oddvaarking · 2 years
good afternoon y’all! i drew olympia from my osf fic just because. she’s such a cutie and i love her to bits
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also btw my commissions are open!
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jcolladorpoductions · 7 years
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#ImOnTheTeam #OddSquadForever #OddSquadPBS
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oddvaarking · 2 years
All’s Fail That Ends Well: part of the Odd Squad: Forever fic series
⌦ .。.:*♡
AN: Hello guys, so I’mma start writing fics circling my odd squad forever au! Odd Squad: Forever is basically Odd Squad but all the agents we know are adults now. I’ve started writing a script about it a long time ago, so now I’m writing fics. I apologize in advance because this fic might sound corny 🗿
Synopsis: Otis and Olympia’s takes a trip to the local diner, and Olympia reveals to Otis that her the past 2 weeks of work have been costing her.
“Coming through!” A voice echos across the maze of odd doors. Olympia ran through the hallway with a stack of letters in her hands. The letters she had were supposed to be mailed to clients, and she needed to mail them before the mailroom closed for the night. “Excuse me!” “Oh, sorry, my bad!” “Please forgive me, I’m in a rush!” Olympia exclaimed after she had bumped into a few people walking in the opposite direction. Her head turned down when she looked at her watch: 7:59. The mailroom closed at 8pm. If she didn’t make it to the mailroom in time, she would be considered “tardy”, and Olympia would have to write another “late statement” email to her boss.
“Almost there…”
When she finally had the mailroom door within eyesight, the mailroom worker was almost getting ready to lock the door.
“Hold it!”
Olympia yelled before she burst through the doorway, leaving various papers that were already in the mailroom go flying. She pulled down the small hatch and quickly stuffed the letters in before letting the hatch slam closed. “Trying to avoid sending that corny email, eh, partner?” A voice startled Olympia, and made her turn to her side. Otis was standing on the opposite side of the hatch door. His lips shaped into a slight smirk, before going back to his usual non-emotional look. “Oh, cut that out.” Olympia grumbled. She was a bit pissed off that Otis could find time to make a joke in such a close call. The red-haired gal put her hands on her knees, panting as a result of her running. “Why does the mailroom have to be so far? I feel like I’m burning calories every time I race down here.” Olympia whined. “Well, you only have to run down here every time you miss the mail cart…so…” Otis said, picking at his fingernails. “Hey-are you done? I have to close up shop you know. You two goons can finish your conversation out there.” The mailroom worker whined, his face having “frustration” written all over it. Olympia sighed and walked out of the mailroom, with Otis trailing behind. “I’m heading to the Confalones joint for dinner. You can join me if you’d like.” “Nah, I’m good. I’m tired, and I think I have the supplies for a peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich at home.” Olympia said with a hint of exhaust in her reply. “Alright, suit yourself.”
⌦ .。.:*♡
When they got back to their desks, Olympia sat down at her computer, and Otis cleaned his desk up. The lights were halfway off around the building. They usually did that near closing, as an attempt to save energy. Otis grabbed his jacket that sat on the back of his chair and put it on. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed, but you’re kind of doing a shitty job with those return letters to our clients. You might wanna fix that. See you tomorrow, partner.” He said to Olympia before making his exit to the tube lobby. She sighed and clicked her pen anxiously while finishing up some paperwork. Otis was right—she was slacking. For the past 2 weeks almost all of her return letters have been borderline late, with a couple actually being late. She sighed and began filling in the blanks on her paperwork, leaving various comments in the sidelines of the paper. In the middle of her writing, her stomach growled quietly. She hasn’t ate since breakfast because she needed to finish up those letters. Maybe she should’ve said yes to Otis’ dinner invitation. Maybe yes was still an option, if he hasn’t gone off too far yet. It was then that Olympia stood up from her swivel chair and fast-walked to the tube lobby. “Has he left yet?” She asked O’Callaghan. O’Callaghan knew who she was talking about, because he glanced at Otis when he entered the lobby. “Just now left. You’re right behind him.”
“Oh, good.” Olympia sighed in relief, happy that her partner had not gone off far. “To the ground, please.”
“Sure thing.” O’Callaghan replied, letting Olympia step into the tube entrance before shouting “squishinating!” at the top of his lungs and pressing the big blue button at his side.
When Olympia made it out of the building, she spotted Otis, who had not walked too far from the entrance. “Otis!” She yelled. Otis, who was looking down at his phone, looked behind him to see his partner running to catch up to him. “Changed your mind, huh?” Olympia responded with a nod. “I was getting kinda hungry, I haven’t eaten since breakfast, and I think that peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich can wait, to be honest.” She said. “Cool. Are you okay? It’s cold out here and the only layer you have on is your work blazer.” Otis said. He didn’t hide his occasional worries about his partner. He wasn’t ashamed of it either. “No, I’m good, thank you though.” Olympia smiled at him, thanking him for the offer.
⌦ .。.:*♡
When they got to the diner, they stood in front of the building space for a while before entering. The bell that hung above the door rang when it was opened, alerting the waiter of the two’s presence. “Hi, just two? Well, follow my lead then.” The waiter said, grabbing two menus then leading the duo to their seats. He chose a booth that was one of the many booths sitting beside a large mural. Otis and Olympia sat down across from each other, and the waiter set their menus down in front of them. “I’ll be right back to take your drink order.” The brown haired waiter told them, before walking off to the kitchen. The duo went a while without saying anything to the other, and Olympia decided to break the silence. “Hey, thanks for allowing me to come with you. I appreciate it.”
Otis, who’s face was buried in the menu, only responded with an “mhm” followed by a nod. He was never the one to talk much, and was the polar opposite of his best friend and long time partner.
The waiter came back a little later. “Hello, I’m Nathan and I’ll be serving you. What would y’all like to drink tonight?” He said, with a notepad and pen in his hands. “Diet coke.” Otis responded. “I think a water would be fine for me.” Olympia followed. The waiter wrote down their drink orders, his pen making small scribbling noises as he wrote. “Are you ready to order?” Nathan asked the two. “Yeah, I’ll have the honey steak, medium rare. What’s the soup of the day for today?” Olympia asked. “The soup of the day is New England clam chowder.” Nathan replied. Olympia smiled in response. “I’ll have that as a side, then. Oh and as another side I’ll have carrots please.” “Alright, and for you, sir?” He turned to Otis. “I’ll take the shrimp and noodle salad, and I’ll have what she’s having when it comes to the soup side.” He said before sliding his menu to Nathan, who then took up both of the menus. “Alright, I’ll be back with your drinks!” He walked off with the menus the kitchen. He held the door open for an exiting waiter who had a couple of plates in his hands before walking into the kitchen himself.
⌦ .。.:*♡
Not too long later, Nathan came back with Olympia and Otis’ drink orders. He sat them down on the table in front of them, placing a straw beside each drink. “There you go.” He said. Olympia answered with a quick “Thanks” before he disappeared into the kitchen once again. Olympia looked at her partner, who was currently on his phone. His phone lit up his face, changing colors as he swiped through it. Olympia began bouncing her leg in anxiousness.
Otis looked up from his phone at his partner. One unique thing about Otis was that he could tell when something was wrong. “You okay?” He asked in concern. “You’re looking worried, also your leg is shaking the table.”
“Oh, sorry.” Olympia apologized. She had realized what she was doing and stopped. “It’s nothing.”
Otis saw straight through Olympia’s lie. “It’s not nothing, it’s something. Speak.”
“…okay…well…it’s just that work has been exhausting and stressful. For the past 2 weeks or so it’s been like this. At this point I don’t know if the cases have gotten more incomprehensible or I’m just getting dumber.” Olympia said, resting her chin on the palm of her hand.
“I certainly don’t think it’s the latter. Otis said. “Y’know you can ask me for help, right?”
“Yes but I don’t want you thinking I need your help every day. I’d rather try and do it on my own than to bother you.”
“Otis, I said I’m fine, I’ve got it.” Olympia said, smiling. “I’ve always got it.”
“Okay then…” Otis responded. The waiter’s timing was almost perfect, because a bit after Otis’ response, the waiter came back with their food.
After their dinner at the diner, Olympia and Otis decided to go ahead and part ways for the night. Otis went back to the headquarters’ parking garage to get his car and head home, while Olympia went back to headquarters to do some more work. O’Callaghan was reading a newspaper when she arrived, he was so focused that he almost didn’t see her. When Olympia got back to her desk, she scrambled some papers, resuming her unfinished work.
⌦ .。.:*♡
Otis has already been in bed when his clock read 1:21. For some reason he couldn’t stop thinking about Olympia and her work, so he got up, slid on his blazer over his pajamas, and drove to headquarters. When he arrived, O’Callaghan was asleep in his chair, newspaper on top of his head. Otis shook his head and chucked. As he walked into the main common area, he turned his phone’s flashlight on. Otis’ blue eyes widened at the scene in front of him: Olympia was sound asleep at her desk on top of her paperwork, her computer was in sleep mode, her hair was standing up like she rubbed a balloon with high static electricity on her head. Olympia had been overworking herself, and Otis could tell. He sighed before scooting Olympia and her chair to the side (being careful not to wake her), pulling his chair from his desk over, and doing the rest of her paperwork for her. She had skipped a lot of areas, even left some blank. He filled in those areas for her. Otis was done in no time, it was just about 2:45 am when he was finished. “Hey, Olympia, I’m finished.” He whispered, shaking his partner awake. She groaned and sat up, looking at Otis. “Otis? What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be asleep?”
“Yeah, but I was worried about you, so I came to see you. And I finished your work for you. To be honest, I hate seeing you stressed, and it was worrying for me.” Otis said to his half-asleep partner. “Y…you did? Thank you. I really appreciate it, and I appreciate you looking out for me.” Olympia said before yawning and falling back asleep on Otis’ shoulder.
At that point, Otis didn’t care that Olympia was currently using him as a pillow, because, honestly, he was just happy to help.
⌦ .。.:*♡
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