#jasper reporting tool
oditeksolutionsyaass · 5 months
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OdiTek’s rich expertise in Jasper comes from years of Java application development and the multiple projects we have executed for our various clients. We provide iReport services, Chart Designer, JasperServer, JasperAnalysis, JasperETL, Jasper BI/Jasper Decisions, Jasper Community edition, Jasper for PHP, Jasper BI suite for MySQL and many more services based on Jasper Reports.
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cputekpvtltd · 2 months
AI content is a trap
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When it comes to creating content, businesses, and individuals are heavily depending on AI tools these days.
All due to the machine-based intelligence that AI tools use, making them more susceptible to committing mistakes and errors when generating content for their users.
The most dreadful part is that AI tools often end up plagiarizing your content, further degrading their quality with unwanted syntax errors and grammatical pitfalls.
As a result, users unconsciously get entangled in some real-world traps that not only affect their online presence but also harm their reputation in the market. 
Here is how!
Key Insights
Warning signs of AI-generated content
4 potential traps to avoid in AI content generation
When to use AI for content generation
Negative impact of relying on AI content
AI algorithms are trained to mimic existing patterns in a content piece. Hence the AI-generated content turns out to be generic, low quality, and factually correct. This not only will dissatisfy your readers but also upset the Search Engines that prioritize fresh and unique content helpful to their readers. You will lose engagement as well as higher rankings on the Search Engine Results Page.
Warning signs of AI-generated content
AI tools such as Jasper, ChatGPT, Gemini, WordTune, etc. have made content generation much easier and quicker than before.
While many of these tools help produce relevant content, others often bring lousy outputs to the table.
Here are some of the signs that show that the content is AI-generated and not written by a human. 
You will see Bold almost everywhere
So, recently you have read an article or blog, where almost all the keywords are seen in bold. Be assured that it has been written by an AI tool as it loves to use the Bold feature frequently.
Repetitive Lingo and Keyword Stuffing
Repetition of the same language and keyword stuffing is a clear indicator that the content is AI-generated all due to the machine-based intelligence that it follows.
If you notice the use of too many fancy words with an overdramatic tone in the content, be certain that it is AI-generated with a lack of crucial information for the readers.
Lack of Originality and Depth
A lack of depth and originality with too many fancy and flowery words, that's how perfect AI content will look like. And, it's all due to the way AI tools have been trained to create content.
Why AI content is a trap?
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Google prioritizes human experience in content because humans engage more with human-like content that showcases unique voices, emotions, and personal touch while interacting with readers.
However AI content lacks emotion, human perspectives, storytelling approach, and uniqueness. This is why readers don't prefer to engage with your content as it doesn't resonate with a human's pain points and feelings. As a result, Google also downranks the content on their search rankings, causing you to lose both conversion and ranking. 
4 potential traps to avoid in AI content generation
Too much use of AI tools can pose serious threats to your brand and you as a distinct entity. Below are 4 potential traps to avoid when using AI tools for content creation. 
Trap 1
Using AI tools to research, organize, and develop notes for reporting or storytelling is good as they compile data quickly and easily. But, with it comes the risk of missing out on real-time resources. This may affect your write-ups with unwanted plagiarism issues or bugs.
Trap 2
When pasting AI tools as a reference with your content, make your viewers see the difference between the two write-ups. Failing to do so will give them the impression that the entire piece is AI-generated, ultimately harming your brand.
Trap 3
AI-generated content cannot detect the sources of the original writeups, so, consequently, plagiarize them with incorrect information. This negatively impacts your online presence.
Trap 4
AI-generated content is mostly false, incorrect, and unreliable with too many bugs and mistakes in the whole piece. So, think before you invest.
The value of human-written content 
Humans can mix their own experiences with emotion to prepare a content piece, that resonates well with readers, not bots.
Human storytelling approaches, along with emotional appeal, connect directly with readers.
Humans write content that seamlessly reflects brand identity and the brand's unique voice.
When readers engage with your content more, Search Engines also boost your search rankings. 
When to use AI for content generation?
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AI tools like ChatGPT, Jasper, or Gemini can be the most useful when:
You have already earned a brand reputation and tone of voice: Your content must be the reflection of your brand identity with a distinct tone and voice that enables effective storytelling. So, use AI tools to create content only after you have gained a substantial reputation in the market.
You are aware of what to ask: Sometimes, AI tools can give lousy outputs while at other times outstanding results. In short, these tools are very unpredictable. So, use them only when you are certain of what message to be conveyed to your target audience.
You know your niche clearly: When using AI tools to gain knowledge in your relevant sector, be a little careful as they tend to make unwanted mistakes and mostly use outdated resources. So, once you know your niche, you can easily correct these bugs and pitfalls, and post contents that capture your audience’s attention faster than expected.
So, the bottom line is AI tools still have a long way to go when it comes to replacing human writers for effective content creation. If you are reading this blog, probably you are in search of genuine content providers. If you agree with me that AI content will sabotage your website, you can contact us, a reputed digital marketing agency in Kolkata to learn more about our services. 
1. Is AI-generated content bad?
AI-generated content often looks very similar to the already existing content on the web with the additional risk of plagiarism. AI algorithms optimize and copy the existing data as identically as possible. So, if you use AI-generated content frequently, you have a greater risk of getting affected by unwanted plagiarism issues.
2. Can AI-generated content affect SEO?
No, but rather AI-generated content can positively impact your SEO score as long as you know how to use these tools in the best of your favor. In fact, Artificial Intelligence has redefined the way viewers see content as sources of information as they accelerate the digital journey of every B2B and B2C Company to its next level.
3. Does Google hate AI content?
The simple answer is no. As long as you can create good-quality content that caters to their search quality rater guidelines, Google won’t mind whether they are AI-generated or human-made content. However, Google uses tools that can detect malicious or low-quality outputs automatically, but the good news is it does not purposely avoid all the blogs and articles that are AI-enabled.
Everything comes with its fair share of advantages and disadvantages, so AI-generated content cannot be an exception. Such content is good until you know your niche, can use the tools effectively, and have the ability to fix the necessary bugs and mistakes as and when required.
So, make sure that you stay away from the 4 detrimental traps at all costs to avoid being termed as an AI-generated content creator. Not only do AI contents lack the necessary information, insights, and quotes but they also provide false information that can mislead your viewers and prevent them from making informed decisions.
Therefore, use AI tools for content generation for content generation only when it is absolutely necessary.
Good Luck!
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thecrystalcave17 · 3 months
Ocean Jasper: Meanings, Properties, History & More
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Are you looking for an aesthetically appealing and beautiful gemstone? Ocean Jasper is one of the fantastic Orbicular Jasper, which has been overlooked by many gemstone enthusiasts and jewelry lovers.
Ocean Jasper shows beautiful patterns that automatically depict the waves of the ocean. Normally, the beautiful ocean jasper pendant symbolizes the power of the ocean along with energy tides. Wearing these pendants also adds more beauty and gives the feeling of calmness.
Meaning and symbolism:
Ocean Jasper especially symbolizes the 'power of the ocean' and also denotes the energy of tides. In the modern day, many people also reported that they felt complete calmness and flow of peaceful energy around them. 
It is also believed that the Ocean Jasper pendant can bring good luck in all daily activities. It represents prosperity, abundance, and luck. The wearer can achieve inner peace and balance in life.
The Ocean Jasper is quite an amazing Orbicular Jasper and belongs to the quartz mineral family. These are not true jasper but one of the rare types of Rhyolite. It is also rarely found on the shores of Madagascar. Ocean Jasper is a unique and exotic stone, so they are more than a mineral; it offers a beautiful look.
These Ocean Jasper stones are formed due to extreme temperatures and pressures from millions of years ago. Many people also have been using this pendant to easily get the complete peaceful energy flowing through them.
Many people prefer to choose this rare and collectible stone as these can be seen only on the coast of Madagascar. Ocean Jasper is the stone that allows the person to easily communicate in the positive energy flow. It also helps to feel the love, enhancing the positive vibe.
History of ocean jasper:
During the 1950s, a piece of Ocean Jasper was first discovered in central Madagascar. Ocean Jasper has been mistakenly recorded in the Kabamby. But the stone went quite unnoticed for years. 
Ocean Jasper stone has been placed in the Museum of Sciences in Paris, France. Later, it has been rediscovered about 50 years and now the stone has been used for various purposes.
In the year 1977, a photograph was released about the remarkable Ocean Jasper stone in the French mineral encyclopedia. It was the turning point where many people started to show interest in the stone.
Original location was finally rediscovered in the year 1999 along the sea during low tide. Ocean Jasper stones can be extracted by hand, and they were called the Tucson Gem in 2001. There have been multiple deposits found in the area, and it is a precious stone valued by ancient tribes in Madagascar.
Ocean Jasper is a rare rhyolite and igneous rock. These have unique patterns and colors with a combination of minerals like quartz and agate. The stone has concentric layers which vary with the hues and mineral impurities.
Properties of ocean jasper:
Ocean Jasper is known as a highly spiritual as well as a protective stone. These are believed to help the wearer connect with the spiritual realm with positive vibes. Ocean Jasper also aids in removing negative energy as well as stress from the mind.
Spiritual healing:
Many people have been using the Ocean Jasper pendant as a tool for promoting spiritual growth and healing. These are also believed to be the best stones for easily creating relaxation and gentleness. 
These are helpful to easily bring calmness and soothe the frayed nerves in the body. Apart from these, the pendants are also believed to provide an increased sense of connection to the spiritual realm. It definitely allows the user to easily access the best spiritual guidance in a fantastic manner.
Physical healing:
Ocean Jasper is also believed to help with physical ailments in the body. Many people also suggest that wearing the Ocean Jasper pendant is helpful for resolving heart palpitations, hormonal imbalances, and digestive problems. The main reason is the stone is helpful for balancing the physical body along with energy. 
The Ocean Jasper pendant also allows you to easily heal physical ailments in a fantastic manner. These also act as a positive shield for adding more protection. 
The ocean jasper pendant is significant for protecting the wearer from any kind of environmental toxins. It also helps with increasing the energy level along with aiding in achieving physical recovery.  
Emotional healing:
Ocean Jasper is also believed to be one of the fantastic ways of bringing happiness and joy in life. Wearing the ocean jasper pendant is helpful for easing the negative energy and thoughts from the mind. The stone is believed to aid in releasing emotional blockages and also allows access to creativity and intuition. 
Whether you are looking for inner peace and to enhance mental clarity, then Ocean Jasper stone is one of the fantastic options. These are amazing ways to foster productivity and positive thoughts.  The Ocean Jasper pendant is also believed to enhance the comforting energy in the body. It aids in removing negative energy and helps you to move forward in life.
One of the fantastic reasons for wearing the ocean jasper pendant is the way of balancing Chakra. Normally, the Ocean Jasper is helpful for easily enhancing the energetic alignments and connecting Mother Earth's energy.
Many people also believe that the Ocean Jasper pendant helps to open thoughts and minds. It activates the Heart and Solar Plexus chakras in an efficient manner. These are also perfect for users to become aware of the flow of energy in the body.
Many believe that these crystals also bring joy and elevated spirits while completely relieving stress. Ocean Jasper has been widely called by many numbers of names, such as Atlantis Stone, Cellular Jasper, Sea Jasper, and more.
Ocean Jasper perfectly reflects the beautiful relationship of stone to the ocean. Ocean Jasper is also available with varied colored stones having orb-like inclusions. These also have background colors such as yellow, pink, gray, green, blue, red, and more. Normally, this ocean jasper stone is available in colors of the rainbow.
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jcmarchi · 3 months
10 Best AI Humanizers to Humanize AI Text with Ease - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/10-best-ai-humanizers-to-humanize-ai-text-with-ease-technology-org/
10 Best AI Humanizers to Humanize AI Text with Ease - Technology Org
AI-driven content creation has made life easier for anyone who needs a quick and cost-effective way to churn out articles, essays, reports, marketing copy, and more. However, while the use of AI writing tools is becoming popular, it also faces some tough resistance in the form of AI detectors that work to flag AI-written content.
ChatGPT, robot – artistic interpretation. Image credit: Pixabay, free license
Thankfully, AI humanizers have been developed to instantly rework AI-generated text and give it the human touch needed to bypass AI detection with ease. However, with so many options in the market, which ones are best suited for the job? In this article, we’ll quickly review the 10 best AI humanizers capable of achieving high human content scores.
AIHumanizer – Best AI Humanizer Overall
Humbot – Best AI Humanizer For Fast & Efficient Results
HIX Bypass – Best AI Humanizer For Varied Bypass Modes
Undetectable AI – Best AI Humanizer For SEO-Friendly Content
BypassAI – Best AI Humanizer For Consistent AI Pass Rates
BypassGPT – Best AI Humanizer For Authentic and Creative Results
WriteHuman – Best AI Humanizer For Ease of Use
Stealth Writer – Best AI Humanizer For Multiple Humanized Outputs
Phrasly – Best AI Humanizer For Unlimited User Accessibility
GPTinf – Best AI Humanizer For Flexible Price Options
AIHumanizer – Best AI Humanizer Overall
At the top of our list is AIHumanizer, which primarily stands out for its ability to deliver 100% human-score content without fail. Instead of using basic word substitution, this tool relies on sophisticated text humanization algorithms that instantly restructure the entire content until it is indistinguishable from human-written text.
As a result, the revised output provided is often capable of bypassing even the most powerful AI detectors like Originality.ai, ZeroGPT, and GPTZero. It also doesn’t matter if the content was generated by ChatGPT, GPT-4, Gemini, or Jasper. The tool can be relied on to work with AI text from any LLM that you can think of.
Besides that, this AI humanizer only generates unique text, which ensures the output will be 100% free from plagiarism. Furthermore, it does well to consistently ensure that the intended message behind the original text is still conveyed accurately. Best of all, the humanized text will usually be grammatically correct and error-free.
Another unique aspect of this tool is that it offers multilingual support. This makes it extremely easy for global users to humanize AI text in over 50+ different languages.
Key Highlights
Delivers 100% human content scores
Specially developed AI text humanization engine
Produces contextually accurate and error-free output
Can process content generated by All AI language model
Humanizes AI text in multiple languages
Get 100% Human Scores On AI Detectors With AIHumanizer >>>
Humbot – Best AI Humanizer For Fast & Efficient Results
When it comes to AI humanization speed, Humbot leads the charge. The tool can humanize AI text in mere seconds by rewriting the text using more natural-sounding vocabulary and sentence structures. This effectively makes your AI content undetectable by most AI detectors such as Copyleaks, Turnitin, Originality.ai, and others.
Moreover, Humbot effectively works with any type of AI content, be it articles, essays, emails, or reports. All you need is to paste the AI-generated content into the portal and it will produce a new version almost instantly without detracting from the original meaning. This makes it especially well-suited for humanizing AI text in bulk.
In addition, this AI humanizer does well to produce 100% original content and it often ensures the humanized output offers excellent readability from start to finish. The platform also uses industry-standard encryption to safeguard personal data and content input.
Key Highlights
Utilizes fast AI humanization techniques
Can humanize any type of AI content
Implements high-end data encryption measures
Humanize Bulk AI Content In A Flash Using Humbot >>>
HIX Bypass – Best AI Humanizer For Varied Bypass Modes
HIX Bypass is a unique AI humanizer that provides access to four different AI bypass modes. The tool has a ‘Fast’ mode, which converts AI text to humans rapidly. There is also a ‘Balanced’ mode, which makes the AI text even more undetectable. The next is ‘Aggressive’ mode, which focuses on bypassing the most advanced AI detectors.
There is also the ‘Latest’ mode, which uses the platform’s most powerful AI technology to humanize the AI text. Each of these bypass options enables you to humanize AI text in different ways. This means you have more flexibility to evade any AI detector out there, which includes Sapling, Winston AI, and ZeroGPT, just to name a few.
To add to that, HIX Bypass has a unique ChatGPT watermark removal feature. This ensures your AI text is stripped of any special phrases that indicate it was artificially written. Plus, its built-in AI checkers do well to help verify your output is undetectable.
Key Highlights
Several unique AI humanization modes
Offers ChatGPT watermark removal
Has built-in AI checkers
Access Multiple Ways To Bypass AI Detectors On HIX Bypass >>>
Undetectable AI – Best AI Humanizer For SEO-Friendly Content
Undetectable AI is a reliable AI humanizer that can be relied on to generate high-quality outputs that rank highly on SERPs. With this tool, it’s easy to incorporate targeted keywords within the humanized output. So, not only can humanize your AI text and make it evade AI detectors like Turnitin and Content at Scale, but it also ensures the content is SEO-friendly.
Moreover, the tool uses phrasing and syntax that human writers typically use, which reduces the likelihood of your content being flagged as spam. This makes it a reliable AI humanizer for handling marketing and ad copy. Aside from that, any text it generates is entirely duplicate-free so that you can pass plagiarism checkers like Copyscape.
Besides that, the platform is quite intuitive, which means navigation is relatively easy enough for first-time users. Undetectable AI also offers a range of affordable pricing options, each of which contains rather generous word counts.
Key Highlights
Provides keyword-rich output for SEO
Has an intuitive user interface
Pricing tiers are relatively affordable
Optimize & Humanize Your AI Content With Undetectable AI >>>
BypassAI – Best AI Humanizer For Consistent AI Pass Rates
BypassAI excels best at securing high AI bypass rates at a more consistent rate than most AI humanizers. It works by identifying common markers often found in AI text like repetitive passages and lack of sentence length variation. The tool then rewrites the content to eliminate those indicators that most AI detectors look out for.
As a result, the AI humanizer reliably achieves high human scores on AI detectors such as GPTZero, Winston AI, and Copyleaks more often than most other competitors. BypassAI is also good at ensuring the original content’s message is accurately conveyed as intended in the final humanized text.
When humanizing AI text, BypassAI also ensures complete originality in its output. This makes it a practical option for users in a wide range of fields and professions such as students, editors, journalists, and marketing professionals.
Key Highlights
Implements highly effective AI bypass techniques
Consistently delivers original and human-like output
Caters to a wide range of users
Evade AI Detection More Consistently Using Bypass AI >>>
BypassGPT – Best AI Humanizer For Authentic and Creative Results
BypassGPT is an advanced AI humanizer that is specially trained to mimic real human writing styles. This allows it to effectively humanize any AI text and make it sound less robotic by ensuring that it is rewritten in a very authentic and natural-sounding manner. This allows it to easily outsmart several popular AI detectors like Turnitin and Originality.ai.
In addition, the tool also does well to enhance content quality to create unique output that drives reader engagement. This makes it especially useful to creative writers, bloggers, and marketers. It is also for this reason many reputable media outlets have a lot of positive things to say about the tool.
Since BypassGPT has a limited free trial, users can test out its capabilities without having to make a financial commitment. You won’t even have to sign up for an account, either. Simply upgrade to a premium plan once you feel satisfied enough with its performance.
Key Highlights
Generates 100% unique and natural-sounding results
Helps to effectively enhance content quality
Free trial with no account sign-up required
Rely On BypassGPT To Deliver High-Quality, Human-Like Content >>>
WriteHuman – Best AI Humanizer For Ease of Use
WriteHuman provides users with an easy and uncomplicated means of humanizing AI text. While most AI humanizers typically come with cluttered interfaces, this one is fairly straightforward to use. It has a very minimal UI that simply provides you with a quick way of getting human-like content in just a few clicks.
It even comes with a handy keyword freeze feature that lets you highlight certain words or phrases in [brackets] to ensure they are included in the humanized text. WriteHuman even integrates them seamlessly into the content to guarantee good readability. Plus, it has a built-in AI detector that can help you scan for AI at any time.
Key Highlights
Designed with a simplistic interface
Facilitates easy keyword inclusion
Intuitive bracket feature for keeping technical terms unchanged
Offers an accurate AI detector to verify results
Stealth Writer – Best AI Humanizer For Multiple Humanized Outputs
If you find yourself needing multiple humanized variations of the same piece of text, then StealthWriter is worth considering. Aside from its ability to evade several AI detection tools like ZeroGPT, this AI humanizer produces several different content variations to choose from. This gives you more diverse options for your content writing needs.
StealthWriter even allows users to customize the humanized content in real time. You simply click on certain sentences and it will provide you with several alternatives. This means you can effectively tailor the output to suit your precise needs with ease. It also comes with two AI bypass modes, Ninja and Ghost for more flexible AI text humanization.
Key Highlights
Generates multiple content alternatives
Allows you to customize the humanized output easily
Provides access to two unique AI bypass modes and processing engines
Phrasly – Best AI Humanizer For Unlimited User Accessibility
Phrasly can not only humanize AI text to evade AI detection by GPTZero, Turnitin, and other similar AI detectors but it also has an AI content generator. To this end, it can help streamline content idea generation and humanization all in convenient one place. However, the tool’s main highlight is that it has a simple two-tier pricing structure.
You can access Phrasly’s features via a Free or Unlimited plan with the paid option available at a very competitive price for the value offered. This makes it a suitable AI humanizer for powerhouses that typically need to humanize large volumes of AI text at one time. On top of that, the platform has a built-in AI detector to help scan content for signs of AI.
Key Highlights
Simple pricing structure with unlimited access
AI content generation and humanization in one place
An accurate AI detector tool is available
GPTinf – Best AI Humanizer For Flexible Price Options
GPTinf works to humanize AI text by using advanced paraphrasing techniques to adjust the word choice and make the content sound less artificial. It even has ‘Compare Mode’, which is a unique feature that makes it easy to view and compare the various changes made to the AI text. But, the best thing about this AI humanizer is its flexible pricing.
With GPTinf, you have access to a sliding scale that lets you decide how many words you want per month and how much you want to pay for that level of access. In short, you can choose a pricing plan that is very specific to your precise budget needs and work requirements. Moreover, the pricing gets more affordable the higher you go up the scale.
Key Highlights
Advanced rewriting techniques for humanizing AI text
Has a useful compare mode feature
Offers very flexible price options to subscribe to
With the right AI humanizer, you won’t have to worry about dealing with AI detectors. No more fear of being flagged or even penalized for using AI content, not to mention that they do an effective job of making the text sound more authentic to help boost engagement. These 10 best AI humanisers are leaders in their respective fields, so choose wisely.
Our recommendation for the best AI humanizer to humanize your AI text would be AIHumanizer. It is your best chance at securing 100% human scores on any AI detector. It also has an extensive suite of features, which ensures you have everything you need to humanize AI text with ease. So, head over there to start generating human-like AI content now!
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stanceinternational · 4 months
Dominate LinkedIn with the Best AI LinkedIn Post Generators
Revolutionize your LinkedIn game with the industry's finest AI-powered post generators. These cutting-edge tools are designed to elevate your content creation, boost engagement, and enhance your professional presence on LinkedIn. Let's explore the top AI LinkedIn post generators and their standout features:
1. Taplio
Taplio stands out as the ultimate AI LinkedIn post generator, driven by the advanced GPT-4 model. Craft captivating content effortlessly through AI-powered content creation. Tap into valuable insights with lead generation metrics and seamlessly integrate with Chrome plugins. Access a vast library of over four million viral posts for inspiration.
Top Features:
2. GetGenie
GetGenie empowers your LinkedIn strategy with its AI-driven platform, offering advanced features like keyword research, competitor analysis, and customizable writing templates. With multi-language support, you can tailor your content to diverse audiences, ensuring maximum impact. Top Features:
3. Jasper
Jasper simplifies content creation with its intuitive post generator, featuring a prompt library, browser extensions, and over 50 AI templates. Enjoy exceptional user experience and customer support, allowing you to focus on creating relevant and engaging content for your LinkedIn audience. Top Features:
4. Writesonic
Writesonic empowers professionals to stand out on LinkedIn with its premium AI writing tool. Benefit from an SEO checker & optimizer, AI article writer, and text summarizer for creating impactful content across various topics. Top Features:
5. Anyword
Anyword offers comprehensive features including copy intelligence, website automation, and enterprise-grade security. Customize your content generation process to reflect your brand's voice and preferences, ensuring consistency and authenticity in your LinkedIn posts. Top Features:
6. TinyWow
TinyWow streamlines your LinkedIn posting experience with its user-friendly interface and powerful features. With an essay writer, content improver, and AI image generator, you can create visually compelling posts without hassle. Top Features:
7. StoryLab
StoryLab's AI-powered caption generator simplifies the process of creating compelling LinkedIn posts. Explore professional post templates, easy-to-use tools, and a paraphrase generator for enhancing existing content. Top Features:
8. Simplified
Simplified enhances your LinkedIn profile with its AI Copywriting tool, offering content rewriting, AI blog writing, and AI image generation. Customize your content effortlessly to align with your brand messaging and engage your audience effectively. Top Features:
9. Writi.io
Writi.io's AI capabilities enable personalized content creation directly on LinkedIn. Generate AI-powered chat responses, LinkedIn posts, and emails effortlessly, ensuring your content resonates with your audience and drives meaningful engagement. Top Features:
10. Resonate
Resonate's tailored content generation platform offers mix-and-match content creation, quick usability, and personalized content generation. Spark meaningful conversations and engage your audience effectively with Resonate's advanced features. Top Features:
11. Buffer
Buffer's suite of content creation tools empowers professionals to enhance their LinkedIn strategy. With personalized post inspiration, a post scheduler, and analytics reporting, you can optimize your performance and drive results on the platform. Top Features:
12. Taskade
Taskade's AI Generator offers mind maps, real-time collaboration, and project boards for efficient content creation and management. Streamline your LinkedIn strategy and unlock new opportunities for success with Taskade's advanced features. Top Features:
Conclusion: Best AI LinkedIn Post Generators
In conclusion, leveraging AI LinkedIn post generators can revolutionize your presence on the platform. With powerful features such as AI-powered content creation, lead generation metrics, and seamless integration with Chrome plugins, these tools offer unparalleled efficiency and effectiveness in crafting engaging posts. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting, incorporating these tools into your LinkedIn strategy can save you time, enhance your brand image, and connect you with your audience in meaningful ways. So why wait? Explore these innovative solutions today and take your LinkedIn game to new heights!
FAQs about AI LinkedIn Post Generators:
What are AI LinkedIn Post Generators? AI LinkedIn Post Generators are innovative tools powered by artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms designed to assist users in creating engaging and compelling content for their LinkedIn profiles. These tools analyze trends, audience behavior, and industry insights to craft highly relevant and impactful posts effortlessly.
How do AI LinkedIn Post Generators work? AI LinkedIn Post Generators utilize advanced algorithms to generate content tailored to your specific needs and preferences. They often offer customizable options such as tone, style, and keywords, allowing users to create posts that align perfectly with their brand identity and audience expectations. Additionally, some generators integrate with LinkedIn analytics to provide insights into post performance and audience demographics.
Are AI LinkedIn Post Generators suitable for all industries?
Yes, AI LinkedIn Post Generators are versatile tools that can be adapted to various industries and professions. Whether you're in finance, technology, marketing, or any other field, these generators can help you create content that resonates with your target audience and enhances your professional presence on LinkedIn.
Do I need any technical skills to use AI LinkedIn Post Generators?
No, most AI LinkedIn Post Generators are user-friendly and require no technical expertise. With intuitive interfaces and easy-to-follow instructions, anyone can create professional-looking posts with just a few clicks. Additionally, many generators offer templates and pre-defined settings to make the process even simpler.
Can I schedule posts in advance with AI LinkedIn Post Generators?
Yes, many AI LinkedIn Post Generators offer scheduling features that allow you to plan and schedule your posts in advance. This feature ensures consistent and timely content delivery to your audience, helping you maintain an active and engaging presence on LinkedIn.
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joinchris · 5 months
Unleashing the Midas Touch: Creativity & Technology in the Digital Gold Rush
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The internet, once a vast frontier, has become a bustling marketplace teeming with opportunity. Yet, in this gold rush of content creation and online businesses, standing out requires more than just a pickaxe and a pan. The key to striking digital gold lies in the potent blend of creativity and technology. Focus Keywords: creativity, technology, digital marketing, online business, income stream, content creation, AI, automation, trends, engagement Meta Description: Uncover the secrets of the digital gold rush! This article explores how to leverage creativity and technology to boost your online business and income streams. Learn cutting-edge trends, AI tools, and engagement strategies to shine brighter than the competition. Introduction:
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Man using computer at home, distant worker or freelancer with laptop. Male character by desk with lamp, house interior with flowers. Vector in flat cartoon style Remember the days of dial-up internet and pixelated cat GIFs? The online landscape has evolved at breakneck speed, and so have the tools at our disposal. Today, armed with the right combination of creativity and technology, anyone can carve a niche in the digital marketplace. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or a budding online hustler, this guide equips you with the knowledge and inspiration to transform your online presence into a goldmine. The Creative Spark: At the heart of every successful online venture lies a spark of originality. But where do you find inspiration when surrounded by an ocean of content? Here are some ways to ignite your creative fire: - Embrace diverse perspectives: Seek out content from different cultures, industries, and viewpoints. Look beyond your niche for unexpected sparks of inspiration. - Challenge assumptions: Question the status quo in your field. What problems haven't been addressed? What unmet needs exist in your target audience? - Experiment and play: Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and try new things. Experiment with different formats, tools, and storytelling techniques. - Collaborate and connect: Surround yourself with other creative minds. Bounce ideas off each other, participate in online communities, and seek out mentors. Technology: Your Digital Wand Creativity is the fuel, but technology is the engine that propels your online business forward. Let's explore some powerful tools and trends:
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Various people using financial services. Fully editable vectors for multiple purposes. - AI-powered content creation: Utilize AI writing assistants like Jasper or Rytr to overcome writer's block and generate content ideas. Remember, AI is a tool, not a replacement for your unique voice and perspective. - Automation for efficiency: Free up your time and energy by automating repetitive tasks like social media scheduling or email marketing with tools like Buffer or Mailchimp. - Data-driven insights: Leverage analytics platforms like Google Analytics to understand your audience and optimize your content for better engagement. - Virtual and augmented reality: Explore immersive technologies like VR tours or AR product demonstrations to create unique and engaging experiences for your customers. - The power of video: Embrace the power of video marketing with platforms like YouTube or TikTok. Share informative tutorials, behind-the-scenes glimpses, or customer testimonials to connect with your audience on a deeper level. Beyond the Tools: Weaving the Magic
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Data monitoring and analysis on desktop vector illustration. Cartoon tiny people with magnifying glass research graphs, charts and diagram on laptop screen, monitor financial report growth for trade Remember, technology is just a tool. The true magic lies in how you wield it to amplify your creativity and connect with your audience. Here are some key strategies: - Storytelling is king: Craft compelling narratives that resonate with your audience's emotions, values, and aspirations. Use your unique voice and experiences to make your content stand out. - Personalization is key: Tailor your content to different segments of your audience based on their needs and interests. Utilize segmentation tools and personalization platforms to deliver relevant experiences. - Community building matters: Foster a sense of community around your brand. Encourage interaction, answer questions, and create a space where your audience feels valued and heard. - Stay ahead of the curve: Keep yourself updated on the latest digital marketing trends and technologies. Embrace continuous learning and experimentation to stay relevant in the ever-evolving online landscape. Remember, the most valuable asset you possess is your own creativity. By harnessing the power of technology and implementing these strategies, you can transform your online presence into a thriving business, leaving a trail of digital gold in your wake. This is just the beginning of your journey! Continue exploring, experiment, and most importantly, have fun! The digital landscape is your canvas, and with the right blend of creativity and technology, you can paint a masterpiece that attracts, engages, and converts. Bonus Tip: Sprinkle your blog post with relevant visuals, infographics, or even short video clips to enhance engagement and make your content even more impactful. Read the full article
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arnesh-bhatt12 · 5 months
Top 5 AI tools for Digital Marketing in 2024
Are you working in the field of Digital Marketing?
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And want to decrease your workload with the help of AI.
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Then let me tell you that this is the perfect article for you. 
Did You Know:
80% of marketers report using AI for audience segmentation and targeting (source: Salesforce)
AI-powered tools can generate marketing copy, product descriptions, and even blog posts, saving up to 50% time compared to manual creation.
Chatbots powered by AI handle 80% of customer inquiries on e-commerce websites, reducing wait times and increasing customer satisfaction.
And now that you know how AI is helping people in the digital marketing field.
 Let me introduce you to the Top 5 AI tools which you can use to ease your work in Digital Marketing:
Seventh Sense: Seventh Sense uses AI smarts to predict customer behaviour and personalize email timing & offers. Think of higher engagement, more clicks, and happier customers - all thanks to AI email fairy dust. 
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Albert.ai: Autopilot for your ads. Manages bids, budgets, & audiences. Drives higher ROI, and frees you to strategize. Think AI marketing mastermind, working 24/7.
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Jasper AI:  Your AI copywriter pal. Ditch writer's block, generate blog posts, ads, descriptions & more. Original, human-sounding content to boost your marketing magic.
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Mindmeld: Mindmeld builds brainy AI assistants for your business. Think chatbots that understand, solve problems, and fit your specific needs. From customer service robots to AI shop assistants, Mindmeld unlocks the power of custom-built AI brains.
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Tableau: Tableau, your data artist! Paints numbers into dazzling charts & maps. Easy drag-and-drop reveals hidden trends. Interactive dashboards bring data to life for everyone. Think AI-powered insights, beautifully told.
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Looker: Looker, your data detective! It hunts for insights in any data source. Build sleek dashboards, uncover trends, and share findings with a click. Think business intelligence, made easy and powered by AI.
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And now ladies and gentlemen you know about 6  AI tools which you can use in the field of digital marketing to decrease your workload.
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oditeksolutionsyaass · 5 months
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OdiTek’s rich expertise in Jasper comes from years of Java application development and the multiple projects we have executed for our various clients. We provide iReport services, Chart Designer, JasperServer, JasperAnalysis, JasperETL, Jasper BI/Jasper Decisions, Jasper Community edition, Jasper for PHP, Jasper BI suite for MySQL and many more services based on Jasper Reports.
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Future Trends Of Call Center Software
The year 2023 is a crucial year for tech breakthroughs. The advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), 5G, and quantum computing have altered the digital landscape for good. The rapid digital transformation will revolutionize every possible industry. How can call centers be left behind?
Call centers have always been at the cutting edge of the digital revolution. Whether it was the invention of the telephone in 1876 or the launch of the World Wide Web in 1989, call centers leveraged every emerging technology to achieve such a humongous market size.
As per Statista, the international call center market size reached USD 339.4 billion in 2020. The industry is projected to reach USD 496 billion by 2027. A major contribution goes to call center software, which is the life force of every call center.
From its inception in the 1970s to 2023, call center software has come a long way. It will keep up with the ongoing rapid digital transformation and change the way call centers operated in the past. Let’s take a look at some of the emerging trends and predictions for call center software in 2023.
The rise of AI will revolutionize call centers and call center software
Increased use of voice biometrics
Remote working is here to stay
Prevalence and alignment of cloud-based call center solutions
More focus on self-service
Prioritization of mobile-first
Popularity of live chat
The rise of AI will revolutionize call centers and call center software
Call centers have always used some form of AI in call center solutions to enhance customer service. But this year onwards, AI is going to revolutionize the way call centers work. The launch of ChatGPT, ChatSonic, Jasper, and other AI tools is just the start of the revolution.
With AI tools increasing at a faster rate, call centers will increasingly adopt the technology and will increase their investments in it. As per a report by Forrester, call centers’ investment in AI will boost over 300 percent in the next year. 
The international call center AI market size will grow from USD 1.6 billion in 2022 to USD 4.1 billion by 2027. Many call centers will invest heavily in call center software fortified by sophisticated AI tools and algorithms.
Increased use of voice biometrics
Voice biometrics is an authentication technique that measures marked aspects in a person’s voice to recognize them. Even though the technology has been around since the 1990s, many call centers and contact centers have started using it not only to authenticate their customers and protect their data but also to improve several call center metrics.
A recent study found that voice biometrics can reduce a call center’s average handling time (AHT) by up to 45 seconds and save businesses about USD 10 per call. As per another study, voice biometrics can cut customer authentication time by more than 90 percent.
With the rise in voice biometrics adoption, the market size is going to grow by leaps and bounds. As per a Mordor Intelligence report, the voice biometrics market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 19.48 percent between 2022 and 2027. Many reliable call center software providers will integrate voice biometrics into their offerings to replace security questions and reduce fraud.
These are some of the major call center trends that call centers must leverage to become future-proof. To incorporate these trends into call center technology and augment your operational models, you can use one of the best call center solutions offered by AC InfoSoft. To learn more about trending call center solutions, please visit https://www.acinfosoft.com/call-center-solutions/
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oditeksolutionsyaass · 5 months
OdiTek’s rich expertise in Jasper comes from years of Java application development and the multiple projects we have executed for our various clients. We provide iReport services, Chart Designer, JasperServer, JasperAnalysis, JasperETL, Jasper BI/Jasper Decisions, Jasper Community edition, Jasper for PHP, Jasper BI suite for MySQL and many more services based on Jasper Reports.
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reasoningdaily · 7 months
GPT-powered deepfakes are a ‘powder keg’
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In the old days, if you wanted to create convincing dialogue for a deepfake video, you had to actually write the words yourself. These days, it’s easier than ever to let the AI do it all for you. 
“You basically now just need to have an idea for content,” says Natalie Monbiot, head of strategy at Hour One, a Tel Aviv-based startup that brings deepfake technology to online learning videos, business presentations, news reports and ads. Last month the company added a new feature incorporating GPT, OpenAI’s text-writing system; now users only need to choose from the dozens of actor-made avatars and voices, and type a prompt to get a lifelike talking head. (Like some of its competitors, Hour One also lets users digitize their own faces and voices.)
It’s one of a number of “virtual people” companies that have added AI-based language tools to their platforms, with the aim of giving their avatars greater reach and new powers of mimicry. (See an example I made below.) Over 150 companies are now building products around generative AI—a catch-all term for systems that use unsupervised learning to conjure up text and multimedia—for content creators and marketers and media companies. 
Deepfake technology is increasingly showing up in Hollywood too. AI allows Andy Warhol and Anthony Bordain to speak from beyond the grave, promises to keep Tom Hanks young forever, and lets us watch imitations of Kim Kardashian, Jay Z and Greta Thunberg fight over garden maintenance in an inane British TV comedy. 
Startups like Hour One, Synthesia, Uneeq and D-ID see more prosaic applications for the technology: putting infinite numbers of shiny, happy people in personalized online ads, video tutorials and presentations. Virtual people made by Hour One are already hosting videos for healthcare multinationals and learning companies, and anchoring news updates for a crypto website and football reports for a German TV network. The industry envisions an internet that is increasingly tailored to and reflects us, a metaverse where we’ll interact with fake people and make digital twins that can, for instance, attend meetings for us when we don’t feel like going on camera. 
Visions like these have sparked a new gold rush in generative AI. Image generation platform Stability AI and AI wordprocesser Jasper, for example, recently raised $101 million and $125 million, respectively. Hour One raised $20 million last year from investors and grew its staff from a dozen to fifty people. Sequoia says the generative AI industry will generate trillions in value. 
“This really does feel like a pivotal moment in technology,” says Monbiot.
But concerns are mounting that when combined, these imitative tools can also turbocharge the work of scammers and propagandists, helping empower demagogues, disrupt markets, and erode an already fragile social trust. 
“The risk down the road is coming faster of combining deepfakes, virtual avatar and automated speech generation,” says Sam Gregory, program director of Witness, a human rights group with expertise in deepfakes. 
A report last month by misinformation watchdog NewsGuard warned of the dangers of GPT on its own, saying it gives peddlers of political misinformation, authoritarian information operations, and health hoaxes the equivalent of “an army of skilled writers spreading false narratives.”
For creators of deepfake video and audio, GPT, short for generative pretrained transformer, could be used to build more realistic versions of well-known political and cultural figures, capable of speaking in ways that better mimic those individuals. It can also be used to more quickly and cheaply build an army of people who don’t exist, fake actors capable of fluently delivering messages in multiple languages. 
That makes them useful, says Gregory, for the “firehose” strategy of disinformation preferred by Russia, along with everything from “deceptive commercial personalization to the ‘lolz’ strategies of shitposting at scale.”
Last month, a series of videos that appeared on WhatsApp featured a number of fake people with American accents awkwardly voicing support for a military-backed coup in Burkina Faso. Security firm Graphika said last week that the same virtual people were deployed last year as part of a pro-Chinese influence operation. 
Synthesia, the London-based company whose platform was used to make the deepfakes, didn’t identify the users behind them, but said it suspended them for violating its terms of service prohibiting political content. In any case, Graphika noted, the videos had low-quality scripts and somewhat robotic delivery, and ultimately garnered little viewership.
But audio visual AI is “learning” quickly, and GPT-like tools will only amplify the power of videos like these, making it faster and cheaper for liars to build more fluent and convincing deepfakes. 
The combination of language models, face recognition, and voice synthesis software will “render control over one’s likeness a relic of the past,” the U.S.-based Eurasia Group warned in its recent annual risk report, released last month. The geopolitical analysts ranked AI-powered disinformation as the third greatest global risk in 2023, just behind threats posed by China and Russia.
“Large language models like GPT-3 and the soon-to-be-released GPT-4 will be able to reliably pass the Turing test—a Rubicon for machines’ ability to imitate human intelligence,” the report said. “This year will be a tipping point for disruptive technology’s role in society.”
Brandi Nonnecke, co-director of the Berkeley Center for Law and Technology, says that for high-quality disinformation, the mixture of large language models like GPT with generative video is a “powder keg.”
“Video and audio deepfake technology is getting better every day,” she says. “Combine this with a convincing script generated by ChatGPT and it’s only a matter of time before deepfakes pass as authentic.”In this demo, avatars generated by Synthesia converse using GPT
The term deepfakes, unlike the names of other recent disruptive technologies (AI, quantum, fusion), has always suggested something vertiginously creepy. And from its creepy origins, when the Reddit user “deepfakes” began posting fake celebrity porn videos in 2017, the technology has rapidly grown up into a life of crime. It’s been used to “undress” untold numbers of women, steal tens of millions, enlist people like Elon Musk and Joe Rogan in cryptocurrency scams, make celebrities say awful things, attack Palestinian-rights activists, and trick European politicians into thinking they were on a video call with the mayor of Kiev. Many have worried the software will be misused to doctor evidence like body camera and surveillance video, and the Department of Homeland Security has warned about its use in not just bullying and blackmail, but also as a means to manipulate stocks and sow political instability. 
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Natalie Monbiot, head of strategy at Hour One [Photo: courtesy of Hour One]
Lately, she says Hour One’s own executive team has been delivering weekly reports using their own personalized “virtual twins,” sometimes with the Script Wizard tool. They are also testing ways of tailoring GPT by training it with Slack conversations, for instance. (In December, Google and DeepMind unveiled a clinically-focused LLM called Med-PaLM7 that they said could answer some medical questions almost as well as the average human physician.) As the technology gets faster and cheaper, Hour One also hopes to put avatars into real-time video calls, giving users their own “super communicators,” enhanced “extensions” of themselves. 
“We already do that every day,” she says, through social media. “And this is almost just like an animated version of you that can actually do a lot more than a nice photo. It can actually do work on your behalf.”
But, please, Monbiot, says—don’t call them deepfakes. 
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Hour One’s Script Wizard tool adds GPT functionality to its Reals virtual people maker [Image: courtesy of Hour One]
The people themselves look and sound very real—in some cases too real, ever so slightly stuck in the far edge of the uncanny valley. That sense of hyperreality is also intentional, says Monbiot, and another way “to draw the distinction between the real you and your virtual twin.”
But GPT can blur those lines. After signing up for a free account, which includes a few minutes of video, I began by asking Script Wizard, Hour One’s GPT-powered tool, to elaborate on the risks Script Wizard presented. The machine warned of “data breaches, privacy violations and manipulation of content,” and suggested that “to minimize these risks, you should ensure that security measures are in place, such as regular updates on the software and systems used for Script Wizard. Additionally, you should be mindful of who accesses the technology and what is being done with it.”
Alongside its own contractual agreements with its actors and users, Hour One must also comply with OpenAI’s terms of service, which prohibit the use of its technology to promote dishonesty, deceive or manipulate users or attempt to influence politics. To enforce these terms, Monbiot says the company uses “a combination of detection tools and methods to identify any abuse of the system” and “permanently ban users if they break with our terms of use.” 
But given how difficult it is for teams of people or machines to detect political misinformation, it likely won’t be possible to always identify misuse. (Synthesia, which was used to produce the pro-Chinese propaganda videos, also prohibits political content.) And it’s even harder to stop misuse once a video has been made. 
“We realize that bad actors will seek to game these measures, and this will be an ongoing challenge as AI-generated content matures,” says Monbiot.
How to make a GPT-powered deepfake (that recites Kremlin talking points)
Making a deepfake that speaks AI-written text is as easy as generating first-person scripts using ChatGPT and pasting them into any virtual people platform. (On its website Synthesia offers a few tutorials on how to do this.) Alternatively, a deepfake maker could download DeepFace, the open source software popular among the nonconsensual porn community, and roll their own digital avatar, using a voice from a company like ElevenLabs or Resemble AI. (ElevenLabs recently stopped offering free trials after 4Chan users misused the platform, including by getting Emma Watson’s voice to read a part of Mein Kampf; Resemble has itself been experimenting with GPT-3). One coder recently used ChatGPT, Microsoft Azure’s neural text-to-speech system, and other machine learning systems to build a virtual anime-style “wife” to teach him Chinese.
But on self-serve platforms like D-ID or Hour One, the integration of GPT makes the process even simpler, with the option to adjust the tone and without the need to sign up at OpenAI or other platforms. Hour One’s sign up process asks users for their name, email and phone number; D-ID only wants a name and email.
After signing up for a free trial at Hour One, it took another few minutes to make a video. I pasted in the first line from Hour One’s press release, and let Script Wizard write the rest of the text, fashioning a cheerier script than I had initially imagined (even though I chose the “Professional” tone). I then prompted it to describe some of the “risks” of combining GPT with deepfakes, and it offered up a few hazards, including “manipulation of content.” (The system also offered up its own manipulation, when it called GPT-3 “the most powerful AI technology available today.”)
After a couple of tries, I was also able to get the GPT tool to include a few sentences arguing for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine—a seeming violation of the terms of service prohibiting political content. 
The result, a one and a half minute video (viewable below) hosted by a talking head in a photorealistic studio setting, took a few minutes to export. The only clear marker that the person was synthetic was a small “AV” marker that sat on the bottom of the video, and that, if I wanted, I could easily edit out.
Even without synthetic video, researchers have warned that apps like ChatGPT could be used to do all kinds of damage to our information landscape, from building fake news operations from scratch to simply supercharging the messages of already powerful lobbyists. Renee DiResta, the technical research manager for the Stanford Internet Observatory, is most worried about what GPT means simply for text-only disinformation, which “will be easy to generate in high volume, and with fewer tells to enable detection” than exist with other kinds of synthetic media. To deceive people into thinking that you too are a person, a convincing face and voice may not be necessary at all, Venketash Rao argues. “Text is all you need.”
It should be easier to detect synthetic people than synthetic text, because they offer more “tells.” But virtual people, especially those equipped with AI-written sentences, will become increasingly convincing. Researchers are working on AI that combine large language models with embodied perception, enabling sentient avatars, bots that can learn through multiple modalities and interact with the real world.
The latest version of GPT is already capable of passing a kind of Turing test with tech engineers and journalists, convincing them that it has its own, sometimes quite creepy, personalities. (You could see the language models’ expert mimicry skills as a kind of mirror test for us, which we’re apparently failing.) Eric Horvitz, Chief Scientific Officer at Microsoft, which has a large stake in OpenAI, worried in a paper last year about automated interactive deepfakes capable of carrying out real-time conversation. Whether we’ll know we’re talking to a fake or not, he warned, this capability could power persuasive, persistent influence campaigns: “It is not hard to imagine how the explanatory power of custom-tailored synthetic histories could out-compete the explanatory power of the truthful narratives.”
Even as the AI systems keep improving, they can’t escape their own errors and “personality” issues. Large language models like GPT work by mapping the words in billions of pages of text across the web, and then reverse engineering sentences into statistically likely approximations of how humans write. The result is a simulation of thinking that sounds right but can also contain subtle errors. OpenAI warns users that apart from factual mistakes, ChatGPT “may occasionally produce harmful instructions or biased content.”
Over time, as this derivative text itself spreads online, embedded with layers of mistakes made by machines (and humans), it becomes fresh learning material for the next versions of the AI writing model. As the world’s knowledge gets put through the AI wringer, it compresses and expands over and over again, sort of like a blurry jpeg. As the writer Ted Chiang put it in The New Yorker: “The more that text generated by large-language models gets published on the Web, the more the Web becomes a blurrier version of itself.”
For anyone seeking reliable information, AI written text can be dangerous. But if you’re trying to flood the zone with confusion, maybe it’s not so bad. The computer scientist Gary Marcus has noted that for propagandists flooding the zone to sow confusion, “the hallucinations and occasional unreliabilities of large language models are not an obstacle, but a virtue.”
Fighting deepfakes
As the AI gold rush thrusts forward, global efforts to make the technology safer are scrambling to catch up. The Chinese government adopted the first sizable set of rules in January, requiring providers of synthetic people to give real-world humans the option of “refuting rumors,” and demanding that altered media contain watermarks and the subject’s consent. The rules also prohibit the spread of “fake news” deemed disruptive to the economy or national security, and give authorities wide latitude to interpret what that means. (The regulations do not apply to deepfakes made by Chinese citizens outside of the country.)
There is also a growing push to build tools to help detect synthetic people and media. The Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity, a group led by Adobe, Microsoft, Intel, the BBC and others, has designed a watermarking standard to verify images. But without widespread adoption, the protocol will likely only be used by those trying to prove their integrity. 
Those efforts will only echo the growth of a multibillion dollar industry dedicated to making lifelike fake people, and making them totally normal, even cool. 
That shift, to a wide acceptability of virtual people, will make it even more imperative to signal what’s fake, says Gregory of Witness. 
“The more accustomed we are to synthetic humans, the more likely we are to accept a synthetic human as being part-and-parcel for example of a news broadcast,” he says. “It’s why initiatives around responsible synthetic media need to place emphasis on telegraphing the role of AI in places where you should categorically expect that manipulations do not happen or always be signaled (e.g. news broadcasts).”
For now, the void of standards and moderation may leave the job of policing these videos up to the algorithms of platforms like YouTube and Twitter, which have struggled to detect disinformation and toxic speech in regular, non AI-generated videos. And then it’s up to us, and our skills of discernment and human intelligence, though it’s not clear how long we can trust those.
Monbiot, for her part, says that ahead of anticipated efforts to regulate the technology, the industry is still searching for the best ways to indicate what’s fake.
“Creating that distinction where it’s important, I think, is something that will be critical going forward,” she says. “Especially if it’s becoming easier and easier just to create an avatar or virtual person just based on a little bit of data, I think having permission based systems are critical. 
“Because otherwise we’re just not going to be able to trust what we see.”
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blogchaindeveloper · 7 months
Role of ChatGPT in Personal Productivity
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Personal assistants have become an integral part of our daily routine. They provide valuable assistance by scheduling appointments and offering suggestions. The advancement of AI technology has revolutionized this field, and ChatGPT is one of the top players in this game.
ChatGPT is an advanced AI language model developed by OpenAI. Built upon the impressive GPT-3 architecture, it can generate human-like text responses. This groundbreaking technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with digital tools and boost our productivity.
The Ascent of AI Personal Assistants
AI personal assistants have been steadily gaining popularity. They've proven their worth in various tasks, from managing schedules to responding to questions. However, traditional personal assistants have limitations – they operate based on predefined responses and cannot grasp context or think creatively.
ChatGPT is the latest addition to the world of AI personal assistants. This exceptional assistant has been trained using a vast amount of data and can provide text responses that are virtually indistinguishable from those written by humans. It can easily handle complex queries, engage in natural conversations, and deliver accurate and relevant information.
Revolutionizing Productivity
AI-powered personal assistants like ChatGPT have the potential to bring about a productivity revolution:
Efficient Information Retrieval: ChatGPT can swiftly search and retrieve information from extensive databases, saving time and effort.
Automated Tasks: These digital assistants can handle repetitive tasks such as scheduling meetings, sending emails, and managing to-do lists, allowing us to allocate more time to important activities.
Enhanced Decision Making: ChatGPT can analyze data, offer insights, and provide recommendations, assisting in decision-making and problem-solving.
Streamlined Communication: They can help draft emails, create reports, and even convert audio to text, enhancing communication efficiency.
By harnessing AI, personal assistants can handle a wide array of tasks, allowing individuals to focus on high-value activities and, in turn, increase overall productivity.
The Future of AI Personal Assistants
ChatGPT is already an impressive AI personal assistant, but the future holds even more exciting possibilities. OpenAI plans to continue improving the model and roll out more advanced versions, such as GPT-4 and beyond.
These future iterations of AI personal assistants are anticipated to boast enhanced capabilities, including better context understanding, improved natural language generation, and the ability to perform complex tasks with minimal human intervention.
Moreover, AI personal assistants are likely to become even more integrated with other technologies and platforms. They may seamlessly connect with smart devices, IoT systems, and even virtual reality interfaces, further enhancing their usability and impact on productivity.
Exploring Alternatives
While ChatGPT stands as a powerful AI personal assistant, it's important to remember that there are other alternatives available in the market. Options like Rytr, WriteSonic, Hypotenuse AI, Simplified, Copy.ai, and Jasper AI each offer unique features and capabilities catering to different user needs and preferences.
It's essential to explore and compare these alternatives to find the AI personal assistant that best suits your specific requirements.
ChatGPT and AI Certifications: Paving the Way to Productivity Enhancement
In the evolving landscape of AI-powered personal assistants, staying at the forefront of technology is crucial. Earning a chatbot certification is the gateway to becoming a certified chatbot expert. Chatbot training programs are vital for professionals seeking to harness the power of AI personal assistants like ChatGPT.
They provide the expertise needed to leverage these advanced tools for enhancing productivity. As the role of ChatGPT in personal productivity continues to grow, ChatGPT certification becomes not just a credential but a necessity for staying competitive in the workforce. It ensures that professionals can effectively navigate the cutting-edge advancements in the field of AI, making them invaluable contributors to the expanding world of AI-powered personal assistants. 
Therefore, the importance of ChatGPT certification courses cannot be overstated, as they play a pivotal role in adapting to the transformative impact of AI personal assistants like ChatGPT.
In conclusion, the ascent of AI-powered personal assistants, with ChatGPT at the forefront, is transforming personal productivity. These AI tools automate tasks, providing efficient information retrieval, enhancing decision-making, and streamlining communication. With ongoing advancements in AI technology, the future of personal assistants holds promise, with even more advanced versions on the horizon.
In this fast-paced world, AI personal assistants like ChatGPT are becoming indispensable tools for boosting personal productivity.
With their ability to streamline tasks and provide efficient information, they are changing the way we work and interact with technology. As technology continues to advance, the future of AI personal assistants looks bright, and we can expect even more powerful and integrated versions to further enhance our daily lives. So, as we navigate through this evolving landscape of AI-powered personal assistants, it's important to stay informed and explore the options that best fit our individual needs and preferences.
For those looking to capitalize on this transformative technology, Blockchain Council provides a platform for AI certification.
Blockchain Council is a group of authoritative subject experts and enthusiasts who champion blockchain research and development, use cases, and products. In this dynamic landscape, Blockchain Council offers a gateway to acquiring the necessary expertise and certifications in AI and blockchain, preparing individuals to thrive in these cutting-edge fields.
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pratyusa12 · 9 months
Jasper Reports | Jasper Reporting | Jasper Development
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Jasper Reports is a popular open-source reporting library for Java operations that allows inventors to induce dynamic, customizable reports in a variety of formats such as PDF, HTML, Excel, and more. Jasper Reports provides an important set of tools and features for report development, including a report developer, a reporting machine, and a wide range of APIs and integrations. The report developer allows Jasper Inventor to produce reports visually using a drag-and-drop interface and customize the layout, formatting, and data sources as needed. Some of the benefits of Jasper development include easy report creation and customization, support for multiple data sources, robust security features, and a large community for support and coffers. A Jasper reports inventor should retain strong chops in Java programming, database operation, SQL, and XML/ XSLT.
Jasper Reporting provides an important and flexible reporting result with a wide range of features, including customizable templates,multi-language support, and comity with colourful data sources. The reporting machine also uses the report template and data sources to induce the report affair in the asked format. Jasper Reports also provides colourful APIs for integrating reporting functionality into Java operations, similar to a Java API, REST API, and more. also, Jasper Reports supports a variety of data sources including JDBC, JPA, Hibernate, XML, and CSV, making it easy to integrate with colourful data sources. Overall, Jasper Reports is a protean and important reporting result that offers a wide range of features and inflexibility to meet the reporting requirements of any Java operation.
Service Immolations;
ireport: iReport is a free and open-source report developer for Jasper Reports and Jasper Reports Garçon. With iReport, complex reports with maps, images, subreports, crosstabs, and more can be created.
Chartdesigner: produce visually appealing maps using the Chart developer tool, which can convey information more effectively than a textbook.
JasperServer: JasperReports Garçon is a reporting and analytics garçon that can be bedded into web or mobile operations. It can also serve as a central information mecca for enterprises, delivering real-time or listed information in colourful train formats to cybersurfers, mobile bias, or dispatch inboxes.
JasperAnalysis: produce complex BI reports using JasperAnalysis.JasperAnalysis workbench and the community edition of JasperServer are used to produce BI reports. Set up OLAP waiters for creating cells of data and have knowledge in inMulti-Dimensional Expressions( MDX), XML for Analysis, and the associated Cleaner API.
JasperETL: produce data integration processes using colourful connectors available with JasperETL to produce robust, dependable, and scalable data storehouse result Jasper BI/ Jasper Decisions: Jaspersoft's Business Intelligence( BI) Suite Enterprise Edition is a strong contender in the open-source BI request. With its expansive toolset, it's worth considering over marketable BI platforms from Microsoft, IBM, Information Builders, Oracle, SAP, and SAS.
Jasper Community Edition: Jasper Community Edition offers interactive report viewing and formatting, a secure central depository, report scheduling and distribution, and a customizable and brandable UI.
Jasper for PHP: With Jasper for PHP, you can interact with Jasper Reports Garçon using peaceful Web Services. You can search the depository, run reports, bed report affairs, and perform executive tasks within any PHP operation.
Jasper BI Suite for MySQL: Jasper for MySQL is a high-performance interactive report garçon optimized for MySQL. It incorporates all the features and functions of Jaspersoft v3.5, including new integrated analysis capabilities and the assiduity's first software-as-a-service-enabling ( SaaS) BI platform.
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aitree-io · 1 year
Jasper AI vs. Writesonic: Unveiling the Supreme AI Writing Tool
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In the realm of artificial intelligence, two extraordinary entities have emerged, namely Jasper AI and Writesonic, aiming to revolutionize the world of writing. As their incredible abilities reached the ears of storytellers, marketers, and content creators, a question arose: which AI writing tool possesses the power to unlock creativity and transform words into captivating tales? Join us on a thrilling journey as we delve into the secrets of Jasper AI and Writesonic to determine the reigning champion in the realm of the written word. Let the battle of the AI scribes commence!
Jasper AI vs. Writesonic: A Comprehensive Comparison
To determine the superior AI writing tool, we will evaluate and compare the features, usability, overall performance, and several other aspects of Jasper AI and Writesonic.
Features and Capabilities
Both Jasper AI and Writesonic offer impressive functionalities. Jasper AI excels in generating coherent and engaging articles, blog posts, and social media content through its natural language processing engine. It stands out in creating persuasive sales copy and personalized email drafts. On the other hand, Writesonic focuses on versatile content generation, including blog post ideas, SEO-friendly content writing, and even fiction storylines. Writesonic's vast array of templates and content frameworks make it a popular choice among marketers and content creators.
User Interface and Ease of Use
User experience plays a crucial role in the success of any AI tool. Jasper AI offers a clean and intuitive user interface, ensuring easy navigation and content generation. Its straightforward layout and user-friendly controls provide a smooth experience. Similarly, Writesonic excels in usability, featuring a polished interface that allows users to quickly access its various features. The platform's step-by-step guidance and interactive prompts cater to both beginners and experienced writers.
Content Quality and Accuracy
The effectiveness of an AI writing tool lies in the quality and accuracy of the content it generates. Jasper AI utilizes state-of-the-art language models and extensive training to produce coherent and contextually accurate writing. Its ability to mimic different writing styles and tones makes it a preferred choice for various content requirements. Writesonic, on the other hand, employs cutting-edge algorithms to generate high-quality, engaging, and concise content. It particularly excels in producing SEO-friendly content that ranks well on search engines. However, some users have reported minor grammatical errors or inconsistencies in the content generated by Writesonic.
Pricing and Subscription Plans
Pricing is an essential consideration when selecting an AI writing tool. Jasper AI offers various subscription plans, providing flexibility based on the user's requirements. The pricing is competitive and transparent, making it accessible to a wide range of users. Similarly, Writesonic offers different pricing tiers to cater to different needs and budgets. The plans are affordable, and users can choose between monthly or annual billing cycles.
Customization and Flexibility
Both Jasper AI and Writesonic offer users the ability to personalize their generated content. Jasper AI allows users to provide specific instructions and prompts to tailor the output according to their preferences. This customization feature ensures that the generated content aligns with the user's desired tone, style, and messaging. Likewise, Writesonic provides users with the option to input their own content, seamlessly integrating it with the AI-generated text. This flexibility empowers users to maintain their unique voice while leveraging the assistance of the AI tool.
Integration and Compatibility
Integration and compatibility with existing platforms and tools are crucial considerations. Jasper AI provides API integration, allowing seamless incorporation into various applications, content management systems, and marketing platforms. This integration facilitates an efficient workflow and enables users to leverage the power of AI within their existing systems. Similarly, Writesonic offers integrations with popular platforms such as WordPress and Google Docs, simplifying the content creation and publishing process for users.
Customer Support and Assistance
Prompt and reliable customer support is essential for users encountering issues or seeking guidance while using AI writing tools. Jasper AI offers robust customer support through email, chat, or phone, ensuring timely assistance. Their dedicated support team is available to address concerns and technical difficulties. Similarly, Writesonic provides responsive customer support channels, allowing users to seek help or guidance when needed. Their knowledge base and documentation also offer valuable resources for troubleshooting common problems or finding answers to frequently asked questions.
Language Support and Localization
Language support and localization capabilities are significant factors in our globalized world. Jasper AI offers extensive language support, enabling users to generate content in multiple languages, catering to diverse audiences. This feature is particularly valuable for businesses with an international presence. Writesonic also provides language support for various languages, allowing users to reach a broader audience and customize their content accordingly.
Regular Updates and Improvements
Regular updates and improvements are crucial for AI tools to stay ahead in the competitive landscape. Jasper AI and Writesonic both exhibit a commitment to enhancing their platforms. Jasper AI consistently updates its models to improve content generation accuracy, language proficiency, and user experience, taking into account user feedback and implementing changes accordingly. Similarly, Writesonic rolls out regular updates, introducing new features and refining existing functionalities based on user input and market demands. This commitment to continuous improvement ensures users have access to cutting-edge AI capabilities.
User Reviews and Feedback
To gain deeper insights into the real-world performance of AI writing tools, it is valuable to consider user reviews and feedback. Both Jasper AI and Writesonic have garnered positive feedback from users, highlighting their effectiveness in generating high-quality content and saving time. Users have praised Jasper AI for understanding context and producing coherent writing, while Writesonic's versatility and ease of use have been commended. Examining user reviews and feedback provides valuable perspectives and helps in making an informed decision based on the experiences of other users.
The Verdict
Ultimately, the choice between Jasper AI and Writesonic depends on specific requirements and preferences. Jasper AI excels in generating coherent and contextually relevant articles, while Writesonic stands out with its versatile range of content types and user-friendly interface. However, for those seeking a wider variety of AI tools for various purposes, aiTree.io is an excellent resource. With over 50 categories and 2000+ regularly updated AI tools, aiTree.io provides a comprehensive platform for businesses and individuals to explore and find similar AI tools for their unique needs.
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kin922 · 1 year
The top 5 ChatGPT alternatives are Chatsonic, Neuroflash, Jasper Chat, Character AI, YouChat.
Chatsonic is one among the most recent and costliest ChatGPT alternatives that has been making the rounds lately. it’s been built on top of ChatGPT and inherits its vast potential. Other popular alternatives include Jasper Chat, Character AI, YouChat, OpenAI Playground, DialoGPT and Google Bard.
These alternatives offer a set of support tools like tutorials and user-friendly dashboards to rapid response times and valuable customer service. Each alternative offers its own unique flavor so it’s up to the user to weigh up the features and functionality of every one to seek out the simplest fit their project.
neuroflash is an AI-powered marketing copy creation software that helps marketing teams create short- and long-form copy much faster, during a smarter, more intuitive and efficient way. It supports German and English languages.
neuroflash offers a spread of pricing plans, and its typical users include marketers, content creators, and businesses.
The application is hosted during a world-class data center that’s protected by 24-hour surveillance and is usually up-to-date with the newest security measures. Users can access neuroflash through the app or login with their Google account.
NeuraFlash also provides consulting services for Salesforce, AWS, and other platforms to assist customers transform their businesses from point-of-sale to point-of-. Customers have reported positive experiences working with NeuraFlash’s team.
Jasper Chat
Jasper Chat is an AI writing software tool that’s an honest alternative to ChatGPT. it’s been built on top of ChatGPT and inherits its vast potential, but also offers additional features like the power to speak to the AI using your microphone and receive voice responses. Jasper Chat has learned from billions of articles and other pieces of content, and may remember past queries, conversations, and prompts that you simply type into its interface.
Jasper Chat is free, but you need Jasper’s Boss or Business decide to access all the features. The Boss Plan starts at $59 per month. Other alternatives to ChatGPT include ChatSonic, OpenAI Playground, YouChat, Perplexity AI, Character AI, Microsoft Bing with ChatGPT, and websites like ChatGPT like AIMLbot.org and Botlibre.com.
ChatSonic is an AI chatbot that’s almost like ChatGPT but with more advanced features. it’s trained and powered by Google Search, allowing it to supply real-time information on current events and trending topics. Additionally, it can generate digital artwork for social media posts and campaigns.
ChatSonic features a number of benefits over ChatGPT. It can access the web for references, also as generate content like blog posts, emails, tweets, and merchandise descriptions. It also provides up-to-date data and industry trends that ChatGPT cannot achieve.
Overall, ChatSonic may be a powerful tool for content creation which will help automate the method of making content for social media posts and digital campaigns.
YouChat may be a chatbot offered by the program You.com. it’s almost like ChatGPT, but with knowledge of recent events and source citation. It are often used on both the online version and mobile app, and users can have multiple accounts.
YouChat has some advantages over ChatGPT, like knowing about recent events and faster reaction time . However, it doesn’t provide answers as elaborate as ChatGPT. to urge the simplest experience, users might want to use both YouChat and ChatGPT at an equivalent time.
Character AI
Character.AI may be a neural language model chatbot web application that permits users to make “characters” and craft their “personalities” by entering either quick or advanced character creation mode. Users can then publish these characters to the community for others to talk with. Character.AI also allows users to possess live chats with all kinds of characters in real time.
The website provides an choice to create avatars of made-up people, fictional media, or RPGs. It also features a Feed feature which allows users to ascertain chats and rooms that folks have created.
Character.AI has been praised for its ability to get human-like text responses and participate in contextual conversations, but it’s also raised questions on the potential for AI-generated dishonesty.
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tastydregs · 1 year
"AI Will Never Replace Journalism," Says Magazine CEO Replacing Journalists With AI
The parent company of Sports Illustrated has announced that its magazines will begin using artificial intelligence to churn out garbage content in the absolute most oxymoronic fashion.
In a completely tone-deaf press release, the Arena Group — which owns properties like SI, Parade and Men's Journal — gleefully announced that it's embarking on "strategic development partnerships" with two little-known AI firms, Jasper and Nota.
"While AI will never replace journalism, reporting, or crafting and editing a story, rapidly improving AI technologies can create enterprise value for our brands and partners," Ross Levinsohn, the CEO and chairman of The Arena Group, said in the statement. "By leveraging these proprietary tools, we believe all those who create content on our platform will find opportunities to reach consumers in new ways."
Trendy Topics
In spite of that promise, the Arena Group ends up showing its hand, writing that in a "pilot, editors used AI technology to rapidly identify trending topics and relevant proprietary archival content and photos to produce trending and evergreen articles."
Translation: an algorithm is going to tell both human and AI writers what to write.
Both of these apparent OpenAI competitors are, per the statement, going to help the publisher "streamline workflows," which is a business jargon excuse for buying automation software that is supposed to make less work but that, in practice, often ends up breaking spectacularly.
On a scale from CNET to BuzzFeed, this announcement seems to fall closer to the CNET end of the spectrum, with the Arena Group's empty promise that AI isn't there to take his employees' jobs followed by a description of how it will, in fact, replace human content.
More on the AI content wars: Red Ventures Knew Its AI Lied and Plagiarized, Deployed It at CNET Anyway
The post "AI Will Never Replace Journalism," Says Magazine CEO Replacing Journalists With AI appeared first on Futurism.
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