hypnag0g · 8 months
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Vutepose, the vending machine and interplanetary food export billionaire, and Roman, the unfortunate xenobotanist he hired to make Novian foods palatable to Aishish consumers. biting and maiming and killing and growing horrible fruits and veggies
(Vutepose's design was an adoptable purchased from @skunkes =:-] )
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frutavel · 22 days
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Animal People That Live In My Brain || 4/5
● Rebreather || Quote
● Bauhaus || Roman
I've been posting these guys in duos, but it felt wrong to separate these four. These four have some of my favorite designs of the cast, with Rebreather as a sparkledog (technically a sparklewolf), Quote as a ghost cat, Bauhaus as a good old borzoi and Roman as a bearded vulture/lynx gryphon.
Quote is also one of my oldest OCs to date, and like many of this cast, one who hasn't had much story or lore until now <3
Mantra and Momobear
Luna and Ophelia
Rachiel and Azazel
Cinnarust and Lilibear
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kaopiak · 2 years
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today i spent a bit of time thinking about Roman’s colleges, who are still unnamed! i thought about their motives and where they reside 5 years after Roman’s death (unknown to them of his resurection) and did it in a way where it could play out sort-of like a beat-em-up game lol . from top to bottom i suppose it is the stages you progress through
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disintegore · 2 years
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"Well I had fun I was young Now I'm ash In the sun All dressed up And burnt out" -ash in the sun vundabar
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starrywritingg · 5 years
(have some gang member- pirate captain drama!)
    “Now, Carlos,” Roman unwound the scarf from around his neck to adjust to the warmth. “I really hope it’s all good to go this time.”
“I’m afraid,” Roman turned at the voice, resisting from reaching for his gun. “That Carlos won’t be able to help you.”
Sat behind the small desk, fire going beside him, was someone who could almost be mistaken for Kato. The resemblance was there, but he was older, his hair cut buzz short and his clothes far too shabby for what Roman would allow his friends to wear. The glow from the fireplace cut his face in half with a shadow.
The man smiled and Roman refused to reciprocate the gesture. Piracy was outlawed in the city; it would be all too easy to go back for the Palace Guards and tip him off. They would have the docks closed before he even had a chance to get back to his precious ship.
Just because Roman liked Kato, it didn’t mean he had to like Pirates.
“What brings you to the city?” Roman continued to adjust to the warm temperature as though this was what he had expected, shrugging off his coat and pulling off his hat. He ran one hand through his hair as he placed it all on the coat rack.
It was a moment that made his heart skip a beat, because at the bottom of the rack, was Carlos. With a knife in his throat and his eyes still open.
Roman was no stranger to death, but he took it very personally when people came into his home, because the city was his home, and broke his things.
He dropped easily into a squat and used two fingers to close the old mans eyes, already planning how they would dispose of the body. There would be no tracing this back to the Cas Ulpita.
“I’m looking for my brother,” Roman squared his shoulders, set his jaw and moved to take the seat opposite the Takahiro. He continued to speak, as Roman kicked his feet up onto the desk and leant back, unbuttoning his jacket as he did. “I hear he runs with your crowd.”
“And what brother would that be?” He took a long drag and blew the smoke up into the air.
“Let us not play games.
“No, lets.” Roman snapped and then finally smiled, the kind of smile he had when he was telling men where they could find the bones of their sons. Roman had clawed his way up the hierarchy of the most dangerous city in the world. Fuck this Pirate for forgetting that.
“Kato,” He practically spat the name, like it tasted bad. “I hear he spends time here.”
“And whats your name, son?” The man was older than him and becoming more irritated by the second. Roman dropped the smile like it was something hot. “Tell me, or I have other ways of making you sing.”
Roman tilted his head at that. He knew the name, Kato had told him about this particular brother. This was the one he wanted, killing the others was just wasting time until he got to gut Hitoshi Takahiro.
“Why that one?” Roman had asked him once, over drinks at a bar they wouldn’t be recognised in. Kato had rocked up in Amedle injured and someone sent him to Roman. He’d stayed to lie low, until whoever it was assumed he was dead. Roman had enjoyed their time together and had been surprised by how much he liked the young Captain.
“He’s the one my father trusts,” He’d been more talkative than normal.
“Ah,” Roman thought he’d cracked it. “So, he’s daddy’s favourite.”
Kato had nearly laughed at that, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, “My father doesn’t have favourites, he despises the lot of us. But he’s the one he’d go to if he needed something done right.”
“And therefor he has to die?”
Kato had looked at him for a minute, eyes burning, “He’s not just going to die, I’m going to be the one to kill him.”
“Hitoshi Takahiro,” Roman kept his tone as light as possible. “I’ve heard about you.”
He bristled ever so slightly and adjusted his jacket. The Pirate was dressed like someone Roman might found passed outside the Empress, like he’d gambled it all away. Roman was glad he hadn’t changed, glad there was still some blood on his white collar.
“I need to find my brother.”
“Why do I care what you want?” Roman kicked his legs down and rested both elbows on the table, so there was almost no space between them. “I want you out of my city.”
                -Death on High Tides, X: Roman
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kaopiak · 2 years
I've had it with Hopeless Romantic Kiss Him Boys
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disintegore · 2 years
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office mishaps (incident one) [before the hospital]
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disintegore · 9 months
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not weird. ft the highschool era
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disintegore · 2 years
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disintegore · 3 years
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"seems i forgot my umbrella.."
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starrywritingg · 5 years
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19 | prince of darana | competitor for high general | prince of honest men | ENTJ
The second born prince of Darana decided at a young age that his skills did not lie in politics and diplomacy, and took up his place in the army. Him and his sister begun training at a young age, and soon became feared and skilled fighters. He joined the army not long after and was determined to work his way up the ranks, to be seen as anything other than his title. He wanted to earn their respect on his own merit and not his family name, which meant doing grunt work, working longer hours than anyone else and keeping himself constantly educated. Now, he’s a respected and beloved general, with the full force of the Daranian army behind him.
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19 | lady of darana | former princess of devene | the lady in red | ENFJ
Tesslan Milae grew up with every luxury life could offer, at the cost of her future. Since she was young she has known that once she was old enough her father would marry her off to whomever gave him the most power. She was married to Eli Nadeer, the prince of Devene, as soon as she turned eighteen. She had a seemingly happy two months of marriage before it imploded and she decided to divorce him. Her father and the prince were mortified that she would try and leave a future king and their rage quickly turned violent. Now, the young Lady hasne been seen for over six months, with both her father and ex-husband unable to account for her whereabouts, the rumours quickly returned dark.
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21 | crown prince of darana |  ISFJ
The prince of Darana was born to be a king. There has never been any other options in his life, and he wouldn't want them either if there was. He loves his country and his people, and if he has a chance to devote his life to helping and serving them, he will grab it with both hands. Matthel has always known that there would be a cost of ruling, he never thought it would be an intense loneliness, as he watches his brother travel the world and his sister fall in and out of love with the world and herself. He’s accepted that he’ll enter into an arranged marriage one day, for the benefit of his country, and that maybe he’ll always be this unendingly lonely. 
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18 | princess of darana | commander of the Tornell guard | INTJ
Laini grew up as the illegitimate daughter of a dead slave, alone and fighting to survive in the occupied city of Aelita. When the king of a foreign country came to visit and saw her fighting in the streets, smart and vicious and ruthless, he adopts her and takes her to Darana. She could never adjust to the role of princess and, along with her brother Caspian, began to train. Instead of joining the military, her natural leadership and knowledge of politics means she joins, and eventually leads, the Tornell guard, the elite protectors of the royal family and castle. 
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20 | leader of the cas ulpita | ESTP
In the city of Amedle, people learn young that to survive you’ll have to grow teeth. The stories about how Roman Debunte came to the city are broad and far reaching, when they truth is that he was found by a sailor, abandoned on the docks. Since then, he has made himself a formidable opponent, working his way up the ranks of the most elite gang in the country, and taking over after a well staged coup of the old leadership. 
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18 | lost princess of Jayni | second in command of the cas ulpita | the widower| ENTP
Amarisa Builotini grew up as a feisty and beloved princess of the largest empire in the world.  When the royal family is slaughtered by a branch of the Builotini line, the Cotains, she is the sole survivor and flees the country to try and stay safe. In the search for safety, she arrives in the city of Amedle and meets Ace and Roman, kids who are  just as scrappy and alone as she is. Together, they join the most elite gang in the city and work their way up the ranks together, determined to be the leaders, even if it means coating the city in blood on their way. Amarisa wants to forget her royal life, but when she hears that challengers are coming for the Tornells’, she acts on  impulse and warns the young prince of the danger, entrapping herself in a careful game. 
(don’t currently have a taglist but let me know if you’d want to be added :) )
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starrywritingg · 5 years
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HOLLOW DIVINITY | writeblr a-z challenge
→ cas ulpita | the oldest and wealthiest gang in the city of Amedle
i. you are here because you believe the world owes you something, there is no other reason to seek this life.
ii. there will be days where you seek the kill and days you seek the sea, i cannot prepare you for either.
iii. this is a brutal life, i will ask you to do things you didn’t imagine humans were capable of, and it will make you wonder if you were always capable of atrocities. you have always been capable of being a monster, this should not scare you.
iv. i will never ask you to kill for greed, greed is a fools gold. you trade in loyalty, try to never bleed for anything else. 
v. i understand that something or someone has chased you here. if you ask, i will help you burn them to the ground, if you understand i cannot light the match for you. (they haven’t devoured you yet, but you never know what is around the corner)
vi. kid, the world owes you nothing. so take from it with both hands and i’ll give you a knife.
                    - enter and be safe.
(six things roman debunte tells new recruits)
taglist (yell to be added/removed)- @aeonian-scribbles @zmlorenz @minny-king @katerinarevel @write-gallagher @victoiirres @heroworks
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starrywritingg · 5 years
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HOLLOW DIVINITY + main couples
taglist - @zmlorenz @aeonian-scribbles
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starrywritingg · 5 years
hollow divinity- out of context snippet (2/?)
“Now,” Roman stepped forward so there was almost no space between the two of them. “I really hope you’re not trying anything here. Because that could get messy, for all of us.”
“I’m not like you, Debunte,” Omar stared straight back at him. “I don’t wear seven thousand sefta suits, I don’t mind getting a little messy.”
His hand went to his hip, but he was too slow, Amarisa had a small knife in her hand and at his throat before he had a chance to pull anything out. She’d shoved roman roughly aside but she didn’t have time for his ego right now. Behind Omar, his generals had pulled out various weapons and stepped forward. Amarisa didn’t care, she cared about Roman still breathing behind her.
“I wouldn’t,” She snarled, low and strong. Around them was silent, nobody spoke or moved. Everyone’s eyes were fixed, Amarisa felt them burning her back. Her silver dress had been a good choice tonight, the long slits on either side meant grabbing something strapped to her thigh was discreet and easy. “Let go of it.”
He didn’t look away from her, his hand stayed on his hip. Amarisa pressed a little harder against his rapid pulse as he swallowed hard.
She raised her eyebrows, he himself had called her the Widower, a name she had been given when she was much more dramatic, he knew she would do it.
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starrywritingg · 5 years
25 & 26? :D
Send me a headcannon and I’ll tell you what OC I associate it with
25- Is the comforting one 
I’d probably have to say Matthel, just because he’s the nicest out of everyone and he does look after Tess (most of my oc’s are terrible and mean but I love them)
26 - Acts like they don’t care, but do 
Roman!! He is the king of not dealing with emotions in a productive way
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