#oc: ryscha kine
From apprentice asks: 🍊raspberry tangerine 🍬butterscotch toffee ❄️frozen lake 🌧eucalyptus rain for Ryscha (and Amarra, if you feel like it)? (hi, I wanted to send this earlier but forgot, hopefully it's not too late)
Thanks so much for the ask @a-master-procrastinator! And it is never too late!
Apprentice asks by candlelight
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Ryscha Kine
🍊raspberry tangerine- what do they most like about themself?
Her name. Ryscha chose that name herself (she was trying to spell 'Risha' by sounding it out) because she wasn't old enough to remember her given name (Yarra) and she was left under the care of droids on Belsavis who only referred to her by a number designation. Her name is her first and most valuable possession that she loves dearly.
🍬 butterscotch toffee- do they prefer sweet or savory foods?
She prefers sweet foods. Growing up, she ate nothing but prison rations which weren't great quality but it was all she had ever known. Once the Jedi decided to train her as a weapon to use against the Emperor, she was exposed to a wider variety of food and developed a big sweet tooth.
❄️ frozen lake- how durable are they (physically) in harsh environments?
Ryscha was put through rigorous combat and survivalist training so she can push herself to a human's physical limits in harsh environments.
🌧eucalyptus rain- how do they like to spend a rainy day?
Ryscha would probably spend a rainy day meditating. She grew up in a cell on Belsavis and had never experienced rain or weather until she was around 10 years old. She loves listening to the pattering of rain, finding it very calming.
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Amarra Kine
🍊raspberry tangerine- what do they most like about themself?
What Amarra likes best about herself is her blunt honesty. She is not a political schemer nor is she skilled at spycraft. She is a soldier and proud of it. Her honesty is also what helped her gain the position of Supreme Commander of Imperial Forces during the War with Zakuul and it also helped to build the early relationships with Republic forces that would eventually lead to the Alliance.
🍬 butterscotch toffee- do they prefer sweet or savory foods?
Savory foods. Amarra grows and cooks all of her own food and sees things like candy and sweets as a needless luxury that she does not need.
❄️ frozen lake- how durable are they (physically) in harsh environments?
Amarra has had extensive survivalist training and always wears armor that can withstand extreme temperatures. Like many Sith, she will push herself to her limits and beyond if that is what is needed to accomplish her goal.
🌧eucalyptus rain- how do they like to spend a rainy day?
If she was on Odessen then she would probably spend a rainy day ensuring that her garden is not being flooded. Otherwise, she will probably make herself some tea and just watch the rain as it falls (probably grimly contemplating the idea that just as the rain washes things away, all of her actions will one day also be washed away by the unstoppable passage of time - she has issues lol)
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vihola · 4 months
OC fact swap
Ryscha Kine has kept the lightsaber crystals from both Tarnis and Angral's lightsabers. She keeps them as a way to humanize the people of the Empire who had previously been a fairly faceless enemy she was raised to fight against. They are a constant reminder that the Empire is also made up of people with families and people that they love and she can't ever forget that
Teshe is pretty much the opposite – he never sees Imperials as people. At first, they're just targets. He gets paid for taking them out, and he's nothing if not professional. And then he learns that the Empire kidnapped, imprisoned, and eventually killed his mother. The Empire ruined his childhood and indirectly set him on the path of never-ending fight for survival. Somebody's gotta pay. For all he cares, every single Imperial is an enemy who doesn't deserve to live.
He wouldn't try to change Ryscha's mind – other people's opinions aren't his business. But he would genuinely struggle to understand her.
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kyber-heart · 4 years
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Ended up running Spirit of Vengeance and Battle of Rishi with @raven-of-domain-kwaad ‘s Ryscha and @blitzindite ‘s tank, Jendrush!
Congratulations also to Ryscha on her career change from Alliance Commander to Rakghoul! Karness Muur would be proud.
Seriously tho, this was great fun! Hope to do it again sometime!
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voidendron · 4 years
Random question/OC fact swap for you. What is the most over powered thing that any of your OCs have done? The most OP thing that Amarra and Ryscha did was pull a whole moon down on themselves to end a war by destroying a planet controlled by Yuuzhan Vong (my canon gets weird and self indulgent lol)
YOOOO holy shit!!! That’s one way to end a war, damn jksld;kjsd
You go, Kine Sisters!!
Hmm, most OP thing one of mine has ever done...
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Synnda and Qizulth were paired up to take down the Alderaan Star Fortress together. They were captured once but escaped, but it was when they faced the Exarch that is was like “holy shit, dude.”
You know the arena area where you fight the Exarchs at the end? Synnda almost effortlessly used the Force to make that whole damn area collapse under them, more or less crumpling it into a ball around the Exarch so she was trapped by beams and broken glass, and definitely partially crushed by that alone. He and Key barely made it off, while the entire platform and Exarch both plummeted into the reactor below.
Let’s just say they had the easiest time with their Exarch than the other teams because of Synnda.
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How would any of your OCs feel about Ryscha Kine?
Hoo boy do I not have a soft spot for Jedi Knights being mistreated and used by the Council. It would be boring if I only answered with one of my OCs, so let’s see how some of my Force-users (mostly Jedi) feel about Ryscha.
Shailla (JC) may be somewhat judgemental towards Ryscha at first (it’s her usual reaction for dark side users), but after doing some research and getting to know her she’d become more sympathetic and understanding. She’d be shocked to learn how the Jedi Council treated her and would go right to Tython and have A Serious Conversation about this. Shailla, a healer herself, would be pleasantly surprised to know that Ryscha wanted to be a healer instead of soldier and I already see her giving some healing lessons (if Ryscha allowed her ofc). She’d definitely try to give her a hug, but I doubt Ryscha would accept it from a Jedi to the bone who is respected and favored by the Council (though I can be wrong). 
Airistan (a DS!JK, what a coincidence) would be surprised by how much they have in common and how different they are in the same time. Both were mistreated by the Council, both used as weapons, both are more soldiers than anything else and both aren’t fond of Jedi (they are the same class so of course they a lot in common). But what duty-bound Airistan wouldn’t be happy about is Ryscha cutting her ties with the Republic (she chose to be a soldier, always were loyal to the Republic, while Ryscha was an involuntary soldier). She wouldn’t judge Ryscha too hard (which is unusual for her) because she doesn’t like the Council either, but it can be a problem in their communication. However, I can see them making “fuck Jedi Council” jokes (or maybe these aren’t jokes at all).
Kyira (another JK... don’t ask) would share a drink, listen to Ryscha’s story and give a long tired “I feel ya” response. They don’t share that much in common, but Kyira fully understands Ryscha and admires her determination to deal with Vitiate on her own and not giving up (because she couldn’t do it since she cut herself off the Force).
Auletta (SI) wouldn’t feel anything about Ryscha (because that’s who she is, she rarely feels anything about people unless they really want to get electrocuted, in this case she’s happy to oblige), but rather see her as a powerful and easily manipulated tool. The closest she’d get to feel is disappointment because Ryscha wasted her potential of becoming one of the most influential Sith in the Empire by simply using her bloodline, not to say by using her power in the Force.
Most of the rest Force-users and non Force-users would simply go with “and that is exactly why Jedi are hypocrites” response and give her a hug. 
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raven-of-domain-kwaad · 5 months
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Ryscha replay and I gotta say the vanilla jedi robes are starting to grow on me. Gives me a High Republic / peacetime vibe compared to all the armor that other Old Republic robes have. Just nice to think that during the Cold War the idea of peace was strong enough that the jedi weren't wearing armor everywhere like during the Great Galactic War.
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Recently rewatched the RED movies and I can't help but think that this is what Watcher One and Ryscha's relationship turns into during the time of the Alliance
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Lol just Watcher One insisting that his young jedi protege is in a bit of a rut because she is effectively trapped in a desk job as the Alliance Commander and needs to get back out there
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raven-of-domain-kwaad · 3 months
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Master and Apprentice actually having a tiny moment to breathe
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raven-of-domain-kwaad · 4 months
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Maybe it's because I've been away from the game for some time now but I really am enjoying the vanilla jedi looks. Nice to see that more decorative peacetime look vs all the armored stuff (which I still adore but it's fun to have Ryscha actually looking like a jedi early on in the class story)
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raven-of-domain-kwaad · 6 months
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Think that Ryscha's first taste of familial relationships would be thanks to Ranna. My girl certainly wasn't raised by her family as they were killed / presumed dead when she was a baby. Then she went from her crib to a cell on Belsavis where she was attended by droids, causing her first language to actually be binary. And when she was finally released into jedi custody (after being given the cover story that she had been infected with a highly contagious and deadly disease, hence her isolation) she was placed in combat course after combat course to try and mold her into a weapon (even though she repeatedly asked to be placed in the medical corps, wanting to ensure others aren't infected with diseases like she was).
Poor thing has never really known what family is or could be until Ranna.
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OC Tag Game
Got tagged by @starknstarwars thanks very much!
Will give out some no pressure tags to @swtorpadawan, @a-master-procrastinator, @dream-of-tanalorr, @imperial-topaz2003, @voidendron and anyone else that sees this and wants to give it a go!
favorite oc - Amarra Kine
I have fallen so hard for my girl Amarra. She is a force for political change yet has no vision for the future. She is one of the most powerful individuals in the empire yet has no ambition for personal power. She loves her family more than anything and yet she is completely alone in the empire. She is the deadliest warrior in the galaxy yet she wants peace for herself and her people. She is a mess of contradictions and I love her for it.
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newest oc - Lana Kine
Lana is my OC Kelsa Kine's youngest child. Lana was named after Kelsa's mother Lana Beniko.
(Lana is in the background and Kelsa is in the foreground)
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oldest oc - Ryscha Kine
When I made the decision to give SWTOR another chance at the start of the pandemic, I made Ryscha. She began as a semi-self insert before I just started making my Kine Family of OCs and she became her own person. (I did have two previous SWTOR characters that I made in like 2012 but I never really developed them into actual characters)
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meanest oc - Avaraxi Dagan
My mad scientist OC that will happily vivisect anyone if it gets them more usable data points. They did vivisect and ran numerous experiments on Kelsa Kine, even harvesting some of her eggs for later which is how Lana Kine and her siblings came to be.
Also diversity win! The mad scientist that's running unethical experiments on you is non-binary!
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softest oc - Bryala Kine
All Bryala wants in life is to be a good person and not disappoint those closest to her. And if she can help others along the way then she'll happily do so.
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most aloof/standoffish oc - Keras'eren'naru
She is a Chiss that believes in Chiss supremacy. Everyone else is beneath her and her people.
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dumbest (affectionate) oc - Inara Almari
She spent her early young adult life raiding dangerous tombs and ruins on the off chance that there might be ancient knowledge she can study. She will also forget about lab safety procedures if she gets too carried away while running experiments. Because she focuses so much on her work she was captured by Zakuulan forces on three separate occasions and all three times resulted in her being rescued by Ryscha Kine who eventually took her on as an apprentice. Inara might have also accidentally infected Ryscha with the rakghoul plague while developing a vaccine. Whoops sorry Master!
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smartest oc - Serra Kine
I mean she helped develop the refined Children of the Emperor procedures for Vitiate. Was trusted to develop a Children of the Emperor 2.0 generation using children actually sired by the Voice of the Emperor. While doing all this successful force experimentation, she also planed out a coup against Vitiate (which while unsuccessful in her life was more or less carried out by her daughters Amarra and Ryscha). She also discovered Nathema on her own and managed to negotiate an alliance with the spirits of Marka Ragnos, Naga Sadow, Tulak Hord and Exar Kun on Yavin IV to help her take down Vitiate.
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horniest oc - Élise Kine and Braken Rist
This married couple enjoy dominating the other nobles of Alderaan in their spare time and will also happily engage in the whole sleep with a target before killing them assassination special. They usually go at it again with each other after said assassinations too.
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oc you'd bang - Damar Nakash
Damar is kinky, caring and enjoys making his partners quiver. Also those sith ridges are always mmmm
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oc you'd be best friends with irl - Inara Almari
I love folks that have special interests and hyper-fixations. Listening to them info dump passionately is always great and I enjoy learning new things that way. Inara fits that bill. She is also the right type of dumb ass that I would probably laugh a lot with her
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My sweet baby girl arriving on Tython for the first time
Unlike her big sister, Amarra, I’ve reworked Ryscha’s background several times and as a result her overall character has been far more nebulous than I’d like.
The solid background bits I have are her being a Child of the Emperor 2.0 experiment with one of Vitiate’s Voices her biological father. But her mother, Serra Kine, was going to usurp the experiment in order to end Vitiate’s grip on the Empire. But before any of those plans could be put in motion, Serra was assassinated by the Republic and baby Ryscha was taken from the wreckage of her home by the Jedi.
Going to ramble below the cut on thoughts for her background before arriving on Tython for the first time
Currently, I’m thinking that after she was kidnapped by the Jedi, she was placed in a cell on Belsavis where the Order just left her. Out of sight, out of mind for the incredibly powerful and likely dangerous baby daughter of the Emperor.
So, Ryscha grew up in isolation with only droids attending to her and her needs. This led to her learning Binary as her first language. It was only after an organic finally physically checked in on her and she chirped and whistled like a droid that the prison reprogrammed the droid attendants to actually speak in basic to her.
Thinking that Ryscha was also told that the reason she was in isolation was because she was sick and in quarantine. This sparked an interest in medicine and she would request access to medical texts, becoming incredibly knowledgeable though inexperienced. She wanted to become a doctor so that she could help people like herself, remaining unaware that she is not actually sick and is in a secret prison.
Eventually, (post Treaty of Coruscant) the Jedi now have the time to finally take an interest in her. By this time, she was seven and had medical knowledge that would rival most in the Republic Medical Corps. She wanted nothing more than to be a healer but the Jedi were more interested in her raw Force potential (a result of the Force experiments that her mother conducted on her in the womb). They want to use her as a weapon against the Sith. Thinking of Bastila’s whole “What greater weapon is there than to turn an enemy to your cause? To use their own knowledge against them?”
More militant jedi such as Battlemaster Jun Seros begin to put her through intense combat training and would give her texts that detailed Jedi and Republic heroism to try and indoctrinate her into believing in the complete eradication of the Sith people and the infallibility of the Order and Republic. She reads the texts but is more enamored with Jedi healers than the great warriors of the Order, believing that she could one day be a great healer too (much to the frustration of her militant jedi instructors)
IDK I’m just struggling with her character
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Well guess that’s a confirmed sighting of ghost orbs on Tython. Gonna need another apprentice to check for ghost writing and freezing temperatures while I keep going with the spirit box.
Lol just imagining younglings getting to play phasmaphobia as they check for any potential spirits
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Tragic Greek Figure OC Quiz
Got tagged by @starknstarwars​ to take this quiz as my OCs. Thanks so much!
Will tag @swtorpadawan​, @a-master-procrastinator​, @palepinkycat​, @voidendron​, @fenrisprime2003​, @vihola​ and anyone else that sees this and would like to participate!
Amarra Kine
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Ryscha Kine
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Kinda want to make another Ryscha clone and do the Knight story with her again. I just feel like I’ve lost my understanding of her character as I’ve focused on other members of my Kine family, especially my next generation of OCs
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Ever find yourself on the holonet and read something so profoundly stupid that it forces you to stop everything and meditate?
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