#oh heejun fluff
dong-hyucks · 7 years
dating heejun. | knk
⇴  admin. jade ⇴  masterlists. ⇴  dating series masterlist.
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highkey dedicated to @woojiniee and @longquos u guys are rude abt my bias wreckers >:( but ily anyway
so you met way back when he was still in kokoma band
you had been a helper, setting up the equipment for this performance since your friend -- who worked for the company -- brought you along
your friend told you who your were setting up for, and to be honest you had no idea who any of them were
no heejun?
quack dongyeon?
lee whochan?
who dongseong?
they were a trainee band and didn’t have much information out there
but your friend showed you a video of them goofing around with their instruments/voices and?? they sounded p good??
you weren’t going to be around for the actual mini performance, as there were other guests coming
you were a bit bummed, but oh well
while you were setting up the main mic, someone came in looking very lost
“heejun,” your friend greeted politely, even bowing her head
you did the same, assuming this heejun was the same heejun in the band
he mumbled an absent hello, his eyes trailing all over the floor
“did you lose something?”
heejun looked up, smiling at you briefly before nodding
“yeah... have you seen my ring?”
a lightbulb went off above your head, a look of recognition flashing over your expression
heejun and your friend watched as you headed over to a little side table, retrieving his very ring from it
“i found it over there,” you pointed to the speakers, “you must’ve dropped it before.”
heejun thanked you gratefully, slipping the ring on his finger
he smiled at you before halting
his eyes went to your friend before going back on you, lingering a moment longer than you expected
“are you a new worker?”
you shook your head, “i’m just helping”
you didn’t miss the disappointed look he dawned before covering it with a neutral expression
you chuckled, “what was that?”
heejun shrugged, “nothing. just a little disappointing -- it’s not every day i meet a cute employee here”
you nearly choked
he grinned innocently, as though he hadn’t said that, and turned on his heel to leave
once he was safely out the door, your friend burst out into laughter
“[Y/N]! he was totally flirting with you!”
you just rolled your eyes, “sure.”
you didn’t see heejun again for a week or two
until you randomly got a text from some unknown number claiming they were heejun
you were quite skeptical at first until your friend confessed that she may or may not have given him your number
heejun didn’t text you like everyday
he was busy, as were you
but you texted every other day or once a week
you had this kind of relationship that was borderline friends / acquaintances
but then
heejunie: “hey, do you want to hang out today? i’m going to the bowling alley today”
at first you were going to say no
but, hey, you hadn’t gone bowling in a while so why not? plus heejun was a cool dude
so that’s how you found yourself, two hours later, laughing your heads off outside with heejun
to explain
when you first arrived at the bowling alley, heejun was already there
he was with a little kid, one with a tearful expression
at first you were like “??? heejun what did you dO ???” but then you realized he was trying to comfort the child
he’d lost his mom -- with the bowling alley being relatively dark and a big space
the sight of heejun wiping away the child’s tears with a gentle smile on his face, his voice soft as he told the child he’d find his mom for him
it did something to you
luckily, you had spotted a frantic looking woman on the way to finding heejun
lmao what a coincidence
you assumed that the woman was the kid’s mom
without even greeting heejun, you ventured off to find the woman, and when you did she confirmed your thoughts
sO after bringing the two together, you and heejun high-fived
“i comforted the lil’ guy and you found the mom, what a team”
“shh, [Y/N], let me have this moment”
you just chuckled at how incredibly dorky he was
after getting your shoes and a lane, you and heejun just bowled normally
at first
then, it got a little competitive
it’s not what you think -- you weren’t competing to see who could get the most points
you were competing to see who could hit the pins in the coolest way
people in nearby lanes and those who walked passed gave you weird looks when you were laying down on the floor to push the ball
but you didn’t care, you were having fun
heejun decided to attempt a cartwheel
y i k e s
bad idea
especially when he had an 18lb bowling ball in his hands
needless to say, when he ‘landed’ his arm slipped
and the bowling ball basically flew from his fingers (luckily, not injuring him)
and there was a loud crash
this idiot somehow managed to throw his bowling ball at the ceiling
needless to say, his manager found out via text and wasn’t happy
heejun also used his company card for the repairs cough
you were kicked out very quickly
and now you’re just outside, leaning against the wall to catch yourself from falling
your stomach hurt from laughing so much, both at heejun’s misfortune and the expression he had made the moment the ball collided with the tiles
at first, he felt so bad but after hearing you laugh, he couldn’t help but follow
“that was hilarious,” you mumbled, wiping away fake tears, “but never do that again”
while you recovered from laughing so hard, heejun took the time to just admire you
he thought you were very attractive, and the sound of your laugh was like wedding bells to his ears
“go out with me.”
you thought he was joking but he had a sincere smile on his face and you suddenly felt really nervous
“you don’t have to be my s/o,” he cut in, mumbling ‘yet’ under his breath, “but if you want, go on a date with me.”
you were gaping like a fish
sure, heejun was a pretty nice guy, he was funny, he was smart (most of the time,,), and he made you smile without even trying but did you like him?
it took you a second, but the sound of your rapid heart answered for you
not even a second after the word left your lips, he had your hand in his and he was pulling you down the street
“where are we going--”
“it’s a surprise!”
heejun was suddenly really giggly
like he had planned the whole thing
you were lowkey suspicious, but he was cute so you let it slide
okay so
he didn’t tell you a thing for like ten whole minutes
but he looked like the epitome of happiness
like he just won the lottery
“here we are!”
you looked around, a brow raised
he brought you to a big park in town, but he’d lead you far into it, where a lone tree stood tall
“what’re we doing here?” you asked, looking up at the pretty petals that hung on the branches
heejun coughed, backing up into the tree
“i come here sometimes,” he admitted, “it’s like me go to place whenever i need inspiration”
you looked over at him, “inspiration?”
he merely nodded, holding out his hand
“let’s go up.”
seconds later, heejun was pulling you up the tree
at first you were like “hey man what’re you doing” but then he pulled you up onto a sturdy branch
“look,” he mumbled, gesturing outward
you did, amazed at the sight
the branch gave you a perfect view of the city
“we can see everything here,” heejun said, “but no one can see us”
you were gobsmacked, “how did you even find this?”
he shrugged, “when i was a kid, i got separated from my dad, and i ended up here”
you blinked, keeping your gaze on him
when he looked back, you realized how handsome he was
even though his expression was neutral, you could see a hint of amusement shimmering in his eyes
wow, you thought, you’re handsome
he chuckled, his lips splitting into a grin
“shit did i say that outloud”
he rolled his eyes playfully, nudging you with his shoulder
“don’t worry. you aren’t too bad looking either”
“i know, you told me the first time we met”
he smiled again, looking at you almost longingly
“you’re cute”
“heejun, kindly let me breathe, please and thanks”
he didn’t respond, his gaze making you slightly —very— nervous
“i know i said you didn’t have to be my s/o, but…” he rubbed the back of his neck, “i really like you.”
you rolled your eyes, kissing his cheek (which made it turn pink) “i like you too, heejun.”
woo ur dating now dope relationship congratz
im sorry (no i’m not)
so let’s go dating oh heejun
let’s start of with something cute
kissing :))
your first kiss with heejun didn’t take long to happen
in fact, it happened the same day you started dating
after you hung out at the tree for a bit, he took you out for dinner
the restaurant wasn’t really fancy but it wasn’t a fast food joint either
heejun actually knew the owner, so you got to sit in the “special” seating
it was secluded from the rest of the restaurant, on the second floor
there were french doors leading out to a balcony, where a single table stood
the dinner was great, as was the service
after you ate, you and heejun looked out over the railing
you talked for a while, enjoying the slight breeze
you didn’t notice heejun getting closer and closer until his arm was literally brushing against yours
“i’ve never met someone like you,” he mumbled, “you’re different”
“is that a good thing?”
“it’s a great thing.”
you bore into one another’s eyes for a moment
slowly, you got closer and closer until he was a hair length away
“can i…?” his eyes darted down to your lips
when you nodded, he didn’t hesitate to move forward
the kiss was slow, his lips moving gently against yours
somehow, you ended up with your back against the railing, with your hands clasping around his waist at the small of his back
his hands cupped your cheeks, his thumb gently moving back and forth as he leaned into you
when air was necessary, you pulled away
“that was,” he chuckled, “wow for a first kiss.”
generally, kisses with heejun are either dorky or sweet
or both
half the time he’s grinning, so the kiss isn’t even a proper one, but neither of you care too much
—let’s also not talk about the cough night time cough kisses—
anyway moving on
let’s add a new thing
you know, the fluffy shit
i’ve already made a cuddling with knk —and astro— post here but
let’s come back to this anyway
heejun hugs you so often
if you aren’t a hug person, he respect that, but sometimes he can’t help it
he’s a cuddly person
whenever you cuddle, he likes to hold your hand
it makes him feel connected to you
and his voice just lowers and becomes super soft and gentle
and he just looks at you like you’re the most amazing person in the entire world
and to him, you are
cuddling also comes with soft talks
he talks about his day, about his career, then asks you about yours
and while you’re talking he’s just heart eyes for you because he thinks he’s so lucky to be able to be with you
alright moving on
your first i love you also came soon after you started dating
he wanted to wait until you were completely comfortable but it kinda just
slipped out
he had to leave to practice and he was maybe late
really late
he was rushing out the door, falling over himself as he pulled his shoes on
“have fun,” you mumbled absentmindedly as you opened the fridge for food
“yeah,” he huffed, pulling his jacket over his shoulders, “thanks babe. i love you, see you later—“
you didn’t have time to react before the door shut
you kind of just stood there, the cold air from the fridge hitting your bare skin
an hour later, heejun got a call from you during a little break
“hello? [Y/N]?
“i love you too, heejun. mind waiting next time so i could actually say it back?”
needless to say, heejun was a smiley mess for the rest of the day
fights with heejun
rare, he tries his hardest to keep away from fights
other than the little ones, over who gets the remote, over who gets the last slice, etc
but when they do happen, heejun tries to bring it back
but sometimes, that doesn’t work
he’d give you some space, and you’d give him space
but he never lets you go to bed angry or upset
especially with him
he takes on the cuddling tone, low and gentle, as he talks out his feelings and you talk about yours
fights don’t last more than a few hours with heejun
so in all
dating heejun means you’re ina relationship with a dorky, funny, loveable guy
that also means, your life gets a little dorky
every day is a new adventure
when he debuted with KNK, you were introduced to four other dorks
and they all loved you (not nearly as much as heejun does)
dating heejun is an amazing thing
he treasures you, makes you laugh and feel loved
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themeisms · 4 years
۪۫❁ཻུ۪۪┊ 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐨𝐡 𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐣𝐮𝐧 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝!
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like/reblog if used!
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pixiedust030316 · 4 years
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excusemyobsessions · 5 years
Going on tour with KNK
KNK scenario
Gender neutral, fluff, soft
Little note: I scribbled this down in the bus on my way back home from the concert. It’s obvioulsy based on one of the stops. Hope you enjoy these. (I couldn’t find the perfect group gif so I had to use a picture instead) (also decided to add individual gifs this time. Tell me how you like it pls!)
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"Isn't this pretty?" You asked halfway through a stairway, looking around you amazed.
The city was really lovely and rustic in it's own way and you were mesmerized.
"It's just houses." Jihun sassed you in a mumbled. You were ready to answer when he added "Plus you're prettier."
You peeked over to his smug face and scoffed, rolling your eyes.
"Really?" You grumbled watching him answer you with a grin.
"I'll think it's prettier once these stairs are over." He answered seriously, making you chuckle and reach for his hand to pull him along.
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It was so goddamn hot out on the streets. It was the first day the boys had a break since the tour had started. You and Seungjun decided to go explore the city and the boys had attached themselves to you. But that wasn't the biggest problem as you were melting away under the hot sun at that very moment. You tried fanning yourself with your hand, hearing the boys discuss where to go after absentmindedly, watching your surroundings. You were begging for shade when out of no where you weren't in the sun anymore. Seungjun had stepped in front of you, blocking the sun like a tower. You looked up at him and he looked down at you silently.
"You're just trying to show off." You joked, wrinkling your nose up at him.
His eyes turned into half moons when he offered you a big open smile, clearly dying in the heat just like you were but still being considerate of you.
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The second you entered the hotel room after coming back from exploring, you started throwing everything you had on you onto the corner of the bed, groaning everytime you did so.
"Oh my god, it's way too hot." You complained, turning towards Dongwon.
You watched him grin, a small mischievous grin, before he stepped towards you, arms sliding around you gently although the way he came towards you so suddenly made you step back and fall onto the bed. He came down with you, falling onto the bed next to you, arms still around you.
"Donggu, I'm dying here." You protested in his arms, already hot enough before he grabbed onto you.
"You just looked like you needed some rest." He chukled, his eyes little moons because of the way he was smiling at you.
You couldn't help but chuckle as well, running your fingers through his hair.
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You're really tired but it's a new place and you can't sleep. You keep turning from side to side trying to force yourself to fall asleep when Inseong slips his arm around you from behind, his much bigger body fitting into yours perfectly.
"You can't sleep?" He mumbled in your ear, his head resting on top of yours.
"No..." You whined tiredly.
He nuzzled into you, pulling you even closer to him.
"Come on, close your eyes." He purred and you did so.
Eventually you fell asleep in his embrace.
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You had stopped in the middle of a square with Heejun standing right in front of you. You pulled out your phone to take a picture of the place when he started babbling on about how he wanted to go try this one restaurant but the boys probably wouldn't want to go there so you two could go together... That until he saw you grin at your phone, with your camera early turned towards him. With an embarrassed "ahhh" he turned away from you, chuckling away as you stopped the recording, also giggling. That was definitely a video to be saved and cherished.
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kpopcorn-requests · 7 years
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KNK 👑 telling them you are pregnant ~requested by anon!~ I LOVE KNK!! admin Lil
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2jaesmile · 7 years
KNK reaction to a prank war with their s/o
Request: Annyeong!! Can I request a KNK reaction to having a prank war with their s/o?? 
Thanks for the request. Please request more~~ :)
Jihun: *shook but ready to attack*  
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Youjin: “Why you gotta be like this for” 
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Seungjun: “I’m gonna attack you with my cuteness” 
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Inseong: *laughing mess* “THIS IS WAR!!!” *you’re seungjun*
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Heejun: *laughing dying mess* “this is the best thing ever, but I’m gonna get you”
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kpophours · 4 years
Back Again
➵ KNK: Heejun x fem. reader / one shot, boyfriend AU / fluff / REQUESTED
➵ warnings: sexual suggestiveness
➵ word count: 1.3k
➵ sequel: Closer (M, 18+)
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Your eyes slide from the computer screen in front of you to the clock on the wall and back again.
Are the hands of the clock even moving?
It definitely doesn’t seem like it.
You gnaw on your lower lip while your left leg begins to bounce up and down, one of your nervous ticks. Your co-worker sitting opposite you shoots you an annoyed look and you duck your head, a silent apology. Alex just sighs. “You can clock out early tonight, if you want to. I can handle the last few customers on my own.”, he finally offers and you lift your head, a surprised expression on your face. He smiles and shrugs. “I know today is special.”, he just mumbles and shoots you a quick wink. You whisper a quick thanks and beam at him, hastily grabbing your empty coffee mug and getting up to bring it back to the kitchen. 
After cleaning up after yourself, you practically sprint out of your office building, Alex’ amused laughter following you.
The way home feels awfully long tonight, traffic moves almost painfully slow and you feel like screaming at every driver in front of you. But instead, you just restlessly drum your fingers against the steering wheel, eyes sliding towards your watch again.
He is probably already home by now…, you think to yourself and bite down on your lower lip to keep yourself from smiling like an idiot. 
About twenty minutes later, you finally turn into your street and thankfully find a parking spot directly in front of your house. You almost tumble onto the sidewalk in your haste to get out of your car, basically jogging up the stairs to your apartment. You need a few seconds to insert your key into the keyhole as your hands are shaking with excitement. At last, you finally succeed and manage to unlock your front door, kicking off your shoes and jacket and running through the hallway and into the small living space. 
Your boyfriend is already sprawled on top of the couch, clad in comfy clothes, his hair still wet from the shower. He immediately sits up when hears you enter and you suppress a sob when you finally lay eyes on his handsome face. “Heejun.”, you only manage to say, voice strangled, and he breaks into his cheeky smile, jumping up and crossing the room in a few long strides. You meet him halfway and fling yourself into his arms, pressing your face against his broad chest. He chuckles and wraps both arms around you and kisses the top of your head a few times, until you finally lift your face to meet his hungry lips. You basically melt against him, drowning in his familiar scent and warmth. He smiles against your lips, gently cupping your chin and sliding his tongue into your mouth. 
When you break apart again, you’re both breathing heavily and smile at each other. “Hi.”, you whisper and he chuckles again. “Hi babe. I missed you.”, he replies in a hushed voice and nuzzles your nose with his. You snuggle even closer, inhaling deeply. “I missed you too. So, so much.”, you murmur against his neck and he shivers when your warm breath tickles his sensitive skin. “Oh, did you now? Really? I didn’t even realize… Your countless messages and phone calls were very misleading, apparently.”, Heejun teases you and you tickle his side, making him squeal and let go of you. You stick out your tongue at him and he laughs, gently grabbing your hand and dragging you towards the sofa. He sighs contently while flopping down on the couch, pulling you on top of him and wrapping both arms and legs around you, practically caging you in and squishing you against his chest. You giggle at his antics and bury your face in his neck, closing your eyes and enjoying his company. 
“Four weeks is just too long.”, you finally say, voice almost inaudible. Heejun hums in agreement. “I know, babe. But it’s part of my job.” You sigh deeply and press as soft kiss against his chest. “I know.”, you grumble and he giggles, sliding two fingers under your chin and gently lifting your face, kissing you again. “Want to order some food?”, he then asks and you nod, immediately reaching for your phone in the back pocket of your jeans. 
“Chinese?”, you inquire, opening the food delivery app, and your boyfriend smiles, nodding happily.  
Half an hour later, one of your favorite movies is playing on the tv and you’re indulging yourselves in the almost ridiculous amount of food you have ordered. Both your legs are slung over Heejun’s lap; you just need to be close to him in at least some way after the four seemingly endless weeks apart. After finally finishing the last spring roll, your boyfriend groans and stretches both arms above his head, contently patting his full stomach. “That was amazing - but maybe a bit much.”, he comments and you smile, poking his cheek with one finger. “Well, no one asked you to eat like a pig.”, you tease him and he shoots you a playful dark look. “Takes one to know one, I guess.”, he replies cheekily and you huff in mock annoyance. He giggles before suddenly wrapping both arms around your waist, hoisting you into his lap and pulling you close. You snuggle into his chest and sigh happily, content to just listen to his steady heartbeat for a few minutes. He begins to gently rub your back, pressing small kisses on top of your head from time to time. You feel yourself get drowsier with every second; feeling warm and blissful and just really happy to have your boyfriend back again. 
“I really missed you.”, Heejun suddenly whispers and you startle awake again, drawing back a bit to look at him. A small, loving smile plays on his lips and his dark eyes are soft when he gazes down at you. You cup his cheek and gently press your lips to his. “I know. But now we’ll have the next few weeks together... right?”, you inquire and lift one eyebrow, beginning to smile as soon as he nods in confirmation. “Exactly. I don’t plan on going anywhere soon.”, he replies und nuzzles your nose. “Good.”, you say and kiss him again, shifting on top of him so you can wrap both your legs around his waist, chests now pressed together. He buries one hand in your soft hair while the other slips under your shirt, gently caressing the soft skin of your waist, opening your mouth with his and sliding his tongue inside, deepening the kiss even more. 
You gasp and moan into his mouth when his hand under your shirt slips even higher, and begin to grind against him. Heejun draws back and looks at you, cheeks flushed and pupils dilated. “How about we take this to the bedroom?”, he asks, voice rough and low. You immediately nod and he stands up with you still in his arms, walking towards said room while leaving open mouthed kisses all over your sensitive neck, finally beginning to suck on your sweet spot. You gasp under his gentle ministration and bite down hard on your lower lip when you feel his bulge grind against your core. You tumble into bed together, his body pressing into yours at all the right places, his hands following the curves of your body until they gently cup your face again. 
Heejun’s dark eyes bore into yours, a soft smile on his lips. “I love you.”, he murmurs, gently brushing a few strands of hair out of your face. You return his smile and kiss him again. “I love you too.”, you whisper against his lips, before losing yourself to his touch; happy to be back in his arms again.
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[masterlist] | [requests] 
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starryace · 5 years
my personal introduction to vav
so i have a few friends who’ve been wanting to get into vav but dunno where to start so... i’ll just do this lil thing. obviously there’s gonna be my own opinions so don’t take everything i say to heart but like... here we go
vav (very awesome voice -- pronounced vee-ay-vee but i say vav bc im lazy) debuted in 2015, but when they debuted they had a different lineup. zehan, xiao, and gyeoul all left to pursue other activities. ziu, lou, and ayno joined the group in 2017! the fandom is called vampz because of the groups original concept but we don’t talk about that
title tracks/mvs: *under the moonlight | *brotherhood | *no doubt | *here i am | venus (dance with me) | flower (you) | abc (middle of the night) | she’s mine | spotlight | gorgeous | give it to me | senorita | **so in love | **thrilla killa | **i’m sorry | give me more
* = pre-line up switch! | ** = without jacob (due to his participation in a chinese program)
more about the members under the cut!
st van (lee geumhyuk)
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note: during updating i ended up having to redo this entire section bc my computer deleted it all... sigh.
everyone’s dad
kinda gives off party vibes, like a cool club dad, you know?
super duper soft :(( he laughs at everything and he loves gentle things and he may be the oldest but he’s babie
gets really embarrassed really easily and blushes and laughs it off
oh! he also laughs with like... his entire body ekhrbgj
tattoos! on his shoulder and right arm
full sleeve completed
self composed the track “im sorry” off of the thrilla killa album
he lived in china for 13+ years and can speak fluent (if not, almost fluent) chinese
he’s super good cook and he wanted to be a chef before becoming an idol
loves jacob :(( with all his heart
weird but he can drink a lot of water really quickly, that’s his special talent
got a dog with the group! her name is cash and she’s super cute
im sure there’s more but i got mad after my computer deleted everything so i’ll get back to updating this part when things dawn on me
baron (choi chunghyeop)
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dancer extraordinaire! he actually used to be in a dance team before vav
smiley boy ;;;; literally he has the prettiest smile and the nicest teeth
he can play the piano and a lil guitar im p sure!
he’s honestly a lil shit but we love him anyway
he’s very mom like, and loves taking care of the members, but i spy with my lil eye someone a lil more mom-like but that comes later
he choreographed a cover of shape of you!
unfortunately, his mom passed away early this year (may she rest in peace).
his nickname is baby prince (from his mom) and it was because of his mom that he was able to become and idol
baron singing??? yes,,, yeS!! his voice is godsent istg
he loves loves loves music and dance
wont shut up about millennium dance studio
was the pizza delivery boy in minx’s why did you come to my home
has a very intensive skin care routine
he!! loves!! food!! constantly nomming
ace (jang wooyoung)
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remember how i said how i thought there was someone more mom like? meet ace.
literally babies everyone
eSPECIALLY ayno + ziu (sometimes lou, when lou will let him)
sassy, diva, can also be a lil shit -- esp with baron... 92 line is just lil shit line
lil fucking tease, too--
he has an oral fixation-- licks his lips a lot no bueno for me
teal hair? god tier. senorita? also god tier. everything about him? god tier.
plays the guitar... see senorita
“you’re doing wonderful sweetie” but like... a living version of that
abs... abs for days..........
works out with jacob
dimples!! but it’s more prominent on the right cheek.
god he’s??? literally ethereal. like i can’t put into words how pretty he is
he ;;;; has the purest, most sweetest heart
they need to start letting ace have more lines bc omg his voice ;;;;;
really good with kids ;;;;; they love him
he’s a BIG flirt, it’s like when he opens his mouth the only thing he thinks to do is say “i love you” or “you’re mine” or smthn
Prince Wooyoung™
ayno (noh yoonho)
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was on no.mercy -- still kinda keeps in contact with monsta x now (hims was lil babie minhyuk)
yknow how baron is dancer? so is ayno -- aYNO IS GOD TIER DANCER ok he ;;;;; ugh he’s literally so talented
he raps too! also god tier
hims a soundcloud rapper -- dropped zero coke (mixtape) and god that boy is talented
self composed their song touch you (aka one of my fave vav songs)
ace’s baby... really, he’s vav’s baby, but still
fake maknae to the max. it still baffles me that he’s older than the others ima list
hims also pretty shy, but it’s real cute ;;;;
lou has such a big fat crush on him and he’s always embarrassed by it
he zones out a lot and is very mellow & quiet until something inside him switches and then he’s like BAM loud and crackhead
ziu.... brings out... the crackhead in him lbr
former happyface ent trainee w/ ziu
also really good with kids!! prolly bc he is a big kid himself erhbjeg
often writes his own raps for songs
jacob (zhang peng)
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resting bitch face to the max
800% done with everyone’s shit
chinese member!
he was performing in a chinese show called all for one -- his team got eliminated (sad) but that means he’ll be returning to the group (happy!)
that’s why he wasn’t in so in love/thrilla killa/im sorry
hims loves his st van
he also eats... a lot.
ok but like... he works out with ace, right? boy has such chiseled and nicely defined abs, it pains me
he’s a happy lil sunshine boy
savage as fuck
his smile literally adds 5 years to your lifespan
all of the members miss him so much ;;;; its honestly super wholesome and every once in a while they’ll be like “omg cobi would love this” or “jacob....... we miss you”
but then you have shithead lou being like “i mean... its nice having the room to myself” wrehbjehg
he dance too! idk what type of dancing it is but he does it!!!
he was in the chinese movie “the dreamer on the catwalk”
lou (kim hosung)
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my #1, my one and only, my precious sweetheart
tall as fUCK
has a deep ass motherfucking voice
grew up in georgia as a kid (can speak fluent english) and then the philippines when he was a teen!
kinda the more quiet & reserved member
but dont let that fool you......
he too is a lil shit
AND A CHAOTIC GAY -- ziu bothers him a lot but he has a big ol’ crush on ayno and he never shuts up about how pretty he is and how much he loves him
he can be a grouchy lil bitch too tho hkerbjeg
in this interview baron and st van were being cute and he’s just in the corner like “youuuu shouuuld daaaate” -- gay. in the same interview thats one instance where he wouldn’t shut up about ayno
hims a rapper too!! he often writes his own raps for songs (much like ayno)
his own mixtape (goodnight) literally is so nice i listen to it all the time
he has a vlive thing he does called lou-dio and it’s real cute
big ears = the cutest thing ever ehkrbgjeh
he collects a bunch of stuff!! like pop figures and toys, like souvenirs from everywhere they go
he was in the youtube webdrama “lemon car video” (eps 1, 3, 7, and 8)
his stage name is lou (pronounced “low” but i refuse to say that) because his voice is so low
ziu (park heejun)
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chaotic. just chaotic. chaotic gay, chaotic maknae, chaotic man.
he’s the real maknae tho... doesn’t look it, huh?
manly af
literally so charismatic and funny as hell
wants kisses + love + attention from everyone
goes in for a kiss -- everyone else usually backs away but he’s always disappointed that no one gives into him
kisses kisses kisses
did i mention kisses?
he makes a lot of random ass noises all the time
screm... lots of screm. like you know opossums?? think that kinda screm.
his vocals ;;;;; his singing voice is so, so nice ;;; i adore it.
his room is dirty af i could NEVER
he does some really questionable things sometimes... see here.
like i said, i cannot express this enough... he’s so charismatic. so charming. so handsome.
also!! super hyper fluff ball. hims cute.
aegyo up the wazoo too
former happyface ent trainee with ayno
was in the fri.sat.sun teasers by dalshabet
can get p loud & annoying but that doesnt change how much we love him
idk if any of that made sense... but there you go! there’s so much more to vav and everything they do and who they are, so i hope this just kinda gets more people to look into them? it’s a stepping stone, not everything possible to learn.
+ keep in mind, a lot of this stuff comes from both kprofiles, what i’ve seen in videos, and my own personal opinions & inputs. so... yeah. don’t use what i say as truth/fact unless you see stuff to back it up (or you adopt it as your own opinion idk).
thank you for taking your time to read this!!
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kunderdogs · 5 years
KNK / Back From Tour
I’m an idiot and posted it to my main blog so here it is again!
Shoutout to @randomkpopfiction for requesting this! “thank you so much for writing for our under appreciated kings knk 😘 - sooo... can i request a knk reaction to seeing their s/o after a few weeks/months apart? 🥰 thank you xx”
I thought this was super cute so I went completely overboard. This is 3k+ words...whoops lol.
Major fluff with a dash of smut-ish?
Background: KNK went on a 1 month U.S. tour and come back home to their s/o (you). These are basically mini scenarios and, once again, i am not sorry.
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Jihun: Our cute leader loves tinkerbells but he misses his s/o more than he can put in words. These five weeks were dragging for him, whenever he could, he would call and text but the time difference made it really difficult to communicate so you both relied on sending pictures through out the day of what you were doing (or not doing - lazy couch days were common when Jihun wasn't around to occupy you). He had a countdown app set up and will update you when he's feeling really lonely so when you convinced your boss that you had to take a personal day the day he flew back home, you decided to surprise him. Going to the airport was risky, and you couldn't risk the fans see you and him so you decided to surprise him at the dorms and sent him a simple text: "Once I get off work, I'll head over to the dorm and welcome you back, babe."
Once there, you went to his room, taking your shoes as to leave no evidence behind. It wasn't long til they arrived, the tell-tale sound of Heejun exclaiming that he had missed their humble apartment nearly scaring the life out of you. You jumped from the bed and hid behind the door with the biggest smile on your face. It felt like an eternity before the door creaked open followed by those familiar footsteps walking in.
Before he could close the door, you popped out, hands grasping the sleeve of his hoodie while screaming, "Boo!"
Jihun screamed the highest pitch you'd ever heard him make and (you guessed it) would fall on the floor in the utmost dramatic fashion, clutching his heart, brown eyes wide before he realizes it's you, laughing hysterically next to him on the floor.
"Wah...So this is how you greet the love of your life when he gets back from tour?" His smile is nearly taking up his whole face, even if his heart rate was still triple the normal speed. "No kiss, no 'I missed you so much', just scaring the life from my body..."
Composing yourself, you can't keep the wide grin from your lips as you turned to face Jihun before tackling him in a hug, attacking his face with your lips. "I missed you very much, baby," you whisper between your kisses.
Eyes closed, large hands wrapped around your back in a bone crushing hug, Jihun let you love on him for as long as you wanted. His heart felt like it would burst with all this affection so he didn't say much, other than hum approvingly when your lips drifted down towards his neck.
Until Inseong barged in asking if y'all were hungry, only to see you two wrapped up in each other on the ground and looking disheveled.
"Aish...Why don't you ever knock?"
Over the next few hours, Jihun doesn't let you go more than two feet from him. He's clinging to you like glue and wants to hold you all night if you let him. You'll catch him staring at you with a small smile and when you ask him why, he'll say it's because he missed seeing such a beautiful presence in his life. Incredibly touchy (not really in a dirty way) but he really missed feeling your body against his so he wants to make up for the missed cuddle sessions.
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Seoham: Once his flight landed, he was on the phone dialing your number to tell you that they've made it safely. It was 2am, and even though you tried to wait up for him, you ended crashing on your couch. He could hear the sleep in your voice and told you he'd come by tomorrow to see you. That woke you up just a bit so you quickly reassure him and tell him you'll be by the dorm in an hour. He's tried to convince you to stay home, but you were dying to see him, your sleep be damned! He managed to keep you in your house by promising to sleep over your house tonight. With the help of the boys, he convinced his management to let him sleep at your house despite the late hour and caught a cab to your apartment.
Around an hour later, he was pushing the door open and dragging his suitcase behind him, exhaustion and jet lag finally catching up to him. Hearing him enter from the kitchen, you stumbled from around the corner and made a run to the door. You threw yourself into his arms like a koala, thankful that he had a quick reaction and caught your thighs that locked around his waist.
"Welcome home," you said in his neck once you got past the happy tears. Hands tight on you, Seoham walked you both back to your room and didn't loosen his grip on you until his back fell onto the bed with your weight pressed on top of him.
He wouldn't give you much time to speak since his lips would be all over your face, mumbling how much he missed you and that next time he was definitely going to bring you along with him. You were so content just being in his arms that you almost missed the few tears that escaped his eyes until one landed on your cheek.
"Oh no, Seoham...you okay?" You asked, worried that there was something that happened to make him react like this.
Seoham shook his head as his arms closed around your waist tightly so he could snuggle into you closer. "I just...am really happy to see you. It felt like I was gone for a year."
You laughed into his chest. "It really did feel long. Our home felt so empty without you."
This was the first time you had referred to your house as his home too so there was no way he could control the butterflies in his stomach or the blush that set his face on fire. "Our home...I really like the sound of that."
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Dongwon: Not a touchy person by nature, Dongwon would be the complete opposite when he gets back from a long stay away from his s/o. On tour he had been constantly calling you and you two would have at least two to three hours of talking before he had to force him to sleep to be able to keep up with the boys tomorrow. The other members would tease the hell out of him since his head was permanently buried in his phone so he could keep contact with you for as long as possible. Honestly he wouldn't care, and take all the comments with a smile. After a particularly hot *coughyounaughtykidscough* facetime call the week before his flight back home, Dongwon would be a little more wound up than usual. He would zone out more often as the tour came closer to the end. Their manager would just chalk it up to the weeks of dancing finally catching up to him but the boys knew better. His frustration would peek on the plane ride over to the point that the others practically begged their manager to let him go to your house since they didn't want to be witness to the nasty-ness that would surely be your reunion.
So when he got permission, with a bunch of rules like "Don't go out past 9pm, wear your hat and mask, no PDA, take separate taxis, blah blah blah", Dongwon was out of the apartment in a heartbeat. Phone in hand, he was calling you yet you didn't answer. It didn't bother him too much since around this time you were usually in the shower or cooking.
Deciding to just surprise you, he hoped out of the taxi and was at your apartment in record time. He used his key instead of punching in the code as to make the least amount of noise and couldn't keep the dopey smile from his lips when he heard you singing their latest song while in the shower. On his way to the bathroom, he discarded his hoddie on the couch, and shoes at the door.
You didn't even hear him open the door until a low chuckle floated in your ears once the song was over. Screaming, you dropped the shampoo bottle in your hand and nearly ripped the curtain from the rod hanging above you.
"Dongwon!" Your normally soothing voice seemed higher by a few octaves. "You scared me half to death! Baby, what are you doing here? I was getting ready to meet you at the dorm..."
You felt your lips move, but you couldn't pay much attention since he ripped his shirt from his lean body and then stripped of his jeans and briefs. Biting your lip to hide your smile, you closed the curtain and put the forgotten shampoo through your locks.
There was a quick movement behind you before the familiar warmth on your back made the grin break out on your face. Large hands covered your own to gently massage your hair and scalp. You let your eyes finally close when the water fell around your head and the unmistakable feeling of his lips pressing into your shoulder set a fire blazing in your body. He dragged his open-mouth kisses up to your neck and then stopping to pay careful attention to that one spot he knew had you weak in the knees.
"I've said this probably a million times now but," his voice, that low and deep tremble was another one of your weaknesses, especially when he was speaking so softly right in your ear. "I missed you, baby girl."
And that was it. He had you like putty in his hands for the rest of the evening. You had absolutely no complaints.
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Inseong: You had asked their manager if it would be alright to wait in Inseong's room for him on the day they flew out so when you got the okay, you spent the entire day at their dorm. Nervously keeping yourself busy, you began to tidy up. They usually did quick cleaning so it had been awhile when someone got down and scrubbed the floors or cleaned the fans. You were too anxious to see Inseong again. This was the first tour that he had went on while you two were dating and, you just hoped he missed you like you missed him.
Inseong was not one to shy away from saying affectionate things, not at all. So he was always saying that he missed you, that he wanted to hold you at night when you said your bed felt so cold, that he couldn't wait to finally be able to touch you instead of imagining it through facetime.
Hours later, when the apartment smelt like lemon and bleach, the hardwood had no stains and all the laundry had been washed and folded, you fell back on the bed that had a faint smell of your boyfriend after you got out of the shower. You had threw on one of his t-shirts, even though it was much too big and covered you to your knees like a dress. All the activity and worrying had your eyes closing until the thumping could be heard from down the hall, specifically the front door.
"Why doesn't it smell like men and expired cologne? Did one of the cleaning crew come while we were on tour?" You heard Seoham question from the kitchen before there was almost frantic footsteps got louder as they moved in your direction.
A tired smile was on your lips as you got up and took exactly three steps to the door before it swung open and Inseong stopped dead in his tracks. Those large brown eyes you loved, wide and shining, froze as he looked down to your face. His hand was still on the door knob and he was standing motionless in the doorway. His lips moved to form words but the tears gathered in his eyes too quickly for him to stop them.
"Baby..." you whispered, finally taking a step towards him. "You're home."
Like a spell was broken, Inseong closed the door with his eyes never leaving yours. He blinked and the tears split over to run down his cheeks before those long arms were wrapped around your waist and crushing you into his chest. You felt him inhale deeply, his nose on your head before he released a shaking breath. Like he couldn't breathe without you near him. It made your heart swell and your hands hooked around his neck, even though you had to stretch to reach.
He was mumbling something under his breath but you didn't get to ask as those slender fingers cupped your cheeks and lifted your face. Your vision was a bit blurry due to your own tears so Inseong pressed his lips to your forehead then both eyelids and your nose before pausing at your lips. However, you tilted your face up and closed the distance yourself, your fingers curling in his hair to have some kind of leverage.
The breathy groan from the back of his throat caused Inseong to part from you, resting his forehead on yours. You reached up and wiped his own tears away, noticing his lips pull into a smile.
"I'm home."
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Heejun: While Heejun was on tour, you had threw yourself into work, pulling double shifts and doing your reports faster than you ever had before to keep yourself from having to go back to the empty home. Without his laughter and loud music, your home felt like a cold shell of itself. It was depressing to have to walk in and not see that brilliant smile greet you when you stepped in.
So when you slumped in, at ten at night only to see a faint light from the kitchen, you figured you had left the light on. It hadn't been the first time but when you walked past and flicked the switch down, there was an amused grunt that had you frozen in your step.
"Yah, I was cleaning here."
The tiredness in your bones faded when you backed up and flipped it back on. Leaning over the sink was the naked back of Heejun, broad and muscles rippling as he scrubbed a pan before putting it in the drain next to the sink. Without a word, you found your way over to him, hands softly pressing into his back to make sure this was real.
"You just going to feel me up without saying hi?" Heejun teased, cutting off the water.
He was about to turn when your small arms (small to him) coiled around his waist as you pressed your body into his tightly. Your cheek rested against his skin and he smelt like your body soap mixed with that smell that could only be described as his own. Feeling him breathe beneath you and his hands cover your own, you kissed his skin. Heejun loosened your hold on him to turn around and face you, his arms looping around your shoulders to force you into his body.
You felt him inhale more than heard it, "I missed you, baby. You must be tired."
Humming, you stood on your toes to kiss his neck. "Only a little. When did you get back? I thought you said your flight was tomorrow afternoon."
"It was, but I bumped it up to surprise you. The guys are coming home tomorrow." His hands, still damp, rubbed over your hips before he took a step forward, making you walk backwards.
"We can catch up tomorrow," his voice whispered next to your ear. "Let's get you to bed, hm?"
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hey-hey-chan · 6 years
Coffee vs Scantrons - Changbin
❀ College AU + Fluff 
❀ Word count: 3.2 K
❀ Your grades are consistently being one bad after another, and you’re not here for it. You decide to take matters into your hands and meet your teacher during office hours... but unexpectedly, one of your classmates is there as well and invites you to coffee to repay a favor. You’re not jumping for joy since the boy doesn’t have the best reputation in your class, but will you forever be annoyed by his rambunctious nature, or fall for his boyish charm as the class goes on?
❀ A/N: ... i don’t even like coffee, i need to stop writing about it. also shoutout to my number one hype woman ruby who misses my writing and motivated me to write this,,, this one for u <3 also this is unedited. im sorry my writing is so bad,,, iM RUSTY 
“Ok, don’t tell me if the grade is bad though.” 
I planted my hands over my eyes while I shoved my test at my best friend, Euna. She grabbed the test and put it face down so she couldn’t see it either and rolled her eyes at me. 
“C’mon y/n, it probably isn’t even that bad. Like you’re a smart girl, missus straight A.” I groaned at her comment and kept my eyes closed.
“Shut up. I have gotten a... B before. But, seriously just tell me if I should look or not.” Joy just shook her head and look at my test grade. I immediately noted how her features shrunk together and her eyes turned to me sadly. I frowned at her expression.”w-what, is it THAT bad?” 
She pushed the test towards me and there and behold a C- staring at me. I sighed and tried to push the image out. I peeked over at her test score and saw a big fat A taunting me. I wasn’t jealous. I was just disappointed in myself.
...And a tiny bit jealous. 
I groaned and shut my eyes again, hoping I wouldn’t start to cry in the middle of my business class. 
“Hey, it’s okay, we have more tests and Professor Lee is a really good guy, it’ll all work out.” Her advice went in one ear and then out another. 
Yes, a C was passing, but I don’t want to just pass, I want to excel. Plus, my mom would kill me if I got a C, especially because I dropped another one of my classes during the quarter. I had no excuses now. 
“Hey.. hey!” My friend snapped me out of my trance while I just shook my head at her. “Y/n, why don’t you just meet with him after class and get help?” 
I took a big gulp of water, hoping it would calm my nerves. It didn’t. 
“Well, the point is is that I feel like I’m not even struggling.. yet the results I get back are not what I expected. I don’t know what to ask him.” I confessed babyishly. I felt like I was whining for no reason. 
Euna shrugged and packed up her backpack and headed out the door, which made me run to catch up with her. 
Before I could head out the door, I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I skittishly turned around and was now locking eyes with Seo Changbin, the class clown who happened to be incredibly smart and cute to say the least. I always had a small problem with him. 
“Uh, hey, I borrowed a scantron from you the other day, right?” I nodded my head. He gave me a sheepish smile and I knew what was coming. “I’m sorry, I forgot to bring an extra one for you-” Before the boy could finish his sentence, I waved him off.
“It’s fine. You don’t have to pay me back, it’s just a scantron.” I quickly said. Honestly, I was a bit irritated since scantrons are not the cheapest thing, also this is business, I should’ve charged him for it. But I was too nice to be a businessman. 
I turned and walked out the door before he could say anything else and caught up with Euna.
The girl was already out the door and waiting for me with a smirk upon her lips.
“What?” I barked. She pulled on her rain jacket and gave me a suspicious look.
“He totally likes you.” I felt my face turn red at her statement but it was a foolish thought. 
“You’re so wrong, he has a bunch of other girls he talks to. Plus, we have never talked before.” Euna shrugged and walked faster so that I had to speed up my pace. 
“Well, he at least thinks you’re cute. Did you see his blush?” I raised a brow but didn’t want to egg her on. 
“Whatever, think what you want, loser. Focus on Heejun instead.” The girl gasped and slapped my arm lightly while I laughed. Heejun happened to be the boy she was crushing on, but was about 4 years older. It was ... weird. 
“Shut up, don’t come running to me when you discover lover boy likes you.”
I scoffed and pushed the thought out of my head immediately. 
Changbin doesn’t like me. And I won’t give him a chance to.
Professor Lee’s office hours were from 7:30-8:30 am. I had to take the 7am bus to come to school during that time, which means I slept on the bus and almost missed my stop. Thankfully my body naturally wakes up at the rough turn. 
I stepped out into the cold air and wondered if my business grade was even worth the trouble. Ok... it definitely was. But not at 7am. 
I walked up the steps into the building and found his office number. I took a deep breath, not even feeling my anxiety due to the cold, and knocked on the door. 
I waited a few seconds before walking in. I saw my professor sitting quietly, typing away on his computer. 
“Hi Professor Lee.” I greeted. He turned quickly and gave me a bright smile, which was unsettling since it was 7am. 
“Hey! What can I help you with?” He said brightly. Suddenly my fear of meeting him washed away.
“Um, so I just haven’t been doing so well on the tests and I was wondering if you could clarify some terms for me?” He nodded and pulled out a chair for me. I got my notes out while he finished typing an email up. 
“So, how’s it being up at 7am?” He asked suddenly. I let out a nervous chuckle as I swear I could see my breath in his ice cold office.
“It’s... a new experience. I used to wake up at 6:30 for classes, but that was last year. Now my first class is at 9, so I feel like a slug to be honest with you.” He let out a loud laugh, making me feel more welcome.
“I get that, but I’m an old man, and I love sleeping early and waking up early.” I let out a small smile. 
“Yeah, I am usually an early bird too... but I like to wake up early and do nothing.” He chuckled until I held my notes out to me. “So uh, I’m not really understanding 5 styles of leadership and how they relate to Maslow’s hiearchy of needs. Like I understand the 2 separately, but now how the connect.” I explained. 
He nodded and wrote all of them down. “So, autocratic, bureaucratic...”
He went on and on about different questions I asked him about business, but they still felt fuzzy to me. I also learned things I didn’t know before, showing how I wasn’t as good as business as I thought.
“So, what are your favorite movies?” He asked when I was done asking him questions about business.
“Hmmm... right now, it’s The Polar Express?” He laughed loudly and shook his head.
“It’s only November and you’re thinking about Christmas movies?” I nodded frantically. 
“Of course! I’m always thinking about Christmas movies because Christmas is my favorite holiday.” I grinned just thinking about sitting next to my TV and drinking hot cocoa as the snow falls. School will me put on pause and I’ll finally be done with college apps; sounds heavenly. 
“Agreed, I love Christmas too.” I heard a deeper voice come from behind me, making me swivel around. And just my luck, Changbin was leaning against the doorway like he was cool or something. He gave me a quick smile until he turned to face Professor Lee. 
“Hey James, I came to turn in that assignment I missed last week.” Changbin handed him a white paper and I grew curious about how close the boy was to our professor since he called him by his first name. 
“Ah yes, how did your job interview go anyways?” Changbin’s smile brightened up and I felt his ego expand.
“Amazing, I got the job.” He high fived Jame’s hand and backed away. Then he turned to me and gave a look of guilt. “Oh gosh I’m sorry, was I interrupting something?” I shook my head and Prof. Lee did too.
“Nah you’re all good, I was just about done too. See you later Professor Lee.” I turned to walk out the door and unfortunately, Changbin was going the same way. 
“Hey, you’re y/n, right?” I nodded, a bit, ok a lot, surprised that he knew my name. “Cool cool, sorry I’m bad with names.” 
“No big deal.” I hated how I was so cold to guys, and only guys. There’s something about boys like him who make me put this wall up.
“So the Polar Express huh?” Now that caught my attention as I raised a brow. 
“Yup, one of my favorites. Brings back all the Christmas feels I know and love.” The boy nodded enthusiastically. 
“True. Classics give you those feel good vibes.” I nodded, unsure how to respond. “Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I forgot to give you your scantrons back right?” I shrugged. 
“It’s just one-”
“Well how about I treat you to coffee to make up for it?” I paused in my tracks  and raised a brow at him, suspicious at his motives. He gave me a sheepish smile, but I could tell he was waiting in anticipation for my answer. 
“Really?” I stated like I was disinterested, but really my heart was jumping like crazy. I didn’t know if it was because of the cold or nervousness, but his cheeks were tinged a light pink. 
“I mean, like, in a friendly nice way. Not like I’m coming onto you in any way, I swear. Guys who come onto girls too strongly are freaks.” I chuckled at his answer, and how could I say no to that... and free coffee.
“Then fine, I’ll let you buy me some coffee.”
His smile lit up and he ruffled his messy hair that was still messy from pulling his hood down. 
“Oh good, for a split second, I thought you were going to reject me.” He faked his dismay by putting his hand over his heart and clutching it dramatically. I laughed at his silly antics but didn’t let myself become comfortable with him yet. 
The school cafe was just around the cafe so we hit it pretty quickly. 
“Hi, what can I get for you two?” The pretty girl at the cashier greeted. I could tell Changbin was checking her out as he pretended to scan the menu. I wanted to roll my eyes, people who order coffee don’t need the menu, they always know their order. But I didn’t care who he checked out, it wasn’t like I was into him.
“How bout a venti iced americano please.” The girl nodded and wrote it down. 
“And for you?” 
I hummed and scanned the menu, since I, a college rookie, didn’t drink coffee often. But I definitely needed it for the early hour I woke up.
“Um, I’ll just get an tall caramel macchiato.” I didn’t even know what they tasted like, the drink just sounded cute. 
“Great, one venti ice american and one all caramel macchiato, that’ll be 5 dollars 13 cents please. 
Changbin let out a low whistle which made me snap my head at him. 
“What?” I snapped. He laughed and gave me a mischievous grin.
“Nothing, it’s just that I don’t think I’ve ever seen a girl or a guy order a tall coffee in the morning before.” I shrugged and tapped my shoes on the ground-- a habit I had when I was nervous.
“Well, I’m not much of a coffee drinker, so it doesn’t take much to wake me up.” He raised a brow. 
“Wow, not a daily coffee drinker? I’m not sure if I know anyone our age who doesn’t drink coffee every morning.” I shrugged and put my hands in my butt pockets. 
“Well, now you do.” I wiggled my eyebrows jokingly while he laughed at the ground like he was trying to hide his loud laugh. 
Our drinks were soon ready and I grabbed my drink while he grabbed his. I put a little coaster around mine while Changbin talked to the the pretty cashier once more.
“You two enjoy your day.” She gave him a small smile and whipped her hair at him. I felt uncomfortable.
He gave her a small smile and nodded. “You too.”
As we walked away, I gave him a little nudge, as to which he was surprised at. “What?” I scoffed.
“That girl...” I trailed off, hoping he would pick up my sentence. He just stared at me dumbly. “The girl thought you were cute.” 
At my words, he just shrugged and sipped his drink. “Okay... do you agree with her?” Now his words caught me off guard. 
I took a sip of my coffee to wake me up. “Uhhhhhh ... hmmm... uhh..” I heard him laughing at my response and wiped his hands on his pants sicne they were wet due to the condensation to the iced drink.
“Ok honestly, I’m curious! I won’t tease you or anything, I’m just genuinely curious on what a normal person thinks of my looks.” 
Changbin was... hot. To say the least. He was an attractive guy who I’m sure who got lots of girls and got lots of attention, especially with his nice style as well. 
“Ok fine, yes you’re cute, but I’m sure you already knew that.” I said pretty quickly, but he still understood it. His cheeks were flushed and a pretty pink. I knew my cheeks matched mine unfortunately.
He then turned to me and said, “thank you for your deep insight.” I laughed at his boyish humor and I heard him laughing too. 
“You’re pretty funny as well.” He didn’t respond to this compliment but stopped in his tracks. I quickly looked down at my watch and saw that time.
“Oh shit,” I mumbled. 
“What?” He wondered.
I shook my head. “Oh no big deal, I just have class in 5 minutes, so... see you in class?” He nodded slyly and waved me off.
“Definitely, see you later y/n.” 
And as I walked away from him, I felt my heart warm with a feeling I’ve never felt before and an excitement and anxiety I wasn’t sure I liked or hated.
Business seemed so far away yet it came so quickly. I walked into business and sat next to Euna who was already waiting for me. 
“Yo, are you drinking coffee?” I nodded.
“Yup, a caramel macchiato.” She gave me a weird look.
She pulled out her bottle filled with tea and raised it to take a sip. “What’s the occasion?” 
“Changbin bought me it.” Euna almost spit her drink up on me, but I pushed her away and she swallowed. “Dude!” I shouted at her. She coughed viciously but ignored me.
“Changbin?? You mean in this class Changbin??” I immediately shushed her and looked around and saw people staring directly me. Oh great.
“Wait, you and Changbin are a thing?” The guy behind me asked. I felt my cheeks heat up at his question. 
I shook my head. “No, we are not.” 
“But he bought you coffee.” I nodded.
“Yeah, um, he owed me a scantron so he just bought me coffee.” The boy named Soonyoung narrowed his eyes at me.
“You know a pack of scantrons are like 50 cents while coffee is like... more than that.” I rolled my eyes and shrugged.
“I don’t know, I just met Changbin practically yesterday.” I felt weird talking about my life, it was just ... weird. 
Suddenly, Changbin walked in and I turned back around. The class was silent. 
Changbin’s laughed filled the silence. “Why is everyone so quiet today?” I leaned back in my chair while Euna patted me on the arm comfortingly. After Changbin’s comment, the conversations resumed and the class was noisy once again. 
“You bought y/n coffee? You never buy me coffee you jerk.” Soonyoung joked while punching him on the arm. Changbin glanced quickly at me but punched Soonyoung back.
“Shut up, I only buy coffees for pretty girls.” He said while looking right at me. Oh my god... how does this guy how such confidence. 
I pretended I didn’t hear it, even though I obviously I did, and faced the teacher while even my professor gave me a small smile. 
“Ok class, today is gonna be a fun day!” The class cheered and whooped in excitement. Everyone hated lectures, so when he spiced it up, we were all thrilled. 
"So, I’m a bit sick and I’m a bit too jumbled to do lecture today, for the first 20 minutes, I’ll lecture, then I’ll let you guys ask me any kinds of questions you want, sounds good?
We all screamed “yes”. 
The lecture seemed to fly by since he had a way with making boring topics fun. 
Then, after the lecture, he pulled out a chair and sat in the middle of the room. “Question time!” He called out while everyone started to raise their hands.
“How old are you?
“Old enough to be your dad.” He laughed and then said “53.” He kept calling on people with ridiculous things like how many pets have you owned throughout your life and then simple questions like what’s your favorite movie? And so on.
“Hey James, do you ever ship your students together?” Soonyoung asked. 
James furrowed his eyes together. “What do you mean?”
“Like, do you ever think 2 students would be a good couple or something?” 
“OHHHH” James laughed and shrugged. “I mean, sometimes, of course I don’t know my student’s sexualities most of the time, but yes sometimes students come up to me, who I know fairly well, and tell me who they find cute and I then ‘ship’ them.” 
“Is that the case right now?” Another student asked. James gave a small smile and shrugged, which meant yes.
“Don’t worry, we all know who it is.” Soonyoung called out while Changbin punched him on the arm.
“It’s probably you and Changbin.” Euna whispered in my ear. I just kicked her leg. 
The class flew by and since it was a Friday, I took my time leaving. Before I could turn to Euna, she was already gone. That rat. 
“Hey y/n.” I heard the familiar voice of Changbin. I felt my heart speed up without wanting it too.
“Hey Changbin, what’s up?” I asked confidently. He seemed a bit taken aback, but he recovered smoothly, as he always did. 
“Uh, so, I was wondering if you had a Snapchat?” I raised a brow and leaned against the table while it was his turn to look nervous. 
“Hmmmm indeed I do. You want it?” He nodded shyly so I felt a bit bad for teasing him. I saw him add me on snap and I added him back quickly. 
“So, coffee is definitely better than a scantron right?” He asked. I laughed at the inside joke.
“You know, I think I’m going to have to forget my scantrons more often so I can treat you to coffee more often.” He joked, but I felt like was nervous saying it. 
“Well, you don’t need to forget your scantrons to treat me to coffee.” He paused at my words, letting them sink in. Before he could act on them, I said “bye Changbin, see you Monday.” 
And this time, I felt at ease with my small crush on the boy. 
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ahgasetay · 6 years
a perfect set up| dongwon
requested by @wonderghosts: hello ~ sorry for bothering! may i ask a scenario for lee dongwon from knk? if it's possible i thought maybe of a detective!au... where reader and dongwon both work at the violent crime unit and are both team leaders but they don't know how to ask each other out? so their team members put on something to make them go on a date! sorry if im too specific ㅠㅠ have a nice day x admin: jade word count: 0.484K genre: fluff? warnings: very small detail of a murder
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You sighed as you looked over the scene of the crime. 23 year old, male, shot two times, once in the back, a second in the head. “Force was definitely used, there’s a bruise on the top of his head,” You looked over at Dongwon as he circled the point of the bruise with a pen. The pen circled about two centimeters above the body. You nodded in agreement. “I was thinking the same,” he smiled at you as he watched you stand up from the crouched position you were before. “Well, you know what they say, great minds think alike,” you nodded and started to look around the scene. “That is true detective Lee,” you looked at the victims jacket and carefully pulled a piece of dark brown hair off the black material. You grabbed a bag and placed it in carefully. Detective Oh Heejun watched and turned to Detective Jeong Inseong. “They need to finally date,” he sighed as Inseong looked at him. “We need to plan something for them. They won’t just openly and willingly admit their feelings.” Heejun nodded as Detective Park Seoham walked over. “What are the two of you planning?” Seoham stood in between the two newer detectives. “We’re planning on how we can set detective Lee and detective Y/L/N up,” Seoham nodded and thought about it. “I’ll bring it up to detective Kim Jihun, he needs something to do now that he’s sick,” Heejun nodded after hearing Seoham’s plan. You walked over and looked up at Heejun and Inseong. “You two ready? We need to head back to the precinct and look into his credentials and past relationships.” They nodded and gave Seoham a knowing look before leaving.
You looked at your computer and held your head until you saw a buzz on your phone and opened a message from Detective Lee. “Dinner Friday night?” You smiled to yourself and saw Heejun and Inseong watching, a bit too intently. “What did you guys do?” You put your phone down as they looked at you. “Nothing, detective Lee must really like you,” you glared at Heejun, knowing you’d get an answer out of him. He’s been scared of you since day one so he would be more than willing to give you the truth. Heejun quickly looked away, becoming fascinated by something on the black computer screen. You sighed “you both aren’t allowed to leave until you tell me what you told Detective Lee,” Inseong held his head. “Fine fine, we collaborated with Detective Kim and Detective Park of the third precinct, we all could tell by the awkward flirting with the last bodies that you have a crush on him, so we decided instead of putting ourselves in pain that we’ll set you up,” Detective Jeong spoke quickly and you looked at your phone, the text still on the screen. “Well, thank you very much,”
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writersrealmbts · 6 years
Safe with Me -Hybrid AU Part 9
Description: You’ve always wanted to help people, and suddenly, you’ve been given the chance to help three hybrids who are down on their luck: Jimin, a cat hybrid, Jungkook, a bunny hybrid, and Jin, a dog-hybrid. Opening your home and your heart to these three, anything could happen. Including you getting hurt.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, implications of sexual abuse, mentions of death, mentions of violence
Posted: 7/15/2018
Tags: Readerxbts, hybrid!Jimin, hybrid!Jin, hybrid!Jungkook, hybrid!Namjoon, hybrid!Hoseok, hybrid!Yoongi, hybrid!Taehyung
Fluffy and Angsty: 3,328 words
A/N: This is almost pure fluff. Just fluffy fluffy fluff filler. I think I’m going to aim for fifteen parts. Maybe everything will be resolved, maybe they won’t and I don’t believe in epilogues, so...
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You woke up face to face with Jin, his pouty lips just an inch away from your nose. One of his arms was under your head, and the other was draped over you, encompassing you in a comfortable warmth. He had morning breath, but you didn’t really care at the moment. He looked so peaceful. So handsome. He shifted slightly, sighing in his sleep and licking his lips. You smiled, despite the exhaustion of only having three hours of sleep, and leaned up, gently kissing him. Jin gave a slight squeak, then pressed into the kiss. “Good morning,” He whispered. “Morning,” you whispered back, then looked over your shoulder at the babies. “Bunny-baby is awake.” “I hate that they don’t have names,” You murmured. “But I also know that their new parents will want to give them names if possible.” “Well, many hybrids don’t get named until they’re adopted for the first time. Not…officially, anyway. If they’re around their parents long enough they might have a…familial name that they go by with other hybrids.” He got up and picked up the bunny who was sleepily looking at the world. Something about the way he said it made you wonder. “Do you have a familial name?” He smiled a little. “My mother called me Seokjin. The farmer didn’t like how long it was, so I was known more as Jin.”  “Seokjin,” You repeated, smiling softly as he cast a loving gaze on you. “I like it, oppa.” He came over and rubbed his nose against yours before kissing it. “I like you saying it.” You smiled at him, then noticed another of the babies starting to stir and fuss. You picked her up and cradled her gently, loving her pointed ears and cute little tail. “She must be a an Australian Shepherd.” He hummed approval of your assessment. Your phone dinged with a text, probably from your brother letting you know about some of the…finer details. You managed to pick up your phone and scan over the text. “They’re bringing some families that showed interest in taking in some of these kids in about an hour. He nodded, and the hour flew by as the two of you fed all the kids, made sure they were in clean clothing (something your brother had sent with the kids from the farm—which the place only had for when visitors and inspectors came), and then told the kids that some of the people coming today would be taking them in and making them a part of their family. The puppy from yesterday came and looked up at you while clinging to your jeans. “What about my momma?” You crouched down and pulled him into your arms. “I’m sorry, honey.” He sniffed, but nodded. “There was a lot of noise. Momma went to check on Daddy.” You kissed his forehead and cheeks, then pulled his head to your shoulder, humming softly and swaying from side to side. It was strange that the kids sectioned themselves off by hybrid type: the kittens over in the corner where the pillows and blankets were splayed out from last night, the puppies playing in front of the TV with a ball, the foxes following Hobi around while he cleared the table, the mouse and chipmunk were on the opposite side of the room from the cats, and the bear was quietly observing all of it as he munched on more jam and toast. Trina arrived before the other families with a few helpers. You saw her before you registered her greeting. “Whoa, Trina! What are you doing here?” “You’re about to get overwhelmed with families, I thought you might need help with paperwork and such. Nothing too extensive, we just need names of the prospective parents, the ID number for each of the hybrid children and whether the parents have any other children. It should be pretty simple, I mean, most of these are people that work for your brother. There is one group that’s coming with their human. They heard about the orphans and want to take one in.” “Must be really rich,” Jin said, eyebrows rising. Trina shrugged. “I guess he went to school with your brother?” “Jaebeom?” You guessed, remembering hearing a year or so ago that he had gotten hybrids with his adopted brother, Mark. They had three hybrids if you remembered correctly. “I think that was the name. He’s coming later, though, with your brother and his hybrids.” Hobi froze. “They’re coming over?” “That’s what I heard,” Trina said. “But Heejun’s ears are better, when he uses them. Heejun! Micheal is coming over with his hybrids later today, right?” Heejun looked over, grinning and nodded. “Yeah!” Then he screeched happily and raced after the puppies he was playing tag with. You sighed internally. You’d had the suspicion for a while that he was still of an adoptable age, but never wanted to push it just in case you were right. Trina shook her head. “Do not get them too riled up, Heejun! Remember what we agreed to?” He looked back with a mischievous smile, but nodded and switched the game they were playing to a quieter game that had less running around but still seemed to entertain everyone. “It’s a good thing he lives in the new community,” Jin said, gaze following the other dog-hybrid. Trina cleared her throat softly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He just nodded. “When are the first families supposed to arrive?” You asked. “Five minutes?” You quickly looked around to make sure there was nothing else you could do. Jimin was watching over three of the babies who were crawling around on a blanket in the den, and he looked pretty content with his job, flopping over to come face to face with one of the babies that was acting all cute. You noticed the fruit you had abandoned when Trina had come in and quickly went back to cutting the melons and placing the slices and pieces on platters or in bowls for snacking. Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries all went into their own bowls after a thorough washing. Then the first bus arrived with three families. The kids all grew still when they heard the cars arriving, huddling into groups and all play ceasing. You kept humming, your semi-calm demeanor a stark contrast to their now agitated states. Jin went around, just sort of checking on everyone, picking up a stray ball and tossing it, knowing that the puppies who saw would chase it (which they did, cutie pies). Trina brought the families in and gave a simple explanation of what to do before just gesturing for them to mingle. Hobi and Jungkook were trying to get the kids to loosen up a little, peak their curiosity, which wasn’t hard since the visitors that came in were hybrids. One was a bunny family and they seemed to immediately be enamored by bunny-baby, but also seemed to have a certain sort of affection for the little mouse-hybrid that had been looking at the baby. They talked to Trina within five minutes of being there, signing for both of the kids and taking them outside to talk with the older one and cuddle the younger. The other families were still socializing, gravitating towards their own kind as was common with hybrids. The little bear cub followed you around the kitchen. “Rarr.” “Oh no!” You reacted in a dramatic voice. He grinned and took the small bowl of blackberries that you were right about to set with the others, darting off with them. You stared after him in resignation. “Should have known he’d take the berries.” “Yugyeom, are you going to share those?” Hoseok asked, plucking one from the bowl the bear was hoarding. Yugyeom shrugged a little, popping two into his mouth. You shook your head a little, realizing you probably should have known that he’d have a name given how much older he was than the others. He had to be close to legal age for human adoptions. Another family left with two of the pups, and the last with a kitten. There was a half an hour break as those families were taken back to the apartments and the next families were brought. The kids were quickly checking each other’s appearances and talking excitedly now, just now realizing that these families were actually taking them to love them like their parents did instead of forcing them to go to homes like some of the others they’d seen leave. By the time your brother came with Jaebeom and Mark, plus their hybrids, only three of the kids were left. Yugyeom the bear, BamBam the extremely sassy Serval-cat, and one of the babies, a kitten. “Y/n, you remember Jaebeom and Mark, right?” You smiled. “Yes, I remember. How are you both?” Mark was staring at you, eyes wide. “Good.” “We’re both good. We heard what happened to them and our…” Jaebeom trailed off as he noticed one of his hybrids, a highly energetic dog-hybrid, was already picking up BamBam. “This one!” “Jackson…” “His name is BamBam. Let’s take him! He’s so small and cute!” Jaebeom looked to Mark to help, but Mark shrugged. “Technically, we’re not the ones taking them in.” Their other two hybrids were looking a little amused and concerned. Yugyeom came up to Jaebeom. “He’s an attention hog.” “That’s cause I’m cute!” BamBam said confidently. Yugyeom rolled his eyes. One of the cat hybrids checked Yugyeom out. “I like this one. Smells nice.” “Alright,” Jackson bounced happily. “Let’s take them home! We have new brothers!” A giggle sputtered out of you, amused by the look of resignation and utter loss of hope on Jaebeom’s face. Mark was still watching you. “So, you work with your brother right?” “Most of the time, yeah. I just balance the books and help out with design when needed.” “She’s financing the place I’m building for hybrids,” Micheal told them, watching his three hybrids as they happily reunited with yours, despite it only having been a day. You shrugged. Mark nodded. “That’s cool. Probably leaves you a lot of time for social activities, and dating.” You shrugged. “Yeah, I guess. I tend to keep myself busy with projects though.” “Cool—” “Projects. Right. Is one of those projects named ‘boyfriend’?” Micheal interrupted, possibly on accident. “Yeah, it’s between the one labeled ‘my brother still hasn’t proposed’, and the one labeled ‘I need to feed them’ and behind the one that houses the daily cleaning chores.” You folded your arms. Jin was sort of glaring at Mark behind him, feeding the baby. His tail was low, and ears twitching like he was forcing them not to go back. Jackson noticed, seeming to read the body language. “Uh, we should go. Let’s go! Come on you two! We’ll show you all the best places! Jaebom’s bed, Mark’s bed, the fridge!” He led the two younger ones out of the room with horrified Jaebeom rushing after him. “Not my bed!” Mark looked after them in surprise, then shrugged. “I guess we’re leaving. It was…nice seeing you, y/n. Come Jinyoung, Youngjae.” The other two hybrids followed him out. Micheal gestured to the room. “Was that all of them?” You nodded to the baby in Jin’s arms. “Almost.” He looked surprised. “Wow, I didn’t expect an infant to be the one left.” He went over and looked at the baby, then happily took the baby when Jin murmured something. He took the baby over to an arm-chair, smiling softly. Jin came over to you, arms snatching you into his arms. “I didn’t like him.” “Didn’t like who?” “Mark,” He growled, pressing you closer to him. He seemed barely restrained. “He was fishing.” “Fishing?” “He wanted to know if you were single. He wanted to ask you out.” “Oh,” You replied, then shook your head. “He’s cute, but not ‘I can’t get him out of my head’ cute. Not, he’s the handsomest man I’ve ever seen, or the kindest or the sweetest. The most gentle, compassionate…” “Funny?” “Extremely funny, man I know.” He kissed you gently, his tail wagging softly behind him, thumping against the barstool. You pulled away, smiling at him. “Besides, he’s going to be busy trying to keep BamBam under control. He doesn’t have time for someone like me.” Jin looked at the boys, a low pitched whine in his throat. “We’re never going to get time alone.” You frowned slightly, thinking about it. He was right. It was hard to take time when you knew that Jimin, Jungkook and Hobi could basically hear you two talking no matter where you were in the house. Plus the only place where they couldn’t just run in was your bedroom, which didn’t exactly come across as the best place for the level of dates you two were at. You turned toward Micheal. “Hey, you know how you owe me about a million favors?” Micheal looked wary. “Yes?” “I’m calling one in.” “Uh oh.” “You take all of the boys, and the baby for tonight.” You folded your arms with a challenging look. His gaze went to Jin. “All of them?” “Hobi, Jimin, and Jungkook.” “What about him?” “We can’t exactly go to a restaurant, Micheal.” His face softened. “Fine. But no funny business.” “Micheal?” “What?” “Mind your own beeswax,” You told him, turning back to Jin. “There. House to ourselves.” “You know that you just asked five favors, not one?” Micheal asked from across the room. You rolled your eyes and sighed. “What does it matter? You still owe me another five thousand favors. Sorry, he’s just a little testy right now.” Jin kissed you. “About that funny business…” “Shh, we’ll talk about it after he’s gone. What he doesn’t know won’t hurt either of us.” You quickly kissed him again to silence him on the matter. “You want to order the food while I make sure the boys have clothes to wear tomorrow and their toothbrushes.” He grinned, going to the drawer where the takeout menus were and grabbing the one from the restaurant you both liked that delivered (you still struggled to escape Jimin some days). You whistled to the boys. “You guys are going to Micheals for a sleepover so that Jin and I can get a decent clean on the house. You have five minutes to pack your pajamas, pillow, a change of clothes and underwear for tomorrow, and your toothbrush. Hop to it.” Jungkook grinned at the phrase and hopped once as he mouthed it before darting upstairs after Jimin and Hobi. Taehyung cheered happily, then came over to hug you since he had neglected to upon arrival. “Y/n, I missed you. We all did.” “It’s only been a day,” You laughed, fixing his hair. “I missed you guys too. But your first night was okay?” He nodded. “Yoongi and Namjoon burnt the pizza, but it wasn’t too bad and there were bananas and mangoes in the fridge which were really yummy. And my bed is good, and there’s a great tree for climbing in the backyard. And he has lots of video games.” You smiled as Tae gushed about his new surroundings, all while his tail kept itself wrapped twice rather firmly around your arm. “I’m sure you’ll get used to your surroundings. You didn’t love it here right away.” “Yes I did,” Tae answered, looking surprised. You felt your shoulders relax as you noticed the genuine look on his face. “It was just…my hyungs were uneasy. And Namjoon-hyung and I had been in a home together before, and it hadn’t been good. I think he assumed this place would be the same.” Tae relaxed a little more as he talked to you, his tail unwinding from your arm. “Why were you and Jin-hyung kissing?” “Because we’re dating.” “Why?” “Because we like each other.” “Why?” “Because we do.” “You like me, don’t you?” “Not the way I like Jin, but yes.” He pouted a bit, then grinned. “Ah! I love you, Y/n!” He hugged you and then bounced over to Jimin who had finished packing and they started goofing off together. Soon though, the boys were all packed, and the baby was in the carrier, hooked into the car. Then Jimin put the pieces together and realized that you and Jin were staying back. He looked worried, but gave you a hug, nuzzling into you shoulder with a brief purr before hugging Jin. Jungkook hugged you excitedly. “I can’t wait to see some of the games.” “Don’t stay up too late, Kookie. You’ve had a long day. I don’t want you getting sick, all of you. Especially after being around kids, they’re germ factories.” “Yes, Eomma. I’ll go to bed on time and take a shower and brush my teeth,” He listed off the things you would tell him to do with a proud smile. You kissed his cheek. “Good boy.” Jimin protested, insisting he get a kiss on the cheek as well when he reminded you that you never had to nag him to do those things. You looked at Hobi, then hugged him close. “Are you okay with this?” He nodded. “It’ll be fine. I can see that they’re good there myself, and they know I’m good here. It’ll be comforting.” He kissed your cheek. “Love you, Eomma.” You grinned at him. “Love you, Hobi.” “Appa,” He hugged Jin, then got into the car. Jin looked oddly relaxed compared to yesterday morning after finding Hobi’s smell on you. He gave you a contented look, before waving goodbye to the boys. Then he grabbed you and pulled you to him after the car was out of sight. You giggled a little. “A little eager, aren’t we?” He kissed you with more than a little passion. “You should have made sure to tell Micheal not to bring them back until later in the afternoon. Also, what was with that lie about cleaning?” “Eh, I figure I can get a decent amount of cleaning done tomorrow. And Micheal is going to be taking care of a baby, he’s going to sleep as late as he can in the morning after telling the boys to deal with it for a while since he did it all night.” “Good thing Hobi and Jimin are good with babies.” “Enough talk.” He growled slightly and kissed you again, picking you up. “You’ve been walking on your sprained ankle all day today and yesterday. Doesn’t it hurt?” You nodded. “I took one of the prescription pain-killers last night and this morning.” “Alright, I say we nap until the food arrives. They said to give them a half hour to make the food, and then the travel time is about half an hour so we probably have about forty-five minutes to nap.” He expertly closed the front door with his foot and took you to the bed, setting you down lovingly and then climbing on, laying partially on top of you. “Mine.” “Yours,” You agreed, placing a kiss on his cheek. “Just don’t forget that you’re mine.” He grinned, lifting his head to look at you. “All yours.” He then buried his face in your neck, placing feathery kisses before sighing and growing still. You breathed in his scent, feeling so…secure. Loved. You were finally alone, and you two both decided on a nap. “What do you call a sleeping cow?” You were a little surprised by the question, then recognized the set up for a joke. “A bulldozer.” You started giggling, too tired to care if it was a little corny. He was laughing too, hugging you tightly. Finally, sleep took over. You were exhausted after a long night of taking care of infants, and with the comfort of Jin’s arms around you it was easy to just let go and sleep.
Masterlist.  Part 8.  Part 10.
@stitchattacks @ephemeral-mindset @hollzysworld
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sweetkwannie · 6 years
♬ pairing; oh heejun & reader
// summary; master of hiding and pranking, oh heejun, can be found in the oddest of places.
// warnings; none, just fluff and my attempt at comedy.
// word count; 1,219
♔ author’s note;
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Today has not been your day, not in the slightest. It started off rough, and ended rough. To put it into perspective, you’re currently soaked to the bone with rainwater and your muscles feel like the epitome of jelly. Waking up was probably the easiest part of your day, but even then you’re running on about three hours of sleep, foolishly staying up to play another round of twister with your boyfriend. It was a mistake and you will continue to regret it until your head hits the pillow tonight.
You dig through your coat pocket, flipping a wet lock of frizzy hair out of your face. Heart already beginning to beat uncontrollably at just the thought of you accidentally leaving your apartment keys in your work locker. Honestly, you wouldn’t doubt it after such a day, but you shift the dinner you stopped to get into your other hand as you pat around your body, feeling for the keys.
Luckily, they were in your back pocket, and you wouldn’t have to try and wake up Heejun, knowing he’s probably half-past dead in bed.
The key slides into the lock, and you give it a good twist until you head the deadbolt pop. Scuffling your way into the apartment, you wet boots get left by the door, along with your keys and soaked through coat. To your surprise, the TV is on along with the living room lamp. You could’ve sworn he’d be in bed by now, considering he went to sleep later than you.
The only problem is, well, he’s nowhere to be seen. He’s not sprawled out on the sofa or floor, not in the kitchen. You don’t hear him fumbling around in the washroom either. He could be in the bedroom, but he knows how you feel when things get left on in the living room.
“Baby?” You call out in hopes he’ll come greet you. Stepping into the kitchen you set your meal down on the small, two person dining table.
You get no response.
“Heejun, I’m home! I brought your favorite.” You try, knowing he usually comes running like a starved dog.
Still no response.
Your bag is left beside the food in exchange for an umbrella. “Oh Heejun, if you’re trying to scare me, know I’m armed and not afraid to use it!” You scold, not feeling too easy about this.
Taking precautions has become a habit of yours. If it weren’t for the fact that man has a talent for jumping out when you least expect it, you wouldn’t have to worry about arming yourself, but you’re more than prepared this time. Umbrella in hand you went going down the dark hall, opening all the doors and flicking on the lights, expecting to scream.
The hall closet is yanked out, and you jump three feet in the air when something falls on your head. Something soft and plush. You snort, picking up the extra pillow and shoving it back into the closet, closing it up. It’s better than a six foot man to be honest.
Your journey comes to halt in front of your bedroom door, that’s slightly cracked open, mind you. The light filtering from said crack and under the door sends an expectant shiver down your spine. You take a couple steps back, before nudging the door open with the umbrella. To your surprise, nothing comes tumbling from above you. That doesn’t relax you however, you still have plenty of more places to go in this room.
“Heejunie…” You call out, trying to control the slight shake in your voice. “I’m coming in, you better be prepared to fight.”
The room looks fine and not rigged with some makeshift booby trap he’s made. It looks too fine, in fact, which puts you on edge some more. What could this loser be planning? You question inwardly, before setting the umbrella aside and making your rounds of the room.
You peak under the bed, then into the closet splitting the clothes apart. Next, well, where else is there to check? It’s not like there’s a third—
There’s a loud thud followed by a curse. A brow quirks and you find yourself approaching your lowboy dresser, resting against it when you see the mirror shake ever so slightly. “Magic Mirror on the wall, who’s the prettiest one of all?” You ask, leaning against the smooth surface of the dresser.
There’s a huff as the mirror begins to shake harshly this time, as if something, or someone, is behind it. “Babe… I think I’m stuck.” The voice whines, his head connecting against the back of the mirror with a bump.
“That’s weird I don’t remember the mirror saying something like that.” You say playfully, trying to stifle your laughter. You don’t want to be mean, but you want to savor this. The King Prankster himself, stuck thanks to his urge to scare you. You’ll allow yourself to bask, for just a couple minutes, it won’t hurt for him to suffer just a smidgen.
Heejun sighs, momentarily debating whether he should just stick out until you let him go, or give in to your teasing. “You are, my Queen.” He decides to go with the latter, having remembered you brought his favorite food from the local Chinese restaurant down the street.
A smile the size of Texas tugs at your cheeks. You’re enjoying this too much and you know it. “Ahh music to my sweet little ears. Now Magic Mirror, it seems you have some explaining to do, but first I suppose I’ll let you out, on one condition.”
“Anything! Please!”
“No more jump scared or pranks! I need a break.” You chuckle lightly, taking a couple steps to the left and peaking into the small crevice. You find your boyfriend pressed flat against the wall on his tippy toes, a sheepish grin on his cheeks. Your cheeks puff with air as you hold back the bellows of laughter threatening to spill over.
“Deal.” He agrees almost immediately, now begging with those big brown eyes of his to set him free of this curse he’s managed to put himself in. You oblige lifting and moving the dresser over enough to left him squeeze out. He picks out some of the wood pieces lodged in his shirt, beaming at you with thanks, until he notices your drenched clothes. “What happened to you?” He questions with a quirked brow.
“I believe I should be asking you that.”
He pursed his lips, rubbing the back of his head feeling like a complete fool. “Well, I planned on scaring you by jumping out from behind the dresser. Getting in was the easy part, getting out, not so much.” He explains, and you can’t help the fully belly laugh that escapes you.
“You looked like a pancake in there!” You squeal out, barely keeping it together. You’ve held in your laugher for far too long. Clutching at your stomach you double over, “That was too good. I should’ve gotten a picture!” Cursing yourself you glance at him with squinted eyes, “Get back in there, I need proof this happened.” You say, gently nudging at his shoulders.
“Enough,” He giggles with you, “Now’s your turn, how was work, and why are you so wet?”
“You won’t believe the day I've had…”
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dong-hyucks · 7 years
Apartment 229 ; Heejun
Prompts: 11. “You’re warm.” and 19. “You look cute.” Characters: Oh Heejun / Reader Genre/Warnings: Fluff, (kind of) Enemies to Lovers!AU, Neighbour!AU, Non-Idol!AU, swearing, getting stuck in an elevator briefly??? Word Count: 4.4k (exactly 4.4k, it’s satisfying, haha) Admin: Jade
Masterlists || Ten Days to Christmas Prompt List || TDC/CNY Masterlist
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you and oh heejun didn’t exactly get along
quite the opposite, really.
it was odd, strange and unknown, considering just how lovable of a person oh heejun really was.
he got along with everybody he knew, co-workers, relatives, landlords, neighbours.
everyone, really.
everyone except you, anyway.
it puzzled you beyond belief why he acted so differently around you.
was it something you did? something you said?
you had no clue and it didn’t appear like he was about to give you a ‘get out of jail’ card and clue you in
instead, he let you stay trapped in your little jail cell of confusion.
in your eyes, you really hadn’t done anything to wrong the man.
purposely, anyway.
you kept out of his way whenever you saw him in the halls.
you always returned his mail whenever it would accidentally get put in your mailbox.
at first, you’d make a point to politely greet him whenever you saw him.
so, you wondered often, why did oh heejun act the way he did?
when you became his neighbour, it was like his personality did a 180.
six months ago, you had moved into a new apartment building, one full of beautifully furnished loft apartments and kind staff.
the only thing you didn’t really like about the building, was the sudden lack of reception in the elevators.
the elderly couple who you met quite early on, the ones who lived to the left of your apartment, were always sweet to you -- even baking you ‘welcome to KNK Apartments!’ cookies which you forcefully ate the next day 
(you honestly didn’t like them that much, they were slightly burnt and too much salt was added, but of course you weren’t going to throw them away)
when you first met the couple, they told you wonderful things about the building, how even the residents were kind people
“especially the young man to your right,” one of them said when a fond smile, “always so kind. helps us carry our groceries y’know.”
they had spoken so highly of him, praising just about everything they could
just from that conversation, you knew that he was a talented singer, guitarist, soccer player, and about ten other things
after that, you subconsciously held high standards for the guy -- how couldn’t you after all they had said?
sometimes, you’d hear him through the thin walls of the apartment.
he often had friends or family over -- it was always loud and seemingly full of life
at first, it was a bit annoying, but you didn’t really want to go over just to tell them to keep it down.
you got used to it in just a few days, considering how often the rowdy men seemed to come over.
contrasting to his volume during the day, you were surprised when you heard him singing for the first time.
you had been doing dishes, the subtle sound of someone strumming a guitar flowing through the walls.
you thought you were imagining things, but when it got louder you realized it was your neighbour.
when he began to sing, his honey sweet voice accompanying his delicate playing, you stopped what you were doing.
his voice was clear and stable, even singing quietly he managed to sing in a range you could only dream of achieving.
his talent only you drew you in closer to a man you hadn’t even met.
when you did met him however, you were in for quite the shock.
you had been in the elevator, your view obscured by the boxes (two) you held in your arms
your mom had sent two boxes of some old belongings you still had in your family’s home.
once you got on your floor, you very quickly heard a group of males chattering, quite loudly at that.
before you could even react, you were bumped into.
it was as if the floor had moved beneath you, purposely making you fall back.
the boxes flew from you hands, not that you really noticed.
your eyes had screwed shut, prepared for the impact
when it came, you didn’t have much time to react to the slight sting on your tailbone, the palms of your hands burning from wear they had violently rubbed against the carpet,
instead, you heard a painful yell that took all of your attention away from your own pains.
opening your eyes, you hadn’t expected to see your box, the heaviest one, open, it’s contents spread messily down the hallway
what surprised you the most was where it had landed.
it was obvious, anyone could tell just by taking a look, that it had landed on of the men’s leg.
you gasped loudly at the sight, his leg curved in a way it shouldn’t be, his face scrunched up in pain as he bit his lip to hold back pained tears
the males around him were bustling about, fussing over you one moment and then their friend another.
the oldest, at least -- you assumed he was the oldest, took action and called an ambulance in the midst of panic.
“are you okay?” you asked dumbly, rushing over to his slightly convulsing form.
the injured man glared at you before letting his head fall back to exude another groan
“do i look okay to you?” he hissed, his shaky hands hovering over his injury
the next five minutes passed like a blur, with you worriedly looking to the man, guilt washing over your entire being
when paramedics came rushing out the elevator, pulling a gurney out with them, you were forced to back away and let them take hold of the situation
watching the men and the medics disappear behind closing elevator doors made you feel suffocated.
you sat in the hallway, in shock over what had happened.
you had just broken someone’s leg.
you had just broken someone’s leg.
at that moment, the reality of the situation really set in.
the world around you spun wildly out of control, making you feel dizzy and nauseated.
you only got up once a resident had seen you and pulled you onto your feet, a mouthful of words tumbling from their lips.
you couldn’t hear him until he shook you ‘awake’, another bout of “are you okay?” coming from him.
you lazily nodded, blinking rapidly as you steadied yourself.
thanking him, you quietly collected your things before going down to your apartment.
the next time you saw him, it was by coincidence about a fortnight later.
after grabbing your mail, you noticed an unfamiliar name among the pile.
“Delivered to: Oh Heejun, Tenant Of KNK Apartments, Apartment No. 229″
you were in 228, so this ‘oh heejun’ guy must’ve been the one the couple had told you about. 
honestly, you had never seen him exit or enter his apartment, you had no idea what he looked like.
truthfully, you hadn’t exactly been keen to meet your neighbours lately.
not after what had happened.
you couldn’t even apologize, you had no clue as to where the man lived.
minutes later, you found yourself standing in front of apartment 229.
you felt kind of nervous, your hands refusing to still themselves as you knocked on the oak wood door, your foot tapping against the beige carpet.
“coming!” a voice had yelled out.
it sounded familiar to you, but you couldn’t exactly figure out why in the few seconds it took for him to get to the door.
when the door swung open, it hit you.
the door had, at full force, hit your face
you stumbled backward a bit, covering your entire face as you hunched over.
“shit, i’m so sorry!” the man said quickly
when you looked up, you froze.
the dull pain in your nose seemingly went away the moment you laid eyes on him, and in turn, his crutches.
you almost couldn’t believe your ‘luck.’
oh heejun had just hit you in the face with his door.
and two weeks ago, you had broken his leg.
a look of recognition flashed in his eyes, and the apologetic look he once wore went away slowly.
“oh. it’s you.”
you winced at his disdainful tone. you didn’t say much -- you kind of deserved it, after all you had broken one of his bones.
“how’s your leg?” you asked after a moment of silence, your voice unsteady, shaking as you spoke.
heejun deadpanned before moving to close the door.
you were quick to stop him, slamming your hand against the surface to stop him from shutting it.
you hurriedly handed him the envelope that had been in your slot.
“i just wanted to return this,” you said, keeping your voice low.
heejun’s eyes scanned over the envelope for a quick second.
you hadn’t expected him to yank it out of your hands, but that’s what he did, a look of vexation apparent on his face now.
“thanks, you can go.”
he tried to close the door once again, but you stopped it.
“wait!” you repeated, wanting to put in another word.
“what?” he spat, looking completely and utterly annoyed with you for keeping his door open twice.
“i wanted to apologize for dropping a box on your leg...” your words slowly got faster as you spoke, faster yet quieter.
he only scoffed before gently pulling you away from the door and slamming it shut.
you flinched at the loud noise and sighed.
dejectedly, you headed back to your apartment.
the next time you saw him, it was during the holidays.
the entire building was decorated with festive decor, to the point where green and red had started to becoming a frustrating colour combination.
you couldn’t go anywhere in the building without seeing at least one decoration, each coloured boldly with the two.
“be careful going up,” a bellhop had told you, watching you enter the elevator. “it’s getting colder and some of the cables are malfunctioning.” he said with a sigh. “i tell ‘em to get it fixed every year, but do they listen? nope!”
his little monologue was the last you heard before the elevator doors shut.
you contemplated getting out, not wanting to get stuck in the elevator.
but then you remembered that you lived on the twelfth floor.
after a long day at work (or school) you really didn’t want to climb twelve flights of stairs.
shrugging, you pressed the button going to the twelfth floor.
not even a minute later, the elevator stopped, the doors opening on the fifth floor.
you froze when you saw heejun walk toward you, his attention on his phone as he entered the elevator.
you said nothing, keeping your mouth shut as he leaned against the elevator wall
to your complete dismay, the elevator lurched, groaning as it’s cables stopped, as if they had gotten tangled pulling up the elevator box.
the sudden stop made both you and heejun lose balance, both of you luckily grabbing onto the sidebars before either of you could fall.
then, a voice rang through the intercom
“this elevator has abruptly stopped --”
heejun scoffed, “like we couldn’t tell,” he mumbled.
“-- a repair crew is on it’s way to fix this. please stay calm, the procedure may take a while.”
you didn’t talk, keeping your back to heejun in hopes he didn’t recognize you and suddenly get angry with you.
he didn’t have his crutches anymore, but he still had a brace on.
the sight made you frown, guilt still hitting you even a month after the fact.
he hadn’t exactly accepted your last apology.
your attempts at hiding your face were futile, as the walls all shone and reflected like a mirror would.
heejun glanced over at you, a frown overtaking his neutral expression
after a few minutes, he let out a sigh and slid down the wall he leaned against, cautious of how he moved his leg.
you stayed standing, tracing the buttons on the wall to distract yourself.
heejun noticed this fairly quickly, having already been looking at you, and shook his head.
“you act like you’re scared of me.”
you jumped, not expecting the sudden comment.
“look. i may not like you a lot, but that doesn’t mean i’m going to bite your head off.”
you just nodded, your fingers still idly tracing.
when you didn’t even spare a glance at him, he exhaled deeply.
great, you thought, by doing nothing, i’ve annoyed him even further.
half an hour had passed, the elevator wasn’t working and your foot had fallen asleep.
ten minutes into your silence, heejun had just leaned back and closed his eyes.
you had no idea if he was sleeping or not, nor were you particularly willing to find out.
when the tingling feeling in your foot got too much, you sat down opposite of heejun.
he must’ve noticed, because his eyes opened momentarily to look at you before closing again.
the elevator was dead silent, even the sounds of your breathing seemingly muffled under all of your thoughts.
you really did want to make amends with heejun -- after all, he didn’t like you because of an accident.
you also still felt really bad for breaking someone’s leg.
he just assured you that he didn’t want to bite your head off, so he couldn’t dislike you that much, could he?
“how’s your leg doing..?” you asked after contemplating.
heejun opened his eyes again, looking at you with a raised brow as if he was saying ‘really?’
when he didn’t answer you hung your head.
“it’s healing.” he mumbled after a minute or two. “i’ll be off the brace in a week or two.”
you nodded, a rush of relief fanning you.
“i’m... really sorry about that.”
“i know.”
the elevator went silent again, your hands fiddling with the hem of your shirt.
“you know, if the situation was different, i wouldn’t be so... off with you for breaking my leg.”
you blinked.
“... what?”
heejun sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “the week you broke my leg was when i was going to participate in a soccer tournament, a really big one. the prize for winning was a lot of money and i was set on buying plane tickets for my parents so they could travel for their anniversary.”
you frowned. now you felt even worse after hearing that.
“my team did end up winning, but it wasn’t really the same. i still got prize money, but it was dissatisfying considering i hadn’t done anything to earn it.
if you had broken my leg even the week after, i would’ve been okay.”
you pursed your lips.
how were you even supposed to respond to that?
‘sorry, i’ll try harder with my timing next time.’
like ???
before you could even mutter another word, the elevator shook, making a loud groan as it pulled back into motion.
it only took a few seconds to reach the twelfth floor, and before you could even blink heejun was already on his feet and limping out the door.
you quickly got out of the elevator before it could close, wanting to rush over to apologize again, but heejun was surprisingly quick and disappeared behind his door.
after that moment in the elevator, heejun kind of just didn’t bother with you.
he no longer sent irritated glares your way, no longer bumped into you in the hallway -- he even held the elevator doors open for you when you were running late.
(usually, he’d just let the doors close.)
the sudden change, to you, was odd.
you had gotten so used to his vexation toward you, so his abrupt neutrality about you was weird.
he even smiled at you when he locked eyes with you in the building’s foyer.
in all honestly, that smile did things to you.
he looked sweet, even though his smile was brief.
your first thought was how soft he looked.
why had that simple smile made your heart race?
that’s when you noticed it,
you saw him more often, he would venture in and out of his apartment and random times, more often than he did before.
you saw him, occasionally, in the foyer with his friends (the ones who were with him when you broke his leg) laughing and talking excitedly.
even his laugh was nice to hear.
it was cute, how it was loud and clear before he would suddenly take in a breath (a bit comically, yes, but still cute.)
once, he even saw you looking at him.
when he met your eyes, he looked even flustered for a moment before regaining his composure and smiling at you, his hand lifting to wave slightly.
his sudden attention on you made his friends turn, all of them looking surprised to see you.
“ah, you’re the one who broke his leg!” one of them exclaimed in amusement. “we’ve heard a--”
before he could continue, heejun lunged over the table that had separated them to cover his friend’s mouth.
holding back a laugh, you continued your way to your loft.
nothing on earth could’ve prepared you for the next time you saw heejun. absolutely nothing.
along with the new year came an insane cold. it was freezing every single day after the year changed.
even with your heater on and even when you were buried under blankets and layers upon layers of clothes, the cold still managed to creep in and hug you in its frigid embrace.
needless to say, you were suffering in the first week of the new year.
to make it better, the heater had broken, something you discovered quite quickly after coming home.
your entire loft was so cold, it would be warmer to just sleep in the hallway. 
even though the heaters were weak as hell out there, it’d still be warmer than your apartment.
you called maintenance, but you were told that they’d only be able to come in and repair the heater at 8:30 the next morning -- numerous other tenants had complained about broken heaters and the team was swamped in repairs.
shivering, you locked your door, as you crept out into the hallway.
you didn’t seriously want to stay out there, but where else could you go?
all of your friends lived miles away, on the other side of town, and you didn’t have a car nor did you want to take a bus just to be warm.
after a few moments of hopping back and forth, thinking of what you could do, the elevator dinged.
you paid no mind to it, too focused on your internal struggle.
“did you lock yourself out?” a familiar voice asked, sounding equally amused and concerned.
when you looked over your shoulder, you hadn’t expected to see heejun.
shaking your head, you raised your keys. “no,” you clarified, “my heater broke and it’s not getting fixed until 8:30.”
heejun’s brows raised, his eyes drifting down to his phone to check the time.
“so, what’re you going to do for the next ten hours and fifteen minutes?”
you sighed with a shrug.
heejun nodded, before fumbling with his own keys.
“you could... stay at my place. my heater’s fine.”
the moment he finished his sentence, heejun seemed to realize what he had just asked and flushed.
“you don’t have to if you don’t want to,” he rushed, “you’re probably still uncomfortable with me--”
“i would rather stay with you than in the hallway, heejun.”
your wording only made him more flustered, a nervous chuckle escaping his throat. “okay just,” he glanced at your door, “pack whatever you need and come over when you’re done.”
you couldn’t even respond before he was rushing inside his apartment
his behaviour made you laugh, a smile etching itself onto your features.
you thought it was endearing, how his cheeks bloomed a rosy pink and how he tried to laugh off his embarrassment.
listening to his words, you packed the essentials in a small bag before heading over to heejun’s.
when you got there, he was sitting on his couch, his sleeves rolled up as he tuned his guitar.
the sight made you smile slightly, without even realizing it.
he looked so in his element, even just performing a simple act.
the air around him was calm, unlike the usual upbeat aura he exuded throughout the day
so this is the singer i hear at night.
“ah, you’re here,” he piped after noticing you in the doorway, his hands quick to put the instrument away.
standing up, he walked over to you, his back straighter than normal.
“you can sleep in the master,” he told you, “i’ll just sleep on the couch.”
you raised a brow, “you don’t have a guest room or anything?”
looking around, you noted that his loft was pretty identical to yours, aside from decor and furniture placement, and you had a guest room (that was never used.)
heejun chuckled, boring into your eyes as he explained. “i kind of turned it into a recording studio.”
your eyes widened, an impressed expression painting itself across your face. “you record?”
heejun only nodded, before guiding you to the master.
“this is it,” he announced, pushing the door open.
the room was simple, slightly messy but not horribly so.
heejun lingered for a moment, his eyes glancing over to you, before he excused himself.
“it’s late,” he commented, “so sleep soon.” with that, he left.
you sighed, the warmth of the room relaxing you. it appeared as though his heater was much more effective than yours was, before it broke anyway.
after changing and brushing your teeth, you climbed onto the bed.
you noticed a stuffed bear on the other side of the bed, smiling at the sight of it before propping it up against the other pillows.
surprising to no one, the room smelled like heejun.
you tried to sleep, tired from the day’s activities, but for some reason you couldn’t.
then, you heard it.
the gentle strumming of his guitar, the soft hums.
you recognized the tune right away -- he often played it. (you’ve fallen asleep to it numerous times.)
when he began to sing, his voice lower than usual, probably trying to keep his voice down, you found yourself drifting off to sleep faster than you’ve ever before.
even in a different room, you felt closer and the blissful notes swayed under the door and into the master bedroom effortlessly, lulling you to sleep.
a few hours later, you heard footsteps.
at first, you were alarmed, forgetting about your environment.
then, after realizing you weren’t in your apartment but in heejun’s, you relaxed.
you could hear the sink running and glasses clinking, but sun hadn’t begun to poor in through the windows yet.
rolling over, you checked your phone, squinting at the blinding light that emitted from it.
‘03:49 AM’
what was he doing up so early?
shrugging it off, you tried to fall asleep.
however, the door opened suddenly, making you jump.
to your surprise, a sleepy, half-asleep looking heejun came bumbling into the room, his eyes shut as he dragged his feet to the bed
“... heejun ..?”
he seemingly didn’t hear you, plopping onto the bed without a word
you stared wide eyed at his relaxed face, his arms lazily pulling the blanket over himself.
was he... sleepwalking?
did he not even realize that he had just gotten into bed with you?
you were mentally freaking out, unsure of what to do, when -- to make it better -- heejun suddenly reached out.
he pulled you close, up against his chest and his face buried itself in the crook of your neck
you let out an indescribable noise, your hands clenching in shock
w h a t
gently, you tried to pry his arms away without waking up, but to no avail.
what do you even do when you’re suddenly ‘cuddling’ with the cute boy next door?
realizing that you weren’t getting out of his embrace anytime soon, you stopped struggling
you sighed, at least trying to shift away
needless to say, that didn’t work.
“heejun,” you whispered, poking his cheek
he didn’t answer.
that only seemed to make things ‘worse’ as he brought you even closer.
somewhere along the line, you fell asleep
you woke up earlier than heejun in the morning, streams of light flowing into the room, effectively waking you up.
you were still very close to heejun.
instead of trying to get away, your still tired state decided to ogle at him.
to anyone with eyes, it was obvious that oh heejun wasn’t anything short of breathtaking.
even now, in the morning, he still managed to look good.
his hair, though ruffled and messy, looked like perfection on him, out of his face.
“you look cute, checking me out in the morning.”
your eyes widened when you realized heejun had been awake.
and he caught you
checking him out.
you would’ve loved it if the world had swallowed you up right then and there, wanting to just disappear.
“i wasn’t...” you trailed off, knowing it’d be useless to argue when you really were just checking him out.
heejun chuckled, a lot more laid back than he was before. “you’re warm,” he commented.
he pulled himself away from you, though he made no movement to get out of bed, continuing to just look at you.
“what’re you looking at?”
“obviously, but why?”
“you were looking at me,” he shrugged, as much as he could in his position, “so i get to look at you.” he gave you a cheeky grin.
you rolled your eyes.
“i don’t even know your name.”
you blinked, furrowing your brows. he didn’t?
“it’s not everyday i cuddle with someone i don’t even know the name of, you know.”
you laughed, “i could say the same. it’s [Y/N], though.”
he nodded, repeating your name a few times. “it’s nice.”
it was silent.
if someone told you, five months ago, that you’d be sleeping in the same bed as oh heejun, you would’ve laughed in their face.
back then, heejun made it quite clear that he didn’t like you after what had happened.
but then, somewhere along the way, he warmed up to you.
he forgave you.
you changed too, after that night in the elevator your view on oh heejun as a person changed.
he wasn’t this person who hated you anymore.
but then...
who was he to you?
as you lay in bed side by side, merely looking at one another, you let yourself smile.
you could find that out later.
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text-yoongi-later · 7 years
🌺 KNK Masterlist 🌺
🥀 - Angst // 🌹 - Fluff // 🌸 - AU // 🏵️ - N/A
Oh Heejun
Kim Jihun
Jeong Inseong
Park Seungjin
Kim Youjin
All Members
0 notes
dong-hyucks · 7 years
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➳ k n k
| ⨯ = n/a | ♪ = fluff | ♮ = angst | ♯ = au | ø = admin’s favourites |
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➳ k i m j i h u n
⇢ | ⨯ |
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➳ k i m y o u j i n
⇢ | ⨯ |
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➳ p a r k s e u n g j u n
⇢ | ⨯ |
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➳ j e o n g i n s e o n g
⇢ | ⨯ |
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➳ o h h e e j u n
⇢ apartment 229 | ♪ | despite how lovable oh heejun is known to be, you just can’t seem to love him too.
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➳ a l l m e m b e r s
⇢ cuddling | ♪ | what would it be like to cuddle with the members of knk?
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