#oh btw did i tell you all that my psych wants to evaluate me for autism.
thesoupisburning · 7 months
being interested in studying william afton has made me a worse person
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
What kills me in fics is when you have tags going like "Good brother Jason", which, cool, but in the same story there's " Dick TRIES to be a Good Brother" LOL way to switch the dynamics. I also tend to stay clear of the ones where the centric character seems to have a platonic relationship tag with everyone (including the ones where they're antagonists in canon like Jason & Tim) except Dick. You can feel the hate/dislike/prejudice a MILE away.
Yeeeeeeah. You are definitely not alone. Like pretty much every Dick Grayson stan I’ve ever talked to on the subject stays the hell away from any fic tagged “Dick Grayson tries to be a good brother.”
LOL like....it’s basically what I was talking about in that older post I just reblogged a few minutes ago. That thing where Dick’s actions or choices in a canon story or fic aren’t judged on their own merits but are rather inherently weighed against some hypothetical perfect choice that he DIDNT make and so he’s basically evaluated based on how much he falls short of that mark each time instead of anything he actually did.
Sorry not sorry, but I’m just not interested in stories that TRANSFORM the character most commonly referred to as the emotional glue of the family and the only one who consistently even CARES about them all being a family....into the fumbling incompetent relationship disaster man who at best gets credit for at least putting in an attempt at being there for his family.
Especially not when Bruce and Jason and Tim are praised for doing the bare minimum in canon when it comes to family interactions while everything Dick ACTUALLY did is just completely ignored and overwritten in order to make his Failure to People Good the narrative obstacle to be overcome.
Now, the “Dick Grayson Tries To Be A Good Brother” tag applied to Tim-centric fics in particular tho....hoo boy I am out of there so fast there’s a Kool-Aid Man shaped hole in the wall and not a sign of me as far as the horizon.
Like, currently my Pet Peeve Thermostat is set to Battle for the Cowl-referencing fics that don’t use this tag but very much are in that spirit. You probably know the ones, like their summaries suggest they’re open to considering Dick’s side of the situation but turns out the author at most is throwing him a “well at least you tried not to suck” bone while still reading him the riot act for very much still sucking.
Because what drives me up a flipping WALL here in particular, when I naively click on a link that seems different from the usual and ignore the voice of experience because I’m just desperate enough for Tim and Dick food that doesn’t just go on and on about how Dick ruined their brotherhood and it will never be truly repaired....
What makes the fruit bats in my belfry go absolutely B-A-N-A-N-A-S is not just the super fun realization that Psych! You thought this fic might be different but it’s actually the same!
It’s how much people, both writers AND commenters, just absolutely LOVE to reference Tim’s shitbag parents and how emotionally abusive and neglectful they were (all true and valid, btw, let’s be totally clear about that)....but bringing them up here specifically to emphasize just how great Dick’s ‘betrayal’ was and how what he did makes him no better than them.
It’s like. Oh. I see.
So because after twenty years worth of stories about Dick dropping everything the second Tim needs him, whether it’s for help or just advice or even just reassurance or comfort or ANYTHING ....because after two decades worth of content showing Dick absolutely doting on Tim in their EVERY SINGLE interaction and buttressing his self confidence at every opportunity, never passing up a chance to call him his brother and emphasize that they’re family and he loves Tim and is so proud of him...
Because after all that there’s a story whose very premise forced Dick to choose between two kids, both still very much his brothers and their shared father’s sons even if one was new to him and didn’t have the same history the other two had....
Because by the very nature of the story Dick had no choice but to prioritize one over the other due to them both hating each other and Dick already being stretched to his absolute limits trying to live his dead father’s life and take on everything Bruce used to do at the cost of giving up everything Dick had chosen for his own life and wants and priorities, all while dealing with his own grief....
And with it being inevitable that the boy he DIDNT choose to prioritize was going to be hurt....
Because after twenty years of never failing to put Tim first the second Tim needed him, never even putting HIMSELF first OVER Tim....because for the first time Dick felt that someone else he felt obligated to, felt a responsibility towards, actually needed him MORE than Tim....
And for that reason and that reason ONLY, Dick picked that other boy, all while trying his best to tell Tim that he still needed him, still valued him, all the things that Bruce DIDNT tell him when he took Robin not even because he thought someone else needed it at the time but simply to take away, with absolutely nothing Dick said in any way negating or contradicting any of his many, MANY assurances to Tim over the years that they were brothers and always would be and with them still very much legally brothers and with concrete ties to each other that declared them family even WITHOUT the connection of Robin....
Because after and despite ALL OF THAT, Dick picked the brother that he didn’t know and frankly didn’t even LIKE, because he knew no one else was going to pick this kid and he also knew he’d already picked Tim a hundred times before and hoped that at least all that HISTORY of past focus and attention he’d given Tim to help build him up, give him foundations to build further upon, that hopefully at least that history that was still there, still relevant, still something Tim had actively benefited and grown from in ways Dick now hoped to help Damian....like surely this would be of at least SOME significance to Tim, SOME kind of proof of how much Dick loved and valued Tim....
Because one time and one time ONLY, Dick DIDNT put Tim’s needs first, not because he didn’t want to or because he was being selfish or short sighted or simply didn’t care, but rather solely because this one time Tim’s needs were in direct opposition with the needs of another young boy Dick saw as his responsibility and in even greater need and with even less of a foundation than the one Dick had helped Tim build....
This puts Dick on the same level as Tim’s shitbag parents, the ones who are infamous for (and practically synonymous with) emotional abuse and neglect. Dick’s basically interchangeable with them now. Certainly no better than them. Tim’s entire emotional well-being rested on Dick and Dick alone and nothing he’d provided Tim with in the past counts, just this one moment in time right here right now, that’s the entirety of their relationship see, it all comes down to this and nothing else, and because Dick didn’t put Tim first, no matter WHAT his reasons or how much he wanted to, he has officially failed Tim as hard as the neglectful parents who did nothing BUT neglect, ignore and just not give a shit at all, simply because they couldn’t be bothered to.
That’s neat.
#and please before certain people get all up in their righteous umbrage and declare a blood feud against me for this#take note of how nowhere did I say Tim doesn’t have the right and reason to be hurt#because of course he does#you will never see me claiming otherwise#but just because someone was hurt that doesn’t mean that someone did it to hurt them#and that is the distinction so many fans don’t seem to care to make#I’ve literally seen people call Dick emotionally abusive and neglectful for this era of canon and holy shit people#in terms of abuse specifically you absolutely can be abusive without meaning to#hell this is basically the nature of neglect. they’re not TRYING to hurt a child because the entire problem is the child#doesn’t even rate as much of a presence in their awareness as they should#but people can yell it’s just their interpretation all they want about this era of canon#but it’s flat out not true. it’s their transformation of the material not an interpretation of it#because you literally have to CHANGE what Dick ACTUALLY says to Tim to paint him as neglectful or not caring about his emotional well-being#you have to CUT OUT all mention of the times Dick tried reaching out to Tim or checking up on him in order to paint Dick as simply moving#on with his shiny newer little brother#that’s not a difference of interpretation. that’s an act of transformation. changing details of a story that isn’t reading the way you want#it to....until it DOES say what you want it to#and the problem has NEVER been some of us just being unwilling to let people have their headcanons#the problem is people’s refusal to call them headcanons or AUs or anything that acknowledges they’ve transformed the source material#in order to CREATE the interpretation they’re going with#AND OTHER FANS HAVE EVERY RIGHT IN THE WORLD TO SAY YEAH WE’RE NOT TRYING TO TALK ABOUT YOUR TRANSFORMATION OF CANON THO#we’re literally trying to talk about what you transformed it FROM....and the fact that despite all your complaints about canon character#choices....some of you repeatedly make the CHOICE to change canon not just to fix or address the poor character choices you don’t like for#your faves.....but also at the same time making this other character do the very stuff you claim to hate canon having your faves do#and that is your CHOICE. AND YOU GET TO MAKE IT. BUT IT IS STILL A CHOICE TO MAKE CHANGES#NOT simply a different interpretation of the foundational material#like you guys keep trying to pass it off as#and that MATTERS#it matters quite a lot in fact
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paninimaker · 5 years
I wanna rant a bit bc i studder and like,,,
So yes, i studder sometimes, i dont intend to fix it because i usually can talk without studdering but sometimes i just studder, and even when i do nobody really comments on it, i actually joke about it being like 'wait gimmi a sec' do i can actually talk (i usually studder when im talking about something i like because im excited, but it can be triggered by other things too)
But then theres my sibling, lets call them S (My Sister can be Si but she really wasnt in the wrong here)
So i was trying to explain that i found it annyoing that in Sims 4 i wouldnt make it so my sims clothing preference was both (i was making Zim and i gave him a skirt) but since i enjoy Sims and Invader Zim i was having a hard time getting my words out
I heres what i said (putting it in script form bc its easier for me that way)
Me: So i was- so i was (those were my exact words, and yes repeating stuff is occasionally studdering for me, the worst time its happened is when i was trying to get Jason to watch camp camp but i was getting excited about it cuz i loved camp camp at the time, and i was repeating short sentences over and over again, but Jason being the cool lad he is actually understood me and helped me say what i wanted to say)
S and Si, in a mocking way: [repeats what i said, trying to make fun of me]
Me, deciding not to continur my sentence because i couldnt even get past 3 words:
S, still in a joking way: aww, no continue
Me, not wanting to:
So that was the first thing, and btw we were having icecream at night with our mum and there were a couple strangers around so not only was the studdering part embarrassing for me, but the whole asking why i wouldnt continue part was embarrassing too, like
So after a bit of shopping, we were in the car going home, me and S being in the back of the car
S decided to start making fun of my studdering thing again
Me: hah, stop please
S: why, i always make fun of [Si's name] the same ammount as you
Me: i know but please stop (ill admit i did sound like i was joking)
S: [now mocking me and Si while i keep saying 'yeah but please stop']
Finally our mum stopped us by saying '[S's name] stop, Sam is genuinly asking you to stop'
They stopped after that, and we quickly moved onto some family gossip
But like,,
S also deals with studders when theyre nervous, and when theyre really excited (like me but not as much) so they should know what its like to be mocked
And i never mock them because of their mental state, but they always mock me and Si (btw S is the middle child, im the youngest) even though they should knoe that both our mental states arnt the best (Si tecently coming out of voluntary mental health stay and me going to a psych evaluation very soon) and they know that my studdering and saying stuff wrong (i also accidentally pronounce stuff wrong all the time, like asethetic (i pronounce it as a-stetic and i physically cannot pronounce it in any other way) is a big insecurity for me, as i usually say 'oh i cant say that/stop that'
And this is the only area where ive asked them to stop mocking me and they havent listened, with all the other places they respect my boundaries
But studdering and pronouncing things inncorectly are some of my biggest insecurities
Btw of someone tells me how to properly pronounce something and i try that but sometimes i physically cant, which i tell them and they are respectful (and i wanna meantion that i go to school with dick heads but none of them make fun of something the person has specifically asked them to stop making fun of, and no i dont get made fun of)
But like
If someone studders, ever, dont mock them for it, no matter how close you are. You can occasionally poke fun of it, but if they ask you to stop you stop
For e.g, Jason sometimes pokes fun at my way of saying things, and i do it back to him, and we both understand that we arnt going to relentlessly mock eachother for it, and if we stari poking fun of something the other is insecure about then the other will tell them and they will stop (which usually dosnt happen as we have almost the same insecurities), but then with S, i never poke fun at their studder but they relentlessly mock mine even when i ask them to stop
Idk, sometimes it annoys me
But yeah, so if you meet me irl (please dont unless we organize it first, which mosylikely wont happen) i will most likely pronounce stuff weird or studder
Btw im also poked fun at by my whole family for saying american things (stuff like 'gas station') but that's all good
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