#oh and i also um. havent been drinking. Any water out here : )
sirompp · 1 year
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projecthalemaw · 4 years
As Alexis walked into Vannifar town, she got knocked over by a teenage boy not looking where he was going. "Oww! Watch it!" He spoke, grumbling a bit.
"I was watching it. You werent." Alexis muttered, as she stood up, and cleaned off her leggings. "...Where am I?" She asked.
"Vannifar town! My hometown. I uh. I assume you're lost?" The boy asked.
"Let's uh, go with that." Alexis spoke dismissively.
"My name is Lucius." He spoke, Introducing himself, as he stood up. "Who are you?"
"Alexis." She spoke, putting her hands in her pockets. "Can we get out of the rain?" She asked, shivering a little.
"Yeah, yeah. Let's get to the town hall. My mom is there, and I was just getting back from doing something for her. She had lent me a pokemon so I can go do said thing." Lucius spoke as he dusted off his own Jacket, and gestured for her to follow him.
"So, Alexis. Where are you from?" He asked as they walked.
She didnt answer, as she didn't have an answer for that.
"Ah, not the talkative type." Lucius noted as they walked, and he opened the door to the town hall.
"Wanna get out of your Jacket, Alexis?" He asked, taking his jacket off and hanging it on the coat rack near the door.
Alexis shook her head no. She'd rather have her Alakazam with her in case she runs into trouble here. At the moment, she had no idea if she could even trust this Boy.
"Lucius! Did you get the Items I ordered from the Mart in Nightvale City?" A woman called from the other end of the town hall.
"Yeah Mom!" Lucius called back, as he pulled a box from the backpack he had on under the jacket. "C'mon Alexis. Come meet my Mom. Shes the sweetest lady you'll ever meet."
Alexis nodded hesitantly, as she trailed behind lucius. She felt exposed, and every instinct in her body was screaming to go somewhere else.
"Honey, go mop up the mud for me, please." Lucius's Mom spoke as she noticed Alexis's footsteps trailing Mud.
"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. My shoes suddenly tore while I was out earlier, just before the rain started!" Alexis apologized, hoping the lie had sounded convincing enough.
"Its fine darling, bad things happen at the worst of times. Lucius, go get her a blanket and some Hot chocolate. She looks like shes about to freeze to death." His mother spoke, as he handed her the package.
"Alright Mom." Lucius spoke.
His mom smiled. "Its nice to have a teenage son who's still willing to help clean up, and take care of people." She murmured a bit. "So, what's your name, dearie?" His Mother asked as she Was passed a wet black rag, and a dry one, and bucket from her husband. "Also, clean off your feet please. The Mud will start to cake after a few minutes. The halemaw regions sudden storms are always the result of fast acting mud." She spoke as she handed Alexis the rags and bucket.
"Thank you." Alexis spoke, trying to be polite. "My name is Alexis." She answered the question.
"Simply delightful name." His mother spoke. "You already met Lucius, I presume. That's my Husband Mark, and I'm Ava, the Mayor of this lovely little town. Despite our... professor, we do try to be welcoming to newcomers." Ava spoke as Lucius came back with a mug of Hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows, and a warm blanket.
"Here you go." He spoke, a small smile on his face as he set the items down on the table next to her.
Alexis finished cleaning her feet, and simply smiled. "Ah, that feels so much better." She spoke.
"Ah, I feel the same way about mud. I cant stand feeling it on my feet." Ava spoke. "Lucius, dear. Go check on the Professor. Make sure her little... experiment, hasn't gotten out of hand." Ava spoke to lucius.
Lucius simply nodded without another word, and ran off.
Alexis had a slightly curious look in her eyes. "What's up with the professor?" She asked.
"Professor Morgan? Shes um... a bit of a character. Rather... unstable, if you know what I mean." Ava explained.
"I dont know what you mean, but I'm just going to pretend like I do." Alexis spoke, unfolding the warm blanket, and wrapping it around her legs, as she took the cup of hot chocolate, and sipped at it.
"She has... psychotic episodes. She also mostly keeps to herself, only really making an appearance when she has to give out pokemon to new trainers. I hear this year is a special year, because she's giving out six pokemon, two each, to three trainers." Ava elaborated, keeping the discussion about the Professor's tendencies to a minimum.
"Note to self, don't upset the professor, I guess?" Alexis thought as she sipped in silence. "I assume Lucius is one of the three trainers?" She asked after a few minutes.
"Yep, he's finally old enough to take on the league challenge. Or at least try to, that is. We havent had an eighth gym leader since Minerva disappeared around the same time the Champion died." She explained. "The second was supposed to be some hotshot kid that ended up going missing. And the Third is this girl Hera, from Nightvale City. Who should be arriving any moment now." Ava spoke, and as though on Cue, a Blonde girl in a Sundress, Jacket, leggings, and black boots came bursting through the door.
"I'm not late, am i?" Hera asked as she kicked off her boots and hung up her jacket.
"No! Not at all Hera, in fact I was just talking about you to a guest that Lucius found just at the entrance to Town." Ava spoke. "Come sit, please."
Hera nodded, meekishly sitting down. She adjusted her ponytail as she sat.
All that was going through Alexis's brain was one sentence. "Pretty sunshine girl." She must have been staring, as the next thing she knew, Hera's hand was waving in front of her face.
"Earth to Alexis." Hera spoke, as the door burst open again.
"Oh good, everyone is here." The tall figure of Professor Morgan spoke, as she lumbered forward to the table at the front of the room. "So, it's that time of year. Three trainer's get to choose themselves a starter and begin their journey as pokemon trainer's." Professor Morgan spoke, leaning against the table. "Except this year, there's a twist. I'll be giving two pokemon to each trainer. A regional variant of the Johto region's starters, and a Random pokemon from three random regions." Professor Morgan spoke, a hazey look in her eyes.
"Now. Let's introduce the starters I'll be giving out." Morgan spoke, as she set six pokeballs out on the table.
Morgan hit the first button on the first row, and a Black Totodile with Pink eyes, Pink Frills on it's back as well. The Pokemon's Jaw had some Pink face markings on the side of their Jaw. "The Halemaw Region's Variant of Totodile. I know not everyone here is from Our... lovely region. But this Bad Boy's A Dark and Fairy type. He May look cute now, but his later forms are Fiercesome foes." Professor Morgan explained. She moved to the pokeball in behind the Totodile, and revealed a Gible. "Gible, Land shark pokemon. I'm sure most of you recognize this one because of the Sinnoh region's Former champion, Cynthia." She spoke. "Any questions so far?" She asked, pausing.
"Uh yes." Alexis spoke, raising her hand. "Hi, sorry. New to town. Uhm... What typing is it? Sorry.. I've never seen it before." She elaborated.
"It's a Ground Dragon type, if I remember my notes correctly." Professor morgan explained. "And don't worry about having not seen it before. Gible's rare in our region."
"Ah, okay." Alexis answered. She went quiet again, and started sipping the drink in her hands.
"Now. Onto the next regional variant, Cyndaquil." Professor Morgan spoke, as she hit the second pokeballs button. Out came a Light blue Cyndaquil with Spikes made of Ice sticking out of it's back. "Halemaw's Cyndaquil species live in the Heavy snow island of the Region. The Pokemon cannot see very well, and often uses its spikes to attack anything that bumps into it. Either that or its bites the the pokemon or object it runs into." She explained.
Professor Morgan walked behind the table again, and released the pokemon from the pokeball behind it. "Now this bad boy. It's a beldum, one of the sturdiest pokemon to ever exist. A trainer passed it onto me, before leaving the region, back when it was still an egg. So now I'm giving it to the trainer who chooses it." She explained. "It's a psychic and steel type, for those of you curious." She elaborated. "Now... onto the last regional pokemon." She spoke, as she walked to the right side of the table, and pressed the ball. A Piplup emerged from the ball.
The Piplup was Predominantly Grey and White, with an odd Black fur coat around its neck. Its beak was Silver, and appeared to be rather sharp. "Piplup. Wait... That's not right. Oh well. Chikorita can be found pretty much everywhere in the waters." Professor Morgan muttered to herself. "Now. As I was saying. Piplup. Halemaw's Variant of them and their later forms are often found in abandoned Theaters, acting out old Play's with the spirits of their former trainers. The pokemon originates from the Sinnoh Region, for those of you curious." Professor Morgan explained. "Halemaw piplup's are also incredibly protective of their trainers." She continued as she reached for the last closed pokeball.
She pressed the button, and with a mild thunk, a larvitar appeared on the table next to the Piplup. "The final pokemon I'll be giving away with these pokemon is larvitar. It's predominantly found in the mountain  at the center of the region. Small hordes of them are rumored to be able to eat enough dirt to form a new path inside the mountain. In recent years, it's part of the reason victory road is so treacherous to traverse." Professor Morgan spoke, then glanced to Ava. "Now. Who am I giving pokemon to this time, Ava?" She asked.
"Lucius, and Hera. Alexis, too, if she wants to take a couple." Ava spoke.
All eyes were on Alexis for a moment, waiting for an answer from her, as she tried to communicate with the Alakazam mentally. "Alakazam. You there?"
"Yes, I'm here. You should definitely take the offer. I won't always be able to protect you, little one."
Alexis nodded simply. "Took me a minute to decide, apologies. But yes, I'll uhm... take a couple of pokemon." She spoke after a moment.
"Good, Good. Since you're the one getting them instead of the last one, who left the region, would you like to pick first?" Professor Morgan asked.
"If they're okay with it, of course." Alexis answered.
"Yeah, you can go first." Hera and Lucius answered at the same time.
Alexis nodded, as she stood up, and walked toward the table. "Alakazam. Any suggestions as to which pair I should pick?"
No response from the pokemon.
"Alright then." She thought. She mustered up a memory from when she was walking out of the base, to see if she could best prepare for potentially fighting back against the organization that held her prisoner. She remembered seeing a lot of dark types asleep next to their trainers that had been passed out on the ground. "I'll choose..." Alexis trailed off, going with her gut. "Totodile and Gible." She spoke.
"Interesting choice. Hera, you're up Next." Professor Morgan spoke, gesturing to the taller girl to come pick her starters.
"I'll choose these two. Larvitar and Piplup, was it?" Hera asked.
"Yep. And that leaves Lucius with Cyndaquil and Beldum." Professor Morgan spoke as Lucius walked up to the table. "Meet me at the Lab, and I'll get you three hooked up with pokeballs, potions, and pokedexes. I'll give you three time to decide on Nicknames for your pokemon, if you're into that sort of thing. Meet me there after the storm let's up, that's all I ask of you." Professor Morgan spoke as she took her umbrella and walked out.
Hera Picked up her two pokeballs, and pressed the buttons to return them to their balls. Alexis did the same.
Lucius did the same, after deciding to call Cyndaquil, Frostbite. The three teens sat back down, and Hera let out a soft sigh. "Just Glad that's over with. How long do you guys think the storm will last?" She asked.
"Probably about another Five minutes or so." Lucius spoke. "The storms here may be sudden, but they go away within the hour, or so, most days." Lucius elaborated.
"Good point. I grew up over on Hyperius Island, which is predominantly desert. After my parents sent me here to live with my Gran, I had to get adjusted to spontaneous rain rather quickly." Hera spoke, looking at her pokeballs sat on her belt. "Do either of you know where the first gym is?"
"I have no idea where anything is." Alexis admitted. "I just arrived a few days earlier." She lied, hoping it was convincing.
"Ah." Hera spoke. "How about you, Lucius?" She asked.
"According to a book I read the other day, our first gym to challenge would be Jupiter, the Roaring thunder." Lucius spoke.
"Get going you three. The professor doesnt like being kept waiting." Ava spoke as she folded up one of the tables at the front of the room.
"Uh, question. And this will probably sound really weird. But. Is there somewhere here where I can get a pair of socks and shoes? I didnt exactly pack well." She spoke, as she stood up.
"Oh yeah! Lucius, dear. Run to the house, and in my room there should be two pairs of sneakers. One is for you, the other pair is for Alexis. And grab a pair of socks while you're at it." Ava spoke. "The other pair was originally for the trainer who was supposed to show up, but vanished. And Hera mentioned to me when I last talked to her that she didn't need a pair of sneakers." Ava explained as she started on another table.
Lucius nodded and ran out of the building, to do as was asked of him.
"Correct." Hera nodded. "So uh, Alexis." Hera spoke. "How are you enjoying the region so far?"
"I like it. The forest is nice, but I do not like the spontaneous Thunderstorms." Alexis answered honestly.
"Trust me, neither does anyone else. We still haven't really figured out why the thunderstorms happen. Jupiter, the Gym leader of Miranth City, works nonstop to figure out why they happen, but has mostly resorted to being the head of the team who alerts residents on the island to weather pattern changes, and such." Ava explained, as she poured herself a cup of tea from the nearby drink table.
Lucius returned, carrying a box. "Found the shoes. Took a little digging, but I found them." He spoke inbetween breaths. "Here ya go Alexis." Lucius spoke as he handed her the box.
Alexis opened the box, revealing a pair of sleek black sneakers, and a pair of pink socks sitting on top of them.
"I just grabbed a random pair. Sorry if they're not your type of socks." Lucius spoke sheepishly.
"They feel alright." Alexis spoke quietly, as she slipped them on, followed up with the shoes. "Also. On our way out of town, I think we should maybe stock up on supplies or something like that, just to be on the safe side." She stood up, and adjusted her belt.
"Good Idea, Alexis." Hera spoke as she walked over to the Coat rack, and grabbed her jacket and hat. She put on the hat, and slipped her pokeballs into her inner jacket pocket. "My gran gave me roughly 3,000 Halemaw Dollars, which translates to about 400,000 kantonian dollars? I forget the exact translation. Math never was my strong suit." She admitted, a small chuckle in her voice, as she waited by the door. "We can also stay in pokemon centers when it comes nightfall, if you guys would rather not stay in the middle of the woods at night." Hera spoke. "My older sister gave me a decent amount of Info, as she knew I was starting my journey soon." She explained, rubbing the back of her neck a bit.
Lucius nodded. "Umbrellas will also be good to invest in." He spoke, as he headed for the door.
Alexis nodded in agreement as she followed the two. "Agreed." She spoke as they walked to the lab.
Once the three got to the lab, Hera knocked on the door. "Professor Morgan?" She questioned.
"Just a moment. Gotta get something of mine under control!" Professor Morgan called from the inside of the lab. After a few moments, the door opened. "Come in, please." She spoke.
The three teens stepped into the building, making sure to not touch anything.
"Now. Let's make this quick. You won't only be traveling to attempt to take on the league. We all know that will be Impossible, after the disappearance of Minerva. While you're traveling, I want you all to fill pages of the pokemon index, or Pokedex for short. I tweaked it to specifications for The region. And if you happen upon an Infected pokemon, tread lightly. They're easily angered, and appear to have heightened abilities." Professor morgan spoke. "They also don't willingly approach people unless they're starving, from what we've managed to record. Any data you all can collect on these pokemon, will be grateful." She spoke, as she handed the teens each three small bags. The small bags contained identical contents. Thirty Pokéballs, ten Potions, and town maps for the three of them. "Stop at the Pokemon center on your way out of town. Theres three packages, one for each of you there. I explained in the time it took for the storm to stop, that Alexis would be taking the place of the previous trainer." Professor Morgan spoke. "Now, Skedaddle. I have my personal project to work on, you can call me from any pokemon center if you need advice on where to go next, or need to access the storage system that's linked back to my lab. I will look after the pokemon you catch on your adventure." She spoke, shooing them out.
Once the door shut behind the teens, Hera blinked slightly. "We didnt even get a chance to ask what "Infected Pokemon," looked like." She spoke as she headed for the pokemon center.
"According to some science articles my dad had been reading the other day, Infected pokemon look similar to their normal selves, except there is a color scheme change, and a typing change. The example the Article gave, was an Infected Ralts. According to the scan they had done, it was a Ghost/Fairy type. You know what a normal Ralts looks like, right?" Lucius questioned.
"No." Alexis thought as she walked alongside the two.
Hera nodded. "Yep. Little red spike coming out of its head, and it gives the impression that it can't see, because it has presumably hair covering its eyes, right?" She asked. "Oh and, a white body."
Lucius nodded. "Yeah. Take that idea, but make the spike white, and much sharper, almost like a sharpened bone. Its body is black, and it has a pink glow to it. The only thing still similar is the green almost hair-like thing that covers its eyes." Lucius explained as the three entered the pokemon center, and were greeted by a Shop attendant that had been sorting out boxes.
"Hi! Welcome to the pokemon center and mart. You three wouldn't happen to be the ones Professor morgan let us know had packages ship in for you, would you?" The girl asked, as she stepped out from behind the counter.
"Yep! That would be us." Hera nodded.
Alexis nodded as well. She walked, seemingly taking in the sight. The place was big.
"Alrighty! Give me a moment to get your packages from the back. Feel free to browse, or heal your new partners while you wait." The girl smiled as she walked to the back room.
"Alexis, everything good?" Lucius questioned, looking over at Alexis.
Alexis was in fact, not great. She had a major headache, as all of the sights and sounds were rather overwhelming. She had leaned against the counter. "I need to go Outside, for a moment. I'll be fine. Don't follow me out, Ill be back in, in a few minutes." Alexis spoke, as she stumbled toward the door, her hand reaching for her interior pocket.
"Okay..?" Lucius questioned as he and Hera watched her quietly. "We'll let the shop attendant know where she went." He spoke to Hera as the two waited inside.
Alexis leaned against the outer wall of the pokemon center, pulling her hood up, as she slipped to an area where she figured nobody would see her. She knew she shouldn't get Alakazam out right now, but she was experiencing similar feelings to when she first woke up. Eye pain, noise sensitivity, and an inability to focus.
"Alakazam, come on out, please." Alexis spoke as she leaned against the wall, and pushed the button on the Ultra ball in her hand.
The Alakazam appeared, and popped an eye open. "Everything okay?" It asked her.
"No, I'm... I went in there and suddenly was feeling like I was back where we first met. My eyes hurt, I'm hearing things that I dont think normal people can hear. Such as the Hum of the machinery in there. The lights were incredibly bright, and it was making it extremely difficult for me to focus. Any advice?" She asked.
"Keep your hood up, and your head down. If the other two ask, just tell them you'll explain once you're out of town, and on your way to Nightvale city. Buy a pair of sunglasses, when you go back in too. Your benefactor told me you would likely be experiencing more issues then normal. You've been in a dark room for a long time."
"Thanks." Alexis murmured, hitting the button to return Alakazam to its ball, and she walked back in.
Alexis walked into the pokemon center, again. She kept her hood up, and looked down to the ground.
"Everything Okay with your friend there?" The shop attendant asked Lucius as she scanned the items.
"Yeah. Alexis, do you want anything, while shes scanning items?" Lucius asked.
"Pair of sunglasses, that's it." Alexis answered.
"Alright. Does the style matter?" The attendant asked.
"No." Alexis spoke.
The attendant nodded, and stuck the extra supplies in each of their backpacks, and passed them to the teens after Hera paid for the items.
"Here ya go, have a nice day." The shop attendant spoke.
Hera picked up Alexis's backpack, and passed it to her. She then put on her own backpack, and then her own backpack.
Lucius grabbed his backpack and slipped it on, sticking his pokeballs in the left side pocket.
Alexis reached into the side pocket of her backpack, and pulled out the sunglasses. She tapped the edges of the frames against each other, and then slipped them on.
"Alright. Let's get going." Hera spoke, as she headed for the door.
Alexis and Lucius followed her out, and into the forest just outside of Vannifar Town.
A/N time!
Sorry about how long this chapter was. Would have been shorter, but hey. Alexis needed a moment after how intensely bright all of the noises and sounds in the pokemon center were. Now! Onto the Pokedex Entries for Regional Totodile, Cyndaquil, and Piplup. Which will be on the asks blog, for seamless reading from here on out! Same with other end of chapter stuff. There will also be an in-depth explanation of the "infected" pokemon over there. ( @project-halemaw-asks is the asks blog.)💖
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ultraklll · 4 years
Tony Miller as a Gun For Hire! Tagged by the lovely @envyfelled ! Ty! This was super fun! Also, I'm on mobile, so sorry for the garbo formatting! (Fun fact, tonys voice claim is laura bailey as fiona/fem!boss)
Paired With Fangs For Hire:
Boomer - "Heya buddy!" followed by excessive scratching behind the ears | "Fuckin' love this dog, can sniff out a peggie like shark sniffing out blood. Good trait to have! Awfully convenient too…" | [patpatapatptpataptap] | "Atta fuckin' boy Boomer!" When she sees him get a kill | "Who's a good boy! Who wants to kill some cultists!" | "Wanna play fetch? Rip out their necks?"
Peaches - "Good girl…" | stealth gang stealth gang | peaches: mows down peggies/tony: a baby!" | "I jus' think it's funny that when we went to the Henbane, we picked up a cougar, Addie, an actual cougar, Peaches, and joined a crew called the Cougars… Just'a thought," 
Cheeseburger - "This reminds me'a Vegas pride, saw plenty'a bears there too" | "Kinda ironic to find you in Jacob's region, all things considered," [snickers to herself] | [PATPATPATPATPATPAT] | "Get outta my pockets! These snacks are mine, not yours!" | "You remind me of those like, beware of dog signs, but the dog is always a sweetheart who'd rather play with a home invader rather than attack them," 
Paired With Other Guns For Hire:
Jess - stealth gang stealth gang stealth gang | Jess has a MASSIVE crush on Tony. Everyone can tell. Tony knows | jess: guns are fucking lame and the sniper rifle is the cowards weapon/ tony: uses a sniper rifle/ jess: actually sniper rifles are cool as fuck | "Good shot Jess!" "S-shit, um, thanks, Tony," 
Grace - sniper gang sniper gang!! | [steals a headshot Grace was lining up] "Cmon Gracie, thought you were meant to be Olympic level!" | highly competitive, do a shot whenever they get a perfect headshot to die instantly | smug top solidarity | also heavily depressed solidarity 
Adelaide - [acts like she's not sleeping with her nephew even tho Addie knows she definitely knows] | Tony is either constantly laughing or constantly face palming over the shit addie says | have gotten into an argument once bc addie said john was a top 
Nick - "What's up eye in the sky?" | [flirts over radio] [flirts over radio] [flirts over radio] [fli | Nick: speaks/Tony: god I just love the way you fucking talk | often talk about kim together | "Can we have a barbecue at your place once these fuckers are dealt with?" | [pretends not to be bitter the Deputy got to help deliver Carmina and not her]
Sharky - "Heya baby!" | [constant back and forth flirting. It's embarrassing] | any second they're both not talking is a second they're making out | Can and Will go john wick on some peggy ass if he gets hurt badly | "Do you wanna have a sleepover?" "Lemme ask my momma," | she calls him Charlie :> | loves him so so much they're just constantly talking about anything and everything | literally like A Comedic Duo. Have together for certified funnies
Hurk jr. - "Junior! This'll be just like Kyrat!" | competitions about who can shotgun a beer faster every 4 seconds | WILL tell you stories about their time in Kyrat together | Tony has punched Drubman sr in the nose before and she'll do it again | "Hey Tony? You still in contact with Ajay?" "He sends me a royal postcard every now n' then. Apparently it's boring being king, and his only solace is that his new bodyguard is cute," 
In Combat: 
Seeing an enemy - "Fucker in my sights," | "I got a bullet with your name on it… actually I don't, who the fuck has time to carve names in bullets, but you get the idea- im just gonna shoot you now" | "You're dead on arrival, shithead," 
Sneaking - "You'd think me sneaking is counter productive because I'm 6'4 and have a very loud gun, but you're the boss Dep," | "Shhhh… we're huntin' shitheads… Heard it in a game," | [shoots alarm boxes] "You ain't allowed to call your friends, you're all grounded," | *peggy triggers alarm* "Fuckin snitch!" 
Killing an enemy - "SKULLCRACKER!" | "I just don't miss!" | just fucking headshot after headshot after headshot | [sucks in breath through teeth] "God damn I'm good," | when shes not using her Wifle (wife rifle, a 45/70) she's being FUCKING EFFICIENT with her ak-ms or just blasting ribcages open with her shotgun
Reviving - "Up you get, baby," | "You ain't dying on me that easy, Dep" | "Not today Satan!" | "You gonna let some unwashed asshole kill you?" 
Hurt - "Motherfucker!" | "That's another scar I'll tattoo over," | "Thank god people find scars sexy," | "God fuck that's smarts!" 
Downed - "Dep! Give me a hand?" | "Clean up on Aisle 4 needed!" | "Don't worry about me, just bleeding out over here, no rush," 
Revived - "Drinks on me when this is over Dep," | "Thanks babe!" | "I'll kiss you when we get outta this mess," | "I owe ya!"
Entering a vehicle - "Lemme take over I'm a way better driver than you," | "Floor it!" | "Hang on I've got a mixtape, just hope I havent fuckin' crushed it," | [takes the opportunity to roll cigs] | *peggies roll up* "Keep her steady!" [leans out the window and headshots the peggie on their ass, causing them to crash the car, like that isnt the coolest shit you've ever seen] "Aight cool,"
Reckless Driving - "Watch the fuckin' road asshole!" | [desperately tryna grip the wheel so she can take over driving] | "STOP THE CAR! I'LL JUST FUCKING WALK!" | "Are you tryna kill us?! Fuckin' swap seats now!" | tony is the designated driver bc one she's fucking good at it and two shes also a really bad backseat driver. Just let her drive 
Changing Radio Stations - "Now don't tell Charlie I said this but some of the peggies music is actually good,"| "John's a prick but his music taste is fuckin' good," | [punches radio in when Only You comes on] "...Sorry… Force'a habit…" | "Bold and brave my ass, John looks like he needs help getting spiders out of rooms and wears fuzzy pink bathrobes," 
"Man, John's a freak, and yeah I mean that in the sexy way. Someone who demands so much outward control whilst being a shithead little brat likes to get trussed up like a thanksgiving turkey and stuffed like one too. Don't give me that look Dep, I'm right and we both know it," 
"That dude Jacob ate was called Miller?? God, that could've been me if I was much older and way uglier!" 
"Faith just makes me fuckin sad man. She's been manipulated and groomed into this life by fuckin Joseph- she's so goddamn young too. I'm not gonna tell you what to do Dep, but that's just my two cents,"
"Joseph's the worst kind of man- a manipulator. He tells you what you wanna hear, targets the misfortunate who have nothing left to lose, builds a fucking army out of em. The other heralds I'm ok with arresting, but Joseph's got to go,"
[Lights cig with either her fancy lighter or by striking a match on the bottom of her shoe] "Don't start smoking, Dep,  bad for your health," 
Location Specific: 
Testy Festy Aftermath - [pinches bridge of nose] "Not again…" | "Anyone got a water and like, 3 aspirin?" | "Ain't the first time I've woke up passed out in a field, won't be the last," | "Did we at least get a photo from the night? I've won the competitions here for the last 3 years in a row now, I'm not fuckin missing one cuz of these peggies," 
Falls End - "Fuckin shame to see Falls End like this, but Mary May and Jerome will take good care of her now weve got it back, they always do," | "Think we'll get free drinks for life at the Spread Eagle when this is all over? Actually, we probably won't even get free drinks for week, so for life is wishful thinking," | she enjoys playing with the singing fish on the front of the speed eagle and keeps tryna convince Mary May to let her take it for herself bc tony goddamn miller has the biggest singing fish collection in the entire county 
Seed Ranch - *loud whistle* "this place is swanky as fuuuuck… Not that big a fan of all the dead animals though…" | "IS THAT WEED ON THE TABLE? Johnny boy you fuckin' hypocrite!" | "Oh he's definitely got a secret room behind one of these bookshelves, like a home torture room? Oh my God, what if he has more than one...?" [starts frantically pulling books off shelves] | regarding his shelves with peggie memorabilia [takes baseball bat to it] | [pretends she's never been here as she frantically stuffs any of her own belongings she might've forgotten here into her bag]
Entering the Henbane - "Don't trust a goddamn thing you see here. You think you see something you're not supposed to, hit it," | [swinging at bliss induced angel/animal/faith visions] | "Can we try savin' Faith? Don't feel right killin' her, she's so young…" | "Can we go to Sharky's place? I left some stuff there that could be worth picking up,"
Hope County Jail - "Sheriff Whitehorse has always been a good man to me, Dep. Would appreciate it if he lived through this," | "I always feel like a giant whenever I come here, everyones like 5'3. Virgil, Tracey, Charles, all shortasses," | "I think it's cute they gave you a little pin! You're part of their Pride now! Or whatever the cougar equivalent is to a lions pride… do Cougars even travel in packs? Aside from when Addie used take the girls out for drinks,"
Entering the Whitetails - "Always feels like something's watchin' you in these woods. Keep your eyes peeled," | "Always felt like there's something in these woods that there ain't supposed to be…" | [Shifting from foot to foot] "Can we get a move on? Aint'a big fan of standing around waitin' to get shot by some fuckin' sniper with a bow," | [watching Jacob's video punishing Pratt] "I'll fuckin' get you outta here, Stace… you just gotta hold out a second longer," | [about all the dead bodies and 'you are meat' graffiti] "Love what Jacob's done with the place," 
The Wolfs Den - "Eli Palmer is a good fuckin man. Kind, smart, careful and ruthless against peggies. We've made a good friend here, Dep," | "Heya Wheaty! Got a few more vinyls for your collection! They're all my own though, so be careful with em," | "I don't think Tammy likes you that much Dep. I don't think she likes much of anything anymore, other than attaching jumper cables to Peggy's nipples… Oh god, my piercings hurt thinking about it," 
Joseph's Island - [hand firmly on rifle grip] | "Creepy, evil motherfucker, had him pegged right from the start. Well, not pegged. I'm not pegging Joseph. I'd rather stick my dick in a ceiling fan then go anywhere near him- I'm just gonna stop talking," | "You know what? No one else has asked it so I'm gonna- where the fuck does Joseph sleep.  In the church? In one of these houses? In the dirt somewhere? What if he hangs upside down from trees like a bat?" 
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jiiu · 7 years
Okaaay so I was tagged by @day6pilielove (thank you !!)
sorry for taking forever school takes up 96% of my time
rules: once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. at the end choose 25 people to be tagged
drink: water
phone call: a friend asking where the heck i am
text message: a group chat im in that i havent checked yet
song you listened to: Red Velvet’s Kingdom Come (a jam and a half honestly)
time you cried: probably recently i honestly cant remember??
have u ever: 
dated someone twice: nope
been cheated on: also nope
kissed someone and regretted it: once again nope
lost someone special: non
been depressed: honestly yeah but im working on it
been drunk and thrown up: nnnope
In the past year have u:
made a new friend: yes!!!
fallen out of love: i dont recall falling IN love so like
laughed until you cried: YES
met someone who changed you: id like to think so yeah 
found out who your true friends are: yess i hope so (im just gonna thank them here even though most of them will never see this 💕)
found out someone was talking about you: i sure hope not 👀
how many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: only 2 (im so sorry😂)
do you have any pets: yesss i have three dogs and i love them very much
do you want to change your name: not really but if i did it would be because my name is SO common
what time did you wake up this morning: 6:45 am (thank you education)
what were you doing last night: playing Horizon Zero Dawn instead of doing homework
name something that you cant wait for: umumum i cant think of anything
have you ever talked to a person named tom?: i think i used to go to school with one??
what’s getting on your nerves right now: that homework i havent started
blood type: no clue
nickname: filipe (....yeah its an odd one)
relationship status: the most single
zodiac sign: cancer
pronouns: she/her
favorite show: i dont think ill ever shut up about haikyuu
college: not currently
hair color: kinda faded blue (i gotta dye it again soon)
do you have a crush on someone: not that im aware of
what do you like about yourself: oh man this is a hard one.. I guess im creative??
first surgery: teeth removal
first piercing: um my ears when i was like 6 maybe
first sport you joined: does rock climbing count??
first vacation: i went to florida a while ago 
first pair of sneakers: dont remember but they probably lit up
right now:
eating: nothing
drinking: also nothing
im about to: finish this post i guess?
Listening to: my dog snoring
want kids: nah
get married: undecided
career: nothing as of right now
which is better: 
lips or eyes: eyes
hugs or kisses: probably hugs
shorter or taller: taller i guess
older or younger: doesnt really matter
romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous
sensitive or loud: can go either way?? both are pretty good
hookup or relationship: relationship
troublemaker or hesitant: both are pretty nice
have u ever: 
kissed a stranger: nope
drank hard liquor: nah (also dont really want to)
lost contacts/glasses: nope i dont need them (im sure if i did id loose them all the time)
sex on first date: noooo thank you
broken someone’s heart: i sure hope not
been arrested: nah
turned someone down: never had to worry about that 👀
fallen for a friend: non
do u believe: 
in yourself: cant say i do
miracles: not sure?? i guess
love at first sight: hhhmmm not sure
im tagging: 
ooh man i hope i didnt miss any questions
i mean i dont have many mutuals but ill tag some anyways just in case. you dont have to do this if you dont want to 😄
@orekiis @jiyongs-g-string @grandpataeyang @roses-for-jonghyun @billionaire-prince @professor-kuku
and also any other mutuals/followers that i have because i KNOW im forgetting some im sorryyyy
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chickenfetus · 7 years
ALL!!!! (also the gemini sqUAD LOL)
im gonna enjoy a nice cup of water while doing this bc idk a tea (update i didnt drink water at all and now im dying of thirst,, also undercut bc many)
1: Golden mornings or peachy sunsets?
i dont wake up early enough to see the sunrise and when i do i never manage to take pics bc of school so peachy sunsets
2: Sugar cones or waffle cones?
idk what a sugar cone is but i like waffle cones!!! havent eaten ice cream with a cone in forever though,, i rarely eat ice cream now
3: Do you wear scarves often? do you have a favorite?
listen…. its about 33 degrees everyday but even if im in a colder country i dont wear scarves
4: How long do you lay in bed before you finally get up?
this depends?? on how motivated im feeling lmao never more than 10 minutes though because if i lay awake for that long ill just fall back asleep
5: Is there a food you’ve never had but always wanted to try?
i dont think so?? im bad at trying new things especially food
6: What does your umbrella look like?
i dont.. go outside often and whenever i do i take public transport so basically everythings sheltered so i never had a need for umbrellas
7: Do you listen to ASMR?
ive only listened to one everybody please listen to this gift
8: Rain storms or a light drizzle?
both, preferably when im indoors
9: What’s a little thing in life that you love?
hm??????????? my tags lmao 
UPDATE: i also really like reading other people’s tags and their rambles that is all
10: Favorite color aesthetic?
does the word aesthetic make this question any different from a normal favourite colour question???? if it doesnt then sky blue 
11: Wobbly lines or using a ruler?
in this house we draw lines with no ruler like men (but also because even if i did use a ruler it wouldnt be like… straight idk i cant use rulers
12:  Bright colorful living room or neutral cozy living room?
neutral cozy living room but i also love basking in sunlight 
13: Do you have any candles? what scents are they?
im not a big fan of heavy smelling products so i dont own any candles
14: Have you ever rode a horse?
i dont think so??????? ive seen horses before though
15: Do you have glasses?
without my glasses i wouldnt be able to read these questions lmao and . .. theyre also a result of watching pokemon too closely to the tv at a young age… its been like 10 years since i got glasses
16: What’s a language you’d like to speak?
japanese i tried speaking it but i got 2 embarrassed to say anything properly while i was in japan (i cant even speak english properly to a friend whyd i think i could speak another language to a stranger beats me) 
17: What’s your favorite season and favorite month in that season?
my singaporean no season ass: ? but autumn and november (is this cutting it too close to winter? idk my seasons)
18: Do you have a favorite pair of socks?
hm not really i just wear blue ankle socks a lot but my friend did give me a pair of pokemon and gudetama socks before and i adore those although i lost the gudetama ones in the uk last year she got me another pair whatd i do to deserve her?
19: Favorite Ghibli and/or disney movie
m .. um? big. hero 6?????? 
20: Disney, Dreamworks, or Pixar?
my dumb ass didnt know they were different
21: What snacks do you usually get at the theater?
i rarely go and watch movies anymore but when i did watch a lot of movies with my friend at the theater we’d get afternoon shows and sneak mcdonalds in lmao
22: What’s an underrated video game/ movie/ show you love and think it needs more recognition?
how about band? day6 i only ever play pokemon + sif + bandori so i cant say much and i rarely watch movies and a show? if its an anime id say the one i mentioned before in my one text post 
23: Would you fill your house with plants if you had a green thumb?
not really rip 
24; All plants are great but do you have a favorite?
HM mmmmmm there was this one but i forgot the name lmao pass
25: Do you have a favorite type of art style? (eg: soft looking, no to little color, sketches, crisp and clean, minimalist, pixel art etc.)
when im the … audience? what do u call it???? i like seeing all kinda of art styles!!! everyone has their own unique art style and i love it all :o
for ME,, , ive been doing art for 6 years maybe and i still cant do shit
26: What would you do if someone gave you flowers?
i would die straight up die thats such a soft concept i cant imagine myself receiving flowers thats 2 sweet oh my god wtf id combust??? i prefer leaves though is that weird i picked some nice leaves recently and im gonna give those to my friends
27: Do you like nicknames?
giving and having nicknames is my favorite past time
28: Do you still watch shows you watched when you were a kid? even from time to time?
pokemon lmao thank u 4 not ending it…. the animation has only improved and im so proud to have been watching it since the start pokemon is my special thing i love it so much!! an interest that never died down, with an anime that stays super like idk to my preference? i tried watching the new digimon stuff but i just couldnt :^( im glad they made ash stay the main character 
29: Do you still like old memes? (tell the truth)
never forget dat boi
30: Favorite Halloween costume you dressed up as? (if you don’t celebrate halloween have you ever cosplayed or would you like to? who did you cosplay as?)
we dont celebrate halloween and i would never cosplay, big shoutout to cosplayers though!!! they put in so much effort and just, respect!!!!! 
i dont know if this is an actual memory because i dont remember well but when i was younger i thiNK? i had to dress up as a swan thing i have no clue i dont even remember the performance but i might have had to ?? and dance??? or act i dont remember everythings fuzzy but i dressed up a swan once? in kindergarten ????? 
31:  Are you a fashionable person?
i have the worst fashion sense and even though jeans are nice once again the weather here doesnt allow me to be as fashionable as i can be
32: Do you like watching holiday movies?
not realyyy??? the jack frost (rip) movie was ncie????
33:  Cookies or brownies?
i live 4 chocolate chip cookies but too much is . . not preferable
34: Do you blow in the cold air just to see your breath?
no i hate breathing in & out from my mouth
35: Do you find the crickets chirping outside your window relaxing?
WELL from the great cockroach ordeal last night id probably die bc we live in an apartment building so the only way id be hearing crickets would be if they were in the ROOM 
36: Do you like cobblestone streets?
my only knowledge of cobblestone is from minecraft so idk
37:  How often do you doodle?
when school was still relevant i would doodle as soon as i picked up a pencil lmao i try not to anymore bc i doodled on my math assignment and forgot to fucking erase it and my math teacher called me out
38: When was the last time you blew bubbles?
a year ago?? i dont remember but i do remember when i was younger id try and blow bubbles at the void deck do yall kno what that is its just a space near the lift lobby anyway i swallowed the soap thing idk u know how ur supposed to blow? well i sucked the soap in yum
39: What’s your favorite random piece of decor in your house and room?
in my room its the bed and in the house its the water bottle that contains water
40: Do you bite your fingernails off or clip them more often?
i………………………… i dont actualy kno how to clip my nails and my mum would kill me if i tried but i dont bite my nails either
41: Any birthmarks?
not that i know of
42: Thoughts on freckles?
ive never actually seen someone with freckles in public before but theyre good stuff i gueess?? i dont actually have an opinion on them? everyone says theyre cute and all but im just ??? not that i hate freckles tho if u have freckles? thats cool! 
43: First video game you ever played?
pokemon pearl?? either that or megaman on my ps3 OR the bomb square guy????? idk the game name but.. ya
44: what type of bird do you hear most often outside your door?
i dont know what the bird species are but theyre small black birds not crows idk
45: Do you use gifs/ memes a lot when replying to people?
memes yes gifs no bc im not lame like jen
46: Thoughts on spring?
no comment?? i mean? its nice??????? i guess ??? if we had a spring
47: Ideal temperature outside?
oh boy 20 degrees would be enough for me but its never gotten that low before sunny island’s life
48: Cloudy, partly cloudy, or clear skies?
i like clear skies when its bright! but not too sunny and not too warm!!!!! clouds are nice to look at too though
49: How often do you hear airplanes outside?
yeah we live near an airport i dont think anybody uses????
50: Do you enjoy windy days?
windy days are my SHIT back in school our basketball court was open spaced and whenevr wind blew we could feel it man thats the life right there but i hate windy days when im sitting at home bc it flows the curtains rigth into my face i like the feel of the wind and the smell of fresh air but… curtains in my face? not 2 great so rip i close all the windows lmao
okay thank u so much 4 asking falen i love you and wow this was a lot
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hehebread · 7 years
i got tagged by the lovely @missbelgium to do this ask meme. Thank you so much!! this was a nice distraction for the evening! i promise to do the rest very soon.
1. Drink: just a glass of water
2. Phone call: my dad
3. Text message: “third wheeling intensifies” that or “YOU HAVE ALL MY LOVE”. 
4. Song you listened to: Addicted To You by Avicii
5. Time you cried: Monday. you would think it was bc i had to go to work but no. it was “A Dog’s Purpose”. watched it late afternoon. made me cry like a baby.
6. Dated someone twice: nah cuz i never dated before. 
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: i … dont think so…
8. Been cheated on: nah fam.
9. Lost someone special: yes, i have. more than i’d like to admit. sometimes it was my fault, sometimes it wasnt, but it all hurt the same.
10. Been depressed: i fall in and out of bad episodes. some days are more bearable than others. 
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: i dont drink lol.
12-14: uhhh thats a tough one. red and blue are my colors, but purple strikes a chord with me too.
15. Made new friends: yesss, many!! here and irl. 
16. Fallen out of love: hhhh in a way i did. not with people but with ideas, concepts, and dreams.
17. Laughed until you cried: ye s tahnk god
18. Found out someone was talking about you: um yeah for sure, but its nothing im not used. it happens y’know. 
19. Met someone who changed you: i did actually. in the most subtle and discreet way. the thing is, i got close to so many people in the past year and just started picking up on their little quirks and mannerisms. and suddenly im swearing in spanish. puta madre  i outta be ashamed 
20. Found out who your friends are: sadly yah. wasnt too thrilled. 
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: my parents?????
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them. thats why i semi-ditched fb. 
23. Do you have any pets: YESS!! three chickens and a rooster. two lovebirds. we used to have an african gray but we gave it away to grandma to keep her company. we also have this rat who’d been living in our garage for a while now. dunno if that counts.
24. Do you want to change your name: i kinda do. but i feel like i got too attached to it at this point.
25. What did you do for your last birthday: a few of my lovely flatmates and I went out for crepes. got many happy birthday wishes that day. I was on my own most of it but thats okay.
26. What time did you wake up: fucking 5:52am.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: probably not sleeping. why u ask?
28. Name something you can’t wait for: …………………………………. havent looked forward to anything in a very long time. maybe deadpool. no clue.
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: a few hours ago.
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: if i could, i’d give myself a better childhood. 
31. What are you listening to right now: Home We’ll Go by Walk off the Earth
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: probably. my memory is shit at remembering stuff like that tho.
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: some of my colleagues utter inability to communicate their feelings or concerns. my utter inability to communicate my feelings or concerns.
35. Mole/s: two on my right palm. one on my left palm. another on the back of my neck. one higher in my forehead, and two others in places that shall not be named.
36. Mark/s: stretch marks around my thighs.
37. Childhood dream: a younger (and much happier) version of me wanted to become a neurosurgeon or a heart surgeon. idk about that anymore tho.
38. Hair color: ver y dark black.
39. Long or short hair: pretty long. down to my lower back. two years ago it used to not reach down to my chin. i keep changing my hair style quite a lot.
40. Do you have a crush on someone: uuhhh yeah kinda but im hopeless everything is hopeless.
41. What do you like about yourself: umm tough one. my perseverance, probably. 
42. Piercings: two in one ear and one in the other. might get more.
43. Blood type: O+
44. Nickname: Raz is actually my nickname, or rather, the english equivalent of it.
45. Relationship status: orders meal for two to have leftovers for later.
46. Zodiac: Aries
47. Pronouns: she/her or they/them but really it doesnt matter to me that much. anything goes.
48. Favorite TV Show: is this a good place to say i love drake&josh
49. Tattoos: nada
50. Right or left hand: right-handed 
51. Surgery: on my gums. 5 yrs ago.
52. Hair dyed in different color: i used to dye it with henna.
53. Sport: track & field all the way. i dont do it anymore but id love to. 
55. Vacation: yesss i love vacations. would love to travel around some more.
56. Pair of trainers: sketchers.
57. Eating: nothin. i should go get some melon.
58. Drinking: water
59. I’m about to: go get melons. or go out for dinner in like two hours.
61. Waiting for: a sense of purpose or fulfillment in life… that or my fave author to update.
62. Want: my sister’s blueberry muffins.
63. Get married: maybe platonically but otherwise nah.
64. Career: im hoping to become a doctor. hoping.
65. Hugs or kisses: HUGS. ALL KINDS OF THEM. but cheek/head/forehead kisses are also very very pleasant.
66. Lips or eyes: …eyes.
67. Shorter or taller: shorter. i dont like looking up.
68. Older or younger: than who?? than what?? 
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: nice muscular arms. on ladies. yes.
71. Sensitive or loud: loud for sure. i love people with energy.
72. Hook up or relationship: umm neither? but if i hadta choose then a relationship.
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker. life’s too short.
74. Kissed a stranger: as a greeting. yes.
75. Drank hard liquor: oh, no.
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: to this day, no I have not, thank goodness.
77. Turned someone down: admittedly, yes.
78. Broken someone’s heart: i sure hope not.
79. Had your heart broken: yea </3
80. Been arrested: heavens no. not yet.
81. Cried when someone died: yes
82. Fallen for a friend: ……………………………………………..yea
83. Yourself: i try. i really do.
84. Miracles: ofc
85. Love at first sight: not really. that just doesnt happen. love needs time, patience, and hard work. 
86. Santa Claus: hahaha nooooo. i dont celebrate the holidays.
87. Kiss on the first date: shrugs
89. Eye colour: dark brown
90. Favorite movie: for a very very long time, it was shrek, but then the memes happened so 
I tag @wandschrankheld @awkwardslytherin and @snark-sniper and @of-pasta-and-potatoes. you guys dont have to do it ofc. but if you do, pls tage me!! i’d love to see it.
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thejonymyster · 7 years
episode about bright
so yeah i never write about bright so. here it comes!!!
another bright early morning with bright. ok wait i need a way to differentiate the adjective bright from the character bright. for this script i will be capitalizing Bright's name
Bright is just el waking up from being asleep all night i guess? more like after passing out from exhaust. Bright, a being of bioluminescence, has often found it difficult to get some decent shuteye, due to being really bright. id like to see you try to sleep with glowing eyes and eyelids. actually no thats creepy i do /not/ want to watch you sleep.
but yeah bedtimes aside, Bright is just waking up this morning, actually fairly well rested. he goes to the bathroom and brushes his freakin teeth and all and uh.
so he gets dressed in Proper clothes (that you cant really see anyways because Bright is just too effin bright) and steps out of his room
bright: ok so what was the plan for today
Bright only a little bit talks to himself like only for remembering things or like when youre watching the movie and the character is alone and hes talking to himself so the audience knows what hes thinking. you know what i mean?
bright: theres reffing, then book club, then uh. hm *goes back inside and checks the calendar* well i guess i just dont have much planned today. i got all dressed up for nothin haha.
bright: hm.
bright: guess ill walk around and see whos up
like literally hes only talking to himself so you know what hes thinking about now. i guess
so Bright locks his door and walks down the hallway to the elevator and rides it down to the third floor
el bright: *walks over to room 326 and knocks on the door quietly*
[a short pause] tallstar: just a minute im getting dressed
bright: w- oh ha, good one
tallstar: (upon arrival to the door) thanks ive been pr*clears throat*acticing
bright: so whats up
tallstar: nothing much i just kind of, got up. ... .,,. ,any plans?
bright: well, actually, not really. todays pretty empty for me, but like i havent had breakfast yet so if youre not up to anything maybe we could go hit the diner or something?
tallstar: really? with: me? a-re you asking, me.. out??
bright: ahaha yeah! i mean!! not asking you out.. like technically that would be asking you in. since its still inside the... no i mean i /am/ asking you, but just as a friend. friends hang out and eat food sometimes, it happens.
tallstar: oh! hahah*choke*hh o-ok well wbut i gotta say to you. to tell you. im real sorry *swallow* but uh i ghave admit i always thought of you as more of a friend of a friend.. you know? with henry
bright: thats fair, we dont really hang out all too much and he is usually there when we do.
oh man im so tired suddenly its like 12:34 am right now
goodnight heckers
bright episode part two the electr who cares about that meme <--! note to selfthat title will nottramslate well--> oh also give the waiter a name -_-_-_-_-_-_-
when we left off bright was asking tallstar to breakfast but i was too tired to write him saying yes and putting that dialogue now disrupts el flow so im just telling you instead
At El Diner
and its not like a date or anything
so bright and tallstar are sitting at a table since tallstar doesnt really fit in the booth. but dont worry its not like hes never had the chance to sit in a booth, like, ever or something. hes sat in booths before
here comes the waiter
waiter: good morning, my name is Staff Member #4, ill be your waiter. do you want to start off with some drinks now?
bright: ill have some orange juice
waiter: uh huh... and what would you like? *looks at tallstar expectantly*
tallstar: uh ill just have a water
waiter: ok! anything else?
tallstar and bright both look like theyre about to say something but its impossible to tell because brights face has no contrast and tallstar just has no face. there is a long silence
waiter: alright well ill go get your drinks and you can figure out what you want to eat. *leaves*
tallstar: achoo!
bright: bless you
tallstar: thanks
a long uncomfortable pause
bright: hey uh... did you want anything else?
tallstar: oh, no, and, i was wondering the same thing, i just didnt want to *stomach growl* ha um i didnt want to say like "no were good" without knowing if you were done ordering *coughing*
bright: yeah same here, same here
tallstar: right
the waiter comes back with the drinks
waiter: heres your water and heeres youur orange juice. have you decided what you guys want to eat yet?
bright: not really, i still need some time to think
tallstar: yeah i uh forgot to look im sorry
waiter: thats fine, enjoy your drinks and ill be back later to check up on you guys ok?
tallstar and bright simultaneously:
just kidding, bright says ok but tallstar coughs
the waiter leaves again and bright takes a sip of orange juice and the whole thing is pretty awkward its like awful i feel like this script is bad but i! dont care :)
tallstar: ok yeah this is *noise* starting to feel like a date
bright: yeah, youre right, my bad. youre a pretty good date, though
tallstar (flustered): wh-dont flirt with me!!! thhats just makes it.,,, more of a date!!,,..
bright: sorry aa!!
bright part 3: revenge of the fallen
tallstar and bright have gotten their food. bright ended up ordering some kind of omelet and tallstar got some pancakes. ooh babay
bright takes a bite of his omelete
bright: hey this is really good
tallstar: what did you order
bright: uh the *reading off the menu* "hey cool wow omelete". hows your pancakes?
tallstar: theyre the *gasp* "cool guy flappetty jacketties" and i havent tried them yet. who names these things? haha
bright: yeah i know righ—
bright has a sudden and shocking revelation: he has no idea whatsoever how tallstar eats, or if he needs help, or if he eats at all or.,, anything.
and now he wants to know
bright: –t.
but is it rude to ask?? it seems kind of. strange and personal but like. it seems like something people always would be asking... like is he tired of explaining? i
bright just looks down at his plate just. like eyes widened from shock and surprise you know?? not that you can see the eyes since. bright is very. glowing.
absentmindedly poking at his omelete, bright just wants to avoid eye contact? but of course bright remembers that nobody can see his face, and therefore no matter what face he makes nobody will be the wiser that. hes making a really weird face. like the face you make when you arent sure if you should say something that you really want to say.
tallstar: oh this tastes good
bright looks up at tallstar and then down at tallstars plate to see a big bite taken out of his pancake
bright: can i ask you kind of a personal question
tallstar: uh..,,
tallstar: ..yeah ok sure
bright: its just
bright: how did you... eat that
tallstar: oh... hahaha!! i thought it was ... gonna be really personal!
tallstar laughs genuinely and bright laughs nervously
tallstar: no but like check it out its *half cough* really cool look
he then turns sideways and uses his arm thing to cut a piece of his pancake out, then he leans down forward and pokes his arm thing through the pancake, and then he leans backward and lets the pancake slide down his arm (he doesnt eat it with syrup or this would be real gross) and land on the weird circle thing at his center torso dealie. then he sort of. the circle part just. absorbs the pancake slowly. its. wow. what the. wh. ok. hwow. ok. alright. uhhhhh
bright: w— wow.
tallstar: pretty cool right??
bright: yes
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kurururugisuzaku · 7 years
tagged by @kathwolfie thanks dude lol
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
Tagging: i know i gotta tag 20 ppl but idk if i even can lmao so im not gonna!!!! u see this on ur dash, u wanna do it u do it goddamn this is ur call
1. Drink: water 2. Phone call: my dad??? i think????? 3. Text message: my friend nancy at 9am while she had not gone to bed yet lmao shes a bigger mess than me >:) 4. Song you listened to: The Lost One’s Weeping- the KAITO version lol 5. Time you cried: um yesterday when april and andy got married on parks and rec either that or when i was thinking about dogs 
6. Dated someone twice: no 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: no 8. Been cheated on: no 9. Lost someone special: i dont think so??? 10. Been depressed: hahahah 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no im underage and a Good Boy
12-14: mint green, blue, and red!!
15. Made new friends: yes 16. Fallen out of love: how can u fall out of love when uve only ever fell in love with fictional characters lmao 17. Laughed until you cried: nope and i have never done so ever 18. Found out someone was talking about you: im not entirely sure what this entails but the answer is probably not lmao 19. Met someone who changed you: idk??? unless u include fictional characters nah 20. Found out who your friends are: again idk????
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: i dont even HAVE a facebook 23. Do you have any pets: sadly no 24. Do you want to change your name: in my heart i already have but ye lol  25. What did you do for your last Birthday: that was very close to a year ago so i do not remember lmao 26. What time did you wake up: somewhere from 9:30 to 10 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping 28. Name something you can’t wait for: LELOUCH OF THE RESSURECTION 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: literally two minutes ago 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: should probably like to exercise 31. What are you listening right now: Whims of Fate from Persona 5 lol 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: its possible lol i dont remember peoples names rly well 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: POPUP ADS CAN GO FUCK THEMSELVES 34. Most visited Website: AO3 probs either that or youtube 35. Mole/s: i definitely have at least one and the only one i can identify at the moment is on my left arm 36. Mark/s: im not sure what that’s supposed to mean??? like tattooes??? cause i dont have that  37. Childhood dream: my parents always told me i wanted to be a lion and GUESS WHAT I AM ONE IM A LEO also i wanted to be a spy or more seriously a vet 38. Haircolor: i dye it black but it’s kinda faded so more like dark brown rn 39. Long or short hair: short 40. Do you have a crush on someone: i dont think so??? i havent had a crush on someone for over a year 41. What do you like about yourself: a lot lol my face is so cute and so is my hair and i have a great personality im a little egotistic lol 42. Piercings: yep! both my ears are pierced!!! 43. Bloodtype: idk lol 44. Nickname: technically elliot is not my legal name but also yesterday my dad called me elli and it!!!was!!!!so!!!!cute!!!!! 45. Relationship status: single pls someone date me 46. Zodiac: leo 47. Pronouns: they/them 48. Favorite TV Show: ???? i watch the office and gilmore girls a lot i know my fav anime is code geass so theres that at least 49. Tattoos: none 50. Right or left hand: right 51. Surgery: ive had six teeth removed lol two the first time (molars on the bottom) and then my wisdom teeth cause my moms side of the family has big teeth apparently???? 52. Hair dyed in different color: its like that rn lol i used to dye it other colors too 53. Sport: HAHAHAHAH 54. (question wasn’t here) 55. Vacation: um i have orientation for my college this week that probs the closest im gonna get travelling somewhere else lol 56. Pair of trainers: ok i had to google the word trainers cause i wasnt sure if it just means tennis shoes or all shoes and im still not sure lol im gonna say both which i have this rly nice pair of black combat boots and i have these black adidas tennis shoes which is much less exciting lol
57. Eating: i like sugar lol i had cinnamon buns for breakfast 58. Drinking: i always have a water bottle next to me!!! 59. I’m about to: oh! that new touken ranbu series has a new ep coming out today i think so im gonna watch that! 62. Want: it to stop being so hot that or candy 63. Get married: sometime maybe im not sure lol 64. Career: i wanna be a private detective!!!!!
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs!!!!! 66. Lips or eyes: eyes 67. Shorter or taller: i like to be taller than others lol  68. Older or younger: idk??? 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: ARMS 71. Sensitive or loud: i mean im p loud lol so probs sensitive 72. Hook up or relationship: hook ups would be weird for someone who thinks sex is gross lol 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: again idk???
74. Kissed a Stranger: nope because ive never kissed anyone lol 75. Drank hard liquor: nope cause im a Good Boy  76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: no cause i dont need em 77. Turned someone down: idk but probs not cause no one ever asks me out lmao 78. Sex on the first date: nope cause sex is gross 79. Broken someone’s heart: probably not lmao 80. Had your heart broken: none of these questions have the answer yes CAUSE IVE NEVER DATED ANYONE GET OFF MY BACK 81. Been arrested: i would rather kill myself??? cause a) there goes my dream lmao and b) im a Good Boy 82. Cried when someone died: unless its a fictional character nope cause ive only one irl person who died and i am notoriously heartless 83. Fallen for a friend: yeah but that was when i was tiny and didnt realize i had lol
84. Yourself: hell yeah im awesome 85. Miracles: i dont think so??? 86. Love at first sight: not rly 87. Santa Claus: no 88. Kiss on the first date: if its just on the cheek or smth
90. Current best friend name: nancy! 91. Eye color: i think theyre green 92. Favorite movie: um the princess bride probs
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
from vampire rescue missions to asakusa raids
Rin: "Oh...Um, Stocking, maybe put the sword away?" stocking: *she puts it away* Kid: *finished drying the student* "You okay?" ???: ah, there you are. *she smiles* student: ah! c-chiaki. Kid: "???" chiaki: ah. you must be in mr okumura's class. *she extends a hand* Chiaki Sakutaba, from one of the newer classes. Rin: "...Hi." *shakes hand* "I'm Rin...Mr. Okumura's bro." chiaki: ah, a pleasure to meet you then. i'll be sure to contact mr shiratori's parole officer about this incident. girl:.... Rin: "Yeah, good plan." Kid: *keeping an eye on the girl* chiaki: imai? are you ok? 'imai': y-...yes... Rin: "Well, let's hook you up with a new meal!" *looks to Stocking* "Um...may we borrow your card?" -elsewhere- Kepuri: "YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY THAT EASILY!" lin: *FLEEING* O-O;;;; Emine: *picks up Lin while running* "Escape escape escape--" nea: ?? Kepuri: *ROAR* *her face is blue* Emine: "I only mixed in a little drainage cleaner into your face cream...Not my fault you're so...blue." akaderu:.....you bastards. *a double appears and PUNCHES EMINE IN THE FACE* Kepuri: *leaps to tackle Emine* Emine: x____x -elsewhere- Gopher: ^W^ "They screamed so loudly." kirika: what a bunch of wimps.... *bandaged in several places* lord death: i understand your reason was noble, but do try to be more careful from now on. kirika: yeah yeah i hear ya... Gopher: "I appreciate you defending me...and I'm sorry for your injuries." kirika: eh, its no biggy. i've had way worse happen to me before. Gopher: *nods* "I do want to repay you...so if you need anything, please, just ask." kirika: *small blush* s-sure. Gopher: *smiles* -elsewhere- Patty: "How does this one look?" *exits dressing room in a new dress* tsubaki: it looks great! liz: nice! Patty: "Hee hee! I'm getting it for graduation! Can't wait!!!" liz: *she smiles* Patty: "What're you gonna wear, sis?' liz: havent decided yet. Patty: "What about you, Tsubaki? Need a new dress? I got Kid's credit card..." -elsewhere- Yohei: "...I'm sorry." chie: its ok....*leans in* Yohei: *holds her* "Our child will be safe." chie: ...... Yohei: "You'll make sure of that, I'll make sure of that..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, walking through town* -elsewhere- Spirit: *waiting by his car* izumi: hey! *smiles* Spirit: *smiles, waves* "Hey! How was school?" izumi: it went well. Spirit: "That's good." *opens her door, makes sure she buckles up* "Got your homework from your teachers?" izumi: *nods* Spirit: *gets in the driver's side, buckles up* "That's good. Want to stop anywhere on the way home? Something to eat or anything to pick up?" -elsewhere- Higan: "Feel better?" lavender: yeah...thanks for that. Higan: *nods, rubs her arm* "...I just want to make sure you're doing okay..." lavender: *she smiles* i appreciate that... Higan: "I know you would do the same for me...After all, no one is alone in getting through any of this, right?" lavender: right..... Higan: *stretches a bit* "You know, maybe some art would help...Want to head to the park, do some photography?" lavender: sounds good. Higan: *smiles* "Cool." *pulls out his coat and hers* "Here you go." lavender: thanks. Higan: *picks up his camera, opens the door for her* "Should be good weather out. Bright enough." -elsewhere- Kid: "My...Such a big library." stocking: wow. Rin: "Yeah, plenty of books! And teachers get more options for checking out higher-level texts." Kid: "Like three-star meisters checking out advanced books..." stocking: cool!..... !!! ah hell... -_-; Mr. A: "Demon." stocking: triple a batteries. Rin: *snort* stocking: *offers high fives to kid and rin* Mr. A: "Hmm...Taking a tour? That's nice. Oh, by the way: I will be reviewing your application. And helping to lead your job interview." stocking: is...that.....so now? ^^# Mr. A: "Yes. Because nepotism is not enough to get you here...Isn't that right, Mr. Okumura?" Rin: -3- stocking:.... Kid: "Then Stocking will be one of your most honorable applicants and hired teachers." stocking: *she smiles* Mr. A: "I assure you, I hold all applicants to the strictest of standards. And given Miss Pheles's earlier outbursts--" stocking: *grips fist* i was only protecting a student! Mr. A: "If you read rules, you would know such behavior reflects poorly on the Academy. Perhaps ask your father to remind you--" mephisto: remind her what~? ^^# Rin: "!!!" Mr. A: "...Remind her that the interview process to this academy is not to be taken lightly." mephisto: i understand. i _also_ know my little girl is more than mature enough to take this seriously. stocking: *smiles* Mr. A: "...I hope so. If you excuse me..." mephisto: *gives him the 'im watching you' sign* Mr. A: *walks a bit more quickly* stocking: thanks dad. mephisto: not to worry~ *HUG+cheek paps* what kind of a father would i be if i just stood on the sidelines as my little princess was being tormented by that huge dingus! Kid: *smiles* Rin: "Ha ha...Dingus." stocking: daaaaad..... what did i tell you about PDFA in public?! Kid: *small laugh* mephisto: whoopsie. sorry about that~ stocking: -////-;; Kid: "Sir, were there other locations in the Academy that you recommend we visit?" -elsewhere- Hugh: "Oh, welcome to the onsen! May I help you?" naho: heyyyy there..... ^^; tetsu: oh. hey....naho, i think? misono: yes. lilac: *hiding behind sakuya and naho* g-greed...isnt here....i-i-is he? Hugh: "...No. You have no fear of that." lilac: *tiniest peeeek* kaori: its ok. Hugh: *serious stare* "So, is this a friendly visit, or a business visit?" naho: just here to enjoy the hot springs! ^^;;; Hugh: "Very well. The changing room is down hall..." -later- Sakuya: "Aaaaah...So good." naho: =w= lilac: *almost all the way under, only his head above his nose is visible* Sakuya: "Enjoying it, Lilac?" lilac:...warm.... Sakuya: *smiles* "That's good...How about you, Naho?" *rests a hand on her shoulder* naho: *snuggles* =w= Sakuya: -\\\\- "That's so cute." *snuggle* lilac: *also leans* Sakuya: *hand on Lilac's shoulder* "Aw..." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Darn...Where is it...?" kabuki: oh? Tsukiyo: "I had left one of those impersonation-detector papers in one of my books...but I don't remember which book." kabuki:... *sweatdrop* they're not really meant to be used as bookmarkers. -they did find it eventually- Tsukiyo: "Oh, good! I should have known I left it to mark my spot in the anatomy book..." kabuki: *sweatdrop* Tsukiyo: "Well, I should reward you for your help! Drinks on me?" -elsewhere- Relan: *doing sit-ups* -elsewhere- naho: we're home! lavender: welcome back kiddos. tsubaki: ^^ Higan: *reviewing photographs on digital camera* Sakuya: "Yo. How's your day been, Tsu?" tsubaki: fairly well. otogiri: *repairing clothes* Sakuya: "??? What happened to the clothes?" otogiri: belkia fell out of a tree again. Sakuya: -_-; Belkia: *bandaged* ._o "Can you help me with my eye? It seems smaller than the other one now." naho: maybe if you wore an eyepatch you'd look like...sham.....*worried* Sakuya: ._. Belkia: "...Um...No..." Higan: *sigh* ("Still haven't found him...") tsubaki:............ Sakuya: "...Tsubaki...We need to find him, too." tsubaki: ...*she nods* Belkia: "After that battle, who would have him?" tsubaki:.....C3. Sakuya: "!!!" lavender: !! -tsubaki explains the situation- Sakuya: "...How long have you known?" tsubaki: ever since that meeting with touma... naho: this touma guy sounds like a huge jerk! Sakuya: "...Damn it...So, when we breaking Shamrock out?" otogiri: we're going to need a plan... Belkia: "BLOW IT UP TO THE GROUND!" otogiri: no. Higan: "We'll need a distraction to pull them out. They know Tsubaki..." tsubaki: maybe we could ask the others? Sakuya: "...Worth a shot...if they'd be willing..." naho: *NOD NOD* Higan: "So, a few distract, a few sneak in, a few sneak Sham out, and we'll need more muscle..." lavender: im more then capable of distraction~<3 otogiri: -_-; Higan: ^^ "I know that. May also need a distraction for those inclined to men." -and so- misono: YOU WANT US TO WHAT?! O.O; Lily: "??~" Hugh: -___- Kuro: "...Huh." tsubaki: that's the basic jist of it. Kuro: "...Do I have to leave the house to do this?" mr sendagaya: tetsu, you have some guests. shinoa: good evening~ misono: O////O !! mitsuba:.... !!! hyakuya: *notices higan* oh yeah, you're that pervert on the plane from last year. Higan: -____- lilac:.... !!!!!!! *trembling* licht:.....hey. Lawless: *trying to hide behind Licht* otogiri: *holds onto lilac* its ok. licht: *grabs lawless by the tie* get over here, you shit rat. Lawless: *whispering at Licht* "Why did you even bring me here!" licht: emergency meeting means 'bring everyone.' including you. Lawless: *grumble grumble* lilac: *staring at the floor* Sakuya: "...Mahiru, we're going to need everyone on this." mahiru: right. misono: very well. -after the situation is explained- otogiri: !!!!!!!! Belkia: "..." *shaking his fists* misono: then we'll have to work to free shamrock _and_ miss himawari. mitsuba: im calling in back-up. Kuro: "...Taking on all of C3...This can't go well." mitsuba: unless we have some eyes on the inside.... shinoa: as well as some back up from a 3rd party~ *making a call* hello, is mikuni in? misono: of course... -_-; mitsuba: O///O Mikuni: "Speaking." shinoa: we're planning a rebellion against C3, are you in or out? Mikuni: "...'Bout time! I'm in!" shinoa: alright. come over to the white water hot spring. we'll discuss the plan there. Mikuni: "Awesome! Want me to bring the others over? Even Jeje?" Jeje: "...I have to go with you everywhere, you dunce." shinoa: just you two for now. Johannes: *peeping up behind Jeje* "You need me for something?" Jeje: "No." Johannes: *pouts, slinks away* Mikuni: "Heading over now!" metsu: i'll stay here and make sure the good doctor is on his best behavior. Mikuni: "Thank-ee!" Jeje: *nods* Johannes: "...When am I _not_ on my best behavior?" metsu: -_-;; -and so, when they arrived and the situation is explained in full details- Mikuni: "Huh...You sure you want to pull out more vamps? I mean, if this Sham guy worked for Tsubaki..." Sakuya: -_- tsubaki: i was tasked with protecting them. they're part of our family now. and that means _all_ of them. misono: and the three of you will help, even though it might get you in trouble? mitsuba: its just a risk we're going to have to take. hyakuya:..... Mikuni: "Well, I've been wanting to slap the smirks off some C3 people's faces, so I'm in!" Jeje: "...Tsubaki, just promise me you'll do a better job tending to these subclasses than certain other people..." tsubaki: *she nods* hyakuya: im not looking forwards to helping these bloodsuckers.....but i really want to give that touma prick a good what for... Hugh: "Fine...I'll join." misono: very well. since we know our goal, we now need our plan. mikuni and shinoa squad, since you're more familiar with C3's layout, you can help us locate and access point. shinoa: understood. mitsuba: i know where they're being held. sham is in the lower cells, and himawari, im assuming, is someplace in touma's office. Higan: "We have a distraction--" Belkia: "I want Touma...So I can put his head on a pike." otogiri: *she nods* misono: we'll worry about that when we get to that point. Kuro: "We got enough muscle?" tetsu: yo. Kuro: "We got enough muscle?" tetsu: yo. misono: we'll go in two formations. alpha team will consist of me, lily, lavender, shinoa, tetsu, hugh, licht, and lawless. delta team will be tsubaki, higan, mitsuba, hyakuya, mikuni, jeje, mahiru, and kuro. the rest will be omega team, and will act as intel and back up. shinoa: fortunately, we managed to talk the mad dog team into helping us. at least two of them....as for tsurugi, it's uncertain... Mikuni: "If you need me to shut up Tsurugi, I'm up for that~" mahiru: we'll just need transportation. misono: already on that. lily, call up dodo. hyakuya: why cant you do it? misono:....... Lily: *already calling Dodo* "We need a ride..." -and so- tsubaki: so this is the access point? Jeje: "Sleepy Ash and I can transform to be fit inside..." mahiru: then you'll be able to unlock the door? Kuro: "Right..." *transforms into a cat, leaps up to the access point...and can't reach* -_-; Jeje: *in snake form, nudges Kuro up* mitsuba: i think we can get to the cells from here... *Jeje and Kuro get inside...Jeje holds up Kuro to unlock the door* Kuro: "Tah-dah..." mahiru: alright. mitsuba: awesome. lets go. Kuro: *looks around inside* "...Cold." -upstairs- himawari:...... Touma: *whistling* C3 member: oi touma. we got some ruckus going on out front. Touma: "?!! Define 'ruckus.'" C3 member: we have some wounded claiming they were attacked by a stray subclass... Touma: "Damn it...I'll be right there." *turns off intercom, looks at Hinawari* "Back to your cell..." himawari:.....*she goes back in* Touma: *locks her in, hides the cell, exits for the hallway...* "Time to put a stop to this...Discipline some children." -outside- misono: *has fake blood on him* ahhh! this freakin huuuurts! Hugh: "WAAAAAAAAH! My little hand! My tiny adorable little hand hurts!" tetsu: *absolute monotone* ahhhh. the paaaain. shinoa: its ok misono, they're getting help! *hugs him* misono: O//////////////////O;;; C3 Member #2: "Jeez! Holy crap! Th-There's blood everywhere!" *grows pale in the face* C3 Member #2: "D-Did anyone call Touma?" C3 member: yeah, he's on his way down now. -inside- Jun: "What's all the noise about?" tinker: i think we got some wounded! yumikage: ... Jun: "...Oh, no...Um...Send more people to tend to them. I'll keep an eye on things here." tinker: on it! yumikage: i'm gonna head downstairs. Jun: *nods* "I'll be monitoring security..." -downstairs- Jeje: *looking around* mitsuba: here it is. *she opens the door* Kuro: *looks through the door* "Where next?" mitsuba: *she points to a door* that leads to his cell... hyakuya: who's gonna pick the lock? Jeje: "..." *slides his tail into the lock...* tsubaki: ?? *CLICK* Mikuni: "...Huh. Can't believe that worked." tsubaki: good job. *she smiles and opens the door* Kuro: *prepares himself in case of an attack* Mikuni: *holds up a doll to protect himself* tsubaki: sham? are you in here? Shamrock: "??!!! What?!" tsubaki: *she smiles* hyakuya: hey, bustin you out. not that we want to. Shamrock: "...Why should I trust you?" tsubaki: *she looks at higan* Higan: "Yo, buddy." Shamrock: "..." Q~Q "SAVE ME!" tsubaki: ok. *she slices the lock off with her arm blade* Shamrock: *collapses in front of Tsubaki* "Thank you for saving me, despite stealing him from me!" tsubaki:... eh? owo mitsuba: eh? mahiru: ?? hyakuya:....whatever, lets just get him out of here, then lets get himawari, or whatever her name was, out of here... Shamrock: "...Himawari is here, too?" mitsuba: yeah, in touma's office. Shamrock: "...How are we getting in there?" mitsuba: guess we're just gonna have to solid snake this! hyakuya: what? Jeje: "...Are you suggesting I'm _not_ solid?" Kuro: -____-;;; "Meaning we sneak in and knock some heads..." mitsuba:...right. mahiru: lets try to keep the body-count to a minimum =_=' Mikuni: "Right--kill only the people who have it coming!" Shamrock: x_o;; "...I can't tell whether I agree with him, or am horrified by that plan." mitsuba: ok, me, mikuni, higan, and jeje will go bust out himawari, the rest can escape, lower the chances of getting caught. Shamrock: "...No. I know more about this building than some of you. I recognize patterns, sounds, persons...and I really want to tear out Touma's throat..." mitsuba: you sure about that? tsubaki:...in that case. higan, come with us. i dont want to get you and the others in further trouble. Higan: "Okay--lead the way..." Shamrock: "Just point me in the right direction..." -and so, mitsuba leads her group upstairs towards touma's office- Shamrock: "Do you think he is still in his office?" mitsuba: hopefully, alpha team has him taken care of..... !!! there it is. wait here. *she checks the door....she motions them to come over* Shamrock: *approaches cautiously* -the office is empty- mitsuba:....mikuni, could you keep watch? Mikuni: "Aye-aye!" *holds his doll close, looks out the door* mitsuba: 7///7; *looks around the office* Shamrock: *examining the desk and walls...* "Hmm...What's this?" mitsuba: ?? -one book seems to be stuck....- Shamrock: *tugs* -that seemed to do it- himawari:............... Shamrock: "!!! Oh, God..." -she's covered in various injuries, including cuts, bruises, and cigarette burns, including a mark of two 'T's on her thigh.- Shamrock: "...Himawari...Do you remember me?" himawari: *she looks up, but doesnt say anything* mitsuba: !!!!....that son of a bitch! Shamrock: "Step One, get Himawari to medical treatment, out of here." *offers a hand to her* mitsuba: *removes her restraints* hold on, that magician guy gave me something... *pulls out a box?* now how do we use this?... Shamrock: "??? Is that one of Belkia's teleportation devices?" mitsuba: is that what it is? how do i use it? Shamrock: "I-I don't know...I think you open it and go inside?" mitsuba: *presses a button* ah- -FWOOF- Shamrock: "?!!" otogiri:.... mitsuba: we're back at...where are we? otogiri: tsubaki and black*star's house.....welcome home. Shamrock: "...I'm...not imprisoned any longer?" mitsuba: seems so. ???: aaaaaaAAAAAAM! *TACKLE-HUG* otogiri:... !!!! himawari!.....*picks her up and gets her to 'med bay' Shamrock: "?!!" naho: YOU'RE BACK!! TT~TT Shamrock: x\\\\\o "Y-Yes, I am...Hi?" lilac: w-welcome...h-home... naho: the others are gonna be back shortly! Shamrock: "..." *collapses to his knees* "Thank goodness..." -later- tsubaki: that went much better than i thought it would...*sigh* but you two will have to lay low for a while... Shamrock: *sigh* "Still, if this is to be my prison, it is a significant improvement." lavender: think of it as a safe-haven. Shamrock: "...Very well. At least here I can get a decent shower, privacy, and a meal." himawari:......... Belkia: T_T "I'm so happy you are here, Hima-tan..." lavender:........................*shaking* Higan: *pats Lavender's shoulder* "Let's be grateful that we are here..." lavender:...right.... Belkia: "...Hima-tan? You remember me, right?" naho: lots of stuff happened, i cant wait to tell you all about it! and miss tsubaki is really nice too. she even lets us have our own bedrooms! himawari:....... otogiri:...i think...she's still in shock... Shamrock: "Our own bedrooms? How spacious..." *glances at Himawari* Belkia: Q~Q otogiri:...*pap pap* naho: we even kept hold of your stuff from the other house, so you can have it back now. ^^. *she hands him a briefcase* Shamrock: "...I'm touched. Thank you..." -elsewhere- Touma: "...How?" mitsuba: *banged up* i never meant to let him get out...he just...broke out.... Touma: "A contained vampire DOES NOT JUST BREAK OUT!" mitsuba: i dont know how it happened! Touma: *his hand just over Mitsuba's throat* "You better find out...or you'll be in that cage." shinoa: mr touma, i believe that is quite enough. yumikage: yeah! just lay off her! she's beat up enough as it is! hyakuya: im _this close_ to cutting that hand off! Touma: "..." *pulls back his hand* "Clean her up, then hold her for additional questioning." yumikage: right.........*exits with them* you ok? mitsuba: yeah....thanks for beating me up. yumikage: sorry...had to make it realistic. shinoa: we appreciate you helping us out like this. yumikage: no probs. touma's a dick. Jun: "...Yumikage, we will make this right..." yumikage: *he nods* for that girl...and tsurugi.... Jun: *nods* -elsewhere- Kid: "The tour helped with studying?" stocking: yep. i think i memorized the 5 true cross order branches; knight, tamer, aria, doctor, and dragoon... Kid: *smiles* "Sounds right. And you would be...?" stocking: havent decided yet...i'd have to look into it more. Kid: *nods* "With that sword of yours..." stocking: hmmm....but then i'd be stuck working with triple A batteries. Kid: "True...Could always 'encourage' him to apply his skills elsewhere...like as a circus clown." stocking: hah! Kid: *hug* "You'll be great in whichever branch you enter." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *brushing her hair* -morning- Shamrock: *tossing in bed* "N-No..." tsubaki: sham? are you awake? Shamrock: *eyes snap open, looks around* "Y-Yes..." tsubaki: we just put the dolls out for hinamatsuri, did you want to see it? Shamrock: "...Okay..." *follows her* naho: hehe~ ^^ *in a kimono* lavender: its cute. Sakuya: -\\\\- Shamrock: *looking around at everyone* lavender: mornin'. *she's in a rather short, off shoulder kimono.* Shamrock: "M-Morning..." himawari:...*bandaged*...... otogiri: its ok. you can say it. himawari:....good......morning.... Shamrock: "..." *nods* "Good morning." tsubaki: what did you want for breakfast? Shamrock: "Oh! Um...I usually prepared my own meal...and meals for everyone else..." tsubaki: you're welcome to help out if you want. Shamrock: "...Very well. Point me to the pans and ingredients..." -elsewhere- Kid: "Good morning..." stocking: mornin' kiddo~<3 *smoooooch* Kid: *smooch* "Sleep well?" stocking: yeah. Kid: "Good...Ready for breakfast?" stocking: yep~ Kid: *smiles* "Waffles, fruit..." -elsewhere- Takehisa: *reviewing files over coffee* -elsewhere- Benimaru: *sipping tea* fang-hua: commander? Benimaru: "??? Oh, Kohana--hello. How are you?" fang-hua: doing well. you? Benimaru: "...Ambivalent, I'm afraid. Just thinking about the last month...and my mistakes." fang-hua:....well, i guess we can only learn from the past and move forwards... Benimaru: "...I have considered contacting the 8th for assistance in locating any remaining dopplegangers." fang-hua: ah, i see. i know you're hesitant after the incident...but i do believe they're telling the truth. Benimaru: "...Agreed. I will make the call." fang-hua: *she nods* Benimaru: "Have some soldiers ready to greet them, and we will conduct one more sweep for impersonators." fang-hua: right. Benimaru: *pulls out a phone...dials...* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *shiny eyes* "WE'RE TRAVELING!" tamaki: eh? shinra: to where? Akitaru: "Back to Asakusa." shinra: OwO;; *remembering benimaru's fury* oh. Arthur: "...You're sending us to die?" maki: oh dont be so pessemistic! Akitaru: "I mean, I don't _think_ the Commander is going to kill us...He said he wanted our help to get rid of the last doppelgangers." shinra: eh? so he believes our story now? Akitaru: "I guess so...But can't be too careful, so keep an eye out for us while we're there, okay, Shinra?" shinra: *salutes* right! Takehisa: "But who will watch the station while we're away?" iris: i volunteer. nozomi: i-i think i'll go with you guys this time. Takehisa: "Will that be enough? Shouldn't we--" *Door smashes open--crushing Takehisa* miwa: !!!!!!???? maki: TAKEHISAAA!! Takehisa: x~x Hibana: *enters through the door* "I can watch your station!" Akitaru: -_-; shinra:....were you outside the door this whole time?! Hibana: "I'M EVERYWHERE..." *creepy smile at Shinra* *then looks behind the door--and cringes* "Oh...Sorry." Takehisa: x____x gabriella: hello all~ Akitaru: "...You two are _not_ sleeping in my room." Hibana: *pout* "Fine. We'll just take Shinra's room." shinra: WHY MINE?! Hibana: "Don't you want us to remodel your room~?" nozomi: y-you can stay in my room, miss hibana. i wont mind. Hibana: *smiles* "Thank you, dear. We will treat your room with the utmost respect." nozomi: thank you. -elsewhere- Jonah: "Now, stand still..." soldier: ..... arrow: ....haran, how is progress coming along? Haran: "Just about ready. Where will the Commander be?" -elsewhere- Joker: *tracing his cigarette smoke in the air* "So close..." scarlet:......that boy.... (thinking: is he really the same as....) Joker: "Yep. We get him on our side. Nice little option when dealing with the Knights." scarlet: ..... Joker: "...What's with you?" scarlet: ?? nothing, just...thinking. ivy: how do we do this then? Joker: "I'm going to send someone to pay the 8th a little visit..." ivy: oh? who're you sending? Joker: "I was thinking Licht." ivy: how are we gonna get some piano player to help us? scarlet: -_-; he means victor. ivy: who? Victor: "...Hi." ivy: !!! fuck! DONT SNEAK UP ON ME LIKE THAT! scarlet:..heh. Victor: "..." *sniff* "Is something burning?" -elsewhere- Shamrock: "..." *shiver* lilac: .....are you....ok? Shamrock: "Yes...Sorry. Just remembering something." lilac: ..... Shamrock: "...I think I'll get back to cleaning up my new room. lilac:..... Shamrock: "...Lilac, are you okay?" lilac: y-yeah.. Shamrock: *nods, goes towards his room* Sakuya: "Yo, Lilac! You hungry?" lilac: s-sure. Sakuya: "Cool..." *whispers* "Maybe we can make something for Sham, too. Kind of help him out." lilac:...*nod nod* Sakuya: "I think at least a good peanut butter sandwich works..." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Which one should I wear--battle-ready uniform, or formal uniform?" fang-hua: for what? Tsukiyo: "You know, for when the 8th comes visit. Should the impression people, 'I am here to impress you!' or 'I WILL KICK YOUR ASS!'?" fang-hua: just something normal, i guess. ^^; Tsukiyo: "Okay, regular uniform then!" *runs out, changes, comes back out in her usual uniform, salutes* "Ready!" -elsewhere- Relan: [be safe on this trip] shinra: [i will. :) ] Relan: [and maybe bring iris and me souvenirs ^^] shinra: [will do!] Relan: *smiles, puts his phone back in his pocket, heads to the exercise field...* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "All set?" kim: yep Jacqueline: "Excellent. Then we can head out to finish errands." -elsewhere- Johannes: *cleaning his lab* "Wash and dry, polish and shine!" metsu: *sorting files* Jeje: "Need help?" metsu: if you'd like. *she smiles* Jeje: "Always..." *takes a set of files, starts sorting...* Johannes: *opens desk drawer, starts pulling out items: scalpels, paperclips...a jar with an eyeball in it* "Huh--been looking for this." metsu: *sweatdrop* Jeje: -_-;;; "Stop that. It's creepy." Mikuni: "GUYS! COME UP HERE! MY DOLLS ARE GETTING MARRIED!" Jeje: "...Also that." -elsewhere- Kid: "You'll be studying today?" stocking: yep. Kid: *nods* "I'll head out to finish some errands. Want anything?" stocking: tarts please~ Kid: *smiles* "Of course--in many flavors." *kisses her forehead* "None as sweet as you." stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: *takes a cloth bag* "Back shortly. I love you." stocking: love you too~ Kid: *smiles, turns to depart--* Patty: "Kiddo! Pick up snacks, too!" Kid: "!!! Um...Sure..." -elsewhere- Konro: *waves at the 8th at the outskirts* "Hello." shinra: *he nods* nozomi: this is asakusa then? tamaki: yep. Arthur: "At least most of it looks repaired...But why is there a fox on the captain's shoulder?" Mr. Tsubaki: ^^ maki: AWWWWW HOW CUTE! tamaki: adorable. *shiny eyes* nozomi: ^^; Mr. Tsubaki: *hops down, sits before Maki, Tamaki, and Nozomi* maki: *taking pics* so adorbs! shinra: *sweatdrop* Arthur: *mutters* "...Dumb fox, hogging all the attention..." Konro: "We found him--a stray. Rather docile around most people..." maki: whos a fluffy bebeh, whos a fluffuh bubuh! Mr. Tsubaki: *lies before Nozomi* nozomi: *pet pet* hehe... Mr. Tsubaki: ^^ Tsukiyo: "Yo! Arthur!" *glomp* Arthur: *choked* o___O tamaki: O_O fang-hua: *running after her, panting* tsukiyo! w-wait up! Tsukiyo: *waves at Tamaki* "Hello, kitty!" Arthur: *no longer breathing...his soul is coming out of his mouth...* shinra: we should bury him. Konro: -_-; tamaki: *PUNCH* shinra: ow! Mr. Tsubaki: o___o -later- Benimaru: "..." maki: >->;; Akitaru: "...Um, hi, Commander!" Benimaru: "...Commander. Thank you for coming." *looks at the 8th* "And your members." shinra: *nervous smile* nozomi: ^^; Benimaru: "Hmm...Some of you look new." *points at Nozomi* "Your name?" nozomi: ah! nozomi harada. Benimaru: *nods* "Are you strong?" nozomi: well... ummm... tamaki: she's in our research department. Benimaru: "So, strong mentally. We here value those who can demonstrate strength...Have to, given how often we destroy our own buildings in combat." nozomi: eh? O_O Akitaru: "And the buildings look even better than before." ^^;; Takehisa: "So, why did you call us? Where are these doppelgangers?" -paper'd- nozomi: O_O tamaki: ACK! Takehisa: -_- shinra: wha- Akitaru: "???" maki: !! Benimaru: "...Well? Do you feel any pain from the papers?" maki: no...? sister:...they're good to go. Arthur: "I feel a slight tingling on my forehead...but that may be oxygen deprivation from earlier." Akitaru: *removes the papers, looks at them* "These things will spot fakes?" Benimaru: *nods* tamaki: neato. Benimaru: "There are a few more residents to check and double-check. Please take these papers and use them on those suspects." tamaki: ok? Konro: "We checked ourselves, so you will be paired with some members of the 7th." Tsukiyo: *grabs Shinra and Nozomi's wrists* "I call dibs!" shinra: ah- nozomi: eh? owo; Tsukiyo: "Let's go check around the spa!" Arthur: "...Thank goodness--I thought I'd be stuck with that lunatic." -elsewhere- Haran: "All set?" arrow: i believe so. all we need to do now is wait for guruna to give us the signal... Haran: *nods* "Wait, then..." Jonah: "BUT I WANT TO GO NOW!" -potted plant gets tossed at him- misora: SHADDAP! SOME OF US ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF STUFF! Jonah: Q~Q "I just want to be in the middle of stuff!" misora: *glare of rage* Jonah: o___o *hides behind Arrow* arrow: -_-; Hanan: *flat laugh* "Ha." *looks at Misora* "What are you doing to prepare?" -elsewhere- Hibana: "And so things are okay with Shinra and Relan?" iris: *she nods* Hibana: "I don't need to have a talk with them or anything?" iris: it's all doing well. ^^ Hibana: *nods* "That's good...May I ask you a question?" iris: what is it? Hibana: "Would I be a bad mother?" iris: eh? why do you think that? Hibana: "I don't know...Gabriella and I have been considering it. I don't have a lot of confidence I would be good." iris: i think you'd do a good job. you took care of me and the other sisters before, remember? Hibana: "Yes, but I was a lot different then..." *frown* "I think Gabriella wants one..." iris: ah, i see. Hibana: *sigh* "It's a lot to think about, not to mention potential donors." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Things been alright around here, Kabuki?" kabuki: for the most part, yes. Akitaru: "But some problems? Like with these imposters running around?" kabuki: *he nods* Akitaru: "Jeez...I'm sorry for all of this. I sure as heck did not appreciate them stealing my face like that." kabuki: it has everyone on edge... Akitaru: "I can imagine what it does for morale...I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but does the Commander have friends?" kabuki: well...im not sure if i should say~ Akitaru: "??? Some gossip, then? Well, no worries--I'm not going to press." *smiles, points to some buildings* "I guess that's our destination." kabuki: indeed. -elsewhere- shinra: no way, you're totally making this up! Tsukiyo: "Nah-uh! He was walking out of the shrine, waving to the sister! I know something is up! I mean, he practically has everyone in this village wanting him: the sister, me, Fang-Hua--" nozomi: eh? Tsukiyo: *sigh* "He has the pick of anyone he wants--such the center of attention...Wish I had that." *pokes Shinra's shoulder* "Or what you got." shinra: h-hey now! Tsukiyo: "Hee hee--Just teasing you! But man, it sucks being single around here." nozomi: ^^; Tsukiyo: "What about you, Nozomi? You with anyone?" nozomi: eh? oh heavens no! i dont think anyone would be interested in someone boring like me... Tsukiyo: *eyes her up and down* "I wouldn’t call you 'boring.' Maybe find someone with the same hobbies as you?" nozomi: i-i guess, maybe... Tsukiyo: *smiles* "Tell you what--after we finish getting these imposters found, I'll introduce you to some of the peeps around here." nozomi: ^^; Tsukiyo: "But first, we got to check out the shrine..." *spots the spa* "...Or..." -elsewhere- Benimaru: "That's two more people reviewed..." maki: *she nods* Benimaru: "...May I ask about your Commander?" maki: what did you want to know? Benimaru: "How upset is he with the 7th over our actions to your brigade?" maki: he understands why you were upset, but he's still willing to help. he's rather forgiving. Benimaru: "...Forgiveness can look like weakness." maki:... -elsewhere- Arthur: "...Maybe add another paper to their forehead? Can never be too careful..." fang-hua: *sweatdrop* townsperson: can i go now? Arthur: "I guess..." *removes the paper* -elsewhere- Konro: *smiles, nods* "Thank you for answering our questions--good day." -elsewhere- naho: *snuggling up to sakuya* =w= Sakuya: *smiles* "Comfy?" naho: mmhmm~ Sakuya: *kisses her cheek* "What a cutie..." naho: >w< Sakuya: *soft kiss on her lips* naho: U/////U Sakuya: *kiss on where her jaw meets her neck* naho: >//////< Sakuya: *kisses her neck...his hand lays on her hip* naho: s-sakkun! >/////< Sakuya: *pulls back* "Too much?" naho: ./////. we're....still in the living room... Sakuya: .\\\\\. "...I forgot." lavender: ^^; Higan: “Ah, young love…” Shamrock: x_-;;; Belkia: "Yeah, maybe take the PDA elsewhere." naho:.....*she looks at sakuya* your room or mine? lavender: use protection you two! Sakuya: *whispers* "I think yours. The bed is more comfy." naho: ok. *she walks with him to her room* Sakuya: *closes the door behind them, locks it* naho: *she sits down* should i lay down or... *flustered* Sakuya: "Well...Do you want to lead? Or should I?" naho: c-could you? im not…very experienced....c-could we take it slowly? Sakuya: *nods, as he sits beside her...takes her hand...and kisses it lightly* naho: *leans in and smiles* mmmm... u///u Sakuya: *lightly rests his hands along her back, as he kisses her lips* -elsewhere- Kid: *takes the desserts from the baker* "Thank you! I'm sure she'll love these." -elsewhere- Takehisa: "Where to next?" -at the shrine- kirei: hmm? Benimaru: "Hello." kirei: ah, good evening. maki: hey. *waves* kirei: oh? you're...from the 8th, right? maki: yeah. Benimaru: "Sister, we are here to conduct one more search for imposters." kirei: i see. well, reimi wont be here, since she left to do errands... Benimaru: "...We have to check _everyone_..." kirei: *she nods* i'll let her know. ???: "AAAAH!" maki: ?! what the?? Benimaru: "?!!!" *A human is sweating, as flames emerge from their hands* ???: "N-No! Nooooo!" shinra: !!! *he spots a hooded figure* hey! GET BACK HERE! Tsukiyo: "What the heck?!" nozomi: *too paralyzed to move* ???: *panting, and then--a roar: transformation complete* shinra: *chasing the hooded figure* Hooded Figure: *leaps over fence, trying to put distance between themselves and Shinra* shinra: *tries to give himself a speed boost* Hood Figure: *spots Shinra following* "!!! Crud, crud, crud--" ???: kusakabe? shinra: ?! *he spots reimi* eh? Hood Figure: *runs* ("Run run run run!" Q~Q ) reimi: what are you doing here? shinra: wai- *he lost sight of the hooded figure* dammit! Benimaru: *runs towards the spot* "Kusakabe, where is the Hood?" shinra: he went over that fence! but i lost him... reimi: i saw it happen....i forgot which way the hood went though, sorry... Benimaru: "..." *frowns at Shinra* shinra: ....... -later- Akitaru: "...Another transformation. Damn it." nozomi: *too shook up to even speak* Tsukiyo: *looking concerned at Nozomi* tamaki:....*hugs nozomi* nozomi:....*whimpering* Benimaru: *standing away* "How? How again?" shinra: i saw the hooded figure, and i tried to go after them..... kirei:..... Benimaru: "...You should have demolished an entire building on them." shinra:....... fang-hua: commander, could you go easy on him? he obviously feels bad enough... Benimaru: "...I have to tend to the deceased's survivors." *turns to leave* Akitaru: "..." *pats Shinra's shoulder* shinra:.... -elsewhere- Haran: "That was close." misora: QwQ;;; Haran: "So, what's next?" arrow: for now, we leave that as a warning... -elsewhere- Ponera: *holding her head* "French wine gives major headaches..." shaula: im good though. =w= Medusa: "You've just built up a tolerance..." T_T "I miss drinking..." Ponera: *groan* -elsewhere- Hibana: *looks around Nozomi's room* "Comfy." gabriella: it's nice. *she notices a picture of nozomi and her father* ... Hibana: "Aaaaaw, look at tiny she was!" gabriella: she does take after her father it seems... Hibana: *sad smile* "Yes..." *hugs Gabriella* -elsewhere- Kid: "Yummy?" stocking: =w=~<3 you're the best! Kid: *smiles* "You're better." stocking: dawww. Kid: *pats her hand* stocking: *smooooch* Kid: =w= *smooch* stocking: ^^~<3 Kid: *smiles* "I can taste the dessert on your lips." stocking: hehe~ Kid: "I'll have to make sure to buy more for you again in the future." *rubs her arm* "And for important occasions." stocking: *she smiles and holds his hand* Kid: *holds her hand, cuddles* stocking: hey kid, you got something on the tip of your nose....*she kisses it* it's me~ Kid: "Hee hee...You know what I think is also on me?" stocking: what? Kid: *lightly holds her shoulders, as he lies back, letting her rest on top of him* stocking: well, arent you just clever~? Kid: *smirks* "I try." stocking: *kissing down his neck, down his chest, and to his hips* Kid: "Aaaaah~" *pleased groan* "So good...Stocking..." stocking: *smirks and licks just above the length* Kid: *pouts* "Oh, please~?" stocking: i dunno~ Kid: "I'll do whatever you desire..." stocking: oh~? *rubs his inner thighs* Kid: *bites his lip, nods* stocking: oh i dunno~ *lightly strokes a finger up the shaft* Kid: "A-Aaaaaaah! J-Just keep going...I'll buy you all the sweets you want..." stocking: really now~? *lightly rubbing the tip* Kid: "R-Really...All you want..." stocking: *breathing along the tip* Kid: *leans his head back, sighs* "Yes..." stocking: *light flicks of the tongue against the tip* Kid: *buries his head along his arm, squirming* "So good..." stocking: *she smirks and begins going down on him* Kid: *pants, grunts, as his hands rest along her head, guiding her* -elsewhere- Sakuya: *hug* naho: *already crashed out* Sakuya: "Too much?" naho: zzzzzz..... *she's wearing his jacket* Sakuya: *smiles, pulls the covers over them, hugs her* naho: =w= Sakuya: "Good night..." *sighs* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "..." *punches a fist into the wall* kirei: !!! commander! fang-hua: h-hey! Benimaru: "Again. And again. It keeps happening." fang-hua:.... kirei:....*she hugs him* Benimaru: "..." *pat pat* fang-hua: *she has the med-kit out* jeez.... Benimaru: "..." *looks at his hand* "...Sorry." fang-hua: you should really be more careful... Benimaru: "...Just angry. I'm sorry." fang-hua: still... kirei:.... Benimaru: "...I'm screwing up." kirei: eh? fang-hua: what makes you think that? Benimaru: "Every one of our colleagues made into these monsters...is another one I have not saved." fang-hua:...these things happen....all we can do is try harder. Benimaru: "..." *nods* -elsewhere- Relan: [it's going to be okay] shinra: [thanks rel.] Relan: [ :) come home safe, okay?] shinra: [i will. *hug emoticon*] Relan: [ <3 u ] -early morning- kyouko: *already awake* Shiro: "Morning!" kyouko: mornin. *she looks out the window* the sun still isnt up yet....perfect. *she has a basket set up* Shiro: "??? Going out?" kyouko: yeah. did you want to come with? Shiro: *small stretch* "I better--be good to stretch my legs. I wouldn't slow you down, would I?" kyouko: it's fine. we got plenty of time. Shiro: *smiles* "Lead the way then." -they ended up at a hill with a big tree on it.- kyouko: remember this place? you took me, rin, and yukio here a long time ago to watch the sunrise. Shiro: "Ah, yes. It was so clear that day..." kyouko: *she nods* you even prepared a breakfast picnic and everything! Shiro: "Ha ha! I think I did out-did myself on that food." *smiles at her* "You all seemed to enjoy the meal." kyouko: *she smiles* it really meant a lot...so, today im gonna repay the favor. Shiro: "...Thank you...so much." kyouko: *she smiles, remembering when he brought her and the twins there* Shiro: "..." *looks at the tree* "Sure has grown..." kyouko: yeah. Shiro: "You, and Yukio, and Rin, have matured so much." kyouko: we sure have... Shiro: "You all have such a future ahead of you...and I only hope I can help you be ready for it." kyouko: right. -elsewhere- Hibana: *gentle shake to Gabriella's shoulder* "Wakey-wakey..." gabriella: *yaaaawns* Hibana: "Good morning..." *hugs her* "I wanted to talk about something..." gabriella: eh? Hibana: *hugs her from behind, puts her hand over her stomach* "...Did you sleep well?" -elsewhere- Sakuya: *exits the bedroom, shirtless* Shamrock: "...Hello." Sakuya: "...Morning..." -_- naho: zzzzzz *nyaaaawn* im up....*still in sakuya's jacket.* Sakuya: "Hey." Shamrock: x\\\\\\o naho: *yaaawn* nnnn?....oh....hey sham...*yaaaawn* so tired still... Shamrock: "...Yeah, I'm sure--er, given how early it is..." Sakuya: "???" naho: *leans against sakuya* i got worn out...zzzzz.... Sakuya: -\\\\- "Heh..." *whispers in her ear* "Maybe no so loud in front of Sham..." Shamrock: D:< naho: zzzzzzz.... Sakuya: *holds her, as he guides her back* "Sleep for a few more minutes...I'll make you breakfast." Shamrock: *fuming* lavender: *streeeetch* ah, seems you guys are up already too. mornin' Shamrock: *grunt* "Good morning..." lavender: still in a sour mood, eh? Shamrock: "Quite...I didn't realize Naho and Sakuya were dating." lavender: ah. well, they are. seems you still have a lot to catch up on. Shamrock: x_-;; "Evidently...Darn." lavender: ~? Shamrock: "...Missed opportunities, I'm afraid. I guess I have to get through each day, one at a time." lavender: ah, i see. Shamrock: *looks at her* "And you? How have you adjusted to life in this new residence?" lavender: yeah. higan and i are roomies. Shamrock: "I'm sure that is good for you both." lavender: hell yeah it is. Shamrock: x____-;;;; "And...our 'landlords' are okay with that?" lavender: the room’s soundproof. Shamrock: "..." *small smirk* "No wonder I managed to sleep." lavender: *small punch to the arm* oh shut up. himawari:...... Shamrock: *small laugh at Lavender--then spots Himawari* "Oh...Good morning." himawari:......... Shamrock: "How was your sleep Himawari?" himawari:........ Shamrock: "...I hope it was well. I'm sure if the beds aren't comfortable, Tsubaki and Black Star would get new ones." himawari:....... Shamrock: "...I was going to make breakfast. What would you like?" himawari:.......... lavender: its ok, just tell him what you want. himawari:.....i'll....have eggs.... Shamrock: *nods, smiles, gives a slight bow* "As you wish." *walks to the kitchen* himawari:..... lavender:...*hugs her, trembling slightly* im sorry..... Shamrock: *cooking...trying to steady his own hands as he cracks the eggs...* Sakuya: "..." tsubaki: need any help? Shamrock: "...Yes." tsubaki: *she helps him out* Shamrock: *tries to heat the pan* "This stove is not what I'm used to." tsubaki: oh? Shamrock: "Yes. Sorry. A lot to get used to. This is not like...home." tsubaki: ..... Shamrock: "...A lot of this...is not like home, not when we're without..." tsubaki:...........*sad look on her face* Shamrock: *looks at her* "Where did he go?" tsubaki:.....i wish i knew too....d-dont get me wrong. i'm more than happy with black*star!...but i do worry about him. Shamrock: x_o;; "Um...Why did you mention Black Star?" tsubaki: eh? O.O;; Shamrock: "..." *light bulb* X______O;;;; "Oh my..." tsubaki:....oh.....oh nooooooo! *covers her face blushing* Shamrock: "...Is that why you adopted all of them--us?" tsubaki: w-well, someone had to, and he did ask me personally... .///////.;;;;;; Shamrock: "...And you are attracted to him? I mean, I can't blame you--" tsubaki: it's not that i asked to be! *covers her mouth* Q//////Q Shamrock: X______O "...Holy shit. You got it bad." tsubaki: >///////<;;;; Shamrock: "...Great. Naho is with someone else, now someone else is attracted to Tsubaki. What else can go wrong?" otogiri: -_________- tsubaki: ah-.... O______O belkia...what is that?! Belkia: "What? It was hot in my room last night--" Shamrock: "AAAAAH! I want to be blind in the other eye, too!" naho: could be worse..it could be the old geezer............ AHHHHHHHHH THE MENTAL IMAGE! IT BUUUUURNS!!! lavender: eh, im not too shocked. naho: lav, you got serious nerves of steel! *whispers* tell me your secrets. Higan: *enters* "Don't you have any self respect, Belkia? That color does not suit you." Belkia: "You all just hate my fashion sense!" -elsewhere- Kid: "Ah~" stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: "You were great." stocking: so were you~ Kid: *holds her hand* "How did we get so good at syncing up?" stocking: *smooch* Kid: *smooch* "You know...with graduation coming up, there are a few things we should do before we go into 'really-real adulthood' mode." stocking: oh~? Kid: "Maybe something childish that adults don't do when they get older? Or sow a few more wild oats...?" *kisses behind her ear* stocking: ah- oh? Kid: *kisses along her neck* "What is the wildest thing you can think of?" stocking: eh?.......*she whispers into his ear* Kid: o_______o;;;; "...Okay. Um...Well...I am a Shinigami..." stocking: 7w7~<3 Kid: "..." *holds up his hand...dark energy swirls around it...* stocking: OwO Kid: *the energy swirls into what looks like a tentacle...* stocking: BRING IT ON! OWO -elsewhere- Benimaru: "..." kabuki: commander? Benimaru: "??? Yes, Kabuki?" kabuki: how are you feeling? Benimaru: "..." *holds his hand* "Frustrated." kabuki: i see. Benimaru: *nods* "Another death on my conscience." kabuki:...*pats his shoulder* Benimaru: "..." *nods* "Sorry. I should not look so weak in front of soldiers." kabuki: we're only human. it's normal. Benimaru: "...'Human.' I forget that when I look at my...our abilities." kabuki:...... Benimaru: "...How do you get through each day?" -elsewhere- Lawless: *sitting atop a stack of books, reading* julian: D8 romina: how'd'ya reckon he's able to sit up there without fallin off? Lawless: "BALANCE!" *continues reading* romina: ^^; Lawless: "Hey, where's Licht? I thought he was going to be doing some reading." licht: im right here, shit rat. Lawless: "Oh, hey, buddy! Grab a book and start reading!" licht:....ok. *pulls one from the bottom of lawless' book tower* julian: NOOO THE BOOKS! Lawless: "Oh craaaaAAAAAAAP!" *tumbles down with the tower of books* "...Ow." romina: ya'll alright there? Lawless: *thumbs up* "But when I said I wanted to 'hit the books'..." romina: *snerk* Lawless: *pops up, glares at Licht* "That was just mean." licht: hmm? -elsewhere- kim: see that girl over there? *pointing to sayaka* i bet that hair color would look awesome on you, jackie! Jacqueline: o\\\\o "R-Really? Doesn't it seem a bit much for me? W-Would you want me to do that?" kim: y'never know till you try, right? Jacqueline: "...Maybe...if you wanted..." kim: im not forcing you too. just an idea~ Jacqueline: "But...I would want you to try something..." kim: oh? Jacqueline: "Maybe you get your hair done, too? Or..." kim: ?? Jacqueline: "Or...I don't know. I mean, a piercing or a tattoo is too extreme compared to me just changing my hair color." kim: hmmm. i'll think about it. Jacqueline: "..." *small smile* "A little tanuki tattoo on your ankle?" kim: that would be cute. -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, staring up at Kirei* kirei: hmm? oh, hello there. *warm smile...almost like....* Mr. Tsubaki: "!!!" o\\\\\o *slowly approaches, sits* kirei:....did you want something to eat? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *slight nod* kirei: *she smiles and goes to the pantry* lets see.... Mr. Tsubaki: *tail wags* "..." ("She is kind, and her smile is like...hers. I miss my blossom...") kirei: here you go. Mr. Tsubaki: *pants as he accepts and gobbles up the food* kirei: *smiles and pats his head* Mr. Tsubaki: -\\\\- -elsewhere- Rin: *thumbing through notes* -elsewhere- tsubaki: that's what happened.....does that...make me a bad girlfriend? *teary eyed* Black Star: *holds her hand, then hugs her* "No...You're the best." tsubaki: ?? *teary eyed* Black Star: *pat pat* "You are so honest--and I can't be angry at you. I'm hella-jealous, but that doesn't change our partnership, or how much I care about you." *beat* "And it's not like I don't admire hot people..." tsubaki: ^^; thanks black*star....that means a lot... Black Star: "..." *kisses her lips lightly* "I love you." tsubaki: i love you too....really, i do.... Black Star: *smiles* "I know...Can we just be honest about this? I mean, you find that vamp sexy, I think Kid is hot--" tsubaki:.......... .///////////////////////////. *head steaming* naho: *this convo now has her complete attention* Black Star: "Hee hee...See? We all got our desires." *small kiss on her cheek* tsubaki: >/////< Black Star: "Oh, come on, like you haven't thought about something like that..." tsubaki: >/////////>;;;;; Black Star: *whispers in her ear* "Maybe you've thought about another woman?" tsubaki: .////////////////. *covers her face* Black Star: *soft chuckle, as he pats her hand* "It's to be expected: so kind, charitable, welcoming..." tsubaki: *she smiles* Black Star: "How about...we take in a film, and just spend some time together tonight?" tsubaki: i would like that. -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *frowns* "...I can't read this at all. It's like it's in another language." -elsewhere- Kuro: *in cat form, on his back, wiggling on the floor* mahiru: *putting away dishes* you know, it wouldnt kill you to help out. -_-; Kuro: "I shouldn't over-exert myself. I haven't had much blood today..." mahiru:...*siiigh* here, *holds out arm* Kuro: ^^ *small bite...sluuuuuuurp* mahiru: feeling better now? Kuro: *races past Mahiru, already put away remaining dishes* mahiru: O-O Kuro: "That wasn't so bad...What's for dessert?" -elsewhere- Yumi: "Here, hold Shiori for one moment." lord death: *holding her* hey shiorin~ Yumi: "Aaaaaaaaaand," *holds up a box* "Tah-dah! Happy birthday." lord death: awww! *smooch* Yumi: ^^ "I hope you like it...Shiori seemed quite excited about it." shiori: ^o^ -it was a cereal dispenser- lord death: wow, this is great! Yumi: "And..." *holds up a tiny box of cereal that she hands to Shiori* shiori: *claps* Yumi: "And marshmallow-only cereal for you, Death..." *holds up the big box* lord death:....ILOVEYOU!! Yumi: "I know." *glasses glint* -elsewhere- Touma: "..." tsurugi: mr touma? Touma: "What do you want?" tsurugi: did you need me to do something? Touma: "Have you identified those individuals who were 'bleeding' outside the building?" tsurugi: not that i recall, no... Touma: "...Go through security footage, identify them." tsuguri: right... Touma: "..." (stares at where her secret cell was) -elsewhere- himawari:.....*sitting in the shower......she could still feel him touching her*................... Sakuya: *outside in hallway* "Bathroom still ocupado?" lavender:.....hima? you ok? Sakuya: "???" himawari:....... Belkia: "GUYS, I REALLY NEED THE BATHROOM! I got to go--" *reaches for door...and Sakuya slaps his hand Sakuya: "No. Lav?" lavender: *opens the door* hey hima... himawari:................ lavender:....come on, lets get you out of here... Sakuya: "..." -later- Sakuya: "We need someone professional to talk with her..." tsubaki: i know someone who can help her. stocking went to her when she was......*she shakes her head* nevermind... Sakuya: "...You know any doctors or therapists?" tsubaki: yes. Sakuya: "Please...I think Himawari needs this." tsubaki: alright. -a few days later- Sakuya: "We'll be right here, Himawari..." himawari:...... Dr. John: "Good day, Himawari. I am Dr. John." *smiles* himawari:..... *she just looks at her without saying anything* Dr. John: *opens the door for her* "Follow me, please." himawari: *she follows* Dr. John: "Now, I wanted to ask a few questions. How old are you?" himawari:........23.... Dr. John: "Any allergies?" himawari:.....*she shakes her head* Dr. John: "Do you have a history of diabetes?" himawari:....no.... Dr. John: "Now...You understand what today will involve?" himawari:......... Dr. John: "I will be checking for any physical damage to you today. If at any point you want to stop, you don't have to say anything: you can walk away." himawari:.............. Dr. John: "I know this will be uncomfortable. I assure you, I have seen so much here that...I will do my best to help you. Okay?" himawari:....... Dr. John: "Let's start with getting your height, weight, and blood pressure, okay?" himawari:.... -the examination went without any complaints from himawari- Dr. John: "Himawari, I detect...evidence of violence upon you." himawari:............. Dr. John: "The damage does not seem severe. In fact, it looks like it has healed, almost immediately...and I can only assume...I mean, it's not fair for me too, but I...have you spoken with police?" himawari:..................... Dr. John: "Himawari...Please. If I may help--" himawari: please........forgive me....mr touma.... Dr. John: "??? 'Touma'?" himawari:...i wont....disobey you....mr touma.... Dr. John: "...Himawari...There is no one here by that name...Did this 'Touma' do this to you?" himawari:.........will i...be beaten again...mr touma? Dr. John: "...No. Not here. Never here, Himawari." himawari:.... lavender:...*gripping her fist* Dr. John: "...I have found evidence that leads me to conclude you were raped. Tests show no evidence of pregnancy, and with a few more weeks, I think your damage will heal...However, I do want to recommend additional medical treatment..." himawari:...... Dr. John: "Including a therapist." -elsewhere- Konro: *looking through evidence* "Hm...Odd." kabuki: what is it? Konro: *points to fingerprints* "These look familiar..." kabuki: oh? how so? Konro: "There is this distinctive scar on this one finger...I swear, I saw that in one of the residents..." kabuki:.... Konro: *holds his hand to his forehead* "Sorry...Just tired, I guess." -elsewhere- Kid: *birthday hug for Death* lord death: *he smiles* thanks kiddo. Kid: *pat pat* "Can I ask something?" lord death: what is it, son? Kid: "...I am preparing in advance for the moment to ask Stocking..." lord death: ah, i see... Kid: "I have the location in mind, the atmosphere...I would appreciate assistance and advice, though." lord death: what did you want to know, kiddo? Kid: "...How do I do this perfectly?" lord death: well, i guess just be honest on how you feel. let her know how much she means to you. Kid: *nods* "Should I have something pre-written? lord death: if it helps. Kid: *nods, nods* "I can at least practice that...I was thinking of asking her at...graduation?" lord death: you sure about that? Kid: *a bit nervous* "Or...maybe after the graduation? I just can't determine the location..." lord death: maybe out in the garden? there's a nice swinging bench out there, remember? Kid: "..." *smiles widely* "Father, you're a genius." lord death: daw. ^^ Kid: ^\\\^ "I already have the ring..." -elsewhere- Shamrock: "..." himawari:.......... Shamrock: "...Himawari? You have barely touched your meal." himawari:..... naho: come on, eat up. himawari:....*nom* Shamrock: *smiles* "See? Full of nutrients, too." himawari:....*still eating* Shamrock: "Is there anything you want for it? Salt?" -elsewhere- Lily: "You got a crush~" misono: *buried his head under the pillow* shush you! you can't prove anything! Lily: "Are you sure? Such as the love poetry you wrote? Or the gift you received?" misono: !!! i-i-i dunno what you're talking about! Lily: *takes out the poem, reads* " 'Oh dearest light of my life--'" misono: !! *takes it and eats it* Lily: "...Well, that was rude. Good thing I uploaded it to your blog--" misono: DO-...wait, when do i have a blog? isnt that yours? Lily: *claps his hands together* "We can share it~" misono: *sweatdrop*... Lily: "It's not like I put your name on the poem." misono: .......*K-O* fortunately it's on that vampire's site. she will never see it. thank god. Lily: "Can always share it..." misono: PLEASE DO NOT! Lily: *pout* "But your beautiful writing should be shared with the world..." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "So, you and Knight Boy still going out?" tamaki: *almost chokes* who told you that!? Tsukiyo: "Well, you almost choking did. And you two seemed real close the last time you were here. And you look like you've gotten some action--" tamaki: oh shush you! Tsukiyo: "Hey, congrats! I'm happy for you two! Not every can find someone they get along with..." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "...Huh. That's some color." tsugumi: hey kim, hey ja-... O.O Jacqueline: -\\\\\- ao: oh? who's this now? kim: it's jackie! Jacqueline: "Yeah...Just with a more...exotic hair color. Heh." -elsewhere- Gopher: "Cupcakes, cupcakes~" kirika: *nom* these are pretty tasty... Gopher: -w- "Thank you. I think I'm improving at baking." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Here you go--all paperwork filed!" -elsewhere- Asura: *shudders* mikan: *rubs his back* Asura: "So frightening..." mikan: *kiss* its ok. i'm here. luka: you always say that its frightening. mikan: *GLARE AT LUKA* Asura: "Because it _is_..." mikan: *pulls him closer and hums* Asura: *shaking, holds onto Mikan* -elsewhere- Rin: *passes a bottle of soda* "Here you go!" madoka: thank you. ^^ Rin: "You're welcome." *sips* "How's this upcoming week look for ya?" madoka: pretty decent i think. did you..want to go out maybe? Rin: *smiles* "Sure! Anything you had in mind?" -elsewhere- Hibana: o___o "How many weights does he own?" gabriella: O.O; Hibana: *picks up one of the smaller ones--which is still large* "This is heavier than the ones I usually us! The gorilla must be superhuman!" gabriella: maybe he's actually a quirk human! *shiny eyes* iris: i doubt that ^^; Hibana: "Hmm...Strong, but not the most attractive face..." *thinking* gabriella: hmm? Hibana: "...No...Maybe? I don't know. Maybe he could be the donor..." iris: eh? o.o~? Hibana: "...for a child." iris: .....ehhhhh?? O///O; -elsewhere- maki: commander? you ok? Akitaru: Q~Q "I feel a disturbance in the fire force..." shinra:....what? Akitaru: "All the way down to my lower intestine..." *shudder* Takehisa: "..." *holds up stomach medicine* nozomi: ~? Akitaru: "Thanks, buddy." *takes some* Takehisa: "What would everyone else like for a meal?" -elsewhere- Kid: *hug* stocking: hehe~ Kid: "Have a good day?" stocking: yep~ Kid: "Studying going well?" stocking: yeah. Kid: "That's good. How many more days until your exam?" stocking: there's a sub-exam due this weekend... Kid: *nods* "Anything I can do to help?" -elsewhere- Black Star: *pats Tsubaki's back* tsubaki: thank you... Black Star: "Feeling better?" tsubaki: yeah. Black Star: "That's good...Anything you want to eat?" tsubaki: perhaps some tea... Black Star: "On it!" *goes to the kitchen* Shamrock: "???" *looks at Tsubaki* tsubaki: hmm? Shamrock: "You sure you feel better?" tsubaki: yeah... Shamrock: "Well, good...Tell me, did Tsubaki give any hint where he was going?" tsubaki:....i dont think he did... Shamrock: "Hmm. He had contingency plans, but they always involved the rest of us..." tsubaki: i think...he wanted to protect you... Shamrock: "..." *sad nod* "I miss him." tsubaki:....you...really love him, dont you? Shamrock: "..." *nods* tsubaki: i see... Shamrock: "But...he is devoted to someone else..." tsubaki: eh? Shamrock: "You." tsubaki:....*FLUSTERED* Shamrock: "I will never stop loving Tsubaki...and whenever he returns, you should respond to him--because unless you can say you do not love him, he will keep pursuing you. You had best determine what you feel towards him." tsubaki: ........ Shamrock: "...Well, I hope knowing that helps you. I...have to figure some things out..." tsubaki:...*she nods* Shamrock: *wipes his eye, steadies his breath* tsubaki:....... Black Star: *overhearing this around the corner* "..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *looking under the stairs to the shrine* "???" hinata: *giggles* Mr. Tsubaki: *small fox laugh as he approaches Hinata* hinata: >u< Mr. Tsubaki: *licks Hinata's hand* hinata: ah! you found me! Mr. Tsubaki: *bounces around her, happily* -elsewhere- Wes: "Feeling better?" liz: yeah. *she smiles* Wes: *smiles, holds her hand, rubs it gently* "I love you." liz: i love you too, wes. Wes: *hug* "You are so loving, such a fun, smart, compassionate person." liz: daww... thanks.. you're really smart, talented.....good looking. Wes: *blush* "That means a lot to me..." liz: *she smiles* Wes: *rubs her hand* "I think...you have such amazing eyes...so full of light." liz: *blushing* you have a nice smile. Wes: *smiles* "So do you...and..." *traces his finger along her neck* "A beautiful neck." liz: >/////< Wes: *hugs her* "And a strong back..." *kisses her shoulder* liz: ahhh..... >////< Wes: "Liz..." *rests a hand along her hip* liz: *blush* *kiss* >///< Wes: *kisses back, hugs her* liz: U////U Wes: *lies down with her...* -elsewhere- Relan: *looking around the city* "Huh...Quiet today." mikami: *she nods* ryuuko:... Relan: *sweating a bit* "Heh...Kind of nervous..." -elsewhere- Patty: *bouncing on the bed* -morning- Higan: *sipping coffee* lavender: *streeeetch* ah. mornin' otogiri: good morning. Belkia: "Howdy!" *holding a grapefruit and a spoon* otogiri: do i dare ask? Belkia: "Nothing more dangerous than cutting into the grapefruit--and risking having citric acid go right into your eyeball!" naho: O____O;; lilac:.. Q_Q Shamrock: "...Stop making fun of people like me, you bastard person..." Belkia: *pulls back spoon, ready to dive in* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *washing her hair* "Hmm...Wonder how long the color will last..." -elsewhere- Kid: "Time to wake up..." stocking: morning kiddo... *yaaawn* Kid: *hug* "Sleep okay?" stocking: yeah. Kid: *nods* "...I did have one dream..." stocking: oh? Kid: *small laugh* "It was kind of silly...we found a full-size gingerbread house..." stocking: *shiny eyes* Kid: "So, of course, we started inside...eating the peppermint stick lamps..." stocking: *drools* Kid: "And the gingerbread sofa..." -elsewhere- Black Star: *snore* tsubaki: black*star, time to wake up. *nudge nudge* Black Star: *turns in bed, wraps his arms around Tsubaki* tsubaki: *blush*.....*hugs back* Black Star: "Mmm..." *kiss* tsubaki: !!... U///U Black Star: *holds her close, his hand sliding down her back...* tsubaki: ahh.... Black Star: *his fingers slide just a bit under the elastic of her pajama pants* tsubaki: b-black*star! >///< Black Star: *opens his eyes* "..." o____o "S-Sorry!" tsubaki: .////. i-i-its fine.. Black Star: "..." .\\\\. *crosses his legs* "Yeah..." tsubaki: *flustered* Black Star: "...I think I'll shower." *holds a pillow over himself as he stands up* -later- Sakuya: "Ready for class?" naho: yep. lilac:..*nod nod* Shamrock: *hands Lilac a brown paper bag* "Your lunch." lilac: t-thanks... Black Star: *walking out the door, moping...* naho: you ok? tsubaki: ?? Black Star: "Y-Yeah, I'm fine..." ("...Am I...not good?") tsubaki:....*she holds his hand* Black Star: "???" *looks up...smiles, small squeeze of her hand* -at school- Lawless: *dressed in a ruffled outfit* mio:...what the heck. licht:..... Lawless: "I wish to be in character: I am cultured as fuck." licht: *sweatdrop* Lawless: *takes out a long quill, begins writing on parchment* "I'm gonna write some love poems...Chicks dig love poems..." licht: *facepalm* Lawless: "My lady's eyes are such a shade of blue; / Roses hardly match her lips’ red; / Narrow around the waist, but damn, her breasts are huge--" -SEVERAL PUNCHES FROM SEVERAL PEOPLE LATER- Lawless: *pixelated mess, collapsed on the floor, twitching, limbs bent in ways not natural* soul:...ouch. Lawless: "A pint of blood, please, Licht?" licht: not in public. Lawless: "Then carry my remains to the bathroom so I may bite upon your neck--" -STOMP STOMP STOMP- -whispers amongst the class- student: bite his neck? student 2: kinky. Student #3: "I knew celebrities were into weird shit, but goddamn..." Lawless: D: ao: oh my. that's quite unfortunate, anya. Anya: "NO ONE WAS TALKING TO YOU!" *crosses her arms, mutters...* "Not like there is anything that means he can't be bi or pan..." ao: perhaps. -elsewhere- Rino: "...So, her highness now wants a kid?" iris: it would seem so. Rino: "...Jeez. I can only imagine how her kid would turn out: tyrannical. And her mood swings would be vicious." iris: ^^; Rino: *laughing* "She'd probably be a mess!" *laughs harder* "Just making unreasonable demands, pushing people out of her way--you know, acting like she always does! Ha ha ha--" Hibana: *serene smile, furious flaming aura* "Oh? What is so funny, Rino~?" Rino: ._______.; -elsewhere- Yohei: *holds Chie's hand* chie: ^^ Yohei: "You're glowing..." chie: >///< Yohei: "So majestic." *kiss on the cheek* chie: hehe~ Yohei: "Ready to head out for a bit?" chie: i'd like that. Yohei: *leads her to the door* ("Should give everyone enough time...") -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Mana! Toss another box of diapers up at the top! I can carry them!" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, napping* "Zzz..." maki: *snapping pics* hehe~ Mr. Tsubaki: *dreaming happy dreams, running in a meadow...with a certain someone...* *kicks his feet like he is running* Tsukiyo: "Glad you all like the fox. He's kind of had an attitude since biting the sister..." maki: what? reimi:..... Tsukiyo: "Yeah, tell them, Reimi! That fox just bit the heck out of you!" reimi: it was just my hand. Mr. Tsubaki: *grunts in his sleep...* ("Oh, my blossom--these flowers do not compare to you~") Tsukiyo: "And now that I put that mutt through my obedience school, he's been no problem!" *beaming with pride* maki: umm.. OwO; [dream!tsubaki: *laying on her back* hehe~] [Dream!Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *falls along top of her* "Hee hee...So beautiful..." *leans down to kiss her face...*] Mr. Tsubaki: *panting, panting, and...* maki: .... O-O;;; Tsukiyo: o______o "WHY IS THIS MUTT HUMPING MY LEG?!!" Mr. Tsubaki: *eyes break open* .\\\\. reimi: *backs away* Mr. Tsubaki: *looking really ashamed and embarrassed--* Tsukiyo: "I'LL RIP YOUR PELT OFF AND WEAR IT! GET BACK HERE, YOU DUMB FOX!" *chases after Mr. Tsubaki* Mr. Tsubaki: "!!!" *tries to run away* maki: hey! stop that! Mr. Tsubaki: *leaps up onto Maki's shoulders, trying to hide behind her* Tsukiyo: *warrior battle cry, as she leaps up to tackle Mr. Tsubaki...* maki: *dodge* poor baby... Tsukiyo: *face plant into the dirt, butt up in the air* Mr. Tsubaki: *shivers in Maki's arms* maki: its ok little guy... Tsukiyo: *stands up again, her face now bruised* "Hmph. I'm going to the nurses, to go put antiseptic on my leg...Hope it isn't pregnant..." maki: *sweatdrop* i dont think...biology works that way... Tsukiyo: "THAT CRITTER IS NOT THE ONE I WANT GETTING ALL FREAKY WITH ME!" Mr. Tsubaki: -_-; ("You're no prize yourself, you over-sexed rodent.") -elsewhere- Kid: "That was...an eventful class." stocking: ^^; Patty: "I thought it was funny when Anya's face got all red! As bright as Jacqueline's new hair!" liz: ^^; Kid: "Well, let's put that behind us. Any plans?" stocking: how about we go visit one of the cultural districts? Kid: "I'd like that...Any one in mind?" stocking: hmmm. -elsewhere- iris: a chemistry department? well, the closest thing we have to that would be nozomi. ^^; Hibana: "I can help with improving the one you got, but this letter from the Emperor is adamant: they want more than just more equipment in each brigade, they want _new recruits_. And...it looks like the Emperor is _forcing_ one onto you guys." iris: oh dear. i'll be sure to let them know... miwa: we didnt get any letters like that. Hibana: *glaring at Miwa* "Good. For. You." miwa: ^^;; iris: did it mention when they'd be arriving? Hibana: "It's going to be a while. Assuming that gorilla hurries his ass up, he'll probably be here before the newbie arrives." iris: i see. i'll go get a room set up for them then. Hibana: "Don't make it too nice...This is someone from Hijima...Why would some jerk leave there to join a slap-shod organization like the 8th?" iris: *frowns* Hibana: "At least join a better brigade, like the 5th, where everyone is happy and content! Right, Rino?" Rino: *carrying heavy boxes up and down stairs* "I HATE YOU, YOU PAIN IN THE ASS!" iris: im...good. ^^; Hibana: *shrug* "Oh well." *sits atop the box Rino is holding* "Rino, take me upstairs to my room." Rino: -______-;;; "Ouch..." -elsewhere- shinra: *staring up at the ceiling* Arthur: "Zzz..." shinra: .....*drifting off* zzzzz ???: "Shinra...Help..." shinra: mnn? *This space feels warm...but it is dark...* ???: "Listen..." shinra: ???? *looking around* *The voice sounds like...Konro's?* "Konro": "I appreciate what you're doing, but it's fine: we here can handle things on our own. But when the time comes...I'll call for you." shinra: ???? *he notices someone in the distance, their hair almost seems to be made of fire* ??? "Konro": "Oh...And look out..." figure:......*turns.....it's mikami?* shinra: kurai- *eyes jolt open* ???? Arthur: *sniff sniff* *slowly wakes up* "Hey...What's that smell?" shinra: ???? *looking around* Arthur: "!!! Your feet!" shinra: ??!! !!!!! GAAHHH!!! *trying to put them out* AHHHH!!! Arthur: "WATER! FIRE EXTINGUISHER! HELP!" maki: !!!! *goes to get water* nozomi: !!!! tamaki: SHINRA WHAT THE SHIT?! shinra: *screaming* Takehisa: *pulls a fire extinguisher from behind him, blasting Shinra's feet* shinra: *winces* -its out- Akitaru: "...You okay, son?" shinra: *trembling....looking at his feet...they're fine now*....... *whimpering* Akitaru: "..." *pats his shoulder, hugs him* "You're fine...It's fine. They're out." shinra: *crying* Arthur: "..." Takehisa: *awkwardly looking around* maki:.....ok, that's it. we're getting him back to base. Akitaru: "Let it out..." *pats his back* shinra: *hic* *sob* Takehisa: "We'll call...in the morning." maki: takehisa, do you think you can get him back? we'll hold out here. Takehisa: "..." *nods* "I can do so." -and so- Takehisa: "...All packed?" shinra:...y-yeah.... -upon arriving- Akitaru: "We'll see you back home: hold the fort down for us, okay?" iris: *knock* shinra? are you ok? shinra:.... iris: ....well, let us know when you're ready to talk, ok? Relan: "We love you, Shinra." shinra:...i love you guys too. Relan: "..." *pats Iris's shoulder* gabriella:...poor kid....mr...koizumi, was it? you said your friend mikami is sick too? Relan: *nods* "It was...frightening. She was so scared..." gabriella: i could only imagine... iris:....... Relan: "It's not fair...after what Shinra and Mikami have been through..." gabriella: this world...it's a pretty scary place....*she puts a hand to her cheek* Relan: "..." *nods* "It is...Thank you for your concern, ma'am..." iris:.....*remembering what shinra told her and relan about the dream*...say, i have an idea. once shinra's feeling a little better, maybe we could pay mikami a visit? Relan: *nods* "I think she'd appreciate that." iris: *she smiles* Relan: *smiles at Iris* "Hey...Maybe we could make some food for Shinra? At least something that can be refrigerated when he's ready?" iris: sounds good. Relan: "Something comforting...Mac and cheese, maybe?" iris: *she nods* Relan: "Let's get started, then!" *already in an apron, posing like a superhero* -elsewhere- Yohei: "Let me just unlock..." chie: ok. *Yohei unlocks the door, and...* -SURPRISE!- chie: ah! Emine: "...Maybe not a good idea to surprise a pregnant woman." Shotaro: *holding up a giant teddy bear doll* chie: awww, you guys! *wiping away tears* Yohei: *smiles, pats her shoulder* Kepuri: "We got eats!" *finishes setting food out* chie: *she smiles* -elsewhere- Sakuya: *hug* naho: UwU Sakuya: "Happy to be out of class?" *kiss on the cheek* naho: yeah. Sakuya: "...You notice anything weird with Sham, Tsubaki, and Black Star?" naho: not really...i hope they're ok..... tsubaki:....maybe we can take a trip after this? Black Star: "...Yeah. Have a place in mind?" tsubaki: maybe visit asakusa? naho: sounds good! Sakuya: "What's around there?" naho: it's kind of like a traditional japanese village. i heard the 7th fire brigade's base is there too! Sakuya: "Oh, sweet. Wanted to see some flame people who weren't dorky like Higan." naho: *excalibur face* Higan: *shouting from the kitchen* “Hey, come on now. This old man has feelings, you know…” -and so- Black Star: "Wow--really traditional here..." tsubaki: it's nice. very nostalgic. naho: wow! Sakuya: "Should be fun--kimonos, green tea ice cream..." Higan: "Plenty of spots for painting..." naho: KYAA!! tsubaki: oh. Black Star: "??? What's up?" naho: WHO INVITED YOU OLD MAN?! Higan: "I'm here to chaperone--so just make sure you don't have too much fun out here." naho: |=c tsubaki: ^^; Sakuya: "Maybe we should kick back for a bit...Something to eat? Or the baths? Or talk with the locals?" naho: *checks her phone* hmm, there's supposed to be a shrine up ahead. want to check it out? tsubaki: that sounds lovely. Black Star: "Cool...Wonder what it'll be like compared to the one at home." *points to the shrine* ???: im sure he'll be ok... tsubaki: ?? Tsukiyo: "You seem pretty confident about that. I just...I don't know." fang-hua: well....hmm? oh, seems we got visitors. what brings you guys over this way? tsubaki: just visiting. ^^ Black Star: *nods* "This looks really impressive. How old is this building?" fang-hua: it's been around a few years. i think it was built around the same time the 7th brigade was formed. naho: wow! Sakuya: "??? What?" fang-hua: it's a long story to explain. naho: its a pretty big building! Black Star: "How many rooms you got here? People live here, too?" fang-hua: actually, the 7th's base isnt here, it's down that road a bit. tsubaki: i see. Black Star: "But do priestesses and sisters live here?" *Eyes are watching the group from the shadows...* fang-hua: yeah. there's sister kirei, sister reimi, sister- tsubaki: ?? *looks* Mr. Tsubaki: *lowers his head to hide from Tsubaki...* ("Why are they here? Why now...?") naho:.....hey, where did the old geezer go? fang-hua: ???....!!! TSUKIYO! D8< naho: GRAMPS! D8< Higan: "You know, I really appreciate spirituality. Tell me, you ever have a religious experience?" Tsukiyo: *side glance* "Yeah. With a bottle of holy water." Higan: ._. "..." *steps back* fang-hua: *aHEM* Higan: "..." *waves* "Hey, cutie." naho: DONT BE GROSS, OLD MAN! >n< Tsukiyo: -_-; "I may be horny all the time, but I'm not _that_ desperate." Higan: *shrugs* "Can't blame a guy for trying..." Sakuya: *pulls Higan away by the ear* "Come on, gramps..." fang-hua: *tugs tsukiyo by the ear* sorry about this guys. see ya around. tsubaki: ^^; Tsukiyo: Q~Q "What did I do?!" Black Star: "??? Jeez, weirdos..." hinata: what a gross old man. hikage: *hisssss* kirei: ^^; Higan: "Jeez, even kids are cruel..." naho: they arent too far off. Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *smiles despite himself, watching his subclasses* kirei: ^^; -elsewhere- Meme: "Up for another game?" mio: yeah. Meme: *mischievous glint* "Want to make it interesting? Perhaps a prize for the winner?" -elsewhere- Mikuni: *holds up a doll that looks like Metsu* metsu:....... *sweatdrop* Mikuni: "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery~" metsu: um....thank you...i think. Mikuni: "Now to dress you up!" *holds up the ugliest dress imaginable for the doll* metsu: ...... Jeje: *slithers around Mikuni...'s neck* Mikuni: "GURK!" *trying to pull back Jeje* "Wh-What?! Just want to make her pretty!" Jeje: "Stop." Johannes: -_-; "Jeez, what a weirdo." *he's in the same outfit as the Metsu Doll* metsu: ^^; i think he gets the message now, je-.. O_O Jeje: "Okay." *pulls back...stares confused at both Metsu and Johannes* "...What?" Mikuni: "I'm seeing double...and Johannes has a lovely outfit." -elsewhere- Yohei: "Thank you all for the gifts..." mana: no problem. saki: anything for my dear sister~ chie: TTwTT Shinoda: *passing out plates of apple pie for dessert* "How much longer before you have the child?" chie: toru's gonna be here sometime early next month! Yohei: TwT "So happy..." Tool: "Io will get a new friend, too." io: ^o^ saki: that's right, sweetie~ you're gonna have a cousin to play with~ Yohei: "Just about done with the new children's playroom, too." -elsewhere- himawari:...... Shamrock: "..." *brings out glasses of water* himawari:.....*she just looks at him* Shamrock: "Would you like something to drink? Rehydrate?" himawari:.... lavender: ....come on, drink up. himawari:....*she takes a sip* Shamrock: *sips from his glass as well* "...Is it cold enough? Did you want ice?" himawari:....... naho: we're home~! tsubaki: we brought back souvenirs. lavender: ah. Higan: *holds up kimono to Lavender* lavender: oh, nice. Sakuya: "Here you go, Lilac!" *holds up a small toy* lilac: ah....t-thank you... Sakuya: "We also got one for Himawari..." himawari:.....*holding the doll* naho: i even got everyone hair pins! Belkia: "Yay! I can make my hair all pretty again!" otogiri: thank you. tsubaki: ^^ Black Star: *holding a jar of food* "Can't wait to add this to some meals. Heard it's spicy." -elsewhere- kirei: do you think we should take him to a vet? Mr. Tsubaki: *moping on the floor, curled up* Benimaru: "How long has he been like this?" kirei: since earlier today when those visitors came by... Benimaru: "Outsiders...Do you think they hurt him?" kirei: *she shakes her head* they were nowhere near him... reimi: he seems more sad than anything...almost melancholy... Mr. Tsubaki: *whimpers, curls up* kirei:...*reaches a hand out* Mr. Tsubaki: *doesn't move, his eyes looking up sadly at Kirei* kirei:.....*soft pat* Mr. Tsubaki: *calms down, shuts his eyes...huddles against her hand* kirei:.... Mr. Tsubaki: ("I am alone...I miss my family...I miss her...I miss what I have lost...I yearn for what I cannot get back...") *whimpers again* kirei:...*picks him up* you poor thing..... Benimaru: "..." *pats his head* Mr. Tsubaki: *huddles against Kirei, letting Benimaru pet him* ("This isn't bad...I just miss...what I had in the past.") hinata: poor mr fox... Benimaru: "...When we finish this investigation, we'll pick up the pace to locate his owners, and try to get him the help he needs. If only someone in forensics would finish going over files." -elsewhere- Anya: *tending to plants* tsugumi: *humming* Anya: "I can't wait for spring: these flowers will look lovely." ao: *she smiles* Anya: *looking at rose bulbs* "What are you growing, Ao?" ao: some petunias. Anya: *smirk* "Hardly as regal as roses..." ao: ^^ tsugumi: OwO;;; Anya: "Once these bloom, I will be able to put them in our room and give them to--" *stops herself* ao: hmm~? Anya: -\\\\- "...Give them to people. You know, yellow roses mean friendship..." ao: which ones are these? Anya: "...Red." ao: 7w7 Anya: *glares* "Thorny roses..." -elsewhere- Lawless: "I'm still aching from where you kicked me..." licht: 7.7 Lawless: "How would you like it if someone kicked your behind every day?" -elsewhere- Rin: "Feeling okay?" madoka: *she nods* Rin: "That's good...What you want to do?" -elsewhere- Ponera: -___-;;; "What did your sibling rivalry make you two do now?" shaula: alright....but you cant get mad at me, since technically it was medusa's idea. Medusa: "Like hell it was--!" Ponera: "Quiet, Medusa! Shaula, explain." shaula: WE STOLE A KICK ASS PRAM! -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *stretching* "Ready to run?" kim: ready Jacqueline: "Here we go!" *starts off at a good pace* ("Jeez, with this hair and my speed, I'll really look like I'm on fire...") -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "So they left for the 8th?" fang-hua: hmm? Tsukiyo: "I thought I heard something about two in the 8th leaving to go back home." fang-hua: actually, it was just shinra heading back to the 8ths base to recover. Tsukiyo: "Everything okay?" fang-hua: i think so...i heard he just got sick all the sudden.... Tsukiyo: *sad eyes* "That's too bad. I hope he feels better soon." -elsewhere- Hibana: "How is he?" gabriella: doing better. just drinking water for now. Hibana: "Rehydrating is important...Maybe we can pick up some soda for him, too." iris: *nod* Rino: *making soup...and looking worn out* shinra: ....... Hibana: "Shinra? You're up?" shinra: *glances at the door* im awake.... Hibana: "If you want any soup or food, or anything...like to talk...feel free to ask." shinra:...ok... Hibana: "...We love you, okay?" shinra:...thanks... iris: *worried* Hibana: *looks at Iris...pats her shoulder* -elsewhere- Emine: "Why do humans procreate?" lin: *ALMOST CHOKES* um....w-well..... err....shinoda you tell him! please? Shinoda: "...Well, a person feels a lack in their life, and sometimes a child fills that lack. Or it happens unexpectedly--" nea: *elbows him* medea: or it is a way to ensure their family line lives on for future generations. Shinoda: "Ow!" nea: 737 *whistling* Emine: "...Of the reasons I was born, I think 'mistake' is more likely." lin:... Q_Q *HUG* Emine: "..." *tiny hug* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Wish we went on more trips more often." naho: that was fun today. =w= Sakuya: "Yeah, it was...Really cool atmosphere there. Kinda reminds me of Amish or something." naho: huh? Sakuya: "Kinda old fashioned, I mean." naho: ah, i see. kinda like edo period then? Sakuya: "I guess. I forget some of the dates." ^^; tsubaki: ^^; Black Star: "I hear that--history's not my best subject, either." Shamrock: *beaming with pride* "It was one of my outstanding subjects!" otogiri: *sweatdrop* naho: *lightbulb* oh right! you attended a really fancy boarding school in london, right? Shamrock: *beaming* "I am glad that you remember...Yes! I was educated in some of the best schools, learning about history, arts, battle, all to prepare me for this moment--" naho: ^^; Shamrock: "A soldier! Out on the frontlines of battle! In defense of our home against all enemies, within and without!" lavender: O_O wait was he- otogiri: in the british army, yes. Shamrock: "And in combat, I had to learn much: how to rationalize the inhumanity of war..." naho: do you really keep a hunting knife on you? sakuya told me that you almost stabbed him once! lilac:....come to...think of it...i saw him....take down a deer....singlehandedly.....back at the old house... Shamrock: -_o;;; "I-I was startled by Sakuya--" Sakuya: "You're blaming me? Really?" Shamrock: "AND HOW DID YOU SEE ME DO THAT, LILAC?!" lilac: uhhhhhh..... ._.; Sakuya: "...That poor deer." Shamrock: *pouts* "It was a fierce opponent..." -elsewhere- Akitaru: *looking at the buildings* "The repairs from earlier have still held up..." maki: yeah. Akitaru: "That's good...But still no sign of these impostors." reimi: ......*watching from a distance, smiles* Jonah: *hanging upside down behind her with an Impostor* Impostor: "See something good?" reimi: i believe....it's time to start the festival. we begin tonight. Jonah: *claps his hands* "Yay! I can whip up some new actors..." hikage: ?? reimi-nee, who are these clowns? reimi:...!! owo; Jonah: "..." *waves* "Hello! Do you like balloon animals?" hikage:....reimi who's this ugly clown? reimi: >w> -WHACK- hikage: *knocked out* ururururuuuu X-X Jonah: "..." *smiles* "I know what to do~" Impostor: "Hmmm...I guess I can borrow her kimono..." misora: dont do anything creepy you filthy worm! -elsewhere- Relan: "Any improvement?" iris: he's napping. shinra:....*dreaming* Relan: *nods, whispers* "Is he eating again?" iris: yeah. -shinra is dreaming of asakusa in flames, and of kirei and benimaru being killed by a horned devil- shinra: GAAAH!! *panting* Benimaru: "Why...didn't you save us, you bastard demon..." *SLICED* shinra: *bolts awake* GAH!!! hah....hahh....... Relan: "??!!" iris: SHINRA! *she opens the door* shinra: *shuddering* w...wha....? Relan: "You were screaming..." shinra:....another nightmare...... -he tells them about the nightmares he's been having- Relan: "Shinra...I'm so sorry." iris: that does sound frightening... shinra: what does it all mean....and what does kurai have to do with it? Relan: *looks a little nervous* "...She has not felt well either." shinra:.....i get the feeling something really bad is going to happen in asakusa, and soon. so here's the plan. iris: plan? Relan: "???" shinra: iris, rel, i'm going to head back to asakusa. the two of you, i want you to head to kurai mansion and try to talk to mikami. maybe she knows something, maybe she doesnt... but we have to try! iris:...right. Relan: *nods* "On it." shinra: hmm... iris, do you think you can get the CPR dummy from storage? iris: yes....any reason? shinra: decoy. iris:.... i see... ^^; Relan: *snort* "At least you're in better spirits..." *worried look* shinra: *he nods* -evening, shinra has snuck out and is flying over to asakusa- shinra:...... -in asakusa- -BOOOOM- fang-hua: ?!?! maki: what the heck? Tsukiyo: "An attack?!" hinata: GIVE HIKAGE BACK YOU MONSTER! -they head out...chaos in the streets- kabuki: what on earth...? tamaki: this is bad... resident: im telling you! it wasnt me! Resident #2: "Bullshit!" *swings their fist at the Resident* fang-hua: everyone calm down! *has a pot flung at her* ACK! 'hikage': RETURN MY SISTER YOU SHIT! hinata: NO YOU! kabuki: now the two of you....behave yourselves! *talisman'd* hinata: ah! >.< 'hikage': eh-... *the symbol on the paper glows and ignites hikage, melting away the facade* Tsukiyo: o_o;;; "...Um..." *rushes at 'Hikage'* "Contain them! Don't let them escape!" hinata: BEAT HIM UP! maki: what the heck? fang-hua: you guys at the 8th! find the commanders! tamaki: right! commander oubi, orders? Akitaru: "I-I don't know! We're supposed to be keeping the peace, but without information to figure out who is who--" *BOOM* maki: !!!! kabuki: this is bad....fang-hua, tsukiyo, hold out here, im going to the shrine! fang-hua: right! Konro: "Where the hell is Beni?!" *looking around* -at the shrine- kirei:...this is horrible.... reimi: its horrendous......but i dont want you to be burdened with this so...... *pulls out a knife* i'll make this quick~ Mr. Tsubaki: *looking out the windows at the flames* ("...I can't just sit by...") kirei: rei-....!!! Mr. Tsubaki: *notices Reimi* "!!!" reimi: *CHARGES AT HER* Mr. Tsubaki: *glares* kirei: *wince* reimi: *notices something* eh- *paper'd* Benimaru: "Back away..." kirei: !!! commander? reimi: *bursts....revealing a girl with silver hair and spiral eyes* guruna: kurukurukuru...hey that wasnt fair now~....that reeeeally made me angry~! kirei: w-what? guruna: tell you what benimaruru, let me kill the sister, and i wont cause trouble, alriiiight~? Benimaru: "..." *the flame already surrounds his hand* "Monster...Be gone--" *tosses the flame at Guruna* guruna: *summons fire tornado as a shield* KURUKURUKURUKURU~ kabuki: *SMACKS GURUNA AWAY WITH A FIRE TAIL* commander! i'll hold things out here. Benimaru: *nods* "Don't let your guard down!" *picks up Kirei bridal-style and kicks a hole through a wall to the outside* "Hang on!" kirei: ah... kabuki: (thinking: please succeed...asakusa needs you...) Benimaru: *leaps high and away from the shrine* Mr. Tsubaki: o___o;;; -elsewhere in town- tamaki: *looking around* ah! there! fang-hua: ?? Tsukiyo: "You find the real Hikage?" hinata: she's up ahead! -BOOM- maki: !!! fang-hua: a sniper?! arrow: *attempts to escape* tamaki: *chases after her* OH NO YOU DONT!! Tsukiyo: *looking at Arrow and Tamaki, looking at the direction of Hinata* "Um...Which way do I go?" fang-hua: shit!.... tsukiyo, arthur, go after tamaki and the sniper! me and maki will follow hinata! maki: right! hinata: she's up ahead! i just know it! Tsukiyo: "Right!" *picks up Arthur--and leaps high into the sky, higher than Tamaki but at a shorter distance than her* Arthur: o_____o;; *clutches Tsukiyo tightly* Tsukiyo: *serious* "It'll take me longer to get there than your girlfriend--and watch where you keep your hands!" Arthur: "R-Right!" tamaki: *still in pursuit* (thinking: this sniper....they killed rekka...and possibly amber as well...i wont...LET THEM ESCAPE!!!) Tsukiyo: "Damn, she's fast...and I'm better at close-up combat and dodging than someone with projectiles..." Arthur: "Get me close enough, and I can slice her to bits..." arrow: *reaching an allyway* tamaki: OH NO YOU DONT!!! Tsukiyo: "Almost there..." tamaki: HYAAAAH!!! Haran: "Nope." *slams his fist towards Tamaki's head* tamaki: GAH! Arthur: "!!! Tamaki! Look out!" -someone goomba stomps him- tamaki: eh- shinra: NOT TODAY BUDDY! tamaki: s-shinra?! shinra: hey tamaki. tamaki: OH NO! WE ARE NOT DOING THIS GAG AGAIN! Haran: *slammed against a wall--leaving a huge dent in it* Tsukiyo: *lands, dropping a startled Arthur down* Arthur: o___o;; "T-Too high..." Tsukiyo: "??? 'Gag'?" shinra: so then these are the guys responsible. arrow: haran! are you alright? Haran: "Headache--to put it mildly." *looks around* "What hit me? Who hit me?" shinra: yo. arrow: ah... Haran: "...Tiny man." tamaki: you...you're the one who killed rekka, arent you?! Tsukiyo: "!!!" arrow:....rekka was no longer needed. Arthur: "..." *remembers...* ("They...were the ones who...kidnapped me?") tamaki: *grips fist* even if he was a traitor... he...HE WAS STILL OUR FRIEND! Haran: "...He was our friend, too. He was a martyr to the cause, as we all are." shinra: *grips fist* Arthur: *unsheathes Excalibur* arrow:.....seems we're outnumbered, 2 against 4.... Haran: "...Shall I proceed with the power-up?" arrow:...yes. tamaki: power up? Haran: *pulls from his sleeve...the vial with a bug inside* shinra: t-thats.... !!!! tamaki: !!!!! Haran: "Arrow...when I ascend, please share the stories of my battle to our followers." *slips the bug into his mouth...smiles* "Praise the Sun..." *he then doubles-over in pain, as his skin hardens...and he is engulfed in flames until it looks like bones are growing from his forehead...demon horns* shinra: !!!!!! *remembering what had happened back then* n...no....no way.... Haran/Demon: *ROAR* Tsukiyo: "...Oh my God..." tamaki: w-w-WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING?! -elsewhere in town- misora: ahhh....so much fire....it's glowing so bright.... Jonah: "Ha ha ha! So many new faces to craft! New personas to embrace! And this fire! It is...art!" misora: burn burn burn~ heheheheheheh~ hood: *a bit creeped out* i think...i'll just go now... misora: OH NO YOU DONT! *burns them with neon to the eyes* hood: *SCREAMS* Jonah: .w. "So beautiful~" misora: I DIDNT ASK YOU WORM! GO DIE IN A HOLE! Jonah: "But such art deserves to be captured! I shall make the most beautiful display of this victory today, with you leading the Hoods to its greatest victory!" -in town- hikage: HOW DARE YOU! THIS TASTES LIKE SHIT! hinata: !!! THERE! maki: *follows* Man #1: "Ow! We gave you the best treats we could find!" -BOOM- fang-hua: HIKAGE! hinata: HIKAGE! some gross man pretended to be you. we beat him up. hikage: these lolicon bastards are annoying. lets kick their ass! Man #2: o____o Man #1: "..." *uses Man #2 as a human shield* -kitsune form- -the twins burn them- maki: O_O fang-hua: yikes....?? REIMI! Man #1: "AAAAAH! MY HAIR!" reimi: *the real one* m-miss huo! Man #2: *burnt* "Hey! You can't leave!" *tries to reach for Reimi* fang-hua: hold on, we got you! maki: *PUNCHES HIM SMACK IN THE GUT* Man #2: o_______o fang-hua: are you ok? reimi: w-we have to get to the shrine! sister kirei is in danger! -at the watch tower- kirei: t-thank you, commander... Benimaru: *looking over here* "Are you hurt?" kirei: n-no....i'm alright........*teary eyed* this is horrible.... Benimaru: "...We have faced battles in this city...None like this...But if we are to make this city survive, we have to face this challenge..." *hugs her* kirei:.....!!!........ *puts a talisman to his head...nothing happened....* Benimaru: -_-;;;;; kirei:.. ^^; i didnt...want to repeat my mistakes.... Benimaru: "..." *nods* "I...have to save our home." kirei:...please. for everyone's sakes....*kiss* but please come back alive... Benimaru: .\\\\\\. "..." *nods silently...starts to take off to run* kirei: *she smiles* Konro: "Well, congratulations~" Benimaru: *face-plant* Akitaru: "Hey!" kirei: c-c-commander konro! Konro: "Oh, Sister! I was wondering why Kabuki was beating up someone who looked like you..." Benimaru: *stands up again, embarrassed* -\\\\- "We have other tasks. Such as eliminating these fakes." kirei: reimi! she- reimi: sister yanase! fang-hua: guys! we found hikage! hikage: hi. kirei: reimi! are you alright? reimi: y-yes... fang-hua: ....!! the talismans! all the villagers were given those! kirei: ah! right...but no one is listening.... Takehisa: "How can you eliminate these fakes when they all look the same? At this rate, the entire city will be demolished--" Benimaru: *shouting* "ASAKUSA, HEAR ME!" resident: ?! Soldier: "Commander?" Resident #2: "Beni?" nozomi:....*snaps back to reality* eh? toshio: mr commander? sister: ah! sister kirei! sister 2: thank goodness... Benimaru: "Outsiders have infiltrated our home! We will not let them take that away from us!" kirei: everyone please! the talismans will reveal the truth! resident 3:....*slaps a talisman onto one resident...revealing the imposter* .....*PUNCHES THE IMPOSTER IN THE FACE* Resident #4: "...Hey! We can just punch our way through!" *punches a soldier in the face...but their face does not change* "...Oh." sister:....*talismans at the ready* resident 5: !!! *runs* OH NO! Benimaru: "PUNCH YOUR WAY THROUGH! TALISMAN THEIR FACES! LET NOT ONE IMPOSTOR LEAVES THIS CITY!" -on the hill- misora: oh. Jonah: " 'Oh' good or 'oh' bad?" misora: look. hood: well then....this isnt good for us. Jonah: "I suggest a tactical retreat: we can chalk this up to a first draft..." hood: something's coming this way! Jonah: "...Is it a bird?" -guruna landed a few feet aways, with a fire drill at her feet to give her a better landing....it didnt work too much- guruna: kururuuuu.... @-@ misora: HA! hood: guruna! status? guruna:....ASAKUSA IS INFESTED WITH KITSUNE! Jonah: "...Little fox creatures?" -back at the shrine- kabuki: ah...what...are you? Mr. Tsubaki: "Just someone passing through..." ^^; -elsewhere- soldier: beni! we got reports of a demon appearing! Benimaru: "!!! I'm heading that way now!" *launches himself on a matou towards the Demon* ("This is my chance...to redeem myself for Konro...") Konro: "...Be careful..." -an arrow is shot at the watch tower- kirei:... !!! ah- reimi: *she took the hit* kirei:...r...REIMI!! Konro: "!!! Medical!" *pointing to Reimi* arrow:....hmm..... *follows after benimaru* Benimaru: *pursuing the Demon, not even noticing the arrows...* *leaps and descends upon the Demon, who is attacking Tamaki, Shinra, Arthur, and Tsukiyo* tamaki: ah! shinra: commander shinmon? Demon: *ROAR!* Benimaru: "Greetings..." *lands at the Demon, smashing it with his matou* Demon: *knocked back into a wall* tamaki: !! woah! Benimaru: "Tsukiyo, get this amateurs to safety..." shinra: !! Arthur: "?!!! Amateurs?! Your little matous won't do anything against that hard beast! Excalibur couldn't!" Tsukiyo: "Beni-Hottie can do anything! You take that back!" shinra:....this isnt just any kind of flame human.... Benimaru: "A Demon..." *aims a matou* ("I have to earn this...") arrow: .....*taking aim* Demon: *stomps its feet, stampeding at Benimaru and the others* tamaki: !!!
0 notes
bwicblog · 7 years
DD: hello is anybody maybe around here right now
ID: kiiinda.
DD: kinda what does kinda mean
DD: i mean i also feel like that is kinda here but i am hoping that is not for the same reason that you feel kinda here because it is on account of feeling pretty awful and i wouldn't want you to feel pretty awful
ID: kinda as in i'm in the trap. so not really glued to my mobile.
ID: also that sucks. are you like. sick? maybe there's a virus going around.
SA: Pheres was also sick... it would be bad if there was a bug, it could have been at Cascara. But I don't remember seeing Dazzle there
SA: I hope you feel better soon.
DD: oh dear i did not mean to contact you while you were
DD: indisposed??
DD: and i have no idea if i am ill with a landdweller disease of some sort or if i am just unsuited to the desert DD: i am probably going to die or something but i am not sure i care very much anymore
DD: but i appreciate the well wishes!!
ID: it's fine, i gotta get my carcass out of the water anyway- uh. wow. mm.
ID: can you just... be. not in the desert if it sucks that much...?
DD: i dont think so i mean not really i mean DD: i am here because i am working with the station for tech development and beta testing and also i am supposed to be somewhere far away from where i was before so that the people who were trying to kill me wouldnt be able to find me so its kind of a twofer
SA: I doubt that, dazzle. Perhaps a doctor would be of use. 😃
DD: and everything hurts and i want my moirail except he is not even my moirail anymore because of the whole i am not around and the murder attempt and all that and there is no water and no fish in this desert and i couldnt even get some orange juice like you said pri because the lady selling it says she doesnt serve seadwellers except she used a much meaner word and everything is awful and
DD: sorry i should not be posting
AC: ..yes a d0ct0r s0unds l1ke a g00d 1dea als0 1f y0ure a seadweller 1n the desert d1d y0u remember t0 keep y0ur g1lls wet?? because thats,, pretty 1mp0rtant actually AC: and 1m s0rry ab0ut the rest 0f that but 1 th1nk thats g0nna get better 1f y0u take care 0f the f1rst th1ng pr0bably def1n1tely
AC: yes l1ke 0a sa1d g0 d0 that 0r g0 1nhale there are als0 patches f0r th1s but 1 d0ubt y0u can get th0se 1f y0u c0uldnt get 0range ju1ce
DD: i have been trying but the water here is different and makes my gills sting and i ordered this little package of blocks you can dissolve in water to make it more akin to saltwater in terms of salt and other mineral content but it is not DD: here yet and i am not sure how long drone delivery takes on land i thought it would be here already
AC: ..th1s 1s g0nna s0und dumb but cant y0u just put salt 1n 1t f0r the t1me be1ng
ID: i mean. throw your hue around a little to the delivery company. that'll get it faster.
DD: (also im afraid i am not sure where to find a doctor but i suspect that is me wallowing because it seems like a difficult tast but so does getting up at all at the moment)
AC: r1ght here actually 0r maybe 1n p0rt m1na but 1 have n0 1dea where 1n the desert y0u are 0r even 1n wh1ch 0ne
DD: oh i am not at the station at this very moment unfortunately but yes there is one other seadweller there the general and i kind of wanted to ask them for help but i think they think im a little bit daft DD: and oh dear i was going to just add salt but then everyone said it wasnt the same so i didnt but
DD: i am in port mina it is the closest town to station 11 which is where i am working!
AC: O:B d0 y0u kn0w the c0ffee sh0p thats shaped l1ke a teap0t
ID: can't you buy sea salt in stores. that... seems like it would work? i think?
SA: salt water is more than salt water it also has a particular mineral content, etc
DD: yes it is super cute i kind of wanted to go there but i am afraid they might not serve me like with the orange juice lady and then i am going to cry in the shop and that will be really embarrassing
SA: otherwise caring for my clown fish would be hell on alternia
SA: they have to serve you. Threaten them.
AC: n0 1ts f1ne 1m w0rk1ng r1ght n0w y0u c0uld def1n1tely c0me 0ver 1f y0u wanted s0meth1ng t0 dr1nk
SA: become mean and hatedul
DD: and oh dear i dont think everybody sees it that way oa but that is very kind of you to say so i mean DD: maybe i should call someone DD: i dont think
DD: er
DD: i
SA: and then reel it back in
AC: please d0nt threaten me actually
DD: i would rather not do that honestly especially since i think you were complaining about people that do that earlier prisma and i dont want people to dislike me and also im not sure if i would even be able to threaten you right now ac i mean unless you are deathly afraid of people crying i can probably threaten you wit hthat
DD: actually i am not even sure if prisma is being serious or maybe making fun of me
AC: yes em0t10nal pe0ple are terr1fy1ng 1f y0u cry 0n me 1ll cry t00 thats sarcasm by the way
ID: yeah pris maybe. don't tell daz to be a jerk to lowbloods i think we. get enough of that.
SA: sometimes I have to be cruel and hateful too to convince higher blooded trolls to take me and my business seriously. But I understand hesitance
ID: from other highbloods.
SA: yes but I know they aren't that way inside so it seemed like a logical solution
SA: I apologize
DD: being hateful sounds like it takes a lot of energy i would rather just DD: i dont know
DD: i dont know im very confused in general right now i think that might be the temperature a little bit
ID: oh. uh i can see why that could. fry your pan. got any ice? put it on like. the back of your neck.
DD: and even if it is sarcasm ac that is okay i dont really know where you are so i could not do that regardless
DD: i think maybe the hotel has an ice machine that is where i am now
DD: i guess it is an inn
DD: oh
DD: i
DD: missed that completely you have my apologies
DD: oh!
AC: 1m a she but yes there was an 0ffer 0f ju1ce here 1t 1s aga1n just t0 be super expl1c1t 1m at the teap0t and 1m 0ffer1ng y0u ju1ce 0r maybe tea the c0ffee 1s g00d t00
DD: oh they said i could have something to drink too that is very kind
DD: she
DD: you have my apologies again i am sorry
DD: i would very much like some orange juice and also maybe tea i have never had tea or orange juice before though i have had coffee though i have kind of been living off of coffee and lattes a little bit theyre very delicious and one of the things that dont taste weird here
DD: also i am sorry for being sorry >:P
DD: you are both very kind however that part is not a joke
AC: y0u havent AC: what?? AC: 0kay we need t0 f1x that 1 mean 1m reallyreally b1ased t0wards the c0ffee here 0r anywhere really but 1f y0uve never had tea y0u need t0 try 0ur lem0n 0ne 1ts great AC: wh1ch s0unds l1ke 1m try1ng t0 adverte f0r us here wh1ch 1m n0t even 1f 1t def1n1tely reads l1ke 1t but yes y0u get the p01nt
DD: i mean right now really the fact that you are willing to make me something without any of that threatening messiness is enough of an advertisement really but it also sounds really nice and i would like to try both the orange juice and the tea and the coffee i mean i havent had enough to drink in general probably and i cant tell how much of it is my gills drying out or actually drinking but yes
DD: once i
DD: figure out how to get up
ID: probably should start with. cold drinks there. with lots of ice.
DD: and no i havent had those things because they do not really happen underwater i guess except in pouches so thats how i am familiar with iced coffee
AC: actually thats g0nna take y0ur b0dy m0re energy t0 heat them up and pr0bably 1snt that great f0r y0u
DD: and oh right there was the ice machine
SA: less sugar will hydrate you faster
DD: oh but i would like something cold right now i dont really
AC: 0h r1ght s0rry 1 f0rg0t ab0ut the underwater th1ng the 0nly seadweller 1 kn0w d0esnt really spend a wh0le l0t 0f t1me there s0 1 tend t0 f0rget that 1ts a,, uh,, a th1ng
DD: i dont think my body heats things up
DD: maybe its the other way around since i am violet i have been using energy to cool everything down
ID: i mean if daz is overheating, cooling him down is. good.
DD: and oh that is interesting
DD: i didnt realize there were people that dont live in the water very much
DD: it seems very difficult
DD: i
DD: i dont know um i suppose everything sounds like it makes sense
DD: i want to run a bath but the fresh water makes things hurt more
DD: maybe i can just put my head in it without breathing it or getting it on my gills
DD: that seems silly but like maybe it would feel nice
DD: take my head out when i need to probably
DD: and oh my lusus is on base actually i would kind of like to crawl into the tank they use for the aquatic lusi but i cant bring an aquatic tendrilbeast to the hotel unfortunately
DD: i can definitely ask the inn staff i think hopefully they have enough available and yes then i am going to do all of those things and then maybe stop dying
DD: sorry that all seems very obvious in retrospect i think maybe i am also not thinking especially clearly at the moment
DD: also um oa are you maybe still okay with bringing me something from the base maybe i think i am probably actually sick but also i dont want to do the threatening thing that prisma mentioned earlier that seems like a good way to make people stop being nice to me or really liking me at all
DD: oh dear well that is a very nice way of putting that and thank you very much i am also very appreciative of your help and also your patience on account i was admittedly wallowing quite a bit earlier and things seem a lot less awful right now DD: and oh my name is dazzle that should also be what the block is under whats your name? and also ac if she is still around she was very nice and i still want to be able to meet her at the teapot cafe later if she still wants to
AC: yes h1 1m st1ll ar0und th1ngs are sl0w t0n1ght 1m lapyen AC: 0r just the blue 0ne 1n the bun and the glasses 0r actually really just the blue 0ne y0u cant m1ss me h0nestly
AC: als0 1m n0t sure 1f y0u can base my actual n1ceness 0n just a c0uple c0mments 1 made t0 y0u 0nl1ne 0ver the span 0f half an h0ur and 1f 1t really w0rks l1ke that and as a sec0nd als0 thats really 0m1n0us and 1m super cur10us what y0u even mean by that 0a
DD: that sounds very dramatic!! DD: the youll know comment i mean not the blue thing the blue thing makes a lot of sense actually given my recent experiences and i feel kind of bad to be happy that there is someone kind of highblooded around because that seems a little unkind of me but yes i mean youre very nice and i have learned recently i am not good at talking to lowbloods that i am not working with DD: and it is not just the comments i mean also you are inviting me for tea and all of those things thats pretty nice
AC: 0h n0n0 d0nt w0rry 1 def1n1tely get that 1t can be really super awkward t0 talk t0 l0wbl00ds 1f y0ure n0t used t0 1t and als0 theres _s0_ much y0u can d0 wr0ng when y0u d0 that 1ts a l1ttle terr1fy1ng 1f y0ure n0t fr1ends w1th them already AC: als0 1 c0uld be lur1ng y0u 1n t0 r0b y0u y0u d0nt kn0w my m0t1vat10ns 1 mean 1m n0t and als0 that w0uld be pretty hard 1n br0ad m00nl1ght 1n a p0pulated area but 1m g0nna st0p typ1ng n0w
AC: a f1gure?? what k1nd 0f f1gure 0h my g0d
DD: well in that case i look forward to seeing you i mean if you decide to come up i am not sure if you wanted to with the staff comments or anything but that sounds intruiging and you have created an air of mystery and intrique DD: and yes that is a good description of how i feel lapyen i mean prisma and hadean and riccin have all been very nice but even then i messed up and prisma yelled at me so i am not always the best at being social with people at all really DD: though i think probably i dont think anybody would try to rob me or i mean you could try but i dont think it would work very well especially not like in a crowded teashop where you are employed : P
OA: ;o(
DD: omg ahaha
DD: ow
DD: that hurt but i am going to keep laughing anyways because i do not think i have smiled in two nights
OA: :o)
DD: theyre kind of stuck im not sure if i could even rip them even by laughing 😦
DD: i tried to peel one open earlier with my claws but i almost ripped a filament instead and they are all gummy and theyre not supposed to be
OA: >:o?
AC: n0t that k1nd 0f f1gure 0h my g0d ab0rt ab0rt AC: but als0 d0uble 0h my g0d that d0esnt s0und l1ke 1ts supp0sed t0 be l1ke that maybe def11ntely d0 the salt th1ng and then let me take a l00k at them later 1f y0ure,, uh,, 1f y0ure c0mf0rtable w1th that?? because 1f theyre s0 dry theyre glued shut theres a teeny t1ny r1sk 0f 1nfect10n n0th1ng t0 w0rry ab0ut but maybe s0meth1ng t0,, t0 l00k at
DD: oh dear
DD: it is pretty nasty yes especially because it is my body and i like my gills i also like them being working and not infected and
DD: um that is to say yes i would appreciate that lapyen if you are okay with that i mean you mentioned earlier you are a docterrorist and i dont know where else to find one and
DD: oh dear
OA: >:o?
DD: oh um i thought maybe you already were i think you mentioned they had medicine earlier but i am not sure what they have really or how it works or what i need which is not very helpful of me
AC: um
AC: actually maybe read the l1ttle,, uh,, the n0tes that c0me w1th them and als0 d0nt take all 0f them at 0nce under abs0lutely n0 c1rcumstances
DD: oh dear
AC: just read the 1nstruct10n leaflets 1ts all 1n there 1ts f1ne
DD: that sounds like a good idea i am going to do that i mean if you are a docterrorist you know better probably
AC: s0rry n0 0ffense but 1 d0nt th1nk 1m g01ng t0,, 1 mean attend1ng med sch00l feeds just t0 kn0w that leaflets are 1n there t0 be read and n0t t0 take up space
AC: yes theyre exactly l1ke b00ze wh1ch 1s why y0u expl1c1tly d0nt d0 that please
AH: hahah oh wow poor Lapyen
AH: sorry Riccin's dumb ass came to ruin your evening
AC: 1ts n0t ru1ned my even1ng 1s f1ne but thanks and h1 gl1ese
AH: give it time. they're good at being a little bitch. but sup, how's life
AH: I went to a ren fair a little while ago, shit was wild
AH: what have you been doing? you landed that new gig, right?
AC: 0kay that s0unds k1nd 0f,, 1nterest1ng 1 guess was that c00l?? AC: and yes!! 1m d01ng an 1nternsh1p r1ght n0w we w0rk w1th r0b0ts 1ts supersuper c00l and h0nestly a really welc0me break fr0m sch00lfeeds 1m n0t say1ng that the stress 1s t00 much but the stress 1s pr0bably,, k1nd 0f a l1ttle b1t t00 much
AH: Haha damn, no, it probably is. It was interesting for _me_ , that's for sure, given I dragged a friend's sorry ass off to a mediculler, saw some absolutely fucking atrocious fashion, met up with Canela again, and met some new people.
DD: what no riccin has been lovely they are being very nice and are helping me out i dont think that counts as being that
AH: But what kind of robots are you working with. Are they cool?
AH: lmao Riccin's probably just sucking up because you're violet
AH: I can't be bothered to backread
AH: but I'd bet money
DD: i mean they didnt ask me to pay them or anything
AC: theyre very c00l but als0 we just g0t a b1g gr0up 0f cust0mers s0rry 1 reallyreally need t0 put my ph0ne away AC: y0u can t0tally talk t0 me ab0ut that later th0ugh and dazzle y0u can abs0lutely st1ll c0me 1n whenever y0u feel l1ke 1t s0rry bye
AH: well why would they, they have clowns taking care of their oversized ass
AH: they just like to feel important
DD: i hope you have a good night that sounds like a lot of work and i will definitely come by when i am feeling like i can walk!!
DD: and i mean you said money
AH: awww, damn
AH: but good luck and all
AH: ...I said I _bet_ money, not that you were paying them lol
AH: learn to read
DD: i can read i am just having a hard time doing so on account of everything being very hazy at the moment but also to clarify saying id bet money can be interpreted as you betting money on it or betting that money is the key factor hence the nature of my misunderstanding
DD: but also i dont think anybody has felt much like ingratiating themselves with me lately and instead its been more of the opposite so i think riccin is just being a nice person
AH: holy shit, who fed you caffeine, I want a word
AH: Also lmao you have terrible fucking judgment if you think Riccin is nice
AH: but then I guess they would be to you because they're like...loyal to clowns and up
AH: I think
AH: I don't know how their crazy pan works
DD: i mean they were very nice to lapyen as well and also i havent had caffeine in a while i heard it dehydrates you and i am having trouble with that lately so i did not want to make it worse
AH: mother grub, what the fuck, are you dried out or something? go jump in a lake or whatever, surely you have _that_ much survival instinct.
AH: or does fresh water hurt seadwellers? try it and let me know.
AH: wow look what the meowbeast dragged in
AH: the world's worst yellowblood
AH: also, I was legit just giving Lapyen a warning because I'm a good fucking friend, but you know, if you wanna froth at the bit for some words your way, be my guest
AH: that's not pathetic at all
AH: ...Dazzle
AH: Their name is _Dazzle_ ??
AH: ahahaha fuck that's amazing, only a fish would have a name that stupid
IA: :(
AH: Yeah, I know the concept's foreign to you, but try to understand
AH: Who told what lie, you're making even less sense than usual
AH: which is a fucking accomplishment
AH: also wow, a single sad smiley face, IA. Really pulling on my pumper strings here. Let me borrow Hadean's violin and play it for you.
AH: Oh wait, my strings broke.
AH: Fucking tragic.
DD: i am not in the tub i tried to get in and it made everything hurt and i decided to wait for the salt DD: and my name isnt stupid i use that one because its fun its actually my last name and my first one is laurel DD: so you can use that if it helps you not be a total jerk
IA: Why is every-one fighting all the time in here :(
AH: because we'd be bored as hell otherwise, _duh_
AH: what are you, a wriggler? grow a backbone
AH: when a seadweller's a pansy it's extra sad
AH: Laurel's a little better yeah. Also fuck you I am the _finest_ of bile, the absolute queen of bitterness, it's right in my fucking handle you blind ass.
AH: Yeah well it's a shame someone so wordy has so little to say, so...what are we gonna do here.
IA: I just th-ought this was supp-osed t-o be a fun, Empire run chat, I didn't expect t-o run int-o s-o many c-onfr-ontati-onal tr-olls.
AH: Your first mistake was putting "fun" and "Empire run" in the same sentence. I mean it is fun in here but it sure as hell isn't because of the Empire.
AH: Literally all we owe them for is making the stupid thing.
AH: Not like _they_ provide entertainment.
AH: Bunch of boring nerds.
AH: wow did everyone piss themselves in fear when I walked in or what.
SA: Hello Gliese.
AH: sup
SA: how has your evening been?
AH: I had to run around extra because somebody fucked up my lusus's water, but at least it got settled.
AH: So mostly routine aside from that.
AH: You?
IA: I ap-ologize, I'm a bit distracted between things. I'll be swimming in and -out.
SA: your lusus's water? What happened...?
SA: I am fine. I had breakfast with sipara and hadean this morning.
SA: hello, IA.
AH: And we all miss you so fucking terribly, IA, bland as water as you are...pun not intended.
AH: Nothing much, but some dumb kid knocked over his trough.
IA: Hell-o Pris!
AH: I was pissed, but judging from how they were shaking I think it was an accident, so I let them off with a cuff and a warning.
SA: how are you, IA? aside from busy.
SA: hmm. I'm sorry
SA; I hope they are. Feeling better now.
AH: Eh, probably, not like I actually hurt them
AH: They were probably like six sweeps max
AH: Not worth it
SA: Oh I meant you rlusus but yes, hitting children is often not encouraged by myself.
AH: Oh, yeah, he's fine. Luckily I had more on me, I'll just have to order extra.
AH: I also gave him some carrots, he's good.
AH: You like, don't have a lusus right?
AH: That must've been weird
SA: it was not terribly weird.
AH: Really?
SA: it was stranger when I realized it wasn't the norm.
AH: Oh lmao
AH: I guess that makes sense
SA: i was raised and cared for in a fairly neticulous way.
SA: it levelled out much of my development, I suppose.
SA; rather than being raised by
SA: ...
IA: Y-ou're quite mean AH
SA: an ibis?
SA: I think it was an Ibis.
SA: I could just be filling in, though.
SA: I genuinely don't remember.
AH: Nooooo
AH: God you sound like Kit, except even he's learned better by now
AH: Ibises are cool
AH: Don't a lot of lowbloods have bird lusii?
AH: Could swear I heard that somewhere
SA: I couldn't tell you the statisticla information on that.
IA: Als-o I'm d-oing well Pris, thank y-ou f-or asking!
AH: Dunno, bunch of them from my town did. Even Matari's lusus had wings and it was a hoofbeast.
IA: It's fairly hit -or miss isn't it? I'm n-ot sure if I've met a l-ot -of l-owbl-o-ods with bird lusii myself.
AH: have you met a lot of lowbloods _anyway_
AH: how much do you even come out of the ocean
IA: The last time I've been in the -ocean was ab-out three m-onths ag-o and bef-ore that, nearly a year. I w-ork m-ostly -on land.
IA: I meet and talk with a l-ot -of l-owbl-o-ods actually :)
AH: yeah okay probably by sticking a blade in them or something
AH: protip: gurgling doesn't count as conversation
IA: I d-on't d-o that :(
IA: Why w-ould I d-o that?
AH: Uhhhh
AH: You're a SEADWELLER??? Y'all fucks make my caste look meek with your goddamn murder fetish.
AH: It's a reasonable assumption.
IA: I m-ost certainly have a let's-n-ot-murder fetish
AH: Haha wow that was some of the most awkward phrasing ever
AH: The fuck do you do then
IA: I'm a detective! I w-ork with the Empire here -on Alternia and l-ocal g-overnments t-o help reduce and prevent crime.
IA: F-or all castes, I may add
AH: lol yeah pull the other one
AH: everyone knows the system's rigged to high hell
AH: I mean I get it, whatever, you all want to ~do justice~ for those of us who'll still be around in a hundred sweeps to hate your faces
AH: but still
IA: It's tail-ored t-o the standards -one w-ould expect f-or -our vi-olent s-ociety, yes, but I d-on't mind n-or care what -others think -of me in a hundred sweeps.
IA: And just because -our system is tail-ored s-o d-oesn't mean I can't d-o my best t-o make pe-oples' lives easier AND better.
AH: Yeah, sure, even a violet can't do a whole lot to change a system run by tyrians. Unless you're gonna argue with them, in which case, have fun with that.
IA: Well, thank y-ou! I d-o l-o-ok f-orward t-o pr-ove y-ou wr-ong :) I have already seen the differences I've made and it's m-ore than en-ough t-o make everything w-orth it!
IA: My name is Nemm-on, what's y-ours, AH?
AH: Gliese, though you have no idea how tempted I was to tell you something stupid and see if you bought it.
AH: I mean we have _Dazzle_ in here.
AH: And the only reason I'm pretty sure they're not making it up is that they seem too dumb for that and because they're a fish.
IA: Well there is n-o way f-or me t-o verify it if y-ou did lie t-o me.
IA: Why didn't y-ou?
AH: Meh, might make things confusing later.
AH: Also you'd probably not question it and be boring as usual so what's the point.
IA: That's kind -of y-ou Gliese :)
AH: Please, I couldn't care less about your feelings, this is purely for my own convenience. I care more about the dumb kid who knocked over my lusus's water trough earlier than you.
IA: I didn't say anything ab-out my feelings, i just stated it was kind -of y-ou t-o decide against lying. I h-ope y-our lusus is alright th-ough?
AH: Kind for who, if you don't care. Also stop being nice it's weird.
AH: Even Budino being depressing was better than this
AH: You just sound creepy
IA: I'm s-orry :(
AH: and now we're back to boring
AH: is ANYONE ELSE in here before I give up or die of dullness.
OA: hONk.
IA: W-ould y-ou be m-ore c-omf-ortable if I wasn't nice?
AH: not really because then you'd be fake as hell and that's even worse
AH: I'm less uncomfortable and more wondering how anyone can be so tedious without wanting to stab themselves.
AH: Hey Riccin look it's another fish. Go kiss ass like you were hatched to do.
AH: Entertain me.
IA: I'd rather we didn't kiss my rear.
AH: aw, you ruined Riccin's night
AH: how could you
IA: :( It'd make me extremely unc-omf-rtable
AH: lmao what
AH: I know two fish and one of those is older than dirt
AH: and the other is Canela, who's probably on another date as we speak
AH: and possibly ditching said date again if they suck lmao
AH: fun fact, Nemmon, nobody gives a shit
AH: lmao you don't know Canela do you?
AH: she does that to all her friends
AH: she's just bubbly
IA: Y-ou're c-orrext --OA, I have been! I've been w-orking hard lately and haven't had much time t-o s-cialize
AH: lmao that went right over _your_ head
OA: :o)
AH: whatever, you weren't contributing anything valuable anyway
IA: --Oh I'm s-orry, is there an-other IA? I wasn't aware and I ap-ologize!
AH: oh my god how is anyone this dense
AH: even Riccin's not this dense
AH: I'm fucking mourning now
IA: I have n-o c-ontext f-or this c-onversati-on, Gliese.
IA: I'm afraid I d-on't kn-ow the regulars.
AH: Okay WOW I'm going to spell this out for you and then go
AH: because I'm fucking exhausted by your existence
AH: Riccin MEANT that you were sparse with SPAMMING HEART EMOJIS compared to CANELA, who uses them like they're going out of style because she just fucking does that
AH: and now I'm going, because I have shit to do and a thinkpan to maintain
IA: Bye Gliese! :)
IA: S-o h-ow are y-ou --OA?
IA: Riccen, right?
IA: I see! Pleasure t-o meet y-ou Riccin!
IA: I'm d-oing very well, thank you f-or asking!! It's a sl-ow night but a g-o-od -one t-o relax -on.
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