#oc: lichenbark
poniesart · 2 years
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sooo i redesigned a lot of my childhood warrior cats ocs... some of them I totally forgot about until I raided an old page of mine LOL. I could have kept their original bright colors and designs, but I liked the challenge of finding colorways and cat shapes/breeds that are more plausible than what I depicted in my art from age 9 to 12 :]
the childhood art that I referenced for the redesign is below the cut with associated rambling, mostly in order of the above characters, if you want to know what I drew as a kid haha
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This is Cherryfur/Cherryfrost, who I made a Siberian cat. In the redesign, I tried to hint at her old pink very lightly in her stripes. I also made her and heartmelt/roseheart siblings, since they were both once pink :)
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This is Bloodmask, who I renamed Russetmask. I figured russet was as close to blood-colored as a real cat would get, lol. I'm not sure how plausible a mask pattern is on a russet cat, but what's warrior cats without a little implausibility? His original character was very edgy, so I tried to translate that outlandishness into a more realistic characteristic - I made him a feral cat turned deputy, which seems like a social no-no.
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This is Shreddedstar. She was the leader of "BeastClan", a clan I made which was the home for a Warriors RPG group I hosted. Years later I deleted that group in a fit of embarrassment and now I HATE that I did that, because I had some nice memories from there! In the redesign, I didn't keep the Clan's trait of wearing animal pelts and teeth, because honestly I did not feel like looking for reference and making it make sense. I renamed her Foxstar, after her orange pelt, and I also gave her markings because apparently pure orange cats don't exist. She's an American Bobtail.
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This is the oldest digital art I think I have. And Nightscar is the oldest warrior cat OC I have! He was renamed Nightbird because I don't think Foxstar would be so mean as to make his warrior name a comment on his scars. I made him an Oriental Shorthair.
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I forgot about these two until I found this art. Idk if they were for anything or if I ever drew them again, but I pulled them out of retirement. I renamed Whispersong (left) to Whisperthroat and Jadestorm (right) to Lichenbark, to reference her former green design. I also changed their whole backstory... idk why but at ~10 years old all my cats had dead parents and were traumatized about it in some way. I think that was my childhood brain's concept of a character idea.
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This girl is Heartmelt, who was another BeastClan character! I renamed her Roseheart and made her sisters with Cherryfrost - she's a Siberian like her sister. in the name of realism I sadly got rid of her pinkness and hearts. But, I left her a heart on her chest :]
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Last but not least is the unfortunately named "Painfulshadow". I renamed him Slateshade and tried to keep a little indication of his wings in his patterning :) he's a domestic shorthair classic tabby.
Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk! if you read the wall of text, here's a well-deserved cookie!🍪
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wc-confessions · 2 months
very big fan of putting my non wc blorbos into wc ^_^
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wc-confessions · 1 year
I remember my first WC fanfic, along with the names, was very cringey. But most of those names in it built my foundation of naming my characters, WC or not.
I remember a Twitter link being shared here about how to make WC less racist and one of the suggestions was to give the name from the birth Instead of updating it with WC ceremony. Since I read that, I am thinking about Darkblade and Biglion and Oakbow... Maybe I should rewrite it...
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wc-confessions · 1 year
This is my OC Duskshine(star) :) he's the one in the middle amongst his siblings in the second picture 😊
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His name is pretty cool. Plus him and his siblings look like a printer running out of ink as it prints kittens (if that makes sense).
~ Mod Lichenbark
ohh theyre all so pretty!! id love to hear more about him and his siblings if youre up for it!!
-mod ashensky (<- big fan of ocs)
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wc-confessions · 1 year
To the mods
Who are your main warrior Ocs, and what do they look like?
It's hard for me to pick a main oc but one very near and dear to my heart is Wolfhunt! He's kinda boring to be honest. He's just like, a dad, but we love that for him. I initially made him to be a like, canon insert who becomes close friends with Sparkpelt (cringe, I know).
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~ Mod Lichenbark
None!!! I'm not really a fan of warrior cats anymore, and I never really made a wc oc, just a wc sona, but I have a snail named Arniela! (hhhgng ik someone could probably find my blog based on these images but idc)
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-Mod Cloudnettle
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wc-confessions · 1 year
So last Artfight was great for drawing and getting art of warrior cat OCs and I had a great time. Lichenbark, you were super fun to trade with! If you’re doing it next year, I’ll come for you again ^^
I most likely will be! I usually have a really good time during ArtFight and this year was no exception. I look forward to next year :]
~ Mod Lichenbark
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wc-confessions · 1 year
The queue is empty!
We’ve officially run out of posts in the queue AND the inbox. Please send us your confessions, ocs, name requests, anything that fits within the rules of the blog! We need to fill the queue back up again.
~ Mod Lichenbark
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wc-confessions · 1 year
as a purple tassel lion cat thing, we need a neon purple cat right NOW!!!!! we need to let the 5 year old kids make the characters!!!!
I personally support more sparkle cat Warrior OCs. I love them, in fact.
~ Mod Lichenbark
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wc-confessions · 8 months
Can I request a completely random name? I need one for an oc’s parent lol
i'll give you a couple!
oakwatcher, kestrelwind, harefish
~ mod lichenbark
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wc-confessions · 1 year
im new to the warriors fandom and i want to make an oc but i dont know where to start ;-;
I'd start with what you'd like to see in a character in general!
Me personally I hate the canon with a firey passion so whenever I make cat ocs I start by asking myself what I'm changing from canon. Like if I want it to be like in canada and they mess with human things I'd be like oh this cat is an engineer who messes with human things. Or if i want a cat with one of my disabilities I'd be like oh this cat has autism or oh this cat has emotional regulation issues. - Admin Cloudnettle
like admin cloudnettle said, it's important to get an idea of what you're looking for!
i personally enjoy worldbuilding and playing around with the time period- when does the story take place? is it set in the same area as the books? do these characters have connections with the canon characters or are they from the far future when they've been forgotten, or even so far back that these cats haven't been heard of yet?
but all of those can come later and are definitely some questions you can use in terms of general worldbuilding if you'd like to get into that with your ocs!
but leaning further into just singular ocs, the biggest thing to focus on is general personality! how your character gets along with their clanmates, what their general overview on life is... do they believe in starclan? is their faith strong? shelling out a personality can be a bit more helpful when it finally comes down to designing your character as well because you can incorporate those personality traits into design details and can produce a broader picture for the direction you want to go in!
you can also scrounge together a little pinterest board full of ideas and general aesthetics to help you gather inspiration for how you want your character to be- or even go a step further and create a spotify playlist for songs that you think would fit the idea you're going for!
hope this at least helped a little bit!
-mod ashensky
These are already some really good points!
I'd add that if you're feeling overwhelmed then maybe start with bullet pointing ideas you have, whether they're appearance related or personality related (stuff like "blue eyes", "confident", etc). Maybe look at any Warrior Cats characters you like and figure out what about them you like? That way you can determine what traits you like and maybe assign those to the character you're making.
I personally make OCs that have one or more of my own personality traits or habits and just expand on them from there. It's easier for me to do that than just come up with something from nothing.
~ Mod Lichenbark
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wc-confessions · 1 year
hello! I hope you guys are still okay with warrior names / oc help,,
my unnamed kitty is a fluffy dilute calico with stripes, a lot of hair loss, and blue eyes. their main fur colors are pale gold, pale grayish-purple, and white. they are a kittypet, and they decided to join Skyclan as a daylight warrior. they're very kind and energetic, and they love to hunt, tend to plants and flowers, climb and run on tree branches, and tell stories to kits.
I already have a few ideas below, but feel free to give your own names ideas too! and thank you in advance :]
Jumpheart, Petalskip, Pinkface, Wildmist, Jackietumble, Flowerfuzz, Softcurl, Violetflower, & Yellowbee
Those are some really good ideas you have already!
Ideas for prefixes and suffixes from me are:
Dapple(d), Spotted/Spots, Flower, Leaf, Flight.
Followers, feel free to suggest some stuff in the reblogs/replies.
~ Lichenbark
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wc-confessions · 1 year
Hello! Would you guys mind suggesting an appearance for my oc? ( ´ ▿ ` )
Her name is Cloudedpaw rn. And her full-name is going to be Cloudedpelt or Cloudedmoon. I just can't decide on a pelt / eye color and I need help! :")
Any input is appreciated! Thank you!
Hi anon I know you didn't ask for it but I came up with a sample design to go along with the ideas I had for you!
I was thinking something like this:
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Her name gave me white cat with spotting on their pelt vibes! And the potential moon suffix inspired the yellow eyes.
~ Mod Lichenbark
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wc-confessions · 1 year
hey mods! how are you guys doing? ^^
and bonus question: are any of you participating in artfight this year?
I'm doing good today! And yes, I personally am doing ArtFight this year! I'll be siding with Team Werewolves >:] I have some of my Warrior OCs up there and I'm planning to add a couple more (including one named Lichenbark!). Feel free to ask off anon for my ArtFight name and I'll answer privately, I do friendly fire and revenge chains!
~ Mod Lichenbark
hello! i've been doing alright! i would like to try to do artfight this year, but i'm getting more hours at work (45 a week now!) so i'm not sure if ill be able to or not! but if i am i'll probably be team werewolf as well
-mod ashensky
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wc-confessions · 1 year
hey ive been looking to rename my warriorsona but i cant really think of a good name, i want to keep the pebble- part, oddly specific but no generic suffixes (pelt, fur, tail etc), no other specifics just whatever sounds cool
I'll give you some of my favourite suffixes and hopefully one of them works for you!
Flame, Heart, Slam (I have an OC called Cherryslam so I'm biased), Song, Wish, Rush.
I'm a big fan of unconventional or weird names so I'd probably go with Pebblerush or Pebblesong.
~ Mod Lichenbark
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wc-confessions · 1 year
Okey but like can someone explain to me who is Dominoclaw?
He's an oc that has become widely known because his creator has commissioned so much content of him over the years. I believe there's also a watpad fanfic?
I personally never interacted much with content surrounding him but yeah anon he's just someone's Warrior Cat oc.
~ Mod Lichenbark
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wc-confessions · 1 year
Hi ! Light OC anon here, I love Lightcall and so does my friend !! Thank you lots for the help =)
I'm glad to have helped! I'd love to see the oc at some point if you're comfortable sharing!
If you send things off anon we can privately answer asks if you'd rather not share publicly!
~ Mod Lichenbark
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