#offshore jasper reports development
oditeksolutionsyaass · 8 months
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OdiTek’s rich expertise in Jasper comes from years of Java application development and the multiple projects we have executed for our various clients. We provide iReport services, Chart Designer, JasperServer, JasperAnalysis, JasperETL, Jasper BI/Jasper Decisions, Jasper Community edition, Jasper for PHP, Jasper BI suite for MySQL and many more services based on Jasper Reports.
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ketan-wagh121-blog · 4 years
IoT Service Market 2019 Global Technology, Development, Trends and Forecasts to 2025
Global IoT Service Industry
Wise Guy Reports Published “Global IoT Service Market” Research Report Which Provides Industry Share, Key Players, Market Segments and Revenue.
For the study of the Global IoT Service Market, we have considered some of the leading experts from major companies in the industry as well as various other key stakeholders were interviewed. This was done so as to validate and accrue vital information about the market to evaluate potential trends during the forecast period. In order to estimate the global and regional size and valuation of the market, a top-down and bottom-up approach was employed. Add to this, data triangulation techniques and other comparative methodologies are also used for calculating the overall size of the Global IoT Service Market.
Try Sample Report @ https://www.wiseguyreports.com/sample-request/4079043-global-iot-service-market-report-2019-market-size-share-price-trend-and-forecast
For competitor segment, the report includes global key players of IoT Service as well as some small players. * Cisco (Jasper) * Microsoft * Google * IBM * Intel * SAP
The report includes a market analysis about the major players operating the Global IoT Service Market. Our team of experienced analysts provide an in-detailed insight to the financial statements of the profiled major players. Add to this, their product benchmarking and SWOT analysis is also included in the report. The section also provides other key information about the market players, like their market share percentage, development strategies, and product launches.
The report lays focus on the restraining as well as growth potential of the Global IoT Service Market as per the regional analysis. We have undertaken the Five Forces analysis of Porter to grab a precise understanding about the impact of factors like threat of new entrants, competitive intensity, threat of substitutes, bargaining power of suppliers, and others.
We offer estimates and forecasts of the market with the help of simulation models. For each individual study, a unique model is created. The accrued information about the technological landscape, market dynamics, pricing trends, and application development are all fed into the model. Following which, it is extensively analyzed. The factors mentioned herein are studied on a comparative basis and with the help of regression, correlation, and time-series analysis, the impact of these factors is quantified.
Information and technology services have been a top gainer of the surge of global economy in recent years. There has been a significant uptick in demand for IT services. These services are penetrating both developed and developing countries. Emerging markets present significant growth opportunities to the global IT sector. Increasing investment in infrastructure development and integration of software services are influencing the market growth.
Growing digitalization trend is expanding the application landscape for service providers. IT software solutions and services are increasingly used in verticals such as automotive, healthcare, oil and gas, aerospace, retail, among others. At the same time, growing systems integration, demand for application management solution, infrastructure management, custom applications, web development and software testing.
Competitive factors such as improving telecommunication infrastructure, expanding userbase, greater availability of skilled workers and introduction of favorable policies and regulations have encouraged IT companies to expand their offshore operations. This has made the market competitive landscape more dynamic. Growth of the IT hardware and incessant technological advances has reflected favourably on the market.
For Detailed Reading Please visit WiseGuy Reports @  https://www.wiseguyreports.com/reports/4079043-global-iot-service-market-report-2019-market-size-share-price-trend-and-forecast
For more information or any query mail at [email protected]
About Us Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe.
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nofomoartworld · 8 years
Artefact festival: Magic and politics
The Official CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception, 2009
The Official CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception 2009. Image via Gizmodo
During the Cold War, the CIA paid magician John Mulholland $3,000 to write a manual on misdirection, concealment and deceit. The manual teaches spies how to surreptitiously slip powder into someone’s drink, send messages with their shoelaces, steal documents, etc. In true spy fashion, the text was supposed to have been destroyed in 1973. It was however recovered, declassified, and reprinted a few years ago under the title The Official CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception.
Mulholland was not the first magician who put his skills at the service of governments. The famous Harry Houdini used his career as a cover and worked as a spy for the American and British governments. As for stage magician Jasper Maskelyne, he is remembered nowadays for his collaboration with British military intelligence during the Second World War when he elaborated all kinds of ruses and illusions to deceive the German troops.
PBS, The Ghost Army trailer, 2013
A halftrack with a 500 speaker mounted on the back for sonic deception. Image National Archive via Chicago Tonight
Around the same time, the U.S. set up the Ghost Army, an elite force whose specialty consisted in “tactical deception.” Its soldiers were recruited from art schools and ad agencies and given the mission to create visual decoys such as rubber airplanes and inflatable tanks, sonic deception and fake radio transmissions to fool the enemy into thinking that the allies troops, weaponry and infrastructures were far more formidable then they were in reality.
All these stories are of course entertaining but they also demonstrate that magic, because of the way it can deceive, confuse and manipulate is a powerful art that can be applied beyond the stage. Magic is an ambiguous and wide-ranging concept that sits at the intersection of science, spirituality and politics. It can be used to unsettle, misinform, divert the attention or even to put a veil over and make more opaque and inscrutable the complex structures that control us.
Hollington & Kyprianou, Gladiator, 2016 (Artefact commission.) Digital composite using ITN news archive
This year, the Artefact festival at STUK in Leuven (Belgium) is looking closely at magic and the role it plays in politics, finance, the military, technology and more generally in society.
The artists in The Act of Magic shed light on the way in which magic and the magical has permeated all layers of our everyday life. From poetry to activist strategy, from magical object to black box, from benign illusion to deception and manipulation, from New Age self-help advertisement to spiritual vision: the artworks throughout the exhibition incite magical thinking and reveal a passage to another world.
Artefact: The Act of Magic is a joyful, thought-provoking and intelligent festival. I expected razzle-dazzle, hocus-pocus and charming artifices. I certainly found some of that across the exhibition space but i also encountered a series of artworks that explore and demystify offshore constructions, high frequency trading algorithms, political ploys and other black boxes that keep the secrets of power away from society. I’ll focus on some of these work in this first report from the festival. The first one is from one of my favourite artistic duos:
Goldin+Senneby, Zero Magic, 2015-2016. Installation view at STUK in Leuven for the Artefact festival. Photo © Kristof Vrancken
For the past ten years, Goldin+Senneby have been studying the economic and financial world to master its strategies and bring its shadier businesses into public discussions.
For Zero Magic, the artist infiltrated a hedge fund in the US, reverse engineered its methods and recreated its short selling practices.
In finance, ‘short selling refers to the practice of selling something you do not own. Making a profit of it if and when the target company looses in value. Successful short sellers commonly trade in the narratives of failure, fraud and corruption, since dire findings and rumours are what help realize their short positions. Just like magicians, short sellers make a living by ‘adjusting’ people’s perception of reality, making them see things that don’t exist.
In collaboration with the magician Malin Nilsson and finance sociologist Théo Bourgeron, Goldin+Senneby developed and patented a magic trick for the financial markets that has the capacity to undermine the perceived value of a publicly traded company and to profit from this. The magic gimmick consists in a computer program that help non-experts identify suitable short selling targets, and a step-by-step guide to undermining their perceived value and executing thus a successful short sale.
Goldin+Senneby, Zero Magic, 2016. Magic box. Installation view: Stockholm School of Economics
Goldin+Senneby put the Zero Magic computer software inside a magic box that also contains a US Patent Application for Computer Assisted Magic Trick Executed in the Financial Markets and four historical examples of magic tricks played out offstage, in real life. One of them is the ‘Light and Heavy Chest’ trick performed in the 19th century by magician Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin and used in colonial Algeria as a demonstration of European superiority.
The work was first presented as part of a magic show in Helsinki in 2015 and, according to the artists, it realized a 64.7% profit for the members of the audience who had participated in the experiment by buying special tickets.
Liz Magic Laser, Stand Behind Me, 2013. Installation view at STUK in Leuven for the Artefact festival. Photo © Kristof Vrancken
Liz Magic Laser, Stand Behind Me, 2013. Performance and two-channel video, 10 minutes, Lisson Gallery, London, UK
Liz Magic Laser worked with dancer Ariel Freedman to adapt oratorical gestures from speeches made by politicians from various countries. A video of the performance made at the Lisson gallery in London is screened at STUK. Next to it, a teleprompter displays the corresponding script delivered by the politician mimicked. The isolation of expressive gestures is mesmerizing. Even if you pay no attention to the text, you can’t help but be seduced by the movements and rhythms of the body. You also gradually come to realize that, as soon as they step on their speaking platforms, world leaders behave and appear like magicians selling their illusions to the public.
Center for Tactical Magic, Linking & Unlinking, 2009
The Center for Tactical Magic, an activist art collective that uses the many guises and functions of magic to challenge existing power structures, had several works in the exhibition. One of them was the Linking & Unlinking video. Initially designed to be displayed on a digital billboard in New York after the city had implemented the stop-and-frisk policy, the short film combines 3 different source materials: found footage demonstrating how to pick locks to free yourself from handcuffs; found footage of professional and amateur magicians performing the classic magical escape trick, “the linking rings” (a.k.a. “ninja rings”); and, a rolling text of “Know Your Rights” information from the American Civil Liberties Union explaining what your rights are if you are stopped by the police.
Center for Tactical Magic, Universal Keys, 2017. Installation view at STUK in Leuven for the Artefact festival. Photo © Kristof Vrancken
Center for Tactical Magic, Universal Keys (detail), 2017
Universal Keys, an installation especially made for Artefact: The Act of Magic, is the perfect companion for Linking & Unlinking because of the way it exposes the competing illusions of liberty and law. Thousands of “universal” handcuff keys hang on a wall in a formation that evokes two interlocking links. Visitors are invited to take a key for personal use.
According to Aaron Gach, founder of the Center for Tactical Magic, the work explores the illusion of control and liberation. This illusion was at the forefront of the escape acts popularized by Houdini and other magicians. Handcuff escapes are particularly appealing to people seeking their own release from authoritarian control. As the artist explains:
Offering visitors their own handcuff key invites the potential for accomplishing their own self-liberation. Although it is completely legal to purchase, own, and carry a handcuff key in most countries, possession of such a key is also sure to invite scrutiny.
Similarly, notions of security and threat are seen as linked to our collective desires for freedom and safety as they form two parts of the same illusion. Does possession of a universal key truly enable the beholder? Or, does it simply make visible the material strengths and weaknesses of state power? In what context might such a key open up new possibilities for understanding power relations? Ultimately, these are questions to be answered by those who hold the keys.
CIA, The Ghost Army + Jonathan Allen, Levitating The Pentagon. Installation view at STUK in Leuven for the Artefact festival. Photo © Kristof Vrancken
Abby Hoffman and friends attempt to levitate the Pentagon. From the University of California, via Unredacted
Exorcising the Evil Spirits from the Pentagon, by The Fugs
The festival has a room dedicated to historical films that explore the connections between the military and the magical. One of these films is The Ghost Army mentioned above. The other one recounts The Levitation of the Pentagon.
On 21 October 1967, activist Abbie Hoffman, poet Allen Ginsberg and Ed Sanders of the band The Fugs devised an exorcism ritual as part of the ongoing protests of the Vietnam War. They organized a ‘magical’ happening called Levitating the Pentagon. The activists even attempted to secure a permit beforehand, asking for the authorization to elevate the HQ of the U.S. Department of Defense 300 feet (almost a meter) in the air. They were granted 3 feet. Together with thousands of demonstrators, they joined hands and meditated around the Pentagon while chanting Aramaic exorcism rites. They announced that they would use ‘psychic energy’ to make the building float above the ground and vibrate until all of its war-loving demons spilled out of it. The Pentagon never did rise nor vibrate (in case you were wondering.)
However, the wacky action demonstrated that playful energy, magic and ‘secret’ insights are not the appanage of the political or military elite. They can also be harnessed by citizens to achieve political ends, greater public debate and manipulation of corporate media techniques.
Artefact : The Act of Magic is at STUK – House for Dance, Image & Sound, in Leuven, Belgium until 9 March 2017. The exhibition was curated by Karen Verschooren from STUK & Ils Huygens from Z33.
Previously: Dataghost 2. The kabbalistic computational machine and Interview with The Center for Tactical Magic. More installation views of the exhibition Artefact : The Act of Magic. I also have a crappy flickr album. Photo on the homepage: Liz Magic Laser, Stand Behind Me, 2013, via Lisson Gallery.
from We Make Money Not Art http://ift.tt/2mTkNtd via IFTTT
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rabindradicosta-blog · 13 years
Outsource Jasper Reports Application Development Services
Jasper reports is the best reporting tool available today in the market. JasperReports helps all the reporting to be done with much of ease. JasperReports is there for them to generate report so quick and of various formats. Report generation tool such as JasperReport can save much of the efforts and time of Java programmers in some not so needed part of application development portion. JasperReports gives the edge to Java programmers in spending more time on development rather than applying time to layout and structuring things. JasperReports is a valuable and viable reporting solution for Java Web applications. It simplifies report generation through the use of XML report templates that are then compiled using the JasperReports engine for use in reporting modules. JasperReports is the world's most popular open source Java reporting library. Jasper is the most flexible, cost effective, and widely used Business Intelligence (BI) software in the world. It delivers integrated reporting, dashboarding, analysis, and data integration so companies can make better decisions—faster. Mindfire Solutions is a pioneer in Offshore Jasper Reports application development. We are an Indian software consultant company known for our authoritative capability in offering result-oriented solutions for SMEs across the globe. We can develop and deliver Jasper report Development application under your timeline and budget. We have expertise in delivering different reporting solutions using Jasper Reports meeting our client’s requirements. The services which we offer in Jasper reports development are iReport, Chart Designer, JasperServer, JasperAnalysis, JasperETL, Jasper BI/Jasper Decisions, Jasper Community edition, Jasper for PHP & Jasper BI suite for MySQL. Mindfire Solutions is the ultimate destination to hire dedicated offshore JasperReports programmers and developers. You get the benefit of most flexible hours of working, affordable cost, experienced Jasper Reports Development consultants and time savvy benefits. We have a highly experienced team of dedicated JasperReports Developers with years of experience in Offshore Jasper Reports BI development services. We also have 100 hours risk free trial* for new clients. To know more about our expertise in Jasper Reports Business Intelligence and outsource your JasperReports Development requirements, please contact us at [email protected] or call 1-248-686-1424. We will be glad to help you.
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oditeksolutionsyaass · 8 months
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OdiTek’s rich expertise in Jasper comes from years of Java application development and the multiple projects we have executed for our various clients. We provide iReport services, Chart Designer, JasperServer, JasperAnalysis, JasperETL, Jasper BI/Jasper Decisions, Jasper Community edition, Jasper for PHP, Jasper BI suite for MySQL and many more services based on Jasper Reports.
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oditeksolutionsyaass · 8 months
OdiTek’s rich expertise in Jasper comes from years of Java application development and the multiple projects we have executed for our various clients. We provide iReport services, Chart Designer, JasperServer, JasperAnalysis, JasperETL, Jasper BI/Jasper Decisions, Jasper Community edition, Jasper for PHP, Jasper BI suite for MySQL and many more services based on Jasper Reports.
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oditeksolutionsyaass · 8 months
OdiTek’s rich expertise in Jasper comes from years of Java application development and the multiple projects we have executed for our various clients. We provide iReport services, Chart Designer, JasperServer, JasperAnalysis, JasperETL, Jasper BI/Jasper Decisions, Jasper Community edition, Jasper for PHP, Jasper BI suite for MySQL and many more services based on Jasper Reports.
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