#trans theron shan
bluezeri · 1 year
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behold. some memes now that I'm getting back into swtor
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ainyan · 2 years
Hello, and welcome to my blog! I'm Ainyan, and below you'll find some of the characters that I may be posting about. I primarily post about the excellent MMORPGs Final Fantasy XIV and Star Wars: The Old Republic - but I also play a lot of other games like Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Persona, Destiny, and others, and am happy to talk about them as well!
I maintain two Carrds (FFXIV and SWTOR) as well as an active if infrequently updated Archive of our Own account.
I welcome asks (anon and named) and maintain an ever-growing list of prompts and ask memes that can be found here. I am a member of the LGBTQ+ and poly communities and am heavily pro-trans (and pro-human) rights. If you are a bigot or TERF, feel free to walk yourself right out of here - you'll find no succor and no discourse here.
Without further ado, my characters:
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Name: Kal'istae Miurani (Kali)
Race: Au Ra (Xaela)
Canon Jobs: White Mage, Dancer, Gunbreaker, Sage, Dragoon, Summoner
Relationships: Thancred (Partner)
Status: Main RP Character (Marilith)
Link to her Carrd. || Link to her #tag.
(Note: Although Kal'istae is a real character, all of her achievements/deeds/experiences for actual in-game content are based off of Ciprys, who has done almost everything.)
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Name: Ciprys Dreamweaver (Cip)
Race: Au Ra (Raen)
Canon Jobs: Summoner, Dancer, White Mage, Paladin, Ninja
Relationships: Cirdan Dreamreaver (Husband)
Status: Main Play Character (Famfrit)
Link to her Carrd. || Link to her Lodestone.
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Name: Kyszarin Asyret (Kys)
Race: Viera (Rava)
Canon Jobs: Summoner, Sage, Reaper, Warrior, Dancer
Relationships: Raine Inarin (Lover/Partner)
Status: Alternate Play Character (Famfrit)
Link to his Carrd. || Link to his #tag.
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Name: Szah'li Khiyanto
Race: Miqo'te (Keeper of the Moon)
Canon Jobs: White Mage, Dark Knight, Dancer, Dragoon, Summoner
Relationships: Alisaie (Partner); Kabniel (Meta)
Status: Alternate RP Character (Marilith)
Link to his Carrd. || Link to his #tag.
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Name: Miurani'kal'istae (Nikali, Kali)
Race: Chiss
Class: Imperial Agent (Operative)
Relationships: Theron Shan (Husband); Saganu (Consort)
Affiliations: Empire (Saboteur), Republic (Double Agent), Eternal Alliance, Chiss Ascendancy
Status: Main Play/RP Character (Satele Shan)
Link to her Carrd. || Link to her #tag.
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Name: Cip'rys
Race: Chiss
Class: Smuggler (Scoundrel)
Relationships: Theron Shan (Husband)
Affiliations: Republic (Loyalist), Eternal Alliance
Status: Alternate Play/RP Character (Satele Shan)
Link to her Carrd. || Link to her #tag.
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thevehszlegacy · 2 years
V'ehsz Legacy: Alliance Era, Main Eight
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Bounty Hunter: Ar'eonis'terrinxx ("Terrin")
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist
Grand Champion, Outlander, Commander
Chiss - she/her - bi
Powertech - Pyrotech, Shield Tech / Commando - Assault Specialist
SO: Torien Cadera (married)
Children: Atten, Araa, & Anaehr Cadera
Alignment: Gray (formerly dark)
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Jedi Consular: Synnda V'ehsz
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist
Lead Diplomat, Grand Paladin, Member of the Circle Synnda is, essentially, Terrin's second in command in everything but title
Zabrak - he/him - gay, ace, poly
Shadow - Serenity / Sage - Seer
SO: Koth Vortena, Chakem Vira (dating, polycule)
Children: Niveh'era (adopted)
Students: Nadia Grell & Lina Tophrik (former); Parrakh Djal, Niveh'era, Attros Finn
Alignment: Light
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Imperial Agent: Rediaex'aere'zortiea ("Xaerez")
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist / Ship Playlist
Alliance Intelligence Agent, AKA "Nav'erda'tten"
Chiss - he/him, they/them - nonbinary, gay
Sniper - Virulence, Engineering / Operative - Concealment
SO: Theron Shan (married)
Alignment: Gray
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Sith Inquisitor: Qizulth Verryn (Ki'zulthevrynn)
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist
Darth Nox, Lead Archeologist & Ancient Researcher
Twi'lek - he/him - trans man, aro, ace
Sorcerer - Madness, Lightning / Marauder - Fury
SO: Single, not interested
Children: Niveh'era (adopted)
Apprentices: Ashara Zavros, Xalek (former)
Alignment: Dark
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Sith Warrior: Aaz'n Tarnak
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist / Ship Playlist
Lord Wrath, Head of Security, Grand Paladin
Sith Pureblood - she/her - lesbian
Juggernaut - Immortal / Assassin - Darkness
SO: Max Tro (engaged)
Students: Jaesa Wilsaam (former); Deca Iresso
Alignment: Light (leans gray)
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Jedi Knight: Liolana "Leo" Vetiko
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist / Ship Playlist
Battlemaster, Grand Paladin, Member of the Circle
Cathar - she/her, they/them - demigirl, bi
Guardian - Defense / Shadow - Kinetic Combat
SO: Ytila'vena (dating)
Students: Kira Carsen (former)
Alignment: Gray (formerly light)
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Trooper: Varrich Tophrik
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist
Head of Agriculture
Mirialan - he/him - aro, ace
Vanguard - Shield Specialist / Operative - Concealment
SO: Single, not interested
Alignment: Gray (leans dark)
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Smuggler: Jendrush "Jen" Sept
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist / Ship Playlist
Voidhound, Privateer
Cathar - he/him - pan
Gunslinger - Dirty Fighting / Mercenary - Arsenal
SO: K'hedif (married)
Children: Jessi & Jeva Toklar-Sept (adopted), Liakige Harren (adopted), Luci & Riza Sept
Alignment: Light
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swtorpigeons · 3 years
SW:TOR OC "about" post
All art by me, might get around to making portraits in a consistent style for this one day, we’ll see! Also still got a few more characters I might add later :)
Jedi Knight, Alliance Commander
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Species: Twi’lek
Age: Early 30s as of KotET
Gender + orientation: Trans man (he/him), bisexual
Relationship status: N/A
Alignment: Chaotic good
About: Bezekki has never thrived in the typical Jedi lifestyle, and has often enough been reprimanded for indulging his anger and generally being a bit of an ass. Despite this, he (usually) does what’s right, and he laughs almost as easily as he angers. Why anyone chose to let Kira be trained by a Jedi who seems to be one bad day away from turning to the dark side is anyone’s guess, but he’s managed alright, usually by occasionally pausing whatever ridiculous thing he’s doing to tell her “Don’t do this.”
Darth Umyon
(Former) Wrath of the Emperor
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Species: Sith
Age: Mid-30s as of KotET
Gender + orientation: Cis man (he/him), bisexual
Relationship status: In a very new, tentative relationship with Malavai Quinn. Maybe.
Alignment: Chaotic good.
About: Umyon is simultaneously a very good and very bad Sith. On one hand, he follows his passions and rage. On the other, he’s usually passionate and angry about the injustices of the world. He’s not the fastest speeder on the dock, but he’s a monster on the battlefield and usually quite personable and friendly in private.
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Species: Human (cyborg)
Age: Late 20s as of KoTET
Gender + orientation: Cis woman (she/her), straight
Relationship status: N/A - unfortunately Annemil quite easily develops feelings for people, but knows she can’t pursue these as a Jedi, leading to a not insignificant amount of heartbreak.
Alignment: Lawful good
About: Born into a minor noble house on Alderaan and growing up being adored and doted on by her loving family, Annemil’s force sensitivity wasn’t discovered until she was an adolescent. By the time she was sent to train on Tython, she’d grown into a very sweet and caring young lady, and she still struggles with her habit of becoming emotionally involved in the struggles of any person she meets. There’s an innocent and naive side to her, which has led to her being betrayed and decieved more often than most - though she keeps seeing the best in people despite this.
Darth Nox
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Species: Rattataki
Age: Late 20s as of KotET
Gender + orientation: Cis woman (she/her), lesbian
Relationship status: In a relationship with Lana Beniko.
Alignment: Lawful Evil
About: Auxayseo was born into slavery on Nar Shaddaa, and later sold to a rich family on Dromund Kaas at the age of 13. Since she was too small to work and too young to dance, she was given to the youngest daughter of the family, and functioned as the 6-year-old’s personal servant/entertainment. After a while, it was discovered that the “funny magic tricks” the child enjoyed watching Auxie perform were small displays of force lightning, and she was sent off to Korriban soon after. Here, she flourished, a quick learner and ruthlessly efficient at her trials, and soon became the apprentice of Lord Zash. Now, as Darth Nox, Auxayseo takes great pleasure in the petty luxuries of life that she grew up around but never experienced for herself. She’s terrifyingly powerful, incredibly smart, and completely off her trolley from a much too fast descent into the Dark Side.
Hrallae’mila’tarn (Emilat)
(Formerly) Cipher Nine
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Species: Chiss (cyborg)
Age: Early 30s as of KotET
Gender + orientation: Cis man (he/him), gay
Relationship status: Might be married to Theron Shan. They joke about getting divorced a lot, but no one’s been to any wedding.
Alignment: Used to be lawful evil, has moved into a neutral good territory. He’s not good at it, but he’s trying.
About: Emilat used to only care about being a good assassin and maybe sleeping around if he had the time. His experiences in Imperial Intelligence (and his friendship with Vector Hyllus) forced him to develop some idea of right and wrong, even if he's... still learning. He ended up erasing his own existence from all records, living more or less as a ghost with a sniper rifle before joining the Alliance. During this time, a somewhat antagonistic rivalry with Theron Shan evolved into some very inconvenient feelings for them both, and Emilat may or may not be entertaining the idea of joining the SIS if/when the Commander joins forces with the Republic.
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azems-familiar · 2 years
Vyl Kivan
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(unfortunately i only have screenshots of him in the consular playthrough i made for him, so we have none of his outfits when he's in the Empire. whoops.)
Vyl is the youngest of the start a war cast, being only seventeen when the class stories begin. a household slave to a Sith Lord whose son is Force-blind, Vyl is sent to Korriban in the boy's stead and told to become a proper heir for the family, his freedom contingent on his success among the Sith. a very young, but very powerful person with the rare gift of Force empathy, Vyl is an innately Light person and struggles with what becoming Sith means, especially as he's picked up by Darth Baras to be used as yet another tool in the Sith's arsenal. he spends much of his story struggling with morality and philosophy and what sacrifices are acceptable to make for freedom, and juggling his desire to run from the Empire and join the Jedi with the ingrained belief that the things he's done in Baras' service have left him unworthy of the peace that defecting would bring him.
by the time he faces down Baras and stops the coup, Vyl has settled into his role as a tool once again, this time of Vitiate and the Hand, but though he accepts the position, he refuses to sacrifice his own morality and beliefs for what others expect from him. he rejects an attempt to recruit him to the Jedi on Ilum, mostly once again out of his constant internal struggle, though he leaves the planet with a young padawan attached to his hip. when he's deputized by the Dark Council to join his friend and unofficial second-in-command of the sphere of Defense, Rheja na'Korriz, on an invasion of the Jedi homeworld of Tython, however, he can no longer continue arguing with himself. he meets Master Orgus Din there once again, as well as master healer Riali Enaran, and this time ends up accepting the offer to become part of the Order and finally free himself from the Empire and the Sith.
a natural-born consular, Vyl studies Force healing and other mental arts while with the Jedi, and when Zakuul attacks he puts his experiences to good use by fighting in the war. unfortunately, the Republic loses, and Vyl ends up following his long-term partner, Theron Shan, and becoming one of the founding members of the Eternal Alliance. he's a part of the Jedi enclave on Odessen, a member of Alliance High Command, and a well-known Jedi master.
he's also trans :)
reference sheet done by moonlitalien
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leeoliver · 7 years
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i was busy thinking bout
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hobblywobbly · 3 years
SWTOR OC Masterlist
finally decided to go ahead and make a masterlist of all my ocs that I've made lore for and worked into the game's canon (some more prominent and favored than others)
will update as time goes on!
Inbox is always open to questions!
The Outlanders
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Name: Concilliabule Xander Gender: Male (he/him) Species: Human Class/Alignment: Sith Inquisitor | Sorcerer | LS Color Crystal: Black-Orange Age: 36* (at the end of Onslaught)(*spent 5 years in carbonite) Sexuality: Gay Romance: Arcann | Dating Notes: younger twin brother of jaro'marc, ex-slave turned acolyte, was the one in carbonite for five years in Arcann's treasury vault thing, first oc, the commander of the eternal alliance, named himself
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Name: "Captain" Flynnweh Shan Gender: Male (he/him) Species: Miraluka Class/Alignment: Smuggler Gunslinger | Dirty Fighting | LS Color Crystal: White-Yellow-Orange (both guns) Age: 45* (at the end of Onslaught)(*spent 5 years in carbonite) Sexuality: Bisexual Romance: Theron Shan | Married Notes: the Dad™ of the alliance, co-commander of the eternal alliance, force-sensitive, stole his name from a legendary pirate, widower
The Jedi
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Name: Jaro'marc Xander Gender: Male (he/him) Species: Human Class/Alignment: Jedi Sentinel | Concentration | DS Color Crystal: Cloud Blue (main) Desert Green (off hand) Age: 36 (at the end of Onslaught) Sexuality: Pansexual Romance: Kira Carsen | Married Notes: older twin brother of concilliabule, lost eye and leg from imperial torture, was officially exiled from the jedi order, very much anti-imperial, has a daughter with kira (Faiós Carsen-Xander)
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Name: Eliote Gender: Female (she/her) Species: Human Class/Alignment: Jedi Shadow | Infiltration | LS Color Crystal: Farmhand Blue Age: 34 (at the end of Onslaught) Sexuality: Lesbian/Ace Romance: Lana Beniko | Married Notes: a force empath, spent a few years before KOTEF training under the voss
The Hunter
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Name: Mlircu Cadera Gender: Female (she/they) Species: Chiss Class/Alignment: Bounty Hunter Mercenary | Arsenel | DS Color Crystal: Blood Red Age: 33 (at the end of Onslaught) Sexuality: Demisexual Romance: Torian Cadera | Married Notes: orphaned and raised outside the ascendency, became mandalorian through the hunt, doesn't speak much, has a son with torian (its blizz although torian vehemently denies it), vendetta against flynn
The Soldier
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Name: Derlena Gender: Trans-Female (she/her) Species: Human Class/Alignment: Trooper Vanguard | Tactics | LS Color Crystal: Radiant Green Age: 40 (at the end of Onslaught) Sexuality: Bisexual Romance: Aric Jorgan | Married Notes: defected from the republic with the rest of havoc
The Warrior
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The FeAgentsh'el Gender: Female (she/her) Species: Half Pureblood, Half Twi'lek Class/Alignment: Sith Juggernaut | Vengeance | DS Color Crystal: Fire Red Age: 52 (at the end of Onslaught) Sexuality: Heterosexual Romance: Malavai Quinn | Married Notes: vendetta against concilliabule, dark council member as of Onslaught
The Freelance Agent
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Name: Eskowel Gender: Male (he/they) Species: Chiss Class/Alignment: Imperial Operative | Concealment | LS Color Crystal: Derelict-Purple Age: 40 (end of Onslaught) Sexuality: Demisexual Romance: Vector Hyllus | Dating Notes: born into an imperial noble family but expressed interest in Intelligence, family died abord Darth Jadus's ship, allergic to physical affection and has been known to bite and/or scream, 30% good morals 70% sarcasm and a sprinkle of dark humor
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forcemelt · 3 years
Lawesh Legacy - OC list
At the moment this list doesn’t include all of my relevant story ocs, but rather the ones that I have at least completed the class story with. I don’t have any proper descriptions, but you can still find some basic info for each of them! I of course plan on adding more to this list in the future.
*All ages listed are as of 10 ATC
You can click on each character’s name and it’ll redirect you to my post tag for them on this blog
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- Hero of Tython, Jedi Battlemaster + The Outlander,  Alliance Commander
Human (cyborg), 5′ 7″, he/him, cis man, gay
Class: jedi knight (watchman sentinel)
Age: 20 (turns 21 shortly before being knighted)
Romance: Theron Shan [ship tag]
gameplay status: finished with the class story + all expansions
+ BONUS: Mararay (sith warrior!au + ray’s impside alt)
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gameplay status: mainly a raiding toon at the moment. at least he’s done with ballmora....
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- Captain, Republic Privateer
Twi'lek, 5′ 2″, she/her, cis woman, bisexual
Class: smuggler (scoundrel/gunslinger)
Age: 23
Romance: Lemda Avesta (past*), Corso Riggs (current)
gameplay status: playing through SOR
*I know you can only romance Lemda during the makeb expac so this is just within my own canon lol
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- The Barsen'thor, Member of the Jedi Council, Alliance advisor
Mirialan, 5′ 5″, she/her, trans woman, aro & ace
Class: jedi consular (sage/guardian)
Age: 21
Romance: N/A
gameplay status: finished class story
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- Darth Nox, (former) Member of the Dark Council + Alliance’s second in comand
Togruta, 6′ 0″ (not counting montrals), she/her (or they/them), nonbinary woman, lesbian
Class: sith inquisitor (assassin/sorcerer)
Age: 22-23
Romance: Lana Beniko
gameplay status: finished echoes of oblivion
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- Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, Hired Gun
Human, 5′ 8″, she/her, cis woman, bisexual
Class: bounty hunter (mercenary/powertech)
Age: 18-19 
Romance: Torian Cadera
gameplay status: finished class story
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- The Emperor’s (former) Wrath
Cathar, 6′ 0″, he/him, trans man, heterosexual
Class: sith warrior (juggernaut)
Age: 20
Romance: Vette
gameplay status: finished with the class story 
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bluezeri · 2 years
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breaking news: local SIS agent doesnt get payed enough to afford top surgery OR deal with your shit
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caraganthepure · 3 years
The Suvulaan Legacy
A list of all my OC’s and basic information. Format is: picture, then info. 
If something says ‘undecided,’ that means it’s undecided by the character, not me. 
Not all OC’s are listed; only the ones I’ve fleshed out. 
I might add sketches eventually too, since you can’t add a lot of detail to the characters in game. 
Everything under the cut, because this is very long. 
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Name: Caragan  Alias, because names are taken: Carragan Sexuality: Demisexual Gender: Nonbinary; they/them/any  Alignment: Light Family Tree Link: The Suvulaan legacy is Caragan’s legacy.   Romance: Khem Val  Faction: Independent Alliance; the Commander. Keeps Alliance as neutral as possible, but is allied to the Sith Empire. 
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Name: Viir Kosil  Alias, because names are taken: Viir’kosil Sexuality: Asexual; aromantic  Gender: Nonbinary; he/they Alignment: Light Family Tree Link: Old friend of Caragan’s.  Romance: N/A  Faction: Independent Alliance 
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Name: Nil Kosil  Alias, because names are taken: Nil’kosil Sexuality: Asexual  Gender: Cis woman; she/her Alignment: Light Family Tree Link: Little sister of Viir.  Romance: N/A Faction: Independent Alliance; Republic Loyalist 
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Name: Enhydrin  Alias, because names are taken: N/A  Sexuality: Undecided  Gender: Cis woman; she/her Alignment: Light  Family Tree Link: Friend of Caragan’s.  Romance: Vector  Faction: Independent Allience; Sith Empire Loyalist 
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Name: Shul’feyn  Alias, because names are taken: Shulfeyn Sexuality: Homosexual  Gender: Cis man; he/him  Alignment: Dark Family Tree Link: Enhydrin’s older brother.  Romance: Theron Shan  Faction: Independent Alliance; Saboteur, Republic Loyalist 
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Name: Nistivi Alias, because names are taken: N/A Sexuality: Bisexual  Gender: Cis woman; she/her Alignment: Dark Family Tree Link: Caragan’s last apprentice.  Romance: Andronikos Revel  Faction: Independent Alliance; loyal to Caragan. 
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Name: Kest  Alias, because names are taken: Sos’kest, Soskest, Sos Kest  Sexuality: Homosexual  Gender: Cis woman; she/her  Alignment: Light  Family Tree Link: Caragan’s apprentice once abandoned my Baras.  Romance: Jaesa Willsaam (light side)  Faction: Independent Alliance; loyal to Caragan. 
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Name: Nonvul  Alias, because names are taken: Tiiraaz, Daalbuk Sexuality: Heterosexual; biromantic  Gender: Cis woman; she/her Alignment: Light  Family Tree Link: Unofficially adopted by Viir. Also the champion of great hunt; all other hunters are friends or adopted family.  Romance: Torian Cadera  Faction: Independent Alliance 
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Name: Ankohet  Alias, because names are taken: N/A Sexuality: Heterosexual  Gender: Cis woman; she/her Alignment: Light  Family Tree Link: Old friend of Nil.  Romance: Aric Jorgan  Faction: Republic 
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Name: Krein  Alias, because names are taken: Faal Krein, Faal’krein  Sexuality: Pansexual  Gender: Trans man; he/him  Alignment: Light  Family Tree Link: Ankohet’s half brother.  Romance: Lana Beniko  Faction: Republic 
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Name: Evaksiel  Alias, because names are taken: N/A  Sexuality: Bisexual  Gender: Cis woman; she/her  Alignment: Dark  Family Tree Link: Caragan’s subordinate; transfered over from Thanaton's demise.  Romance: Arcann  Faction: Independent Alliance; loyal to Caragan 
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Name: Lok’rah Alias, because names are taken: Lok Rah Sexuality: Heterosexual  Gender: Cis woman; she/her  Alignment: Dark  Family Tree Link: Kest’s long-time rival.  Romance: Malavai Quinn  Faction: Sith Empire 
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Name: Vakaan  Alias, because names are taken: Va’kaan  Sexuality: Demisexual  Gender: Cis man; he/him  Alignment: Light-neutral  Family Tree Link: Evaksiel’s adopted son, Kest’s apprentice.  Romance: Vette  Faction: Independent Alliance; loyal to Kest 
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Name: Vahzah Beyn  Alias, because names are taken: N/A  Sexuality: Omnisexual  Gender: Cis man; he/him  Alignment: Dark  Family Tree Link: Shul’feyn’s friend.  Romance: Akaavi  Faction: Independent Alliance 
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Name: Ruth Jud Alias, because names are taken: N/A  Sexuality: Pansexual; only attracted to ‘dark side’ Gender: Cis woman; she/her  Alignment: Dark  Family Tree Link: Caragan’s friend.  Romance: Scourge  Faction: Independent Alliance; Republic Loyalist 
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Name: Yuvon’sil  Alias, because names are taken: N/A  Sexuality: Homosexual  Gender: Trans woman; she/her  Alignment: Light  Family Tree Link: Ruth’s second padawan.  Romance: Kira  Faction: Republic 
Bits: (unfinished)  - Caragan is Darth Imperius, follows light sided story of the sith inquisitor. Other inquisitors are not the forcewalker and are subordinates of Caragan.  - Kest is the true Emporer’s/Empire’s Wrath and Lok’rah is the jealous rival in the story; she followed Baras until the end. Lok’rah is also “dead.” Others in sith warrior story are subordinates to Kest.  - Shul’feyn is Cipher Nine. However, the Jadus confrontation was done by Enhydrin. The Hunter confrontatoin was done by Motmahus. (Motmahus is currently unlisted.) 
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consulaaris · 4 years
pt 2 of the oc posts bc i have. many. some of these guys are new! so i will make more detailed intro posts for them... eventually. probably after finals lolol
•jedi (likely involved with the SIS)
•telekinetic sage [dps]
•neutral good
•23 in 10 ATC
•cis man (he/him)
•romance: theron shan (?)
•twin to karis; not on any one crew through the class stories, but becomes a huge part of the post-vanilla story in my canon
•imperial agent - double agent for the republic
•virulence sniper [dps]
•true neutral
•25 in 10 ATC
•trans man (he/him)
•romance: undecided
•replaces broonmark on zered’s crew
•mandalorian mercenary - clan vizla
•innovative ordinance mercenary [dps]
•chaotic neutral
•18 in 10 ATC
•cis woman (she/her)
•romance: noct’safa (belongs to visionmarred)
•freelance mercenary, somehow befriends fex either during the class story or while on Rishi
•diplomat - former republic militia
•tactics vanguard [dps]
•lawful good
•31 in 10 ATC
•trans woman (she/her)
•romance: undecided
•older sister to blaire; ends up working as an aide to saresh while on taris and continues that role when she becomes chancellor- eventually joins the alliance
•sith lord - infamous killer
•madness sorcerer [dps]
•neutral evil —> true neutral
•26 in 10 ATC
•cis woman (she/her)
•lesbian, polyamorous
•romance: chellahi (belongs to glassle)
•unsure exactly where she ends up in my canon, but likely defects at some point
•former jedi - vigilante
•defense guardian (?) [tank]
•lawful good
•23 in 10 ATC
•genderfluid (they/them or she/her)
•romance: N/A
•replaces skadge on fex’s crew; is working to find their sister, who was presumed dead for years
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2020 Fic Review
I wrote slightly more than I thought last year.
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Posted works (not counting reposts from earlier years that I hadn’t put on AO3:)
The Obvious Choice (2320 words) - SWTOR, Corso/M!Smuggler fluff. Someday I will write more about these two - I don’t like Corso with a lady Smuggler but I really enjoyed his relationship with the male Smuggler.
A Dangerous Gift (2566 words) - SWTOR. A version of the Rehanna/Nomar reunion that felt more like what my LS Sith would do than the version in the game.
Changing the Subject (2045 words, Explicit) - FFVIII, Quistis/Rinoa for an exchange, Smut 4 Smut 2020 - I think this was my actual request. I was going to do a longer version but had some trouble and decided to keep it relatively short.
Only The Pain You Want (5829 words, Explicit) - SWTOR, Mostly-LS Sith Warrior/Theron Shan. Pinch hit for a very specific request that sort of developed a mind of its own. Not one of my “canon” characters but I did enjoy the dynamic.
Every Part (1056 words, Explicit) - Star Wars original trilogy. Creepy Force-enabled sexplay between the Emperor and old man Darth Vader, because I saw the request and for some reason I just had to try it. 
Lace (416 words, briefly explicit) - FFVI, Setzer/Daryl/Maria, Daryl loving lace. I didn’t say it explicitly in the fic but it follows the other Setzer/Daryl works I wrote with Daryl as a trans woman, because I really like that idea and the idea that she’d be in love with symbols of a thing she couldn’t have until she was an adult.
A Cacophony of Self (850 words) - FFVIIr, written immediately after I finished the game. The idea that Aerith had died in alternate timelines because of various choices she had made, only to be brought back by Fate, and could remember all of that... it appealed to me as an explanation for why she seems to know more than the others.
Dramatic Liberties (1189 words) - FFVIIr. Missing scene set when the group is doing side missions before going for the Shinra tower. The coliseum went completely insane with the “battle couple” commentary for Cloud and Aerith and I figured that they’d do the same to Barret and Tifa, and it would be funny. I feel like it was funnier in my head.
Siderophobia (512 words) - FFVIIr set immediately after the game. If Aerith is afraid of the sky, imagine how she must feel about the stars. This was Aerith/Tifa fluff plus a fair bit of fear of the unknown. 
The Only Choice (2014 words) - FFVIIr, Barret/Tifa. The game doesn’t show Tifa making the decision to go and try to question Corneo in either version. But the impression I got from the remake is that she would’ve had to have laid the groundwork for it prior to actually going, and I went with the idea that Barret didn’t actually know ahead of time and accidentally found out.
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sullustangin · 4 years
This week’s Theron Thursday is a little more serious than usual. This gets longish, so I’ll put it under a cut so as not to flood your dashboard. In short, I’m still learning about how to write inclusively.
About a month ago , I finished “The Parting of the Ways,” one part of my fic series about my OC and Theron Shan and madcap smuggler adventures.  In the last chapter, Theron runs through the memories of former lovers and the types of relationships he had with them -- bisexual, but heteroromantic.  Eva finds intel that he is bisexual; she’s not bothered by this, but Theron doesn’t know she knows and he has been hurt enough in the past to be worried about her potential response. 
This past weekend, I received a comment that seemed accusatory:  why was it necessary for Theron not to be made biromantic?  I wrote out my headcanon and did assert that as fan fiction, there was liberty there.  Also, I didn’t want to gloss over the fact that if I made a male OC or a trans OC, Theron could have been interested in them; he is bisexual.  I gave the character the nuance of being heteroromantic in the Sullustan Gin universe because in real life, I know people that have had sex with both men and women, but they tend to only have long-term relationships with men or women.  I also know true bisexual biromantics (who I always hc’ed Lana to be, for example).
The comment bugged me though.  The comment seemed to have the venom of an accusation of biphobia or homophobia -- that ate at me as an ally.  I asked a few people in online communities with varying responses.  Ultimately, I posted to a fan fic forum to get some feedback, and one thoughtful user responded that because Theron had been designed to respond to all players romantically and sexually, it could be construed as bi-erasure. 
I had not thought of that.  My intent was that I wanted Theron to be bisexual and obvious -- he may not be out and proud due to biphobia, but he is honest with himself and close connections know.  I didn’t want to just leave it to the reader to code him as het just because he’s got a female love interest at the moment; I wanted Theron to be nuanced and complex in his sexuality, just as the rest of his character is. However, by giving him those nuances -- bisexual but heteroromantic -- some people could think I was erasing parts of the character designed by Bioware to respond to everyone -- inclusively, regardless of individual character design or headcanon.
The same person on the fan fic forum did say that fan fic is fan fic.  We have the liberty to envision the characters however we want. But there are consequences, such as some readers tuning out.
So in short: bi-erasure wasn’t my intent.  In fact, the opposite was -- making it clear that bisexual people do exist in Star Wars and exist on a spectrum of preference and experience.  That said, my execution was less than ideal.  I posted basically this in a reply comment to the original poster, 5 days after it was sent.
So I still have things to learn, even after doing fic for....20+ years (yikes about the years, not the lesson!).  I don’t plan on changing Theron’s character development midstream; I didn’t just drop in his orientation and preferences for cheap thrills, so this is part of the wider character arc that I explore for Theron.  However, going forward, I am going to be mindful of how I develop Lana and her relationships with other characters, as well as my other OCs that are not cisgender or not heterosexual: Gary the analyst and Frank the therapist come to mind immediately, but there are others. 
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azems-familiar · 3 years
SWTOR characters masterlist (new and improved!)
so i know i already have one of these, but it wasn't exactly up to date with some changes i've made to characters, and i made it before starting my novelization, plus i have an entirely new canon with another person to talk about. so without further ado:
canon: start a war (with @ipreferfiction)
Lia Vhoss, Jedi Battlemaster + Commander of the Eternal Alliance
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(more pictures to come as i get more)
Lia is my Jedi Knight and was Satele Shan's padawan from a young age. she's 21 at the start of the class story and along with her close friend and all-but-outright-stated queerplatonic partner J'lima (ipreferfiction's knight), she's thrust into the role of saving the galaxy time and time again. she begins a romantic relationship with Kira after Voss, takes Tau Idair as her padawan, and faces down Vitiate and Revan on Yavin and Ziost. she and J'lima are both captured by Arcann in the Eternal Empire's attack on the galaxy, but only Lia is possessed and locked in carbonite; when she's finally freed, she takes up the mantle of commander of the Alliance (and also starts a relationship with Lana, though there's a l o t of complications going on there). she's my beloved and probably could be considered, along with J'lima, to be the main character of start a war, although the rest of the cast is important as well.
Vreila Lanar, Jedi Master + Jedi High Councilor
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Vreila is my Jedi Consular but is not the Barsen'thor in start a war the oldest of our combined pantheon, Vreila is the only one who outright remembers the Sacking of Coruscant: she was eleven years old and studying at the Coruscant Temple when the Sacking occurred and barely escaped with her life. Fifteen years later, she's a proud Jedi knight, formerly Syo Bakarn's padawan, and one of the most promising new diplomats in the Order. the resurgence of an ancient Sith plague nearly destroys her first assignment on Alderaan, but after she recovers, the Jedi Council places her with the Rift Alliance, first to keep the peace, then later to hunt down the Children of the Emperor. Vreila quietly marries Felix Iresso in a non-legally-binding ceremony shortly before the Eternal Empire attacks, and it isn't until after Felix is taken as a POW that she realizes she's pregnant. She and her by then four year old son end up on Odessen as a Republic emissary to the Alliance, in the hopes that the former Battlemaster now Commander will be willing to hunt down the Republic and Imperial POWs Zakuul still hasn't released custody of.
Kal'vaela Corrin, Commander of Blackout Squad
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Kal is the youngest member of Havoc Squad. Ord Mantell is not her first deployment with them, but it is her last; she follows Tavus and her squadmates to the Empire without a second thought and joins in on the Imperial reorganization of Havoc Squad into Blackout Squad. when Tavus and Fuse begin to doubt their decision, Kal, not wanting the rest of her squad to get caught up in their disloyalty and seeing a chance to get a command of her own, comes up with a plan to frame them as conspiring with the Republic. after her plan succeeds and she's given command of Blackout, she turns her gaze towards destroying the Empire's enemies - and recruiting her ex-girlfriend and now commander of Havoc, Itharil Enaran, to the Empire where she belongs, as well as converting the undercover SIS agent Jonas Balker. when Itharil finally switches sides, she brings former Sergeant Jaxo and Aric Jorgan with her, and yes they end up in the most complicated horrible person polycule you have ever seen. we had to make a diagram for it
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i'm not kidding. there's a diagram.
Vyl Kivan
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Vyl my utter beloved. he's the youngest character in our combined canon, at seventeen when the class story starts - oh, and he's also trans. born into slavery on Ryloth then sold to a semi-powerful Sith family on Dromund Kaas, he's sixteen when his Force-sensitivity and powerful Force empathy are discovered, and after a year of training from his master, he's sent to Korriban in the place of her son, who is completely Force-blind. he's taken as an apprentice by Darth Baras for his impressive power and the ease by which he's manipulated, but treated as little more than a tool due to how he refuses to use the Dark Side of the Force no matter how he's pushed, and will only kill if it's a last resort. he learns to lie to Baras' face to protect himself as he frequently leaves targets alive, as he sends Nomen Karr back to the Jedi to heal and takes Jaesa as his apprentice, although really he's learning from her just as much as she is from him. he ends up being made the Wrath for similar reasons for why Baras took him in the first place. after some difficulty on Ilum and elsewhere in the galaxy, Vyl ends up defecting to the Republic and specifically the Jedi on Yavin after encouragement from Theron (his partner) and Master Orgus Din. he's one of the Alliance's founding members during the five-year gap and he and Theron end up bringing a very much alive Thexan Tirall into their relationship during the war with Zakuul.
Avaanla Ki, Darth Aedis + Sith Empress + Master of the Revanites
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Avaanla was taken into slavery at a young age and ended up in a brothel for several years. raised and trained as a dancer, with a pleasure slave's brand on her wrist, her Force breakthrough occurs when she's fourteen years old, when she ends up killing a man for touching her. this becomes a not-uncommon occurrence over the next few years until she's finally purchased by a Sith who bargains training in exchange for work. at twenty, she's sent to Korriban, and she trains there for a while until stumbling upon a secret she wasn't supposed to find while exploring the tombs on a trial. she's saved by Darth Thanaton, who ends up taking her as an apprentice, and who enlists her in his desire to bring down Vitiate. after a mission on Dromund Kaas for another Sith, Avaanla finds herself hunting down the shadowy Revanite Master herself and taking the woman's place, and even breaks Revan free from Maelstrom Prison herself, in the goal of enlisting the powerful woman's help to take down the Emperor (and put herself in his place, of course - what's a Sith without ambition?). in pursuit of those goals, she ends up taking over the Sphere of Mysteries, gaining a seat on the Dark Council and an in to the Emperor's greatest secrets. after Thanaton's exile following his loss to Jana Vassi (newly crowned Darth Nox) in a Kaggath, Avaanla's plans are somewhat hampered, and after Darth Arkous goes rogue with a great deal of the Revanites she's forced into showing her hand early - but after it's all said and done, with Marr's disappearance, Avaanla finds herself taking the Sith throne after all, sharing it with Jana. she ends up in a polyamorous relationship with Jana and Andronikos, eventually.
Averr'iis'aloh, Cipher Eight + Legate + Keeper
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Averr'iis'aloh, also known as Riisa, grew up on Csilla and joined the Csilla Secret Police at the age of fourteen. she was partnered with Tharel'elshe'reth (who later becomes Cipher Nine) and the two of them grew close (eventually starting a romantic relationship). when the two of them were in their early twenties, they stumbled upon an artifact on the Chiss world of Copero that the Empire didn't want being known - this was caused directly by Riisa's latent Force-sensitivity (just enough to get her into trouble). she and Elshe'reth were sent, reluctantly, to the Empire to join Imperial Intelligence, and the two of them worked as Ciphers to bring down Jadus and the Eagle's terror network. sent alone to infiltrate a particularly dangerous SIS spy ring, Riisa becomes drawn in to the way the Republic treats their agents, and takes the Legate role on in truth, partly driven by a complicated falling-out she has with Elshe'reth during this time. an ill-advised fling with Aristocra Saganu leaves her with a daughter (Miurani'var'ieth, Nivari) that she sends to be raised on Csilla, and Riisa ends up throwing herself fully into her role as a double agent for the Republic, getting named Keeper of Imperial Intelligence after she manages to bring down Dread Master Styrak. it isn't until sometime after the Eternal Alliance settles in as the major power in the galaxy that her deception is discovered and she's broken out of the Empire by Elshe'reth herself (now an agent for the Alliance). the two of them do, after much difficulty, end up back together and raising a family together.
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leeoliver · 7 years
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lavampira · 4 years
swtor ocs: canon + alts
[until I completely overhaul my actual oc page; still subject to changes as I play around with some rerolls and/or respecs]
ana maite vicari
the wrath, alliance commander
22 in 10 ATC; 36 in 24 ATC
cis woman (she/her)
FBT2, 5’3
sith marauder [fury]
romance: malavai quinn (ex); jaesa willsaam
aurena vicari
jedi healer, alliance recruit
22 in 10 ATC; 36 in 24 ATC
nonbinary (they/them)
FBT2, 5’3
jedi sage [seer]
romance: koth vortena
cadrien tirai
the wrath’s apprentice
18 in 13 ATC; 29 in 24 ATC
cis man (he/him)
MBT2, 6’1
sith juggernaut [immortal]
romance: none
daiya vanis
jedi veteran
21 in 10 ATC; 35 in 24 ATC
cis woman (she/her)
FBT1, 6’1 with montrals
jedi guardian [defense]
romance: kira carsen
deimos vessh
mandalorian veteran
35 in 10 ATC; 49 in 24 ATC
red sith
cis man (he/him)
MBT3, 6’4
powertech [shield tech]
romance: hylo visz
edelie duine cadera
grand champion of the great hunt
19 in 10 ATC; 33 in 24 ATC
cis woman (she/her)
FBT4, 5’2
mercenary [innovative ordnance]
romance: torian cadera
jorani rha
captain of the fortune’s favour
24 in 10 ATC; 38 in 24 ATC
trans woman (she/her)
FBT4, 5’6
scoundrel [scrapper]
romance: risha drayen
kaizen “kai” amhi
jedi battlemaster, the outlander
20 in 10 ATC; 34 in 24 ATC
cis man (he/him)
MBT2, 6’2
jedi sentinel [watchman]
romance: athamew locke (ex fwb); theron shan
mitth’alia’miurani “thalia”
imperial military biochemist, project protean researcher, THORN infiltrator
26 in 10 ATC; 40 in 24 ATC
cis woman (she/her)
FBT2, 5’9
sniper [virulence]
romance: eol’un’arya (ex); saganu
mitth’aston “thaston”
cipher nine, legate
23 in 10 ATC; 37 in 24 ATC
genderfluid (they/them, sometimes he/him)
MBT2, 6’
sniper [marksmanship]
romance: casoleil molgan (ex); kaliyo djannis
rela’torr “rela”
mandalorian medic
41 in 10 ATC; 55 in 24 ATC
cis woman (she/her)
FBT2, 5’7
mercenary [bodyguard]
romance: shae vizla
revkari mak
imperial medic
28 in 10 ATC; 42 in 24 ATC
cis woman (she/her)
FBT3, 5’8
operative [medicine]
romance: none
sarajah rizas
jedi barsen’thor
21 in 10 ATC; 35 in 24 ATC
cis woman (she/her)
FBT3, 5’11
jedi shadow [kinetic combat]
romance: felix iresso
vin kharu
havoc squad commander
25 in 10 ATC; 39 in 24 ATC
trans man (he/him)
MBT2, 5’8
vanguard [shield specialist]
romance: elara dorne
wylan orias
the padawan pirate
16 in 16 ATC; 24 in 24 ATC
cis man (he/him)
MBT2, 6’3
gunslinger [sharpshooter]
romance: tara bralor
zoyah kallig
darth occlus
23 in 10 ATC; 37 in 24 ATC
nonbinary (she/her, they/them)
FBT1, 5’
sith assassin [darkness]
romance: andronikos revel
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