#oh boy its so long. well thats what she said anyhow.
iphigeniacomplex · 2 years
umm 22 for the voice asks
i got excited & nervous bc ive never done a voice thing before so apologies! also, i didn't check until i started transcribing, but despite what the tracklist says, this is actually "what a difference a day makes" by esther phillips. contrary to the file name, donna summer is NOT in this one.
22: i’ll talk about something that makes me happy
[transcript: hello! so i love music, and, um---i mean, so doesn't everyone, but uh...[laughs] um, even though my favorite songs list wouldn't seem to reflect it, my favorite musical genre is disco. um, overall, disco is my favorite genre, it's just...it's disco, you know, like there's something about it. um, and i also really like, um, getting records. and actually recently my grandfather, um, made the transition to all digital media, um, so he gave me all of these old folk records. i actually got, um, a lead belly, uh, cd, and i was really excited about that because i adore lead belly, um, but we're actually not talking about folk right now, are we? um. [laughs] and there's also this used bookstore right by where i live that sells records as well, and in that used bookstore i, um, got this copy of medea that someone had written in, and i got this, uh, book about women in theatre, and in addition to these things, i also got a, um, record called DISCOMANIA 2 (AS ADVERTISED), and, um, it's over one hour of continuous play (it says all this on the cover, and on the cover there's a kind of rainbow, um, that comes from a star with a 2 next to it, and "DISCOMANIA" in funky writing) and, um, it's got all these wonderful disco hits on it, and, um, i listen to it in my room whenever i'm feeling sad. um, so it's been making the rotations quite a bit lately, um, unfortunately, but fortunately because i like listening to it. um, so i'm gonna play a little for you. this is "love to love you, baby" by donna summer. um, it's the first track of side one.
[sound of needle on record]
[a song that is not love to love you, baby by donna summer plays]
[transcript: like, how can you be sad when listening to it, you know? you just want to dance! it's wonderful!]
[song shuts off]
[transcript: thank you for sending the ask, um, i hope you have a wonderful day! end transcript.]
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Carly: [some time after her fun times with Alison because the gals had to cleanse themselves in water and have a reset moment and generally just be allowed to live]
Carly: I’m sorry
Bartley: Why, what for now?
Carly: everything @ bonfire night idk
Bartley: It wasn’t so bad
Bartley: and you didn’t 😱👻 to make it weird, the less good parts
Carly: k grand
Carly: weren’t expecting the air to be cleared this quick but
Bartley: Not surprised you’re feeling the fear this morning, like
Bartley: s’why everyone hates Mondays, I reckon
Carly: im not 🍀🐇🌠 how u r to be feeling that type of way
Bartley: I weren’t even pissed, be why
Bartley: Notice Ronan was off his face too though, by the end
Carly: you was too busy 😍💋🥰💞😘💓’d be why bb
Carly: how are u to raise a glass when youve some lass always on your face 🌺🐝
Bartley: You sound jealous
Bartley: Another zombie girl situation, was it?
Carly: what of another 🤠🤎 for you wasnt it?
Bartley: I don’t know, I’ll not see her again so it doesn’t matter
Carly: u could if you’re after it mattering 🍯💛
Bartley: Tah for the permission, Carls
Carly: I mean cos shes a mate of alis brother & hes a mate of mine
Carly: if you want to see her its not like youd have need of searching every pop up shop for a lass on till
Bartley: You’re well 💔
Bartley: Mosey boy should still have her number, somewhere in his contact list, you can find her
Carly: my god shut up gobshite 😅
Bartley: 😏
Bartley: I just mean, that girl talked too much, when she weren’t attached to my face, I’m not after seeing her again off my back
Carly: ah now theres sense course thats why you was on her constant not cos u like her 😏
Bartley: I’m not being mean, don’t think she even asked what my name was either
Carly: im not calling u mean boy it was a party & yous both had your fun
Bartley: The comparisons are never far off
Carly: youre never far from slagging me but hey i was trying to see how long we’d go before you started
Bartley: Am not
Bartley: the only reason you like Ronan is because he has no opinions of his own and that suits you
Carly: oh please hes loads of opinions of me & they dont suit no more than the 1s the rest of yous lads have do
Bartley: Yeah right, I know how dead easy he is to convince, we do it all the time
Carly: whats it you reckon I’m here wanting to convince him of?
Bartley: I don’t need to say it, you know
Carly: I dont
Bartley: Nah, you’re after tricking me into slagging you already sos you win, more like
Carly: yea cos what a victory thatd b like
Bartley: Your shit game, play a different one
Carly: im playing none im only telling you I’m not after him
Bartley: Does that mean you’re after Moses again
Bartley: better warn his mammy, like
Carly: no never
Bartley: Believe that when I 👀 it
Carly: cant u believe it hurt us getting rated?
Bartley: no, ‘course it did
Bartley: but has he tried to apologise to you yet?
Carly: hes swore to make my life a misery cos i dont fancy fucking him no more, where it was left, more or less
Bartley: Jesus, well
Carly: i think this heres where im meant to warn yous all hes hoping you’ll all get yourselves involved in them fun & games like im scared or care
Bartley: He’s not said anything, not when I’ve been there
Bartley: maybe he was already half-cut when he said that to you, didn’t really mean it
Carly: yea maybe
Bartley: Sounds it
Bartley: he’ll have found someone else to bother by now, forgot all about that
Carly: dont even know how to make a girl feel special w his threats
Bartley: I’m just saying, don’t be scared
Carly: he dont scare me
Bartley: Good
Carly: its your turn to the now
Bartley: My turn to what?
Carly: scare us
Bartley: Not Halloween no more
Carly: only a week gone somehow
Bartley: your getup were a lot scarier craic anyhow 
Carly: least yous all dressed up loads of lads from school never far as I saw
Bartley: Mosey fancies himself enough to love all that
Carly: are you not to bother yourself next year then?
Bartley: I felt like a divvy
Bartley: different for lasses, you all love it
Carly: 🥺 I loved waiting to work out what youd picked to be 💔 for that as the last time & end of an era
Bartley: You’re such a pisstake
Bartley: I’ll try and think on before the day of next time, or go looking alone, so the best costumes don’t get nabbed
Carly: or you could let us make u 1 ❤️🎨✨🧡🧵💚💄🖤 cos I am not a pisstake
Bartley: Oh, sure, be the easiest way to go about being a massive one 😅
Carly: nah youve just massive issues w trust
Bartley: I don’t
Bartley: you’re not serious anyway
Carly: yea I am
Bartley: Maybe then
Bartley: is a whole year off now - 1 week so you’ve got time to be dead ❤️🎨✨🧡🧵💚💄🖤
Carly: yay 🖤🧡🎃🖤🧡👻🤍🧄💀🖤🧡🎃🖤🧡
Carly: dead excited to prove myself
Bartley: You who offered, moody
Carly: you’ve a whole year to work out for yourself when I’m being serious
Bartley: I already know the answer to that
Carly: u so dont
Bartley: Yeah I do, you’re never bloody serious, that’s your problem, girl
Carly: youd not handle me if I was
Bartley: That a threat of 😤 or 😭?
Carly: Id reckon its a reminder of when I tried to talk to you serious at the party & your eyes near fell out your head for the size they went
Bartley: You didn’t mean to say it, was being polite ignoring it
Carly: k eejit youre never polite, your problem
Bartley: Oh, so you let that pair walk all over you but I’m the rude one, how’s that work
Carly: yous can all be, sure, enough of it to go round, hows that?
Bartley: It don’t, you’ve no sense or shame to let him act like that just because you reckon him pretty
Carly: i know ive not, everybody knows ive not
Bartley: You could, you’re not totally braindead
Carly: i feel it
Bartley: act it out enough times for it to be all you hear, sure you do
Carly: it was all i heard before I acted up any time
Bartley: It’s not totally your fault
Carly: remember I go weird when youre nice
Bartley: yeah, don’t stop you having a go the rest of the time, weirdo
Carly: 👶😭 what go like?
Bartley: You can only take a joke off Moses when you want him to fuck you
Carly: hes no jokes when he wants to fuck me or he don’t
Carly: the lad’s loads of things but not gas
Bartley: I never said he was funny
Carly: it werent about him making us laugh
Bartley: no shit
Carly: y talk about moses when it only makes you 😤😠
Bartley: You made it so its all that’s to be said when your name comes up
Carly: wow k then
Bartley: What? You know it’s true
Carly: i never knew that was all you had to say to me but theres us told
Bartley: If you wanted to be mates with us, you wouldn’t have done what you have
Carly: right yea ill be off 😶💚👋
Bartley: For fuck’s sake, can’t you just admit that you did wrong, like
Carly: i have
Carly: what else are you after 🩸🙏📿?
Bartley: A sorry you don’t stick to don’t mean anything, you know
Bartley: You lot never do
Carly: wes done w each other, me & moses, I’m sticking to it
Carly: & ro’s just a friend now
Bartley: Believe it when I see it, yeah
Bartley: You can’t expect everyone to be convinced of that yet
Carly: take long as you need 🤠
Bartley: Whatever, you never listen to good advice
Carly: give it & maybe i’ll
Bartley: You want to do what you’ve done and are gonna keep doing
Bartley: why should I even bother
Carly: you’re not listening yourself I said ⬆️
Carly: but don’t bother w me & my 🍃🌱 if youre no believer in it
Bartley: Prove us wrong, no one’d be happier for you to stop fucking things up
Carly: k 💚
Bartley: K yourself, nightmare
Carly: don’t call me that 
Bartley: calm down
Carly: no
Carly: you sound like him & youre not
Bartley: I’m so sorry I’m not him, Jesus
Carly: you shouldnt b sorry
Carly: nobody is after you being him
Bartley: He’s a bit of a liability but he’ll come round, probably
Carly: I hope he does to yous all
Bartley: There’s only so wild people will put up with but he’s not like that bad
Bartley: long as he’s grafting, not fucking with other people’s families, he’ll not be going anywhere
Carly: yea, he’ll come grand once he grows up
Bartley: Still be a gobshite and a poser but you know
Bartley: worse crimes
Carly: yous lads have all committed them
Bartley: Not my family, not like his, their daddy lets them get away with all the stuff he still wants to
Carly: don’t start me on their daddy, I know my place that much
Bartley: Don’t be grim, or accuse him of that sort of carry on, people get strung up by their balls for less
Carly: not me who hes carrying on with if hes round this caravan
Bartley: There you go, how can any of them be expected to carry themselves with respect when he’s their example
Bartley: If their mammy had any backbone yours would be without hers, you don’t make it that obvious, in front of her and everyone she’s to live with, feeling sorry for her 
Carly: sure, ive no argument there, sorry if youre expecting 1
Bartley: I know you don’t like yours as much as she reckons it so
Carly: I like her how any girl of my age does her mammy, problem lies in her not wanting to act the part
Bartley: or her age
Bartley: I’ve seen you go all dead when she’s acting the maggot, it’s pure shaming, no one proper blames you for her being that mental
Carly: everyone instead reckons i take after her id rather the blame
Bartley: It’s just the same as them, how are you to be better, you’ve no daddy to take the pair of yous in hand either
Carly: Im not mental though
Carly: whatever else I am im not, k? Youve to know that’s so
Bartley: I didn’t say you were, only as a joke
Carly: i cant laugh @ it sorry
Bartley: Alright, alright
Bartley: you’re hanging, I get it
Carly: I hate that youve 👀 me away 💀👻
Bartley: The others don’t notice, not that they’ve ever said and it’d be a weird thing for me to bring up to ‘em
Carly: whyve you?
Bartley: I dunno
Carly: if youre to be looking @ me im to put more effort into being prettier 💄💅✨
Bartley: you’re not
Carly: i know im not thats where the effort is 🎀
Bartley: Leave off with that, you know what I meant
Carly: are you leaving off 👀?
Bartley: I weren’t looking through your window at night, don’t make it sound weird
Carly: its weird u know something they all dont but no surprise
Bartley: Maybe Ro knows, seeing as you twos are so close these days
Bartley: wouldn’t be after telling you if he did
Carly: wes further apart than ever these days but thats my own fault so
Carly: theres only ali who ive let 👀 can’t stop her same as you
Bartley: You can’t stop me
Carly: I dont want to
Bartley: There you go then
Carly: what do you want boy?
Bartley: you talking my ear off, what do you want, girl
Carly: if that was true youd of stayed w me @ the party not your girl [her name]
Bartley: I were being polite, you’ve already been told
Carly: you don’t like me when im high
Bartley: Not really, no
Carly: but I don’t myself when im sober
Bartley: I’ve seen it before, you’re too young and not a bloke
Carly: idk how to make you understand what youve not seen
Bartley: Probably not my business, you don’t have to
Carly: probably cant be inviting you to look in my windows or you’ll be 😤😠 @ me
Bartley: You like mental, even if you don’t wanna be called it
Carly: nobody likes for proper mental
Bartley: nah?
Carly: im not after being locked up where ali’s brother is
Bartley: that’s a bit different, Carls
Carly: i dont feel no different to it unless i take something that changes how 
Bartley: They reckon he killed her, you’ve never done nothing like that, don’t be stupid
Carly: he never she killed herself & sometimes I get why you know
Bartley: you’re not to say things like that
Carly: im no catholic saying or doing isnt off limits
Bartley: We’re right and that’s wrong though
Carly: is it?
Bartley: Yes, you twat, shut up about it
Carly: see, you dont like us when I’m not high neither
Bartley: Why would you say that? Nothing is that bad, is it
Carly: cos
Carly: idk [her mum] had this fella round whos bad enough & i thought hed away when i took myself off w ali but hes no moved himself all that far
Bartley: Go on, what’s his craic?
Carly: - craic
Bartley: Yeah but
Bartley: you seem scared or like, idk
Carly: im too tired to b on how she wants or turn him off hows needed 🥱😴
Bartley: Get him to go outside for a smoke or something
Bartley: just give me a bit, to sort it, yeah
Carly: im not bringing my trouble to you
Carly: no, like
Bartley: We’ve all sisters and nieces here, why do we want that sort on our site
Carly: hes been told im older theyre all of them lied to shes my big sister or best mate, its her craic
Bartley: She’s delusional, he’s got eyes
Carly: men use em to see what suits not whats real
Bartley: Not proper men
Carly: come on shes never filling this caravan up with proper men
Bartley: She can’t be trusted with anything, obviously
Carly: ill go back out idc
Bartley: For God’s sake
Carly: youre invited unless youve work on tomorrow
Bartley: you can’t just bring that up and then drop it like that
Carly: I can’t do fuck all else & im to be sure not letting you
Bartley: I wouldn’t on my own, I’m not thick, I told you give me a second
Carly: you might still be hurt hes a grown man & youre not no older than me
Bartley: No I won’t, I know how to fight, tah
Carly: idk that he dont too, catch yourself on, will u
Bartley: he’s to be outnumbered, calm yourself down
Carly: rich of you telling us to be calm when youre about to 💪🥊🤕
Carly: stop yourself please
Bartley: why should we?
Carly: i said please
Bartley: You should want it handled, why would you not
Carly: how you mean to handle it’ll knock me 🤢🤮 worrying over you
Bartley: None of us will get hurt and he shan’t come back, whatever lies your mammy is telling, it’s easy
Carly: its my fault if any of yous do & even if it werent i care whatever happens
Carly: more than I ever am about where that fella puts himself
Bartley: Why would you tell me and then say we can’t do anything about it
Carly: idk 😵‍💫 i didnt mean to
Bartley: For God’s sake, girl
Carly: I’m sorry
Bartley: Forget it just get out of there and go find Ali
Carly: shes busy or id not have left her
Bartley: go sit in [the communal middle bit where they have the bonfires and whatnot, you know where I mean] then
Carly: [do and send a pic from there, not of you because you don’t wanna show yourself in the state you’re clearly in, but so he knows you’re there] 
Bartley: Alright, good
Carly: i’m doing what im told you have to yourself & not have a scrap w my ma’s latest
Bartley: I shouldn’t listen to you, by all rights
Carly: but youre decent, a good boy 
Bartley: Calling me that isn’t helping your case, like
Carly: what’ll I call you then like?
Bartley: Call you a pisstaker
Carly: idm id have heard worse if i stayed in
Bartley: you’ve not convinced me not doing anything is the right thing to do 
Carly: do something else & you’ll quit thinking about it
Bartley: I shan’t
Carly: im grand now
Bartley: You could’ve put some clothes on, you’ll freeze
Carly: where are you even 👀 from? fuck
Bartley: out my window, which is the opposite of what you said, don’t act like I’ve got a hockey mask and a baseball bat
Carly: don’t look @ me for the now how about 😳
Bartley: You need a blanket, something
Carly: im no going in for it id sooner 🥶
Bartley: [throw one out of your window, can’t just come out, obviously]
Carly: [go grab it and wrap it around yourself while stood right next to his window, could just wait til you’re back seated so he can’t see you as well but obviously we’re not gonna do that]
Bartley: [doing the smallest wave as if you are locked in here, stepping back and out of sight after a pause like that’s enough]
Carly: [doing an oh you kind of lol before she heads back to where she was before, looking over her shoulder as she’s walking though cos you know he’s still lurking even if you can’t see him]
Carly:  💚👽🌱🦗🍐🍃🍏🍀🧃🥝💚
Carly: still idk what to do w how sweet u can be
Bartley: I’m not sweet and I know what it’s shorthand for
Carly: i dont tell us
Bartley: Yeah you do and it’s why you go for lads like Mosey who aren’t sweet
Carly: i got wrong reckoning he was or could be
Bartley: That’s the mammy in you, reckoning he could do no wrong when he’s so sweet when he wants something
Carly: nah its the little girl in us he said hed protect me & I so bad wanted him to
Bartley: He were never after that, don’t think it’s important to
Carly: im stupid
Bartley: if you’d have known, wouldn’t have half the success rate he does, you’re not the only one who falls for it
Carly: 1 of these days youll answer that I’m not 🎱🔮
Bartley: one of these days, you’ll act it, yeah
Carly: took the blanket for a start
Bartley: It’s a start
Carly: & your 👋💚
Bartley: You were doing your best Samara impression, be why
Bartley: 😶 not move on else
Carly: k you hate being called sweet enough to b after me taking it back 🍋💔
Bartley: A bit like your costume
Carly: was gonna do her from the exorcist but it felt like tempting fate for 🤢🤮
Bartley: Be gas to see your head do a 360 though
Carly: oh would it now
Carly: im fair flexible but idk if id go that far
Bartley: Not an 🦉
Carly: ill do you that carry on when shes off down the stairs 
Bartley: 🤣 will ya now
Carly: yea
Bartley: Wait ‘til the next party, would look pure nuts doing it out there on your own
Carly: wait til im somewhere w for proper stairs
Bartley: can’t call anything ‘round here more than steps, true enough
Carly: maybe for your birthday 🎁
Bartley: Where are we after going with stairs then 😏
Carly: id say ali’s but your girl would probably be there & outshine me w her 🎭🩰🎨🎬✨
Bartley: You don’t need to call her that just ‘cos we can’t remember her name
Carly: shes that cos shes after you so bad
Carly: her name’s [whatever it is]
Bartley: Only for the night
Carly: all the nights yous are in the same place
Bartley: And how often do I find myself at 🎭🩰🎨🎬✨ shit, girl?
Carly: you liked it at ali’s did you not? & you wasnt behaving so as youd never be invited again
Bartley: She’s decent craic, sure
Carly: ali or [this gal]
Bartley: Ali
Bartley: I don’t know about her family, mind
Carly: i told you her sisters not well like
Bartley: I know, I know
Carly: she hates me but the rest are decent themselves
Bartley: She wants Ali back, to be sure
Carly: course id have her to myself too if there was any say to be had in it
Bartley: Alright, gay
Carly: the girl’s magic ❤️🍄🧡🐅💛🌞💚🍀💙🧿💜🔮
Bartley: As bad as Ronan, you are
Carly: why arent u?
Bartley: What do you mean?
Carly: y dont you fancy her?
Bartley: ‘Cos Ro does
Carly: did you before you knew about ro?
Bartley: He has for ages, not exactly subtle 
Bartley: She’s pretty, sure, but you don’t do that to mates, nor family
Carly: k true enough
Bartley: I’d say you were about equal, anyway, you know
Carly: what? ah no
Bartley: why not
Carly: why would that be so?
Bartley: I dunno, you’re different but the same
Carly: I wish we were the same
Bartley: Are you jealous of her?
Carly: I’m too happy for her
Carly: but its shite i cant b as happy for myself as well
Bartley: Dunno why you girls can never be happy with yourselves
Carly: it isnt only for how pretty she is though
Carly: its how smart & nice & brave & loads else ❤️🍄🧡🐅💛🌞💚🍀💙🧿💜🔮
Carly: & for her family, all she has
Bartley: Don’t all that make you like her less
Bartley: a 🤏
Carly: no, shes never looking down @ us how id probably if I had all she does
Bartley: suppose not
Bartley: Is the smug cunts who are the worst, aye
Carly: you 👀 the girl over her fence?
Bartley: Yeah, nearly shit myself, she were proper giving it The Ring vibes, her
Bartley: nosy neighbours is one big reason not to have a house
Carly: youre making us wanna watch it now boy chuck your 📺 out
Bartley: bit more rock and roll when they weren’t flatscreen
Bartley: We could watch it, if you lot want to hang out like proper friends, me, you, Ro & Ali
Carly: 📺❤️📼💛🍿💚
Bartley: Something like that
Carly: ill find my hairbrush out before to not scare yous
Bartley: and no pea soup if we watch The Exorcist too
Carly: pissing myself on your carpet would be - craic too but its k ill not be out here in your blanket til then hed not the stamina to have
Bartley: If he’s not gone by [a time we’re deeming too late for her to be outside by] I swear
Carly: oh hes laying down the law
Carly: are you to be my brother or my daddy now?
Bartley: Behave yourself, it isn’t funny, all this
Carly: am like a 🐶 left out sure enough
Bartley: She’s such a
Bartley: you shouldn’t have to do this
Carly: [excuse me being EVIL by saying this man comes outside to smoke and is literally and blatantly chatting Carly up like she isn’t 12 years old, here not replying because we’re here going dead again while this man is the most grim]
Bartley: [not you having to rush out so dramatically this man is gonna be shook until he sees you’re just a teenage boy, coming over and putting your arm around her shoulder like come on, get up, trying not to look at or acknowledge this creep right now because you’re blatantly fuming]
Carly: [this poor girl has left the building because you just know that gross man was too in her grill and touching her and I’m soz we cannot, purely moving because this boy is moving her rn, the audacity of her mother and the boyfriends she picks]
Bartley: [direct her into your caravan via holding her shoulders, this man better hush because if this boy has to fight you, his fam will come out and fuck you up, gotta know where you are, honey; sit this girl down on your sofa like all that’s happened is a change of seat and your jaw isn’t clenched so tight you feel like it’s stuck that way]
Carly: [get back inside to the age appropriate lady or leave sir those are your choices, you can’t be that stupid, god only knows how long poor Carly will stay put before she’s finally back in the room and then is hugging her knees to her chest, still wrapped in this blanket, and risking a look at this boy like he’s gonna be mad at her instead of the fucked up circumstances in which she finds herself through no fault of her own]
Bartley: [not really helping you think otherwise with our face like thunder over this but can’t help being that bitch I’m afraid, the way we kept glaring out the window ‘til that dude went away and are now just pacing lowkey, putting the telly on, as you pass and clearly catch her eye, like that is the most comforting thing you can manage in these circumstances]
Carly: [looking away from this boy SO immediately when he catches your eye because genuinely feel like a kicked dog in this moment as if everything is your fault and you’ve done the wrong thing over and over again from the second you got back from having fun with Alison ‘he’s gone, I’ll myself’ taking this blanket off and trying to neatly fold it but you’re all shaky and upset so you can’t and it feels like an impossible task ‘sorry’ as if it’s for the folding fail and not everything]
Bartley: [the ‘wait’ coming out a bit too fast and loud, so you’re going redder than your mad face already is because don’t want her to think you’re scared of this man, kicking this blanket aside because I highly doubt you’re neat, you’re teenage boys with your own space lmao and you could not care less about said blanket right now ‘just chill’ as if that’s an easily achievable thing]
Carly: [when it makes you jump because it’s sudden and loud and you didn’t expect him to say it or anything in fact and that makes you feel even more embarrassed and sad than you already do, like there are literal tears coming to this girl’s eyes about it that she’s trying not to shed in front of this angry boy ‘I can’t’ so quietly because you dare not express how !! and true that is when you already think he thinks you’re mentally ill ‘I’d-’ stopping yourself cos you were about to say something about needing to get drunk/high again there and you know he hates it and doesn’t understand ‘I can’t’]
Bartley: [‘please don’t’ when you’re saying please but you’re also wincing because you in no way know how to handle this or what you’re meant to do now she’s here and so are you ‘you’re to tell her never again’ as if this is a thing that will work because got to say something and it should be a warning she listens to ‘or I will’]
Carly: [‘I’ve tried for years and years’ in that resigned way of you have and it hasn’t changed anything ‘at the first, I think I was 10, Christ knows how old I looked to him’ with a shrug because you do know, you aren’t a girl who looks older and that’s the tea]
Bartley: [just cursing this man out in your own language, as well as all the others before, under your breath but so angrily ‘you’d be better off without her’ as the thing you say in English and more directly to her]
Carly: [when you probably understand most if not all of what he’s saying anyway because you’ve always lived here and thus have picked it up like a 2nd language basically ‘she’s my ma, still’ said like whether she acts it or not because she absolutely never does but you have love for her and want her to nevertheless]
Bartley: [the noise of scorn that honestly deserves at this point, ma’am, shaking our head because ‘my point remains’ throwing yourself down into the armchair/other sofa because a lot of pent up emotions and nowhere to put them right now so having to do everything in a dramatic fashion]
Carly: [‘without her I don’t know where I’d be’ because truly where would they put you gal ‘except not here, sure look, maybe that’d be better but I’m not after going off’ just like this is my home soz everyone]
Bartley: [still shaking your head, shrug your shoulders, only stopping shaking your head when you put in your hands and breathe out in frustration]
Carly: [‘yeah’ like yeah I know, cos we’re frustrated by our lot in life too sir but we don’t feel like there is anything we can do to change it other than the unhealthy coping mechanisms we have]
Bartley: [‘your room have a lock on it?’ in such a matter of fact, resigned kind of tone because you don’t know what else you can do right now]
Carly: [shake your head because you’re not the sort of girl to be doing DIY like that to keep yourself safe, Ali is but you’ve clearly not expressed how badly you need one and it’s not every dude your mother brings home who’s acting like this ‘but I’ve the bathroom’ like that’s fine]
Bartley: [looking at her like no it is not before looking to the TV you put on as if you’re watching it remotely ‘we’ll put one on’]
Carly: [looking at him only when he’s looking at the TV despite the fact we all know he can feel it ‘okay’ quietly cos we’re accepting this not fighting him on it or saying anything bants etc]
Bartley: [not looking back, just nodding because can’t commit to any more, switching the channel, to something you can at least say you want to watch, opposed to whatever just came on when you put this telly on]
Carly: [getting up to go like you can just quietly slip out like a little ghost as though you were never here but obvs stopping before you get to the door and turning back like - because you wanna thank him for what he did but you don’t know how to because it feels SO big, literally nobody cares about this girl but Alison and that cannot be overstated ‘you are decent, a good boy’ said sincerely like no bants or lies detected]
Bartley: [looking over at her like you did not just say that but you can’t help but do a little smirk, almost as if it’s against your will with how tiny it is but still, rubbing the back of your neck ‘away with you now’]
Carly: [doing a lil smile back because she can’t help that either ‘you’re not to watch me’ like he’s gonna be at the window lurking until she’s inside when it’s not far to go at all, but ofc said like he absolutely can and she doesn’t mind because she doesn’t and in fact wants him to, wrapping her arms around herself in preparation for how cold it’ll be outside and how much she doesn’t really wanna head back there cos her mum will either be in a mood this man has left and wanting to overshare about it or her bestie as per and wanting to keep the party going and neither is the wanted vibe]
Bartley: [flipping her off for calling you a stalker but you’re grinning back more openly so she knows you’re all good here, even if you know what her mother is like and do not envy her going back, you can’t offer her an alternative ‘take the blanket’ as a throwaway comment as she hugs herself because it do be chilly]
Carly: [doing the kind of pure and happy lol she did at bonfire night which is usually reserved for Ali only and/or being high as she slips out of the door, waving off his blanket offer like no no I couldn’t possibly ‘it’s yours’ as if he needs it more here for his TV watching]
Bartley: I’ll get you a lock after work tomorrow
Carly: 🔒💚
Carly: ill sleep for the knowing of it
Bartley: I’m glad, go get some, said you were tired
Carly: you’ve work ill let you get your head down bb
Bartley: 👌
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sabine-leo · 6 years
A smile to remember
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Author: @sabine-leo
Chapter: 13 /?  
Genre: Fluff, Humor, Romance
Special Guests: Benedict Cumberbatch, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans & Robert Downey Jr.
Note: THANK YOU so much for all your lovely comments!! You really made my day (and night) I hope you like this chapter too!!! 
Chapter 13 
His appearance almost knocked you of your feet. You got hot and cold flashes but you weren’t the only one having trouble to process what was in front of you! Tom was wearing a well-cut black suit with a tie and a white dress shirt. He looked as if he´d fallen out of a best dressed magazine. Only his face was not picture perfect in its state of shock. Ben seemed to think otherwise as he took a picture of him. Laughing tears with Chris joining him.
“Oh this is good, this is sooo good!”
 Tom shook out of his stupor first. Making long strides to cover the distance between you. His voice was hoarse as he said your name. 
“(Y/N)…You are here!” he declared and the shock turned into a blissful smile.  It seemed to be the theme of the evening. You could only nod…again.
Tom took you in his arms and hugged you very close.
“I can´t believe you pulled that stunt on me!” He laughed and leaned back to look into your eyes.
“Oh darling, you look stunning! It´s so good to see you in person again!”
 Toms hands tried to stay clear of your naked back but for a single chaste stroke down your spine with his index finger.  You had quite an audience and Tom blushed a little as some catcalls came his way. “Let me introduce you first, and then I think I need a drink!” he laughed and hugged you one last time. Your body seemed to fall apart on the inside. Your heart beating out of your chest and your legs wobbly and unsure. But all that didn´t matter as you saw the look on Toms face again.
He was really happy to see you.
 Talk about starstruck. You met a lot of his co workers in just under half an hour. After your initial speechlessness you composed yourself, thanks to Tom standing next to you and starting of conversations. Soon you got more relaxed and actually could enjoy the meetings. All of his co stars you met were kind and nice and fairly normal to talk to. The party got off to a great start.
 As Tom had to talk to a producer you went over to Sarah and sat next to her. She grinned and said “Thanks for helping me out, this was so much fun to watch!” You laughed with her and relaxed for a moment at not having the attention of those big shots in Hollywood. The official part was over quickly and the party started to get more relaxed and fun. The dance floor was opened and the bar was busy. Seemed as if everybody was happy to let go of the stress they´d had the last couple of weeks.
 Tom was whisked away quite a bit from all different people, but when he was with you, he smiled and touched you chastely almost every chance he got. Some people joined you and Sarah, watching the shenanigans going on. Chris and Bens wife’s for example. You had a good talk with them and laughed at the story’s they told about their husbands and Tom.
 Somewhere in between Chris whisked his wife away for a dance. And the empty chair next to you was soon occupied by Chris Evans.
“Oh no!” Sarah declared. “That look on his face… he´s up to no good!” she laughed.
But before she could warn you further Chris took your hand and said
“Hi, wanna dance? We got introduced earlier and I seem to be the only one who hasn’t got a partner to dance around here. Tom still got his sister.. so…” He grinned and you had no time to answer before he whirled you of your chair and onto the dancefloor.
 In that moment, Tom sat down next to his sister, watching what was happening.
“Evans, I swear one day I will get revenge!” Sarah laughed and leaned her head on his shoulders.
“It´s good to see you again brother. Even when you are annoyed with your co-stars.”
Tom laughed and kissed his sisters head. “Thank you for being here and bringing (Y/N) with you. I missed you…even though you are playing pranks on me.”
 You couldn´t believe it, but you had fun dancing with Chris. It was a fast dance and he just spun you around before dancing opposite of you. Soon you were joined by the other Chris, his wife and Ben. Robert Downey Jr cheering at the men on a microphone he took over from the DJ. Evans began to play dirty and motioned as if taking of his shirt and giving you a lap dance
 “I think it´s time for me to join them!” Tom declared and stood up. “Excuse me.”
Sarah giggled and nodded.
 As Tom entered the dancefloor you looked into his eyes. Crying for help but laughing. But then again, his gaze was so intent that you didn´t know what would unease you more. Evans giving you an eyeful of a dance or standing in front of Tom who looked as if he wanted to…yeah, what was that look on his face exactly?
 “And here he is. Tom Snake Hips Hiddleston!!” RDJ announced into the microphone.
“Evans, you got company! I´ll help you out my boy! Tom, get ready for a dance off!”
But Tom just laughed at RDJ and took your hand
“Excuse us Evans, but she´s here with me, can´t let you have her all for your own.”
Chris laughed and faced Tom off.
“You were busy, so I took my chance.” Tom grinned and said
“Ok, let her chose the next dance partners.”
“That’s unfair Hiddleston you know she´ll choose you. You´re friends!”
Tom laughed. “Exactly”
 You didn´t know what got into you but you said.
“Actually. I would like you two to dance together and make up. I need a break!” As the music was killed somewhere in between everybody heard that.
“Oh! I like her!” RDJ announced and started to play a slow song. 
“Hug it out boys!”
 Toms eyes grew wide but he laughed out loud, throwing his head back. “I really missed you!”
“You sure about that? she’s mean!” Evans asked him but grinned.
“You are not getting a lap dance Hiddleston!” He declared but started to slow dance with Tom anyhow. For about 10 seconds…then Tom cut himself loose and was in front of you again.
“Help me out for once?!” he grinned and took you in his arms, starting to dance with you.
You went willingly and smiled up on him
“Sorry, that was too easy a tease to waste.”  
Tom just shook his head laughing and the both of you slow danced for 30 seconds.
“Sorry folks, it´s a party, not a snoozefest!” RDJ hollered and faster music came on again.
 Tom let go of you and took your hand in his. “Let´s go outside for a bit.” The smile on his lips was so lovely you just nodded in adoration. Everywhere were people but you found a relatively quiet spot to sit down. The sparks you had seen in his eyes as he had come for you on the dancefloor were gone. He was just content to have you near him and talk to you. As you were too. You sat close to each other and talked about everything that came to mind. Until you were joined by his friends again and the conversation got side-tracked in favour of some fun with the others.
It really was a great Party, you had fun and couldn´t help to smile at all the memories you made that night. In the wee morning hours the party came to an end and you walked back to your room.
Tom by your side and a drunken Evans behind you.
“This is me.” You said and keyed open your door.
Evans grunted “Ha! next door is mine. But I think it’d be willing to share yours as I can´t find my key…” Tom rolled his eyes and ushered you inside your room, following you inside and closing the door...in front of Evans nose
“Hey.. that´s rude Hiddleston, I can´t sleep in the hall!”
Tom sounded playfully exasperated as he said “The key is in your hand Evans!”
“Oh!” was a happy response and you heard shuffling.
Tom looked at you “I´m so sorry, but I had to take action, otherwise he would be snoring on your bed already.” You laughed and touched his arm “It´s fine, really. Better that way as if you just had pushed me in and closed the door in my face without saying good night!”
Tom looked nauseated “I would never do such a thing!”
“I know Tom, hence it´s totally fine that you came in.”
You were standing in front of each other in that little hallway to your room, leaning at a wall each. “So I guess this is good night then…” Tom said and looked in your eyes.
“More like good morning, but I’m tired anyway.”
Tom laughed, leaned in and placed a kiss on your cheek. “Sleep well (Y/N)”
“You too Tom!” You stroked down his arm that had taken a hold on your hip.
 With a little sigh he opened the door. “See you later?”
“Of course.”
 A knock sounded at a locked joining door to the other room.
“Hey there, can I come over?!” it was Evans voice.
Toms eyes darkened a moment before he looked at you.
“That´s it, take what you need with you, you´re sleeping in my room!”
 There was no room for discussion in his eyes and voice.
Note: A gif was asked for for the moment he sees you :) I think something like would fit :) 
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Taglist: @theoneanna @shegatsby @wabisabigrl @everything-is-awesomesauce @drakesfiance @spoopyfoxxtropical @yokaimoon @kjjazzy23
If you want to be added just holler :) 
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bloomvroom · 4 years
vent poetry
anger issue stuff/vindictive fantasies due to cptsd regarding abuser
trigger warning for violence & gore I guess _ Youve been hanging around for a while now, its been some years since you raped me Its been some years since you begged me not to leave you since you asked me “Do you really want to throw all we are away over this?” right in the same day that you raped me
And I hoped id never see your face again after I cut you out of my life and I tried to heal but you wouldnt leave me alone Dragged you inside my mind to school cuz you stalked me outside my house always in presence, moved on my fucking street and you dont like letting go of me And you tore into my family, but yknow they already hated me cuz they didnt wanna believe my dad sexually abused me they already desperately wanted to call me a liar for sure, all to keep their blissfull facade of things being all fine, they just couldnt bring it over themselves to call a 13 year old little girl a liar right back when I cut my dad out of my life too cuz he tried to fucking rape me that one weekend in his new flat after mom left him Yeah youve been the chance they waited for, if it happened more than once, surely the girl is fucking lying right? You gave them the push they needed so they finally could set themselves free from pretending like they give a damn, so they called 16 year old me a liar, oh and you told them you raped me on accident, oh but like theyd have prefered it if you had that left part out but they made do with what you gave, I did some sorta roleplays with you, so you couldnt differniate, right? Doesnt matter that they never asked for my version of the events, or that you raped me out of nowhere, no sexual activity prior to it at all, no roleplay, nothing at all, they took it from there and came up with more excuses to explain away how obviously traumatized I am, my aunts husband said my mom didnt stop me from watching violent manga porn in my childhood and thats why im so fucked up now, I have no fucking clue where he got that from, for sure, but its quite of concerning that he knew I saw that sort of media in my childhood, but for real, my dad was the one actively telling me to go look up this sort of porn, after hes been showing me lolicon anime cuz he tried to groom me with it, after he instructed me to masturbate to hentai cuz he liked watching me, ah but whatever, they dont care abt that, do they?
Cuz they only care about the way youve came into their life and gave them the blessing of finally getting to call me a liar out loud, oh youve given them what they wanted, youre so buddy buddy now, and they never wanted to question how fucking creepy it is for a guy to actively befriend the family of a girl that has claimed shes been raped by the guy, how fucking weird it is that this girl went to a lawyer to get help cuz the guys been stalking her, and how they might be part of that stalking too, oh but why would ever question anything? anyhow? why would they?
They even let you move in with them, yeah why would the guy that shes accused of having raped her and stalking her wanna move in with her family after shes refused any sort of contact with him no matter how much he pushed for it? What kind of guy would do this knowing its gonna hurt her? its gonna devastate her? Yeah, what sort of powerhungry guy would - hey what again is rape most of the time motivated by? A hunger for power? A thirst for control? Mh, I wonder - I wonder how long you can hold your breath wasting your life creeping on me, over your inability to get over that I had the audacity to leave your ass after you raped me, thinking that id just move on and not leave u for it, oh for someone that obsessed about me for such a long time its like you barely even knew me,
And I know I should feel like crying when I think of it but all I feel is the shivering in my arms and legs from the adrenaline, and the waves of rage and violent urges that wash over me when I remember what the world let you get away with, when I remember my pathetic family and their farce when I remember how much of a dissapointment youve turned out to be, You should have really known so much fucking better than that, your own mother liked to get to close to you for comfort in your own childhood, you know what it feels like to be preyed on, yet you continued the cycle of abuse its pathetic, cuz I trusted you so much, trusted you in a world where barely anybody understands what its like if a parent sexually abuses you as a child, and you knew what its like, cuz it happened to you too, I trusted you to want to be better than that, I trusted that you wanted to heal and recover just like me, but boy was I wrong
You acted out on me, got triggered for sure, but you cant heal from what you refuse to see yourself as victimized of, you never liked accepting that what your mom did to you is really that bad, you held me so tightly and told me youd never let me go now that you know that I wont judge you for what youve been through, you cried in my arms that day, when we still were a couple, and you said somewhere you know what your mom did really counted as sexual abuse but you just cant let go of the illusion that she loves you, cant let go of the illusion that it wasnt even that bad, that it didnt count cuz only women can get victimized but that it feels so good to finally get to feel vulnerable, and youd never let go of me, and you do everything to make sure what happened to me never repeats
few months later you raped me’ and now youre crying out loud for gods sake just leave me the fuck alone, I cant cope with the amount of urges to murder you I get, but sadly enough I know thats sorta what youre getting at here, I know deep inside you just hope I snap and kill you cuz you cant get what you did out of you, cant get what she did to you out of you and now youre turning it around on me, and you hate me so vehemently hate me for leaving you, hate me for having been kind to you before, yeah, hate me cuz you cant have me, hate me cause you hate yourself, hate me cause youd like to end your miserable life cuz you know you cant take back what you did, well ive no sympathy for you You can beg, and you can threaten and all I do is fantasize about gutting you like a fish, I wanna cut the skin on your back open and unfold it so you can be the angel youve always wanted to be, I wanna stitch that lying mouth of yours shut, I wanna break all your fingers so you regret having ever touched me with them in those ways, I want to step on your body as its bleeding out, I wanna crush your bones with heavy shoes, I wanna hear you break like you tried to break me that day, I wanna stuff your throat full of white feathers so you can know what it felt like to be called “purity in person” too, try coughing up how you really feel, Id like to see you try, put you on a pedastal like you put me with a noose round your neck so you can know how graceful this fall is’
Purity isnt something you can steal, you shouldnt have tried to from me, Purity is something thats not as real as people pretend it is, the childhood innocence you miss, you should admit to why you feel that way, but im out of patience to give advice, youll only obsess over, like you used to, Im saying it now, the only fantasies ive got with you anymore are those in which I torture and kill you for every day you overstayed, for every day you sabotaged me and my life, when you came into my life, and when you left me bruised and more broken than ive ever been before, sabotaged the way I tried to go to school and graduate, stalking me like you did, I tried my best to succeed in life even as you kept trying to drag me down, I kept going anyway, and I did good in my own way, I kept going slower, slower, slower, but I still went my way you could slow me down, but you could never get me to stop never get me to give up, This is one hell of a sick game youve been playing with me, why cant you just accept it? You raped me and theres no second chance after that, You can deny it, try to act like you didnt, but I know you hate yourself for it, dont make it my issue, it makes me so sick when you think I could ever feel anything more for you at this point, more than the urge to grab a knife and slice your throat just to finally put an end to this, an end to this you and me havent been a thing since we’ve been sixteen, but you feel me with such violent shine when my mind goes dark cuz youve been trying to trap me in my own room full of fear cuz you keep reminding me of the way you raped me, oh and I feel like a tiger in a cage, like a tiger in a cage and im about to rip you open with my teeth, But theyd never understand the amount of damage youve dealt to me, would they? Id be the “bad one” So why dont you do me a favour and just kill yourself? You keep clinging to a possible future you had envisioned with me, but I never agreed to that, I always told you if you do something that hurts me, ill leave ya’ and you didnt even think id really do it, I promised you to stay with you for life unless you do something thatll hurt me real bad, you promised you never would, looks like you broke our promise and yet your the one crying out loud feeling the need to make me feel just how angry you are cuz I had the audacity not to stay in an relationship with my rapist
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verritytorres · 7 years
entropy and me: a guide to your irrelevance
just pretend you were all like oh yeah anon i love that idea before i sent this in i dont want to italicize all that text again
the last thing aaron can remember is pain- a feeling worse than needles or being hit or breaking an arm without magic to help- but not quite like it- more like being underwater for too long at the beach and breathing in the brine, like being tumbled by a huge wave and feeling yourself thrown against the sand.
he remembers this for a long time, longer than he thinks he experiences it, and the memory sticks like velcro.
its stopped feeling so imminent now, less like breathing seawater and more like the memory of doing it- and hes waking up now. and he sees
there is void in his eyes as far as he can see, and it would almost be total darkness if not for his outline unchanged by the unlight. he turns his head, not expecting it to make any difference and it does, because if anything reality wants to beat it into his head that nothing aaron expects to happen will.
he sees a girl, maybe half a year older than him. she is not willowy, but is compact and broad-shouldered. her skin is the color of oak bark and her hair is autumn leaf gold. she, too, is unaffected by the unlight- in fact, she seems to glow. she wears the green of bronze year and she turns her head to look at him.
her eyes are hollow white, like empty sclera (are his like that too, now?), and aaron realizes he knows who she is.
:verity torres:, he says, but there is not air in a vacuum and he wonders how he can talk.
she walks through void to sit by him, legs pulled up like his are.
:thats me:, she says- no, projects, with a bitter smile, :i guess you’re some poor schmuck that got trapped in here, too? its good to have some company in here, i tell you what. how long’s it been, anyhow? i dont recognize you at all, so probably longer than it feels.:
:how can you not tell?:, asks aaron.
:the void that devoured us is timeless:, she replies, :its been here since before creation and itll be here after it ends.:
:okay, then, why am I here? why am i in this void with a girl whose been dead for years?: asks aaron, full of heartbreak and confusion.
:you are here because somehow the alkahest killed you, kid- to be more precise, the void inside of you has consumed you and brought you to limbo. what’s your name? not fair for you to know me but not i you.:
:aaron. i’m aaron.:
if it were just aaron, maybe he would have paused, then, let the silence fill both of their ears, but verity continues.
:so, how’d you get done in, aaron? was it constatine? joseph? was the mage war millennia ago and you were just some unlucky fool who touched the wrong museum artifact?:
:none of the above:, replies aaron, :i got killed by master josephs adoptive kid.:
:well, that makes four lives that damn bloodline fucked over, then. give me some gossip, kid. i’ve been in here for eons.:
:okay:, starts aaron, and begins to tell the girl his story.
:huh:, she says, after aaron has told her of his life- of homes that were never home, of sand and of overwhelming chaos, of steel and the smell of blood, of a boy with gray eyes and a girl with long, brown, braided hair, and of a plot and a betrayal and the pain sizzling in his gut like static; and then of the life verity lost, of icy cold caves where nobody breathed (verity had cried)- :thats fucked up.:
:you were known for your clean language:, redirects aaron, not entirely sure it was true, :why do you cuss now?:
:theres a point when youve been here long enough that you stop caring:, says verity, :and who is there to hear me, anyways? you and i are a part of this void now, aaron. it owns us now, it claimed us, and we will live, as much as specters can live, for as long as it does, which is eternity and some time after that. who even cares, anymore, besides you and i?:
:huh:, says aaron, :never thought of it that way.:
:they didn’t teach me shit:, says verity, :but this they never let me forget:  there is no rest for makars that are taken by the void.:
:thats fucked up:
:i dont think they would have taught me how to even call chaos if they could. they feared me.:
:…god, this is so boring.:
:haha! yeah!: verity’s laugh is a bark, her voice tinged with a strong accent, :i mostly talked to fill the silence, but it helps with boredom, too.:
:i can understand. i… i hope my friends are okay.:
:call and tamara, right?:
:yeah. i guess we know call’s alive, at least, or else he’d be here.:
:he’s the other makar, yeah. he could still be dead, if what you said about that strike dudes magic is true. we’ll know for sure if he starts visiting us.:
:visiting? what does that mean?:
:something i noticed is that current makars will sometimes appear in the void with us. it only starts happening when the amount of makars in the void outnumbers or is equal to the ones outside.:
:how would you know that? i was the first makar since you…:
:its not limited to virginia, dude. i think there must have been one in the middle that died pretty quick, because once i saw constantine madden’s ghost.:
aaron is startled.
:but constantine maddens soul is in call. how does that work?:
:i dont think the thing i saw was his soul… i think it was a fragment of him. i think when he became the enemy he lost who he was to the void, but since he was technically alive for a while it let him manifest.:
:that sounds a bit scary.:
:a little, but we got along well. i think that piece of him was our age, or younger… just after jericho died. he talked a lot about finding his brother, but he talked about normal kid stuff, too. apparently he really liked to roller skate.:
theres a thoughtful lull, then aaron asks a question.
:verity, cant we use our magic in here? whats stopping us from unvoiding ourselves or something?:
:well… magic doesnt work in here. void magic does, but its different in here than it is outside. and the thing is that normal magic doesnt just not work here, i think its gone. like we can’t ever use other magic.:
:so all i will ever be able to use is chaos?:
aaron feels… hurt. empty, despite the staticky pain in his gut (where the alkahest hit). he hadnt been thinking about his magic but now he feels its loss keenly. maybe if this was a non-void world where he wasnt just the echo of a dead boy he would cry, but if this was any of those things he wouldnt have anything to cry about.
this is....everything. this is all i ever needed in my life
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Chapter 6
One week had gone by.. Thoughts swirled around Serena’s mind. All involving the the ginger haired freckled boy with a mouth full of braces. Friday night she kept the company of Caleb. He could tell something was off. “Whats going on with you? you’ve been avoiding my phone calls, you’ve barely wanted to hang out, and you’ve pushed me away every time I try to make love to you...” Serena smiled, looking down at the cup of tea between her hands “Its just...I don't know, work has me so stressed out and this Strangerville case..”  “Oh that again..” Caleb interrupted. “You’ve got to stop trying to do it all and just live for you. “  “but I am Caleb! This is what I want!” He looked at her flatly “So you want a drift between us?  Because ever since this Strangerville crap, you’ve pushed me away...” 
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She couldn’t help but to feel a sting in her heart with his words, but she knew how Caleb could be. “I haven’t tried to push you away, but this is important to me”  “If it is more important than me, then maybe we should put some space between us?” Caleb hissed.  “Anyhow, We can discuss this at another time, I need to get going. I’ve got things to take care of”   Serena looked at the clock. It was 1:45 in the morning “Where are you going so late?” She asked, doubt setting In her mind “Its really not of your concern” 
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He snapped back and walked out of her apartment.
Serena did love Caleb but he could be so difficult at times. She tried to put it behind her and went to bed. She knew she had a big day following and needed sleep without the thoughts of Calebs hurtful words keeping her up all night.
The morning arose and the day was beautiful. She checked her phone, as she usually did first thing in the morning. “Hey! Erwin here! I’ve secured a Key Card so we can access the Lab with out any issue, we can snoop around and gather some information. Meet me at 1pm”  A soft smile curled her lips. For a moment she forgot the painful words Caleb spit at her the night before. No messages from him either, its like he didn't really care at times. 
Serena got herself read, patted Dexter on the head, giving him a kiss and filling his food bowl “I’ll be back shortly my little guy” He purred and nudged into her.
Before too long, she was at the Curio Shop. A very fidgeting and awkward Erwin was toying around with what looked like a walkie Talkie “Hey hey! I’m fixing up this High Intelligence Bug! If we need, we can bug anyone and listen to them from 5 miles away! Pretty Nifty huh!?” Serena smiled. She thought his nerdy intelligence was really cute. 
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“Okay, I think we’re ready to do this!” Erwin exclaimed. He looked over at her, giving her a reassuring smile. It made Serena feel safe. 
After driving for what felt like an eternity, they met with a large canyon. There was a huge crater in the earth. Inside this crater was facility, an ominous and desolate facility..
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“So this is it?” Serena asked Erwin, her expression doubtful.  “Yup! This is it..The Laboratory of Hell” He chuckled. “Well, only one way to get this done...” She got out of the car to look down at the Huge canyon with a magnificent but creeply looking laboratory tucked away within its pits.  “Looks like a nuclear plant” She interjected “I wouldn't be surprised if they were dealing with Nuclear warfare at one time here” He said as he wiped the sweat from his brow. The Sun beating down on them viciously. 
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The two made their way down into the canyon to the very entrance of the lab. The door was opened ‘Seems as if nobody felt the need to lock up shop huh?” Serena observed.  “Yea, last I heard there was an outbreak of 51B852″  Serena looked at Erwin “What?” “Yeah thats the name of whatever it was that caused this place to close down. I don't know if it had anything to do with what is going on now, but after that virus got out, this place fell apart...2 years later, here we are now...”  
“Interesting…” Serena whispered to herself. 
The place looked like an emergency went off and people scattered. Papers were strewn all over the floor. Old coffee mugs laying about, books thrown all over place. 
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There were visible spores in the air  “I have a bad feeling about this” Erwin meekly said. The two snooped around the lab, looking for anything that could help them with finding out what was going on in Strangerville 
“There is a door somewhere around here that needs a Keycard to access...I infact have one of those key cards, its just a matter of finding the door” Erwin explained.  “Well until we find the door, we can investigate this wing of the Laboratory.” Serena remarked.
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Upon walking down the empty halls of the facility, Serena and Erwin came across a giant door. The door has a slot that read “Unify Key Card Entrance Required” “This is it!” She excitedly called to Erwin.  “Ah yes you’re right, this is it!” With that he handed her the Card “I know that whatever is on the other side of that door is going to lead us to some very important answers!” She smiled and slipped in the card. The door beeped in a mathematical rhythm. 
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The door slid open, revealing wide stairs going downward into a dark lower level. “Uh Erwin?”  “Yeah, that does make sense.... The Top secret Medical facility would be in the lower levels of this place...” he explained. “It almost seems like you’ve been here before...” She asked. Erwin remained silent. 
The Two walked down the stairs. How Serena wanted to grab his hand, she was actually a little apprehensive about being there. Something felt off...
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Reaching the bottom of the staircase, the lighting was dark. It was almost hard to see, and the air was thick. Thick with spores and a rotting smell. “Oh what is that?” she asked. “Well, take into consideration, this place has been abandoned for years now...but scientifically speaking, It could be Molecules integrating with the High Phospher… uh ..” Serena looked at Erwin with a sarcastic expression “okay, I’ll stop with the Geek talk” He laughed. 
The two curious young adults came across a room. A well lit room with a little glass room inside the big white room. There were computers as well as glass cages with colorful iridescent plants. “What is this place? she asked... “I’m not totally sure but it appears that machine in the middle of that sectioned off room  is a Vaccination Generator Computer, used to mix chemicals and create medications!” Erwin explained. 
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“But what I’m more interested in is figuring out what this plant is?” He asked himself stroking his chin, bending down to get a closer look.  The two looked over the plant.
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 “Sure is beautiful” Serena observed.  
He turned to Serena...
“Sometimes the most beautiful of creatures are the most deadly...”
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As Erwin studied the plant, Serena looked around the medical room. She looked through books and binders and papers “ Hey Erwin! I think I found something!” “yeah?” “well it says here that all Military personal are required to keep an Infectious Spore Scanner on them at all times...”  “Sounds like that is something we might need to get our hands on!” Erwin replied. “well my question is, What the hell is that for and what is it?” She asked with an eyebrow raised. “Basically it’s a device that allows us to see how many of those spores are in the air... a very useful tool in this situation. If we breathe in too many of those spores, we will turn... become infected...and it appears that the infection is a permanent situation. Not a very good look either I might add!” He chuckled.
Serena kept searching through a heavy looking book that had bold letters on the outside case reading “CONFIDENTIAL”  “May I have a look a this?” Erwin asked. She handed the book over to him. She watched him as looked through it, almost knowing exactly what chapter to go to. “I was right...Its going to need a specially made serum that can be turned into a vaccine for whatever this is.. Which confirms my theory this Is not any sort of Drug Epidemic”
  “okay sounds easy enough?” Serena said, meaning it to be more of a question to confirm her hopes this will be an easy and straight forward fix. 
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“Not exactly...See, we are going to need to gather many of those spores in order to fix this...and even if we get the vaccination, it doesn't mean whatever is causing this will be stopped...there is still something causing this that needs to be eradicated” 
“I was afraid of that...” she said looking down at the ground. 
“We are going to need that Spore Scanner in order to collect the spores we need to create the Vaccine” He explained. 
The two packed up and made their way out of the medical wing of the laboratory. Before they headed up the long stairs up, Serena noticed a long hallway filled with a purple gas. The air looked thick and the rotting smell from before was most certainly coming from the hallway. “What in the world is that?” she asked as she approached the hallway. Erwin quickly noticed her approaching the hallway “SERENA NO!!!” He yelled, quickly jumping in front of her. Unfortunetly he got a little to close when he jumped in front of her. The thick purple air attacked his nostrils, filling his lungs with spores.
Within a moment he collapsed.  “ERWIN!!!” She cried out.
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Serena jumped to his aid. Erwin slowly stood up, his back facing Serena. He just stood there, not moving. “umm...Erwin, are you okay? “ she asked, reaching out to his shoulder. He snapped around facing her, his face contorted. 
Serena gasped “Erwin?...!” 
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He crept towards her, drooling. His eyes dilated and his smile extended in an unnatural shape.  She could hear his breathing becoming heavier, and his heart beat was so loud, it sounded as if it would break through his rib cage. 
“Erwin please don't do this! “ she cried out panicked.  Her pleads to him fell on deaf ears. He kept slinking closer to her. It was almost as if he wanted to eat her flesh. 
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She was cornered like a wild animal. It was down to Flight or Fight, and there was no where to run. She pulled her arm back and slapped him as hard as she could across his face, knocking him over.
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He looked back up at her, his face red. His eyes looked normal once again “What the hell was that for!?” He cried, his expression obviously showing his insult. “Erwin! You had turned into one of those....things...” She explained panicked. “Oh my god! Are you okay! Did I hurt you?!” He asked her, visibly upset.  “No I’m okay, but I thought you were going to die!” she cried to him, grabbing him tightly in her arms and squeezing him.
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“We better get out of here and get to finding that Spore Scanner..” 
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yagurlmaya · 7 years
Love issues
,today was almost the best day of this month … you know when you get to school and you have that one friend who always keeps you up to date when it comes to your crush ( welll I kinda am in the “ I love you more than a friend “ zone … yes and I quote love and not like ). Yeah well today my crush walked in the school gates and MY LORDDDD .. it think I was drooling all over the person that was standing next to me . One he looked Hot AFFF two he pierced his ears. That made him twenty times hotter !! I swear its like.. he makes it more hard for me to resist him. And we all have that friend that gives up on her crush to go to Yours because why not torture me. ( to enlighten you its her ex?! ) And this is were I'm going to explain why it was almost the best day . ( warning : if you have headphones on please turn down the volume) ok so you know my crush his ex .. yeah well she is kind of a slut and she's kind of trying to win him back . Me And her are/we're best friends. We were inseparable. I was there for her trough thick and thin .. bruhh she was the first person I talked to on the freaking first day of school.. And if your asking No I didn't had feelings for him when he was with her . YES she knows I have a crush on him but hey .. they say karma is a bitch well not compared to her karma is not !! I think she's trying to make me jealous in a “I had him once I can get him twice “ kind of way and it's annoying me . I'm like .. I know hes not mine so he can talk to anyone he wants to and i knoooow for a fact that he doesn't like me that way even though my friends try to convince me into thinking that I might have a little itsy bitsy chance with him ( wich I don't I mean Have you seen me not even an dog would date me?!) But no matter how hard I try to forget …. no matter how hard I try to deny … they are still there .. the feelings .. the butterflies.. they are still there .. the butterflies waiting to erupt in my stomach when he walks by… the feelings right there alway on time to change my mind when I have the thought “ you will never have a chance with him”.Every day I discover a new feature .. something new that I like about him .. and it's wierd cause I only like that feature only on him . ( that right there is what my feelings do to me ..now you get don't you ?!) I don't even know why I'm so irritated with her being around him if for a fact to him I'm irrelevant. I'm ugly to so surprise suprise (get why I'm irrelevant to him ?) . Inserts a picture of herself here (I look like a freaking monkey ) Sometimes I ask myself :”why him out all people ?!” The answer: the feelings …. Their everywhere ! What kind of feelings you ask ? (Warning if you are standing to close take a step back) I DON'T KNOW ...I can't explain the feelings I get when he's around me .. yes feelings they are like sparks in my body in when he's close to me they go off like a hundred fireworks all at the same time.. it's like once I see him all my pain goes away and happiness takes ove my body and I start smiling without control over my smile ( ahhhhhh the feelings are taking over my body ….. !! ) . HELL IM SMILING RIGHT NOW LIKE .. BOIII WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME ! (Ok calm down breathe calm down) Ok butt(I said butt :))really this guy got my feelings going nuts they don't know where to run nor hide .. and I'm sitting here thinking about the day I said “ I will never ever ever fall in love .. thats a grown upps thing “ well I guess I'm grown up …. HA SIKEEEE Wanna hear a joke ?? Knock knock Who's there ? Not Not who? Not my love life ! It was funny wasn't it ?? I hoped for 2 damn moths .. I hoped that this would chick stay in her lane so I could make a move.. you heard me so I could make a move . Now the only move I'll be making is the MOve that every person does when they sit down on a chair .. except I'll be the only one doing that at the school dance . Ill be sitting there watching everyone have a good time and me .. I'll be thinking about this boy .. This stupidly sweet boy makes my heart do cartwheels in my chest . This stupidly who has me on a cloud . .. sounds wierd huh well let me explain .. everything I do I think of him , when I'm sleeping I think of him . It's actually pretty funny/crazy how 99,2% of the day I'm thinking about him . This stupidly sweet boy whom I care so much about I'm actually crying at this moment about ( thats another long story) I know I should move on but a part off my heart said give myself the time to think another part of me said tell him the truth about how you feel about him ………( my friends chanting : do it , do it , you can do it :) ) He gives mixed signals and I don't know if I should take them seriously.. I mean damn you wouldn't play with someone feeling like that would you ?! If he did play my feelings I would be so hard broken :( And it's not that situation where the girl doesn't know the boy that well … it one of those situations were the boy and girl are hella close but she still gets friend-zoned . ( but not for long .. another long story ;) ) It's like .. I know what he's like , I know what he likes to do , I know who he is .. and believe me everyone has flaws and everyone has a breaking point… and here's mine I seriously can't take it anymore it's just to much to bare like to know that you care so much for someone you would even sacrifice your important thing like school and work for this person and to know that they wouldn't or would do the same but they just wouldn't show it . It hurts . I FEEL LIKE I HAVE BEEN STABBED in my heart by my own choices . This what I was afraid of all along , that one day I have to confront him and say those three empty words:” I love you “ You would ask me right now why did you call them empty I thought they were meaningful? Well they are meaningful but the can be empty / meaningless Those three empty words are meaningless and empty if the person you gave all that time and affection doesn't say it back . I've liked someone before but I never fell trully and deeply in love with someone before like I did with this boy . Sometimes I'm like what's wrong with me...I was reading a book and gues what ?! A certain someone is in my freaking head ..AGAIN. Ima call 9Juanajuanato report that I'm going tacos you get itt huh huh ?? Anyway anyhow the truth is my love life is a disaster and a total failure and a huge disappointment. I tired to date other guys but it just doesn't feel right .it feels like my heart only belong with him . Only him The worst part of it is that I'm just a friend to him . Everyone sees everyone knows that I like him it's so obvious. I give him hints people catch them but he doesn't . I flirted with so many times you know what he does … he flirts back ( I can read minds … let me read yours :” oh my gosh that like the best thing that can happen and this girl still complaining “) One: flirting is a signal that someone likes someone Two : calling your crush your little sister is friendzoning him/her . So don't give me that bullcrap saying that i should stop complaining…(i know your still thinking about it like I said … mindreading is my thing ) Some tips and tricks ( I'm going to try) Try not to be clingy .. stay on your own body *no touching allowed * Start a conversation with this person *communication is the key to a good relationship * Get to know them better * the more you know the better your connection will be * Try not be all stuttery ( we all struggle honey we all ) try to be as confident as you can look ;) * confidenCE is the key to boost up your liking .. some people like confident people but if your shy * stay the way you are Ask them for their number so you guys can stay “in touch “ * we all know why we need the phome number uhmm.. cough HOTLINE BLING cough cough * BE YOURSELF * no one wants a fake as a boyfriend/girlfriend * Try to stand out * don't be like basic girls .. as I said be yourself BTW: in the next chapter my crush his name is Ron ( poor guy ?!!)
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