#official lalamon
koushirouizumi · 2 years
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{Digi-T.C.G.} ~ Kuwagamon + (Palmon's) Meat Farm
{from here!}
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digitalgate02 · 20 days
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Digimon Miku reference because i'd like to draw more of her.
"Who's her partner??" Since she was based on the official collabs, I guess Agumon. BUT! Maybe Lalamon (Lalamon sings c'mon.) and her Appmon buddy would be Musimon i guess.
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shihalyfie · 7 months
I don’t know if there’s like any information on this but I figured I’d ask, do you know if there’s any reason why Yoshino & Lalamon didn’t get character songs like everyone else? It’s just really weird to me but I never see it mentioned or anything…
There's been no official statement on it as far as I'm aware, but if I had to guess, my first guess would be that it probably had to do with Aragaki Yui (Yoshino's voice actress) and her agency. Yoshino was only one of very few voice acting roles she ever had in her entire career, and it was very early at that; her agency was probably demoing out various career outlets for her to see what stuck, but she was always meant to be a live-action actress from the beginning. So it's possible (again, this is just purely speculation) that her agency wasn't up for the usual anime voice actor stuff like character songs, and poor Lalamon unfortunately had to take the hit as well despite her character being tied to singing (and Yukana being a voice actress who does this kind of thing all the time) because it'd be glaring to have Lalamon but no Yoshino.
For all it's worth, Aragaki is now so incredibly famous and prominent that they can't even get her back to voice Yoshino anymore, so I think it's safe to say that stuff surrounding her is very different from what you usually get with Digimon voice actors. The big question is really just how much that applied during Savers' airing as well.
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hiddenhope44 · 2 months
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I wanted some (theoretically)aesthetically pleasing evo sheets for my digimon ocs so I made these by using official tcg art and mashing them together in a bit of BeFunky and csp
There are more but they couldn’t fit all of them so here’s the first batch (aka the mains)
Edit also for those that are curious on pronouns
Pawnchessmon: she/her
Blackguilmon: he/him
Lalamon: whatever (I usually just default to they/them but they couldn’t care less call me whatever)
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thaisibir · 2 years
Hey, it’s been a while!
I was reading through your Survive stuff again and I had some thought, specifically regarding the kids and possible Kemonogami partners.
If Ellie/Yuki had lived, I could see her with two possible partners: Salamon or Lunamon, though leaning towards Lunamon since she hasn’t been partnered up with anyone in official media outside of Sayo from Digimon Dusk.
Plus, it could partner with my pick for Richard, which is Coronamon. Not only would Lunamon and Coronamon eventually evolve into two of the Olympus 12 like Labramon to Plutomon, but Apollomon and Dianamon can jogress to Gracenovamon. If Ellie had lived, I can see her and Richard being close and it could reflect in their partners.
As for Gavin, Owen and Liam, there are three partners that come to mind though I don’t know who would have who: Liollmon, Gaomon and Gomamon. And why not give Caleb a possible partner in Bearmon, who can also become an Olympus 12 Digimon in Marsmon or Merkurimon.
The others haven’t had kids yet, but if they do biologically or adopt:
Ryo’s possible kid could have Wormmon or even the new bug Digimon in Fanbeemon or Morphomon.
I do like Kaito and Takuma together, tbh, and if they adopted, I could see their kid having Guilmon, which harkens to the free Guilmon you get when you download Survive. Plus, Guilmon is a dinosaur like Agumon but a virus type like Dracmon.
Shuuji’s kid would be easy as I believe they would get Terriermon to match his Lopmon.
If Saki ever adopted, I could see Lalamon being a viable partner, or perhaps a more unconventional partner in Mushroomon, who can become Bloominglordmon as a Mega.
Finally, with Minoru, if he ever did have a kid, I could see Hawkmon being an option, or the lesser used or known Rookie of Hyokomon.
So yeah, I’ve thought about this a lot😅
Hey there, good to hear from you, especially after a while!
I’ve actually thought about this a lot too, ever since September of last year. Admittedly I have a bias for Aoi and Saki since they're my favorite Survive characters, so I went a lot further into the future lives I imagined for them than the others. I really like what you’ve thought of for the other Survive kids though. Your headcanons for them end up being mine too! I never had concrete ideas for the others having kids, but I can see them being good parents and now after seeing your headcanons, I can’t imagine anything else.
As for Aoi’s four sons, however, I already have had character bios and partners for them in mind for months now. I got a fic I’ve been wanting to write and everything. The gist of it:
-Aoi and Labramon become Plutomon and join the Olympos Twelve -the Olympos Twelve (especially Jupitermon) are the big bads -her kids grow up to become teens with partners of their own -they follow their mother’s footsteps in fusing with their partners to become Royal Knights -they’re forced to fight their own mother in order to save both worlds
I just haven’t yet had the time to start it yet. I’m currently writing an Aoi x Saki fic, The Dog In Her, that focuses on their evolving friendship when they’re teens, will lead to how and why Aoi’s in England throughout her adult life, and foreshadows her future transformation into Plutomon. The fic where Aoi has kids and becomes Plutomon, Gods Arise, is going to be a sequel that takes place many years later. I love tragedy and family drama, so I really look forward to working on it someday.
So, alas, while I have had a different direction in mind for Aoi’s kids, I absolutely love your idea of her firstborn son and daughter having Coronamon and Lunamon, so they could jogress into Grandnovamon. I don’t know how I could incorporate that into Gods Arise; maybe I could do an alternate universe storyline or something that has a timeline where Aoi’s daughter didn’t die shortly after birth. Or maybe you could write it! I’d love to read it if that’d be the case.
More detailed notes for the sequel fic and character bios for Aoi’s family are under the cut, in case if you’re interested at all in reading further. I’ve been keeping this to myself for many months, since it’s still very much in the brainstorming stage, and I wasn’t sure if anyone would want to read it all honestly, but now you got me eager to share.
Digimon Survive: Gods Arise Summary: [Survive sequel, 15-25 years after Truthful Route] Aoi's oldest child has run away, lured to a place where unpartnered monsters roam. At her plea for help, old friends reunite and embark on a rescue mission. Saki knows she shouldn't pine over a newly widowed woman. Still, old buried feelings rear their head. Gods begin their ascent to power and conquest, but it's not the boy they're after.
Aoi Shibuya Age: 30, 40 (post 10 year time skip, but continues to appear 30) Partner: Labramon Family: Caleb (husband), Richard (son), Gavin (son), Owen (son), Liam (son), Ellie (daughter, deceased), Tatsuo (father), Hana (mother)
(See previously written headcanons in separate notes for full details)
Additional details: Since her first venture into the Kemonogami world, Aoi has grown a lot more confident and competent due to her career in law enforcement, though she never lost her kind nature and maternal side. She hates resorting to violence, preferring negotiation, but if it comes down to that, her skills in combat and firearms are far from lacking. Having spent the first 18 years of her life in Japan, and the rest of it in England, she is comfortably situated between the two cultures. She does her best to keep her UK-born kids in touch with their Japanese heritage. She also strives to stay close to her friends who remain in Japan. Until recent events in the story, she has been unaware of Saki’s unrequited love for her (through no fault of her own, since Saki had kept her feelings hidden when Aoi got engaged and married).
Labramon Partner: Aoi Since coming to the real world with her human partner, Labramon had moved to England and joined the MI5 with her. She works like a police dog, helping Aoi with her tracking abilities and defending her in dangerous situations. Despite her animalistic appearance, she’s treated as a valuable member of the family Aoi and her husband had made together. She adores their kids and would always be entrusted to watch over them.
Caleb Shanahan Age: 33 (at death) Aoi's husband and fellow MI5 agent three years her senior. He is a tall, well-built and handsome man with cropped dirty blonde hair and a trimmed beard. He was born and raised in England, though he is well-traveled due to his father being in the military. Caleb and Aoi met at work and grew closer as they were assigned cases together. He is the object of admiration and attraction among the women at work, though it's the kind and quiet Aoi he falls in love with. Their common love for reading and cooking made him even more fond of her. He learned about the Kemonogami world through Aoi, and by becoming romantically involved with her he came to regard Labramon as extended family. Toward his sons with Aoi, he is a doting, loving father who likes to take them fishing, his favorite hobby. He was killed in the line of duty, and his death sets off the events of the story.
Richard "Richie" Benjiro Shanahan Age: 8, 18 (post 10 year time skip) Partner: Dorumon (Alphamon) Birthday: September 25 The oldest child of Aoi and Caleb. After Aoi became Plutomon, he was taken to Japan to be raised by his maternal grandparents. He has a special place in his parents’ hearts for being their first surviving child after the death of their baby daughter. Driven by grief at his father's funeral, he was the one who ventured into the Kemonogami world on his own, prompting Aoi to pursue him in an effort to bring him back home. He believes he's responsible for his mother's downfall and transformation into Plutomon. For 10 years he has carried a tremendous amount of guilt and the need to save her from the darkness that binds her. Reckless and impulsive in his youth, he has since inherited his mother's sense of responsibility. He is always trying to take care of his younger brothers, making sure they are safe and well.
Gavin Eisuke Shanahan Age: 6, 16 (post 10 year time skip) Partner: Veemon, Ulforceveedramon Birthday: April 10 The second son of Aoi and Caleb. After Aoi became Plutomon, he was taken to Japan to be raised by his maternal grandparents. Of the four brothers, he is the most intelligent and level-headed. He takes after his mother's studious nature and academic prowess. He's a good student and abides by the rules, deferent and reserved to a fault. His practical and analytical approach sometimes makes him seem cold and insensitive.
Owen Isamu Shanahan Age: 5, 15 (post 10 year time skip) Partner: Huckmon (Jesmon) Birthday: February 3 The third son of Aoi and Caleb. After Aoi became Plutomon, he stayed in England to be raised by his paternal grandparents. He inherited his mother's kindness and sweet nature. He doesn't like fights and takes a pacifistic approach to almost everything. He is notoriously gullible and can be too trusting. Though raised in England, he tries to stay in touch with his Japanese heritage by talking often to his older brothers and maternal grandparents.
Liam Daiki Shanahan Age: 3, 13 (post 10 year time skip) Partner: Dracomon (Dynasmon) Birthday: December 24 The second youngest child of Aoi and Caleb. After Aoi became Plutomon, he stayed in England to be raised by his paternal grandparents. He was only 3 years old when his father died and his mother became Plutomon. Because of this, of the four he has the weakest recollection of his parents and is the most bitter about being orphaned. He bears resentment toward his mother for being an absent parent for most of his life, as well as for the destruction and terror she inflicts on the world as Plutomon. Growing up hating his mother and everything she represents, he has the most antagonistic view of his Japanese heritage and clings to his English side. Ironically enough, he physically resembles his mother the most. Unlike her, however, he is prickly and foul-mouthed with a short fuse.
Dorumon Partner: Richard Evolutions: Dorugamon, Dorugreymon, Alphamon Has a “fight first think later” mindset, which often gets him into trouble. He can be selfish and immature, and has a hard time making friends, but he’s working on changing his ways.
Veemon Partner: Gavin Evolutions: Veedramon, Aeroveedramon, Ulforceveedramon Sly and mischievous, enjoys a good prank. He scoffs at the rules and likes to stir up harmless trouble. He’s always telling Gavin to relax and not be such a stick in the mud.
Huckmon Partner: Owen Evolutions: Baohuckmon, Saviorhuckmon, Jesmon Brave and adventurous, fearless of the unknown. He tries to keep an upbeat attitude and have a positive outlook on life. The most mature of the four Kemonogami, he serves as the grounding voice of reason for Owen.
Dracomon Partner: Liam Evolutions: Coredramon (Blue), Wingdramon, Dynasmon Proud and stubborn, tenacious in battle. His arrogance often makes him overconfident and he is just as unwilling to admit he had made mistakes. He is obsessed with shiny things and would hoard as many as he could carry.
Plot: Aoi’s husband, who’s in law enforcement like his wife, is shot and killed in the line of duty. During his funeral, his and Aoi’s oldest child Richard runs away to the Kemonogami world. She beseeches the rest of the Survive gang to help find and bring back her son. For the first time since the end of the Truthful route, they enter the other world with their partners together. Meanwhile, Richard meets Dorumon, who claims that he was “sent by the gods to find a hero.” Richard lets Dorumon lead him deeper into the Kemonogami world, trying to bury his grief amid the wonder and awe from exploring the world he had heard so much about from his mother. As the Survive gang try to track down Richard, Saki struggles with unrequited feelings for Aoi she thought she had buried long ago. Aoi, fresh with grief from her husband’s death, struggles with holding herself together as she tries to find her son.
The “gods,” the Olympos Eleven led by Jupitermon, had indeed sent Dorumon to meet Richard, but it’s not the boy they want. They need the god of the underworld to fulfill their ambition of rising to full power and conquering both worlds. To this end, they indirectly lure Aoi back into the Kemonogami world. Committed to her family as a wife and mother, she had no reason to go there otherwise. When Aoi and her friends finally find Richard, the Olympos Eleven come out of hiding and threaten Richard’s life. Already wracked with grief, and not wanting to lose another member of her family, in desperation Aoi says she would do anything to have him set free. They bind her in chains, force her into servitude, and in a violent, bloody ritual, make her and Labramon fuse to trigger the rise of Plutomon. Saki, with her partner who can evolve into Ceresmon Medium, joins the Olympos Eleven to accompany Aoi and save her from the worst of Jupitermon’s unhealthy pleasure in subjugating her. With the addition of Plutomon and Ceresmon, the prophesied circle of gods is complete. The rest of the Survive gang are allowed to bring Richard back with them to the real world, though the ascent of the Olympos Twelve plunges both worlds into chaos. Kemonogami and humans alike are subjugated under tyranny and fear, with Plutomon being the unwilling emissary of death and execution to anyone who tries to resist.
Over the course of ten years, Aoi’s four sons are divided between the grandparents who become their legal guardians, with Richard and Gavin living in Japan while Owen and Liam stay in England. At the ages of 18, 16, 15 and 13 respectively, they reach the point that they can join the Resistance (led by Aoi’s friends) and fight back against the Olympos Twelve. The other three boys gain partners as well: Veemon, Huckmon, and Dracomon. With partners of their own and destinies to become draconic Royal Knights, only they can match in power with their mother to defeat her and set her free. Controlled and commanded by Jupitermon to oppose her own children, Aoi is willing to face even death if killing her is what it would take to save both worlds. At the same time, over the years Aoi and Saki’s relationship grows into mutual love as Saki has been a constant comforting presence when Aoi is torn away from her family, and she finally confesses that she has loved Aoi all this time.
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commentaryvorg · 3 years
Digimon Data Squad Dub Comparison Episode 6 - The Ultimate Team No More?
This is a companion to my commentary on the original Japanese Digimon Savers! Reading my commentary on the original version of this episode (which you can find here) is recommended before reading this dub comparison.
Original name ~ Dubbed name
Masaru Daimon ~ Marcus Damon
Yoshino Fujieda ~ Yoshino “Yoshi” Fujieda
Tohma H. Norstein ~ Thomas H. Norstein
Sayuri Daimon ~ Sarah Damon
Chika Daimon ~ Kristy Damon
Captain Rentarou Satsuma ~ Commander Richard Sampson
Katsumata ~ Boomer
[Since several characters share the same name between the original and the dub, quotes from the dub will always be in italics, while quotes from the original will not, in order to distinguish them.]
Yoshi: “But does he wait? Of course not! Not Mister Reckless!”
Yoshi has some added exasperation at Marcus in the dub and I approve.
Masaru:  “Aw, he’s annoyed at himself.”
Agumon:  “Yeah, he’s annoyed.”
Marcus: “What’s wrong, ya jealous?”
Agumon: “Sorry, but no autographs!”
how does Agumon know what an autograph is
Agumon:  “As if any Digimon could beat us when we’re fighting together!”
Masaru:  “Yeah! Because we’re the strongest combination ever!”
Agumon:  “Ever!”
Agumon: “We’ll just win again, of course! There’s no Digimon that can beat the ultimate team!”
Marcus: “Yeah! Agumon and I are the strongest team ever!”
Agumon: “Yeah!”
The original brought in Masaru and Agumon calling themselves the strongest combination ever kind of transparently for the purpose of this episode. However, because Marcus and Agumon have already called themselves “the ultimate team” before in the dub, this works better and doesn’t seem quite so obvious.
Dub-Agumon doesn’t have that quirk original-Agumon has of echoing the last word or so – or maybe a whole sentence as in the previous quote – of Masaru’s lines for emphasis. Not necessarily a bad thing, just that the dub Agumon has different quirks.
Lalamon:  “This is the worst…”
Yoshino:  “That’s my line.”
Lalamon: “Well, at least they don’t lack confidence.”
Yoshi: “No, they just lack common sense.”
Lalamon doesn’t get to steal Yoshi’s catchphrase, but instead she and Yoshi do some very warranted snarking.
Agumon: “Sarah, you’re a genius chef! Yum!”
Marcus: “Hey! How many times do I have to tell you not to call my mom by her first name!”
In the dub of the earlier episode where original-Agumon started doing this, dub-Agumon actually didn’t happen to use Sarah’s name, so this is the first time he’s done so onscreen. Still, I suppose Marcus’s line implies he’s done it multiple times before now, so this is the dub catching up by implying it’s been happening for a while even if we haven’t seen it.
Agumon:  “But Sayuri is Sayuri. Chika is Chika. And Aniki is Aniki.”
Masaru:  “That’s not what I mean!”
Agumon: “Kristy is Kristy, Sarah is Sarah, and Boss is Boss.”
Marcus: “‘Boss’ is not my name!”
Agumon: “Oh. Well, still.”
Instead of Masaru failing to articulate why it’s weird for his friend to call his mom by her first name, Marcus shifts to an entirely different argument which almost might be implying he doesn’t really want Agumon to call him Boss? That could be considered relevant to this episode, but it’s almost certainly not deliberate.
Masaru:  “It’s manners for the follower to hold back!”
Agumon:  “Look who’s talking! Giving things to the follower shows off an aniki’s generosity!”
Marcus: “Whatever happened to me being the boss here?”
Agumon: “Consider this an employee profit-sharing program.”
????? Agumon how on earth do you know what one of those is. I don’t even know what one of those is. Also, way to make this sound 1000% like a small business even though that never made any amount of sense.
This is basically making the same point as the original that Agumon feels Marcus ought to let him have the last fried egg as part of a boss’s generosity, but man does that get kinda lost in the ridiculous small-business joke.
Sayuri:  “Oh my, they really know what they’re talking about…”
Chika:  “That’s because they saw it on TV yesterday.”
Sayuri:  “Still, it’s amazing that they’re studying while watching TV.”
Sarah:  “Oh boy. Well, dinner just got a lot more interesting.”
Kristy: “Why do boys always have to act like boys?”
Sarah: “Oh, believe me, Kristy, one day you’ll be glad they do.”
The original exchange between Sayuri and Chika here was very strange – I think the subbers didn’t quite get what was meant to be going on there, because their take on it doesn’t really make sense – so the dub changing it to something else is quite reasonable. But Sarah being heteronormative at her daughter was really not what they needed to change this to.
(Is this implying that Sarah was/is into guys who are this kind of ridiculous idiot? Actually, uh, knowing about the kind of person Marcus’s dad is, that’d make… a good bit of sense. Oh dear.)
There’s some similar bickering about snoring here, but then also, still in the background:
Marcus: “That’s it! You’re fired!”
Agumon: “You don’t even pay me!”
Can we not with the small business jokes! It makes this whole thing so difficult to take seriously as a meaningful bond between fighting partners, which is kind of what this whole episode is meant to be focusing on. Also, as usual, how does Agumon even know that an “employee” is supposed to get paid; his entire experience with the word should be limited to what he is to Marcus. And Marcus saying “you’re fired” really should be taken as him officially breaking off their partnership, but this isn’t the part where that happens yet. (Though honestly I’m glad that when we do, we won’t be doing the small business jokes there.)
Agumon:  “Well, I’m not gonna bail you out any more, Aniki! If I wasn’t there for you today, you would’ve been screwed!”
Masaru:  “What?! Don’t be so damn egotistical! You can’t even evolve without my Digisoul!”
Agumon: “Fine, don’t count on me to bail you out any more! Face it, you’d be totally lost without me!”
Marcus: “What?! Gimme a break! Without me you couldn’t Digivolve! Without me, this team would be nothing!”
I’m quoting this whole thing even though it’s basically the same as in the original, because this exchange is very important to the entire episode and I’m really glad the dub kept it intact. Boy could they have ruined the whole episode if they messed up this part, but they didn’t.
(I shouldn’t have to bring this up like it’s remotely remarkable, but after the fire-punching fiasco in episode 3, apparently it is.)
Marcus’s “without me this team would be nothing” is a bit harsher and more jerkish than originally, though that’s probably partly because the dub had more lip-flap to fill. It’s making Marcus more of a jerk like usual, but at least in this instance, Masaru being something of a jerk originally was actually the point, so this doesn’t stick out as much as it does sometimes.
The noises Agumon initially makes in reaction to Marcus’s comment here are a lot angrier in the dub, whereas originally it was more like upset floundering at the realisation that that’s true, before he snapped.
Agumon:  “Damn it! I can’t do this any more! I’m done being your follower!”
Masaru:  “Oh yeah, well, I’m out too! We’re not Aniki and follower any more!”
Agumon: “That’s it! I can’t take this! I don’t want you to be my boss!”
Marcus: “That’s just fine by me! I don’t wanna be your boss, either!”
At least the dubbers had the sense to deliberately avoid using the word “employee” here and keep the small-business nonsense out of the part that really matters.
Tohma:  “You’re arguing over something so trivial.”
Masaru:  “It’s not my fault!”
Thomas: “You’re being immature, even for you.”
Marcus: “Y-Y-*You’re* immature!”
The joke of Marcus proving how immature he is means that instead he’s snapping at Thomas, somewhat shifting away from the issue with Agumon. Meanwhile, Masaru was more subtly and relevantly showing his immaturity by trying to insist that their argument is totally all Agumon’s fault and not even slightly his.
We also lose the interesting implications of Tohma thinking this whole argument is over something trivial.
Masaru:  “Fine! I’m more than enough for one or two Digimon!”
Marcus: “Hah. It’ll probably be *easier* without you, just you wait and see!”
Marcus’s extra jab about it being easier without Agumon shifts this more into an insistence that Agumon was somehow holding him back, rather than focusing on the more relevant point that he simply wants to feel like he can do this without help from anyone.
Agumon:  “We’ll see about that, Aniki!”
Agumon: “Hmph. Good luck, ‘cause you’re gonna need it!”
By wishing Marcus good luck, even if he means it as an insult, dub-Agumon is implying somewhat more of a sentiment of at least not wanting Marcus to get himself hurt doing this, which original-Agumon didn’t realise until later.
(Dub-Agumon doesn’t happen to call him Boss in this line, but he did so in an earlier line, so he is still doing that in the dub, too.)
The point I made in the original post about how these two scenes feel like one connected scene that ends on the note of Masaru going off to prove himself rather than them falling out doesn’t quite apply as much in the dub. Partly it’s because the dub doesn’t have the opening here, which isn’t its fault, but it also uses different BGM in each scene.
Elecmon:  “So many toys to play with!” [evil chuckling]
I’m sure you can tell without me quoting the van driver’s line that this is not Elecmon echoing anything that any human said at all. Apparently it’s coming to the human world just because it genuinely personally likes messing with electronic devices. That is not how this is supposed to work, at all. Not even in the dub’s slightly different version of things!
Masaru:  “Now there’ll be peace once again in the Daimon family.”
Marcus: “Finally I have some peace now that Agumon’s not around.”
Marcus not mentioning his family makes this less about the petty eating and snoring concerns that the argument started off about. But this still does very much carry the tone of him trying to insist to himself that he’s totally happier this way when he very obviously isn’t.
Masaru:  “I’ll do it all by myself.”
Marcus: “Soon he’ll see! I don’t need *him* around!”
This, though, I don’t really like. The point was never specifically about Masaru proving anything to Agumon, and it wasn’t even specifically about the fact that he needs Agumon in particular. Masaru just wanted to prove, to himself, that he could do this (whatever “this” was) by himself.
Marcus’s intonation here is also quite overly-moody, making this come across a lot more like just a temporary tantrum rather than that this is connected to something that runs deep.
The dub decides to put a commercial break after this scene rather than after the Elecmon scene where the original opening went, even though this scene is short enough that they could probably have just as easily put it before it. I… think I like that choice? The Elecmon scene was always a bit unnecessary, so lingering more closely on the note of Marcus’s moodiness feels better. (Though it specifically lingers on that dub-changed line that I don’t like much, so, eh.)
That said, this next set of scenes cutting between Masaru out on his own stewing in his frustration and the DATS members trying to talk to Agumon in his Digivice does feel like it’s supposed to be one long connected thing in the original. So I dunno.
Megumi: “Look, it’s your favourite! A cheeseburger wrapped in another cheeseburger! With a cheeseburger for dessert!”
Um, that sure is a way to have a cheeseburger. Since she’s holding what looks like a perfectly normal burger, I can only assume she’s lying to try and make it sound more enticing to Agumon. (Also, haven’t you got the memo, Megumi? Agumon’s favourite is Sarah’s fried eggs, obviously.)
Yoshino:  “How will they ever make up?”
Tohma:  “It’s not something we should interfere with.”
Yoshi: “You think those guys will ever be partners again?”
Thomas:  “I have more important things to do than second guess those two.”
Originally the implication from Tohma was definitely that he imagined they would make up sooner or later and just felt it wasn’t any of his business to try and force it to happen. But Thomas sounds like he’s implying he wouldn’t care if they didn’t ever make up at all. That’d have been reasonable for him before he came to respect Marcus, but not now.
Satsuma:  “They must learn why they’re important to each other. If they don’t find that answer, this is as far as they go.”
Sampson: “They need each other. But if they can’t see that, there’s no place for them here.”
Sampson is spelling things out a lot more explicitly for us. And it also sounds like he’s only thinking about this in terms of their suitability as DATS agents. The sense I got from Satsuma was that he was thinking more broadly about their growth as individuals and is concerned about that, DATS agents or not.
Masaru:  (That little shithead. He was the one who first said he wanted to be my follower.)
Marcus:  (I can’t believe him! He was the one who said he wanted me to be his boss in the first place. Then he gets upset when I act like a boss.)
That last dub-added part misses the point a bit. This is supposed to be about Masaru still having room to feel like he doesn’t need anyone, because Agumon initiated their partnership and looked up to him. This isn’t about Marcus acting in any particular way while being in that “boss” role at all.
(Maybe this could be read as Marcus deflecting from the real point here – but that’s not even necessary, since the real point is him being able to tell himself he doesn’t need Agumon. Masaru was also essentially deflecting from that.)
Masaru:  “Damn it!”
Marcus:  “This day just keeps gettin’ better and better…”
Marcus has more to say as he almost falls over from his missed baseball swing and leaves. I’m not sure I like his comment here, like he’s just thinking about this as one of those Bad Days where everything goes wrong, as if he was playing baseball as a totally unrelated way to pass the time and then this mishap just added to the Bad Things pile. Really, Masaru’s playing baseball because of the initial problem, as a way to physically let off some steam, and then he probably messes up as a result of that frustration of his, which only serves to amplify it.
Maybe it’s just the tone I don’t like as much – Marcus simply sounds fed up and exasperated, rather than actively frustrated about something that isn’t really the baseball at all.
Lalamon:  “You always said you hated being in the Digivice because you were alone.”
Lalamon:  “You said you hated being in the Digivice because it’s cramped and lonely.”
Ayy, the dub is still consistently sticking with its added emphasis that Agumon doesn’t like cramped spaces. I’m so weirdly pleased at this one bit of extra nuance that they manage to be completely consistent and also not-too-unsubtle about – probably because they’re not usually nearly this good. It’s to the point that I’m starting to have a strong theory that someone on the dub writing team had claustrophobia themselves and was projecting this onto Agumon, making consistently writing it this way personal to them, because they otherwise do not usually care enough to think about and follow through with the implications of minor changes like this.
Agumon:  “You two wouldn’t understand.”
Gaomon:  “That’s for sure. But that’s why I’m interested.”
Agumon:  “Just drop it, you guys, you don’t understand!”
Gaomon:  “It’s disgraceful. A member of DATS should take pride in his partnership.”
Original-Gaomon was simply curious here, perhaps showing a side of him that’s similar to his master’s very scientific approach to things. Dub-Gaomon is also showing similarity to Thomas in his strong sense of duty (plus pride in his partnership because he’s a dog)… but he is also kind of being more of a dick in the process.
Gaomon:  “Fighting with your master…”
Gaomon:  “Arguing with your superior…”
Since dub-Gaomon doesn’t call Thomas “Master”, this had to be changed, and this is a perfectly reasonable change, but it does still give Gaomon more of a sense of being an army grunt rather than a loyal dog.
Gaomon:  “Interesting. And why do you argue so often, do you think?”
Gaomon’s tone at the end here is also kind of dickish, like he’s implying that it should be obvious why Lalamon and Yoshi argue a lot. Geez, dub-Gaomon, chill.
Lalamon:  “Yoshino’s always really lazy! She doesn’t clean up her room, she doesn’t fold her laundry, she has bad sleeping habits and—”
Lalamon:  “Yoshi’s great, but she’s bossy and messy! And you should see what she does with her toenail clippings—”
“Bossy” is a lot more in line with the Yoshi we already know (at least towards Marcus, who kind of deserves it), though the “messy” part is similar to the original in hinting at a side of her we don’t usually see. But overall – no thanks in large part to the toenail clippings joke – there’s much less of a sense in the dub that Yoshi’s an entirely different person at home and that she doesn’t work nearly as hard in her home life as she does at DATS.
Katsumata:  “Da… Daimon!”
Masaru:  “Katsumata? You’re still hanging ‘round here?” [he turns to walk away]
Boomer:  “Huh? Oh… Marcus!”
Marcus:  “Hey, Boomer. Uh, sorry I can’t really talk right now. I’ll see ya.” [he turns to walk away, muttering under his breath] “Doof.”
Masaru’s interaction with Katsumata is obviously somewhat unfriendly from the start, based on both their tones and Masaru’s implication of “I thought I drove you out of this turf”. But Marcus and Boomer are both being… polite to each other? I would have assumed they were friends based on this, until Marcus insulted him under his breath.
Which, since they’re evidently not friends – especially given what’s about to happen – just makes it come across as incredibly off that Marcus even pretended to be polite to him in the first place. Masaru would never do that; he never beats around the bush and would never hide it if he had a problem with someone. That straightforward sincerity he has is a really big part of his character and I am sad to see so much less of it there in Marcus.
Since Marcus was enough of a jerk to pretend to be nice and then insult them under his breath, it then also comes across like Boomer and his cronies surround Marcus for a beatdown mostly because of that, rather than that they’ve had a run-in with him before and want revenge.
Masaru:  “What bad luck.”
Katsumata: “Cursing your fate won’t do you any good.”
Masaru:  “I was talking about you. I’m extremely pissed off right now!”
Marcus:  “You *don’t* wanna start a fight with me today.”
Boomer:  “Just ‘cause it’s five against one? Hah. We’re callin’ the shots this time around.”
Marcus:  “Is that what you think? Back off, Boomer, before I teach you bullies a lesson!”
Boomer:  “Yeah, right. Get him, guys!”
On the other hand, Marcus’s “today” does imply that he might have had a fight with this dude sometime before. (Unless he just means “start a fight with me” in the very general sense that people often come to him looking for a fight and not necessarily this guy in particular).
That line is also the only part of this scene that gets across the important sense that Marcus is especially in the mood to give someone a beatdown right now because of everything that’s been going on.
The rest of it… really doesn’t. Bullies? I don’t know if this is trying to say that these guys are known bullies that Marcus has heard of or dealt with before (in which case, why would he bother being nice to them?), or just a comment on the fact that they’re surrounding him five-on-one (though Marcus isn’t entirely innocent in this, since he insulted them first). But either way, this is the dub trying to reassure us that, hey, really, it’s okay that our protagonist beats up these guys, because they’re bullies! They’re bad guys! Marcus is being the good guy here, see!
That is not supposed to be the point of this. Masaru wasn’t beating up unwilling bystanders – he would not do that – and only did this because these dudes were looking for a fight. But this is very much supposed to be Masaru doing something that is kind of not okay, as a result of his frustration with himself set off by his argument with Agumon. That’s the point! It’s good for this to not be a great thing for Masaru to do! Characters – even good characters – are allowed to do bad things. That’s what makes stories more interesting.
Marcus also at least tries to de-escalate the situation by warning Boomer to back off. That makes the resulting beatdown a lot more on Boomer for refusing to listen, and a lot less on Marcus, who is at this point mostly acting in self-defence. Apparently Marcus would have been perfectly happy to walk away from this if they’d had second thoughts and left him alone.
But Masaru never gave them that chance. Once they’d incited aggression first by surrounding him, Masaru took that as a free excuse to start letting loose on these dudes without giving them an opportunity to change their minds. He wanted an excuse to vent his frustration through violence and wasn’t going to back out of it once he’d been given one. Again, that’s the point.
Agumon:  (Aniki hurt my pride.)
Agumon:  (You really hurt my feelings, Boss…)
This is almost the same, but hurt feelings is a bit more of a general idea that hurt pride. Pride in particular is especially relevant here, since Agumon and Masaru both have a lot of it and that’s a big part of the reason why this is happening.
At least the musical cue as Marcus stands over the beaten dudes is appropriately sinister and painting Marcus as very much not a hero in this situation. The dub soundtrack people have the right idea, even if the dub writers don’t.
Marcus:  “See? I don’t need help from anyone.”
Marcus has an added silence-filling line as he walks away, pointing out things that were already implied in the original because who needs subtlety. Also, hey, look, it’s almost like he really did just beat up those guys for his own issuey reasons and not because he was being a good guy defeating the bullies, how about that!
Though I also think this is somewhat missing the point. Yes, a lot of this episode is about Masaru trying to insist he doesn’t need anyone’s help. But this particular part is also here to show that his usual pastime of street fights against other humans isn’t enough for him any more, that he needs something more that fighting Digimon can give him. That’s what’s supposed to be the main thing on his mind as he walks away from this too-easy victory, rather than the more general don’t-need-anyone issue.
This whole part is one of my favourite delightfully-subtle bits of this episode, and the dub watered it down so much.
Old man:  “Well, well, my angry young friend.”
Pfft. Not an inappropriate thing to be calling him right now.
Old man:  “The things you truly need appear even when you’re not looking for them. That’s because you understand why you need them.”
Old man:  “The things you truly need appear even when you’re not looking for them. So look for what’s new in your life and figure out why you might need it.”
Unlike last time the old man showed up to be vague and metaphorical, this time the dub actually translates his speech almost entirely word-for-word! Amazing. This is the one bit that’s slightly different – but if anything, the dub’s version makes more sense at a part where the original was a little bit “???”, so, hey, good job. This does also mean that the old man is somewhat more actively giving Marcus advice in the dub than in the original, but that doesn’t really make a difference anyway (because Marcus is still not listening).
Boomer:  “What luck. I can’t believe I lost to Marcus again.”
Okay, so the dub is definitely going with the fact that Boomer is someone Marcus laid a beatdown on before today. They really shouldn’t have thrown doubt on that to begin with by having them sound like they’re being polite to each other in that earlier scene.
Katsumata: “Damn it, the stupid light’s taking too long again! Come on, change!”
Elecmon:  “Lights, change!”
Boomer:  “Why won’t these stoplights change already?! C’mon, c’mon!”
Elecmon:  “More toys to play with!”
…So, yep, Elecmon coming here is totally unrelated to anything Boomer is saying or feeling. And therefore it’s nothing to do with Marcus that this is happening. (Which also makes it a hugely convenient coincidence that he happens to be nearby to this Digimon incident when he doesn’t have DATS to tell him where to find it.)
Agumon:  “I decided I wouldn’t come out until Aniki apologises.”
Agumon:  “I’m staying here until Boss apologises, so blame him if something goes wrong!”
Dub-Agumon is being more of an immature dick here. If something goes wrong that he could have helped with, it’s totally not his fault for choosing to put his personal issues above the importance of the case, sure.
Bystander:  “I still can’t believe that no-one was seriously injured!”
Yeah, sure, dub, you just fill a silence with this to reassure the kids. It’s a huge flaming car crash, but it’s fine! Nobody was even really hurt, let alone killed!
Masaru:  “It’s okay. You’re not hurt anywhere.”
Marcus:  “It’s okay, kid, you aren’t hurt. Thanks to me, of course!”
Marcus, unlike Masaru, feels the need to make things about himself here, somewhat putting the damper on his selfless moment of heroism. Not completely, but he comes across as slightly less genuinely selflessly good as a result.
(It could be read like that comment is a result of the I-can-do-everything-alone issues he’s having this episode, but it feels like now of all times is when he should stop acting that way at all. That was the idea behind this bit in the original. Marcus’s tone for that part is still quite soft, so it also doesn’t sound like it’s part of his overcompensating.)
Agumon:  “Aniki!”
Agumon:  “Oh no!”
Because “Aniki” is two lip-flaps, they can’t just replace a lone “Aniki!” with a lone “Boss!”, so instead Agumon says this, coincidentally sounding more worried than he did originally.
Yoshi:  “Marcus, where’ve you been? Why didn’t you contact us?”
Marcus:  “I’ve been busy doing my job!”
Yeah, sure, doing your job definitely includes playing baseball and beating up some random dudes. (Masaru did not try and make any such claim.)
Yoshino:  “You don’t have a partner, so just wait here.”
Yoshi:  “Without a partner, you’re useless, so just stay out of the way, Marcus.”
Yikes, Yoshi. Calling him outright useless like this is going to rile him up even more.
With the dub’s insistence on using its evolution music every single time someone evolves, at least these shorter evolution animations mean that the music doesn’t awkwardly loop exactly twice, and instead it plays smoothly through the two animations.
Masaru:  “Even if I am [being absurd], I’ll use it to cut through a new path! That’s what a man does!”
Marcus:  “An ultimate fighter never quits! Let’s go, you overgrown puppy!”
Even aside from removing the manliness part, they also removed the rest of what was fun about this line. Masaru has a delightful insistence about how he doesn’t care if he’s being absurd, that can be a good thing that’ll help him win! Marcus is just… never quitting, and then trash-talking his opponent. Which is fine, but… simple.
Agumon:  “Aniki!”
Agumon:  “Oh, Boss!”
More ways for the dub to get around the lip-flap issue with short exclamations like this.
Yoshi:  “Chasing something we may not be able to catch, to save someone who doesn’t want to be saved! Marcus must be terrified all alone.”
[cut to Marcus on Garurumon’s back]
Marcus:  “Yaaaaa-hooooo!”
Look, I get the joke they’re going for here, but doing so compromises two characters. Why would Yoshi even worry about Marcus being terrified, after she literally just complained that he won’t want to be saved? She knows him, geez.
And then Marcus having great fun riding the Garurumon would normally be perfectly fine – see Drimogemon last episode – but one of the interesting points about this part in the original is that Masaru wasn’t having nearly as much fun with this as he had with Drimogemon before, as a sign that he knows deep down how outmatched he is without Agumon.
Masaru:  “Hey, asshole, how far are you gonna go? Stop sometime! Damn, my arms are giving out! Are you trying to see which of us lasts longer?”
Marcus:  “Hey, you digital dimwit, give it up! You’re never gonna be able to shake me off you! …Except my arms are starting to get tired. Well, let’s see who gives out first!”
He’s also a lot more openly cocky about being able to hold on, generally, despite that he does admit his arms are getting tired. Masaru’s lines gave more of a subtle sense that he was hoping it would stop so he wouldn’t have to keep holding on, if still not directly admitting that.
Masaru:  “Hey. Don’t underestimate me!”
[Garurumon growls]
Marcus:  “Woof.” [he lets out a wordless battle cry]
As much as I am kind of amused by Marcus aggressively making fun of his enemy being a big dog, I am sad that this comes in place of that fun original line in which Masaru had decided Garurumon was totally underestimating him, which definitely wasn’t him projecting his own self-doubt onto it.
Masaru:  “Damn it, what do I do now?”
Marcus:  “Oh, that’s right! I’m on my own here!”
Somewhat less of a sense in the dub line that Marcus is starting to wonder how the hell he’s going to win this now.
Marcus:  “…Not fun.”
Marcus has this little comment about how it felt to be slammed into a wall, and I enjoy it.
Masaru:  “Am I not… strong enough to beat him…? Is it really only a Digimon that can stop a Digimon…?”
Marcus:  “Man, maybe I’m not strong enough to defeat this guy… Maybe it really *does* take a Digimon to defeat a Digimon…”
Despite his “maybe”s, Marcus generally sounds a lot more sure about this here, like he’s not actually having any real difficulty accepting this now, whereas Masaru was still struggling with it to the point of phrasing it as a question.
Marcus:  “But still, there’s no way I’m gonna give up even if this turns out to be my last stand…!”
The dub has some extra lip-flap here, so this is also added in. Which I’m not super sold on. In keeping with a dub difference in episode 1 (wow, consistency), Marcus is apparently openly willing to just throw his life away for no good reason. Plus, the fact that he’s explicitly accepting the possibility he might get killed here means he really has accepted that he can’t do this with a lot more willing certainty than Masaru did.
(At least the dub managed to phrase the concept of him dying in a way that sounds natural despite not directly mentioning death.)
Masaru:  (I was wrong… I need…)
Marcus:  (What was I thinking? I couldn’t have defeated that guy [Tortamon] by myself, and I can’t beat Garurumon either! I need Agumon, and now I’ll never get to tell him I’m sorry!)
These are both lines that take up the same amount of time, believe it or not. Marcus is way more internally-talkative and generally perfectly articulating the problem he was having and the Lesson He’s Learned. Meanwhile, Masaru was coming to this realisation a lot more slowly and gradually, barely able to articulate it to himself beyond the most simple and important part. The original’s writers were happy to leave some silent gaps in between his thoughts to do the rest of the work more subtly.
The dub’s also really doubling down on the idea that Marcus is very consciously aware that he’s probably about to be killed here. Him lamenting not being able to apologise to Agumon is cute, but I still don’t know if I like him having admitted the about-to-die part to himself in the first place.
Sadly, the dub does not have the extra layer of Marcus’s screams of exertion that are what’s physically coming out of his mouth during this part. Regardless, these are definitely internal thoughts, because they have an echoey sort of effect on them to imply that. (The original doesn’t use that effect for its inner monologue lines at all.)
Masaru:  (I need… I need Agumon! I want to fight together with Agumon!)
Marcus:  (I get it now. I need you, Agumon! What makes us strong isn’t you or me… it’s both of us working as a team!)
Them working together as a team being the reason they’re strong is a cute (and correct) sentiment, don’t get me wrong, but I still like it less how Marcus is able to perfectly articulate this to himself and has just very straightforwardly Learned His Lesson.
Also, the loss of specifically “I want to fight together with Agumon” loses the possibly-unintentional call-forward in that line, which makes me a little sad.
Marcus:  “Right. We’re the ultimate team!”
With the dub’s “ultimate team” being a whole Thing that’s in more than just this episode, it has a more impactful effect to bring it back here that the original can’t do. So that’s a plus for the dub, at least.
Marcus:  “Never surrender, GeoGreymon!”
The evolution theme, being an instrumental remix of the dub’s opening theme, happened to have the part of its melody which matches with the dub’s opening lyric of “Never surrender!” just a few seconds before this line. Heh. I wonder if that was deliberate.
Masaru:  “There’s no way you can lose to a Digimon like that!”
Marcus:  “Remember, you’ll never lose as long as we fight together!”
Marcus’s line here is more adorable than Masaru’s, putting the focus on their partnership rather than just implicitly insulting their opponent! (It could be read that Masaru was specifically referencing the fact that Garurumon doesn’t have a partner and that’s why GeoGreymon should win, but if so that’s not all that clear.) I approve.
Masaru:  “You did it, Agumon!”
Agumon:  “Aniki!”
Marcus:  “You did it, Agumon!”
Agumon:  “*We* did!”
The dub did indeed go for “you” with the translation of Masaru’s subject-ambiguous Japanese line – and then they had Agumon add in a “we”, for maximum adorableness!
Masaru:  “We can beat any Digimon if we’re fighting together!”
Agumon:  “Yeah! We’re the strongest combination ever!”
Marcus:  “As long as the two of us work together, no Digimon can stand against us!”
Agumon:  “Yeah, we’re still the ultimate team, Boss!”
The dub’s version of this is basically the same right here, but what it unfortunately doesn’t do that the original did is directly echo what the two of them said in the beginning of the episode, but with the speakers swapped. Here’s the earlier bits:
Agumon:  “As if any Digimon could beat us when we’re fighting together!”
Masaru:  “Yeah! Because we’re the strongest combination ever!”
Agumon: “There’s no Digimon that can beat the ultimate team!”
Marcus: “Yeah! Agumon and I are the strongest team ever!”
Alas, apparently the dubbers didn’t realise that was a deliberate callback and make sure the earlier lines were worded so they’d work with this.
Agumon:  “Nah, it’s fine. I’m sorry, too.”
Agumon:  “No. I should be apologising to *you*.”
The dub’s version of this contains the awkward implication that Agumon isn’t just giving his own apology but also feels like Marcus didn’t even need to apologise in the first place. Which isn’t right, since both of them were equally at fault here. I don’t know if the dub even meant to imply this, but that’s how Agumon’s phrasing reads.
Masaru:  “Crap, it’s Yoshino. Run, Agumon!”
Marcus:  “Oh man, I’d rather face another Digimon than Yoshi. Run!”
The original reads like Masaru is trying to run because Yoshino is going to force him to clean up his mess. In the dub, it reads like it’s not so much about the clean-up and more like he’s mostly running because Yoshi is scary when she’s mad, which has a vaguely uncomfortably sexist vibe to it.
(Also, why is he acting like facing another Digimon would be a bad thing? Of course he’d rather fight another Digimon than face Yoshi, regardless of her anger or the clean-up, because fighting Digimon is his favourite thing!)
Overall differences
Well, at least they didn’t ruin the overall point of the episode like they could have by changing the reason Marcus and Agumon fall out. I had wondered if the bizarre misconception I’ve seen of “this episode is bad because they fall out over fried eggs!!!” came from the dub, but no, it very much didn’t. That part is perfectly intact. That said, there’s a lot of other changes going on in this episode that I’m not too fond of, especially because a lot of them mess with the fun nuanced bits.
The ridiculous small-business jokes during their argument further highlight how nonsensical it always was to call Agumon Marcus’s “employee”, and they detract from the meaningful points being made there about their respective roles in the relationship.
Elecmon is entirely lucid and simply coming here because it wants to mess around with traffic lights, which is extremely not how things work, not even in the dub’s version of why these Digimon incidents are happening. It also means this incident isn’t indirectly Marcus’s fault, which was a thing I enjoyed in the original.
The scene where Marcus beats up the dudes is probably my least favourite of the changes. The dub completely fails to grasp that Masaru doing something kinda not okay is the whole point of that scene. Instead it scrambles to insist that their kids’ show protagonist is still a 100% squeaky clean good person actually, because look, he’s only beating up bullies! And yet despite that, Marcus also acts weirdly uncharacteristically polite to this person that he has every reason to openly dislike.
Just like in episode 3, Marcus is a lot more articulate and self-aware about admitting exactly what his problem is and the lesson he’s learned in this episode (though at least in this episode he actually learns it), which continues to be less interesting and nuanced than the way Masaru struggles a lot more to fully accept and understand his issues. There’s also a recurrence of the thing from dub episode 1 in which Marcus is fully, consciously aware of the possibility that he might die, which is not something Masaru ever quite lets himself acknowledge even when he’s inches away from being eaten.
At least a few of the lines in the scene where he and Agumon make up are changed to be a little bit more adorable in the dub than they were originally, so there’s that.
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This is such a fun Picrew!  Make your own here!
I decided since it'll be a bit before the official artwork of my Digimon FDD characters will be finished, I'd create them on here! Again, my story starts when they were children and continues when they are teens. So that's why I am including their gender and old names.
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Kelsey: 15. Born female. She/ her. White. Birthday: March 2 (Pisces). Partner: Floramon.
Katie: 15. Born female. She/ her. White. Birthday: February 17 (Aqaurius). Partner: Lalamon.
Ryan. 15. Born female (will start story as Dawn). They/ them. White. Birthday: January 16 (Capricorn). Partner: Tapirmon.
Christie: 14. Born female. She/ her. White/ Japanese/ Native Hawaiian. Birthday: August 12 (Leo). Partner: Liollmon.
Nick: 15. Born male. He/ him. White/ Japanese/ Native Hawaiian. Birthday: October 7 (Libra). Partner: Hawkmon.
J (doesn't like anyone knowing his real name). 16. Born male. He/ him. White. Birthday: January 17 (Capricorn). Partner: Vorvomon.
Zach: 16. Born male. He/ him. White. Birthday: January 14 (Capricorn). Partner: Hagurumon.
Kadeem: 17. Born male. He/ him. Black. Birthday: September 29 (Libra). Partner: BlackGabumon
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elyvorg · 7 years
The Savers cast if they had Adventure’s crests
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I like thinking about Savers, and after thinking about it enough I found that the seven original crests from Adventure (not counting Light because that's not a character trait; I never understood that one) fit quite nicely with seven of the most prominent Savers characters. So here's my headcanons for them. Based on my understanding of crests as follows: the character trait that the bearer may have had trouble with throughout their development, but ultimately the trait that means the most to them and that they end up embodying the most.
Explanations of why I think each crest fits each character under the cut! (Light on explicit spoilers because everyone who hasn't watched this series should.)
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Masaru - Sincerity
I know what some people are thinking: "Masaru should be Courage because he's the main protagonist!" - but here's the thing. Courage is doing a thing despite being afraid of it. Masaru is technically almost never courageous, because he's more afraid of not fighting than he is of fighting and possibly getting hurt, no matter how insanely powerful the enemy is.
So why Sincerity? This crest is all about being thoroughly, unashamedly yourself no matter what, never beating around the bush or bothering with superficial, shallow nonsense. And if you think about it for a moment, that's Masaru to a T. He's straightforward and simple-minded, always speaking and acting exactly how he feels. His tendency to want to FIGHT EVERYTHING EVER is simply because from his perspective that's the purest, most no-nonsense way of dealing with a problem, and no matter how many times other people tell him he's being ridiculous and overzealous, he doesn't change this part of himself for anyone. This trait is also a significant part of Masaru's deeply-rooted concept of manliness, which has very little to do with gender and isn't really about physical strength either. It's more about the way you act, sticking to your convictions no matter what life throws at you.
It's implied that before he met Agumon, Masaru really was more obsessed with superficial physical strength and fighting people just to shallowly prove that he's "the strongest". Throughout the series, not only does he learn that there's more to real strength than that, but he says that after meeting Agumon he realised that fighting people can be a way to get to understand each other, to learn who they truly are and show them who you truly are and how you really feel. It would have taken nothing less than that to convince a god to change its mind about destroying the world.
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Tohma - Love
Everything about Tohma is shaped by either his love for members of his family or by him feeling unloved by other members of his family. He deeply misses his deceased mother and the warm, loving, home they had, which is starkly contrasted by the cold formality of his father's estate - his father who seemingly only cares about the family name and not about him. Sure, Tohma has "knowledge" by virtue of having a doctorate at the age of fourteen, but he did that - and went to even greater extremes in the series itself - all so that he could save his beloved little sister. And, of course, he does eventually come to realise that his father actually does love him and was just showing it in a bad way, much like Sora and her mom in Adventure.
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Yoshino - Reliability
Yoshino's arc, short as it is, revolves around her feeling useless and inferior compared to everybody else. What she needed to realise is that while she might not be as strong as Masaru or as smart as Tohma, they're still glad to have her around and there's things she can do that no-one else can. She's the only one on the team old enough to drive, for one thing, which comes in handy a lot, as well as her providing support in various other ways even though she's rarely the key participant in a fight. According to Lalamon, she's a total slob in her home life, but we never see this from her working at DATS - so apparently she puts in a lot more effort when others are counting on her.
And when Masaru is trying to fight a freaking boat and Tohma is using his "intellect" to produce a ~magical scientific spray~ that'll make the invisible Digimon visible when a simple bag of flour or something would have sufficed, who's the one actually being useful and providing a speedboat and grappling hook so that Masaru can get onto the boat to fight the invisible Digimon? Yoshino is. She's got those doofuses' backs.
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Ikuto - Friendship
Since Falcomon had to give Ikuto an big heartwarming speech affirming their friendship when he'd become convinced that no-one needed him, it seems that when we first met Ikuto, he wasn't really aware of the extent to which Falcomon - his lifelong companion - was his friend. Perhaps he'd gotten too caught up in the notion of being a "warrior" after Yukidarumon's death to think about happy, normal things like friendship? Plus, of course, he initially hated humans and would have balked at the idea of ever becoming friends with one, but then Masaru took him in and treated him like a friend and taught him normal silly friend things like having pillow fights. By the end of the series he's taking hits for Masaru specifically "because you're my friend" and giving impassioned speeches to the big bad about how they'll win because they have friends! which, yes, kind of cheesy, but damn if he doesn't believe the hell out of it despite how he started off, and it's adorable. (And, you know, he's not exactly wrong, since the power of friendship = the power of emotions = Digisoul = actual strength, so.)
Plus, Ikuto and Falcomon's character song is literally called "Friendship!", so there's that.
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Suguru - Knowledge
Otherwise known as the crest which should really be called Curiosity, because that's the actual character trait it embodies. Suguru was apparently some kind of professor of Digimon before Digimon were even officially known to be a thing. He went to the digital world because he wanted to know the unknown, never once acting like the missing people they went there to find were his main reason to be there. He figured out how Digisouls work and designed the Digivices to better channel that power, making this the only series in which Digivices were created by a human. (I'm pretty sure? Don't quite remember how they were made in Tamers, and haven't yet watched Appmon.) As far as Suguru is concerned, that curiosity is what being a man is all about.
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Chika - Hope
Chika was the first one to voice the notion that maybe humans and Digimon could just be friends and not have to fight each other all the time. She keeps holding onto the hope that she can be with Piyomon despite how everyone else is against it, and later the hope that Piyomon is still himself even when he's clearly not. When that comes to an end and she loses him, rather than dwelling on her sadness, she's just glad that he doesn't have to suffer any more. And even though she was too young to have any of her own memories of her missing father to back up the idea that he's not the kind of person who'd just abandon them, she still always believed he would come back one day.
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Sayuri - Courage
Yes, she doesn't actually have a Digimon partner, but she fit the remaining crest so well that I had to include her. Sayuri's already lost her husband to the digital world and couldn't bear to lose her children too - when she first sees Agumon, she must have been terrified that this means Masaru might soon disappear into the digital world just like his father did. Yet she smiles, takes Agumon in, cooks him fried eggs and basically goes "welp, guess I've got a third child now". A less brave parent would have tried to send him away, but more important to Sayuri than her fear is letting her son be happy. The same applies halfway through the series when Masaru is heading to the digital world to save it - she's terrified of losing him, but she knows how badly Masaru wants to do this and how much he'd resent her if she tried to stop him, so she just nods and tells him to be careful. Her courage almost faltered earlier when Chika got involved and Sayuri tried to ask that she be kept out of it, but by the end she has no choice but to let her daughter fight with Piyomon too.
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digitalgate02 · 1 year
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Ni's list of favorite digimon 💖
※ I'm using official names, and some dub names. Please check the visual list of digimon from Wikimon page for deets on them.
※ BTW, no order in particular; Long List. Also it might get updated every time i remember of a mon or a new mon is announced and becomes a fave.
[Latest update: Sep/12/2024]
Baby I
Sunmon & Moonmon
Zerimon & Conomon
Baby II
Gummymon & Chocomon
Patamon (+ Tsukaimon)
Terriermon & Lopmon (+ Terriermon Assistant)
Falcomon (both versions)
Kudamon (both versions)
Agumon (+ BlackAgumon/YukiAgumon)
Elecmon (+ Elec Violet)
Impmon (+ Imp X)
Muchomon (+ Penmon)
Bokomon & Neemon
Sitermon Blanc
Coronamon & Lunamon
Gabumon (+ BlackGabumon/Psychemon)
Burgamon (+ EbiBurgamon)
Pawnchessmon (both)
Sistermon Blanc
XV-mon & V-dramon
Tailmon (+ BlackTailmon (Uver.)/Mikemon)
Greymon (both versions) (+ Grey virus)
Garurumon (+ BlackGarurumon/Gururumon)
Seadramon & Airdramon
Betel/Kaus/Wezen/Gulus Gammamon
Galgomon & Turuiemon
Kyuubimon (+ Youkomon/Kyuubi Silver)
Shoutmon King ver.
Wizardmon (+ Sorcerimon)
Leomon (+ MadLeomon)
Firamon & Lekismon
Knightchessmon (both)
Burgamon Adult
Tyranomon (+ DarkTyranomon)
IceDevimon (y'know the joke on "Ace" part lol)
Firamon & Lekismon
Starmon & Revolmon
Sistermon Ciel & Noir
Perfect (dub-Ultimate)
Paildramon & Dinobeemon
Archnemon & Mummymon
MetalGreymon (+ MetalGreymon Virus) (both)
WereGarurumon (+ BlackGarurumon)
Canowissmon & Regulusmon
Flaremon & Crescemon
SuperStarmon (+ DarkSuperStarmon)
Rapidmon (perfect) (+ BlackRapidmon)
Taomon (+ Doumon)
Aegiochusmon (+ Holy/Dark/Green/Blue)
Meicrackmon (normal & Vicious Mode)
Ultimate (dub-Mega)
Imperialdramon (DM/FM/PM) (+ Imperialdramon Black DM/FM)
Ophanimon (+ Falldown Mode)
Seraphimon (+ BlackSeraphimon)
Cherubimon (+ Vice)
Rasielmon (+ Raguelmon)
Kuzuhamon & Sakuyamon
WarGreymon (+ BlackWarGreymon)
MetalGarurumon (+ BlackMetalGarurumon)
Beelzebumon (both versions) (+Blast Mode)
Agumon - Yuuki no Kizuna-
Gabumon - Yuujou no Kizuna-
Siriusmon & Arcturusmon
Apollomon & Dianamon
Mervamon & Minervamon
Ancient Garurumon
Ancient Irismon
Ancient Sphinxmon
Ancient Wisemon
Ancient Mermaimon
Lilithmon (+ Lilith X)
Rosemon (+ Burst Mode)
Ravmon (+ Burst Mode)
Mercurymon (dub- Merukimon)
Gaioumon (+ Itto Mode)
Holy Beasts (Qinglongmon, Baihumon, Zhuqiaomon, Xuanwumon, Fanglongmon)
MetalSeadramon & GigaSeadramon
All V-mon armor!
Thunderbirmon & Rinkmon
Rapidmon Armor
Loweemon & Duskmon
Human partners (yeah?):
Motomiya Daisuke
Ohwada Rui
Ichijouji Ken
Inoue Miyako
Hida Iori
Takaishi Takeru
Yagami Hikari (OG series only)
Oikawa Yukio
Shinomiya Rina
Shiramine Nokia
Sanada Arata
Fei Wong Tomoe Ignacio
Kamishiro Yuuko
Kamishiro Yuugo
Imai Chitose
Mishima Erika & Ryuji
Date Makiko
Matayoshi Goro
Nogi Yuu
Suedou Akemi
Kuremi Kyoko
Mikagura Mirei
Aiba protag
Amasawa Keisuke
Jimmy KEN
Motomiya Jun
Takenouchi Sora
Tachikawa Mimi
Ishida Yamato
Kido Jou
Izumi Koushiro
Yagami Taichi (V-Tamer/OG Advverse/Adv2020)
Menoa Bellucci
Nishijima Daigo
Himekawa Maki
Mochizuki Meiko
Michael Barton Jr.
Catherine Deneuve
Makino Ruki
Matsuda Takato
Akiyama Ryo
Li Jiangling
Katou Juri
Shioda Hirokazu
Kanbara Takuya
Kimura Kouichi
Minamoto Kouji
Orimoto Izumi
Himi Tomoki
Shibayama Junpei
Noguchi Ikuto
Daimon Masaru
Tohma H. Norstein
Fujieda Yoshino
Daimon family in general
DATS squad
Kudou Taiki
Akashi Tagiru
Mogami Ryouma
Amano Nene
Amano Kotone
Amano Yuu
Aonuma Kiriha
Hinomoto Akari
Tsurugi Zenjirou
Sudou Miho
Mashimo Hideaki
Shinkai Haru
Karan Eri
Oozora Yuujin
Katsura Rei
Katsura Hajime
Asuka "Astra" Torajirou
Kashiki Ai
Unryuuji Knight
Hinata Minoru
Amanokawa Hiro
Tsukiyono Ruli
Higashimitarai Kiyoshiro
Saiba Rei
Fujimoto Hideto
Shouta (Hunters)
Mizuki (Hunters)
Kaoru (Hunters)
Emma Hanes (Ghost Game)
Takanashi Yuto (Ghost Game)
Aramaki Kayono (Ghost Game)
Kazama Shoto
Kinosaki Arisa
Violet Inboots
Cool Boy (Liberator)
Rosa Guadalupe (02)
Mina (02)
Dingo/Derek (02)
Yuri, Lara/Laura, Anna (02)
Hoi Brothers (02)
Shinjo Michi
Shinkai Sara
Natsuyagi Kazuma
Tsukimori Chihiro
Kohinata Mayu
Tamada Keito
Yao Qinglan
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