#oc: erald
monotone-artist · 1 year
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sometimes it's just a girl and her bff, a magical sentient (probably haunted) sword :]
[id: a drawing of my original characters, bevalon and erald. bevalon is a white anthro cat with orange tabby patches and small dark horns, wearing a maroon flannel, a white shirt, and gray shorts. erald is a plain sword with a dark green eye for the pommel, sheathed in a dark gray scabbard with a leather strap. bevalon appears to be spinning around in place, animatedly chatting away, which is indicated by empty speech bubbles around her head, and looking very excited. she's lifted erald up in front of her, who seems happy to listen. end id]
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An art trade with @a.l.i.v.e.ghostz from Instagram :D
Feel free to DM me if you want to trade with me ;3
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orthgodlove · 5 years
rhys, fighting lady argent: so i thought i only liked men, but, 
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a-little-monotonous · 3 years
sometimes it takes me a ridiculously long time to think of a perfect name for an oc, other times it takes me exactly five seconds
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loriendragonqueen · 7 years
In His Arms She Found Her Place - Chapter Six
Pairing: Ivar x OC
Words: 1.313
Warnings: bad language; Masochism; Smut;Death; nearly death; Attempted Rape/Non-Con; Violence; Sadism; Blood; Depression; Emocional;
Notes: Sorry for posting it after a long time, but, now, after the new season trailer, I’m full of ideas!! ♥
Chapter One   Chapter Two   Chapter Three   Chapter Four   Chapter Five
"He will not!" she said almost without voice, making her horse gallop.
Earl Erald was unpleased with his daughter's manners. But, after what he did with her when he heard what she done, killing the brother of an important merchant, it was to be expected.
"Isa! Where were you?" he asked harshly when she got down from the horse.
"Not now, father!" and she passed straight by him, going inside the palace to, finally, pay respect to the queen.
After doing her duty, she sat down and simply waited for the end of the evening. Finally, when it found its end, she were able to just escape for a few moments just to see the moonlight.
Her heart was heavy like a bundle full of stones. The cold within her was killing her natural fire.
"I ask your guidance, allfather. I do not want to be a monster. I do not want to kill anymore. Please, help me to understand what I am about to face!" she said to the wind while sat ontop of the hill nearby the city.
Tears fell from her sad eyes.
"I do not want to be a monster!" she repeated.
"But you are not!" the familiar voice said getting closer.
She looked over her shoulder and saw those piercing blue eyes staring back at her with such doubt.
"What have they done with you?" he asked concerned, finally sitting beside her.
She said nothing. She just hugged his torso in an attempt to get lost inside his arms.
"What happened, Isa?" and he held her body close enough, feeling her almost crushing his bones.
She was crying like a child.
"Look at me!" he demanded while feeling quite scared.
She obeyed and he saw that she was even more broken.
"I killed innocent men and women. I was obliged to raid with my father after what I did with that man. I was forced to kill. I am a monster, Ivar!" she sobbed while still crying.
"Listen to me, Isa. You are no monster. You are no beast. You are the best... the best thing that ever happened to me!" he whispered in the end.
"I am not. Can't you see how I suffer when I should not?" and she looked down.
"You are the light of my thoughts, Isa. Can't you see what you've done to me?" and he forced her to look at him. "You marked me in a way no one ever did. I still feel the burning touch of your lips on my skin whenever I close my eyes!"
And, in an impulse, she kissed him.
"All my life I've been waiting for someone like you!" she said still close from his lips. "My arms are mine. My lips are mine. My heart is mine. But it seems that I am not. It seems that I am yours. I have always been!"
She sighed while hugging him tight again, placing her head in the gap of his neck and his shoulder.
Ivar felt his heart ache. It was a piercing pain, little and yet annoying. But he did nothing but tight his arms around her.
"I am sorry for saying such things. You may not feel the same, but I could not keep it inside me. You make me feel complete." she spoke while slowly dancing her fingers on his back, feeling each muscle tremble at her touch.
"I..." he tried to say, but his voice became shy for the first time.
"You don't have to say a thing. Just do not cast me away now. Please, let me be with you a little longer!" she asked squeezing him and, as an answer, he started to intertwine his fingers in her hair, touching her scalp tenderly almost like a small ritual.
After a while in silence, they heard dogs howling and she knew that it was time for her to head home. Although she didn't want to, she moved a little away from him, just enough to admire his intense gaze and, with passion, kiss him a passionate goodbye.
"I thank the gods everyday for they put you on my path!" she said against his lips while running her fingers through his nape.
"Are you trying to fish my heart? First with your food, then with your kindness. So you soothe me in my tides of chaos and then you leave me. Then you return and make me so happy, and, now, you say these words. I cannot even speak the way you did. How can I put my thoughts out of my head and heart the way you did? It is unfair!" he sighed, finally speaking.
"Just to know that you think about me is enough, my war prince!" and she kissed him once more.
"It is not. I want to tell you how you make me feel, but..."
"Isa!" the echo found their ears and the young woman growled.
"I will make Einar suffer in such a way that he will regret of being alive!" she thought in loud voice while with her eyes closed.
"You want me to..."
"There is no need. I love my brothers with all of my heart and I would gladly die for them, but lately they are being a pain in my ass. Since they heard that you..."
"Isa!" the echo found them again, interrupting her.
"That I what?" he asked curious, frowning.
"That you almost killed that slave in your bed. They fear for my well being." and she took a deep breath.
He twisted his lips and closed his face.
"Yet, I fear you not. Besides, you would get tired just trying to hurt me and not being succeeded." she smirked in an attempt of making him come back to the past state of spirit.
"You are one of a kind!" and he kissed her with hunger, making their lips get swollen.
"Can I visit you at the first light of the day tomorrow?" she asked almost breathless.
"You can come even before if you want to. I want to... to wake up next to you. I want you to be the first thing I see in the morning. You are so precious, my..." he was finally saying when Einar yelled again.
"Wait for me then. You have me, entirely, deeply, madly. Thank you for coming to my hut that day, even with your revenge plots. Thank you for staying with me!" and she kissed him one more time before getting on her feet and head home, finally.
Isa grabbed the reins of Svaldifair and then started to walk towards her brother. Einar was still calling for her.
"Stop acting like a mad old woman, Einar." she said when she saw him.
"Where were you?" he asked before seeing her swollen eyes and lips.
"It's not of your business!"
"You were with that boy, weren't you?" and his face closed. "How many times I have to tell you..."
"You are not my father. You are not my mother. Lately I don't even know if you are my brother, for you keep torturing me. Are you liking it, Eraldson? Is it amusing enough to you?" and she growled.
Her four dogs then came to meet her, for Einar had let them free to find their leader.
"Watch your tone, sister. You don't want to trample on our family just because of a crippled bastard!" he retorted peeved.
"YOU better watch your tone, Eraldson, for if he hear you saying such things, he'll kill you and I will do nothing about. I love you, but I don't know anymore if it is enough to endure all the things you've been doing to me." she mounted her horse.
Einar closed his fists, angrily, in hate.
"You made me a monster, now handle it!" and Svaldifair ran after she command him to. The four dogs followed them.
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monotone-artist · 3 years
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been kinda missing these dudes, so!
dragon is edmunathy (he/him), elf is skynel (she/her), cat person is bevalon (she/her), sword is erald (he/it). i havent done much with them in a long time but what little info i got for em is under read-more
skynel and ed are adoptive siblings, with ed being the lil brother <3 they’ve grown up with each other, and as soon as they were old enough they left their dad’s travelling merchant-town caravan to explore maekrenia and scout through its ruins.
bevalon is of a race called the prruma, which are basically cat furries with antlers. she’s also travelling maekrenia with her brother aeron, best friend (and aeron’s boyfriend) kolaus, and their steed sylvania. though while skynel and ed are treasure hunters of sorts, bev and her lil group are kinda searching for a purpose in life?
erald is a magical sword bev has. it cant talk per se, but because of [insert convoluted magic stuff here], it can sing to communicate instead. and also look around and give you the nastiest stink eye ever.
skynel and bevalon actually know of each other, since skynel briefly dated bev’s older sister pine, but they’ve never met in person.
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loriendragonqueen · 7 years
In His Arms She Found Her Place - Chapter Five
Pairing: Ivar x OC
Words: 1.178
Warnings: bad language; Masochism; Smut;Death; nearly death; Attempted Rape/Non-Con; Violence; Sadism; Blood; Depression; Emocional;
Notes: None.
Chapter One  Chapter Two  Chapter Three  Chapter Four
Two months passed since their farewell. So little time, but so much had changed. Earl Erald and his heirs came to Kattegat by land while his boats were still far. Anders stayed home to protect the earldom and his mother whilst Isa and Einar followed their father to the eternity and glory of their names.
Isa was different. She was more confident than never and now she was always carrying her sword.
"Where are you going?" her father asked when he saw her heading to a different path.
"I am going home." she answered shallow.
"No, we are going to meet the queen first!" Einar said what his father was about to say.
"Fuck the queen!" and Svaldifair ran fast.
"She is going to see that boy, isn't it?" Erald asked to his son and he nodded in disapproval.
The earl was not pleased. Although he loved the deceased king, to give his daughter in a possible marriage to a half man was not in his plans.
Isa passed through the city just to see if Ivar was there – and he was not. She then thought that he would be in only one place - Jorig's forge.
"My lady!" the blacksmith said from the outside.
"Jorig, is good to see you!" she lightly nodded.
"I guess that you are here for a single reason. Get in!" he said beckoning to the inside of his workshop while holding her horse.
"Thank you!" she said getting down and finally walking.
When she entered the half-lighted place, she distinguished two blue orbes from across the flames.
"Prince!" she called as a melody and his eyes met her.
He looked at her in somewhat shock, not knowing if he should smile or just observe at how beautiful she was.
"I told you to wait for my return, didn't I?" she proudly spoke approaching him.
“What are you doing here?” he asked realizing that she was on her own.
It was known that Earl Erald would arrive in Kattegat that day along with his sons. Seeing Isa standing right there was a surprise.
"I came to join the army. Your army. As I said!" and she lifted her chin quite cocky.
"Where is your father?" he asked dubious, narrowing his eyes.
"He is probably kissing the queen's arse right now. Just like my brother Einar!" she sighed in reproval.
Ivar held a giggle.
"And why are you not there with them and with the queen?" he kept questioning.
"Fuck the queen." she said out loud taking a deep breath and looking at him bored.
Ivar chuckled quite amused with her tone.
"Is that enough? Or you want to ask me more bullshit before I can hug you?" she inquired widening her eyes quickly at the end as a trying of persuasion.
"Who are you, haughty woman? What have you done with that gentle woman I've met months ago?" he asked jokingly pretending that he was hurt somehow by her words.
"I beated her and ate her with some mead. She was quite delicious. Or, perhaps, she is still here, hidden somewhere out of the reach of her father's wrath!" she answered mockingly.
"Oh..." Ivar reacted with an impish face. "I like you more like this!"
"You like me anyways, no matter how I act!" and she gave a few steps to get closer to him.
"You gave up to control your dark side?" he asked in low tone with a grin as she got just a few inches from him.
"Maybe. Or perhaps I am just teasing you, luring you to a trap. Who knows? I am still out of my mind since our last goodbye!" and she danced her fingers on the side of his head.
"I thought it was since I went to your hut that night..." he said looking up to see her face, making his throat exposed.
Isa touched his neck with her left hand and felt him shiver.
"Do not be such convinced, prince." she laughed.
"You changed."
"And so do you. We are no longer those foolish young. We are grown ups now. You are about to make history and I am about to face the battle for the very first time." and she sighed at the end, as if refusing what she had become.
"I thought that you do not kill." he teased and her smile fade away.
"I..." she was about to pronounce her thoughts when she heard gallops coming from the outside.
"Isa!" the familiar voice almost screamed before getting inside the place.
Einar was furious, for his father was furious.
"Come, now!" he said to his sister furrowing his brow to the man beside her.
"Not now!" she said not turning around to face him.
"I said, come now, little sister. Father demands your presence!"
"Listen, brother, I love you from the bottom of my heart, but if you keep pushing me, I will break your face in a way that even mother will not recognize you!" she snarled looking over her shoulder.
"No threats of yours will make me return without you. You can talk to your friend in another time!" and he almost spat on the floor saying the word 'friend'.
"Oh, brother, you don't even know how I hate you now!" she deep breathed scowling and finally turned around to leave the place.
Einar looked at Ivar with hate inside his eyes and the man did not looked away or weakened. On the contrary, he grinned at him devilishly before close his face in a murderous, ferocious scowling.
Isa rode her horse faster than her brother, peeved about his overprotection.
"Wait!" he yelled at her, riding as fast as possible to reach her.
"Fine, say whatever you want to say. Tell me how fool I am for caring about him. Say how father will make everything to keep me away from him!" she spat pissed.
"I care about you because I love you sister. He is a mad man. Don't you... Don't you know that he almost killed a slave while in his bed? He almost choked her to death!" he explained now beside her, with her horses motionless
"What? Who said that?" she quarried suspicious.
"Everybody. Anders made me swear to keep you away from him. You are our little sister and we do not want to see you dead by his hands!" he puffed.
Isa halted and thought a bit.
"Does father knows?" and she bit her cheeks.
He denied.
"Therefore, do not tell him. You do not know how my relation with Ivar is, so, please, let me keep it going. I know what I am doing and if the things get out of my control, I promise you that I kill him with my own hands!" and she sighed, grabbing her nape and squeezing it nervous.
"Please, my brother..."
And the man gave in, touching her shoulders in support to her words.
"If he hurt you, I will torture him myself!" he whispered before smile soothingly to his sister, gaining a kiss on his cheek.
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loriendragonqueen · 7 years
In His Arms She Found Her Place - Chapter One
Pairing: Ivar x OC
Words: 2.477
Warnings: bad language; Masochism; Smut;Death; nearly death; Attempted Rape/Non-Con; Violence; Sadism; Blood; Depression; Emocional;
Notes: I posted it on AO3 in case you guys want to know! ^^ 
"Here is your tool, Jorig. I truly thank you for your help and guidance!" she said handing the object to the man.
"No problem. Did you make some progress in your projects?" he asked gently.
"Yes, and thanks to your guidance. I've made this as an experiment..." and she took a medium size blade from inside her bag and showed him the pattern formed by the mixture of two different types of steel.
"This is gorgeous!" he said taking the blade from her hands. "What a truly talent you are, young Isa. Your father will be proud!"
"Please, do not tell him. Mother and father do not even imagine that I still make weapons. They say that it's men job!" and she sadly sighed.
"Well, if it makes you feel well, no man can do what you did here. You made something unique!" he said and the young woman smiled.
"Thank you, Jorig!" and she took something else from her bag "Here, I've made you blackberry's bread as a sign of gratitude. I hope you like it!"
And the man took the bread wrapped in a clean cloth and returned the single blade to its owner.
"You will be a great ruler someday, my lady!" he said grateful for the small gesture.
"I thank you, but to rule is not my aim in life." and she straightened her posture after putting the blade inside her bag again.
"And what is your aim then?"
"I want to discover new worlds!" and she openly smiled, giggling at the end.
"Very well, then. I wish the gods to look after you and smile to your fate!" he said sincerely.
"Thank you, Jorig. Now, I must wander a little more before my brothers arrives with the mighty Bjorn Ironside!" and she left the place hiding her face with the hood of her cloak.
"Who is she?" the young lad queried.
"Isa Eraldsdottir, Earl Erald's daughter. Her father rules the county near to Hedeby. She is a fine young woman!" the blacksmith answered taking a bite on the bread.
The young man pondered in silence for a bit.
"Why, young prince?" he asked a little perky.
And the man said nothing, shrugging.
Isa walked to one of the peaks around Kattegat with the intention of just sit down and eat the other bread that she baked. It wasn't a sunny day, but it was cozy. Nothing to be aware of and nothing to bother. A day just to be.
She ate a few pieces of the bread and took a few sips of her mead before she lay on the ground to watch the clouds.
"I see the cat and I see the rat, but where is the dog to set the trap?" she said to herself while looking to the clouds as she used to do as a child.
Isa became slumber with that silly game and took a nap. She loved her freedom, to fall asleep under the open sky. To live like her own. To be herself. At least, to be free while two of her three big brothers were raiding with the king's sons.
The day was over before she could awake in time, but she worried not. With the moon riding the sky to reach her place, Isa gathered her things and started to walk back to the hut that her father or brothers used to use when he or them was in Kattegat. With a whistling, she called for her dogs close to the wooden place and the four came running towards her - they were her only company.
"Fergus, Angus, Borus and Regulus, my babies!" she yelled at them and they barked.
After that, she gone inside the hut and prepared herself a bath to take before the night meal. And, after that, she slept even more, guarded by the four dogs.
Three days passed since her arrival in Kattegat where she first decided to visit the blacksmith before anything else. She passed invisible through the days, but, in the fourth, she was obliged to make herself noticed.
Isa was walking by the market to buy some food for the rest of her days in the proximities of the town. She was alone and she thought that no one has noticed it. She was wrong. A man, apparently a foreigner, thought that she was a mere slave attending to the orders of her owners - she was wearing a simple and old dress that resembled to rags. He followed her to the path that leaded to her hut - the path was a desert, for everybody was minding their own business.
"Hey, beauty!" he shouted at her, following her steps closely.
She continued to walk, but now with her fists closed.
"Stop acting like a noble lady and look at me, meeky thing!" he kept saying increasing his walking speed.
She growled and her breath became heavy, for she was trying to keep herself calm.
The man then finally reached her and grabbed her right fist.
"I want you, now!" he said pulling her close.
"You better let me go, filthy." she said between her teeth.
"Or what?" he teased grabbing her other fist and making she drop her basket.
"Very well, then!" and she took a deep breath before she hit her forehead in the nose of her aggressor.
"Oh, this is how you want it?" he said after losing his grip around her fists and feeling the blood run down to his lips.
Isa waited for his movement and then hit his face with a punch using all her strength, what made him bleed even more.
"I give you the chance to go away and alive, but only if you leave me in peace right now!" she said with a tiny hope inside her heart.
He growled and tackled her to the ground, ready to rape her right there at the open trail. She fought the man and finally reached one of her blades tied on her ankles. With a slight movement, she then cut his throat while looking to the bottom of his eyes. She watched the life leave him while his internal flame went out.
After that, she heard a man yelling towards them. She noticed that he was dressed similarly to the man bleeding upon her.
"Brother!" he cried out when he saw what had just happened.
Then the tumult had the proper start.
Isa was dragged to the great hall so the queen could judge her and punish her properly.
"What happened?" the queen asked amazed by the amount of red impregnated in the young woman.
"She killed my brother in cold blood!" the man said in anger.
"I demand to speak!" she said haughty with her chin up thrust.
And the queen beckoned.
"I am Isa Eraldsdottir, daughter of Earl Erald, from Engoland, neighboring county of Hedeby. And yes, I killed this man's brother in cold blood before he could rape me and take away my honor!"
The whole hall begun to murmur.
"If you kill me, I am sure that my father will invade Kattegat with full strength, for he will find many allies to fulfill his revenge upon the woman who killed his only daughter. It is all on you, Queen Lagertha!" she finished calmly.
"There is no need for such statement, young lady. Your father is an honored man and a great earl, an important ally, indeed. I know that you acted in self-defense and for that, I will not sentence you. There was no crime!" she proclaimed and Isa made a little curtsy.
The man left the place and nothing was heard about him.
Isa walked home without her basket and food. There was no way that she would go to the same path again - so she went to another with more movement. She was covered in blood from head to waist, as filthy as possible for someone who had just killed a man.
"What a lovely day..." she said to herself in a sardonic tone, kicking some stones in her way.
She was aware of what she had just done. She killed a man and then threatened the new queen, all in the same day.
"Father will chop my ears when he hear about what I did. But mother will be proud, I am sure of it!" she kept talking to herself.
By that time, the whole town should know about what happened. There would be gossips and misinterpretation of the truth. Probably they would speak about the odd youngest daughter of the earl and her short temper - which was not truth at all. She was the most patient person, also the kindest. To do what she did, she was pushed to the cliff and, to keep safe, she played according to the game and protected herself. That was all.
Isa arrived home and her dogs received her with howls.
"It is just me, stupid dogs!" and she giggled.
The four dogs then greeted her with the swaying of their tails and a few barks, sniffing the scent of the blood stuck on her skin.
The young woman sat at the balcony of the hut and rested a little before start to clean her face, bust and arms. She took a deep breath and then reached for some cloths and water inside her home. She sat again outside and finally started to clean the red in her.
The dogs started to bark.
"Shut up!" she said twisting the cloth inside the bowl on her lap.
The dogs kept barking.
"But why, in the name of the..." she was saying when she saw at whom they were barking at.
It was a surprise to see the young prince Ivar crawling towards her place.
"Fergus, Angus, Borus and Regulus. Come here!" she yelled to them and they obeyed, leaving the lad in peace to complete the path.
"I thought that you would like to have this back..." he said with a slave by his side carrying her basket.
She looked at him with suspicion, cautious, whilst they approached to where she was. The slave then put the object close to her in the balcony and waited.
"Leave now!" he said to the woman and she obeyed while he was sitting in the balcony as well.
Isa said nothing, she just kept doing what she was doing before. Regulus then came closer to the young man, curious. Isa just observed while cleaning her neck. The dog then simply laid beside him with his belly up.
"Are you serious, Regulus?!" she said unbelieving.
Ivar laughed and petted the dog's belly.
"What a great son of a wolf you are. You refuse the leadership of Fergus and act like a bitch with a stranger!" she completed and watched the other dogs do the same.
She gave up after that and the young man laughed at her expression.
"You will not thank me for bringing your basket to you?" he said petting the other dogs.
"I should thank your slave then. She carried, you just ordered." she joked.
He scowled.
"It was a joke. Apparently, I am quite stupid today and I do not even know why. I am sorry and thank you." she said after rolling her eyes.
"Now, what do you want?" Isa asked abruptly, spitting to the ground some of the blood with water that invaded her mouth.
"Why do you ask?" and he looked at her with a mischievous half grin.
"I heard that you are not gentle. You never were. What do you want from me? I have nothing to give you, if you want to know!" she said almost stumbling in the words.
He thought a bit.
"I saw you threat the queen. So I became curious to know who owned your loyalty!" he said cunningly. "And I also saw you a few days ago talking with Jorig in the forge and I got curious." he added.
"I know you saw me, for I saw you, prince." and she spat again.
"So..." and he became a little impatient.
"So what?"
"To whom are you loyal, Eraldsdottir?" and he arched one of his brows.
"I am loyal to myself, and that is all!" she answered, now cleaning her arms.
"This is no answer!" and he frowned.
"A person who is not loyal to oneself is not worthy of nothing at all. And, before you ask me to take part in your small war, my answer is no. I do not kill!" she said nobly as if she owned every single word.
He growled in a new scowl and threw the basket across the balcony.
"How stupid you are!" he exclaimed peeved.
"I told you so. Today I am the stupidest person alive!" she spoke a little debauched.
"Is that a kind of joke to you?" and he approached her about to explode.
"Look, prince, this might be the first time you hear a ‘no’ in your life, and you might not be used to it, but you should. Why would I fight in your behalf? Why would I use my father's men just to play the game of whom will sit in the throne or not? Why should I avenge the dead queen, your mother, when there is much more to do? Please, prince, think. The world does not spin around your royal navel!" and she stared him, watching his eyes burst into fire.
He then, impulsively, closed one of his fists around her neck and, with the other hand, he pointed his finger to her face.
"Watch your tone, woman, I might not be this merciful next time!" he said in an attempt to control himself from breaking her neck.
"You better watch your actions, prince, for I might not be this merciful next time!" and she whistled.
The four dogs then growled getting close to them, ready to attack the man at the command of their owner.
"I am not a cruel person, but if you hurt me I will be pleased to order them to eat you alive. You know, they are half hounds and half wolves. And I trained them myself since their birth!" she smiled slightly.
Ivar then released her neck slowly as the four animals still growled.
"Fine!" he said between his teeth with his jaw clenched.
"Fine!" she said and then whistled again, making the dogs calm down.
She stood up after that and threw away the bloody water in the bowl. Isa then took the things off the wooden floor and put into the basket again, ready to get inside her home.
"Will you stay for supper?" she asked from the door and he looked at her as if she was insane. "I told you, today I am stupid!"
He said nothing, just crawled quite embarrassed to inside the place, following her steps.
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