#oc: kahsii
bluezeri · 1 year
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behold. some memes now that I'm getting back into swtor
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empire-at-war · 3 years
new year drabbles 1/?
the first story features @bluezeri's adorable Chiss agent Kahsii who wanted to meet my Starv
I wanted to write short drabbles but this got a bit longer than intended so it gets its own post
“I'm almost there, keep going.“ The beeps of the tracking device became louder as Starv's stolen shuttle got closer to the warehouse floating in the sky above Nar Shaddaa. He grit his teeth as he accelerated further, partly from sheer annoyance and partly from the maneuvering he had to do to avoid crashing into the traffic.
Cursing under his breath Starv squinted at the computer's readings, trying to focus and ignore his splitting headache. They were cutting it pretty close, but he would reach the western landing bridge in time to pick up the rookie agent before he got himself killed. He would fly them to safety and then he would tell the guy exactly what he thought about being called in the middle of the night by his contact to safe his sorry ass. On his first day off since lifeday...
“Be ready to jump on my mark,“ he shouted into the comm, turning the ship around, scratching the paint in the process. Blaster fire bounced off the hull in quick succession. Good thing the ship wasn't owned by Imperial authorities. Less paperwork this way.
Starv started a countdown as he opened the landing hatch.
At first there was only the sound of alien voices shouting, then more blasterfire, then nothing for a few seconds. Starv cursed some more under his breath, then heaved a sigh of relief when he finally heard the clang of something heavy hitting the deck, followed by a lot of coughing and a loud warning. „They have a gunship!“
He was right, Starv noticed. A heavy gunship had appeared behind the warehouse and was moving towards them. Great. That was just what this mission had been missing. “Get up here I need someone to help me...“ He froze as the other agent stepped into the cockpit. He was shocked for a moment to realize that not only was he Chiss, he was also incredibly young. Who the hell sent a kid on a mission like this?
Starv's scowl deepened as he pointed to the co-pilot's chair. “Get ready to fire as soon as they get in range.”
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bluezeri · 3 years
yall ever just
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hero forge my beloved
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bluezeri · 3 years
yall ever just get the urge to kill off one of ur ocs for no reason despite having future plans for them that are kinda important meaning u probably shouldn't kill them but like. angst
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bluezeri · 3 years
would u consider any of your ocs a protagonist or main or favourite or smth? 👀
oh absolutely! shirei is the commander and azeme becomes the empress eventually so they ofc have that mc energy, and kahsii much later during the whole malgus returns arc :D
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bluezeri · 3 years
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an alliance agent on nar shadaa :}
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bluezeri · 3 years
figured id post his work clothes as well
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kahsii my beloved
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bluezeri · 3 years
Kashii is so cute plz ramble about him chiss agents my beloveds
k so. im just like meshing all my characters into one horrible universe so kahsii enters about 3 yrs into the uh. the five year gap. idk what its called. when the commander is popsicled for 5 years. anyway he enter like 3 years into that bc theron hears about this incredibly efficient and dangerous agent in the imperial intelligence and is like "hey i better go investigate that" and so he does. and dtheres this like whole battle and everything cipher nine (he hasnt yet been named kahsii which ill get into later shh) knows theron has been looking for him so he just. appears next to him. he doesnt have anything better to do so. :/ anyway theron freaks out and kahsii continues taunting him before disappearing again. and then they meet again bc they got trapped somewhere alone n they have this big fight and kahsiis mask that he wears to keep his identity hidden somehow gets knocked off and theron just kinda pauses like. hm. that a kid. thats a wholeass kid. what the fuck. and idk what happens in between (ill figure that out later) but theron borderline kidnaps him like no. im not letting a whole ass kid fight for the empire. absolutely not. but see kidnapping is kind of illegal in the republic and he stole one of the empire best agents so. now they on the run, while simultaneously fighting the eternal empire along the way nd its just kinda one whole mess? anyway kahsii "disowns" him pretty much everyday and theron, whos just kind of gotten used to it is like "k so... do u want this mac n cheese or no". and from then on its p much just forced found family.
ooh fun part kahsiis whole backstory is that his parents were p well known in the empire, but then some whole scandal happened so they gave him to intelligence to train as young as possible to create a rlly good agent so like. he was never officially named? he just went with whatever designation he was assigned, like cipher nine. and what theron heard abt this he was like??? u cant just not have a name wtf?? im gonna give u a name. and thats how he got the name kahsii
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bluezeri · 3 years
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“Hello friend.”
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bluezeri · 3 years
theyre my ocs therefore i have the ability to make kahsii wearing obnoxiously bright purple plaid pants canon. here. take it.
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bluezeri · 3 years
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hes rambling about how cool ithar and zilnos are
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bluezeri · 3 years
Also while you're at it tell me something about one of your swtor ocs 👉👈
i will in fact tell u multiple things >:}
kahsii (agent) is definitely not old enough to be on the battlefeild. does he care? no. he could not care less. theron however, woukd a like a few words with imperial intelligence
nuzeri (consular) is a dilf. thats all im gonna say abt him.
jaisan is a sith pureblood. he is also a jedi knight. this will not stop him from crying bc he stepped on a red m&m, thinking it was a ladybug
shirei is the commander of the allince and the biggest simp for her force wielding wives, lana and azeme (other knight)
azeme is also in charge of all the missions and stuff! the ones not operated by the commander ofc
thats all i got for now, ik u said one but i just rlly love all of them i had to infodump srry </3
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bluezeri · 3 years
So I was thinking about how my ocs would react to other people ocs and now I can’t stop thing about kahsii meeting @viridanlegacy ‘s agent Ithar so. here. i apologize in advance.
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shshdgdhjsjsjjs i feel like Ithars been around longer than kahsii so I figured he (kahsii) found a training holovid or smth with him in it and used it constantly so now hes just ✨shook✨
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