#of violence and overtaking and restarting over and over again until they were dead. what grimora did truly was their only chance for rest
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[image id: the seinfeld ‘you’re crying from blank’ ‘the blank got to me’ meme, with the text “You’re crying from inscryption?”, “The ending got to me.”, and “All right.” end id/]
hey there card gamers,
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To Fall for the Fae | 02 (M)
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Pairing: Andrew Hozier-Byrne/Unknown Female
Genre: Fantasy, Modern, Romance, Smut, Fluff, Angst
Words: Chapter 2: 1,796
Summary: Andrew Hozier-Byrne unknowingly searches for the woman that pulled him from the bog 3,000 years ago. Unknown to either of them that in this modern world their souls are still intertwined from the life they shared long ago. She is unavailable, he’s not giving up. Will the woman that inspires his music be wooed by his songs or will he lose his chance? That’s Wasteland, Baby!
Note: A/N: This is a story requested by my best friend to be written about her favorite musician. I have been inspiried by his songs and specific lines. Any reference to his music is used in the name of inspiration and creating art. I do not own any of his music. Any reference to Hozier in this story is fictional and used by the author in the name of crafting art. I want to thank all who read it. I have fallen in love with writing this story and would love to hear from you. It will be written in installments. The finished story will be at the very least over 50,000 words. Enjoy.
To Fall for the Fae: Chapter 2
The bog was cold, dark, freezing, but oh so sweet. So beautiful to be in that delicious darkness after the red hot burning of the fever.
It had swallowed him whole. Body, heart, and soul. It owned him now. Completed him. His long limbs suspended in the soft sweet feel of mud and peat.
They laid him down into the earth that had greedily accepted him, little did they know that he had not been fully dead. His heart stuck in atrophy, paused for a moment. A breath between beats. Still they had packed him into that stiff box cut from the very trees he had loved.
They’d buried him alive.
They had not cared for him to continue living in the sinful life of drink. It had been a month he’d disappeared. A month they had waited for the father of the forest to return. To quell the wildness of the forest that ever threatened to consume them.
They had been wrathful when he’d appeared half dead, wild, scared and collapsed on the steps of the porch of his cabin. He mumbled something over and over again. Unable to calm him they’d placed him in bed. Watched him suffer. Then gave him as a ritual sacrifice to the very epicenter of the wilderness to keep it calm. To keep it quiet.
No longer did they need to fear what lay in there. The beasts that the forest father had seen, had killed, had lulled with his music. They had fed him to them. It was done.
It smelled of that sharp coolness of wet earth. It could not be explained, could not be described, it simply was.
His heart began to beat slowly, reluctantly. It hurt to feel the slow drumbeat in his chest. It ached, it yearned, it wanted her.
He’d rather it’d stayed paused.
The weight of the mud pushed on the lid of his simple coffin. It threatened to submerge him. Fill his nose and lungs with it. Line his teeth and lungs with it.
It wanted to consume him.
She wanted to save him.
Yet, still he waited alone.
A fleeting thought one of the few to cross his mind in this makeshift grave.
Oh to be alone with you.
Such was the fate of the fae.
He’d never felt too good in crowds. They made him feel claustrophobic. Bodies pushing against him, sucking the sweet cool air from his lungs. It felt like the crowd was trying to overtake him. Consume him. There was a fleeting thought in his mind when they pressed against him. A thought like cool darkness overtaking his senses. It felt like his heart stopped as they tried to swallow him whole. It felt familiar though from when and where he didn’t know.
They played their music loud. They bayed like creatures along to it. Screaming out lyrics of hate and violence. It beat against his eardrums until he wanted to cover his ears to block out the sound.
He resisted the urge and pushed past another bar. Nameless, faceless he let his long legs lead him along the street as the man who identified himself as Larry led him to the bar.
Andrew almost turned back. Something in his conscious, his intuition told him that tonight something big would happen. He was too tired for big. Too sick of this world for his entire existence to rocked from it’s foundation.
The night crackled with electricity. It was ready. It was waiting. It wanted him.
Larry led him towards something monumental and more than once he stumbled as his feet wanted to turn and run.
Many a heart he had broken, never with clear intent to, but broken they had been none the less.
Yet, his heart remained pure. Hardened and turned black with the bitterness that consumed his soul whenever he thought of her and failed to find her. It beat on though, no cracks allowing what little light left inside of it to shine out.
It was armored. He wanted to keep it that way.
Larry approached a bar that was lightless, dark, dank. There was an air of cigarette smoke wafting from inside. The music was slow, sensual. The drumbeat matched his heart. It beat like the wings of a hummingbird.
He faltered at the entrance. The entrance to her. This bar. This bar that played the music of the winglessly winged creatures. They played the music of the Fae.
He felt powerless in that moment. There were moments when he stood on stage, his voice fiercely crying out the words to “Nina Cried Power” as the entire stage erupted in fire, where he felt invincible. Thousands of faces singing along, shouting those words, his words, her words. He conducted them but they met his music punch for punch with power. In those moments he was something else, something else.
Andrew couldn’t force his feet forward. Something was in there. Someone was in there.
For a moment his heart stopped. Just for one beat it ceased it’s movement.
“No.” He whispered under his breath. A beg. No. Don’t send me her. I am not ready yet. Not worthy yet.
His thinking mind couldn’t comprehend what was going on as he tried to force his feet into action. Into movement. Larry watched him quizzically.
Madison his subconscious cried like a battle song. It chanted her name over and over again. It could not stop.
He tried to turn on his heels and stalk back to the relative safety of his hotel room even the tiny bunks he shared with the rest of the band. Anywhere but here.
His subconscious screamed her name. Then it took it upon itself to propel his feet forward whether he wanted to go or not.
He walked woodenly into the bar his hands thrust into the pockets of his pants.
Andrew didn’t want to go. He wanted to go. He wanted to run. He wanted to tie himself to bar to keep from leaving. He didn’t want this. He needed this. He was desperate. He was desperate. He was desperate.
He took a seat at one of the few cliched stools at the bar. Ordered a whiskey, it was decent like Larry had promised, and lit a cigarette.
He drank his whiskey. He smoked. He waited.
Always he waited.
He knew better than to fuck with fate.
This was Wasteland, baby.
He was several drinks in. Enough that he felt his world beginning to tilt. He could handle his whiskey, don’t get that wrong. Tonight though he wanted that tilt. He wanted to remove the fear he felt fluttering in his chest. Like a shrike trapped in his rib cage. Slowly eating him from the inside out. Thrusting him upon a thorn then ripping into his flesh.
His thoughts got darker the more he drank. Sometimes his best lyrics came when he was so deep into the swill that there was no pulling him out. Simply let him slowly claw his way out of the dark hole he’d dragged his limp body into.
Damn his thoughts were getting away from him.
Then the hair on the back of his neck stood on end.
Like a bolt of lightning coming down from the sky he was struck with electricity. His body lit up like the Vegas strip. Something was happening.
He didn’t feel sober but the world stopped spinning. It was like his senses were on overdrive. Sharpened.
He fought it as long as he could though he still didn’t know why. His rational mind could not comprehend all the things rushing through him. It didn’t understand what he was. What was hidden inside of him. Those wings that never unfurled. He saw himself as ordinary. It was only through the lens of his fans did he even being to comprehend that he was complete extraordinary.
He took his drink and spun around on the stool. He was too tired to fight with himself.
His eyes dry and red from too much nicotine. Too little sleep. Too much heartache looked with laser focus for what it was his brain wanted him to see.
He scanned the bar. His eyes falling on person after person.
He focused on the makeshift dance floor that was shrouded in a cloud of smoke. His eyes glanced through the men and women dancing oh so slow and sensual on the floor.
Then his eyes fell on something. Someone. A profile of a woman. Dancing real slow, all by herself, as if passing the time until her lover found her.
His heart stopped this time for more than a moment. It jerked. Spasmed. Then stopped.
Andrew took a stuttering breath trying to restart it and slowly it did. It beat until it was matching the movement of her hips.
She danced like a bird of paradise. She moved lithely like the bough of a willow tree.
Her dark brown tresses move hypnotically as she danced. Falling over one shoulder then the next. It looked like a wave of water. Rippling darkness.
Though she moved slowly he could sense in her something wild. Something feral.
This was a woman who could not be tamed. Not by anyone.
She could be loved, oh could she be loved.
No one would ever possess her though.
He wanted to love her.
He wanted to slam her against the wall and crash his mouth onto her.
He wanted to sink his teeth into her neck, biting and sucking gently until he left a mark on her. A love bite. Something that reminded everyone that she was his.
He wanted her.
He needed her.
“Madison” he called like a prayer but the word was swallowed up by the crowd and she didn’t hear him.
A man tall as a tree sat hunched over a glass that his shaking hands held ever so delicately. If given another moment he would drop that cool smooth glass and it would shatter to the ground. Breaking into a million pieces. It was foreboding. It was the potential of what this beautiful creature rarely seen could do to him. To his heart of darkness.
She was oblivious to his plight. Oblivious to those around her. She moved her hips in figure eights, a dance of veils from long ago that no one could remember. She danced in a way that she had never been taught. A way that drew the men in around her. They kept their distance. She gave off a vibe, a deep one, that said no one can touch me, no one can know me, no one but him.
He looked at her and knew instantly that no one fucked with his baby.
His fate was sealed.
The fate of the Fae.
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