#of COURSE she's gonna think sonic is just extra shy
disabled-battlekukku · 8 months
I find it funny that Amy is a master communicator to everyone around her BUT Sonic
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cutegirlmayra · 3 years
Hi Marya, how are you doing? I hope you're well. Anyway I have a prompt request, I was watching the sonic twitter take overs and in a few of them Amy comes up. Can you do a prompt where someone asks Sonic his honest feelings about Amy because some fans think he doesn't like her at all and Sonic goes into an impassioned rant about what a great loyal friend she is and starts to reveal some secret feelings? Thank you!
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(Going off the rather ridiculous nature of the Twitter-Takeovers, please expect some Character changes to reflect the American SEGA view of the characters... Not my favorite take, but it matches the spirit of the 'comedy' they tend to go for. At least, here's my best AU take on it.)
"This one looks like it's for me! Sonic, what are your honest feelings on Amy? Oh, pfft! Put me on the spot, I mean..." He paused a second in front of the microphone, looking up. "Hmm..."
"It takes you that long to think of something?" Tails teased, giggling into the mic. It was set up in the SEGA room as a Podcast, but Sonic just gave him a stink-eye and continued.
"Amy has a lot of... I-I just have to think of something." He quickly seemed to change the course of his thought.
"Ohh~ He's really giving this some thought?" Eggman gave his infamous 'ho-ho'd laugh to that, "This is gonna be good. Get out your notepads, folks."
"It's not like that," Sonic countered, before closing his eyes to tune the extra stimuli out and think about his words again, "I mean... Amy's... Amy's always on my side, in my corner... I know that no matter where I run or what I'm expected to do... I have someone cheering me on. It's kinda like... a reassuring thought, I guess. No matter how dire or bad something is, I know that somewhere in the world, there's one person who hasn't lost faith in me. That hope keeps me going. I never asked to be a hero, you know... Well, I guess I kinda did." he chuckled lightly, "Saving little Flickies does that to a guy..." He eyed Eggman, who snickered slightly as he folded his arms and leaned back, letting him take the floor for a change. "But... My favorite thing about Amy is her smile, it never leaves for too long. She's easily entreated, which can be a good and bad thing, heh... But no matter what, Amy's Amy." He smiled, looking down for a second as his eyes moved left and right... really feeling his words suddenly, "When all paths may change... Amy is a constant. She's endless hope and cheer... I think we all could use a positive friend in our lives like that. Not that you're not positive or inspiring me out of nowhere, Tails." He chuckled as Tails nodded.
"No-no, I get that. It's gotta be different with Amy. She's the first person you saved that stuck by you, right?" He asked, as Sonic felt a little taken aback by that.
"Oh, uhh... now that you mention it... Yeah, I guess she was."
"You guess?" Eggman laughed.
"Enough of this feel good, nonsense." Shadow snarkily intervened. "I'm pretty sure they wanted some sort of... ugh, romantic answer, but you seemed to dodge entirely."
"I... That's my honest take on Amy." Sonic looked at him, knowing he was bored of this already, but not taking any of his sass today. "She's my friend, she's supportive of me, and that's... that's really great. When the world is crying and I'm trying, Amy's smiling, and that's really..." he thought about it, but Tails intercepted him this time.
"Comforting." He stated, "Amy's someone who can be very comforting in 'trying' times." he smiled and Sonic winked to say 'thanks for bailing me out of that one' sort of look.
"Hmph, I still think you're not admitting something." Shadow put a hand on the table, "Not that I care, but isn't it true you seem a little... shy around her? Isn't it annoying to have someone so... 'cheery' all the time?" he looked as though leaning to one side and Sonic furrowed his brows at his expression.
He covered the mic a second and whispered to him, "Dude, what are you trying to get at here?"
Tails did the same, trying to look over Eggman's gut to see Shadow on the same side, "Yeah, we're on live..!" he cautioned.
Shadow smirked and pulled the mic closer to his mouth, "Isn't it true you find her a bit annoying? It's a simple question... they asked for your 'honest' feelings, right? Do you even have any? Or was that all just mumbo-jumbo you're saying because you're worried she could be listening?" Eggman slipped Shadow a few rings and the sound effect made Sonic flick an ear.
He glared, realizing that Shadow was being bribed by Eggman...
Eggman smirked, turning to look up and away as though nothing was transpiring against him... but it clearly was.
"A villain through and through..." Sonic whispered, before taking his hand off his mic, "It's true that Amy and anyone, really, could be listening to this. Even those... Sonamy fans or whatever."
Eggman lightly clapped his hands together, excited to see how Sonic would try and 'skate around' this one with a seemingly 'perfect answer' this time around.
'I've got you now, Sonic!' he deviously snickered to himself. 'Once you admit you like Amy, I'll start using her as bait more often and tease you relentlessly! Hohoho!'
"I-I think Sonic has given quite a full answer, gentlemen." As the true wingman, Tails tried to give Sonic a scapegoat and move on, "We do have a lot of questions to get to, so-"
"No, no. It's fine, Tails. I got this." Sonic held up a hand, glaring at Eggman. He took a breath in, and lightly began with the same confident persona he was famous for, "Although Amy does like to 'cheerfully' pursue me as a 'love interest', I'd like you to ask anyone if there's ever been a time I wasn't willing to risk my life for her, and her the same."
Shadow opened his mouth before his eyes suddenly widened slightly. He looked to the side as he realized... most of the time, Sonic's abandonment of Amy was never when her life was truly at risk.
Eggman also looked a bit lazy with answering, "That's easy, that one time when... oh, no, no... you actually were separated that time by my Eggbot... well, what about that time when-! ... Oh, no... not that, too... you left to go save that other human girl and she willingly took your place in that fight... Well, what about-!" Eggman tried again and again but couldn't seem to answer the question.
Sonic nodded, "I may not be... completely open to the notions that Amy keeps throwing at me, but name one time I haven't fought for her smile? Amy's loyalty and faith in me means a lot, and I'm just as equally, firecely loyal to that belief in me as she is to knowing I won't let her down. I have a time or two over little things, maybe big things to her, but when worse comes to shove... I'll always be there in the nick of time. I never claim to be a perfect friend, but one thing is true, I have perfect friends around me." He gave a thumbs up to Tails, who smiled sweetly at him too. "I return that trust, and I put my all into my friends, too... they know I believe they have my back when I need them, just as much as they believe I'll have their back when the time comes, too!"
Eggman grumbled, folded his arms and wiggling down further into the chair... he knew he was beat. "I'm still calling somewhat simp on that..."
"Hmph, a requited sense of friendship? Who would have guessed that's what you'd turn this question into..." Shadow rolled his eyes, but hey... he was a couple rings richer.
But in all honesty, he didn't do it for the rings...
He looked at the one-way mirror of the recording room... wondering if there was a Pink Hedgehog losing her mind over hearing how much her friend... her idol... her hero... truly felt about her influence in his life.
He smiled at that thought for a brief moment... he didn't always do good in the world... but when he did, he felt it was nothing short of a chanced miracle.
He wasn't expecting the untimed hug from Amy who was worked-up in tears, mistaking him for Sonic as Sonic darted like a blue-blur around them, not willing to clear up the misunderstanding for Shadow and let Shadow receive all the adoring affections while he fled the scene.
"Wait, no, stop, I'm not-! SONNNICC!!!" Shadow cried out as he tried to 'gently' get Amy the heck off of him!
Eggman grumbled out of the room with his mug and Tails just sighed, "You really are a Sonamy fan... aren't you?" He looked a bit annoyed up at Eggman's antics... yet again.
Eggman took a sip of his drink, "I wouldn't want to spoil the 'tea'." he joked, but then grinned menacingly down to Tails, almost fully bowing to see his reaction, "Besides! Anything that embarrasses Sonic publically is okay in my book. Whohoho!" he boisterously laughed off the scene as Tails finally helped Shadow out and explained to Amy that it wasn't staged or anything, but Sonic just ran out of the room.
She took off after him, in a bit of a huffing fury, but Shadow just rubbed his arm and looked to Tails.
"...I was paid to do it."
"That doesn't sound like a 'honest' reason for why you'd care." Tails accused him. "You... You really do just like spreading chaos, don't you?"
Shadow looked back to see how happy and touched Amy had been... but lied to Tails, closing his eyes. "I like to watch the world burn... bask in the flames... but honestly, I'm tired of all this... as Eggman stated, anything that embarrasses Sonic is a win in my book, too. We must read from the same series or author." Shadow walked up to grab his bag of coffee beans and popped a few in before taking off.
(This is so AU to me XD Kinda cringe, but eh, the Sonic Twitter can be fun and I think this works for their level of comedy and 'fan' lore. lolol)
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Julian Bashir/Elim Garak, Julian Bashir & Molly O'Brien Characters: Julian Bashir, Elim Garak, Kira Nerys, Jadzia Dax, Jake Sisko, Nog (Star Trek), Rom (Star Trek), Leeta (Star Trek), Molly O'Brien (Star Trek) Summary: Molly doesn't want to spend Halloween on the station with no human kids, so Julian offers to take her to Earth for the last week of October. Taking others with him to experience the holiday, he could probably relax and lean on them as fellow chaperones. But he has a full itinerary for Molly, with no idea she would have any plans of her own for him.
Note: Apologies for any mistakes, I wanted to get this up by the end of the month. Also, I took some liberties with Molly's personality, and by that I mean I gave her one. But hey, my mom thinks it's accurate to 8, so... 😃Oh, and I'm planning on this story remaining rather wholesome, but since there is a ship I've rated it teen just to be safe until it's all up and I have a better idea.
Quark shuffled over as Chief O’Brien and Dr. Bashir sat down at the bar a few seats away from Morn.
“Hello, boys!” he said, “Care to try our new drink for the hu-mon season? It’s called a Jack-o-lantern!”
Miles groaned and put his head on the bar. He was ignored for a moment while Bashir asked what was in a Jack-o-lantern.
“It’s a spiced rum drink, with pumpkin and carrot juice. Sure to remind you two of home! Plus it comes in these cute little face glasses,” Quark said pulling out a short glass with the black triangular eyes and a toothy grin of a carved pumpkin.
“Wow, you really went all in on the theme if you bought glasses, Quark,” said Bashir.
“Actually they’re sonic-dishwasher safe stickers. Leeta says she can get them off with her long fingernails when your creepy season is over… What’s wrong with him?” Quark pointed a thumb toward O’Brien who had lifted his head to listen to the drink ingredients, but still looked out of sorts.
“What’sa matter, Chief?” asked Bashir.
“Oh, I’m just stressing out about something that probably won’t end up mattering that much.”
“So the usual?” Quark said walking away and returning with two beers. They weren’t sure if Quark was saying Miles always worried about things that didn’t matter or just talking about their drink order, but he disappeared to help another customer immediately after, so they would never know.
“What’s the trouble?” asked Bashir.
“Keiko is really busy on Bajor and can’t take time off for Halloween.”
“Sort of an unusual Holiday to take time off for anyhow.”
“Sure, but now I have Molly because Keiko is so busy, and there definitely wouldn’t be any Halloween business on Bajor anyway.”
“That important, is it?”
“It’s Molly’s favorite Holiday. Last year Keiko took her to my parents’ house on Earth for the week. But I just can’t get away, not with the lifts acting up, and the power cells that went missing—”
“And no one else can do those things? Rom?”
“Oh… It’s not that Rom isn’t capable of being in charge, but he does get, you know, nervous when he thinks people have high expectations and… to be honest he’s been getting on my nerves lately. It’s not him. It’s all the things around here going wrong making me irritated with everything.”
“Do you have any plans?”
“Ugh, I think Keiko thinks I’ll try to make it special here. But Molly knows that’s a bust and isn’t being shy about it. There’s no other human kids here, Daddy. I’m gonna feel silly dressing up. She never used to feel silly being the only one doing something.”
“Well, she’s getting older.”
“Yeah but still so little. If she was older and making a fuss, I’d just send her on a shuttle by herself and have her Gran pick her up on the other side. Used to do that sort of thing when I was a kid, but not ‘til I was a little older than her.”
“Hmm… Well… Miles… I could take her.”
“I have some leave. And unlike you I think my staff can handle things while I’m gone. I mean if some horrible disease breaks out, I’ll come rushing back. But it’s just a little trick or treating, right? I could handle it.”
“I… I guess you could. It’s just, there’s a lot of kids and a lot going on—”
“I did in fact trick or treat as a child, Miles; you’re not explaining it to a Vulcan.”
“Well I—”
“Oh! But I could take Garak with me!”
“Oh, he loves Molly, and he rarely gets to leave the station. I could show him a piece of human culture.”
“I wouldn’t say he loves Molly. He makes her clothes—”
“He adores her, and would sooner kill someone than let something happen to her. Hmm, I wonder if any other non-humans would like to come learn about Halloween? Kira would probably think it was a waste of time… Dax is probably quite familiar with it, but I’m sure she’d have fun. Oh! I bet Jake hasn’t had an authentic Halloween in years.”
“If you’re going to bring a huge party with you, it’s not really about Molly anymore, is it?”
“Nonsense, the more people I bring the more chaperones for Molly. Besides, I don’t know if any of these people will say yes. Maybe it would just be me and Dax or something. That would be very relaxed. I could do this, Chief, but if you’d rather Molly stuck around here and complained…”
O’Brien gave a hmf that could rival Odo’s. But he nodded, taking a sip of his beer.
“Alright. Not too much sugar, nothing too scary, bed by 9, 10 on Halloween if she twists your arm. Don’t let her wander off on her own, and keep track of her please and thank yous. I don’t want her getting used to being rude because she thinks she can get away with it with you. Call me if there are any problems, and, Doctor… Bring her back in one piece.”
“Can do, Chief. I’ll start asking who wants to come along, and you can lecture all of them too.”
“I will.”
 The next evening, Chief O’Brien ran into Worf on the promenade and stopped him.
“Worf, I was glad to hear you’re going on this trip with Julian to take Molly. I really appreciate—”
“Alas, I am not. Only Jadzia is going.”
“You don’t want to go with her?”
“I have duties here. And I’m afraid I will not get the same things out of the trip that the others will. I did celebrate Halloween as a child, if only because my brother did, and because… when in Rome as the humans say.”
“Right… Well… It’s just… I had hoped, because you’re good with kids…”
“Chief… I’m flattered to hear you say that. While I will not argue, I’m not sure that Molly is particularly enthused with me.”
“Perhaps, but you’re— responsible.”
“Ah, I see. Though I am not often one to praise the doctor, I do think he is up to the task.”
“I’m sure he is. I just thought you’d want to spend some time with Jadzia, and then you’d be extra help.”
“Admittedly, there may be another reason I have decided not to go.”
“Major Kira has agreed to go.”
“You… you get along with her fine, don’t you?”
“Yes, of course, but with her, and Jadzia, and the chief medical officer gone, I believe someone should remain here. But additionally, when I met Jadzia, she was wearing some sort of fairy tale costume, as was Kira, I believe to play in a holosuit program. I got the impression that they had a friendship in which they embraced their femineity together, as well as other aspects of their personalities which they share. But they have done this very little since Jadzia and I married.”
“Oh! You just want to give her some space to spend time with her friend? That’s so sweet, Worf.” Worf stifled a groan. “And if Kira’s going, that’s a load off. But how in the quadrant did they get Kira to agree to come?”
“Your daughter. She was with the doctor when he mentioned it to us this morning. Kira did not seem interested when the doctor and Jadzia explained it, but Molly said please, and called her aunty and the major agreed immediately.”
O’Brien burst out laughing and said, “I swear she’s learning how to play people.”
  “Are you sure just you and Yoshi will be okay without me or Mommy around for a whole week?” Molly asked as Miles walked her to the docking ring.
“Molly, it’s been just me and Yoshi before. I think I can handle it,” he said with a smirk. “Are you going to be okay without Mommy or Daddy around for a whole week?”
“I’ve been by myself with Grandma and Grandpa before, I think I can handle it.”
“Good. You’ve got everything? You’re sure you don’t want to take an old costume with you?”
“I told you, Mr. Garak has my costume for this yeeaaaar.”
“Alright, alright.”
Waiting for them at the shuttle were Garak and Julian both holding duffle bags.
“Kira, Dax, and Jake are already aboard saving seats,” said Julian. “Ready to go, Molly?”
Molly nodded, but she didn’t let go of her father’s hand.
“Oh, good! We’re not too late!” they heard Rom’s voice from the hall as he, Leeta, and Nog approached.
“I told you the shuttle left at 1300 hours, Father. We’re right on time,” said Nog.
“Well, I still don’t want to be rude,” Rom said shyly.
“You’re going too, eh?” asked Miles.
“I hope you don’t mind,” said Leeta. Julian and Jake said they would show us a little bit of human culture. But we’re happy to be extra eyes too.” She glanced down at Molly.
“Yeah! Hey there-er-uh, Molly,” Rom said as if he’d never spoken to a child before. “I know you probably know the others better but if you need anything, Leeta and I are here for you too.”
If Rom was weird, Molly didn’t notice. “Thanks, Mr. Rom.”
“I want to see what else there is to Halloween beside academy parties,” said Nog.
“Are they still, a hundred people crammed into someone’s aunt’s house drinking cheep replicator beer?” asked Miles.
“Sounds about right,” said Nog.
“You… drank… at parties… at the academy?” asked Rom.
“Sometimes,” Nog admitted. “But, no offense to your people, Chief, but I don’t like beer.”
“Nog, if anyone tells you they genuinely like the flavor of barley beer, and drink it for no other reasons, they’re either lying to you, or to themselves.”
Nog threw his head back and laughed. “Well we better get going. I’ll get this,” Nog said with an air of sarcasm which didn’t make sense until they all realized what this was. He scooped up Molly and put her on his hip.
“Nog, she’s not a baby, you’re gonna hurt your back,” said Julian from the entrance to the shuttle.
“Nonsense. She’s not so big.”
“I’ve never been up, but still so low before,” said Molly, looking up at her father.
“What’s that supposed to mean?!” Nog chided with a smile.
“Alright, give Daddy a kiss and then you all better get to your seats.”
He leaned over and Molly kissed him on the cheek. “Bye, Daddy!” she said.
“Have fun, sweetheart.”
Rom grabbed Molly’s bag, and they all turned and shuffled onto the shuttle. The last thing the chief heard before the doors slid closed, was Molly saying, “I want to sit with Mr. Garak!”
“Why…” he whispered to himself.
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forkanna · 7 years
[EF.com LINK]
I actually didn't see much of her for the next week. First and foremost, because Comeau took a week off to go do something arty so his shifts fell in my lap, and secondly because…
Well, I don't know. She just wasn't around. It started to worry me after the first few days. Did I just act too surly and actually drive away the only ray of sunshine in my otherwise drab world? Listen to me wax fucking poetic. Been talking to Steph too much, maybe.
But when she popped back up again, it was where I was least expecting it.
I had gone into Tim Horton's to use the washrooms — that's all, I think they're just barely better than the swill at Starbucks and equally overpriced. While I was peeing, I heard from the next stall…
So this next thing isn't all that easy for me to tell you about. I let out a HUGE fart. I mean, she literally scared it out of me so I think I can be forgiven, but the entire washroom went pretty quiet right after that was pretty loud. Just about the most embarrassing moment of my short, sweet existence.
Clearing my throat, I tried to make my voice higher and reedier, like an old lady's voice. "Sorry, dear, I don't know who Kim is!"
"Come on, Kim, I know it's you! I can see that freckle on your toe!" My toes scrunched in on themselves, digging into the flip flops. "Too late!"
"Why would you even have noticed that?!" I demanded, hating that she caught me like this. Seriously, if the toilet flushed and sucked me down into an unknown subspace pocket, I'd have been grateful.
"Last week, while we were kicking back at your coffee table and listening to music?" Her running shoes scuffed nervously at the tile. "Noticed you have a freckle there since we weren't doing much of anything else. Dunno why, guess I just think it's cute."
"I have plenty of freckles. Why is this one cute?"
"Because it's in the middle of your middle toe? Not really sure…" Then I heard her flush. "So, whatcha up to?"
"Trying to pee. Which I did, a little prematurely. But at least I already had my pants down, so I guess it could have been way worse. Why, what about you?"
As I emerged from the stall, I expected her to be out there already. But she was going, "Hang on, just getting things situated…" There was a little rustling, and then she emerged with her arms spread wide, as if giving a glorious reveal…
Wearing a barista uniform. For the antichrist conglomerate slowly devouring Canada.
"You work here now?!" I exclaimed, glancing up and down the brown-and-black uniform, at the little visor perched atop her head. "Why? I thought you had a job at Second Cup."
"I had to quit when I went to uni," she said reasonably as she went to wash her hands, glancing down at her slacks and then back over at me when I joined her at the sink. "But um, I wanted to have a little more spending money when I get back for my second year, y'know? And Second Cup is fully staffed right now, and so is Delicious Cup — I already asked. And with Julie working there…"
"Nah, I get you." Seriously, somebody needed to smack some sense into Powers.
Towelling off her hands, she asked, "What are you doing here? I thought you hated Timmy."
"Well, 'hate' is a strong word…" An accurate one. Though I'll admit, I got some really shitty service in Montreal one year that kind of solidified it from disinterest to hate. "Just needed to use the can."
"Right. Well, we do have one of those!"
"Yeah. Um…" My voice was quavering a little, I felt stupid. "Sorry for… y'know, when I…"
"Didn't say 'pardon me'? It's cool," she laughed. A sigh of relief erupted from me; I really was grateful she didn't make me say it, or say it herself. "This is the place to do that, right?"
Nodding, I towelled off myself. It was weird. We were being weird, and I couldn't quite figure out why… until she put her finger on it for us.
"But yeah, starting the job has been pretty crazy. I meant to drop by sometime this week, but with work, and my mom's birthday, and stuff…"
"Oh, don't worry about it," I said with a smile of relief. She wasn't ditching me. That shouldn't have mattered as much as it did, but I was seriously soothed to know that. "Been quiet around No-Account." At the last second, I stopped myself from adding "without you" to the end of that.
"I'm really, really sorry. But I can make up for it! This week is less crazy. Wanna go to the zoo?"
For some reason, that made me chuckle. Something I almost never do lately, and her suggestion of going to the zoo was enough. "Really? But it's so far away, and so pricey…"
"I just got my first paycheck. My treat, to make up for being gone lately."
"Well…" Again, she did that weird thing where she enchanted me with her warmth and enthusiasm so much that I couldn't say 'no'. "What day? I'll probably be working."
"Then you pick. I get off at five today, so that's not enough time, but I'm off Saturday…"
"Me, too. Around noon?"
"Sure," she answered with that sweet, shy smile that made me want to flush her down the can. "Meet up there, or at your place first?"
"We can just meet there." I turned toward the washroom door, but something was holding me back. "Um…" I wanted to say something about how much I missed her, even though I didn't fully comprehend why. "Hey…" I wanted her to know that despite how shitty of an attitude I had sometimes, I really truly valued our fucked-up, almost-one-sided friendship.
And while I was stammering, trying to get past my hangups, she hugged me from behind. "Yeah." Then she released me and held the door open. "My break's probably way over by now."
"Right," I sighed. "Go back to slinging brown water. See you tomorrow."
"See ya!"
And she went back behind the counter, while I went down the street shaking my head so violently that it almost came loose and bounced across to the other side.
                                      ~ o ~
The zoo was fine. I'd visited it before, of course, but it had been years. More or less you can expect the animals to do the same things they did the last time, so it's not like a repeat visit will reveal anything new.
But the animals ranged from cute to interesting; giraffes and cheetahs and hyenas, oh my. Knives wanted to look at literally everything, and who was I to stop her? This was the reason we came, so it would be dumb for even me to act like that was strange of her. Meanwhile, I walked around with an iced capp I got from near Tundra Trek and mostly watched her reactions, skipping around in that white babydoll tee and jean shorts, eyes wide and mouth flapping about how much fun she was having, and how big this animal was or how small that one was. That was the real attraction for me.
Which began to worry me a little. Really, this whole thing with Knives already did. Not because I was developing some big gay crush; I didn't think that was it, and I'm no homophobe. But if I wasn't crushing on her, then what was I doing? This was such a weird friendship, and kind of the opposite of the casual relationship I normally enjoyed with my sparse acquaintances. Something about it was so… intense. But that was probably all Knives, and very little from my end. She was a force of nature.
Once we had seen and done most of everything there was to do without paying extra, like buying souvenirs that nobody would care about in two days, we headed back to catch the bus toward our respective homes. When she brought up dinner, I almost jumped on it.
"Let's do Sneaky Dee's. It sucks, but if we get there early enough, it might not be deafening and full of annoying college kids."
"Like me?"
"Yes, like you. One is enough."
"Hmm, I was gonna head back to my house, but…" Her cheeks bunched in a smile. "You think we could get Stephen or Julie to show up? Make it a real reunion."
"Oh. Yeah, I guess."
Her smile slipped a notch. "Do you not want them to come?"
"Nah, it's fine. Even if Julie is a cunt lately, especially to you."
"That's just Julie," she laughed it off. Not that I thought she should have; the way she acted toward Knives was totally unacceptable, and I still wanted to give her a piece of my mind about it. "Just Stephen then."
Shrugging, I stretched my arms overhead and crossed them behind my neck as we rode along. "What about Neil?"
"He probably wouldn't want to see me. Too many awkward memories." Then she cleared her throat to push past that detail. "Steph could come, though."
"Sure. She's been acting like she wants to hang outside of practices and shit lately. So… I'll invite her, maybe Stephen and Joseph. Julie can eat a bag of dicks."
That seemed to startle her slightly. At first, I thought maybe I had gone too far, but instead she whispered, "I've never heard that phrase before. It's hilarious! Because like, a whole bag of dicks!" She giggled, and I giggled with her. Sometimes I just couldn't help it around that doofus.
                                      ~ o ~
Not too much later, we were in Sneaky Dee's. It's kind of a grubby hole, but the food is pretty good, drinks are medium-cheap and sometimes they play decent music. Steph showed and so did Stephen, though Joseph stayed back because he was busy "mixing". Probably a lie, but who cares? Knives made a dumb joke about "Steph and Stephen", which made Steph laugh while Stephen and I just rolled our eyes at each other.
It was nice. We talked about the Sex Bob-omb days, and the Sonic and Knuckles days before that. Made noises about getting a band together ourselves, but with Dynamite Headdy doing as well as it was, Stephen had no real motivation to spin more plates.
Everything was going fine… until we started talking more in-depth about the end of Sex Bob-omb.
"Haven't heard from him since then," Stephen confirmed as we stared at the mostly-empty plates, patting our stomachs. In his case, scratching at his stubble. "Can you live in subspace? Like, I still don't really understand that whole thing very well."
"No, I don't think it's a place you get to stay," I went on. "Of course, I've only been there once or twice. Scott dragged me through a door so we could escape from a crazy samurai." I tried not to glance at Knives, and she didn't seem to notice, either.
"I think there are subspace pockets along with the highways," she said as she sipped at her lemonade. Guess she was serious about not drinking. "But there aren't buildings or restaurants or anything there. So they must be living somewhere in normal space, right?"
Steph shrugged, leaning against the table on her elbows. "Wouldn't know. Never had much experience with it myself. So Scott dragged you through, Kim?"
My body was already freezing up, a response to being needled about my past with Scott so much. "Yeah."
"He was always kind of self-centered, in that dopey, doesn't-realise-he-is way," she mused as she stared across the restaurant at the back of the neon sign in the window. "Even when you two were dating…"
"Oh yeah," Knives said as she turned to me. "You never talked about that much." And I didn't want to now. But she wasn't going to let it drop, was she?
"What is there to say? He was an idiot, I was an idiot for not seeing how much of one he was. He liked to pretend that he rescued me from Simon to make himself more 'heroic'. I'm better off without him."
"That's what you say about Jason, too," he laughed, and I felt myself growing even more earnest in my desire to be silent and not have to react to any of this. "And… that's probably true. Sometimes I worry about Hollie going through the same thing eventually."
"She deserves it. They both do."
Pointing her fork at me, Steph said, "You always do that. Blame everyone else for all your problems. Not saying they're all your fault, either, just… maybe the truth is somewhere in the middle?"
"Always," Stephen sighed.
"Well, I think you guys are being too hard on Kim," Knives put in with a little pout, picking at the communal plate of nachos. "Scott dumped me, too, and he wasn't very smart about how he did it, but that's just Scott; he doesn't know how to handle serious stuff until he can't avoid it, I think. That's not her fault."
"Yeah, you and she both dated Scott," Steph said with a slightly suspicious smile. "Funny that you're hanging out together now, despite that."
"Why is it funny?" It was a genuine question, not an accusation. Of course it was. Knives was such a wide-eyed marshmallow.
"Uhhh, because normally you don't get along with your ex's exes?"
Shrugging, Stephen grumbled, "I get along with Julie better than most of you do."
"That's because you turned out to be gay."
"What does that have to do with it? We still broke up when I started dating Joseph."
"Have you ever noticed all our names start with an S, a K, or a J?" Knives observed out of nowhere.
"Yeah… well, except for Neil."
"Or those other guys," Steph said. "Like Lucas Lee, and the other people who Scott beat up?"
Stephen shook his head. "No, they don't count."
"Why not?"
"They aren't part of 'us', they're the bad guys," he went on reasonably, gesturing to the table with an open palm as if the gesture would help sell his argument. "But then they still do that supervillain thing." When both Steph and Knives kept staring at him in confusion, he sat up a little straighter in the hard wooden booth. "You know… Lucas Lee, Roxie Richter, Gideon Graves… Ken and Kyle Katayanagi. That thing."
"Alliteration," she breathed. "The highest form of evil."
"Ohhhhh," Knives said with a hand in front of her open mouth. "That's so weird how I never noticed! But what about Todd Ingram? I mean, I hearted The Clash At Demonhead, so I remember him better…"
"He's the outlier. I mean, not every villain has to adhere to the trope for it to be a trope."
"What's a trope?" Steph asked. But Stephen wasn't listening; he was staring at me, eyes squinting slightly. I tried to ask what he was staring at…
But I couldn't. My lips wouldn't move, and my eyes wouldn't blink. Nothing happened despite my best efforts.
"Oh shit," he whispered. "Kim turned to stone again."
                                       To Be Continued…
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graphicallysam · 7 years
Para: A Saturday with the Twins
Who: Sam and Mercedes
When: Saturday, 13 Nov 2010
Where: Evans' Home
What: Samcedes babysit the twins
Mercedes had gotten the text earlier in the day that Sam was in need of backup with his twin siblings.  Two against one were not fair odds when it came to tiny people that could team up on you, so she was more than happy to help.  She had met Stevie & Stacy at the football games when his family came to watch Sam play. She thought they were adorable, and Stevie was practically a carbon copy of Sam.  It also didn’t hurt that she liked kids.
Her mom let her drive to Sam’s house since she had her permit. She could get her license in another few weeks after her birthday, so every last bit of practice would do her good.  Once there, she grabbed her purple backpack out of the trunk and headed up to the door, ringing the doorbell.  She had packed her brother’s old Sega Genesis system that had a bunch of fun games the twins could try like Sonic and The Lion King.
Normally, Sam didn’t mind babysitting his siblings, but at five-years-old, they were like The Rugrats on crack. They pretended to be all innocent and sweet with their parents and around Quinn and stuff, but when it was just Sam by himself, they were The Kindergartners from Recess. Quinn was busy with a church thing or maybe a thing with her mom, Sam wasn’t entirely sure. So he sent out an SOS to Mercedes, hoping that she could save him, and when she agreed, he thanked God for taking mercy on him.
Since he’d started at McKinley, five months before, he’d made a lot of good friends. Finn had kind of invited him to be a part of his crew, which brought the unexpected but welcomed presence of Mercedes all of the time. Sam really liked Mercedes. She was one of his best friends at school, and they hung out all of the time when he wasn’t hanging with the guys or spending time with his girlfriend, Quinn. It was nice to have a friend that was into comics and video games and movies as much as he was. Not that Finn and Puck weren’t good for that kind of stuff, but it wasn’t quite the same. Mercedes just got it in a way no one else did. Quinn just wasn’t into the same things as him. She loved to read and spent most of her time with Rachel. They liked art museums and things he had no clue about. Sam liked art, but not that kind, and he hated reading because it didn’t come easily for him. Mercedes was just different than most of the people he’d met in Ohio. She didn’t think he was weird for speaking Na’vi, and she laughed at him impressions. Plus, she was really pretty, not that that mattered. He did have a girlfriend after all. It was just kind of a bonus.
The doorbell rang, breaking him from his thoughts and offering him salvation. He practically tripped over Stevie as they both rushed for the door. Luckily, height and gravity were on his side. So he got to the knob first and pulled it open as he shoved his brother out of the way. “Hey, Mercedes,” he said with an exhausted grin. “Ignore the mess. The twins promised they’d clean up like thirty minutes ago.”
“We’re still playing,” Stevie explained. He glanced at Mercedes, smiling shyly. “Hi, ‘Cedes!” He waved and then took off running.
“Hey, stop running in the house,” Sam called to him and sighed when his brother was out of sight. “Sorry...come in.” He stepped aside and let her in. Sam’s house was generally neat, but it always looked lived in. Both of his parents grew up on ranches in Tennessee and believe a house should look homely. But they were strict about chores, and the twins had toys scattered everywhere that would need to be cleaned up before they got home.
“Hey Sam,” she smiled brightly as he opened the door, his always adorable face saying more than he needed too in regards to the mayhem his siblings were putting him through today.  Sam had become one of her closest guy friends in lightning speed it seemed. He was so much fun to be around, he always made her smile. Whether he was doing impressions or talking with passion about his fave comic, he was just a really endearing person to be around, and she was happy that he and Quinn had started dating.  She knew he’d get a gorgeous girlfriend because he was fine as heck!
When she saw Stevie peek around Sam, she waved at him, laughing softly as he took off running. “If there weren’t toys around all over the place I’d be concerned honestly. Worried the twins got abducted by pod people or something.” She loved the Evans home, it was the perfect mix of comfy, inviting, and decorative. She loved looking at the pictures of Tennessee they had on the wall, and of course the family pictures as well.  “So, you ready to make a bet?  I bet I can get them to clean up their things in the next 10 minutes.  If I win, you have to let me and Stacey braid your hair.  If I lose...well, what do you want if I lose?”
Chuckling at the pod people comment because honestly, he’d probably think they were pod people too. They walked towards the family room, and he nearly tripped over a toy truck. “Yeah, we can make that bet...I don’t know how you’re gonna do it without mind control.” He stopped when the reached the room and looked at her. “You have to show me how to beat that one part of Asura’s Wrath.”
“A girl never tells her secrets, but I suppose I can help you out with the game,” she replied as she sat her backpack over by the entertainment center, out of the way of the twin tornadoes.  “Now watch me work my magic,” She gave him a wink before she scrolled through her song list and found “Moves Like Jagger” by Maroon 5. The beat would get the kiddies moving, and she could make up lyrics that would cover up any suggestive stuff.  “Whoever gets finished picking up the toys first gets to pick something awesome out of my magic backpack.” She sang.
Sam rolled his eyes playfully. One day, he’d get her to show him even if he lost this bet. He wondered what she was up to when she went into her bag and was a little confused when she pulled out her iPod. He watched her curiously as the twins came running into the room to see what she was doing. She promised them a treat, and he was pretty sure that he’d never seen them so eager to clean up.
Mercedes was pretty good with kids. She babysat to earn extra money and had a nice clientele list. The majority of them were people in her church, and a few in her neighborhood.  She sang along to the music, dancing with the twins in between their battle to get the toys put away the fastest.  “The key to cleaning up is to make it fun, or to make it a competition.  If you can do both, you can do almost anything.” She said with a soft chuckle.
Once the twins had completed the tasks, she took out the Sega Genesis and the games, and then she handed them both coloring books with the special markers that would only work in the coloring books.  “I also brought some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, but I’m pretty sure you can’t have any until after dinner.”  Last thing the twins needed was sugar in them right now, the hyper little cuties.
It wasn’t that the twins were bad, but it was almost impressive that she could get them to do what they were supposed to with a song and promise of a treat. His mom did similar things, but it  didn’t work when he tired. He nodded at the advice and gave her a grateful smile. “Thanks...you’re gonna be a great mom someday,” he commented before realizing what he’d said. “I mean...when we grow up,” he added lamely. Luckily, Stevie distracted him with a question so he had something else to focus on.
“Can’t we just have a half a cookie?” Stevie questioned, tilting his head to the side like a curious puppy as he spoke.
Stacy’s green eyes widened. “Mommy said no dessert before dinner!”
“Stacy,” Stevie whined, glaring at his sister.
Sam tried to hide his amused grin before he sobered a little. “Hey, hey...she’s right. No dessert before dinner, bud. You know that,” he said gently, hoping to kill the fight before it started. “Mercedes already gave you a nice treat. You should say thank you again and enjoy it.”
“Thank you,” the twins said in unison before going back to coloring.
She smiled, shaking her head slightly. “I’m not having kids until I’m at least 30. I’ve got so much I want to try and do, so when I finally settle down, I’ll be able to be a really good mommy.  Maybe.  I’ll have to get a husband and all that first, but yeah.” She ducked her head slightly, feeling a little silly talking about something that far off.
She sat down on the couch, thinking of a way to change the subject. “Oh, are you going to enter the art contest?” There was a contest to come up with a new school logo for tshirts and other school merchandise.  “I bet you’d do awesome at that.” She knew it wasn’t exactly his style of art, but he was good at a lot of styles.
Sam loved his art. He loved drawing and creating things in Photoshop. He even had his own Deviantart account, but he was still kind of shy about it. He’d only ever shared his stuff with a few people. She was one of them. “I don’t know. I don’t think I want to…” he said, ducking his head.
“That’s okay,” she smiled encouragingly. “I just want you to know that I think you’re good enough to win. Sometimes it’s nice to know that other people think you’re good at something you really love, you know?” She hoped that made sense.  “Do you still want to go to Wizard Con with me and Royce in the summer?”
“Thanks, Mercedes, that means a lot.” It wasn’t that Quinn wasn’t supportive of him and his art. She was, a lot, but it still felt nice to hear Mercedes say it. He really believed she believed he could win. Maybe he’d submit something secretly just in case it didn’t get picked. Then no one would know. “Yeah, I totally still wanna go.”
“Sweet! Start talking to your parents now, that way you have time to negotiate a deal if necessary.” She grinned. “Royce is very responsible and trustworthy so hopefully they’ll be okay with it.  Do you think you’re going to dress up or anything? Royce wants to go as Jax from Mortal Kombat.”  She peered over the back of the couch, checking on the twins who were still engrossed in their coloring books.
Sam was suddenly really stoked. He couldn’t wait for the summer to get there. “I don’t think they’ll be too strict. It’s just like a day or two right? I think since you’re brother’s going too then they know I’m not sneaking away with you,” he joked, but his mind immediately went to what it might be like to sneak away before he pushed the thought away. He had a girlfriend. He shouldn’t be thinking like that. “Oohhhh maybe I should go a Sub Zero.”
She nodded her head. “Yep. We can get two day passes and drive both days, but my dad might let us use his points for a free hotel room, maybe. We’ll have to work out all the details to see. Plus I don’t want Quinn to feel weird about that, so...yeah, definitely would have to get 2 hotel rooms, just so the parents and girlfriends don’t think we’re acting inappropriately.”  She felt her cheeks get super warm. “Not that that is remotely a concern, but parents are weird about things like that.”  A subject change was very much in order right now.  “Oh that would be cool! All the pictures will be taken.”
“Yeah, my parents would definitely think that's weird. Not Quinn though, you don't have to worry about that. She knows we’re just friends,” he said as a reassurance, but he didn't add that Quinn didn't know he was attracted to Mercedes or that he would've asked her out if he hadn’t ended up with her first. He’d never cheat on her or anything, but Mercedes was hot. And Sam really liked her.
“Quinn never has to worry about things like that, she’s easily one of the top prettiest girls in school.” She smiled as Stacy showed her the picture she had finished. “That’s amazing! You’re going to be as good as your big brother if you keep that up.”  She turned her attention back to Sam, amused at how much of a baby face he had.  His parents made very attractive kids. “But Santana is the hottest, I’m under best friend contract to say that.” She chuckled.
“True, she’s beautiful, but she’s not the only beautiful girl at school,” Sam replied looking at her as she looked at his siblings. She really had no idea how beautiful she was, he thought. Her compliment to his sister really made the little girl happy, and he was grateful he'd called her over. “Santana's hot, but she's not really my type.”
“Santana is a lot to handle, but she’s a really nice person. I went through this phase where I wanted her to marry my brother when she got older so she would be my sister.  I was a little kid, so don’t judge.” She smiled.  “You have a type? Well, I mean it’s obviously Quinn. So that means you like smart, sophisticated, and beautiful girls. Which makes sense, I can totally see that.”  She jumped slightly. “Oh, I forgot that I brought you something too!” She got up and headed over to her backpack.  “Stevie and Stacy, has Sam been a good big brother today?”
Sam mouth bowed into a wide grin as she told him the story about wanting Santana to marry her brother, but when she asked if he had a type, she was talking so fast that she didn't give him a chance to respond. He couldn't really say that Quinn wasn't the only kind of girl that fit into that category. He just ended up nodding and biting back a sigh. Then she walked over to her bag again, saying she had a surprise for him, and he waited in his spot to see what she had.
“I guess so,” Stevie replied after tilting his head in thought at the question.
Stacy, on the other hand, was always Sam’s biggest cheerleader. She nodded emphatically. “Sammy’s the bestest big brother.”
Mercedes adored Sam, but she did not want to hear him wax poetic on all the ways Quinn was the epitome of perfection. She knew it was silly, but the only person she could deal with the whole I love my boyfriend/girlfriend stuff from was Tana, and she never did that anyway.  She probably wouldn’t feel that way when she got her own boyfriend, but that was probably never going to happen before she graduated high school.  She chuckled softly at Stevie’s response, shaking her head a little. Stacy’s response didn’t surprise her at all.  “Well then, I suppose I can give him these since he’s the bestest.”  She pulled out an Avengers comic book and handed it to him.  “I hope you don’t have this one. I saw it and thought you’d like it.”   She knew he wasn’t a fan of reading regular books, but he really liked comics.
He wasn’t sure what she was handing him until he could see the cover properly. He looked down at the colorfully drawn graphics before him, and he expression changed from amused to amazed and surprised. “Whoa...I didn’t get this one! Holy-” He cut himself off when he remembered his siblings were in the room. “-heck! You didn’t have to do that!” He reached out and pulled her into a tight hug, careful not to crush his new prized possession, then stepped back again.
“What is it?” Stevie asked as he hurried to his brother’s side. Stacy was right behind him, and he leaned down to show them.
Sam’s expression was so freaking adorable that she wished she had thought to take a picture of him. She was usually pretty good at picking out gifts for her friends, so she was very happy she had gotten Sam’s right.  When he hugged her, Mercedes felt like the room had just jumped up a million degrees in temperature and she was super thankful that he stepped back so she could actually take a breath to get her senses in order.  Why did she feel like couldn't breath when he got that close?
While the Evans kids were busy checking out the comic, she busied herself with connecting the Sega Genesis to the tv.
Eventually, Sam took the comic to his room to read later and headed back into the family room where Mercedes was hooking up her Sega. The twins had moved into the room and were now coloring at the coffee table. So he sat down on the floor closer to the tv and picked up a controller. “What are we playing today?”
“Only the classics of course,” she had brought all the Sonic games, ToeJam & Earl, Golden Axe, Street Fighter 2, and Lion King for the kids. “I figure I can kick your butt at Street Fighter for a bit.” She was a pro at trash talking over video games, she had learned that from Royce.  She sat down next to him, but not too close.
Sam’s grin grew. He was impressed by her trash talking skills. She was seriously one of the fiercest gaming competitors he’d ever met. So he was ready to try his hardest to beat her in Street Fighter 2. “You’re on. I hope I don’t send you home crying.” He said before settling in to play.
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I'm sick ( Reader X Jughead )
Reader X Jughead
Request: yes
Warning: topic about a disease
A/N: TO ANYONE SUFFERING WITH ANYTHING! You will be strong okay, YOU WILL FIGHT AND ILL BE HERE IF YOU NEED ANYTHING! I’m sorry if anyone suffering with The disease that’s in the story and I didn’t describe it as it is. Because no one will know how to describe such a terrible thing unless it’s the person going through it. Once again to anyone going through any problems , illness or disease. I’m here for you at any time ♥️♥️ Once again I’m sorry for any mistakes.♥️ —-
Sunday was yet another normal day, everything was going great.. Well that’s till I started noticing a small circular rash around the area of my left rib. I didn’t think much about it, just thought it was an allergic reaction or something, I added a rash cream and went on with my day to see My best friend Jughead at Pop’s.
When I had arrived at pop’s and sat down with Jughead everything was pretty much normal. When I say normal, I mean it’s quite. Jughead and I sit at our spot and order our milkshakes and drink them away
“( Y/N/N), what do you say we go enjoy the river and swim?”
I of course agree because it’s summer and basically we’re the only ones left from our group that didn’t take a road trip with our families. Right after our milkshakes Jughead and I agreed to meet at the river in about an hour, that way we get the stuff we need and I make some sandwiches for lunch. When I arrived home, I removed my clothing and was just about to grab my two-piece swimsuit but remembered the red spot that was visible. Changing my mind I wore my one piece bathing suit and dressed in a shirt and shorts , and quickly headed down to make the sandwiches.
Once I was done with everything I grabbed my bag with food, extra outfits, towels and sunscreen and i ran out the door like I was sonic the hedgehog. When I arrived to the river I noticed Jughead just arriving too, thank God. “Juggie, why on earth don’t you have a bag with your extra outfit and why do you still have your beanie crown still on, you’re going to get it wet!”
“(Y/N/N) please I know you well enough knowing you’ll bring me a towel and extra outfits that I leave in your room, besides this crown reminds me that I’m king.” Jughead smiles at me knowing that I didn’t exactly just that.
“ you know Juggie what if I didn’t bring anything, what would you do?”
“(Y/N) I know you, you’re just so caring. Any guy would be lucky to have you… and when I say any I mean ANY, including me.”
After those words i could feel my cheeks turning pink because God knows how much I have a crush on Jughead. Anyway I ignore his comment and walk to the side of the river and lay down the towel and basket, remove my outfit and get inside warm water of the river.
“JUGHEAD JONES HURRY UP AND GET IN THE WATER!” I shout from the top of my lungs because jughead looked like he was dreaming for a second. After my call jughead walks into the water and slowly swims towards where I am, during that Process He slowly starts to lower himself into the water until only his nose and eyes are the only things showing. I start to swim away because I don’t even know what he’s about to do, but before I can completely get away Jughead pulls my hand toward him and I’m now stuck with both of his arms around me.
“Juggie, don’t you dare push me down!” I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his hips because if he plans on taking me down, he’s going down with me.
What I didn’t think or expect was that Jughead would end up gripping my waist and pulls me closer towards him till our chests are basically touching.
“ I actually like this position, for once you’re actually relying on me.”
“Juggie, I’m only holding on to you because if I die you’re dying with me… I’m not gonna let you be the Cheryl Blossom here while I’m Jason .” I joke with him
“ Look at you using sardonic humor on me.”
“ What can I say, I’ve learned from the best… Yup I knew I was a great teacher for myself.” I laugh at my own joke but notice Jughead is just looking at me. Before I can speak and ask what’s wrong, Jughead’s lips crash onto mine and I automatically kiss him back because once again I HAVE A FUCKING CRUSH ON HIM!
We kiss for a couple of seconds more until we both pull away with the sound of a ‘Pop’. Due to Jughead and I being one of the most awkward people on earth, we shy away and swim back to shore and act as if nothing just happened. By the time it’s time to leave we both have changed and picked up our things, Jughead offers to walk me home because in his words “ no one has found the killer yet so it’s safer if I walk you home.”
Once we reached my house, still I feel all fuzzy but don’t mention anything. Jughead on the other hand thought differently.
“(Y/N), I was wondering… umm I’ve been meaning to ask you out but wasn’t sure if you liked me, but after that kiss which you kissed me back. I was umm wondering if I could, i don’t know take you out on a date? I mean if you don’t want too it’s okay, but I would like it if you would.” Jughead jumbles his words as he asks me out.
“Jughead I would love to go out with you, how about Tuesday?”
He quickly nods without any hesitation. I smile and kiss his cheek and wish him a safe walk back home. I close my door and hear a small “Yes” from the other side. With a smile on my face I walk to my bathroom, shower and get ready for bed.
It’s currently Monday but I’m not feeling well, actually I’m feeling terrible. I noticed the small spot by my rib area has doubled in size and my muscles are aching me. I tell myself it was probably from the swimming yesterday and that this red spot is just an allergic reaction to something. I go on with my day and talk to Jughead on the phone for hours and don’t mention anything to him regarding my pain… it’s 7 p.m. and it’s time for me to eat with my family.
“ Mom, my joints are hurting me and I have this weird red spot by my rib area.” I inform my mom after dinner. She tells me to show her the spot and when she saw it she said it was probably an allergy or a mosquito bite. After my mother’s clarification I walk to bed and once again think that another day passed and all I can hope for is that tomorrow the pain leaves and I’ll be able to enjoy my date with Jughead.
It’s officially Tuesday the day which I’ll have my date with Jughead. My joints still hurt me and my spot is still the same size, which I think is good considering it didn’t get bigger. It’s only 3 in the afternoon but I know I have a lot of getting ready. When I’m done with everything for my date I notice that it’s 6 and that Jughead will be arriving to walk us to the one and only Pop’s. Just as I thought of that the doorbell rings indicating he’s here. I skip to get my purse but I end up feeling a great ache on my knee joint, I hiss a bit but walk it off and walk down to greet Jughead.
When i reach down the stairs and open the door, I notice Jughead standing there with his usual S shirt but layered with a blazer and his little crown. “You look beautiful (Y/N).”
I blush and close the door behind me. “ you don’t look so bad yourself Jones the third.”
After the date, Jughead asked me to be his Girlfriend and obviously I had to have fun with this moment
“ I don’t know Juggie, I’ve always wanted a crown and I’ve always like your crown.”
“Well you can’t have mine, this is my beanie crown , only the king wears this one. The queen must wear something else. ”
“Well then Jughead, this just won’t workout I should have let you drown in the river.”
Jughead quickly removes his beanie and puts it on my head. I laugh and nod my head agreeing to be his girlfriend. To say that was my best night in my life is an understandable.
— Two days have past since I’ve agreed to be Jughead’s girlfriend.. two days have passed since I was admitted into the hospital. After Jughead dropped me off home, my body and head were in so much pain that I had completely fainted. My parents walked in finding me passed out on the floor which is when I was sent to the hospital. The red spot has spread around my body and my joints are practically as hard as a rock. After countless of tests and checkups The doctor has diagnosed me with Lyme Disease,the doctor told me that living life would be a bit difficult from now on. He said I would have the good days when everything is fine and the bad days when I would be in this room with medication.
After the fourth day of me being in the hospital and countless of lies to Jughead I guess he had to take matters into his own hands and look for me.
“(Y/N) why didn’t you tell me?”
I stay quite and play with my hands. “(Y/N) (Y/L/N) I said why didn’t you tell me? Why did you lie to me? How long has this been going on?” He raises his voice and walks closer to me.
“ Because Jughead, what do you want me to tell you? ‘ oh hey Jughead I’m sick and I’m in pain,anyway; how’s your day?’ I didn’t want to worry you okay! It started the day we went to the river, I didn’t think it was anything but the day after I started to feel pain. After our date I just fainted and I’ve been here ever since..” I try to keep my eyes away from him.
“(Y/N) you were exactly supposed to tell me you’re here! I’m your best friend and boyfriend! I should be helping you, just like the way you helped me during my bad times when I had no one, back to the times I would hate myself because I never fit in and back to the times I felt unloved by my own family! Now it’s my turn to be there for you.” He walks over to my resting bed and grabs my hands.
“ Jughead you don’t understand! this isn’t like any of your situations, this will go on for God knows how long! There will be times when I’ll be perfectly fine and the next when I’ll be in the room attached to all these needles unable to move a bone in my body! I’m sick, and I’m not going to get any better any time soon.”
“(Y/N/N) and that’s why I’m going to be there the whole way! The whole way till you recover, the whole way till you smile and the whole way till I know that you won’t need me anymore
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