#oh beboop
ladybracknellssherry · 6 months
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mrghostrat · 6 months
Hey Bilv, just wanted to say thanks for the goodness that is the Beehive and the welcoming space you've made!
BNF got me into the Hive and also got me inspired enough to finally post something - there's a little shout out to you and BNF in it just for fun. (Can't post a link apparently but it's called "Oh. Beboop." on Ao3. Just a little silliness to start out with.)
Oh. Beboop. by Minervas_Hand
thank you 🥹
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minervas-hand · 6 months
Oh. Beboop.
Hey all have a short bit of fun, my first GOmens fic!
Oh. Beboop. (930 words) by Minervas_Hand Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Good Omens (TV), Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett Rating: General Audiences Summary: This April Fool's game on Tumblr might be just what Crowley is looking for.
Just a little human AU ficlet inspired by the 2024 April Fool's boop war on Tumblr.
See it on A03
Thanks to @mrghostrat and the great folks at the Beehive for general inspo and goodness.
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weirdcoresouthpark · 1 year
I know but everything i zee is just darknezz. the only light iz thiz goddamn phone that i magically found alzo thiz is not a prank or a ztupid game. me and otherz are zeriously ztuck zomewhere.
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CRAIG: (Heavy disappointed sigh)
CRAIG: Okay, so what youre saying is that you ARENT bullshitting any of us, all you have is a PHONE and that you found it, magically
CRAIG: Do you realize how absolutely stupid that sounds?
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CRAIG: Hold on
CRAIG: I need to know youre not bullshitting me real fast
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(Beboop beeboop)
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(Sound of picking up)
KYLE: Hello?
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CRAIG: Hey Kyle
KYLE: Oh hey Craig
KYLE: Did you find something?
CRAIG: I dont know
KYLE: What do you mean you dont know?
CRAIG: Ive been getting messages from Mole and this one he sent me was really fucking weird
CRAIG: Its probably a dumb clue or something
KYLE: Mole?
CRAIG: Yeah, Christophe or whatever his name is
KYLE: Ive been getting messages from him too
KYLE: I think hes trying to lead us where he is
CRAIG: I already said that
CRAIG: The message he sent me was "i know, but everything i see is just darkness. The only light is this phone i magically found, also, this is not a prank or some stupid game. Me and the others are seriously stuck somewhere"
KYLE: Thats kinda disturbing
CRAIG: No shit, einstein
CRAIG: Wheres your search party meeting?
KYLE: We're meeting at Cartmans, he has the biggest basement
CRAIG: Cool, guess i'll be there
KYLE: See ya man
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CRAIG: (sighhhh)
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CRAIG: Fuck, guess i have to do this now, thanks a lot, Mole
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videnoirs · 6 months
oh. beboop
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Things I say to my dog
Calling him "Baby carrot" a lot
Hi honey 😊
Oh whats that? What is that? 🥺 (talking about him)
When he's meowing, acting as if hes telling me some juicy rumours, so like, *gasp* really????
Popup pup beep boop beboop
Mwah mwah
Hop hop and pointing where i want him this is actually a really helpful one. Expect that one time i was pointi g at the sofa over the table and he thought i meant the table and jumped on the table.
"Wait" "just a second" "hold on-"
"Do you know you mean the world to me? :')"
Idk why but he lays behind me while im working instead of the dogbed to the side. So i always have to turn around n check he isnt in the way of the movin chair rollers bb4 i scoot back. So i do beep beep sounds to wake him up.
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minervas-hand · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
Oooh okay! Thanks for the ask @chlorine-and-daisies !! ❤
1) Between the Lines
Well I am pretty happy with my finally-finished compilation of all the prompts from Ineffable May, which in my wisdom I decided to fit into or between the scenes of Season 2. There's alternate POVs in there as well, including Bentley and Bookshop!
2) Unbroken
Post-S2. Aziraphale has left for Heaven. But both the demon and the angel discover there's a bond between them that can't be broken.
3) Oh. Beboop.
It's April Fool's and Aziraphale ponders the Tumblr booping function while Crowley desperately makes a Plan. (Human AU)
4) It's a-Getting Closer
Aziraphale has returned from Heaven - but what is coming with him?
5) Out There
Crowley has always wandered. But an angel keeps him close.
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minervas-hand · 5 months
I'm on the fanfic train and hope you'll want to come along for the ride.
Here's the AO3 links to my work ~
My fanfic:
Oh. Beboop.
It's April Fool's and Aziraphale ponders the Tumblr booping function while Crowley desperately makes a Plan. (Human AU)
Between the Lines
Scenes and POVs in-between the canon Season 2. (Based on prompts from Ineffable May 2024)
Post-S2. Aziraphale has left for Heaven. But both the demon and the angel discover there's a bond between them that can't be broken. (Flash Fiction Friday prompt series)
It's a-Getting Closer
Aziraphale has returned from Heaven - but what is coming with him? (Flash Fiction Friday prompt series)
Out There
Crowley has always wandered. But an angel keeps him close. (Flash Fiction Friday prompt series)
Beyond This Horizon
Crowley had been trying to get away, before it was too late. (Flash Fiction Friday prompt series)
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