#off to the beach yahooo
the administration is giving us a winter break can you believe
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Seventy-Eight: The Hunt for ___ ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Namikaze Minato, Uzumaki Naruto, Uzumaki Kushina ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Catch ‘Em All ] [ AO3 Link ]
“All right, young trainer...you’ve bested me. And for that, you’ve earned...the Thunder Badge!”
Standing beside his Flareon, Sasuke slowly brightens as it sinks in. He did it...he beat Vermillion’s gym! Smiling widely, he accepts the badge, looking at the yellow and orange metal in awe. “...thank you, sir…!”
“You’ve earned it,” the leader replies, smiling warmly. “You battled well! It’s clear you’re growing into a splendid young trainer, Sasuke. I’ll have to write to your father and tell him how your battle went!”
“You...you’d do that?”
“Of course! Your father and I are old friends, after all,” the blond replies with a grin. “Hasn’t he ever mentioned me? I’m Namikaze Minato! I guess I’ve just been so busy here in Vermillion, I’ve never had the chance to head south to Fuchsia and give you a proper visit. So I’m glad to finally meet you!”
Sasuke’s face slackens in surprise. He was aware that his father knows most of the other gym leaders as one himself, but he’s never really talked about many very personally. “...yeah, likewise, sir!?”
“You know, I have a son about your age...his name is Naruto. If you’re planning on staying in Vermillion a little longer, I’d love for you to meet him! He wants to be a trainer too - in fact, he even has a -”
Pausing, the group - Hinata included - look to the doorway where a boy stands proudly, a glint in his blue eyes. He looks...just like Minato! “I’m here to challenge you!”
Blinking, Minato then laughs. “Naruto...how many times have I told you, you aren’t ready yet! You and your Vulpix need to train a little more before we can have an official battle! Besides...don’t you think you should expand your team a little, first…?”
“No way! I’m ready now, believe me! We’ve been training super hard!”
The leader heaves an exasperated sigh, smiling wearily. “...I’m sorry, Naruto, but...I actually just finished a battle, so my team needs to rest. Maybe next time.”
Chuckling, Minato gestures to Sasuke. “You remember me talking about my old friend, Fugaku? He runs the gym in Fuchsia? This is his younger son, Sasuke! He’s on a pokémon journey of his own, and just bested me! And this is Hinata - her mother used to run the gym in Cerulean. I believe your aunt runs it now, is that right…?”
“Y...yes sir!” Hinata chirps in reply, not expecting to be addressed. “M-my aunt Hotaru! She was married to my uncle Hizashi before he...passed away.”
“I see...and do you ever plan to try and be gym leader?”
Her cheeks flush pink. “I...well, I’d like to...Sasuke-kun is helping me form a t-team!”
“That’s wonderful! You know, there’s plenty of water type pokémon in the sea around Vermillion. It would be a cinch to catch some!”
“I’ve got my rod with me, so we can try to find a few if you want, Hinata,” Sasuke offers.
“That’s perfect! Why don’t you take Naruto with you? It’d be great for all of you to make friends, given you’re all - in a way - gym leaders’ kids!” Minato suggests with a smile.
Before Sasuke can object - this Naruto seems loud, he’ll scare all the water types! - Hinata nods. “Sure!”
“All right then. Once you’re done, I’d love for you both to join us for supper! You can stay at our place tonight, and then head out for your next gym in the morning, if you’re in a rush!”
“Thank you!”
“I guess we can,” Sasuke murmurs, looking ever so slightly dejected.
Minato gives a warm smile. “All right, then - Naruto, behave yourself with your guests! Show them around Vermillion and help them catch some water types, all right? Maybe you can even catch one, yourself!”
Still looking a bit annoyed at being brushed off for a battle, Naruto folds his arms. “Yeah, yeah…”
“See you lot later - I better get my team to the pokémon center to get patched up.”
As Minato closes the gym, the trio of new trainers stand a bit awkwardly outside.
“...so your dad’s a gym leader too, huh?” Naruto asks, lips a bit pursed in a pout.
“Yeah...poison types. My brother wants to take over when he gets older.”
“What’re you gonna do?”
“I wanna get all the badges, and challenge the League.”
“Hey, me too! But my dad keeps saying I’m not ready…”
“You only have one pokémon, right?”
“Yeah, Vulpix! I nicknamed him Kurama!” Grinning widely, Naruto takes out a pokéball, and releases the little fox. “Taadaa!”
Hinata looks curiously, Sasuke not very impressed. “That’s a f-fire type, right?”
“Mhm! And when he evolves, he’ll be a Ninetails! He’s gonna lead my team all the way to the Champion!”
At that, Sasuke smirks. “Not if I get there first. And I already have four pokémon on my team.”
Naruto’s eyes go round. “Whoa...really?”
“My brother caught me some early - I’ve had pokémon for a long time. I’ve got Ivysaur, Pidgeotto, Flareon, and Ekans.”
For a moment, the blond almost seems to deflate. “Well...I’ll…! I’ll get a team too, someday! And then I’ll beat ya!”
“Bring it on.”
Glancing between the boys, Hinata then softly interjects, “Should we, um...s-should we start fishing, if we want to catch some pokémon before Minato-san wants us to eat with them…?”
“Yeah, we should. So, know a good place to fish?” Sasuke asks, looking to Naruto expectantly.
“Yeah, yeah! Over here!” Taking off, he leads them to the western shore of the town. “I’ve seen people catch stuff here.”
“Like what?”
“I dunno! Just...pokémon!”
Sighing, Sasuke pulls out his brother’s pokédex. “Hm...I guess he didn’t catch anything here, there’s no data. Most people don’t catch stuff in town…”
“I know you can, I’ve seen it! Just give it a try!”
Deciding to take the blond’s word for it, Sasuke brings out his fishing rod, fiddling it before casting out into the water.
And so begins the hunt for some water types.
For a good long while...nothing happens. Hinata watches keenly for a time, but eventually takes to sitting in the sand, drawing shapes while Naruto builds sand castles. Once, he gets a hook! But it turns out to be a Magikarp…
Nose wrinkling, Sasuke makes to send it back...but Naruto jumps up.
“Hey, can I have it?”
“...you want a Magikarp…? Do you have any idea how useless they are?”
“But they grow into Gyarados, right? Right?”
“Well, yeah...but it’s super hard to get one to evolve. They’re so weak, getting enough experience is tough.”
“So? I can do it! Then that’ll prove that I’m a better trainer than you!”
Sasuke’s expression flattens. “...all right, try it. I doubt you even need to battle it, just...throw a pokéball.”
“Yeah!” Digging one out of his pack, Naruto lobs it, bonking the fish right on the head. The ball wriggles...wiggles...and then goes still.
“Yahooo!” Fetching the ball and holding it overhead, Naruto dances all over the beach. “I got it, I got it!”
“...I’m the one who fished it up,” Sasuke mutters, earning a giggle from Hinata.
Casting his line, he gives it another go...and to his surprise, it’s only a few minutes before another bite! “Whoa!”
Attention caught, the other two move to stand beside him, watching eagerly as he reels in...a Horsea!
Hinata immediately goes wide-eyed. “Ohhh...it’s so c-cute!”
Glancing at her praise, Sasuke nods. “All right...I’ll catch it!” Once it’s on the beach, he calls out his Ivysaur. “All right, let’s do it! Razor leaf!”
“Saur!” Striking a battle pose, the pokémon launches into action, and the battle begins!
Hands curled under her chin, Hinata watches with anticipation, cheering on her friend. “Y-you can do it, Sasuke-kun!”
Beside her, Naruto just pouts.
After a few exchanged blows, the water type is already looking tired. Sasuke grins. “All right, time for a pokéball!” Throwing it, he lands his mark, the Horsea vanishing into the ball.
Everyone goes still, watching as it rolls around in the sand...and then stops.
“You did it!” Hands in the air, Hinata runs across the beach as Sasuke picks up the ball.
“But -?”
“You wanna be a gym leader, right? This one’s for you! I’ll catch something else...I should have a water type on my team, too.”
Accepting the ball, Hinata wilts ever so slightly. “...that’s t-two pokémon you’ve caught for me…”
“Well, I kinda had to on the first one. But hey...you can get the next one, okay? We’ll do some training on the way, and then you can battle!”
After a pause, she brightens. “O-okay!”
With two pokémon caught, the pair let their new friends swim in the water near shore as Sasuke gives it one more go. Five minutes pass, then ten...twenty...and then a bite!
“Wha-!” Staggering forward, he nearly loses his grip on the pole, digging heels into the sand. “I-it’s strong!”
After a struggle, he finally manages to pull the pokémon up to reveal a Shellder!
“Shellder, huh? They evolve into Cloyster...sounds good to me!” Calling on his Pidgeotto, Sasuke battles his catch, this one a bit more of a match for his teammate. The pair fight to a standstill, and Sasuke finally lobs a pokéball...only for it to break open!
Teeth grit. He’s not letting this one get away…! For good measure, he instead pulls out a great ball, throwing it with a grunt of determination. “I’m gonna catch you…!”
With a flare, the Shellder disappears...the ball rolls...and then goes still.
“You did it!” Naruto whoops, leaping up with a grin.
“G-good job, Sasuke-kun!” Hinata praises. “Now we’ve a-all got a water type!”
Picking up his ball with a smirk, Sasuke nods. “...mm!”
By now, the sun is nearly setting, and Naruto leads the way to his house. “My mom’s cooking is the best! Bet you can’t eat just one plate, believe me!”
The trio are welcomed inside, and the guests introduced to Kushina, Naruto’s mother.
“What a lovely little pair of trainers!” she praises with a grin. Immediately, they can tell where Naruto’s personality comes from. “Well don’t be shy, come eat!”
For the first time since leaving Fuchsia, the pair have a home cooked meal, and Naruto is right - they both eat to bursting, and are then shooed into a guest room by Kushina for the night.
“You two get some rest! We’ll have a hearty breakfast in the morning before you go, all right?”
“Okay,” Sasuke replies weakly, still nearly sick from all the food he’s already eaten. The thought of breakfast now is enough to make him woozy.
“What a g-great day…!” Hinata murmurs, tucked into a bedroll and looking bright-eyed. “We all got new pokémon, and you got a badge!”
“Yeah...pretty cool, huh?”
Sighing happily, she flops down, arms under her head. “Naruto-kun is really nice! I wonder if we’ll meet him again when he’s on his o-own journey…”
Laying down himself, Sasuke can’t help a small scowl. “Tch...he’s got a long way to go…”
“Well...so do I. I haven’t even gotten to battle, yet…”
“You’ll get there. I’ll teach you how.”
“...thank you, Sasuke-kun. For...everything.”
A pit of warmth forms in his belly at the praise. “...you’re welcome. Get some sleep, okay? Long day tomorrow.”
     More pokes! I'd almost forgotten how fun it is to write this crossover - it's just so stinkin' cute xD      And this time we've got the Nami-Uzu family along! Poor Naruto, always lagging behind...but if he's anything like his canon self, he'll soon be a worthy rival for Sasuke! And given the looks Sasuke keeps giving him, and Hinata's compliments...that might be in more than one respect x3      Anywho, it's VERY late, and I'm wiped, so that's all from me for tonight! Thanks for reading~
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chadtfstories · 6 years
Maui Transformation
What Can I Say Except You’re Welcome
(Maui Transformation Story)
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Jared is a football jock who cares about no one, the only thing that mattered to him was his college football career. Until one day when he was doing drills with another player whose name was jeff. He hated the other guy like despised him. He never saw him as a player. He would constantly run into to him. Even though he was bigger than Jared was able to mess with him. But when he went to go back to the bench where his stuff was on, but there was nothing there but a box. He had nothing but his shirt shorts and helmet. He heard a voice to open the box. But little did he know it was cursed by jeff. In the box was a mp3 player and ear buds. Jared grabbed it and put the earbuds in he pressed the play button and the music started to play. He knew this tune it was Your Welcome, Jared started to hum as his pants started to get tight. He was starting to really get into it as his shirt started to get tight. He looked down and watched as his feet started to rip his shoes. His shorts started to rip. His muscle were getting bigger and bigger. His skin started to darken spreading in spots to blotches becoming tan then darker and darker. His pecs were getting bigger and bigger. His shirt was ripping all over as he tore off the last shreds off his chest as tattoos started to show on his skin. 
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He started to smile but his dick was starting to get bigger as it grew from 9in to a full foot he needed to jack off. But he couldn’t do it in the open as he ran into the woods. He hid behind a tree he couldn’t take it anymore as he started to jack off his hair became long and wavy his nose puffed and he became more manly. His dick was now 13in long as he screamed YAHOOO as rope after rope of cum sprayed all over the ground. Leafs started to fall of the Palm trees as the forest changed to a beach and the leafs formed a leaf skirt. He sang “ I know it’s a lot the hair the bod” as his transformation into Maui completed. 
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He was Maui now. But being demigod he had to much strength backed up. So he decided to jack off one last time. He stroked his dick as it got harder and harder. He moaned so loud as he finally cummed all over the rock. Maui knew he was going to enjoy this beach.
Maui and Moana belong to Disney all rights to them.
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fabuloussisterofsin · 6 years
Hana Chapter Five is Up!  Hana: Tsukiatte kudasai
Hana Chapter Five
Hana: Tsukiatte kudasai
The fire is burning hot on this fancy arcade get together. Sushi and Sake lead to sweet touches and near misses. Will the Drink and fun liberate the two love birds from their confines? Will they finally get together? Or will their feelings remain caged in their hearts?
Please like, comment, reblog and leave Kudos! 
Missy yawned and headed for the bus. She got on and her eyes searched for her possibly more than just friend and partner Shinsuke. She was looking for him and spotted him more towards the middle of the bus. She waved and walked towards him. “Shin!” She said excitedly.
He pulled a white earbud out of his ear. "Heyo!" He said excitedly. "Sit, sit!" He said, patting the seat beside him. He had his phone in one hand; he had been playing Candy Crush.
Missy excitedly went and sat next to Shinsuke. “I was looking for you these trips are so much easier with a friend.” She bumped him lightly. “Ahh candy crush, my fav game is bejeweled!” She said to him as she put her things away.
"I play that too." He said. "I have lots of games." He nodded his head along to his music, his high ponytail swinging behind him.
She sat down next to him. “Whatcha listening to Shin! It looks like fun!” She asked taking out her I pad. She had dressed up today to look pretty for shin. She wanted him to thinks she was pretty, she wanted that magic from the beach again.
He offered her the ear bud from his left ear. He was listening to some electronic Japanese pop music. His head bobbed from side to side as one hand danced across his knee, the other playing Candy Crush. He hardly ever sat still. His eyes saw here, she was beautiful, just like she had been at the beach.
Missy took the ear bud and listened with him, she finally didn’t listen to this music but she liked it a lot with him. She smiled when she saw his dancing hand. He was always moving and she thought it was cute. She started to dance along with him. while she played bejeweled on her iPad.
Shin knocked her shoulder lightly with his as he swayed side to side. He sang along lowly in Japanese.
Missy smiled and knocked him back with her shoulder. “You’ll have to teach me some Japanese sometime.” She smiled at him. As she tried to say teach me please teacher her butchered it awfully saying instead sleep with me teacher.
Shinsuke snorted, his nose crinkling as he laughed. "No! No! Like this!" He said, saying the correct phrase. "No say other one. Could get you in trouble." He grinned.
“Oooohhh.” She repeated the correct phrase back. “What did I say?” She asked.
Shin bit his bottom lip, his cheeks turning a bit red. "Nothing."
“Are you sure? Did I say something offensive?” She asked him again. “I’m sorry if I did.” She Said sheepishly. “Hey why don’t you play me your favorite song!”
Shin smiled and leaned in close to her ear. "You ask me to sleep with you." He grinned as he picked up his phone, flipping through songs. He flipped to one called Heaven. "I like this right now." He said as the song began. 'Baby you're all that I want when you're lying here in my arms. I'm finding it hard to believe we're in heaven' followed by some catchy dance beats.
Missy turned the brightest shade of red when he told her what she had said. Not that her subconscious had been thinking that it still embarrassed her. Missy looked at Shinsuke blushing.
His hand danced towards hers. "It okay! Simple mistake." He smiled. "It okay hana."
Missy watched his hand as she grooved to the beat. She made her hand dance towards his and she let out a sweet and innocent giggle. “Thank you Shin.” She replied relieved.
A new song came on and Shin crossed his legs, his feet tapping as he swayed his head side to side. 'Where's my samurai? I've been searching for a man all across Japan. Just to find, to find my samurai. Someone who is strong but still a little shy. Yes I need, I need my samurai.”
Missy was now blushing heavily. To hide this she grabbed onto Shinsuke’s arm and buried her face in his chest. Her mind was screaming for her to tell him. But she would be quiet. She thought she heard the annoying voice of AJ styles headed her way.
Shin patted her hair. "It okay! Just slip up!" He said.
“Oh I’m not upset just, my brain stopped working.” She giggled. “You’re a lot like that samurai in the song.”
"Yeah? I samurai? Are you butterfly?" He asked, referring to the song. Aj sat in the seat across from her. "Hello!" He said cheerily. "I see you joined the mixed tag match. I wish you would have given me a shot, I'm the champ. The champ that runs the camp!" “Yes you are samurai and I’m the butterfly.” She smiled at shinsuke’s. “Oh hi AJ.” She said rolling her eyes. “I prefer someone whose ego isn’t bigger than this bus.”
"Well I mean when you got the swagger to back it up." He grinned. “Eew.” She replied to AJ. “You and Sami are gross.” She said to him. She turned back to shinsuke. “But yeah you’re a samurai and I’m. Butterfly.”
"You know Shinsuke doesn't win eeeevery match, right? I've beat him. More than a few times. Shinsuke patted his knee. "My knee, your face."
“Exactly his knee your face AJ.” She said to him. “So please stop trying to flirt with me.” She replied exasperatedly.
"Shinsuke is weird. When you want a normal guy, come find me. I'll show you what a southern gentleman is like." He winked before he got up. Shin rolled his eyes. “Thanks but I’d rather get an STD go on a date with you.” She snapped at him. “Which judging by your so called gentlemanly manner you’ve had plenty.” “Of STDS that is.”
Aj scrunched up his face. "Obviously I was looking at the wrong girl. You're rude." Shin laughed.
“I’m only rude because I’m not like the rest of the whores you’ve screwed with and I actually have a brain.” She shot at him again.
Aj lifted his eyebrows. "Well then. Sorry I bothered to show you any attention."
“Apology accepted.” She Said Suddenly losing her confidence.
"Got your hands full Shinsuke. She might chew you up next." He said before he left.
Missy shrunk away from AJ. She sniffled a little. “Thanks Shin.”
"He okay guy, but married. He should not be flirting."
“All the single ones keep coming after me and I’m like please leave me alone yah know.” She said to him. “But not you I like hanging out with you.”
"You are single?" He asked in his slow, methodical way of speaking with his heavy accent.
Missy squeeed on the inside. His way of talking was so endearing. “Yes I’m single.” She smiled. “Only ever been in two relationships but most men get scared when they find out who I am.” She  told shyly looking to Shinsuke.  She knew he felt the same way about her that she did him, which was well not in love, but she definitly felt something stronger. "You good person." He said slowly. "You deserve good person."
“Thanks Shinsuke.” She blushed and almost choked on her thought, the question spilled out of her before she could stop it. “So are you single?” She asked, her heart hammering in her chest.
"Yes. But I have my eye on someone else." He said, opening his eye wide with his fingers and grinning at her.
She laughed, not getting the joke was meant for her. “She’s a lucky girl.” She said to him almost disappointed.
Sami leaned over the seat in front of them. "Hey, we're here early. There's this really big arcade and Kevin and I are going, do you want to go with us?" He asked her.
“Ooh Uhh Yeah! I love arcades!” She said excitedly. “Shin you wanna come with us!” She said excitedly. “I bet you’re awesome at video games!”
Shin made a undecided face. "Okay At video games. I come only if sushi afterwards."
“Ooh yeah we can totes get sushi later you’ll have to teach me how to eat it and such.” She said not realizing that it sounded slightly dirty.
"I teach you Gakusei. Eating easy." He chuckled. "Now we play video games!"
“Yahooo!” She said excitedly. She grabbed her purse. “Come on Shin lets go!” She grabbed his hand.
Shin followed her off the bus, trailing behind Kevin and Sami. Sami was bouncing on the balls of his feet in excitement. "C'mon let's go! I'm gonna win something cool in the arcade!"
“Okay Sami just you try!” Missy smiled, she looked back to Shinsuke. “You okay shin?”
Shin nodded, giving her a broad smile. "Tag team? Win something cool?" He asked as they entered the arcade. The neon and flashing lights danced across their faces. Sami dragged Kevin off to a two person Jurassic Park game.
“Yeah! Tag team!” She beamed. “ There go the mister and misses.” She pointed at Sami and Kevin. “I bet we could win a stuffed animal or something.” She laughed. He looked really handsome. She liked how the lights played on his face.
Shin let his hair down and pulled it up into a bun and walked over to Kevin and Sami. "We get more tickets than you! We beat you!" He said. "You two can't beat us! She probably sucks at video games." Kevin said. "We get big stuffed animal." Shinsuke said. Sami patted his shoulder. "I bet I can beat you at ddr."
"Ddr?" Shinsuke said, slowly spelling out the letters.
“Dance dance revolution it’s a dancing game.” She said to shinsuke. “You follow the steps on the screen and that’s how you play.” She smiled at him. Damn with his hair down he was really cute. She had to up her game. She pulled her hair up. She pulled her shirt down and rremoved her leather jacket to show off her body and her beauty to shinsuke. “You’d be great I think!”
"Ah Dance Dance Revolution!" He said with great difficulty then he said it in Japanese. "I do good." He said. He spotted the flashing machine playing loud music and grabbed Missy's hand, leading her to the back to the machine.
“Ooh where are we going. Shin.” She said following the excited man. He was adorable and it made her heart flutter.
He stepped between the rails of the DDR machine and stood on the arrow pads. "The butterfly song!" He said excitedly. "I do well on this." He pressed the button and the song blared. He started by stepping on the pads with the growing rhythm.
Missy stood and watched him. He was adorable, she watched him move. She kinda looked at him with a half smile and moony eyes. He had her attention.
He moved, a tangle of fluidly moving limbs. His hair fell from the bun as he danced to the song about the samurai and the butterfly.
Missy leaned against the rail and watched him. He really was the Samurai and she was the butterfly. She felt so strongly about Shinsuke. Stronger than any man or woman for that matter. “Go Shinsuke go!” She jumped up and down.
He finished the song with a spin, a grin on his face. He scored a 90%. "Gah low score!"
She remained speechless with the spin and grin. She snapped out of it. “That’s a low score!” She said in disbelief. “You got the highest score on the machine.” She Said pointing to the screen.
"i do better at home." He said. "I not samurai of this machine." He laughed. "Sami may beat me." Sami heard his name and wandered over with Kevin. "You're on!" He glanced at Shin's score. "Oh yeah, I can beat that!" “That’s literally the highest score ever on this machine I highly doubt it” She said to shin. “Oh can beat Sami, just you did in the match.” She stuck her tongue out at Sami playfully . "Americans not good at Japanese games!" Shin said. "You pick song!" Sami picked a different one and they both waited for the song to begin. Kevin clapped Sami on the shoulder. "You got him!"
“You can do it Shin!” She said happily. “I believe in you!” She jumped up and down and clapped her hands.
Shin danced with spins and steps, his arms moving in the fluid motions he normally did. Sami danced with kicking, scuffing movements. At the end of the song Shinsuke posed at the screen, arms outstretched. Shinsuke's 90% to Sami's 70%. "Yeaoh!" Shinsuke cheered.
“Yay Shin! Omg look at you! Oh my gosh!” Missy was so excited for Shin. “I told you Sami!” She ran up and hugged Shinsuke.
He smiled and wrapped his arms around her. "Now we win you giant teddy bear!"
"Rematch, Shin!" Sami said.
"No!" Shin laughed, sticking his tongue out at him over her head.
“Yeah suck it up loser!” She smiled at Sami. “Oh Shin we don’t have to.” She laughed. “I mean I bet I can kick your butt in the ticket games!” She smiled at him. She liked the feeling of him hugging her.
He gathered up the tickets he had won and shoved them in the front pocket of his hoodie. "We win giant Pikachu. Whether you take it or I keep it." He smiled. "Pikachu huge at home." He took her hand and led her to some of the other games.
Missy really liked having Shin hold her hand. She liked this feeling of being his. She was sure the rumor mill was flying about her and Shinsuke. “I looooove Pikachu! I grew up playing Pokémon!” She squealed. “Look Jurassic Park ticket game!” She said happily.
"You kill dinosaur with me?" He asked. They heard a commotion at the front of the arcade. Kids were entering the once empty arcade and they were recognizing Kevin and Sami.
Shin pulled her into the darkened booth of the Jurassic Park game. He slid their ticket card twice and grasped his gun. "Die dinosaur die!" He grinned. “Hell yes!” She Said happily. She was almost taken aback from Shins force in pulling her. She grabbed the gun and laughed when he said died dinosaur die. She laughed happily. “Hopefully we won’t get caught!” She giggled.
"We will. Maybe they will wait till after game!" He smiled as they began playing the game. As they played, children and young people began crowding around the cubical. They were all whispering among each other, eyes trained on Shinsuke.
“Hopefully!” Missy was intensely into the game catching the eyes of some young men and some little kids. “Come on Shin! We almost got him.
"Let's go!" Shin said, holding his gun with both hands and playing intensely.
Missy let out a slight scream as the spiders jumped on the screen. She hated spiders. “Eeeeeek I hate spiders!”
"I keep you safe!" Shin said, swinging his gun to her side to shoot at the spiders on the screen. A spider jumped on his side, biting the last bit of his life. "Keep going!" He said, rooting her on. "Kill the dinosaurs!"
“I got this I’ll save us!” She Said going on to win the game completely. “Hell yeah!” She looked and Shinsuke as the machine spit it out tickets. “I did it! Oh my god!”
Shin smiled and high fived her. "You save us!" He gathered their tickets and stuffed them into his pockets. He produced two sharpies from his pocket and gave her one. "Sign autographs. Make kids day." He smiled. He stepped out of the game and kids swarmed him, smiling and laughing and calling his name.
Missy smiled and she watched him. She didn’t think anyone would be into her when suddenly a group of young girls came up to her. “MISS KISS!” They yelled. Missy too the sharpie or and signed the girls autographs and answered questions. “Miss Kiss are you and Shinsuke Nakamura a couple?” One asked. Missy blushed. “Welll I uhhh well we’re friends for right now.” She said to the girl looking over at shinsuke. Her heart skipped a beat.
Shin stood with a line of young girls and boys and they all crossed their wrists after him. "Ready?" He asked. When they all cheered he began shaking his hands and they all joined in. "Yeaoh!" They all cheered around him. Sami and Kevin snapped pictures of him and then the girls and a few boys gathering around Missy.
Missy's heart swelled when she saw shin with the kids. It was really sweet and so was he and she could feel the heat creeping up her cheeks and that little knot in her belly of butterflies. She noticed the boys and smiled. "Alright who wants the kiss of death?" She asked and the kids jumped up and down. She did her little spin, wink, pose and blew a kiss. The kids went wild. She leaned down to signed the t shirt of a little boy who was more than excited. She posed for a picture with him and with his parents permission she gave the boy a kiss on the cheek.
Shin reached for her hand and lifted it in the air. "Next women champ!" He said and the kids around them cheered.
Missy blushed and looked at all of them. "I certainly hope so!" She smiled, and then shot them her tag line. "Because I'm Unbreakable!" The kids yelled again.
Shin shot her a smile. "Be good! Have fun!" He said gesturing at the arcade. Shin showed her the inside of his hoodie pocket. "You think we have enough for Pikachu?"
Shins smile was to die for. “I think so let’s go trade them in for a receipt!” She said excitedly.
"Pika pika!" He said as he walked to the arcade counter. He pointed up at the one he wanted. Pikachu holding an apple. "Pikachu!" He said in his thick accent before he dumped the tickets they had won all over the counter. The attendant handed the stuffed animal over to him and he kissed the top of its head before handing it over to Missy.
“Awwww Shin that’s so sweet of you!” She said truly touched by the gesture. She giggled at him making the Pikachu noise. “Thanks Shinsuke, this was really fun.” She Hugged the giant stuffed toy. “Now I might be able to sleep well tonight in my hotel room, I always sleep best on the bus with you.” She Stated.
He gave her a shy smile, his hair falling in his face. "You ready for food?" He asked as he held up his phone. "Japanese place around corner. Sami and Kevin approached the counter.
Missy smiled shyly back at Shin. His smile was really cute and she couldn’t help but feel her heart leap from her chest. “Yeah sure.” She said reaching out to our shins hair behind his ears
"Holy shit you got the pikachu!" Sami said, he and Kevin each with giant rainbow colored slinkies. "We got two prizes so we each had one.”
"Pika for the pika girl." Shin declared.
“Awww Shin.” She said turning bright red. “I have no idea what that means but it sounds cute,  just like Hana.” She said to Shin. “Cool slinkies you two!”
"You no know pikachu girl song?" He asked. "I show you. We go eat. You come with?" He asked Kevin and Sami. The two men looked at each other.
"What's for dinner?" Kevin asked.
"Sushi!" Shin replied.
"Nah, I want pizza." Kevin said. "Maybe we let the two loooove birds have dinner together!" Sami jeered.
"No I don't know the pikachu girl song." She said to shin and she laughed a little at his broken english. She laughed at the boys until the love birds comment. 'I....I don't know what you're talkjng about." She blushed heavily.
Shin winked at her. "We no want your company anyway! We go eat." Sami and Kevin looked at each other.
"We'll see it on TMZ tomorrow anyway!" Kevin said.
"Maybe he's show you his smooth style." Sami said.
Missy just about died. "Okay you two jokesters haha." she laughed nervously, and hugged the stuffed toy tight. "Yeah we can go eat now." She said to Shin.
Kevin didn't get his joke. "Ya know...smooth style...king of strong style? Smooth operator?" Sam explained.
"Personally I would have gone with king of sexy style." Kevin said. "Sounds better. I'm sure Missy agrees."
“Okaaaaay that’s enough of that.” Missy said beet red. “Let’s go eat shin I’m starving.” Her tummy growled to add to the point.
Shin walked quietly beside her, his hands swaying and dancing at his sides. He pulled out his phone and looked up a song on his phone, passed her his ear buds. It was the Pika Girl song.
Missy smiled. “Ahh so I’m a pika girl.” She said jamming along with him. She looked at hi, and s,I led and then stuck her tongue out playfully. Him and smiled.
He pointed at the pikachu then to her. "Pika and pika girl!" He held the door open at the Japanese place for her, gesturing her in.
Missy laughed. “You’re too much.” She said as they entered the Japanese place, which was fun by actual Japanese people. She had no idea what to do. “Errm.”
"I got this." He smiled. The servers all fawned over him, having been a huge star in Japan. He spoke to them in Japanese and the showed the pair to a private room where they sat by themselves.
“Ohhh fancy!” She said looking around. They were surrounded by a fish tank with all kids of Japanese fish swimming around. Her face lit up when she saw them.
"You eat sushi?" He asked
“Mmmm not really I’m kinda scared of it.” She admitted looking at him. “Never tried it before.”
He browsed the menu. "We order this, get everything." He said, pointing at a platter of a little bit of everything.
Missy nodded. "Okay I trust you." You she said to Shin. She looked into his onyx eyes, they were warm and inviting like chocolate.
A server entered and he ordered in Japanese. When she left he walked around the table to the fish tank to watch the fish swim. "You think they fish for sushi here?" He asked, waiting to see if she got his joke.
Missy was drinking water and she snorted when she heard Shinsuke’s joke. It came out of her nose and she laughed really hard. “Oh my god shin.” She laughed and laughed.
He turned to face her, his grin reaching his eyes. "I like your laugh." He said, moving to sit next to her.
“Aww thanks.” She looked at him her heart beating wildly. “And I like your smile.”
He picked up the chopsticks from the table, broke them apart, and showed her how to hold them. "You eat like this?" He asked, mimicking how to pick up food with them. "You eat with chopsticks?"
Missy looked at his hands. “mm okay.” She made the hand and chopstick motion. “I eat with chopsticks every now and then it’s hard.” She said and smiled. Her blue eyes sparkling.
He reached across her and took her hands, shaping her hands around the sticks to hold them better. "Like this hana." Missy's breath caught when he touched her hand. For someone so strong he was so gentle and tender. "Ohh okay I see." She said softly. "Hana, I still dont know what that means." She said to him.
He gave her a small smile. "You no google?" He teased.
"Oh Well, I don't really trust google translate cause its often times wrong, so I figured I'd ask a language speaker." She said messing with the chop sticks the fell out of her hand. 'Oh shoot!"
"Hana is flower." He said in his thick accent. He took his chop sticks and snapped them at her playfully.
"Oh, that's really sweet." She said to Shin trying to pick up the chop sticks.
‘damn it, can you help me again?" She asked shinsuke. He was really cute and he couldn't help but feel butterflies when he told her it meant flower.
"You are cute like flower and smell like cherry blossoms." He said as he reached for the chop sticks and her hands, bringing him closer to her.
"Ohh Shinsuke thats...." She had no words as he got closer. The blood was rushing through her ears and she trembled a little bit. Being so close to him was scary but invigorating.
He turned his face to look at her. He was close enough to smell her sweet perfume and he tucked his hair behind his ear. "Next Japan tour I take you to see cherry blossom." He said as he looked into her eyes.
"I would like that very much, I've always wanted to see them." She said moving in a little closer to his face. Her blue eyes meeting his warm brown ones.
The door clicked open, the server slipping inside with their food and a bottle of sake. Shin gave her a polite smile as he cleared his throat and distanced himself enough to let the server place their food down.
Missy cleared her throat and looked away from him mentally beating herself up. She looked at the plate slightly scared by it and tried really hard not to blush at what had just happened.
Shin bowed to the server and looked to Missy. "You know how to hold chop sticks now hana? You ready to eat sushi?"
"Yeah I think I got it now." She smiled at shin. "I just don't know which one to choose." She went for one that looked less intimidating than the others.
He poured them both sake before combing his hair aside and tucking it behind his ear. He fell into pointing out the different sushi and trying his best to explain what each one was.
"Oh yeah I think I'll like the lobster one." She said taking that and biting into it. She hated the seaweed. She screwed up her face in displeasure.
"What wrong?" He laughed, taking a piece and biting into it.
She finished eating the piece of sushi. "The seaweed tastes like super fishy." She laughed. She downed the Saké. "Oh lord that’s strong."
Shin pointed out pieces with little to no seaweed, taking sips of his sake. "Drink slow." He said. "No loose your head."
Missy smiled. "Okay I'll go slow." Dinner was way too much fun and Missy had had a little too much Saké. She giggled when Shinsuke made a joke.
Shin smiled at her. "Drunk!" He laughed. "You laugh lots."
"But you're funny Shin." She said smiling broadly at him. "You're funny and super cute." She said moving her hair from her face. She stumbled. "The walk will help me sober up.”  She laughed as she hugged her Pikachu.
"You are cute!" He said as he struggled to shrug out of his hoodie, the hoodie lifting up his shirt to show off his belly as he pulled it off.
Missy couldn't help but eye him. She let out a long low whistle. "Thanks buddy." She giggled.
Shin grinned at her as he appeared out from under the hoodie. "I see you!" He laughed, waggling a finger at her. "We have to go. Sober up before au-to-graphs." He sounded out.
Missy giggled uncontrollably and sat down on the pavement outside the restaurant."Shiiiiiin." She groaned as she held her sides and laughed.
He reached out to take her hand. "Come on." He said gently. "You no go to signing. I tell them you sick. Should not have had sake."
“Noooo I'll be fiiiiiiiiine!" She said taking his hand. "I just need a brisk walk to sober me up!' She said giggling. She took a step forward and then went flying forwards into Shinsuke. "Oops sorry."
"Hey!" He laughed. Her face close to his. "Easy Hana." "Sorry Sensei!' She laughed back at him, but then she got quiet. She looked into his dark brown eyes and placed a hand on his cheek. "You have such pretty eyes Shinsuke." She said to him.
He smiled at her, flicking his hair over his shoulder as he held her and the giant Pikachu. "You are cure pika girl." He leaned in close and brushed his lips against hers.
Missy nearly fainted at the feeling of his lips brushing hers. She was almost hesitant, before she returned the kiss and kissed him harder.
Shin wrapped his arms around her, holding her and the Pikachu close. "We can no stay here. Cameras." He said, gesturing around. "Rumors."
Missy pulled away. "Yeah we should go, but that kiss was really nice." She said to him stroking his face.
"Very nice." He smiled before he offered her his arm. "We go?"
'Shinsuke, do you like like me? Like go on dates ad stuff?" She asked taking his arm and walking.
He reached down to take her hand. "Tsukiatte kudasai?" He asked and huffed. "Will you-" he was struggling to make his sentence in English.
"uhhh hang on." She said to him she took out her phone and put the translator on. "Here speak into it." She smiled at him.
"Tsukiatte kudasai?" He said into the phone and it translated, the phone reading 'will you date me'. Shin nodded excitedly and pointed at her phone. "Will you date me?" He said, sounding out the words slowly.
Missy let out an excited yelp. "Oh my god! Yes! Yes! I'd love to be your girlfriend." She smiled and put the pikachu down and gave shin a passionate kiss.
He ran his hand through the hair at the side of her head as they kissed. "Thank you hana." He smiled."We go, hana." He said, motioning with his head. "Au-to-graphs." He reached in his pocket for gum and passed her a piece. "No drunk, Missy-chan."
Missy took the gum graciously. "Thanks dear." She giggled kissing his cheek. 'Let's go sign autographs." She said taking his hand as they walked away.
Becky made faces at Missy. "Nice pikachu!" He laughed. "He your new boyfriend?" She asked with amusement in her Irish accent.
“Well, you'll be happy to know Becky Lynch. Shinsuke is my boyfriend now!" She said clinging to Shinsuke and beaming.
"ah is that right?" Becky laughed. "You locked down smackdown's most eligible bachelor? You go girl!" She said, lightly punching Missy's arm. "Yay Shin!"
"Thanks." Missy smiled. "Shin won the Pikachu for me and then took me for sushi, it was nice." She smiled and then leaned in to kiss Shinsuke.
Shin smiled at her. "Hana, I must go." He said, pointing at his table with several of the men, away from her and the rest of the women. He kissed the top of her head."Bye!"
"Bye.” She called waving to him and blowing him a kiss as he walked away. She turned to the girls and let out an excited shriek.
Shinsuke caught AJ looking in her direction. "She is taken." He said slowly and with a smile. He passed Kevin and Sami. "I win her over."
"Becky you would not believe it just oh my god he was so adorable, I am so glad that I fell asleep on him that one time." She said smiling. "I don't know how long it will last but damn." She smiled.
"There is something about him, makes him magnetic." Becky said. "That's why the crowd loves him so much."
"Yeah..." She looked over to Shinsuke. "He certainly is magnetic."
He caught her eye and waved. Xavier Woods walked by Shinsuke, showed him his phone. Their kiss was already being tweeted about. A fan had snapped a photo. Shin shrugged. "She is hot!" He laughed.
Missy waved back to shin. She checked her phone and saw their kiss is on the internet. She ran over to the table where he was and lay a long and passionate kiss on him.
She caught him off guard and he nearly pulled her over the table. "Care-ful hana!" He smiled as a good bit of the crowd and other superstars awwed them.
"Im sorry I just needed one last kiss before I go." She nuzzled his face. "Thanks for everything." She said sweetly.
He smiled at her, brushed her hair aside and kissed her sweetly. "Be alone soon." He said. Missy was sore from her match with Natalya and she winced getting on the bus. She just wanted to sit down. She found an empty seat and plopped down there waiting for Shin to show up. He had won his match, she had not.
Shin walked along with Tye Dillinger, telling him a story as they walked to the bus.
Missy was a little downtrodden from losing and she was in pain, but she smiled when she saw shin.
He climbed on the bus behind Tye. "Konichiwa Hana." He greeted, taking the seat beside her.
"Konichiwa Koibito." She smiled at him. A bruise on her jaw. "I'm really glad to see you.' She said to him. She put her head on his shoulder.
He rubbed the bruise on her jaw gently. "Sorry you loose match." He said. "Good match."
'Yeah I really thought I had her." She said to Shin. "Can I get a kiss?" She asked him batting her eyelashes at him.
One corner of his mouth quirked into a smile. "Yes!" He leaned down to kiss her, letting her take the lead.
'That damn smile of yours is gonna get you in trouble one day." She teased giving him a sweet kiss, and then deepening it, into an intense make out type kiss.
Several people wolf whistled around them and Shin pulled away, grinning fiercely. Missy blushed. “Alright everyone calm down.” She said jokingly. She nuzzled Shinsuke. “Thanks koibito. I really needed that. I’m feeling really sad or uh Kanashi.” She said looking up at him.
He leaned back against the bus window and motioned for her to sit between his legs and lean against his chest. "What is wrong, Hana?"
“I’m just bummed about my match, I can’t be women’s champ if they keep writing me like this .” She moved to lay between his legs. Her Japanese cherry blossom perfume was on today just for him. “I should of beat Her.” She Said glumly. “But hey you were amazing, and people are really running with this whole us thing.” She stroked his chest.
"You did your best." He said slowly, running his hand through her hair. "You get better. I still train you."
“I mean if they want me to be champ then why are they writing me losing the next four matches.” She asked. “And thanks my love.” She nuzzled against his chest. "You work hard, they change minds." He said, laying his chin on top of her head. He showed her a post of them kissing proclaiming them kawaii.
She smiled. “We most certainly are.” She nuzzled against him. “Your pikachu kept me company on the hotel, I wish it was you instead though.” She states.
"She means she'd like to peek-at-chu Shin." Tye teased.
Missy snorted. “Yup totally what I meant.” She laughed as she curled up against shin.
Shin got her to stand so he could stretch out across the seats with her laying chest to chest, her leg thrown over his.
Missy smiled and gave him a soft kiss then, a strong one kinda sinking into the making out again.
Shin sighed against her, letting her guide the kiss again as he gently reciprocated. He moved her hand to his chest where he could hold it.
Missy was happy he was reciprocating she deepened it and made the kiss more intense. She sighed into the kiss, letting him take over.
He licked and nipped at her bottom lip, asking for entrance.
She granted it almost surprised at his sudden intensity. “Mmmm.” She moaned softly.
His lips danced across hers, his tongue caressing.
Missy was a really enjoying this. She rubbed his chest a hand going under his shirt to touch his pecs. She kissed him hard.
He rolled her over fully on top of him, the bus silent with nearly everyone sleeping. His hand travelled up the ridge of her backbone beneath her shirt as they kissed.
She shudders at his touch and she melted into him. She’d let it go on a little longer. She eventually broke the kiss and caught her breath.
He leaned up to kiss her forehead, looking out of the dark windows. "We sleep now Hana." He said.
“Agreed Koibito.” She said settling in against him.
He wrapped his arms around her and settled in for sleep.
@shinnakafan384 @obeydontstray @pikapuff316 @loveshinsukenakamura @wrestlethedevil
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