#oc: jure bodulić
mishkakagehishka · 3 years
Guess who got himself a profile
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Template made by unfinished-projects-galore, sprite made using this picrew (with slight colour adjusting on my side).
More information, explanations, and further ramblings about the creation process under the cut
Starting with the name, Jure. His full name is Juraj, a Slavic equivalent of "George", but he goes by Jure because I love the concept of yuusonas with names that start with the "yuu" sound, whereas Juraj is a short yu </3
I edited the sprite to be a smidge darker, so it seems a bit awkward, but the skin colour options didn't have much of a range OTZ he's Mediterranean, so he has a tan.
Despite being a first year in Night Raven College, I've made him 18 purely because I thought it'd be funny if he just graduated secondary school, only to be thrown into another one. By my canon, he got isekai'd barely an hour after finishing his last school end exam. The birthday was chosen randomly, as with all my OCs, and his height fits the lower-end of the average height of young men in southern Croatia. I have to find a way to excuse the fact that Floyd would call him Little Shrimpy, but I think Floyd can and would use irony sometimes.
He is good at embroidery and does it as a hobby because I love when male characters are good at domestic things his grandmother taught him when he was a child, and the learning process is one of his fonder memories. He mostly does traditional embroidery, and often uses it to mend clothes as well as just for decoration. He's Croatian, specifically from the Dalmatia region, because I just thought it'd be funny to have a Dalmatian in Crewel's class. Get it, because- because Crewel is twisted from Cruella and- and Jure is Dal-
Similarly to the age reasoning, I decided he'd be a bit of a neat-freak because I wanna make him suffer a bit tbh and he would likely get a heart attack when entering Ramshackle for the first time. He's also a generally doubtful person; he doesn't like superstitions and magic, cards and astrology, all of those things that can't exactly be proven by numbers. That's why he has a hard time adjusting to the world of Twisted Wonderland, too. He also doubts people, Jure isn't the most trusting person, which makes it harder for him to make deep connections with people. I gave him those two traits because I figured it'd make for an interesting character arc - being forced to cooperate with ADeuce and even Grim, whom he'd known for mere days by the time Riddle overblots, and later with the rest of the first years and other characters would be good to make him a more open and trusting person. Likewise, being thrust into a world where magic exists might make him a more, how do I say, open-minded person? Suddenly having all of his beliefs and assumptions flipped on their head like that, I mean. Anyway, despite all that hatred for the unprovable, Jure's best friend was really into astrology and he's picked up some things about it, which made him seem like a natural talent at the subject, much to his chagrin.
I usually make game OCs only after I finish the entire game, but alas. I'll flesh out his arc completely once Diasomnia comes out, but for now, here's the general overview of who he is at the beginning of the story, and what I want to make of him by the end.
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
what are jures fears?
Oof, sorry, it took me a bit to get up the energy to answer this, sorry <3
Anyway! As a literal fear, Jure has arachnophobia - just the sight of spiders makes him nauseous and sends him into a panic, he can't stand seeing them and will probably beg anyone in the vicinity to take it outside or kill it. As a more abstract fear: he's scared of not living up to people's expectations and others' disappointment. He always tries to show his best side and appear as a reliable person, for that reason
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mishkakagehishka · 3 years
A Twisted Crossover | Twisted Wonderland Collab
!! I'm very excited to post this! A Twisted Wonderland collab with the wonderful @sammo-writes-whatever, featuring her OC Yumeko Amane, and my own Jure Bodulić :D I hope reading this will be as fun as it was for me to work on it, and be sure to check Sammy's blog for the Yumeko POV <3
Word count: 3852 Concept: The prologue of Twisted Wonderland, up until chapter 5, but instead of a solitary Yuu finding themselves alone in a new world, the twist comes from two people who'd never even met beforehand being isekai'd into the world of Twisted Wonderland
"So," as early summer doves sang, three high schoolers were sitting in a park, on short stone walls, able to finally relax after the final exam of the year. "Some exam that was, huh?" The tallest of the group, a lively boy appropriately nicknamed Vrcko, opened the conversation. "Stop it. It's over, I don't wanna think about it until the results come out." Taking a swig of some soda, the gloomy one of the bunch answered. "It's over now, anyway. If we pass, we pass, and if we fail…" "Lighten up, Roko. I thought the exam went just fine." The third, a mop-haired brunette with a lopsided smile, chided. "Don't say that, Jure, you'll curse yourself," Vrcko said. "Curses don't exist, stupid." "No, no, they do," Vrcko refused to be silenced, "My cousin's friend had a classmate who said she aced the essay, but ended up failing it. You'll curse yourself if you say it went fine." "You're an idiot. What else do you believe in? Magic? Is there a spell to make you see reality?" "There's a science to these things, bro!" "Anecdotal evidence is not real evidence." "There he goes again! Why do we even hang out with him, eh, Roko?"
Jure merely rolled his eyes, but still chuckled at the usual silliness. He looked out at the sky. Not a single cloud in sight, but the Sun was as merciless as always. It almost made him feel faint. The soda was cooling enough, but the clothes they had to wear to stay in line with the hellish dress code did very little to help keep him cool. Actually, he started to feel really faint.
Roko was the first to notice - the way Jure's eyes seemed to fade in and out of focus. He was swaying ever so slightly, as if he was moments away from fainting. "Hey? Jure, you okay?" He inquired. "Uh? Yeah, fine, just a little… this heat, you know? I'm feeling kinda… sick to my stomach." "Better you get sick after the exam than during, right?" Vrcko, true to his character, tried to lighten the mood, but took initiative by looping an arm around his friend's shoulders. "Lie down here for a moment." He guided Jure to lay properly on the wall, fanning him with his hand. "I'm gonna go buy some water, I don't think soda'll do him good now. Roko, watch him!" "Yessir," Roko responded unenthusiastically. "That's an older brother for ya, huh?" "Yeah… you can really tell he's got an army of little sisters." "You're making jokes. Good to know you're not dying." "Shut up, man. I've no idea what's happening, I feel like…"
He felt like he was hallucinating. Every time he closed his eyes to give them a rest, visions of a large building covered in darkness and a starless night sky arching over it invaded his mind. It was unlike anything he had seen before. It resembled a gothic castle, appearing both welcoming and intimidating all at once. And he could hear a voice, someone talking about a mirror. To a mirror? He saw a mirror. A young man was reflected in it, but it wasn't himself. An outstretched hand, inviting to be taken, and the voice repeating not to let go of it. Jure felt as if he was being invited, called. As if he was being told to follow the person in the mirror. Vocalising those thoughts to Roko, he only received a hum in response. "It's not a heatstroke, is it?" "If you got a heatstroke in the fifteen minutes we were sitting here, you probably have other issues. I'd look into those voices talking about mirrors, too." A pause. "Roko." Jure's voice now sounded alarmed. He was still laying on his back, his forearm shielding his forehead from the Sun and Roko sitting by his feet. Both were facing the road. Both were staring with eyes as wide as saucers, breaths stuck in their throats. "Yeah?" "You see the carriage and the devil-horse, too, right?" "... yeah. Yeah, I see it." "What the fuck?"
That's the moment where Jure's memories turn fuzzy. There is a large gap, there must be a large gap, between seeing that carriage, and where he found himself now. Standing in robes that looked fancier than anything he's ever worn, face-to-face with the angriest talking raccoon he's ever seen, and the most horrible gut feeling he's ever had.
A headache that grinds out at the bones of the skull, and a deafening ringing in the ears. That's what Jure registered first as he regained conscience. But his eyes open to darkness, and he realises he's enclosed in a tight space of sorts. As he felt around, trying to find a way out, he noticed how constricted his movements were. He was no longer wearing the simple t-shirt and jeans he remembers wearing moments prior - he was wearing some sort of robes. "What the…" he mumbled, pushing against the wooden walls of his cage. The space wasn't even big enough for him to spread his arms, but the boy tried his best to push his entire weight on the panel before him, the one he had felt budge during his feeling around, but it was as if it was locked with a chain.
There was some commotion outside, he could hear a high-pitched voice talking about becoming a great magician… and then there was the crackling and flowing sound of flames. Was there a fire? Jure, once more, shoved his entire weight on the front panel, managing to finally break it. He fell face first, but he finally felt as if he could take a deep breath, his lungs aching for oxygen he hadn't even noticed he was missing. As his eyes adjusted, he looked around - he was in a large, dark room, with a mirror in its centre, and right in his field of vision were a short girl with silver hair and a… cat with flaming ears? The cat was also talking. "Did I pass out? Am I dreaming?" He mumbled to himself. The girl was wearing odd clothes, he noticed, which reminded him of his own feeling of constriction earlier. Looking down, he confirmed to himself that he was indeed wearing robes. They seemed to have been made from quality material, but he was just as confused about them as he was about the rest of the situation.
"Dreaming about getting roasted by a raccoon with a European boy, that’s a new one!” the girl giggled when she noticed him, a hand demurely placed on her mouth. And Jure frowned, shooting her a weird look with a raised eyebrow. He thought he was the only one confused here, but as it seems, this was dreamlike to the girl, as well. It's not as if he can deny the possibility of this being just a dream himself though, it's the far more realistic option, even if it was quite the vivid dream "Well, keep dreaming! 'Cause I ain't no raccoon!" the cat responded. The cat responded? "The cat talks?" Jure said to no one in particular. "Not a cat either!" it protested.
The girl went on to comment how this must have been the weirdest dream she'd ever had, and Jure couldn't help but agree. He's had his fair share of odd dreams here and there, but none this weird, and certainly not all this vivid. His friends would get a kick out of hearing the details about it, though.
As he was thinking about it, however, he saw the girl seemed to have been considering something. He was about to ask, before the creature spewed more flames, and she ran towards him. Grabbing his hand, the girl pulled him as she ran through the corridors and hallways. Her hand was small, as was the rest of her, but he was taken aback by the contrasting boldness she held in just grabbing him and running like that. Still, he followed.
He couldn't deny that she was intriguing, and he may as well try to make a friend with someone as equally new to the situation as he was, even if it were a dream. He looked at their surroundings as they ran. He's never seen an interior this fancy, but by the signs, he reckoned it must have been a school. Maybe a boarding school for some sort of rich kids. How he'd got there was anyone's guess.
After some time of running, which felt like hours to him, they arrived at a library. At least, Jure thought it was a library. Bent over, hands leaned on his knees, he panted trying to catch his breath. "If this is a dream," he lamented between breaths, "I wanna wake up." Nothing quite like aimlessly complaining. Taking another raspy breath, he stood upright again, scanning their surroundings. It was a fairly large and open room, books strewn everywhere and some even floating. He didn't want to think about the logistics of flying books any more than about the talking, flame-spewing creature they saw. But he then looked at the girl again. As he was about to try and introduce himself, he only managed to open his mouth before that creature burst in, breathing flames left and right haphazardly. The girl tensed and seemed to have hidden herself behind Jure, who, perhaps on instinct, spread his arms in a protective manner, attempting to shield her. "Oi, what the hell do you want, you… you freak of nature?" he asked the creature. “Freak of- how dare you?! Foolish humans! Did you really think that you could get away from ME? Now, unless you wanna get burnt to a crisp, take off that-”
But before it could finish its tirade, the sound of a whip echoed through the library, and Jure closed his eyes, wincing at the sound. That must have hurt - but he's thankful it wasn't him in its place. He lowered his hands slightly, expecting whoever saved them from the creature to be on their side. "You okay?" He whispered to the girl, before bringing his attention back to the newcomer.
And boy, was it a newcomer that demanded attention. An adult man around Jure's height, wearing a suit with blue details, keys and mirror fragments dangling from his vest, and the most peculiar mask sitting atop his face. Crow-like. The mask concealed his eyes, leaving only glowing yellow dots in their place. Jure couldn't tell if he was wrong to lower his guard around the man or not, but, surely, if he wanted to harm them, he would have already done so. Regardless, he didn't move from his spot in front of the girl. For some reason, he couldn't fully trust the man in front of them. "Ah, I've found you at last," the man started talking, his voice almost melodic, "Splendid! I trust you two are this year's new students?" "Students? But I just finished-" "My, were you ever eager to make your debut. And even bringing along an untrained familiar…" "As if I'd ever listen to some human! Let go of the Great-" the creature's voice was muffled by the man, who constricted further the whip. He seemed to hold no care for others' input, from the way he was ignoring both the creature and Jure. "Yes, yes, rebellious familiars always say that. Do be quiet, will you?" The man continued to talk about a student orientation, gateways and coffins, on and on. Mere nonsense to Jure, who was too busy trying to figure out whether he was sleeping, or dying and in some weird limbo between life and death in which he was seeing hallucinations and visions.
Jure found it wiser to keep his mouth shut, given he was in the most unknown situation of his life to date. What was he to do, but listen to the man speak, try and take it all in without losing his mind? It was a dream, or a vision anyway. Either way, he'll wake up, and his friends will make fun of him for passing out in the middle of a park. Maybe even get chided by a granny who'd think they got drunk at three in the afternoon. The girl was the one who interrupted the man, however.
Jure was surprised, for a mere moment, but this girl also grabbed him and ran minutes ago, her boldness is something he'd already noted about her. It was commendable, he thought, but it might get her hurt. He tried to motion to her to be quiet, but decided against it. The man didn't seem to want to hurt them, in fact, he thought of them as students. She'd seem disrespectful at worst. But it was a moment between that thought and realising the man's attention was suddenly on him. He'd asked Jure something, this man, but the boy wasn't paying attention. "Umm…" he trailed off, bringing his hand to the back of his neck in a defensive stance and looking away, "Sorry…" he added, quietly, hoping whatever it was that he was asked was answerable with an apology. “No matter. I will explain while we walk. For I am gracious!” The way he emphasised the word "gracious" made shivers run down Jure's spine. For some reason, he couldn't imagine the man was being honest. But explain he did.
"This," He motioned around them, a grand wave of his hands trying to emphasise the grandeur of their surroundings, "is Night Raven College. A school of great history and even greater prestige. We have been operating for well over a century, and you are both immensely lucky to have been chosen by the black carriage - by this very institution! Indeed, for potential mages of such great luck, you sure are an impulsive pair," though he muttered the last part. "Ahem! In any case. And I am this proud school's current headmaster, Dire Crowley. At your service." "Um, mages? Like, magic? Magical mages?" Jure repeated, the cogs in his brain hitting a snag on that specific word. "Well, yes, that is why you are here, is it not? Night Raven College, after all, is one of the most prestigious magic schools." "Magic...?!"
To say Jure was at a loss of words was an understatement. He was skirting the edges of disbelief and the aching knowledge of this being far too vivid for a mere dream. But magic? That was a step too far. "But magic doesn't- it's not real…" he muttered under his breath, his sight suddenly turning fuzzy. But how else would he explain the happenings of the past day? Have 24 hours even passed already? It was midday when he was whisked away, yet now it was already night-time. The loss of an entire day, the demonic horse and night-black carriage; the awakening in a coffin to a cat that huffs and puffs flames; and this man. Dire Crowley. Even Jure knew there was something odd about him, about his pointed ears and hidden - yet reflective - eyes. It wasn't quite human and, if such non-human yet sentient beings existed, beings like that damned cat, as well, then why is magic a step too far? Perhaps, Jure pondered, because magic was easier to deny. He hadn't seen any yet, not any real magic.
He hadn't even noticed when he'd squatted down, desperate to feel grounded, hands pressed against the cold stone below them, until Crowley spoke once more, urging them to leave for an orientation. Gravity felt stronger at that moment and he felt as if his whole body was resisting his attempt at straightening up.
Said orientation took place in a room dripping in opulence, an aura of ceremony and importance, yet thickly veiled in darkness. The room in which he woke up, that he could only now fully take in. Looking around, the entire room was in the colours of the night, with the most prominent source of light being the large ornate mirror in the centre of the room. The room was filled to the brim with youngsters Jure deemed to be close in age to himself, all dressed in the same weird robes. Almost like a uniform of sorts. He watched the youngest-looking of the sort stepping up to the mirror, proclaiming their names, and promptly being told by a face in the mirror where their "soul belongs" - it's wrong to assume that Jure had come to terms with the existence of magic, he merely stopped questioning it for a moment. He felt if he continued, he’d have a total breakdown, after all. Looks-wise, he’d assumed the people who surrounded him were all students, at a high school age. There were a couple of those students who stood out, those who, as he understood, were heads of the dorms the mirror was pointing the students to. All peculiar in their own ways, to be sure.
Yet, at the same time, the one who stood out the most was the girl who seemed to be in the same situation as Jure. She was the first other human he saw after waking up, and she seemed just as new to this whole thing as he was, so, naturally, he felt intrigued. Still cautious, knowing he'd just barely met her that day and didn't even learn her name yet, he observed her from the corner of his eye. Hair a vibrant silver, not unlike a few other students he saw there, and striking blue eyes. But above all, he noted how young she looked. Not just because of her height, but her face, and even the way she carried herself, in a way, made Jure question if she was even at an age to be accepted into a high school. Of course, that only made this whole situation even weirder to him. He'd have thought she might have been a gifted child, a prodigy who skipped a few grades, if not for the few glaring details. The most important of which, being that they were both strangers here. Nobody was as confused or as lost as they seemed to be, that much was obvious. It would be unwise to let their guards down.
He kept an eye on the girl as they were called to approach the mirror, realising her age and stature might make her a target for any ne'er-do-wells. While he couldn't say he would be overly eager to protect a stranger whom he has no connections to, he felt responsible for her. He carried an ideal of an older brother, despite not having any younger siblings himself, and the idea of a child like her getting hurt while he was in the vicinity simply did not sit right with him. Besides, they both were in unknown and new situations, a school unlike any other, with supposed mages all around them. They were already allies through that, is what he thought, so it would only be right to watch her back.
The mirror asked for his name, and he felt eyes prodding at his back as he whispered the answer out. A quiet, "Jure Bodulić," his head bent down. The mirror, rather, the face in the mirror was almost grotesque, resembling a painted theatrical mask. It moved in emphasised, almost animated, motions, mouth widening and cheekbones pulling apart as it hummed and thought, pondering the response. Jure himself had no idea what the response could be; he had no idea what constituted the colour of a soul, or what that had to do with school dorms. But maybe that's why the mirror was there, perhaps nobody knew? Perhaps not. The mask scrunched its non-existent nose up in faux disgust - before stating that the colour of his soul was unclear to it. "I sense no magical powers from these two. Soundless. Colourless. Shapeless. Utterly vacant," it began. "Well, okay, I don't think we deserve the name-calling," Jure protested. "Therefore," it continued as if it wasn't even interrupted, "no dorm would be appropriate."
The rest of the night was a ride. That talking cat-creature made a mess of the rest of the ceremony, before getting collared, quite literally, by a boy with hair as red as his temper. It was a show, a good one as far as Jure was concerned, but it hardly made him overlook the problem that arose. The mirror, and the school itself through it, rejected them. They were told they had no way back home because neither the girl's nor his home countries even existed in this place. This place, as Jure was enlightened to, being a completely new world. A separate plane. An alternative dimension. Something to that tune, something that he was way too tired to think about. As he thought - the girl and he were strangers here.
Crowley told them not to worry (a paradox if Jure ever saw one, the man was as trustworthy as the town's gossip, and he knew him for a mere hour at that point), that he was far too gracious to kick them out when they had no way home, nor money to care for themselves. That he would give them a place to stay in exchange for labour. Fair enough. While he was laying out those terms, Jure let his mind wander again. The girl seemed shaken. Of course she did - he reprimanded himself - anyone would be. He was also shaken, he wasn't going to deny it, this whole evening was just one thing after another. In a somewhat awkward show of support, he reached out, placing a hand on her shoulder, squeezing lightly and giving her a reassuring smile. Or, as reassuring as he could make it considering he was worried and tired himself. He hoped the gesture would make her feel, if anything, as if she had an ally by her side; someone she could count on.
They both agreed to the headmaster's terms, for what other choice did they have, and followed him outside. Jure immediately noted how cold it was. The nip in the air wasn't freezing by any means, but it was uncomfortable. He can't imagine it was still early summer, as it was before he was transported here (still a reality that will take getting used to). When he looked over to the girl, checking to see how she was faring, their eyes met. Hers were so big and bright, and he hoped it was truly a reflection of her soul. At that moment, he remembered he still didn't know her name. "I'm Jure Bodulić," he offered with the friendliest smile he could muster. "What's your name?" He might as well attempt to befriend her, between it seeming like they'll be stuck here for a while and not to mention living under the same roof, it seemed like a smart idea to form an allyship with the other "new kid". "I'm Yumeko," she answered. "Yumeko Amane." "Good, good. Nice to meet you, Yumeko. Guess we'll be roomies from now on." He mused. Off to a good start, he thought. He hoped.
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mishkakagehishka · 3 years
Make room for the palest Dalmatian man you've ever seen (picrew link)
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"Why'd'ja make him Dalmatian" I've got two VERY good reasons, beyond just me being a mangold-eater and unable to shut up about it, actually
I like the genre of Yuusonas where their names start with the Yū sound, but only such name I know is Jure. He'll get along great with the ghosts of Ramshackle (getit bc- bc jure is pronounced like yūrei which-)
Yuu is in class 1-A which means their homeroom teacher is Crewel. Having a Dalmatian in the twisted version of Cruella's class? HILARIOUS
That's all I know ab him so far. Worry not, beyond being able to make the two jokes above, I'll take him somewhat seriously and make a normal OC yet. Though the idea of just making him a walking stereotype has crossed my mind, I'll refrain. I'll make a normal profile for him yet.
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
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jure's appearance vs. jure's bedroom
Literally so true. He's not the one looking at himself so he doesn't care, but that's HIS bedroom that he has to live in🙄🙄
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
ok ok ok ok, imagine jure and yumeko but it isn't a twst au. jure moves to japan or vice versa. imagine.
HDHDHDHHD okay wait but do i give Jure a little "oh he knows some japanese" or just shove him there with no knowledge and completely illiterate. What would be funnier-
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
corky! if jure wore a school uniform, how would he wear it? blazer buttoned or not? loose tie, straight, tie, or no tie at all? im totally not using this for something im writing.
Ohohoho👀👀👀👀👀👀 writing are we👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
As for Jure, he's a very pro forma type of guy. You probably wouldn't notice his uniform is a mess unless you actually stepped close and tried looking for it, save for the fact that he keeps his tie loose. The shirt isn't buttoned all the way up (and likely isn't even ironed), the blazer is unbuttoned, and if the shirt is actually decent-looking he might even just ditch the blazer. Despite getting minimal use, the buttons are most likely hanging on by a thread - literally. He could fix them easily is the worst part. He could - but he won't.
Jure is a bit of an expert at looking tidy, and he does make an effort in day-to-day life, but if it's something he has to put on first thing in the morning to drag his ass to class... he's doing just the bare minimum needed to make him look presentable. He's a total hypocrite, a neat freak regarding everything except his own school uniform.
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
what does jure's phone case look like?
Jure doesn't have a phonecase. His phone has a cracked screen, but he just "doesn't like how the phone feels" when it's in a case. </3 save his phone from him
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
Spider: Sees lavender on Jure's window.
Spider: Well shit.
That's why keeps the lavender there😉
His first night in Ramshackle was a show, however. He left the water running until the bathtub was properly WetTM and then slept there
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
how would you describe jure's bedroom? like, if you were writing a book and you want the reader to have it very clear in their mind.
Ah, Jure my boy! Thank you for asking, Sammy <3 Though I've never been much good at describing places, I'll try my best to give a "setting the scene" feel for it...
The first thing you notice when you walk through the door is the smell, or, rather, the scent. The small, modest room that only fits the necessities as far as furniture is involved has various plants decorating available surfaces. A snake plant on the mahogany bedside table, right to a bed made so neatly one would think nobody ever even slept in it, and an air plant in a small, glass bowl that served as a bookend on the bookshelf next to his desk. A philodendron brasil plant hanging from a corner above the bed - to purify the air - and a lavender pot resting on the desk that stood facing a window - to ward of spiders. The greenery provides hints of the room's occupant's personality, much more than the minimalist décor, if one could even call it that. Truly, other than stack of books left on the desk, the room looked as if it belonged in a catalogue, almost unlived in. Tidy to a fault, nothing seemingly out of place, even every wooden piece of furniture (the desk, the bedside table, the bed's frame, the closet, the shelf and the bookshelf) was the same mahogany, as if cut from the same tree. And this was, in part, because Jure truly didn't live in his room. He slept there, and did work sometimes, but, other than that, found no reason to spend time there.
Yet, despite his want to appear as put-together and tidy - and mature - as possible, an old plush lies hidden under the pillow covered in a boring grey case matching the sheets. As much as he hides his personality and identity from those who visit his room, if you know where to look, you'll find bits and pieces of his hidden self.
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mishkakagehishka · 3 years
jure question! what clothes does he usually wear/ what's his clothing style?
O- an unexpected question. Thank you!
Jure's the type to dress casually, but still tidy. His wardrobe isn't the most colourful nor fancy, but he keeps tidy and puts in an effort to look presentable at all times. His usual look is a graphic tee tucked into jeans and sneakers, as it's simple but still aesthetically pleasing, especially if also paired with belts or sashes.
He spices up the simplicity of his clothing by wearing jewellery, though, lots of rings, and thin necklaces. His ears are pierced, too, because why not, right.
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mishkakagehishka · 3 years
Ugh i seriously need to unlearn the whole "anglo and western european = the default" in media like. I'll give my OCs names I hear and see every day, last names ending in -ić and -ov and -ski, names I can tell you the meaning of purely intuitively, and think to myself "But doesn't it sound awkward? Doesn't it not fit into the story and world?" What makes the english equivalent of that name "fit in", that makes my culture's equivalent not fit? What makes the english equivalent less awkward? What makes it less "difficult" or "easier to digest" or even just "less cringe"? Only the fact that I'm more used to seeing them in media than names where j is pronounced as y, or last names ending in -ić being common place, and last names ending in -ski/y belonging to more than just villains. But readers can get used to my culture's names, too.
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