morbidpaintz · 8 months
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more OCS, i'm on a roll this year already jeeeeezzz, its been a really long time and it feels really good <3 ty for all the love
anyway, lonely witch farmer gets scarecrow bestie through moon magic! I plan on Valerie being a sister season (Autumn). Kinda wanna flesh out a quirky little side OCAU of witch sisters based on seasons for pure indulgence UU
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tenzivetiver · 1 year
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caretaleart · 1 year
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shaipi · 1 year
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I made a AU/multiverse meme for my OC GlassEye, all for fun. 💙 Swipe for the template for those who want to give it a go.
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ggprtfolio · 2 years
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Fanart of my friend's (surprisinglysam on instagram) character , Fabien.
Created in Procreate - 05/09/22
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reidenmesses · 1 year
Literary Adaptation for class yay!
Adaptation: Eros and Psyche
(BTW y'all this is a class project I made with a few friends. This contains social issues. Trigger warning for those who are uncomfortable with Unplanned Pregnancies and attempted Abortion)
Character changes: - Eros is now Alejandro
First Scene: A sudden loud snap of a film board filled the studio—
 "CUT!" said the director with his voice expressing disdain.
A sigh lets out from the main actress as the director asks her to get close to him. "Psyche darling, how many cuts is this going to take? I believe I told you to say your line a bit more sensually? Your character is the rather seductive type after all". Psyche looks at the director with a strained smile and nods along with his wishes.
 "Oh dear~ However could I repay you, my savior!" she acts out the scene with more sensual appeal, finally making the director pleased.
As numerous hours passed from filming, Psyche finally went home in exhaustion "I don't know why I must act so sensual in a regular scene. I'm a person too, you know!" she exclaimed in annoyance to her assistant who just so happens to be in the middle of checking her upcoming schedules "I mean it's how we, women, are viewed in this society I guess? There's nothing we can do, really. They just think of us as mere eye-candy and then go ahead ‘n toss us away after we do our role" the assistant said with a rigid sigh. A loud ‘ting!’ echoed in the room from the assistant’s work phone “Speaking of eye-candy, just got a message from one of the casting directors about a possible role on his upcoming movie” She said with a lazy grin on her face as she checks the messages for any additional information “It seems to be about a movie called “Two-Faced Lover” where the main character actually has a similar vibe to your current role” she told Psyche who is already pouting over having to play another sensual character “*sigh* I don’t know why I must do these types of character tropes but if the media loves it then it’s good money” Psyche lets out an exasperated sigh as she talks about the possible storyline of the movie with her assistant. 
Days turn into weeks and then months when finally Psyche gets a call from her assistant when she was getting her make-up done for the final filming of her current movie “So according to the message that was sent to me regarding the movie, there seems to be a party for the cast members to get to know each other before filming” she told Psyche who looks excited to meet her future cast members “So that party will be held in this venue with the theme ballroom dancing”.  The day of the party rolls around and as she walks in the room with her assistant in tow “I can’t believe that I’m actually meeting my castmates today! This is so exciting!” she exclaims with excitement as she gracefully greats the crowd of people who noticed her. It was like the world stopped when she made eye contact with one of her future castmates.
Second Scene: Alejandro, a fellow castmate and lead actor smiled back at her. It was as if he knew what she was thinking. Alejandro was a rather attractive man, in fact, more attractive than any of Psyche’s past romantic partners. Maybe his alluring looks are what attracted her. Nevertheless, Alejandro was the first to approach her. Psyche was taken back for a second and said “Hello…!” in a befuddled voice.
“Don’t be so stiff with me Psyche… we’re going to be together for a long time after all. We’re even of the same age” he said while giving her looks from down ‘till up.
Psyche’s back stiffened once more and Alejandro noticed this as he got a glass of wine from the table beside them. He offers it to Psyche with a friendly smile and she accepts it since she can’t refuse a drink from someone of a higher position than her. Psyche starts getting tipsy after taking a sip because she’s weak to alcohol and her shoulders and back unstiffen.
The night starts moving faster than daylight as both Alejandro and Psyche drink and talk all on a couch throughout the party. It was as if they were both in their own bubble; no one could burst it. No one could approach them. Psyche and Alejandro were having the most joyous conversations. It was as if they were catching up with an old friend they haven’t seen in decades. Kind of ironic to say since both are young though. Although it was almost only Psyche carrying the conversation while Alejandro was listening to more than half the time. There were flirtatious comments here and there because of all the alcohol both were drinking. 3... 4… 5… glasses of wine were consumed in a flash. After a while, silence filled the room. It was already past midnight but many of the staff were still there. All of a sudden Alejandro touches Psyche’s hand, which was out in the open, stares into her eyes, and asks her “Want to get out of here?” with a faint but alluring voice and smile. Psyche is once again taken aback by this view of a man she barely knows. In a daze, she looks down and hesitantly agrees.
Alejandro drags her out of the door and to a nearby hotel. Nothing much was said throughout that particular night.
The next day she wakes up startled. Psyche looks down and sees herself naked. Everything that happened yesterday night was almost a complete blur. Trying her best to remember what happened that night, she looks to the side of the white fluffy bed she was currently on and realizes that the man she was with the night before disappeared as fast as he appeared.
The shooting for “Two-Faced Lover” was going smoothly as a few months passed. Alejandro never brought up the subject of what happened that night so Psyche did the same. Instead, there were only pleasantries and polite ‘business smiles’ exchanged ever since then. But, Psyche noticed something else since that particular night. She’s been feeling more fatigued and nauseous. There were even times when she would vomit after work. Psyche’s assistant takes notice of what's happening to her and asks her if there was anything happening. Psyche replies that she’s just feeling fine— “The winter flu is getting to me is all…” Her assistant refused to believe what she was saying and all of a sudden Psyche collapsed to the ground. The assistant immediately shouts in distress as she asks the staff surrounding them to call an ambulance.
A siren is heard slowly approaching the shooting area they were in. Psyche is instantly brought in the ambulance as the paramedic exclaims “Are you okay Ms. Psyche? Do not worry, you are in good hands!”. Psyche’s vision slowly fades out into darkness.
Psyche wakes up on the hospital bed. She looks around the hospital room realizing that she was not at the shooting area she was supposed to be in. In a panic, she tries to get up from the bed to go to work but her assistant grabs her hand and tells her “Please calm down Psyche! You fainted, please rest!”
“What happened to me..?” Psyche asks while regaining her composure.
The doctor in the room tells Psyche to sit back down on her hospital bed and proceeds to ask her if she was prepared to hear it. She nods and the doctor breathes in deeply.
“You are pregnant Ms. Psyche” the doctor says in a professional manner.
Psyche stares at the doctor and pauses for a moment. 
“I can’t believe this… It’s like something out of a drama movie! Goodness, this is what exactly happens in Two-Faced Lover” Psyche thought in her head. She was trembling with both joy and fright for what the future can bring while softly touching her stomach.
Third Scene: In a small closet room, two people conversed as if they wanted to keep this talk a secret.
“ What did you just say?” The man called Alejandro was furious about what Psyche had to say to him. His normal persona of a flirtatious man was replaced with a man whose eyes were only filled with rage. Looks that could easily make you beg for mercy.
“I said I’m pregnant and who else could be the father but you?” The other person in the room, a woman called Psyche said with both joy and fright in her voice. As she was scared by the look of her coworker that’s usually nice and warm to talk to.
Thinking back on her past memories, the only person the father could be was Alejandro because—
“We slept together, didn't we!??” she shouted at him. “The day we went out to drink, the day we slept in the same bed, that was the cause of it rig-”
Alejandro cut her off without finishing and said “Calm down Psyche, we don’t want anyone to hear us alright?” He looked at her with a warning tone in his voice.
He didn’t mean for this to happen, it was all just a play for him. That he could just spend with whatever women he liked because his mom would just clean up the mess for him.
Well, that didn’t turn out so well, didn’t it?
“Psyche, dear, can you not go around telling everyone that your child’s father is me? Better yet, do you really want to keep the child? I mean it could scar both of our careers you know.” Alejandro said with a sickly sweet tone in his voice. As if he’s talking down to a child who's done wrong. 
“But I want to keep the child! I want to take care of this child that I have!” Psyche replied to Alejandro with determination in her innocent eyes.
Alejandro sighed, “Psyche, please, I can’t deal with this right now, do you even remember that I already have a significant other, to begin with?” 
“Ah, that's!-” Psyche gasped.
“So please please, won’t you do as I say?” he said to her with a begging tone in his voice. Though if one can look closely, there was a slight glint in his eyes.
And Psyche noticed that.
“You’re a horrible person, forcing me to do what you want!” She cried.
Alejandro doesn’t care that Psyche thinks he’s a horrible person because what can she do? She is famous of course but he's the son of two authority figures so really what can she really do?
The answer is nothing. Nothing but a blow to her career and her lifestyle so the best possible outcome for her is to listen to whatever he says.
Psyche thought about Alejandro for a while. How he seemed so friendly, so nice, and in the end, she just got used and now it’s ruining her life. Then, She made a decision. With a fiery and passionate look in her eyes, she said 
“Fine, I won’t tell you’re the father but I at least want to keep the child, I want to make them have a loving and caring childhood so that they can grow up to be an honest and kind person, unlike some people.” 
The unsubtle insult makes Alejandro twitch his eyebrows. “Tch. Fine. As long as we keep it a secret, okay my dear Psyche?”
“Fine.” No other words were said.
“There you guys are! We’ve been looking all over for you two!” A man came up to them. 
Right, the shooting, they both forgot about it.
“No worries! We were just practicing our lines, right Psyche?” Alejandro lied too easily which made Psyche annoyed at him but still replied “Yup yup! Sorry, it took so long, we’ll be right there!”
Both of them continued on with their lives, the secret that was never told to anyone else but them. It annoyed Psyche badly, why just why, can Alejandro do whatever he wants?! It’s not fair, It’s not fair at all, she just wanted to have a peaceful conversation with him yet it resulted in that?
From then onwards, Psyche was filled with a heavyweight in her heart. Never getting to tell the secret that she wanted to tell. After all, what would Alejandro do to her if she does?
 "CUT!" said Aphrodite with her voice expressing joy.
“Oh, my dear baby! You did such a great job! You remind me so much of myself in my younger years” she exclaims.
“Thank you mother…” he tells her with an awkward smile. 
His mother was everything to him. The one who gave birth to him— the one who raised him. The one who cared for him. The beautiful Aphrodite, a once brilliant actress, his idol, and his mother, who was now staring at him with an innocent smile as she hit down her maid because of a mistake. Aphrodite had asked one of the maids for a glass of water for her son. But the maid drops the glass of water and it shatters to the cold ground made out of marble.
She said to him with a sweet tone, like a mother speaking to a child who’s done something wrong:
“Alejandro, I am someone who’s very special and with that means you are as well”. She hit the servant once more with so much as no mercy or pity in her soul.
“That means if someone does you wrong, don’t be afraid to do something to them okay? And do not EVER EVER be like your father.”
The servant lies on the floor with blood on her cheeks as the mother looks at his son awaiting for a response.
“Of course, Mom I’ll do whatever you say”.
cc. the breakfastables
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cinaurmon · 1 year
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I should be sleeping ... but im!! not!!
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So is Rex trapped?
sorry this took so long, Burn out hit hard and I forgot to post this , hope this answers your question
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luckycloverfield · 3 months
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Collection of Acorn art from throughout the days
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luckiest-reblogs · 3 months
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Got into a new ARPG today
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felt silly, yall get some art for specifically Anonvoid Acorn and a random ass Anonvoid/PMD DC MP3. As a treat
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tenzivetiver · 1 year
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My ocs in avatar universe
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myulalie · 6 months
Writing procrastination game
Thanks for the tag @thehollowone16!
1. What's the name of one of your Wips?
Men Like Us (Daredevil, Matt Murdoch/Vladimir Ranskahov), I had the idea as I brainstormed and I really want to keep it.
2. Describe a Wip in the format of __+__=__
A/B/O + Celebrity AU = it’s 5pm somewhere tour (Shadowhunters, Malec).
3. What tags/warnings will one of your Wips need if you share it?
Bad Friend Scott (Teen Wolf, Sterek), but I’m trying to redeem him! I often use the canon typical violence tag as a warning otherwise.
4. Alternative title to a Wip?
OCAU (Shadowhunters, Malec) is actually titled It’s 5pm somewhere (run up to me) I just kept the name of the doc x)
In the same vein “TMI” and “Skyrim” (Shadowhunters, Malec) used separately to refer to the same fic The Mortal Instruements: Skyrim ^^’
Malec: The DUFF (Shadowhunters, you guessed it) is also a good one but I haven’t came up with a title yet. Batman AU (Shadowhunters, Malec) which is actually not a Batman AU? lmao
5. Which Wip are you most likely to update/finish next?
My Teen Wolf Sterek fic for Fandom Trumps Hate seems to be gearing up to be the next complete fic but who knows!
6. What is one of your Wip's document title, not its name but what you have it saved as?
Good luck with this one: DWS!MP (Teen Wolf, Sterek).
7. Post any sentence from your Wip?
The Sheriff position is elected after all.
Plot twist is it not for a Teen Wolf fic (Stargate SG-1, Sam/Ba'al) x)
8. A scrapped idea from your wip?
There was a verbal fight with Alec early on in Skyrim and Magnus running off and ending in a different part of the map that @spark-draws and I scrapped because it would fit better later in the story ^^
9. What's a story you'd love to write but have yet to start?
So many! I’ve actually posted a lot of my old wips these past few months as part of my “WIPS Wrapped for Christmas” challenge and most of the short ones are out now.
I really want to get to Mummy!Magnus soon so it’s on top of my list because it’s not a multi-chapter, or so I believe so far ^^
10. How many Wips are you actively working on?
Usually just one at a time, although sometimes I take a break to write a palate cleanser (or several) before picking up my main WIPs.
11. Is there a scene you're struggling to write right now?
Yes actually! I’m rewriting a scene from Teen Wolf season 1 when Chris and a couple of hunters corner Derek at the gas station to intimidate him but I don’t want to just retell canon so I’m struggling to find the right angle to make the scene feel new and interesting.
12. Not a question but a second kudos!
Tagging: @foodsies4me, @limnall, @lastlymatt, @polarnacht1, @sterekxhale and anyone else who feels up to it!
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cr-ocau-bracket · 1 year
Cookie Bracket’s Introduction
HELLO Cookie Runners! My name’s DerpyToad, and I welcome you to my tournament of Cookies of your creation, whether by your hand or from another universe, conveniently tagged on Tumblr as @cr-ocau-bracket! It doesn’t matter who you are, what characters you make, or even what you like to make lore of! You will face off against people from across the fandom, and the characters THEY come up with. Before you submit your characters, here’s what you should know about this bracket:
This is purely meant for fun, don’t get at each other’s throats over this PLEASE!
For fairness and transparency in preliminary seeding, characters will be seeded based on the order their forms are received unless a specific preliminary matchup is requested and approved by both sides. DM me on Tumblr or send an ask if you’d like to arrange a matchup. Arranged matchups will be announced.
If you reference other canon Cookies in your character’s lore or backstory (art, siblings, fanchild, etc) or submit an AU character that is based on a canon character (Ex: AU Moonlight Cookie), consider the canon Cookies’ proper pronouns and other canon characteristics before you submit your character.
No NSFW or extreme gore will be permitted. Only very minimal amounts of “strawberry jam” are permitted. What strawberry jam is… is self explanatory.
Teaming is allowed if a matchup ends with a 5% difference or less (limit 45% - 55%) and both sides agree to team up.
Send all your propaganda and additional lore to the blog’s asks, submissions, or tag us on Tumblr with your lore posts. Propaganda art is allowed! Tag us for that too!
Crossover AUs from other series are allowed as long as their lore can seamlessly tie into existing Cookie Run lore. See the Hello Kitty, Sonic, Disney, and BTS crossovers if you’re looking for examples on crossovers in action.
Check your DMs for messages from this blog if action or a response on your part is needed. If a response is not received or receiving a response is not possible for any reason, I will attempt to failsafe the situation myself without your input or disqualify your character(s) immediately.
Draw your own art or sprite edits for your characters. Any kind of media is acceptable (digital, paper/pen, canvas, etc) as long as I know what you’re submitting. Otherwise, provide a source link to the original artist. We can’t judge what we can’t see, and plagiarism and art theft are a MAJOR no-no. Plagiarism or suspected art theft will result in immediate disqualification for all of the offender’s characters. No questions asked.
Your characters should primarily look like Cookies or fit the general style. After all, that’s the whole point of this bracket. Non-Cookie characters can still be submitted (IE Schwarzwälder, Space Doughnut, Sugar Cube Golems, particular Cake Hounds, etc) if they still fit the general art style and you can explain yourself in their lore.
For fairness, I am asking that each person submit no more than THREE (3) characters for the bracket. If you submit a fourth one and I realize, you will be asked to choose which ones you’d like to keep as your entrants. Failsafe Rule: No response? I’ll choose for you.
If this form was not submitted with sufficient details, or if another rule was violated, I reserve the right to deny your submission.
Only one character per form submission. You can submit the form multiple times to the maximum of three characters described in rule 13, but don’t send duplicates. It makes counting harder for me, and it will also get you disqualified.
Patience is a virtue. I’m a human just like you, so there will be things that will slow me down on posting here. Don’t rush me if I do slow down.
If an incident happens or somebody wants to concede from the bracket, inform me of this so that I may consider their removal.
Byes may be awarded if a character is removed before their round is done unless they want to have a stand-in from MY collection take their place.
Once the form closes, I will begin making the tournament bracket and introduction posts based on your own input. If you have any questions, send them my way! If you want me to rattle on about my own OCs and AUs, I’ll gladly do that, as I will not put my own characters into this unless someone requests a removal of their characters to replace them with mine (see rule 16).
Tag List:
#oc bracket introduction - bracket introduction for an OC
#au bracket introduction - bracket introduction for an AU character. comes with an AU tag of the name of the AU you submitted.
#(any canon cookie/location) - relevance tag for an associated canon Cookie/location’s part in your character’s lore, or if you submitted an AU version of that Cookie
#matchup - the matchups themselves. use this tag to find where the polls are!
#arranged matchup - polls that were arranged with the cooperation of both creators, although this will only feature such polls in round 1
#tournament asks - asks about the bracket itself
#cookie asks - asks about Cookie Run in general
#my character asks - asks about my characters
#random asks - asks about anything else
#bracket propaganda - submitted or asked propaganda for this bracket
#propaganda art - art of bracket characters created and reblogged here
#tourney reblog - reblogs of posts of characters in the tournament. Tag me on those posts if you want me to reblog stuff!
#fellow brackets - reblogged intro posts of other new tournaments! Feel free to check them out, and tag this blog if this bracket inspired you!
#mod post - unrelated posts from me, the blog mod
#unrelated poll - miscellaneous polls for anything on this blog or for me in general
Special Thanks to the following bracket blogs for inspiring me to start my own: @tournament-winners-tournament @bestfictionalparentshowdown @best-kirby-character-tournament @battleoftheicyfreaks @kirbyoctournament @sinkthoseshipspoll @original-character-championship @super-shapeshifter-showdown @lightningelementaltournament @nonbiney-swag-competition
Ready to go? Submit your characters on the link below! There’s no closing date yet.
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qutglass · 1 month
Brisbane’s immersive riverfront | Northshore brisbane. (n.d.). https://northshorebrisbane.com.au/
The enchanted garden. Visit Brisbane. (2023). https://visit.brisbane.qld.au/whats-on/inner-city/eat-and-drink-events/the-enchanted-garden-919e
Lightscape. Brisbane Festival. (2024). https://www.brisbanefestival.com.au/whats-on/2024/lightscape
Northshore history | northshore brisbane. (2021). https://northshorebrisbane.com.au/history/
Parramatta’s Barry Wilde Bridge Fountain opening. OCAU Forums. (2012). https://forums.overclockers.com.au/threads/parramattas-barry-wilde-bridge-fountain-opening.1041511/
Ward, S. (2018, January 30). Flowstate is south bank’s luminous new temporary creative space. Concrete Playground. https://concreteplayground.com/brisbane/arts-entertainment/flowstate-south-banks-luminous-new-temporary-creative-space
Water screen - how we created the world’s largest. Laservision. (2022, December 12). https://www.laservision.com.au/water-screen-projection-world-record/
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Ello! (It appears this asker has their own form! Is ref image below) names chaos anon but just call me chaos.
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"I wonder why"
(this anon belongs to the person who asked the question, not me-)
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