#oc: niamh alnazar
saemi-the-writer · 1 year
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Commission made by @ace--of--swords , thank you again!! 💞💙💗
Niamh and Asra dancing 🐦🦊
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& their second oldest, niamh.
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saemi-the-writer · 1 year
Niasra (Niamh/Asra) in 5 minutes
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More undercut, if you're interested :)
Niamh likes to borrow Asra's scarves and gilets, sometimes a shirt she leaves half-open on purpose because she knows he likes what he sees! Asra borrows some of her accessories and tunics from time to time.
Asra was so anxious to cause another crisis that he swore to not confess his feelings for Niamh, especially after the events in the Prologue. He was also worried Niamh was falling for him primarily by default or due to the lack of options, since she didn't get to make many friends during the 3 years after her resurrection. Niamh sometimes questioned her feelings for Asra, wondering if she was really in love with or deeply attached to him. But then, she realised she really loved the person Asra was and cherished the moments they shared because she loved him and not just because he had been her "master". So she decided "I have to clarify my intentions and feelings to him" and confessed first.
Asra knows how to cook and is quite good at it, but he likes to indulge in Niamh's great cooking <3 While she cooks most of the time, the two like to prepare dinner together, especially when they have guests.
Niamh was never fond of bugs, and due to her past trauma with the Plague beetles deeply set in her, she might freak out depending on its size/type. She might squash it *while* screaming or chase it with a broom (like Sophie in "Howl's moving Castle").
Asra catches the bug to let it out or feed ut to Faust - if the latter doesn't catch it first.
Niamh is the housekeeper of the two! That's why Asra is the one who goes to buy groceries, deals with some customers and does some other tasks in the shop. He doesn't want her to overwork herself or live off her.
Asra can still be overprotective of Niamh, but he tries his best not to smother her. Niamh can be protective, but since she dislikes when people are too protective of her or make her feel like she's fragile or can't handle herself, she refrains from overdoing it.
Asra is the most jealous of the two. A tiny part of him fears Niamh would find someone who "would never let her down" and leave him. Niamh refused to watch the memory of Asra and Julian because she thought it was none of her business, but she still felt a pang of jealousy and considered it inappropriate. She sometimes wondered (worried) whether Asra had someone he met during his journeys in the past.
Asra and Niamh have their disagreements, but they don't argue or fight often. When it happens, it can be because one of them (or both) was really tired/frustrated and somehow snapped at the other or took it out on them; like Niamh snapping at Asra because he's messy or Asra taking a jab at Niamh about her collecting/recycling habits. The subjects that are still quite sensitive are Lucio (for a while), Asra leaving or keeping (too many) secrets from her, Niamh's overly idealistic views (wanting to give a chance a bit too quickly, especially compared to her past self) and touchiness. Asra is usually the first to apologize because he's so afraid to repeat the same mistake and to come back too late that he sometimes apologized when he wasn't in the wrong. Niamh felt awful when it happened and made amends for it.
They are both popular for different reasons. Asra was already quite known and became especially famous after the Plague. Niamh was well-liked in the past, her resurrection made people a bit wary/freaked out at first; but she remained discreet. She became quite popular during the Trial, especially when she revealed she used to be Chimerae.
Niamh has a bit of separation anxiety, due to the faint memory of Asra leaving during the Plague and his travels away from the shop.
Asra is more likely to take the shot for Niamh, even if he knows she would hate it. Niamh has her mind set on "we must live together", but she would take a hit for him too.
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saemi-the-writer · 1 year
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Solo Niamh and Niasra 🦊🦚
August is my birthday month, and I was spoiled with 2 Patreon requests by @zoe-oneesama during it! 🫠🩷🩵 Thank you!!
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saemi-the-writer · 1 year
Remember the romance covers post? I decided to make another but with Gothic novel covers 🏰🦇
It will go like this: M6 - my OCs; the Courtiers will have their own post due to the 10 image limits.
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saemi-the-writer · 1 year
The Arcana Heart Hunter - Niamh
Finally finished this after 1-2 years!! xD Thanks to @pharry for her support and bearing with me! Hope you'll like it!
Interactions under the cut!
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The Shop: (smiling) “Hi there, MC! Is there something Asra and I can help you with?”
Forest: (pleased) “MC! Look at all this! Today’s picking has been great!”
Forest (night): (impressed) “Wow, can you see this? It’s beautiful!”
Cave: (pensive, in travel clothes) “Strange, I feel a bit nostalgic here…”
Cave (night): (worried, in travel clothes) “I want to go deeper but I’m a bit afraid… can I hold your hand, please?”
Docks: (smiling) “I like walking along the water, bare feet in the sand. Would you like to join me?”
Town Square: (playful) “It’s crowdy, as usual. Want to take a shortcut?”
Community Theatre: (laughing) “That was fantastic! Let’s watch the next performance together!”
Coliseum: (sad) “…I can still feel the bloodlust emanating from here. It’s awful.”
Red Market: (curious) “There are many interesting artefacts or ingredients. Should I take the risk to buy some?”
The Rowdy Raven: (playful) “Come on MC! Let’s show them a real dance!”
Market: (laughing) “There are so many things I want to show you, but first things first! Let me buy you a pumpkin bread!”
Flooded District: (pensive) “I’ve made pair of shoes that alleviate the weight when you wear them and added another spell so one could walk on the water. Should we try them here?”
Fields: (playful, in travel clothes) “Let’s ride to the sunset! I’ll race you!”
South End: (serious) “This is not very safe… but don’t worry, I won’t let anyone harm you!”
The Lazaret: (shocked) “…it’s calling me?…”
Mazelinka’s House: (smiling) “Look at this huge pot! I need to ask Mazelinka where she got it, it would be of use for family dinners!”
Portia’s Cottage: (pleased) “Portia is a wonderful gardener! Don’t you think her home is as cute as she is?”
Muriel’s Hut: (neutral) “I’ve brought some eels for Muriel, do you think he will allow me to cook them for him?”
Asra’s Sanctuary: (pleased) “Make yourself home! I’m on to prepare the meal.”
The Palace: (smiling, in formal clothing) “Prakran clothing look amazing on you, MC! We should find a gift for Nadia to thank her!”
Palace Gardens: (grinning) “What shall we do? Relax or parkour? Your pick!”
Lucio’s Wing: (frowning) “This place is haunted for sure… and so filthy!! Why hasn’t anyone cleaned it up?”
The Shop
Niamh (frowning): You know, usually people use a door to come in and go out of a shop.
Julian (embarrassed): Uh, well, I am not like most people?
Asra (teasing): Niamh~ Look what I brought just for you!
Niamh (laughing): Oh no! Where are we going to store all of them?
Niamh: (grinning) Hey, Portia! Ready for your alchemy lesson?
Portia: (winking) Sure am!
Nadia (smiling): The potion I bought last time did wonders! May I order some more, please?
Niamh (pleased): I am glad to hear it. Give me a minute and I will bring you that.
Niamh (smiling): Here Muriel, to thank you for all the protective charms you made for me and Réa!
Muriel (blushing): Oh, you didn’t have to……… thanks.
Lucio (pouting): How come I can never touch or reach anything that is on the shelves?! Every time, I feel my hand being repelled!
Niamh (teasing): Of course, we put a security spell on them. To prevent theft but also to protect us from the clumsiness of customers too curious for their own good.
Niamh (grinning): Hey there, Réa! Here, I packed up your lunch for today!
Réamann (grinning):Thanks Niamhy! I see you even made a little box for Ceres!
Erwin (smiling): Glad to see your business is thriving, Hummingbird.
Niamh (happy): We had another busy day indeed! Would you like some tea?
Niamh (pleased): I found plenty of blackberries for my little fox!
Asra (blushing, smiling): Could you make a pie with them, please?
Niamh (neutral): Shouldn’t you be used to this? I mean, you were a mercenary, weren’t you?
Lucio (frowning): The fact that I’m used to it doesn’t mean I have to like it, Niamh!
Niamh (pleased): There are so many yarrows here!
Muriel (wry smile): They attract hummingbirds, indeed.
Portia (smiling): Ilya and I often played pretend. We were children lost in the woods, trying to escape some Evil Witch.
Niamh (smiling): It sounds like you two had a lot of fun! Can you tell me more, please?
Nadia (worried): That song is quite haunting… or are you trying to cast a spell?
Niamh (confused): Haunting, really? This is the first song I’ve remembered without having a headache.
Julian (surprised): There are a lot of normal – I mean standard ingredients in your basket. Are there for cooking, then?
Niamh (smiling): For both cooking and magic. You know, not all ingredients for magic is necessarily fancy or “weird”.
Réamann (curious): Ceres keeps running after a black wolf lately. It’s weird, but I kinda think she has a crush on this wolf??
Niamh (mischievous): Like magician, like familiar!
Erwin (neutral): Did you find everything you needed?
Niamh (smiling): I did. Thanks for coming with me!
Forest (night)
Niamh: (beaming) Look! The flowers are reacting to your magic!! Bravo Portia!
Portia: (shocked) R-really? I did it?
Lucio (saddened): No matter how hard I tried, it was never good enough! Maybe I really have no skills in magic…
Niamh (small smile): The fact that you’re seeing the magic proves it wrong. And it’s never too late to learn, you certainly need another method to do so!
Asra (smiling, blushing): My makeshift wrapping isn’t much, but I know these flowers are your favourite.
Niamh (blushing, surprised): It’s perfect as it is. Thank you Asra!
Niamh (raised eyebrow): “Sometimes”? You chose to live in the forest although you can’t appreciate its beauty?
Muriel (grumpy): I live here because I want to be left alone.
Niamh (smiling): Do you hear this music? Réamann must be near!
Julian (relieved): Ah, good! Now I’ll have the two twins to guide me through this witchcraft!
Nadia (smiling): How beautiful. No wonder your brother loves to spend time here!
Niamh (smiling): He also loves to spend time in the palace’s garden. Thanks for allowing him to!
Niamh (smiling): Would you play and sing “Tir Na Nog” with me? Pleeeeease?
Réamann (grinning, holding his Crwth): Again? Just kiddin’! Of course!
Niamh (smiling): It’s a really pretty poem! Do you know more like this?
Erwin (blushing): …*grumbles*
Niamh (neutral): These flowers are called “vampire roses”, they are very rare. Most of times, they are brewed for specific potions.
Lucio (smirking): Isn’t there any way to cultivate them instead?
Niamh (blushing): Sorry, I am rambling aren’t I? It’s just that these are so rare magical flora in there…
Nadia (smiling): There is no need to feel ashamed, Niamh. I love listening to your explanations.
Faust: Splash!
Niamh (grinning): Are you inviting me to go for a swim?
Niamh (shy smile, blushing): The cave is not the only one to hold many secrets. I hope my mysterious fox will share them with me someday.
Asra (blushing, avoiding her eyes): In the story, the Little Princess needed to have patience and perseverance before she managed to tame the Fox. Let’s hope it will be the same for you.
Portia (excited): There are so many great stuff to collect here! Maybe there’s a hidden treasure in there too!
Niamh (laughing): It is possible! But then, we must be careful about eventual traps on the way!
Niamh (surprised): Nice plunge, Julian! But give me a heads-up next time, you scared me for a moment!
Julian (embarrassed): Um, yeah sure, it was totally on purpose! Sorry for worrying you!
Niamh (frowning): I’d rather explore alone than have you grudgingly following me!
Muriel (surprised): Er- I...
Niamh (relaxed): It’s nice and quiet here.
Réamann (smiling): True. Perfect place to meditate!
Niamh (fascinated): These lily pads are huge! Do you think they could bear our weight?
Erwin (serious): Only one way to find out. I’ll go first.
Cave (night)
Niamh (sad): Do you hate me because of something I did to you in the past? I’m sorry, even if I can’t remember.
Muriel (gloom): I… I don’t hate you, really. It’s… complicated.
Niamh (focused): There is something hidden there, in these writings. I am sure of it!
Nadia (concerned): Careful not to push yourself, Niamh. It is a long way back to get help.
Portia (surprised): Hey, when you look at it from there, it looks like a huge dragon and a huge phoenix facing each other!
Niamh (mesmerized): !!
Lucio (serious): I’ve seen some of these symbols! Right before the flames… And then…
Niamh (mesmerized): …a familiar face. A voice!
Julian (attentive): You seem disturbed, Niamh. Come with me, we better leave.
Niamh (focused): I’m not sure what… But I’ve been here before, I’m sure of it!
Asra (concerned): Hold my hand, Niamh. Everything will be fine.
Niamh (confused): What was- I’m sure it was a memory! But I can’t tell of what!
Faust: Shiny! Like Niamh!
Niamh (blushing, happy): Oh, Faust! You’re so sweet!
Réamann (mischievous): Ceres says the snail is down the pool.
Niamh (smirk): Then by all means, dive in first!
Erwin (concerned): Be careful, Niamh!
Niamh (smiling, drenched): The water is so clear and refreshing! Come on, swim with me!
Niamh: (mischievous) There is an elixir I sell back in shop that is called “Mermaid’s voice”. And the name is very fitting for its effect.
Portia: (mischievous) Very interesting! Shall we try it here?
Niamh (smiling): I don’t think the life of a pirate is for me, but I wouldn’t say no to traveling around the world!
Julian (smiling): If I can, I would love to show you around some places.
Niamh (eyes closed, serene): *hums softly*
Muriel (neutral): …
Niamh (embarrassed smile, drenched): Well, it could have been worse?
Lucio (laughing, drenched): Not bad for a first time! But next time, I’ll keep steering the boat!
Nadia (smiling): Thank you for this lovely promenade. I had very good time.
Niamh (smiling): Likewise, Nadia.
Faust: Home?
Niamh (confused): You want to go home, Faust?
Asra (saddened, singing): “Over waves and deep in the Blue, I will give up my heart for you. Ten long years I’ll wait to go by. My love will never die.”
Niamh (emotional): You’ve already found the key to my heart.
Niamh (surprised): Oh, I recognize this song! Asra sang it to me several times!
Réamann (upset): Did he.
Erwin (smiling): Would you like a boat ride?
Niamh (excited): I would love to!!
Town square
Niamh (surprised): Why are people looking at us like that?
Asra (laughing): Not everyone “whistle” like you do, sweetie!
Julian (surprised): Hey!! I almost lost you in the crowd! Don’t slip away like that!
Niamh (embarrassed): Sorry! I thought you were right behind me!
Portia (smiling): Hi Niamh! Need a ride to the Palace or somewhere?
Niamh (smiling): I’d like to make a stop at the floating market, would you mind?
Lucio (smiling): Oh, so that’s the shortcut you used to slip away back then?
Niamh (surprised): “Back then”?...
Nadia (smiling): See? Keep this graceful and powerful walk and repeat yourself that like a mantra and people will naturally move politely off the way.
Niamh (blushing, unsure): I’ll try to remember that.
Muriel (unsure): Would the Temple even let me in if I wanted to go inside?
Niamh (serious): They should. It is a place where everyone should be allowed in!
Niamh (smiling): I am heading towards the Temple district, would you like me to do an offering for you?
Erwin (smiling): Hmm, if you have a prayer spared for me, it would be enough. Thanks.
Réamann (smiling): Hey, Niamh! Do you have some spare time?
Niamh (grinning): Do you need me to sing along or play a role?
Community theatre
Niamh (laughing): Julian fainted wonderfully on stage! I wish I could swoon like that!
Asra (flirting, blushing): Is that a challenge? Or maybe you’re more leaning on the catching side~?
Nadia (laughing): I-I need to catch my breath! This was a masterful piece of art!
Niamh (laughing): Réa and Julian almost killed us in there!
Niamh: (mischievous) Réa told me there was a part where a person in the audience is invited on stage.
Portia: (mischievous) Oho? It would be fun if two were to invite themselves in, don’t you think?
Julian (touched): Thanks for all of your support, Niamh!
Niamh (grinning): Don’t mention it, you were amazing!
Muriel (wary): You’re not going to push me towards the stage, do you?...
Niamh (smiling): Of course not! Let’s just watch and enjoy the show from here!
Niamh (smiling): So? Did I pick the right play?
Lucio (laughing): Oh yes! Say, what was its title again?
Niamh (smiling): Are you helping with the staging tonight or-?
Réamann (relaxed): Nah. Just coming as a spectator tonight!
Erwin (laughing): This was completely crazy! I loved it!
Niamh (laughing): They really nailed it for that scene! It was hilarious!
Niamh (neutral): This structure is at least 600 years old and the violent games were already a thing back then, it’s Vesuvian culture and history. If anything, Lucio had brought back an old tradition.
Nadia (concerned): I am ashamed to admit that I was not aware of such an important point. I was told about it like Lucio had invented the games…
Niamh (serious, holding a book): No wonder we can still feel the bloodlust! It says Count Kaeso, who built the place, used to make human torches as the opening of the games!
Asra (pale, horrified): Ehm, would you mind leaving and speaking about something less morbid?
Niamh (concerned): Come with me, I’ll treat you at my house.
Muriel (sad): …can you cook me some eels?
Portia (curious): Guess you can’t remember the games. Do you think it might become a thing again?
Niamh (neutral): I can’t. Well, it depends on a lot of things. I wouldn’t mind changing the traditions and have less bloody entertainment though.
Niamh (pensive): Fights that are just for show? I didn’t know this could be a thing!
Julian (smiling): It is in Jeodreovar! No one gets hurt, it’s a clean competition where the winner is the most skilled.
Lucio (pouting): What? Don’t tell me you’re going to feel sorry for a bunch of rapists and paedophiles?!
Niamh (ill-at-ease): No, but you can’t expect me to cheer when you say “The only time I participated in the games, I slaughtered everyone in less than 5 minutes” !
Niamh (neutral): So… what happened exactly in there?
Erwin (neutral): You might want to sit, it is a long story.
Niamh (shocked): I went to watch the games? Really?!
Réamann (ill-at-ease): Only twice, and for very specific reasons I’m not sure I can tell you. Don’t worry about that.
Red market
Niamh (furious): Love potions?! How dare they! There’ll be hell to pay!!
Lucio (shocked): Uh, Niamh? Wait, at least let me help ransacking it!
Julian (smirking): You could whistle as a signal, then we go for it!
Niamh (embarrassed): Whistle? Maybe we should find something else, because my whistle is (ahem) too distinctive!
Niamh (smiling): Mi- Dear, look at this tiara! Not only would it suit you, but it is also a powerful magical weapon!
Nadia (surprised): Is it? I shall buy it then! Is there anything you would like from this booth too?
Niamh (intrigued): This mask is fascinating me. I don’t know why, but it also looks familiar! Does it remind you of anything, sugar?
Asra (awkward): Well, it looks like Chimaera’s mask. They used to be wanted by some noble houses, but they were considered a hero for many, especially after revealing a human trafficking.
Niamh (curious): Why are those ingredients easier to find here? Like they’re some kind of highly dangerous or illegal substances?
Muriel (neutral): …I’m not sure I am the one you should ask that.
Niamh (focused): I must… resist… temptation!!
Portia (teasing): Oh, well I don’t have to! How much for it?
Niamh (surprised): This mask…! Oh Réa, you shouldn’t have!
Réamann (smiling, Ceres on his shoulder): Allow me to spoil you a little, Niamhy. I don’t have many occasions to do so.
Niamh (serious): If you wear this ring, your shadow will disappear. It would be good to combine it with your cloaking ring!
Erwin (interested): Interesting. I’ll see if I can negotiate for it.
The Rowdy Raven
Niamh (exalted): This was so much fun! Let’s stay for another dance!
Julian (laughing): Of course. But first, we must quench our thirst!
Nadia (laughing): You were amazing, Niamh! You and Réa definitely need to put on a show together at the Masquerade!
Niamh (winking): I’ll think about it. Now, join me for next round, Nadia!
Lucio (smirking): What is it, Hummingbird, are you afraid of dancing?
Niamh (grinning): The real question is: can you keep up with me, Goldilocks?
Niamh (singing): “Come; Taste the wine; Race the blind; They will guide you from the light; Writing noughts 'til the end of time~!”
Muriel (sulking): What am I even doing here…
Asra (smiling, blushing): You sure love to make me twirl, my sweet~!
Niamh (seductive smile): Hope your head isn’t spinning too much already, sugar, because this hummingbird is planning on “dancing” all night long.
Portia (laughing): Can’t hold your liquor, can you?
Niamh (blushing): I feel like I’m floating already!
Réamann (menacing): I didn’t like how he was looking at you. If he ever comes near again, I’ll knock him out!
Niamh (raising an eyebrow): What if this guy was just the waiter?...
Erwin (smirk, in disguise): May I help you down?
Niamh (teasing): Catch me, then! On three!
Nadia (smiling): I am glad you are willing to try spices from Prakra! And I am sure you will love this tea!
Niamh (embarrassed): Thank you very much for the gifts, Nadia. (This tea costs a fortune!!)
Portia (shocked): Uh, you put everything in your bag? After breaking loose like you did in the shops?! How did you fit all of it inside??
Niamh (winking): A good magician never reveals her tricks!
Julian (grinning): You should try these donuts! My treat, to thank you for the bread!
Niamh (grinning): Thanks a bunch, they are delicious! I must find the recipe!
Lucio (confused): Are you sure you wanted all that junk? I could buy you better, more expensive things…
Niamh (grinning): Just watch me, I’m going to use this “junk” like you said and create wonderful things with them!
Muriel (sighing): Niamh, you have plenty of these already. Don’t buy more.
Niamh (blushing): B-but they are so pretty!!
Asra (smiling): Sharing a pumpkin bread with you is a small pleasure in my life that I will forever cherish.
Niamh (blushing, smiling): So do I. Welcome back, Asra.
Réamann (smiling): Here are the blooms I talked to you about, I picked some of them for you.
Niamh (smiling): Thanks a bunch, Deer! I will make enchanted necklaces with them!
Niamh (smiling): I’ve brought you some tea! It smells wonderful, don’t you think?
Erwin (smiling): It does. Thank you, it’s just what I needed.
Flooded district
Muriel (unsure): Walking on the water?! Are you sure about it??
Niamh (smiling): You could walk on thin ice without breaking it with these shoes! Come on!
Julian (unsure): Not that I question your magic but… What if it doesn’t work?!
Niamh (grinning): We fall in the water and might have itching for a week. Nothing too bad!
Portia (grinning): Steering a gondola is easier than I thought! Onwards!
Niamh (grinning): You’re doing great, Portia!
Niamh (neutral): The Aqueduct was already there for that, maybe that’s why we had this major flood.
Nadia (shameful): I- I cannot believe I had not taken that into account back then. I shall look into it in good time!
Lucio (embarrassed): I wasn’t even “alive” when the flood happened! It’s not my fault!
Niamh (serious): Maybe it wasn’t, but it doesn’t mean you get to stand idly about it.
Niamh (unconvinced): I know Count Lucio has the lion’s share for the management failure, but didn’t Countess Nadia impose some Prakran structures although they would not work in Vesuvia?
Asra (awkward): Er… blame the culture clash?
Niamh (pensive): I wish I could remember how it used to be…
Faust: Headaches! Careful!
Niamh (unsure): It seemed you needed a little pick-me-up, so I brought homemade snacks and refreshing drinks for you all.
Erwin (smiling widely): Just what we needed, many thanks! Everyone, gather around!
Réamann (singing):” The water is wide, I can't cross over. And neither have I wings to fly.”
Niamh (singing): “Build me a boat that can carry two. And both shall row, my love and I.”
Julian (smiling): This has to be one of the best picnic I’ve had! Your cooking is amazing, Niamh!
Niamh (happy): Thank you Julian! And thank you again for the invitation, I really needed to get out of town today!
Portia (blushing): Don’t let go-don’t let go please!! I’m gonna fall!!
Niamh (smiling): No you won’t, I’ve got you Portia! Hang on tight on the saddle, we’re speeding up!
Lucio (grinning): Oh, you are challenging me in a horse race, little hummingbird? Alright! But I won’t go easy on you just because you’re cute!
Niamh (grinning): Not going easy on me? Well thank you, sweet Count!! On three!
Nadia (shocked): Oh dear, you had such a heavy heart, my poor Niamh! GIVE HER A BREAK, ALL OF YOU, WHOEVER YOU ARE!!
Niamh (sad): Don’t leave me, Asra, please… Whenever I see you leaving, I fear you won’t ever come back.
Asra (sad): I will always come back for you, Niamh. I promise.
Muriel (surprised): Wait, Niamh! Where are you going?!
Niamh (upset): To my own business! If you’re here only because Asra or Réa asked you to “watch over me” then leave! I’m not a child anymore!!
Niamh (smiling): It’s a lovely story, did you make it up?
Réamann (nostalgic): Only partially.
Niamh (excited): It was wonderful!! Thank you for letting me ride Fûjin, she’s amazing!
Erwin (smiling): You’re a very good horsewoman too. Fûjin doesn’t let anyone ride her like that.
South End
Niamh (surprised): Faust! There you are! I was worried about you, come here!
Faust: Looking for squeeze!
Asra (laughing): Th-that was a great swing Niamh! Now come on, let’s hide at Ilya’s!
Niamh (blushing, holding a big frying pan): I-I panicked! I really didn’t mean to knock him out!
Niamh (saddened): So that’s where so many orphans have found refuge. I shall bring them some food soon.
Muriel (little smile): A homemade meal sounds nice.
Portia (winking): I know you don’t necessarily need protection, but my fists are still ready to strike for your sake!
Niamh (smiling): Thank you, Portia! I feel safe walking with you!
Niamh (neutral): I reduce these items to this size so I can either carry them easily or enlarge them to use them as weapons or tools.
Nadia (surprised): Why, what a surprise! I believed they were unusual jewelleries!
Lucio (smirking): I remember that once, Erwin was caught in an ambush over there. Ten against one. The idiots that weren’t arrested ran with at least a broken limb!
Niamh (surprised): Really? Is that why Erwin keeps using his cloaking ring around here?
Niamh (surprised, holding a huge sewing needle): Aren’t you surprised that I use such items as self-defense weapons?
Julian (grinning): Oh, dear Niamh. You have no idea what Mazelinka can do with a wooden spoon!
Réamann (smirking): Works every time! Let’s go!
Niamh (amused): What do they think they are fighting, Réa?
Niamh (curious): Is it true that you were ambushed here?
Erwin (neutral): Several times. The captain of the guards is not really welcome here.
The Lazaret
Lucio (panicked): Niamh? NIAMH?! SNAP OUT OF IT!!
Niamh (mesmerized): …Veni ad me, invenietis et renascentia tua cinerem…………………
Niamh (mesmerized): “There is nothing in this life but mist, and we are not alive but for a little short spell”…
Julian (worried): Come on, Niamh, let’s get you out of here!
Niamh (shocked): Ouch!! Why did you slap me?!
Portia (worried): Sorry!! But it seemed like you were possessed, I panicked!!
Niamh (worried): What is this voice? Why does it keep calling for me?
Muriel (serious): Don’t listen to it. We must go, now.
Asra (tearful): Don’t listen to it, Niamh! Please, let’s go home, together…
Niamh (worried): Asra?...
Niamh (mesmerized): …
Nadia (worried): Niamh? You’ve been awfully quiet for a while now. Come on, let us go somewhere else.
Réamann (panicked, tearful): Niamh? NIAMH!!! Where are you? Please, come back!!
Niamh (mesmerized): Veni ad me…
Erwin (gloom): Sorry Niamh. You may be angry at me once you wake up.
Niamh (unconscious): … renascentia tua cinerem….
Mazelinka’s house
Niamh (amazed): This soup is delicious! Do you think Mazelinka will accept to share the recipe with me?
Portia (winking): She might give it to you in exchange of something. Maybe the recipe of your soup? They are quite similar!
Julian (grinning): Aaah, nothing’s like Mazelinka’s homemade soup! Look at all of this, so many delicious ingredients!
Niamh (wry smile): Half of these ingredients are magical!
Niamh (thoughtful): Maybe we could open some cooking lessons on request or per month? Maybe Mazelinka could help, I should ask her…
Asra (smiling): It’s a good idea, just be careful to not overload yourself.
Niamh (raised eyebrow): What did Julian ever do to you? You’re awfully rude when you speak of and to him.
Muriel (gloom): …it’s none of your business.
Niamh (smiling): I’ve only met her twice, but I really like Mazelinka!
Nadia (smiling): Portia told me about her too, she sounds like an amazing woman.
Lucio (pouting): When will they arrive? This smells so good, I don’t want to wait any longer!
Niamh (neutral): Eat some saltines in the meantime and be patient.
Erwin (surprised): Niamh! What are you doing here?
Niamh (smiling): Portia invited me, what about you?
Réamann (grinning): Dinnertime have a great atmosphere when the Devoraks are here!
Niamh (grinning): Exactly what I thought! Never a dull moment with them!
Portia’s cottage
Portia (smiling): I’ve only heard of Fairies’ houses before, it’s so fun to make!
Niamh (smiling): Isn’t it? They will look lovely in your garden!
Asra (smiling): We could try to grow some flowers on our balcony, what do you think?
Niamh (excited): It would be great! Wisteria would look amazing with the façade!
Niamh (smiling, blushing): I could spend hours here, this place is just like its owner: warm, welcoming and adorable.
Nadia (smiling, blushing): I could not agree more. Portia is wonderful.
Muriel (blushing, embarrassed): Are we allowed to do this?
Niamh (smiling): Portia told me I could take some aromatic herbs, it’s alright. These taste wonderful with eels, take them.
Niamh (happy): Aaaw, are you happy to see me too Pepi?
Julian (relieved smile): Thank Gods you’ve arrived, I couldn’t feel my legs anymore!
Lucio (excited): A swing?! Great idea! I’m going to commission one at once!
Niamh (laughing): Awesome!
Niamh (smiling): I wish I had such a beautiful garden and a cute, snuggly cat!
Erwin (teasing): Ask Portia if you can move in.
Niamh (grinning): You know what’s missing?... A swing!!
Réamann (grinning): Oooh! Let’s make a surprise for Portia then!
Muriel’s hut
Muriel (blushing, embarrassed): Sorry, I didn’t mean to eat all of it so fast!
Niamh (grinning): I guess you liked it, then? Don’t worry, there’s still plenty of it! Let me serve you another plate!
Niamh (surprised): I didn’t know that caring for chickens was such a “sport”!
Portia (laughing): Haha, they can be dangerous gluttons!
Asra (soothing): Muriel may seem aloof and blunt, but I am sure he likes you!
Niamh (concerned): …Are you sure he’s not tolerating me first and foremost for your sake?
Niamh (sad): Asra and Réamann are his close friends, I’m not sure he really likes me. Maybe I should just leave…
Nadia (caring): If he can get along with me, I don’t see how he could not appreciate you. You two should discuss about it calmly.
Niamh (concerned): Is this really alright to do that when he’s away?
Julian (grinning): Who doesn’t love coming home to a nice, warm meal that smells so nice?
Lucio (smirking): This guy’s been rude to you? Let me handle this!
Niamh (sweating): Please don’t! I will handle this myself!!
Réamann (soothing smile, Ceres on his shoulder): I’m sure you and Muriel could be good friends. Just give him time to sort some things out.
Niamh (sad smile): …I believe you.
Erwin (neutral): If you’re not welcome, I can barely imagine how it is for me.
Niamh (saddened): It’s alright, not everyone will love me. I’ll just leave this here with a note.
Asra’s sanctuary
Niamh (asleep): I love you, Asra… *mumbles incoherently*
Asra (emotional): I love you too, Niamh. Sweet dreams.
Lucio (grinning): This festival sounds fun! Are we going together?
Niamh (smiling): Sure! But you’d better change into clothes you don’t mind getting splashed in colours!
Niamh (asleep): *mumbles* I hear the wolf… wait for me, little white fox… *mumbles*
Muriel (amused smile): …
Faust: Hungry!
Niamh (smiling): The meal is almost ready, Faust!
Niamh (smiling): Thanks for the groceries! Please, have a seat, I have some tea ready if you’re thirsty.
Julian (smiling): Don’t mention it. The tea smells very good, is it black tea?
Portia (laughing, covered in colourful powder): We had a blast! Let’s go again next year!
Niamh (grinning, covered in colourful powder): Gladly!
Nadia (surprised): Is this tea lavender flavoured? It is delectable!
Niamh (smiling): Yes, I know you love lavender, so I made a special blend for you!
Réamann (laughing): Everything you made for tea-time is flower flavoured today! Getting into a theme?
Niamh (grinning): Well, it is the “Painted Daisy festival”!
Erwin (smiling): This place is really cozy. Thanks for inviting me.
Niamh (smiling): You’re welcome. Asra did wonders with this little house!
The palace
Niamh (smiling): Sorry for barging in, but I couldn’t wait to bring you this purifiers cutlery!
Nadia (smiling): Your timing is perfect, the outfit I commissioned for you is ready. Please, explain me what makes this cutlery special during the fitting!
Portia (smiling): This shade of blue-green suits you wonderfully!
Niamh (blushing, smiling, wearing a new attire): Thanks! The fabric is so light and soft, it’s more comfortable than I thought!
Asra (blushing, wearing a blue attire): Your name could not be more fitting, Niamh. You are radiantly beautiful.
Niamh (blushing): And your eyes have captivated me, Asra. Will you take me to the ballroom, sweet night traveller?
Lucio (grinning): Is that makeup? Let me try it!!
Niamh (teasing): What’s the magic word?
Julian (smiling, in disguise): I can’t refuse to be your model, but may I ask why?
Niamh (wry smile): Just a little touch of magic to be safe!
Niamh (frustrated): Were you expecting someone else? Sorry that I am not my twin!
Muriel (neutral): Are you just in a bad mood or did something happen?
Niamh (frustrated): Do you mind? I don’t need you or Erwin to escort me every time I come here!
Réamann (stunned, sweating a bit): Was it something I said?...
Erwin (smiling): Red suits you. You should wear it more often.
Niamh (surprised, wearing a red tunic): You think?
Palace’s garden
Asra (smiling, relaxed): Comfy?
Niamh (eyes closed, smiling): Aye, I could get used to it.
Faust: Squeeze!
Niamh (smiling): Aw, feeling cuddly today?
Niamh (embarrassed, blushing): Don’t mock me! It’s my way of whistling!!
Julian (laughing): I’m not mocking you! I find it endearingly cute!!
Niamh (smiling): Did you know there was a magical portal in the labyrinth?
Portia (surprised): Ah, I didn’t! I must add it to my map, where was it?
Niamh (teasing): Did you install this magical portal in the labyrinth because you kept getting lost in it?
Lucio (awkward, sweating a bit): …of course not!
Muriel (eyes closed, neutral): You naturally go to the same tree…
Niamh (neutral): …?
Nadia (smiling): The sound you made when you passed my test in the labyrinth was unexpected. What was it?
Niamh (embarrassed, blushing): It was… my usual way of cheering!
Niamh (happy): I did it! Prooofooweet!
Réamann (smiling, emotional): I’m glad to hear that sound again.
Niamh (smiling): Portia told me to be careful around the dogs, but they’ve been nice to me so far!
Erwin (amused): They probably smell that you’re a good cook. You don’t bite the hand that feeds you.
Lucio’s wing
Lucio (awkward): Am I being punished or something?
Niamh (serious): Cleaning after your own mess is a good start. Now, keep sweeping the floor.
Nadia (surprised): The place is clean as a whistle! How? Did the servants find the courage to come here?
Niamh (smiling): “A clean home is worth gold” Nadia. I took the liberty to do it.
Portia (laughing): We’re the cleaning dream team! Give me five, scouring pad Queen!!
Niamh (laughing): Where we pass, filth is wiped! Good job, feather duster Queen!
Niamh (singing): “I am the voice of the future, bring me your peace. Bring me your peace, and my wounds, they will heal.”
Muriel (neutral): They’re not twins for nothing. But why is she cleaning the place?...
Niamh (teasing): Take a good look at this, Asra. Here’s what happens when you never sweep the floor!
Asra (embarrassed): Is this some kind of subliminal message? Not everyone is a domestic goddess like you, you know!
Julian (sweating a bit): If there were any ghost here, they were probably exorcised by your scrubbing!
Niamh (frowning): How am I supposed to take that?...
Réamann (laughing): You should add to your shop “clean spirits away” with the fortune-telling!
Niamh (pouting): Not you too!
Erwin (sad): I miss him. Despite everything, I miss him so bad!
Niamh (sad, compassionate): I will join my prayers to yours.
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saemi-the-writer · 1 year
The Arcana Heart Hunter - Réamann
Here's Réamann^^!
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The Shop: (smiling) “Oh, hey MC. Niamh and Asra are busy right now, but maybe I can help you?”
Forest: (relaxed, holding his Crwth)“*hums gently*”
Forest (night): (smiling, , holding his Crwth) “If you like this, I could recreate a similar scene with my magic. Just tell me.”
Cave: (nostalgic) “My sister and I used to explore places like this together…”
Cave (night): (blushing) “I don’t know what is inspiring me more, all this magic or you, MC.”
Docks: (smiling holding his Crwth) “Watching the sea reminds me of an old song, do you want to hear it?”
Town Square: (smiling, holding his Crwth) “With all this crowd, it’s not always easy to draw and keep the attention. But when you do, it’s worth it!”
Community Theatre: (pleased) “I’ve discovered this place not so long ago, and I love it!”
Coliseum: (serious) “This place should serve as a memorial…”
Red Market: (shocked) “Oh nice! I had no idea such a market was here! Wait… aren’t these substances illegal?!”
The Rowdy Raven: (laughing) I haven’t had such a drink in so long! Anyway, cheers MC!”
Market: (pleased) “Were you looking for something special? Here, I have a pumpkin bread for you.”
Flooded District: (serious) “I hope the Countess will do something about it soon. The inhabitants have suffered long enough.”
Fields: (playful, holding his Crwth) “Do you want to hear a tale, MC? This place is a perfect scenery for some!”
South End: (confused/awkward) “I always get lost in this side of the city…”
The Lazaret: (appalled) “……I’m feeling sick. Please, let’s go…”
Mazelinka’s House: (pleased) “There is something cosy about this place, I like it!”
Portia’s Cottage: (playful) “Oh, Portia planted new flowers! How about I surprise her and help them grow?” *winks*
Muriel’s Hut: (blushing) “…what do you mean I’m blushing? I-I’m not, I’m just sitting too close to the fire, and-and-and that’s it!”
Asra’s Sanctuary: (smiling) “There is a festival today, would you go with me after resting a bit?”
The Palace: (wry smile) “Some people are really too big-headed for their own good. How about we serve them some humble pie?”
Palace Gardens: (relaxed) “I could stay here for hours; this garden is amazing.”
Lucio’s Wing: (worried) “I have a bad feeling about this. Here, take one of these charms with you.”
The Shop
Réamann (teasing): I knew the smell of my sister’s cooking can lure anyone, but not to the point of trying to break in!
Julian (blushing): O-oh! Hello Réamann! Fancy seeing you here!
Portia (amazed): I wish I could have all of this stuff too!
Réamann (grinning): You could find many of it, I’m sure you would be a great treasure hunter!
Lucio (curious): I wanted Niamh to give me a tarot reading but she’s busy. Do you know how to do it?
Réamann (smiling): I’m not as good as Niamhy, but I could try to give you either a prediction or teach you meditation with crystals!
Nadia (smiling): So your sister is the cartomancer and you are the lithomancer?
Réamann (smiling): Not really. Divination is not my chosen field, but I still can do some reading with crystals and incense. Otherwise, it’s more Niamh and Asra’s thing.
Réamann (amazed): Oooooh! What kind of instrument is that? It looks like what Aunt Izumi described me once!
Asra (smiling): It’s called a qanun. It’s played on the lap while sitting or squatting by plucking the strings with fingernails or tortoise-shell picks.
Réamann (smiling, Ceres on his shoulder): Your charms are amazing! Have you ever thought about selling them or becoming the shop’s suppliers?
Muriel (embarrassed): No, I never thought about it and I’m not sure I want to.
Niamh (grinning): Hey there, Réa! Here, I packed up your lunch for today!
Réamann (grinning, Ceres on his shoulder):Thanks Niamhy! I see you even made a little box for Ceres!
Erwin (smiling): It’s been a while since we had tea time together, the three of us.
Réamann (smiling, Ceres on his shoulder): True. Let’s hope it will be the whole family soon.
Réamann (laughing, holding his Crwth): The name of this tune? “Lost in the woods”!
Lucio (crossed): …I am giving you 5 seconds to run, right now!
Réamann (surprised, holding his Crwth): Nadia? What are you doing so deep in the forest on your own?
Nadia (blushing): I-ahem, I was just taking a stroll to admire the forest, then I followed a little squirrel until I heard the sound of your Crwth. I am glad it guided me to you.
Portia (grinning): I love this tune, it makes me want to dance!
Réamann (grinning, holding his Crwth): Would you like to dance with me then?
Julian (embarrassed): Um, no offense, but I really have a hard time trusting anything magic. I’d rather stick to my regular medicine and standard ingredients.
Réamann (confused): Why are you picking mandrake roots then??
Muriel (smiling): The animals love your music and singing.
Réamann (smiling, holding his Crwth, Ceres on his shoulder): Ceres says the animals love you too.
Asra (laughing): I caught this little one feasting in my bag! I am afraid she is now paying for her gluttony!
Réamann (surprised): Ceres, no! I’m so sorry Asra, please let me help you find your ingredients again!
Réamann (curious): Ceres keeps running after a black wolf lately. It’s weird, but I kinda think she has a crush on this wolf??
Niamh (mischievous): Like magician, like familiar!
Erwin (serious): Be careful when you’re on your own here, Réamann. I heard the Courtiers speaking about the forest when they were away from curious ears.
Réamann (shocked, Ceres on his shoulder): What?... Thanks, Erwin! I’ll keep that in mind!
Forest (night)
Réamann (singing, eyes closed): “All of your sorrow, grief, and pain; Locked away in the forest of the night. Your secret heart belongs to the world ; Of the things that sigh in the dark.”
Muriel (saddened): “…Of the things that cry in the dark.”
Julian (curious): Your er… “story-telling magic” is very similar to this! Is it the same magic?
Réamann (pensive): It’s not the same magic, but I couldn’t tell exactly what it is!
Réamann (smiling): I made you a crown of flowers for you, try it! Even when they will dry, they will keep glowing at night!
Portia (happy, wearing a glowing crown flowers): Thank you so much! I really feel like a fairy princess like this!
Réamann (smiling): When I was very young, I got lost in the forest and Aunt Lucina found me only in the middle of the night. It was scary at first, but seeing all this magic had amazed me so much that it became my main inspiration.
Nadia (smiling): Which is why your magic looks so similar when you tell stories. You are so full of surprises, Réamann!
Lucio (pouting): All of this magic is very nice, but I can’t find my purse now!!
Réamann (amused): It’s not shameful to ask for help. Here, I’ve found it!
Asra (amazed): Incredible! Your magic has become so strong!
Réamann (smiling): It’s not just mine, Asra. Yours has strengthened a lot too!
Niamh (smiling): Would you play and sing “Tir Na Nog” with me? Pleeeeease?
Réamann (grinning, holding his Crwth): Again? Just kiddin’! Of course!
Réamann (overjoyed): Did you just quote-
Erwin (blushing): Yes, I did! Not another word about it!
Portia (mischievous): Your voice could resonate very well in here!
Réamann (laughing): I’m already partly responsible for the rumours about the forest, I’d rather not start another for this place!
Julian (surprised): What are you doing with these pebbles and chalks?
Réamann (smiling): Equipping myself for exploration! You wouldn’t want us to get lost, would you?
Lucio (smiling): Reminds me when I found my “yelling cave” as a kid, that Musk bear had almost caught me.
Réamann (shocked): …A what?! Are you sure you’re alright?!
Nadia (surprised): Are you using these pebbles to mark our trail?
Réamann (smiling, holding his Crwth): It’s an old trick. Look, the pebbles glow at the sound of my music.
Réamann (smiling): Don’t worry. If we really get lost, I have my Rift chalks.
Asra (surprised): Rift chalks? They’re so rare! Where did you get them?
Faust: Rocks!
Réamann (surprised): Oh, sorry Faust! Did I hurt you?
Réamann (smiling): I have several types of chalks. Do you want to try one?
Muriel (pouting): I’m not sure I’m good at drawing…
Niamh (relaxed): It’s nice and quiet here.
Réamann (smiling): True. Perfect place to meditate!
Erwin (nostalgic): It reminds me of some caves we had, back in the South.
Réamann (surprised): You rarely speak of your life in the South!
Cave (night)
Julian (worried): Come on, Réa! It’s not funny anymore, stop with your pranks!
Réamann (confused): I’m not doing anything??
Lucio (furious, drenched): “The snail is in the pool, plunge into the water” you said!! IF I CATCH YOU!!!!
Réamann (awkward, sweating a bit): Would you jump from a roof too if I told you to?!
Asra (mischievous, drenched): An eye for an eye, a splash for a splash!
Réamann (laughing, drenched): Haha, I yield!
Réamann (smiling): Did you know that “Niamh” means “shiny”, or “radiant”?
Faust: Niamh! Shiny friend!
Muriel (blushing): Why are you staring at me like this?
Réamann (smiling, blushing): You are my new Muse. I want to carve all of your beautiful features lit by these lights in my memory.
Nadia (smiling): Seems like the magic snail came to you. How adorable.
Réamann (smiling, Ceres on his shoulder): He must have been lonely in there. Hello, little one.
Réamann (smiling): Wait a second, Portia. Let me take a good look at you. I’d like to paint your portrait in this environment if you permit it.
Portia (surprised, blushing): A portrait of me? You’re so sweet!
Réamann (smiling): It’s so beautiful! I think I will do a painting of it once we go home.
Erwin (smiling): I will be looking forwards seeing your artwork.
Réamann (mischievous): Ceres says the snail is down the pool.
Niamh (smirk): Then by all means, dive in first!
Nadia (smiling): The sound of your singing never fails to soothe me. Thank you Réamann.
Réamann (smiling, holding his Crwth): Don’t mention it. I am happy to sing for you.
Portia (curious): You often sing this song when you’re near the sea, does it mean something special?
Réamann (nostalgic, holding his Crwth): My father often did the same, so I made it a tradition.
Réamann (flirty, Ceres on his shoulder): If I were a Selkie, I would shed my skin to go live with you without any hesitation.
Muriel (blushing, confused): …………………..what’s a Selkie?
Réamann (worried): You don’t have to stay here with me if this place makes you feel uncomfortable.
Asra (smiling): It doesn’t. And I like listening to you singing here.
Julian (jolly, singing): “Un jour, je reviendrai chargé de cadeaux. Hissez haut Santiano! Au pays j’irai voir Margot, à son doigt je passerai l’anneau!“
Réamann (jolly, singing with his Crwth): “Tiens bon le cap et tiens bon le flot! Hissez haut Santiano! Sur la mer qui fait le gros dos, nous irons jusqu’à Püspömiklós!“
Réamann (laughing, holding his Crwth): Now this is what I call an A! Very nice!
Lucio (embarrassed smile): O-of course, I knew I could do it!
Faust: Mermaid!
Réamann (amused): Want to hear a song about mermaids?
Niamh (surprised): Oh, I recognize this song! Asra sang it to me several times!
Réamann (upset): Did he.
Erwin (smiling): I know that a lot of people just come at this hour hoping to find you here, to listen to your singing.
Réamann (laughing): Oh! That would explain a lot!
Town square
Réamann (wry smile, singing, holding his Crwth): “Watch now he'll soon be along, He's finer than any sailor so! Come on now pick up your spoons, He's waiting to hear you play them woo!”
Muriel (blushing, embarrassed): What’shedoingwhyishestaringatmelikethatwhenhesingsit??
Julian (laughing): Encore! Encore!
Réamann (grinning, holding his Crwth): Alright, alright! (starts playing another melody)
Portia (smiling): You’re really popular here! Especially with kids!
Réamann (smiling, holding his Crwth): I do my best. And I love children, I love telling them stories and watching their awestruck little faces as they watch my illusions.
Réamann (grinning, holding his Crwth): I need a volunteer to help! How about you, Gentle Lady?
Nadia (in disguise, surprised): Oh! How can I help you, Gentle Bard?
Réamann (neutral, holding his Crwth): Thanks for your offer, but I don’t want to become a Bard for the Nobles. Most of them make a nasty public, and I don’t want to bend backwards to please their ego.
Lucio (awkward, sweating a bit): …You’re not completely wrong. Thanks for your wisdom, pal.
Asra (grinning): This was fun! You really pick the best songs to light everyone’s mood up!
Réamann (smiling, holding his Crwth): Thanks! Seeing a smile one everyone’s face is one of the best rewards.
Réamann (grinning, holding his Crwth): Thanks for playing along, Erwin! The kids loved it!
Erwin (smirking): “Captain Stone-face” at your service, young Bard.
Réamann (smiling): Hey, Niamh! Do you have some spare time?
Niamh (grinning): Do you need me to sing along or play a role?
Community theatre
Réamann (stunned): Wha- Did you just throw salt at me??
Lucio (smirking): Well, you told me to “take it with a pinch of salt”, so I’m giving you a good fistful of it! Jules is next!
Réamann (laughing): You were awesome, Julian! Give me a pound!
Julian (grinning): Thanks for your feedbacks and ideas! We outdid ourselves tonight!
Nadia (laughing): I did not know I could laugh that much, my sides hurt!
Réamann (grinning): The theater troop should consider it their greatest achievement!
Réamann (grinning): Bravo Portia! You did an amazing improv! The public loved you too!
Portia (touched, blushing): Really? Thank you for giving me the chance to be on stage!
Asra (laughing): Was breaking the candlestick on purpose during the chase scene or an accident?
Réamann (laughing): An accident that the comedians quickly pretended to be part of the show!
Réamann (wry smile, blushing): Bringing me here, away from prying eyes, it’s just the two of us… What are your intentions, handsome?
Muriel (blushing, embarrassed): I- just to watch the show from here!!
Niamh (smiling): Are you helping with the staging tonight too or-?
Réamann (relaxed): Nah. Just coming as a spectator tonight!
Réamann (smiling): Seems like you need to clear your mind. Let’s enjoy the show together!
Erwin (smiling): Knowing you, I am sure you picked the right play for that.
Muriel (emotional): I can’t understand how you can still sing to me like that knowing what I did… but thank you. Thank you so much.
Réamann (concerned): I am not here to judge anyone. And I will always have your back, Muriel.
Réamann (pensive): It’s too soon to demolish the Coliseum and let its history half-buried out of guilt. We should acknowledge it all. How about using the place as a memorial, for example?
Nadia (thoughtful): You’re right. This idea needs to be explored, I shall look into it.
Asra (surprised): What music are you playing?
Réamann (serious, holding his Crwth): It’s a Funeral March. I am paying a tribute to all the victims who lost their lives in there. Criminals or not, their spirits should be put to rest.
Portia (neutral): So you never went to watch the games?
Réamann (pale, sweating a bit): I could never, I can’t bear the sight of a corpse! Even the ones of the worst criminals and from afar!
Réamann (ill-at-ease): I just can’t understand how public executions could be made into a special show! Or duels that only end either by death or yielding!
Julian (soothing smile): I think you’d better watch the competitions in Jeodreovar. No harm, no blood drawn unless by accident, and especially: no death!
Réamann (serious): Meet me at this address in two hours, I’m getting you an energetic cleansing and a therapy session. Non-negotiable.
Lucio (stunned): What did I say wrong this time??
Niamh (shocked): I went to watch the games? Really?!
Réamann (ill-at-ease): Only twice, and for very specific reasons I’m not sure I can tell you. Don’t worry about that.
Réamann (sad): Maybe some criminals deserved what they got there, but their spirits haunting the place ad vitam aeternam isn’t a good thing.
Erwin (neutral): I guess not. Do you have a song to appease these restless souls?
Red market
Réamann (angry): Really?! Selling loincloths that belonged to someone else? You, mister, are a sick man!! And so are those who bought your merch! You perverts!!
Muriel (serious): You tell them, Réa.
Réamann (in a daze, smiling): Dis is zoooo good! I gonna buy zome of this “Green F-Fairy” thingy!
Asra (sweating, worried): Did you just chug a glass of absinth?! REAMANN!!
Julian (smirking): Careful there, Réa! They can smell that you’re new here. Just follow my lead!
Réamann (neutral): There’s not much they could get from me.
Réamann (unimpressed): Is this guy seriously selling Zircon powder as Diamond powder?
Nadia (smirking): They were certainly not expecting someone with eyes such as good as yours, my friend.
Réamann (smiling): I found some rare nuts for my familiar, Ceres! She will be so happy!
Portia (smiling): If you see anything nice or magic that is cat-friendly, let me know!
Réamann (serious): I can understand that you’d want to keep a beloved pet close to you, but these animals need to be set free to be happy. You love animals, I’m sure you know it.
Lucio (pouting): Way to spoil my fun, Nice-Nelly!
Niamh (surprised): This mask…! Oh Réa, you shouldn’t have!
Réamann (smiling, Ceres on his shoulder): Allow me to spoil you a little, Niamhy. I don’t have many occasions to do so.
Erwin (shocked): Did you pilfer that guy’s merch?!
Réamann (smirking): I didn’t steal anything, I’ve just hustled a hustler!
The Rowdy Raven
Réamann (grinning): What do you want us to do? Enjoy some drinks, or play them our famous duet?
Julian (smirking): Both sounds good! How about we flip a coin to decide where to start?
Nadia (surprised): Oh my! I did not expect you to possess such a high tolerance to alcohol!
Réamann (smiling, blushing): I don’t drink very strong alcoholic drinks, but I do enjoy a good beer or some wine once in a while!
Réamann (grinning): Thanks for the ginger ale, Portia! Next round is on me!
Portia (mischievous): You’re welcome! Let’s see how many rounds we’ll hold!
Muriel (smiling): It’s quite pleasant when you’re playing your music.
Réamann (smiling, holding his Crwth): I’m glad you think so. Cheers!
Asra (grinning): No matter the type of crowd, you know how to work them with your music!
Réamann (smiling): It took some time to adjust here, but I managed!
Réamann (drunk, blushing): -a-and since I c-couldn’t talk again yet, I kept throwing things to call for help! But then, people started thinking the forest was h-haunted and the r-rumours spread!
Lucio (laughing): Pffffrtt… HAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh my Gods!!
Réamann (smiling): It’s very good! Pour me another glass, please!
Erwin (shocked): Réamann, this is not the kind of drink you just chug like that!!
Réamann (menacing):I didn’t like how he was looking at you. If he ever comes near again, I’ll knock him out!
Niamh (raising an eyebrow): What if this guy was just the waiter?...
Nadia (surprised): The Countess is offering you to buy anything you want, and you ask for food?
Réamann (grinning): Well, sure! It’s such a pleasure to savour good food! Especially with someone you care about.
Muriel (little smile): I like this. What is it?
Réamann (smiling): It is “tapenade”, it’s made with olives! Which one do you like better?
Réamann (concerned): Portia! Excuse me, but have you seen Ceres? I can’t find her!
Portia (smiling): There she is! I caught this little troublemaker before she reached a dry fruits shop!
Réamann (grinning): Hey, this merchant was really nice! Look at all of this!
Julian (stunned): I can’t believe it! It’s not a commercial gesture at this point!!
Asra (laughing): You are the nightmare of bacchanals’ organizers and gamblers!
Réamann (pouting): Hey!
Lucio (mischievous): Hey, would you mind picking the tickets for me?
Réamann (confused): Sure?
Réamann (grinning): I got a discount for this! Do you want some?
Erwin (jaded): How come you always get a discount for everything?
Réamann (smiling): Here are the blooms I talked to you about, I picked some of them for you.
Niamh (smiling): Thanks a bunch, Deer! I will make enchanted necklaces with them!
Flooded district
Réamann (serious): The inhabitants adapted and found some quick fix-it solutions, but they’re still living in a precarious way. I wish it could go back like it was before.
Muriel (serious): Not everything in the past was good, but I see your point.
Réamann (sad, holding his Crwth): I can’t do much for them, except bring some entertainment…
Portia (soothing smile): And it is better than nothing! You bring some hope and fun, it is something good!
Nadia (concerned): It was not supposed to happen. I was only trying to set up a new system to improve the flow of water.
Réamann (raising an eyebrow): By setting exactly the same one that you had in Prakra? I know you didn’t mean harm, but were you really thinking about the sake of Vesuvia back then? Or were you trying to create a second Prakra?
Réamann (deadpanned): Do you want an honest answer, or do you wish to be reassured?
Lucio (embarred, sweating a bit): Okay, okay! Dumb question…
Julian (sweating a bit, awkward smile): Well, it seems to float alright so far!
Réamann (pouting): Wow, so much for trusting a friend!
Réamann (grinning): I’m trying to customize the gondolas, to strengthen the wood. Would you mind trying one?
Asra (deadpanned): …is this a favour or a trick?
Faust: Music!
Réamann (smiling): Is there a song you want me to sing?
Réamann (singing):” The water is wide, I can't cross over. And neither have I wings to fly.”
Niamh (singing): “Build me a boat that can carry two. And both shall row, my love and I.”
Erwin (smiling): Thank you for coming, small deer. Your music sparked joy for everyone here.
Réamann (smiling, holding his Crwth): Don’t mention it.
Nadia (teasing): It seems like you and your sister Niamh have a thing for wild things, Réa. Or are they attracted to you and wish to be tamed?
Réamann (blushing, teasing): Maybe I do. But it also seems like prim and a bit snobbish creature like me too, maybe they wish to be shown how to be wild?
Réamann (ill-at-ease): I-I am not at ease with battlefield or violent fighting stories, sorry.
Lucio (smiling): Would you rather hear how I met your cousin Erwin?
Portia (curious): With all the songs about travelling and adventure, didn’t you ever want to leave?
Réamann (thoughtful): Not really, I love my home. It’s not perfect, but I can’t imagine leaving Vesuvia for good.
Asra (saddened): I shall be back in two weeks at best… Please, take care of Niamh while I’m away.
Réamann (frowning): I’ve always taken good care of my sister.
Réamann (compassionate): Do you miss your home?
Muriel (saddened): It’s hard to miss something you barely remember.
Réamann (laughing): No? They really said that?!
Julian (laughing): They did!! I almost burst out laughing myself!!
Réamann (laughing): Funny how the same story is different depending on who tells it!
Erwin (smirking): I can only imagine how Lucio told you about it.
Niamh (smiling): It’s a lovely story, did you make it up?
Réamann (nostalgic): Only partially.
South End
Lucio (grinning): Nice swing! Reminds me when I killed a Lich with a luth!
Réamann (surprised, holding his Crwth): With a luth?! How was that possible?
Julian (smiling): You’re a beacon of light for the orphans here, Réa.
Réamann (smiling): They deserve to hope and smile like any child.
Portia (smiling): Did you lose track of the time telling stories to the kids? How sweet!
Réamann (embarrassed): I was actually waiting for you or Julian to find me, I got lost on the way…
Nadia (embarrassed): Well, it seems the two of us were not paying enough attention.
Réamann (embarrassed, Ceres on his shoulder): Lead the way, Ceres!
Réamann (smiling): See? To the kids, you are a guardian!
Muriel (unconvinced): Why though?
Asra (surprised): Are you alright? Why are these men fighting?
Réamann (smirking): They were looking for trouble with the wrong bard, don’t pay attention!
Faust: Squirrel!
Réamann (relieved): Oh! Ceres found the way, thank Gods!
Réamann (smirking): Works every time! Let’s go!
Niamh (amused): What do they think they are fighting, Réa?
Réamann (teasing): You’re awfully familiar with the way, Erwin!
Erwin (poker face, in disguise): Your point?
The Lazaret
Muriel (concerned): Hold my hand and take a deep breath in, Réamann.
Réamann (crying): I should have stopped them…
Nadia (worried): I’ll go inside and look, wait for me here. Niamh could not have gone too far.
Réamann (crying): Niamh…
Asra (tearful): …
Réamann (crying): …
Réamann (terrified, tearful): So many corpses! I couldn’t even walk in the streets anymore!
Julian (sad): Don’t think about it anymore. Let’s go away.
Réamann (sickly, pale): I’m going to throw up!
Portia (worried): I’m taking you to Mazelinka’s! Hang on!
Réamann (crying): You lived a whole year ill with the plague, it must have been awful. You should know better than anyone the suffering of all the victims!
Lucio (sad, deep in thoughts): …
Réamann (panicked, tearful): Niamh? NIAMH!!! Where are you? Please, come back!!
Niamh (mesmerized): Veni ad me…
Réamann (crying): …
Erwin (mournful): Let’s go home.
Mazelinka’s house
Réamann (disappointed): Alright, let’s avoid sensitive subjects. I’ll be in the other room waiting for dinner.
Muriel (disgruntled): I am not “gratuitously nasty” towards Julian!
Portia (grinning): Mazelinka likes you a lot!
Réamann (grinning): The feeling is reciprocated! I’d love to write a song about her adventures!
Réamann (nostalgic): It reminds me of our family dinners back then. I miss those times.
Nadia (pensive): I must admit, my friend, that I sometimes envy the bond there is between you and your twin sister and between the Devorak siblings.
Julian (grinning): Looks like you could use a pick-me-up! Here, have a drink and a bowl of Mazelinka’s soup!
Réamann (surprised): Is this homemade liqueur? It’s good!
Lucio (teasing): Your appetite could put Volta’s to shame!
Réamann (deadpanned): Wow, thanks?
Réamann (raising an eyebrow): You and Julian were a thing, right?
Asra (annoyed): Where are you getting at?
Réamann (grinning): Dinnertime have a great atmosphere when the Devoraks are here!
Niamh (grinning): Exactly what I thought! Never a dull moment with them!
Erwin (concerned): I am surprised that Mazelinka welcomes me so warmly despite everything.
Réamann (smiling): Why wouldn’t she? She’s smart enough to figure out you’re not a creep!
Portia’s cottage
Réamann (awkward): Sorry Portia, I thought that it would be less annoying that his screeching?...
Portia (unimpressed): Asking repeatedly “Who’s there?” or saying randomly “The well-digger”? Less noisy, yeah, but not less annoying!!
Réamann (smiling): I’ve just finished this painting of you. How do you like it?
Nadia (surprised, blushing): Oh, my! I am at loss for words…! Thank you so much, Réamann!
Lucio (grinning): I don’t know how you could teach Camio how to dance, but thanks!
Réamann (laughing): I didn’t really teach him to, he followed the beat of my music on his own.
Réamann (embarrassed smile, Camio on his shoulder): Oh, uh, have you been here the whole time?
Julian (amused): Just long enough to be entertained. You have some very creative humorous stories.
Asra (mischievous): Watch out, Portia! There’s a notorious petnapper in your garden!
Réamann (shocked): Hey!! Don’t joke with that!!
Réamann (smiling): Here, I draw a picture of you in this garden. I hope you can someday look at yourself with the same kindness.
Muriel (blushing): Is that how you see me?
Erwin (neutral): Réa, what have you been teaching Camio?
Réamann (awkward smile): Er… some funny lines?
Niamh (grinning): You know what’s missing?... A swing!!
Réamann (grinning): Oooh! Let’s make a surprise for Portia then!
Muriel’s hut
Réamann (pensive, holding a pen): Maybe some asters would look good in the background…
Muriel (smiling): When he’s focused on his drawings, it’s like the world around him vanishes. Right, Inanna?
Asra (smiling): I haven’t seen Muriel so serene in a while. You really bring joy to his life, and I am grateful for that.
Réamann (blushing): Do I? Did Muriel say anything about me?
Réamann (smiling): You can sit over here, near the fire. Muriel shouldn’t be long.
Nadia (smiling): Thank you, Réa. I am looking forwards meeting your darling Muriel.
Réamann (ill-at-ease): Look, it isn’t the place or the moment to talk about that. How about tomorrow, with a clearer mind and a nice drink?
Lucio (disgruntled): Tomorrow, sure. If one person tells me I’m the one ignoring the elephant in the room today, I’ll-!
Julian (disappointed): Aw, I thought we were staying for tea! I even brought some and coffee in case he preferred it!
Réamann (embarrassed): And it was very nice of you, Julian! How about we take tea at my place?
Portia (smiling): It’s pouring outside! I’m going to prepare some soup for when Muriel comes back!
Réamann (smiling): Good idea! I’ll help you!
Réamann (soothing smile, Ceres on his shoulder): I’m sure you and Muriel could be good friends. Just give him time to sort some things out.
Niamh (sad smile): …I believe you.
Réamann (surprised): Why are you giving me those weapons?
Erwin (serious): I know the Courtiers are lurking around and you’re often here. Be prepared for anything.
Asra’s sanctuary
Réamann (smiling): How about we paint here, instead of going to the Festival? I’ve brought my material!
Muriel (smiling): I would like that.
Nadia (smiling): Do you like your henna tattoo? I have not done any in a while, I hope I did well.
Réamann (grinning): It looks wonderful! Thanks, Nadia! Would you like to try some body painting in exchange?
Réamann (unsure, covered in colourful powder): Er, sorry about your vest! I’ll immediately go and clean it up!
Lucio (grinning, covered in colourful powder): Are you kidding?! This phoenix drawing is grand! I’m never washing it off!!
Julian (excited): Are you writing a new song? Had I known, I’d have brought my violin!
Réamann (smiling): I’ve brought a luth along with my crwth, do you know how to play it?
Réamann (grinning): Alright, ready for the Festival?
Portia (grinning): You bet I am! Hurry up!
Faust: Friend!
Réamann (smiling): Hey there, Faust!
Réamann (happy): Your rice pudding is so good! Did you put cardamon in it?
Asra (smiling): Among other spices, yes. Glad you like it!
Réamann (laughing): Everything you made for tea-time is flower flavoured today! Getting into a theme?
Niamh (grinning): Well, it is the “Painted Daisy festival”!
Erwin (eyes closed): …
Réamann (unsure): Is he meditating or sleeping?
The palace
Asra (smiling): Given your opinions on nobles, I am pleasantly surprised to see you getting along so well with Nadia.
Réamann (smirking): I like Nadia a lot, her courtiers are another story!
Réamann (smirking, singing): “Il court, il court, le furet~” (whistles)
Julian (concerned): Uh, Réa? What did you do? Hey, Réa!
Portia (raising an eyebrow): Consul Valerius is furious, his bottles of wine keep vanishing. He even said they “ran away from him” a moment ago… Anything you want to tell me?
Réamann (smirking, singing): “He had it coming, he only has himself to blame~!”
Lucio (unconvinced): Very funny. Now give me back my eye-liner before I get angry.
Réamann (confused): Uh, it wasn’t me this time? Oh wait! Ceres?!
Nadia (wry smile): You’re always welcome here, Réamann. But please, some of my courtiers seem to be at their wits’ end.
Réamann (smirking): I promise you, Nadia, to not cause any ruckus and stay discreet.
Réamann (laughing): Oh hey Muriel! Sorry, I’m in a rush! I’ll join you in a sec!
Muriel (smiling): Pulled another prank on a noble?
Niamh (frustrated): Do you mind? I don’t need you or Erwin to escort me every time I come here!
Réamann (stunned, sweating a bit): Was it something I said?...
Erwin (neutral): If you have enough guts to prank the nobles, you should be able to leave Niamh on her own. She’s not a child.
Réamann (concerned): But what if something happens to her and she needs help?
Palace’s garden
Lucio (sweating, out of breathe): Mercedes, Melchior, heel! Leave Réa’s squirrel alone!! NO MORE TREATS IF YOU DON’T LISTEN!!!
Réamann (sweating, out of breathe): CERES!! Let go of that toy and come back!! Or climb a tree!!
Réamann (concerned): You won’t chase after Ceres or eat her, right?
Faust: Not eat! Friend!
Réamann (teasing): Remember when you jumped the queue, hoping to get a kiss from my sister?
Asra (blushing): I didn’t! The child was too shy to step in!
Muriel (smiling): I like this poem. It makes me think of you.
Réamann (blushing, stunned): Ah- gah! R-really? Oh, boy! I mean thanks!
Réamann (laughing): The “garden” in this poem is actually a metaphor for the body of the protagonist’s lover. When you know that, you see it’s quite erotic!
Portia (blushing): So that’s why Ilya kept teasing me about it!
Nadia (saddened): I did not expect a poem called “The Garden of Love” to be so depressing.
Réamann (apologetic): Allow me to sing you a more joyous song!
Julian (smiling): It’s a quite popular song in Nevivon, it means “By the long road”.
Réamann (smiling): It’s amazing! Can you teach it to me, please?
Niamh (happy): I did it! Prooofooweet!
Réamann (smiling, emotional): I’m glad to hear that sound again.
Réamann (smiling): So? Did Lucio like the poem?
Erwin (laughing): He was speechless and red-faced, I call it a grand victory!
Lucio’s wing
Nadia (scornful): I will never understand my ex-husband’s taste. Look at this painting! How tacky!
Réamann (upset): Sorry that my work is too tacky for you, Countess!
Réamann (blushing): Back then, the Count commissioned me a lot of paintings, mostly of red-eyed white animals. I did my best to fit his taste.
Portia (impressed): Wow! This is amazing! I don’t think much of most of his portraits, but I’ve always thought these paintings were good!
Réamann (saddened): Are you angry with me? Because I was one of Count Lucio’s official painters?
Muriel (gloom): That would be uncalled for. Asra chose to work for him… and so did I.
Asra (gloom): Lucio was not the kind of person who takes “no” for an answer.
Réamann (frowning): That’s not the only reason why you and Muriel worked for him. And you know it.
Julian (afraid): Wh-what was that?!
Réamann (afraid): Departure signal! RUN!!
Lucio (unsure): I like the sketch and concept but… would that be enough?
Réamann (serious, small smile): You really should stop to try and impress everyone. You would be better as yourself.
Réamann (laughing): You should add to your shop “clean spirits away” with the fortune-telling!
Niamh (pouting): Not you too!
Réamann (upset): You know that we would have been heartbroken if you too had burnt in there that night!
Erwin (sad): I know… I’m sorry.
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saemi-the-writer · 1 year
XXII for all 3 of them!
Thank you for the ask!! 😊🤗💗
Just a little heads-up: all of this happens in my (wish-fulfilling/WIP) AU where all of the LIs got their own arc and healing/redemption at some point and at their own pace.
XXII.) Will your MC and their LI ever get married? Who is at the wedding party?
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They will, when is another question! I can easily imagine these two dorks going around the world and living the life of a married couple for years (or a while xD ) before someone in their family asks:
"Are you two planning to get married or not?"
And the two just stay blank for a moment as they realize "...oh shit, it's true, we're not legally married!"
Out of my three OCs, it's probably the "biggest" wedding as in they have the larger group of guests: all of the other LIs are invited, both Niamh's and Asra's close family of course, and some more.
Asra's parents are there, of course. Nadia and her family too, all of them were invited since it seemed rude to only invite the sisters he and Niamh were the closest to, but in the end, they're the ones who came along (Namira, Nahara, Navra and Natiqa). Nadia's parents, Nafizah and Nazali couldn't make it but they insisted on sending presents and their congratulations. Portia is Niamh's maid of honour (and proud of it!), naturally Julian and Mazelinka were in too. Muriel and Réamann - who are probably married or planning to - came together with Khamgalai (yes she's alive, I won't change my mind).
The two ants of Niamh come too, bringing more family from Izumi's side mostly, but also some of Lucina's friends who saw Niamh growing up.
Niamh also wished Erwin and Lucio to be there for their wedding but hesitated a bit, not wanting to create unnecessary tension for some guests. However, at this point, Muriel and Lucio can be in the same room without dampering the atmosphere and there would be enough people to interact so the two don't have to sit next to each other, even less discuss. Everything turned out fine, fortunately!
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I can see these two getting married! For a while, they might question if it was essential; but after long discussions and thinking, the two decide to tie the knot.
Muriel also saw this as an opportunity to come back to his roots by having a traditional Kokhuri ceremony, to Khamgalai's joy. But he knew that some Vesuvian traditions are important for Réa too, so they decided to make the wedding in two equal parts.
To no one surprise, they had a small committee wedding:
The family: their "parents": Khamgalai for Muriel, Lucina and Izumi for Réamann. Niamh, Réa's twin sister, and Linh (one of Izumi's "cousins", close to both Réa and Muriel).
Close friends: Asra, Julian, Nadia and Portia. Natiqa received a personal invitation too and is very flattered.
Depending on when they decide to marry, Erwin might get an invitation, but the latter doesn't want Lucio to feel like he's the only one excluded (Lucio gets along well with Réamann after all) so he stays for the main ceremonies but not the after-party. If Muriel and Réamann's wedding happens after Niamh and Asra's, Lucio is allowed to come, but he only stays long enough to congratulate them and gives them a gift.
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Probably the first couple to get married. They planned it soon after the game's events and the moment Lucio gets pardoned, they pick the day for the wedding.
Lucio regretted that the late Count Spada is dead, for he would have loved to have him at the wedding, as his "adoptive" father. He doesn't have any family he wanted to invite, yet he could swear he spotted Morga at some point, looking from afar.
From Erwin's side, Lucina and Izumi, the twins (Niamh and Réa) but also some of Erwin's aunts and cousins (his adoptive family) were there to celebrate. Erwin got teased mercilessly by his aunts, to Lucio's (and other people's) great amusement.
As for their friends: Julian, Portia, Mazelinka, Valerius, Volta and Nazali. Some of their friends from the mercenary's days also made it to their wedding, also celebrating "their return among them".
Nadia came as Portia's plus one, not that she wasn't wanted, but the two were not sure if it was sensible to invite Lucio's ex-wife... the two ended up having a lot of fun teasing each other despite everything.
Asra came too but didn't stay as long as Niamh did (which they had agreed on). Muriel helped with Réamann's gift and wrote a polite note, but he stayed home.
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saemi-the-writer · 1 year
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Two Patreon requests, by @midorilied 🥰💖
Two pairings from "The Arcana" game.
Niamh and Asra ; my first Arcana OC and pairing, the "nostalgy"! Asra's route was the first I completed 🥹
Julian and Valerius ; a guilty pleasure od mine!! 😆
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saemi-the-writer · 1 year
XV , XXIII and XXIV for all of your Arcana OCs please 💫
Thank you! *rolls up sleeves* now, here you go:
Btw: cheating a bit and giving 2 theme songs for my OCs!
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XV.) What does your MC do to get ready for the day? Do they have a routine?
Niamh is a (very) early bird and has indeed her routine.
She's usually up around 5 o'clock in the morning, after getting washed and dressed, she does her morning exercise - physical then magical - followed by a long meditation. Once Niamh is done meditating, she makes her bed and then goes to prepare breakfast and some lunch boxes. After eating and washing the dishes, she goes down to the shop for a quick check-up and cleaning if needed. Niamh burns some incense in the room for readings and eventually prepares or finishes brewing some potions. If she has some time to spare, she will sit for a bit and read a book or do some crafting.
When Asra is here, she checks on him and wakes him up if needed and the two finish preparing the place before opening.
XXIII.) What is your MC’s theme song?
 I see Fire - Celtic Woman
This would be Niamh during the Plague, right before her death, but it also fits resurrected Niamh.
Rasen - Chihiro Onitsuka
Look, if I could make a show of my AU, this would be my pick for the ending song animation!! (Me crying in "I can't make animatics">_<)
Here's the lyrics translation: Wherever I am, Something is dying, I try to cast off My rusting wrath.
Chorus: I change into a bird Flying away from the crowd My doubts change into feathers I freely shake them off of all of it Life My life My fragile life Finally, I've realized...
This arm stretches out Changing into a branch or thin air Forgetting about you I reach Paradise
In a crowd of people The pace is violent I secretly run away from someone Who clings to my legs
Life My life My precious life Finally, I've reached it.
XXIV.) What is your MC and their LI’s romance theme song?
Anywhere But Here - SafetySuit
This song screams "Asra" and the pairing to me. The "love that will never be" is when the two still have some doubts and haven't confessed yet.
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XV.) What does your MC do to get ready for the day? Do they have a routine?
Réamann's routine is quite similar to Niamh's until a point:
He wakes up early and does his morning exercises then meditation before anything else. After his breakfast, he grooms and feeds Ceres then he checks the to-do list he prepared the previous day. Depending on his schedule, he either starts practising his scales or does some sketches. If he has to meet a client for a painting, he checks the commissioned art he made and/or only prepares his material. Once he's sure that everything is ready, he checks to see if he still has some spare time for a morning stroll either to the docks or the forest, or just to get some pumpkin bread. When the time comes, he passes by his sister's shop to get the lunchboxes she prepared for him before going on his day.
XXIII.) What is your MC’s theme song?
 Never-Ending Story - Within Temptation
It definitely reflects a lot about the way Réa sees the world and his "philosophy".
A spark inside us - "The Princess and the Goblin"
This is a bard song, you can't change my mind! Plus, it fits Réamann's optimism.
XXIV.) What is your MC and their LI’s romance theme song?
I bring you a song - Bambi
I know I already picked this song for Muriel my post "Disney themes", but come on! "I bring you a song" / "I'm singing for you" ? Of course, it would make me think of Réamann and RéaMuri!! 😂
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XV.) What does your MC do to get ready for the day? Do they have a routine?
This family is full of early birds! Erwin is another one! His day starts at 4 - 5 o'clock, and he starts with a cup of strong tea, a bowl of rice porridge and his solo morning training which consists of:
50 lap races
a certain number of press-ups, push-ups and stretchings
training against a dummy - first without weapons, then with his sword
a sequence with his sword on his own
He takes a quick shower/bath afterwards and eats a solid breakfast. Depending on the day, he visits the forge and helps start the fire and sharpens some blades. After that, he checks the schedules and goes to meet the soldiers from night patrols to listen to a quick report. If something needs to be attended to, he goes himself or sends the vice-captain and reports to Nadia if anything is amiss and she needs to be notified.
XXIII.) What is your MC’s theme song?
 Shattered - Trading Yesterday
Post-plague, Erwin became depressed. Niamh died of the plague, the family is grieving and Lucio was "murdered" by fire and he couldn't save him. Poor guy was feeling lost but still tries to move on for his remaining family and loved ones, despite his struggles.
I'll fight - Daughtry
It shows Erwin's kindest and most caring side. He's not one to fight out of pleasure or just to show off, he mostly learnt to survive and protect himself, then he chooses to use his skills to protect his loved ones. Whether "fight" is used figurately or literally, he'll fight for them.
XXIV.) What is your MC and their LI’s romance theme song?
Promise of a Lifetime - Kutless
"The pledge you made to me" <- Erwin definitely made one to Lucio! And not just for his position as the Captain of the guards and bodyguard :p
These two are pining idiots too
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saemi-the-writer · 1 year
For the Arcana lore ask: I, II, VII and XVII, for all your OCs please!
Thanks for the ask! :D Here I go!
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I.) How did your MC and their LI first meet?
Niamh and Asra had 3 short encounters before they really met each other.
First, they crossed paths at the Palace. Niamh had been summoned by Lucio for a mission and she ran into Asra, who was trying to cause some mischief. She smiled and pretended not to see him on her way out, to his relief.
Second, Asra saw a masked person known as "Chimaera" running from some guards, they ran near the Docks and hid near what used to be his home. Asra saw Niamh changing her clothes and hiding her mask, trying to get away. He helped her by creating a diversion with his magic, allowing her to flee. Niamh saw a glimpse of him before she did.
Third, Niamh noticed Asra's little "shop" and recognized him. So to thank him, she pretended to offer some promotions and gifted him an enchanted mug, with a small jewel hidden inside.
In the days following this last encounter, Niamh saw several signs that pointed to an important meeting, linked to (romantic) love. She went to watch the Prakran Princess' arrival, and then she noticed the last sign pointing to Asra, who was standing near her. When the crowd got agitated, Niamh took his hand, pulling him out of it and she invited him into the shop.
II.) What was your MC’s first impression of their LI? What about their LI’s first impression of them? Was it accurate or did them getting to know one another change how they saw each other?
In summary: the general impression they got was quite accurate, but getting to know each other is what got them to fall in love and see the other in a better like, not just as a rather vague idea.
Asra striked Niamh as someone who doesn't stay in the same place for long, unless something or someone important served as an anchor. - which is why she wanted to make an impression quickly, to seize her chance! She thought he was sweet; at first, she had an inner joke in which she compared him to a cute sheep (due to his fluffy white hair), but then she realized he was closer to a wild fox.
Asra pinned Niamh as a kind-hearted and warm woman, a bit stay-at-home though, despite her masked getaway/adventures. He could see her inner strength and powers and thought she was a peaceful strength, and that she could be "an iron fist in a velvet glove". Then Asra realized she was more adventurous and traveler than he thought, among other things.
VII.) What is your MC’s favoured element to cast with?
Before her death: Earth. After her resurrection: Fire (irony or not irony?).
Earth as in "the nourrishing earth" and a stable force, supportive.
Fire, inspired by the cycle of a Phoenix and because it's an element that is linked to change.
XVII.) What Tarot Card do you think best represents your MC?
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Strength~ ! Check this page for the meanings ;)
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I.) How did your MC and their LI first meet?
With his phobia of corpses, Réamann never went to watch the games or executions in the Colyseum, thus he only had heard of "the Scourge", even without Muriel's pact, he would never have recognized or guessed Muriel had been that person.
Muriel had seen Réamann in the streets and the forest several times, more likely heard him singing and playing his Crwth before the two really meet. He knew
It happened shortly after Réadiscovered Niamh's resurrection. He was upset, feeling betrayed by Asra who had "hidden her" for months, so he ran to his spot into the forest to cry his heart out in peace and ran into Muriel on the way. At first, Muriel wanted to ignore him but quickly felt like a heartless monster for doing so. Muriel silently stood near him as Réamann cried, unsure of what to do or say, he guarded him. However, when he heard Réa cursing Asra under his breath, he couldn't help asking questions and defending his friend.
The two meet several times after that, both by accident and because Muriel wanted to see Réa again, even if the latter didn't remember him completely before he offered him some myrrh.
II.) What was your MC’s first impression of their LI? What about their LI’s first impression of them? Was it accurate or did them getting to know one another change how they saw each other?
Réamann had several "first impression" because of the spell! XD As for the very first, it was of a man who was as lost, confused and angry as he was at the time. After that, he often had the thought "mysterious big man who is quite handsome" impression. The spell made him forget most of their encounters, but since Réamann's magic is strongly bounded to illusions and thanks to one of his special skill, he never really forgot about him, but Muriel seemed like a fleeting, reoccuring dream. He concluded that maybe the man of his dream was either a fantasy or it might be his future lover.
Muriel thought Réamann was a fragile young man at first, a bit too naive, optimistic and too much of a dreamer for his own good. But as he got to know him, he realized Réa was not a fragile flower and was way more clever than most people gave him credit for.
VII.) What is your MC’s favoured element to cast with?
Earth and Wood. Réamann has a very good affinity with crystals in general too, since they are part of the Earth element.
XVII.) What Tarot Card do you think best represents your MC?
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The Wheel of Fortune! More infos here ^^
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I.) How did your MC and their LI first meet?
Erwin met Lucio during a mission when he was a young mercenary, on his way to Vesuvia with his (adoptive) family. The two were working on their respective mission when their paths crossed; they both believed the other was trying to jeopardize their mission, which lead to an epic duel. They found themselves a bit dumb when they realized that they were no rivals/ennemies!
Things got even more awkward when Erwin was invited into Lucio's group (still Montag back then). Lucio kept telling everyone that he rallied Erwin to his side during their duel for years - "My honour is safe like that!". Erwin never bothered to tell his version to anyone else outside of his closed relatives and friends. However, he was impressed by Lucio's skills in fight and thought he found his match and a good rival in him.
II.) What was your MC’s first impression of their LI? What about their LI’s first impression of them? Was it accurate or did them getting to know one another change how they saw each other?
"He's a very good warrior, too bad that he's also big-mouthed, petulant jerk. He could be a great leader otherwise." Erwin, yeah 0XY, Month A, Day B.
What Erwin kept for himself was how attractive he found Lucio, and not just as in physical/sexual attraction. As they spent time together, Erwin saw more of Lucio/Montag, admiration and fellowship turned into friendship, then into love on Erwin's side.
Lucio begrudgingly thought that Erwin was a great fighter and addition to his mercenary group. For a while, he was a bit wary of him, afraid the latter might try and take his place. When he realized Erwin was not the ambitious type, the two could get closer. He found a confidant in Erwin and hoped for a "friend with benefits" after seeing the latter half-naked/naked.
VII.) What is your MC’s favoured element to cast with?
Erwin is not a magician, but he is close to the Metal and Fire elements. He has some affinities with Water due to his origins and childhood though.
XVII.) What Tarot Card do you think best represents your MC?
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Judgement! See here for more :)
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saemi-the-writer · 3 years
The Arcana - Main 6 Romance covers
I had fun with this one! XD Our main six getting a cover illustrated by Elaine Duillo.
Note: unfortunately, there are only male/female pictures... let your imagination run wild!
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Undercut: my OCs
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saemi-the-writer · 3 years
❣+ your Arcana OCs and their LIs please? 😊
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Thanks for asking! Here we go!
3 pairings under read more, Arsra/Fem!MC, Muriel/Male!OC and Lucio/Male!OC
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Who is the little spoon?
Most of the time, Asra is; Niamh is taller and tends to wake up very early, so it's easier for her to get up without disturbing him when she is the "big spoon". Plus, especially after her resurrection, she likes to hold something or someone against her chest when she sleeps. But they like to switch positions!
Who sings in the shower?
Both do when they feel like it. While her twin is the bard, Niamh does know how to sing and she loves it too; it made her feel less lonely when Asra went away to travel. Asra used to do it as "I am using the shower/bath right now" at the very beginning, when he started living in the flat above the shop, to avoid any awkward situation. But now, he just enjoys doing so.
Who plays pranks on the other?
Both, but Asra does it more often. And they are more likely to team up to prank someone else. Asra comes up with the most creative and impressive pranks, while Niamh is the sneakiest (as in people really don't see her coming and often doubt she's the culprit).
Who is the one who listens to pop music?
Niamh is the most likely, she had a phase where she listened to pop music a lot; but as time passed, her taste in music changed a bit and became more diverse. She's not really difficult. Asra likes symphonic rock and symphonic metal most. His taste in music is very diversified though, as long as he finds it pleasant, he'll listen to it.
Who brings the other a random cup of joe?
Niamh, she drinks a lot of tea herself and has the habit to prepare a cup for Asra at the same time. Asra is still wary of any teapot and avoids making tea if he can. However he doesn’t mind making coffee, he just knows that too much of it does Niamh little good (he learned that at his expense).
With all the time they spent together, before and after the Red Plague, Asra knows when Niamh needs something warm to drink (when she prepared a whole teapot, he keeps most of it warm so he doesn’t have to make it himself) and brings her so she doesn't need to stop whatever she is doing. And since she does most of the cooking and housework, he likes to bring her a snack to remind her to relax/take a break.
Who picks the cheesy movies for date night?
Depends on how "cheesy" the movie is. Niamh is quite a romantic, but she still has her limits! However, they would pick a cheesy movie to have a good laugh at some lines/scenes and still enjoy the rest of it together... if they don't get distracted while watching. They can either start talking and stop paying attention to the movie or make out.
Who is more likely to feed the other in public?
Both. Asra (like in the Winter tale) just likes to feed Niamh - he knows she loves to eat, so why abstain her from it? Niamh is more likely to feed Asra when she either tries a new recipe or discovers something in a market: "This is so good! Try it!".
She did it more often before her death when she was getting to know Asra; she noticed that he didn't really have the healthiest diet so Niamh did her best to help him by giving him regular and healthy meals, teaching him how to cook and keep his food/meals fresh or warm. Asra repaid this kindness by re-teaching her all of this.
Who gives the other random little compliments?
Niamh, it's important for her to tell Asra how she appreciated everything he does for her and what she loves in him. Plus, he still gets flustered when she does, she finds it cute!
The two are very supportive of each other and praise the other often.
Who is always stealing food from the other’s     plate?
They don't really "steal" from the other plate, they share or give each other food from their own plates, or they ask for it before taking anything from it.
Who is more likely to let the other borrow their     car?
Niamh owns a car while Asra has a bicycle or (later) a motorbike. So if needed, Niamh lets Asra borrow her car. But she loves biking! So Asra lets her drive his motorbike and sits behind to humour her.
Who makes the list before they go grocery     shopping?
Niamh, she tries to be rigorous and to respect her budget(s)… but she sometimes gets carried away and buy more or things she didn’t intend to. It always makes Asra laugh. While Asra might seem distracted, he always remembers the most important things they need, but he might need a list once in a while, to avoid coming back and forth from the shop to the market.
Who makes sure the other takes their meds when     sick?
Both, while Asra might be sometimes careless when it’s for himself, he’s very careful when it’s for Niamh! He can become overbearing sometimes, what can you say, seeing Niamh ill reminds him of some dark times… If she is bedridden, he stays at her bedside until she gets better or asks someone to stay with her. He just can’t leave her alone then.
Niamh rarely forgets whether it’s for Asra or herself, and she knows Asra tends to forget his medicine so she either prepare it for him and gives it to him, or reminds him before he or she goes out. She also prepares him plenty of meals and infusions/decoctions that helps. If he’s bedridden, she tucks him in and helps him changing into fresh clothes when he needs to.
Who watches sports and has to teach the other the     rules?
They’re not really into watching sports, so neither. They like to watch some gym, ice-skating performances though, but they don’t really look into the “rules”.
However, Niamh loves to watch cooking show! She can get quite passionate watching it and Asra often has a blast while watching her reactions.
Who pulls the other to their feet for a dance in     the living room?
Niamh, she loves to dance, but she doesn’t often “pull” Asra in it (unless she is teasing him), she invites him and Asra almost always join her. She’s most likely to do it if she hears a music she really likes or when her brother Réamann is playing.
Who has to keep reminding the other to hurry or     they’ll be late?
Niamh again, she’s the punctual one and feels stressed whenever she sees/thinks they might not be going to make it on time.
“Hurry up Asra, please! We’re going to be late!!”
Who is the one most likely to get a tattoo with     the other’s name?
None, they both already have magical marks and share a strong magical and emotional bound, they don’t feel the need to have the tattoo of the other’s name on their skin. They like to have a trinket, clothes or jewel that remind them of each other though.
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Who is the little spoon?
Réamann most often, but Muriel likes to snuggle against Réa. They don’t do it as often because Muriel is just so tall and muscular, it’s not always comfortable when the two move in their sleep. Daily cuddle sessions are a thing in Muriel’s hut.
Who sings in the shower?
Réamann, he’s a bard! He sings whenever he can and wants! After some time living together, Muriel starts humming while he bathes and does his chores, he’s still too shy to really sing in front of people though.
Who plays pranks on the other?
Réamann, but very light pranks for Muriel, almost none! He likes to prank other pranksters (like his sister and Asra) or people who won’t take offense (Erwin, Julian) most, it sometimes change into a pranks battle (don’t stand in the middle of it!). Muriel doesn’t mind the little pranks; he never plays any on Réamann however he likes to ask the latter to play pranks on others and Réa just cannot not indulge him. Muriel had a lot of fun watching Lucio and Valerius getting dunked on.
Who is the one who listens to pop music?
Neither. Muriel finds it too noisy and it makes him nervous; he’d rather listen to relaxing music or folklore songs, and of course his boyfriend’s music and his voice. Réamann is more into classical, symphonic and folklore. He would listen to a pop song that passes on the radio if he finds it nice, but he isn’t really into the style.
Who brings the other a random cup of joe?
Muriel, not a cup of coffee though, Réamann doesn’t like coffee so he would bring him tea or any warm drink Khamgalai taught him to make. He does it when Réa is either painting or composing most often, bringing a snack with it too.
Who picks the cheesy movies for date night?
Réamann is the most likely to! Mostly old movies or movies from his childhood he wishes to share with Muriel. Muriel does start to like watching movies more as he lives with Réa, who is a cinephile. When he picks a cheesy movie though, if it isn’t a classic or nostalgic one, it’s possible Réa just wants to tease Muriel or just an excuse to make out with him without missing a good movie.
Who is more likely to feed the other in public?
Both. Muriel is of course shier about it, but he likes seeing how Réamann’s face brighten up as he eats something he likes. He finds it adorable. And since Muriel told him he didn’t really like to eat, Réamann aims to change his mind and make him enjoy his food! After some time, Réa knows what kind of food and savours Muriel might like or dislike, and he loves feeding him to find out if he’s right. If Muriel didn’t know any better, he might think Réamann is trying to fatten him up.
Who gives the other random little compliments?
That would be Muriel, it takes some time for him to know how to praise someone and what kind of compliments to give; so when he gathers the courage, he blurts out anything and it often comes up as random. Except in very intense or intimate moments.
Réamann often compliments Muriel, sings for him and draw/paint portrait of him to show how much he loves him, telling him what he loves about him.
Who is always stealing food from the other’s     plate?
None, Réamann being a vegetarian, he doesn’t steal from Muriel’s plate, which periodically has meat or fish in it. And Muriel doesn’t want to accidently spill any meat/fish by doing so, so he doesn’t. Moreover, neither of them likes it when anyone steals food from their plate so they don’t do it.
Who is more likely to let the other borrow their     car? 
Neither. Muriel wouldn’t feel at ease driving anyone else’s car, unless it’s for an emergency, and it’s unlikely that he would be comfortable in Réa’s driver seat. Réamann would be intimidated by Muriel’s minivan and would avoid driving it, afraid to damage it. Even if Muriel assures him he wouldn’t mind because it’s an old one, Réamann just can’t.
Who makes the list before they go grocery     shopping?
Muriel, since Réamann is usually the one who does the shopping and Muriel is busy at the time he does, he writes everything down in advance and gives it to Réa so he doesn’t forget by the time he goes. Plus, Réamann can be absent-minded, so it’s for the best.
Who makes sure the other takes their meds when     sick?
Réamann, he becomes a little worry wart whenever Muriel gets sick (which doesn’t happen often) and fusses over him. Don’t blame him, he lost his twin (it doesn’t matter that she came back), friends and several acquaintances during the Red Plague…
Muriel is a bit chiller… on the outside. It depends on what Réamann has, but the moment Réa refuses to eat or tells him he isn’t hungry at all, it’s code red in Muriel’s head!
Who watches sports and has to teach the other the     rules?
Neither of them are into watching sports, they’d rather watch documentary on live animals, art and cultural shows. Muriel sometimes corrects what the voice-over says about some animals or cultures, while Réamann explains some form of arts and comments on historical documentaries.
Who pulls the other to their feet for a dance in     the living room?
Réamann, he’s more likely to start playing his Crwth and sing than pulling Muriel into a dance though. Muriel surprised him several times by asking him for a dance in the forest! Maybe because the atmosphere was romantic or maybe it was Muriel’s way to “repay” for all the sweet songs Réa sings to him.
Who has to keep reminding the other to hurry or     they’ll be late?
They are both punctual, but Muriel sometimes drags his feet (depending on where they are going) so Réamann is the one asking to hurry up.
Who is the one most likely to get a tattoo with     the other’s name?
Maybe not the name, but Réamann wouldn’t mind having a (temporary) tattoo of either a symbol or the drawing of a bear that reminds him of Muriel.
Muriel wouldn’t like a tattoo, but he is willing to give a chance to body-painting (to Réamann’s delight) and would ask for either a deer or squirrel to represent Réamann.
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Who is the little spoon?
Lucio claimed the position and isn’t going to yield anytime soon! Fortunately, Erwin doesn’t mind at all, he likes having Lucio all cuddled up him; sometimes he holds on Lucio like on a stuffed animal, it soothes him to do so (and Lucio doesn’t complain, unless he’s choking).
Who sings in the shower?
Lucio of course, thankfully, Réamann started giving him singing lessons at some point so he’s getting better (one could say he is practicing in the shower). Erwin doesn’t sing in the shower, but he does when he’s taking a bath or when he’s doing some chores.
Who plays pranks on the other?
They don’t really prank each other, Lucio sometimes hides some of Erwin’s things but that’s it. They like to tease each other or have “sass battles”, or better, have a “all (dirty) punches are allowed” spar. They are evenly matched, while Erwin has a better defence and is very steady, Lucio is more flexible and more on the offensive; the victory is obtained – most of the time – within a hair’s breadth.
Who is the one who listens to pop music?
Lucio is the most likely to. For long, he listened to it mostly because it was popular but after he decided to really be himself, he only kept the songs he really liked and went back to his real taste and to discover new styles.
Erwin doesn’t really like pop; he doesn’t hate it, it’s just not his thing. He likes Blues, folkloric music and traditional Japanese music.
Who brings the other a random cup of joe?
Erwin, he isn’t the best cook but he does brew very nice coffees and teas. He doesn’t bring them “randomly” though, if he does then it’s because he’s very tired or kind of out of it (for some reason). Erwin brings Lucio coffee in the morning at breakfast, another cup of coffee eventually after lunch, otherwise he brings Lucio tea throughout the day. Lucio found it weird at first, especially when he was the Count and some servant brought him tea “Captain Kubo told us to bring you this tea at *insert some time* today.” But he rolled with it, the tea was good so why refuse it?
Lucio brings Erwin some coffee in the morning, otherwise, he brings booze! For long, it was an excuse and because he needed to talk/confide in someone he knew who wouldn’t judge him, and be sincere with him. After all the events, it’s just to toast to their new life or to “help” getting Erwin in the mood (as if he needed alcohol, hehe).
Who picks the cheesy movies for date night?
Both, strangely! Lucio does it mostly to tease Erwin or to create a romantic atmosphere so they would make out. Erwin does like some of those “cheesy” movie though, even if he has a hard time admitting it.
Who is more likely to feed the other in public?
Lucio, surprised? He likes to show his appreciation in any little way he can, and he loves seeing Erwin blushing and any sign of timidity (mixed with happiness) on his beloved face.
Erwin doesn’t do it as often, but it still happens once in a while, especially when his mother made them both traditional dishes from Ushana and Harshen. Lucio had no idea how to use chopsticks or where to start, so Erwin fed him some bites before giving him a big spoon and showing him how to use chopsticks.
Who gives the other random little compliments?
Both. Lucio thinks he is so smooth when he does, but it comes out as either random or strange. Not that Erwin hates it, he knows Lucio just wants to please him; and the compliments, no matter how random they are, are always genuine and even amuses him sometimes.
Other times, Erwin just comes up with a compliment that catches Lucio off guard, reducing him to a red, speechless or babbling (but happy) mess. Erwin also sometimes gets surprisingly lyrical when he thanks or compliments Lucio on something he did, it strikes home every time.
Who is always stealing food from the other’s     plate?
Lucio, but not very often. He does it to remind Erwin to eat when the latter is too lost in thoughts or focused on something else, since it annoys Erwin when he does that. Or just to tease him.
“Well, if you’re not eating that, I’ll take it!” or “You snooze, you lose!”
Who is more likely to let the other borrow their     car? 
Both, but Lucio is way more carefree about it; Erwin sometimes hesitates a bit before giving Lucio the keys. Erwin tends to be a bit protective over his motorbike (he had saved for so long so he could buy it and takes good care of it), so it’s not just Lucio though – even if the latter tends to be a bit reckless in his driving. Meanwhile Lucio just goes “oh, you need my car? Sure! *tosses key*” (but if there is any damages…….)
Who makes the list before they go grocery     shopping?
They do it together, otherwise, it just doesn’t work out well. Erwin tends to be quite frugal whereas Lucio still has his big spender habits, so they need to agree on what is really necessary, and what they would like to buy if their budget allows it. It can take some time on bad days, but once they reached an agreement, they have their list and the shopping goes smoothly.
Who makes sure the other takes their meds when     sick?
Both. Erwin is used to taking care (or at least helping) of ill or wounded people thanks to one of his aunts’ teaching, he is very rigorous and careful around Lucio when the latter is sick. He hides his own angst to reassure Lucio that he’s going to be fine, that he just needs a good rest and to take his meds “No it’s nothing bad, I wouldn’t lie to you about that.”
Lucio gets both extremely worried and overzealous as he cares for a sick Erwin. He sometimes feels responsible and/or guilty when it happens, even if he has nothing to do with Erwin falling ill. Once he’s calmed down or knows what to do, he’s quite good at making sure Erwin takes his meds and rests, stays in bed the whole week if needed.
Who watches sports and has to teach the other the     rules?
Lucio likes to watch any competition sport and doesn’t care for the rules, he just needs to know how the team scores. However, he is very knowledgeable when it comes to combat sports and martial arts. He and Erwin explained the rules to each other depending on which combat sport. Erwin would rather play/do sport than watching, but there are some competitions he still enjoys watching.
Who pulls the other to their feet for a dance in     the living room?
Lucio, he either pulls Erwin to his feet or starts dancing on his own before inviting him, following an old tradition from the South. While Lucio has a hard time carrying a tune, he does have the sense of rhythm! Erwin always likes to watch Lucio dance before joining him, he finds him extremely attractive when he does.
Who has to keep reminding the other to hurry or     they’ll be late?
Erwin, of course. Lucio sometimes pulls the card “we’ll be fashionably late!” but it only works one in ten. Erwin is too rigorous to accept being late more than once every six month! Once Lucio gets rid of his old habits from his time as a Count, it gets easier.
Who is the one most likely to get a tattoo with     the other’s name?
Erwin, maybe not Lucio’s name (unless written in either his native tongue or Harshenian), he might pick a symbol or ask for a drawing that would remind him of Lucio, or something meaningful for them both. If it happens, Lucio might cry – and then denies he did.
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