#oc: lenore
teafueledcat · 3 days
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Nagi giving me FANTASTIC art of the blorbs again.
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justiceforc3po · 3 months
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Your secrets were never safe with me. - BIRTH OF VENUS, Banshee
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caterpisser · 22 days
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existential crises and flower crowns
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lazysunjade · 1 year
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L E N O R E |
pov: you're the mc in an otome game. the second route brings you to the garden of Lenore [elven: Linorei], the Autumn Lotus. He invites you to an elaborate tea party featuring only his finest brews, and treats you to his fresh baked tarts. He asks your life story and his eyes twinkle when you reciprocate. His favorite pastimes include floristry, playing music, and being pretty.
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themilkcans · 4 months
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Since the project is over and turned in, here's my OC based 10 page graphic novel:
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alltimefail-sims · 11 months
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Lenore Elizabeth Barnes Submission for @simsinfinitylt's Adam
The Basics: -> Human; She/Her -> Bisexual -> Currently lives in Britechester - She's a student there, studying to be an archaeologist! (Majoring in Art History) -> Young Adult (irl probably 21)
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Background below the cut! ↓
To put it bluntly, Lenore has always loved people: their kindness, their art, their imperfections, everything about them. She's curious about the world around her, a bit of a "Matilda" type in her childhood as she loved (and still loves) to read, learn, and soak up as much information as possible. She's always been quick to dismiss small talk and eager to try and understand big, complex things. People would coo over little Lenore, pinching her cheeks and calling her things like "old soul" and "wise beyond her years," but in all fairness, her high level of maturity might have just been a byproduct of being an only child surrounded solely by adults as opposed to children her own age. Lenore was an only child, homeschooled most of her life up until high school as her mom and dad both served in the millitary. Because of this, they never lived in one place for long: there was one year in Mt. Komorebi, three years in Windenburg (her favorite place she has lived to date), a year in Selvadorada, a year where she spent half of it in Del Sol Valley and the other half in Oasis Springs (that year sucked), and the list goes on. But after her father was discharged due to a near-fatal injury, they finally settled in Copperdale just long enough for Lenore to enroll in traditional high school.
In theory, the adjustment should have been tough - but Lenore, charismatic and kind, immediately flourished in the new environment. She wasn't popular, but she quickly got involved enough to be recognizable and well-liked by her classmates. She went to the social events, even the silly dances, and she made the best of those awkward years. Lenore didn't plan to peak though: she was just getting started. She knew that she never wanted instability again and that she would go to her dream college, live on campus, earn a degree, and create a life that full of adventure, discovery, companionship, and most of all...love.
The dream school is going great, but she's ran into some problems with the "love" part. She's come to find that making friends is a lot easier than dating... but she's working on it! She's still young, and who knows? Her perfect person could be out there looking for her, too...
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madwomansapologist · 2 months
since bg3 really said "fuck you, wyll ravengard" (like in my others two playthroughs i also saw how he was treated poorly but damn now that i'm romacing him it's even more clear that he simply has no new scenes, no dialogues, nothing at all. i have the highest rate with him since early in act one and i still had no new interaction) i created a new tav
remember when i said i would make Lenore, the cleric with the tower in the Underdark? well, there she is!
she's a cleric of nature, follower of mystra, high elve and a outlander. str 8, dex 10, con 14, int 12, wis 17, cha 14. i'm counting with the hag to put have her wis at 20 by level 9 or something.
if y'all explored the Underdark, we can learn A LOT about Lenore. with some conversations we know she was reclused, only cared for her studies about sussur bark, and decided not to join the sob to focus on it. with some letters, we discovered her lover went out of the tower and never came back, and it's implicity stated she was killed because her belongings were in a really dangerous area. in her diaries we discover she was a really sad and lonely person, and that decided to travel alone to baldur's gate in hope of having a better life. it isn't explained if she got there or if she was killed by a monster during her journey.
since i liked a lot how the game just put a lot of her storie on the whole map for the Underdark, she quickly became one of my favorite pen pal stories, all together with M and the hag. so i decided to create her and give Lenore the happy ending she deserves!
i know it seems more natural to make her a drow, but i think by making her a high elve it will be even more apparent how alone she was there. and also to make her a sage, but i like to imagine she chose to go to the underdark for her studies and i think that this means a lot more than her academic sucess since one of her last decisions was to leave it all behind and go to baldur's gate.
since i think she is really shy and introspective, i gave her no tattoos or huge acessories. still, her eye shadow is purple-ish and she uses lipstick, because i also thinks she cares a lot about being able to control her appearence. she is blonde, not white like Daphne/Astarion/Shadowheart but more in a golden tone, but dry her hair purple because her love for Mystra moved her. she hated it. she is a milimeter away from cutting her own bangs.
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since her story seem to happen a few years before the act 1, i imagine she's 50ish. she has wrinkles and a bit of grays. her cool scar is because a huge book fell on her nose while she studied.
she was on her way out of the Underdark when the nautiloid kidnapped her. she will probably romance Karlach, i think her joy will feat her sadness pretty well.
also her guardian is Daphne, but i forgot to print it
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lordgoretash · 1 year
Meet Lenore:
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Multiclass Cleric of Ilmater and Ranger
The daughter of an ambitious Warlock and an even more ambitious Cambion named Raphael, Lenore grew up mostly a pawn in their power games with each other, spending half her time at her mother's house, and half her time in the House of Hope. Sometimes that meant her parents were fighting tooth and nail to have her staying with them, and then ignoring her once she was there, and sometimes that meant her parents were dropping her off with each other without warning just when having a kid underfoot would be least convenient for each other's evil schemes. The one thing that could catch their attention was her knack for violence, especially archery, even if they both would have preferred her to show more aptitude for arcane magic.
As a teen she was fed up and, during one of the spans where her parents were both trying to dump custody on the other, she ran away. She spent several years on the streets in Baldur's Gate and in the woods surrounding it, living mostly off what she could hunt or steal until she steals from the wrong people and is rescued by a devotee of Ilmater. That was the first time she ever encountered kindness done entirely without expectation or hope of repayment and it made a huge impression on her. She didn't become a cleric immediately, but things change in two decades.
She does not have the temperament people usually expect in service to the good gods. In fact, she has a flair for dramatics and even a bent for megalomania that reminds the few people who have met both of her father. However, the devotee of Ilmater she first met told her that by choosing to be kind, the universe was not an entirely unkind place. If she ever gets her hands on any other kind of power she might have to decide whether being kind is really her or is just a youthful rebellion that overstayed its welcome. But for now, she does so enjoy getting to decide what the universe will be.
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vampiratecaptain · 5 months
i miss ask games, anyway number 4 from the thing for ur campaign pcs mostly because i'm so so curious about what lenore would pick (all of them really but as the only non caster she'd be the funnest i think)
if they could learn one spell that isn’t available to them at present, which spell would it be?
Lenore: She's just saying, if she could turn invisible MAYBE she wouldn't have gotten caught by the weird doctor guy in the mayor's basement. Or gotten into so much of the other trouble she lands herself in. She'd be so trustworthy with invisibility tho, it'll be great :) (Greater Invisibility, specifically)
Irene: Spare the Dying. Girlie has about 5 anxiety disorders and survivor's guilt, and while provided she still has 3 whole spell slots full healing spells wouldn't help much, a cantrip she can use in a pinch would be a relief to her.
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dayundying · 2 years
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Lenore, they're trigender and use any pronouns with no prefrence except for no it/its or neos. I drew him way earlier but didnt really like his design so i shelved it for either immediate redesign or grouping in a post so people could ignore him, hes cool though! She uses a wheelchair manufactured by jakobs cus'...i thought itd be cool as hell? But anyways shes wheelchair bound as she suffered a injury causing paralysis for her legs when she was a kid, havent thought it out yet as shes more of an obvious projection of myself and how my own disability effects my art, considering she is a painter! :)
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lambsquatch · 15 days
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Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December;
And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
Eagerly I wished the morrow;—vainly I had sought to borrow
From my books surcease of sorrow—sorrow for the lost Lenore—
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore—
Nameless here for evermore.
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teafueledcat · 11 months
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"Careful, I bite."
this amazing new art for me is by mandala-moons!
(flagging just to be on the safe side)
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justiceforc3po · 9 months
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My back's to the wall, go on, let it fall, oh Make up your mind Before I make it up for you
- Make Up Your Mind, Florence and the Machine
Darth Zash and my SI Lenore. Let the mutual destructive obsession begin!
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caterpisser · 4 months
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some oc stuff. tryna make some lil ref sheets for them but idk when those are gonna be finished
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gothtarrare · 5 months
We, collectively as a society, NEED to return to making weird freak ass goth girls and overall weird girl characters!!!
We must return to the age of drawing weird little girls with knives and edgy sayings that belong on a 90s Hot Topic shirt!!!
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bumblesteak · 1 year
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Necromancy runs in the family
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