#oc: mateo fogarty
waterloou · 5 years
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Welcome to the first oc extravaganza Saturday!!!!!
Every Saturday, the five ocs that are submitted/I pick are made into a banner and given lots of love!!!
Aurora “Rory” Jones created by @princesweetpea
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Character Intro
Moodboard-Reggie and Rory
Fic: I found- Sweet Pea x Rory (a definite fic rec!!!!)
Rory is snarky, smart, strong, and easily lovable! Go give her some love!
Brooks “Apollo” Madison created by @vannahsunshine
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Asks: 1
Nooks playlist
Character re-introduction
Featured in: 1 2 3 4
Apollo is baby. He’s a very tall man who loves animals and his girlfriend and doin tattoos n shit. He’s v lovable and a good friend and an all around happy person. Go give him some love!
Marina Moretti created by @humangrumpycat
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Character Introduction
The Swosie Project 1
Fic: Petty Posse
Blurb: (includes another oc named whist)
‘You know, you used to be a badass when we were in high school,’ Marina says. ‘Alice Smith: eldest daughter of Tabatha Smith, leader of the girl serpents, protested against the serpent dance. And twenty-six years later, you just stand there as your daughter does the dance. What happened to you?’
‘You are not allowed to be mad at me, Alice,’ Marina states. ‘You ditched us, out of the blue. You packed your shit and you left. Your mother was heartbroken, wondering if it was her fault. Your little sister tried to fill that void to the point where she had to spend some years in rehab. You disappeared, and then we were all introduced to Alice Cooper.’
‘We had to deal with someone we grew up with, trashing the Southside on a weekly, if not daily, basis. You’re part of the reason why Mayor McCoy was all over our business, why sheriff Keller kept sending patrol cars to our neighborhoods, why so many of the Southsiders were fired from their jobs on the Northsiders because Northsiders “don’t want to be associated with our kind”, and tonight you just walked back in as if nothing changed.’
‘Well, that was an… interesting night.’
Marina hums. ‘Poor girl.’
The tall man shrugs, digging in his pockets for his keys. ‘I guess she wasn’t in for the gauntlet.’
‘I wonder if she ever knew about that, Whist,’ Marina mentions. ‘I mean, we haven’t seen a girl do that dance for at least five years because of the gauntlet.’
Whist nods, swinging his left leg over his motorcycle.
‘Perhaps whoever brought up the dance didn’t want her to know that,’ he says.
‘Must’ve been Byrdie,’ Marina speaks. ‘That old tramp.’
Whist chuckles as he puts on his helmet. ‘Don’t start a catfight, not when I have to go.’
Marina cackles as she pats Whist on the back.
‘Drive safe. Say hi to Sylvia and the kids for me!’
As he drives off, Marina looks to her right, taking in the blonde girl from earlier that night as she sees a boy walking up to her.
Marina slowly makes her way to her car, taking short glances at the two as their conversation’s turning sour.
‘Betty, if you stay, I don’t know if I can protect you anymore,’ Marina hears him say, causing her to roll her eyes.
‘Yup, definitely a Jones,’ she mutters to herself.
‘That’s not your decision to make,’ she hears the girl say back.
Marina’s lips curve into a small smile.
‘And definitely a Smith.’
Marina drops her bag in the trunk as she hears the couple break up, walking to the front of the car, watching the boy walk away, leaving the girl in tears.
The girl turns to her, wiping her tears as she sees Marina.
‘You need a ride home?’ Marina asks.
Betty looks around her, treading closer to Marina.
‘I was hoping my mom would still be here,’ she confesses.
Marina sighs. ‘I’m afraid she left about twenty minutes ago.’
Betty nods, placing her hands on her bare arms.
‘I really don’t mind dropping you off,’ Marina states. ‘I’m sure Sweet Pea’s still busy bringing FP home, so I’ve got time.’
‘Sweet Pea?’ Betty says with furrowed eyebrows. ‘Are you his mother?’
Marina chuckles. ‘Godmother,’ she answers.
Betty takes one more look around her before she steps to the passenger’s side.
‘I live on Elm Street, with the red door.’
Marina can kick my fuckin teeth in like this lady is a fuckin unapologetic badass and I love her so much! Go give her some love!!
Mateo Fogarty created by @southsideswangz
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Character Introduction
Character masterlist(including another one of their ocs, axel)
Mateo is such a good brother (and also part of the inspiration for my own older brother oc for fangs). He’s so helpful to his family and just an all around amazing dude! Go give him some love!
Ruthie Soh-Peterson created by @s-s-southsideserpentine
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Masterlist-various fics, a lot including Ruthie
Character tag names to search: ruthie inspo, sweet pea x ruthie, oc: ruthie, my oc, little brother!sweet pea, sweet pea x oc, fp jones x oc
Ruthie is the first oc I really got to interact with and she made me change sweet pea’s whole background(originally I had him living with his grandma) because I loved her so much. She’s strong, witty, (a perfect BFF for my oc Dante) and always well written. Go give her some love!
Check out OC Extravaganza Saturdays
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c00chmaster420 · 6 years
Lead Me Out Of The Dark (a mateo fogarty fic)
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mateo had a few nightmares since coming back from the army, but never one like this. the sound of slowly escalating mumbling filled fangs and mateo’s room, lasting for a good few minutes before mateo woke up with a yell. “no, look out!” he yelled, shooting up into a sitting position in bed with wide eyes filled with panic. his chest rose and fell rapidly as mateo breathed heavily and quickly, hyperventilating. he decided to go for a small walk to the kitchen and grab a glass of water to try and calm his nerves, getting out of bed a bit shakily and stumbling in the dark towards the kitchen.
fangs had woken up to his brother’s yelling, and was confused when he saw the other leave the room. he stretched and yawned, rubbing his eyes and slowly sitting up in bed, wondering what was going on with mateo. his brother never talked about the army or about his ptsd, in fact, fangs and his mother had no idea he had it in the first place. he was aware that mateo had nightmares, but he didn’t know how frequently or how bad they really were. fangs heard a smash and immediately sprung into action, running into the kitchen to where the heard the noise.
mateo poured himself a glass of water and leaned back against the counter as he drank, staring off into space and thinking. he thought about his dream and what had happened that day in the army, completely zoning out as he reflected on those memories. it was like he could still hear the explosion and shouts, the ringing of his ears and the feeling of his body hitting the ground. he could practically see the look of trust on tommy’s face the night before the incident as mateo told him that he was safe, that he would protect him. tommy was a bright kid with a good future ahead of him, he was sensitive and caring, sometimes too much. he reminded mateo a little bit of fangs, full of hope and love and passion. mateo was so out of it that the glass slipped out of his hand and to the floor with a shatter that seemed to reverberate around the room. mateo’s ears were ringing, panic seeping in. he was already so tense and on edge, and the sudden, loud noise completely amplified that. all the panic, anxiety, and emotions came to him at once and completely overwhelmed mateo. he jumped from the noise and yelled, immediately whipping around and looking around the room for anyone or anything trying to harm him as a reflex.
fangs walked into the kitchen to see mateo curled up on the floor with his back to the counter and knees to his chest, clearly hyperventilating to the point where almost every breath slightly resembled a heavy sob. fangs was thrown off; he had never seen mateo like this before and he didn’t know what to do. he rushed to mateo’s side, not touching him or anything at first because he remembered reading something about giving people space when they were having a panic attack. “mateo? what’s going on? what’s wrong?” he noticed the broken glass on the floor and realized that must have been the smashing sound he heard before. fangs didn’t like seeing mateo like this at all, and in that moment he decided he would try everything he could to make sure mateo was never like this again, that he was happy and calm and comfortable.
mateo heard fangs’ voice and slowly looked up, his eyes absolutely filled with fear and panic. just seeing fangs’ face helped a bit, he found security in it. heavy breaths and sobs were the only sounds coming from mateo, though, unable to reply. fangs continued to give him reassurances, telling him that everything is okay and that he’s safe. he instructed mateo to take deep breaths, making the other breathe in and out with him until mateo’s breathing was more normal again.
“so what’s going on? what happened?” fangs asked mateo, sitting across from the other with a worried look on his face. he wondered if mateo would even talk about it, he didn’t like to talk about his emotions that much and would usually just hide them.
“i don’t even know. panic attack, i guess. i had a nightmare about when i was in the army, and i came out and got a glass of water. i kind of zoned out and dropped the glass.” he explained. “it sounds stupid, but the sound of the glass dropping just... i don’t know. i freaked out, i didn’t mean to, i’m sorry.” mateo apologized, even though he really had nothing to apologize for. it wasn’t his fault, and mateo knew that, but he still felt bad for waking fangs up and freaking out like that over something so seemingly insignificant.
“hey, no, don’t apologize. it’s not your fault, and it makes sense. i know you don’t like talking about it, but i guess you saw some pretty tough stuff in the military. i... uh... i read an article about it online. about what happened. i’m really sorry.” fangs admitted, worried that mateo would be upset with him for snooping, but he wanted his brother to know he was there for him.
there had been an explosion one day, a bomb going off that nobody had seen or known was there. mateo was lucky enough to have been a bit further back, but not the others. he watched his friends die in front of him, he watched as one of his best friends got torn apart in a second from the blast. it was graphic and horrible and would undoubtedly haunt mateo for the rest of his life. only two others aside from him survived it, and just barely. mateo had felt his heart drop when he heard the words, “hey, what’s this?” come from tommy’s mouth. mateo didn’t even have time to tell the kid not to touch it, to get away, before the explosive went off. the poor kid didn’t even have a full and in tact body for burial, just bits and pieces. mateo had vomited on more than one occasion from the sight and the memory. tommy had been such a good kid, and he was so young.
“yeah. i didn’t know you knew about that. it’s what made me decide to come home for good once my contract ended.” mateo replied and placed a hand on fangs’ shoulder, a small sign to the other to show he wasn’t angry or upset. he understood, fangs was curious and just decided to do some googling, it made sense. “i know you like following in my footsteps but please don’t do what i did. i can’t lose you, fangs, you’re my best friend.” mateo teared up and pulled the other into a hug. “i need you around, you keep me sane.” he half joked and sniffled, wiping his tears and letting go of fangs.
“i’m not going anywhere.”
(also this is my first time writing in years so sorry if it’s not the best, take it easy on me lmao 😂)
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c00chmaster420 · 6 years
please please please check out my mateo fogarty and axel mayberry stuff, and make requests or ask questions! i really wanna make more content for them but only a few of you guys actually look at it and a way smaller amount of you guys make requests or ask questions. it seriously makes my day when someone even just checks out the content and likes it, you don’t even have to give feedback or reblog, and it makes me even happier when people actually give feedback or send in requests. here’s the link to my mateo and axel masterlist if you wanna check it out 🥰
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c00chmaster420 · 6 years
more about mateo fogarty because i love him okay
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( once again please don’t hesitate to ask any questions you have about him, it absolutely makes my day and makes me so happy to receive questions about mateo! 🥰)
he likes to go to the boxing gym and mostly just use the punching bag and things like that, but sometimes he has matches with some of the newer boxers, even kind of coaching them sometimes. going to the boxing gym or working out is always great and helps him relieve stress and focus on something aside from things he’s worried about for a while. he smokes, which is a habit he’s trying to quit. it started when he was young as a bit of a stress reliever, and he got addicted. he enlisted in the army for a few years because hey, he gets paid and he has good aim, not to mention he’s fit, can handle stress, and obedient. it left him with a bit of ptsd, sometimes he’ll have nightmares or get scared/startled from things. fangs was there when he had a panic attack/breakdown for the first time caused by his ptsd, and it wasn’t a fun experience. mateo tends to keep his feelings to himself and not show any weakness, so it was definitely a new side to him and a reminder that he has feelings and struggles too. once in a while, him and fangs would stay up late and have a long talk about life and feelings, and they always bonded a lot through those experiences. mateo loves working on his old truck, which he had gotten dirt cheap, completely fixing and rebuilding it himself.
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c00chmaster420 · 6 years
mateo’s drive in date
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when mateo was younger, he had dated a serpent named dexter. the two were seriously in love, soulmates even. mateo never had time to go watch movies, and they didn’t have money for a dvd player or movies at home. he was always working, taking care of fangs, or helping mama fogarty. one day, though, he had enough time to go see jaws at the twilight drive in with dexter. the movie was amazing, and the date was even better, and it had been mateo’s favourite movie ever since. the two put some blankets and pillows in the back of dexter’s truck and they cuddled there as they watched the movie. mateo can’t watch or even think about jaws without thinking about dexter. the two had broken up a few months later because mateo just didn’t have time for a committed relationship, and he knew dexter deserved better. mateo still regrets what he did to this day, because dexter really was his soulmate.
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c00chmaster420 · 6 years
mateo fogarty playlist
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c00chmaster420 · 6 years
mateo fogarty’s childhood
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mateo had a rough childhood. his dad left once his mother had gotten pregnant with fangs, when mateo was only six. money was already tight before they left, living in a small, two bedroom house on the southside, but money only got tighter once his dad left. mateo’s mom worked her a*s off trying take care of them and make enough money to support them, never having money for toys or extra clothes. she would sew clothes if they had holes in them and they only bought new clothes from the thrift store. christmas consisted of a home cooked meal and mama fogarty reading the two stories, one small present for each of them. mateo “hated” fangs for a good portion of his childhood, thinking that his dad would still be there if fangs wasn’t born. mateo was really angry at his father, but he took it out on fangs unfairly. he began acting out in school in 3rd grade, getting worse and worse as he got older. mateo was bullied, too, for being poor and for not having a dad, which only made him more upset. he got into fights, and mama fogarty finally gave mateo a good, long talk after he broke a kid’s nose and the parents threatened to sue. mateo was thirteen at the time, and it was then that he realized a lot of things. he had to be the man of the house now, and he had to take on a lot of responsibility. he stopped being upset at fangs and blaming him for everything, instead taking the kid under his wing and helping to raise him. mateo had tried teaching himself how to shave and wound up cutting himself quite a few times, and mama fogarty properly taught him how to shave after that. mateo was a mama’s boy, always helping out in the kitchen and around the house, doing anything and everything he could to help her out. he started stealing things and selling drugs when he was only 15 to help with money, and dropped out of school in grade 11 one year later.
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c00chmaster420 · 6 years
mateo fogarty’s clothing style
@sweetpeas-sweetpea suggested/requested a moodboard for mateo’s personal style and it’s surprisingly difficult to make?? like i really tried but i can’t find good pictures, which is surprising, so i’ll just explain his personal style instead
overall his clothes are all black, and torn and faded since he gets good use out of them and buys all his clothes from the thrift store to begin with. since he grew up in a very poor household, and they still don’t have as much money as they’d like, he doesn’t waste money on new, expensive clothes and he wears his clothes until they’re practically destroyed.
- his serpent jacket all the time, he practically never takes it off in his life
- a plain black tee shirt or possibly one of his old black band tee shirts he got at a thrift store. faded and worn but he loves them nonetheless, sporting the logo for an old rock band that he grew up listening to
- black skinny jeans, usually clearly worn and a bit faded like the rest of his clothes
- his, once again old, faded, and tattered black combat boots that he’s had practically forever
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c00chmaster420 · 6 years
more about mateo fogarty because he’s my baby
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( i absolutely cannot stress this enough, getting questions about mateo literally makes my whole day and makes me so, so happy. it can be the smallest and most seemingly insignificant question and it will still make my entire day, so PLEASE send any questions you have about him! 💖 )
he joined the serpents when he was 17, because family is very important to him and he could tell how close the serpents were. he also figured it would be a good way to find job opportunities, and the serpents seemed to have values that matched mateo’s. when he figured out he liked guys as well as girls, he was terrified to tell his mother but knew he couldn’t keep it a secret. he was so scared his mother would be upset that he cried, one of his biggest fears being disappointing, upsetting, or letting down his mother. she accepted him immediately, telling mateo that he was still her son and this didn’t change anything at all. she was proud of him, and glad that he came to her. it was such a relief for mateo, and it made it so much easier for fangs to come out as well later on and not be ashamed when figuring out his sexuality. mateo was in love with a (male) serpent in the past, but he just didn’t have the time to commit to a relationship. it broke his heart but mateo knew there would be someone else, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to balance a relationship and taking care of his family at the same time.
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c00chmaster420 · 6 years
axel and mateo movie date
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the two had ridden their motorcycles to mateo’s after work, fangs staying at axel and sweet pea’s for the night. they ordered chinese takeout and watched jaws, mateo’s all time favourite movie (axel may or may not have asked fangs for advice). it had started out as a somewhat platonic date, but that was thrown out the window about halfway in. they started out sitting side by side with some space between them, but were completely cuddling by the time the movie was over. what’s ironic about the situation is that neither of them are cuddlers. they had planned to just watch the movie and then axel would take mateo home, but they wound up falling asleep in each other’s arms and stayed cuddling for the rest of the night.
(also i think some people think my little blurbs like this are attempts at fics but they aren’t, i just kind of explain the moodboard and what went down and stuff like that, these are NOT meant to be fics)
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c00chmaster420 · 6 years
mateo fogarty in his free time
okay instead of doing a hobby moodboard like @southside-of-gotham suggested (because mateo is pretty busy and doesn’t have much time for hobbies) i made a moodboard for what mateo does in his free time!
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in his free time, mateo likes to go ride his motorcycle around, usually to the forest and then out to the quarry or sweetwater river. he likes going on walks through the forest and sometimes going swimming, it relaxes him and calms him down and helps clear his mind. mateo also goes down to the shop where he sometimes works part time and fixes up some bikes and motorcycles, usually working on his own when he just goes in for fun. mateo loves listening to music and always has, so of course he listens to music in his free time. he drinks and smokes too, something he’s not too proud of (when it comes to the smoking) but it’s a habit now. he started smoking when he was about 17 to help with stress and just hasn’t been able to stop. the drinking isn’t an issue and mateo never gets drunk, he VERY rarely even gets tipsy. mostly mateo just likes to have a beer or two and that’s all. he also helps mama fogarty with the cooking, and though it’s not really considered free time, it’s something he enjoys doing. he doesn’t have to help out, but of course he does anyways. anything to help out his mama.
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c00chmaster420 · 6 years
mateo fogarty and axel mayberry masterlist/links
please don’t be afraid to ask questions or send requests for them, it’s my favourite thing in the world and it makes me so happy you have no idea 💖
MATEO (all including moodboards except answered questions)
about mateo pt. 1
about mateo pt. 2
about mateo pt. 3
lead me out of the dark (short fic about fangs comforting mateo after a panic attack)
mateo playlist (with youtube link)
military mateo
mateo’s favourite places
mateo’s movie date + favourite movie
what mateo does in his free time
mateo’s clothing style
five facts about mateo
mateo’s childhood
mateo and axel date
a few questions about mateo answered (not all questions that have been asked or on here)
1 - does mateo want to have a family?
2 - mateo’s reaction to the pretty poisons incident
3 - mateo’s reaction to fangs getting kicked out of the serpents
4 - just a bunch of random questions and facts about mateo
AXEL (all including moodboards)
about axel/introduction
axel and drugs
axel and mateo date
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c00chmaster420 · 6 years
military mateo fogarty
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mateo served in the military for a few years, since he had the mind set, skill set, strength, and could use the money. it was hard for everyone to get used to it at first when he left, since fangs and their mom were so used to always having mateo around helping out with everything. it was tough and he missed home, but he didn’t regret enlisting whatsoever. when mateo finally came home, he dealt with ptsd, having nightmares and being way more easily startled, and sometimes having slight panic attacks from sudden, loud noises and things like that. he had his first panic attack/breakdown when he was around fangs. mateo had woken up from a really bad nightmare and got a glass of water. he was already not doing well from the nightmare, and he wound up dropping the glass when he fell too deep into thought. the sound of the shattering glass did it for him, and mateo broke down. luckily, fangs had woken up and comforted mateo, and it was definitely a bit of a wake up call for what he was going through.
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c00chmaster420 · 6 years
axel and drugs
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it started at a concert when axel was 18, then again later on at a party. he didn’t get really addicted until his dad died. axel never told sweet pea and managed to hide it from him, always staying with a friend instead of going home if he was high. he managed to keep it from mateo for a while as well. axel had a few druggie friends who he would always get high with and then stay with one of them for the night so sweet pea didn’t see him. mateo and axel had gotten a lot closer over the past few months, going on actual, non platonic dates and eventually becoming actual boyfriends. the two had a lot of fun together and a lot in common, and they confided in each other occasionally too. one day, sweet pea was going to fangs’ for the night and axel had the place to himself. he was having a really shitty day and just felt so depressed and upset, and he wound up really overdoing it. he had so much to drink and so many different kinds of drugs. it got to the point where he was just laying in a heap on the floor, completely incoherent and staring off into space, seriously hallucinating. that’s when mateo came in. he figured since sweet pea was gone for the night, he and axel could have some time alone together. when he saw axel on the floor and all the drugs and alcohol, he panicked, thinking the other might have overdosed. that night really wasn’t fun for either of them, axel trying to figure out what the hell was going on and get sober, and mateo taking care of him and trying to get him sober. mateo made axel promise that he would quit doing drugs, and mateo promised he would do everything he could to help.
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c00chmaster420 · 6 years
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c00chmaster420 · 6 years
would you guys be interested in me making some more mateo fogarty moodboards? maybe some with a certain theme and a story/ explaining something about him that relates to it or something? like the military one for example? or just some regular moodboards, let me know if you guys would be interested in any of that! you can send a message or just like/reblog this post if you’re interested and would like to see some more mateo content! i was even thinking of maybe making a playlist for him!
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