isilrina · 9 months
— 10 Characters
My sister, @valkblue tagged me on another game, yay! I love those ^^
Rules: pick up to 10 characters and share one of your favorite lines of dialogue you have ever written for them!
Tagging: who ever wants to share the love for their story/universes/characters.
(Some of those have been translated from french, are still waiting for me to edit them or written 10 years ago so please be gentle T_T) 1. First character is James, from 'Dreamscape'. He and Artie are what I call background characters as their first purpose is to make the world they live in seems more real and not empty.
As Daniel and the young lady passed by the makeshift setup, the two boys greeted her in unison, both tipping the brim of their respective hats. "Gentlemen," she replied, still uncomfortable with the terms used since her arrival in Steelport. At that word, the one they called "the kid," Artie, his mouth still full of a bite of bread, elbowed his neighbor. "Y'hear that, James? I reckon I'm a fine gentleman now!" he exclaimed, his eyes twinkling with amusement. James smirked and leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest. "Shut it, kid! If you're a gentleman, then I must be the most notorious gunslinger this side of the Steelport basin!"
2. We have Daniel also from 'Dreamscape':
"It's important to hold dear our inner world as much as the one 'round us." When he turned his attention back to Emily, she was frozen in amazement, and he offered her another smile. "I…," she hesitated, smiling sheepishly once the surprise had passed. "I didn't expect so much poetry coming here." Beside her, Daniel chuckled softly. "Life out here might seem rugged and raw, Miss Hastings," he replied, turning to the campfire where a young boy and an older man were now seated. "But the slow passage of time brings ponderin', and with it, poetry and philosophy." He allowed a brief second of silence before adding: "Even if it be a whole different world from them city-folk's ways." Emily now observed him openly, mesmerized by his words, and she let her attention wander to his profile, seeing him truly for the first time. He seemed a few years younger than her, maybe twenty-five or twenty-six, and his skin, tanned by the sun, was adorned with beauty spots. His nose, with its perfect bridge, ended in a slightly upturned tip that gave him a mischievous look. His lips, thin, still wore that same calm smile. "Sure, we ain't got all them machines and fancy know-how," he continued, turning his face towards her again, observing her with his brown eyes, now amber in the sunlight. "But we got this." And with a calm gesture, giving her all the time to withdraw if she didn't want to be touched, he lifted her hand with his own to guide her a few steps away, towards one of the four horses that hadn't left with the caravan a moment ago. Still without any sudden movements, he placed the young lady's slender fingers on the animal's coat.
3. Next is Erel'Vrae from 'Woven Destinies'. I have so many good ones from her. This one is from a chapter I haven't posted yet.
“What might be the ideal magical item you'd wish to possess, Erel?” he then asked, curiosity evident in his voice, eager to hear her response. A mischievous glint danced in her gaze as she recalled an ancient saying, and she quoted a phrase in her native Drow dialect, "L'alurl faerbol zhah mrann d'ssinss." Gale looked at her, an amused expression playing on his features, his brow arched. "I have a feeling that wasn't about the necklace." Erel'Vrae's smirk deepened, her voice dripping with humor. "Oh, you're right. It means 'The best magic item is a male lover.'" Gale chuckled, his interest piqued. "Is that so? Well, I suppose I should be flattered." Erel'Vrae laughed, a playful edge to her tone. "Indeed, wizard. But don't let it go to your head."
4 & 5. The next two characters are Kyôsuke (the Shogun) and his soon to be daughter in law Selini from 'Empires'.
"Have I taught you nothing, unworthy son? Is this how one behaves in front of a beautiful young lady?" The Prince forced a strained smile and bowed with a respect that seemed hypocritical to the young redhead. But she said nothing and merely smiled, her cheeks reddened by the compliment she had just received from her future father in law. "You'd better conduct yourself well in front of her, Takahiro," continued the old man, whose tone indicated impatience. "Leave it, Father. Don't force him. I would be more offended if he did it under your command than if he showed disrespect toward me." Behind her, the crowd murmured with offense, and Sophocles gave his daughter a light tap on the back to silence her. But, unexpectedly, the shogun nodded and said to his son, "Listen to the voice of wisdom speaking through your future wife. You are not yet married, and she already defends you. Learn from her humility, ungrateful son!"
6. Next are from 'A Dance of Blades and Shadows'. Takehiko first
The sound of Takehiko clearing his throat disrupted the archduke's chain of thoughts. "You may speak, Takehiko. What are your thoughts?" the princess prompted, redirecting her attention to him. "I believe, your highness, there may be a magical underpinning to their gathering," he ventured. Surprised, she scrutinized the profile of the young man, curiosity gleaming in her eyes. "Go on." "I have heard whispers in town, your Highness. People claim that the gods themselves have unleashed these beasts upon us. Strangely, both pagans and Swonce'viarzy share this belief. But it is true that these creatures have always existed within those lands. Tales of werewolves, strigas, basilisks, and ghouls have been passed down in Bogdankrajzy folklore for generations. However, the scale of their current convergence is unprecedented. While winters have always been harsh in Bogdankraj, previous years did not witness such an effect on the beasts. I suspect something or someone is orchestrating this gathering for unknown reasons."
7. And Mani'herja:
The weight of his father's legacy bore heavily upon Takehiko's shoulders, his gaze drifting downwards towards the stone steps beneath them. The actions of his father, unknown to him until he reached the age of twenty, had cast a shadow of shame upon his identity. Though the Emperor had discouraged Takehiko from assuming the mantle of leadership, he himself had no desire to inherit a tainted throne. "Look at me," the princess demanded, her voice cutting through the dark thoughts that swirled in his mind. Mani'herja's order drew his attention, prompting him to meet her gaze once again. Their eyes locked, his almost black orbs searching her colorless ones, and a gentle smile graced her lips. "You don't have to be ashamed of the things your father did. You're not responsible for his decisions," she reassured him, her voice carrying a note of understanding. "Now you have to live for yourself and try to be a better man than him."
8. This comes from a very old NEWS fanfiction with vampires I wrote 12 years ago that is called "All Always Starts on Rainy Days" and the character name is Tsuki.
"What do you want from me?" "I'm here to talk about the disappearance," the redhead said with a slight smile. "How did you get in?" She chuckled softly before responding: "I opened the door. How did you get in?" He looked at her, surprised, and she sighed. "Okay, it was through the roof door, but… never mind. What do you know about… that?" she said, pointing to the papers on his desk.
9. Next one is Jessica from an old story called "Nightmares", it was a cyberpunk detective story. There is barely a chapter but snipets of the story lived in my head for a long time so it feel like I had written a lot more ^^
"Welcome to the LAPD, Officer Maxwell. I'm Captain Yutaka, and as you can see," he said, gesturing toward the sign on his desk, "I'm the one who asks the questions and gives orders around here. Clear?" "You couldn't have been clearer, sir," she replied, offering a new salute. "Good. Now, what can you tell me about this case that would shed some light?" he asked in a challenging tone. "This is a classified file, sir," she said calmly. "So, I need to read it first to understand what we're dealing with. But initially, my suggestion was to take about five minutes for a cup of coffee outside." He looked at her, furrowing his brow, and she continued: "I know what you're thinking; that I'm a lazy KeyHolo and that you'll send me back behind a SIT screen with a box of donuts. But you'd be mistaken. Why did I suggest a break? It's simple. Because you've been sitting at that desk, grappling with numerous things, but you can't discern which evidence is the most crucial. You can't see anything because you've been staring at this brown file for too long. You need to step back and look at it from a different perspective. And for that, I recommend you explain the case to me while relaxing over a cup of coffee. I believe I'll gain better insight into these murders hearing it firsthand from the head police officer in charge of the file, rather than from an impersonal piece of paper."
I had forgotten how she came on strong XD
10. And finaly last one is Logan in 'Hopes and Dreams'
“You know, Doctor Lewis really misses you two.” he carried on, not answering her question. “I don’t give a fuck!” she yelled. “Leave us alone!” “Language, kid!” Mr. Howlett growled without looking at her. “You heard the kid? Leave them alone, or else.” The soldier smiled and asked: “Or else what?” “Or else I’m coming for you, bub!” answered Howlett through gritted teeth as six metal claws popped out with a light 'shink' from above his knuckles; three on each hand.
I'm sorry I can't choose between those two so here you go, have another one:
"I… I'm sorry, Logan…" were the first words that escaped her mouth in a rasping voice, her throat sore from all the crying. "I… All those awful things I said to you…" He stroked her hair, soothing her. "It's okay. I know." he whispered in her ear. "You didn't mean them." Amalia shook her head against his white wife-beater. "I didn't want to hurt you." she carried on, between sobs. "But I couldn't stop myself. I thought you would… You would see right through me. I couldn't tell you how I felt. I thought you were going to push me away. So I…" "So you did it yourself." he said, finishing her sentence making her nod against him. "Oh god! You don't know much about life, but you sure know how to hurt a man, Amy."
I spend all day finding all of those quote, re-reading old stuff it made me so emotional and freaking happy at the same time.
It was very very hard choosing only one quote for each.
I hope you enjoy them :)
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isilrina · 11 months
Dreamscape!!! Dreamscape!!! 👀 A Dance of Blades and Shadows, Dark Academia, and Empires?? And Emily&Dylan pleaaase! ✨
Ok, down the rabbit hole we go ;p
Dreamscape: (Sci-Fi meets historical Novel.)
How long had it been since she had seen a real sunrise? How long had it been since she had truly seen the color of the sky? How long had she remained so closed off from the world? A shadow passed over Emily's face as her heart tightened, and she delved into the abyss of her memories, her eyes drifting aimlessly. She lost touch with reality, sinking deeper into the spiral of her past, searching for the face of her mother. "Miss Hastings?" The deep voice with a pronounced Midwestern accent startled her, abruptly cutting the thread of her thoughts and bringing her back to the present. Turning her attention to the young man who now stood beside her, she offered a smile that did not reach her eyes, and he furrowed his brow, growing a bit more concerned. However, he didn't comment and simply handed her a metal cup emitting wisps of steam and a strong, bitter aroma reminiscent of her childhood. "Your coffee," he added simply.
A Dance of Blades and Shadows: (Fantasy Novel where Japanese, Norse and Polish cultures meet.)
"What are your thoughts on this?" she asked him, surprising him with her inquiry amidst the weighty atmosphere of the meeting. Takehiko shifted his gaze back to the stone wall in front of him, his mind racing to formulate a response that would live up to the princess's expectations, his hands crossed behind his back in a gesture of contemplation and restraint. "I… I don't know, your highness," he replied after clearing his throat, his voice steady yet laced with a hint of uncertainty. "Perhaps… perhaps we could offer our assistance with the beast problem, and in turn, they could lend us aid." The gray-skinned princess looked at him with a smile, a glimmer of appreciation shining in her colorless eyes. She recognized not only the young man’s experience but also the wisdom imparted by the teachings of a royal heir in his response. The intelligence he displayed at this moment sparked a connection between them. Her smile grew wider, a silent acknowledgment of his contribution. Takehiko fell silent, waiting for the princess to speak further. His mind swirled with questions. Why did she seek his opinion? Did she truly need him to answer? Would she listen, regardless? The sweet voice of Mani'herja interrupted his thoughts, bringing him back to the present. "That's a good idea, Takehiko," she praised him, her voice carrying a note of approval. She turned her attention back to the older man, her gaze unwavering.
Dark Academia: (Not the final title. Magic School with murders and intrigue.)
This couldn't be happening. The email she had woken up to stated that they had received a notification from her supposed mentor at another university, leading to her removal from the list of students for the upcoming academic year. The very idea felt like a cruel jest, a twist of fate she couldn't understand. Melody had never heard of any other university or mentor. It had to be an error, she thought, and that's why she was desperately searching for Lyon 3's secretary's phone number. She intended to contact them and rectify the misunderstanding, to get her well-structured life back on track. Her trembling fingers hovered over her phone's screen, scrolling through the contact list of the university's website. As her eyes settled on the entry, she was about to tap it with her index finger. Just then, a notification popped up right under it. In her frenzied state, she accidentally accessed it. The email message opened before her eyes, revealing an enigmatic scholarship offer. The words on the screen sent a shiver down her spine when she realized it wasn't from the university she had known. Instead, it hailed from an institution known as "The Academia." Melody had never heard of such a place.
Empires: (Sci-Fi arranged marriage between Greece and Japan but in space.)
He raised a surprised look to her, and his eyes landed on the single tear that rolled down the cheek of the young redhead. Despite her desire to appear dignified, this salty drop had breached the barriers of her will, splashing onto the festive tablecloth covering their table. No one dared to speak, but the noise of the guests masked from the elders the spectacle that was unfolding right before their eyes. Time seemed suspended, and, unable to bear any more, the young Princess raised her chin, composed, and in a voice filled with sadness, she said: "I thank the Gods for giving me the most abominable man in marriage." With these words, and before the entire assembly, she stood up and excused herself from the table. She claimed the aftermath of the ceremony and the stress as a reason to request permission from the Shogun to retire to her chambers. The old man shot a quick angry glance at his son and granted his daughter-in-law the right to leave the room. She did so with measured and deliberate steps in front of all the guests. Once she had disappeared behind the door frame, Tomoyoshi locked eyes with his cousin and said in a cold voice: "Anata wa saite. [You are the worst. (In Japanese)]" And those were the last words spoken throughout the entire meal.
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Emily & Daniel from "Dreamscape"
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