#oc: aj vargas
daughter-of-melpomene · 6 months
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❝ While the vast majority of the United Kingdom’s criminal world could say they had some kind of connection to the Shaw family, AJ was perhaps the only one who could say he had friends in that family and actually mean it. He’d known the three Shaw siblings since they were all kids, what with his parents being favored lackeys of Queenie Shaw and her husband (now ex-husband, and possibly dead ex-husband, but good riddance to the old bastard, really), and for as long as he could remember he’d gladly trailed after them and joined in on their respective schemes, occasionally using the gadgets he liked to come up with and tinker with to help them out further. He wasn’t much of the planning type himself, but like his parents with Deckard, Owen, and Hattie’s own, he was happy to come along and help out, occasionally even taking the blame and suffering the punishment whenever higher powers (their parents) found out what they’d done.
And though he hadn’t followed any of the Shaws into the military or spy game, that didn’t mean AJ’s pattern of following along with their less-than-legal plans died off. He and Owen may have broken off their on-again-off-again hookups when the latter had left for service, but when Owen returned and decided to start his own gang of criminals, it had picked right back up when he’d called up AJ, the best and most inventive mechanic he knew, and offered him both a spot on his new team and the resumption of their bed buddies arrangement. And AJ should have known better, really, should have known that Owen wasn’t as sophisticated at planning as his parents or his brother and sister and that he wouldn’t remain uncaught, but he’d never quite shaken either his follower tendencies or the feelings he had for Owen against his better judgement. So, also against his better judgement, he said yes, falling back into Owen’s schemes and back into his bed, ignoring the feeling in his gut that screamed that none of this was going to end well.
Now it would seem that feeling in his gut was right all along - Owen has been growing steadily more ambitious and less reasonable as time has gone on, and how he wants to get his hands on a device that could potentially end the world as everyone knows it, despite AJ’s desperate protests. So now AJ is forced to do something he’d never imagined doing: betray a member of the Shaw family, the one just a bit in love with no less, and offer his services and knowledge to the crew of driving outlaws led by Dominic Toretto, the only people who might be able to stop Owen.
They don’t trust him at first, of course, which AJ finds is completely fair - but Letty, Dom’s girlfriend whose amnesia Owen has previously used to his advantage, is willing to stick up for him, and slowly the rest of the team seems to be warming up to him, even the bald loudmouth named Roman who was so staunchly against accepting his help at first. And, well, this crew may be very different from anything AJ is used to, but they’re all still incredibly skilled and intelligent and nice once you’ve gotten past their walls, which is more than AJ could ever say for Owen.
AJ may have just betrayed a man he’s known and trusted and even loved since childhood, a member of the family he’s always been loyal to, and he may have just gone against his core nature as a follower… but it seems like he might get a brand new family, and possibly even a new, much better romance than what he had with Owen, out of the deal. ❞
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General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @auxiliarydetective, @foxesandmagic, @artemisocs, @reyofluke-ocs, @endless-oc-creations, @stanshollaand, @ginevrastilinski-ocs, @luucypevensie, @ginger-grimm, @arrthurpendragon, @fakedatings, @impales, @claryxjackson, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @eddysocs, @lucys-chen, @ocappreciationtag. (Also tagging @xoteajays.)
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readingunderstars · 1 year
Blue Dream - One
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Dealer!Ellie Williams x OC, College/University AU
Ria Ortiz is a sophomore at Valerie College, grappling with the difficulties of a long-distance relationship. In preparation for her friend's birthday party, Ria needs to get her hands on some pre-rolls. Her regular plug only sells edibles, but he refers her to another dealer on campus—Ellie Williams.
Warnings: 18+!! recreational drug use
Word Count: 2.5k
Professor Vargas’s office was everything one might hope for in a study. A massive shelf consumed the far wall, full to the brim with science books. Before it, a colossal desk was home to the Chair of the Biology department at Valerie College. Photographs from decades of research adorned every corner. Professor Vargas was in all of them, holding sea urchins, embracing her teams, petting turtles.
Ria stared at them in awe as she waited for the professor to finish whatever she was writing in her computer. At once, the typing ceased, and Professor Vargas removed her glasses, setting them aside. “Thank you for your patience,” she said, and looked at Ria in the chair opposite her. “Miss Ortiz, I have news for you.”
Straightening her posture, Ria fidgeted with her ring. “Did you hear back from the Monterey program?”
Professor Vargas opened one of her drawers, and retrieved a blue envelope, sliding it across the dark wood of her desk. Ria took the envelope. It was from the Biology department. She looked up to Professor Vargas, who was watching expectantly. “Did I get in?”
“Open it,” Vargas said with a smile, and Ria’s fingers trembled as she ripped the side, pulling out a folded letter. 
This was it. The reason she had come to Valerie. Well, not the only reason, but it was the biggest one. Valerie College partnered with the Monterey Bay Aquarium to create a marine biology summer program for its students. It was everything Ria wanted, from field work all over the west coast to the chance of studying marine life. Especially green sea turtles. She had spent countless hours preparing for this—studying, building a relationship with the department, interviewing, writing essays. And now she held the decision in her hand, a year and a half of hard work condensed into a single moment. 
She opened it, and gasped as she read it, her eyes filling with tears. “Welcome to the team,” Professor Vargas said, standing to offer a congratulatory hug.
Ria jumped into her arms, closing her eyes, crying with happiness. “Thank you so much, Professor.”
“Please, we’ll be working together soon,” she replied. “Call me Melissa.”
Ria ran out of the science building complex and into the green center of campus. “AJ!” she screamed. Her brother looked up at the sound of his name, standing up from his spot under Old Tree, where she had seen him studying earlier. “I GOT IN!”
AJ laughed, grabbing his head with his hands. “For real?” 
“YES!” The wind ran through her curls as she charged at AJ. Ria threw her tote on the ground as he braced for impact. She ran straight into him, launching them both unto the grass.
Rolling off him, Ria sighed and stared up at the massive canopy of Old Tree. Little laughs escaped her, still in disbelief.
“Congrats, renacuaja,” AJ said. Tadpole.
Ria shoved him, but couldn’t manage to be mad. She’d gotten in.
“You gotta tell Julian.”
Sitting up, Ria’s smile dropped. “You couldn’t let me have a moment before thinking about that?”
AJ shrugged. “Sorry,” he said. “But you do have to.”
“Ya te oí,” Ria said, waving her hand. I heard you already.
Ria’s phone vibrated in her back pocket, and she jumped. Unlocking her screen, she opened Snapchat to a notification from the only person she ever texted on the app—her dealer.
Ryan Murphy had replied to her question about some pre-rolls for tomorrow’s party. 
murphyslaw: i only sell edibles
Ria groaned. He was the only dealer she’d bought from since her last one graduated, and Ria had promised to hook everybody up.
“What’s wrong?” AJ asked, going back to where his laptop sat.
“Murphy doesn’t sell bud,” she replied, twisting to look back at AJ.
He tsked. “I could’ve told you that.”
Giving him a look, Ria laid her head back down on the grass. Another notification popped up.
murphyslaw: my friend sells bud tho, she might have some. u want her info?
Fuck yeah, I do.
ria.ortiz: Yes pleaseee
murphyslaw: alr hold on
murphyslaw: @el_will
ria.ortiz: Thanks Murph, see you around
Typing in the username into the search bar, Ria laughed. El Will. The Will? She wondered if Murphy’s friend was Hispanic. It didn’t help that the account had no name, just an emoji of a fern. Ria added her.
Standing up, Ria swiped away any pieces of grass on her clothes and hair. Then she spotted her bag several feet away and picked it up, sitting against the trunk of Old Tree beside AJ. “What kind of gifts does Sasha like?” he asked.
Ria’s phone lit up again. “Um,” she said, seeing the dealer had added her back. That was quick.
el_will: you came from Ryan, right?
“Ria,” AJ called.
ria.ortiz: Yeah, he said you might have pre-rolls?
“What?” she said, not really paying attention to him.
“I asked you a question,” AJ said.
el_will: i do. right now i’ve got a sativa-dominant hybrid. that good?
“Hm?” Ria looked at him. “Oh. She likes candles.”
ria.ortiz: Yep, I just need 10 for tomorrow
“What did you get her?”
“Just get her a candle, AJ,” Ria said, watching as the dealer typed. “Can’t go wrong with that.”
el_will: alr so it’s 10 half-gram pre-rolls, $7 a piece. can you meet at 6?
ria.ortiz: Sounds good and yes
el_will: come to the green house across the street from Cedar Hall.
Ria spent the rest of her afternoon in her dorm, first calling her parents to tell them the news, then doing assignments until her brain practically rotted. Closing her eyes, she decided to leave the rest for the following day, before the party.
Checking the time, she saw there was enough to grab dinner before picking up everyone’s share of the money. She grabbed a sad plate of pasta and questionable chicken and climbed up the hill to Birchwood Hall. Halle and Katherine had left their dorm unlocked for Ria, and the money was on Halle’s desk.
Two floors above them, Jamie handed her the cash. “I’m making jello shots. What flavor do you want?”
Looking at the flavor boxes laid out on Jamie’s bed, Ria took the blue one. “Berry Blue.”
“The only option,” Hugo said, walking into his boyfriend’s dorm. He took out his wallet and counted enough for two joints. “Thanks, Ria.”
“Anytime,” she said, and headed out.
The last stop was Sasha’s suite on the first floor of Cedar Hall. It was the dorm building across from the dealer’s house, and where the party would be held the following night. Ria knocked as a courtesy but didn’t wait for an answer before turning the knob—none of them ever locked the front door during the day.
The suite living room connected the three dorms within, two doubles and a single. Party decorations had been dumped on the small table, waiting to be put up. A foldable chair sat to either side of a couch, upon which one of Sasha’s suite mates sat, knitting. Rosa’s hands worked to make something Ria couldn’t identify out of the sage green yarn on the ground.
“Oh hey,” Rosa said, and stopped knitting to point at a roll of cash on the coffee table. “It’s all there. Sasha’s in her room, in case you wanted to see her.”
“Thanks,” Ria said as she counted the bills, walking to the door directly past the couch. Her hand barely touched the handle before Sasha opened the door, smiling brighter than usual. 
“So?” she said, her brown eyes wide. “Did you talk to Vargas?”
That same happiness flooded Ria again, and she smiled just as brightly as Sasha. “I got in,” she said.
Sasha screamed jumping as she took Ria’s shoulders. “Oh my God!” Then she stopped, her jaw dropping. “Oh my God,” Sasha said. “Now you really have to tell Julian.”
Ria groaned, throwing herself on Sasha’s bed. “Why is that the first thing everyone says?”
“He’s your boyfriend, Ria. He needs to know at some point.” Sasha knelt beside the bed, and Ria turned her head to face her. “What’s scaring you?”
“I’m not scared… It’s just that we only see each other when I go home, and if I stay in California over the summer,” she covered her face with her hands, “I know he won’t like it.”
“Alright, so he doesn’t like it. What’s gonna happen?” Taking Ria’s hands away from her face, Sasha leaned her head on the mattress. “Would he end your two-year-long relationship over this?”
“No,” Ria said, staring at the ceiling. Sasha had placed glow-in-the-dark stars on it, the kind Ria had always wanted as a kid. “He wouldn’t. But the distance is already hard on him, and I feel bad.”
“Isn’t the distance hard on you too?”
Ria shrugged. “I don’t really think about it a lot.” Looking down at Sasha, a heavy weight fell on her stomach. “Is that bad?”
Sasha considered it, pressing her lips together. She softly stroked the hairs on Ria’s forearm. “I can’t answer that for you.”
Ria chewed her cheek. “I guess,” she said, getting up. “Oh, by the way, Murphy didn’t have pre-rolls so I’m getting them from his friend.”
“I could have told you he doesn’t sell pre-rolls.” Sasha said, and Ria glared in disbelief. How did everyone know that except for her?
“Whatever,” Ria said, laughing as she opened the door. “Find me if I get kidnapped.”
“Of course,” Sasha said as Ria stepped out.
“See you tomorrow, Rosita,” Ria said, and Rosa waved.
Ria crossed the street, crossing the boundary between the campus and the world outside. She walked down the hill to the only house that matched the description.
It was a small house with two floors, the green paint beginning to crack. Hand-painted pots held flowering plants on the porch, and a wooden bench leaned lazily beside the front door. 
A rather large, dark gray Toyota truck was parked outside, pristinely clean and sorely out of place. Ria admired it as she passed. She spotted a doorbell camera as she approached the door, and began to feel awfully self conscious. A chime rang as her finger pressed the button.
Seconds passed as she fiddled with her promise ring. A dog barked in the distance. She was about to ring the doorbell again when the door opened and a tall, bronzed girl with cropped hair appeared behind it. Her dark eyes squinted in the sunlight, perfectly smudged with black eyeliner. She smiled softly at Ria as she walked past, crossing the same street she just had.
Ria couldn’t help but watch her.
“You Ryan’s girl?” A voice said behind Ria, and she nearly jumped out of her skin. Turning to face the source, Ria eyed the girl at the threshold. She was just taller than Ria, her dark auburn hair pulled back into a bun. Her eyes were the same soft green as the painted panels of her house, set among freckled cheeks. The sleeves of her flannel were rolled up to expose a tattoo which covered the whole of her right forearm. She didn’t seem to notice Ria’s startle.
“Ellie,” the girl said, holding her hand out for Ria to shake. 
Ellie. El Will. El is short for Ellie. What’s Will short for? Williams? Ellie Williams? Definitely not Hispanic.
She took it. “Ria.”
Ellie nodded. “Come in.”
She led Ria through the house. The living room was dimly lit, with a worn-out couch and more plants in painted pots. A set of stairs led to the upper floor, but they walked right past it, and past the old kitchen as well, through a narrow hall that led to a room in the back of the house.
The smell hit her before Ria could see it—a scent that was simultaneously delicious and repugnant. She looked around, to the shelves that held jars upon jars of weed and all sorts of equipment. A desk sat against the far wall; a scale and a tray with dozens of joints atop it. Ellie took a bin labeled “tubes” and set it on the desk. “So,” she said. “What party is this?”
Ria laughed. She’d never said it was for a party, but she guessed there weren’t many things to do for someone to buy that many joints at once. “My friend Sasha is turning 21 tomorrow,” Ria said. “She’s throwing this big party at Cedar.”
Placing a pre-roll in each of ten tubes, Ellie spoke. “Sasha Mehra?”
Ria furrowed her brows. “You know her?”
“We had our first year art seminar together.” Ellie placed the tubes in a paper bag, folding the end. “She’s very talented.” Opening one of the drawers of the desk, she retrieved a silver lighter. Ellie took one of the joints from the tray and held it with her lips.
She handed the bag to Ria, lighting the joint as Ria dug in her pocket for the roll of cash. “Yes, she is,” she said as she handed the cash to the dealer.
Taking a hit before counting, Ellie seemed satisfied and set it aside. “Here,” she said, holding the joint up to Ria’s mouth. It was the first time Ellie really looked at her, and Ria could see the thin scar cutting across her brow.
“Alright.” Ria took a hit, hearing the soft crackle of the weed burning in the silence of the house. Ellie leaned against the desk, her eyes watching Ria carefully. The smoke rushed in, but it didn’t burn Ria’s throat as much as other strains she’d had. It tasted almost sweet. Holding the smoke in for a couple of seconds before exhaling, Ria handed the joint back to Ellie, watching a thick cloud of smoke leave her lungs.
Ellie took another hit from the joint, her eyes scanning Ria’s body as she did. The attention made Ria nervous, and she nearly laughed, but held it in. As Ellie breathed out, a grin pulled at her mouth. “I might pass by tomorrow,” she gave Ria the joint, “wish Sasha a happy birthday.”
The next hit was smoother than the last. “I think she’d appreciate that.” Although, Ria didn’t know whether Sasha would remember Ellie.
She nodded slowly, her eyes still lingering on Ria. Taking one last hit, Ria returned the joint and took a few steps back. “I’ll see myself out,” she said, pointing to the front of the house. “Thanks for the J.”
Ellie’s chuckle followed Ria out of the house and all the way back to her dorm. She told herself it was just the weed taking effect, that she’d imagined Ellie’s eyes straying and the way it made her heart speed up.
Whether it was the weed’s fault or not, one thing was above reproach—Ellie’s weed was damn good.
Notes: hiii this is the first fic i’ve ever actually posted, you can also find it on ao3 under the same name and username. just as an FYI, i am also an artist, so i’ll be posting some art along with the chapters. it’ll be linked at the end of every chapter :)
art for this chapter is actually a preview for the next one. it is Sasha and the Suite Mates. you’ve already met Sasha and Rosa, more on the others next chapter
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asheanon · 2 years
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Figured I'd go ahead and queue up some throwbacks for these coming Thursdays, so here's a little something for this one!
Throwback Thursday: The Tango Series 💃
Once upon a time, back in the KH fanfic era, I decided I wanted to scribble out these little guys attempting different dance styles. More or less upon a whim, as you do. 🕺
I never actually finished all the pairs I had planned either! It still kills me that I left some of the best ones out.
So... all I have to offer is intrigue until they're brought to life (if they ever are. It's been SO long that my style has changed since I last worked on this!) 😅
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If you're wondering who the heck is all in there...
Characters Featured (so far): Sal & AJ — OCs (belonging to me) Ienzo, Strelitzia, Elrena, Lauriam, Lea/Axel, Roxas & Sephiroth — Kingdom Hearts & Final Fantasy VII
You can view each pair individually and more clearly below:
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Referenced and inspired by various clips from:
Dmitry Vasin - Esmer Omerova | Tango argentino | Kremlin Cup 2015
Juan Vargas y Paulina Mejia - Mundial de Tango 2019
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karamatsuboy-aj · 3 months
Nicknames for asher
Floyd and Jade - koi (Asher sometimes repeat it back saying koikoi)
Rook- monsieur s'il vous plait( it means Mr pleaser because Asher is a people pleaser)
Ace- AJ
Vil-dearie (he feels compelled to call Asher it for some weird reason)
Malleus-pup(Asher acts like a dog sometimes)
Coach Vargas-runt (because Asher is bad at PE and is like a runt of a litter Crowley gets a little upset)
Crowley- little one (because he is smol Asher hates it)
Idia-ashie (usually when he wants something)
Leona- bud (in a condescending tone most of the time) or omnivore
Azul- ash or kit
Yuu/perfect - angel (in a thank god you're here thank you thank you thank you tone)
Asher family -ash or that one
Shishio ( @oya-oya-okay OC)- rabbit (what I think they may call Asher I maybe wrong they can correct me)
Alev ( @oyatochie OC)-mouse (what I think they may call Asher I maybe wrong they can correct me
{ for @fumikomiyasaki ocs
Fennec- A, my love, Just by his name before they got close,
Leroy- Ash
Flynn- Mister Shortstack
Vanessa- Tomato}
Asher-failure, weirdo and dumbass
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circus-bears-blog89 · 4 years
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AJ: I know it's hard to process that at first, but I can assure you that I am 100% a male. I just happen to have a thing for cross dressing and looking "feminine" if you will. You can always ask me why I do this, and I'll be more than happy to respond.
AJ: Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize that me having some time to talk was such a big deal to you~
Luciano: SHUT UP!
AJ: Ohhhh, someone's upset. Well that's a bummer, I guess I'll be on my way out.
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OC HALLOWEEN CHALLENGE — Day Ten: The Accomplice
In which AJ Vargas has been in love with Owen Shaw since they were children, and has sworn many times over to follow him anywhere - no matter how much trouble with the law Owen has been in, even when he formed his own little gang of racers and started terrorizing cities and committing high-stakes robberies, AJ has always followed him, even going so far as to help him by using his impressive engineering skills to improve the crew’s cars.
So when Owen’s sanity seems to be stretching thin, when he starts forgoing heists in favor of just killing people and his bloodlust seems to grow with every life he takes… well, AJ is a lot less okay with that than he was about the robberies. But he still goes along. He’s loved Owen for so long, has been devoted to him for so long, that he can’t bring himself to abandon him now.
Even when the consequences of that loyalty are a matter of life and death.
You never saw it coming, but you should’ve. There’s not just one killer you have to worry about, there’s two. This is the person whose been helping the killer since the very beginning, pretending to be your friend the entire time until the plot reached its rising action. You’re heart broken and the very ground shakes under your feet, the good person you once thought you knew is gone… or worse, had never truly existed. Which of your OCs is not only willing to help a friend hide the body, but kill it too?
General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @auxiliarydetective, @foxesandmagic, @artemisocs, @reyofluke-ocs, @endless-oc-creations, @stanshollaand, @ginevrastilinski-ocs, @luucypevensie, @carmens-garden, @arrthurpendragon, @fakedatings, @impales, @claryxjackson, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @eddysocs, @lucys-chen, @oneirataxia-girl, @ocappreciationtag. (Also tagging @xoteajays.)
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daughter-of-melpomene · 9 months
hii Dolly!!! a little birdy sent me, hoping you could give a few facts about each of your new ocs so I could make you something nice ���
Well, hello there, dear Anon!! On the off chance that by "new OCs" you mean the ones I submitted for the OC Potluck Exchange, those are the ones I will share some facts about!! If not, well, all of these OCs are new this year, or at least ones that I've neglected a bit this year, so this still works!! (Also, I put four out of five of them under the cut just to save space.)
First, let's talk about Ananya Kaur, one of my new Pride & Prejudice OCs!!
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Ananya is three years younger than her older brother Rohan, and as much as she absolutely adores her brother, she hates nothing more than when he teases her about being younger and "respecting your elders".
She is married to Fitzwilliam Darcy, but not at all because either of them love each other. In fact, it's more of a lavender marriage situation, with her brother married to Elizabeth Bennet, because Rohan and Darcy are in love and so are Ananya and Lizzie, so the four of them agreed to the marriages so that everyone could be with the person they loved.
However, despite not being in love, Ananya and Darcy are very good friends. They spend a lot of time together when Lizzie and Rohan aren't around, either talking or just reading together in companionable silence. They are also very sunshine x sunshine protector - Ananya is a very sweet and caring person, and Darcy will always do his best to prevent her from being taken advantage of.
Ananya has a true green thumb, and had her own little garden out back when she and Rohan still lived with their parents. Now that she lives at Darcy's estate, she's in charge of all the gardens and their upkeep, and most often can be found kneeling in one of the flowerbeds with her hands deep in the dirt.
Despite not being very skilled when it comes to music itself - singing and playing the pianoforte and the like - Ananya is a remarkable dancer. Though that alone has never exactly earned her any proposals, many people at social gatherings tend to remark on how skilled she is at it.
Next, we have one of my Fast & Furious OCs, AJ Vargas!!
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Now, unlike most of Dom's crew, AJ has very little skill actually driving - in fact, he failed his driver's test twice before he finally got his license. However, he is a master of repairing and supping up cars, making additions and changing things around within cars to make them faster, tougher, and more likely to kick ass.
Having grown up with the Shaw siblings, AJ started sleeping with Owen on and off when they were teenagers, and this relationship continued right up until AJ defected from Owen's criminal crew and offered to help Dom's team. It was a very unhealthy relationship, with Owen calling every single one of the shots and AJ allowing his cruelty to go on for far too long because he was blinded by love, and AJ can acknowledge that, but it was also the only semi-real relationship he ever had before he got together with Roman and sometimes, secretly, he still misses it.
However, even AJ's borderline betrayal of Owen and all the damages that came after has never actually stopped Queenie, the Shaw siblings' mother, from seeing AJ as her favorite child, whether he's biologically hers or not. Owen, Deckard, and Hattie have all complained about this before, but according to Queenie, AJ is the only one of them who's never been foolish enough to get arrested for his criminal activity, so why wouldn't he be her favorite?
AJ is fluent in five languages, including English and Spanish, and fairly regularly, when he wants to insult someone, will do it in one of the non-English languages, because typically the person won't speak the language he's using and either doesn't know what they've just been called or can't prove they've been insulted.
AJ is actually unlikely besties with Letty, since he was always kind to her when she was part of Owen's crew when she didn't have her memories and vouched for him when he first approached Dom's team as a result. They quite often have little silent hang-outs where they just sit next to each other and drink (wine for AJ, something stronger for Letty) and judge other people for a bit.
AJ is actually unlikely besties with Letty, since he was always kind to her when she was part of Owen's crew when she didn't have her memories and vouched for him when he first approached Dom's team as a result. They quite often have little silent hang-outs where they just sit next to each other and drink (wine for AJ, something stronger for Letty) and judge other people for a bit.
Now onto my other Fast & Furious OC, Florencia "Flo" Sánchez!
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Flo, unlike AJ, is a more standard member of Dom's crew - she's an absolutely badass driver, first recruited onto the team during Brian and Dom's bid to infiltrate Braga's crew and find information about Letty, since Brian remembered her from Tej's racing ring.
She's also a bisexual queen, who loves to show her pride as much as possible. She has several bi flag and pride flag t-shirts, pretty much always has a bi flag pin on her jacket or some flag-colored jewelry if she's not wearing a shirt, and even has purple, pink, and blue dice hanging from the mirror of her car.
She's a Deckard Shaw love interest, despite the fact that she absolutely hates him when they first meet for nearly killing most of her found family and then strolling in to team up with them like they're the unreasonable ones for being angry at him. It takes a lot of anger and sniping back and forth (and even physical fights that occasionally include knives held to throats) before they're even ready to say they don't hate each other, let alone for them to get together, but they do get there.
Flo is also an MMA instructor in between adventures with the team, and she often puts those skills to good use in the more face-to-face confrontations involved in the family's fights. She's also tried to teach other members of the team to fight, but it hasn't always gone well (Ramsey, for example, refused to take any more lessons after a week, and Tej just refused to take any outright).
Surprisingly enough for all the things she's done in her life, Flo is actually a practicing Christian - she's not Catholic like she was raised, and she doesn't find herself in a church very often, but she prays very regularly and always wears her mother's old cross necklace, as well as keeping another small cross on a chain in the glove compartment of all her cars.
Now let's talk about Greta Dwarf, my new Descendants OC!!
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Being the daughter of Grumpy, Greta may not have had a lot of friends until the VKs came to Auradon due to her prickly attitude, but she's also always had a loving family with her dad, uncles, and cousins. Greta is very much a family girl in her own unique, surly way, and would do anything for her family, and she knows they would all do the same for her.
Greta is a big fan of punk and rock music, for all there isn't a lot of those kind of bands in Auradon. It makes up about ninety percent of the music on all her playlists, she has posters of her favorite bands all around the bed in her dorm room, and tickets to an underground punk show is the best present you could possibly get her. Evie does convince her to expand her musical horizons eventually, but it takes time.
Although it isn't exactly uncommon for the kids of sidekicks in Auradon to only have one parent (and Greta certainly does consider her uncles and some of her older cousins to be parental figures), she often wonders who her mother is and what drew her father to her in the first place. She wouldn't ever try and find her or ask too many questions if her father didn't want her to, but the curiosity is still there, and there's always a chance she might indulge it one day.
For a very long time, Greta calls Audrey "Pinky" to annoy her, but after Greta starts opening up to people more and Audrey starts working to improve herself following the whole incident with her trying to take over Auradon, the nickname and all the little barbs they like to throw back and forth stop. They don't ever actually become friends, there's too many years of animosity between them for that, but they do eventually become comfortable with each other.
Greta's family has known she was a lesbian since she was eight, long before she even fully realized it, so she's never had an official coming out, at least not to her family. There was simply never a need for it, since they all already knew.
And finally, we have the OC who's not new so much as a bit neglected - my Brooklyn Nine-Nine baby, Nicky Bauer!
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Nicky is basically a collector of fidget toys. His desk at the precinct is absolutely littered with toys of all kinds, fidget spinners and tangles and Rubix cubes alike. Miraculously, his desk is also very organized, despite the amount of stuff on it.
Despite his trauma associated with religion, since it's the reason his parents kicked him out after he came out, Nicky still goes to church most Sundays he's not working and prays fairly regularly. Faith was still a big part of his childhood, and not only does he sincerely believe in God, he doesn't quite want to let go of the comfort religion brings him.
Nicky's first kiss with a boy was in his senior year of high school, with an Italian exchange student that he had been working on a project with at the other boy's house. This was a month or so after Nicky had been kicked out and wasn't living with his parents anymore, and he nearly cried right after the kiss, because this was the first time he'd done something relating to his true self that he'd been able to do without worrying about his parents finding out and getting angry at him.
Nicky never exactly had an emo phase, so much as he went through a phase where he wore a lot of hoodies and jeans and usually had his hood up to hide his face when he could get away with it. It had more to do with his insecurities after his parents kicked him out than it did with any real emo inclinations, but after finding pictures from that era, Rosa still likes to tease him about it.
Speaking of Rosa! She and Nicky are absolute besties, as unexpected as that is/was. Rosa just finds Nicky's optimism and internal strength, not to mention his remarkable skill as a detective, really amazing, and because of that she basically just decided that this was her friend who she'd protect with her life. She likes Nicky so much that when he and Jake start dating, despite the fact that she's been friends with Jake for longer, Jake is the one who gets the shovel talk from her.
Anyways!! Thank you so much again for asking about my newer babies, and I really look forward to seeing what you make!!
(Also gonna tag @oneirataxia-girl since she wanted to know about my Pride & Prejudice babies, and @dancingsunflowers-ocs and @carmens-garden since I know they love Greta!!)
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former life - yumi nu — @xoteajays
Thanks a bunch for the ask!!
I would say that this song reminds me of my Fast & Furious boy AJ Vargas!! More specifically his relationship with Owen Shaw, at the point where AJ still really cares about Owen but can tell that the other’s criminal enterprises are starting to matter more to him than anything else, including whatever he and AJ have going on. AJ is one of the only parts of Owen’s childhood that he keeps around, with Owen having distanced himself from his family and roots, and I feel like this song really illustrates AJ’s thought process as he realizes that he’s slowly becoming just another part of Owen’s past that he’d likely leave behind if AJ wasn’t useful to him. My poor boy. :((
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send me a song and i’ll tell you what oc it makes me think of and why!!
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gimme gimme gimme plea s e — @xoteajays
Your wish is my command!! Say hi to Adriano Vargas, otherwise known as AJ!!
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Now, AJ is an extremely talented engineer and mechanic, and former member of Owen Shaw’s crew (as well as having a… complicated relationship with the younger Shaw brother himself). He’s actually a childhood friend of Owen and Hattie, with his parents being “associates” of Queenie, and he and Owen have been hooking-up-slash-dating on and off since they were teenagers. AJ isn’t really the criminal type - he’d be more than happy to just spend the rest of his days tinkering away in a secluded workshop somewhere, and he says so more than once - but Owen’s always had a bit of a hold on him that he just can’t seem to shake, so when the younger Shaw brother starts up his gang and asks AJ to come along as his mechanic he can’t bring himself to refuse.
But by the time the events of F&F 6 roll around, and Owen reveals his plan to create the Nightshade device, AJ’s just about had it with all his bed buddy’s scheming and all the awful things he’s done. He winds up defecting and offering his services, as well as his knowledge of the cars in Owen’s fleet and what they can do, to Dom’s team, and since it winds up helping the team take Owen down Dom offers him a place on the team, despite the fact that some of them (cough Roman cough) don’t fully trust someone who literally used to lay with their enemy. But AJ is a very impressive mechanic and a pretty competent driver (and Letty genuinely likes him so her word goes a long way), and eventually he winds up worming his way into the team’s odd family dynamic and falling into deeply annoyed love with one Roman Pearce. (Although it probably does take them a movie or two to get together, since they kind of have a similar dynamic to Deckard and Hobbs of constantly bickering and trying to fight their urges to make out with each other.)
He also has the funniest dynamic with Deckard, because when the oldest Shaw kid goes on his mission of vengeance in Furious 7 he’s obviously furious with AJ for betraying his brother and helping the people that landed him in a coma (which, don’t get me wrong, AJ has some deeply complicated feelings about), AJ is basically his second brother and he fully acknowledges that AJ is significantly less headstrong and dumb than the brother he actually has. So Deckard doesn’t really go out of his way to hurt AJ over the course of that movie, but they do have some moments to get into short and heated arguments about loyalty and how could you do that to my brother and your brother is a manipulative wanker, Deck, don’t deny it (and he can’t, really). But overall AJ and Deckard really do care about each other, as evidenced by AJ constantly teasing Deck about his feelings for Hobbs (he does not exist in the same universe as my Deckard OC Flo) and having a minor breakdown in the next movie when Shaw supposedly dies and then giving him a bone-crushing hug the next time they see each other.
(Also, a more minor note: AJ is one hundred percent Queenie’s favorite child. He’s the only one that’s never been stupid enough to get sent to jail for his crimes and he calls her to ask how she is when he can, and she absolutely favors him over Owen, Deckard, and Hattie for that.)
That’s about all I have for my newest boy right now, but thanks so much for asking about him!! <3 <3
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this ship meme for roman x aj 🩵 — @xoteajays
(Ahhh, thank you so much for this ask!! <;3)
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who made the first move: roman.
who kissed who first: technically roman did lean in first, but they met in the middle.
who started the relationship: aj was the first one to confess his feelings.
who remembers things: aj.
nicknames for each other: aj normally calls rome “love” or “darling”, but roman has half a million pet names for his boyfriend; “babe,” “baby,” “sweets,” and a bunch of others.
who is more likely to pay for dinner: they generally take turns.
who normally cooks: roman.
who remembers anniversaries: they’re both pretty good about it, but aj’s just a little bit better.
what would they get each other for gifts: mostly stuff related to cars, although the gifts themselves are a little different; rome will get aj some tools for working on his various little projects and occasionally some fun little decals for them, while aj usually gets rome things like driving gloves so his hands don’t chafe against the wheel or some fun little decoration to hang from his mirror.
most trivial thing they fight over: whose turn it is to load the dishwasher (they both hate doing it so they usually try to claim it’s the other person’s turn even if it isn’t).
how often do they fight: they bicker and go back and forth pretty often, but they rarely have any actual heavy fights.
who uses all the hot water: aj.
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: roman.
who leaves their stuff around: they’re both kind of bad about it.
who remembers to buy the milk: roman.
who controls the netflix queue: aj.
who steals the covers at night: roman.
who cusses more: i’d say they both do it an equal amount (which is to say, a lot).
who does most of the cleaning: aj, but only every once in a while after they’ve let something get really messy and he finally notices and feels bad about it.
what’s their favorite non-sexual activity: working on their respective car projects together.
who’s the cuddler: they’re both pretty cuddly, but roman’s probably a little bit more so.
who’s the big spoon/little spoon: roman is the big spoon and aj’s the little spoon.
who’s more dominant: definitely roman.
who is the dirty talker: usually roman, but aj can give it just as bad when he wants to.
what do they do when they’re away from each other: worry, mostly, especially considering the kind of things they get up to and the enemies they’ve made because of it. they both try to go about their lives as normal when they’re apart for longer periods, but it doesn’t usually work - roman’s too protective over the people he cares about and aj’s too much of a worrier.
what would they do if the other one was hurt: surprisingly, if it’s a person who’s hurt roman, aj is the one who gets the angriest out of the two, gritting his teeth and daring to go after the guilty party the moment he’s made sure rome’s alright. roman wants to get revenge when aj is hurt, too, of course, but he typically spends some time fretting and trying to make sure his boyfriend is alright first.
a headcanon: whenever aj has a panic attack and roman isn’t there with him for whatever reason, he always listens to a video ramsey once took of the two of them roasting each other while cuddling and sent to him, and the sound of rome’s voice always helps him calm down.
send me an oc paring!!
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daughter-of-melpomene · 11 months
𝐨𝐜 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭.
because i am quite simply done with getting all my ocs’ birthdays mixed up, so here is a comprehensive list of all my existing ocs’ birthdays (or at least the birthdays of those in universes where time is measured the same way as ours, or who aren’t beings born centuries ago), so you know and i don’t forget!
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bowie forrester (911): august 12th, 1991 (zodiac sign: leo).
dot watanabe (the a-team 2010): july 7th, 1978 (zodiac sign: cancer).
javi martinez (the a-team): october 30th, 1945 (zodiac sign: scorpio).
nicky bauer (brooklyn nine-nine): march 2nd, 1981 (zodiac sign: pisces).
felix wilkinson (back to the future): january 30th, 1969 (zodiac sign: aquarius).
adam kelleher (the batman): june 27th, 1994 (zodiac sign: cancer).
cher johnston (bill & ted): september 8th, 1972 (zodiac sign: virgo).
wyatt friedman (one chicago): april 3rd, 1979 (zodiac sign: aries).
kai hallows (the chronicles of narnia): perceived zodiac sign: gemini.
hemera (the chronicles of narnia): perceived zodiac sign: pisces.
alaric ryker (the chronicles of narnia): perceived zodiac sign: aquarius.
eli logan (criminal minds): september 30th, 1977 (zodiac sign: scorpio).
eddie baker (criminal minds): april 30th, 1970 (zodiac sign: taurus).
briar malcolm (criminal minds): january 13th, 1972 (zodiac sign: capricorn).
donnie carver (dc comics): february 9th, 1989 (zodiac sign: aquarius).
ivana morozova (dc comics): august 20th, 1998 (zodiac sign: leo).
paisley harlow (dc comics): may 11th, 2000 (zodiac sign: gemini).
elena isley (dc extended universe): december 1st, 1994 (zodiac sign: sagittarius).
greta dwarf (disney’s descendants): april 30th, 1999 (zodiac sign: taurus).
sebastian white (disney’s descendants): november 25th, 1999 (zodiac sign: sagittarius).
flo sánchez (fast & furious): may 29th, 1975 (zodiac sign: aries).
aj vargas (fast & furious): july 10th, 1976 (zodiac sign: cancer).
evie young (frasier): october 3rd, 1958 (zodiac sign: libra).
ria santos (friends): december 31st, 1969 (zodiac sign: capricorn).
samantha ross (ghostbusters): july 23rd, 1959 (zodiac sign: leo).
audrey beiste (glee): september 28th, 1994 (zodiac sign: libra).
leo cooper (glee): march 31st, 1994 (zodiac sign: aries).
parker holloway (glee): november 4th, 1994 (zodiac sign: scorpio).
bruno keeley (glee): may 10th, 1994 (zodiac sign: taurus).
ivy kekoa (glee): february 9th, 1994 (zodiac sign: aquarius).
bailey taylor (glee): may 31st, 1994 (zodiac sign: gemini).
mara yang (glee): september 17th, 1994 (zodiac sign: virgo).
luci evans (good omens): october 13th, 1983 (zodiac sign: libra).
zazzadon (good omens): perceived zodiac sign: leo.
ilya dramir (grishaverse): perceived zodiac sign: taurus.
catta rostova (grishaverse): perceived zodiac sign: virgo.
anastasia upland (the hunger games): perceived zodiac sign: capricorn.
lucy scrubb (indiana jones): march 12th, 1906 (zodiac sign: pisces).
willow madden (john wick): january 4th, 1974 (zodiac sign: capricorn).
marnie hoffman (jumanji: welcome to the jungle): april 2nd, 2000 (zodiac sign: aries).
enola holmes (the league of extraordinary gentlemen): september 29th, 1879 (zodiac sign: libra).
theo ester (mcu): july 12th, 1978 (zodiac sign: cancer).
elin eriksdottir (mcu): perceived zodiac sign: aries.
daniel garcía (mcu): september 20th, 1987 (zodiac sign: virgo).
helios (mcu): perceived zodiac sign: pisces.
dev kahtri (mcu): may 5th, 1980 (zodiac sign: taurus).
annie liu (mcu): june 2nd, 1990 (zodiac sign: gemini).
mack mackenzie (m*a*s*h): august 7th, 1916 (zodiac sign: leo).
laurens gates (national treasure): may 23rd, 1971 (zodiac sign: gemini).
adachi star (one piece): perceived zodiac sign: leo.
hayashi lark (one piece): perceived zodiac sign: libra.
morvant bellatrix (one piece): perceived zodiac sign: virgo.
yami corvo (one piece): percieved zodiac sign: leo.
august cullen (outer banks): may 30th, 2004 (zodiac sign: gemini).
drew tanaka (outer banks): march 18th, 2004 (zodiac sign: pisces).
bird mcintosh (the outsiders): april 20th, 1949 (zodiac sign: taurus).
lake mcintosh (the outsiders): april 20th, 1949 (zodiac sign: taurus).
lydia chen (percy jackson): july 10th, 2011 (zodiac sign: cancer).
arabella larson (percy jackson): january 7th, 2007 (zodiac sign: capricorn).
noelle perez (percy jackson): november 12th, 2007 (zodiac sign: scorpio).
drew phillipa (riverdale): october 10th, 2001 (zodiac sign: libra).
molly perbesi (scream): november 1st, 1980 (zodiac sign: scorpio).
layla dupreti (star trek): perceived zodiac sign: aquarius.
genesis welton (star trek): perceived zodiac sign: capricorn.
zara dolomar (star wars): perceived zodiac sign: sagittarius.
cassiopeia jinn (star wars): perceived zodiac sign: capricorn.
lianna singh (star wars): perceived zodiac sign: cancer.
via winchester (supernatural): april 13th, 1990 (zodiac sign: aries).
will welton (ted lasso): june 10th, 1976 (zodiac sign: gemini).
tabitha “tabby” aquino (teen wolf): july 3rd, 1994 (zodiac sign: cancer).
marina azevedo (teen wolf): november 29th, 1994 (zodiac sign: sagittarius).
lucinda “hale” (teen wolf): perceived zodiac sign: leo.
april hannigan (teen wolf): october 27th, 1994 (zodiac sign: scorpio).
alex wan-stilinski (teen wolf): may 5th, 1988 (zodiac sign: taurus).
anubis “andy” zhao (teen wolf): june 11th, 1994 (zodiac sign: gemini).
morrigan ravenroth (tolkeinverse): percieved zodiac sign: taurus.
reyna "sweetheart" castillo (top gun: maverick): october 9th, 1993 (zodiac sign: libra).
clarke taleb (triple frontier): december 18th, 1986 (zodiac sign: sagittarius).
avi chawla (twilight): july 10th, 1799 (zodiac sign: cancer).
catie greer (twlight): january 31st, 1993 (zodiac sign: aquarius).
isaac holliday (twilight): may 22nd, 1967 (zodiac sign: gemini).
rio varma (venom): march 19th, 1987 (zodiac sign: pisces).
esther st. claire (wednesday): august 24th, 2006 (zodiac sign: virgo).
rosaline craven (wizarding world): september 11th, 1990 (zodiac sign: virgo).
cat holmes (wizarding world): december 31st, 1960 (zodiac sign: capricorn).
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oc masterlist — action/adventure media
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚-𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦 (𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟎).
name: dorothy “dot” watanabe. fic: angel with a shotgun. pronouns: she/her. ship: h.m. “howling mad” murdock. faceclaim: karen fukuhara.
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚-𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦 (𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬).
name: javier “javi” martinez. fic: the only exception. pronouns: he/him. ship: templeton “faceman” peck. faceclaim: oscar isaac.
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𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭 & 𝐟𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬.
name: florencia “flo” sánchez. fic: shut up and drive. pronouns: she/her. ship: deckard shaw. faceclaim: monica raymund.
name: adriano “aj” vargas. fic: getaway car. pronouns: he/him. ship: roman pearce. faceclaim: oscar isaac.
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𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐣𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬.
name: lucy “lou” scrubb. fic: what the world could be. pronouns: she/her. ship: indiana jones. faceclaim: rachel weisz.
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𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐜𝐤.
name: willow madden. fic: nightmare. pronouns: she/her. ship: john wick. faceclaim: jennifer garner.
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧.
name: enola holmes. fic: everything i wanted. pronouns: she/her. ship: tom sawyer. faceclaim: hailee steinfeld.
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𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞.
name: john laurens “laurens” gates. fic: centuries. pronouns: he/him. ship: riley poole. faceclaim: luke thompson.
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𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.
name: adachi star. fic: uncharted waters. pronouns: she/her. ship: roronoa zoro. faceclaim: erin kellyman.
name: hayashi lark. fic: bird set free. pronouns: she/her. ship: vinsmoke sanji. faceclaim: rachel zegler.
name: morvant bellatrix. fic: hoist the colors. pronouns: she/her. ship: dracule mihawk. faceclaim: ruibo qian.
name: yami corvo. fic: blood in the water. pronouns: they/them. ship: red haired shanks. faceclaim: vico ortiz.
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𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐨𝐧.
name: lydia chen. fic: running down (to the riptide). pronouns: she/her. ship: percy jackson. faceclaim: peyton elizabeth lee.
name: arabella larson. fic: all’s fair. pronouns: she/her. ship: noelle perez (oc). faceclaim: malina weissman.
name: noelle perez. fic: all’s fair. pronouns: she/her. ship: arabella larson (oc). faceclaim: jenna ortega.
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𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐠𝐮𝐧: 𝐦𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤.
name: reyna “sweetheart” castillo. fic: still i fly. pronouns: she/her. ship: jake “hangman” seresin. faceclaim: eva noblezada.
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𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐫.
name: clarke taleb. fic: lightning in a bottle. pronouns: she/her. ship: santiago “pope” garcia + frankie “catfish” morales + benny miller + will “ironhead” miller. faceclaim: may calamawy.
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