#oh and also btw? your comment about loving my tag rambles is a DELIGHT
vickyvicarious · 3 years
I am an OG leverage fan. I used to wait every week for a new episode and I followed them across every day of the week and every hour of the day when TNT kept jostling them around. And the fandom was NON existent. Now that there is REDEMPTION I have been shoving Leverage down the throats of EVERY SINGLE PERSON I MEET - online, at work, in the streets. No one is safe.
And to have found your blog, with the rambling tags that I LOVE. It’s just like all of my work has meant something and this is my reward.
Thank you.
OOOH, I salute you, anon! I respect the dedication, it's a level of keeping up with schedules that I could never manage. I actually didn't know about Leverage until after it had finished airing. Still a good few years ago, but... I think it was back in the height of my OUAT fandom days, when some of my tumblr pals recced it to me. And then I got obsessed and binged it at all hours of the day until I had finished the entire series.
It's kinda funny, because I don't remember seeing much fandom then either. Don't remember what year that was, but I looked around and found a few blogs or so, nothing super active. It's only more recently, when I decided to rewatch/blog through my rewatch, that I actually started finding other Leverage fans on here. (I actually didn't know about Redemption at the time; found out like halfway through my rewatch - but I'm pretty sure I was late to the game on that one).
Anyway, it's definitely a real delight to find so many people still actively involved in a fandom that until recently wasn't giving new content. All that to say, I'm having a lot of fun talking Leverage (+Redemption) with everyone and I fully support your efforts of getting more people into it!
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