#oc: nicky bauer
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OC HALLOWEEN CHALLENGE — Day One: Life in Plastic.
It’s fantastic! Is your OC more of a Barbie or a Bratz? Maybe they go to Monster High, or they’re an American Girl Doll with an inspiring story? Perhaps you want to make a Funko version of your OC? To put it simply, this day is about dolls as an ode to the best movie of 2023; Barbie.
Featuring Dot Watanabe (The A-Team 2010), Nicky Bauer (Brooklyn Nine-Nine), Elin Eriksdottir (MCU), Eddie Baker (Criminal Minds), Elena Isley (DCEU), and Matt Vaughn (Stranger Things).
General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @auxiliarydetective, @foxesandmagic, @artemisocs, @reyofluke-ocs, @endless-oc-creations, @stanshollaand, @ginevrastilinski-ocs, @luucypevensie, @arrthurpendragon, @fakedatings, @impales, @claryxjackson, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @eddysocs, @lucys-chen, @ocappreciationtag.
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💌 + Nickey Bauer?
I always love getting asks about my boy, thank you, Greta!! Also gonna tag @luucypevensie and @manyfandomocs since I know they love Nicky too. <3 <3
Nicky/Jake (of course).
Amy/Rosa (I’ve always kind of shipped them and since my beloved Peraltiago doesn’t get together in this fic, I figure why not?).
Terry/Sharon (the ultimate couple and parents ever).
Holt/Kevin (precinct gay dads!!).
Boyle/Vivian (I always thought they were cute together, so in the fic she moves back from Canada because she realized she couldn’t live without Charles and they raise Nikolaj together).
send me 💌 + an oc/fic and i’ll tell you all the endgame ships in the fic!!
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daughter-of-melpomene · 7 months
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“Brooklyn Nine-Nine OC” — born March 2nd, 198
General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @foxesandmagic, @artemisocs, @reyofluke-ocs, @endless-oc-creations, @stanshollaand, @ginevrastilinski-ocs, @luucypevensie, @ginger-grimm, @arrthurpendragon, @fakedatings, @impales, @claryxjackson, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @eddysocs, @lucys-chen, @ocappreciationtag.
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daughter-of-melpomene · 6 months
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❝ Nicky was used to not being “normal”. He’d been diagnosed as autistic at the tender age of eleven, and from that point on had been the subject of many hateful looks and uncreative taunts from his neurotypical classmates, who apparently thought that having an autistic person among them was the worst kind of injustice. Nicky had then been disowned and thrown out of the house at the age of seventeen by his fervently religious parents, who apparently could accept an autistic son but not a gay one, and had been forced to rely on the kindness of his friends’ families for a place to stay until he had graduated high school and won a university scholarship that allowed him to stay in a dorm on campus.
Years after graduating from university and the police academy and finally becoming a detective like he’d always dreamed, Nicky was transferred to Brooklyn’s ninety-ninth precinct, where he expected to once again be treated like a strange outsider by his “normal” co-workers. But to his utter surprise, Nicky quickly found himself one of the only sensible people in his new workplace, at least compared to Jake Peralta’s chaotic antics, his captain’s general incompetence, and... literally everything that went on with Hitchcock and Scully.
But now the Nine-Nine has a new captain, a much more serious one who promises to finally knock some sense into this madhouse of a precinct. However, Jake continues to resist Holt’s attempts at forcing him to act responsibly, Rosa continues to be a stoic lover of weapons and violence, and Nicky? He continues to be an awkward mess of bad jokes and fidget toys who has a hopeless crush on his most chaotic co-worker.
Maybe Nicky’s life, and Nicky himself, will never be “normal”. But, maybe, that’s not as bad a thing as he’s always lead himself to believe. ❞
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General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @foxesandmagic, @artemisocs, @reyofluke-ocs, @endless-oc-creations, @stanshollaand, @ginnystilinski-reblogs, @luucypevensie, @ginger-grimm, @arrthurpendragon, @fakedatings, @impales, @claryxjackson, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @eddysocs, @lucys-chen, @ocappreciationtag. (Also tagging @manyfandomocs.)
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daughter-of-melpomene · 7 months
🌟 + Nicky Bauer?? (I love Jeremy Jordan sm)
Thank you so much for asking about my boy, Charlie!! And I’ll also tag @luucypevensie and @ginger-grimm since I know they love my precious detective as well. <3
Nicky is basically a collector of fidget toys. His desk at the precinct is absolutely littered with toys of all kinds, fidget spinners and tangles and Rubix cubes alike. Miraculously, his desk is also very organized, despite the amount of stuff on it.
Nicky's first kiss with a boy was in his senior year of high school, with an Italian exchange student that he had been working on a project with at the other boy's house. This was a month or so after Nicky had been kicked out and wasn't living with his parents anymore, and he nearly cried right after the kiss, because this was the first time he'd done something relating to his true self that he'd been able to do without worrying about his parents finding out and getting angry at him.
Nicky never exactly had an emo phase, so much as he went through a phase where he wore a lot of hoodies and jeans and usually had his hood up to hide his face when he could get away with it. It had more to do with his insecurities after his parents kicked him out than it did with any real emo inclinations, but after finding pictures from that era, Rosa still likes to tease him about it.
Despite his trauma associated with religion, since it's the reason his parents kicked him out after he came out, Nicky still goes to church most Sundays he's not working and prays fairly regularly. Faith was still a big part of his childhood, and not only does he sincerely believe in God, he doesn't quite want to let go of the comfort religion brings him.
Nicky is extremely picky about his coffee, what he puts in it, and how much of certain things he puts into it, which is why he refuses to ever use the coffee machine at the precinct - he doesn’t trust the type of coffee they use at all. He always either makes his own at home and brings it in a big thermos so it will last all day, or makes a few trips to a shop down the block from the precinct that makes it exactly how he likes it on his breaks.
In what he insists is the only gay stereotype he fulfills, Nicky loves musicals and theatre in general, although he’s never been in any kind of production himself. His favorites are Hamilton and the Legally Blonde musical.
On a similar name, he once realized who the killer was in a murder that had the team stumped literally only because he overheard Boyle singing a song from Sweeney Todd to himself. It’s a bit of a long story.
As much as he loves coffee, Nicky also has an appreciation for tea; he bonds with Kevin over it, as it would happen.
His main stim is clicking his tongue when he’s really focused on something, and he needs to do it to be able to properly focus. He always feels a bit bad about doing it in the precinct because he worries it’s annoying, but Rosa always shuts him down immediately before he can overthink it.
Nicky’s favorite kind of pie is blueberry. He also has a great hatred for coconut cream pie, and he does not trust anyone who likes it.
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send me an oc and i’ll give you ten facts about them!!
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daughter-of-melpomene · 9 months
hii Dolly!!! a little birdy sent me, hoping you could give a few facts about each of your new ocs so I could make you something nice 🐦
Well, hello there, dear Anon!! On the off chance that by "new OCs" you mean the ones I submitted for the OC Potluck Exchange, those are the ones I will share some facts about!! If not, well, all of these OCs are new this year, or at least ones that I've neglected a bit this year, so this still works!! (Also, I put four out of five of them under the cut just to save space.)
First, let's talk about Ananya Kaur, one of my new Pride & Prejudice OCs!!
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Ananya is three years younger than her older brother Rohan, and as much as she absolutely adores her brother, she hates nothing more than when he teases her about being younger and "respecting your elders".
She is married to Fitzwilliam Darcy, but not at all because either of them love each other. In fact, it's more of a lavender marriage situation, with her brother married to Elizabeth Bennet, because Rohan and Darcy are in love and so are Ananya and Lizzie, so the four of them agreed to the marriages so that everyone could be with the person they loved.
However, despite not being in love, Ananya and Darcy are very good friends. They spend a lot of time together when Lizzie and Rohan aren't around, either talking or just reading together in companionable silence. They are also very sunshine x sunshine protector - Ananya is a very sweet and caring person, and Darcy will always do his best to prevent her from being taken advantage of.
Ananya has a true green thumb, and had her own little garden out back when she and Rohan still lived with their parents. Now that she lives at Darcy's estate, she's in charge of all the gardens and their upkeep, and most often can be found kneeling in one of the flowerbeds with her hands deep in the dirt.
Despite not being very skilled when it comes to music itself - singing and playing the pianoforte and the like - Ananya is a remarkable dancer. Though that alone has never exactly earned her any proposals, many people at social gatherings tend to remark on how skilled she is at it.
Next, we have one of my Fast & Furious OCs, AJ Vargas!!
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Now, unlike most of Dom's crew, AJ has very little skill actually driving - in fact, he failed his driver's test twice before he finally got his license. However, he is a master of repairing and supping up cars, making additions and changing things around within cars to make them faster, tougher, and more likely to kick ass.
Having grown up with the Shaw siblings, AJ started sleeping with Owen on and off when they were teenagers, and this relationship continued right up until AJ defected from Owen's criminal crew and offered to help Dom's team. It was a very unhealthy relationship, with Owen calling every single one of the shots and AJ allowing his cruelty to go on for far too long because he was blinded by love, and AJ can acknowledge that, but it was also the only semi-real relationship he ever had before he got together with Roman and sometimes, secretly, he still misses it.
However, even AJ's borderline betrayal of Owen and all the damages that came after has never actually stopped Queenie, the Shaw siblings' mother, from seeing AJ as her favorite child, whether he's biologically hers or not. Owen, Deckard, and Hattie have all complained about this before, but according to Queenie, AJ is the only one of them who's never been foolish enough to get arrested for his criminal activity, so why wouldn't he be her favorite?
AJ is fluent in five languages, including English and Spanish, and fairly regularly, when he wants to insult someone, will do it in one of the non-English languages, because typically the person won't speak the language he's using and either doesn't know what they've just been called or can't prove they've been insulted.
AJ is actually unlikely besties with Letty, since he was always kind to her when she was part of Owen's crew when she didn't have her memories and vouched for him when he first approached Dom's team as a result. They quite often have little silent hang-outs where they just sit next to each other and drink (wine for AJ, something stronger for Letty) and judge other people for a bit.
AJ is actually unlikely besties with Letty, since he was always kind to her when she was part of Owen's crew when she didn't have her memories and vouched for him when he first approached Dom's team as a result. They quite often have little silent hang-outs where they just sit next to each other and drink (wine for AJ, something stronger for Letty) and judge other people for a bit.
Now onto my other Fast & Furious OC, Florencia "Flo" Sánchez!
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Flo, unlike AJ, is a more standard member of Dom's crew - she's an absolutely badass driver, first recruited onto the team during Brian and Dom's bid to infiltrate Braga's crew and find information about Letty, since Brian remembered her from Tej's racing ring.
She's also a bisexual queen, who loves to show her pride as much as possible. She has several bi flag and pride flag t-shirts, pretty much always has a bi flag pin on her jacket or some flag-colored jewelry if she's not wearing a shirt, and even has purple, pink, and blue dice hanging from the mirror of her car.
She's a Deckard Shaw love interest, despite the fact that she absolutely hates him when they first meet for nearly killing most of her found family and then strolling in to team up with them like they're the unreasonable ones for being angry at him. It takes a lot of anger and sniping back and forth (and even physical fights that occasionally include knives held to throats) before they're even ready to say they don't hate each other, let alone for them to get together, but they do get there.
Flo is also an MMA instructor in between adventures with the team, and she often puts those skills to good use in the more face-to-face confrontations involved in the family's fights. She's also tried to teach other members of the team to fight, but it hasn't always gone well (Ramsey, for example, refused to take any more lessons after a week, and Tej just refused to take any outright).
Surprisingly enough for all the things she's done in her life, Flo is actually a practicing Christian - she's not Catholic like she was raised, and she doesn't find herself in a church very often, but she prays very regularly and always wears her mother's old cross necklace, as well as keeping another small cross on a chain in the glove compartment of all her cars.
Now let's talk about Greta Dwarf, my new Descendants OC!!
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Being the daughter of Grumpy, Greta may not have had a lot of friends until the VKs came to Auradon due to her prickly attitude, but she's also always had a loving family with her dad, uncles, and cousins. Greta is very much a family girl in her own unique, surly way, and would do anything for her family, and she knows they would all do the same for her.
Greta is a big fan of punk and rock music, for all there isn't a lot of those kind of bands in Auradon. It makes up about ninety percent of the music on all her playlists, she has posters of her favorite bands all around the bed in her dorm room, and tickets to an underground punk show is the best present you could possibly get her. Evie does convince her to expand her musical horizons eventually, but it takes time.
Although it isn't exactly uncommon for the kids of sidekicks in Auradon to only have one parent (and Greta certainly does consider her uncles and some of her older cousins to be parental figures), she often wonders who her mother is and what drew her father to her in the first place. She wouldn't ever try and find her or ask too many questions if her father didn't want her to, but the curiosity is still there, and there's always a chance she might indulge it one day.
For a very long time, Greta calls Audrey "Pinky" to annoy her, but after Greta starts opening up to people more and Audrey starts working to improve herself following the whole incident with her trying to take over Auradon, the nickname and all the little barbs they like to throw back and forth stop. They don't ever actually become friends, there's too many years of animosity between them for that, but they do eventually become comfortable with each other.
Greta's family has known she was a lesbian since she was eight, long before she even fully realized it, so she's never had an official coming out, at least not to her family. There was simply never a need for it, since they all already knew.
And finally, we have the OC who's not new so much as a bit neglected - my Brooklyn Nine-Nine baby, Nicky Bauer!
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Nicky is basically a collector of fidget toys. His desk at the precinct is absolutely littered with toys of all kinds, fidget spinners and tangles and Rubix cubes alike. Miraculously, his desk is also very organized, despite the amount of stuff on it.
Despite his trauma associated with religion, since it's the reason his parents kicked him out after he came out, Nicky still goes to church most Sundays he's not working and prays fairly regularly. Faith was still a big part of his childhood, and not only does he sincerely believe in God, he doesn't quite want to let go of the comfort religion brings him.
Nicky's first kiss with a boy was in his senior year of high school, with an Italian exchange student that he had been working on a project with at the other boy's house. This was a month or so after Nicky had been kicked out and wasn't living with his parents anymore, and he nearly cried right after the kiss, because this was the first time he'd done something relating to his true self that he'd been able to do without worrying about his parents finding out and getting angry at him.
Nicky never exactly had an emo phase, so much as he went through a phase where he wore a lot of hoodies and jeans and usually had his hood up to hide his face when he could get away with it. It had more to do with his insecurities after his parents kicked him out than it did with any real emo inclinations, but after finding pictures from that era, Rosa still likes to tease him about it.
Speaking of Rosa! She and Nicky are absolute besties, as unexpected as that is/was. Rosa just finds Nicky's optimism and internal strength, not to mention his remarkable skill as a detective, really amazing, and because of that she basically just decided that this was her friend who she'd protect with her life. She likes Nicky so much that when he and Jake start dating, despite the fact that she's been friends with Jake for longer, Jake is the one who gets the shovel talk from her.
Anyways!! Thank you so much again for asking about my newer babies, and I really look forward to seeing what you make!!
(Also gonna tag @oneirataxia-girl since she wanted to know about my Pride & Prejudice babies, and @dancingsunflowers-ocs and @carmens-garden since I know they love Greta!!)
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daughter-of-melpomene · 11 months
🐰 for Nickey, I love B99 OCs
AN ASK FOR MY BOI NICKY, HELL YEAH!! Thank you so much, @carmens-garden!!
Their berserk button: People purposefully breaking others’ possessions. He understands that accidents happen, but if you’re going to damage something that someone else might have paid a lot of money for or that might have meant a lot to them on purpose, he will not hesitate to go off on you.
Why their name was chosen: Nicholas was his great-grandfather’s name, and his father had a thing about “upholding tradition” within the family, so that was the name he wanted for his son.
Their favorite 2020s song: “Hits Different” by Taylor Swift.
Their biggest fear: That someday he’ll do something that will make all the people he cares about turn on him and cast him out of their lives, the way his parents did when he came out.
One turn-on of theirs: Self-confidence combined with self-awareness. Someone being completely aware off all their strengths and flaws and what kind of person they are, and owning that, definitely gets him going.
Their go-to sleepover activities: Watching a bunch of old slasher movies and playing party games like Never Have I Ever.
What candle they'd get at Bath & Bodyworks: Winter Candy Apple - he loves the Christmas scents.
A moment where they reached their breaking point: Just after he and Jake had their first big fight as a couple, a woman whose stalker the team was trying to identify was brutally attacked and sent to the hospital by their culprit. All the stress of trying to figure out how to make up with Jake, combined with the guilt over what he felt was a personal failure in catching the stalker quick enough, caused one of the worst meltdowns Nicky had had since high school, leaving him crouched in a corner of the evidence room gasping through his tears.
Whether they're organized or slobby: He’s very organized; his desk at the precinct could rival Amy’s level of neat, with all his files sorted and his collection of fidget toys all lined up in a neat row.
Their favorite feature about themselves: The fact that he’s a good listener.
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send me 🐰 + an oc!!
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One Cute OC fact and one Angsty OC fact please
Thanks a bunch for this!! For the cute headcanon, I’ll tell you about Nicky, my Brooklyn Nine-Nine OC:
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Nicky has the entire Hamilton soundtrack memorized. He is constantly quoting various songs from the musical over the course of the day, and occasionally he and Boyle will quote lines back and forth, to the dismay of the other Nine-Nine detectives.
And for the angsty headcanon, here’s my Top Gun OC, Sweetheart:
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Sweetheart used to full-out dance as a stim (like, doing actual dance moves), but since most of her old squadron used to make fun of her for it and mock her dancing skills, she refuses to do it around people anymore. It makes her angry, really, since she always tries not to let other people’s words make her ashamed of her autism or her stimming, but every time she goes to do it, she hears the words of her old squadron in her head, and she can’t bring herself to dance, so she stims in a way that still helps, but not as much as stimming with her whole body.
Send me “cute” + an OC for a cute headcanon, and “angsty” + an OC for an angsty headcanon!
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and chastity qs for whichever u like <3
I decided to go with my Brooklyn Nine-Nine OC Nicky, thank you so much for this!!
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Is your OC a virgin? If not then how was their first sexual or romantic experience?
Nicky isn't a virgin, but he hasn't exactly "gotten around" as the saying goes either. His first time was with a classmate from the police academy, and it was… well, a bit awkward, considering it was Nicky’s first and the other guy was fairly experienced, but it was also pretty sweet and the guy was really understanding and, though they only went on two more dates after that, Nicky walked away from the whole thing feeling pretty good about his first time.
Does, or did, your OC consider sexual purity to be an important concept? If this is something about which they have changed their mind then what prompted this?
Despite being raised in a conservative Christian household where sexual purity was an incredibly important value, Nicky has never considered “purity” to be incredibly important. Only having sex once you’re married and to reproduce has never once made sense to him; sex is supposed to be enjoyable, and how is it supposed to be when there’s so many rules and expectations put on it?
Are they judgemental about the romantic or sexual lives of others? Do they believe that monogamy is the only true form of relationship? Or do they view others who are less sexually adventurous as dull or repressed?
No, no, and definitely not, considering he isn’t exactly very sexually adventurous himself. Nicky fully supports all types of relationships (both polygamous and monogamous) as along as all the people involved are happy and aren’t hurting anybody else, and he would never even think of judging anyone else for something as private and personal as their sex life.
Do they ever play matchmaker for their friends or family members? If so then how successful are they at this?
Nicky fully does not trust himself not to make the wrong decision if he tries to matchmake for someone, so he doesn’t even try (no matter how many schemes Gina has tried to rope him into).
Is your OC prudish about sexual matters or do they enjoy bawdy jokes or innuendos?
It really depends on the joke. Nicky doesn’t mind dirtier jokes if they’re actually clever or funny, but if they’re told just for the sake of shock value or saying something dirty, then it tends to make him slightly uncomfortable.
General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @auxiliarydetective, @foxesandmagic, @artemisocs, @reyofluke-ocs, @guardiansofheroes, @stanshollaand, @ginevrastilinski, @luucypevensie.
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daughter-of-melpomene · 7 months
Oc ship game: Nicky and Jake?
Ooooh, an ask about my boys Bauralta, happy days!! Thanks so much for this, Charlie!! <3
height difference | mutual pining | first kiss | first love | wedding | in-jokes | lgbt+ | family disapproves | friend disapproves | would die for each other | fake relationship | arranged wedding | cuddlers | pda friendly | and they were room mates | holding hands | secret relationship | opposing world views | opposing personalities | opposing goals | getting a pet | have a kid in an au | want kids | grow old together | previous relationship failures | rests head on shoulder | share a bed | token dummies | relationship doubts | they have a song | first date | share a jacket | sharing a blanket | mutual interests | study buddies | bathing together | crash-into hello | accidental nudity | laundry | same hobbies | cooking for each other | big fancy gala | sibling rivalry | hair stroking | dancing | laying in the grass | watching stars together | watching the other sleep | shared values | friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | lovers to enemies | childhood friends | slow burn | love triangle | toxic relationship | sitting on each other’s laps | can’t be together | hugs | forehead touches | neck kisses | car/motorbike rides | compliments | nicknames | falling asleep together | late night talks | gifts
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send me an oc ship!!
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daughter-of-melpomene · 11 months
𝐨𝐜 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭.
because i am quite simply done with getting all my ocs’ birthdays mixed up, so here is a comprehensive list of all my existing ocs’ birthdays (or at least the birthdays of those in universes where time is measured the same way as ours, or who aren’t beings born centuries ago), so you know and i don’t forget!
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bowie forrester (911): august 12th, 1991 (zodiac sign: leo).
dot watanabe (the a-team 2010): july 7th, 1978 (zodiac sign: cancer).
javi martinez (the a-team): october 30th, 1945 (zodiac sign: scorpio).
nicky bauer (brooklyn nine-nine): march 2nd, 1981 (zodiac sign: pisces).
felix wilkinson (back to the future): january 30th, 1969 (zodiac sign: aquarius).
adam kelleher (the batman): june 27th, 1994 (zodiac sign: cancer).
cher johnston (bill & ted): september 8th, 1972 (zodiac sign: virgo).
wyatt friedman (one chicago): april 3rd, 1979 (zodiac sign: aries).
kai hallows (the chronicles of narnia): perceived zodiac sign: gemini.
hemera (the chronicles of narnia): perceived zodiac sign: pisces.
alaric ryker (the chronicles of narnia): perceived zodiac sign: aquarius.
eli logan (criminal minds): september 30th, 1977 (zodiac sign: scorpio).
eddie baker (criminal minds): april 30th, 1970 (zodiac sign: taurus).
briar malcolm (criminal minds): january 13th, 1972 (zodiac sign: capricorn).
donnie carver (dc comics): february 9th, 1989 (zodiac sign: aquarius).
ivana morozova (dc comics): august 20th, 1998 (zodiac sign: leo).
paisley harlow (dc comics): may 11th, 2000 (zodiac sign: gemini).
elena isley (dc extended universe): december 1st, 1994 (zodiac sign: sagittarius).
greta dwarf (disney’s descendants): april 30th, 1999 (zodiac sign: taurus).
sebastian white (disney’s descendants): november 25th, 1999 (zodiac sign: sagittarius).
flo sánchez (fast & furious): may 29th, 1975 (zodiac sign: aries).
aj vargas (fast & furious): july 10th, 1976 (zodiac sign: cancer).
evie young (frasier): october 3rd, 1958 (zodiac sign: libra).
ria santos (friends): december 31st, 1969 (zodiac sign: capricorn).
samantha ross (ghostbusters): july 23rd, 1959 (zodiac sign: leo).
audrey beiste (glee): september 28th, 1994 (zodiac sign: libra).
leo cooper (glee): march 31st, 1994 (zodiac sign: aries).
parker holloway (glee): november 4th, 1994 (zodiac sign: scorpio).
bruno keeley (glee): may 10th, 1994 (zodiac sign: taurus).
ivy kekoa (glee): february 9th, 1994 (zodiac sign: aquarius).
bailey taylor (glee): may 31st, 1994 (zodiac sign: gemini).
mara yang (glee): september 17th, 1994 (zodiac sign: virgo).
luci evans (good omens): october 13th, 1983 (zodiac sign: libra).
zazzadon (good omens): perceived zodiac sign: leo.
ilya dramir (grishaverse): perceived zodiac sign: taurus.
catta rostova (grishaverse): perceived zodiac sign: virgo.
anastasia upland (the hunger games): perceived zodiac sign: capricorn.
lucy scrubb (indiana jones): march 12th, 1906 (zodiac sign: pisces).
willow madden (john wick): january 4th, 1974 (zodiac sign: capricorn).
marnie hoffman (jumanji: welcome to the jungle): april 2nd, 2000 (zodiac sign: aries).
enola holmes (the league of extraordinary gentlemen): september 29th, 1879 (zodiac sign: libra).
theo ester (mcu): july 12th, 1978 (zodiac sign: cancer).
elin eriksdottir (mcu): perceived zodiac sign: aries.
daniel garcía (mcu): september 20th, 1987 (zodiac sign: virgo).
helios (mcu): perceived zodiac sign: pisces.
dev kahtri (mcu): may 5th, 1980 (zodiac sign: taurus).
annie liu (mcu): june 2nd, 1990 (zodiac sign: gemini).
mack mackenzie (m*a*s*h): august 7th, 1916 (zodiac sign: leo).
laurens gates (national treasure): may 23rd, 1971 (zodiac sign: gemini).
adachi star (one piece): perceived zodiac sign: leo.
hayashi lark (one piece): perceived zodiac sign: libra.
morvant bellatrix (one piece): perceived zodiac sign: virgo.
yami corvo (one piece): percieved zodiac sign: leo.
august cullen (outer banks): may 30th, 2004 (zodiac sign: gemini).
drew tanaka (outer banks): march 18th, 2004 (zodiac sign: pisces).
bird mcintosh (the outsiders): april 20th, 1949 (zodiac sign: taurus).
lake mcintosh (the outsiders): april 20th, 1949 (zodiac sign: taurus).
lydia chen (percy jackson): july 10th, 2011 (zodiac sign: cancer).
arabella larson (percy jackson): january 7th, 2007 (zodiac sign: capricorn).
noelle perez (percy jackson): november 12th, 2007 (zodiac sign: scorpio).
drew phillipa (riverdale): october 10th, 2001 (zodiac sign: libra).
molly perbesi (scream): november 1st, 1980 (zodiac sign: scorpio).
layla dupreti (star trek): perceived zodiac sign: aquarius.
genesis welton (star trek): perceived zodiac sign: capricorn.
zara dolomar (star wars): perceived zodiac sign: sagittarius.
cassiopeia jinn (star wars): perceived zodiac sign: capricorn.
lianna singh (star wars): perceived zodiac sign: cancer.
via winchester (supernatural): april 13th, 1990 (zodiac sign: aries).
will welton (ted lasso): june 10th, 1976 (zodiac sign: gemini).
tabitha “tabby” aquino (teen wolf): july 3rd, 1994 (zodiac sign: cancer).
marina azevedo (teen wolf): november 29th, 1994 (zodiac sign: sagittarius).
lucinda “hale” (teen wolf): perceived zodiac sign: leo.
april hannigan (teen wolf): october 27th, 1994 (zodiac sign: scorpio).
alex wan-stilinski (teen wolf): may 5th, 1988 (zodiac sign: taurus).
anubis “andy” zhao (teen wolf): june 11th, 1994 (zodiac sign: gemini).
morrigan ravenroth (tolkeinverse): percieved zodiac sign: taurus.
reyna "sweetheart" castillo (top gun: maverick): october 9th, 1993 (zodiac sign: libra).
clarke taleb (triple frontier): december 18th, 1986 (zodiac sign: sagittarius).
avi chawla (twilight): july 10th, 1799 (zodiac sign: cancer).
catie greer (twlight): january 31st, 1993 (zodiac sign: aquarius).
isaac holliday (twilight): may 22nd, 1967 (zodiac sign: gemini).
rio varma (venom): march 19th, 1987 (zodiac sign: pisces).
esther st. claire (wednesday): august 24th, 2006 (zodiac sign: virgo).
rosaline craven (wizarding world): september 11th, 1990 (zodiac sign: virgo).
cat holmes (wizarding world): december 31st, 1960 (zodiac sign: capricorn).
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❝ Nicky was used to not being “normal”. He’d been diagnosed as autistic at the tender age of eleven, and from that point on had been the subject of many hateful looks and uncreative taunts from his neurotypical classmates, who apparently thought that having an autistic person among them was the worst kind of injustice. Nicky had then been disowned and thrown out of the house at the age of seventeen by his fervently religious parents, who apparently could accept an autistic son but not a gay one, and had been forced to rely on the kindness of his friends’ families for a place to stay until he had graduated high school and won a university scholarship that allowed him to stay in a dorm on campus.
Years after graduating from university and the police academy and finally becoming a detective like he’d always dreamed, Nicky was transferred to Brooklyn’s ninety-ninth precinct, where he expected to once again be treated like a strange outsider by his “normal” co-workers. But to his utter surprise, Nicky quickly found himself one of the only sensible people in his new workplace, at least compared to Jake Peralta’s chaotic antics, his captain’s general incompetence, and... literally everything that went on with Hitchcock and Scully.
But now the Nine-Nine has a new captain, a much more serious one who promises to finally knock some sense into this madhouse of a precinct. However, Jake continues to resist Holt’s attempts at forcing him to act responsibly, Rosa continues to be a stoic lover of weapons and violence, and Nicky? He continues to be an awkward mess of bad jokes and fidget toys who has a hopeless crush on his most chaotic co-worker.
Maybe Nicky’s life, and Nicky himself, will never be “normal”. But, maybe, that’s not as bad a thing as he’s always lead himself to believe. ❞
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General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @auxiliarydetective, @foxesandmagic, @stardustocs, @artemisocs, @raith-way.
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LOOKS LIKE A CINNAMON ROLL, IS A CINNAMON ROLL: Nicky Bauer, Paisley Harlow, Ria Santos, Luci Evans, Annie Liu, Rhys Arcturus, Kelly Henderson, Betty Holland, Matt Vaughn.
LOOKS LIKE A CINNAMON ROLL, COULD ACTUALLY KILL YOU: Adam Kelleher, Dot Watanabe, Daniel García, Helios, Mack Mackenzie, Ivy Kekoa, Aquila Celestaire, Jandro Torres.
LOOKS LIKE THEY COULD KILL YOU, IS ACTUALLY A CINNAMON ROLL: Rhett McCormack, Genesis Welton, Mariah Wu, Laurens Gates.
LOOKS LIKE THEY COULD KILL YOU, WOULD ABSOLUTELY KILL YOU: Ivana Morozova, Samantha Ross, Elin Eriksdottir.
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General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @auxiliarydetective, @foxesandmagic, @artemisocs, @raith-way, @reyofluke-ocs.
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