#ESPECIALLY when her tarot cards NEVER fail
disabled-battlekukku · 8 months
I find it funny that Amy is a master communicator to everyone around her BUT Sonic
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moonypears-blog · 1 month
Cedric the sorcerer/The Death card.
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The Death Card in the world of Tarot represents change, though commonly misread. It's about letting go of the old things, especially if they are no longer good to you, and starting on a new path. Telling you that some things need to be let go, and it's in your best interest to let that happen.
Cedric is known for his character development. He was an evil, brooding character, hell bent on taking over the kingdom for revenge and to prove himself. For years he fixated on the Amulet of Avalor, on taking it from Princess Sofia. He pushed away her goodness and her friendship in turn of planning to take the amulet, despite it never doing him any good, failing time and time again.
In Day of the Sorcerers, Cedric finally let the old things go, he left his plans of stealing the kingdom and the amulet. With this, he brought in the good he needed, Sofia's friendship, reconcile with the royal family, and later on down the line with his sister. We see him improve after this change, becoming brighter and healthier.
The death card often represents ending friendships, parting ways with people. Or, your animal familiar.
Cedric and Wormwood were no longer on the same page, Cedric wanted good, Wormwood wanted bad, both of them would only pull eachother down, Wormwood was no good for Cedric. So they separated, letting go of their long friendship for the best. And with this, Cedric got to understand how Sofia felt when he betrayed her, letting their bond, her goodness to him, strengthen.
In my opinion, the Death card is the perfect card for Cedric. He represents it perfectly and I could see him having a connection to it as a sorcerer.
@shychick-52 @mushroomsie224 @majoresca
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mikashisus · 3 months
BAD IDEA RIGHT? — chappell roan fanclub
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Y/N — 23. international studies major who doesn’t know what the fuck she wants to do with her degree. kinda a bitch! no one knows why they’re friends with her tbh. needs to learn when to keep things to herself. also needs to learn that being in a relationship isn’t everything and it’s okay to be on your own for awhile. feels like she’s doing too much to gain validation.
LAYLA — 23. eternally exhausted. is always swamped with work and can never do anything fun. when she finally gets a break, she likes to go home and visit her family. invites her friends to come home with her sometimes. doesn’t talk much in the group chat because she’s either at her job or working on a project.
NILOU — 22. dance major who actually prefers musical theatre, but she’s always busy the day of auditions and therefore never gets cast in anything (she thinks she has some sort of curse bc of it). loves to fiddle with tarot cards and has been practicing giving people readings. head of the dance club.
KUNI — 24. doesn’t take shit from anyone, especially y/n. he tells it like it is and is always there to keep her humbled. hates how she acts most of the time but doesn’t do anything about it bc he feels that she’ll face the consequences of her actions one day. studying business. hasn’t talked to his mother in years but wants to reconcile (somewhat).
DEHYA — 23. the life of the party. the only one who’s able to drag kuni out of his dorm and hangout with everyone. works out at the local gym with alhaitham (often accompanied by candace or cyno). is worried about y/n and her tendency to jump into relationships so quickly. likes to play sports, is on the girl’s vollyball team. likes to go shopping for makeup products with candace and nilou.
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summary: a year after your terrible breakup with alhaitham, you decide to make the awful decision of hooking up with your ex. dating other men was now out of the question after many failed attempts, and why date other men if alhaitham is right there waiting for you to trip and fall right back into his bed.
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stigmvtas · 10 days
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( HAVANA ROSE LIU. TWENTY FIVE. DEMI WOMAN. SHE/THEY. ) since you aren’t aware of them yet… that’s VERONA FENG wandering around in hollow creek! from what i know they’ve lived in hollow creek for HER ENTIRE LIFE. i’m also aware of the fact that they work as a GROCER & CINEMA ATTENDANT & WAITRESS in town! but if you were to ask me, what i see when i think about them are: DESIRE CAST ASIDE INSIDE IT’S RIBBED CAGE, LEFT TO SCREAM AND RATTLE AND CRY AND FEEL AND FEEL AND FEEL; A WHITE - HOT GRIP ON THE STEERING WHEEL, THE WOODS NOTHING MORE BUT A BLUR ON EACH SIDE, LIKE TRAVERSING TIME ITSELF; BROWN LEATHER BOOTS LACED WITH FRAYED RIBBON AND SOCKS WITH TOO MANY FRILLS, AS IF A TOUCH OF FEMINITY CAN CURE HYSTERICS; PILES OF FORGOTTEN BOOKS FILLED WITH STORIES OF PLACES YOU’LL NEVER GO, BREATHING IN DUST AND FEELING THE MOTHS FLUTTER INSIDE YOUR LUNGS; AND AN OIL - SLICKED SMUDGE AGAINST THE MIRROR THAT WORSENS EVERY TIME IT’S WIPED AWAY. if anything, i feel like they could be SOLICTIOUS AND DELIBERATE & RETICIENT AND FATALISTIC.  it’s really weird, though… because they seem to be hiding something that no one else knows. but i sure do! and that is CLOSED FILE... REDACTED. wild, huh? i know. they’re hoping no one will ever find out. and the very last thing that i’d say about them is that they’re mainly known to be THE SHAMBOLIC. just keep a lookout! who knows if they’re putting on a facade! ( JAMES, 25, EST, THEY/THEM. )
containing themes of... disappearances, missing persons, violence ( brief, nondescript ), alcoholism, hoarding ( brief ).
full name — verona ruby feng.
nickname(s) — v; ron / ronnie ( dislikes; prefers just her name ).
place of birth — hollow creek, massachusetts.
date of birth & age — may 2nd, 1999. twenty5.
gender / pronouns — demi woman, she/they.
sexuality — bisexual.
occupation — grocer at the grocery store. cinema attendant and occasional projectionist at the movie theater. waitress at the diner. tarot card reader. any odd job that needs doing.
astrology — taurus sun, sagittarius moon, gemini rising.
residence — her family home, a weathered suburban. bedroom largely unchanged since childhood; the smallest in the house.
interests — the wellbeing of her siblings. apple - flavored anything. cinnamon. plaid skirts. the classics. her red volkswagen beetle that she spends more money on than on herself. 90s romcoms. thrillers. bubblegrunge as a genre. getting her steps in. helping others out, especially when rewarded. the library. peace and quiet. speeding down an empty road. metaphorically entering a fugue state to escape her day - to - day life. maladaptive daydreaming. journaling, furiously. leading. managing. stress - cleaning. bumper stickers that fall flat from being a joke. dance scenes in media that don't call for a dance scene but have them anyway. watching the sunrise. bird - watching.
aversions — taking responsibility for the doings of others. house parties. drinking, smoking, drug use. prying knots out from her hair ( annoying everyday process ). walking alone without her thirteen different self defense gadgets. ghost stories and the metaphysical ( tarot reading is different when it's for cash ). not being able to pay the bills. feeling burnt out ( always ). men - fronted music. not doing her skincare everyday ( fails at this more often than not ). mega - corporations that just want your money. people who talk during movies. people who talk to her with her headphones on. being referred to as weak; being misjudged.
quirks — chews on her hair, on pencils, on pendants; anxiety - fueled but they'd never admit it. is an extreme couponer and professional haggler. knows the scripts of her favorite movies by heart. doesn't mind bugs; traps and releases rather than kills. picks at her nail polish, no matter how pretty.
most played — soft drink by cherry glazerr.
notable features — long, curly hair that hits their lower back, sometimes tied back but more often than not left to do what it wants to do. a light splattering of freckles across her face; eyeliner permanently smudged beneath her eyes.
general disposition — confident and in - control; like the cogs are constantly turning in their mind.
character study — dana scully ( the x - files ), joey potter ( dawson's creek ), fiona gallagher ( shameless ).
public history.
the fengs used to be a complete household; a fire chief and his wife, and his four children, and their pet dog. a house on a hill, white picket fence and yard decorations for every holiday. canned yams donated on thanksgiving, angel tree presents for christmas. their mom led the PTA with an iron fist, fundraiser after fundraiser; a true soccer mom, loud and proud about her children. verona was the ideal eldest daughter. bossy, sure; but always shared with her younger siblings, led by example. a know - it - all in the classroom, a need to be the brightest. not for her parents, but for herself. an innate pride.
disappearance / missing persons; then their father disappeared. walked into the hollow creek firehouse and never came out. the police said the security camera footage was corrupted, that nothing could come from them. none of his men remembered seeing him. the rumor mill swirled; he orchestrated his own disappearance, ran off with another woman, he had another family all along in the next town over, that his wife and children here weren't enough. nothing proven, just speculation.
violence mention; her father's sudden disappearance changed something in their mother. her perfect life crumbled in front of her, whispers of her husband's supposed unfaithfulness following everywhere she went. she left the PTA, nearly lost her job; withdrew further and further into herself, until verona could barely recognize their own mother anymore. the same whispers, the same rumors, followed the feng children into school, onto the playground. learned phrases from nosy parents; questions that made verona only see red. two fights in two weeks, a ten year old with raw fists and a bloody nose, threatened with expulsion if she made it a third.
alcoholism; the rumors didn't stop until it was too late. by verona's twelfth birthday, her mother had turned to liquor to ease her pain. she slept the entire day, not a single peep, not an ounce of awareness - even as verona stepped through the doors of their home after school, at least a dozen birthday balloons tied against her backpack's straps, so many that she thought she'd float away. she tried to make her mom happy; disregarded her own birthday to clean the house, cook them all dinner; baked her own cake. when her mom did wake up - she was practically already out the door.
verona couldn't do nothing. she might've not been able to fix her mom, but she could prevent her siblings from feeling the weight of her absence; at least in it's entirety. she became her siblings' biggest supporter, encouraging their extracurriculars and getting on their asses about schoolwork. reinforced the rules, even if their home felt more like the wild west. she picked out their clothes, took them thrifting with the money she'd make at her weekend jobs. gave up her own social life, just so they could have some semblances of normalcy.
as she grew older, verona picked up more and more jobs; whatever was hiring, whatever needed to be done. she'd put on the right personality, force herself into the "right" attitude. she'd help out neighbors, mowing grass and shoveling snow. learned how to apply shingles to a roof, how to build a deck. their family started to be known again; not for their missing father, or their absentee mother, but for the love verona harnessed for her community. for the effort she put into everything she did. she became the girl neighbors turned to for help, knowing she'd always lend a hand. they would exchange goods, hand - me - downs for a job well done, a fresh cooked dinner to bring home to her siblings, a hundred dollar bill crumbled into the palm of her hand.
she stayed in hollow creek even after graduation; knew there wasn't anywhere else she could be. their siblings still needed support, still needed someone to cheer them on from the sidelines. and verona could be that person; she had to be. even as they got older, even with the youngest a senior in high school - they can't bring themselves to leave town. can't bring themselves to leave their mom, who might've well been a ghost, or their siblings, or their friends. at least, that's what she tells herself.
verona is the "mom" to all of their friends. she's protective and loyal, and isn't afraid to step between them and danger. she's mostly level - headed and stern; keeps it as realistic as possible. there's little whimsy in her head, no room for it with her practical nature. she always thinks ahead, always planning, always one step ahead. they're honest, sometimes to a fault; tries to be soft about it, but doesn't believe in sugarcoating.
the designated driver for every event; they're as sober as they can be. they refuse to drink, refuse to smoke. they don't want an "escape" that'll cloud their head. the closest she'll get is daydreaming, and even then - it never lasts. it just never does. verona believes there's a "wrong" crowd and a "right" crowd, and she doesn't typically associate with those she views as bad for her ( with a few exceptions ).
a lover of the stars, verona once wanted to be an astronomer. she could stare at them for hours, her most treasured item the last thing her father had ever gotten for her: a telescope of her own. she used to map the stars herself, memorize the constellations. she wanted to discover new ones, watch as the old ones collapse and explode. she sold the telescope years ago to a pawn shop for that year's christmas gifts.
hoarding; her family home is in a constant, chaotic mess. her siblings are grateful, of course; but with the constant in - and - out, the ebb and flow of life jacked up on the highest speed, it's hard to maintain. in recent years, her mother became something of a hoarder. it's hard for verona to navigate; she can get away with selling some things, throwing away others - but when her mom realizes, it's a screaming match. she misses her childhood, when things weren't bad yet.
verona herself keeps her room spotless, barely a thing of her own besides whatever she can fit inside her closet. her siblings all have larger rooms, mostly by her own design. their rooms are kept neat - but only because they've inherited their mother's iron fist, and practically demand it of their siblings. that's all she asks, really; besides teaching them how to cook to the best of their ability ( she still cooks for them, more often than not; after a minor fire in which nobody knew what to do except her ).
a fan of casual hookups, she insists to everyone she knows that she doesn't have the time to date. and it's true to an extent - between her siblings and her three different jobs, there's not a lot of time that verona gets to herself. part of her is scared; scared of them leaving her, of her becoming unrecognizable. of having to prioritize someone else in her already hectic life. they're mostly just scared of the implications, of something else being out of their control.
forces herself to be logical, to be rational, to be reasonable. sometimes all verona wants to do is lose her shit, to give into the hysteria that's constantly leering over her shoulder like an unwelcomed ghost. but she can't do that, because then she'll be just like her mother. she has to hold everything together, she has to be the glue - whether it's her siblings, or her friends, or her work. has a tendency to bare it all on her shoulders, has rarely asked for help unless there's an equal exchange. forces herself into routines, into journaling; into anything she views as "totally sane behavior". they're doing fine, really!
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My blog I usually use for this side of tumblr is learninglore!! Sorry it won’t let me change it lol Couldn’t donate much but hope my little bit helps.
If you’re still doing free readings, I’d appreciate one with Hel! Just if there’s anything She wants to tell me. Thank you!
Heyo! Thank you so much for tipping, I appreciate it; no such thing as too little, don't worry. As always my Ko-Fi's at the end for anyone interested in my readings, etc, etc, the usual spiel which you would think I have copied somewhere by now- And thank you for sending in the ask! I've never met Hel and she was very quick and precise with the cards so :D
"Anything to say?"
Six of Cups reversed: Rose-Colored Glasses, Idealistic, Childhood Trauma. Sometimes, living in the past feels easier. Or, maybe, living in an idealized version of what is. You're missing out on reality, which is messy and more difficult but far more beautiful! I feel like this card, paired with the others, has a connotation of that view being turned on yourself; you're trying to ignore your wounds and how your past has affected you as a person. Trying to be more 'perfect' than you realistically can be. There are parts of you that you don't want to look at, maybe. This card is a call to take off the blindfold and look at those parts, especially the ones you hate, and treat them with compassion. Take care of them like you would anyone else who'd been through some shit; you deserve it too.
Queen of Swords reversed: Ice Queen, Judgmental, Detached. Queen of Swords reversed has a duality that is, admittedly, a bit frustrating as a tarot reader- but oddly enough I think both interpretations apply here. One interpretation is that you're too caught up in your emotions, and you need to slow down and think objectively. Look at the facts rather than what your emotions want to see. On the other hand, this card holds the connotation of being not emotional enough, losing compassion, and being incredibly harsh and judgemental in the process. Assuming the cards are accurate, I think it's likely that this applies too; to yourself. You're being cold, maybe outright cruel, to yourself and judging yourself far too harshly.
Princess of Wands reversed: Deflation, Freedom to Fail, Learning Experience. Let yourself fail. Seriously, that's what this card is saying. Things have been hard, perfectionism has been running rampant, and it's miserable. Cut yourself some slack, let yourself fall, and get back up again when you can. You're allowed to be imperfect, this whole reading has had the feeling of telling you to embrace your flaws and failures; you're worthy of love and worthy of space in this world! Trust the process; you're not done yet.
The Lovers: Love, Alignment, Choices. The Lovers is an ending on a good note; it's a card that, while representing relationships with others, can also represent your relationship with yourself. This feels like it's meant to tell you that, while this reading has- if accurate- been one big callout post from Hel, it's because doing work in this area will bring a strong sense of self love and self worth. Being honest with yourself, learning to love the parts of yourself that you don't like; it's a powerful thing. Hel is encouraging that. Just because something is seen as a failure doesn't mean it doesn't deserve love.
Aright, that's the reading! Thank you for sending in the ask, this was a joy to do and Hel does not mince her words clearly. /pos As always here's my Ko-Fi for anyone interested!
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xhauntedchaos · 1 month
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☆゚.*・ ◞ kj apa / cis male / samoan-irish decent / he/his ——— is that issac whitlock jr. on bourbon street ? the 27 year old supernatural hunter who stays in the bywater ? i heard their adoptive parents are jeremy gilbert & sarah nelson. they are notoriously known for being sharp & chivalrous but also temperamental & sarcastic. which is probably why they are considered the shadowhunter around town.  i wonder if they had their tarot cards reading, yet? either way, the cards on the table will reveal their fate soon enough // (skeleton key)
"i made a realization that these guys are asking me these questions because i'm older and i've been doing this for a long time, i have a responsibility to be available to them."
full name → isaac whitlock jr.
current age → twenty-seven
faceclaim → kj apa
species → demon; supernatural hunter.
natural/abilities →  enhanced strength, speed, agility, stamina, and coordination.
status → taken
— they are described to be ;
+ independent, sharp, chivalrous- umbrageous, temperamental, sarcastic
— biography ;
tw: abuse, death
isaac whitlock jr. was born to isaac and stacey whitlock in 2013. while he was still in his mother's womb, his uncle, constantly gave his mother doses of demon blood to mix with her food, and she took it, not knowing what it really was. this made isaac different from the other hunters. after isaac's parents were killed his uncle helped take him from mother's dead body shortly after. the only reason that isaac survived was because of the increased amount of demon blood in his body.
isaac upbringing was both loving and harsh growing up. dawson trained his nephew as a soldier, strictly and with the occasional beating, but he also treated him with some level of kindness. isaac was taught how to fight, hunt, and about the advantage of using magical objects. he was also taught other things by dawson like who to speak different languages and to play chess. despite the extremely disciplined upbringing, due to dawson's own tragic loss of his family, and how he failed to save his own brother and sister-in-law. they still shared some father-son moments and lessons that isaac cherished.
when isaac uncle left the country when he was 17 years old. he was left with jeremy gilbert and sarah nelson as his guardian and was eventually adopted by them.
as an adult isaac is known as one of the best hunters of his time. though, after his uncle's confession of feeding him demon blood when he was in his mother's womb, caused a shift in the hunter. he hides a profound inner hatred which intensifies due to the demonic blood in his veins. possessing conflicting thoughts, as well as vindictive and sadistic ideas. isaac continues to carry the weight of what his uncle did to him, although he does understand that it was his uncle's action that inadvertently saved him from the same fate as his mother. regardless of the fact that isaac believed his uncle had good intent, he also believed that his uncle had cursed him, which is why he vowed to never have kids of his own.
like dawson, isaac also shared hate for werewolves, demons and especially vampires, mainly because of how his parents were brutally murdered by them. isaac holds a deep-seated rage that he keeps in check most of the time and channels into fighting and hunting. due to the demon blood in his system isaac possesses a variety of enhanced physical and enhanced strength, speed, agility, stamina, and coordination, which continue to improve over time and practice. he also has the ability to see through magical illusions, and layers of glamour reality, as well as the ability to handle demonic weapons or magical objects. the demon blood contributes to his superiority in certain fields and other enhanced aspects beyond the normal hunter, with expert swordsmanship and hand to hand combat skills. yet, due to the other hunter suspicions, dawson covered it up by claiming that isaac was just well trained when in truth isaac is a thing far more sinister.
his past relationships were always short lived until isaac met eleanor . isaac chose to take things slow with eleanor, not wanting to risk her seeing something in him she wouldn't like. when dawson found out about isaac and eleanor relationship; dawson took eleanor to a seer who had confirmed that eleanor would ultimate by the death of isaac . with this knowledge dawson told eleanor that it was written in the cards of their fate and that she had to leave in order to keep isaac safe, so she did. isaac was later told by dawson that jane left leaving him a goodbye note. heartbroken, isaac focused on hunting cases, and one night-stands to keep him busy before running back into the eleanor in new orleans.
* isaac whitlock identifies as pansexual and uses he / his pronouns. 
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skaruresonic · 10 months
Can you explain why you feel Blaze is overrated? (Just curious)
Part of it is personal bias. I feel Shade works better for this particular character archetype of "serious, reticent female character who learns to open up to people" because it makes more thematic sense given the context, considering she's a soldier who was abandoned by her traitorous lord to the mercy of her enemies. For her, opening up is a matter of survival. She has no choice but to work together with Sonic, which is especially poignant considering Sonic can refuse. For Blaze, the personal stakes of failing to overcome her foibles should arguably be just as high, since the two dimensions will be destroyed if they merge, but it doesn't... really feel like it, the way it was written. Blaze is a princess and the guardian of the Sol Emeralds. We get a lot on the latter, but nearly nothing on the former. How does being a princess shape her behavior? Does she not relate to common people? Did her parents - does she have parents? - keep her so mired in matters of state that she never grew up learning how to make friends? Why is she this awkward? The guardian thing can only go so far as an explanation imo.
In addition, there are various aspects of Blaze's character which feel informed at best, or not fully realized. I've described her as a grab-bag of traits before because it really does feel like there's not a whole lot of overarching cohesion to her character. She tends to be whatever the plot needs her to be, and this is reflected most saliently in the differences between her role in '06 and the Rush games. In the Rush games, she has a pretty active role, but she may as well be a backpack Silver lugs around for much of '06. Her fear of heights is an incidental quirk mentioned maybe once or twice in Rush. It doesn't impact her gameplay in the slightest, as she pulls off aerial maneuvers with the same degree of aplomb as Sonic. Perhaps I'd buy her phobia more if the gameplay reflected it, like if her mode was Hard Mode and it was more difficult to fill her Trick Gauge or something along those lines. As it stands, it's more or less an informed trait. Her poor cooking skills and her physical insecurities regarding her small ta-tas, while amusing, don't really tell me much about her character other than she's clumsy, which isn't exactly an uncommon trait. But then you get to thinking about it, and you start to wonder, what's the context behind this? Amy doesn't just read tarot cards simply because it's a Girl Thing in Japan; she uses them to tell her where Sonic will be. Conversely, why is Blaze insecure about the size of her breasts? Is she insecure that she won't grow up into a mature queen or something? And why is that fear manifested via an insecurity about her breasts of all things? Likewise, why is her being a bad cook a common anime comedy trope all that important when she's a princess and can just have her staff cook for her? She does have staff, right? So why does it matter? It's just there to make her seem adorkable and not really anything that reveals a new aspect to her character.
In Rush Adventure, she's suddenly able to tell Tails in detail which materials he needs to build a radio tower, despite not having displayed any particular aptitude for mechanics before. And Tails is wowed by this. The abruptness of such a trait makes me feel less impressed and more like, "Ehhhh, you're kinda being Mary-Suish right now, Blaze."
By contrast, even though the game more or less turns her into an exposition fairy, it makes sense that Shade can tell you about the various races of the Twilight Cage since she's languished there for 4,000 years. It makes sense that she's familiar with the technology of her own people. We have the proper context necessary to understand her knowledge and where it comes from. But it wouldn't make as much sense if she suddenly began telling Tails how to build his machines. You know what I mean? Until Trip and Amy in Superstars, Blaze held the distinction of being the only female games character to receive a Super form for quite some time. While it's cool to see the notion of "only male hedgehogs can go Super" be proven false, it also kind of makes her seem special-snowflake-y in that regard. It gives people like Flynn grounds to single her out as the only "legitimate" female badass in the cast since she has Big Boy Powers (a... chain of thought loaded with unfortunate implications), as if badass normals like Cream and Rouge are rendered invalid by comparison.
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orchardisland · 2 years
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━━   𝐠𝐨𝐨 𝐡𝐲𝐞𝐦𝐢
Let me tell you the story of one of our unfortunate residents who seems to be a WAITRESS AT SUNRISE on the island. Fate has assigned this individual guidance from THE CHARIOT card. But they needn’t worry, their secrets are safe with me.
DOB: december 18th, 1997 DEFINING TRAITS: loyal, persistent, trustworthy, doubtful, blunt, stubborn RESEMBLES: fromis_9 song hayoung
dreams are odd little things.
especially for people like hyemi whose reality is so airtight that the freedom within the dream-space is almost jarring. she’s allowed her own thoughts? she can make her own choices? there’s a pause when her eyes fall onto the deck of cards before her, their colours illuminating the area around her.
“pick one.”
she hears someone say, and she realizes her surroundings have shifted and she’s in a cozy bohemian-esque shop and an older woman stands before her, palms extended towards the pile on the table.
with shaky hands, hyemi finds her fingers gravitating toward a card, shyly pulling it from the pile. she’s hesitant to flip it over, afraid of what she may find but if goo hyemi in real life is timid and apprehensive, goo hyemi in this dream-space is bold and fearless.
so she flips the card over, eyes graced with two words at the bottom: the chariot.
“ah, the chariot, upright.”
hyemi looks over the the older woman, eyes almost begging for an explanation.
the last thing she hears before she wakes up is the beginning of an explanation, though she never gets the full thing.
there’s the saying that when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.
goo hyemi is lemonade, she supposes.
(at least that’s what she’s gathered from her birth story; a story that almost wasn’t.)
goo hyemi learns at a young age that she wasn’t supposed to have been born, that her mere conception had created an irreversible dent in her parents lives.
it’s something they never fail to remind her of.
goo hyemi learns at a slightly older age that since her parents decided to allow her to live, she owns no liberty, she must do as they say.
it’s something they have ingrained in her mind.
get good grades, participate in extracurricular activities, volunteer at the local shelter, try out for sports teams.
it’s like an incantation that never ceases to sound at the back of her mind, her life laid out before her eyes without a single part of it being her idea.
groomed to be a proper young woman in the eyes of seoul’s elite, goo hyemi is young and unable to have a single thought of her own.
fast forward to the present.
there’s the saying that when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.
goo hyemi’s life is lemonade, she supposes.
(except this time she’s three mental breakdowns wiser and 20 million won richer.)
welcome to gwasuwon.
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foxx-queen · 3 years
things I want in da4
different backgrounds for the protag like in origins. da4 is supposed to span different cities etc , so it should be easy to have humans / elves / dwarves / qunari from different backgrounds. pls dont make the only background for an elf a tevinter slave, or the only background for a mage a magister
on that note no more noble human backgrounds. let me be an avvar instead
more tarot card art idk I just really liked it
body sliders let me be a buff lesbian
better hair I'm begging
returning companions from dai. I know it's unlikely but dai does kind of feel like a prequel to da4 what with everything we learned , and I feel like if u were friends with all the companions it would be nice to see them
a dialogue option that says 'cool motive still genocide' when talking to solas
a balanced ratio of female to male companions , and romance options more like da2. no race locked romances cause that was weird
pls do not go 'all elves are working with solas'. there should be at least one (1) big group led by briala, merrill and fenris opposing him. they should also have a big part of defeating him / saving the world in the end that is visible to the whole world, because otherwise elves are gonna be hated more than ever, especially since it seems like the writers might have the ancient elves be the cause of the blight, rather than tevinter
let me actually shit on the chantry. let us discover there is no maker / the 'maker' was mythal whispering to andraste. the writers have destroyed the dalish's beliefs and the dwarves beliefs, time to do the same for the maker. I'm tired of the writers saying actually all these other religions are fake! except the maker!
let the players opinion of solas matter. dont have it be like 'oh u decided to kill him and that's actually the bad ending!!' I get that people love him but people who dont like him due to the lying / racism / genocide are also valid and i dont want 'u were supposed to like him' to be forced on me
mythal is alive and working with the elves opposing solas (led by briala merrill and fenris). her hoast is an elf (merrill mayhaps). I know notes at the end of dai say she was headed to morrigan, but considering that the last scene with flemeth and morrigan could be read as flemeth realising how she's failed morrigan, letting her live her life with kieran instead of becoming a vessel would be nice. also flemeth definitely had other vessel options, especially since she's known for years that morrigan was 'unwilling'
let me see flemeth / mythal fight. da2 hinted but didnt let me see it. we've never seen her actually fight (dragon form aside) and i want to See It.
also let me romance mythal
more stuff about the titans and the dwarves! the descent was my fav dlc
more qunari stuff - lemme see a family of tal-vashoth , and the qun from the inside
if the inquisitor drank from the well let them turn into a dragon / have mastered more of the well of sorrows knowledge
if hawke stayed in the fade flemeth rescued them
warden reappearance
the warden & hawke & the inquisitor having a scene together. also maybe a lil scene with their LI
let me befriend dragons rather than kill them thanks
let me hit someone with my staff as a mage pls I'm begging
okay that's it for now but I'm sure there's more
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thefools-journey · 4 years
So. Some of you may be wondering why we haven’t written a whole ton about the secondaries or what have you. Here’s the reason: we were waiting for them to end before we really dug into the problems we were noticing. We felt that it was only fair to wait for the routes to finish so that we had an understanding of the writers’ vision. Who knew, we thought, maybe they would see the problems themselves and course correct, maybe they are building to something we can’t quite see yet and these issues will have actual payoff, maybe-
In light of Muriel and Lucio’s endings, and the general mess that has dominated Portia’s route for a year plus now, we are breaking our silence. We are actually going to talk about this shit show.
The fandom at large has talked about a bunch of issues with the secondaries but for me, the cardinal sin, the thing that really all the issues lead back to, is this: the writers lost sight of the tarot themes which so strongly defined and held together the primary routes. Let me explain.
The primary routes each center around three thematic cores:
The Love Interest’s Major Arcana and its Reversed/Upright meanings
The MC’s Fool’s Journey, both how it can go right and how it can go wrong
A question about the MC’s identity and their relationship to said identity
Asra’s route asks: Who was the MC? How does the MC navigate a past they cannot and will not remember? What do they owe a past they cannot remember? How do they handle the revelations of what Asra, Nadia, Julian, etc did? How do you right the past? Can you?
Nadia’s route asks: Who is the MC? The MC has no past. Are they the Fool only? Are they actually the same person they were? How can they tell? Who are they, really? Are they an imposter? No one can answer these questions for them.
Julian’s route asks: Who will the MC become? How does the MC see their future? Is there anything worth fighting for for that future? What will become of them and their loved ones? 
Now, if you notice, these themes are expertly woven throughout the primaries. Asra’s past dominates his route, Nadia is also missing memories and trying to construct her identity both with her family and with Vesuvia, and Julian’s fear of the future drives his flailing for control. Asra has to learn to take a broader view of his actions to get his Upright Ending, Nadia has to learn to trust herself and those around her for hers, and Julian has to learn how to let go for his. These lessons are the issues their cards stand for. The primaries are so dang elegant and delicate in their handlings of theme it is honestly awe-inspiring.
Thematically, the secondary routes have completely lost their hearts. First of all, the MC does not have strong, core questions which need to be answered. They just don’t. I suppose the writers did not want to retread old territory (which is weird considering how tightly bound the primaries are; it really tricks you into thinking you’re living the same events but from different angles depending on your route) but they did not replace the old with anything new. Muriel’s route is, on the surface, about discovering and owning his past, the good and the bad. Why not tie MC’s self-discovery to that story? Or they could have taken the angle that Muriel’s route is about convincing him to be present and active in the world while MC builds an identity for themself outside of Asra, the shop, and the memories they cannot retrieve. Why not tie the investigation themes running through Portia’s early route back to MC and their past? Portia has the unique angle of being as in the dark as MC about all of this, why not discover the past together? And for goodness’ sake, Lucio has no future when his route begins, why not tie that to his need for growth, responsibility, and MC’s own future between the Fool, the Devil, or something mortal and in between?
Secondly, the routes lost their tarot backbone. We have a primer on how to get specific endings for each LI and it still holds, but the writers did not follow through on the thematic coherence of each secondary. The Hermit is looking for something, be it perspective, insight, a solution to a problem, whatever. The key here is that the Hermit must find or learn what they are searching for, this thing must change their understanding of the world, and finally, they must bring this lesson back to the world from which they retreated. Can someone please enlighten me as what exactly Muriel learns then teaches the world around him? Nothing Muriel learns from Morga, MC, or even the Hermit ties back into anything. The Devil warns that you are out of control and exerting a lot of manipulative, destructive behavior on the world around you. It asks you to take responsibility for yourself and your actions. So can someone tell me why Lucio’s route actively avoids any interaction or reflection on two of Lucio’s biggest victims: Muriel and Julian? Why does the route only try to make amends with the “easier” of his victims in the cast? The Star is first and foremost the card of clarity, the light at the end of the tunnel. Perseverance, if you will. Yet Portia’s route has been the muddiest of the trio; the writers drop the investigation aspect of her route in favor just handing her and MC information they could have easily found and muddying the waters with Tasya (she blows up the palace but it’s all okay bc she has a secret daughter Julian never thought to bring up or mention) and the complete removal of the Devil as antagonist. 
So that leaves just the Fool’s Journey trying to hold this stool up with only one leg. And well...it doesn’t go well. At best, the secondary route books pay the barest surface level homage to the themes of the individual cards. At worst, they ignore the cards completely. Muriel's Moon book has nothing to do with illusions or delusions or lies or even an Alice in the Looking Glass upside down world. Portia's back half is a complete and utter mess, starting with her Temperance book being so badly mangled that Muriel's aftermath book does it better. Lucio's route too bungles the Tower and the Star. There just isn't enough here to carry the routes alone.
Add to the core loss the loss of intertextuality. The primary routes are very good, even great but they too do have their moments and mistakes. What helps strengthen them when the cores stumble is how the trio is woven together. Things you learn in Asra's route can inform the way you play Nadia's, for example. Julian's route informs what is going on in Asra's route and slots some missing puzzle pieces together. Nadia's route tells you of the power struggles she is facing and informs the other two routes' handling of Julian and his trial. On and on, the three routes support each other because they are built out of the same basic plot beats, just tackled in very different ways. Now, the writers are allowed to try and write whatever they want. They apparently wanted to be more experimental and less tied down to an overarching plot with the three secondaries. Okay, fine, they are allowed to do that. The problem is that they sacrificed one of the key strengths of the primary trio and didn't replace said strength with anything else. They also, on some level, harmed the very premise of the game, which is that only the player's choices and route selected change the overall plot. Instead of feeling like legitimate possibilities or offshoots of the same timeline/plot, the secondaries feel almost like Arcana AUs. The secondaries throw out all relations to the primaries and each other as quickly as possible and for what? 
It is probably the height of arrogance to suggest fixes for works whose behind the scenes I do not know. At the same time, some small, obvious changes could have salvaged Muriel and maybe Lucio's endings (rip Portia). Instead of having the Hermit appear as a disappointing cameo, why not have him say something cryptic to Muriel, then have MC start trying to seal the Devil. Then let Muriel use his forget me mark to cloak MC and hide them from the Devil's attacks. Protecting MC by hiding them from Lucio, keeping him focused on Muriel, seems to me a simple third solution between Muriel's desire to run and his desire to never fight again. It lets him stand up to Lucio and let him have it while holding onto who Muriel has become. The Reversed End would have MC try to draw Lucio's attention at some point, disrupting the sealing, and eventually leading to Muriel killing the Devil. With Lucio's Upright End, I just have to ask: why doesn't MC fully claim the power of the Fool instead of the Devil? We don't need the other Arcana involved in this fight; we have three routes that demonstrate that. Just have MC pull Scout into the conflict, then have Lucio tell MC he believes in them, then add his power to the mix. You got yourself a full Fool who leaves Scout guarding the realm until they and Lucio's mortal bodies fail and they return to the realm to be together forever. Boom, you're done, you can even add some ambiguous lines so that players can decide how happy their MC is with this arrangement, send me the check.
Here is the bottom line. Our group is full of aroace, and several combinations therein, individuals. We are the last group who should have gotten into a dating sim of all things. But the Arcana did something with the primaries that was special; they wrote a compelling plot with dazzling lore, complex characters, and strong themes wrapped up in a dating sim bow. The writers know better and we know they know better. I do not know what happened with the secondaries, especially around books 10-11, which is where minor issues slowly start spiraling into major ones, but it is clear that Nix Hydra needed some more planning before they released these routes. Hopefully they will learn.
TL;DR: Nix Hydra fired their tarot consultants about eighteen months ago and it has wrecked their secondary routes until they were just embarrassments. They never intended for the secondary routes to even exist and once they had to make them, they scrambled and threw out everything that made the primaries work.
- Mod Telos
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Being a fan of more obscure characters often means that you have to scour through issues for any appearance, and sometimes their appearance winds up being wildly out of character because the writer didn’t bother to do any research for D-list mutant #27.
Which brings me to Spiderman/Deadpool #11, with an completely inexplicable and badly written appearance by the (dead?) Hellion Tarot.
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Barely recognizable in her new bad-girl get-up, with her normally red hair apparently died black and pink.  (I actually kinda like her new outfit, aside from all the unnecessary cut-outs.)  Also, she is now distracting people with her tarot card manifestations in order to steal.  Just as a reminder, here is what Tarot was like in her Hellion days, getting rejected by Doug Ramsey:
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Doug, you fool!  Tarot was one of the nicest Hellions.  She was one of the team members that, had circumstances not placed her with the White Queen, could have been a New Mutant and eventually an X-Man.  (In fairness, I actually think all the Hellions were potentially redeemable except Empath.)
But in this comic, she is written as ha ha funny French woman who uses her powers to rob people, and literally tries to kill Spiderman.
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  Tarot also is supposed to be dead when this comic came out.  In fairness, Tarot’s status as alive or dead has been somewhat confusing.  She first died with her fellow Hellions in a completely gratuitous shock value mass slaughter Sentinel attack.  Much later, she showed up with King Bedlam’s New Hellions, having been somehow resurrected by him, in a way that’s never fully explained.  After King Bedlam lost his powers in M-Day, Tarot must have died again, because she shows up in Necrosha as one of the temporarily resurrected Hellions brought back by Selene.  They are all apparently destroyed again at the end of that story.  (The poor Hellions never get to catch a break.)
So, why is she alive again, drawn off-model and acting completely out of character?  Why, because of a writer that didn’t bother to do any research, and an editor apparently asleep at the wheel, that’s why! 
In fairness, the writer of this issue was apparently Penn Jilette (Penn and Teller guest star in the issue), and I wouldn’t expect him to be up-to-date on every obscure Marvel mutant (that was the editor’s job, which they failed).  In further fairness, Spiderman/Deadpool is a very silly, 4th-wall-breaking series, and this issue leans especially hard into the silliness.  And hey, Tarot might now be completely jaded and cynical with all her deaths and resurrections, and apparently splitting off from King Bedlam.  Maybe she’s gotten nastier as a result.
With all those caveats, though, fuck this bullshit:
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My girl Tarot has been put through the ringer being dead then alive then dead again.  All the Hellions, after their gratuitous and unnecessary deaths, have only been pulled out of mothballs when the writers need angst for Emma Frost or James Proudstar or the New Mutants.  Even on Krakoa, where they are all finally resurrected for good this time, they are just cameos and accessories for other people’s stories.  (They really only pop up in Zeb Wells Hellions series, to show that Empath is a piece of shit.  Although Roulette and Catseye do get to beat him up at the Hellfire Gala, that’s a win there.) 
So I’m rather annoyed to see this French caricature that bears no resemblance at all to the Tarot I know pop up in a stupid Deadpool comic as a throwaway villain. 
Especially since there’s another Hellion that would have fit the story much better:
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Who’s the blonde?  Why it’s Roulette, Tarot’s team-mate who was one of the nastier Hellions.  Not as nasty as Empath, but definitely a mean-girl type who didn’t shy away from dirty tricks.  I could definitely imagine Roulette using her powers to rob people.
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Oh, and did I mention Roulette has luck-based powers?  And she was born in Atlantic City, famous for it’s casinos?
And this Deadpool story......takes place.....in Las Vegas.
This story would have worked so much better with Roulette as the throwaway villain who just wants to cheat people and steal (but then I guess they wouldn’t have been able to make as many French jokes, because those are all super funny, right?).  Roulette was also dead at the time, but that didn’t stop the writers from using Tarot, it shouldn’t stop them from using Jenny.  It would have been great, I wouldn’t have even needed an explanation for her resurrection.
Thank you, this has been my unnecessarily long salt post about a minor character being ooc in a single issue of a comic.  Because nothing makes me hate a comics writer more than them badly writing one of my favorites.
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1-800-amortentia · 3 years
Random James Potter headcanon
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He loves the smell of his mums perfume so much, for christmas one year all he asked for was a bottle of her perfume to take to hogwarts just so he can smell it when he misses her.
He hates thunder/the dark and tends to crawl into Sirius’ bed during thunder storms.
If he’s home, he’ll crawl in bed with his parents and curl into a little ball by his mum, so she can rub his back to fall back asleep
His love language is definitely touch, weither it be high fives, hugs, cheek kisses, he’s a very affectionate person especially to his friends, significant others, and parents
He hates watching other people cry, so so much. He’ll start crying if you cry.
James really like clothes because he grew up watching his mum be the best dressed woman he knew. He adored watching her dress up, and has carried on that trait by wearing high end sweaters and trousers. He’s very proud of his closet. He also finds it very attractive when someone can dress bold and be confident in it.
Along with pride, he loves the color of his hair because it the same color as his mums
All around, he’s a huge mamas boy.
James will never admit to anyone the extent of his skincare routine. He double cleanses, and uses serums, and moisturizing creams and face oils and spf.
And DONT even get me started on his strategic HAIR CARE routine.
It takes him forever to get ready.
He’s a really light sleeper, and tends to get very restless and hot when he sleeps. He ignores it tho, and sleeps with a pile of blankets because he loves how soft they are.
James likes to read comic books and collects them. He has hundreds of them.
He’s extremely sentimental, and has a hat box full of random knickknacks.
He remembers every detail about every item though. If you asked where he got the acorn from, he’d tell you exactly why it had meaning.
Along with collecting things, he has a big vinyl collection. Like huge.
Hundreds of records line the shelves in his room at home.
He loves written letters. Specially, love letters. He thinks they’re romantic.
He also loves post cards from around the world.
He’s a big fan of the Beatles and Elvis Presley.
He’s secretly loves romance movies, specially Audrey Hepburn (even though he pretends I force him, he still happily watches Roman holiday, and breakfast at Tiffany’s with me)
He’s loves skirts and dresses on girls, his favorite are high waisted bell bottom jeans, though.
He’s has absolutely no preference on body type , skin color, height, hair color, or blood status. At all. If you’re confident and appealing to him, it truly does not matter what you look like. His one weakness though, is glasses.
James loves parties because he likes planning his outfits for them, and being around lots of people at once.
He’s such an Aries.
James is deeply afraid of being alone/dying alone.
He has nightmares about being alone.
James hates getting drunk around anyone else beside the marauders
If they’re not there, he doesn’t drink
He was nervous high when he smoked for the first time, then he got the munchies.
This boy is hungry all the time. All. The. Time.
He loves talking with anyone who will listen.
He’s also fascinated by tarot, and astrology (cutest thing ever)
He gets pissed at anyone who messes with his friends, and will happily put them back in their place with a little public humiliation.
He’s very popular but constantly gets scared no one likes him
He has a huge soft spot for his friends.
No one else sees it except the people very close to him.
He’s a pretty good baker. Cooking though......not so much.
He burnt water in a pot once.
He’s doesn’t like how he looks in his glasses, and tries to not use them, but ultimately fails and has to use them anyway.
“I look like bloody buddy holly”
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loquaciousquark · 4 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E125 (Feb. 16, 2021)
Goooood evening good evening good evening, all! I hope you’re all staying warm and safe and dry in this chilly weather. Tonight’s guests: Travis Willingham and Laura Bailey. 
We open tonight with Travis ribbing Brian for his continuous remodel of his office space. Laura demands a second introduction of herself as she wasn’t paying attention during the first one.
Travis: “You’ve gotta love Julianne Moore. She’s the only actress who can cry and show you all her teeth at the same time.” I was listening pretty closely when he said this and I’m still not sure it had any context. 
Jester thinks there’s a strong possibility at least half the party will die against the Tombtakers. Fjord doesn’t think the odds are quite that high, but it will be dangerous. Laura points out that most of the M9 are also willing to sacrifice themselves for the rest of the party, so that changes their odds as well. Travis: “The game is not a stress reliever. It is not a stress reliever. I mean, it’s fun as shit, but it is stressful!”
Laura thinks Essek will give them a better chance. Travis: “A plus-one? A powerful plus-one, but a plus-one?” Did you see his reaction when we gave him the lowdown? Let’s be real: we kinda trust Essek. I got $50 that when we come back, he’s gone.” Laura is convinced he is trustworthy & wants to lighten his soul.
Jester spent so much time trying to bring out the Molly side of Lucien that to have him then betray them sucked. She knew that trying to bring the good out of everyone they met would eventually fail, but it stung that it was the most powerful one they encountered to first betray them.
She tries to talk about finger gestures during the answer as a reference to the HBO show “Raised by Wolves,” and Brian and Travis tell her to keep digging this hole she gets herself into about fingering. Travis: “Just get off the interstate at the next exit and turn right.” Laura, of course, immediately mimes turning a hard left, and they spent the next few minutes laughing at her inability to tell right from left and that even now she still has to hold up her hands to tell left from right.
Fjord is furious that they nicked the Bag of Holding. The loss of Vess DeRogna is bad enough, but he is genuinely IRL anxious about the loss of the Cloven Crystal. Laura points out that Fjord has also explicitly talked to Lucien about the deep sea creature patron he used to follow as well. He’s terrified one of Lucien’s scimitars is suddenly going to have a big eye sticking out of it. Laura suggests they’ll just succeed, bring back the city, and wake up Uk’otoa for the heck of it.
It was really rough to go from the Gelidon fight to the Tombtaker fight, especially since the first fight sent so well. Travis felt great that he initiated the dragon fight - he knew they had a far advantage in the numbers and felt that it was an open and shut case.
Laura does boggle that if Caleb hadn’t asked for that item from the Bag of Holding, they might have slept all night before realizing it was gone. They’re both relieved that they now know so much more about how the Tombtakers fight, especially the anti-magic cone. The most anxiety-ridden part was when they were trying to run and the TTs weren’t letting them. “You know when you don’t even have squares, when Matt’s black-tableclothing it, you’re in deep shit.” Laura had no spells left - she was so worried if she dropped the polymorph she would have had nothing left.
Travis: “Thanks for healing me, babe.” Laura: “You’re welcome, baby. It was ultimately a waste, though, because we took a rest immediately and you could just spend your hit dice.” Everyone laughs at Travis’s pain. She does say it was worth it in the moment since they didn’t know if they would be able to get away.
They joke that Laura’s just wearing the Fire Resist ring on a chain around her neck/Sprinkle is wearing it now to keep it safe since she’s not attuned to it anymore. It’s pretty hilarious!
Travis hoped that the TTs were originally actively looking for more acolytes rather than just having Caleb & Beau read the book. Otis needs to die. He’s relieved they have an idea of what all their blood rites do. Laura thought the time with them was fun, but it makes her retroactively wish that she’d dropped Zoran in the lava when they had the chance. Travis wishes they’d put a chime on the door of the tower.
Laura loved the tarot card reading, since Taliesin sent her really detailed breakdowns of the cards & gave her a real deck for Christmas. Taliesin told her she did a great job afterwards which she really appreciated, since she’s not sure what she’s doing. She does wish that she knew why Lucien seemed so nervous when she was talking about rebirth.
Cosplay of the Week! @clever_comics on twitter with a lovely Veth in her snowy lavender-colored outfit and pigtails.
Travis on confessing to Jester: “It FUCKING made me crazy!” He’s never been an instigator of campaign romances in the past, but because he loves Laura and was able to connect to her on that level he felt like it was a good challenge instead. He doesn’t think he could have done it with someone he wasn’t comfortable with. It was also important to him for it to be founded on real-game moments and after real-game time had passed, and he felt it was a very natural progression. Seeing the statues rip five years from her in such a benign situation made him realize that to let the opportunity pass wouldn’t have been worth it. He wishes he’d told Vandran what he meant to Fjord as well.
Laura loves that Fjord is becoming more confident as well. The post-Gelidon smooch took Laura completely by surprise since she’s finding Jester is a little surprisingly awkward with IRL affection, and she was surprised Fjord was the confident one there. “It’s so wonderful. It’s a matter of finding a way to get comfortable with it with her away from the Tombtakers.” Travis thought it was important to continue the “go for it” mantra. He notes that he’s pretty private about his personal life IRL, so it’s been a bit of a shift. It’s slower in a way - not a “you’re my one true love” kind of thing, more of a “let’s see where this goes and act on what you can” thing.
They were all “poopin’ in their pants” to get to go to Emon. The worst part was not getting to explore outside the tower since they had to leave again immediately. Kima is so cool, and Travis was actively trying to get Kima to come with them. Everyone boggles that they got to borrow Allura’s staff.
Laura only was thinking about the item-tuned-to-the-target-plane because she’d been texting with Liam trying to iron out their spell choices. She’s so relieved that they were able to get something tuned to the Sea from Allura.
For the most part, Laura knows what spells are the most useful for Jester, but every now and then she does get caught by major component requirements that she hadn’t noted. She wants to get another chalice for Hero’s Feast before they go into the Sea.
Dani points out that a lot of their allies right now are mages (no Kashaws, no Kimas, no Grogs) and they’re heading to a bad place for mages.
Travis has a sudden brain wave about all the TTs being from the Claret Order and wonders if they should investigate that before they pursue. I don’t even remember what that order is and I feel terrible!
Fanart of the Week! It’s a beautiful card by @crovyne on twitter of the Cree counterspell.
Laura really wants Brian to shave the sides of his hair and do Viking braids in the rest. I didn’t want to say anything out loud, but Brian’s hair is really looking pretty...pandemicky.
This is Dani’s four-year-anniversary of her start for Critical Role! Awww, Dani! You’re so short in real life.
Fjord is stoked that the Star Razor is a Vestige, and more now that he knows in-character what that means. It was great to see Allura react the way she did.
Jester doesn’t think they can really go to Nicodranas - they don’t have anymore time. Even more, Jester’s avoiding going home because she doesn’t want the Ruby to see that she got aged up/hurt on her travels.
Travis honestly assumes that the TTs are spying on them 100% of the time now.
Does Jester feel better now that the crest is away from Lucien? Yes, even though it’s gone off course. She thought dropping the crest where they were was a HORRIBLE idea and was appalled so many people were suggesting it. She saw the city with her own eyes, knows the danger of what’s coming, and if they had dropped it in flight she would have dropped with it and defended it as long as she could if that’s what would have kept them from getting it.
Travis thinks that if they can negotiate with Lucien, they should try. Everyone is super worried about Caleb’s and Beau’s new eyes and are fully anticipating they’re on a clock at this point. They wonder if it’ll drive up their exhaustion, allow Lucien to force them to fight against them, maybe make them willing slaves to the mysterious voice...they need to solve it sooner rather than later. 
And that’s all for tonight! New episode this Thursday - usual time, usual place. Stay warm, friends, and is it Thursday yet?
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mikewheelerfan2022 · 2 years
I don’t know the exact personality types of the rest of the Aftons, but I can perhaps tell you an oversimplified summary of what I have in mind so far, and then you can tell the best interpretation of it if that’s okay with you lol-
Elizabeth is basically a happy go lucky social butterfly who lives in the present and frequently daydreams. She does have idealism, but doesn’t really act on it, and her optimism is ‘things are going to be okay’ rather than ‘things could be better and I’m going to make them better’. She doesn’t mind if the situation is not in her control, and instead goes with the flow to better further her achievements. She has deep respect and undying devotion to authority figures, especially her dad. She is also a go-getter, passionate, and an activist, and as Vanessa, is secretly a hopeless romantic. She actively wants to help others and befriend a lot of people, like any stereotypical extrovert, but her thinking is introverted- narrow-minded, and doesn’t take the feelings of others into consideration- like Evan.
Michael is brash and arrogant, but does know his limits and NEVER overdoes it. He has deep intuition, and is kind of lazy and laid back. He is also pragmatic and realistic, and does take other people into account later on in his life, unlike his siblings, and does feel empathy for other people’s struggles when he bothers to listen. He, as Glamrock Freddy, is always telling Evan/Gregory to rest and continuously takes care of him and protects him and comforts him when his younger brother burns himself out and overworks himself to the brink of near-insanity in achieving his goals. He also firmly believes that people are not a failure if they fail at something, and, similar to Evan, gets REALLY excited with his accomplishments and whenever he does something right. He is, surprisingly, compatible with Evan as a duo, as he keeps his idealistic, adaptably adamant and hardworking brother tethered to worldly concerns whenever he starts drifting too far, and offers him fresh new perspectives to his worldviews, and new, logically thought-out solutions to problems, and helps him maintain a sense of morality somewhat.
William, like Evan, is dedicated to his hard work, and does what he must in order to achieve his goals. However, he does not regret what he does, and displays traits of a dark empath (high traits of empathy and the dark triad of personality traits both). Like Evan, he likes to be in control of the situation at all times, and gets a bit frustrated when things don’t go his way. He does his best to maintain his composure at all times, and tends to ‘care’ for others if they prove useful to him and his endeavors. He also does love studying and learning new things and maintaining new interests and hobbies, which fuels his habit as a collector (ownership of old books/tomes and antique belongings/artifacts from his family throughout history, ownership of astronomical charts and tarot card collections throughout the ages, et cetera).
Eleanor (Mrs. Afton) is slightly stereotypically feminine and motherly, but she too likes to be in control of otherwise tumultuous situations. She does have her merits and her pitfalls, and is arrogant, ruthless and dismissive of anyone that refuses to listen to her point of view if they aren’t her children. She’s willing to go to extreme lengths to protect the innocent, as well as those that mean a lot to her, and doesn’t take betrayal or injustice well in the slightest. Like Evan, she feels lonely and isolated at times, remarking that she never usually gets any time to relax or be herself around others due to her work.
Here’s what I think their types are. Btw this is more of my AU instead of yours.
Elizabeth: ENFP “The Campaigner”
Michael: ISFJ “The Defender”
Evan: ISTJ “The Logistician”
William: INTJ “The Architect”
Clara: ENFJ “The Protagonist” (hey that’s my mom’s personality type lol)
Here’s the chart I used:
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moonstrider9904 · 2 years
its my turn for love letters and i’ll do my best to remember everyone but it gets hard to pick when everyone is so talented and loving and kind 🥺
- @moonstrider9904 all the love for you and your kindness and warm energy, moonie 💞 im so grateful to have gotten to know you and experience your DELICIOUS FIC “the hunt” which never ceases to give me butterflies 💓 congratulations on 300!! you deserve it and ten thousand more. thank you for choosing to do this for your celebration, as im certain you’ve brought together more friends and mutuals through these 🤍
- @eloquentmoon breastie, you are the kindest most amazing most encouraging most heartfelt person and i cant thank you enough for being in my life. second moon wasn’t just the fic that got me into maul (i can go on a whole tangent about how you made me love him through your poetic words and the absolute CHAOS you put me and my heart through with “wicked girl” and my newly discovered corruption kink💀❤️) but it gained me a new friend, and that’s why it holds a special place in my heart ❤️
- @twistedstitcher27 STEPHHHHH you are honesty an inspiration with how fast you write such amazing clone fics AND THEY NEVER MISS!!! every time i see you pop up in my notifs i get so excited knowing im going to be served up something good 😩👏🏽💓 and honestly, every time i work on a dad clone fic, you’re the first person that pops into my head. 😂💞 i am SO EXCITED to read the new fives fic you posted!!!
- @maulslittlemeowmeow i just wanna say that all of your tbb fanfics have me in a chokehold and they’re so delicious and i don’t think i’ll ever forget the poly batch fics you wrote, ESPECIALLY the hunter and crosshair ones because those 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 SHEEEEESH i still go crazy thinking about it
- @rexxdjarin and @pinkiemme for writing and drawing enough rex content to fuel my entire existence 😩💙 @pinkiemme your art has a special place in my heart 🤍 i came across a tik tok of someone unboxing their new star wars tarot cards and i got so excited for you and your success!! @rexxdjarin your thoughts and drabbles and spicy rex blurbs never fail to get me giggling and twirling my hair. you just get him and its always so spectacular to come across anything you’ve come up with 💙
your content is loved and appreciated in my small corner of the world 💙🤍
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Umm.... 🥺🥺🥺 Aw, shucks, you're making me tear up (happily) with your beautiful words. I'm so happy that you're all loving this celebration, nothing makes me happier than to see this community thriving.
Thank you also for reading The Hunt and the rest of my works, it means the universe to me!! I just want to let you know that your writing amazes me to no end as well, and I too am very happy to be friends with you uwu
As for the next few shout outs...
@eloquentmoon You already know how I feel uwuwuwuw My sister in moonlight~ One can never thank you enough for your amazing writing and your friendship!!
@twistedstitcher27 More love for you! Honor to you! Hugs to you!
@maulslittlemeowmeow Now that @seriowan is mentioning your Hunter and Crosshair fic I am once again reminding myself that oooooh dear I have to read that!! Here's another little shout out to you, you deserve it :3
@rexxdjarin is just so heartwarming to see on the dash because the way she talks about Rex, the way she utterly loves him, it is so pure and there is no comparison to feeling that way. She feels about Rex the way I feel about Crosshair, and plus, her writing is immaculate (Hello, thank you for making me fall in love with Cody) and I just think everyone should run over and binge read her entire writing masterlist, you won't regret it :3
Last but not least, @pinkiemme!! Your Rex art is iconic, and you are also such a sweet person! Thank you for sharing your incomparable talent and kindness with us :3
Thank you, Nay, for sending in such wonderful love letters! Know that you are also loved and appreciated in this corner of the world :3
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Love letter to creators
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nellycanwrite · 2 years
okay so!!! i just caught up with lmfe and I! AM! LOVING! IT!!! I CANT EXPRESS MY UNDYING LOVE FOR THAT FIC!!! THE WRITING??? THE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT??? THE ANGST???? CHEF'S KISS I TELL YA!!! i love how you write reader!!! she's not the stereotypical kind mom who went through trauma, but she's unconsciously projecting it to her kids (not that it's a good thing irl, but some write characters as strong people who just gets over the trauma, yknow?? we actually see reader going through trauma so subtly that you cant even tell it's there!) there's something about the way you write that really brings me in and it's just so poetic!!! I LOVE IT!!!
i have a few theories up in my mind about whats gonna happen, and im not sure if theyre all right but it's worth a shot! it's okay not to answer because you know, spoilers and stuff (but i hope you do answer!!!)
And THIS chapter!! i handle tarot cards before and I just know that these are tarot card descriptions!!! i never would have thought about it until i saw this line "he sits in all of his glory with the keys of Heaven at his feet" and i immediately knew this was The Hierophant! WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING HERE NELLY?? IF YOURE SUGGESTING ONE OF THE KIDS WILL BE REBELLING THEN IM GOING TO GO WILD im still figuring out the other descriptions of the vision because i just had to come here IMMEDIATELY before i can make sense of them!!
i still have so many theories in mind!!! im rereading all the chapters as we speak because i am deep into this story.
(also i didnt realize that this became super long because i just went on a ramble. I AM SO SORRY!! I LOVE LMFE SO MUCH THAT I JUST WENT ON AND ONE WITHOUT KNOWING)
Okay first of all, oH MY GOD ANON. GODDAMN. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ENJOYING AND SUPPORTING THE STORY💖💖💖 I REALLY APPRECIATE IT! I never expected this much love to go into the fic since it’s frankly my first time writing something so long and detailed! Your support really just warmed my heart in all the right spots💖
Super glad you noticed the details I put into writing! I didn’t want to write the reader as this perfect mom who just had trauma then moved on. I wanted her to try to move on but unconsciously internalized her fears until it became a part of her, therefore projecting it to her kids as she raised them. It’s unconscious and frankly unnoticeable, at least, I hope I wrote it subtly enough that it’s implied. I didn’t want to outright say it, so I wrote it through the reader’s interactions with Bruno and the kids.
The general idea of the reader's character is based on Alma’s own, as I had intended for the reader to be a mirror of Alma’s ways. @cheesy-cryptid and I joked about how the reader is an ‘Alma kinnie’, but those lines ring true; Reader is—in a way—Alma’s counterpart. Reader has been under Alma’s wing since she was a baby, and she desperately wants her approval. The way Alma raised her also influenced her way of raising the kids. If you look at it in another way, Reader is what the Madrigal grandkids would be like if they had listened to Abuela’s every instruction without fail (generational trauma amirite). This will especially be proven true in later chapters. And I think you know when it’s going to happen if we follow through the film’s timeline.
Now for your theories💖 I want to tell you everything I have planned, but you already know that a big red SPOILER is going to greet you on the face😭 But I can at least answer some of your theories!
First off, you are correct! Chapter 47 did imply tarot cards! And you got the part where one of the kids is The Hierophant! I think you already know based on the description that it’s our lovely boy Javi💖 I’ll keep the other two tarots hush hush for now until you can figure it out😏 All of the tarots have meaning to them that will foreshadow the future of the story, so do your best on deciphering them!
About Mateo…I’ll leave that to your imagination until I can reveal it in future chapters XP But u h , let’s just say it’s not going to end well for him.
And about Encanto going to war…well, the truth is— //[REDACTED]
Thank you thank you THANK YOU SO MUCH for reading Love Me for Eternity! It really means a lot to me to see you all so invested! Keep those theories coming, even how long it’s going to be! I won’t mind at all (in fact, I really enjoy the long asks and messages!) I really love to read everything that you can think of!💖 I really do take pride at the fact that none of ya’ll can anticipate my next move for the story, especially when we reach post-canon *evil chuckles* But maybe I’m wrong and someone can actually figure it out, who knows XP
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