#oc: daphne briar
pitchmoss · 3 months
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𝔱𝖆𝔤𝖌𝔢𝖉 𝖇𝔶: @jacobseed to do this Cute picrew of my ocs, BG3 edition:
Zaleska (Vampire Warlock) & Pom (Spores Druid)
Briar (Hag Warlock) & Daphne (Life Druid/Dark Urge)
𝔱𝖆𝔤𝖌𝔦𝖓𝔤: @elgaravel @jamessunderlandgf
@druidgroves @haarleps @bigbywlf
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adrianasunderworld · 1 year
The Case of Evillina Crowley
Basically this is part of the Crowley family drama with @marrondrawsalot and her oc brother for Dire, Dival Crowley.
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Well over a century and a half ago, Dire Crowley met a human woman named Viella. She was a skilled apothecary and healer in her town. She found out about his previous work for the fairest queen and hired him out for help to find special herbs to use in her practice. The two fell in love and soon had a daughter named Evillina.
Evillina grew into a lovely and sweet girl. She had a healers heart and wanted to be like her mother and run their family's apothecary shop. The girl loved plants and nature and learning all it had to offer. Including a darker fascination in poisons and carnivorous plants. But even so, she was beloved by her parents and the townsfolk for her kind and gentle nature.
One day Dire returned home to find Viella distraught, the sun had gone down and their then twelve year old daughter had not returned home from playing in the forest. Dire and the villagers combed the woods for his child, but she was never found. He searched high and low for her, but there was no sign of Evillina or any remains. He and Viella never had any other children. Dire stayed with her until she passed many years later. He took all the keepsakes from his wife and daughter and moved on from that town.
Meanwhile in Briar Valley, Dires brother, Dival, returned from his travels abroad with a young girl in tow. When asked, Dival explained that this was his illegitimate daughter, Daphne. Her human mother had recently passed. Daphne had supposedly suffered a head injury in the incident that killed her mother, and the whole ordeal was too painful to talk about, so please refrain from asking her too many questions so as not to upset her. The queen and other nobles accepted this explanation and now Lord Crowley finally had an heir after many years.
Lilia did not trust Dival and made it a point to talk to the girl whenever he could. He noted that she was clever and seemed to know much about plants and seemd fascinated with the royal gardens. On the outside and to all the court, Dival was a doting father that spared no expense for his only daughter. But behind closed doors he could not be more disinterested in being a father. He either ignored her or scorned her for her human heritage. Often telling Daphne to make herself useful by doing housework and seldom letting her out, not wanting her to dine with him unless there was guests, otherwise she would eat alone or with the servants.
The main thing Dival cared about when it came to Daphne though is her prodigy levels of knowledge of potions and poisons. Dival saw a tool to use. So Daphne became the Court Poisoner of Briar Valley. Any threats Dival saw to the crown or his position he would set his daughter upon. Besides Lilia and the rest of Diasomnia, most of the court learned to fear the name of Daphne Crowley.
Dire over the years had heard from one of his aunts that he had a niece. Dire was long since estranged from his twin, he had not seen him in many years. Let alone lay eyes on his daughter. All he heard was that she was half human, and would have been the age his own daughter, Evillina, would have been had she lived to be a young woman. Knowing his brother, he felt only pity for the poor girl that had the misfortune of having him for a father.
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@mangacupcake @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind
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Obey Me Devils 7 Masterlist
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OC Masterlist
• Locations •
Twilight Mansion • Devil Royal High (DRH) •
• Avatars •
1st generation (Ian Radius & Drac Nettle)
2nd & 3th generation - Part 1 (Elijah Francis & Johan la Baleina) • Part 2 (Gen 2) • Part 3 (Gen 3)
4th generation (James Wycliffe, Clement Raven & Astri Pillows) • Nina Ulysses
5th Gen
Twilight Radius
Roland Aurelia
Sofia Abyss (deceased)
Roslyn Nettle / Evangeline Rose
Devon Hearts
Philips Wolf
6th Gen
Stella Pride
Monica Ira (banished)
Charlotte Avaritia
Amara Luxuria
Vevina Farnicatio
Briar Eveningstar
7th Gen
Luciana Morningstar / Lucy Venus
Edward Avaritia
Marissa Zephyr
Rebecca Blaze
Bella Springhearts
Ekron Gulliver
Riven Acedia
8th Gen
Aurora Radius Aurelia
Florian Queen
Peter Venus Judas
Jane Nettle Diavil
Edwina Edward (replacement)
Astoria Blaze Gulliver
Merryweather Venus Judas
• Others •
Diablo Diavil
Diana Diavil
Saladin Wizard
Noah Wizard (& Evelyn Wizard)
Simon Seraphim / Jonah Judas
Danica & Vega Lumens
Luna Angelique
Christopher Faustus
John Faustus
Giselle Faustus
Michaelis Angelique
Rapunzel Seraphim
Liam Dusk
• Avatars' kids •
Eric Nettle Diavil
Amelia Nettle Diavil
Poesia & Andrew Nettle Diavil
Dinah Venus Judas
Milton Venus Judas
Evelyn Wizard (Teenager)
Rella Acedia
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lorirwritesfanfic · 1 year
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Stories from Meant To Be AU that don't follow the timeline (because my muse just can't wait 🤭)
Friendship fics
Bonding Experiences | Annabelle Parsons, Briar Daly, MC (Daphne)
Not Ready | Yusuf Konevi, F!OC (Veronica Dantas), Prince Hamid
Hamid x Daphne
Art Project
Movie Date
Summer Tastes
When It’s Meant To Be 💋
Five More Minutes: Lazy Couple, Terrible Friends
OTP Texts - I Want A Baby Challenge  
Impromptu Dance: A Special Night (ft. Bartholomew x Yusuf)
Training For The Future
A Nice View
Long Distance Love: An Unusual Date 
A Wish For Christmas (And All The Other Days)
A Good Chef And His Moody Sous-chef  
Personal Favourite: Kiss It Better
Personal Favourite: Favourite Part(s)
Bad Parenting
Niceness Test  ✨new✨
Annabelle x Veronica
Memories And Dirty Daydreams 💋
A Little Nudge (ft. Hamid x Daphne)
The Letter (ft. Hamid x Daphne)
Loving Her For Who She Is
OTP Texts - I Want A Baby Challenge
Love Language
Worthy Of Love
Bartholomew x Yusuf
A Love Like A Love Song
Ernest x Alisha
Best Part Of The Night 
Try 💋
Warming Up 💋
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last-ticket-home · 3 months
oc list (it’s a list of all my ocs) PLEASE ask me any questions you have about any of these guys or if there’s any you want to know more about, pinned for my own benefit more than anything else tbh
nanadin ocs
Adine Lacrue
Jaylark Lacrue
Alistair Perceval Peerless
Daybreak Hess
Constantine O’Neil
Elsbeth Twist
Ashley Twist
Godlantern ocs
Theophania Sperry
Eliza Avinigan
Alex Alexis Dynat
Simon Alexis Dynat
Aster Mayhew
Tarja Brerrick
comic ocs
Red Giant
Vim & Vigour
House on fire (ghost story in a rural tennessee town)
flight rising ocs (i don’t really play flight rising anymore but the concept i had for my den was cool so im keeping it)
the flock (bird themed mafia)
Mister Lark
Mister Crow
misc. ocs
Titania Goddess of storms and Lord of shipwrecks
Elizabeth Merren
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bravelittleflower · 5 years
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October 1 - House Pride
Daphne Briars in Slytherin- 'No one made me. I made me. My decisions. My choices. No matter how bad some of those decision were.'
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arrthurpendragon · 5 years
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Survivor a Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus fanfiction
by: @iceandwaterfairytail
You should never trust a survivor. Daphne knew this, she was one. She's done things in the Titan War that she isn't proud of. She understands that no one in Camp Half- Blood trust her. She did after all betray them and joined Luke. So, why is it that when Jason Grace appears he trusts her without a single thought despite being warned?
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acabecca · 6 years
Fanfic author challenge
The challenge is to post segments from 4 of your favorite fics you have written. They can be as long or as short as you wish, and you may provide the readers with some insight on why you chose this fragment. 
I was tagged by @darknightfrombeyond and @siriussblackx - thank you and sorry for what u are about to read xo 
1. Tangled Up - The Originals AU (Klaus x OC)
“…You think I’m going to screw up.”
It wasn’t a question. He knew that that’s what Calen thought – that he’d play the role of ‘Dad’ for a bit, that he’d inevitably get bored with it like he did with everything else in his life, that his visits to see Amelia would gradually lessen until they stopped altogether, and that Kol would continue to be the one to raise his child like he had done since the day she was born.
If he was entirely honest with himself, that’s what Klaus had initially thought would happen when he’d come back to town, too. He hadn’t expected his breath to still catch in his throat at the mere sight of Calen Myers, he hadn’t expected the jealousy that had flooded through him when he realised his little brother had stepped into his shoes and been the man Klaus wasn’t able to be, and he most definitely hadn’t expected Amelia to steal his heart the way she had.
But the second his little girl had looked up at him with those big blue eyes, eyes much like his own, he had fallen head over heels in love with her and he knew then that he had to be a part of her life. He wasn’t content to sit on the side lines anymore and let Kol be the father figure his daughter deserved.
His own father had always made him feel like he was never good enough, that he was nothing more than an inconvenience and he’d be damned if Amelia was going to grow up feeling that way about him.
“I’m just looking at your track record, Klaus,” Calen whispered, looking down at her hands in her lap. “I don’t want you to mess this up, but I won’t be surprised if you do. Just know that this is it, I’m not going to give you another chance. If you let my daughter down, if you hurt her, you don’t get a second chance. Mia is the most important thing in my life and I will kill you with my bare hands before I give you an opportunity to leave her like you left me.”
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2. Collide - Misfits (Rudy x OC)
Almost an hour later, the five of them were changed and standing round the locker room. Simon has cleaned every trace of Alisha’s blood off his skin, and Curtis had disappeared into the hallway twenty minutes earlier with a mop and a bucket to clean away the blood in the corridor.
They had barely spoken.
As soon as she was changed, Jax had taken a seat back on the cold tiled floor, her back pressed against Nathan’s old locker.
She missed him more than anything in that moment, and she would have given anything for him to be there with them, sat next to her on the floor with an arm loosely draped over her shoulder as a reminder that he would be there when she eventually fell apart.
But it was Curtis who eventually sat down beside her, his legs stretched out in front of him and his hands in his lap as he turned his head to look at her.
“Stupid question, but… You alright?” he asked quietly, and Jax sent him a half-shrug in reply.
“I miss Nathan,” she told him hoarsely, keeping her voice low so the others didn’t hear her. “It’s stupid. I know he’d be next to useless in this kind of situation, but having him here would just… Be a bit comforting. I don’t know.”
“You loved him.”
“Nah, you did,” Curtis said simply. “We all knew you did. Couldn’t work out why, though. He was a prick.”
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3. Stolen Moments - Teen Wolf AU (Isaac x OC)
There’s a really cute guy at the airport.
…Sneaky pic?
Daphne snorted at her friend’s reply and shook her head, telling Audra in no uncertain terms that she definitely was not about to take a picture of some guy.
“Mind if I join you?”
Daphne jumped at the voice, looking up and sucking in a breath as she saw him stood before her, his eyebrows raised expectantly.
“Oh, uhm, no, sure,” she stuttered, shaking her head and moving her back on to the floor so he could sit beside her. “…I thought you were leaving?”
“I was going to,” he told her with a shrug. “Until I realised there’s not much else to do until boarding, so I thought I’d come back here. I’m Isaac,” he held his hands towards her and Daphne stared at it for a few seconds, before she reached out and shook his hand. “And you are…?”
“Oh, uhm,” she laughed softly. “Daphne. I’m Daphne.”
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4. Save You - The Vampire Diaries (Stefan x OC x Klaus)
“We’re going to need a new plan to stop Klaus.”
Briar paused halfway through pulling her history book out of her locker as she pressed her phone close to her ear. “What?” she whispered urgently. “What do you mean? Why?”
“Because if you don’t get here within the next ten minutes,” Ava began with a growl. “I’m going to kill the witch.”
“Ava!” Briar let out a sigh of relief, followed by a laugh. “I thought something was seriously wrong!”
“Something is seriously wrong!” Ava insisted with a whine. “I’m here on my own with your boyfriend and his idiot brother while they try to argue with their human toy and her annoying little friend. I don’t remember this being part of the plan, Briar. The only reason I’m even helping is because you insist on such a goody-goody and saving these people. What’s the point in me being here if you’re not, huh? How come you’re not here with Stefan?”
“Well because contrary to popular belief, Stefan and I aren’t actually attached at the hip.”
Ava huffed. “What I mean is, he won’t let Elena out of his sight in case Klaus tries to kidnap her or something, right? Well, what if Klaus tries to take you?”
Briar scrunched her face up in confusion. “Why would Klaus try to take me?”
“Honestly B, I feel like you’re really missing the point here.”
“Well if you’d hurry up and get to the point, maybe I wouldn’t miss it?” Briar suggested, shoving the last of her books into her backpack and slamming her locker door.
“My point is, why isn’t Stefan as bothered about protecting you?”
Briar frowned at her friend’s question. “Well, I don’t know, probably because you’re the only one who seems to think I need protecting? I can take care of myself, Ava, you know I can. I don’t need anyone to protect me, I’m-”
“A superwitch, I got it.”
Briar smirked. “I was going to say I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself, but sure, if you wanna call me a superwitch I’ll go with it.”
“Ugh,” Ava snorted, and Briar could just picture her rolling her eyes. “Just hurry up and get here, would you? I’m starting to get a little hungry.”
“Ava please do not kill anyone in the time it takes me to get home from school,” Briar sighed. “I’m leaving now, I’ll be there in like half an hour. Play nice!”
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I’m gonna tag.... @ceruleanmusings @purple-and-red-ribbons @cptainsrogers @blckthcrns @chlobenet @nellie--crain @curious-fools-howl-to-the-moon @jessicascla @perfectlystiles
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anotherunreadblog · 6 years
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Another Valentine’s Day Card
To: Daphne Briars, @iceandwaterfairytail ‘s percy jackson oc (left)
From: Angelica Miller, my percy jackson oc (right)
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pitchmoss · 3 months
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BG3 OCs as Pokemon Trainers
zaleska (vampire warlock, noble) | pom (spores druid, sage)
briar (hag-lock, outlander) | daphne (cleric of ilmater, haunted one)
this picrew + this team planner (i’d love to see other ppl do this)
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stephschoices · 3 years
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Hello !! I’m Steph (she/her , 28) !! I make edits/gifs/gfx/art and this is my side blog for playchoices, romance club, interactive fiction, visual novels, and otome/amare games. And for all my mcs that go with them ^_^  
Sometimes I may also post about other ocs from anime, video games, movies, etc. ~
❕ Main blog I follow/like from: @sweetchaosyk​ 
Commission info​
⬇️⬇️ links & recs & tags below ⬇️⬇️
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!! every separate character tag on this blog will either be “mc: name” or “oc: name”
my edits
my art
my characters tag (interactive fiction)
my characters tag (video games, movies)
answered asks
picrews of my mcs
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where to find me:
main blog that I follow/like from: @sweetchaosyk
vav sideblog: @softgeumhyuk​
my main/kpop twitter: softstvan
my oc/if/vn (18+ no minors pls) twitter: stephschoices
my insta: softstvan
my pinterest: softstvan
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interactive fiction I play:
⭐ = top favs that I highly recommend
💜 = canon mc if I have more than 1 listed
🔞 = very nsfw / only 18+ should read
a bard's tale by abardstale - ( mc: vallen - ♡aspen )
a comedy of manors by sviyaginthegreat - ( mc: morgan - ♡tony )
a mage reborn by mage-parivir - ( mc: yeona - ♡leon )
a moon so cruel by amsc-if - ( mc: yurei - ♡kade )
a tale of crowns by ataleofcrowns - ( mc: mirarî - ♡dara )
abyss by abyss-if - ( mc: soobin - ♡jinho )
an elemental existence by beeanca-writing - ( mc: aurora - ♡sydney )
arcadie: second-born by sofia-d-asb - ( mc: grace - ♡cyril )
attollo by attollogame - ( mc: wren - ♡operator )
the bastard of camelot by llamagirl28 - ( mc: mordred - ♡gawain )
⭐ beyond empty eyes by beyondemptyeyes-if - ( mc: piper - ♡keir )
blood moon by barbwritesstuff - ( mc: jazmine - ♡marco )
⭐ body count by bodycountgame - (💜mc: daphne - ♡griffin💜 || mc: dakota - ♡charlie || mc: delaney - ♡atticus )
⭐ buried love by buriedlove - ( mc: marina - ♡alex )
⭐ circuit by circuit-if - ( mc: akali - ♡roman )
conspiracy in emerson by emersonfreepress - ( mc: annie - ♡jack )
crème de la crème by hpowellsmith - ( mc: briar - ♡patrice )
dark as night by cereuscross - ( mc: parker - ♡taj )
🔞 degrees of ledity by vrelnir 
dereliction by dereliction-if - (💜mc: makaela - ♡solas💜 || mc: marin - ♡havu || mc: avena - ♡gareth )
diaspora by diasporatheblog - ( mc: cailin - ♡sangarinus )
⭐ disenchanted by disenchantedif - (💜mc: isabelle - ♡viktor💜 || mc: leliana - ♡lucien || mc: kamry - ♡avery || mc: elena - ♡theodore || mc: rumaiza - ♡amrit || mc: monah - ♡harlow  || mc: tabitha - ♡cameron  || mc: savannah - ♡araselis   )
the eight years revolution by eight-years-revolution - ( mc: savea - ♡ajmal )
⭐ esper by esper-game - ( mc: nari - ♡leith )
everything is blue by everythingisblue-if - ( mc: sapphire - ♡milo )
the exile by exilethegame - ( mc: juniper - ♡sabir )
⭐ fallen lights by fallenlightsif - (💜mc: cora - ♡florian💜|| mc: inola - ♡orion || mc: mirielle - ♡emil || mc: nadya - ♡dimitri || mc: yvette - ♡julian  )
⭐ fate unwritten by fateunwritten-if - ( mc: elodie - ♡ivan )
fellow traveler by robotvampire - ( mc: macie - ♡sameer )
fernweh saga by lacunafiction - ( mc: leah - ♡beckett )
fields of asphodel by chrysanthemumgames - ( mc: persephone - ♡hades )
the fog knows your name by clio yun-su davis - ( mc: elsie - ♡rex )
⭐ god of the red mountain by friendlybowlofsoup - ( mc: "rabbit” - ♡spider )
⭐ golden by milaswriting - (💜mc: kendall - ♡blaze💜|| mc: adaline - ♡kaidan )
⭐ the golden rose by anathemafiction - ( mc: arya - ♡hadrian )
greenwarden by fiddles-ifs - ( mc: larken - ♡marc )
hollowpass town mysteries by hollowpass - ( mc: mitchie - ♡maxwell )
the hunt: demon eyes by thehunt-if - ( mc: cara - ♡bas )
⭐ in deeper tides by indeepertidesif - (💜mc: seraphine - ♡haakon💜 || mc: irelia - ♡thorne )
⭐ infamous by infamous-if - (💜mc: mina - ♡seven 💜|| mc: rian - ♡sebastian )
⭐ ink & laces by inandlaces-if - (💜mc: jade - ♡pepe 💜|| mc: archer - ♡anders || mc: dove - ♡fernando  ||  mc: quinn - ♡foley )
keeper of the sun and moon by keeperofthesunandmoon - ( mc: hayden - ♡altair )
larkin by larkin-if - ( mc: delia - ♡cyrus )
🔞 love for sundown by godsamael 
the lure of the gallows by lureofthegallowsgame - ( mc: emma - ♡leo )
the masked defenders by ian-lythe - ( mc: brooklyn - ♡emerson )
⭐ mind blind by mindblindbard - ( mc: blaire - ♡gray )
⭐ more things in heaven & earth by morethingsgame - ( mc: ophelia - ♡hamlet )
 murder at play house by murderatplayhouse - ( mc: blake - ♡nate )
the nameless by parkerlyn - ( mc: arabella - ♡the healer )
⭐ next in line by nextinline-if - (💜mc: calia - ♡constantine💜 || mc: cerys - ♡frederick )
the northern passage by northern-passage - ( mc: mercy - ♡lea )
⭐ novaturient by kalorphic - (💜mc: seulki - ♡noah💜 || mc: sage - ♡kalan )
an ode to dying starts by dyingstars-if - ( mc: alora - ♡krios )
ofna: birds of a feather by ofna - ( mc: maya - ♡jeremy )
olympus: secret services by ekgfiction - ( mc: tahmina - ♡louis )
the overtaken by theovertaken - ( mc: maria - ♡immanuel )
⭐ the passenger by the-passenger-if - (💜mc: ava - ♡roach💜 || mc: destiny - ♡jonny )
⭐ paved in ashes by pavedinashes-if - (💜mc: indigo - ♡felix💜 || mc: saskia - ♡michael || mc: beatrix - ♡sparks || mc: mallory - ♡francesco || mc: este - ♡dima  || mc: sabine - ♡alex )
⭐ perfumare avulsion by pdrrook - ( mc: natalie - ♡reed )
perfumare amalgam by pdrrook - ( mc: lexie - ♡flavio )
project hadea by nyehilismwriting - ( mc: callisto - ♡nash )
raiders of the caravan by leftski-if - ( mc: taya - ♡ruokar )
⭐ reaper’s bay by reapersbayif - (💜mc: fallon - ♡striker💜 || mc: teagan - ♡kai || mc: arany - ♡adrianus || mc: laina - ♡finn  || mc: giselle - ♡marius )
the reaper watches me by thereaperwatchesme - ( mc: makani - ♡sable )
royal affairs by hpowellsmith - ( mc: sofie - ♡asher )
⭐ scout: an apocalypse story by anya-dev - ( mc: zoey - ♡oliver )
sentinel by nyehilismwriting - ( mc: naomi - ♡levi )
⭐ shepherds of haven by shepherdsofhaven - (💜mc: ellery - ♡blade💜 || mc: arainia - ♡red || mc: halle - ♡trouble || mc: kellen - ♡briony )
the soul stone war by intimidatingpuffinstudios - ( mc: seobi - ♡morkai )
speaker by speakergame - ( mc: raina - ♡rory )
⭐ the spirited: origins by yuveim - (💜mc: payton - ♡derek💜 || mc: xavier -  ♡levi )
spring panic by ange-writes-ifs - ( mc: odessa - ♡aspen )
the sun chasers by elleryfiction - ( mc: narelle - ♡taran )
⭐ supernatural in new york by llamagirl28 - ( mc: sky - ♡dom )
swan song by swansong-if - ( mc: rosalie - ♡odile )
the sword of rhivenia by theswordofrhivenia - ( mc: abigail - ♡xavier )
thicker than by barbwritesstuff - ( mc: sunhi - ♡iliya )
time’s legacy by legacies-game - ( mc: talay - ♡eilert )
tournament of souls by maxdes - ( mc: reya - ♡euric )
triaina academy by leo-interactive-fiction - ( mc: averie - ♡matthew )
⭐ the unseelie by theunseelieif - (💜mc: cyra - ♡morgan💜|| mc: sokki - ♡kiran || mc: avalon - ♡auberon || mc: haelyn - ♡kendall || mc: june - ♡camilo )
⭐ unwilling souls by unwilling-souls-if - ( mc: fleur - ♡xander )
virtue's end by virtues-end -  ( mc: anika - ♡shea )
the wayhaven chronicles by seraphinitegames - ( mc: clara - ♡nate )
⭐ we all bleed red by lost-kiwi-dev - ( mc: alina - ♡chengyi )
when twilight strikes by evertidings - ( mc: carmen - ♡rylan )
the whisper in the mist by ellawrites-if - ( mc: noelani - ♡ciaran )
⭐ the wrath of sekhmet by sekhmetswrath-if - ( mc: nailah - ♡elija )
you live and fern by beetlebethwrites - ( mc: river - ♡matt )
zombie exodus: safe haven by Jim Dattilo - ( mc: fiona - ♡jaime )
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visual novels I play: 
⭐ = top favs that I highly recommend
💜 = canon mc if I have more than 1 listed
🔞 = very nsfw / only 18+ should read
aloners by sonnet009 - ( mc: rowan - ♡trash )
⭐ andromeda six  by wanderlust-games - (💜mc: nayel - ♡june💜|| mc: aeris - ♡vexx || mc: cassia - ♡damon )
blooming panic by robobarbie - ( mc: angelite - ♡xyx )
⭐ 🔞 college craze by collegecraze - ( mc: fawn - ♡undecided )
ebon light by underbliss - ( mc: merra - ♡vadeyn )
it lives within by itlivesproject - ( mc: summer - ♡abel )
monstrata fracture by astralore - ( mc: ivy - ♡cailean )
the neptune diaries by meduzagames - ( mc: felicity - ♡ren )
⭐ our life beginnings & always by gb-patch - ( mc: melody - ♡cove )
⭐ perfumare by pdrrook - ( mc: natalie - ♡reed )
⭐ when the night comes by lunaris games - ( mc: bellamy - ♡alkar )
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playchoices stories I play:
⭐ = top favs that I highly recommend
blades of light & shadow - ( mc: daya - ♡tyril )
the elementalists - ( mc: jennie - ♡beckett )
foreign affairs - ( mc: kennedy - ♡blaine )
the haunting of braidwood manor - ( mc: alessia - ♡victor )
⭐ it lives beneath - ( mc: rose - ♡parker )
⭐ it lives in the woods - ( mc: dallia - ♡connor )
nightbound - ( mc: charli - ♡cal )
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romance club stories I play:
⭐ = top favs that I highly recommend
⭐ arcanum - ( mc: selena/lilith - ♡liam )
⭐ heart of trespia - ( mc: eden - ♡wyatt )
heaven’s secret - ( mc: violet - ♡lucifer )
hell and high water - ( mc: laney - ♡chand )
kali: call of darkness - ( mc: amala - ♡amrit )
love from outer space - ( mc: amber - ♡todd )
⭐ the one v1 - ( mc: cassie - ♡evan )
psi - ( mc: lou - ♡kay )
sails in the fog - ( mc: adelaide - ♡sebastian )
⭐ seduced by the rhythm - ( mc: miki - ♡brandon )
shadows of saintfour - ( mc: serena - ♡michael )
sins of london - ( mc: ivy - ♡glashtyn )
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other story based apps I play:
⭐ = top favs that I highly recommend
the arcana by nix hydra - ( mc: juliet - ♡muriel )
⭐ duskwood by everbyte studio - ( mc: aspen - ♡jake )
obey me! by shallwedate - ( mc: hani - ♡belphegor )
⭐ love island the game by fusebox games - ( season 1 mc: rose - ♡levi || season 2 mc: lily - ♡bobby || season 3 mc: iris - ♡ciaran || season 4 mc: daisy - ♡bruno || season 5 mc: clover - ♡suresh || season 6 mc: aster - ♡lewie || season 7 mc: holly - ♡alex || season 8 mc: dahlia - ♡jack )
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Open Heart
Dolphin Adventures | OpH F!MC (Cassie Valentine), Sienna Trinh, M!OC (Max Valentine) - @liaromancewriter
Red Carpet Diaries
Bogart Hunt on social media - @theartoflovingthomashunt
Open Heart
Let Them Eat…Healthy? | Bryce Lahela, F!MC (Luna Auclair), Keiki Lahela, OC (Maxine), OC (Dylan Yu) - @peonierose
Queen Of The Slopes | Bryce Lahela x F!MC (Olivia Hadley) - @storyofmychoices​
Desire & Decorum
A Beautiful Night (Chapter 22 of Second Chances) | F!OC (Elizabeth Foredale) Briar Daly, Edmund Marlcaster, Annabelle Parsons, Hamid, Luke Harper, Dominique Foredale, Vincent Foredale, Mr. Sinclaire - @missameliep
A Night Of Firsts Times (Chapter 25 of Meant To Be) | Hamid x MC (Daphne Wang) - @lorirwritesfanfic
Mother Of The Year
No Matter The Distance | Levi Schuler x MC (Laura Day) - @storyofmychoices​  
Open Heart
The Cost Of Living | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Kate Oppenheimer) - @starfurylord
The Interview | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Kate Oppenheimer) - @starfurylord
Long Stories | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Kate Oppenheimer) - @starfurylord
Love I Found In You | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) - @liaromancewriter
Next Step | Ethan Ramsey x M!MC (Sydney Valentine) - @peonyblossom
Open Doors (What If?) | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Kate Oppenheimer) - @starfurylord
Red Carpet Diaries
Feel Better | Thomas Hunt x F!OC (Alex Spencer) - @theartoflovingthomashunt
For The Love Of Coffee | Thomas Hunt x MC (Alex Spencer), Addison Sinclair, Chris Winters - @theartoflovingthomashunt
The Royal Romance
The Secrets We Keep (Chapter 1 of You Make Me Whole Again) | Drake Walker x Liam Rys - @sillydg
The Crown & The Flame
Dominic Hunter moodboard - @lorirwritesfanfic
Desire & Decorum
Drake the pug - @lorirwritesfanfic
Jaskier, the cat - @noesapphic
Sunny, the pug - @princess-geek
Open Heart
Pet - @choicesfanaf
The Ramseys and their fur babies - @genevievemd​
Choices game: Tag your OC - @storyofmychoices​
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lorirwritesfanfic · 2 years
Personal Favourite - Part 2: Favourite Part(s)
Author's note: Another gift for @missameliep​ because reasons (I may or may not be planning flood your notes with the OTP meme fics in the next few days. I don’t know for sure... 😅). Happy birthday, dear! This is also a late submission to @choicesjuly2022challenge​ (I hope it’s okay...)[Original characters are creations of this author. The others are owned by Pixelberry Studios]
Book: Desire & Decorum (modern day AU) Characters: MC (Daphne), F!OC (Veronica), Prince Hamid, Annabelle Parsons, Briar Daly, Edmund Marlcaster, Yusuf Konevi, Bartholomew Chambers. Pairings: Prince Hamid x MC (Daphne), Annabelle Parsons x F!OC (Veronica) Rating: T Word count: 980 Reading time: ~3min Summary: A volleyball match will bring so many emotions to the surface. Based on the prompts: Choices July Chellenge 2022 - day ten: beach / OTP ask meme #6: What is their favourite feature of their partner’s?
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A salty breeze blew against Daphne's face as she lay on an outdoor chaise, watching her friends play volleyball by the calm waters of the Aegean sea. She was well aware some of them were too competitive to handle having someone not so good at sports on their team, so why bother joining? It was so much more entertaining to watch the game anyway.
Whilst Hamid and Annabelle high-fived after another successful block and point against Briar and Edmund, her childhood friend complained about sand on her eyes.
"Oh, quit whining! You barely moved! Edmund took the dive!" Annabelle shouted.
"But the sand is going straight to my eye!" Briar cried out hoping Bart and Yusuf (a.k.a the match referees) would take pity on her, but both of them simply shook their heads.
“I can see you talking, but all I hear is wah, wah, wah!" Annabelle taunted.
Briar replied sticking her tongue out to Annabelle.
As everyone laughed, Hamid took his place just outside the end of the court and waited for Bart's signal to serve.
Daphne sat up and nibbled her bottom lip expectantly. She couldn't remember the last time she has paid such close attention to any part of a volleyball match. But watching Hamid play was a rare event she just couldn't miss.
Sensing his partner's attentive eyes on him, he smiled at her, winked and prepared himself to serve. His skin glowed under the sunlight, accentuating the taut muscles of his arms as he jumped and hit the ball to the other side of the court. As expected, he scored another point. From time to time, he dumped some of the water in his bottle over his head and, much to her delight, it cascaded over his bare torso, mixing with pearls of sweat running down his body. He moved such grace alongside Annabelle as they attacked and defended their side of the court it looked like they've been playing together for years.
Daphne sighed contently at the scene before her and lay down again, resting her chin on one hand. Staying on the sidelines to watch him play was, so far, the best decision of the day.
"Here you go, sweetie."
Veronica offered Daphne a tall glass of Blue Lagoon and took a seat on the nearby chaise.
"Thank you," she replied and took a long sip of the drink.
"Take this too." Veronica handed Daphne a napkin.
"What for?"
"So you can wipe the drool dripping down your chin as you gawk at Hamid."
Daphne instinctively lifted a hand to her chin and then pursed her lips as Veronica doubled over.
"Ha ha."
"Hey, no judgments here. The entire beach staring at him, Daph. But you are  the only one with access granted to all of that." Veronica pointed to Hamid and moved her finger as though she could touch his frame from afar.
"Aren't you gay?" Daphne narrowed her eyes playfully.
"Very! I'd never trade Ann with all her gorgeous curves for a guy, no matter how hot he is. But I do like to appreciate all kinds of beauty." Veronica smiled slyly. "I mean, look at that back. I can count every single muscle from here."
"Don't I know it..."
"The crazy number of the paintings and sketches you have of him speaks for itself, Daph."
The two friends giggled.
"But you know what's my favourite part of him?"
"No. What is it?"
"His arms."
"Yeah. Obviously they look good because they're big and powerful. But I like his arms because of how he hugs people, you know."
Veronica was so right. But Hamid's hugging skills go beyond welcoming hugs. He has a protective hug, one that he often uses to shield Daphne from the cold and unwanted attention from people neither of them liked. The comforting one, the kind of hug he offers when she's sad, tired, overwhelmed or when she didn't even realise she needed a hug.
He also has a tackle-hug. A more playful kind of hug he saved for whenever they were alone, preferably when they're in the mood for fewer clothes. And there was the "I miss you" hug. Though it has a hint of the comforting and tackle-hug, his arms grew tighter around her and followed by a relieved sigh and a “it’s so good to be home” comment.
"I agree. But his hugs aren't simply made of his arms. It’s so much more," Daphne commented as she gazed back at Hamid as he made the final point to win the match.
"Of course not." Veronica looked in the same direction. "There's also the chest..."
“That wasn’t what I meant, but yeah.”
“There are also the broad shoulders.”
"And the six-pack."
"With that V pointing towards the..."
They laughed again.
As Hamid left the court and sauntered over to them, Veronica stood up. "That's my cue to step in."
"Okay. Have fun at the game!"
"I have a feeling you’ll have so much more fun than I will, but thanks!"
Veronica briefly hugged Hamid and rushed to the sand to join Annabelle's team.
Once he was close enough, Daphne knelt on the chaise and greeted him with a smile. "Hi there."
"Hi..." He closed the distance between them and captured her lips in a searing kiss.
As her fingers toyed with the waistband of his swim trunks, he whispered. "We're lucky this beach is nearly desert this week. We'd cause quite the scandal with a kiss like that."
“Would we?”
"That would be so bad..." She purred.
“So, so bad…” He murmured between kisses.
"I think we should go back to our room then."
Hamid pulled away and gazed at her with a curious look. "Now?!"
Daphne nodded with a mischievous grin.
"I have no idea what caused this, but who am I to object?" He replied with a smile nearly as sinful as hers.
Hand in hand, the two of them left the shore and disappeared into the hotel lobby.
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February 14-20
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Blades of Light and Shadow
Just Kiss | Mal Volari x F!Human!MC - @storyofmychoices​
Man’s Best Friend | Mal Volari x F!Human!MC, Threep - @storyofmychoices​​
Bound by Destiny II, part 2 | Kamilah Sayeed x MC - @clansayeed​​  [adult content]
Chapter 8: The Advantages
Pieces Of The Past series - @itslaniquelove​
Chapter XXXIX | Scholar Jameson, Kamilah Sayeed, Gaius Augustine, F!OC, Adrian Raines
The Stranger By His Side: Part II | Adrian Raines x MC - @otherworldlypresents​
An Untrodden Lane series | Adrian Raines x F!OC - @former-westchester-resident​
Chapter 5
Desire & Decorum
Meant To Be series - @lorirwritesfanfic​  [adult content]
Traditions Way Too Old | Hamid x MC (Daphne), Edmund Marlcaster x Briar Daly, Edmund Marlcaster x Theresa Sutton
Unspoken Desires series - @princess-geek​
Cheecky Monkey | F!OC, Ernest Sinclaire 
The Dark Side Of The Moon | Ernest Sinclaire, M!OC, Vincent Foredale [adult content]
Distant Shores
A Ring For You | Edward Mortemer x F!MC - @ethanramseysrookiexox​
Hot Couture
Serendipity | Hazel Nguyen x F!MC - @mortemersgf​
Mother Of The Year
Spontaneous Takeaway Nights | Thomas Mendez x MC - @ethanramseysrookiexox​
The Nanny Affair
Going Out | M!Sam Dalton x MC - @thefrenchiemama​
Mistakes | M!Sam Dalton x MC - @thefrenchiemama​​
Open Heart
What Was That??? | M!Avery Wilshere x MC - @ethanramseysrookiexox​​ [adult content]
Red Carpet Diaries
Thomas Hunt x MC drabble - @theartoflovingthomashunt​​
The Royal Romance/The Royal Heir
Can I Be Him | Drake Walker x Hana Lee - @shewillreadyou​​ [adult content]
Housewarming Heart To Heart | Drake Walker, MC - @sfb123​​
Role Play | Liam Rys x MC - @shewillreadyou​​  [adult content]
Sapere Aude: Part 7 | Liam Rys x MC- @sfb123​​ [adult content]
Uncle Drake And His Royal Valentine | Drake Walker, Crown Princess - @sfb123​​
The Will Of Insanity | Drake Walker x Olivia Nevrakis - @former-westchester-resident​​ [adult content]
Open Heart/The Royal Romance
So Close: Part 6 | Ethan Ramsey x TRR MC, Liam Rys x TRR MC - @callmeellabella​​
The Royal Romance/Rules of Engagement
The Twisted Tale | Liam Rys, Leo Rys, TRR MC - @twinkleallnight​​  [adult content]
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bravelittleflower · 5 years
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Oc Halloween challenge- October 7. A non dc character as a dc character
Daphne Briars as Cassie Sandsmark aka Wonder Girl
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arrthurpendragon · 6 years
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                                          Percy Jackson fanfiction
                                          by: @iceandwaterfairytail
Never trust a survivor until you learn what they did to stay alive. Daphne Briars was a survivor and she’s done things during the Titan War that she isn’t exactly proud of.
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