#of gilded thorns and blood red roses // OC: Rose
thefearfulheart · 2 months
Overdue Intro Post
Been meaning to do this for awhile in all honesty.
I'm going to be posting more oc content (content in general will be somewhat inappropriate) and most of them have heavy themes that include: abuse, cannibalism, sexual content, mild mutilation, manipulation, unhealthy power dynamic's and quite a few other theme's that I will tag appropriately when the need arises.
Would prefer minor's to not follow me given that the content I will post will be inappropriate.
Mostly will be posting about anything that interests me but a majority of it will be Malevolent, The Magnus Protocol and Vampire the Masquerade since I'm obsessed with those.
Ask me anything about my oc's if you want and I'll answer if you want. I'm easy lol
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punkandsnacks · 4 years
Between Wolves & Doves, Chapter Fifteen; Anticipation.
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Author: @punk-in-docs​ & @adamsnackdriver​
Also on AO3-  
Trigger Warnings: No warnings in this chap- animal shapeshifting but thas about it really-
Synopsis: Vampire!Kylo x OC love story. Inspired by BBC’s Dracula. Also inspired by Austen’s Pride & Prejudice.
He’s been stalking this earth long since civilizations can possibly fathom. Before records even began. He sneers at the fact that this pitiful young world has only just begun to see his reign of it.
He’s dined with moguls, emperors, princes. He’s consorted with bloodthirsty ruthless Queens in their courts, and whispered into the ears of powerful King’s, whose names still echo through millennia.
In his myriad of centuries gifted to his immortal self he’s been many many things. He’s been a lowly pauper. A crusading knight. An assassin. A sell sword. A soldier. A wanderer. A simpering suitor and a voracious unyielding lover. Aimlessly lost in time- besieging this earth. Ripping it apart and drinking what’s left.
He was made in the hinterland between snow and dirt and pine trees. Crusted with ash and blood and gouged from battle. Born anew. Sired from the hell-mouth of war. He was made in 789 AD.
He’ll come undone, one bitter winter night, in England, in 1816.
                                                       ~ ~ 🥀  ~ ~
The very next days seemed to crawl by. As if time itself was dragging through claggy thick treacle.
 Nothing moved quickly and Iris knows it’s because she’s anticipating the weeks-end more than any other event she’s ever awaited on in her life.
 More than Yuletide morning. More than her birthday. More than buying a new book or taking an early morning walk all to herself. More than a sunny frosted morning where everything seems to glimmer as if crafted from gold, or seeing wildflowers dot the woods with their colour in spring.
 She’s waiting on that much anticipated midnight with baited breath. Every second closer to it is both torture and sweet blessed relief.
 She fulfils her remaining days with a permanent smile tugging at the corner of her mouth.
 Even her acetous mother remarks upon it. She tells her daughter the fine manner of her engagement must be bringing her joy. Iris bites her lip to keep from grinning.
 She clutched her romantic secret all that tighter to her chest. Moulded it like warm clay to clasp around her glad heart.
 Mother and Maratella insist on setting a date. And getting her whole ‘bouquet’ of daughters measured for their gowns.
 Posy and Flora for they are of course to be bridesmaids, and Iris, of course, for her bridal gown. They get up a merry party to Pembleton one fine clear morning.
 The snow and frost govern the landscape once more. Ebbing back in after the recent rain. The brown frost-hardened hills and trees and fields. Governed under the fierce cyclops of a mustard sun blazing in the effortless blue of the cobalt sky. It made Iris think of robins eggs, and the golden buttery buds of spring. When the bulbs and shoots blossom up through the earth with their sickly scent and colour.
 It is a fine clear day and it indicates that the end of the long bitter winter approaches. The cold is as ferocious as ever so Maratella insists upon them not catching a chill in the vile icy winds. Shes most kind as to stop to collect the Misses Ashton’s in the Hux’s second largest coach. They are all bid to the dressmakers in the high street. Along the medieval shamble of barrel window and oak timber shops.
 The news of her engagement spread far and wide. Before her boots have even touched the cobbles, stepping out the coach, their party is virtually mobbed by matrons and ladies of their acquaintance.
 Iris had in mind a silly image of them prowling at the pavements like baying wolves, chasing after the muddy churn of the carriage wheels; anything for to first seize that newest scrap of gossip.
 Posy and Flora ladle up all the attention. As does Mama. Proudly boasting - along with Maratella - of the suitability of such a fine match. Iris wants to roll her eyes as Flora greatly exaggerated the romantic manner of Hux’s proposition. She gabbled about a room full of red roses and how Iris wept tears of delight as he swept her into his arms.
 The ravenous eyes turn toward her. “May we see the ring, Miss Ashton?” Comes out of numerous smiling mouths like a chorus of cawing seagulls. Iris feels like they’ll rip her glove off themselves if she doesn’t.
 Unused to such attention, she blushes as she slips off her grey calfskin glove. Wrenching it off her hand. There is a troupe of awed gasps as they admire the diamond set in the gold band.
 Iris feels as if she’s sticking her hand into a dangerous animals maw. Like some exhibit at a zoo. Feeding her hand to the rabid starving tiger’s. There’s so much gasping and in taking of breath it’s a wonder they don’t suck her up. And take half the street with them.
 Luckily, Maratella fusses that they’ll be late if they don’t make haste. She then proudly utters that the ladies five, their happy little bridal party, are off to Madame Larousse’s dressmaking parlour for a wedding gown. And Mrs Ashton and Mrs Hux are to see to both having new hats to mark such a happy occasion.
 The flock of ravenous ladies ceases. Satisfied with their mauling of Iris and her news and her engagement ring. The party is able to proceed along the pavement unhindered.
 They slip into Madame Larousse’s. Greeted by the lanky, heavily perfumed proprietor herself. She was a tall, ungainly woman with poky shoulders and an always over-rouged complexion. And will always, without fail, exaggerate a mildly French accent to gild her words. For she believes that all the best dressmakers and seamstresses were French.
 The tall stretch of Madame claps excitedly and demands to see Iris’ hand when she hears they are here to purchase ribbons and lace and all things fit for a bride. She is whisked away by a very efficient assistant. And stood on a pedestal for the next hour and half.
 Iris spends that time with swatches pinned to her. Flapped around her ears. Tucked under her collar. There’s so many back and forth decisions from her mother, it makes her quite dizzy. A tape drawn tight around her so many times to squeeze the stuffing out her. Eventually, they stumble to a conclusion. It was to be a saffron orange.
 Flora remarked it made her rather look like a carrot.
 Around her they lounge on the chaises provided, clutched around the mirror and the box she’s on, and they drink sweet tea. Brown sugar sprinkled and stirred into the earl grey.
 They all pose interjections and opinions and preferences on her. Iris just stands there like a tailors doll. Only half there.
 She’s caught sight of a swatch of ruby-wine velvet near her thigh and is stroking it fondly. Remembering Lord Rens exquisite bed coverlet. How it felt under her fingers, it took her ricocheting back to that moment. And it calmed her.
 That’s how she can stand all this grousing and prodding. It reminds her of her secret and she nearly faints off that box pedestal.
 They settle on a pallid frothy blue silk instead. To better bring out the excellence of her mud and twigs hair. Mama chooses the best silk madame has in stock. Says she will have to fetch more in from her supplier especially. From London.
 That causes much excitement for Flora and Posy. They’d never had a dress made from material fetched as far nor from a city as grand as London, before.
 Posy had selected a teasing slip of pink silk. Flora, for her more fiery hair, chose a delicate pastel pea green. Iris thinks they’ll look like a platter of French fancy cakes.
 Then a pang of something hits through her heart with all the intensity of an arrowhead studding there - she hopes Mama lets Posy and Flora keep their new gowns after she’s gone. She hopes very much. They are the stillest girls in existence but they do deserve nicer things than what they get.
 By Madame’s husky drawl of a smoky voice is she brought back into the room, the awful pink pink pink room. Stuffed with velvet chaises and bolster cushions and trimmed fringed oil lamps. Great big fat rosebuds sprout up the wallpaper and flourish across the fabric of the pillows on the settee.
 It’s as if the whole room is the summoning of the evil fairy in sleeping beauty. Who commanded swarms of brambles and thorns and swamping plants to take over. That was this room to the last pink thread - only it was instead summoned to contain every incarnation of pink roses as far as the eye could see.
 Her ears burn hot and pink as Madame talks of London. Relating the gossip back to someone in the village. Matter of fact, a certain Lord-
 “Apparantly, you know he sent that tall turbaned butler of his up to London just yesterday...” Madame hushes to them in her hazy terribly-affected French.
 “Sent him to Mayfair.” She grins crookedly as she measures from Iris’s hip to her hem. Barking orders at Suzy, her ever suffering assistant.
 Maratella seems most diverted. “Pray whatever for?” She leans forwards. Perching her half eaten violet macaroon on her saucer.
 “He sent him to Bond Street. You know there is an establishment there that supplies jewels to the palace. Apparantly he came back having purchased something.” Madame says.
 “Pray why would be send his butler all that way?” Flora asks.
 “Why, Miss Smith told me so this morning; she suspects Lord Ren has left his heart behind in Bavaria. He is soon to quit Hellford. She heard Clarence Pennington’s butler say that his housekeeper, Mrs Jones states that half his house is shut. And the staff vacated.” Maratella excites them all. Flora and Posy are mortified at such news.
 “The house is emptying. And Lord Ren shall soon be gone.” She adds.
 Mrs Ashton smiles gladly. “He is journeying back home to his castle I wager...” She delights. The spitting smug nature of her tone was clear. Good riddance.
 “Who must he be besotted with I wonder?” Posy asks indelicately.
 Iris tries not to be twice as smug. Thinking that she is that very woman.
 He goes back to his castle and I will gladly go with him, she thinks.
 The giddiness and joy roils in her stomach like golden champagne. Fizzes through her veins and she has to hide a smile. Biting her cheek hard.
 “Well. if he is shortly to leave our shores. I’m willing to bet he’ll break a fair few maidens hearts in this county and the next over. Such a striking gentleman. The young ladies will certainly feel his loss most keenly.” Maratella comments in sadness for all the female admirers he’d amassed. They’d all be heart sore now he’s going away.
 “You’re blushing Iris.” Flora sing-songs at her. Pointing it out. “Thoughts of your intended sweetheart?” She ribs her sister.
 “You are a colossal pest. Flora.” Iris smiles at her. Matter of fact. Her little bug of a sister is quite right. She is thinking about the man she’ll marry.
 Only another agonising hour whilst Mama and Maratella select their hats for the occasion. But Iris can atleast sit down and drink some much too sweet earl grey tea. Doesn’t have to stand on that wretched box for another hour.
 Eventually their purchases were rung up and settled. Flora and Posy love Iris very much because she buys them two new ribbons each and some velvet buttons for their bonnets. They’re singing her praises as they quit the shop. Trilling like a pair of canaries about their gowns. Iris was glad to spend some of her pin money on them before she leaves for good.
 She’s fully appraised of the weight of her actions. And the serious consequence of them. It would be ruinous for her mother and father. It would be a disaster for her sisters. But atleast she was of age and she could marry. Whatever else others might say of her - she fully believes Lord Ren’s intentions are honourable.
 They can’t scandalise her for marrying Kylo. Just censure her for running away from Hux and jilting him. She’s certain he’ll recover amicably enough. He doesn’t love her. And his mother is suitably well connected. She could snap her fingers and summon another willing bride. She’s only sorry it can’t be her.
 She’s despondent to remark upon the pain she’ll be causing hers and Hux’s family. But in time, they will recover. Posy would do well and Flora will follow in her footsteps. Mother will see to it they catch fine husbands when the time is right. Their mother is most skilled in that area.
 The party journeys along Pembleton street. Maratella stops by the haberdashers to seek after some ribbons. Mama is in the milliners seeking after a new pair of occasion gloves. Posy and Flora amble slowly along the street with their sister. Watching the carriages and coaches trundle by. Various riders on horseback too.
 A loud nickering snort behind her makes her turn. She can hardly hide the smile that quickly grows across her face when she catches sight of a lone rider on a huge stocky black stallion. Both man and his mount are furiously muscled beasts.
 His Lordly attire is its usual. All black. Save for his white shirt and red cravat. The great overcoat frames his wide shoulders and his bulky chest. His boots gleam in the meagre sun. His grin tips up when he catches sight of her.
 He looks terribly smug and Iris’s heart feels like it’s trying to ram out the cage of her ribs. This handsome lordly man who stole it away, sets it pounding freely and rampant in her chest.
 She tries not to arouse the suspicion of her sisters. They were much too curious and meddling for their own good. She wants to protect her secret and she thinks she’s a proficient enough liar to accomplish it.
 They burst into fits of giggles on seeing him. He rides Erland closer to where they are stood and dismounts. His strong boots thud into the frosty mud. His wool coat laps and swathes his body. He tethered himself to Erland. Massive gloved hand gripping the reins. The creature didn’t seem to have any care for wandering off. He just wished to see Iris - Kylo empathises with the horse. He rather feels the exact same.
 Iris, Posy and Flora all curtsey to him. He bids them all a greeting. She bows her neck and when she looks up. His eyes fondly fix on her. Warm in the sun. The contrast of him is astonishing. Milky creamy complexion, bordered by the onyx shadow of his hair and eyes. Utter opposites in the juxtaposition.
 “Miss Ashton. A pleasure to see you again. I trust you are still well recovered. You look very radiant this morning.” He comments. Walking Erland just that tiny step closer.
 The obstinate animal his stallion is, reaches his nose out and snorts into her hand. Nudges her glove for pats and scritches of affection behind his ears. She doesn’t care that she’ll get horse hair on her. She strokes him.
 “You are most kind. Your lordship. I am very well.” She smiles slightly. The pretty kiss of rose on her cheeks.
 “I need not tell you Erland is pleased to make your acquaintance once more.” He remarks starkly. Hint of irony not lost on her. Erland almost nudges her to fall over with his big strong head. She laughs.
 “Your ears must’ve been burning. Lord Ren. For we were just discussing you...” Posy flirts. Batting her lashes at the man.
 Hands crossed in front of her. Like she was a genteel little doe. Iris glares narrowed silver dagger eyes at her sister to stop displaying herself so readily. As ever, the little vexation pays no attention. Not when there was a hot blooded male around.
 Kylo tilts his head. Intrigued. “Is that so, Miss Posy?” He asks.
 “We we’re discussing how heart sore all the young ladies hereabouts will be when you quit Hampshire...” Flora tells him.
 Kylo takes her confession in his stride. “It’s true. And I am sorry more than I can exclaim to be leaving such carnage and desolation in my wake. But sadly I do return to Bavaria shortly.”
 That handsome expression barely betrays a thing. The cold wind flounces and ruffles that wild hair. A tuft of it drifts in his face and tangled in his dark eyeline.
 Iris decides in that moment he truly might be an angel sculpted by gods own hand; or a demon designed by the devil himself. She isn’t sure which of those creatures is all the more tempting.
 One thing she’s certain of; He’d win that draw of most handsome, every time.
 She quivers when those eyes gaze at her. Peels her right out her clothes and down to her goose pimpled skin. Then Posy has to go and open her foolhardy mouth some more...
 “We were just helping Iris shop for her bridal gown.” She preens. “And our bridesmaids dresses.” She comments. Speaking as if she wants Kylo to snatch her up and steal her away to Bavaria. Stuff her in his pocket and run off with her.
 “I had heard rumour of your engagement...” He lies. Iris is biting the inside of her lip and smiling genially to hide how wide her excitement wishes to make her smile grow.
 “Show Lord Ren your engagement ring, Iris!” Flora bounces excitedly. Iris glares. Reminding her of the inappropriate nature of her words.
 “Flora. Lord Ren is not interested in such matters. And I’m afraid we’ve already impressed upon too much of his time...” She insists.
 Kylo holds out his hand to her. Steps closer so she has to crane her head back just to keep sight of his eyes. “I am certainly interested. And I might add, most eager to see the bauble that decorates such a fine, pretty hand.” He teases.
 She decides he was designed by the devil. And lucifer gave him a silver tongue to boot-
 Iris slips off her grey glove and gently lays her palm in his.
 The way his fingers curl around hers is criminal. She tips her eyes up to his as he shifts closer and admires her ring. A soft smile tugs at his mouth. The gold winks at him in the sun. It’s a pretty delicate morsel. He can’t deny. But plain. Much too plain. Entirely humble as decoration went.
 -it’s certainly nothing to the one he’d had Jomar go all the way to London to fetch for her from Bentley & Skinner on Bond Street.
 “It is a fine ring. Miss Ashton. Sergeant Hux is the most fortunate man in England to have you as his intended bride. I’m quite envious of his fortuity.” He says. Bowing to lay a kiss on the back of her palm.
 His eyes electrify her. He winks at her and she flushes with heat. Blood pressing up in her face.
 “I’m sorry to hear of your leaving England. Lord Ren. Such a shame Hellford Park should be quitted before the summer.” She tells him.
 Her palm leaving his. Sliding away from the touch of his hand would have made her wretched were it not for the heat in his bronzed eyes. Made a warmer melting shade by the shimmer of the buttery sun. And their shared secret lifts her heart.
 “It is a great shame. But I’m eager to return to Ranlor. I’ve missed my homeland a great deal.”
 “The rumour in circulation is that you have a certain lady in mind to return home too.” Posy dares most outlandishly. Iris chides her for her brash rudeness.
 “Posy!” Iris calls out.
 Kylo seems amused by it. “That would he telling. Miss Posy. Not to mention betraying the confidence of the most honourable lady in question.” He smirks at her sister.
 Who giggles and blushes like it’s no ones business. His vampiric charms seeping out of his every pore, truly intoxicating to them, Iris can see it’s influence.
 “Is she a great beauty? I imagine she is most elegant indeed and very superior and titled in rank and manner. And of great fortune...” Posy digs for more details. Kylo will reveal none.
 “Pray. Don’t be impertinent twice-over.” Iris corrects. Posy pulls a vexed face. Shoves her tongue out at her sister.
 Kylo’s chuckling. They were entertaining little chits. Relentless. But he admires something about that sparky quality. Iris had the same sense about her - only more sensible and humble.
 “She is the singularly, most beautiful creature I’ve ever beheld in all my years.” He promises. “And I cannot wait to have her hand in marriage. She will make me a very blessed and lucky man.” He declares.
 “How romantic.” Posy declares in a sigh. Flora dreamily agrees. They’re both veritably Moony eyed. Gazing up at him in wonder as a consequence. A silly girls kryptonite. A handsome and dark romantic man. A Byronic figure to set all the foolish girls swooning at the knees.
 Kylo’s eyes sweep across to Iris at a passing glance. He smiles. And it almost undoes her.
 “We must be on our way. We’ve availed ourselves of too much of your time. Lord Ren.” Iris says in parting. Trying to herd her vapid sisters away before they flirt anymore.
 “We must go. For we are bid to the Hux’s tonight for a celebratory engagement supper.” Posy curtsies boasting as she’s bobbing away.
 “Give the Sergeant and his family my warmest regards.” Kylo insists. Knowing what a barb that would be to Hux’s temper.
 Iris turns and meets his eyes. Giving him a polite bowed head in parting. When Posy and Flora are otherwise looking elsewhere. She turns back and gives him such a look of longing and delight it makes him grin at her as she walks off down the cobbled pavement.
 “Very good to see you again. Your Lordship. Have a pleasant rest of your day.” She insists.
 Cajoling her sisters along the path and away before they get any notions. Erland snorts at her as she moved away. She smiles and gladly rubs the flat bone of his nose before she goes. Lord Ren stays standing until she does move away.
 Kylo pats his neck, and hauls himself up on his strong stallions back once again. Booted feet in the stirrups. He adjusts on the saddle. Scanning the tumbled windows of the high street proprietors.
 In the milliners, he sees a face like sour lemons and thunder glaring out at him. Mrs Ashton’s stony face peering outwards through the glass. Having seen his exchange with all her daughters.
 He coaxes Erland into a slow walk. A little nudge in his side. He gives the foul Caroline Ashton his most winning enigmatic smile. And nods civilly in greeting at her as he rides off.
 He sees it makes her lips purse in irritation.
 Iris can’t resist glancing back at him. She knows those eyes watch her all the way down the street. She can feel them. Two pinpricks of heat, like candles, burning into her shoulder-blades.
 It makes her too giddy for words.
 They soon catch up with the rest of their party and are whisked away in the Hux carriage. Soaring across the dirty English roads. Mud churning in their wake as cold air and sunshine bounces off the roof.
 Mama asks them what Lord Ren. Iris told them he was just politely passing the time of day. She seems satisfied with the answer. Iris fights not to squirm into shivers of desire at the merest intimation and memory of him.
 Posy and Flora sing-song his romantic praises all the way home. Mother soon shuts them up with a cross cold stare.
 The afternoon seems to fly her by. No sooner than she’s home and she’s readying herself for the dinner they’ll take at the Hux’s residence. Cavenham House.
 The not so modest estate in the border of the next county. A gorgeous house if she’s being perfectly honest. Terracotta red bricked exterior, of modern Georgian design. Huge arched white windows. Rococo interior. All gilded with cherubs frolicking on the murky painted ceilings and baroque trim on every door. Rolling scrolls. Frescoes and pastel colours. Gilding, moulding and trompe l’oeils giving the illusion of motion and drama. Raining down from every ceiling.
 A handsomely kept garden was also what it was resolutely famous for. Though it would not be pictured to its best quality in this dead winter. Spring will liven it soon. The hardy bright bulbs will crop up through the frost. But for now it remains speckled in snow with only the evergreens surviving.
 Iris can see it all as they pull up the long stretch of the torch lit drive. In the coach Maratella was kind enough to send to collect them all.
 Once again she was wedged beside Posy and Flora, and their shrill gossiping. Mother and Father opposite. Noiseless and as disagreeing as ever. Silence blazed between them as somber as a churchyard. They were about as animated with each other as two gravestones.
 Iris dressed in her navy silk gown with 3/4 sleeves and a sheer white chemisette swirled with stitched white flowers, decorating her shoulders and neck. Meg cleverly weaves that teal ribbon into her hair coiffure again. She finishes the look with pearl droplet earrings and white satin gloves up to her elbows.
 They are welcomed inside by stony faced servants in the blue Cavenham livery. Taken into the drawing room to meet their hosts. Maratella had invited some local flavour along also. Everyone’s merry and mingling. Posy offers to play a Handel piece on the Pianoforte before dinner is announced. She does so rather well. Thunks the opening notes in shocking volume but she picks up from that point onwards.
 Iris is admiring the scenery from the drawing room window. Even in the dark she can see how lovely the gardens are. It doesn’t dissolve the fact that this house would still be a prison to her. There weren’t bars on the window and she won’t exactly be stitching mailbags - but it will still be her cage.
 A handsome cage, she won’t deny. But a cage nonetheless as she mothers the children and lives for planning fine parties to boast of her and her husbands excellence. And slowly becomes a woman of high rank and no substance.
 Hux moves to stand by her side, hands folded behind his back. A tall lean column of red, black and white in his ceremonial dress. Medals shining. Hair groomed. Perfectly respectable. Infuriatingly loveless, as always.
 “You shall like the gardens in summer. I should think.” He remarks.
 “They are most handsome.” She comments. “A fine prospect indeed.” She agrees.
 They perfectly form the vision of lovers conversing by candlelight. She can hear Mama and Mrs. Hux cooing proudly behind them. It’s infuriating. Iris can’t spend the rest of her life in a manner such as this; being prodded and manoeuvred and gossiped over like a chess piece on a board.
 “I care little for being out of doors. Save for riding with my regiment.” He impresses.
 Iris nods. “I am perhaps overfond of walking. I take an excursion each day if I can.” She tells him.
 He sniffs. And coldly watches the view before them. “Well. You shall have to make allowances and sacrifices when we are wed. I can’t have you scampering around the countryside when you are with my heir.” He insists.
 Iris’s mouth turns dry. She makes little response to his words. He turns away to speak to someone else but she catches his arm to stop him.
 “Please I just want to say-“ she starts.
 She looks up into his face. The bright copper of his hair and the steel of his eyes. The surety of his rigid auburn brow. She doesn’t dislike him. He’s not an unpleasant man. Just, misguided.
 She says what she’s thinking now before she loses the chance. No doubt he’ll think very badly of her when all is done.
 “I think well of you. You know. You are a gallant man. Not lacking in honour or credibility. I admire that about you. Hux.” She says. Even if I can’t marry you for it.
 He nods. Accepting her words. Then their granite faced butler coughs dryly and announces dinner to the room.
 Maratella lets the engaged couple be seated next to each other at dinner. Wanting to encourage the tepid affection brewing between them. Iris doesn’t know what the woman expects from them. They weren’t matched for love but it’s as if that’s what she’s hoping to see blossom.
Maratella is hoping for romance to pass betwixt them.
 It could and never will be that. Iris thinks.
 Iris remarks inwardly to herself as she sips down her soup a la reine. Served alongside several large golden Bouchée à la reine’s. 
 The next course is of stewed beef and venison steaks, and a whole champagne poached salmon with slithers of white and black truffles decorating the cooked fish acting as scales.
 More seafood came served in the form of fried then boiled sole, heaped in a terrine and a whole platter of pickled crab. A haricott of vegetables and mashed turnips. There was enough food spread on this very grand table, to keep them dining for a fortnight. Mrs Hux organised a feast intended to show off.
 She gets everyone to toast to the newlyweds. The gentleman stand to raise their glasses and the ladies stay seated.
 The pudding banquet is brought out and quite rightly enough, as she suspected, the whole table is flouncing in ruched fancy french sugar concoctions.
 Silken French pies. Syllabubs of lemon and rose and brandy. Ice’s of all flavours. Custard tarts smothered with fat ripe fruit drowning steeped in syrup. Sugar plums and cinnamon and mace laced apple tartlets with baked custard. Iris indulged in some of the tarts and the fruits.
 Posy and Flora fall upon creams and dainty fancies like hungry wolves. And eat until they are stuffed.
 The ladies retire to the parlour for music and snifters of sweet ruby port wine. Iris indulges in a glass as her sisters and various other young accomplished ladies take to the pianoforte to sing and show off. Posy drags a reluctant Iris up to sing whilst she plays. She grumbles but bends to her sisters will.
 She gives a shortly sweet chorus of ‘Let no man steal your thyme’ for it was the only song she could sing comfortably well.
 She never much liked performing for amusement. Some girls were a glutton for it. Iris is no such a one. She stands with one hand on the pianoforte and the other folded behind her hip. She sings her choruses and smiles meekly at the small scattering of applause offered for her when she is done.
 She heads back to her spot on the settee. Maratella is remarking to her mother how divine it will be to have a songbird in the house once again. Iris sits back in her seat and spends the rest of her evening in silence. Though she wants to say a great deal.
 The evening slips past well enough. Night spills past her relatively quick. Another day gone. Another day closer to her happiness. She’s almost too giddy to contain it.
 Then the time comes to bid goodnight to their hosts;
 Iris watches as Hux fondly kisses her hand. Seeing her off out the rich gilded foyer out into the black black night. Sky so dark it’s a whole void studded with freckling stars. Cold shudders at the shivering trees.
 She wants to say something impactful and veiled. To speak of her regard for him. She cannot think how best to do so. She swallows down her thick tongue. Remains a coward.
 She can only hope in time, after the wake of her scandal settles. That Hux will find someone better suited than her. Maybe even find someone that he can love? She prays deeply for that little happy happenstance.
 She is not so unfeeling as to wish a joyless life on the man who just wasn’t correct for her.
 Her teeth grits with all the things unsaid. “I hope you’ll be happy.” She smiles lightly. He thinks her to be referring to the engagement that stands between them.
 “I’m sure.” He comments. “Goodnight.” Is his curt response.
 It doesn’t incense her. Tonight it vexed her. Caused a tiny crease between her brows. It seemed such fickle words to part on. But she leaves them be-
 Let’s those words spirit up into the quiet undisturb of the night. The heavens can have those words. Iris wishes it could have been more. But how appropriate is it that even his parting words are found wanting.
 She gets into the coach after curtseying a polite goodbye to Brendol and Maratella. She says something sweet to Iris about her singing. Iris cringes a smile. She won’t be thinking such good things about her shortly. She imagines she’ll curse her name for all of hell and heaven to hear. She’ll wake the sleeping dead cursing the day Iris was born.
 Iris thanks her. For her hospitality. For her kindness. Under all her airs and graves, she’s a fairly nice woman and she should find a more amicable daughter-in-law to crow over.
 She slots herself into the coach beside her sisters. Listens to the door slam shut. The rattle and crunch of it shifts on the gravel. Rumbled away up the long elegant curve of the drive.
 Iris twists to look back. She isn’t sure why she wanted too. But they weren’t a dismal family. And she’s sorry for the pain and offence she’ll cause to them all.
 She watches Hux’s stiffly-posed, regimented figure. Shadowed against the night. The scarlet of his blood coat. The ice white of his breeches stained blue, glowing in the night. The stars glimmer off his shining boots and off the pierce of his pale eyes. She wishes him well. She truly does.
 They trundle on home. Full of food and as usual with Posy and Flora spouting gossip on and on endlessly. Mother chiming in. Father and Iris retain their silence. Eyes cross firing in a glance when they all agree on something cruel and senseless.
 Westwell’s windows emerge gold out the dark. Surrounded by the bustling trees. All of the landscape is merely dark moulded shapes. Looming and shifting in the shadows. The moon casts washy film of silver to try and spill over the cover of smeared clouds.
 They are just to the drive when a small dark shape flits overhead. Iris looks upwards, and sees the definable shape of a bird landing on her windowsill. She smiles giddily.
 She exits the coach quick. Bidding them goodnight and rushing off up to her room. Her skirts picked up in her hands. Mama remarks how odd it is. Posy shrugs and supposes she’s got a secret missive to read from Hux.
 Iris absolutely flies for her door. Twists the handle and launches herself in the room. Shutting the door firmly after herself. Pressing it with both hands flat to the wood.
 The warmth of the fire hits her. She doesn’t even pay mind to the tiny crack of her open window. Or her swaying curtains that shift on the breeze.
 She can only focus on the huge frame of a dashing vampire stood fireside. One elbow resting on the mantel as he gazes into the flames.
 His big frame swallows up the whole room and strangled out all the air. The ochre of the blazing flames captured his skin. Turned that milky-cream of his complexion into pale fire.
 She smiles and he does too. “Thank goodness it’s you. I was worried I’d scare seven shades out of your maid.” He drawls softly so his voice doesn’t carry. Smirk curling at the corners.
 She crosses the distance. Her feet eat up the floorboards quick. She avails herself of an embrace. Throws herself into his arms.
 The cloak of his fire warmed clothing envelopes her as his arms do. He smells like the damp snap of frosty woodland and the acid tang of woodsmoke. The night air of wild outdoors clings to every inch and fibre of his clothes. Swirls about him like a clouding tempest.
 He chuckles as she gets herself in his hold. The deep bass of his voice rumbled through her skin and sinking to her bones. Her cheek mashed to his sternum. His arms close around her. Stroking her body through the rasping silk of her dress.
 One big warmed hand clasps the back of her neck as the other holds the back of her waist. His nose nudges into the crush of her muddy hair. Her scent teases him just as much as his had, to her. Lavender and sage. The plain spice and calm floral scent.
 “I could feel the happiness pouring off you as you alighted the stairs.” He smiles. She steps back and gazed up at him.
 “How pretty you look tonight. Dove. You’re exquisite in silk.” He remarks when she steps away. Hand toying with the loose tawny curl at her ear. The sapphire dark of her dress suits her very well. Throws her complexion into brilliance. Does something to make the tones of her hair look rich.
 She always looks ravishing to him.
 She blushes. “I missed you all day. Isn’t that mad?” She asks.
 “If missing is madness, then I’m out of my sane mind whenever you’re not in my sight.” He promises gently.
 Big hands cupping her hot silken neck as he leans down to plant a firm, slanting kiss to her lips. His mouth is cold and he tastes of frosty air and wine.
 Kissing him is like kissing someone who just stepped inside, taking shelter from a bitter cold wind.
 She’s beginning to wonder if there is some clever addiction woven into his lips. One kiss never seems to be enough. She holds his wrists as he grabs her. Makes her feel small in his arms. She’s lost in his hold. It’s powerfully thrilling.
 He breaks the kiss and his thumbs stroke at her cheeks. Her eyes glitter keenly at him. He spies the ring on her finger. The one that doesn’t belong there. It makes him smile.
 “I’d like to surmise you snuck in here just to steal a kiss. But I suspect a different motive altogether?” She asks.
 He broke into a grin that creases his eyes and bares his teeth in a smile. She was no thoughtless woman; his darling Iris.
 She’s always thinking. Always fretting. Always mulling over things in her head.
 That was one of the first things that that came to his notice about her. She tended to be introspective about all manner of things in comparison to her acetous mother who spewed vile words. And her daft sisters who spouted out their every dangerously silly thought.
 He kisses her for that clever remark- slow and paced and soft. Languid like melting warm honey. Lips curling to hers.
 “I do have some news. But kissing you will always my first priority.” He husks against her rosy lips. Her warm cheeks blaze from under his icy fingers.
 “The date is set. We must leave tomorrow eve.” He tells her with a smirk.
 Her stomach completely soars in giddiness. She doesn’t have to hide her grin here.
 “It feels as if I’ve been waiting at eternity to hear those blessed words.” She cries in happiness.
 “Slip away to me after everyone’s gone to bed.” He instructs. She agrees.
 “Mother has been pleased with my conduct of late. She’ll have let her guard down over tonight. I’ll leave once everyone is abed. Even the maids.” She tells him.
 Stroking her fingers down the finery of his waistcoat where they’re still stood close to each other. The material was so soft. The softest grain of velvet she’s ever felt.
 “You don’t have to bring too much. I can buy you everything you may ever need.” He leers. Cupping her cheek. Feeling the smooth of her skin. Right up her jaw.
 His eyes carve flinty paths down her neck as he strokes his fingers there. Her pulse quickens. He can feel and hear her blood slushing hot through her veins.
 She shrugs. “I cherish very few possessions. Posy and Flora can have the rest.” She insists. Her hand coming up to stroke over his thick crook of elbow with the hand that’s touching her neck.
 He drags the edge of the chemisette down and strokes along the flat of her collarbone. His eyes turn into a palette of bittersweet autumn. Orange and gold swirled with flecks of russet brown.
 “Is it difficult?” She asks suddenly.
 “Restraining from the need to...” Her face fixed on his. Words trailing away. Air bursting with heat and lust. His eyes snap from her neck to her face. Her cheeks bloom rose petal red. Blood red and hot.
 “To feed?” He asks her. She swallows and nods.
 His other hand catches the back of her hips reels her right in close. She gasps. Air around them thick and full of snapping sparking static. Her hands press to his cavernous chest.
 “I have got several hundred years of restraint up my sleeve.” He crooks a smirk.
 His eyes flicker to watch her jugular pulse. The thrum of her little timpani heart makes his mouth wet. He knows she’d taste like salt and sickly Turkish roses and warm bronze coins.
 He presses the chemisette aside again and nudges his nose against her pulse point. Right at the epicentre of his life’s greatest desire. He hums a kiss against her neck and she almost faints-
 “You shake all those very hard learnt lessons right down to their very foundations.” He promises.
 “Iris my love, you are the hardest thing, I’ve ever had to resist.” He tells.
 Swooping upwards to kiss at her cheek. Sighing in need against her hot warm skin. If he indulges the temptation of tasting her blood. He doesn’t even want to fathom what the raw animal in him will do to her. Such debauchery he’d surely scandalise her innocence to tipping point.
 He will have her on their wedding night and not a second before.
 Though the rogue in him does think how goddamn glorious it would be to have her on that bed of hers right now, torn out of that gown. Screeching his name for the whole house to hear. And they can listen to her rapture and whimper, and beg and writhe under the man who really does love her.
 Bite her neck as he pumps deep into her slick heat. Gather up every groan as she opens those sweet pink thighs for him and claws at his back. He’d kiss her neck until she yanks her fingers into his hair and tugs. Opens that sweet songbird mouth and calls for him in her bliss, with that ambrosial voice.
 He holds the backs of her hips and strokes the silk there with arcing curves of his thumbs. Drawing shapes on that stiff silk.
 “I must tell you-“ She starts. “I never was much good at resisting you either. Even after knowing what you are. It shocked me I won’t deny. But it somehow in its twisted way, it made all the sense in the world. It didn’t alter me for my knowledge of it. It didn’t even begin to change the severity my feelings for you.” She tells him. Reaching up and stroking along the handsome plain jaw.
 Wholly, un-confinably, remarkably handsome.
 “My love-“ He begins warmly. “If I had to, I would throw you over my shoulder to carry you up the aisle to marry me. Even if I had to tear you from your bed and steal you away in the dark of night to be mine. I would have done it. Because this, what we share, it cannot and will never be undone. Can never be ignored.” He promises her.
 “Vampires love more deeply than any mortal longing. What I feel for you, it is not fickle. It will never fade. Never wane. We love each other and that will last for as long as we exist on this earth. I thought I had better edify you with these clear facts about my nature, before we are to be bound in matrimony.” He pledges to her. Declaring his undying devotion to her.
 Iris rather wants to swoon into his chest - if she had ever been inclined to be a swooning sort of woman. Instead she just beams. A smile so glad it touches the frosty barren place his dead heart inhabited.
 “These last few hours will be such a torture.” She comments seriously. But giddy. So giddy it felt like her sides would split open. And molten happy gold would pour out.
 His eyes turn promiscuous. As does his domineering smile.
 “I can safely offer you nothing but pleasure once the torture is done.” He filthily promises.
 She blushes. He wants to lift her up and devour her in a kiss again. Taste those saccharine sweet lips in an animalistic kiss. He savours holding her instead.
 Tomorrow he can let the animal roam free over his delicate dove. Tonight is the last night it must be caged.
 “Not long to wait now. The last of my household servants left today. I sent Jomar and Jones off to London to make passage to France. Erland and Kana remain to take us to Scotland with one driver, and the coach.” He tells.
 She liked that he’s bringing Erland to their elopement. It’s quite fitting when the creature loves her almost as much as he does.
 “Then it’s just us. Riding into the wild of the Highland. Roaming over the Scottish moors, and glens and lochs, as a Lord and his Lady.” He paints a vivid picture for her.
 She sighs a smile. “Us, has never sounded so splendid.” And she beams brighter than the sun.
 He clutches her close for another kiss before he slips away.
 The appointed hour loometh. And Iris won’t sleep a wink for thinking of his sharp smile or those savage eyes.
 She eventually dreams. And thinks of kissing his soft plush lips once more. Like kissing pink rose petals.
 The next time she will, they’ll be well on their way to being man and wife.
                                                    ~ ~ 🥀  ~ ~
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minidigidestined · 4 years
Fatal Mistake
CW: One shot sfw vore story with implied fatal and digestion. Sadistic pred and mostly unwilling prey, fearplay. Very whump-y. N/S/F/W blogs do not interact.
A quick little "AU" babble of two of my Digimon OCs from the POV of my digidestined OC featuring one of her friend digimon, Voltboutamon, as the pred. When the human servant to the illustrious digimon lord makes a messy mistake in front of her master's guests during a dinner party, he becomes enraged and has finally had enough of her ineptitude. Not so fun hijinks ensue.
I made sure to smooth out the creases in my apron and dress, my breath short and strained. I knew that for something like this, my lord needed me to look perfectly presentable--I was as much a part of the setting as the crystal wineglasses or gilded chairs, after all.
I adjusted the bloom of curls atop my head and steadied myself the best I could. I knew he could detect my fear and discomfort miles away and while it was usually a delight to him, tonight the smallest sign of irritation could be fatal.
I pushed open the heavy doors to the dining room, exhaling anxiety as another servant bustled past me with empty trays.
"Good luck," She mouthed as I emerged, the expensive scent of the guests' cuisine wreathing around me. I clutched the bottle of wine tightly in my hands, speedwalking out into the elegantly decorated chamber, the diamond chandelier casting ominous candlelight out over the decadent scene.
My lord sat at the head of the head of the table, perfectly poised in regal silence among the chatter. He cut an imposing figure, all sharp edges, straight lines and the finest silks. His red eyes burned like twin hot coals, his clawed fingers wrapped around the stem of his empty goblet. He impatiently tapped the stone floor with the toe of his boot, almost looking bored even though it was his affair.
His crimson eyes found me near instantly, locking onto my own earthy gaze and sending a chill up my spine. I bypassed his guests with shaky steps, robotically greeting and inquiring as to their pleasure. The stern line of his mouth relaxed into a self-satisfied smirk as I approached, his food still steaming and untouched.
I approached his side, his figure looming over me a good seven feet even while sitting. He leaned back luxuriously, his long legs crossed at the ankle.
"Human. You kept me waiting. I hope you brought the good wine." He said languorously.
"Yes, Lord Voltaboutamon. Only the best for you and your patrons." I heard the tremble in my voice and felt dread curl in my chest like a frightened child.
"Good." His tone was almost indulgent, his smirk all dark edges. "Get on with it then, woman."
I swallowed, my throat thick as he lowered his goblet, as royal as everything else in his gothic noir estate. I hastily uncorked the bottle, feeling more than one pair of eyes on me. With shaking hands, I lifted the wine to pour, praying to anyone willing to listen and--
My mind blanked into white hot panic when my wrist twitched, a product of anxiety and damaged motor skills. The wash of shame and fear froze me in place as the wine, dark as blood, spilled over me, my digimon lord and the floor.
I saw the moment rage blossomed in his breast, as dark as the splashed wine as his easy posture and icy smirk twisted into unadulterated anger. His eyes narrowed to thin slits--blazing hellfire--mouth curling into a snarl, his edges sharpening instantaneously.
"You stupid little brat," He hissed between his teeth, fangs gleaming dangerously. "Can you ever do a damn thing right?"
At his scathing tone I flashed back to his effortless grace in the art of killing. Back to blood and marrow and incomprehensible danger. Back to fear and insecurity and nightmares.
He's not like that...not with me, not anymore. He’s just playing it up in front of the guests. I repeat it to myself like a mantra, my entire sense of self on white-hot fire. No matter what I told myself, I knew the truth though. I knew how important tonight was and of course I fumbled it, like always. 
He rose to his full height, his second pair of arms unfolding behind him like a reaper's scythes, tail uncoiling from his waist and twisting about in a hypnotic dance, like a snake ready to strike.
Yes, my master is as beautiful and deadly as a serpent, quick as a whip and more clever than most...if not all. Despite his lanky build, he seemed to encompass the entire room with his presence alone, his brilliance demanding absolute attention. I saw a certain hunger twist his features, the lust for violence in that moment carving out a hole in his very heart.
I watched his face, unable to look away as that hole began to fill.
"I have had enough of your fumbling and bumbling, maid," He sneered, his voice righteous and cruel. "I've given you chance after chance, and still you remain a thorn in my side, a leftover piece of a puzzle with no place to go. Nowhere you fit in."
"Please sir," I begin to beg, black tinting the edges of my vision in sheer panic. I thought of his blades, of his guns, even of the strength in his spidery limbs and whip-like tail.
"I gave you a chance because I pitied you, but now you're out of chances and out of time." He gripped my chin, taloned fingers digging into my doughy face. I looked up at him with tear filled eyes and found not a single shred of mercy there.
"No," He growled, and if looks could kill, I'd be in hell. "I'm going to make an example of you. I know you neglect your job to sit and eat and read, lazing about like a useless stain. Even knowing that I won't settle for less than perfection. Even knowing that I see everything. But you'll be perfect for one thing..."
I stared blankly, shaking and not daring to move. 
He smiled softly, his voice growing syrupy and taunting. He let one hand glide mockingly over his midriff, "I see how you stare at me and the annoying things you say to the other servants--I always thought your desires the most foolish thing I had ever heard. What better way to end you than by showing you how that particular brand of idiocy has made a bumbling fool of you and distracted you from your job? What its reality leads to?” 
I felt myself flush, immediately trying to twist out of his iron grip. "I'm sorry, Voltaboutamon, please no--"
"Too late " He crooned, a lullaby and a death sentence all in one. "And this way, your end won't lead to the other servants having to clean up after you. Again."
My head began to swim, my chest tightening as his hand encompassed my entire head. My vision completely blacked out, and the sensation of becoming less overtook me, my mind, and even the humiliation.
Before I knew it, I sat on Voltaboutamon's hand, dizzy and still burning with the echoing pain of shrinking. I gazed up at him, his massive visage a blood moon hanging over my earth. Despite myself I panicked with a
 eripping the wrinkled, wine-stained hem of my dress with utterly frayed nerves and tried to look anywhere else but the line of his rage-twisted lips.
It really was happening. Just not the way I'd dreamed. Not with the ending I hoped for. But still...his scowling mouth was mere inches away from me, to the point where I could hear the irritated breath flaring from his nostrils like wind.
Without anymore ceremony, he plucked me from his palm two claws pinching the back of my dress. I swung upwards--unable to even inhale one last breath before the finale--until I was impossibly high up, dangling up above the proud arch of his hat and the menacing sculpt of his mask.
I covered my face with my hands, a low moan of despair escaping me despite my near daily voracious daydreams. I felt as heavy as lead, as good as gone, as dead as--
He let go.
I dropped like a stone, his mouth snapping me up near instantaneously. I felt him struggle a bit to accommodate me in his narrow maw, the pinpricks of his teeth scraping against me and drawing blood. I cried out in fear, pummeling the muscle of his tongue with my slippered feet and desperately tried to scramble for an escape.
A low sound rumbled in his chest, whether it was one of pleasure or annoyance, I couldn't place--perhaps both. He seemed to enjoy the taste of the wine on my skin, but in a matter of seconds he was already bored and done, tilting his head back and gulping me back with a throaty swallow.
I whimpered when I felt his throat hitch, unaccustomed to such a sizable and girthy morsel of food, but he swallowed thickly once more and I was sent down without fuss.
Covered head to toe in his saliva, the muscles of his elegant throat crushed against me, sending me down toward the prison of his gut. I felt his slim fingers press inquisitively against the bulge I created during my descent, cursing my eternal foolishness as my cheeks set aflame.
As I was pulled downward, I heard the laughter and excitement of his guests--I'm sure they enjoyed both his melodramatics and his near playful display of cruelty. Classic Voltboutamon! Soon though, all I could hear was the rush of his breath and the steady tempo of his heart, my head popping into a slightly more open cavern and the rest of my body toppling down seconds later.
I struggled to right myself, slipping in chyme and stomach juices and struggling to breathe in my lord's unrelenting body heat. I pushed my hands against his stomach walls in desperation, trying to wipe the itchy fluids from my eyes.
I imagined the little bulge I'd make in his skinny midsection, considering the fact that I was locked in his belly for the rest of my short life and cringed when I felt my panicking heart betray itself even when there was no way out. It was as if flowers blossomed between my ribs, and even though I was nothing but a punished servant turned snack, I felt as though he had finally seen me.
He had noticed me and my lingering stares--and now I got to be part of him. Perhaps forever, if he truly was without mercy. That meant something, right?
I yelped, jerked out of my thoughts when something dropped onto my head. With a start I realized it was a bit of chewed up meat. So...he was still hungry. Delicately picking at his food while his stomach growled around me, the little human he hungrily gulped down mere moments away from digestion.
The feelings of insignificance and delight battled within me.
More and more food dropped over me, bits of the finest and most decadent the manor's kitchens had to offer, and soon the stomach began to churn away at its meal. The walls pulsed and pressed against me, flipping me all around and nearly drowning me in the stomach fluids and masticated food. I was tossed about like nothing, completely at the mercy of my vicious lord's equally vicious stomach.
I screamed, pressing harder against the stomach walls as my new home seemed to grow hotter and burn with the acrid stench of stomach acid. I struggled for air and tried to push back against the slick muscles, but found myself growing weaker and weaker... Wine soon flooded over me, making me sputter and flail even more, the smell of grapes sickly bitter in the pit of his gut.
I thought I felt his hand pressing against his middle, and found the thought of him stuffing himself into a bellyache to further punish and disgust me made me giddy--I wondered if I was making a bulge in his perfect diamond-cut figure and smiled. Oh, how the blush on my cheeks would spite and enrage him ever further, a fun little game between the two of us.
Unfortunately, whatever bit of heaven I managed to find in my demise still made me the loser of this game. After all, I was going to be nothing more than chyme and fuel for his graceful power soon enough... Truly this was the magnum opus of his callous sadism, the complete erasure of one's personhood. He and his ruthless nature would always win. It always did.
If only he heard my screams and cared. If only he'd set me free in a few more minutes... If only he coughed me up, revealed his heart, and we became true friends. Maybe more, if he confessed he loved me too. If only this really were a game, a playful cat and mouse, and not my execution. But I already knew there would be no salvation tonight. There would be no tenderness from the pitiless digimon, not after my constant failings.
My skin began to truly itch, burning from the thick juices pooling up around me, massaged deep into my flesh by the churning stomach walls. I slumped down in defeat, mind going blank--I was sure that Voltaboutamon and his extravagant guests had already forgotten about me beyond a silly and fanciful dinner story for future parties.
As much as I'd begged and screamed though, it wasn't so bad... Leaning back into it felt as if I became warmth itself, and despite the danger I was in, I almost felt cradled by my lord's body. I could pretend.
My head swam with the heat, my eyes fluttering shut as the stomach bubbled and churned around me, feeling as if the sensation in my skin was fading and my body was beginning to melt. Now, I was nothing but food, fallen prey to my decadent lord.
Nothing but food... Nothing but... Nothing...
"Why are you staring at me, Charissa?"
I started with a jolt at Voltaboutamon's grumble. He hovered at the edge of the small kitchen, disgruntled and dissecting a slice of pizza with a fork and knife.
"Ah! Sorry, I was zoning out..." I prayed he hadn't noticed my eyes on the bowed frown of his mouth, on the silky swallows he took of cranberry juice and steaming pizza. I returned my attention to my own slice, stuffing it into my mouth messily.
He looked down his nose at me and scowled even deeper with disapproval, huffing. "Well look somewhere else."
I rolled my eyes and gave a sarcastic salute, desperately hoping my blush wasn't enough to be noticed as I tried not to imagine disappearing down his long, elegant throat, slipping between his menacing teeth and into the cruel and unrelenting confines of his stomach...
I really needed to get a reign on this daydreaming habit. Especially before my reluctant new friend noticed.
Especially before my fixation on his guts and his heart ruined everything.
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