#oc: endryn
Okay this is absolutely insane, but please bear with me.
Please note that this is SOLELY based on the actors' looks, it has nothing to do with their personality or other films they starred in!
Also neither of these are face claims, I always see my characters exactly how they're designed in-game, this is just for fun! A movie adaptation AU, if you will.
1. Megan Fox or a Black haired Scarlett Johansson as Ravonna (green contact lenses are needed, though)
✨️the crazy yet charming wizard-bard protagonist✨️
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2. Chris Hemsworth as Miraak (look, he is the most mainstream viking-looking dude who has Miraak vibes 🤣) - brown contact lenses needed
✨️the sunshine boy with the gentlest heart. Healer. First Dragonborn. Will definitely cry✨️
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3. Toby Regbo as Lucien
✨️the stressed and occasionally awkward academic✨️
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4. Rami Malek as Inigo
✨️the loyal Khajiit who finally found his family✨️
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5. Max Baldry as Marcurio
✨️the short and angry gay everyone wants to be or wants to be with✨️
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6. Tom Hopper as Rumarin - gold contacts needed
✨️the tall and funny himbo who is actually really complex✨️
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7. Ray Stevenson (as seen in Black Sails) as Hjaldir
✨️the og bard who is also a pirate. Very charming. Helped in raising Ravonna✨️
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8. Tom Hardy as Teldryn
✨️the tired-of-this-bullshit uncle, super protective of Ravonna✨️
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9. Taika Waititi as Endryn
✨️the adoptive dad, wholesome, kind, stressed, innkeeper✨️
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Tagging @bougainvillea-and-saltwater - this was her idea!! and also @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @thelavenderelf @shitty-drawer @totally-not-deacon you don't have to do this, I just wanted to show you my casting choices :)))) I'd tag more people who read/know about my fic, but I am so shy and scared that I'll annoy you with a random tag🤣
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krispytin · 3 years
'Kwarma eggs for your trying time?'
(ft. @baiobey's and @icicleteeth's nerevarines)
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baileybooradly · 5 years
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I was tagged by @bougainvillea-and-saltwater to do this amazingly cool tag game and share the "theme songs" of my fic, all instrumental!! You had such a wonderful idea with this tag game, dear 🥰🥰 **Edit, since this has been in the drafts, @shitty-drawer also tagged me💖💖 Thank you so much, and I actually tagged you in this game 🤣 You were faster than me in posting it.
I thought it was going to be easy, as I listen to a ton of instrumental music, because I also like to always have music in the background! But going off of vibes, this is how I associate music to my fic "Wherever you go, there you are":
"Miasma" by Ghost. This is Ravonna’s theme song. This one, I feel like, it encapsulates Mage!Ravonna perfectly. And that saxophone solo? Groovy! Just like her and her bard side. It also feels like a beautifully threatening song, in a way, and I think it fits her perfectly. The second song for her, because I simply cannot only choose one is "Faronell's Division" by John Playford. This one represents her sassyness as well as her impulsiveness, with all the changes in rhythm
For Miraak, I'm going with "Gnossienne No.5" by Erik Satie, because of the ✨️gentleness✨️ and this song heals the soul, and he's a healer, sooo yeah. The second one I choose for him is "A watering hole in the harbor" by Adam Skorupa; this is such a joyful song, and I feel like it really encapsulates the "I have no idea what y'all are doing, but I'm joining in and I'm so happy to be here" vibe that Miraak has once he gets more comfortable and lets go of the Miraak persona and embraces his true self <3
Now for the WYGTYA as a whole and general vibes:
I find myself listening to "Thunderbrew" by David Arkenstone a lot while writing, and since it has such a tavern-y vibe to it, this could be the theme for the fellowship whenever they are at a tavern having fun, drinking, eating and being in their natural habitat 🤣
"People of the land" by Jan Valta is the absolute perfect song for showing beautiful landscapes of both Morrowind and Skyrim, while also being the perfect song for Ravonna’s inner struggles to figure out whether she feels more at home in Skyrim, the land of her people, or in Morrowind, the land where she grew up. This is also the Civil War storyline theme, in my heart :')
"City of Sails" by Inon Zur is a theme that I don't know how to explain, without giving away spoilers :)))) It has ties to Ravonna's family, but will also represent the land of High Rock (yes, the story will go there too🤣) Also this one is one of those songs that I am kind of emotionally attached to, for some reason. I just wish I lived within this song, in a way.
And for the extra ocs:
For Endryn, I have "Tavern" by Jason Hayes, this one is pretty obvious, he is my beloved innkeeper dunmer oc who adopted Ravonna. He was very friendly, kind, stressed and quite funny, dad joke expert.
For Hjaldir, my other beloved oc, the nord bard that worked at the Inn where Ravonna grew up, because he is an ex-pirate, I'm going for "Moonlight Serenade" by Klaus Badelt. I don't associate him with the character Jack Sparrow all that much, but this song draws the perfect image of a charming and charismatic pirate, and the tune is incredibly melodious, so it really fits his bard persona well! Also, the intense part is perfect for his adventurous and danger-filled life. He's got many, many stories from his pirate days 😉
If you made it until here, I literally love you so much! Thank you for reading my ramblings. I could talk about songs and music all day!
I'm tagging my usual favourite mutuals @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @thelavenderelf @nerevar-quote-and-star Y'all already know you don't have to do this if you don't want to 💖💖 just ignore me and if I'm being annoying with the tag games, do let me know. This is not my intention at all! I will stop tagging you if you don't want to participate.
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I had no idea in which day this would fit, so I’m posting it on the free day of @tescheer Have a wholesome little prequel of my main fic.
Summary: Ravonna comes home from the Vivec Mages Guild for the holidays! Also a little flashback with kid Ravonna.
Word count: 1277
Warnings: none
Characters: Ravonna, Hjaldir, Endryn (I’m in oc hell) and Teldryn is mentioned as well!
She climbs down from the Silt Strider and takes a moment to take the view in. Blacklight, in all its beauty. Now even more beautiful, decorated with countless colorful lamps and with snowberry everywhere. The sailors must have brought it from Skyrim, as they do every Saturalia. She can’t believe she’s finally here. It’s been a few months since she came home. But these months have been busy at the Mages Guild in Vivec. She didn’t like being away from home for too long, but Vivec has the best guild of mages, and it shows: her magical skills have improved so much, it even amazes her. Sometimes she just can’t believe that she can accomplish so much with her magika. And she has learnt the most fascinating spells and the best party tricks. She simply cannot wait to show it to everyone back home! So she starts running towards the city entrance, smiling all the way down there.
Her cheeks start to hurt from smiling so much, being greeted by townsfolk and passing through the market. The market area is so beautifully decorated and cheerful, with lots of food and drink stalls and people singing songs and greeting other travelers, adventurers or scholars coming back home, just like her, and joy. Pure joy everywhere. This is her favorite celebration, and it always will be.
She opens the door to the tavern and is immediately greeted by the smell of snowberry pie and mulled wine. Hjaldir is playing a Saturalia song, singing and playing the lute. When he spots her, he immediately strums the lute more lively, sing-shouting:
“Weeeell look who just came back hoooome!” he finishes with a few ending chords. “Our favourite girl is back! Ladies and gentlemen, do excuse me, but this demands a break! But worry not! We still have some sweet, sweet instrumental music from our guys!” He looks at the rest of the bards, as if looking for approval. They just smile fondly and nod, and it’s all he needs to run to her and squeeze her in a tight hug, lifting her off the ground.
“Hi!” she manages to say between chuckles.
“My, my, how I’ve missed you, girl! How was the trip home?” he breaks the hug to look at her.
“Good. A bit windy, but it didn’t bother me. I travelled with a few merchants and mages. Lovely people. They made the time pass so fast.”
“Glad to hear it.”  He smiles down at her. Gods, how glad he is to see her home and safe. It’s weird how close they got. Maybe it’s the strong bond between two poetic souls, two bards, or maybe it’s something more, but he never expected to have this in his life.
He remembers first meeting her like it was yesterday. He was a lost soul, with nothing left to lose when he came to this tavern one faithful night, right after leaving the pirate crew for good. He came with the intention to drown himself in alcohol and sorrow, but was greeted by a little girl, squinting her eyes at him.
“Are you a bard?”
“Something like that. This gave it away?” he pointed at his lute strapped to his back.
She nodded.
“Ravonna, leave the man be!” the bartender said softly from behind the counter. “Sorry about her, she tends to be quite talkative. Can I get you anything else?”
“No, thank you. And don’t apologize. She didn’t bother me at all.” He turned to her. “Ravonna, eh? That’s quite the unusual name for a nord girl like you.”
“Well, Endryn gave me this name. Named me after his aunt. She was a mercenary who got to meet the Nerevarine!”
“Now that’s something!”
“What’s your name?”
“Hjaldir. At your service!” He bows to her politely.
“Well, that’s quite the usual name for a nord like you, isn’t it?”
“Ha! I suppose you’re right.”
“You don’t have to be so stiff. Relax, I’m not going to ask you to sing a song.” She sits down next to him and sighs. “I can sense when a person is tired… Sleepy-tired, but also tired of life.”
“How do you know that?” he asks, eyes now getting wider. The kid had more emotional intelligence than he’d have thought.
“You see a lot of shit when you live in a tavern, believe me.” She says, looking truly like a tired adult. “See that guy over there? At first you would think he’s doing fine, but he’s wearing a mask, you know? He’s nervous. He’s got that feeling after eating spicy meat wraps. But not because he actually did that and his tummy hurts. He’s like that because he’s in love with the blacksmith, a bosmer who has lots of tales from Valenwood.”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“Absolutely nothing! Except that he’s married.”
“Oh. Oh.”
“But don’t worry, I won’t pressure you into telling me your life story, although it seems like an interesting one. I hope you’ll stay with us for a bit longer.”
“By the Gods, Ravonna, I’m only now seeing the amount of baggage! Let me help you with that!” Hjaldir says, coming back to reality.
“Look, I can explain. I need this stuff for an… experiment.”
“Sounds magical…” he says, and they both burst into laughter. “Well, it’s Endryn’s place. I am but a humble guest and resident bard. He gets to decide if the – the… what is this exactly?”
“It’s… complicated. Essentially, it is a spellmaking enchanter. I get to create my own spells. Finally!”
“Oh, really? And you can make everything you want?”
“I think so. I haven’t tested it yet, but you know what they say at the guild of mages? Magic goes as far as your imagination.”
“So you could… conjure up a lute?”
“I’ve never thought of it, but that is a fantastic idea! I think it’ll be my first project!”
“Glad to be of help. If you need me for anything else, I’m here for you. And Gods am I proud! Look at you! A full, respectable mage!”
“Ah, let’s not get ahead of ourselves…” she says, as they start to head towards her chamber.
“Nonsense! I’ve yet to see anyone match your passion regarding magic!”
“Well, you haven’t been to Vivec then…”
“Aye, but I’ve been! We used to do business in the cisterns. That’s where you buy and sell illegal stuff. So many trinkets I’ve traded there… but, of course, you already know that.”
“Yes, and your bad skooma trip! You haven’t been to the guild of mages in Vivec is what I meant.” she laughs, setting the luggage on the floor of her room.
“Don’t remind me of that! I still get chills when I think about it!” he says, shuddering.
“I would love to know how you ended up on top of the Foreign Quarter.”
“That, I wish to know as well.” He sighs with a smile.
“There she is!” Endryn’s voice can be heard by the door.
“And there he is! Blacklight’s busiest innkeeper!” she laughs, hugging him tightly.
“Oh, don’t even get me started! You know how it is this time of year. But no matter! You’re here now and that’s the most important thing.”
“It’s good to be home.”
“Oh, but you must be starving! The cheese scones are almost ready. Teldryn should be here any minute with the wine supply. And I made you cabbage stew. It’s still your favourite, right? Or did the fancy city of Vivec change your tastes?” he says, without even breathing.
“Endryn! Relax. Everything’s perfect!” she says, taking this all in. Oh, how she missed this place and the people in it!
If you’ve made it this far, thank you so much for reading! <3 I hope everyone has the best holidays!
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Hi, it’s me posting Christmas stuff one day after Christmas! If you want to read a short, wholesome Ravonna prequel from back when she still lived in Morrowind, here ya go! ALSO MORE HJALDIR CONTENT! I hope everyone had amazing holidays full of cheer! 
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wip whenever
Thank you so much @friend-of-giants for the tag!
This is a draft of a thing I’ve been working on for the tescheer event. It’s a prequel to my fic. Behold, kid Ravonna meeting Hjaldir for the first time, because I’m just too eager to write Hjaldir hihihi. He’s the nord Ravonna talked about in the first chapter, in the boat scene! --> but I didn’t get to edit this, so it’s pretty rough
He remembers first meeting her like it was yesterday. He was a lost soul, with nothing left to lose when he came to this tavern one faithful night, right after leaving the pirate crew for good. He came with the intention to drown himself in alcohol and sorrow, but was greeted by a little girl, squinting her eyes at him.
“Are you a bard?”
“Something like that. This gave it away?” he pointed at his lute strapped to his back.
She nodded.
“Ravonna, leave the man be!” the bartender said softly from behind the counter. “Sorry about her, she tends to be quite talkative. Can I get you anything else?”
“No, thank you. And don’t apologize. She didn’t bother me at all.” He turned to her. “Ravonna, eh? That’s quite the unusual name for a nord girl like you.”
“Well, Endryn gave me this name. Named me after his aunt. She was a mercenary who got to meet the Nerevarine!”
“Now that’s something!”
“What’s your name?”
“Hjaldir. At your service!” He bows to her politely.
“Well, that’s quite the usual name for a nord like you, isn’t it?”
“Ha! I suppose you’re right.”
“You don’t have to be so stiff. Relax, I’m not going to ask you to sing a song.” She sits down next to him and sighs. “I can see when a person is tired… Sleepy-tired, but also tired of life.”
“How do you know that?” he asks, eyes now getting wider. The kid has more emotional intelligence than he’d expected.
“You see a lot of shit when you live in a tavern, believe me.” She says, looking truly like a tired adult. “See that guy over there? At first you would think he’s doing fine, but he’s wearing a mask, you know? He’s nervous. He’s got that feeling after eating spicy meat wraps. But not because he actually did that and his tummy hurts. He’s like that because he’s in love with the blacksmith, a bosmer who has lots of tales from Valenwood.”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“Absolutely nothing! Except that he’s married.”
“Oh. Oh.”
“But don’t worry, I won’t pressure you into telling me your life story, although it seems like an interesting one. I hope you’ll stay with us for a bit longer.”
OOPS my hand slipped and now the nerevarine has ties to this story? I don’t even know if this will be canon in my fic! I had no idea what I was doing, I believe I was posessed by the writing gods, BUT, I love the idea that my nerevarine had a thing for a mercenary. Badass girlfriends!
I’m never too sure who to tag, because I’m always afraid that I annoy people with so much tagging. This is definitely not mandatory, but I’m going to tag some of my readers to tease them and if they also do some writing and want to share, they can most definitely do so! @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @thelavenderelf (I see you, Aurora, and I’m definitely going to binge your fic once I have the time! <3)
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*Gigi falls from the chimney like Santa Claus, but instead of presents, she carries ✨questions✨*
🍋: What is your OC's most painful memory?
🍍: Where does your OC feel most comfortable?
🍆: Does your OC have any favourite form of affection, physical or otherwise?
🍇: What sort of friend are they? Where are they in the group dynamic?
🍪: What is something that's sentimental to you OC?
🍹: Does your OC have any funny anecdotes told about them?
All for Hjaldir and Signe! 🥰
Christmas came early for me because WHOA! THAT'S A LOT OF PRESENTS! What did I do to deserve this? Thank you, so, so much, my dear!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
🍋: What is your OC's most painful memory?
Ooof, this hit me in the feels, but there are two for Hjaldir, I’m not sure which is more painful, but I’ll answer chronologically. Also, his story may change as I keep writing, but essentially, this is the backbone of it.
His mother’s death. Hjaldir and his mom were bards for a very wealthy family, but they were treated very badly, almost like slaves. They lived in the barn, while the wealthy family was sleeping delightfully in their manor. His mother was a single mom and she taught him everything about music, but she fell ill, and died shortly after. It really hit him hard, and the fact that he felt so incapable to do anything to help her was awful, because he did not have lots of money. He tried working overtime, and in her final days, he really thought about becoming a pirate and bring her all the wealths that he gained, but that never happened. But her death was what broke the chains for him and his old lifestyle, because she kept telling him that he should go and build a life for himself, but he stayed for her. Now, he was free to do whatever he wanted, and so he felt the sea calling for him. 
The second one is Endryn’s death, of course. He loved his life at the Emerald Bar, and Endryn was his best friend. His life was a perfect balance of peaceful and adventurous. He was never away from the sea for too long, first of all, because Blacklight is a city with a big port, and secondly because he kept going on trips to different parts of Tamriel (Mostly High Rock) to resupply the Tavern. Ravonna very often accompanied him, and they were always up to shenanigans. Teldryn was a good friend and an even better drinking opponent, and his bond with Ravonna was the strongest one he felt in his life. And all of that died with Endryn. He knew nothing would be the same. Both Ravonna and Teldryn left, and he was left alone with his thoughts and grief. And unlike Ravonna and Teldryn, he is a very social person, being alone is not good for him.
For Signe, she doesn’t really have anything specific, her life is very dangerous with people constantly dying, and they’re all very sad. However, she doesn’t want to linger in grief and quickly shoves it away, even if she doesn’t fully process it. The sad part that left a constant sadness in her soul was leaving her dad behind in order to write her own story and pursue the life that she wanted for herself.
🍍: Where does your OC feel most comfortable?
Both of them feel comfortable at sea, or close to it, I suppose. Nothing beats the sounds of waves. Very cliché, I know, but they’re pirates :))))
🍆: Does your OC have any favourite form of affection, physical or otherwise?
I answered this for Hjaldir here!
As for Signe, her form of affection is not so physical. Gift giving is her jam. She grew up wealthy and doesn’t really care much for riches or treasures. The smiles on her loved one’s faces when she shows them with gifts is her favoured treasure!
🍇: What sort of friend are they? Where are they in the group dynamic?
Hjaldir is a teamplayer, he works best when he is part of a group, and he is very much a wildcard, too. You can never know exactly what he’ll do next. Not blindly loyal, either. He also brings humor and light-heartedness in the group, but I think that at this point, this is the default trait I give to my ocs :)))
And Signe is the leader of the group 100%! The legendary Deathbrand, most feared pirate, but also secretly a team player, because there is no captain without a crew. Still, she always had this leader aura about her.
🍪: What is something that's sentimental to you OC?
GNAWING AT THE BARS OF MY ENCLOSURE AND FOAMING AT THE MOUTH WHILE TRYING NOT TO MAKE HJALDIR HAVE A “PIECE OF FABRIC” THAT ONCE BELONGED TO HIS MOTHER BECAUSE THAT IS TOOO OFMD BLACKBEARD AND I’VE ALREADY MADE HIS STORY KIND OF INSPIRED BY IT, but maybe that. WHy is everyone in this family at least slightly inspired by Blackbeard 😭Definitely something to remind him of his mother. And also maybe something cute from Ravonna. A ring that she bought for him (with his own money lmao) when she was a kid because it was a ring with a skull on it and skulls are very pirate-y, at least in kid Ravonna’s eyes.
Signe’s not the type of person to get attached to material things, but when she received a letter from her father, informing her that he is finally [REDACTED, FOR SPOILER REASONS] she kept it in her inner pocket for the rest of her life.
🍹: Does your OC have any funny anecdotes told about them?
OOF WHERE DO I EVEN START WITH THIS ONE!!? Pirates who’ve known adventure and shenanigans all their lives have too many funny anecdotes, but I’ll go with the ones that first come to mind!
I’m not sure if this is canon yet, but I came up with it because I want Hjaldir to have more time and to be able to do a lot of badass stuff. Don’t get me wrong, I love it when I see elderly characters as well, and he will still have his badass old man moments and his very sexy gray hairs among his raven black hair, but I also want him to join the fellowship in their adventures, so I came up with this: on one of his adventures, he found a crypt with his crew and they robbed it. Turns out it was a mad alchemist who resided there, and he left a very strange potion on his desk. Everyone was wondering what it was, and Hjaldir, being the chaotic disaster that he is, just straight up chugged it. Turns out it was an elixir of elongating one’s life and a potion that the mad alchemist worked really hard on, which he failed to make again. 
And another one for Hjaldir, because I find this very endearing and perhaps a bit of evidence that both him and Ravonna are a bit gray. On one trip to High Rock, they pretended to be fancy psychics that could foresee the future, they had a fancy bowl that Ravonna looked into and pretended to read and everything! They set up a tent and charged people and said *the* most generic bullshit ever. And people were eating. It. up.
Signe also has her fair share of funny anecdotes, some which we will see in HOTHS. For now, the one that I’m most excited about is the crew being abducted by a wild tribe in Valenwood, and them making her some sort of high queen and prophet because of a necklace that she looted. Turns out it was an important artefact for that culture, but they thought they were going to be a big soup because Wood elves and cannibalism. The tribe didn’t speak any language that the crew did, but they managed to find a translator. In the end, Signe was missing a necklace, but gaining a new crew member. It’s a bit vague, but I will develop this more as I write, I think it will be an entire chapter of HOTHS.
Well, well, well, this got extremely long, but a mere thank you is not enough! This has helped me immensely in bot Hjaldir and Signe’s characterization! And I had so, so much fun doing this. Gigi, thank you so much, my dearest <3 <3 <3 
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Here's to further fueling the Hjaldir brainrot <3
🍻: What's your OC's favourite comfort ritual? How do they calm themselves down after a rough day?
🍆: Does your OC have any favourite form of affection, physical or otherwise?
🍰: What's something your OC counts as unforgivable?
Aaah, thank you so much 💖💖 Link to the ask game can be found here!
The Hjaldir brainrot is very strong, but I think I'll answer these for the WYGTYA version of Hjaldir, not the one we'll see in 'Hymn of the High seas' because he's grown as a character and a bit different. Also, I think he may appear in WYGTY faster than OTHS but that depends on my inspiration.
🍻: What's your OC's favourite comfort ritual? How do they calm themselves down after a rough day?
Taking the wheel and slowly steering a ship on a warm summer night will always put him at ease. He's a damn good helmsman, too. Also, as we progress with his story, when he was no longer a pirate/sailor, but a bard in Blacklight, well, he didn't need to calm down, his life was very peaceful, but he loved it when they were closing in for the night and did the dishes with Endryn and Ravonna. That was the time when they'd share all the tavern gossip gathered throughout the day. And they'd laugh and make doing the dishes fun
🍆: Does your OC have any favourite form of affection, physical or otherwise?
Hjaldir's love languages are quality time and physical touch! Also, he shows a lot of his love through music. If he likes you, he'll sing to you specifically non stop.
🍰: What's something your OC counts as unforgivable?
Hurting his family and people who discourage young, inexperienced artists.
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For the oc ask game!!! 😍😍😍 1. Class (or a general description of their skillset)
2. What was their childhood like? Who raised them? Do they have siblings?
3. Where did they grow up? A city? A village? Isolated, in the wilderness? What was it like to leave?
4. Do they pick a side in the Civil War?
5. On a scale of 1-10, how much do they hate the Thalmor? The Empire?
Five questions for the lovely Ravonna! 💖
Thank you so much for the ask dear! Also, if anyone sees this and likes Ravonna, you can check out my fic!
1. I like to think that Morrowind is the little magic corner of Tamriel, so basic magic is standard there. Everyone does it. However, Ravonna’s fascination with magic, her determination to get revenge and the fact that she’s a bit of an overachiever made her a master destruction mage. She does amazing in the other schools of magic as well. All of them except for healing. She thinks it’s pointless to fill her head with those spells when she can just buy healing potions. (she cannot do alchemy for the life of her). Of course this is going to bite her in the ass constantly. Good thing we have a certain Dragon Priest who used to be a healer ;). But don’t worry, he’s willing to share his knowledge later on. All I can say is that I can’t wait to write the scene, hehehe!
As for other skills, she thinks she is an amazing sneak. She is not. Seriously, she should stop. Getting detected by all of the draugr, giants, bears and guards isn’t very fun. She does decently with one handed weapons, all thanks to Teldryn. But she hates anything that is heavy and requires much strength. It’s enough that she walks and runs all over the place, refusing to take horses and put them into danger. Absolutely no two handed weapons and shields. She’s never used a shield in her life and would rather die than use a greatsword, or worse, an axe. She loves wearing enchanted fancy robes. She’s also a master in the art of speechcraft. 
2. She had a bit of an unusual childhood. She grew up in a tavern in the city of Blacklight. The tavern was big and very beautiful. She doesn’t really know anything about her roots (yet), just that her mother brought her to the tavern and dropping dead after making the innkeeper promise he’d take care of her. And he kept his promise. The innkeeper, Endryn, along with his brother Teldryn and the tavern’s bard, Hjaldir took care of her and raised her as if she was their own daughter. She learned a bit from each of them: being determined, ambitious and strong from Teldryn, being kind, friendly and always helping those in need from Endryn and having fun, singing, being witty, charismatic, playing every instrument and not taking anything too seriously from Hjaldir. Him and Ravonna formed a strong bond. Some say it’s because they were two nords in a land full of dunmer, others say it’s because their personalities are really similar and they complete each other. Some even say they look strangely similar. I made them both and I have proof! Here you go:
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Anyway, her childhood was full of love. She quickly started singing at the tavern and making friends of all ages. She proved to be quite charming. Magnetic, even. Everyone wanted to listen to her songs and her tales. She’s had her fair share of adventure in Morrowind. First with Teldryn, and then with friends from the guild of mages. And of course, many, many shenanigans. She got everyone in and out of trouble.
3. As I said before, she grew up in Blacklight, which is one of the major cities in Morrowind. The ash storms weren’t very nice. Nor was the limited food. Or the scribs. Or any Morrowind creature for that matter. The truth is she never truly felt like she belonged there, but it was a place full of fascinating stories and fond memories. A place full of love. And it will always stay like that in her heart. Leaving was unexpectedly easy for her. She was at that point in her life where she wanted to see the world and travel. However, she didn’t want to leave the way she did: on a quest to destroy the Dark Brotherhood and those responsible for Endryn’s assassination.
4. She hates politics and doesn’t understand it. Every time someone asks her about politics, she says that she’s just a bard and doesn’t want to get involved in that stuff. She doesn’t even care about the civil war at first. She's just furious that they were going to execute her and Lucien, who she was travelling with at the time. But, as time passes and she gets comfortable in the land of Skyrim, it truly saddens her that the country is falling apart because of stupid, stubborn people. As for picking a side, she’d like to knock some sense into both sides.
5. She doesn’t hate the Empire, but boy does she wish they’d be a bit less stubborn (at least make levitation legal, for Gods’ sakes). She knows that the Empire is trying to keep everything in control and that the allegiance with the Thalmor is solely too keep the peace. Speaking of Thalmor, she absolutely hates them. Anyone that thinks they’re above all, is racist, exclusivist and elitist is on her list of people she strongly dislikes. The killing and torturing that the Thamor do makes her blood boil sometimes. It’s unfair and horrible and she hopes that karma will work her magic and they end up being treated as they treat everyone else.
Thank you again for the tag and sorry for the huge essay haha. I could talk about my ocs all day. This was really fun!
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For the TES Month Asks for Ravonna:
Rain's Hand - Can your OC use magic? If so what Schools?
Second Seed - Is your OC an alchemist? What do they excel at making?
Mid Year - Does your OC have a favourite celebration? Do they celebrate holidays?
Sun's Height - What is your OC's favourite shop, in any of the games; what do they buy the most of?
ANON!! I am giving you a big hug for all these lovely questions! 💖💖💖
Link to the ask game.
Rain's Hand - Can your OC use magic? If so what Schools?
OOH YES!!! My girl is a mage through and through! Ever since she was a toddler, she was fascinated and obsessed with magic. She loves to get creative with it, too! Illusion, Alteration, Conjuration, pretty much all of the schools of magic, except Restoration (that one she has not practiced at all). But what she really excells in is Destruction! She is such a fancy and boastful Destruction Mage, too! Throwing the most beautiful runes, the biggest fireballs and the most powerful thunderbolts, all while levitating! She is a pretty good (albeit very chaotic and experimental) enchanter. She enchants anything and everything! It does help that she attended the Mages College in Vivec, which is one of the best in my headcanon, and then later on, she was trained by a crazy ex-Telvanni mage. She is an amazing mage, but it all balances out, because she is atrocious and awful in the other skills such as one handed, two handed, sneak, light/heavy armor.
Second Seed - Is your OC an alchemist? What do they excel at making?
Absolutely not hahah! She does not have the patience to look up the combinations and effects. And she doesn't think she needs to, because she can just buy potions! However,,, dunno if this counts but growing up in a tavern, she knows a thing or two about brewing mead. That's still a potion, right? Its effects are happiness!
Mid Year - Does your OC have a favourite celebration? Do they celebrate holidays?
Ravonna is all about living life to the fullest, so she will celebrate holidays! She loves Saturalia so much! And New Life! She also celebrates her birthday then. The chaotic trio that raised her (Endryn, Teldryn and Hjaldir) knew that she was born sometimes in the winter (hence her full name being Ravonna Winter-Born) but they had no idea on the date! So they just went with the beginning of the New Year.
Sun's Height - What is your OC's favourite shop, in any of the games; what do they buy the most of?
Listen, I'm going veeeery off-canon with this one, but it is canon in my fic!
So Hjaldir is one of the father figures of hers that helped in raising her at the tavern in Blacklight. Well, he's an ex-pirate, turned bard, but every now and then he felt the sea calling to him. So he used to go on this trips to High Rock to bring huge amounts of fish (I can't see the fish population in Morrowind doing very good because of the ash-infested waters) and other goods from the merchants there. There is this small merchant town + dock in High Rock, very close to the border with Skyrim (haven't decided on a lore-friendly name for the town yet) and he used to go there a few times a year. When Ravonna was big enough, she really wanted to tag along. So he took her with him! There is this shop with stuff imported from all provinces! Very cool trinkets! She bought so many fancy mage robes from there! As well as her favourite lavender hair oil, imported from the Summerset Isles! She even has her compass from that shop.
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krispytin · 3 years
started a new playthrough of morrowind again
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krispytin · 3 years
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more morrowind doodles
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krispytin · 3 years
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made a little character card for my nerevarine 
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krispytin · 3 years
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Endryn doodles for a secret santa exchange on discord
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krispytin · 3 years
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I've been drawing a few banners for a mod and I wanted to do one for Endryn
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