#oh but im working on a dottore drawing for a friend
solplease · 4 months
gah... want to draw sunday... but havent finished penacony storyline yet </3
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emocka · 8 months
Spider genshin charxter ft
Aether kazuha
After a one night stand with your crush aka the world best superheroes you fall pregnant.
One day you watch live tv as the greatest hero gets defeated and injured.
What happens when they show up on your balcony bleeding and brusied asking you for help.
Everyone aged up reader knew the boys before they became spider man. Your a nurse in aether
Dancer in kazuha (professional background dancer)
Aether woke up that morning looking over at your back. You were still sleeping gently breathing. He ran his hand over your back and arms before slipping out the bed quielty. Getting dressed he looked at you one last time before leaping off the balcony.
You looked at the three tests on the bathroom counter.
Ever since that one night stand you weren't feeling to well. Before heading to a doctor you decided to do a pregnancy test just to cover you bases.
Three plus signs.
You started counting and recalled that night.
'Oh...he's the father' you whispered.
You had fallen in love with aether back in high school never telling him about your feeling though as he was constantly surrounded by people. He was the popular guy while you were in the background almost disappearing.
You stared at the tests for another minute before tossing them and wiping down the counter. Leaving the bathroom you slipped back into bed pulling the blanket over you. Closing your eyes you cried.
'But spider man never looses' the TV said as you walked around the room.
You lived in a rather nice studio on the second floor. It was spacious. It must have been an art studio before it was made into an apartment because you found a lot of paint supplies all returned to the owner.
You looked at the TV. Aether was bleeding heavily.
You placed a hand on your belly looking down. You were passing the three month mark.
'Its ok. He'll pull through.' You said with a small smile.
How could you tell him? He didn't leave anything to contact him. You didn't have mutual friends, nothing.
But you decided to carry this child full term and then raise them.
Looking at the screen you watched as aether disappeared the villain dottore laughing maniacally. Turning it to a different channel you went about cleaning making food and reading.
Then he showed up.
You were asleep when you heard the sound of someone knocking. You sat up rubbing your eyes, getting off the bed.
Looking through the peep hole you didn't see anyone. You heard the sound again. This time you turned around and saw him. He was on the balcony knocking on the glass door.
It was raining heavily. Lighting splitting the sky showing his features. His lip was swollen, a black eye, a cut on his cheek.
The more you looked at him the more his injuries made you worry.
You rushed over opening the glass door.
'Are you ok?' You asked him.
'Nothing I can't handle' He wheezed.
His breathing was labored.
'Come in' you said opening the door a bit more.
He nodded grabbing his bag. You helped him walk in.
'Lets get you taken care of' you said taking him to the bathroom. 'I'll see what I can do'
He nodded discarding the mask to the floor. Reaching the bathroom you sat him on the floor up against the tub. You pulled out a first aid kit, gauze medical tape and other medical supplies. Sitting next to him you began to clean the cut on his cheek.
Thunder rumbled during the silence. Aether looking at you as you worked. You had him in his boxers his suit on the floor. Bloody guaze littered the floor, a bottle of rubbing alcohol half empty a second one next to it full.
Aether winced as you tended to the giant cut across his chest. You mumbled an apology remaining silent after. He watched you.
You were beautiful. The same as that one night.
'Can you lean forward?' You asked him with drawing him from his thoughts.
He did as asked.
'Hold the guaze in place please' you said pulling out a wrap.
He did as you said. Soon you began to wrap his chest. Next you did his arms then head. You pulled his hair out of its braid. A few more minutes went by before you finished up.
'OK'you stood up 'lets put you to bed.'
He nodded and stood up with your help. You both walked over to the bed.
Together you got him in the bed laying down. You pulled the blanket over him.
'Your injuries will take a while to heal, probably a month. Do you have somewhere to stay?' You asked.
He shook his head no. His apartment was damaged due to dottore. He only managed to grab some clothes and his bag before he made his way to you.
'I was hoping I could crash here for a bit' He said looking at you. 'I know I don't deserve it after I up and left that day but my home was destroyed, and my sister or friends don't know about my identity. Only you'
You nodded.
'Yea that's fine. Sleep well'you said smiling softly.
He watched you as you walked over to the couch.
'Can...can you sleep next to me please?' He asked. 'I know I don't deserve it but please?'
You looked at him.
'Are you sure?' You asked quielty.
He nodded holding his hand out. You thought about it before approaching him slowly. He took your hand shifting over to the other side of the bed before pulling you next to him. You laid next to him with him pulling the blanket over your body. You both stared at the ceiling until sleep came over your bodies.
Two months had passed aether having fully recovered was cleaning the kitchen while you were at work.
You ended up letting him move in providing he help around the house occasionally. He agreed.
'She's pregnant' He whispered.
He had noticed the bump. Having done the math it matched the timeline.
'I wonder if she'd be willing to let me help raise the baby.' He said putting the broom away.
You entered the apartment with a heavy sigh. You looked really tired.
You dropped the keys in the small bowl next to the door that was on the desk. Dropping your bag on the floor next to the desk you walked over to the bathroom and closed the door. He stared at the door. Hearing the shower turn on he walked over to the bathroom knocking.
'Yes?' Your voice sounds wobbly like you were getting ready to cry.
'Can i...come in?' He asked hesitantly.
You looked at the door towel around your body wiping your eyes quickly. Giving it some thought you said yes.
He opened the door peaking in. You looked at him.
'Can we talk about something?'He asked.
You nodded walking over to the tub. Sitting down on the edge he followed suit and sat next to you. 'So...'
He trailed off staring at you. You stared back.
His eyes reminded you of the golden dawn. His hair reminded you of the sun.
You reminded him of a silent waterfall. Beautiful, peaceful and serene.
He placed his hands on your cheeks before pulling you towards him. Your lips crashed.
*he's kissing me* was all you thought before closing your eyes to enjoy it. He deepened the kiss moving you swiftly but gently into his lap. You accepted it.
After a bit he pulled away the both of you breathless.
'Aether....why did you....come over that night?' You asked rubbing your belly.
'I don't know...' He said looking at your belly. 'I've been drawn to you since high school.'
Your eyes widen.
He noticed you?
'That night when you offered to help me in that way... I felt the flame light again.' He whispered while you nodded. 'So does that mean...I am the father?'
'Yes.' You said looking away.
He turned your head to face him. You saw the most heart warming smile.
'Thanks' was all he said before kissing you again.
Aether stared at you as you stood next to the bed, wallet in hand.
'Please?' You asked him.
Aether nodded.
You were craving spam with cheese. The catch? You need the cheese in the center of the spam which had to be wrapped in bacon then fried. You discovered the aether was a excellent cook.
'Yea princess' He smiled. 'I'll make it.'
You cried. You had been avoiding this craving for awhile now. You handed over your wallet to him before sitting down on the bed. Your belly was getting big.
'I'll be back' Aether said kissing your cheek.
'Th-thank you' You said sobbing.
He smiled before arranging you in the bed. Making sure the pillows were ok he pulled the blankets over you.
'I'll be back. I'll wake you when food is ready.' He kissed you before leaving the studio. 'Love you princess.'
'Love you too' you said closing your eyes.
'Aether!' He looked up. Spotting his sister he waved. 'Where have you been? You fell off the map.'
'I've been living with my girlfriend.' He replied putting the item in his hand back on the shelf.
'You? Girlfriend? I'll belive it when I see it' lumine giggled.
Aether sighed pulling out his phone. His lock screen was a picture of you and him holding a ultra sound. He showed lumine his phone.
'Wha?!' She stared.
'Believe me?' He asked putting his phone away. She nodded.
'Now if you don't mind. My girlfriend is hungry and she been waiting for me.' He walked away leaving lumine standing there.
Walking over to the register, he paid for his stuff and left.
He heard a familiar laugh before looking up. Dottore was back but there was a new hero in town.
Aether just walked away. He gave up that life the minute he showed up at you balcony injured. The moment he confirmed the baby was indeed his. He had tossed the suit. Not before you had taken the mask. He let you keep it. Why you wanted it was beyond him. But you kept it in your bag.
He arrived at the apartment. Opening the door you were still awake watching TV. You looked up as he entered. Getting off the bed you waddled over to him.
'Hi princess' He smiled putting the bag on the counter. He opened his arms.
You walked into him wrapping your arms around him.
'Why's my pretty girl up?' He asked rubbing your back.
'Your daughter keep kicking me' you said in his chest.
'Aw' He said running his hand down your belly. 'Hey you let your mom rest.'
You giggled.
'Why don't you sit down' He said guiding you to the chair. 'I'll get food started'
You nodded sitting in the chair. You watched as he began to cook.
You sighed waddling over to the bathroom. You were about a week away from the due date. Aether was at work tying up a few loose ends. He promised you that he would take you out tonight.
'Im so hot' you groaned turning on the shower. Checking to make sure the water was cold you stepped in.
Aether had arrived while you were still in the shower. He could hear you breathing heavily.
'Hey y/n?' He asked opening the bathroom door. 'You ok?'
'No' you said. 'I'm hot'
'Want help?' He asked closing the bathroom door.
'Please?' You pleaded quietly.
'I'm coming angel. Give me a second' He said stripping.
Soon you felt him wrap his arms around.
'Come on' he kissed your cheek 'lets get you cooled off'
You nodded.
After the cold shower you finally felt some relief.
'I just want her out'you whined as aether sat you down on the bed.
'I know I know' Aether sat next to you. 'Just one more-'
You suddenly jumped on him.
'Get this child out of me' you whined.
'I know dear' He noticed the pained look on your face. 'She'll come soon ok?'
You nodded crying. He wrapped his arms around you holding you as you laid in bed. You whimpered most of the night due to body heat you were sharing with aether and the baby.
'But...but' you looked defeated after the doctor. 'I wanted a natural birth'
'I know Ma'am but you need this. ' the doctor looked at you.
Aether was next to you.
'Can I have sometime with her?' He asked.
'Sure' the doctor left the room.
'I know you want to do it naturally but it'll be dangerous if you do' Aether sat on the bed. 'Its the safest option'
'But my mom says I won't be a real mom if I have a c section' you sniffed quietly.
'Don't listen to her. You'll still be a real mother. You carried our little girl to full term.' He placed his forehead against yours. 'Please? I don't want anything bad to happen.'
You looked into his eyes. They were full of worry.
'Promise?' You asked.
He nodded sealing the promise with a kiss.
'OK. I'll do the c section.' You said.
Aether kissed you once more.
'OK I'll get the doctor.' He pulled away.
'Sir' Aether looked up as the doctor entered the room. 'Your girlfriend is ready to see you.'
He nodded standing up. Following the doctor he wondered if you were feeling OK. Entering the room he saw you trying to fight sleep. Next to you in the crib was bundle of joy. He approached you first.
'Hey princess' He said sitting next to you. 'You tired?'
You nodded still fighting the urge to sleep.
'Go to sleep' He said gently cupping your cheek. 'I'll still be here with you and our little bundle'
'Promise' you said in a sleepy voice.
'I promise' He smiled kissing your head.
Yoy closed your eyes. Aether watched as your breathing became more even. He gave you a once over before looking at the baby.
She was sleeping quietly. Aether studied her. She had a head of hair which explained the heartburn you had. It was half blonde half h/c.
He smiled as the baby opened her eyes. One gold the other e/c.
'Hi' He said quietly. 'Welcome to the world. I've been waiting to meet you'
'Aether?' You looked at him as he held lumi. 'Can I ask a question?'
He looked up nodding.
'Why did you quit being Spiderman?' You asked.
Aether looked at you. Why?
'Because of you.' He said. 'That night I came to you injured I saw the look you had in your eyes.'
You nodded as lumi started whimpering. She was hungry. Aether hand her to you before sitting down pulling you down in his lap.
'I quit because I couldn't stand to see the look of horror on your face if I came home with worse injuries. Then I found out that you were having this little one.'
You nodded as he continued.
'I knew how bad it was going to get if I continued. I'd more than likely die if I did. So I quit.' His voice faltered slightly..
It was enough to know he was about to cry.
'I'm glad I did though. I wouldn't be here had we not done what we did that night.' You stood up.
Walking over to the crib you put her down. Walking back to aether you sat in his lap.
'You did all that for me?' You asked.
He nodded.
'Your worth everything and I can't bear the thought of you being left alone.' You kissed his cheek. 'I have a question for you though'
You nodded.
'Close your eyes' He said. You did as told.
'Y/n I know we've been together for ten months' He began. 'We've done everything out of order. But I would do anything to protect it.'
He pulled out a ring.
'I adore you so much and love you.' He stared at you. 'You can open your eyes.'
You did and saw the ring. Wait was this a proposal?
'I understand if you say no but...will you marry me?' He asked.
You stared at him then the ring.
'Yes' you said wrapping your arms around his waist.
Aether smiled hugging you back.
'I love you'he said when you pulled away. He slipped the ring on.
'Hey spidey' you said tossing a test at him. Aether caught it.
'This is what happens when you get handsy. ' you said smiling.
Lumi was three years old and currently at her aunts.
'Your irresistible' Aether chuckled looking at the test. 'Besides lumi has been expressing an interest in a little brother. I'll take this surprise.'
You giggled approaching the bed. Slowly you slipped under the covers aether following suit. He stared at you.
'Thanks for the last few years'Aether said.
'Thanks for sticking around.' You said.
Kazuha woke up. He stared at your back looking at the scratches. He traced them gently before sitting up slowly. Getting dressed he looked at you before placing a kiss on your cheek.
'Hope to you see you again' He said quietly before leaping off the balcony.
You stared at the doctor.
You're pregnant?
'So your about 12 weeks' the doctor said while you nodded. 'I'm giving you some prescription for prenatals.'
The doctor hands you a slip of paper before ushering you to go. You walked over to your car. Sitting in the car you stared at the steering wheel.
'I only slept with one man.'You cried. 'He's out saving the city. He wouldn't want to be tied down with a baby'
You wailed.
You watched in horror as the villian threw kazuha across the street. You were in the center of it being held hostage.
Debris surrounding you, smoke rising, a fire close but you couldn't move.
You looked at your stomach. You were six months along.
'Sweethearts' you whispered running your hand over the bump. 'We probably won't make it out of here. But know mommy did what she could. I hope I can meet you in the stars'
Tears started streaming down your face. Kazuha stared at you. The wind told him what you said.
'No' He whispered.
You looked up as kazuha jumped across the rubble. Another hero coming to the rescue. He wrapped an arm around picking you up. You looked up at him your face against his chest.
'No I can't loose you' He said.
You guys landed on the rooftop of a random building. He hugged you.
'K-kazuha?' You looked at him pulling away.
'Lets go home' He said. 'Wrap your arms around my neck.'
You nodded doing as he said. He wrapped his arm around your waist.
'Just focus on my face' He said. 'It might help if you get motion sick.'
You nodded.
You felt the wind as he swung around. You were silent the whole way. You felt something wet. Looking up you saw a grey sky. Thunder cracked lighting splitting the sky.
You arrived home kazuha putting you down gently. You looked at him as he pulled the mask off.
'Thanks for saving me' you said.
He nodded beckoning you forward. You moved closer to him. He looked into your eyes before pulling you closer.
You watched as his lips crashed into yours. You didn't pull back instead letting him. Kazuha pulled away slightly.
'I'm sorry' he said kissing your cheek. 'I'll be back to check on you later'
He jumped off the balcony disappearing into the rain. You stood there looking in the direction he took off. Then you looked to were all the smoke was.
That night you slept. The TV running a cover story on the disaster and you.
'Early today well known Dancer y/n l/n was held hostage in the middle of a fight....'
Your drowsiness took over. Then you heard it. A small tapping sound. You woke up as the sound became more urgent.
Sitting up you looked over at the balcony. There he stood leaning against one of the doors. Getting up you walked over to the door opening the one he wasnt leaning against.
'Can you help me?' He asked wheezing.
You nodded stepping aside to let him in. You looked him over noticing the heavy bleeding, his black eye, blood running down his head, his cheek was swollen, a huge gash running down his chest and stomach.
'What happened?' You asked approaching him.
'Remember the villian from ealier?' He asked as you helped him remove the suit. 'Well I ran into him again.'
'This the result?' You asked looking over his injuries.
He nodded.
'OK. I'll call for a doctor to come' you picked up the phone.
He nodded before leaning on you for support. He watched as you dialed a number before studying your face. You had a small bruise under your eye.
'Yea...thanks' you hung up. 'Lets put you in the bathroom'
He nodded and with your support managed to make it to the bathroom on the floor.
'Why did you go back to fight him?' You asked.
Kazuha looked at you reaching out to touch your cheek.
'Because your carrying my child' He said 'and you got pulled into a two year mess that I've been trying to end'
'How did you know I was carrying your child?' You asked eyes starting to water.
'After that night I started swinging by to check on you' He looked away 'I noticed the bump when you were 12 weeks. I did the math and it matched the timeline'
You nodded.
'I don't mean to come off as a stalker. I just...wanted to make sure you were ok' He started crying. 'I know I left you after that morning physically. I know it's not fair you've been alone handling this. I'm so sorry'
You started crying as well hugging him in the process.
'I'm sorry' he kept repeating.
'Its ok.' You replied. 'I knew you were busy and had no time for a child'
He cried harder suddenly gripping your shirt.
You woke up the next morning. Kazuha moving around slowly.
He had a concussion, fractured his arm, tore a few muscles, and had a huge slash on his chest that traveled down his stomach. Even with all those injuries that didn't stop him from doing certain things with you.
You sat up pulling the blanket to cover your body. He looked over.
'Your awake' He said.
'You didn't leave' you countered rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
He chuckled at your response before moving towards you. You scooted over making room for him to sit. He sat down leaning against you.
You both kept silent. Kazuha looking at your belly.
'Can I touch your belly?' He asked.
'Yea' you looked at him. 'Just becareful of my chest area. Slightest touch makes it hurt.'
He nodded pulling the blanket down gently. You hissed at the pain.
'Sorry' he said running his hand over your stomach. 'Do you know the gender?'
'Two girls and a boy' you said looking out the balcony.
Kazuha had opened it up. It was still raining.
He nodded tracing the stretch marks.
'Y/n?' You felt him move. 'I understand if you don't want to but....will you allow me to help you raise the kids?'
'I don't want you to be tied down' you began but he put a finger against your lips.
'Please?' He asked. 'I did this. I want to help.'
'It won't bother you?' You asked quielty.
He shook his head no. You nodded.
Kazuha smiled before leaning in close to your face, his lips brushing against your cheek. A blush dusting your cheeks.
Kazuha looked at your sleeping figure. You were up against him, head on his chest.
Earlier you had asked kazuha to hold your stomach up slightly. Just enough for some relief. Holding three kids was a tiring job so at the same time you fell asleep standing up. Kazuha smiled gently kissing your head. He let you sleep.
Looking around his eyes landed on your belly.
A month had past since you agreed to let him help you raise the kids. During that time he had tossed his suit out, found a well paying job as a photographer, and helped you purchase baby things.
He also explained the two year long mess he started.
'Wait I'm the reason?' You had asked.
Kazuha nodded slowly.
'Yea I came across a list with four names. Yours on the top' kazuha went on to explain a human trafficking ring that was going around. 'So for the past two years I've been tracking them. Taking them out.'
You nodded.
'Hey dove?' Kazuha woke you up. 'Are you feeling hot?'
You nodded eyes still closed.
'Would you like to take a cold shower?' He asked guiding you towards the bathroom.
You nodded a small smile on your face.
'That sounds nice' you mumbled.
Kazuha smiled planting a gentle kiss on your cheek.
'OK let's cool you down' He smiled.
'Please three kids is too much body heat' you said as kazuha sat you down on the edge of the tub.
'At least your set for winter' He said kissing your cheek. 'Come on waters on'
You looked at the camera in kazuhas hands.
Currently you were in the middle of pregnancy photos. You were in a nice porcelain tub filled with water, rose, and Sakura petals. You were wearing a white dress the covered you top and bottom but left the bump bare. You had cream colored acrylics on. Your hair was in a braid with a white ribbon laced through out the braid.
Kazuha had a knack for capturing beautiful photos of you. You smiled as he took the picture.
'Are we done?' You asked him.
'One more' He said kissing your cheek. 'Lets get you out of here and on the white sheet. This last photo will be us ok?'
You smiled nodding.
'Ok'he helped you out of the tub wrapping a towel around you. 'This photo is one I've be looking forward to.'
You nodded as he sat you on the ground gently. He took his shirt off revealing his chest. The gaint slash turned into a scar traveling to his v line. He sat next to you before gently arranging the both of you in a position that worked. The picture was taken. Then you kicked out all assistants before making kazuha lock the front door.
'Its past their due date. Please help'
He chuckled crawling over you.
'I'll see what I can make happen' He kissed you.
You had to be induced. You were glaring kazuha down. He chuckled.
'Sorry dear I did what I could' He said before whispering something to you.
Your face turned bright red causing him to chuckle once more.
'Next time my love' He said. 'Now are you ready?'
You nodded glaring at kazuha.
'I promise you it won't happen again' He said. 'Love you dove'
He watched as you were wheeled into a different room. He sat down and waited.
'Its hurts' you whimpered clutching kazuha hand.
'Just push!' The doctor said.
The meds weren't covering the pain. Kazuha looked at you worried. He leaned over before whispering in your ear.
'You got this. Your a strong minded women. Just think about the reward. Three little bundles.' He kissed you cheek 'I know the pain is unbearable. Hold my hand as tight as you need to. I don't care if you break it just do it'
You whimpered before nodding. Kazuha planted a quick kiss on your lips as an encouragement.
So you spent the next 40 minutes pushing out all three kids breaking kazuha hand in the process. Girl boy girl.
'Akira, Tomo, and Raini.' You said breathless.
Kazuha sat there getting his hand wrapped, his free hand holding you. He smiled at the names.
You were huddled in the corner crying. All three kids were down but you were suffering from postpartum depression. It had been four months since you gave birth. Kazuha was an amazing father helping around with the kids.
Kazuha closed the door to the kids room and spotted you. Walking over to you he got to your level.
'Scale of one to ten' He said.
'9' you mumbled still crying.
'Better than yesterday. Come on. Let's go shower' He stood up holding out both of his hands. 'I'll give you a massage'
You nodded standing up slowly. Following him he set up the shower before turning towards you.
'Come here dove' He whispered opening his arms.
You approached him slowly before accepting his hug wincing in slight pain.
'Don't worry we'll take care of everything' He said. 'I promise you'
You nodded pulling away, getting undress and stepping in the shower.
You were in the bed looking at the ceiling as kazuha checked on the kids. You looked at the wall staring at a picture. Kazuha managed to blow up the final picture that he took with you. You smiled.
'Their still asleep' kazuha said entering the room.
'Kazu? Why did you quit being Spiderman?' You asked suddenly.
He looked at you startled by the question.
'Because of you' He said. 'I quit because I needed to save you. I did it because I for once decided to be selfish and only live for you and the kids. I wanted to do something for myself. I didn't want another scar.'
He climbed on the bed hovering over you.
'That day you were being held hostage in the middle of the fight I heard what you said. ' He looked at you 'I couldn't bear to hear those words again. So I rescued you while the other guy took care of him.'
He lowered himself till he was a inch away from your face.
'I also quit because my love for you and the kids. I want to be here for you when you need it. Not away. Am I being selfish?' He asked before giving you a kiss.
The kiss had passion, lust, desire, and hope. He pulled away.
'Please let me be selfish, and let me have you and the kids for the rest of my life.' He said.
You nodded as he pull out a small box. He opened it showing off a ring. He took your left hand placing the ring on it.
'I love you so much' He smiled.
Three small coos could be heard from the bedroom. Kazuha smiled.
Yes this is what he wanted. To be with the love of his life and their kids.
Kazuha slipped off the bed walking to the room. Opening the door he walked over to the crib and stared. He picked up raini first before walking her out to you. Then he grabbed tomo and Akira.
'Thanks kazuha' you said lifting your shirt up to feed raini.
'Your welcome little dove' He smiled leaning over to kiss you.
You were lying in bed. Kazuha had dropped the triplets off at their grandmother. In your hand was a test.
Two lines.
'Will he be ok with this?' You asked outloud. 'We already have three 4 year olds.'
You started doing the math. You both ended up as models. You on the more plus sized due to having the kids. Kazuha had encouraged the company he was with to take you- his wife- on as a model.
He was the whole reason plus sized models became more popular.
'Four may be too much' you whispered.
Kazuha entered quietly. He heard the last part.
Kazuha smiled approaching the bed slowly.
'Hey dear. Four is kids is perfect.' He crawled on hovering over you. 'One more kid wouldnt be bad. I'm here to help.'
You smiled as he lowered himself to kiss you.
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