#oh god im so sorry. listen im going through asks VERY slowly rn and its because my meta braincell is actively fighting me
sparring-spirals · 2 years
What are your thoughts about Laudna coming back, I’m curious because this seems different from the Molly situation, the group seems incredibly determined
Oh boy, what a question.
Okay to set up for the first bit, I'm gonna address the second part of the q first:
Yeah, I think this is different. I think this is very different. I think its different in all the ways that the Bells and the M9 are so drastically different and the ways that they are two very distinct camapigns. But also in the more obvious ways- when the M9 lost Molly, they were lower leveled. They didn't have a cleric with revivify, they didn't have half their party. They didn't have anyone to turn to.
I'm trying to avoid this turning into a meta about the M9 but I think that last detail is just- so important. The Bell's have Eshteross, they have random shop owners to ask, they have distant but powerful figures who might help. The M9- did not. It was part of how they operated. More than once in early campaign they went from being mistrusted to marginally trusted and they would just- leave. Authorities were so rarely friendly. They were accusing people more than they weren't.
When Molly went down, on a snowy hill at the sword of someone who wanted to send a message- there was so, so little they could do.
And so we look at the Bells and- they've got more options. They had half their party killed but they got two of them back up and, in theory, left the battle on their own terms.
They're also, like you said. Incredibly determined.
readmore bc this got long im so sorry
Its both incredible and a little sad, honestly. I said this somewhere already, but by the end of the episode- they aren't quite grieving yet. They're hurt, they're aching from the loss, they're sad, but they haven't started grieving yet and part of that is because they are still acting. There are still things to do, avenues to exhaust. They aren't grieving Laudna yet. They can still get her back. They will, they have to. They're taking the time to sit and check in with each other and ask questions and comfort, where they can, but. Very little of that comfort has even entertained the notion of this loss being permanent. About Laudna being gone, not just lost.
(Except maybe for Orym, who is looking at Imogen and thinking of losing a loved one, having that absence be a fixture instead of an aberration. Thinking of a warm embrace, and "Not yet.")
And Imogen-
Imogen, more than the others, is probably painfully aware of Laudna's absence. A silence in her mind, an empty space at her side.
i'm not sure she can even consider the possibility of that absence becoming permanent, right now.
Im not sure any of them really can.
So... uh. on Laudna coming back: I don't know, right now. I don't think it will be too easy, but I think the Bells are going to be fighting for it, hard, for the foreseeable future. And whether it fails or succeeds in the longer term, i think (I'd hope?) itll have pretty long lasting effects.
I've deleted like an additional five paragraphs of my ~thoughts~ on it for the purposes of length and keeping it as 1 meta instead of two tacked together but:
- Some of my thoughts on Laudna's death can be found here.
- Story wise, narratively, campaign-as-a-whole/ externally, is a whole separate conversation, and one that plays a lot into personal preferences and wants and likes and... probably shouldn't go into this post.
- I think there's a lot of the ways this can go and still be done "well", by a subjective metric.
- I'd like for Laudna to come back. I also can see a world where she doesn't, and narratively thats juicy as hell, and also devastating. (edit: like full honesty, devastating and also chock full of potential, yknow?)
- No matter the specifics- Laudna mattered, and will continue to matter, and I think that's the main thoroughline I'm looking for.
- edit: and- alongside that- id want her death to matter too- whatever that might look like.
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sips-tea-cutely · 2 years
Hello! I dont know if you are taking requests rn but if you feel comfortable could you write the bsd characters helping/comforting reader through a bad panic attack? Maybe reader has been super stressed w/ school or work and has just been bottling things up until they snap. Personally my panic attacks are intense: hyperventilating, shaking, tears, digging my fingers into my arms and legs almost bruisingly, unable to hold my weight- just in case you need ideas. If this is uncomfortable for you then dont worry about it. Love your writing!!!
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Helping with a bad panic attack
a/n: hello!! im so sorry if this isn’t as good as usual, feel free to vent <33
atsushi nakajima, osamu dazai, saigiku jōno, doppo kunikida, kōyō ozaki
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#Atsushi Nakajima
atsushi is unfortunately no stranger to panic attacks. nor is is he a stranger to stress to be better.
seeing all your peers have talents, barely even surviving, it was so much pressure— even your boyfriend, atsushi is well, the most important ability user in the world.
there was a ringing, its so loud. so loud, you could pull out your hair, bang your head against a wall, it’s so much stress.
“ugh.. im seriously questioning how mr. dazai is still alive..” atsushi said as he closed the door to your dorm. “ah! s/o, are you alright?” he puts down the dinner he bought beside you and went to hold your hand.
he pulls you beside him and rests your head on his shoulder. “im here for you, alright? just tell me when you’re ready.” he gently coos, wiping tears away with his glove.
listening to your cries of self-hate “im not good enough, im not good enough to do anything.” hearing you made you think of himself, what had he wanted most?
kindly grabbing your hand once more, “here’s an idea… what if we train together? i know the feeling of self-doubt very well so why don’t we work together to be stronger?”
“hm— yes, id like that, atsushi..” you smile. “alright! mm, how about we start after dinner?”you nod and following, he started unwrapping your dinners. “eat up, s/o. it isn’t good to train on an empty stomach <33.”
#Osamu Dazai
8:45 PM, and your report’s due in two hours. everything was going wrong, your stupid professor forced the class to switch to a new website, the fucking thing shut down when you were almost done and your ‘friends’ ran tail when you were the one who wasn’t ok. it was so ironic, so funny, you could manically laugh— “My, why does god hate me?”
until a familiar voice rang out through the living room. “Oh, my nightshade, i’m back! look what i found at the convenience store!” your annoyingly sweet boyfriend pointed to the baggie of treats in his hand, a bunch of your favorites and even some boba in a plastic bottle. Ah
scars on your legs, the unevenly constant clicking of nails and the shaking of your body— unfortunately, dazai recognized this behavior of yours.
laying the treats on the coffee table, he sat down next to you. “dearest, what’s on your mind? is it school?” he genuinely asked, laying your head on his chest and rubbing your back.
crying into his navy vest, you told him all about what had happened; the stress, your assignment and what had happened. calmly brushing your hair, dazai began to spoke again. “shh, shh, it’s okay, dear. listen to my heartbeat, alright? relax your body, i’ll help you find a way, promise.”
kissing your head, he waited until your breaths had calmed. wiping your tears with his thumb “are you alright, dear?”
“ah, yea, i am, sorry, osamu, aha…” you nod and weakly laugh. “alright~..” he says, playfulness slowly coming back— he smiles and grabs your laptop “come! get some snacks, we’ll finish it together! <3”
#Saigiku Jouno
losing was not fun. and your opponent rubbing it in your face is even worse. holding in your tears hurt like hell. and upon arriving home, all you wanted to do was cry. crouching down on the floor, your tears stained your outfit and your nails dug into your wrists. eventually, you had tired yourself out and somehow made it to the couch..
it wasn’t until late midnight that jouno finally returned home. it was not something he liked. the faint smell of iron and the unevenness of your heartbeat. you were alive but, something had happened.
using his ability, he made his way beside you on the couch, carefully waking you. “jewel, why are you upset?” he asked, tilting his head. for once, he didn’t sound sarcastic he sounded like he really cared. “uh.. it’s nothing, sai’. its stupid anyways…” you look away in embarrassment, despite his blindness.
“if you’re crying about it, it appears its not stupid to you.” he frowns. “seriously, sai’! im alright!” you defend yourself. “hm~ your heartbeat is faster.. that only happens when you lie. what’s wrong.” it didn’t seem like a question, more like an order. he really wanted to know, huh?
giving in, you tell him about it all, “hehe, i told you, it’s really stupid…” you laugh at yourself. “hrgh, i understand the feeling. losing is.. awful, it makes you feel inferior. but it does not make you any less talented. tetchou may be the strongest hunting dog but i, myself am better than him in interrogations, right?” he.. hes joking right?
“aha.. ahahahaha!” you giggle. “wha?!? hey, thats a genuine question!” he complains. “ah.. hahaha! sure, if that’s what you wanna think!” you cry, but this time not from sadness or frustration, happiness. well.. if it’s you, he could be the clown, just this once.
#Doppo Kunikida
a huge case has came the way of the agency. after it had been resolved, you were the unlucky soul who had to summarize it to the bureau of unique abilities and god, was ango a fucking critic.
‘i’ll go to sleep in an hour’ you told kunikida— 3 hours ago. ah, it’s almost 2 already and you’ve just finished an evaluation of the enemy. in theory, this isn’t so hard, so why? ‘am i just incompetent? or am i stupid? why can’t i do this?’ you thought while crying into your hands
“s/o, dear what are you still doing up?” kunikida said, sitting up onto the bed and grabbing his glasses. “you need at least 7 hours of sleep to function properly, it isn’t healthy to pull all-nighters.”
grabbing a tissue from the box beside your lamp, you swiftly clean your face “y-yea just… finishing up some work.” of course, kunikida is much smarter than that. “come here.” he says, his arms wide open. “are you alright? what has got you so stressed?” petting your head gently, he listened to your woes, never even once bringing up some sort of schedule.
“you were working on your report?” he asked, almost mocking you… “s/o, work is there for a reason, there is a time when you should work and a time where you should rest or else you can’t work properly.”
rolling you down onto your side of the bed and tucking you in. “rest for now, alright, dear? the report is tomorrow’s problem.” he said while turning off the lamp. “and if you’re still struggling—“ kissing your lips, “ill be there to help you.”
#Koyo Ozaki
working in the port mafia had never been easy, especially when you’re your girlfriend’s informant. of course, she didn’t favor you at all, you were still expected to finish your reports and tell koyo of all the things you learned.
despite being a mafia sub-executive, you weren’t kind to the screams of agony often heard in koyo’s torture chamber or the blood that often stained the floors. you always were in your office or out with a client.
that is until koyo had went out to complete her own will— an ability user from the government had landed into the port mafia’s trap. “mx. s/o, what should we do? if we wait for lady ozaki to arrive, he might escape!”
logically, it’d be best to wait for koyo’s official orders but who knows when she’ll be back? you cant ask another executive for help, you’re the one in charge? what do you do? your head is fogging up, it’s getting harder to think, voices are layering it’s almost like you’re just a spectator.
“t…try to get as much information out of him right now..” you finally say, falling onto your chair. the cries of misery overheard from the walkie talkie never seemed to end.
time seemed to pass slower, the next thing you remember, koyo was holding you close to her. “flower, what has you so gloomy?” she asked gently, never even frowning when you stuttered.
“i..i hurt someone. im sorry, im s-“ you pleaded before koyo carefully hushed you. “it wasn’t your fault, my light, he was a… misogynistic and patriarchal man, the only thing he was really good for was giving us information and thanks to you, darling, we got it.” she smiled gently at you.
“how— hic how do you know..?” you rub your red eyes. “he guaranteed us use of a rolodex filled with info of who has landed into yokohama recently. ogai suspects that we will find out where that dostoevsky had hid.” she explained, pulling you to rest in her arms. “now rest. tomorrow, it will be a better day for the both of us.”
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mercur1e · 3 years
Saw your Father’s Day post and I knew I had to ask for it:
Dilf!Jean x Teacher!Black reader fic
I’ll let you pick whether it’s sfw or nsfw, I just need some Jean content rn😌
Contains: Modern AU, female anatomy but no pronouns
Jean has had his eye on you for a while now. You're his kid's teacher, he know he shouldn't be feeling this way. But he can't help it. You're so kind and beautiful. You're great with the kids, and always patient with them. And god, your smile. That pretty, pretty smile. When he dropped Julia off at the first day of school, you had smiled and introduced yourself. Nothing unusual, it's just common courtesy. So why was he acting like a teenager in love all over again? He brushed it off thinking it was just because he hasn't dated in a while. Ever since his divorce he hasn't really been interested in dating.
Everytime Jean would pick up his child he made small talk with you. About his daughter, about your jobs, anything that would get you to talk to him. Jean would subtly compliment you, telling you that you look pretty or that a color looks good on you. Hell, he pointed out when you changed your hair up for a day, even if it wasnt anything major. Every once in a while he would lightly flirt with you, questioning how you're single and asking if you have a s/o. You'd always reply that you haven't been interested in anyone around here.
And it wasn't one sided, no. You'd glance at him when (you thought) he wasn't looking, looking as handsome as ever. His slicked back hair and style would make anyone swoon. A million dollar smile, great personality, and he was a good father? You wanted to be with him, you really did. But as a teacher you know you shouldn't. But the school year is almost out, you wish he would make a move.
Today was just like any other day, Jean came to pick up his kid and he was making small talk with you. Talking to you about your plans for the summer, and where you would like to go. Meanwhile Jean was was worrying about how to ask you out. "Do I just say it? Do I slip it in? Shit. Fuck it I'll just say it."
As you were talking about your summer plans, Jean interrupted you. "I..I was wondering if I can take you out on a date? If not I'm sorry that-"
"I've been waiting for you to say that." A smile forms on your lips. "I thought I'd become a corspe before you asked me out!" You poke in a joking manner.
Jean chuckled at you. "Well how about as an apology for making you wait so long, I take you out to dinner tonight?" He says while smiling at you. God, he's got a nice smile.
"I would love that. Is 7 o'clock good for you?" You ask Jean while writing your number on a slip of paper and handing it to him.
"Works for me. It won't be hard finding a babysitter for Julia for the night. I'll see you then sweetheart."
The rest of the school day went by fast. Happy to be home, you search through you closet to find something to wear. After digging in your closet you found your perfect outfit. Putting it on and standing infront the mirror you looked damn good in it. Going into the bathroom to finish up your hair and getting the look you wanted, you were almost done. Now you just had to find the right fragrance and any other additions. And with that, you were ready for your date. Hearing a knock on your door, you go to answer it.
You're met with Jean, looking as handsome as ever. He has on a dress shirt with some slacks, paired with a nice watch and shoes. Eyeing you up and down, he shoots you a smirk.
"You look amazing."
"And you look handsome, which is a shocker for you." You play, he knows he looks even on his worst days.
Jean guffawed at your comment. "Uh huh, like I don't notice you checking me out almost everyday at school."
Locking your door behind you, you two begin walking towards his car. "Guess I'm not as sneaky as I thought."
"Nope, you're shit and trying to be sneaky."
"Oh shut up!" You giggled as you slapped his arm lightly. He opens the car door for you and you get in.
"So, where are we going?" You ask once he gets in the car.
"It's a surprise, but I think you'll like it when we get there."
As he was driving, you two talked and joked together. It wasn't a very long ride, maybe about 15-20 minutes until you arrived to the destination. It was a popular steakhouse that had recently opened up, and it wasn't cheap either.
"I've always wanted to go here, I've heard good things about this place." Looking around the parking lot, you could tell it wasn't a super busy night but they had business, that's good.
"Me too. I've heard good things about the place and its owned by a local chef." Holding out his hand to you, you take it as you're getting out of the car. To his pleasant surprise, you hold on to his hand until you two are seated at the table he reserved. The rest of the date went wonderfully, you both thoroughly enjoyed dinner and had fun getting to know each other more. And of course taking playful jabs at each other and eating dessert.
Pulling up in front of your house, Jean helps you out the car and walks you to your front door.
"I really enjoyed tonight, I loved every bit of it. Thank you for treating me to dinner."
"Of course." Jean replies, secretly hoping you'd you'd kiss him.
You two sat in silence for a few minutes until you looked him in the eye. His eyes were shining, hoping that you'd make a move. Finally, you broke the silence.
"Can I kiss you-" You didn't even finish your sentence before his lips landed on yours. He pulled back though, the kiss ending as quick as it started. You kissed him again. And again, until it turned into a full blown makeout session. "Do you want to go inside?" You asked once you finally caught your breath. Jean nodded at you, eyes now clouded with need. Opening your door, you barely have time to register what happened. Jean's got you pressed against your door, lips back on yours. Running your hands through his hair you let his tongue roam your mouth. He sucks on your tongue while trying to take your clothes off. "Mm, not here, my bedroom." While hurrying towards your bedroom, articles of clothing litter your hallway as you both rush to take off your clothes. After you get into the bedroom Jean motions for you to lay on the bed.
Laying between your legs, he leaves kisses on your navel and thighs, avoiding where you need him the most. Taking a long finger and swiping up your slit, he feels just how wet you are for him.
"Fuck, I've been waiting to do this for so long."
You hum in agreement. "Me too, I've wanted you for so long"
Licking a stripe up your pussy, you shiver under him. He kitten licks your clit before sticking a long finger into you. Your vagina clenches around the digit, adjusting to it after a minute.
"Another" you mewl, wanting more of him. He listens, putting his index finger in. He moves his fingers in a scissoring motion, loving the way you feel around him. His fingers are coated with your juices, creating a wet sound every time he thrusted them into you. Sucking on your clit, you moan and twitch under him. He speeds his fingers up, and starts sucking at your clit more harshly.
"Ah! Ah! M' gonna cum!"
"That's right, come for me baby. Cum all over my fingers."
Your body shivers from your orgasm as your hole convulses around Jean's fingers, creaming around him. He takes his fingers out of you, and you whine at the loss. He takes his fingers up to his mouth and sucks on them.
"You tatse so good baby. So good for me. Can't wait to have you screaming for me."
He looks so hot like this. Hair disheveled and out of place, lust filled eyes just waiting to devour you. He takes his dick and strokes it a few times before pushing your legs against your chest. He lines himself up at your entrance, and slowly pushes in. It stings at first, he's so big. You already feel full, before you look down and see that you've only taken half of him. Jean slowly eases the rest of himself into you, before he's finally buried to the hilt. You swear you can feel him in your throat.
"Y-you can move baby, I can take it."
Jean smirks at you. "You sure?"
"Mhm..keep going."
Once Jean knew you were okay he started roughly thrusting into you. Leaning down to suck at your nipples, your hand grabbed at his hair. Tugging lightly at it, you wrangled a low groan out of the man above you. He can tell you're close because your moans are getting louder and he can feel you tightening around his dick.
"You gonna cum for me baby? Want me to fill you up?"
"Mm Mhm!"
"Say it."
"Cum in my Jean, please!"
He smirked. "Anything you want baby."
Slamming his hips into you, Jean's abusing your poor g-spot at this point. He flips you over so you're face down ass up and you can tell he's close too by the way his dick is twitching inside of you.
"Fuck! Fuck! I'm cummimg, I'm cumming-"
"That's it baby, come all over me."
Jean doesn't let up even after you've come. Your overstimulated pussy fills the room with sloppy noises. Jean gives a few more rough thrusts before coming inside of you. You both simultaneously groan out, you feel even fuller than before. He pulls out of you, feeling a sense of pride as he watches some of his cum drip out of your pussy.
Rolling over onto your back, you gaze up at Jean. A fucked out grin makes its way onto your face. Jean smiles back down at you before he lays down onto your chest.
"Is it selfish if I say I don't want this to end?" He mumbles in between the valley of your breats.
"Mm no. Because I don't want it to end either. I really like you Jean, I mean it." Your hand runs through his hair, its original style long gone.
"I really like you too, you think we could make something outta this? Maybe even a relationship?"
You giggle. "Is this your way of asking me to be your s/o?"
"Yeah...pretty shitty way huh?" Jean let's out a small laugh.
"Hmm yes, but I accept. I'll be your s/o."
"Guess it's not stupid if it works hm?" Jean leans up to plant a kiss against your lips.
"Oh shut up you!"
IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG I WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE THIS DONE YESTERDAY BUT I FEEL ASLEEP! Anyways I hoped you liked it! Thank you for requesting and feedback is appreciated!! Have a good day! <33
This is my original work. Do not steal, repost, or copy my works. All works on this belong to @c00chi
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vlogsquadssquad · 4 years
model for me - pt. 2
summary: a continuation of model for me. David and y/n go out to town for another shoot, will they be able to resist each other for the photos?
a/n: I feel like this one is so short but A LOT of people have asked for a part 2. I think its cute and im thinking of doing a pt 3, ill try to make that one extra long.
warnings: drinking, language, alluding to sex.
mood board:
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your instagram post:
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“so i saw that picture you posted on instagram,” david says as i walk into his house. “you know that’s against our contract for you to post sexy photos on your own instagram.” i laugh now realizing he’s kidding.
“oh, you thought it was sexy?” i say as i head over to the couch where he sat. he clears his throat.
“nope. definitely not sexy.” and then side smiles to me. i roll my eyes.
“what are you working on?” I ask plopping down next to him.
“well i’m trying to find inspiration for our next shoot. i feel like we’ve already done all the big stuff so where does it go from there?”
i take a minute to think and David tries to read my expressions. “you could tape me to your wall naked!” he throws his head back in a big laugh. “or you could put a giant snake on me... naked.” i giggle at the thought. he raises an eyebrow,
“hey those are good ideas.” his tongue poking out slightly.
“no no please don’t take me up on those offers” i laugh nervously.
he looks to me and for a split second i feel almost sexual tension. he glances to his hallway.
“holy fuck you guys why are you screaming?” she says as she walks down the hall.
my face goes slightly red and i giggle.
- texts w/ davey😈
< i came up with an idea
oh god what is it? >
< late night, fun, blurry, slightly sexy photos! i’ll send some inspiration.
wow they actually look good! let’s do it! tonight? >
< yes and bring a couple outfits. we’re going downtown and i have a hotel booked to change in.
thank you daddy d!! >
< shut the fuck up 😂
“hey you ready yet?” i ask as i walk into her house. she texted me to come in. i look around the dark house. “hello? y/n?”
“BOO!” she yells out around the corner
“fuck, i knew it.”
“no you didn’t! don’t lie to me! i totally got you!”
“ok ok you totally got me.” I chuckle.
i take a minute to take in her outfit. she looks beautiful in red.
“i’m gonna go get my suitcase of dresses. i’ll be right back.” she says to break the silence.
- in the car
“im so excited, the pictures you sent me looked sick!” she says to me. I glance her way and flash her a smile. 
“yeah and I have the best model in LA so it'll be breezy.”
she smiles at me and my heart melts. I look back at the road and try to focus.
- at the hotel
“wow David, its beautiful!” she says as she opens the door to the hotel room.
“yeah I liked this hotel as a background. its gorgeous.” 
“hmm, one bed huh?” she raises an eyebrow to me and giggles.
I sigh, “well we’re not staying the night, but if its too weird I can go down-”
“David! calm down I was just teasing you.” she smiles. she puts her hand on my shoulder and I wipe my sweaty hands on my jeans. 
“okay, well im going to go set this down and then we’ll head out?” she nods to me
I nod back. I find myself watching her as she walks away. I felt guilty so I looked down at my hands. already sweating again. these shoots were a bad idea. considering ive had feelings for her for a while. how could I not? she's everything ive wanted. I get pulled from my thoughts when I see her coming around the corner.
“you ready?”
“as ill ever be.” she kinda looks confused but I usher her out the door with camera in hand. 
“stand there real quick. look fierce.” 
“okay now maybe lay across the stairs? pull your dress, show some leg, girl!”
I giggle. he's such a goofy photographer. 
“did you shave your legs?”
I throw my head back in a laugh and I see the light flash.
“that one was perfect.”
“can I see it?” I ask.
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“damn yeah it looks great.”
he smiles to me. “okay, lets take a few more and then we’ll go change.”
- the hotel room
“listen I know its 9pm but were you planning on feeding me? I don't work for free.” I look at him waiting for an answer.
he chuckles as he sets his camera down.
“yes, im starving. lets get at least one more dress done and then we can go eat.”
“ok cause I was about to have to call my union.” he laughs at my joke.
I head to the bathroom to change. I have a couple more dresses but I decided to go with this pink club-y type dress. as I slide it on I take one more look in the mirror. I sigh and fix my dress. ill never be pretty enough for him. all night i’ve been having thoughts, ‘maybe he likes me too.’ I know i’m not his type so why am I even entertaining the idea? I turn off the light and head out.
I do a playful spin.
“whatcha think?”
“you look like a dork.”
I stop and pout. “what do you mean?”
“well, ive given you enough compliments on how beautiful you are today. i don't want your head getting too big and leaving me for a real photographer.” 
I laugh, “no, no. real photographers would pay me in money,” I grab my phone off the table and he grabs his water. “you pay me in burgers, so im all yours.” he laughs as he opens the door for me and I walk out of the hotel room once again. we take a few photos of down the hall and in the elevator. finally we get outside and David sees a perfect seat for me. 
“aha! sit there!” I laugh at how excited he got. 
“okay, okay, calm down. you'll pop a woody.” I laugh
he throws his head back in an infectious laugh.
“you wish.”
I cover my face as it gets redder and he snaps a photo.
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“don't take a picture!” 
“sorry, I love the candid ones.”
I laugh and another flash goes off. at this point its just flash after flash he's laughing and im yelling at him to stop. im sure there's some not so pleasant ones in the bunch.
“hey, lets go back up, get changed, and then eat.” David offers after we settle down.
“we barely took any though!” 
“I know, but im hungry, and we took a bunch in the hall, and its getting late.”
“first reason was good enough for me. lets go!”
we sat down at this nice place to eat. she wanted steak so I asked Natalie where the best steak in downtown was. she said this was it. she's wearing a simpler dress now. probably still thinking we’ll end up taking more pictures. I just want to be with her, honestly. she's so funny and smart. 
“anything to drink?”
“cosmo please.” she says.
“just a water for now.” 
“a water?” y/n says as the waitress walks away. 
“yeah, I didn't know we were drinking! I have to drive back!”
“we can always take an uber, and ill have you know today has been very stressful. I had to change my dress three times!” she says as she flips her hair. I just laugh at her. she's so great. 
“here's your drinks, can I get you any appetizers?” 
“actually ill have a margarita please.”
y/n gasps, “David dobrik!” I laugh and the waitress smiles.
“coming right up.”
“wow I can't believe I pressured you into a drink.”
“hey, ive had a hard day too. I had to click this little button like 150 times.”
“our lives are so hard” she smiles as she takes a sip of her drink.
we finally start eating but im already feeling the buzz. we’re definitely taking an uber. everything y/n says is so funny.
after many many laughs and drunken slurring we call an uber and head back to the hotel.
“so we’re crashing here?” y/n asks slightly slurred but a lot better than before.
the hallway looks like its spinning in slow motion.
“I guess, I can sleep on the couch though.”
“no, its fine. I don't care.” she says as I open the door.
she's laughing so hard as she stumbles in. she's gorgeous. suddenly im thinking a little clearer. she just said I could share a bed with her.
she jumps on the desk and asks if I want room service.
I chuckle to myself and grab my camera.
“we just ate!”
“oh fuck we did didn't we?” she laughs. I take a quick photo and her eyes dart to me. 
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“hey, I wasn't ready!” she throws a note pad at me.
“im sorry, im sorry,” I pause to smile. “you're just so incredible.”
“what...?” she whispers now.
“I know im drunk and tell me im being a creep, but I just have to get this off my chest.” she searches my face for any clue I could give for what im about to say. I step closer. “I have the biggest, fattest, crush on you.”
she bursts out laughing. im a little taken back. is she laughing at me?
“umm... okay..” I say, suddenly embarrassed by my confession.
“no no!” she yells as she's hunched over laughing. “I just- I can't-” she pauses to breathe. “I was in the bathroom today feeling shitty because I thought I wasn't your type.”
“what are you saying?” I ask, slightly smiling.
“ive been crushing on you sooooo fucking hard!” she yells. I go closer to her and put my finger over her mouth shushing her.
“people are sleeping and while I want to shout from the rooftops, I also don't want to leave this hotel room.” I say. she nods her head and looks me in the eyes. my finger still in front of her mouth.
“you make me the happiest guy in the world.” I whisper.
“you make me the happiest girl in the world.” she whispers back.
she moves in closer until our lips are finally connected. she's soft and sweet. my hands find their way to her back. her hands are in my hair. suddenly we’re moving faster and our kiss is getting stronger. I never want to leave this hotel room.
my eyes slowly open to the sunlight shining through the room. I rub my eyes and look around the room. I see a naked y/n next to me. her hair falling perfectly around her shoulders as she lays on her side. her naked back looks like art. while I love the view im also confused. then I realize im naked and my heart starts beating out my chest. it starts coming back to me in flashes. our magical night. her breaths are long and deep so I know she's still asleep. I flip over and grab my phone from the nightstand.
JASON: David answer your phone, what's going on?
NAT: call me asap
ILYA: are you guys serious rn?
MEGAN (publicist): Dave we need to talk
TODD: check twitter dude!
why is my phone blown up? I open up twitter and there I see it.
“David dobrik and y/f/n caught in bed!” read the article title.
“fuck” I groan.
“Dave?” I hear a little voice from behind me.
part threeeeeeeee?!?!?!?!?
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