#oc: florencia sánchez
daughter-of-melpomene · 4 months
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“Fast & Furious” OC — born May 29th, 1975
General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @auxiliarydetective, @foxesandmagic,
@artemisocs, @reyofluke-ocs, @endless-oc-creations, @stanshollaand,
@ginnystilinski-reblogs, @luucypevensie, @ginger-grimm, @arrthurpendragon,
@fakedatings, @impales, @claryxjackson, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @eddysocs,
@lucys-chen, @ocappreciationtag. (Also tagging @xoteajays.)
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xoteajays · 2 years
Okay SO:
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Her name is Florencia “Flo” Sánchez, and she’s a member of Dom’s team. She starts out as an MMA instructor who also moonlights as a street racer just for the fun of it, and she is an amazing driver, but she’s also a really skilled pickpocket and conwoman, which makes her extra useful. I feel like she’d probably be introduced sometime in the second movie as a part of the street racing crew Tej refs for, and Brian remembers her skills so he calls her in for help on a mission in a later movie. I don’t have her backstory totally worked out yet, but rest assured she is an absolute badass who loves and lives fearlessly and takes shit from no one.
I also don’t quite have her love interest worked out yet, but I’m leaning towards Roman. Then again, I can also see her with Shaw (Deckard, not Owen), so I’m not really sure there.
Anyway, that’s what I’ve got for her so far! Lemme know what you think!! 🖤🖤🖤
monia raymund is an great fc choice, i love her, i keep meaning to use her myself but i haven’t found a reason to yet. flo sounds totally awesome, gotta stan an ass-kicking badass. also roman love interest, he really is one of my fav characters from f&f and deserves more love tbh; i do love deckard too, even for as much shit as i give him through my own oc.
anyway! totally excellent! i’d love to see more of her as you develop her!
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daughter-of-melpomene · 9 months
hii Dolly!!! a little birdy sent me, hoping you could give a few facts about each of your new ocs so I could make you something nice 🐦
Well, hello there, dear Anon!! On the off chance that by "new OCs" you mean the ones I submitted for the OC Potluck Exchange, those are the ones I will share some facts about!! If not, well, all of these OCs are new this year, or at least ones that I've neglected a bit this year, so this still works!! (Also, I put four out of five of them under the cut just to save space.)
First, let's talk about Ananya Kaur, one of my new Pride & Prejudice OCs!!
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Ananya is three years younger than her older brother Rohan, and as much as she absolutely adores her brother, she hates nothing more than when he teases her about being younger and "respecting your elders".
She is married to Fitzwilliam Darcy, but not at all because either of them love each other. In fact, it's more of a lavender marriage situation, with her brother married to Elizabeth Bennet, because Rohan and Darcy are in love and so are Ananya and Lizzie, so the four of them agreed to the marriages so that everyone could be with the person they loved.
However, despite not being in love, Ananya and Darcy are very good friends. They spend a lot of time together when Lizzie and Rohan aren't around, either talking or just reading together in companionable silence. They are also very sunshine x sunshine protector - Ananya is a very sweet and caring person, and Darcy will always do his best to prevent her from being taken advantage of.
Ananya has a true green thumb, and had her own little garden out back when she and Rohan still lived with their parents. Now that she lives at Darcy's estate, she's in charge of all the gardens and their upkeep, and most often can be found kneeling in one of the flowerbeds with her hands deep in the dirt.
Despite not being very skilled when it comes to music itself - singing and playing the pianoforte and the like - Ananya is a remarkable dancer. Though that alone has never exactly earned her any proposals, many people at social gatherings tend to remark on how skilled she is at it.
Next, we have one of my Fast & Furious OCs, AJ Vargas!!
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Now, unlike most of Dom's crew, AJ has very little skill actually driving - in fact, he failed his driver's test twice before he finally got his license. However, he is a master of repairing and supping up cars, making additions and changing things around within cars to make them faster, tougher, and more likely to kick ass.
Having grown up with the Shaw siblings, AJ started sleeping with Owen on and off when they were teenagers, and this relationship continued right up until AJ defected from Owen's criminal crew and offered to help Dom's team. It was a very unhealthy relationship, with Owen calling every single one of the shots and AJ allowing his cruelty to go on for far too long because he was blinded by love, and AJ can acknowledge that, but it was also the only semi-real relationship he ever had before he got together with Roman and sometimes, secretly, he still misses it.
However, even AJ's borderline betrayal of Owen and all the damages that came after has never actually stopped Queenie, the Shaw siblings' mother, from seeing AJ as her favorite child, whether he's biologically hers or not. Owen, Deckard, and Hattie have all complained about this before, but according to Queenie, AJ is the only one of them who's never been foolish enough to get arrested for his criminal activity, so why wouldn't he be her favorite?
AJ is fluent in five languages, including English and Spanish, and fairly regularly, when he wants to insult someone, will do it in one of the non-English languages, because typically the person won't speak the language he's using and either doesn't know what they've just been called or can't prove they've been insulted.
AJ is actually unlikely besties with Letty, since he was always kind to her when she was part of Owen's crew when she didn't have her memories and vouched for him when he first approached Dom's team as a result. They quite often have little silent hang-outs where they just sit next to each other and drink (wine for AJ, something stronger for Letty) and judge other people for a bit.
AJ is actually unlikely besties with Letty, since he was always kind to her when she was part of Owen's crew when she didn't have her memories and vouched for him when he first approached Dom's team as a result. They quite often have little silent hang-outs where they just sit next to each other and drink (wine for AJ, something stronger for Letty) and judge other people for a bit.
Now onto my other Fast & Furious OC, Florencia "Flo" Sánchez!
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Flo, unlike AJ, is a more standard member of Dom's crew - she's an absolutely badass driver, first recruited onto the team during Brian and Dom's bid to infiltrate Braga's crew and find information about Letty, since Brian remembered her from Tej's racing ring.
She's also a bisexual queen, who loves to show her pride as much as possible. She has several bi flag and pride flag t-shirts, pretty much always has a bi flag pin on her jacket or some flag-colored jewelry if she's not wearing a shirt, and even has purple, pink, and blue dice hanging from the mirror of her car.
She's a Deckard Shaw love interest, despite the fact that she absolutely hates him when they first meet for nearly killing most of her found family and then strolling in to team up with them like they're the unreasonable ones for being angry at him. It takes a lot of anger and sniping back and forth (and even physical fights that occasionally include knives held to throats) before they're even ready to say they don't hate each other, let alone for them to get together, but they do get there.
Flo is also an MMA instructor in between adventures with the team, and she often puts those skills to good use in the more face-to-face confrontations involved in the family's fights. She's also tried to teach other members of the team to fight, but it hasn't always gone well (Ramsey, for example, refused to take any more lessons after a week, and Tej just refused to take any outright).
Surprisingly enough for all the things she's done in her life, Flo is actually a practicing Christian - she's not Catholic like she was raised, and she doesn't find herself in a church very often, but she prays very regularly and always wears her mother's old cross necklace, as well as keeping another small cross on a chain in the glove compartment of all her cars.
Now let's talk about Greta Dwarf, my new Descendants OC!!
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Being the daughter of Grumpy, Greta may not have had a lot of friends until the VKs came to Auradon due to her prickly attitude, but she's also always had a loving family with her dad, uncles, and cousins. Greta is very much a family girl in her own unique, surly way, and would do anything for her family, and she knows they would all do the same for her.
Greta is a big fan of punk and rock music, for all there isn't a lot of those kind of bands in Auradon. It makes up about ninety percent of the music on all her playlists, she has posters of her favorite bands all around the bed in her dorm room, and tickets to an underground punk show is the best present you could possibly get her. Evie does convince her to expand her musical horizons eventually, but it takes time.
Although it isn't exactly uncommon for the kids of sidekicks in Auradon to only have one parent (and Greta certainly does consider her uncles and some of her older cousins to be parental figures), she often wonders who her mother is and what drew her father to her in the first place. She wouldn't ever try and find her or ask too many questions if her father didn't want her to, but the curiosity is still there, and there's always a chance she might indulge it one day.
For a very long time, Greta calls Audrey "Pinky" to annoy her, but after Greta starts opening up to people more and Audrey starts working to improve herself following the whole incident with her trying to take over Auradon, the nickname and all the little barbs they like to throw back and forth stop. They don't ever actually become friends, there's too many years of animosity between them for that, but they do eventually become comfortable with each other.
Greta's family has known she was a lesbian since she was eight, long before she even fully realized it, so she's never had an official coming out, at least not to her family. There was simply never a need for it, since they all already knew.
And finally, we have the OC who's not new so much as a bit neglected - my Brooklyn Nine-Nine baby, Nicky Bauer!
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Nicky is basically a collector of fidget toys. His desk at the precinct is absolutely littered with toys of all kinds, fidget spinners and tangles and Rubix cubes alike. Miraculously, his desk is also very organized, despite the amount of stuff on it.
Despite his trauma associated with religion, since it's the reason his parents kicked him out after he came out, Nicky still goes to church most Sundays he's not working and prays fairly regularly. Faith was still a big part of his childhood, and not only does he sincerely believe in God, he doesn't quite want to let go of the comfort religion brings him.
Nicky's first kiss with a boy was in his senior year of high school, with an Italian exchange student that he had been working on a project with at the other boy's house. This was a month or so after Nicky had been kicked out and wasn't living with his parents anymore, and he nearly cried right after the kiss, because this was the first time he'd done something relating to his true self that he'd been able to do without worrying about his parents finding out and getting angry at him.
Nicky never exactly had an emo phase, so much as he went through a phase where he wore a lot of hoodies and jeans and usually had his hood up to hide his face when he could get away with it. It had more to do with his insecurities after his parents kicked him out than it did with any real emo inclinations, but after finding pictures from that era, Rosa still likes to tease him about it.
Speaking of Rosa! She and Nicky are absolute besties, as unexpected as that is/was. Rosa just finds Nicky's optimism and internal strength, not to mention his remarkable skill as a detective, really amazing, and because of that she basically just decided that this was her friend who she'd protect with her life. She likes Nicky so much that when he and Jake start dating, despite the fact that she's been friends with Jake for longer, Jake is the one who gets the shovel talk from her.
Anyways!! Thank you so much again for asking about my newer babies, and I really look forward to seeing what you make!!
(Also gonna tag @oneirataxia-girl since she wanted to know about my Pride & Prejudice babies, and @dancingsunflowers-ocs and @carmens-garden since I know they love Greta!!)
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❝ If Flo was one thing, it was a damn good driver. Well, she was more things than that, of course - a daughter of dead parents, a dedicated MMA instructor, a skilled con artist - but if you’d asked her what her defining trait was, she would have answered with her driving skills. She’d been competing in illegal street races since she was only fifteen years old and in need of money to support herself and her overworked mother after her father’s death, and she was good at them. No matter what she was driving, no matter how good her opponents, Flo would always manage to come out on top, especially when no one expected her to.
It was this skill that had led her to become a part of Dom Toretto’s team of outlaws and speed junkies. After first meeting Brian O’Conner when she was still a part of the street racing ring refereed by Tej Parker, Flo had impressed the former fed and been called in to help when Brian and his friend needed help infiltrating a Mexican gang and getting revenge for Dom’s dead girlfriend (who had later been proven not to be dead, which was a whole trip for everybody involved).
Since then, Flo had been considered a valuable member of the Toretto family-slash-team, playing a part in every mission they’d done together since. She’d developed a fast friendship with Mia, relished in throwing jabs at Roman alongside Tej, and would have gladly done anything Dom asked of her. She wasn’t used to fully trusting anyone, but Flo would have followed this group of people anywhere without a second thought.
Except that right now, it seems very much like Dom has betrayed everyone and run off with some creepy blonde lady, and now the team is being forced to work with the same British asshole who killed one of their friends and nearly killed everyone else. (And who hasn’t stopped flirting with Flo since Hobbs broke him out of prison, and who isn’t that bad-looking, but that is so not the point.)
Still, Flo’s pretty sure that as long as she has her crazy found family and her driving skills, she can get through almost anything. Even facing down one of the smartest and scariest opponents they’ve ever faced. Even developing sort-of feelings for the same British asshole that the whole rest of the team hates.
Well, she did say she was only pretty sure. ❞
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General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @auxiliarydetective, @foxesandmagic, @artemisocs, @reyofluke-ocs, @endless-oc-creations, @stanshollaand, @ginevrastilinski, @luucypevensie, @arrthurpendragon, @fakedatings, @impales, @claryxjackson, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @ocappreciationtag. (Also tagging @xoteajays since they’re the only other one I know with an OC in this fandom.)
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⌨ + flo — @xoteajays
Thanks a bunch for this ask!!
Before Shaw could get out another syllable, Flo had lunged forward and shoved him up against the wall, her grip on his collar so tight the veins on her hands popped out. He let out a small, pained grunt as the back of his head bounced off the solid surface, but for some reason that only served to increase the fury pulsing through Flo, and she gritted her teeth.
“You think this is funny,” she hissed, leaning in until her nose was practically touching Shaw’s and all she could see was the slight surprised widening of his eyes. “Dom’s gone, this Cipher chick wants to kill all of us, and you’re getting a goddamn laugh out of it.”
“Sure am, love,” Shaw replied, voice slightly strained from the tight grip Flo had on him - and all of a sudden, their stances had been reversed and Flo was the one pressed up against the wall, an impressive-looking pocket knife that must have come from one of Shaw’s pockets pressed against her throat.
“In fact,” Shaw practically purred, leaning in just as Flo had done, “I think this is pretty bloody hilarious. You wankers put my baby brother in a coma in the name of family, and now you find out your leader’s left everyone to go shack up with a hacker.”
Normally Flo would’ve been a little more cautious with a knife at her neck, but indignation gave her strength, and she brought one of her booted feet up to slam it back down onto Shaw’s toe. When he jolted from the sudden pain, she took the opportunity to reach up and jerk the knife out of his hand, pushing forward and spinning around in the same move so that their positions were once again reversed and she had Shaw’s own knife poised a hair’s length away from his jugular.
“Let me tell you something,” Flo snarled, regaining her hold on Shaw’s collar and shoving him further against the wall. “Your baby brother was an asshole with a god complex who was willing to sell a device that could’ve caused a natural disaster to a bunch of even bigger assholes with more money. I’m not saying he deserved to be in a coma for that, but I’m sure as hell not sorry for helping to put him there. And it does not-” She nudged the blade a little ways forward, laying the tip lightly against Shaw’s throat without breaking the skin. “Give you the right to laugh at my family falling apart. ‘Cause I’ll tell you something, not one of us was laughing about what we did to your brother. We were just doing what we had to.
“And if you screw us over… if I even get a sense that you’re gonna betray us…” She pushed off from the wall, releasing her grip on Shaw, before stabbing the small knife into the fabric of his collar, pinning him in place, before leaning back in so their noses were just barely touching.
“Then I won’t hesitate to do what I’m gonna have to do. Because no one in your family is gonna hurt my team again if I have one fuckin’ thing to say about it.”
And with that, she spun around and walked away, not looking back, leaving Shaw to struggle free of his own knife.
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Send me ⌨ + an OC and I’ll write a snippet for that OC!!
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daughter-of-melpomene · 11 months
⌨️ + flo sanchez
Always happy to get asks for my girl Flo! Thanks so much, Kass! <3
"Alright, that settles it," Ramsey's voice panted through the coms. "Next time, we're letting Flo seduce the sleazy rich guy."
Flo smiled, though she knew her friend couldn't see it, and wrinkled her nose. "Gotta admit, Rams, 'm not totally sure whether you've got confidence in my flirting skills or you just wanna pass the burden onto me."
"Well, hey, what if it's a sleazy rich lady next time?" Roman piped up from beside her, smiling in that way he had that was both playful and smug. "Then do I get to bust out my moves?"
An amused snort came from beside Flo, and she and Roman both turned back to see Tej smirking at them.
"Wouldn't count on it," the hacker said to Rome. "I'm pretty sure Flo could put that bisexual swagger to use on gentlemen and ladies."
"Hell yeah," Flo replied with a smile, reaching out her hand for a fist bump. It was only once Tej had returned it that she realized Roman hadn't said anything in response, and turned her head to find him staring at her with widened eyes.
"You-" Rome stammered out, seeming to be at a loss for words as he pointed loosely at Flo. "You're-"
"Oh, yeah," Flo replied with a casual shrug. "Sorry, I kinda figured everyone on the team knew." But when Rome still didn't say anything and his expression didn't change, she crossed her arms and levelled a look at him, feeling defensiveness rise in her chest. "That a problem?"
"Hell yeah it's a problem," Roman finally said, and Flo scowled, about to give him a piece of her mind, when - "Now I ain't never gonna get to be the honeypot!"
There was a moment of mildly stunned silence, in which Tej and Flo just stood there staring at the almost comical frown on Roman's face. Then the both of them exploded into laughter that was a mix of amusement and relief, and Flo could even hear Ramsey, who'd been silent for a few minutes now, join in.
"What?" Roman demanded incredulously, his frown deepening as Flo's laughter bent her over slightly, holding the back of Tej's chair for support. "I am fully and completely serious, this is not fair!"
"Oh my god," Flo gasped once she could summon enough air to speak again, and grinned as she clapped Roman on the shoulder. "Never change, Rome. Never change."
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send me ⌨ + an oc and I’ll write a snippet for that oc!!
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oc masterlist — action/adventure media
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚-𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦 (𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟎).
name: dorothy “dot” watanabe. fic: angel with a shotgun. pronouns: she/her. ship: h.m. “howling mad” murdock. faceclaim: karen fukuhara.
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚-𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦 (𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬).
name: javier “javi” martinez. fic: the only exception. pronouns: he/him. ship: templeton “faceman” peck. faceclaim: oscar isaac.
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𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭 & 𝐟𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬.
name: florencia “flo” sánchez. fic: shut up and drive. pronouns: she/her. ship: deckard shaw. faceclaim: monica raymund.
name: adriano “aj” vargas. fic: getaway car. pronouns: he/him. ship: roman pearce. faceclaim: oscar isaac.
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𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐣𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬.
name: lucy “lou” scrubb. fic: what the world could be. pronouns: she/her. ship: indiana jones. faceclaim: rachel weisz.
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𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐜𝐤.
name: willow madden. fic: nightmare. pronouns: she/her. ship: john wick. faceclaim: jennifer garner.
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧.
name: enola holmes. fic: everything i wanted. pronouns: she/her. ship: tom sawyer. faceclaim: hailee steinfeld.
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𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞.
name: john laurens “laurens” gates. fic: centuries. pronouns: he/him. ship: riley poole. faceclaim: luke thompson.
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𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.
name: adachi star. fic: uncharted waters. pronouns: she/her. ship: roronoa zoro. faceclaim: erin kellyman.
name: hayashi lark. fic: bird set free. pronouns: she/her. ship: vinsmoke sanji. faceclaim: rachel zegler.
name: morvant bellatrix. fic: hoist the colors. pronouns: she/her. ship: dracule mihawk. faceclaim: ruibo qian.
name: yami corvo. fic: blood in the water. pronouns: they/them. ship: red haired shanks. faceclaim: vico ortiz.
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𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐨𝐧.
name: lydia chen. fic: running down (to the riptide). pronouns: she/her. ship: percy jackson. faceclaim: peyton elizabeth lee.
name: arabella larson. fic: all’s fair. pronouns: she/her. ship: noelle perez (oc). faceclaim: malina weissman.
name: noelle perez. fic: all’s fair. pronouns: she/her. ship: arabella larson (oc). faceclaim: jenna ortega.
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𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐠𝐮𝐧: 𝐦𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤.
name: reyna “sweetheart” castillo. fic: still i fly. pronouns: she/her. ship: jake “hangman” seresin. faceclaim: eva noblezada.
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𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐫.
name: clarke taleb. fic: lightning in a bottle. pronouns: she/her. ship: santiago “pope” garcia + frankie “catfish” morales + benny miller + will “ironhead” miller. faceclaim: may calamawy.
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