waterloou · 6 months
Bc I’m bored top 10 celeb crushes in no order except #1 Dev Patel
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Rachel Sennott
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Piper Curda
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Archie Madekwe
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Kit Young
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Tamino Amir
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Megan Thee Stallion
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Rahul Kohli
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Ayo Edebri
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Lizeth Selene
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Tagging @vannahsunshine @sparrowmoth @tinyarmedtrex @jazzythursday @ct-offical-sexyman @humangrumpycat and keke and court @ksbbb @jennnifersbody @chasing-chimeras
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useraew · 5 years
sammie’s blog in three words: horny for colson
describe my blog in three words ok go
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akabluekat · 5 years
i don’t know how long ago you posted the charlotte facts but i would absolutely love to know 10 facts about bea. she’s one of my all time favorite fictional characters.
:) I’m glad you like her! She’s a lot of fun to write. I got a couple asks about her and I’ve posted the 10 facts here: https://akabluekat.tumblr.com/post/187409398314/bea-my-fave
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veetlegeuse · 2 years
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Delicate ✽ A Bob’s Burger’s Fanfic
Tina wakes up the morning of the first day of her junior year to find Jimmy Junior has changed his relationship status to single. Tina starts to wonder if Jimmy Junior is worth it after all these years of on-again-off-again.
Zeke has had a crush on Tina for as long as he could remember, but Tina has only ever had eyes for Jimmy Junior. When he finally calls it quits with Tina for good, Zeke feels like he can finally make his move, but he starts to wonder if it’s worth losing his best friend over.
Gene develops a crush on Jocelyn’s brother, Seth.
(this is not oc stuff so i’m not tagging my usual suspects but dropping this here in case y’all would be interested 🥰)
edit: for updates, pls follow @vannahsunshine! :)
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hi friends, it’s me again
my mom’s paycard bank caught a fraudulent charge (for the third time since she started using them 🥴) so they canceled her card and they sent a new card out in the mail and we still have not received it, meaning we can’t access any of the money in her account. they have been less than helpful in this whole process and it’s been a week, going on two.
we are out of dog food and also running out of human food, my mom has no money for gas, and what we do have has to go toward our late rent payment. 🙃
i appreciate y’all and everything you guys have already done for me, and if you can’t spare anything i totally understand, times are so freakin’ hard for all of us.
if you can spare anything, my venmo is vannahsunshine and my cash app is $vannahsunshine
thank you 💛
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riverdalepoet · 5 years
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A/N: This is my submission for Southside Archive Discord’s daily prompt: Sacrifice. I'll get out of this angsty mood eventually, but apparently today is not that day. Thank you to @freakingbradleys and @hugharekillianmelou for keeping me sane and helping me make decisions while creating this story and my first mood board to go along with it. 💕
TAG LIST: @vannahsunshine
                Warily, she looked over at the group of Southside kids being shoved into the back of Malachi’s hearse.  She knew what would happen to them, and thought of her own little girl back at home.  Six to one wasn’t going to turn out pretty and her twin brother, Sweet Pea, wouldn’t like this one bit, but she couldn’t just sit there and let this happen.  She took a deep breath, reached for her switchblade, and jumped out from behind the car.  “Hey, fuckface!”
                The Ghoulies grinned and left the children to approach their new target.  Quinn made a few good swipes before they overcame her.  Just before she hit the ground, she looked desperately over at the group of terrified children and mouthed, “RUN.”
                They took off through the woods- the fastest way they knew how to get to Wyrm- and didn’t stop until the youngest one, a little girl named Lux, ran into Hog Eye’s leg. “Daddy!  Quinn’s in trouble.”
                Sweet Pea and FP were on their feet in seconds flat.  The little girl scooted closer to Hog Eye, frightened by their intensity.  The older Serpent made an effort to soften the steel of his stare.  He crouched down to her height and pushed a lock of red hair behind her ear.  “Luxy, what happened?  Where’s Quinn?
                The little girl looked up at her father, who nodded and nudged her forward in response.  She gulped, “The men with the black cars were chasing us, and tried to get us to go with them.  Quinn tried to help, but there were so many of them and she couldn’t get back up. I didn’t want to leave her but she told us to run.  Did I do something wrong? I’m sorry.”
                FP could feel the rage radiate from Sweet Pea and shot him a warning glance before turning his attention back to Lux. “No, honey, you did good.  Do you remember where you were, so we can go help her?”
                Tugging nervously on her braid, she answered, “Well…I know we weren’t supposed to be there, but I was gonna show Vanna and Ryder the Quarry.  We were almost there. I don’t know exactly where it was.”
                The older Serpent rose to his feet and called for the attention of the other Serpents.  “Hog Eye, make sure these girls get home safely.  The rest of you: drop what you’re doing, grab your weapons, and follow me.”  The Serpents jumped right into action and headed for the door.  Sweet Pea was too focused on getting to his sister, but FP heard a small voice before leaving the Wyrm.
                “I’m in trouble, right?”
                “Oh big time,” Hog Eye answered, and despite himself, FP chuckled briefly.  He knew he didn’t have much time, but he wanted to speak to the group before heading off to knock some heads and rescue Quinn.
                “Okay, listen up!  Sweets, you, Fangs, and Jug take the truck.  I want you to focus on Quinn, so as soon as you get eyes on her, get her to the hospital.  The rest of us will handle the Ghouls and I want to make one thing very clear: they went after kids today- three little girls.  No mercy.  Let’s go!”
                The truck led the caravan, speeding down the winding route on Hwy 15.  Sweet Pea insisted on driving, much to Jughead’s dismay.  His jaw clenched in sync with his hands gripping the steering wheel in worry.  Fangs had his eyes trained on the road, looking for any sign of Quinn’s vehicle. 
                Jughead broke the silence, “We should call Reggie. He should know.”
                Fangs flinched, anticipating Sweet Pea’s reaction.  “That sleazy son of a bitch ran out on Quinn and her daughter not even three months after she was born and you want to call him?  Are you joking?”
                “We don’t know what we’re walking into.  He might need to step up for Piper.  It’s almost been two years now. Who’s got her right now?”
                Sweet Pea’s eyes darkened.  “Toni has her.  And Jones, if I were you, I’d shut the fuck up.” Fangs looked pointedly at Jug, begging him to let it go, before turning his attention back to the road.
                “There! Turn right! Now!” Fangs ordered once he saw the red jeep on the shoulder.  All three boys were out of the vehicle searching for Quinn as soon as the car was in park.  They rounded the corner with the other Serpents right on their heels.  Sweet Pea’s stomach lurched at the sight before him.  The Ghoulies and their sadistic leader appeared to be celebrating.  The bonfire was blazing, and beside it, in a puddle of blood was his sister. 
                It only took half a second for him to spring into action.  With Jughead and Fangs on either side, he barreled towards Quinn.  Malachi’s henchmen barely had the chance to retaliate when the Serpents tore into them.
                Sweet Pea crouched down to grab his twin and tried his best from focusing on how bad this looked.  The Ghouls certainly did a number her.  He threw the keys at Jughead and slid into the back seat carefully.  “Quinny, you’re gonna be okay.  We’ve got you.”  She stirred a bit but remained unconscious the rest of the ride to the hospital.
                Six hours later, the waiting room was packed. Quinn had to go into emergency surgery to stop her from bleeding internally.  Jughead was in the far corner on his phone, updating Toni every hour.  Betty had gone over as soon as Jug called her to help her with Piper.  Sweet Pea was in the hall with his head slung in his hands.  He was supposed to meet Quinn on Hwy 15 with Piper by six pm.  He let himself get distracted with a few girls and game of pool.  By the time he realized what time it was, Lux was running in.
                The guilt was gnawing on him just as much as the worry was.  Finally, the doctor came out of the operating room and asked for the family.  Since Sweet Pea was the only family she had, the doctor led him to a private room. Sweet Pea prepared himself for what he knew was coming.  He had seen that same look on a doctor’s face when he found out their mother had died. “Quinn truly was a fighter, but her body suffered so much so quickly.  We did everything we could…I’m sorry.”
                A hand reached to clasp his shoulder, and just like that he was all alone.  He stayed there, frozen, trying to get past the waves of nausea and the ringing in his ears.  His sister was dead.  He felt responsible, and there was only one thing he wanted to do. He sprung from the seat and tore through the waiting room heading straight for his truck and ignoring the voices that called after him. 
                He made the ten-minute drive to Toni’s trailer in five and barged right through the door.  Betty and Toni jumped to their feet at the sight of him.  “Sweets, what’s going on? Jug said you stormed out without saying anything.”
                Ignoring Betty altogether, he scanned the room for his niece.  “Where is she?” He croaked out.
                “In my room,” Toni answered.  As soon as he walked crossed the threshold and caught a glimpse of Piper sleeping soundly, he crumbled.  This beautiful little girl lost a mother tonight, and she was all he had left. He gathered her up and lifted her to his shoulder, holding her tightly against his chest as he broke into quiet sobs. 
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waterloou · 5 years
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Welcome to the first oc extravaganza Saturday!!!!!
Every Saturday, the five ocs that are submitted/I pick are made into a banner and given lots of love!!!
Aurora “Rory” Jones created by @princesweetpea
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Character Intro
Moodboard-Reggie and Rory
Fic: I found- Sweet Pea x Rory (a definite fic rec!!!!)
Rory is snarky, smart, strong, and easily lovable! Go give her some love!
Brooks “Apollo” Madison created by @vannahsunshine
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Asks: 1
Nooks playlist
Character re-introduction
Featured in: 1 2 3 4
Apollo is baby. He’s a very tall man who loves animals and his girlfriend and doin tattoos n shit. He’s v lovable and a good friend and an all around happy person. Go give him some love!
Marina Moretti created by @humangrumpycat
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Character Introduction
The Swosie Project 1
Fic: Petty Posse
Blurb: (includes another oc named whist)
‘You know, you used to be a badass when we were in high school,’ Marina says. ‘Alice Smith: eldest daughter of Tabatha Smith, leader of the girl serpents, protested against the serpent dance. And twenty-six years later, you just stand there as your daughter does the dance. What happened to you?’
‘You are not allowed to be mad at me, Alice,’ Marina states. ‘You ditched us, out of the blue. You packed your shit and you left. Your mother was heartbroken, wondering if it was her fault. Your little sister tried to fill that void to the point where she had to spend some years in rehab. You disappeared, and then we were all introduced to Alice Cooper.’
‘We had to deal with someone we grew up with, trashing the Southside on a weekly, if not daily, basis. You’re part of the reason why Mayor McCoy was all over our business, why sheriff Keller kept sending patrol cars to our neighborhoods, why so many of the Southsiders were fired from their jobs on the Northsiders because Northsiders “don’t want to be associated with our kind”, and tonight you just walked back in as if nothing changed.’
‘Well, that was an… interesting night.’
Marina hums. ‘Poor girl.’
The tall man shrugs, digging in his pockets for his keys. ‘I guess she wasn’t in for the gauntlet.’
‘I wonder if she ever knew about that, Whist,’ Marina mentions. ‘I mean, we haven’t seen a girl do that dance for at least five years because of the gauntlet.’
Whist nods, swinging his left leg over his motorcycle.
‘Perhaps whoever brought up the dance didn’t want her to know that,’ he says.
‘Must’ve been Byrdie,’ Marina speaks. ‘That old tramp.’
Whist chuckles as he puts on his helmet. ‘Don’t start a catfight, not when I have to go.’
Marina cackles as she pats Whist on the back.
‘Drive safe. Say hi to Sylvia and the kids for me!’
As he drives off, Marina looks to her right, taking in the blonde girl from earlier that night as she sees a boy walking up to her.
Marina slowly makes her way to her car, taking short glances at the two as their conversation’s turning sour.
‘Betty, if you stay, I don’t know if I can protect you anymore,’ Marina hears him say, causing her to roll her eyes.
‘Yup, definitely a Jones,’ she mutters to herself.
‘That’s not your decision to make,’ she hears the girl say back.
Marina’s lips curve into a small smile.
‘And definitely a Smith.’
Marina drops her bag in the trunk as she hears the couple break up, walking to the front of the car, watching the boy walk away, leaving the girl in tears.
The girl turns to her, wiping her tears as she sees Marina.
‘You need a ride home?’ Marina asks.
Betty looks around her, treading closer to Marina.
‘I was hoping my mom would still be here,’ she confesses.
Marina sighs. ‘I’m afraid she left about twenty minutes ago.’
Betty nods, placing her hands on her bare arms.
‘I really don’t mind dropping you off,’ Marina states. ‘I’m sure Sweet Pea’s still busy bringing FP home, so I’ve got time.’
‘Sweet Pea?’ Betty says with furrowed eyebrows. ‘Are you his mother?’
Marina chuckles. ‘Godmother,’ she answers.
Betty takes one more look around her before she steps to the passenger’s side.
‘I live on Elm Street, with the red door.’
Marina can kick my fuckin teeth in like this lady is a fuckin unapologetic badass and I love her so much! Go give her some love!!
Mateo Fogarty created by @southsideswangz
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Character Introduction
Character masterlist(including another one of their ocs, axel)
Mateo is such a good brother (and also part of the inspiration for my own older brother oc for fangs). He’s so helpful to his family and just an all around amazing dude! Go give him some love!
Ruthie Soh-Peterson created by @s-s-southsideserpentine
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Masterlist-various fics, a lot including Ruthie
Character tag names to search: ruthie inspo, sweet pea x ruthie, oc: ruthie, my oc, little brother!sweet pea, sweet pea x oc, fp jones x oc
Ruthie is the first oc I really got to interact with and she made me change sweet pea’s whole background(originally I had him living with his grandma) because I loved her so much. She’s strong, witty, (a perfect BFF for my oc Dante) and always well written. Go give her some love!
Check out OC Extravaganza Saturdays
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useraew · 5 years
mgk is 6’4 ???? 😩🤤
yes daddy is 👀😍
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veetlegeuse · 2 years
in a bit of a financial crisis and could use some help. literally any amount helps.
cashapp: $vannahsunshine
venmo: @vannahsunshine
i also have paypal, just don’t want to publicly share because it’s under someone else’s name.
thanks 🖤
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veetlegeuse · 2 years
hello my loves, i hate to do this again but my family needs some help.
my mom had to take the only car we have in to the shop and the cost is astronomical so most of the money we have has to go toward that as opposed to food or bills. we’ve exhausted our extensions for everything, so any help would be more than appreciated. 🖤
cashapp: $vannahsunshine
v3nmo: vannahsunshine
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veetlegeuse · 2 years
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mobile oc masterlist.
original fiction masterlist.
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edits. | personal favorites.
vee speaks.
→ IF YOU ARE HERE FOR THE TINA X ZEKE FIC DELICATE, please follow me @ @vannahsunshine for future updates! :)
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hey everyone!
i don’t normally do this, but i am pretty desperate at this point. my dad was just fired from his job today and i am currently unemployed and haven’t been able to find anything safe enough for me and my family in this pandemic, as 3/4 of us in my household are high-risk, should we contract the virus.
my resources are limited, but i am offering character love/friendship/family letters for $5, $6 with a playlist, as well as edits or aesthetics for $3. message me for details. 🤙🏼
my v3nmo is @vannahsunshine, anything helps, i love and appreciate all of you more than you’ll ever know. 💛
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i was tagged by @lamborghiniboyo <3 thank you my friend!
Rules: •Post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. •send me an ask with the title that intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet or tell you something about it! •and tag as many people as you have wips.
(including my WIPs for @vannahsunshine bc i only title my oc fic wips by their names lol)
— don’t fear the reaper (teen wolf, scisaac)
— the wedding planner (teen wolf, scisaac)
— dancing in my childhood bedroom (ppg, blossom-centric)
— they call you crybaby (ppg, bubbles-centric)
— bad reputation (ppg, buttercup-centric)
— don’t fear the reaper companion piece (teen wolf, thiam)
— the renegade (teen wolf, berica)
— black swan song (original fic)
tagging: @hughstheforcelou @s-s-southsideserpentine @humangrumpycat @jinxsflame @randomfandomingwrites @darth-caillic
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made a new personal / fandom blog @vannahsunshine (for some reason i can’t tag it lmao)
just a heads up 😌
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this would be a good time to plug that i am on discord: vannahsunshine#9632
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CAMP HALF-BLOOD SIDEBLOG @vannahs-camphalfblood
FANDOM BLOG @vannahsunshine
***blacklist #hp tw if that is something you do not want to see and of course — fuuuck jkr.
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