#oh boy it's time for an unpopular opinion™️
theflyindutchwoman · 1 year
Oh also… follow up to my last chaotic unhinged ask.
How many kids do we think they’ll have one day? I don’t remember where the 3 came from but everyone seems to think they’ll have 3.
And Tim gives off such Girl Dad™️ vibes. Imagine him being such a sweet dad to them, wearing a crown for their tea parties but also teaching them self defense and making sure they get to do whatever they want. 😭
I kinda HC they have 3, two girls and a boy. Tim coaches all their sports 😂 softball, baseball.
What do you think?
I'm not 100% sure, but I think that the number 3 came from Tim's original plans : 'pop out three kids, watch them grow up, have kids of their own' (4.05).
You know, I don't really have a preference in that regard… As much as I love the idea of Lucy and Tim having kids, I'm also in no hurry to see it happen - especially since we already have two babies and a toddler on the show. This may be an unpopular opinion, but for the moment, I'm more interested in watching them build a life together, settle in their career a little, maybe travel… and simply enjoy their time just the two of them (or four of them, with Tamara and Kojo). So as a result, I never really thought much about the details, like how many children, etc… I just enjoy reading fics and the different headcanons people have.
Although I have to admit that I was always partial to the idea of Lucy and Tim adopting a child/teenager (besides Tamara). And I can totally picture them coaching their kids' teams, with Lucy still being her competitive self… I also would love for her to tell them bedtime stories in Cantonese… Tim would definitely be a Girl Dad (and if she's a mini-Lucy, it's over for him)… And they would be so supportive, making sure that their kids know how much they are loved!
I'm sorry, I feel like I didn't really answer your question. But I'm curious to read everybody's headcanons!
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h0n3yk1tt3n · 3 months
michael mell 🎧
How I feel about this character
He's definitely the character I play around with the most next to Jeremy. They're a package deal anyway you slice it. I don't have much in the way of words because my brain doesn't wanna work but he is a Certified Guy Ever
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Jeremy's the only one, though I do have this one headcanon of Michael and Jake having a fling (if it can be called that) during spring break sophomore year (which Jeremy is conveniently on vacation for bc I said so) that ties in with Jake's sexuality crisis. Filled with all the "You're dead if you tell anyone about this" that you'd expect out of Golden Boy Jakey keeping up his popularity routine despite sucking face with a Loser™️. Michael is obviously sworn to secrecy but he still gets to feel smug about being Jake's first guy kiss, even if no one else can know.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Christine is definitely the easiest one to warm up to since Michael's never had established beef with her (ie she's not a Popular Kid). And even if you go the Bitter About Jeremy Pining So Hard He Almost Created A Hivemind To Be With Her thing, that's not something he can actually pin on her since she didn't actually do anything.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Idk how unpopular this is but he is NOT quick to befriend the popular kids. Yeah he's sitting at their lunch table now. Yeah they're really not so bad when they're not playing into their hierarchal roles. But almost all of them have made his and/or Jeremy's life worse in some way or another (rich's canon and jake's implicit bullying, chloe's general cruelty + dywh, jenna probably not helping their reputation pre-squip) and he holds onto that grudge for a WHILE.
(We could argue if brooke's "dating down" with jeremy had any kind of effect on how she treated their relationship, but that would mean they were both using each other and Michael can't really wish comeuppance for her when she basically already got it with jer not liking her in the first place. We literally saw Michael get revengey during The Play by demanding an apology before helping Jeremy, so it's not unreasonable to think he wants karma for the rest of the popular kids. Maybe the fire is karma enough for Jake and Rich, maybe it's not, I’m not gonna write that fic lol)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
DESPITE the deep grudge with the popular kids, he really doesn't take THAT long to forgive Jeremy/get back to some kind of normalcy with him. I keep putting it in fics but I'm ALL OVER Jeremy not immediately waking up after The Play. Like he's out cold for a week. And because Michael definitely WAS grudging against Jeremy all throughout the optic nerve blocking phase, he decides he has to put his anger aside because oh shit what if he doesn't wake up.
And he's been angry for so long that he just doesn't have the energy to hate Jeremy anymore. He's tired. He misses him. He always did. And now he just wants his friend back. You did not block me for all that time only to die on me after I came to save your sorry ass. Please wake up I'm sorry for being mad please just come back I can't stand being alone anymore.
I could go on and on about how this shapes later interactions with Jeremy but at that point it's going into post-canon fic that I've already written lol
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palms-upturned · 2 years
cuno for character asks!
Send me a character and I will tell you my:
First impression: kind of hard to explain bc I did know a bit about the game going into it, having seen lots of fanart and watched some gameplay clips. I think I didn’t initially realize Cuno was a twelve year old LOL I wanna say the first thing I ever saw of him was a redraw of that mp100 meme where he asks Kim “why does Cuno’s pig call you babygirl” and I think I thought he was a fellow cop…? I saw his portrait a few times too and thought he was some kind of loose cannon character. 😭 by the time I actually played the game I actually mostly knew abt what Cuno’s home life was like so I never really had that moment of going from “what’s the deal w these annoying kids” to “oh I care them,” he and C were actually a big reason I was interested in playing the game to begin with bc what I knew about them made me like 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭
Impression now: my horrible son who has every disease and calls me slurs. One of the best characters in the game, genuinely. Every single line of dialogue from him is either gut bustingly funny or devastating. He and C are the center of the whole story and the idea of a revolution to me bc they are the kids who will inherit the world that Harry and all the other political characters build. Girl child revolution and boy child freedom…
Favorite moment: it’s impossible to pick but one of the moments that stood out most to me was when I made Harry make some self deprecating joke comparing himself to the severed pig’s head in Cuno’s shack bc I thought Cuno would join in on bullying the cop, but instead got a serious shock when Cuno told me frankly that that was super dark and Cuno isn’t about that self-deprecation shit. I love that Cuno and Kim are both voices of reason for Harry, just coming from opposite personalities/POVs, and so Cuno has a lot of moments of saying things that just catch you totally off guard with how insightful he really is. In some ways I have even more respect for him and his opinion of me than I do Kim LOL
Idea for a story: I had this idea for a fic of post-game Cuno living with Harry in Jamrock and befriending a sickly stray dog, something about the way that Harry’s always compared to dogs and how Cuno is so similar to Harry when he was a kid and the 15th indotribe thought mentioning how they used to run from wild dogs in the valley… and about Cuno wondering whether loving someone who’s doomed matters in the end 😔
Unpopular opinion: idk if this is actually an unpopular opinion (I think probably not) but I think content of Harry and Kim adopting him together is so fucking funny bc Kim hates his little ass so much. Which is not to say that I dislike it, on the contrary, I think Kim is in dire need of more Cuno in his life
Favorite relationship: Cuno and Cunoesse… 😢 they are SO important to me
Favorite headcanon: Cuno’s graffito around Martinaise plus his artistic sensibilities™️ made me think it would be cute if he admired Cindy and often hoped she would notice his work and say smth about it. She seems to be everything Cuno wants to be tbh, a skull and an artist…
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tlcartist · 2 years
Oh and also josuke x okuyasu
General perception of them My best boys! A serious contender for my JoJo otp
An unpopular opinion or a fun fact Josuke gets (understandably) anxious about Okuyasu's safety after the events of DIU but takes it a little too far and it becomes paranoia for a bit. He has recurring nightmares about Okuyasu's death and he starts viewing mundane things as potential risks that he needs to protect him from. Okuyasu needs to chop some vegetables for a soup he's cooking. Josuke immediately takes over the task. Okuyasu needs to go home after hanging out at Josuke's place and it looks like it may rain soon. Josuke INSISTS upon walking him home, takes an umbrella and makes him wear one of his jackets. It's not even cold outside and hasn't actually started raining yet.
Eventually it gets to the point that even Okuyasu loses his patience. He snaps and tells Josuke to stop treating him like he's made of glass. Something inside of Josuke breaks and the front that he's been putting up since the incident with Kira falls apart. He can't keep pretending that he's fine and that it didn't affect him. The two spend the evening talking it out and Josuke agrees to ask Jotaro if someone at the Speedwagon Foundation can set him up with a therapist.
tl;dr my unpopular opinion is that, while Josuke was probably the most well adjusted JoJo protagonist at the beginning of DIU, by the end of it he's definitely experienced some Trauma™️ that he needs to work through. Having your best friend die in your arms has to fuck you up big time.
Music i associate with them Same as the previous one I'm picking music from or before the time period of DIU. Josuke- Pop pop and more pop (he found a Prince album in his grandpa's closet when he was a little kid and has been obsessed with the genre since), also a big fan of disco Kiss- Prince Vogue- Madonna I Wanna Dance With Somebody- Whitney Houston Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough- Michael Jackson Jazzy Night- Miki Matsubara
Okuyasu- He's either listening to grunge or love songs because he's a big softie there's no in between Smells Like Teen Spirit- Nirvana 1979- Smashing Pumpkins The Sweetest Taboo- Sade On My Own- Patti LaBelle How Sweet It Is- James Taylor if I feel (spiritually) like I could beat them in a fight Once again, absolutely not.
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t-rexdescendant · 2 months
Hmm...for that "reverse unpopular opinion" thing, tell me about ARK. I opened it once for five minutes and got really overwhelmed, so I want to know what you like about it
[cracks knuckles] oh boy you’ve activated my trap card.
THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS I LOVE ABOUT THIS GAME YOU HAVE NO IDEA. Ignoring all the inaccuracies aside i fucking LOVE the designs for like. All of the dinos. Like there was no reason to make the gigas like. Eighty meters long and thirty tall but they did and i love wildcard for it. Literally all of the animals in the game are just Little Guys (with the exception of the seagulls. Fuck them they ate my cryopod with my favourite wyvern in it i will never forgive them at all). Just. I love creating boss armies and feeding the unwanted children to the Ocean™️, i love banging my head against the Carcher’s taming method like a bee who has zero concept of glass, i LOVE DYING OF DEHYDRATION IN THE ARCTIC, literally EVERYTHING from the aberration ark is S+, extinction’s ending will never NOT make me feel giddy, Genesis 2’s ending will make me cry EVERY SINGLE TIME.
Just!!! The sound design of the game is PEAK. Every animal in game just. Sounds Right. Especially the later animals added. The Rhyno is just. Hellicopter bug. Carcher’s feel like blood crazed maniacs (hi the bite sound will forever live in my heart). Sinnos are just. They’re Baby. I love them. Their trills. Giga’s enrage roar is like. Literally my favourite thing ever. Reapers. Everything. I love those nightmare dino xenomorphs you have no idea. The wyverns level up sounds are just. They mmr-WRAAARGb!. The little wiggle Spinos do when they level up and the little giggle sound.
And then theres the arks themselves. Hiiiii omg hiiiii helloo hiiii massive living super organisms made of metal mimicing flesh. Hiiiiii. IM SO NORMAL ABOUT THEM. Im so normal about the Overseers and their whole… everything. And how it was implies they’re regaining emotions after loosing them. How they’ve been implied to slowly go insane. I just. LOVE how they all march to their deaths willingly with Extinction. I love how the Island’s Overseer just TALKS to you while gearing up to kick your ass to next year. I love how their deaths are natural disasters in on themselves and i LOVE how the arks themselves try to work without them and fail.
I also love how it was implied they have favourite animals aswell im never over that at all. I love how they CHOOSE to shapeshift into those animals to kick your ass. Theres ZERO reason for the Island’s overseer to have an entire DRAGON as a boss and yet. It does. I like to think that even though its been so long they lost all emotions, they still mourned with Aberration went to shit. I wonder if they looked out from their view platform and just sae its corpes orbiting the earth slowly. I wonder if they felt the dread knowing they’re all one moment away from sharing rhe same fate.
I also love how just. Casually. The end game fuel source is sentient and VERY much willing to kill you in its pure form. It wants you sooooooo dead.
Said fuel is also the reason why the arks exist. Why the Genesis simulation exists. Why everything went to shit. The arks blood is toxic and wants them dead and the sole reason why it isnt is because they just load that shit up with other metals.
And also the fucking. Story aswell of the entire game. Those explorer notes man. We have lesbians here. Badass lesbians. Mei Yin and Diana my beloved. Mei being certifiably batshit and the reason WHY you have to do convoluted taming methods for several high end animals. One woman is the reason why it takes nearly a hundred well timed tranq darts and over a thousand narcotics to keep a giga down long enough to tame it. She’s the reason why you need to nose dive down into HELL to snatch one single rockdrake egg in order to get one yourself, if she was allowed onto Scorched Earth, she would’ve made that bloodthirsty trigger happy Overseer cry by pulling a HTTYD on the Manticore.
Hell she’s the reason why theres weight limits on what animals you can take through the obelisk teleport network because she brought a GIGA to the OVERSEER fight and KICKED ITS ASS.
I love Mei Yin so fucking much. She’s insane. She’s crazy. She nicknamed her girlfriend tangerine because she had orange hair. Im fully sure if given the chance, she’d fight God and win.
This is a survival game
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princessnijireiki · 5 years
I keep seeing posts + tweets about this & it's working my nerves, so I'll say my 2¢…
ppl on here are mad @ chris evans for being in "red sea diving resort" on netflix, but did not remotely have the same energy for when oscar isaac played an idf agent, so tbh I'm really not trying to hear shit abt "playing an israeli character/soldier/spy is inherently zionist & everybody should #cancel the actors."
not that I care abt this movie especially, I haven't watched it & probably won't ever bc a review I read trashed the hell out of it lmao, but y'all don't get to have it both ways… "excusing" bs y'all invented on the spot for horniness exceptions, giving pro-israel & pro jewish self-governance narratives a "pass" if and only if they're talking abt nazis like it's fucking woke™️ bingo (not that post-war politics aren't far more complicated irl when you talk abt jewish statehood and the israeli-palestinian conflict, but it's just Real Inch Resting what people support in what contexts 🤔), but then in literally Any Other Story w. these israeli characters, incl historically factual ones or ones not even about zionist politics to begin with, it's supposed to be damning for the actors or directors or whoever the visible target of the moment is to blame a whole film on…
and it's also just v funny to me what "causes" people tend to triumph vs ignore, and to what end (not palestine as a cause in and of itself but like— What Is The Goal Here, yk?), esp bc literally the last decade-plus of chris evans's superhero filmography are probably more overtly imperialist than this netflix original movie, and then also like… it just smacks again of the weird blood libel against gal gadot & how ppl on this site are still v vocally divided about her, as if sharing vs not sharing pictures of wonder woman is a political alignment (or moral alignment) compass— even for ppl who've paid to watch her movies, not sharing .gifs is considered an ethical stance one can take… it's absurd & it's wild & it keeps repeating itself…
when also with stuff like "red sea diving resort," what is the problem specifically, yk? is it that ppl don't like that it's israeli-flavored white savior heroism? does the film actually contain propaganda, or is it actually gonna have any kind of social impact, or would you just hate it for existing regardless? what are you personally doing for palestine beyond getting pissed at whiteboy actors who aren't even israeli? would this energy be better served doing literally anything else besides bitching at or about tumblr users for the "crime" of… sharing gifs of a popular white actor fresh off of a multibillion dollar set of franchises, who lots of ppl are horny for to begin with, bc he did a nude scene… where regardless of the content of the film itself, those same ppl might never engage with it beyond ogling this shirtless dude?
I'm not saying you can't hate it for whatever your personal reasons are, but it comes off like a lot of holier than thou bullshit from ppl reaching for a way to make this issue deeper than it is when it becomes an excuse to harass others— bc ultimately some dumbass netflix movie is not in any material way contributing to the oppression or suppression of the palestinian people, since all it is is a poorly executed one-dimensional drama ft chris evans in a lacefront toupee about events ~40 years ago, that's not hurting anybody.
blacklist it & move the fuck on.
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andwew minyawd uwu
This is the most cursed thing I ever read with my own two eyes oh my god
How I feel about this character
How do I NOT feel about this character?? I love him.....so much......I would.....fuckin die for him.........he deserves so much love oh my god pleASE
Andrew is SO important to me and I can relate to him in SO many (bad, unhealthy) ways and that's why I will fight anyone who says he won't get better and he will forever stay this stoic, cold person, he deserves SO much better than that
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Just Neil I'm sorry, I'm not a multishipper and these two deserve each other so much I love them, catch me crying in the club thinking about Andrew and his bf Neil
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Andrew/getting better and learning healthy coping mechanisms and ways to express himself
Also, Andrew and Allison. They're my absolute Brotp. They would be SO gay and salty together. They drag anyone. No one is save. They have inside jokes. They give each other Looks™️ when someone says something stupid. They work on the disaster that is Neil's wardrobe together. They watch Topmodel and The Bachelor together. They do spa days. They go shopping together. All the bitch ass queer energy these two would emit. Legendary.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I know I keep repeating myself but I can't say it enough:
ANDREW 👏 GETS 👏 BETTER 👏 WITH 👏 TIME 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Like are you really trying to tell me that someone who takes his therapy so seriously, that someone who works on his problems as much as Andrew does, won't get better, ever????? He will!!!!! Fight me about this!!!!
And: Andrew is buff as FUCK, but he doesn't have a six-pack. He's thicc and has a soft tummy but he can still bench press Neil without a problem. And when he stops playing exy when he's older his tummy gets even softer and he gets a lil chub on his hips too!!!! Because my boy loves his sweets!!!
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon
Damn I sure wish Nora would've put at least the slightest amount of research into this whole medication thing and Andrew wouldn't have spent a good amount of the trilogy on some weird-ass OBVIOUSLY wrong medication (or at least the wrong dosage) because guess what! Your medication is NOT supposed to make you MANIC it's supposed to help you get your emotions sorted on a NORMAL level 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 this drove me absolutely insane while reading the books (and still does on every re-read)
Send me a character and I'll answer these questions about them!
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