albatris · 7 years
Could you do the first 11 from that OC meme? :D ♡♡
Thanks for the asks!! :D I’m so sorry it’s been like a month, I literally don’t even have an explanation this has been sitting in my drafts for so long I’m just a lazy shit lmao
#squad: who’s friends with who? what are the squad dynamics like?
answered! (although that was…… rather a long time ago now ;-;)
microscope: zoom in – describe the little, insignificant details about an OC.
so uh……. okay Kai’s hair goes down to their lower back when it’s not tied up but it’s hardly ever not tied up, and it’s even longer when it’s straightened but it’s definitely never straightened, they think all hot drinks are gross except for chili hot chocolate, they’ve never had a brain freeze, their favourite colour is daffodil yellow, they enjoy pointing out all the mistakes and inconsistencies in crime shows (loudly), and they get super into Eurovision
fragrance: what do your OCs smell like?
man I’m the worst at questions like these because I don’t really have a great sense of smell at all, so scent isn’t really something I have a grasp on describing because I don’t really… experience it all that much… I mean I should probably work on describing it because blah blah writing blah blah use all five senses but like
anyway I know that Tris probably just smells like coffee all the time and that Shara would wear some kind of fancy floral perfume, idk about the others though
mixtape: 5 songs that describe your OC(s) or songs they themselves would like.
okey dokes so here are some Kai songs because why the heck not
Ends of the Earth // Lord Huron
Animal Mask // The Mountain Goats
Avalanche // Walk The Moon
Madrigal // Taxiride
Rubik’s Cube // Athlete
and also because I left this answer so long I started coming up with Luke songs as well, because apparently Luke is a vaguely important character or something as much as it pains me lmao
Bad Blood// Bastille
Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) // Emily Browning
He Dreams He’s Awake// Stars
A Hopeful Transmission // Coldplay
Battle For The Sun // Placebo
wardrobe: what’s your OC(s) style like?
Noa’s will wear whatever as long as it’s easy to move in, and can usually be found in ripped jean shorts, bright tank tops and combat boots, and also ridiculous patterned socks, which are her guilty pleasure. Shara loves cute pastel everything and is so so here for decorative scarves and summery dresses and flower crowns and all that jazz
lightning: who’s the most impulsive character? and who is their impulse control?
ufo: identity! what are some key identifying qualities or traits of your OC(s)? how do they identify in regards to gender/sexuality?
okay so I’m honestly just going to yell about a bunch of different characters re that last part because honestly?? when else will I get a chance just dump all of this information on people at once. probably never
for main characters: Tris is biromantic ace, Shara is questioning bi, Noa is the biggest lesbian in the world, Alice is a trans girl and also the biggest lesbian in the world, it’s a tie, Kai is genderqueer and aromantic/quoiromantic pansexual
for various others: Hiriko is a trans boy and pansexual and polyamorous, Avery is agender and aro ace (triple threat yeaaaaahhh), Mel is demisexual and agender, Marrick is just a bunch of question marks, and Mallory is bi
love note: who likes who? crushes? relationships? are they mutual or unrequited?
poison: vices/bad habits? what are they? how do they affect your OC?
Shara has an incredibly self-deprecating sense of humour which can really screw with her self-esteem. She also has the worst sleep schedule in the universe, and has a habit of staying up late watching horror movies or reading about the paranormal till she’s too freaked out to sleep lmao
Tris spends a lot of time moping about the past and reading over text conversations from people he used to be really close with, he thinks it’s productive because it will help him figure out how to not go wrong in the same ways again but all it really does is make him super depressed. Also he drinks probably lethal amounts of coffee so he always looks vaguely dead inside ¯\_(ツ)_/ ¯
compass: who’s the moral compass? in general: what are your OCs’ morality like? do they have high morals, or not? are their morals self imposed, or do they base their morals on religion/family/influence of others?
Noa probably has the strongest moral compass, she’s got a pretty set sense of right vs wrong and isn’t swayed by much, and would much rather act on her morals and piss a bunch of people off than go against them to keep the peace. Kai is similar, but they have a tendency to second guess themself because they want to keep people happy. Like sure they’re not going to go directly against their morals, but they’re never 100% certain how many of their morals are actually theirs, rather than something they adopted because it was convenient
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thequeerdino · 9 years
1) I'll be on here in limited quantities. Enjoy my instagram posts. 2) I have a doctor that actually cares and it's quite nice 3) I'm looking into doing olympic weightlifting competitively (When my knee is fixed) 4) my book is shaping up and I love it and will be starting up my writing blog again
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bruxasohne · 9 years
oedipuswrex Our first encounter was......different. Usually I am very quiet and let people talk to me before I even think to talk to them. You came into the dorm with I believe four bags that were so full they looked like they were going to burst. You struggled to your bed which was the only one on the opposite side of the room and after unpacking, you pulled out a book. Our small talk was really awkward. One word replies and questions that were asked in a rushed tone. Then out of nowhere you say "do you want to go exploring?" I said "yes". I think that night we took the train all the way to time square and walked around pointing at everything before returning to our dorm only to walk around the block and then get lost. For the 6 week intensive, she gave everyone her "bitch face" and we judged everyone that stood at our barre.
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thequeerdino · 9 years
Thinking about exiting social media for a while. Ill be back, but idk when. Maybe when everyone finds their chill. I'm keeping my instagram, and that's going to be filled with crossfit stuff.
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bruxasohne · 10 years
ugh this weekend was so much fun! i seriously can't wait for our next adventure
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albatris · 8 years
for that 30 day character meme thing that you reblogged. I just tried the read more link and it sent me to no man's land. Maybe they deleted it?
Yeah, I found the same thing! I think that must be the case... 
but because I am a stubborn stubborn person who likes talking about their ocs way too much, I went on an adventure through some of the reblogs in the notes to see if I could still find the full post somewhere, and it’s over here!
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thequeerdino · 9 years
Doing another set of X-rays. And my doctor confirmed that I won’t do more therapy because it hasn’t helped.
Now this is a doctor.
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thequeerdino · 9 years
Doctors appointment today! I'm running on 4.5 hours of sleep as well. Today is gonna be fun.
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thequeerdino · 9 years
I should probably update my writing blog .... Oops
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thequeerdino · 9 years
Today is my day off. And I plan to kick my own ass at crossfit and then do absolutely nothing until I go see my brothers girlfriends brother race in the championship. Awesome
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thequeerdino · 9 years
Woke up and looked in the mirror to notice that my back and shoulders are really starting to pop again. I'm still a bit chubby, but my muscles are showing. 6 weeks of no knee movements are starting to pay off. 2 more weeks of the lifting program, and I have no idea how many until I can squat again. But my hamstrings and shoulders thank me Nothing can hamper my happiness.
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thequeerdino · 9 years
You know you've worked out hard when your arms get tired holding a phone. (I'm laying in bed. judge me)
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thequeerdino · 9 years
Rules: Tag 10 followers you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @thalheim :D 
Birthday: 13th May
Height: 5′7″ 
Sign: Taurus
Gender in between genderqueer and non conforming. still kinda figuring it out
Sexuality: asexual
Favourite colour: blood red
Time right now: Halloween Time!
Average hours of sleep: in between 5-7
Last thing I read: does my own book count? cuz im currently taking a break on my chapter
Celebrity crush: most of my crushes are Crossfit crushes... xD currently obsessing over Sam Briggs and Elisabeth Akinwale. 
Lemonade or iced tea: lemonade, preferably on the sour side
Day or night: night
Text or calls: I tend to text more 
Make up or natural: i like makeup, but i never wear it
Dream trip: currently planning a trip to London or Canada with @al-vire. There’s quite a few places I’d love to go to, however. 
tagging : @gritlikegabrielle; @albatris; @alex-is-sleepy; @cb-blogs; @buckeyeballerina; @gothiclemon; @enflambebitches; @satanhasfeelingstoo; @nyiro; @krystopherrobin (if you want!) 
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thequeerdino · 9 years
This has been a very long week of a very short month. In other news, I'm still striving for my end of year deadline (2 months). Due to a different schedule and working holiday season as a stock manager, I have decided not to freak out if I don't make the deadline. No promises.
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thequeerdino · 9 years
Had a minor writing meltdown, and I'm not even writing at the moment. This book will be finished, even if it's the death of me.
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thequeerdino · 9 years
I impressed the other people at the box with my 70# Good Mornings. So that was cool
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