#anyways yeah lots of thoughts So many thoughts unfortunately my wrists are weak and pathetic
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[image id: the seinfeld ‘you’re crying from blank’ ‘the blank got to me’ meme, with the text “You’re crying from inscryption?”, “The ending got to me.”, and “All right.” end id/]
hey there card gamers,
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idy-ll-ique · 3 years
They Always Do.
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x F!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Warnings: insecurity
Requested: Nope
Summary: "you're not worried? he seems to be spending a lot of time with her..." "no" "why not?" "because i braced myself for this months ago. they leave, they always do. it's nothing new"
Author's Note: Hiya peeps! The first part of this fic is fluff, angst in the middle, fluff again at the end. Nothing too extreme, just a little one-shot. Enjoy!
"Sebastian, Y/N, so glad you made it!" Susan Downey smiled warmly at the couple. "Of course, we couldn't miss the 56th birthday of the one and only Iron Man," Sebastian chuckled, walking into the house with his girlfriend. He put his arm around Y/N, observing the place. "Guys! Hello!" they heard.
"Mr Downey," Y/N greeted politely, turning to smile at the birthday boy. "You must be the girlfriend," he grinned, pulling her into a bear hug. "Yep, that's me." Then he turned to Sebastian, frowning. "Why didn't you introduce her to everyone sooner?" Y/N laughed as Sebastian rubbed the back of his neck, shrugging.
"Don't ask me, she was the one too chicken to meet you!" Sebastian defended himself, narrowing his eyes at his girlfriend. She snorted as Robert let go of her, returning to Sebastian's side. "I guess that's on me," she sighed dramatically, making both men laugh. "Well, enjoy yourselves! Have a drink, have fun!"
With that, he walked away. Sebastian noticed a server holding up a tray of drinks and called him over. He handed a glass to Y/N and took one for himself, taking a sip. "Thanks for bringing me over, honey," Y/N smiled and he turned to her, scoffing. "You're my girlfriend! God knows they were dying to meet you," he laughed, giving her a kiss on the forehead.
With that they went around the place, talking to new people, old friends and making new acquaintances. Y/N had a lot of fun meeting Sebastian's co-stars, and especially loved Elizabeth Olsen. Y/N was a huge Marvel fan and one of her favorite works of the MCU was WandaVision. Y/N had fangirled a bit, not gonna lie.
Like that passed an hour. After her feet started hurting, Sebastian decided it was time for the woman to sit down, have a drink and chill out. "Okay doll, here's a glass of champagne, if you need anything at all, don't hesitate to call me, okay? I'm going there, with Chris and Anthony. I love you." She smiled when he gave her a quick kiss.
"I love you too, and don't worry, I'll find you easy. This place isn't that big."
"I heard that!"
Laughing at her antics, Sebastian gave his girlfriend one more loving kiss before prancing out of the room in search of his best friends, Chris Evans and Anthony Mackie. Y/N relaxed on the comfortable couch with a sigh, sipping on her drink. It all began a year ago, very cheesily, might I add.
Y/N was at her favourite coffee shop when he had walked in. Immediately, fans had him surrounded, but she didn't go over to him. She stayed seated, looking at him, wishing she could go over but she knew how stressful fan interactions were for celebrities. Sebastian had, unfortunately, caught her eye and she had turned beet red, burying her face in her laptop.
He had found her absolutely winsome and after the crowd around him had dissipated, he had wandered over to her table and introduced himself. She was flustered around him, which made him tingly inside. And he had blurted out, "Wanna meet here next Saturday at 7?" They kept their promise and that's how they started dating.
A year ago.
That was a healthy amount of time.
Y/N couldn't help but have her doubts. All her previous relationships were pathetic failures, where the guy usually got bored of her within 3 months. But now, she had braced herself for rejection (which she knew deep down wasn't coming but it pays to be careful). "Hey."
Startled, she turned to see a kinda young, kinda drunk woman sitting next to her, looking up at her with doe eyes. "Hi," Y/N smiled back politely. "You're— you're the woman!" She had started slurring her words, which made Y/N frown a bit. "I'm… what?" she blinked. "The girl! Who came over with Sebastian Stan, you're his girlfriend!" The woman laughed loudly.
A few heads turned towards them but quickly looked away when they realized that the girl was drunk. "Yep, that's me. Why?" Y/N was now amused. As they talked, she didn't notice Sebastian walking into the room. He had come back to ask Y/N something but had paused in his tracks when he saw her frowning at the young, drunk woman.
Then he inched closer, unabashedly eavesdropping on her conversation. "Yep, saw him spending a lot of time with Ms Lizzie Olsen. If he was mine, girl, I would take that man home and show him who truly belongs to him, if you know what I mean," the girl winked and a sad smile bloomed on Y/N's face. "They're good friends, of course they're gonna spend time together."
Sebastian smiled at her answer. He knew she was different, she didn't get easily jealous and he liked that, since it reduced the number of arguments they had by a lot. His jealousy? Well, that's a story for another time… "You don't mind? He seems to be spending a lot of time with her…" the drunk woman frowned at Y/N.
Well, she was drunk, she wouldn't remember this night anyway, so maybe… it would be good to get some things off her chest.
"Why not?"
"Because I braced myself for this months ago. They leave, they always do. It's nothing new," Y/N admitted, swirling the champagne that was swimming in her half-full glass. Sebastian's heart shattered into a million pieces at her words. Before the words were even completely out of her mouth, tears had started stinging in his eyes.
"Y/N?" Startled yet again, Y/N turned to see Sebastian smiling at her. "Seb! Hi, thought you were with your friends!" she grinned at him. "I— uh— something came up, we need to go," he spoke quietly, fidgeting with his hands. Y/N's brows furrowed but she got up, collecting her coat and her purse.
"Can we at least say Happy Birthday to Robert?"
"Yeah, yeah of course." Sebastian managed a weak smile when she gave him a kiss on the cheek, going off to find Robert and Susan. She told them something urgent came up and they allowed the couple to leave. "Seb, let's go!" He followed her out of the house, meekly trailing behind her, the words she said ringing in his ears.
They leave, they always do. It's nothing new.
How had this woman, practically a Goddess, had such bad experiences that she was forced to think that way? He was never going to leave her, having found the perfect woman at last. He got into the driver's seat of his car, and the car ride home was quiet. Y/N was getting anxious. What happened to him? Did something happen at the party?
Once they were home, Sebastian couldn't help himself. "S—" Y/N yelped when he crushed her to his body, hugging her tightly. He took both of them to their shared bedroom, sat down on the edge of the bed, pulled her on his lap and buried his face in her chest, breaking down. "Seb, honey, what's wrong?" Y/N cooed, getting insanely paranoid.
The crying didn't stop for 15 minutes. Y/N, in a futile attempt to get him to stop, was running a hand through his hair, whispering sweet nothings in his ear, holding him close. When he took in a shuddering breath, he pulled away and finally looked Y/N in her eyes. "Now are you going to tell me what happened?" she smiled gently.
He took her hand, pressing a kiss to her wrist. "I'm sorry," he croaked out and Y/N frowned. "Sorry for what?" He shook his head, burying his face back in his safe haven. Except, Y/N wasn't having any of that. She pulled him away and dropped a soft kiss to his forehead. "Tell me what happened."
He took in another shaky breath.
"I… I heard you."
"Heard me?" Y/N blinked. "Yes. You were… you were talking to that girl on the couch and she was— she was talking about how I seem to be spending a lot of time with Lizzie and you— you said you didn't mind but she kept on insisting and you said they leave. they always do. I'm not going to leave you, Y/N, I promise. You're one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I'm not letting you go."
"Seb," Y/N whispered, her own eyes now filled to the brim with tears. "Don't cry," he chuckled with a watery voice, wiping her tears off. "It's just— all my relationships before you… the guys were assholes. They always left 2-3 months in. I— I wasn't taking any chances with you, you know… plus, you're kind of a famous guy and you can get so many better women—"
He didn't want to hear it. Better than Y/N? Impossible. He pressed his lips to her, immediately deepening the kiss when she reciprocated. "I promise you, I cannot do any better than you." Y/N smiled shyly at his words and his heart filled with happiness. "Let's go to sleep."
Both of them tired from the crying, they got undressed without trying any funny business. Y/N put on her usual pair of shorts and one of Sebastian's huge t-shirts, getting into the bed where a boxer-clad Sebastian already lay. He pulled her into his arms and she rested her head on his chest, draping an arm around his taut abdomen.
"Yeah, you?"
"Yeah. Goodnight, doll, I love you."
"I love you too, Seb. Goodnight."
"...Never gonna leave you."
"Not a chance."
A/N: Thanks for reading! Leave a like if you liked it!
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slashersrus · 6 years
Jeremiah Valeska x Reader - Assassin
Y/N is an assassin who Oswald hires to kill Jeremiah after their encounter, except will she actually kill him?
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I smirked as the bullet flew through my targets head, perfect bulls eye. My target, a middle aged sleaze bag. The guy I had been paid to kill was stealing business from a rival company, I had been paid one million to kill him. The pay was a lot less than I usually got, however I was bored and it was an easy target. Packing up my sniper rifle, I gently placed the strap over my shoulder and climbed down the side of the building. I was in no hurry. Currently, security and body guards were rushing to the body, guns out and looking for the shooter. They would not find me however, as I had made the shot from three blocks away. Normally, I would do the kill in person, with my pistol or my well know black katana. My katana, know as the Black Death, was made from a material stronger than steel. It was practically unbreakable. Like I said, I would usually kill my targets that way, but today I was feeling lazy. Sliding onto my motorbike, I pulled the blacked out helmet over my head, covering my pitch black hair and crystal blue eyes.
I had no more targets today so I decided to go back to my hideout, an expensive, luxury penthouse. No one knew where I lived, I bought the apartment under a fake name and I never do business deals at home. I'd hate for someone to pop in unannounced and try to kill me at an unfortunate time, for example when I'm painting my nails, I would hate to break a nail.
Falling backwards onto my sleek black couch, I kicked off my combat boots and switched on the news. I expected to see some live broadcast announcing the murder I just committed, that is not what I saw. Leaning forward slightly, my eyes widened as I saw and heard a news broadcaster talking about Jeremiah Valeska and his plans to blow up the city. Shocked, I jumped up and grabbed a rucksack, packing my stuff. If Gotham is going to go up in flames, I'd rather not be here when it happens.
I had never had the opportunity of meeting Jeremiah Valeska, however I knew Jerome. Jerome was my friend, probably my only friend, he hired me when he escaped Arkham. I talked with him on multiple occasions, even when not needed, simply because I enjoyed his company. I didn't get attached though, getting attached is the worst thing you can do in my business.
He hired me to kill Theo Galavan if anything was to happen to him, he paid me up front. He paid 20 million, which he obviously stole from under Galavan's nose. Kinda ironic that he paid me with Galavan's money to kill Galavan. I did the job, I killed him before Gordon and Oswald could get to him. Oswald was furious. I hate being in the bad books with one of Gotham's strongest contenders so I said I owed him one. He can ask one, and only one, favour from me and I will do it.
Hearing my annoying ringtone, I sighed, throwing the bag to the door and walking over to grab my phone from its spot on the couch.
"This is Y/N." My business tone, cold and confident, was in place as I answered. I never let any emotion into my voice when speaking to clients, not wanting to show my cards or any weaknesses I may have.
"Y/N. It's Oswald. I wish to call in that favour you owe me." His voice, trying to sound polite but ending in a snap. He was clearly very frustrated but he also knew that it was a very bad idea to snap at me. He was trying not to anger me.
"Who do you want killed?" I remained calm, cold as my eyes scanned the apartment checking if I had missed anything, I hadn't.
"Make it quick. I'm leaving town." I spoke again, hearing him start to stutter slightly.
"Jeremiah Valeska." Those two words caused me to freeze. He was extremely protected, this would be hard for me.
"40 Million." I stated my price, waiting for his answer.
"40?! You owe me a favour!" He snapped causing me to grow angry at his disrespectful tone.
"The favour, Oswald, is accepting this job. If anyone else was asking I would refuse. Jeremiah Valeska is a very smart man with a small army of followers. He is also about to blow this city up. Anyone else was asking, I would have already hung up. That is your favour. So, 40 million. Your choice." I growled losing my patience.
"Fi-Fine! 40 Million! Just kill that menace!" Hearing him stutter made me smirk, loving to hear the fear in his voice.
"Consider it done." I spoke with finality in my voice before hanging up.
Grabbing my large rucksack, I made my way down to my garage. Multiple cars and bikes sat waiting for me, all fast and fancy. I am one of the best assassins in the US, meaning I get paid a lot of money. Grabbing one of the keys of the wooden wall rack, I walked over to my black BMW. Throwing the rucksack into the boot, I then walked over to the opposite wall, pressing a small panel. After scanning my hand print, a wall panel popped open, exposing the multiple weapons I keep here. Smiling excitedly, I grabbed my katana, a small throwing knife and my gun. Getting in the car, the engine purring to life, I sped off in search of my target.
After a while of searching, I finally found what I was looking for, one of Jeremiahs followers. Parking in a dark alley, I hopped out my car and casually walked up to the young woman. She was whistling and had vibrant green hair. Pulling my katana from my back strap, I jumped forwards and placed it to her neck causing her to freeze.
"Now, you are not my target, so I don't have to kill you. I'll give you a choice. Tell me where Jeremiah Valeska is or die." I spoke with a scary calm voice as I came into her view. I was in my element.
"Never! I'll never betray Jeremiah! JEREMIAH! JEREMIAH!" The woman started to chant causing me to roll my eyes and sigh.
"Pathetic. But don't worry, you'll talk. They always talk." I laughed before dragging her to my car shoving her into the back and taking out my small throwing knife. Smirking, I climbed in after her.
Half an hour later, I knew his location and his follow was dead. Pulling up to the building he was in, I climbed out my car and grabbed my katana. Breaking into the building was easy, an easy lock to pick. I assume Jeremiah believed that the location was far too hidden to be found and didn't bother with reinforcing the place. His mistake.
Following the many corridors, I heard pained screaming coming from one direction. Following the terrified screams, I finally found Jeremiah Valeska. I finally found my target. Silently, I walked up behind him, he was gazing intently into a room. Following his gaze, the sight shocked me, he was burning his followers alive. I expected him to want to keep Jerome's followers.
"Well, that is disappointing." He spoke, annoyance in his voice, before he turned to leave.
"Disappointing? On the contrary, that was an entertaining show." I spoke with humour in my voice causing him to jump whilst spinning to face me and reaching for his gun.
"Ah, ah, love. I wouldn't." I smiled, lifting my katana to his neck, gesturing to the gun he was holding. My British accent flowing through clearly.
"Who are you?" He hissed at me, dropping his gun and glaring.
"You don't know me? Huh, you really didn't get out much did you? I mean, even your brother knew me." I taunted, knowing that mentioning Jerome was bound to get on his nerves and make him angry.
"You knew my brother?" He growled, his insanely green eyes glaring at the weapon pointed at his neck before returning to my face.
"Oh yeah. Fun guy. He hired me to avenge his death and kill Galavan. I'm Y/N." I loved the reaction I was getting out of him, his jaw was clenched as his eyes blazed in anger.
"Y/N? I've heard rumors about you, didn't know what you looked like. I'm guessing you're here to kill me. Who hired you?" His eyes light up in recognition as he heard my name.
"Oswald Cobblepot. Whatever you did, he's really pissed. I don't ask questions, I just take the money. Shame, you could have been great." I trailed off, my mind being consumed with thoughts of how big he could have become in the Gotham underworld.
"Oh well, bye." I tilted my head to the side, raising my katana to kill him.
Before I could make the lethal swipe, he grabbed the blade, unflinching as the blade cut into his skin. My eyes widened at the fact he was showing no acknowledgement of the pain in his hand.
"Wait!" He yelled, pushing against my blade, blood streaming down his wrist and arm rapidly, soaking his suit and staining it red.
"How much is he paying you?" I knew this was just a desperate bid to get me to spare his life, but I decided to indulge him anyway.
"40 Million." Returning my attention to the task at hand, I went to finish my job and kill him before being interrupted yet again.
"He's lying. He can't pay you." The words caused me to freeze, lowing the blade an inch so he could talk.
"He was trying to leverage me into getting him 50 million today. He needs money. He doesn't have 40 million to give you. I, however, can offer you something better. You're very skilled, I could use someone like you on my side. Once I destroy Gotham, you can anything you want. Money. Power. Anything." He spoke so fast, I could barely keep up with his raspy voice.
Stepping back, I slid my katana back into the sheathe, watching as he rubbed his neck where I cut him slightly. I was truly considering his offer.
"If you are lying..." I trailed off, leaving my threat hanging in the air.
"Why would I lie when the truth is so much better?" He stepped towards me, the burning room of his followers long forgotten.
"Fine. Where do we start?" I asked, agreeing that I would work for him for the mean time.
He simply grinned in response, his blood red lips pulling into a crazy smile, before gesturing for me to follow him and walking off. I followed.
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