#often times when I’m writing for other people’s selfship I include names because I also don’t want them to feel like that haha
honeykaes · 11 months
Random ick of mine but I really don’t like when people reblog stuff that’s suppose to be someone’s selfship.
Like reblogs or comments supporting and uplifting that selfship? Yes of course that’s amazing!
But just the random reblogs without saying anything? :( not so much.
Idk I find it that the people who do that usually just are using it as “x reader” stuff when it isn’t and impending on someone’s selfship which can often be pretty vulnerable.
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byakuyasdarling · 3 years
This post: Me rambling about my stupid selfship at midnight because I’m happy. Except, I actually say 1 important thing about them at the start lmao.
Granted, I’m probably accidentally going to repeat what I have already established in more formal posts. I’m just spitballing here, and some of this may not even be final.
All under the cut :D
The brief and actual serious point I somehow rambled off to at one point writing this:
Of course, his main goal was always to bring the Togami family to new heights, but at this point that includes her too. She’s become part of his family vision and acts accordingly. He doesn’t see too much of an issue having one dedicated partner rather than normal Togami tradition of courting a lot of woman for heirs.
Although I probably will never make the fankids, or go that far into their story into the future, you can trust that they definitely have kids. S/I is quite motherly — she enjoys taking care of people. Byakuya, of course, wants heirs for his family too. He isn’t a fan of children, but oh gosh does he love his own (his narcissism at its finest, lmao).
This doesn’t really reflect my values, but they’ll have between 4-5 kids — y’know, trying to appease the family traditions (kinda). (On a personal note: I would not have more than 2 kids ffs lmao).
One definitely looks like a clone of his father and his name IS DEFINITELY Félix. JUST because in their fancy smancy universe Byakuya is half French, half Japanese (which GIVE ME A BREAK, that makes sense considering his complexion and the fact he knows French AND CANON NEVER SAYS OTHERWISE) and the name is French. ADDITIONALLY, EVERYTIME I WATCH THE MIRACULOUS LADYPUG PV FÉLIX LOOKS AND ACTS SO MUCH LIKE BYAKUYA, so it’s fiinnneee.
What happens with the whole “head male” tradition? Well no one gets exhiled, that’s for sure. Definitely the most competent leader out of the children will take on a similar role, but the others will probably play some role in the conglomerate either way that will play to their individual strengths, rather than to try and create a singular perfect man to lead.
Anyway, important rant over, stupid rant begins✨
More mushy than usual today! Just because I’m really happy and I just want to love him <<333
My favourite paragraph I wrote concerning them was:
“Success and wealth could only give him (Byakuya) so much happiness — it’s an expectation and a constant for him now, and has no effect on his feelings at all. But seeing her so excited and happy? Now that’s something for him to smile about.”
So I’m TALKING ABOUT THIS BECAUSE UGH... His rare smiles are just — they make me melt just thinking about it.
They’re small, and hard to see at a glance; still fairly few and far between. He normally smiles when he’s a bit lethargic and tired, while watching her just being herself; happy. S/I gets very mushy when he smiles — it definitely puts her in a natural trance-like state where she becomes a lot more unaware of what she’s doing. She’ll lean into him and just becomes putty in his arms. Soon after she’ll start pressing slow kisses into his cheek and then nuzzle her face into the crook of his neck.
She is m e g a embarrassing. Byakuya doesn’t really do anything aside from putting his arms over her and keeping her up. He may make an off-handed and slightly teasing comment of “silly girl,” and variations of that phrase.
He’s never going to directly admit he enjoys all of this: just seeing the mere effect he can have on her with a simple tug of his lips amuses him. He isn’t adverse to affection when it’s on his terms (which it pretty much always is anyway).
Byakuya has his own ways of showing he cares for her deeply. After all, she’s one of — if not the only thing in his life he doesn’t consider replaceable.
He definitely worries about her often. It doesn’t show on his face, or even in his tone — but it’s pretty blatant in his body language. If he isn’t touching her hand or whatever — he’s watching her. He’s definitely very invasive when it comes to privacy (definitely one of his faults). He doesn’t comprehend why there’s something he shouldn’t know about, he’s her partner afterall, he loves her.
Trust, honesty, and loyalty are very big with Byakuya. Not in himself mind you, Byakuya is fine with lying to get his way, but not with her. Everything must be honest so he can act accordingly — there’s no logic for her to lie to him, as there is no logic for him to lie to her. S/I doesn’t have anything to hide from him — but she can lie about the fact that her father doesn’t treat her the best at times to avoid Byakuya blowing up at him. Byakuya isn’t pleased that she does this.
In general too, when he gets her to sleep, he does hold her very close. At first he thought the sensation was odd and uncomfortable, but he got acclimated to it; now enjoying her the feeling of her being safely pressed against him. Again though, that’s his secret — he would hate if the notion of him being all soft gets out to the public, lmao.
A lot of his care also just comes out in the ways he always tries to provide everything she needs. I mean — he’s a billionaire, he’s got it, he can give it.
When it comes to talking about his own problems, Byakuya pretty much just... doesn’t...
He prefers to tackle his issues on his own. Of course S/I always asks how he’s feeling, however, his responses are pretty lacklustre; sometimes he directs that question back at her:
“Fine. Something appears to troubling you, however.”
“Satisfactory at best.”
“I’m well, darling.”
If he is running out of patience with... whatever he is dealing with, he can accidentally squeeze her hand too tight and similar things. He’s not hurting her, but it is unusual for something to break into his composure like that. He’s attempting to ground himself. S/I’s adoration does tend to calm parts of him down though.
Anyway, I’ve been rambling on about my thought about him for an hour and 30 minutes now. If you read this far, have an incredible day 💙💙 Stay amazing !!
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