#oh heejun imagines
thepixelelf · 2 years
and the universe said,
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02 "fuck you and your interview"
genres/tags: soulmate au, idol au, comedy, romance, dumbassery chapter warnings: language, mentions of a non-fatal car collision. reader is shirtless for most of a scene. if you wear bras and would like to, you can imagine reader in one. relationship(s): ot13 x reader
When soulmates are suddenly thrust upon the world, you are one in a million who wishes they weren't -- and that's before you meet the person (people?!) making your life much harder than it needs to be. And before someone asks you to sign an NDA.
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It’s 300.15 Kelvin outside and you’re wearing a turtleneck and you want to die because the person on the other side of your soulmate phenomenon has never heard of shutting the fuck up.
“They liked you!” Heejun insists.
“Yeah, sure,” you groan, slumped over your kitchen table with your head resting atop your shut laptop. “Until someone started singing and my mark went all the way up to my freaking chin!”
“Okay but they didn’t dislike your mark—”
“No, they thought it was fascinating. So fascinating, in fact, that once they saw it, they forgot all about my dissertation!” You sit up, beyond frustrated, and tug off your turtleneck, throwing it onto the floor like it personally wronged you. The AC in your apartment just has to be broken, but it doesn’t matter anyway. The mark has returned to its home on the back of your hand.
Heejun doesn’t bother turning away or covering his eyes, having seen you in less.
“All they cared about was my stupid mark,” you whine, crossing your arms in front of you and making a sour face. “‘Oh, wow, I’ve never seen a mark like that before.’ ‘Are those music notes? Is your soulmate a singer?’ ‘Have you met them?’” Even though the words come out mockingly, you slump more and more as you repeat the questions you got berated with in your Zoom interview. “Fuck, I’m never getting a job.”
“Don’t say that. They might call you back.”
You sigh. “Please don’t get my hopes up.”
It’s been about two months since the soulmate phenomenon rocked the world, and that many days minus one since you found out your mark, which is already a proven miracle amongst the general population, is also special amongst other victims of the phenomenon.
“Oh, god.” Eyeing your arms, you groan. “Songbird’s at it again.”
Not only does your mark move whenever your supposed soulmate sings — it extends.
The bars, accompanied by notes and pianissimos and double fortes and symbols you’ve yet to bother googling, spread past the original mark and curl around your wrist, slithering up your arm like a snake through the grass. With your turtleneck strewn and abandoned somewhere on your floor, you and Heejun watch as the music climbs up to your shoulder and slips around your neck, circling twice before moving to your other arm. It’s like you’ve got two full sleeves of tattoos without the teeth-gritting pain that comes with actually getting it done in a parlour.
No, just a whole different kind of pain.
In the ass.
You can’t walk down the street without people gawking at you like you’re an alien — which, honestly, you can’t even blame them for. What the fuck kind of human has tattoos that snake along their arms as if they’re alive? Even Heejun can’t take his eyes off your mark, which has looped back up your left arm and started to wrap around your chest.
“Heejun!” You snap your fingers in his face, jolting him back into pay attention to me land. “I’m lamenting my current and probably eternal unemployment right now; at least pretend you hate this shit as much as I do.”
Shaking his head and frowning, Heejun tries again to console you. “C’mon, there’s no way they’d let the fact that you have a soulmate mark affect whether they hire you or not.”
“Tell that to my other two interviews.”
The staff branches off in some places, and you follow Heejun’s eyes as they trace the music reaching all the way up to your cheek. It does that a lot — the splitting up thing. You’re too sick of the mark overall to care to think about why.
“We should just find them,” Heejun posits.
You blink. “What?”
“I mean, the only way to get them to stop singing is to ask, right?”
Straightening up in your seat, you realize you never really thought about meeting the person on the other side of your mark. You’d been too caught up in the whole, what the fuck is happening why is there a random tattoo on me holy shit why is it moving what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck of it all. And besides, every case you’ve happened to hear from the news has ended up the same way — the soulmates met because their marks led them to each other.
You sort of just expected it to… happen. You never thought about going out to find the person inadvertently ruining your life yourself.
Heejun asks, sincerely, “You want to meet them, don’t you?”
“I… guess.” You shrug.
Do you?
The idea of asking them to stop singing — at least while you’re in a serious interview for a real-life, adulting job — is appealing, that’s for sure. The fact that they’re supposed to be the love of your life is also a factor, though.
You don’t know why, but that’s somehow less appealing to you.
And the weirdness that is the feeling of not wanting to meet the love of your life just yet (because who wouldn’t?) gives you pause.
Your soulmate stops singing, and the staff slinks back until it’s just five empty lines on the back of your hand. It’s a chilling feeling, when the notes disappear, and you shiver with your whole body every time. Another reason you’ve come to dislike your mark. Despite the annoyance the music sets off every time it spreads across your skin, you feel a dreadful sense of… emptiness when it leaves.
To feel that constant start and stop, start and stop—
It’s exhausting.
“Have you tried reading the music?”
“Are you kidding?” You scoff at Heejun. “I played percussion in junior high marching band, dude. I can’t even sightread; I’m hardly a music prodigy.” Scrutinizing your now-plain mark, you say, “Besides, how would that help?”
Heejun rolls his eyes. “You’re seriously dense sometimes. They’re always singing. Either it’s their job, or they’re trying to get your attention.”
“If they wanted to get my attention by annoying me, then they’re doing a bang-up job.”
“If they’re a singer,” Heejun continues, ignoring you. “—it’ll be even easier to find them. They’ll probably be singing all their own songs.”
You shake your head, doubtful. “I don’t think singers spend all day just singing their own stuff.”
“Idols practice all the time—”
“My soulmate is not an idol.”
“Why not?”
The look on Heejun’s face is serious, and you almost squirm under his gaze. Instead, you scrunch up your face and shake your head. “They’re just… not, okay? Idols aren’t my type.”
“Not your type?” Heejun regards you in such disbelief, you want to be annoyed again. “Bub, ‘idol’ isn’t a type of person, it’s a job description.”
“Yeah, and venture capitalists aren’t my type either.”
Heejun groans, but you can tell he won’t argue with that — he dated a business major in university. It didn’t go well.
Not that all business majors are bad, of course. That one just so happened to be a real bitch.
“Fine,” he relents. “Let’s assume they’re just trying to get your attention by singing nonstop— like now.”
Heejun points at your arm, and you look down to find your mark extending again to your infinite dismay. You let out a sigh.
“If they’re not a singer, maybe they’re singing songs with hints in them,” he suggests.
“That’s awfully elaborate, isn’t it?”
Shrugging, Heejun takes hold of your hand from across the table and studies the notes as they dance over your skin. “Your mark is elaborate. You don’t have it easy like all the others.”
“That girl almost hit her soulmate with her car.”
“Yeah, because the universe literally dragged them together,” he reasons. Then, “It’s weird…”
You pull your hand out of his just as the mark recedes, a shiver pulsing through you. “What’s weird?” 
“Nothing.” He nods at your phone, which is sitting face up on the table, lit with a notification, “You got an email.”
Not wanting to pry into whatever is going on in Heejun’s head, you grab your phone. You expect some random email from a newsletter you never subscribed to in the first place, but when you read the subject line, your eyes widen.
“Second round of interviews?!”
Heejun smiles wide. “See? I told you they liked you!”
“Oh my god. Dude. It’s tomorrow. Oh my god.”
“Yeah, yeah, stress head. Let’s go over the practice questions again.”
“I love you.”
He snorts. “No shit.”
Sitting in small coffee shop near where your interview — second round! — will take place in twenty-five minutes, you mutter the answers you practised with Heejun late into last night under your breath. You scroll through your phone, reading up on the company for the third time.
You can almost hear Heejun nagging you in your head.
Letting out a long breath, you put your phone away and take a sip of your drink, eyes drifting out the window.
It’s a nice day, unfortunately. If it weren’t for the white turtleneck you’re wearing, you might be happy about the warm weather. You pray to whatever is out there that your antiperspirant is doing its job, because this is the nicest turtleneck you own, and you seriously don’t trust your soulmate not to break into song during your interview. You can only hope they don’t sing a full song today— your shirt will cover partial tunes, but who knows if your soulmate is actually cast in a musical, or something. 
Earlier, you set an alarm on your phone so you’ll know when you’ve got to get moving to be exactly seven minutes early, with three minutes of leeway in case you get lost inside the building. With that alarm in mind, you let yourself sink into the art of people-watching, zoned out and half-listening to the music playing in the shop. A song you know comes on, and you hum along. 
Ice cold something splashes across your back.
You flinch so hard, your own drink goes flying, and on instinct, you stand up. Whipping around, you turn to see the masked face of a man with an empty plastic cup in his hold, the lid squeezed tight in the opposite hand.
His eyes are as wide as dinner plates, which is wild because you’re the one drenched in iced coffee.
You have nothing to say except, “What the fuck!”
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updates for and the universe said, are not on a schedule. there is no taglist. thank you for reading!
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Switch Rivals - Chapter 6/21
This is one of many archived fanfics featuring 1st and 2nd generation K-pop acts that I've come across recently. It's all in good fun, and maybe a bit cringeworthy! Just to clarify, I don't post fanfics, so I hope to the people that post and read K-pop fanfics makes sense.Credits go out to the original creator 90s_love.
*Note: Nothing in their post will change (unless necessary), other than being posted here, and the (Link) will be provided to the page that i found it on.
Kim Jaeduck, An Seungho (Tony), Moon Heejoon, Jang Woohyuk, Ahn Chilhyun (Kangta), Lee Jaewon (H.O.T.), Eun Jiwon, Lee Jaijin, Kang Sunghoon, Ko Jiyong, Jang Suwon
Jaeduck's first H.O.T concert and Tony's suggestion.
Chapter 6: Concert and Suggestion No. 1
Jaeduck was getting nervous. It's his first concert since the switch happened. He and the others practices for days for the concert. He had to learn all of Tony's parts because he didn't know any of them. He (Tony to them) had no idea that it was this hard both rap and sing. But after a while, he was able to manage. He even had to learn Tony's signature just in case he had to sign some things.
Finally, it was concert night. The audience seats are packed as usual with the H.O.T concerts. Jaeduck had never seen the audience in white because his group's colour is yellow. 
"Hyung, are you okay?" (Jaewon)
"Y-yeah... I'm okay. Just a little excited." (Jaeduck)
"Okay. If you say so." (Jaewon)
They went to the stage to see a packed audience. Everyone had white balloons and wearing white raincoats. The fans were cheering for H.O.T. They sung and danced the night away. As they were performing Jaeduck noticed someone was wearing all black looking at him.
After the concert, there was a fan signing that wasn't even planned. But the fans wanted it so they did it anyways. Jaeduck was overwhelmed by how many fans were in front of him. He originally had about 100 people in front of him. Now he has about 10 times as many as he did in Sechskies.
"Oppa, you were great today." (Fangirl)
"Oh, yes. Thank you." (Jaeduck)
There were a lot of people in front of him. So many that he couldn't even count. There were about 2,370 people in his row and he couldn't imagine that many people when he was in Sechskies. He got a lot of compliments and signed a lot of the fangirls stuff. It was lucky he practiced signing because he would have hesitated to sign them since he didn't know Tony's signature.
"Okay, that's a wrap." (Staff)
"Finally, it's over." (Kangta)
"Two day break, here we come." (Woohyuk)
"Don't forget we have a magazine photoshoot at the end of the week." (Heejun)
The group disasembled and Jaeduck was about to go home. When suddenly, he felt someone grabbing his arm. He turned to see Tony in disguise in all black. 
"Hyung, why are you here?" (Jaeduck)
"I came to see the show. It's your first as me so I wanted to see if you can do it." (Tony)
"Oh. So, did I do well?" (Jaeduck)
"You did great! And I have a suggestion." (Tony)
"A suggestion? What is it?" (Jaeduck)
"I think we should live together." (Tony)
"Hyung, are you crazy? Our members and fans won't like it." (Jaeduck)
"That's why we're keeping it a secret." (Tony)
"A secret? Like secretly live together? Just the two of us?" (Jaeduck)
"Yes. That way we can keep up each other's schedules and help each other when we need it." (Tony)
"Okay, then. I would love to live with you." (Jaeduck)
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qtyanan · 6 years
Gateway || KNK  Chapter 1 - Drunken Encounter
“I’ll never go to one of those parties.”
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Word count: ~2.5k
prologue | chapter 2 
"Okay, we're done for the day, you have the rest of the class period to yourself," said my teacher as she waved her hand in a dismissive way. In that very second, everyone in the class pulled out their phone and a low buzz of conversation filled the room.
I pulled out my phone as well, but only for a moment to check for notifications (which i had none of course). I kept my notebook and textbook open, trying to finish as much work as possible so I didn't have to worry about it later.
It was the last class of the day, almost 3 o'clock in the afternoon on a Friday. Everyone around me had already packed their things and were talking about their weekend plans, or making such plans.
And then there was me, sitting in the back of the room with my head low and scribbling away with my pencil. I didn't really have friends in any of my classes, and I liked it that way, because let's be honest, I'm not much of a people person. I mostly just wanted to go home and drink a bottle of wine and binge watch Netflix. I was slightly praying that there wouldn't be a party tonight, because I really wanted to just go home and sleep a lot.
I had finished up the last of the page I was working on and packed my things into my computer bag. After all that, I sat on my phone, looking through different social medias to pass the last few minutes of the class period. Usually the teachers were pretty lenient about class times and would let us leave once they were done, but this old lady was pretty strict and wanted us to stay until exactly 3 o'clock.
I got bored of my phone so I put it down and just picked at my chipping nail polish, and without even thinking of it, I tuned into the conversation going on next to me.
"C'mon man, why won't you go?" A guy said in a slight begging tone, and I turned slightly to see that he was sitting on the table along with a couple other guys, and one guy was sitting in his respectable seat, his head in his hands.
"Ehh... I was planning on staying home tonight so," said the boy sitting in the chair, avoiding eye contact with everyone surrounding him.
"I've been to one of these parties before, they're pretty fun, and the booze is pretty great," another said, causing me to inwardly laugh. Who says booze anymore?
Are they talking about my neighbor's parties? I hope the fuck not. They don't need more people going to those parties!
"Dude, come on! You've been single for a while now. It's time to go out and get laid." One said, causing me to grimace. I thought it was disgusting, using him being single as a reason for him to go to the damn party.
There was silence among them, and I looked in the corner of my eye at the boy they were pestering. His hair was parted neatly down the middle and he had clear, tan skin, cute cheeks and pouty lips. He looked nice, sweet - too sweet to be dragged to one of those parties.
He leaned back in his chair and huffed, "Okay, fine, I'll come tonight," right away the guys cheered, patting on him in encouragement.
Ugh, tonight? I was hoping for a night of silence. I felt bad for the cute kid, but hey, what can I do?
With freezing cold hands and a runny nose, I unlocked my front door and stepped in, a wave of warmth hitting me, making me sigh in relief.
Kira was sitting on the couch with the TV on, but she got up once she heard the front door open.
"I got groceries, help me bring them in," I told her whilst putting my phone on the small table by the door and dropping my computer bag. She didn't say anything, just slipped on her slippers and braced herself for the cold.
We brought in the several bags and set them randomly in the kitchen, recovering from the unforgiving cold that was outside.
As we put away what I had bought in silence, I realized she was still wearing her work shirt. It was a plain, black, collared shirt with a small Starbucks logo. Kira doesn't go to college classes with me, she works full-time at Starbucks that's pretty close to campus. I do too, just part-time. I don't really have to work, I come from a pretty wealthy family and my parents are helping me pay for classes and such, but it's always nice to have some extra money, right?
I tried to figure what to make for dinner, but everything I suggested, Kira rejected.
"Chinese takeout?" I finally suggested, and she smiled at me, nodding slightly, causing me to chuckle.
I was putting away the last of the things, as well as organizing the pantry, and Kira sat on the counter and watched me.
"So," She suddenly broke the silence, "have you heard anything about a party next door?"
"Yeah, I heard some guys talking about it. I think there's gonna be one tonight," I kept my eyes on what I was doing, and she paused a moment before answering.
"... How about we go this time?" I turned to look at her to see if she was joking, but she had a smirk that told me she wasn't bluffing.
"Um, no. I hate those parties. I plan on never going over there." I bluntly rejected her, turning back to the pantry. I finished my organization and closed the door, then leaned against it and looked at Kira.
"Aw, why not? I don't want to just sit here all night, and I haven't done anything in so long." She was vague, but I knew what she meant - she wanted to get laid. I think it's kind of weird, but that's just me. I hadn't had an actual boyfriend in years. So basically, I'm as untouched as a virgin.
I kept my disgust to myself, because she would probably tease me for my innocence, "Then you can go by yourself."
"Oh God, no thanks," She scoffed, making a funny face then jumped off the counter, then looked down at her phone, "So, you want to order food now?"
No more than an hour later, we sat in our dimly lit living room, Chinese takeout boxes littering the coffee table in front of us along with Kira's soda can and my wine glass. I did say I was craving wine, right? Using wine glasses makes me feel fancy, shoot me.
It took us a while to agree on something to watch on Netflix, but eventually we chose to re watch New Girl  for probably the third time.
We didn't say much to each other, just stuffed our faces with food and paid attention to what played on the tv, but then we started to notice the buzz of that horrible techno music. As if that was an alarm, Kira jumped up and picked up her takeout dishes and made her way to the kitchen
"Well, time to sleep," She announced, and I glared in her direction, even though the corner wall had cut her from my vision.
"Seriously??" I looked down at my phone to see the time, "It's not even 10 o'clock!"
"So? I'm tired," She said nonchalantly, thankfully cleaning up after herself. I didn't get up from where I sat, since I was in a little blanket nest with my knees pulled up to my chest.
"Jesus, how do you sleep so much! Teach me your ways!!" I yelled dramatically, causing her to roll her eyes and laugh lightly.
"Whatever. Goodnight," she made a little finger heart towards me and I did the same, muttering a 'ni ni' to her. Once she closed her bedroom door behind her, I reached for the controller and looked through Netflix once again. I chose what I really wanted to watch. I turned the volume down so Kira wouldn't hear the voices speaking in Japanese.
Yeah, I really love anime, but Kira hates it so I don't make her watch it. And she likes to make fun of me when I obsess over it, calls me a nerd.
I may have gotten a little carried away. I had re watched almost all of The Seven Deadly Sins, and drank almost a whole bottle of wine. Because of the small bit of alcohol, I began to get a little sleepy. I had begun to tune out the annoyance coming from next door, aside from the occasional yelling that sometimes startled me.
Are you still watch 'The Seven Deadly Sins?'
Yeah, jerk, I'm still watching it. I don't have a life. fight me.
I reached for the Xbox controller so I could resume the show, sitting in the quiet a moment whilst I waited for the controller to turn on.
But in that tiny bit of quiet, I heard something weird outside. Well, everything I heard was weird, because of that damn party, but what I had just heard was... weird. You know, a different weird. It stood out and I turned my head towards the door.
It was yelling of some kind, but it was closer than everything else, like someone was in front of my house. Usually most people were respectful and stayed away from my house, but this person wandered a little too far I guess.  
But it was a lonely voice, I didn't hear anyone else.
I honestly got really curious as to who was out there and what was going on. So, I finished what was in my glass and left the warmth of my nest, shuffling towards the door and putting on my slippers. I pulled my sweater sleeves over my hands and opened the front door, and saw that there was a flurry of snow in the air.
There he was; in the middle of my yard, tripping around and yelling something I couldn't understand (I'm not even sure if it was in English). I couldn't tell who it was, but it's not like I know a lot of people around here.
"What the hell...?" I mumbled to myself, watching how he wandered alone. I noticed he didn't have a jacket; he just walked around in a white t-shirt and skinny jeans. Jesus, he's gonna freeze to death if he stays out there.
Maybe I should go help him...?
Without thinking it through, I stepped outside and through the grass, treading carefully towards him. In the middle of his weird, random shouting, I think I heard him say a girl's name, but I couldn't be sure.
"Um, h-hey?" I shouted to him to get his attention, and he slowly moved his eyes to me. he stopped walking, stumbled in his stance. "It's really cold, do you want to come inside?"
I couldn't really understand what he said in response, but as I came closer to him and touched his arm, he didn't fight against me, just leaned on my shoulder and allowed me to lead him to my house.
I realized he was much taller than me, and with him relying on me to walk, he was much heavier.
If it wasn't so cold, I would have been sweating. I kicked opened the door in a huff and dragged him to the couch, allowing him to drop onto the upholstery.
I turned the nearby lamp on, and realized - it's that kid from my class today! The one that those guys convinced to go to the party. I didn't know his name, but at least I didn't bring a total stranger into my home.
While looking at him, I noticed his ears and (cute little) nose were bright red, and he was now shivering, his teeth chattering. I rushed around and put a big blanket over him, which he quickly grabbed and cuddled into (which honestly, I found really fucking cute). I went to get a bucket and put plastic bag in it and set it on the floor by his head (because let's face it, throwing up is inevitable). His eyes were barely open and his hair was an absolute mess, little mumbled still falling from his lips. It was very obvious he was wasted, who let this poor child drink so much??
I sat by him to make sure he didn't die or something, and some of his little mumbles were slightly coherent.
"Sophie... Why did you leave me? <hic!> I loved you so much... Why wasn't <hic!> I good enough?... I miss you so much...." His voice was painful to hear, so full of sadness. His lip trembled as he spoke now, and I think I see a little wetness around his eyes.
I didn't really know what to do, but without much thought I scoot a little closer to him and brought my small hand to his cold forehead, soothing his hair away from his face.
As I did the soothing action, his mumbling became quieter, and tears just fell to the couch cushion. Slowly but surely, his skin started to warm up, and he started to stop shivering.
It felt like forever of me just sitting there, but I started to hear little snores and heavier breathing, which made me think he had fallen asleep.
Slowly I moved away, shuffling to the recliner on the other side of the living room.
My first thought was to stay awake until he wakes up, so he doesn't freak out on me. I could at least tell him what had happened and make sure he's okay then he can go home, and then I'll sleep all day.
But then  I had the most intense yawn I've ever had. I looked at my phone, which was almost dead, and saw it was past 3 am.
After that, I don't really remember falling asleep, I slept like a rock.
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dong-hyucks · 7 years
dating heejun. | knk
⇴  admin. jade ⇴  masterlists. ⇴  dating series masterlist.
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highkey dedicated to @woojiniee and @longquos u guys are rude abt my bias wreckers >:( but ily anyway
so you met way back when he was still in kokoma band
you had been a helper, setting up the equipment for this performance since your friend -- who worked for the company -- brought you along
your friend told you who your were setting up for, and to be honest you had no idea who any of them were
no heejun?
quack dongyeon?
lee whochan?
who dongseong?
they were a trainee band and didn’t have much information out there
but your friend showed you a video of them goofing around with their instruments/voices and?? they sounded p good??
you weren’t going to be around for the actual mini performance, as there were other guests coming
you were a bit bummed, but oh well
while you were setting up the main mic, someone came in looking very lost
“heejun,” your friend greeted politely, even bowing her head
you did the same, assuming this heejun was the same heejun in the band
he mumbled an absent hello, his eyes trailing all over the floor
“did you lose something?”
heejun looked up, smiling at you briefly before nodding
“yeah... have you seen my ring?”
a lightbulb went off above your head, a look of recognition flashing over your expression
heejun and your friend watched as you headed over to a little side table, retrieving his very ring from it
“i found it over there,” you pointed to the speakers, “you must’ve dropped it before.”
heejun thanked you gratefully, slipping the ring on his finger
he smiled at you before halting
his eyes went to your friend before going back on you, lingering a moment longer than you expected
“are you a new worker?”
you shook your head, “i’m just helping”
you didn’t miss the disappointed look he dawned before covering it with a neutral expression
you chuckled, “what was that?”
heejun shrugged, “nothing. just a little disappointing -- it’s not every day i meet a cute employee here”
you nearly choked
he grinned innocently, as though he hadn’t said that, and turned on his heel to leave
once he was safely out the door, your friend burst out into laughter
“[Y/N]! he was totally flirting with you!”
you just rolled your eyes, “sure.”
you didn’t see heejun again for a week or two
until you randomly got a text from some unknown number claiming they were heejun
you were quite skeptical at first until your friend confessed that she may or may not have given him your number
heejun didn’t text you like everyday
he was busy, as were you
but you texted every other day or once a week
you had this kind of relationship that was borderline friends / acquaintances
but then
heejunie: “hey, do you want to hang out today? i’m going to the bowling alley today”
at first you were going to say no
but, hey, you hadn’t gone bowling in a while so why not? plus heejun was a cool dude
so that’s how you found yourself, two hours later, laughing your heads off outside with heejun
to explain
when you first arrived at the bowling alley, heejun was already there
he was with a little kid, one with a tearful expression
at first you were like “??? heejun what did you dO ???” but then you realized he was trying to comfort the child
he’d lost his mom -- with the bowling alley being relatively dark and a big space
the sight of heejun wiping away the child’s tears with a gentle smile on his face, his voice soft as he told the child he’d find his mom for him
it did something to you
luckily, you had spotted a frantic looking woman on the way to finding heejun
lmao what a coincidence
you assumed that the woman was the kid’s mom
without even greeting heejun, you ventured off to find the woman, and when you did she confirmed your thoughts
sO after bringing the two together, you and heejun high-fived
“i comforted the lil’ guy and you found the mom, what a team”
“shh, [Y/N], let me have this moment”
you just chuckled at how incredibly dorky he was
after getting your shoes and a lane, you and heejun just bowled normally
at first
then, it got a little competitive
it’s not what you think -- you weren’t competing to see who could get the most points
you were competing to see who could hit the pins in the coolest way
people in nearby lanes and those who walked passed gave you weird looks when you were laying down on the floor to push the ball
but you didn’t care, you were having fun
heejun decided to attempt a cartwheel
y i k e s
bad idea
especially when he had an 18lb bowling ball in his hands
needless to say, when he ‘landed’ his arm slipped
and the bowling ball basically flew from his fingers (luckily, not injuring him)
and there was a loud crash
this idiot somehow managed to throw his bowling ball at the ceiling
needless to say, his manager found out via text and wasn’t happy
heejun also used his company card for the repairs cough
you were kicked out very quickly
and now you’re just outside, leaning against the wall to catch yourself from falling
your stomach hurt from laughing so much, both at heejun’s misfortune and the expression he had made the moment the ball collided with the tiles
at first, he felt so bad but after hearing you laugh, he couldn’t help but follow
“that was hilarious,” you mumbled, wiping away fake tears, “but never do that again”
while you recovered from laughing so hard, heejun took the time to just admire you
he thought you were very attractive, and the sound of your laugh was like wedding bells to his ears
“go out with me.”
you thought he was joking but he had a sincere smile on his face and you suddenly felt really nervous
“you don’t have to be my s/o,” he cut in, mumbling ‘yet’ under his breath, “but if you want, go on a date with me.”
you were gaping like a fish
sure, heejun was a pretty nice guy, he was funny, he was smart (most of the time,,), and he made you smile without even trying but did you like him?
it took you a second, but the sound of your rapid heart answered for you
not even a second after the word left your lips, he had your hand in his and he was pulling you down the street
“where are we going--”
“it’s a surprise!”
heejun was suddenly really giggly
like he had planned the whole thing
you were lowkey suspicious, but he was cute so you let it slide
okay so
he didn’t tell you a thing for like ten whole minutes
but he looked like the epitome of happiness
like he just won the lottery
“here we are!”
you looked around, a brow raised
he brought you to a big park in town, but he’d lead you far into it, where a lone tree stood tall
“what’re we doing here?” you asked, looking up at the pretty petals that hung on the branches
heejun coughed, backing up into the tree
“i come here sometimes,” he admitted, “it’s like me go to place whenever i need inspiration”
you looked over at him, “inspiration?”
he merely nodded, holding out his hand
“let’s go up.”
seconds later, heejun was pulling you up the tree
at first you were like “hey man what’re you doing” but then he pulled you up onto a sturdy branch
“look,” he mumbled, gesturing outward
you did, amazed at the sight
the branch gave you a perfect view of the city
“we can see everything here,” heejun said, “but no one can see us”
you were gobsmacked, “how did you even find this?”
he shrugged, “when i was a kid, i got separated from my dad, and i ended up here”
you blinked, keeping your gaze on him
when he looked back, you realized how handsome he was
even though his expression was neutral, you could see a hint of amusement shimmering in his eyes
wow, you thought, you’re handsome
he chuckled, his lips splitting into a grin
“shit did i say that outloud”
he rolled his eyes playfully, nudging you with his shoulder
“don’t worry. you aren’t too bad looking either”
“i know, you told me the first time we met”
he smiled again, looking at you almost longingly
“you’re cute”
“heejun, kindly let me breathe, please and thanks”
he didn’t respond, his gaze making you slightly —very— nervous
“i know i said you didn’t have to be my s/o, but…” he rubbed the back of his neck, “i really like you.”
you rolled your eyes, kissing his cheek (which made it turn pink) “i like you too, heejun.”
woo ur dating now dope relationship congratz
im sorry (no i’m not)
so let’s go dating oh heejun
let’s start of with something cute
kissing :))
your first kiss with heejun didn’t take long to happen
in fact, it happened the same day you started dating
after you hung out at the tree for a bit, he took you out for dinner
the restaurant wasn’t really fancy but it wasn’t a fast food joint either
heejun actually knew the owner, so you got to sit in the “special” seating
it was secluded from the rest of the restaurant, on the second floor
there were french doors leading out to a balcony, where a single table stood
the dinner was great, as was the service
after you ate, you and heejun looked out over the railing
you talked for a while, enjoying the slight breeze
you didn’t notice heejun getting closer and closer until his arm was literally brushing against yours
“i’ve never met someone like you,” he mumbled, “you’re different”
“is that a good thing?”
“it’s a great thing.”
you bore into one another’s eyes for a moment
slowly, you got closer and closer until he was a hair length away
“can i…?” his eyes darted down to your lips
when you nodded, he didn���t hesitate to move forward
the kiss was slow, his lips moving gently against yours
somehow, you ended up with your back against the railing, with your hands clasping around his waist at the small of his back
his hands cupped your cheeks, his thumb gently moving back and forth as he leaned into you
when air was necessary, you pulled away
“that was,” he chuckled, “wow for a first kiss.”
generally, kisses with heejun are either dorky or sweet
or both
half the time he’s grinning, so the kiss isn’t even a proper one, but neither of you care too much
—let’s also not talk about the cough night time cough kisses—
anyway moving on
let’s add a new thing
you know, the fluffy shit
i’ve already made a cuddling with knk —and astro— post here but
let’s come back to this anyway
heejun hugs you so often
if you aren’t a hug person, he respect that, but sometimes he can’t help it
he’s a cuddly person
whenever you cuddle, he likes to hold your hand
it makes him feel connected to you
and his voice just lowers and becomes super soft and gentle
and he just looks at you like you’re the most amazing person in the entire world
and to him, you are
cuddling also comes with soft talks
he talks about his day, about his career, then asks you about yours
and while you’re talking he’s just heart eyes for you because he thinks he’s so lucky to be able to be with you
alright moving on
your first i love you also came soon after you started dating
he wanted to wait until you were completely comfortable but it kinda just
slipped out
he had to leave to practice and he was maybe late
really late
he was rushing out the door, falling over himself as he pulled his shoes on
“have fun,” you mumbled absentmindedly as you opened the fridge for food
“yeah,” he huffed, pulling his jacket over his shoulders, “thanks babe. i love you, see you later—“
you didn’t have time to react before the door shut
you kind of just stood there, the cold air from the fridge hitting your bare skin
an hour later, heejun got a call from you during a little break
“hello? [Y/N]?
“i love you too, heejun. mind waiting next time so i could actually say it back?”
needless to say, heejun was a smiley mess for the rest of the day
fights with heejun
rare, he tries his hardest to keep away from fights
other than the little ones, over who gets the remote, over who gets the last slice, etc
but when they do happen, heejun tries to bring it back
but sometimes, that doesn’t work
he’d give you some space, and you’d give him space
but he never lets you go to bed angry or upset
especially with him
he takes on the cuddling tone, low and gentle, as he talks out his feelings and you talk about yours
fights don’t last more than a few hours with heejun
so in all
dating heejun means you’re ina relationship with a dorky, funny, loveable guy
that also means, your life gets a little dorky
every day is a new adventure
when he debuted with KNK, you were introduced to four other dorks
and they all loved you (not nearly as much as heejun does)
dating heejun is an amazing thing
he treasures you, makes you laugh and feel loved
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themeisms · 4 years
۪۫❁ཻུ۪۪┊ 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐨𝐡 𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐣𝐮𝐧 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝!
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like/reblog if used!
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knkpsh · 5 years
heejun as your bf <3
a/n: omg this took so long im sorry 😔✊🏻 im still in the middle of midterms but i managed to squeeze this last knk bf post out !! pls enjoy uwu i’ll be starting vav at some point so look forward to that heh
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• dating your best friend basically
• video games
• absolutely obliterates you at smash on the regular
• the bf that will not go easy on you in any games whatsoever isfkdjdkfk
• lets you steal his big flannels yassss
• you make him take out his guitar and sing for you all the time. your own personal busking session
• writes lil acoustic songs about u ;w;
• yall do crazy shit together like the hugs he made with donggu ISKDKFK
• a hand holder & the type to hold his hand at the small of your back or have his arm around your shoulders
• hes that bf that has a 6th sense for when youre about to ask for something ie. hes on his way home from practice and picks up your fave food
• he can be very Very cuddly and cute
• whenever he wears big hoodies hes subconsciously asking you to SNUGGLE. i do not take criticism
• on the other hand he can also be satan and very um ... suggestive to say the least
• hes also satan in the sense that hes mischievous af. a prankster like inseong
• definitely pokes and tickles you just to see you suffer (he finds it funny & he also loves your laugh no matter how weird it is ISKSK)
• road trips and traveling with him would be very entertaining lmaoo you could be in the most boring long car ride ever but he would make it funny with his weird self or yall would talk about anything and everything
• you make him feel free & relaxed despite all the stress from the idol lifestyle
• feeds u
• makes you take his aesthetic bf pics
• and then you take aesthetic couple pics & he’ll take aesthetic pics of you too if you want
• probably spams your phone with memes
• you make memes of each other & the boys
• why do i feel like he’d make you come over for anime binge dates lmao
• loves it when you pick out outfits for him (at the store or from his own closet lol)
• y’all probably have a few couple items and i think he would let you choose what y’all would like to match
• like beanies or sweatshirts or smth
• lets you use his tiddies as a pillow.
• in conclusion,, hes the active lively funny sweet bf youve been waiting for uwu
“knk as your bf” series: jihun | seoham | dongwon | inseong | [heejun]
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wheretfisknk · 6 years
Dongwon can actually beat Jihun in a limbo competition
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ceceliinee · 6 years
Imagine Sanha pulling a Heejun and starts to upload videos of him playing the guitar and singing covers on instagram.
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leaderjihun · 6 years
i feel like heejun is the type to get a mullet years after it stops being a trend. he shows up into your apartment wearing a turtleneck shirt and plaid pants, asking you whether you notice anything different. clueless, you ask him about his breaking and entering but he stops you mid-sentence and unfolds his turtleneck, revealing a neatly cut mullet. you ghasp, because it has been years since you last saw something like that. something so...hideous. "heejun," you say. "is this what you've come to?" he runs out, crying, but his tight plaid pants limit his movements and he trips to the ground and hits his head. he is sent to the hospital. in shame, you decide never to visit and you never hear from him again. it has now been years and heejun, nowhere to be found, is still wallowing in the rejection of his mullet
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knktookovermylife · 7 years
KNK SCENARIO - Making out with Heejun
REQUESTED: Yes from a sweet anon 💕
A lot of us like to believe the maknae of the group is innocent and sweet but that is so far from the truth with Heejun. He is absolutely not afraid to show himself off. He’s very confident in himself and has a lot of very manly tendencies(despite being a giant scaredy cat.) I can see him sweeping you off your feet(metaphorically and physically if need be. Look how strong he is!) 
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I can imagine he is curled up next you and he’s teasing you about who’s the better kisser and he’d insist he’s the better kisser. He’d get really close to you smiling a huge smile cause he knows how nervous he’s making you. He’d be inches away from your face and you can feel your face getting warm. Heejun would place a hand gently on the nape of your neck and you’d instinctually fall into his grip. You move with one another but he’s taking the lead. In his mind he has something to prove. 
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You can feel him get closer he wants to be as close to you as possible. Nothing else matters in the world but the two of you. When he finally releases you from his hold, you are both panting it felt like every movement was preplanned and intentional. As much as Heejun is confident in himself and your bond together, he never wanted to cross the lines with you regardless of how intense it got. Morals mean a great deal to both of you. Both of your futures are important in the gran scheme of things. 
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He’d look you deep in your eyes again and asked if you were okay with continuing. If yes he’d proceed to kiss with fierce intensity not only on your lips but, your neck and shoulders too. Maybe leaving behind a mark or too. If not, he’d pull you into his arms and play with your hair until you fell asleep. He might tease you a little saying he was right about being a good kisser. Overall this moment was very special and will most likely happen again as apart of your new routine. 
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soda-kpop · 7 years
Thank you so much! I thought I was going to have no one submit anything.
Jihun > Heejun > Inseong > Youjin > Seungjun
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Send me a group and I’ll say my bias order!
GUIDE: bold = bias, italics = wrecker
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lvbmbz · 3 years
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—   ⌗⠀⠀ 00⠀ :⠀𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠... 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐞𝐞!!
—   ⌗⠀⠀ 01⠀ :⠀𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜!!
⠀⠀𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲  : :  Taehee  |   태희
⠀⠀ 𝗯𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵 𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲  : :  Wang Taehee  |  왕태희
⠀⠀ 𝗯𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵𝗱𝗮𝘆  : :  September 23   ’   1995
⠀⠀ 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗯𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵  : :  Seoul   ’   South Korean
⠀⠀ 𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗼𝘄𝗻  : :  Seoul   ’   South Korean
⠀⠀ 𝘇𝗼𝗱𝗶𝗮𝗰  : :  Libra
⠀⠀ 𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗻𝗲𝗰𝗶𝘁𝘆  : :  South Korean
⠀⠀ 𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆  : :  South Korean
⠀⠀ 𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘂𝗮𝗴𝗲𝘀  : :  Korean   ’   English (basic)   ’   Japanese (basic)
—   ⌗⠀⠀ 02⠀ :⠀𝐏𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥!!
⠀⠀ 𝗳𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗺  : :  Oh Heejun
⠀⠀ 𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁  : :   180 cm   |   5’11”
⠀⠀ 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝘁𝘆𝗽𝗲  : :  B+
—   ⌗⠀⠀ 03⠀ :⠀𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲!!
⠀⠀ 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗶𝘁𝘀  : :   Charming   ’   Sensitive   ’   Imaginative   ’   Passionate
⠀ 𝗻𝗲𝗴𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗶𝘁𝘀  : :  Unpredictable   ’   Competitive   ’   Fluctuating Self-Esteem   ’   Cynical
—   ⌗⠀⠀ 04⠀ :⠀𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐚!!
Thanks to his height and visual, Taehee is the face of numerous brands
He is really close to his younger sister ORPHIC’s Taehyun, and often tries to meet her despite their schedules
He debuted as a soloist in 2020 with “See Ya” and came back in 2021 with “Need You”
Since 2021 he lives in his own apartment but sees his members every other day
If he wasn’t an idol he would have been a kindergarten teacher, loving being around children 
He often gushes about the love of his life, his hypoallergenic sphinx cat named Croquette
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jeongyunhoed · 4 years
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You’re traveling to another dimension It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity It is the middle ground between light and shadow, Between science and superstition It ties between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge This is the dimension of imagination
An ATEEZ Twilight Zone!AU (masterlist here)
A/N: Because Hongjoong previously had a very wholesome ghost story of a chapter, and Jongho’s birthday chapter was very... heartbreaking to say the least, we’re bringing back the creepy, the scary, and the spooky (LOL). But you have been warned, things will get psychological in this one.
XIII. Trauma (Hongjoong)
8:00 p.m. 
Kim Hongjoong got out of the elevator upon arriving at his floor, rubbing the cold away from his arms as the doors closed behind him. It was another long day at the office, and it only seemed the longest it had ever been because of the increasingly freezing weather. Yet, it was a welcome change of scenery given that he spent almost the entire day cooped up in a cubicle doing data entry. He couldn’t even be bothered to go out for a drink either, no matter how tempting the offers from his colleagues sounded. One of his senior colleagues, Park Seonghwa, was notorious for being the guy who had access to the exclusive clubs, and every night after work was always a night out to remember, at least that was what his friend Jeong Yunho said. 
Still, he was too exhausted that the only way he could unwind was to collapse on his sofa bed. He couldn’t get himself a proper bed just yet. He was waiting for a promotion from one of their managers. Hongjoong was certain he’d get it, he was the only one being pushed for it anyway as far as he knew. Not even  Choi San was being brought up for the job, and he was the golden boy in the office who could do no wrong. It wouldn’t be long before he would make a little more money than he already was. 
He walked down the hallway leading up to his door when he saw a little boy standing by, crouched down, and eating a sandwich out of a small red lunchbox. Hongjoong stopped in front of his door and bent down with a smile to talk to the boy. “Hello,” He said. 
“Hello Hongjoong-hyung,” The boy replied with a little wave, holding up his half-eaten sandwich as if to share. “Do you want some?” 
He shook his head. “No, you eat it. How do you know my name?” He asked, a brow raised out of curiosity. Hongjoong figured he must have been the son of a neighbor. “You live on this floor too, don’t you?” 
“I do. My name is Joongie,” The boy said. 
“Joongie? That’s a cute name, I also had that kind of lunchbox when I was a kid,” Hongjoong looked amused, looking down at the container that still had a few sandwiches. “Isn’t it a little late for you to be here? Your parents must be looking for you, or are your parents not here yet?” He asked. 
“My parents are okay with it,” Joongie replied. “Did you see someone today?” He suddenly asked. 
He tried not to look taken aback at the question. “What do you mean?” 
“You must have seen someone today, someone familiar to you,” The boy explained. “That person knows you.” 
“Knows me?” Hongjoong chuckled. “What are you talking about? I do see a lot of people if that’s what you mean.” 
“You did see someone today,” Joongie replied. “Someone you probably might not know, but that person knows you. Do you have water? I ran out” He held up his now-empty tumbler. 
Hongjoong nodded, feeling a slight chill from the coldness of the building as he got up and typed in the passcode to open his door, stepping aside to let the boy in, helping him with his lunchbox. “Why are you staying out in the hall anyway? It’s cold outside,” He made a beeline towards his kitchen, glancing at the boy every now and then to make sure he didn’t trip or if he needed help with his shoes. 
“My parents know you, they’ll be okay knowing I’m with you,” Joongie replied, watching Hongjoong pour water into a cup and hand it over to him. “The person who knows you, is probably on his way to see you now.” 
“That might be your parents, Joongie. They might start wondering why you’re out at this time, and it’s already approaching curfew for minors, hmm?” He pointed out. 
“He’s on his way here, now,” The little boy said. 
Just then, his doorbell rang. Hongjoong looked over at the monitor and then at the boy. The boy looked very serious about what he said. He approached the monitor to look at who it was. It was a middle-aged man, dressed in a suit, as if having come back from work. Hongjoong looked over at the boy, whose expression changed. Fear was evident on his face as he froze upon seeing the man on the other side of the monitor. “You stay here, it’s okay,” He assured the boy before padding towards the door. 
“Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no,” Joongie began to whimper as he rushed into the nearest room in his apartment. 
Hongjoong opened the door slowly to peek outside. The man looked relieved, yet there was something about him that made him feel a little uneasy, especially if he managed to scare off the boy who had already told him that he was coming. “Hello,” He said. 
“Oh, hello, hello, Hongjoong,” The man replied. “You’ve grown so well, you must have come back from work.” 
“Who are you?” He asked. So, the man knew him since he was little, he thought. 
“I’m Yang Heejun, I work at this construction company nearby, but years ago I used to work with your parents,” He said. 
“Oh, you did?” Hongjoong nodded in understanding. 
“Yeah, well, I-” Heejun looked down for a moment. “I was the first to find your mother when she died. It’s been so long since that day.” 
“Oh, well, yeah,” Hongjoong nodded. “I’m coping with the grief better now, it never really goes away anyway. Funny how Joongie was telling me someone who knew me would be coming here, I didn’t expect it would be you.” 
“Joongie was the nickname you had when you were a kid,” Heejun chuckled. “As embarrassing as it might sound, I found this among my stuff when I had to leave the company,” He took out his wallet and removed a folded photo to show him. “It’s you and your mother, see?” 
Hongjoong looked at the photo and then over at his bedroom, taken aback at what he realized. Joongie looked exactly like him as a child, even went by the same nickname. He cleared his throat and turned back to Heejun. “Oh,” He said. 
“You can keep it now, I don’t have any use for that,” Heejun said. “But I just came here to tell you that if you need anything, anything at all, I can also help you. Good night,” and he walked off into the hall where the elevators were. 
Hongjoong quietly closed the door behind him, the photo still in his hand as he made his way back into his apartment. Joongie had come out from the bedroom, staring at him. He didn’t know how to say what he was going to say. There were so many things running through his mind that he couldn’t seem to wrap his head around. Joongie, and then Heejun, and the fact that the boy knew that Heejun would be coming to see him. He sat down, the little boy watching him. “...Who are you?” He managed to speak. 
“I’m you,” Joongie replied. “Your mother didn’t just die, she was murdered, remember?” He said. 
Hongjoong stared at him. “Murdered? That was how she died?” 
“Yes, that was how she died, and you saw the whole thing happen,” Joongie pointed out. “You saw it happen, Kim Hongjoong, you saw your mother get murdered that day. You blocked it out.” 
He felt a chill down his spine at the boy’s words. Somehow he couldn’t remember it. All he remembered was that his mother had died, all the while his father was away, while his brother was away as well. Hongjoong looked at the photo again, and then at the boy. Joongie repeated his words. He saw his mother get killed, he saw the whole thing happen. 
He saw the whole thing happen. 
He was there that day. 
Hongjoong saw his mother die in the living room. 
Hongjoong remembered what Heejun said, that he was the first to find the body. Heejun would be there at the scene as well. 
Hongjoong closed his eyes, partly trying to shut out Joongie, who kept repeating what he said, and partly trying to recollect his childhood memories. The more Joongie repeated what he said, the more he looked at the photo of him and his mom, flashes of the incident began to surface in his mind. 
He was playing with his toys in the play room while reading a book in between. His mother was in the living room, watching tv. He could recall another voice, a man’s voice, coming from the outside. Hongjoong stood up and crept into the hallway. A man was arguing with his mother, his back turned to him. The following moment, Hongjoong saw the man  point something at his mother, and with a loud bang, she fell to the floor. 
That was all he could remember. Hongjoong stared at Joongie, who was still watching him react. “Do you remember now?” He asked. 
The doorbell rang again, and Hongjoong looked up. He couldn’t speak just yet as his mind was still racing with what he was starting to remember. He looked into the monitor. It was Heejun, who had come back with what looked like containers of takeout. Joongie ran back into his bedroom again and he got up, the incident replaying in his mind as he answered the door. “Yes?” 
“I just thought I’d bring you some food from the nearby restaurant,” Heejun held up the containers. “If I can come in, I could set these down for you,” He said. 
“Sure, sure,” Hongjoong stood aside to let the man in. Heejun made his way to the kitchen to set it down. “Um, you said you were the first to find my mom when she died, right?” He said. “I must have blocked it out growing up,” He held up the photo. 
Heejun’s expression fell. “She was murdered, shot in the stomach,” He revealed, staring at the photo in Hongjoong’s hands. “...I have a confession to make.” 
Hongjoong felt the chill down his spine again. His stomach felt like it was turning from anxiety, and a kind of inescapable fear came over him. “Which is?” He asked. 
“I killed your mother,” Heejun looked him in the eye. “I killed your mother,” He repeated. “I was, I wass actually about to kill you too when I saw you standing there in the hall that day, but by the time I was going to get to you, you screamed and yelled for help, and the neighbors were coming out of their homes to see what was going on,” 
Hongjoong stared at him, frozen from fear. “Over the years I had been watching you, keeping tabs on you. I knew your father wouldn’t want you to be around strangers so I kept my distance, but I still watched you, knowing that you would remember everything again,” Heejun explained. “The statute of limitations is nearly expiring on your mother’s death too.” 
“...Are you going to kill me now?” Hongjoong asked, and before he could answer, he raced towards the door, barely getting past Heejun, who caught up with him in the hallway. He needed to tell somebody, the more Heejun told him about his involvement, the more he began to remember. It was him. It was Heejun. 
Hongjoong stopped by the elevator to press the button, but ran again when he saw Heejun was catching up. He saw that he had a pocket knife in his hands as he grabbed Hongjoong by the hem of his jacket. Hongjoong quickly grabbed his knife-bearing wrist, keeping himself from getting stabbed as he was backed into the fire exit. “You killed my mother,” He breathed, staring at Heejun in horror while struggling to protect himself. “It was you, and I saw the whole thing…” He remembered the little boy’s words as he managed to make the man drop the knife and pushed him down the stairs. 
The man fell down, hitting the landing with a thud, Hongjoong carefully picked up the knife on the floor and went down to check on the body. He was dead. 
Later that night, the police had surrounded the building where Hongjoong lived, bringing out the body of the man. Hongjoong recalled the whole incident to the detectives he was speaking to. “There’s no point in pushing for a case, is there?” He asked. 
“Given that the perpetrator is dead now, it is safe to say that there is no point, but we can advise you to receive some counseling if you need it,” the detective, Choi Jongho, said. “That was quite an incident, the trauma might get to you.” 
“No, no, I don’t think I need it, but thank you,” Hongjoong shook his head and made his way back into the building. He wondered what would his colleagues think when he showed up for work the next day, if they found out what happened. 
As he got off the elevator and onto the floor where his apartment was, he saw a little boy, crouched down and eating a snack out of a paper bag. Hongjoong felt his heart drop for a second the closer he was getting. As he finally saw the little boy’s face, he sighed in relief. He couldn’t recognize him. 
“Yoogeun! Where are you? Why are you over there?” A woman, his mother, suddenly appeared to take him away. “It’s late, don’t stay outside other people’s houses,” She warned him. “So sorry about this, he likes to hide from me whenever he has snacks.” 
Hongjoong smiled. “It’s okay, but you two are welcome to come over if you need anything,” He said, before entering his apartment. 
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qtyanan · 6 years
Anon Request ; 18 + KNK
18. you ask them to drive to get food late at night.
a/n: i honestly get happy when someone asks for knk. it warms my heart, i love them a lot :’)
Kim Jihun
It was a normal occurrence when you spent your nights with Jihun - you stayed up way too late without meaning to. Time just gets away from you, Jihun only living in the moment and loving your company. It was past midnight and the many food commercials started to get to you. One in particular, was taco bell. oh man. The sight of it made your stomach growl, loud enough for Jihun to hear. It caused him to laugh out loud, “Kimchi, I really want taco bell,” you pout to him, but he knew what you wanted before you even asked it. Because honestly, he was just as hungry as you.  He plays the radio on a low volume, has the windows rolled down if the weather’s nice. He drives with one hand and holds yours with his other, a small smile lingering on his lips, for he feels euphoric. He spends a little too much at the drive thru, but doesn’t mind at all because of the happy little noise you make when you hand him the bag. Since the parking lot is empty and streets as well, he parks the car and munches on one of his treats with you. You crack jokes with him and laugh, making him think of how happy he would be if he could do this all the time with you. 
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Kim Youjin
He was laying in the bed, room pitch black with you tightly in his arms. He tried to fall asleep what seemed like hours ago, but you two just ended up talking and giggling about nonsense and forgetting your drowsiness. After a fit of little giggles, you poke at him, “Mochi, I’m hungry.” you mumble, to which he hums. He immediately gets a hint of what you want to do, but fakes innocence on it. “What are you gonna do about that,” he teases, and you pout at him enough though its too dark to see. “The HandyMart is still open~” he sighs, at first hesitant to go out late. You continue to whine to him, so he starts to get into the idea;especially since his stomach was growling as well.  He drives with one of his hands on your leg, holding you affectionately, creating small banter by asking what you would want from the store. When you get there, he holds your hand as you browse the aisles. He doesn’t hold back on throwing things into the basket, making the total of snacks to be high. When you two get back home, you cuddle up in bed when snacks and drinks, watching netflix on his laptop.
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Park Seungjun
He’d try his best to get you to avoid going to bed, distracting you with video games that he knows you’d love to play. He wanted to spend the most time with you that he could before he had to leave. Before the night had started, he took you to the grocery store to get snacks and drinks to last through the night. surprise, you ran out of microwave potstickers and smoothie drinks just past midnight. “Maybe that’s a sign to head to bed?” your words make him pout heavily, still not ready to end this night with you. You can obviously see this, so you knew that was not a choice. “Or, we can get more food?” This just earned you that heart warming smile that i would do anything to see in person. It doesn’t take you two long to figure out what you want to eat. He dances all the way to the car like an excited child, making you laugh as you follow.  He plays music and sings along with it, dancing along if a girl group song plays. He drums on your thigh along with the beat of the music, one reason is to annoy you, the other is just because he wants to keep some kind of contact with you. He steals quick glances at you while driving down the empty road, holding such an endearing smile as he watches you lip sync to the songs he plays. Any time you caught him looking at you, he would quickly look away, holding the sweet smile. Pulling up to the McDonald’s drive thru, he got what you wanted plus more. He ends up passing you three huge bags of food, causing you to wonder if you’re gonna sleep tonight at all.
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Jung Inseong
Just like Jihun, he wouldn’t even realize how late in the night it is. You two are binge watching a show on netflix, completely immersed in the long episodes until you’re met with the dreaded ‘Are you still watching?’ He dramatically jumps up for the controller, turning it on. “How long have we been watching this? What time is it?” You reach for your phone and tell him it’s almost 1am, which he gives you a shocked look in response. He sits in silence for a moment, and you’re just looking at him stare off at nothing until he finally says. “Y/n, I’m starving.” You laugh, even though he’s dead serious. “Inseong, me too.” You match his energy, he looks over at you, then jumps up and rushes to the kitchen, and you follow. Looking through the cabinets, he lets out a dramatic cry. “There’s nothing to eat!!” after short discussion on what to eat, you both go to the car and drive to the store. He plays the radio, singing in dancing in the driver seat, causing you to laugh and sing along. As he sings, you look over at him and watch as he belts out beautifully along with the music. Every time he catches you looking at him, he gets a little bit shy and nudges you. Once when he does that, you catch his hand and hold in in both of yours, kissing his knuckles, causing him to blush even more. Just like Youjin, he buys all the possible snacks and drinks for you ; basically whatever you liked, he bought. When you get home, you continue watching the show you were watching before, surrounded with snacks and happiness. 
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Oh Heejun
I can see this happening a lot because he would forget to go grocery shopping. He wouldn’t realize that there’s nothing to snack on, and would know it too late.  You had gone to bed, but Heejun couldn’t sleep, so he sat in the living room, watching tv quietly. When you wake up in the middle of the night, though, it was because your tummy growled enough to wake you. You walked out of the room, shocked to see that Heejun was still up. He met you with the same shock, with a first fear that he had woken you on accident. “I just woke up hungry,” So you walk into the kitchen, about to make some quick ramen, when there was nothing in the cabinet. “We forgot to go shopping again...” You call out to him, so he made a dramatic sigh that you could hear even from the other room. He walks into the kitchen and pouts at you, rubbing his stomach to signal that he was hungry too. With that silent conversation in pouts and staring, you end up going to a fast food place in your pajamas. He wouldn’t play music, but he would be humming a song that he had stuck in his head. His free hand would be in your lap, his thumb rubbing over your thigh lovingly. Once you get your food, he parks in the empty lot so you can both eat your food. After you finish you feel yourself getting tired again, so he smiles over to you, “Let’s get you back to sleep, love.”
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dong-hyucks · 7 years
Apartment 229 ; Heejun
Prompts: 11. “You’re warm.” and 19. “You look cute.” Characters: Oh Heejun / Reader Genre/Warnings: Fluff, (kind of) Enemies to Lovers!AU, Neighbour!AU, Non-Idol!AU, swearing, getting stuck in an elevator briefly??? Word Count: 4.4k (exactly 4.4k, it’s satisfying, haha) Admin: Jade
Masterlists || Ten Days to Christmas Prompt List || TDC/CNY Masterlist
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you and oh heejun didn’t exactly get along
quite the opposite, really.
it was odd, strange and unknown, considering just how lovable of a person oh heejun really was.
he got along with everybody he knew, co-workers, relatives, landlords, neighbours.
everyone, really.
everyone except you, anyway.
it puzzled you beyond belief why he acted so differently around you.
was it something you did? something you said?
you had no clue and it didn’t appear like he was about to give you a ‘get out of jail’ card and clue you in
instead, he let you stay trapped in your little jail cell of confusion.
in your eyes, you really hadn’t done anything to wrong the man.
purposely, anyway.
you kept out of his way whenever you saw him in the halls.
you always returned his mail whenever it would accidentally get put in your mailbox.
at first, you’d make a point to politely greet him whenever you saw him.
so, you wondered often, why did oh heejun act the way he did?
when you became his neighbour, it was like his personality did a 180.
six months ago, you had moved into a new apartment building, one full of beautifully furnished loft apartments and kind staff.
the only thing you didn’t really like about the building, was the sudden lack of reception in the elevators.
the elderly couple who you met quite early on, the ones who lived to the left of your apartment, were always sweet to you -- even baking you ‘welcome to KNK Apartments!’ cookies which you forcefully ate the next day 
(you honestly didn’t like them that much, they were slightly burnt and too much salt was added, but of course you weren’t going to throw them away)
when you first met the couple, they told you wonderful things about the building, how even the residents were kind people
“especially the young man to your right,” one of them said when a fond smile, “always so kind. helps us carry our groceries y’know.”
they had spoken so highly of him, praising just about everything they could
just from that conversation, you knew that he was a talented singer, guitarist, soccer player, and about ten other things
after that, you subconsciously held high standards for the guy -- how couldn’t you after all they had said?
sometimes, you’d hear him through the thin walls of the apartment.
he often had friends or family over -- it was always loud and seemingly full of life
at first, it was a bit annoying, but you didn’t really want to go over just to tell them to keep it down.
you got used to it in just a few days, considering how often the rowdy men seemed to come over.
contrasting to his volume during the day, you were surprised when you heard him singing for the first time.
you had been doing dishes, the subtle sound of someone strumming a guitar flowing through the walls.
you thought you were imagining things, but when it got louder you realized it was your neighbour.
when he began to sing, his honey sweet voice accompanying his delicate playing, you stopped what you were doing.
his voice was clear and stable, even singing quietly he managed to sing in a range you could only dream of achieving.
his talent only you drew you in closer to a man you hadn’t even met.
when you did met him however, you were in for quite the shock.
you had been in the elevator, your view obscured by the boxes (two) you held in your arms
your mom had sent two boxes of some old belongings you still had in your family’s home.
once you got on your floor, you very quickly heard a group of males chattering, quite loudly at that.
before you could even react, you were bumped into.
it was as if the floor had moved beneath you, purposely making you fall back.
the boxes flew from you hands, not that you really noticed.
your eyes had screwed shut, prepared for the impact
when it came, you didn’t have much time to react to the slight sting on your tailbone, the palms of your hands burning from wear they had violently rubbed against the carpet,
instead, you heard a painful yell that took all of your attention away from your own pains.
opening your eyes, you hadn’t expected to see your box, the heaviest one, open, it’s contents spread messily down the hallway
what surprised you the most was where it had landed.
it was obvious, anyone could tell just by taking a look, that it had landed on of the men’s leg.
you gasped loudly at the sight, his leg curved in a way it shouldn’t be, his face scrunched up in pain as he bit his lip to hold back pained tears
the males around him were bustling about, fussing over you one moment and then their friend another.
the oldest, at least -- you assumed he was the oldest, took action and called an ambulance in the midst of panic.
“are you okay?” you asked dumbly, rushing over to his slightly convulsing form.
the injured man glared at you before letting his head fall back to exude another groan
“do i look okay to you?” he hissed, his shaky hands hovering over his injury
the next five minutes passed like a blur, with you worriedly looking to the man, guilt washing over your entire being
when paramedics came rushing out the elevator, pulling a gurney out with them, you were forced to back away and let them take hold of the situation
watching the men and the medics disappear behind closing elevator doors made you feel suffocated.
you sat in the hallway, in shock over what had happened.
you had just broken someone’s leg.
you had just broken someone’s leg.
at that moment, the reality of the situation really set in.
the world around you spun wildly out of control, making you feel dizzy and nauseated.
you only got up once a resident had seen you and pulled you onto your feet, a mouthful of words tumbling from their lips.
you couldn’t hear him until he shook you ‘awake’, another bout of “are you okay?” coming from him.
you lazily nodded, blinking rapidly as you steadied yourself.
thanking him, you quietly collected your things before going down to your apartment.
the next time you saw him, it was by coincidence about a fortnight later.
after grabbing your mail, you noticed an unfamiliar name among the pile.
“Delivered to: Oh Heejun, Tenant Of KNK Apartments, Apartment No. 229″
you were in 228, so this ‘oh heejun’ guy must’ve been the one the couple had told you about. 
honestly, you had never seen him exit or enter his apartment, you had no idea what he looked like.
truthfully, you hadn’t exactly been keen to meet your neighbours lately.
not after what had happened.
you couldn’t even apologize, you had no clue as to where the man lived.
minutes later, you found yourself standing in front of apartment 229.
you felt kind of nervous, your hands refusing to still themselves as you knocked on the oak wood door, your foot tapping against the beige carpet.
“coming!” a voice had yelled out.
it sounded familiar to you, but you couldn’t exactly figure out why in the few seconds it took for him to get to the door.
when the door swung open, it hit you.
the door had, at full force, hit your face
you stumbled backward a bit, covering your entire face as you hunched over.
“shit, i’m so sorry!” the man said quickly
when you looked up, you froze.
the dull pain in your nose seemingly went away the moment you laid eyes on him, and in turn, his crutches.
you almost couldn’t believe your ‘luck.’
oh heejun had just hit you in the face with his door.
and two weeks ago, you had broken his leg.
a look of recognition flashed in his eyes, and the apologetic look he once wore went away slowly.
“oh. it’s you.”
you winced at his disdainful tone. you didn’t say much -- you kind of deserved it, after all you had broken one of his bones.
“how’s your leg?” you asked after a moment of silence, your voice unsteady, shaking as you spoke.
heejun deadpanned before moving to close the door.
you were quick to stop him, slamming your hand against the surface to stop him from shutting it.
you hurriedly handed him the envelope that had been in your slot.
“i just wanted to return this,” you said, keeping your voice low.
heejun’s eyes scanned over the envelope for a quick second.
you hadn’t expected him to yank it out of your hands, but that’s what he did, a look of vexation apparent on his face now.
“thanks, you can go.”
he tried to close the door once again, but you stopped it.
“wait!” you repeated, wanting to put in another word.
“what?” he spat, looking completely and utterly annoyed with you for keeping his door open twice.
“i wanted to apologize for dropping a box on your leg...” your words slowly got faster as you spoke, faster yet quieter.
he only scoffed before gently pulling you away from the door and slamming it shut.
you flinched at the loud noise and sighed.
dejectedly, you headed back to your apartment.
the next time you saw him, it was during the holidays.
the entire building was decorated with festive decor, to the point where green and red had started to becoming a frustrating colour combination.
you couldn’t go anywhere in the building without seeing at least one decoration, each coloured boldly with the two.
“be careful going up,” a bellhop had told you, watching you enter the elevator. “it’s getting colder and some of the cables are malfunctioning.” he said with a sigh. “i tell ‘em to get it fixed every year, but do they listen? nope!”
his little monologue was the last you heard before the elevator doors shut.
you contemplated getting out, not wanting to get stuck in the elevator.
but then you remembered that you lived on the twelfth floor.
after a long day at work (or school) you really didn’t want to climb twelve flights of stairs.
shrugging, you pressed the button going to the twelfth floor.
not even a minute later, the elevator stopped, the doors opening on the fifth floor.
you froze when you saw heejun walk toward you, his attention on his phone as he entered the elevator.
you said nothing, keeping your mouth shut as he leaned against the elevator wall
to your complete dismay, the elevator lurched, groaning as it’s cables stopped, as if they had gotten tangled pulling up the elevator box.
the sudden stop made both you and heejun lose balance, both of you luckily grabbing onto the sidebars before either of you could fall.
then, a voice rang through the intercom
“this elevator has abruptly stopped --”
heejun scoffed, “like we couldn’t tell,” he mumbled.
“-- a repair crew is on it’s way to fix this. please stay calm, the procedure may take a while.”
you didn’t talk, keeping your back to heejun in hopes he didn’t recognize you and suddenly get angry with you.
he didn’t have his crutches anymore, but he still had a brace on.
the sight made you frown, guilt still hitting you even a month after the fact.
he hadn’t exactly accepted your last apology.
your attempts at hiding your face were futile, as the walls all shone and reflected like a mirror would.
heejun glanced over at you, a frown overtaking his neutral expression
after a few minutes, he let out a sigh and slid down the wall he leaned against, cautious of how he moved his leg.
you stayed standing, tracing the buttons on the wall to distract yourself.
heejun noticed this fairly quickly, having already been looking at you, and shook his head.
“you act like you’re scared of me.”
you jumped, not expecting the sudden comment.
“look. i may not like you a lot, but that doesn’t mean i’m going to bite your head off.”
you just nodded, your fingers still idly tracing.
when you didn’t even spare a glance at him, he exhaled deeply.
great, you thought, by doing nothing, i’ve annoyed him even further.
half an hour had passed, the elevator wasn’t working and your foot had fallen asleep.
ten minutes into your silence, heejun had just leaned back and closed his eyes.
you had no idea if he was sleeping or not, nor were you particularly willing to find out.
when the tingling feeling in your foot got too much, you sat down opposite of heejun.
he must’ve noticed, because his eyes opened momentarily to look at you before closing again.
the elevator was dead silent, even the sounds of your breathing seemingly muffled under all of your thoughts.
you really did want to make amends with heejun -- after all, he didn’t like you because of an accident.
you also still felt really bad for breaking someone’s leg.
he just assured you that he didn’t want to bite your head off, so he couldn’t dislike you that much, could he?
“how’s your leg doing..?” you asked after contemplating.
heejun opened his eyes again, looking at you with a raised brow as if he was saying ‘really?’
when he didn’t answer you hung your head.
“it’s healing.” he mumbled after a minute or two. “i’ll be off the brace in a week or two.”
you nodded, a rush of relief fanning you.
“i’m... really sorry about that.”
“i know.”
the elevator went silent again, your hands fiddling with the hem of your shirt.
“you know, if the situation was different, i wouldn’t be so... off with you for breaking my leg.”
you blinked.
“... what?”
heejun sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “the week you broke my leg was when i was going to participate in a soccer tournament, a really big one. the prize for winning was a lot of money and i was set on buying plane tickets for my parents so they could travel for their anniversary.”
you frowned. now you felt even worse after hearing that.
“my team did end up winning, but it wasn’t really the same. i still got prize money, but it was dissatisfying considering i hadn’t done anything to earn it.
if you had broken my leg even the week after, i would’ve been okay.”
you pursed your lips.
how were you even supposed to respond to that?
‘sorry, i’ll try harder with my timing next time.’
like ???
before you could even mutter another word, the elevator shook, making a loud groan as it pulled back into motion.
it only took a few seconds to reach the twelfth floor, and before you could even blink heejun was already on his feet and limping out the door.
you quickly got out of the elevator before it could close, wanting to rush over to apologize again, but heejun was surprisingly quick and disappeared behind his door.
after that moment in the elevator, heejun kind of just didn’t bother with you.
he no longer sent irritated glares your way, no longer bumped into you in the hallway -- he even held the elevator doors open for you when you were running late.
(usually, he’d just let the doors close.)
the sudden change, to you, was odd.
you had gotten so used to his vexation toward you, so his abrupt neutrality about you was weird.
he even smiled at you when he locked eyes with you in the building’s foyer.
in all honestly, that smile did things to you.
he looked sweet, even though his smile was brief.
your first thought was how soft he looked.
why had that simple smile made your heart race?
that’s when you noticed it,
you saw him more often, he would venture in and out of his apartment and random times, more often than he did before.
you saw him, occasionally, in the foyer with his friends (the ones who were with him when you broke his leg) laughing and talking excitedly.
even his laugh was nice to hear.
it was cute, how it was loud and clear before he would suddenly take in a breath (a bit comically, yes, but still cute.)
once, he even saw you looking at him.
when he met your eyes, he looked even flustered for a moment before regaining his composure and smiling at you, his hand lifting to wave slightly.
his sudden attention on you made his friends turn, all of them looking surprised to see you.
“ah, you’re the one who broke his leg!” one of them exclaimed in amusement. “we’ve heard a--”
before he could continue, heejun lunged over the table that had separated them to cover his friend’s mouth.
holding back a laugh, you continued your way to your loft.
nothing on earth could’ve prepared you for the next time you saw heejun. absolutely nothing.
along with the new year came an insane cold. it was freezing every single day after the year changed.
even with your heater on and even when you were buried under blankets and layers upon layers of clothes, the cold still managed to creep in and hug you in its frigid embrace.
needless to say, you were suffering in the first week of the new year.
to make it better, the heater had broken, something you discovered quite quickly after coming home.
your entire loft was so cold, it would be warmer to just sleep in the hallway. 
even though the heaters were weak as hell out there, it’d still be warmer than your apartment.
you called maintenance, but you were told that they’d only be able to come in and repair the heater at 8:30 the next morning -- numerous other tenants had complained about broken heaters and the team was swamped in repairs.
shivering, you locked your door, as you crept out into the hallway.
you didn’t seriously want to stay out there, but where else could you go?
all of your friends lived miles away, on the other side of town, and you didn’t have a car nor did you want to take a bus just to be warm.
after a few moments of hopping back and forth, thinking of what you could do, the elevator dinged.
you paid no mind to it, too focused on your internal struggle.
“did you lock yourself out?” a familiar voice asked, sounding equally amused and concerned.
when you looked over your shoulder, you hadn’t expected to see heejun.
shaking your head, you raised your keys. “no,” you clarified, “my heater broke and it’s not getting fixed until 8:30.”
heejun’s brows raised, his eyes drifting down to his phone to check the time.
“so, what’re you going to do for the next ten hours and fifteen minutes?”
you sighed with a shrug.
heejun nodded, before fumbling with his own keys.
“you could... stay at my place. my heater’s fine.”
the moment he finished his sentence, heejun seemed to realize what he had just asked and flushed.
“you don’t have to if you don’t want to,” he rushed, “you’re probably still uncomfortable with me--”
“i would rather stay with you than in the hallway, heejun.”
your wording only made him more flustered, a nervous chuckle escaping his throat. “okay just,” he glanced at your door, “pack whatever you need and come over when you’re done.”
you couldn’t even respond before he was rushing inside his apartment
his behaviour made you laugh, a smile etching itself onto your features.
you thought it was endearing, how his cheeks bloomed a rosy pink and how he tried to laugh off his embarrassment.
listening to his words, you packed the essentials in a small bag before heading over to heejun’s.
when you got there, he was sitting on his couch, his sleeves rolled up as he tuned his guitar.
the sight made you smile slightly, without even realizing it.
he looked so in his element, even just performing a simple act.
the air around him was calm, unlike the usual upbeat aura he exuded throughout the day
so this is the singer i hear at night.
“ah, you’re here,” he piped after noticing you in the doorway, his hands quick to put the instrument away.
standing up, he walked over to you, his back straighter than normal.
“you can sleep in the master,” he told you, “i’ll just sleep on the couch.”
you raised a brow, “you don’t have a guest room or anything?”
looking around, you noted that his loft was pretty identical to yours, aside from decor and furniture placement, and you had a guest room (that was never used.)
heejun chuckled, boring into your eyes as he explained. “i kind of turned it into a recording studio.”
your eyes widened, an impressed expression painting itself across your face. “you record?”
heejun only nodded, before guiding you to the master.
“this is it,” he announced, pushing the door open.
the room was simple, slightly messy but not horribly so.
heejun lingered for a moment, his eyes glancing over to you, before he excused himself.
“it’s late,” he commented, “so sleep soon.” with that, he left.
you sighed, the warmth of the room relaxing you. it appeared as though his heater was much more effective than yours was, before it broke anyway.
after changing and brushing your teeth, you climbed onto the bed.
you noticed a stuffed bear on the other side of the bed, smiling at the sight of it before propping it up against the other pillows.
surprising to no one, the room smelled like heejun.
you tried to sleep, tired from the day’s activities, but for some reason you couldn’t.
then, you heard it.
the gentle strumming of his guitar, the soft hums.
you recognized the tune right away -- he often played it. (you’ve fallen asleep to it numerous times.)
when he began to sing, his voice lower than usual, probably trying to keep his voice down, you found yourself drifting off to sleep faster than you’ve ever before.
even in a different room, you felt closer and the blissful notes swayed under the door and into the master bedroom effortlessly, lulling you to sleep.
a few hours later, you heard footsteps.
at first, you were alarmed, forgetting about your environment.
then, after realizing you weren’t in your apartment but in heejun’s, you relaxed.
you could hear the sink running and glasses clinking, but sun hadn’t begun to poor in through the windows yet.
rolling over, you checked your phone, squinting at the blinding light that emitted from it.
‘03:49 AM’
what was he doing up so early?
shrugging it off, you tried to fall asleep.
however, the door opened suddenly, making you jump.
to your surprise, a sleepy, half-asleep looking heejun came bumbling into the room, his eyes shut as he dragged his feet to the bed
“... heejun ..?”
he seemingly didn’t hear you, plopping onto the bed without a word
you stared wide eyed at his relaxed face, his arms lazily pulling the blanket over himself.
was he... sleepwalking?
did he not even realize that he had just gotten into bed with you?
you were mentally freaking out, unsure of what to do, when -- to make it better -- heejun suddenly reached out.
he pulled you close, up against his chest and his face buried itself in the crook of your neck
you let out an indescribable noise, your hands clenching in shock
w h a t
gently, you tried to pry his arms away without waking up, but to no avail.
what do you even do when you’re suddenly ‘cuddling’ with the cute boy next door?
realizing that you weren’t getting out of his embrace anytime soon, you stopped struggling
you sighed, at least trying to shift away
needless to say, that didn’t work.
“heejun,” you whispered, poking his cheek
he didn’t answer.
that only seemed to make things ‘worse’ as he brought you even closer.
somewhere along the line, you fell asleep
you woke up earlier than heejun in the morning, streams of light flowing into the room, effectively waking you up.
you were still very close to heejun.
instead of trying to get away, your still tired state decided to ogle at him.
to anyone with eyes, it was obvious that oh heejun wasn’t anything short of breathtaking.
even now, in the morning, he still managed to look good.
his hair, though ruffled and messy, looked like perfection on him, out of his face.
“you look cute, checking me out in the morning.”
your eyes widened when you realized heejun had been awake.
and he caught you
checking him out.
you would’ve loved it if the world had swallowed you up right then and there, wanting to just disappear.
“i wasn’t...” you trailed off, knowing it’d be useless to argue when you really were just checking him out.
heejun chuckled, a lot more laid back than he was before. “you’re warm,” he commented.
he pulled himself away from you, though he made no movement to get out of bed, continuing to just look at you.
“what’re you looking at?”
“obviously, but why?”
“you were looking at me,” he shrugged, as much as he could in his position, “so i get to look at you.” he gave you a cheeky grin.
you rolled your eyes.
“i don’t even know your name.”
you blinked, furrowing your brows. he didn’t?
“it’s not everyday i cuddle with someone i don’t even know the name of, you know.”
you laughed, “i could say the same. it’s [Y/N], though.”
he nodded, repeating your name a few times. “it’s nice.”
it was silent.
if someone told you, five months ago, that you’d be sleeping in the same bed as oh heejun, you would’ve laughed in their face.
back then, heejun made it quite clear that he didn’t like you after what had happened.
but then, somewhere along the way, he warmed up to you.
he forgave you.
you changed too, after that night in the elevator your view on oh heejun as a person changed.
he wasn’t this person who hated you anymore.
but then...
who was he to you?
as you lay in bed side by side, merely looking at one another, you let yourself smile.
you could find that out later.
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imagineyourselfkpop · 7 years
Filme de Terror com Oh Heejun pt. 1
Então vamos lá.
Você é uma garota de ensino médio normal.
Mesmo que você tenha um grupo de amigas, nenhuma delas gosta de filme de terror, o que a fazia se sentir um pouco sozinha nesse quesito.
Havia acabado de sair uma nova adaptação de um filme clássico. Como qualquer amante do gênero, você comprou a pré-estreia assim que abriu.
Era 00:00 a sessão e lá estava você, 5 minutos antes do filme começar.
A sessão estava bem cheia, o que era de se esperar já que o filme estava sendo aguardado ansiosamente por todos os amantes de terror
Você estava lá, de boas, com sua pipoca grande, refri médio e um saco de bala em forma de minhoca.
O assento ao lado do seu estava vazio e, como todo mundo, você torcia para que ninguém se sentasse ali. Mesmo que estivesse acostumada com os sustos, ainda os tomava.
Foi quando um garoto subiu as escadas tremendo, com a pipoca caindo do saco a cada passo que dava.
Okay, ele era meio… estranho. O cabelo era de um tom artificial de castanho e um pouco mais longo que o normal, repartido ao meio. O tom de sua pele era levemente mais bronzeada e parecia ser feita de algodão, como a de um boneco. Ele era muito mais alto que você, talvez na faixa de 1,80cm, corpo magro e forte, como o de um modelo. Mas, o que mais assustava eram seus olhos, muito abertos e arregalados.
Tá, ele era sim bonitinho… talvez muito… mas era uma beleza diferente do normal.
Ele caminhou até sua fileira e se sentou ao seu lado, arrumando a pipoca jumbo no colo e o refri grande no porta-copos.
Você o encarou até ele se sentar, achando estranho alguém bonito como ele desacompanhado como você.
Você conseguiu perceber que ele te encarava pelo canto do olho.
A luminosidade da sala diminuiu, indicando que o filme estava prestes a começar.
“Ai, Jesus” ele disse, se assustando com o simples fato da luz estar mais escura.
Você permaneceu com sua cara neutra, mas por dentro se matava de rir. A criatura se assustou com a luz.
Os trailers começaram a passar na grande tela. Você percebeu que o garoto não parava de ficar mexendo a perna, como se estivesse ansioso.
“Você está bem?” perguntou a ele
“O que? Oi?” ele estava tão absorto em sua ansiedade que demorou para te entender “Ah, sim. Um… pouco” ofereceu um sorriso
Seu sorriso era meio quadrado e gengival. Definitivamente muito fofo.
“Sabe, eu não gosto de filme de terror”
“Então por que você veio assistir um?” okay, você soou meio grossa, mas a atitude dele realmente não fazia sentido.
“Perdi uma aposta com meus amigos e essa foi a punição” explicou “E você Por que veio sozinha?”
“Minhas amigas não gostam de filme de terror e eu não perderia essa estreia nem ferrando”
Ele riu um pouco do seu comentário “Meu nome é Oh Heejun, a propósito”
“O meu é…”
Você ia terminar de falar seu nome, mas parou quando a sala ficou completamente escura. Quando isso acorreu, Heejun, por impulso, segurou sua mão com força.
É nesse momento que você agradece pela sala estar escura e ele não conseguir ver o quanto suas bochechas estavam vermelhas.
“Desculpe” Ele te soltou
“Tudo bem” você respondeu
Só por isso você já deveria enfiar a mão no bolso e nunca mais a tirar de lá, mas você insistiu em deixá-la no mesmo local.
99% porque poderia parecer meio rude tirá-la
1% porque você gostou dele
Não era uma crush ou algo do tipo, era apenas um interesse.
O filme seguiu.
Houve vários estágios da evolução do medo de Oh Heejun.
Quando o filme começou, ele estava demasiado calmo. Quando havia um som alto ou um corte brusco de câmera ele se encolhia na cadeira e dava pequenos pulos.
Quanto mais o clima ficava pesado, mais medroso ele ficava. Começou a enfiar mãos cheias de pipoca na boca de uma só vez e dar goles infinitos no refri.
Você perdeu 50% da audição no primeiro susto real do filme. Ele gritou tão alto que você se assustou mais com ele do que com o próprio demônio.
Mas não foi um grito másculo de um homem de 1,80cm. Foi um grito fino, como o de uma criança.
“Hm… você pode me dar sua mão?” Ele te pediu, com a voz trêmula e os olhos mais arregalados que o normal.
Ah meu filho, posso te dar minha mão, pé e coração se quiser
Assim que você assentiu, ele agarrou com força seu membro (~eu fiz isso de propósito rsrsr~)
O filme foi ficando cada vez mais tenso e ele ia apertando mais e mais forte a sua mão.
Quando o demônio apareceu de novo, ele literalmente JOGOU o refri dele para o alto
Graças a Deus a ansiedade dele o fez beber tudo antes disso acontecer, se não, agora, a fila da frente estaria ensopada.
Essa foi a gota d'água. Você começou a rir desesperadamente, mesmo que o clima não estivesse tão propenso
Percebendo a sua besteira, ele começou a rir baixinho junto de você
Vocês só pararam de rir pois o FUCKING MONSTRO BROTOU na tela logo em seguida, fazendo ambos pularem do assento, gritarem e…
Se agarrarem
Beleza, agora vocês dois estavam de mãos dadas e com os rostos bem próximos. Tão próximos que você conseguia sentir sua respiração em sua face
Você se ajeitou novamente no assento (sem tirar a mão dele, óbvio) rindo um pouco por causa do susto que levou e a situação
O filme só ficava mais tenso e mais assustador, a um ponto que Heejun nem se importava mais se você era uma pessoa desconhecida aleatória, ele apenas abraçava seu braço e escondia a cabeça entre as pernas.
Toda a situação era muito fofa.
Quer dizer, o menino tinha 1,80 de altura, era quase um prédio e estava ali se escondendo por causa de um filme bobo
Talvez nem tão bobo. Vamos lembrar que você também estava morrendo de medo.
Quando chegou no climax do terror, você também parou de se importar com o fato dele ser um total estranho aleatório. Até porque você nunca mais veria ele na vida provavelmente, então que mal tinha, não é mesmo?
Vocês dois estavam literalmente agarrados. Quem visse a situação, acharia que ambos eram melhores amigos que tinham um alto nível de intimidade.
Quando os créditos começaram a passar na tela e as luzes acenderem, você se sentiu aliviada e feliz por causa do filme, que era ótimo, mas triste porque era hora de dar tchau.
“Wah, que filmasso!” você deixou escapar “Você gostou?” perguntou a ele, virando a cabeça para ver seu rosto.
Foi então que você percebeu que ele era realmente MUITO lindo.
Oh Heejun segurava, em seu rosto, um sorriso sincero. Não aquele sorriso pervertido de um cara ruim, mas um sorriso fofo de uma… criança.
Era isso com que ele se parecia, com uma criança.
De 1,80 mas deixa quieto.
Ele assentiu gentilmente com a cabeça “Foi bem… assustador! Talvez eu não durma por uma semana, mas, mesmo assim, eu gostei!”
Você recebeu uma mensagem do seu pai dizendo que já estava na frente do shopping te esperando. Como você queria que ele demorasse mais.
“Desculpe, mas meu pai já está aqui e eu preciso ir. Foi um prazer de conhecer, Oh Heejun!” você disse enquanto se levantava.
Era para você ter decido a escada, saído pelas portas da frente, entrado no carro e ido dormir, mas isso não aconteceu.
Pois, na mesma hora, Heejun agarrou seu pulso e te impediu de fugir.
“Ei, espere” Ele disse, você se virou e o encarou timidamente. Heejun soltou seu pulso ao perceber que tinha parecido rude “Você me ajudou a não ter um ataque cardíaco… eu queria poder te recompensar algum dia. Sabe, com um café, sei lá”
“Me dê seu celular” você pediu.
Você anotou seu número ali, junto do seu nome “Aqui está” você o entregou “… e eu prefiro sorvete a café”
Com uma piscadinha marota, você desceu as escadas em passos rápidos
“Eu te ligo!” Ele gritou lá de cima
“Aguardarei sua ligação, Oh Heejun!” Você gritou lá de baixo.
Ao entrar no carro seu pai perguntou como que tinha sido o filme
“Pai, foi o melhor filme de todos” você respondeu, contendo um sorriso.
Mds esse foi o primeiro imagine que eu escrevi pra esse site que emoção!!
Pt 2 será mais fofa, acreditem!
Bjs pra Letinha s2
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