#ocelot unit
mashimiyamoto · 9 months
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miaow + wiggle wiggle, wiggle wiggle
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axelandvixen · 19 days
i wouldve put in my two weeks notice after that
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mefiless25 · 1 year
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Oh no
I accidentally drew my mood
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rat-clinic · 2 years
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There’s always that one guy on the metro.
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deadscell · 8 months
“you died” screen except it’s major ocelot coming to roll over your body to get his red beret back, as his unit laugh obnoxiously because he managed to ricochet the bullet underneath a rock at you.
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ratpgpng · 2 months
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veikkoalen · 4 days
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various stages of brain liquification
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otakikage · 1 year
(Боже что я сделала)
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mirrorhouse · 2 years
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that’s “major” meow meow to you
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armed-saphire · 1 year
Descriptions from the MGS3 voice casting sheet: (there are a few grammatical/spelling errors, I'm assuming because it's translated from Japanese.) (also lots of spoilers ahead)
Male, 30s, Standard English. His real name is Jack. Naked Snake is the code name he uses in the VR Missions and during Snake Eater operations. He will later be given the name, Big Boss, and is the Big Boss of the future. 6'5" high, and his physical constitution are thick like 'Schwarzenegger'. He has more of an "all mighty", tough fighting style. He is a persistent, highly independant hero. FOX (Force Operations X), the special forces team that Snake serves with in MGS3, will eventually become the unique special forces team, "FOX-HOUND", formed at the end of the 20th century for solo infiltration and destruction.
The Boss-
Female, 40s, slightly British accent. A British American female. Real name is unknown. The code name she uses in the U.S. is The Boss. She serves in FOX's VR Missions. She gives support via radio transmission during the VR Missions. Her age is unknown but she is a gorgeous female soldier somewhere in her 40s and single. She is mother of Ocelot. She had experienced the world war. She was involved with the British SAS, the American Green Beret and SEALs, and sits high on the list of each country's special-forces legendary soldiers lists. She is currently proposing the establishment of a new special force unit. She is Snake's mentor, and the only woman that Snake loves.
Female, late 20s, standard English. Eva is a spy and Snake's supporting mole. Infiltrating the KGB, she acts as Sokolov's lover under the name Tatyana (nick name, Tanya). She is also romantically involved with Snake, but he doesn't know about her double identity (Tatyana and Eva). Eva is using Khrushchev in support of Snake. She is an ex-NSA code analyst, an American sexy blonde type super glamour chick. As Sokolov's helper (and lover), she infiltrates the GRU, where she also becomes the Major's lover. Actually, during MGS3, while working as a spy for China she falls for Snake while working together. She is a very wicked, fox-like woman, but likeable.
Major Zero-
Male, 50's, British accent. Real name is David Oh. In "FOX" he's known as Major Zero. He will be referred to as Major Tom in the VR Missions, but his code name, Major Zero, will be used during the main story. He offers intelligence support to Snake via radio transmission during missions. He belongs to the CIA bureau of classified planning, and is the commanding officer of "FOX". Major Tom is British, an English gentleman. He is in his 50's and single. Aiming to create a task force of absolute secrecy to collect intelligence during the Cold War period, he organized "FOX". Major Tom has a British accent.
Male, 50s, standard English. He is the colonel/major of the GRU. His code name is Thunderbolt, real name Ephgeny Borisovich Volgen. He plays MGS3's villain role. He is a giant at over 6'7" tall. He is kind of a torture freak. Inheriting a fortune from the Assembly (his dead father's money laundering business was handed over), he builds an enormous base in Glasnigrad. Bringing in The Boss's group and the Brezhnev military faction, he seeks ultimate political power. A man of broad tastes, he keeps two lovers, one of them Lieutenant Raikov, the other Eve. He is the strategic operations commander of the enemy. He is an ex-boxing champion.
Male, high teens, standard English. He is Snake's old enemy and biggest rival. He has an incredibly handsome appearance, and is, in a word, cool. He is a pure, likeable young man. As a teenager under Major Volgen, he commanded the elite force. Ocelot, son of a legendary hero and was raised to be an elite. First encounters Snake in the VR Missions, he was put to shame in front of his subordinates. He hopes and hunts for a chance to someday get even with Snake. Even after that, Snake always seemed to be one step ahead of him. In awe of always being outdone, Ocelot comes to respect and hold deep affection for Snake.
Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov-
Male, 20s, standard English. Ivan is a young GRU Lieutenant. An elite in the power hierarchy, he is next in line behind the Major, and also the Major's lover. In his 20s.
Female, mid-20s, standard English, raised in Eastern part of US. A Caucasian female who handles Snake's medical care via radio transmission. She is in her mid-20s, divorced. She is a "FOX" support member. She has a full, round look to her, and a motherly feel.
Mr Sigint-
Male, mid-20s, African American accent. He is a Will Smith type, a 21st century young African American male. He is crazy about computers. A supporting member of "FOX", he appears in the main story of MGS3. Mr Sigint keeps tabs on Snake via radio transmission. He explains about historical or visionary weapons and gives advice on how to deal with certain enemies. As a member of the NSA, he is familiar with the most cutting edge electronic reconnaissance technology.
Director Sokolov-
Male, 50s, standard English. He is a Russian scientist and his full name is Nicholas Stepanovich Sokolov. He is the man Snake must recover and escort back. He runs the planning and design department with Khrushchev (KGB) funds. Possessing a tall, emaciated body, he appears to be nervous but diligent. He is the inventor of Shaghad. In fear of his own creation, he hopes to leave Russia. Climbing the Berlin wall to the west side, he finds protection, but in Cuba Missile Crisis related dealings, is brought back to Russia. In the main story he is killed by the Major, Volgen, after making contact with Snake.
Director Glanin-
Male, 60s, standard English. He is another Russian scientist. His full name is Alexander Leonovich Glanin. He is short and fat, with a sly look and way of talking. A member of the Kosygin faction, he works in the Glasnigrad Planning and Design Bureau as a scholar, funded by the GRU. He is the inventor of a two-legged walking machine (the eventual REX). He is crazy about vodka. Troubled with the development of incorporating nuclear powered energy into his two-legged walking machine, he consults his American friend (the father of Otacon). After leaking information to Snake, he is tortured to death by Major Volgen.
The Pain-
Male, 50s, standard English. A surviving member of Cobra. He has the ability to manipulate and command large numbers of bees. He is a giant at over 6'7" tall. He keeps the queen bee in his backpack, using her buzzing sound to guide the other bees. His body is also covered with bees. When they fly, a beehive is left behind, formed in his hand. The beehive can then be thrown like a grenade, exploding into a swarm of bees. The Pain keeps a highly toxic, "bullet bee" inside his body. When he removes his skullcap, the bullet bee is released from his mouth. This bullet bee, much like a real bullet, is fired at high speeds.
The Fear-
Male, 50s, standard English. He is a surviving member of Cobra. His real name is unknown. His arms and legs are considerably longer than a normal person's, and he climbs trees much the same way that a spider would (he can pop his limbs out of joint and bend them backwards). Using rope he can rapidly travel through the forest and between trees. He is indeed a spider man. He has a long, insect-like tongue (forked through surgery) and can grab things with it.
The Fury-
Male, 50s, standard English. He is a surviving member of Cobra. His real name is unknown. He wears a black Soviet-made space suit, which serves as a replacement for actual fire prevention gear. He is very skilled with a flamethrower. Like The Boss, he has experience going into space as an astronaut, but suffered full body burns when traveling through the atmosphere. He can no longer feel pain, and does not talk much at all. He lives to create angry, wicked fire. Removing his helmet reveals a burn-distorted face.
The Sorrow-
Male, 50s, standard English. He is an ex-member of Cobra, already dead. He was romantically involved with The Boss, and the father of Ocelot. In battle together with The Boss, he lost his own life to save hers, and his corpse still rests below a suspension bridge in Cherno Yarsuki. He becomes an ally of Snake. Since he is a ghost, he does not speak outside of the boss battle. He gives off a sense of intelligence and the feeling of a philosopher. His personality is dry and serious. He is unarmed and very weak when it comes to combat. He can use his spiritual mental power to communicate, and has the ability to summon the dead.
The End-
Male, 100 yrs old, standard English. A surviving member of Cobra with a code name (The End) that implies the meaning "demise". His real name is unknown. He is the oldest member of Cobra and taught The Boss everything about sniping. This legendary sniper was born in the 1860's, he will soon be more than 100 years old. He is the founder of all modern day sniping techniques, from stalking and ambushing, to general know-how. With lichen living parasitically in his body, he is a living miracle. Through the photosynthetic properties of the moss living in his body, he can survive without eating or drinking anything.
There are some additional ones that I felt didn't need to be included in this post but if you want to read them all of the descriptions are here.
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daniellemmgg · 1 year
following the mgs 1-3 remakes announcement (I have opinions...) may as well share this thing I made for editing class last year
think it came out p good, so hope you enjoy it :)
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axelandvixen · 7 months
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mgs doodles!!! i finally got around to beating mgs3 now im playing peacewalker,, 😋
(i absolutely hated the fury and the fear jesus christ)
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fancyshooting · 2 years
oh no what if the only reason the ocelot unit supports ocelot with such enthusiasm is because volgin is forcing them to look after his special little legendary protégé </3 disobeying him would mean violent punishment and/or death. they might not have a choice. the unit could've been formed to make ocelot feel more important and to let him experience the role of commander. ocelot is a skilled gunfighter but bad at unarmed combat, has poor leadership skills, berates his men and abandons them when they're being stung by deadly hornets. there's no real reason for the unit to admire him unless maybe they themselves are inexperienced. they do sound pretty young
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terraqua111 · 9 months
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Meet my dumbass. XD Doing a playthrough right now with a team of all feline Pokemon.
And meanwhile in the background my Espurr... is having flashbacks of Afghanistan or something. I named it Kazuhira.
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deadscell · 10 months
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bexisanidiot · 10 months
Bee lore bc yes- (and I'm bored asf and made some changes, there's a lot)
TWs: grape, trafficking, mention of alcoholism
Bee's birthday is May 23rd, 1958 and her real full name is "Pheonix Vera Oh" bc she was adopted by Zero as an infant after her and Mantis' mom gave her away (she was forced to since she had Bee pretty young). Bee never really talked at all till she was 11 years old, she mostly only made weird screeching or hooting noises. Her powers still kicked in when she was 4 years old and ended up bursting into flames and screaming her head off because it randomly got extremely loud. (Imagine walking in and your adopted daughter is screaming at the top of her lungs while she's on fire laying and rolling on the floor😭)
She was eventually put out then was completely fine, no burns no nothing. So bc of it they started running tests on her and shit, mostly just a brain surgery and random checkups. She was given to The Boss to hopefully get a better understanding of her abilities bc the COBRA unit is mfs with special abilities like her. But after operation Snaker Eater, Zero had Bee meet her real parents and her mother decided to take her back but let her continue visiting Zero. The relationship between Bee and her bio parents was awkward especially because she was a freak, her mom understood Bee pretty well and was the nicest person to her. Dad kinda just ignored her existence unless something was needed or whatever. So that's when her name was changed to "Svetlana Vera Rebenok" (or whatever last name her parents had) for possibly safety reasons.
She didn't do much as a kid, kinda just hung around and ofc didn't speak at all. There were times she was caught digging into the trash for anything metal or glass or even aluminum, hiding in the woods and climbing trees next to owls nest to the point the owls just became chill with her being there like she was one of them in a way. Her eyes glow brightly from built up energy so she probably scared a bunch of other kids and in result of it she didn't have any friends other than birds (or any stray animal she came across). I wouldn't be surprised if she came home with a raccoon, opossum, or even a whole owl in her hands or following her along with have rusty cans or nails and broken glass in her pockets.
I imagine she was there for when Mantis was born and witnessed their mom die so it fucked her up good, she was there for Mantis for a little while till early or mid 1973 when she left for Vietnam thinking she could take war, she could not. She got 10x more fucked up within 2 to 3 months. In Vietnam she was burned by napalm and been captured by American soliders where she was taken advantage of while knocked out and nearly sold to human trafficking, she eventually discovered what was being done to her and she snapped then killed them all using her powers and stole one of their uniforms. When brought to Zero they had discovered one of the soliders have impregnated her but when the baby was born it was immediately put up for adoption. When she went back to Russia she decided to continue taking care of Mantis so there's a high chance she wasn’t involved in peacewalker or ground zeros. At some point after Zero became very sick then brain dead along with discovering Paz's death, she developed a cocaine addiction along with a group of friends and out of an episode of being high off her ass she had her twin sons "Alan David Morozov" and "Luke Viktor Morozov" on February 28th, 1979. Eventually she met Quiet sometime after the twins were born and became sober with Quiet's help. In 1983, Bee had a daughter named, "Irina Pacifica Baranov" out of denial of being a lesbian but she later came to terms with it. Irina's father died in the events of 1984 in the Cyprus hospital as an XOF soldier. Bee had joined XOF around the same time as Quiet has. Her original intentions in XOF was to betray Skull Face and kill him herself, but it turned into her being posted as a spy at Diamond dogs as Quiet was posted to spread the parasite. However, Bee commonly spilled everything to Ocelot and Miller even though her and Miller had a strong disliking to eachother (mostly on Miller's end). However when Quiet went MIA, so did Bee. At this point Bee has discovered what has happened to her and Mantis' village and learned that Mantis was the floating boy so naturally she went go hunt him down in Africa to reunite with him and take him to the USA with her, Quiet, and her 3 kids.
At some point when Mantis ran off to join the KGB, Bee went off to join FOXHOUND and the CIA as well around the same time. She was a double agent for the CIA and FOXHOUND. However when Mantis joined FOXHOUND along side her, she was absolutely pissed and ended up lying to the CIA about some stuff to hopefully keep Mantis at least a little bit safer (how did that turn out Bee? Hm?).
After the Shadow Moses Incident she basically disappeared for a few years, turned out she was in the UK maintaining the Cipher base. She finally left the UK in 2012 and went to visit the US to be with family and finally personally met her grandkids and Luke's (at the time) boyfriend, and overall caught up with a bunch of other things that she missed out on. Possibly reunited with old friends as well if any lived passed Shadow Moses.
In 2018 when Zero finally died, Bee took the full legal mantle of Cipher along with his position within the CIA and any other groups he was in.
She became a great grandmother in 2020 through her son Alan. And became a grandmother to Luke and his now husband's adopted son and daughter around the same time frame.
Bee now as of 2023 is Cipher and technically the last remaining patriot other than the AIs until she dies at 115 in 2073.
Extra notes:
Due to Bee's relationship with Quiet, Bee has inherited the parasite but it does not affect her vocal cords for an unknown reason but it does repair any damaged tissue. Her liver and kidneys for example due to the fact is an alcoholic. Yes she has the parasite flare but doesn't use it as often as Quiet does.
After Solid Snake's retirement, Bee has hunted down Solid Snake and killed him herself, keeping his bandana and even teeth.
Yes, she keeps people's teeth. If she killed someone there is a high chance she collected their teeth and dogtags.
She (almost) has always had a small explosive located in her lower spine but if it is remove there is a possibility she will never walk again since it has become a part of her skeleton at this point. It'll only go off if a certain amount of pressure is pressed up on it or if her back breaks. It can also be activated by built up gasses after death.
Due to her ability of being able to burst into flames, her body temperature is higher than the average person so she is able to be in Alaska or certain cold environments fairly fine until she uses that ability. If she uses the ability she'll fall asleep and become extremely cold (to her anyways), making her extremely vulnerable. YES HER SUITS/OUTFITS ARE FIREPROOF YOU PERVERTS(/playfully but also seriously).
However due to her special fire ability, she can heat stroke faster than the average person.
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