will religiously binge-watch whatever chapters came out when he returns from missions
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