#oh how i miss his flowers qwq
sorienn · 6 months
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bamby and his flowers!!!!! i miss them so much !!!!!
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Yan!Pantalone with fem childhood friend reader-
Sooooo this is actually my fave for me to write ( except that I write a lot of possibilities in the future with this but here goes one of my many thoughts)
What if, reader was there with Pantalone during their hard time as the 'mature figure' aka sister despite yourself in need of mature figure too. Taking care of him, always giving him the better options in food or clothes. Pantalone would remember how you'd always wrapped him with the blankets despite how you trembled from the weather (aight lets see what you got for us in the future after all the bs we've done for you snitch) But good times (not so good but) don't last long right? Especially with reader being famous for her bad lucks and stuffs. Basically, reader was trafficked, leaving Pantalone all alone. Reader knew they were in danger and just a day before this happened, reader shoo Pantalone away, asking him to look for a flower for her (which is super random, idk if he's willing or not, honestly up to you but he still did it anyway). Imagine the horror returning to his 'home' only find a blood trails that ended in the middle of the road. You were nowhere to be seen at all.
Time skip and here's one of the possibilities i really want to see you write it out QwQ
So what if Pantalone was striking a deal with a dude at a beauty house, one that could only be entered by the upper class people. Pantalone hated being there, he just hated how it made him look 'nasty' and he for sure didn't want you to see him like this (lol sike) Just when they were conversing with each other, you came to them, offering them drinks. Pantalone was about to shoo you away again like how he did to others but hell he didn't know how to feel about meeting you in a beauty house.
Obviously he's all sparked in joy to be able to see you again after years of searching for you but he's also internally panicking about his image now. Would you still acknowledge him after this? (Yup, overthinking at its finest but i'd like to pinpoint this as the main problem in his head)
So yada yada yada (up to you) at first reader had a hard time remembering him but after lots of thing and the mention of flower, reader remembered about him.
Soooo,it's a happy ending now right? *yeets* nope we wrote the yan tag for reasons
What happened to you? Oh he's punished people he suspected to be your captors, even the innocents are not safe from his overthinking (idk wht but u get it).
What about the people in the beauty house? Who touched you intimately? Oh how there'd be lots of people missing and dying in a short period of time after all of this.
Not even the people who watched you dance are free from his 'punishments'. Not dead but still, 'punished'.
Oh? The beauty house owner didn't want to 'sell' you to him? Fine he could do it the hard way. What happened to the beauty house? Its business slowly dropped down. Still holding tightly to you? Fine have this blow, a fire burnt down half of the beauty house. He was careful not to burn the area around your room, making sure you'd be able to run away just in time from the fire.
Right, what? The owner still held you tightly as one of his source of income? Fine, bye bye then. Tbh he had a love and hate relationship to its owner, on one hand he knew the owner took good care of everyone, protecting them from all those shady men and ensuring you're still alive up until for him to meet you. But why would he let you work not only as a dancer but also a 'bed warmer'? He didn't care the fact that it's your own willingness.
Either way, he didn't feel any guilt at all. He tried to end things peacefully but it just so happened that the man thought of him as a shady man. What a shame.
Welp, what matter now is that you're here with him now! Althoughhh that didn't mean his overthinking traits ended already. Welp, idk what happened next
Thank you for listening to my long ass ramblings too
*peaces out*
yandere! Pantalone x Childhood friend! AE! Reader
Usual tags, except this one has uh potential gore(?), sexual themes(ain't a yandere without a bit of it), power harassment, drug use, Minors do NOT interact. (Ps, tell me what tags I'm missing) yo this is 3.3 k worth of words.
A Durak's little miss fortune
"Oh bubbles, what have you done? Opening a very interesting plot like that and almost little to no restrictions? I live for it. I hope you aren't too concerned about what fate has for this little flower. " - Scribe
Shadows lengthen, dim streets darken. To most people crept back under their sheets, yet here he is. The man with the very definition of wealth weighed in his name. Sat on a chair of their booked room in the 'beauty house', honestly speaking; he could care less about the establishment that fattens decadence at the lap of luxury. But with his imperial image on the line, or someone's head will roll.
Avoiding eye contact with the wretched woman on stage of the velvet room, body bending and twirling in odd angles, giving an eyeful of imagination to her viewers. As if it is no big deal for her being gawked at.
"Yes, that is our proposition for you, Lord Harbinger Pantalone." Said the rotundan before looking over to the service lady dressed in rather obscene clothing.
"Thirsty, my good sirs?" The 9th Harbinger huffed, waving his hand at the girl attending them.
"How many times do we have to tell you, we don't need-...any… thing…" With an irked voice slightly raised. Stopped midway once he saw the placid woman before him, offering beverages on a stainless steel tray.
"Understood, good sirs. I shall notify my other sisters at once." The once gentle and loving look he misses so much now turned stone cold, bowing before being dismissed. So many questions raced in his mind, why are you here? How? For how long? Wait you're here, you must be disgusted at why he's here instead of finding you.
Pantalone was about to call out to apologise but he's in a meeting and you already disappeared in the sea of people. Sadness stung in his iced heart, yet he dared not show it. Especially when this fatso is in front of him.
"Fancy her, Lord Harbinger?" The well off man asked, curiously. "Can't blame you, Lord Harbinger. Everyone calls her Fortune, she usually sings and dances on stage around the weekends." Oh, he knows what this gross pig wants. Getting on his good side to make the deal a lot easier, unfortunately for him. It merely soured his mood, no one should talk like that to an angel like you. And he means NO ONE.
Next thing he knew, he's at home. Thrashing some of the documents all the clues about his missing half, you. His seething rage would not go unnoticed as he thought of all the sickening situations that they have done to you to make you so submissive bending to the whims of those lowly men. Of how many times you've cried to have someone save you in your predicament, scared and alone.
That last memory he has of that consequential moment into his mind. The pile of rubble that is their home, made from bits and bobs that they happen to come across. Makeshift door broken, an undeniable red stain leading nowhere, followed by claw marks against the dirt and snow. It still haunts him, the day his only warmth in this cruel world is taken away so easily. If he hadn't gone to take that flower instead you would have been at his side… Then again, because of that flower he was able to be acquainted with people, make connections. Almost like you gave him your remaining luck.
"My lord, we have a copy of Orlestine's account book!" An agent reported to him from the door. Orlestine, a wealthy name that holds the yoke of servitude.
" Enter, and leave it on the table" the employee did as they were told. "And one more thing… make sure to keep tabs on her." Added the bifocal man.
"Understood, Lord Harbinger." Leaving the pride of the northland bank alone. Just like the others in his life, but not this time. Not when he has found his other half.
"Soon… I'll make those dastards pay a hundred- no, over millions of times with what they've done with you." His rage knew no bounds as he recalled all the terrible things he told you before you were whisked away from that dumpster fire of a shelter.
"You're a terrible cuddler… " normally you would laugh at his cold affection. He notices your arms wrapping around him, pulling him closer to you.
"Maybe I am, but that doesn't stop me." Your voice trembled as you put your chin on top of his head.
"Always helping that girl at the church… She doesn't even help you." The pretty-eyed boy mumbled, noticing your body has a hint of perfume. He wasn't a fool, he knew that the church girl was taking advantage of your kindness.
" It's not always about getting help." Only you would smile, he hates it. How his chest ached and yearned to be with you, the only gold hearted person he knew.
" You're just going to get hurt." Not knowing of the danger that had instored for the next day, shivered slightly when he felt the draft from one corner.
" Even so, I just wanted to help. " You hugged him more, he could see the warm breath against the chilly wind." Do you want me to sing? " Noticing it's growing late, and knowing his fondness of your melody.
" No way, you sound so terrible." He wanted to bite his tongue at the moment, but he didn't want to sleep. He's scared, and doesn't know what the reason was.
" Alright, alright, I hear you. Rest up, I need you to go get something for me tomorrow morning. It's really important." Soot stained face pouted, looking up at you when he heard that.
" Ha? Didn't you hear what that guy said about a snowstorm tomorrow?" You laughed a bit before rubbing your cold fingers on his cheek trying to get the ash off.
"Please, it's important. " With how soft your voice was, he knew you really needed it. But for what?
" Pah, go find someone else to do that. " Again, he wants to beat himself up for being such an asshole.
" Oh, alright." You merely sighed and kissed his head. For being an understanding person just doesn't sit right with him.
" You're really annoying, you know?" Murmured, leaning his head on your chest. He truly despised the situation they're in.
" Yeah, yeah, just sleep you little munchkin." Pinching his cheek to get a reaction out of him and laugh.
And that was the last conversation he had with you, he wanted to say something different at the time. Still his own mouth betrayed him, barred from showing his own feelings to her. Compared to you, always wearing your heart on your sleeve, a faint light that shines even the darkest and coldest of places.
"Count Kintis." Pantalone threw a knife at a picture on the wall, riddled with red strings. He needed to act fast before his beloved had gone too deep in this little hell of milk and honey.
He wanted to confront you about it first. Going back would be a good start, he had booked a private room and requested you specifically. But got denied at a certain time since she's taken at that hour, he had no choice but to change the meeting a bit before seeing you.
Once Pantalone sat back down in the sinful establishment. He could only imagine what other torturous things they'll do to you. Snapping out of his thoughts when he heard a strikingly familiar voice
" If you had prepared twenty years ago// You wouldn't be a-wanderin' now from door to door//"
Honeyed voice rang in the faintly lit room, looking up to the stage where you stood. Dressed in a shimmery red tight fitting apparel accompanying a person with a piano. Men started to stare, undressing you with their gaze. It's sickening, all he could think of is; how DARE they dirtied your image. The sweetest and pure girl he used to know, reduced to such depravity all because of his mistake all those years ago..
He adores your soft voice that sings to him at night easing his worries. Bringing warmth despite the howling winds. Is the song dedicated to him abandoning you? Is this how you've felt when you wait daily to see if anyone would miss or even save you? He's certain of it… no doubt you have to be rescued.
After the stage, a roar of claps erupted from the audience followed by whistles. Which only further summons his ire. He attempted to follow the songstress to her dressing room for a little chat. But was stopped because some man decided to talk to you, so he had to step in.
"I've been looking all over for you." Pantalone put his hand on your shoulder.
"Oh- uhm.. sir." He hates to admit it, but seeing you a bit flustered is adorable but that's not the point!
"Eh? Do you know him, fortune?" The man seemed displeased with how well dressed and intimate he is with you.
" Yeah, he's my next customer." You bluffed, but that is the truth. The Regrator did book you.
His eerie smile directed at the harasser who seemed to get the message about what might go down, and left. Keeping a mental note on that fellow.
A heavy sigh of relief washed over her. "Thank you, kind sir." Now there's that smile he loves to see. You must be really scared to be here, which is why he's here to scoop you up and pay your debt off.
"It was no problem at all, darling." Despite their age being so close, he had grown taller thanks to your help.
"But I do want to talk to you if that is okay with you. It will only take a few moments of your time." He had practised and prepared for this moment of his life, yet his hands were shaking. Not out of excitement, but with fear.
" Of course." Normally you'd be happy helping someone.
" Excellent, is your name ____?" Asking, no need to be hasty, he needs every little and single detail burned into his mind.
You answered, and everytime he asked another. He was so sure you're that girl he met all those ages ago when he was just a pauper with no mora to his name. The conversation started to circle once there were answers that didn't match up or didn't satisfy him, but paraphrasing the first questions. Growing weary of this, he pulled out a pristine flower and showed it to you.
"You know, a poor friend of mine left me this one pitiful morning. She made me fetch a pathetic flower in hopes to ditch me and have a perfect life without me. She would always sing me these strange songs where twin black stars twinkle in the night to guide damnable souls like mine." Pantalone lied in order to get something out of you, noticing your distressed look. He stopped with his relentless questionnaires.
His face softened once tears started to roll down your visage, ruining your makeup.
"Little munchkin… ?" Using the nickname that you gave him, her hand on her head. It felt like it's going to split.
Gloved hand tried to touch your cheek "Oh, my angel-." But another voice called out to you, seeing you flinched at the sound and quickly put up a façade that everything's fine.
"Fortune… " The older looking gentleman came over to calm you down. Saying something before looking at Pantalone as if he had done something wrong.
He got kicked out of the building. For the first time, he was denied something by a mere commoner. But it won't be the first time he'll be persistent on getting what he wants.
He'll start negotiating, from time to time out of mercy. It would have worked if that old wind bag would just let him speak to you. No one would even look at him or even tell him to come back next time. It's insulting that they're treating him like he's the same beggar before he rose to power!
So he stopped going and began his next phase, fine if they didn't want to talk to them it'll be their own damn fault if ruin comes to them.
Sending some fatui agents around the area to keep tabs. One has reported that you kept singing your heart out of sorrow by yourself in the middle of the night. A tune that would always lull him to slumber… That quelled the voices in his mind that it's a plea for help. But first he has to feed the ever so ravenous knowledge seeker.
Your poor admirers met an 'accidental' demise one by one.. Others met a swift and painless death, another ended with accidents, some went missing, framed and tried in court. Though, he had kept a select few in a pen that ultimately disgust him. First when they devoured the rotting flesh of their leftover livestock. Still hungry, they turned upon themselves. All the while Pantalone watched from afar in the comfort of his opulent home.
Then there's that one time where someone had bumped onto you, they too weren't spared. Especially that girl with a jaded expression. One that threatened to sue you in court for causing her husband's infidelity.
From days to months, the old crod of the accursed métier finally made his move. The stygian haired man found one of the batch being transported, the one that didn't have you in it.
"I gave you numerous warnings and signs, gaffer. Give my little angel back." Pantalone hissed with a sinister smile. He may be merciful to some degree, but there is a limit to his thinning patience with stubborn people.
"Over my dead body, Regrator! First, you harassed my child then proceeded to corner me to a wall. You're nothing but a coward hiding behind that pile of money of yours!" The bald man goaded, using his arms to imitate a shield the girls. It effectively summoned the heavy coated man's indignation.
"Sir, if I may." One agent talks.
"Permission to speak, granted. Be quick about it." He knows this agent would take pity on the old man.
"Thank you, how about a little gamble? A game of Durak." They suggested it, making the banker hum in curiosity.
Durak, a traditional game where the goal is to have an empty hand. Rather odd for the agent to suggest this, since this is one of the things that got him to where he is today..
"What do you say, josser?" The shaven head man looked at the girls and thought this'll be a trap. But what other choice does he have?
With the game set, cards from the beauty owner provided a bit of an advantage on his part..
The first round goes to the owner, then the next, and the next until the fourth when Pantalone had started to catch up. Comparing the two is like calling a zucchini a cucumber.
"l, won." With such triumph, not once did he open his eyes as the defeated player collapsed to his knees, salty tears leaked out of his eyeballs. Pleading the girls to let go as they have nothing to do with this.
"Please, Lord Harbinger, have a heart and leave my children alone!" Cried the loser, begging for the 9th's mercy at his feet after his inevitable defeat at the game of Durak. It was only a matter of time..
" 'Have a heart', you say? Well, I can arrange that." The young man smiled lightly like normal but to the old man that didn't want to hand over any of his girls or 'children' rather, felt the foreboding deal he verbally struck. The girls behind him huddled together, paled at the implications that come with it.
"Oh, he's going to love this patient." Laughed the Regrator as the agents took hold of the caretaker who was thrashing around. He had a plan for the other girls to be sent away, not bothering them… but did send a few other girls to be closely inspected by the doctor for 'analysis'.
"Tell him to take his sweet time with the others." Waving his hands away at the agents that rallied the girls in separate binds, their wails and pleas go unheard by them as they are being pulled to go under the scalpel.
"Lord Harbinger! We have uncovered the girl!" Reported another that just arrived. And now the real fun begins.
Back at his home there you are, resisting Pantalone's kindness when he's trying to be patient with you. Each time returning with a gift covered in gilt. And declined once again. He's just as ruthless as he is merciful to you.
" If you love that vulgar job so much, then I'll be obliged to satisfy you in your needs…"
" Oh, come on… you could do better than that.."
"Look at you… So filthy, whoring yourself out like that...I can't believe you were manipulated into agreeing with those dunces."
Whispering those into your ear as you were chained and gagged to the bed. "My lovely, little angel, don't worry. I'll take good care of you this time. Don't give me that talk about being selfless, they're abusing it…" he ran his fingers through your hair.
" Be a good little munchkin for me instead, sing all those songs when we're young…" it's probably best for you to do as he says.
You had become his security blanket, the only thing besides money that can brighten his day. It's not complete if he didn't wrap your body up in a blanket and cuddle you.
If you did return his feelings, perhaps he'll let you out of the chains occasionally. That goes for accepting gifts from him. You must welcome it with open arms and display it upon your body for him to see. Only you would see that genuine smile on that face when he brushed your hair.
The obsession in his eyes grew darker with time. Mumbling how you don't need to lift a finger anymore for anyone. Just let him be the brains for both of you, and you just sit pretty like a doll for him.
Even after that there is one fear that hasn't been quelled within him. What if you found a way to revolt? What would he do to satiate your needs?
Thinking back, that flower you gave him had allowed him to befriend an alchemist, a pill was given after he shared his sob story.
"Fret not friend, for this is the solution you seek of.. have your friend consume it and then she is all yours until death."
Oh, to use or not to use. It all depends on how you behave, either comply willingly or comply forcefully. Either way, he doesn't want to hurt you. But if it's the betterment to get you to stay in his arms, he doesn't seem to have a reason to be guilty about.
"Dear… open your mouth." You didn't as he tried to push the pill in your lips, hands tried to push him away but felt weak since you tried to boycott by not eating.
"It's for your own good, you'll feel better once you eat it… EAT IT. " Pantalone threatens his darling angel to open her mouth by squeezing her cheeks, tossing the pill in your lips before kissing your lips to force the petite maiden to submission.
Moans escaped your mouth as hands gripped on his back, panting as your body felt sweaty. A black pill like size appeared on your ear. Whispering temptations into your ear and slowly bending to the greedy will of his.
Continuing his kisses down to your collar bone, giving love marks all over your body. For some odd reason it felt warm, light touches are enough to make your vision spin around.
"Ha..! Please… " Some drool dribbled down your chin. Your hands looped over his head pulling him closer to your chest.
"Mm, of course my little angel. Anything for you. Go on. Sing my little angel! "
For some odd reason I feel quite unsatisfied with this. Or am I just being too harsh?
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friedfriedchicken · 1 year
Can i politely request some flower language (European or Hanakotoba) for Dinobot? (Code of Hero, my beloved...)
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In Victorian Flower language, white camellias represent admiration, respect, and perfection so they've had history with being used at weddings and funerals. Pink camellias symbolize longing for someone. It can be used both platonically and romantically and can be sent to someone to say "I miss you." Red and yellow camellias represent passion and uniqueness respectively.
In Hanakotoba red camellias represent love and "perishing with grace" due to the fact that camellias lose their entire head when they wilt instead of one petal at a time. There's a term for that called ochitsubaki, translated as "fallen camellia", as samurai would avoid planting these flowers because of their style of wilting looking similar to how samurai would behead people during executions. Bad luck vibes there. Also yellow camellias represent longing in Hanakotoba and white camellias mean waiting!
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Victorian Flower Language assigns white lilies the concept of purity and is often associated with mothers. Orange lilies represent revenge and/or hatred while lilies of the valley represent sweetness and tiger lilies means wealth! Lilies also represents the soul of the dead returning to a peaceful place when present at a funeral. Pairing that up with Dinobot, especially considering how Code of Hero ends, feels super fitting to me. QwQ
Hanakotoba says that white lilies are a symbol of purity while red spider lilies symbolize final goodbyes (which is why you get a lot of them in anime and stuff lol). Other than that, lilies share most of their Hanakotoba meanings with its' Victorian meanings.
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For Victorian Flower Language, yellow zinnias equate to honoring and remembering someone daily because of its similarity to the sun. Red zinnias represent the heart, bonds, and eternal love (romantically or platonically!). Pink zinnias represent lasting friendships and love as well as love for one's father. As the trend continues, white zinnias mean pureness.
For Hanakotoba, I don't have much resources on zinnias besides the fact that they are a symbol of loyalty and faithfulness but that fits Dinobot anyways, especially with his arc in Code of Hero.
Scrambling around to gather up flower pictures felt like I was a busy little mouse in an old kid's story book hee hoo
ANYWAYS- thank you for the request and I hope you have fun with the flower info!
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multiplefandomsblog · 4 years
Hajime x reader x Nagito NSFW and SFW headcanons
request; omg could you please (of course, only if it isn’t a bother) do the polyamorous SFW and NSFW headcanons like you did for kokichi and Shuichi with Hajime and nagito? gn! or fem! reader, please 🛐
Warnings; unedited, minor spoilers, long af, polyamory, anggggsssst, fluff, the timeline is bullshit, voyeurism, praise kink, degradation kink, orgasm denial/edging, cock warming, BDSM, gn!reader, I tried making the reader’s parts gender-neutral, anal, fingering, hair pulling, cum eating, mentions of choking
Note; I feel like I made this more different compared to the Shuichi and kokichi one, but I still hope you enjoyed it nonetheless, thank you for requesting! (i also had so many more things to add, but it was becoming quite long so I had to hold back a bit qwq)
- mod chia
◊ TSUNDERE HAJIME AHHH- I’m so sorry, I just had to.
◊ But yes, Hajime is absolutely the cutest tsundere ever.
◊ It’s especially amusing when you and Nagito both gang up on him, kissing or cuddling him randomly just to see him flustered. You’d both randomly start being super affectionate towards him, turning him red. A thing you and Nagito would do is lean on both sides of his shoulders at the same time, or hug him from the back and front. Maybe some cheek kisses from both sides, he loves those but he won’t tell you that.
◊ I headcanon Hajime to be a protective boyfriend. If he ever found out someone had been rude to you or Nagito, he would throw hands. He is willing to beat up anyone for the two of you, you can’t talk him out of it.
◊ Hajime would get jealous easily, as a result of his insecurity about his talentlessness. If he ever saw an ultimate putting the moves on either of you, he’d probably get uncomfortable and try to pull you away or be extra affectionate.
◊ He gets kind of upset and envious of the ultimates Nagito praises, it makes him wonder if you and Nagito preferred someone else that had talent. So please assure him that he’s everything you both want and more, he needs the confidence and comfort.
◊ If he felt particularly insecure one day, you’d both sandwich him in a cuddle and tell him how important he meant to the both of you. He would refuse at first, saying that he was alright and all, but you two don’t fall for it.
◊ As you two are always there for him, he’s always there for you too.
◊ If he’s ever stressed during a class trial and you or Nagito’s stadium was next to his, he’d instinctually hold hands with either of you, feeling his nerves calm down a bit at the reassuring squeeze. 
◊ He has a sense for when you two are feeling upset, he always knows when something is up because he has a ton of experience himself. So he can recognize all the symptoms because he’s seen them in himself.
◊ Hajime somehow always knows the right thing to say and the best stuff to give to you when you’re feeling down in the dumps. He always reassures you that no matter what, your feelings are valid and that you can always come to him or Nagito when you aren’t feeling like yourself. 
◊ I headcanon that Nagito has some trouble detecting when something is wrong, I feel like he’d be too blinded by how amazing you two were that he’d overlook some symptoms of something wrong, brushing it off. He wouldn’t really think about the fact that you two could have issues in the first place, as a result of him viewing you so highly.
◊ Nagito is a great listener if you ever want to talk, and he will provide the warmest cuddles if you need them. He isn’t great at comforting you or advice, but he will whisper the sweetest things in your ear when you’re feeling insecure. 
◊ Nagito is a pretty thoughtful boyfriend, he remembers everything about the two of you(i.e. Favourite food, flowers, colour, material, etc.) though he can’t even remember to take care of himself. 
◊ He remembers all of the things his loves enjoy, and getting them for you two makes him extremely happy. He spoils you both rotten even though Hajime insists he doesn’t have to, but he does anyway.
◊ Nagito sometimes thinks he intrudes between the relationship with you and Hajime, he has thoughts of leaving the both of you because he thinks your relationship would be better without him. He’d see you two being adorable with each other, and think of how lucky he is to have you two.
◊ Almost too lucky. He worries that his presence in the relationship will somehow harm both of you, he’s convinced that something terrible will happen. So he’s constantly paranoid around the both of you. With everything good that occurs, something terrible follows; That’s his ultimate.
◊ In the early stages of your relationship with him, he’s pretty distant, always trying to edge himself out so you two could be happier together. But you two would notice his behaviour, asking him what was wrong. 
◊ As he explained, your hearts broke from his reason as you both smothered him with love. Hajime would aggressively love him, telling him he shouldn’t think that and that you both would be extremely upset if he had left. 
◊ He’d cry from the affection he’d receive from the two of you, feeling incredibly grateful for the both of you. After that, he’d stop being distant, realizing that he was just being selfish and hurting his loves. He’d realize that he had been doing the opposite of making you guys happy, and all he wants is for you two to be happy.
◊ I headcanon that Hajime and Nagito both have a teensy bit of trouble initiating kisses or contact, you’d have to initiate most of it. Hajime being too awkward and a tad shy, whereas Nagito doesn’t feel worthy of your touch.
◊ Buuuut, Hajime can and will initiate affection if you tease him to the point where he just wants to shut you guys up with his lips. He’d kabedon you guys and everything.
◊ Nagito’s favourite thing to do to you both is cooking and giving gifts. He loves acts of service because it makes him happy to know that he’s making you two happy from what he’s doing. If you let him cook or do anything for you, he’d be extremely happy. All he wants to do is to please the both of you.
◊ It’s cute seeing him dance around in his little apron while he cooks, it leads to one of those rare moments where Hajime initiates a back-hug. You’d join shortly after, not wanting to miss out on the cuddles. Nagito would be pretty surprised, but he’d let you two cling onto him as he kept on cooking with a wide smile on his face.
◊ A thing Hajime unconsciously does is hold your guys’ hands, he doesn’t want you two to wander off and him to lose you. It’s kind of a mom’s instinct.
◊ A thing you like to do is steal both of their clothes, wearing them around the house as if they were yours. The boys love seeing you in their clothes, their hearts just melt from how adorable you look. Hajime would flush and then question you for it,
◊ “Why are you wearing my clothes?” You clenched your hands around his material, bringing it tighter around your body. “Because it smells like you.” Hajime rolled his eyes but didn’t tell you to take it off, “Y-you’re such a perv.” He walked away, “But I’m your perv, right? Right, Hajime??” 
◊ Nagito would question you for it, but for different reasons. “Ah yes, of course, you still look stunning in my garbage hoodie. Speaking of, why are you wearing my trash clothing? I can buy you your own hoodie, you know.” He walked up to you, tugging at the hem of his hoodie you were wearing, “Do you want me to take it off?” You teasingly pouted as Nagito panicked, “N-no! I mean… If you’d like to, it’s your choice. But if you decide to keep it on, I wouldn’t be upset- Hell! I’d never be upse-” You shut him up with a bear hug, “Don’t worry, I’m not even wearing anything underneath this in the first place.” “Oh. Haha, wait wha-”
◊ I think Hajime secretly loves cockwarming but would never suggest it because he’s afraid you two might think it’s weird. During movies where one of you decide to sit on his lap, all he’s thinking of is sinking his dick inside either of you, walls squeezing around him comfortably.
◊ I headcanon Hajime to be a switch, it depends on his mood if he’d rather be a top or bottom. He goes along with you two are more comfortable with.
◊ I can imagine Hajime tied to the bedpost as you sink down on him, Nagito watching you both with his cock in his hand. Nagito joins after a while, Hajime looked so vulnerable, it’s alright if he’s selfish just this once right? He’d slip himself underneath Hajime, his dick sliding in Hajime’s ass as he cried out pleas and moans. 
◊ Hajime’s eyes would be rolling in the back of his head as you both bounced on and thrusted into him, the pleasure mind-numbing. He’d be drooling from the intense pleasure he received from the both of you, Nagito whispering praises on how good he felt around him whilst you lost your mind writhing and grinding against his dick. 
◊ I headcanon that Hajime wouldn’t really enjoy hardcore degradation, maybe some small stuff to make him submit, but any personal degrading turns him off.
◊ Now, I don’t think this is a popular opinion but, I can see Nagito getting off on degradation. You or Hajime could call him a slut, and he’d be cumming from words alone. He doesn’t really think about whether you truly feel that way about him, he goes into that mindset and he kind of forgets all of it, focusing solely on the pleasure he was giving to you two.
◊ Hajime likes being told he’s making you feel good, it reassures him that you’re actually enjoying it and it’ll get him to go harder and faster.
◊ When Hajime tops, I think Hajime wouldn’t really be a soft or hard dom, he’d just be in the sweet middle spot. He’d never go too far but he wouldn’t be too gentle with either of you. Ultimately, it depends on his mood. For example. If you both had provoked him beforehand to the point he was done, he would go feral and hard dom the shit out of you both, not even giving you a chance to breathe.
◊ It’s kind of hot when you see his face turn red and his neck pop a vein, but it’s even better when he starts releasing all that sexual frustration into you both.
◊ He’d have Nagito on his dick while Nagito sucked the life out of you. Nagito wouldn’t even have enough time to protest, Hajime would already have his tip teasing Nagito’s rim with Nagito’s head pushed down in between your thighs.
◊ He wouldn’t stop thrusting until he came, using you both for his pleasure and his pleasure only(kinda hot ngl). Even when he did feel either of you reach your high, he’ll pull away when you could practically taste it.
◊ He loves edging, the distress on your faces when he pulls away at that last moment gets him off in a sadistic way. 
◊ Though, he would never let you two go without an orgasm unless you or Nagito acted bratty even after the many punishments. He punishes the both of you until you two finally break and submit completely to the point where you had no brat left in you.
◊ Nagito’s praise kink is more giving than receiving, though he will never complain if you did praise him. It makes his heart full when you tell him how good he is, he’s glad he’s making you feel good. You two always make Nagito feel good, so he always makes sure to let you know how good you make him feel.
◊ It’s kind of hot when you see his face turn red and his neck pop a vein, but it’s even hotter when he comes back to release his frustrations into the both of you.
◊ Nagito definitely puts the pleasure of his loves first, he always makes sure you two cum before him. 
◊ Nagito wouldn’t insert his dick in either of you unless you begged for it, he doesn’t think he deserves the pleasure, he prioritizes both of your orgasms first.
◊ Nagito as a bottom would always ask before he could cum, he wants to be good for the two of you and never wants to disappoint you. He doesn’t even think he is worthy of an orgasm himself, so if you said yes, he would hysterically thank you as he gasped and whined from the intense pleasure his orgasm brought him.
◊ Nagito is very vocal during sex, and god bless because I think we all know that Nagito has the breathiest, sexiest moans.
◊ I headcanon Nagito to be the softest dom, I cannot imagine this man degrading or hurting you two in any way. He loves you two too much to hurt you, even if it’s for sexual purposes. Though he may sometimes accidentally(?) overstimulate you at times, losing himself in the moment. 
◊ Nagito as a bottom enjoys any humiliation, degradation, choking or pain you put him through, he loves it all. His sexual reactions are definitely the best, he makes the prettiest moans as you or Hajime insert kanye west loves fingers in his ass, drool trailing down his chin as he arched his back. 
◊ Hajime loves pulling hair as much as Nagito loves having his hair pulled. 
◊ Nagito mostly gets off by watching the two of you fuck, pleasuring himself as he watches the both of you with dilated pupils. You two often have to beckon him to join, eventually resorting to ordering him after his many refusals that you didn’t have to.
◊ A thing Nagito does after sex is licking up every single drop of cum you two had given him, not letting a tiny bit go to waste. He thinks your cum is ‘hopeful’ and it’s precious to him, so he doesn’t want to seem unthankful for the cum you gave him. He makes sure to lap you both up clean, maintaining eye contact as his tongue slides up your guys’ skin.
◊ Hajime’s hard dom demeanour changes completely after sex, however tired he may be, he always makes sure the both of you are alright after the rough treatment he had given the both of you before he passes out. 
◊ Nagito would praise the both of you after sex, holding both of you close as he let you doze off in his arms.
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First Meeting
a/n: First writing in tumblr so pls don't atk me qwq Might have grammatic errors.
CHARACTERS: Xiao, Kazuha, Albedo and Heizou.
"If you look carefully amidst the cruelty of the world, you can see the pure and gentle dance of the wind and snow."
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GIF by ventiluvr
I was watering some Qingxin flowers inside my greenhouse while controlling the coolness inside with my Cryo vision when suddenly, a figure came crashing into the greenhouse's roof and fell to some Qingxin flowers. "W-Who's there?!" I half yelled while summoning my weapon as I approached the limp figure on the floor of soil and Qingxins.
I stared at the figure in awareness and somehow, in awe as well.
It was a boy. He has yellow cat-like eyes that are as bright as the purest Cor lapis in Liyue, Raven hair with green highlights that flows softly with the wind, and porcelain white skin that was stained with red and black-greenish cuts. His appearance seemed to keep me in a weird trance, but I tried to ignore it as best as I can.
the boy struggled to get up as he starts to pass out from exhaustion. A demon suddenly appeared from the broken roof with a loud hiss, and starts to sprint and tried to harm the boy, but failed to do so as I blocked their attack with my weapon. I froze them in place with Cryo attacks. And after minutes of fighting, the demon perished with a loud screech.
I panted heavily, still exhausted from the fight as I drag the knocked out boy to a bench. I start to tend to his wounds with bandages and cool down his bruises with my Cryo vision. A few seconds later he suddenly opened his eyes widely and tried to wake up, only to fall back from the sharp pain of his wounds.
"Stay still, you're badly wounded, it'll get worse if you act rashly." I said warning him.
"A-Agghh... Tch, leave me alone, mortal. Those mortal remedy of yours is not gonna work on me. Let me be on my way now." He said harshly. He failed to wake up for the second time because I freezed his arms to the ground.
"I am no mortal, I am an Adeptus and the remedy I have is already tested to myself. So stay still." I replied back to him.
but this time, he manages to break free from mini ice structure and stands still for a few seconds to gain back his stability.
"*sigh* I see, be careful then. Although you are an Adeptus, it doesn't mean you should not be careful. And... thank you, for remedy." he said as he disappeared in a mist of black and green.
"I didn't even ask for his name yet...."
"The world is full wonders and undiscovered beauty. Although I'm not sure where to go, the wind will lead me to the end."
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"Hey Xiangling, Can I have one Black back perch stew?" I asked the navy haired girl with while catching my breath after running around completing Commisions.
"Of course Y/n! I'll go prepare it right now! " Xiangling said in a cheerful tone as she ran back to the kitchen to prepare my stew.
"Oh shucks, our fish stock ran out. Hey Y/n, sorry, our fish stock ran out and I'm busy watching the stall since father is out to get some ingredients, is it fine if you go grab some fish in the docks?" Xiangling asked in a sheepish tone.
"Oh sure, I'll go get the fish." I said as i walk out to get the fish after Xiangling hands me the mora for the fish.
"Hi there uncle Sun, Can I have the usual batch of fish for the Wanmin restaurant?" I asked the fisherman.
"Oh hey there miss Y/n, I'll go prepare the fish right away." said uncle Sun as he starts to wrap the fish up.
A sudden hard pat in my shoulder makes me tense up as a sharply turn around to see behind me.
"Y/n! AHHAHAHAHAHHHH long time no see there! how are you doing huh?"
Beidou appeared out of nowhere as she ask me her question while still stifling a laugh from my tenseness.
"OH SEVEN ARCHONS- huh, Beidou? *sigh* don't scare me like that, You almost gave me a heart attack." I sighed heavily, still shocked from her sudden shoulder pat.
"Ahahahahhh, still sensitive as ever huh, sorry about that. Wanna go visit the crew or go get some beer? You can come with me and Kazuha if you want to." Beidou offered.
"I don't know if I can at the moment, I'm a bit tired right now. Also, who's Kazuha?" I asked her in a confused manner.
"Oh my- I forgot I haven't introduced you to him yet AHAHAHAHH, Kazuha, come here! there's someone I want you to meet!" Beidou half yelled as a boy came walking towards Beidou.
He has eyes as red as ruby, creamy blonde hair and a red and white attire.
"*Sigh*, don't yell to loud beidou, you know you can just call me right? Who is the one you mention you want to introduce me to?" he sighed in a tired manner.
"Sorry sorry there, here. She's the one I want you to meet, her name's Y/n L/n, one of my best friends. " she said while pushing me in front of the boy as I break free from my staring on him.
"H-Hi there, nice to meet you Mr..."
"Kazuha. Kaedehara Kazuha, no need to call me Mr or anything formal." he said in a calm tone.
"Oh, ok then Kazuha. I'll go bring the fish to Xiangling for now, excuse me." I said nervously as I walked away from the two figure.
"oh god... why do I have to make a fool out of myself in front of him just now?!" I yelled in my mind as I gobbled down Xiangling's stew.

"A line from chalk is the start of something new. If your willing to, will you witness the process with me?"
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GIF by yumenosakiacademy
"Hmmm, the plant seems to be able to withstand Dragonspine's cold temperature. It's been 30 minutes now, I didn't expect the potion will have this much of an effect." I mumbled to myself as I take notes on the plant where I tested a warming potion on it.
I came back to my camp as I start to recreate the potion with what I assumed as the correct formula, when a sound of crunching snow from someone or something's footsteps break the silence.
"E-Excuse me, is it fine if I warm up in your camp for a bit?" a quiet voice of a female said nervously with chattering teeth.
"Oh, of course you can. Come here, I'll make you some hot drink now, and here's a towel to wipe the snow off, make yourself comfortable."
I said as I handle her a towel and start to cook some hot water.
"N-No need to make me a hot drink, I only need to heat up for a bit. T-Thank you for your help." the girl with green hair said shyly.
"Ah, please, I insist. It's freezing cold at the moment and I just so happen to have some ingredients for it. What would you like? Tea? Coffee? or hot Chocolate?" I asked the girl while getting 2 mugs from the shelf.
"Oh, I-I see. Uhh, I'll have one hot Chocolate if it's ok." the girl replied with a less tense tone.
"Ohh ok, here's the hot Chocolate, be careful, it's hot." I said while carefully handing the hot chocolate to the girl.
We sit together in silence as we sip our hot drinks for a few minutes.
"What are you doing in Dragonspine alone?" I asked the girl to break the silence.
"O-Oh, I was going out to a colleague's laboratory in here when suddenly, a Mitachurl starts chasing me, I ended up getting lost until I found your camp." said the girl in an embarrassed tone.
"Ohh i see. Well, feel free to stay here for as long as you like, make yourself comfortable. Do you need a first aid kit?" I asked the girl.
"Oh, n-no need for that, I'm ok." the girl said. We talk for a while while sipping our hot drinks. I introduced myself as she told me that her name is Sucrose, we continued the conversation for a while until a boy with blonde hair came looking for her.
"Sucrose? are you ok? why are you here?" the boy asked with a hint of worry in his voice.
"M-Mr. Albedo?! I-I'm sorry, I got lost and I ended up staying in this person's camp and-" Sucrose rant in a surprised and embarrassed tone.
"Ohh I see. It's fine sucrose, relax. I'd like to thank you for taking care of Sucrose Miss..." Albedo said in an awkward tone.
"Y-Y/n, call me Y/n. Spare the formalities aside Mr. Albedo." I stuttered.
"Y/n, ok. Call me Albedo then, no need to call me Mr. Albedo." Albedo said in a sheepish tone.
"O-Oh, ok then Albedo." I replied while scratching the back of my neck. "I hope we can get along well." I mumbled in my mind.

"People will continue to lie, but the wind will always speaks the truth. Let us follow the wind's whisper as we uncover the unlimited mask of lies."
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GIF by kilruas
"L/n san! how's the case about the missing goods exported from Sangonomiya?" asked one of the Soldiers from the resistance.
"Oh, by the looks of the traces, it seems that it was stolen from villagers. But there was also traces of Tatarigami, so my hypothesis for now is that the culprit is the villagers that are affected by the Tatarigami." I stated to one of the Soldiers. "I'm gonna go check the conditions of the villagers." I said as I start to walk away.
"L-L/n san, do you need any Soldiers to accompany you on your journey? this may be dangerous considering how Tatarigami can affect mortals." One of the Soldiers stuttered.
"No need for any of you to accompany me, besides I want to take an evening stroll." I said while ignoring any other comments from the group and walks for 40 minutes or so.
After about 15 minutes of searching and tracking, I finally prove my hypothesis to be true as I see a group of villagers collecting the goods that seems to radiate some Tatarigami energy.
I walked to the villagers and start to communicate with them, only to be faced with an answer none other than violence.
I begin to knock some of the villagers down with my pyro vision when suddenly, a strong gust of wind blows onto my face almost blowing me away.
A male with maroon hair appeared out of nowhere and start to group the villagers together with what appears to be his Anemo vision.
"Seems like I'm not the only one tracking down the Tatarigami energy huh?" He said with a smug smile.
"Seems like it, you are?..." I asked awkwardly, facepalming at myself internally.
"Heizou, Shikanoin Heizou, a detective of the Tenryo commision. I assume you're a soldier from the resistance?" Heizou asked curiously.
"No. I am from the resistance, but I'm not a soldier. I have the same role as you Heizou san." I replied to him.
"Ohhh I see, rare to see someone on the same department as me. You've also made me found the answer to one of my questions so, would you like me to treat you to some food in Uyuu restaurant?" Heizou offered.
"I'm fine with it, but I'll pay for myself. Let's just eat lunch together and discuss about our jobs. I'd like to know more about you."
I replied back to him.
"Ok then, off to Uyuu restaurant we go~!" Heizou said in a singsong tone.
"He seems like an interesting character. I hope I'll get to know more about him..." I think to myself with joy since I made a new friend.
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aonogifreactions · 4 years
Minecraft headcanons no one asked for
a/n: olcvfgmlkfm this hit me so randomly i dont even know. enjoy!! under the cut due to length!
★ Characters: Rin, Yukio, Mephisto, Amaimon.
★ Words: 1,6k.
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this sweetheart loves playing with you whenever you ask him to! it relaxes him a lot, plus just having fun with you is making him really happy.
he stays somewhere near you, ALWAYS. he’s way too embarrassed to admit he’s scared (same Rin, same), so whenever he yelps or jumps on his bed because he heard a zombie growl, you can laugh as much as you want, but don’t be surprised if he shoots a glare at you and pouts.
he’ll bring you whatever you want. wood? fine. iron? no problem, he’s already on his way to find a cave (even if he’s afraid of caves.. he’ll do it for you).
he’s not very good at building, so usually he leaves it to you, and it doesn’t really matter whether you live in a “house” made out of dirt or a full ass mansion; no matter what your building skills are, he’s gonna praise you anyway.
sucks at parkour. DON’T ask him to play a parkour map, he’s gonna whine and barely make one jump.
speaking about bad jumping, he’s really clumsy and somehow always ends up with the highest death streak. for example, he’s sprinting to kill a pig, but somehow doesn’t notice a fucking lava pool below him and jumps right into it. accidentally hits a zombie piglin (or pigman, depends on what version you play on) and he’s dead.
HOWEVER, he’s the guy who gets really lucky. do you remember/have a person/friend that always manages to get diamonds first? yep, it’s him. gets the best enchants. both on books and tools or armor. he also gets the ender dragon kill first too.
he won’t play without optifine and texture pack other than the default one. he hates it. his fave is faithful and if it doesn’t work, he’s constantly commenting on how the default one is hurting his eyes.
he will NOT survive listening to both disc “11″ and “13″ he hates it. don’t play it unless you want him to cry.
hasn’t played alpha nor beta versions, but he likes watching vids of it! he gets very nostalgic, which honestly bewilders him because he started playing way after beta. sometimes you can catch him listening to the old soundtrack all teared up, or falling asleep to it.
LOVES GREEN PARROTS. one of them is named after you.
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unlike rin, he’s always complaining about you asking him to play, but he’s obviously gonna do it (because he loves u,, even if he says he doesn’t). it also relaxes him, but mostly, he likes it because he’s able to get his mind off of “adult things” and finally get some rest.
wooo, he’s the brave one. he isn’t afraid of zombie gurgles or anything like that, so he’s always going to caves first (and gets lost because he’s literally going deeper and deeper FDMKFMV). however, there’s one thing that always startles him... cave sounds. he doesn’t scream, but if you’re near him, you can sometimes witness his character spinning or jerking his head in another direction because of it vcxkvnjhbv
don’t, i repeat, dON’T make fun of him afterward. he’s gonna go all the way back to you and kill you (and then go back mining.. like nothing happened).
the perfectionist. always mines all the resources he sees; during building something he also always makes sure everything’s proportional. gladly counts blocks for you, if your brain can’t work anymore.
now, building! not very skilled with building houses, but he likes building simple decorations, like fountains, gardens or farms. despite him always claiming it’s bad, his work always looks very detailed. not very good with ideas of those things at first, so mainly at the beginning he always finds some inspirations on the internet, but later gets the hang of it and builds his own ideas!
his favorite place to have a house in is somewhere near the ocean.
likes default textures. too used to have anything else.
doesn’t like listening to in-game music, unless it’s something from beta or alpha versions (like “Haggstorm” or “Wet Hands”). Usually listening to his own favorite songs on Spotify.
His favorite disc is “Far”. It used to be “Cat”, but due to him obtaining it like 3000 times he stopped liking it. nor hearing it anywhere near.
when he goes out to get resources and/or food, he comes back with full inventory and shulkers, just like a father that’s about to feed his kids. minimum 10 stacks of iron, coal blocks and food. the nearest 10k chunks of caves is already explored, so you better be ready for a long, lONG WALK to get something new.
he’s also fond of beta versions, but rarely plays them without you.
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this motherfucker wants to literally speedrun every fucking game. meanwhile you’re busy making a wooden pick, he’s out there typing “can’t wait to beat the dragon and get elytras~! ★”
remembers literally every recipe for all items and alchemy. personal minecraft wikipedia right there.
he MUST have a fucking mansion, otherwise, he isn’t playing. fortunately, he’s tried building before, so he’s perfectly capable of building one himself. it’s all made out of pink wool and concrete, along with white concrete accents here and there. 
adding to the previous one, he also has a great decorating sense. the rooms look very good, space is filled nicely and is both pretty and practical. the mansion itself looks very good on outside and inside.
of course, the main bedroom that’s designed especially for you two looks WAY TOO GOOD. I'm not even gonna start on him messing with plugins and making it even prettier.
his skin is a random, pink anime girl.
master with redstone. everything’s automated, there also might be hidden rooms with surprises. there’s a hidden shrine dedicated for you. he hasn’t told you about that though... >_>
even though he gets many useful things from the swamp biome, like lily pads or that cyan flowers, he hates this biome with a burning passion. if he sees it anywhere near his render distance he’s spasming and immediately voicing his annoyance. hates that specific, “dirty and unsightly” green water and grass color.
he doesn’t do much mining, but happily goes with you if you ask him to. even if he has no armor on, he never dies. NEVER. there might be 6 creepers but he somehow survives their explosion.
not scared at all. he knows this game like the back of his hand. he might, however, attempt to scare YOU instead. on purpose. or accidentally hit you so you fall from a large height and die. if you get upset at him afterward, he’s gonna give you even better stuff you’ve had before.
HE LOVES PLAYING ALPHA AND BETA. he started to play probably around very early alpha, so coming back to such simpler times is making him somewhat nostalgic (even if he denies it). on those versions, he builds things that used to be popular back in the day, like simple towers of cobblestone or houses inside mountains. it hits him hard when old soundtrack plays.
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he’s very, very confused. first off, he’s not used to the game at all, but then, he googles almost any recipe or asks you thousands of questions about how to make things. after some time, he finally figures out that there’s a book with recipes in game.
he might steal your items, but usually, he gives you back better items. for example, you notice your iron pickaxe is missing, but suddenly he sprints into the house and throws at you diamonds.
oh, he’s aware of the existence of chests, but for some reason, he likes throwing various items at you. he runs off afterward, leaving you with everything on the ground.
don’t introduce him to bedrock edition, he hates playing minecraft with a gamepad, and will smash it immediately. java edition is the only help for this man.
he’s also clumsy, like Rin. he manages to do that less than him somehow, but he tends to die pretty often anyway. his deaths are the stupidest, sometimes he doesn’t even bother explaining it. he literally can die with gravel suffocating him.
once he goes to the nether, he doesn’t wanna go back to the overworld. he says something along the lines of it being similar to gehenna or whatever, but. no matter what version it is - pre- or post- update 1.16, he likes it and that’s it.
his favorite biome in the overworld is jungle - mostly because of the lively color of grass, but also tall trees. he likes having there treehouses and always asks if you can build one (because he sucks at building. even worse than Rin >_>). his fave in the nether is blue forest or basalt biome - however, he becomes mad quickly on the second one due to frequent gaps filled with lava and magma cubes.
he likes normal slimes though. he even has a pet slime!! QwQ
he named his pet slime after Behemoth. keeps it safe in a glass cube and checks on it regularly. Behemoth doesn’t know about it doe.
he bullies every single villager that’s within his sight. burns their homes. the only thing that survives is the iron golem because he thinks it’s cool.
plays with the basic Steve skin. partially because he doesn’t know how to change it and that he isn’t determined enough to look for any.
forgets that crouching exist and falls off almost every cliff or anything that’s considered high.
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chocochar · 4 years
Hallooo :) I must ask bcs' I need some fiery sugar....would you consider doing headcanons about, (yes you are reading it correctly 😂😂) ENDEAVOR. Like he on a first date with his s/o 🔥
HOOOOO boi I haven’t ever written for Endeavor, I’m gonna be 100% with you XD so I really hope this is okay, sorry it took so long, I rewrote it a few times and I’m sorry ahead of time if he comes off as OOC! TuT  (btw i loooove your Midnight Stalker fics, had to add that, okay onto the hc’s!)
🔥 Endeavor is, well, not the best person socially. In fact to most people he’s hard to get along with, so finding someone who cares for him despite this the older man wasn’t expecting.
🔥 (F/n) is quite a few years younger, but doesn’t seem to mind the gap in age, being in their 20′s. Having started working at his agency as a secretary (F/n) proved themselves quite efficiently, which that along with their looks and attitude Endeavor couldn’t help but start to watch them, glancing and feeling a softness in his chest that he’s never experienced. They didn’t show fear of him, even if he got mad they’d simply fix the mistake and even tell him to calm down.
🔥 Endeavor never planned to ask them out. The #1 hero dating a secretary? To him at first it was an embarrassing thought. Plus his track record with relationship is... not good and scarce. But as time went on and the hero slowly began to change inside inch by inch since becoming the big #1 that thought started becoming more appealing, even if Endeavor wouldn’t admit it.
🔥 It was Hawks who set up the date (kind of, he helped push it, and nearly lost his feathers for it). He saw the light blush dusting the fire users cheeks when (F/n) came up to them with documents, and he was quick to ask if they’re single and looking.
🔥 Endeavor tried to hide his interest when (F/n) said yes to both, but his flames burst high when Hawks grinned and asked,”Oh yeah? Well, are you interested in hot heads?” as he visibly gestured at Endeavor.
🔥 (F/n) understood, and glancing at Endeavor they were reluctant to say so at first, but once they saw the way the hero was eyeing them they blushed, turning back to Hawks and saying,”... Yeah, I actually am.”
🔥 Smiling they figured Endeavor may get mad, after all he couldn’t possibly be interested in them-
🔥 “Soooo how about dinner with Mr. Hot Head here?~” Hawks grinned, jutting a thumb at the red head standing beside him stiffly.
🔥 (F/n) was surprised, but replied,”I mean... I suppose yes-”
🔥 Hawks grinned wide and added,”Alright, I’ll set it up, don’t worry you two awkward love birds, it’ll be great.~” Endeavor hadn’t said a word the whole time, dumbfounded it seemed, not knowing what to say.
🔥 Hawks left. When (F/n) looked at Endeavor he was already leaving, but stopped with his back to them.
🔥 “Meet me at the address I’ll give you through text, at 8 PM Saturday. You have it off, correct?”
🔥 “Uh... Yes.”
🔥 “Good, don’t be late.” He left once he’d said what he needed to, (F/n) was shocked but smiling they go back to work.
🔥 Boooi (F/n) isn’t prepared for the expensive dinner waiting for them
🔥 They aren’t dressed up super fancy, they did their hair nicely and made themselves look presentable at least! After all, they’re going on a date with the #1 hero! And he definitely seems like an ‘appearance’s type of man from just working with him
🔥 The place is nice, and (F/n) settles in feeling a little out of place. Enji got them flowers and looks incredibly handsome in his tailored suit, the scar across his left eye not bothering them a bit even when he received it. His face looks red too, and they wonder if his heart is pounding a million beats a minute like theirs
🔥 “I’ve heard really good things about this place, have you been here before?” (F/n) breaks the silence that settles over them
🔥 “Yes, a few times,” he starts, going on to explain (in sparse detail) about the hero parties held here that he only came to due to his position as #2, now #1
🔥 Silence sits between them again after (F/n) replies, and they’re racking their brain for more to say
🔥 “You... Look nice tonight,” he says out of nowhere, catching the secretary off guard as they look taken aback, cheeks going red. “This isn’t too... Awkward, is it?”
🔥 Again fairly surprised by his sudden shyness (F/n) blinks before smiling. He is a socially awkward kind of guy, so shaking their head they decided to take the lead for the date, at least for now.
🔥 “Not at all, it’s nice,” they reply. This seems to put the #2 at ease as he nods and clears his throat, looking over the menu. (F/n) rests their chin on their palm and asks,”So, um... Enji, Tell me about yourself.”
🔥 It’s a simple request to help break the ice although (F/n) is already well aware their boss isn’t very forthcoming with information about himself. But this doesn’t change anything, after all they did come to dinner with him with this fact in mind. Enji cocks a brow, meeting their (eye color) orbs with his cerulean.
🔥 “Such as?”
🔥 “Y’know, favorite TV show, what you do in your spare time, do you like cats, etcetera, just some stuff so I know my date better, right now we’re more than just boss and secretary after all,” (F/n) winks, this gaining surprise from the normally uptight man. He brings the scowl (which he’s trying to reel in for tonight) back but he seems to be fine letting them know some answers. Not everything, he keeps the more personal aspects of himself under wraps for now, after all it’s only a first date, but the secretary across from him seems appeased and even smiles at the answers. “I see, I’m fairly surprised but you seem kinda normal.~” They tease, Endeavor averting his gaze.
🔥 “And you?” It’s his turn to learn about them more. Granted, he’s studied them, he knows some things but learning more never hurts.
🔥 “Well, I love to (hobby) and (hobby), my favorite show is (TV show), I’m probably more of a dog person, I am definitely a (night owl, morning person, etc), I like to make sure I’m always on time to things,” they start to tell him, answering any questions he has. Even if it’s a mundane conversation he is surprisingly taking every piece of information in and locking it up in his thoughts. That way, he knows for later. To be honest, he’s intrigued. (F/n) laughs lightly and finishes with,”Sorry, sorry, I was rambling, haha!”
🔥 “It’s fine.” Endeavor responds, telling the waiter what he’ll have. “I find you interesting, different compared to others I’ve met.”
🔥 “Is that a good thing?” (F/n) laughs, smiling warmly lifting their brows.
🔥 “Yes, very,” he replies, and even gives a small smile himself, although it’s easy to miss.
🔥 The two start to eat once their food is brought out and while they eat they talk, discussing not only more about themselves but Endeavor’s jobs, (F/n) plans for something at work, and more. Soon enough they’re done and after paying Enji takes (F/n) home, the drive even holding it’s own conversations. Enji surprisingly seems to have been brought out of his tough as steel shell although it’s only with (F/n), and (F/n) is content in his company, seeing the normally scary boss is surprisingly softer inside, under all the layers of anger and pride.
🔥 Reaching (F/n)’s address Enji parks and turns his gaze to the secretary, who’s getting ready to leave but stops to look at him.
🔥 “Thank you for dinner, Enji, it was delicious,” they sigh happily, smiling and he nods, (F/n) unbuckling and about to get out but stopping.
🔥 “Perhaps we can do it again, I enjoyed your company, (F/n),” the fiery red head admits, (F/n) nodding.
🔥 They surprise him with a kiss on the cheek before getting out of his car and peering back in at the blushing, taken aback older man.
🔥 “Of course, you have my number so call me and we’ll plan another date~”
🔥 The (brunette, blonde, etc) shuts the door and waves as they head inside their home, Enji not leaving right away as his heart pounds. Clearing his throat he watches them go in and shut their door before leaving, already planning to ask them out again (and keep this secret from Hawks lest Enji listen to the feathered annoyance tease him about)
AHHHHHHH I hope this was okay!! I kinda struggled with Enji so I hope he wasn’t too OOC QwQ thank you for the request!
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alice-in-wonderart · 4 years
I have found your blog and I love it!! Good look with it! Can you do headcanons for pregnancy and post-delivery for the juniors? (I see you write about them, and I don't know which other characters you are comfortable to write for). Thnkx~
I write for right about all characters! The Nies, the Jiangs, the Wens, the Lans, even all of the Jins (except Jin Zixun he can go be mean somewhere else) + Yi City power characters are all characters I write for ✌️ (I may have missed a few names) That aside, thank you so much for reading my stuff! I'm glad you enjoy them ❤️❤️ Aside from having 0 time management skills, running such a blog is so much fun! Here is your request about the Juniors being...well- themselves.
Ouyang Zizhen
You're what now?
OYZZ.exe stopped working.
Then he realised three fundamental truths at the exact same time. (if u get the reference, bless ✌️ )
Once the realization of the situation hit, his eyes watered and a loud, yet emotional whail escaped his lips, before engulfing you in a big hug. He was going to be a dad! You two were going to have a baby. And then realization hit him again.
Shit. He was going to be a father. A father to a baby - his baby. That was a lot of responsibility he was about to take. A lot of work, a lot of sleepless nights, a lot of time and energy. Babies are hard.
And then realization hit him a third time. He was going to have an actual family with you. And you were the mother to his child. YOUR child. He almost couldn't believe it.
Cue OYZZ becoming 70 times more affectionate and careful. You want to go outside? By all means, but let your gentle lover accompany you. Just in case, y'know. You want something sweet? By all means, what kind of sweets does the queen desire? You need new clothes because of the baby bump? By all means, what kind of silk do you want? Colour? Pattern? Style? You want to sleep? 3, 5 or 50 pillows?
OYZZ is a walking panic bomb when it comes to your pregnancy. Conveniently, he also knows how to mostly hide said panic. But you being in pain, having morning sickness and and in general feeling off is not something he signed up for. So, he will dote over you as much as humanly possible.
But then judgement day arrived. And he was out of it. He somehow never considered the fact, that you were going to one day have to give birth to that baby.
You have never seen a more distressed looking man than OYZZ when he finally got the permission to see you. His eyes were puffy, his lips were quivering and he was so pale, he could easily pass for a corpse. It seemed as if he was the one giving birth, not you.
And he immediately dropped to his knees next to your bed, gently taking your hand in his. You were alive. You were alive and argueably healthy and that was what he needed to hear.
But then! In comes the medic, holding your child in pure white blankets, gently letting you take it. And the moment his eyes landed on that baby he knew, that his heart was stolen once more.
"Congratualtions! It's a girl."
Guess who is about to become "Daddy's little princess".
Jin Ling
"Hahahahahhahha. Funny. Oh wait, you're serious?!"
What do you mean you're pregnant? When did that happen? When did you learn? How were you sure? Wait, you were how many months in?!
Give him time. It's not, that he isn't happy. He's just panicking like crazy. Of course, once the initial mental breakdown™️ wears off, he'd come up to you and give you the most emotional hug you've ever experienced. He'd hide his face in your hair, as he mumbled into you how incredibly grateful he actually is.
Now, as the Lanling Jin Sect's leader, of course it was expected of him to have an heir, so such news travelled quickly. Immediately this became the gossip of every household and ultimately led to you receiving a metric ton of gifts from all over the place. Jin Ling would also make sure you were living the most lavish, yet healthy lifestyle possible.
The truth is, he was utterly terrified. After all, he grew up without parents, lived only with his uncle and as a result was quite hot-tempered. More than anything, he wanted to be the best dad possible. He wanted his children to grow up in a loving family, with their parents next to them, with a mother to care for them and a father to teach them. And he was afraid whether he was capable of even being a good father. But of course, you knew he was going to be the best father in the world.
Now, speaking of hot-tempered, Jin Ling honestly would throw more hissy fits than you. In fact, he'd get more mood swings than you too. In fact, even when pregnant, you're the calm one. Because if you think he's snappy and over-protective of you usually, wait 'till you see him once he learns you're pregnant. Hoo boy.
He was at work, dealing with the pressures of leading a sect when one of Lanling's servants hurriedly burst into the room, giving him the news that made his tough guy act crumble in seconds - his wife was giving birth.
At the time, he was surrounded by now Sect Leader Lan Sizhui, (idk it's a hc), Nie Huaisang and of course - his uncle, who all ushered him to go see you. Thus, he stormed out, running towards the nursery like his life depended on it.
"What do you mean I can't enter yet, my WIFE is in there." You haven't seen scary until you've seen Jin Ling, amidst an utter mental breakdown, being held down by a few nurses, trying desperately to stop him from going in.
Once they DID let him in, he'd be by your side in 0.001 seconds, only to see you holding not one, but two babies.
"A-Ling, look. They're twins. Say hello to papa, little ones." For once, Jin Ling didn't mind the tears that began falling from his eyes, as he gently held one of his two sons in his embrace. Perhaps, being a father wouldn't be that bad after all. Not with you by his side.
Lan Jingyi
*dramatic gasp*
For once the loud, wild Jingyi was left speechless, unmoving, utterly starstruck by the news. He'd never admit it, but for a while he'd been dreaming of having a family with you. So, when you told him the news, his heart skipped a beat. His dream was coming true.
And then, with the biggest smile on his face, he'd lift you up, carrying you to your now shared room, stating how you shouldn't strain yourself and how he'd take care of everything you need.
"Er-gege, I'm only 3 months in, it's barely noticeable yet, I can take care of myself."
Lan Jingyi will be there for you at the cost of right about everything, even if it meant breaking Lan's rules, much to yours and everybody's dismay. Macho man™️ will protect his darling flower. What he wasn't ready for was how complicated pregnancy actually is.
Whenever you're more moody, he'd be quick to anger as well, so small and pointless arguments wouldn't be uncommon. But for every little argument, there is also a sleepless night where he'd cuddle you, whenever your stomach would hurt, or you'd feel uncomfortable.
Now Lan Jingyi is a cool dad. He is a cool dad before he is officially a dad. Whenever you two are alone, lying in bed, he'd lean in to rest a hand on your stomach. And he'd always give a happy yelp whenever he felt his little one move. And gosh, how much he'd talk to the baby. He'd tell your stomach stories of his great adventures, he'd joke around and believe me, he's planned every family outing for next 10 years.
Absolutely everybody thought it was going to be a boy. Ouyang Zizhen and Jin Ling even bet on it, OYZZ being ABSOLUTELY sure it would be a boy.
Giving birth was a whole new adventure. He'd wake up much too early for his liking with you frantically shaking him awake.
"The baby is coming." "Who's coming?" "The baby." "THE BABY?!"
Cue, Lan Jingyi losing his damn mind. He'd be up and running in a blink of an eye, casually scaring the medics and waking up the entire Cloud Recess in his hurry. Don't run in Cloud Recess? He's not running. He's SPRINTING. Do not shout in Cloud Recess? He's not shouting, he's SCREECHING. Do not speak out of turn? FOR GOD'S SAKE MY BABY IS COMING. And he'd be like that the entire time, until he's allowed to see you. He'll write the rules a thousand times if he has to later. He won't, Lan aren't heartless.
Seeing his healthy little baby, he was right about ready to pass out. He almost didn't hear you joking how your little girl was a loud crier and was about to be just as wild as her dad.
" Wait. It's a girl? We have a little girl!" Cue Ouyang Zizhen screaming in misery, as Jin Ling victoriously smirks his way.
Lan Jingyi on the other hand couldn't have been happier.
Lan Sizhui
"This is the best day of my life, I can't believe we're going to have our own family!"
With a bright smile, he'd pull you in for a sweet kiss, shaking with excitement. Honestly, he'd have the best reaction out of all the Juniors. He's a family guy, who gets to witness true love everyday around his fathers, so having a child of his own with you was one of his long-term goals. He was old enough and wise enough to be absolutely ready to embark on an adventure through fatherhood.
Lan Sizhui would be so loving and gentle with you. You'd have him wrapped around your finger, he'd respond to your every beg and call. He'd minimize any work-related travelling to make sure he could be as close to you as possible.
When he wasn't there, he'd assign his cultivation partner and trusty bestie Lan Jingyi to take care of you and look after you. Did you necessarily need it? No. But you understood his worry, so you let him be.
He'd be there for you when you were feeling down, through your mood swings, morning sickness. He never complained, never fought with you, never gave you anything short of his unconditional love.
In fact, he was so SO compassionate, that he'd get pregnancy cravings WITH you. Nothing like the two of you, sitting awake at 2 am, (uncommon for him) eating chocolate-covered cucumbers and apricots.
Similarly to Lan Jingyi, everybody were already 100% sure the two of you would have a little girl. With Sizhui's sweet soft-spoken behavior and big warm heart, having a little gentle flower to spoil rotten seemed like the obvious outcome.
Lan Sizhui, on the other hand, refused to give into all of those "what ifs". Only time could tell. Besides, he'd be just as happy and proud no matter what gender the baby would be.
With his careful planning and skillful avoidance of any travelling, thankfully he was there when the due date was up. On the outside, he remained as calm as physically possible, but oh, on the inside it was a storm. Few could see through his façade, but by the trembling of his fingers, discreet chewing on the inside of his lip and eyes darting all around him, his true feelings came to light.
And when he finally got to see you, you've never seen him more unlike himself. With a worried expression and hasty movements he'd make his way to you, trembling hand reaching out to cup your face. He'd leave a gentle kiss on your forehead, before turning to the newborn in your hands.
"Sizhui. Say hi to your son."
A single tear rolled down his face, carrying the weight of all of his love in it. One look at his child and his heart was pierced by a million arrows. At that very moment he vowed, that he'd protect this child with all he's got, teach him all he knows and love him with all of his heart.
Thank you for reading~
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manabingu · 5 years
Metrocon 2019!
Hey yall sorry I haven't been as active, I was busy literally every single day of Metrocon and I finally got a breather. Anyway I wanna just summerize what I can remember because I don't wanna completely forget these wonderful memories. I wanna look back at em over and over again 💕
Thursday was the 5 year anniversary of my Gundam Wing cosplay group! I got to hang out with my Metrowing buds and we did a nice photoshoot with the pilots and we had so much fun! I miss them dearly cuz they live out of state but the time I had with them is one I always cherish.
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I pretty much spent the whole day with them and I decided that Thurs/Fri would be autograph day for us. By golly the VAs were all so super sweet. All of them loved the candy and the pictures I made for them and as I predicted I got really emotional and kinda cried in front of Luci Christian cuz she is one reason I wanted to VA. Her range is insanely versatile! I legit would call her the Meryl Streep of anime & she was SO kind to me ;///;! When I started crying she said "Don't ever apologize for being real. You're a very sweet person, & I believe in you, there is always room for everyone in this industry ❤️"
And man I just felt so happy at that. She makes me feel confident and I wanna keep trying my best. Same with Josh, Alexis, David & Kara! They were all super encouraging and OmG like ok I think I astral projected when Josh did Armin's or Yuri's voice when he was signing stuff. I teared up QwQ I love his energy and dedication!
I think one of my fave moments during the autographs was when I made the "I'm gonna Bertell you what I Bertold him" joke and David and Josh absolutely lost it xD! They were like OMG WE NEED THAT AS A TSHIRT FOR DAVID XD! Like "You just got BERTOLD" and then they proceeded to make jokes about how he roasted Armin in many ways xD it was hilarious 😂! But oof.
I spent most of the Thursday browsing the Dealer Room and this is was one of the first times I was able to find new Takanori Nishikawa CDs so I bought some that I don't have TTwTT I was so happy! We ended the day by doing a run through of our performances for Anime Idol with Trowa. And it went really well🎶Also, at the cosplay booth, the staff liked my sis' Clear Card Sakura so much they asked her to enter the cosplay hallway contest and I'm so proud of her cuz this her first cosplay ever ^u^- she looks so cute! And many people wanted her pic all weekend :D
As usual this is Anime Idol day and I was super busy prepping. I was a bit more confident now that I finally had performed in front of a test audience. But as usual I am always still nervous no matter how much I prepe. Luckily for me in the morning I was getting last minute autographs and as I was getting Darker Than Black signed by Luci, I commented on Anime Idol and she said break a leg! I had given her an Ochaco mug as a gift which made her SUPER happy 😊! I felt much more confident after that and I went to the Main Events hall happily soon after.
Anime Idol was really fun this year! There was some nervousness from the contestants but we all just got together and made some fun friendships! I'm so proud not only of Mama Trowa but also of the other contestants I mentored or was able to help feel less nervous. The winners did deserve it! It was a very good act! And as for myself, I advertised a bit and got some new people from the toku community to come watch the show! I even saw a Kamen Rider Geiz cosplayer who came to the show it was AWESOME! My bffs who were only there for Friday also came & a few Golden*Star members too I was just so happy and thankful! They really made my day! My bffs were dressed in Ghibli heroines and OMG they were lovely & we did a small Tik Tol together ^_^ it was fun!
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After the show my new Golden*Star member came up to me and I legit almost cried cuz they were SUPER adorable and kind and they had prepared a Cecil Ajima merch box for me saying thanks for allowing them to join and that they look up to me as a mentor and friend and I'm so happy I had waterproof eyeliner that day cuz oh boy that hit me in the feels 😭! I love! I got them back tho, for initiation I got down on one knee and gave em a flower bouquet,haichews & a golden star balloon as a way to welcome them to the Utapri cosplay group! So now we have a lovely new Tokiya 😊 yay!
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Ok so despite loosing one prop, Saturday was really fun! I finally debuted Poppy Pipopapo and I basically used the entire day to find video game character cosplayers and we got to dance with them! I was shooting a music video for People Game for Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Abridged ^u^! Everyone whom I asked to dance with me was excited for it and it was a blast! I loved being able to spread so much fun and positivity as Poppy :) it was a dream cosplay come true! I can't wait to pit the vid together ^^🌸💕🎼🎵🎶! Later at night, I ran into my new friend who is gonna be Tokiya (they were dressed as Eiichi & their bud was Kira from HE★VENS!) we spent a good 2 hrs taling about all our future plans with Golden*Star and their other friend was so impressed with how friendly our Utapri group was that they wanted to join ;w; it was actually really sweet💕
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Was THE BIG DAY AT LAST. The very first time my Utapri cosplay group Golden*Star Cosplay would finally have our first meeting/photoshoot together as ST☆RISH & QUARTET NIGHT! And it went flawless like a dream! Guys, omg I hit a milliom dollar jackpot. I love this group so much 😭! Everyone was on time, we all worked together so well, the photoshoot went perfectly! And we livestreamed it! After the photos, we sang Reiji a Happy Birthday 🎁 cuz it was his character bday the day before & I bought cupcakes and fried chicken for everyone xD! Cuz that's what Shining Live said happened fffff. In the most complimentary way, I feel like this cast is so on point, we are all pretty much our characters xD! I thought managing an 11 member group would be too hard at first but we have all grown so close over this year & we all have so much love and respect for one another, we all just felt so natural hanging out, as of we had done this for years ;U; ! It was lovely!
We tried stalling saying goodbye cuz we didn't wanna leave ;///; but we had to. We are still planning to watch Maji Love Kingdom as a group when SentaiFilmworks gives the green light for theatrical releases. But for now we will work hard to make HolMat even better! I love them all and can't wait to keep working together to make more wonderful memories! See yall next con!
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
from fevers, to tournaments, to gang activity and more
[[cont from part 86]]
Akitaru: *looking at an old album...and a photo* "..." {ami: up! up!} {Akiaru: *picks her up, making a plane sound* "Zoooom!"} {ami: *laughs*} {chitose: ^^} {Akitaru: "Like that?" *imitates pilot's voice* "Roger, roger, Ami is in flight..."} {ami: ^o^} {Akitaru: "Hee hee...High-flying girl!" *brings Ami over to Chitose*} {chitose: the baby has landed! *kisses ami's forehead*} {ami: mama!} {chitose: ^^} {Akitaru: "Smart kid..." *rubs Ami's back*} Akitaru: "..." *wipes his eyes* shinra: sir? Akitaru: "Yep?" shinra: is everything ok? Akitaru: "Just...nostalgic." *holds up an album* shinra:....*hug* Akitaru: "..." *pat pat* "Thanks." -elsewhere- Shotaro: *chasing a bird in the backyard with Bone of the Cat* chie: *rocking toru* io: ba! setsuna: so nice to be out of the house now ^^ mana: *uneasy* Shotaro: *pops up, the bird now sitting on his forehead* "What up, Mana?" mana: just tense..... Shotaro: "...But it's springtime! What could go wrong?" mana: its peaceful, yes, but knowing how life is, im not sure how long that will last before things go crazy.... chie: .... Shotaro: ^w^ "That's why me and my crazy bone powers are here!" mana:....*sigh* same ol' showtaro. -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *crosses his arms* "...They attacked children?" higuchi: unbelievable.... Akutagawa: "What is the Hell Blaze?" naoya: some gang of flame humans causing trouble. Akutagawa: "...Where do they congregate? The slums?" naoya: likely, but it'd be to risky right now... Akutagawa: "Then let me know when you have intelligence predicting their locations, patterns, numbers..." naoya:....right.... -elsewhere- stocking: *drying herself off after a bath* Kid: *enters the bedroom* stocking: hey hun~ Kid: *smiles* "Hello. How are you?" stocking: just got all freshened up ^^ *takes a seat, with one leg out* Kid: "..." *rests his hand lightly on her ankle* stocking: *smirk* Kid: *traces up his finger* stocking: ah~ Kid: "How was your bath?" *moves his finger up* stocking: it was nice. u///T Kid: "But...was something wrong..." *his hand reaches her thigh* stocking: oh? Kid: "Maybe...lonely?" stocking: now that you mention it...yes. Kid: "I'm sorry...I wish I was here..." *his hand slides up to her hip* "...more often." stocking: *licks her lips* you may want to lock the door. Kid: *pulls back his hand, slowly* "Wait right there..." *walks, locks* stocking: *smirk* -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "Hmm..." *looking at claw marks on a tree* baum: creepy... dorothy: could be a big wolf... Steinbeck: "Nah, Hound of the Baskerville is in Dartmoor..." dorothy: oh. [-somewhere in the world, a certain person is sneezing, but that is neither here nor there-] Steinbeck: "Unless it's another beast...What do they look like to you, Baum?" baum: cant say for sure. could be a bear? Steinbeck: "Yeah...I've seen lion claws, but not like this--" dorothy:..............there's hoofsteps coming. Steinbeck: "???" *looks* ("A carriage? Out here? ...No, that's one horse--") baum: *takes dorothy and hides in the bushes, dragging steinbeck along as well* Steinbeck: "GRRK--!" baum: shhh!.... Steinbeck: -n- "Hmph." *looks through the bushes* *there's someone on horseback* Steinbeck: "Hmm..." ("What are they checking?") ????: *riding along*..... Steinbeck: "Who are they? I can't see their face..." ????:........*continues on* Steinbeck: "...Wish Ernest was here to track them." -elsewhere- Touma: "...What even is this?" worker: we arent sure, we found it near our texas branch. there might be a vampire nest out that way, but we dont know exactly where... Touma: "..." *leans back in his chair* "Anyone looking into it?" worker: we have a few guys checking into it now. Touma: "Any assistance required?" -elsewhere- sayaka: we're heeeere! kilik: *nod* Jacqueline: *stretches* "Glad to..." kim: alright, where's the hotel? Harvar: *staring at his phone...it's not a map--he's just reading social media* ox: *checking for a map* Jacqueline: *looks at the buildings...smiles* "This should be good." sayaka: so any idea what the mission is? Jacqueline: "Surveillance, to start." sayaka: gotcha. ox: as for what exactly is still unclear. Jacqueline: "You know Lord Death--mysterious ways and all that..." Harvar: *yawns* "Just point me to the game shop." -morning- Sakuya: *stretches, looks out the window* "..." naho: *yaaaawn* Belkia: *hanging from the window by his underwear* otogiri: *pulls him back in* Belkia: *pants* "I-I thought I could climb it..." -elsewhere- Kafka: *lying in the infirmary bed, staring up at the ceiling* "..." -knock- Kafka: "...What?" *glances at the door* etta: *wave* you ok, franzy? Kafka: .\\\\. *looks away* "F-Fine..." -\\\\- etta:....one of the kids has something for you... Kafka: "...What would they have to give me?" etta: *looks down* its ok, dont be shy. ^^ Bessy: O~O *inches up to Kafka's bed* Kafka: "..." *hard stare* "Well? What is it?" Bessy: >~< *holds up the drawing* *It's of the kids and George holding hands with Kafka...a roach-like cartoonish Kafka. It says "Thanks Mr Roachman"* Kafka: "..." Q______Q etta: ^^ Bessy: "I-I'm sorry it doesn't look good..." Kafka: "...I suppose...it's the thought that counts." *nods* "Thank you." *wipes his eyes* "I-I'll hang it up...when I'm out of this bed." Bessy: QwQ etta: want me to hang it up? Kafka: "...Would you? Please?" -she does so- Kafka: "...That looks really nice." Bessy: ^w^ -elsewhere- Kunikida: *pouring milk* "Eat up." aya: *nom* ^u^ Kunikida: "What do you want to do today?" aya: after school, can we go to the market plaza? Kunikida: *nods* "Something you wanted to buy?" aya: i need to get a new pencil case. Kunikida: "??? I could pull one out of the notebook." aya: could you? *shiny eyes* Kunikida: *opens his book, writes--and summons...a very plain pencil case* aya:....i could use some stickers or something. maybe we can buy those? Kunikida: "Oh. ...Okay, yes." aya: ^^ Kunikida: "Perhaps Yosano is shopping as well..." aya: yeah, maybe... -elsewhere- Kyoka: *playing on her phone* sylvia: s-so you have two phones then? Kyoka: *nods* "One for games, one for my ability." sylvia: i-i see. Kyoka: "...You don't have one?" sylvia: n-no... Kyoka: "...I know where we are going today: phone shopping." sylvia: b-b-but isnt that expensive? i-i wouldnt want to burden- Kyoka: *holds up a credit card* sylvia: a-a-are you r-r-really s-sure? Kyoka: *nods* "Kunikida told me to get you one--but I didn't want to push it." sylvia: um o-o-ok.... -elsewhere- Gogol: *reading* yana: <hey kolya, how's work?> Gogol: =_= *yawns* <Dull.> yana: <i could imagine.> Gogol: *stretches* <Also, it's like it's someone's birthday everyday. I've eaten so much cake I'm now 10% frosting.> yana: <then feed it to passing strays?> elizaveta: OvO Gogol: <I CANNOT TURN DOWN CAKE!> elizaveta: *puppy whine* O~O Gogol: "..." *head pat* <I'll bring Tubberware to bring some home.> elizaveta: YAY!! ^o^ Gogol: ^w^ -elsewhere- Chuuya: "I guess you all have more kids to teach now." hans: TTuTT Motojiro: "--and field trips and group projects and graduation ceremonies and midnight breakfast final exam cram sessions--" >w< higuchi: um.... (maybe field trips are a bit questionable for now...) Walter: "I don't think you can out to field trips..." *puts on a miner's helmet* "Not without THE POWER OF IMAGINATION!!!" hans:...^^; good point. Chuuya: ._.; "How are the kids getting along with the new ones?" Jakob: "Higher! Need another chair!" philip: ayeaye sir! ^^ Chuuya: "???" *looks* "..." O_o *they have stacked chairs into some Dr. Seussian mess to reach the cookie jar on the top shelf* sonia:.... Chuuya: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Jakob: "?!" *losing balance* wilhelm: D8> george: careful! Jakob: *falling* "AAAAAH-" *catch* Chuuya: *panting* wilhelm: yay! tom: _that_ was scary.. Chuuya: *judgmental dad face* tom: Q^Q; wilhelm: OvO;; Chuuya: "That...was dangerous. At least ask for a ladder." Jakob: -3- ("What's the fun in that?") leo: *picks up the jar from the shelf* or maybe you could just ask? Jakob: "...Wow, you're tall." Chuuya: -_-# leo: i guess i am... katya: -_-## Chuuya: T~T Jakob: "Can I be tall like you?!" leo: maybe someday. ^^; Jakob: ^w^ Bessy: *takes a cookie* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "What about these stickers? They are practical and show dates, mathematical equations, and chemistry formulas." aya: hmmm... Kyoka: "Hello." aya: hey kyouka! Kyoka: *waves* Kunikida: *nods to her* "...Is someone behind you?" sylvia: .~. Kunikida: "Miss Plath, hello. Shopping as well?" sylvia: *mumbles something* Kunikida: "...Um..." *nods* "Aya, maybe Sylvia would like to see stickers?" sylvia: uhhhhh...... aya: did you want to? sylvia: uhhhhhhhhhhhh...... Kyoka: "...They got star stickers." sylvia: m-maybe these ones *they're black flowers* Kyoka: "Those look nice." *hands them to Sylvia* sylvia: ...t-they arent too depressing, are they? aya: i think they're fine. -elsewhere- Yumi: "He's been up there for an hour. No one can wake him up." Aizawa: *asleep...his sleeping bag hanging by the top spire of the DWMA* valentine: how did he even get _up_ there? present mic: this isnt the weirdest place i've found him either....*inhales* WAKEY WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! Aizawa: "..." *eyes break open* O________O#### valentine: Q-Q lord death:....owie. Yumi: *covering her ears* T_T# Aizawa: "..." *his scarves slip out of the bag and lower him to the ground* "...I was sleeping." -elsewhere- Dazai: "Hello~" ango:....*siiighs* Dazai: "I brought coffee!" *holds up one cup* ango: great. Dazai: *and sips the cup* ^w^ 'What are you having?" ango:................... apperantly not coffee. -_.-# Dazai: "Work keeping you busy, though?" *picks up a file* ango: as it always does. Dazai: "What about what our demon is up to?" ango: still in prison, but the guard staff hasnt been well around him... Dazai: "...Physically?" ango: mentally. he knows how to get into their heads, their weaknesses...it's discomforting... Dazai: "Jeez, don't I know that." ango: he treats this whole thing like its all a game to him.. Dazai: "Because it is. And the prize is people's pain." ango: ...*shudders* Dazai: "...No ability users you found who could, you know, handle him?" ango: that's the thing, most everyone is too afraid to speak with him. Dazai: "Hmm...Maybe a deaf person should talk to him?" ango: it's a possibility... Dazai: "Good." *takes out a pen* "This will only hurt for a moment--" ango: DAZAI NO. *CHOP* Dazai: *collapsed* XwX ango: thank you mr taneda. Taneda: *rubbing his hand* "No problem..." ango: i'll send a call for someone to pick him up now. Taneda: "While we wait, want to draw things on his face?" ango: ...the offer is tempting... Taneda: "Well, I'm writing the Agency's phone number--someone needs to know where to return him..." *takes the cap off the pen* -elsewhere- george: so, when did you all join sturm? Leroux: "..." Q_Q hans: well, i joined before the rest of the group here. etta: i joined sometime after roro did. Leroux: *nods* george: ah. Walter: "I was here before Etta, and Kafka joined after she did." wilhelm: and we....hey bro when did we join again? cant remember. ^^; Jakob: "..." ^^; "After Kafka..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "It's been quieter without all of them around." tsubaki: i just hope they havent gotten into too much trouble... -in vegas- Shamrock: *drunk and riding a mechanical bull* "WHEEEEE! Yee-haw!" otogiri: *facepalming* lavender: looks like _someones_ having fun~ ^^ Sakuya: *filming in on his phone* "YEP!" Higan: ^^; "He didn't even drink much..." misono: -_-; Lily: *holding an appletini* "Ride 'em, sheep herder!" himawari: please be careful. D8> Shamrock: "I'm fine! I feel so alive! I'm never coming off this--" *trip* X_o; "?!" *falls off--crashing on the mat* lavender: aaand he's out. Higan: "In more ways than one..." Shamrock: *drooling* "Zzz..." *snore* himawari: *trying to help him up* Shamrock: "M-M-Ma-Mas-Master..." otogiri:...*sigh* Sakuya: "...This got sad." lavender: come on, lets get you washed off. Shamrock: "O-Okay..." -elsewhere- madoka: *ACHOO* *whimper* junko: *knocks* hey kiddo, i brought you some soup. madoka: thanks mom. tomohisa: madoka, you have a visitor! madoka: *sniff* whoozit? *Rin's head pokes in* Rin: *wave* "Hello." ^^ madoka: *smile* hey ri-*COUGHING* *sniff* hey rin. Rin: "Hey...I'm sorry you're under the weather..." madoka: happens to the best of us ^^; Rin: "Best of the best, too." *sits* "Shiemi had some recommendations that I brought over..." madoka: *sits up and smiles* Rin: *takes them out* "Just some natural supplements to build up your immune system..." *looks at her, smiles* "I hope it helps..." madoka: thanks babe. ^///^ Rin: ^\\\^ "Only the best for you..." *hands her some with a glass of water* "You been getting some sleep?" madoka: *she nods* Rin: "No fever dreams?" madoka: none i can remember, luckily... Rin: "Well, maybe this all will give you even better sleep. And after you have soup, I'll come by tomorrow with some food!" madoka: i'd like that. ^^ -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *staring at a candle* "..." naoya: something on your mind, akuta? Akutagawa: "Still thinking about that gang..." naoya: .....touched somethin' pretty close to home, huh? Akutagawa: "Mmm..." naoya:....*pap* Akutagawa: "...Thank you." -elsewhere- *knock on the 8th's door* nozomi: ?? *checks the door* *There's a young woman outside...sparkling* nozomi: ah- tamaki: DONT OPEN IT. Yotsuba: "I brought cupcakes! Hello? Is anyone home? ..." Vulcan: *in the garage, overhearing* "???" *looks* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *looking through binoculars* kim: anything? Jacqueline: "No signs of any target...They should come any moment now." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *hugging the robotic arm* "Hello, sweetie! Did you miss Mommy~?" >w< Yohei: -_-;;;; foien: *sweatdrop* Yohei: "Just a routine check-up, I promise. How is it working?" foien: working well. Yohei: "Any discomfort?" *measuring some readings on his smart phone* -elsewhere- Shamrock: *collapsed asleep in bed* "..." *shivers* himawari: ..... Shamrock: "M-Master..." himawari:....*sigh* Shamrock: *shivers, opens his eye* "...Where am I?" himawari: back in the hotel room. Shamrock: "What happened? My head..." himawari: you had a bit much to drink... Shamrock: X_T "No kidding..." *holds his head* himawari: do you want some water? Shamrock: *nods* -elsewhere- Lucy: "--and more of them keep showing up at shops, causing trouble or robbing bystanders." yosano: damn. kenji: want us to talk to 'em? Lucy: "I don't have much to pay you, but yes. I figured you all would be crazy enough to confront them." kenji: you got it, miss lucy! Lucy: *nods* "Thank you! Now, what information do you need? I took notes and made a sketch of the suspects--" *holds up a crudely drawn face* yosano: ...well, any idea where they were last seen? Lucy: "I saw them up the street last night, around 10, when I was putting out the trash. Then they walked up north." yosano: i see. -elsewhere- Haumea: *hand on a radio* "...Hmm..." *listening* -...- Haumea: "...?!!!" dahlia: lady haumea? did something happen? Haumea: "...I think I found a pirate radio station..." ???: "--and coming your way to get you out--" dahlia: ?? ???: "So tune in, because we are coming our way to your house to get you out of trouble--here at KFRE, Fire Radio!" ???: "Panda?! What are you doing?!" ???: woah, where did you find that old thing? Haumea: -_- "This sucks. Put on some Rage!" Charon: *walks by* "What are you doing?" dahlia: lady haumea had found some homemade station. Charon: *listens* "??? Is it sketch comedy?" -elsewhere- Master: "Mana, your tea." *passes it* mana: thanks. *sip* Master: "So, how are things going for you and Mono?" mana: alright, i guess. but i guess i feel like im in a sinkhole in life. Master: "??? Like everything is monotonous?" mana: yeah, like my life hasnt been going anywhere. =3= maybe i should go on a trip somewhere? Master: *nods* "Maybe more training? Any teacher you wanted to train with?" mana: hmmm... are there any tournaments coming up? Master: "I got one in the mail, actually..." mana: *shiny eyes* for reals?! Master: "Up in Salt Lake..." mana: awesome! Master: *hands her the flyer* "Looks like you can register online..." mana: thanks sir! -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "--and that's where you will visit." hina: niiice. Kurogiri: "You'll have a ride to take you there, and we want you to find intelligence and only capture specific targets..." hina: yeah yeah. Kurogiri: "...Repeat back what I said." hina: 'find intelligence and only capture specific targets' i heard ya. Kurogiri: "Very good." *holds up the vehicle keys* "Here you go." Hina: awesome! -elsewhere- Todoroki: *baking cookies* "Thank you for the recipe." ochako: no problem. ^^ Todoroki: "Should help with my home ec grade...You bake often?" ochako: sometimes. Todoroki: "With family?" *takes them out* ochako: yeah. yuu's a lot better at it than i am, though. Todoroki: "How is she?" ochako: doing good last i heard. -elsewhere- Gogol: *pets Barkova* barkova: =v= yana: she seems satisfied. elizaveta: i thought she died. Gogol: "Evidently not..." yana: hmm... Gogol: "What does she like?" yana:....i honestly dont know. in all the years she's been here, all we know is that she acts like a dog...its kind of messed up. Gogol: "Maybe jerky?" -elsewhere- Damon: "Is he asleep?" becky: i think so. Damon: "...Want to do something for him?" becky: like what? Damon: "Maybe make him something to eat?" -elsewhere- Vulcan: *nom* "Hey, that's not bad!" Yotsuba: *eating in the garage* "Thanks!" lisa: *sweatdrop* Vulcan: "Lisa, hey! This one from the 1st came with cupcakes! You got to try them..." tamaki: *snarls* lisa: ._.; Yotusba: "Your hair looks amazing! What do you use?" *not looking at Tamaki* Vulcan: *but he is* ._.;;; lisa: um... ._.;;; shinra: *holding back laughter* my god, they've multiplied tenfold! tamaki: *punches him without even looking at him* Vulcan: O_O; Yotsuba: ^w^;;; "I see Tamaki is full of vim and vigor...How are you?" tamaki: just. dandy. ^^##### Yotsuba: "Super! I saved a special cupcake for you..." *holds it up* *it has a crude drawing of her and Tamaki holding hands with the word "FRIENDS" under them* tamaki: ......*forcing a smile, as blood trickles from the corner of her lip* how....thought...ful..... ^^####### Yotsuba: *claps* "Yay!" Vulcan: .____.; *protective stance in front of Lisa* -elsewhere- Shotaro: *picks up Toru* toru: buba? Shotaro: "Howdy, tiny baby!" -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Yay, stickers. How do you like them?" sylvia: t-thank you.... Kyoka: *smiles* "They suit you." sylvia: ^^ Kyoka: "Now, let's have dinner." *opens the cupboard* "What do you want?" -elsewhere- Kafka: *limping around* *grumbles* naoya: looks like you're on nanny duty today, eh? Kafka: "Yes, I suppose I am--WAIT, WHAT?!" sonia: *staaaare* wilhelm: ^^ tom: haha! Q: "Is he any good at it?" Jakob: "We prank him all the time. One time, we pantsed him, and he was wearing heart boxers." wilhelm: >v< Kafka: "This is an outrage! Why should I babysit them?!" goethe: its your punishment. Kafka: "Eep!" *spins* "...Wh-What punishment? What for?" goethe: you coooould have gotten the kids out of there faster and lessened the damage done, but you had to pick a fight because of your own damn pride. so now, you look after them for a while. Kafka: -~- "I was protecting my property..." goethe: you saying you owned that shack? Kafka: "My wallet, you obtuse fiend!" philip: *tosses a ball, which hits kafka right in the stones* Kafka: .~. "..." *collapses to his knees, then to his side, clutching his groin* goethe: ....ow. philip: sorry! Kafka: Q____Q *squeaky voice* "My Jeremias and Artur..." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "It was an odd sighting..." emily: hmm... Steinbeck: "Any leads from that teacher?" emily: he does keep to his office a lot when not teaching. Steinbeck: "...I see." twain: OvO Steinbeck: "No chance of getting a meeting?" emily: maybe... Hemingway: "Let me try. I've always wanted to go back to school." *sharpening a knife* emily: ._.;; baum: maaaybe a less violent method? ^^; Hemingway: "...But I left the paintball gun at home." Steinbeck: "NO GUNS AT A COLLEGE! What are you thinking?!" Hemingway: -_-# emily: maybe just try talking to him? ^^;;; Steinbeck: "Sounds worthwhile. Baum, care to try?" baum: of course~! ^^ Hemingway: "Hmph. Don't bore them, poindexer." baum: ^^; -elsewhere- Tanizaki: *on incom* "See them yet?" atsushi: nothing yet... Tanizaki: "Hmmm..." *looking at map and cameras* "I don't see them, either. Maybe Lucy got it wrong..." atsushi:....*ear twitch and side glance* *footsteps are coming* atsushi: *hides* ???: "Streets are dead...No one to mug." atsushi: .... ???: "..." *sniffs* "..." *sneezes* =_= "Must be a cat around here...Darn strays." atsushi:.... ???: *looks around* atsushi: *tenses* person: *uneasy* Mantis: "Well, hello. Entrance fee, please." person: e-excuse me? Mantis: "You want to keep walking, pay up." atsushi: *jumps out and tries to kick mantis in the face* Mantis: *grabs* atsushi: !!! Mantis: *flip, toss--and grabs the Person at knife point* atsushi: gah! Mantis: "Okay, hero--stay down, or tourist here gets a few new orifices." atsushi: !! person: !!! Mantis: "Now, go back where you came from, like a good boy, and leave me to collect me fee..." atsushi: *LUNGES* Mantis: -_-# *pushes the person towards Atsushi...and grabs something from his belt* atsushi: run! person: *flees* Mantis: "Too late..." *he's holding a grenade--and tosses it at the person* -BOOOM- -the person fled already- atsushi: *his back is burnt up* ah! Mantis: "Neat..." *stamps a foot onto Atsushi's back* atsushi: *grabs mantis' leg and tosses him into a wall* Mantis: "URK!" *crashes* "Crap...Heh, you pack a bit of a fight for some lanky stringbrean..." atsushi: well you sure talk a lot for someone who probably hasnt seen a bath in years! Mantis: "...I am not that unhygenic. Like you smell like a bed of ros-rose--AHCOO!" atsushi: *tackle + tiger punch* Mantis: "OW!" *sneezes again* "Well, shit!" *stabs into Atsushi's arm* atsushi: *screams* Mantis: *stab stab stabby* "And I hope you like what I coat my blade with!" *it smells...* atsushi: *PUNCH* Mantis: "AGH!" *pulls out a lighter* "Enjoy some burning cuts!" *The smell was...gasoline?!* atsushi: !!!!!! Mantis: *holds the lighter up to the knife wounds* atsushi: *kicks it away* Mantis: "Ow! Stupid bastard!" *tries to grab onto Atsushi--* atsushi: *dodge and kick to the back* Mantis: "OW!" *knocked belly down* atsushi: ......*takes a chain and ties him to a pole* there...now to wait.... Mantis: "I don't have to wai-wai--AH-CHOO!" atsushi: *sweatdrop* -elsewhere- Kafka: *heating up mac and cheese* "And you'll eat it and like it..." philip: *shiny eyes* Jakob: "No need to be so rude..." Bessy: "I-I like mac and cheese..." Kafka: "...Well, good!" *returns to cooking* >\\\< tom: its been forever since we had hot food. ^^ Kafka: "Hmph. If this impresses you, wait until you have hot chocolate..." tom: yaaay! Kafka: "..." -\\\\- *sets out bowls* -elsewhere- rowena: *writing notes....yaaawn* Poe: *sets down tea* rowena: thanks. *sip* Poe: "You're welcome. Studying hard, I see." rowena: *she nods* Poe: "How is the progress?" *has a cookie* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "...So you tied him up and...?" atsushi: the authorities took him. Kunikida: "...You look worse for wear." atsushi: i could imagine. Kunikida: "Go clean up. I'm guessing those wounds will heal with your ability." atsushi: yeah. Tanizaki: "Yeah, and we'll handle writing up the report--" *The door slams into Tanizaki* atsushi: .-. Lucy: "YOU!" atsushi: OxO;;;;; Lucy: "Look at your shirt! It's all stabbed!" atsushi: Q~Q;;;; Lucy: *grabs the shirt, pulling it up* "Have you healed yet?! Let me get you a new shirt--Give me this one to wash and sew! You need a shower! And someone call the Doctor to give you a check up!" atsushi: *nod nod nod* odasaku: ^^; Lucy: *pulls his shirt off, pushing him to the bathroom* "Get going, then!" *shuts the door behind him* atsushi: yes ma'am! Lucy: *sighs* *looks at the others* "...WHAT ARE YOU STANDING AROUND FOR?! GET GOING!" Tanizaki: X_X Kunikida: "..." *texting Yosano* -elsewhere- Black Star: [how r they holding up?] misono: [no one has been arrested, thankfully.] Black Star: [keep up the good work then!] Lily: "Who are you speaking with?" misono: black*star. he's asking how everyone is. Lily: "Aw, that's nice~" *opens the hallway door* "It's quiet..." -elsewhere- emily: *taking a seat* Crane: *looking over papers* "..." emily: *watching as other students take their seats to listen to the lecture* Crane: "Now, where was it...Oh, right!" *puts a transparency on the projector* "This is a horse!" emily: *sweatdrops* girl: i thought this was a local history lecture? Crane: "...Oh, yes!" *puts on a new slide--of Hessian soldiers* "The Revolutionary War!" emily: *listening* Crane: "Did you know that Germans fought for the British in that war?" emily: hm.. Crane: "They were called Hessians, and they were brought in to quell dissenting colonists, including in nearby White Plains." *puts up a new slide of a Hessian next to a cannon* "They were the artillery!" girl 2: oh, cool. Crane: "Buuuuuuut...the Americans also had cannons." emily: ... Crane: "And during the Battle of White Plains, all it took was one cannon for one unfortunate Hessian to lose his head." emily: ._. Crane: "And with little time to bury all the corpses, well..." emily: .___.;; Crane: "So you can imagine why at the local graveyard this 'headless Hessian' is a shorter grave..." girl: creepy. Crane: *nods* "And the head wasn't buried with him--just left as the Hessians escaped the battlefield." emily: .___.;;;; Crane: "I've been fascinated by this battle, wanting to learn about the Headless Hessian--but records are scarce." guy: i thought it was just an urban legend? Crane: "Well, I haven't dug up the grave or anything." emily: ... Crane: "..." *awkward cough* "I did look through the Hessian reports from the battle--and no record of any headless Hessian. I even looked at records of Hessians also sent to the colonies--nothing!" emily: ..... Crane: "And I want to find him!" -morning- Rin: [any better?] madoka: [a little bit] Rin: [i can swing by after class--pick u up anything?] madoka: [i think the new volume of 'housekeeping vampire komaru' should be out today'] Rin: [on it!] -elsewhere- leo: *knitting a blanket* Motojiro: "It's looking lovely..." *he has some paint on his overalls* leo: ^////^ Motojiro: "Hans said furniture arrives tomorrow...How are you feeling?" leo: excited, nervous...*wipes a tear* Motojiro: "..." *holds her hand* leo: *hugs him* Motojiro: *pat pat* <Both of you will be fine.> leo: ^/////^ Motojiro: <And we're in a safe place, and the baby will have all they need.> leo: *she nods* Motojiro: *smiles* "And we still have our room to decorate...and a good spot for a wedding reception." ^\\\^ leo: ^/////^ Motojiro: *smooch* leo: u////u Motojiro: "And we'll have a wonderful life! And our child grow up with friends and get to play and learn and--" Kafka: "GET BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE SHITS!" leo: OuO; wilhelm: *cackling* Jakob: "Feeling 'blue'?! Ha ha ha!" Kafka: *running, his face painted blue* "GRRRR!" Motojiro: OwO "...D'aw!" leo: ...never a dull moment. ^^; -elsewhere- Damon: "Did you like it?" soul: yeah.. thanks. ^^ Damon: *smiles, hugs* becky: ...*hug* soul: *picks them up and spin hugs* Damon: "Hee hee..." >w< -elsewhere- Mantis: *in a strait jacket* "Come on, I don't even have my blades on me--isn't this a bit much?" guard: best not to take any chances. Mantis: "Grr...I want my lawyer." guard: do you even have a lawyer? Mantis: "DON'T I GET ONE?! YOU HAVE LIKE A CLOSET FULL OF THEM FOR THESE SITUATIONS, RIGHT?!" -elsewhere- Kyoka: *in a new kimono* "...Yay." sylvia: i-it looks really nice, miss kyouka... kenji: ^^ it really suits ya. Kyoka: "Thank you. I wanted to try a different design." ^^ kirako: and i see your hair's growing out again. Kyoka: *nods* "Maybe I need a cut..." Dazai: *clipping roses* ranpo: *spins in his chair* Kyoka: "??? Ranpo, did you have more sugar?" ranpo: just bored out of my effin skull. Kunikida: "Good." *hands him boxes* "Organize these." ranpo: =3= Kyoka: "Hmm..." *looks in one box, takes out a photo* "..." ._____. "...Why are you dressed as a vampire?" Kunikida: "?!!!" ranpo: oh yeah, that was for a bet, i think. Kunikida: -_____-# "I wanted those burnt." Dazai: ^w^ "Can't destroy the evidence--part of an ongoing investigation~" sylvia: r-really? Kunikida: "He's kidding..." *grumbles* "So embarrassing..." Dazai: "But you pull off 'humorless pale bloodsucking leech' so well!" Kunikida: "YOU'RE THE LEECH!" ranpo: i think we still have the costume. Kunikida: "...No." Dazai: "Yes! Punishment game!" kirako: he hasnt done anything though... sylvia: Q_Q;;; Dazai: "I'm sure I can find something..." *stares at Kunikida's desk* "..." *shifts the stapler* "See?! It's out of alignment! Punishment!" Kunikida: -_-# Kyoka: "..." *pats Sylvia's shoulder* "It's okay." kenji: this happens a lot, actually. ^^ Kunikida: "Let go of me!" Dazai: "Just put on the teeth!" Kyoka: ._.;;; -elsewhere- Yohei: "Just keep your phone on you while you're out of town, and call." mana: i will. Emine: "If you don't come back, I'm claiming your stuff." mana: ... -_- Shotaro: "Will you be gone long?" mana: not too long i dont think. Shotaro: Q_Q "Will you bring back souvenirs?" mana: of course i will. -elsewhere- Rin: "Brought it!" madoka: thanks rin! ^^ Rin: "Just what the doctor ordered." *pulls up a chair* "How are you?" madoka: doing better now. Rin: "Maybe you'll be ready for class tomorrow..." madoka: i hope so. Rin: *opens the shopping bag, pulling out some candies* "Want some?" -elsewhere- PlushFix: "This ride sucks! Can't we get a custom paint job or something?" saku: its this or nothing. PlushFix: *grumbles* "Can we at least use my mixtape?" *holds up a cassette labeled 'Booty Jams'* saku: -______- -elsewhere- sayaka: *on a bus tour of shinjuku* Tour guide: <Shopping is a big industry here! Some of the leading companies in media, fashion, and tech have their main shops here. Maybe you can find a discount?> sayaka: ^u^ kilik: *looking around* *A lot of fashionable people walking, some street and food vendors, as well as...someone eyeing jewelry in one window* sayaka: hey kim! kim: *looks over to the bus and waves* Jacqueline: "Oh, so they took the tour to locate suspects?" kim: probably. Jacqueline: "I suppose we should be doing the same..." *spots a dress inside* "...After trying on just one or two outfits." kim: ^^ -elsewhere- Hyde: "Oh, Angelito~" licht: -_- Hyde: "I need a favor--can you play a song for Ochaco. The one that goes 'dum dah dah duuuuuuuuuum bah dah dah'?" licht: ...are you flirting with coworkers again? Hyde: "Hell nah! Ochaco is like a sister to me! And I think she has an S.O." licht: i see. Hyde: "So...You gonna do it, or do I have to resort to blackmail?" licht: i'll put it into consideration, i guess im just merciful that way. *pose* because i am an angel. Hyde: ^w^ "Yes, you are. Also, wear something nice--don't look tacky in front of my peeps." -elsewhere- sonia: ... Chuuya: "Feeling okay?" sonia: yeah. Chuuya: "...How about some juice?" sonia: ok. Chuuya: *pours some* "How are classes?" sonia: they're a lot more busy now... Chuuya: "That can be good for learning, though. You can interact with others..." sonia: yeah... Chuuya: "...Are the kids treating you properly?" sonia: i havent been picked on by anyone too harshly. Chuuya: "...'Too'? Who's being a problem?" *protective dad mode* sonia: the grimm brothers are a bit mischievous, but they're harml- Chuuya: *already walking down the hall* sonia: ._. Chuuya: "Where are they?! Where are--" *opens the door to the children's playroom* Kafka: *seated at the kids' table...with makeup and a tiara* "..." Chuuya: "..." Bessy: ^w^ "We're having a tea party!" Kafka: "..." *inhale, whispers* "Kill me..." maggie: ^^; Chuuya: "..." *looks at Maggie* "I'll ask the adult in the room--" Kafka: "?!" Chuuya: "Where are the twins?" sonia: it's ok papa, they're harmless. Kafka: " 'Harmless'?! I'm still picking glitter out of my teeth!" Chuuya: "...Who are you again?" Kafka: *silent internal screaming* *snickering is heard in the closet* Chuuya: "Ah-ha!" Kafka: "I wouldn't open that--" Chuuya: *he opens it* -BWOOOM- Chuuya: *covered in glitter* "..." -____-; wilhelm: BWAHAHA! Chuuya: "...That...was uncalled for..." *cracks his knuckles* wilhelm: OvO sonia: papa..*tugs on his vest* Chuuya: -_-; *grumbles* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "What else should we do while we're here?" naho: hungry... lilac: *stomach growls* Sakuya: "Well, no lack of buffets..." *points* "That one has a chocolate fountain." naho: ooooh. OvO Sakuya: "See? Knew you'd like that--" otogiri: belkia dont put any birds in there. we dont want a repeat of _last_ time. Belkia: *holding a dove* "...I thought the flavor just needed a bit more sugar." otogiri: belkia... ayami: ^^; Belkia: "Fiiiiiine..." *shoves the dove back into his hat* "I'll make do with chocolate-covered steak..." *takes a plate of steak from the buffet* -elsewhere- liz: ok, lets see *checking recipe* Patty: "How you think it'll turn out?" liz: hopefully at least edible. Patty: "Between me and you, it'll be great." liz: hell yeah! Patty: ^w^ "Ready to stir?" -elsewhere- erina: im hooome... Allison: *brushing her hair* "Yo!" erina: *takes off her shoes and coat and plops onto the couch* Allison: "...Long day?" erina: yeah... Allison: "Do you have work tomorrow?" erina: day off, finally. Allison: "How you want to spend it?" erina: *looking at pamphlets* Allison: "??? A trip?" erina: maybe. since its spring time... Allison: "See the fam?" erina: good idea. a visit home might be just what i need... Allison: "Anything to do there?" erina: yeah. Allison: "Like what? Hiking or shopping or...?" erina: well there is the oregon zoo, the art museum, oaks amusement park, stuff like that. Allison: "...Ah. Your family will hang with you?" erina: i hope so. Allison: "Were you an only child?" erina: no. 2 sisters. Allison: ^w^ "They as cool as you?" erina: isabelle's working in seattle, and i think samantha's still in university. Allison: "How often you talk?" erina: occasionally...havent in a while. Allison: "Then this will be good for you." erina: yeah.. Allison: "Need help packing?" -elsewhere- ango: alright, mr dostoevsky. we'll be starting the evaluation now. Fyodor: "Do I get a treat?" ango: i'll be the one asking questions here. have you had any psychological evaluations in the past? Fyodor: "If they were inconclusive, I hardly think they 'evaluate.'" ango: ...how did you sleep this week? Fyodor: "Haven't felt rested, I'm afraid." ango: i see. is there a reason as to why that is? Fyodor: "I feel a bit anxious..." ango: do you feel anxious often? Fyodor: "Yes, frequently." ango: i see. Fyodor: "It's isolating..." ango: *nods* well, you are in solitary confinement. Fyodor: "I didn't use to be..." ango: well, given your behavior with other prisoners and staff, that had to be changed. Fyodor: "It was just a reaction I had..." ango: go on? Fyodor: "Haven't you ever wanted to eliminate an annoyance?" ango: .... Fyodor: "Sometimes...just yearning for the peace, the stillness..." ango: ..... Fyodor: "...Sorry. Did you have another question?" Ango: do you often have trouble socializing with others? Fyodor: "I do okay. People seem to listen." ango: and in the past? Fyodor: "...Well, I got them to listen, too." ango: ... do you have any family? loved ones? Fyodor: *smiles* "Who doesn't have family? Did you think I just appeared?" ango: ... Fyodor: "And you've seen the people with whom I associate." ango:....... Fyodor: "Would you call them 'family'?" ango: that depends... Fyodor: "I suppose...I don't even get to see them." ango: .... Fyodor: "So, what's the next question? About agitation?" -elsewhere- Crane: *organizing papers, humming* "...'his truth is marching...'" emily: good evening, professor. Crane: "Ah, Miss Dickinson. I'm afraid if you keep stopping by, I'll have to charge you for auditing my classes." *friendly smile* emily: *chuckle* well, an associate of mine and i were just hoping to ask a few questions, if that's alright. Crane: "Depends--what about?" emily: involving local legends. Crane: OwO "Ask, ask!" emily: does the name 'washington irving' ring any bells? -she's onto us!- Crane: "...No. Not one." *frowns* emily: well, my associate would like to hear about your research, if you're able. Crane: "Sorry, I just remembered I had a previous engagement." *stands up, grabbing a set of papers and dumping them into his satchel* emily:... ?? *It seems like...a map? A really tiny one...* emily:....*takes it and sticks it into her wallet* Steinbeck: *approaches* "He left?" emily: but i did find this. *she shows him the map* Steinbeck: "Oh! Good work..." *looks at it* "Kind of small writing...That is the Washington on the map, so can use that as a landmark." emily: *nod* -elsewhere- Hiro: *hitting a punching bag* EF: *timing him* Hiro: *punch punch punch-punch-punch* *pulls back his arm, swings--and lands a hit that knocks the bag back* EF: woah. Hiro: *stunned* "...Woo!" *lifts his arms with pride--* ^w^ *--and the bag knocks back* EF: *wince* Hiro: *downed* XwO "...I still hit it!" -elsewhere- yana: *laying in bed* .... Gogol: *knocks* yana: <it's open> Gogol: *enters* <Yo.> yana: <did you need something from me?> Gogol: <I got new info at work today...What are you up to?> yana: <not much. just resting.> Gogol: <Ah...> *leaves a folder on the nightstand* <Read at your leisure.> yana: *examines it* *There are some names of officials, their code names, other secret security details* yana: hmmm.... Gogol: <It should help keeping track of them.> yana: <i'll update this first thing tomorrow.> Gogol: ^w^ <Did I do good?> yana: <this is great!> Gogol: <Thank you!> -morning- Kafka: *buried under sheets* -knock- Kafka: "Go. Away." etta: oh, ok then. breakfast will be ready in 15. Kafka: O\\\\\o *leaps out of bed* "O-Okay then! Th-Thanks?" etta: *exits* Kafka: "..." *falls back into bed--and sees his Etta pillow* "... ..." O\\\\\O ("Oh, God, I need to hide this better!") -elsewhere- Damon: "Zzz..." soul: *making waffles* Damon: *sniffs* "..." *gets out bed, comes to the kitchen* becky: morning Damon: "Morning...Smells good." soul: just made 'em Damon: "...Thank you..." -elsewhere- kim: *yaaaawn* Jacqueline: "Zzzz..." kilik: mornin' Jacqueline: *yawns, wakes up* "Mmm...I needed more sleep..." sayaka: we got ourselves a leeeead! Harvar: "??? Where?" sayaka: apperantly there's been sightings of a lady in a trenchcoat with a pair of sheers attacking people at night ox: so a kuchisake onna? Jacqueline: "...Well, that's a wake-up call. We'll scope out locations at night?" kilik: sounds like it. Jacqueline: "Then I need coffee...And we can map the locations." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *has shaving foam all over his face* "Now, watch how I do it..." bram: ... Fitzgerald: *carefully draws the razor over* "And soon, you have a clean shave..." bram: *nods* Fitzgerald: "I had to train myself at this. I used to even just use a knife..." bram: i...see...*sweatdrop* Fitzgerald: "...Shaving cream is fun to play with." bram: please focus, sir. Fitzgerald: "Ah, right." *finishes shaving* "There--smooth as the slopes of Timbuktu..." bram: *claps* Fitzgerald: "Yes, thank you..." *smiles, wipes his face* "Now, then, another 30 minutes before the meeting..." -elsewhere- Gopher: "--and we can get popcorn and soda, and a seat where you get the best 3D viewing." kotone: *shiny eyes* Gopher: ^w^ "Two tickets, please." Hyde: "Here you go." *hands Kotone 3D glasses* kotone: ...*puts them on* Hyde: "Um...Ma'am? Not until you get into the theater. We've had too many people fall down stairs while wearing those when entering the theater." kotone: s....sorry.... Gopher: *pat pat* "It's okay. Wait until you see the images on screen." -elsewhere- Conductor: "ALL ABOARD!" mana: *looking out the window* Yohei: *waves* mana: *waves back* Yohei: *smiles* Shotaro: "We'll miss you!" chie: be safe! Yohei: *waves Toru's hand* -elsewhere- PlushFix: *with suction cups tied to his limbs, stuck on the windshield* -_-# hina: *blasting tunes* mimeca: >w< Alone: "It's gonna be kinda hard for me to stay hidden--a giant werewolf sticks out in public..." hina: eh, in this day and age, people dont usually question it. Alone: "Well, as long as no one holds up my wanted poster..." -elsewhere- Hemingway: *riding a horse* trainer: see? you're getting the hang of it ^^ Hemingway: "Indeed! What a majestic steed this horse is!" emily: he seems to be enjoying himself. ^^ Steinbeck: "Looks like it...We'll need him on it to find something..." emily:...*nod* Steinbeck: "Any new info?" emily: nothing yet. Steinbeck: "Well, in addition to the map, I tried to find Crane's address..." baum: oh? Steinbeck: "And nothing. He seems to bounce from house to house..." baum: hmmm.. Steinbeck: "If we could pin down his location, maybe make it clearly how insistent we are." baum: *nod nod* Steinbeck: "Follow his movements, go door to door if necessary." baum: *nods* Steinbeck: "I'm going to keep following the map. And Twain--Wait, where is Twain?" -in the woods- twain: *fishing* *whistling* ???: "I told you, it will be fine." twain: ?? *peeks* *It's Crane* Crane: "I hid the grave, hid the research--" twain: (bingo.) -still, i dont trust those city yahoos as far as i can throw 'em!- Crane: "And I don't blame you--trust me! But there's a way to deal with this without doing anything, you know, erratically." -well then, what do _you_ suggest, hmm?- Crane: "What else--a bit of misdirection. Ever watch 'Scooby Doo'?" -the hell's that?- twain: ??? Crane: "...A show where a talking dog and some college kids would solve mysteries, then it turns out the villain is a guy in a mask to mis-direct from the actual supernatural stuff around them." -your point is?- Crane: *sighs* "I put on some fake monster costume, scare them away, and they leave us alone?" huck: dang, how dumb would ya have to be? Crane: "??? Did you hear something?" twain: OwO;; *imitating a bird call* Crane: "Hmm...Bird must have hit its head on something." twain: TTwTT; (nailed it) Crane: "...Anyway, I have more student appointments." -elsewhere- Belkia: *curled up in bedsheets* =w= "I'm going to miss these great bedsheets when we get home." lavender: on the bright side, i got some new clothes to try out~<3 Higan: "Yes, you did~" Sakuya: "...Belkia's gonna steal the sheets, I just know it." Belkia: "IF IT'S IN A HOTEL, IT'S FREE TO TAKE! Sham, grab the mini-fridge!" otogiri: belkia no. ayami: ^^; Shamrock: "Just enjoy this trip, you all." naho: ^^; lilac: ._.; Belkia: "Anywhere left to visit? Maybe some clubs?" -elsewhere- Ojiro: *doing hanging sit-ups* tsuyu: *doing the triple jump Bakugo: "That's nothing!" *uses an explosive to leap up* -elsewhere- Yukio: *checking notes* seiya: anything new? gilda: ^^ Yukio: "Some...materials are missing." seiya: oh? Yukio: "I want to track them down--including who took them." seiya: hmm... Yukio: "They are books and some chemicals..." seiya: what could they planning? gilda: *shrug* Yukio: "There are some plants listed...I'll speak with someone." -elsewhere- ebie: *walking along and humming* Lovecraft: *sitting in a tub* "..." ebie: hey mr lovecraft, ah’m gonna go be doin' some errands. need anythin'? Lovecraft: "...Jelly..." ebie: okie! anythin' else? Lovecraft: "Peanut butter..." oscar: that all? Lovecraft: "Sardines and anchovies." ebie: you got it! *exits* -elsewhere- Dazai: "Good work surviving against some knife junkie." atsushi: yeah. ^^; Dazai: "Now, onto other business--" *sets a teddy bear on the desk* atsushi: ?? Dazai: "We're putting a baby cam into this bad boy. His name is Melvin." atsushi: o...kay? Dazai: "I want to make sure the baby is protected. I don't need some enemy going after them..." atsushi: ....*nods* odasaku: ........ Dazai: "..." *sad smile* "Just have to have all preparations...I even got someone to help with some security." atsushi: oh? *Muttering is heard in the hallway* atsushi: ?? *peeek* *Katai is lying on a futon, typing* atsushi: ._. Dazai: ^w^ "He's quite good at setting up booby traps. Some 'Home Alone' stuff." atsushi: i....see Katai: "Never again...Never again..." atsushi: ?? Katai: *looks up* "O-O-Oh! Mr. Atsushi..." atsushi: just atsushi is fine, sir. ^^; Katai: "K-Katai, too...H-How are you?" atsushi: im good. hangin' in there, y'know? Katai: *nods* "After your run-in with that Hell Blaze gangster, you should have more security to your room, too..." *pulls up windows--and his desktop has a photo of Blair* atsushi: .............. Katai: "!!!!" .\\\. *pulls up a window, showing the map of the apartment building* "F-Focus! S-See?! You're room is vulnerable in these windows, so we could put in trip wires as well as additional tools to *ramble ramble ramble...*" Kyoka: "..." *pulls Kenji away* "Come along, Sylvia..." sylvia: o-ok! Katai: >\\\\< *awkward cough* "W-Would you like me to begin installation, Mr. Atsushi?" Atsushi: sure, and you can just call me atsushi… ^^; -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Someone could have hidden in these bushes." ox:...no one's here now... Jacqueline: "Hmph...Could be a few more hours." *looks around* kim: .... *It's quiet and secluded...and a bit chilly* kilik: see anything? sayaka: nah... Jacqueline: *listens* "..." ("I don't hear anything odd...Is this the wrong spot?") -footsteps- Jacqueline: "???" *looks* -a female with long hair and a trenchcoat is walking- Jacqueline: "!!!" kilik: get ready... Jacqueline: *assumes lantern form* ox: ... Harvar: *in spear form* "..." sayaka: *soul gem out* Fire: *in glove form* "..." thunder: *transformed* Lady: "..." *looks around...* sayaka: .... Lady: *small growl* *looks at the streets* kilik: .... Lady: *turns to where the group is standing* sayaka: *gulps* Lady: "..." *opens her mouth--and it looks unhinged* kim: .... Lady: "..." *dashes to the right, attempting to circle around at them* sayaka: *charges with her sword* Lady: *leaps* "..." sayaka: *SLASH* Lady: *dodges, grabs Sayaka's arm* sayaka: !!! kilik: *PAWNCH* Lady: *knocked back, landing on the street face down* sayaka: ...thanks. ^^; kim: try not to let your guard down next time. Harvar: "...Is she just going to stay here?" kim: *jumps in* Jacqueline: "Keep enough distance, avoid getting touched." kim: right! Jacqueline: "!!! Kim, get back!" kim: !! *FIRE BLAST* *The flames encompass the Lady* Lady: *screams, her mouth pulling open wider* Harvar: "Ox, fry them!" ox: *JAB* Harvar: "Electrify!" *Electricity shoots through the Lady* Lady: *roars* ox: nice one! Jacqueline: "I think that did it..." Lady: *collapses, breathing shallowing* sayaka:...*prod prod* Lady: *not moving* sayaka: ._.;;; Harvar: "...Did the mission say 'kill' or 'capture'?" kilik: *checking* *The heartbeat is faint* kilik: she's alive...somewhat. for now, we'll contact for someone to pick her up. -elsewhere- Minoura: "Still checking for them..." ango: .... Minoura: "And Dostoyevsky had nothing for you?" ango: sadly nothing of any use... Minoura: "Not even a hint where he's keeping his followers?" ango: *shakes his head* Minoura: "..." *groans* "Pain in the ass...The longer they're out there, who knows what problems they'll cause." -elsewhere- Gogol: *in disguise at work* "Afternoon, afternoon..." employee: *nod* Gogol: "What's on the agenda? Meetings?" employee: we'll be having a meeting with mr minoura later. Gogol: *smiles* "Wonderful." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Move in a little closer." *holding the camera* naho: *peace sign* lavender: *wink and blows a kiss to the camera* Shamrock: *standing awkwardly and straight up* otogiri: *peace sign, still with that stoic expression* Higan: *gun fingers* Belkia: *tongue sticking out* ayami: *wave* lilac: *hiding behind naho* misono: =A=; Lily: *smiling* Sakuya: "And..." *takes the photo* ayami: how is it? Sakuya: "Great!" *shows it* naho: nice! Shamrock: "We have a few more minutes. Any last-minute activities any of you had in mind? Maybe the gift shop?" -elsewhere- Justin: "You've been smiling more." oriko: oh? Justin: *nods* "You seem happier." oriko: i guess.... Justin: "Did you want to meet Kirika?" oriko: ...*nod* Justin: "I'll call her. I'm sure she can see you..." -elsewhere- Meme: *holds up baseball mitt* "Right here! Toss it!" tsugumi: *TOSS* Anya: *swings the bat--and hits* mio: *making a run for it* Meme: "!!! Ao, tag out Mio!" ("Please don't hate me, Mio!") ao: *chases after her* ^^ mio: OwO;;;; Anya: *running for first* rowena: *watching from her window* Kana: "...You aren't playing?" rowena: im content. ^^ Kana: "Yeah, I don't like outdoor sports as much." *takes out her cards* rowena: oh i remember, you told my fortune when i arrived in this city! Kana: *nods* "Do you think it turned out as predicted?" rowena: you said i would find love, right? i assumed you meant that in a romantic sense, but i had misjudged. i found my brother living here, so i guess the 'love' i found was love for my family. Kana: "See? It works each time." rowena: ^^ Kana: "Any plans after graduation?" rowena: i havent even gotten that far yet! ^^;; Kana: "Hmm. Never hurts to think ahead." *setting out cards* -elsewhere- Black Star: *vacuuming the vampires' bedrooms* tsubaki: *hanging up laundry* Black Star: *looks at her...smiles...turns off the vacuum* "They say when they getting back?" tsubaki: either tonight or tomorrow morning. Black Star: "I'll text them in an hour to check on their progress...Need any help?" *hangs up a shirt* -elsewhere- Kid: "How has it been, Homura?" homura: busy for the most part. *sips tea* Kid: *nods* "Missions going okay?" *pours some tea for himself* homura: for the most part, yes. kilik's group successfully contained the kuchisake onna terrorizing shinjuku. Kid: "I saw that! Glad it has been handled. Did you wish you were on that mission?" homura: right now isnt a time to think about 'what-ifs'. the important thing is the mission was successful with minimal damage. i think the persons involved got a little more experience as well. Kid: "..." *smiles* "Fair point." homura:...it's funny, how much i've changed since my first day. Kid: "I think you have improved in many ways. And I am happy to have gotten to know you." homura: *smile* the feeling is mutual. Kid: *smiles* "And in the future." *holds up his teacup in a mock-toast* homura: right. -elsewhere- Hyde: *tossing expired food* "Can't eat. Would kill you. Oh, this soda is only a day past 'best by'--keeping that..." *looks at Ochaco* "You get all your camping gear?" ochako: still saving up. Hyde: "Ah...Any idea what the activities will be?" ochako: an obstacle course is most likely. Hyde: "Some anti-gravity would help with that." -elsewhere- Lucy: "Seems excessive." kirako: oh? Lucy: "Why extra security? Is Atsushi going to be called as a witness?" kirako: ^^; im sure dazai's just being cautious. ^^; Lucy: "One way of putting it...Weren't you a little worried starting to work at a place like this?" kirako: what do you mean? Lucy: "I mean, these are a bunch of weirdos that kind of skirt the law. Is this where you imagined yourself?" kirako: well, i guess life is just full of surprises. did you ever imagine dating a weretiger? ^^; Lucy: "...Touche." *looks at her hands* "Didn't imagine this ability, either." -elsewhere- Mephisto: "How is the knitting?" felisia: coming along. ^^ Mephisto: "Speaking of coming along..." *looks at her belly* "How's the little one?" felisia: doing well....i still havent thought of a name QAQ;;; Mephisto: ^^; "It'll come to us, soon. I can feel it." felisia: i hope TT3TT; Mephisto: *holds her hand* "I promise." felisia: *smile* Mephisto: "Let's focus on all they need right now...Anything you desire?" -elsewhere- Kuro: *flipping through pages of the book* "...Today was embarrassing." mahiru: *face down on couch* dont remind me.. Kuro: -_-# "How was I to know the teacher would use a laser pointer in the lecture..." *pulls his hoodie more over his face* "So stupid...Ought to ban those things...I still hear everyone's laughter..." mahiru: *pap pap* [note; he had to make up an excuse to the teacher] Kuro: =\\\\\= "..." *purr* mahiru: ^^; Kuro: "...Zzz..." mahiru:....*hug* Kuro: *calm breathing* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *standing outside a room* "..." higuchi:.... Chuuya: "...He's been quiet." higuchi:....yeah.. Chuuya: "...Has he eaten?" higuchi: *she nods* Chuuya: "..." *listens at the door* *groans and wails...* Chuuya: "..." higuchi:...........damn... Chuuya: "Not good...Talk to him?" higuchi:....*knock* Mori: "...Y-Yes?" higuchi:....*sigh* are you alright in there? Mori: "...Fine?" higuchi:.... Mori: "...May I have a sandwich?" higuchi: cereal it is. Mori: =A= higuchi: *exits* Chuuya: "Good one." higuchi: guess im still salty over the fact that he's responsible for my friend's death. Chuuya: "...Understatement." higuchi: true that. Chuuya: "...Want to put spoiled milk in it?" higuchi: yes. Chuuya: *nods* "I know where it is--Kafka didn't take care of fridge maintenance." higuchi: i bet hans is gonna give him hell for that. Chuuya: "No kidding--I wouldn't cross her...What you think the punishment will be?" higuchi: *imagining hans' firey rage* o~o;;; Chuuya: T~T "Y-Yeah..." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "So, can we count this as a victory?" ox: i believe so. sayaka: that was kind of.... kilik: anti-climatic? sayaka: *pap* exactly my thoughts. Harvar: "At least it's done." sayaka: yeah. Jacqueline: "...Think they'll kill her?" Harvar: "Probably." sayaka: ... Jacqueline: "...For what reason, I wonder." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *walking by shops* "Huh...A spice shop?" twain: nifty. Steinbeck: "Wonder what they got..." *looks in the window* "Some salt, some ginger..." *looks at the shopkeeper* shopkeeper: welcome. need anythin'? Steinbeck: "Hi! One of our friends is cooking fish. What you got?" shopkeeper: we have black pepper, garlic, onion, lemon peel, and salt, among others Steinbeck: "Oh, great! I'll take some of each..." *looks around* "Interesting decor..." shopkeeper: thank you. twain: *whistling* *There's a mural of the Revolutionary War* Steinbeck: "...Oh, historical." shopkeeper: this town once was a popular tourist attraction back in the day, before the highways were built. Steinbeck: "I see...Must really hurt property values." shopkeeper: but it does make things quieter too. Steinbeck: "...Ever hear anything weird?" shopkeeper: lots of times. howls, laughter, punk kids trying to do some urban exploration or ghost hunting... Steinbeck: "Odd...You know what's up around here, then?" *hands money for the purchase, waits for change* shopkeeper: bears, wolves, deer, squirrels, raccoons, foxes... Steinbeck: ._.; "...Lot of wildlife, then..." *takes the bag* -elsewhere- Lily: *driving a bus* ^w^ otogiri:...(does he even have a license..) Belkia: *pops a DVD into the TV* "We're watching movies!" Lily: "Lovely~" *misses an exit* misono: lily! the exit! Lily: "Oh, right. I'll just head back..." *starts to turn the bus...around* misono: LILY!!! -elsewhere- Iida: *eating--and drops his fork* "..." *reaches for it...his hand shakes* momo: *hands it to him* here. ^^; Iida: "Th-Thanks..." *avoids eye contact, trying to steady his hand* momo:...*holds his hand and shoulder* Iida: *blushes* "Um..." momo:... .///. Iida: "...I think I can manage to feed myself. Thank you for the assistance." *stares at his food* -elsewhere- Conductor: "Salt Lake City!" mana: *gets her luggage and exits* Driver: "Taxi! Anyone need a ride?" mana: *shows the address of the hotel she's staying at* Driver: "You got it." *picks up luggage--struggling a bit* "Umph! Heh...Kinda heavy..." ^^; mana:... ^^; -elsewhere- Kunikida: *plugging in a nightlight* sylvia: ... Kunikida: "How is that?" sylvia: t-thank you mr k-kunikida..sir... Kunikida: *nods* "You're welcome. And 'Kunikida' is fine." sylvia: ... Kunikida: "...Did you want anything else added? The room is coming along well..." sylvia: m-mr poe said he w-would get curtains for my room. Kunikida: "Oh, that was nice of him--" *imagines black tattered curtains with the room now decorated in skull-head candle-holders* "..." sylvia: i-im sure it would look nice. ^^ Kunikida: "...Well, if it makes you happy, good." -elsewhere- Gogol: *carrying three shopping bags of birthcake slices* elizaveta: OvO Gogol: "All fresh and/or refrigerated! Chocolate, velvet, cheese, some weird one with lemon and blueberries..." elizaveta: yaaaay! ^o^ Ivan: <Hmm...> Gogol: "Enough for everyone!" yana: *groan* stupid stomach bug... Gogol: *takes a bottle out of the bag* "Some medicine?" yana: *grumble for yes* Gogol: *hands it* "You're welcome." zoey: *has the medicine on a spoon and is giving it to her* yana: =n= Gogol: "Open up for the yum-yum train~" yana: *nom* =~= (im not a baby...) Gogol: ^w^ "D'aw..." yana: *grumble* Ivan: TwT "Our Little Master is growing up so fast..." yana: =///~///=;;; lydia: *sweatdrop* Ivan: "She will fulfill Master's desires--and having all that growing people have--likely starting with having her first semi-automatic, bola, and learner's permit." yana: um......yeah.... *sweatdrop* Gogol: "Fufufu~ And then a driver's license to send a truck through a building--or pick up prom dates." yana:..........*turns in bed* Gogol: OwO;;;; "???" lydia: <maybe not the best topic to bring up with her...> Gogol: <Ah. Girl problems?> yana: can i just sleep in peace? is that too much to ask? Ivan: "YES! GIVE YOUNG MASTER SLEEP!" zoey:.....*exits* yana:......*sigh* <damn....> Gogol: *whispers to Lydia outside* <What's up?> Ivan: <She seems more withdrawn...> -elsewhere- Poe: *holding up curtains* "Which one?" *they are both black* lana: maybe she'd like this one? Poe: "The Onyx?" lana: *she nods* ^^ Poe: ^w^ "Much better than the Obsidian." *sets the Onyx into the shopping cart* "What else...Potpourri?" -elsewhere- Black Star: "Here they come..." tsubaki: *waves* naho: we're hooome! Sakuya: ^^; Black Star: "How was it?" naho: it was fun. ayami: thank you for inviting me, everyone. Belkia: *cuddles* "Of course~" naho: get a room. =3=; Shamrock: X_Q tsubaki: is everything ok? Shamrock: "Never. Let that Sin of Lust. Drive. Again. Ever." tsubaki: ._.; Lily: "Fufufu~ It was fine..." *evil friendly smile* "_Now_ we are even." Shamrock: X_____O Belkia: O______O Sakuya: "...Christ." lavender:........ .w.;;;;; misono: lily....what the actual fuck... Lily: ^^ "Let's go home now, Misono~" Black Star: ._.;;;; "...Even I feel like I need to go to the bathroom." lavender: he's not even human.... otogiri: ......... -elsewhere- Hemingway: *staring at the spices* "...Fheh. I don't need spices." *tosses them over his shoulder* Steinbeck: "!!!" *catches them* Hemingway: "The only flavoring you need is the meat and whatever you use to cook it." *drops down a bushel of sticks* baum: ...^^; Steinbeck: -_-# "What if you're a vegetarian?" Hemingway: "...Son, I haven't had my first beer. Now's not the time for jokes." *opens his beer* Steinbeck: ._.;;; ("I thought this was a dry county...") baum: so emily, find anything interesting? emily: yes. seems the mayor's daughter, katrina van tassel, actually is one of crane's students. Steinbeck: " 'van Tassel'?" emily: *she nods* aka the girl twain tried to hit it off with? twain: >w>;;;;;;;;;;;; Steinbeck: "...Well, we're not sending Twain to go talk to her. But what info do you think she has?" emily: well, its likely her family knows some secrets about the town... Steinbeck: *nods* "We'll need someone polished and professional to speak with that family." baum: allow me- Steinbeck: "You sure?" baum: indeed. *bishie sparkles* dorothy: =A=' Steinbeck: ^^; -elsewhere- ???: "I can't wait to see the tournament competition this year!" ???: kind of unfortunate camie's in vancouver with her fam this year. ???: "Well, I'm going to livestream it for her..." *checks the phone* ???: sounds good. ???: ^^ *aims the phone* "Say 'Hi, Cam'!" camie: hey guys! how's salte lake? ??? 2: tch- ???: hey camie! ??? 3: *off camera* "It's salty! Ha ha!" camie: *laughs* well hope you're doing great at the tournament. keep in touch, 'k? ??? 3: " 'Kay!" -elsewhere- PlushFix: *rolls out a map* "Here are choice places to go after." hina: hmm? PlushFix: "Good mix. Some bars, couple alleys, and then, the climax: the tournament!" hina: hell yeah! -elsewhere- Emine: "--and with one fewer person here to enact my bad deeds upon, the rest of you will have to make up the balance." *holds up a chart* "I have arranged it by day of the week..." *it's a calendar with everyone's picture on different days, except Shotaro, Lin, Setsuna, the babies, and Mana* nea: oh how lovely. chie: -_-; io: bah? Yohei: "Question? What happens if we ignore your calendar and remind you that you still have chores or I kick your butt out of this house?" Emine: "..." *removes Yohei and Chie, replaces them with Mono* mono: D8< Emine: "Which reminds me..." *aims a water balloon* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "Better?" atsushi: yeah, i think so. Kunikida: "Good. We begin with your next lesson." *holds up handcuffs* Dazai: *whistles* atsushi: um... Dazai: "This is getting kinky~" Kunikida: *handcuffs Dazai to Atsushi* Dazai: OwO; atsushi: ._.; Kunikida: "Dazai cancels out abilities. He is now in close proximity to you. This compromises your ability to transform. As well, you are not permitted in this practicum to transform that hand into were-tiger form, lest you risk injuring your, um, partner." atsushi: so what do i do? Kunikida: "Your assignment is to evade your opponents to arrive at the safe area. Kyoka." Kyoka: *nods, summons her ability* atsushi: *nods* kenji: *holding a yield sign* ^^ Dazai: ^w^ "Then I'll just negate abilities~" Kyoka: "We'll see about that..." Kunikida: *steps back behind a barrier* "I'll judge your performance. The safe area is 50 yards behind you. Avoid the traps." atsushi: *examines the area* *there seem to be mounds along the dirt, a trench, and some barbed wire fences* atsushi:...*makes a run for the left* Dazai: *runs...right* atsushi: *YOINK* >x<; Dazai: *crash* X_X Kyoka: "...Grab them." atsushi: *tries to make a run for it* kenji *chasing after them* Dazai: *dragged behind, trying to get on his feet and keep up* "Wait! Isn't that mound a--" -SINKHOLE- atsushi: *grabs the ledge* Dazai: *hanging by the handcuffs* "Ouch!" *secures his feet against the wall* T_T "Toss me up!" atsushi: *inhales and SWISH* Dazai: *goes up--and the momentum lets Atsushi leap to follow after him* atsushi: hup! Dazai: "Phew! Good work! Now we--" Demon Snow: O^O Dazai: .w.;;; atsushi: *RUNS* Demon Snow: *pursues, slicing at Dazai's feet* Dazai: *leaping around, avoiding the slices* "Yikes!" atsushi: *hoists dazai over his shoulder and runs* Dazai: "Head towards the barbed wire!" atsushi: *LEAP* Dazai: *quickly, as if all around him is in slow-motion, looks back at Demon Snow--flips off one of his shoes, pulls it along the barbed wire--and flings the shoe at Demon Snow* Demon Snow: *the shoe just passes through Demon Snow* .^. "...???" Kyoka: "Keep moving after them." Demon Snow: *pursues, lifts the sword--and brings it down* atsushi: *tiger arm block* Dazai: "..." *light bulb* *yelling at Kyoka* "I bet you can't swing like that again!" atsushi: O-O dazai what are you doing? Dazai: "That's 'cause you're short, your ability has bad fashion sense--and no one like rabbits!" atsushi: DAZAI NO. Kyoka: "...Demon Snow. Triple Slash X. Now." Demon Snow: *lifts the blade, ready to attack-* sylvia: *THROWS A BUCKET AT DAZAI'S FACE* Demon Snow: *lifts the blade, ready to attack--then Sylvia interrupts* Dazai: XwX "...Didn't see that one coming..." *collapses, face-down in the mud, hand still up where cuffed to Atsushi* Demon Snow: .^. atsushi: .-. sylvia: y-y-y-you ap-po-pologize to m-m-miss kyouka r-r-right now! *she's crying* Kunikida: "..." *steps out from the barrier* "He would. But I think you knocked him out..." Kyoka: "Sylvia, it's okay. This is just a match where people say things to goad each other...Awful, untrue things." sylvia: *whimpering, crying ghibli tears* Kyoka: "..." *pats her clothes shoulder* "It's okay...Thank you for defending me." sylvia: *hic*...Q~Q Kunikida: *pinches his nose* *sighs* ("I think Dazai was goading her so Demon Snow would slice their cuffs...but he didn't consider the Sylvia factor. What a joke--") ???: *yoink* atsushi: ?? Kunikida: "???" *looks down--and sees his pants' ripped along the side where his keys were* "?!" Dazai: *awake, unlocking the cuffs* "Done!" ^w^ sylvia: s-say you're sorry!! Kunikida: ._. *holding up his pants* "NOW I HAVE TO GO THE TAILOR FOR THIS?!" Dazai: ^w^; "Sworry, Kyoka~" ranpo: nice hearts, kuni. Kyoka: "...You are buying Sylvia, Atsushi, and me dinner. For a month." atsushi: ^^; Kunikida: -\\\\\- "So humiliating. And quiet, Ranpo--you still wear children's rain boots." Dazai: TwT "Worth it." ranpo: do you want me to get my shoes wet? Kunikida: "No, I suppose not. But I couldn't think of another comeback..." ranpo: well i got to take a leak now, lates......................*frowning as he walks away* Kunikida: -_-; "Needlessly crude..." -elsewhere- Walter: "A karaoke machine! It lets you see song lyrics and sing along!" kids: ooooooh tom: neat! Walter: "Yep! We're gonna have a party for it! I hope you like the classics! Now, where's 'It's Raining Men'?" -elsewhere- stocking: *humming* Kid: ^w^ stocking: hehe~ Kid: *cuddle* stocking: i love you so much~<3 Kid: "I love you, too..." *cheek kisses* stocking:...hey kid~? Kid: "Hmm?" stocking: i want to try for a baby. Kid: "..." *smiles* "Really?" stocking: *nods and strokes his cheek* Kid: "..." *leans, rests his forehead on hers* stocking: *kiss* Kid: "Mmm~" -elsewhere- mana: *laying down* *sigh*......*checks phone* *There's a text from Yohei* mana: *reads* Yohei: [missing u] *there's a photo of Yohei and Chie, with Shotaro holding Toru and Tool holding Io* mana: *smile* [made it 2 hotel safely ^^V ] Yohei: [good. keep the doors locked, know the fire escape, and remember the snacks in the hotel fridge aren't free] mana: [got it] Shotaro: [souvenirs pleze!] mana: [will do] -elsewhere- Kurogiri: *on the phone* "Yes...Yes...Keep an eye on them." kurome: *coloring* Kurogiri: "...Thank you. Goodbye." *hangs up* ^^ "How is it going, sweetie?" kurome: im making decorations for fang's crib. Kurogiri: "That's very kind of you." kurome: ^^ Kurogiri: "Need more paper?" *looks at the drawings* -doodles of her, kurogiri, fang, dabi, himiko, mr compress, twice, and tomura- Kurogiri: "Oh, good art!" kurome: ^^ -elsewhere- Anya: *standing on the balcony, looking at the sky* -a plane flies past overhead- ao: arent you coming to bed, miss anya? Anya: -_- "In a second...Just thinking." ao:....*pap pap* Anya: =\\\\\= "...Thanks?" -morning- Kid: *sleeping peacefully* stocking: *in bathroom*...................*sad sigh* damn. nothin'.... Kid: *yawns, sits up, stretches* *looks around* "...Stocking?" stocking: *hugs* it was negative. *sniffle* Kid: "..." *holds her, strokes her head* "It's okay...We'll give it time." stocking: y-yeah.... Kid: "Whatever happens, I'm here. And I love you. And our family--current and future. We'll find a way." stocking: and if push comes to shove, we'll adopt? Kid: "And give them all of our love." stocking:...*nuzzles into him* Kid: *holds her, strokes her head* -elsewhere- *There is free breakfast in the lobby of Mana's hotel* ???: "Score!" mana: ....??.... ???: "These flapjacks got me FIRED UP!" mana: *peeks* ???: can you not yell so loudly? im still waking up =_=; ???: "What you need is some OJ--full of pulp! It energizes while cleaning your innards!" ???: too much information. mana:....*ordering breakfast, orange juice and some pancakes* ???: "Perhaps be a bit quieter--you don't want to upset the other guests." -elsewhere- PlushFix: "--and he never returned my calls! Granted, I may have been dialing the wrong number--" saku: ..... hina: yeah, i hear ya. PlushFix: "Who hear has someone who just won't pick up?!" Alone: "FROGGY!" saku: <so annoying> hina: well my ex kind of got murdered by you. that was fucking hilarious. PlushFix: ^w^ "Good times..." hina: cheers to that. *takes a chug of her drink* saku: at this hour of the morning? PlushFix: "It's 5 PM somewhere..." -elsewhere- Gin: *lying in bed* "..." *poke* higuchi: zzzz murnin.... Gin: "Morning..." *nuzzle* higuchi:....*cuddle* Gin: "Mmm~" *holds her, smiles* "More secure here. And cleaner." higuchi: yeah.....*kiss* Gin: =\\\\= "Mmm...Ichiyo?" higuchi: y-yes? Gin: "...I have a favor to ask..." *rests a hand along her hip* higuchi: o/////o Gin: *leans to her ear* "...Hans is riding my ass over those kids. Can you help Kafka watch them?" higuchi: will do. -knock- kuniko: sis? you and your girlfriend still snogging in there? higuchi: *ALMOST CHOKES IN SHOCK* Gin: -_-; *whispers* "Fuck. And I was going to reward you..." higuchi: b-be out soon!..... =3=;; Gin: "..." *smiles* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "--and this will be followed by a 10 AM meeting with a client, followed by a lunch meeting, then training, and afternoon errands." atsushi: *nod* Kunikida: "Now, how should you greet a client?" sylvia: h-hello, welcome! how may we take your order!? >.< Kunikida: "...No bad, but try to sound less like we're a fast food establishment." sylvia: s-sorry... Q-Q Kunikida: "Keep practicing. Try, 'Welcome to the Armed Detective Agency. How may we help?'" sylvia: w-welcome to the armed detective agency, how may we help you. Kunikida: *nods* "Good. Just like that." sylvia:...*faint smile* *the door opens* sylvia: WELCOME! >A<;;; Katai: Q___Q *falls back* sylvia: s-s-sorry! Katai: "I-I'm fine...I just had new security to check here..." kirako: ah. Katai: *plugs into an outlet, pulling up a map of the building* atsushi: woah. Katai: ^^; "It's not to scale, but I'm almost done adding the motion sensors..." atsushi: neato. Katai: *nods* "Would've been more useful before... ... ..." atsushi:....*pat* try not to be too hard on yourself. Katai: Q_Q *nods* "J-Just want this to be perfect..." -elsewhere- Hyde: "Here--two on the house." *passes down two lollipops to Soul's kids* becky: *nom* soul: what do you say, kids? becky: thanks uncle hyde. Damon: *nods* "Th-Thanks..." Hyde: ^w^ "You're welcome! How you doing in school?" becky: ok i guess. Damon: "...Slow to make friends..." soul: ... Hyde: "...I was too. But it's about the quality of friends, not quantity." soul: *he nods* Hyde: "So just be open and they'll come to you...Maybe play some games at recess?" becky: yeah. Damon: *nods* "What games did you play, Uncle Hyde?" Hyde: "...'Hyde' and seek." soul: ..............*facepalm* becky: you did not just... Damon: -_- "Boo." Hyde: ^^; "I'm good at it..." ochako: *plays a 'ba dum tsh' on her phone* Hyde: ^w^ "Thank you, thank you..." -elsewhere- Nate (Oni of Envy): *grumble* "Stupid freaking stupid..." taoka: well there isnt much you can do about it. boss's orders. Nate: "MANTIS IS OUR MEMBER! AND I WANT HIM OUT, NOW!" taoka: we're working on it as we speak. -_-; we're still trying to recover juria too. Nate: "GET HER BACK, TOO! BRING THEM ALL BACK, NOW!" >3< taoka: *chop* whining about it wont get it done faster. -A-; Nate: "OW!" T3T "Jerk-off..." -elsewhere- Sid: *blows gym whistle* "Shirota! Tell your friend the gym mat is not for napping!" Kuro: "Zzz..." mahiru: yes sir!....kuro? come on, time to get up. Kuro: "Five more minutes...It's so comfy..." mahiru: *lifts him up and carries him* -.-; Kuro: *childish groans* "Darn..." Sid: "When he wakes up, 10 laps." -elsewhere- Bessie: *looks up at Higuchi* higuchi: ?? yes? Bessie: "You have pretty hair, ma'am." higuchi: aw, thank you. ^^ Jakob: *sneaks up...holding a fake snake...* higuchi: *glances back and grabs him into a hold* Jakob: "GRK!" O_o *cough* sonia: and that's why you dont sneak up on mafia members. philip: ouch. Jakob: "Uncle! UNCLE!" higuchi: *releases him* Jakob: *panting* Q~Q Bessie: "..." *shiny eyes* leo: ^^; jakob, will you apologize to miss higuchi now? Jakob: Q_Q "Sorry, Miss Higuchi..." higuchi: *head pat and sigh* it's alright. Jakob: T\\\\T -elsewhere- Tournament Registration Desk Worker: "Next. Name?" mana: Mana Hinoki. Worker: "Okay, let's find your power category to pair you with your first opponent. Go to the punching bag over there and give it your best swing. The power meter will check your strength." mana: understood. *walks up and takes her stance*.....*inhale* *HARD KICK* *The power meter rings, showing 2,000* Worker: *whistle* "Not bad..." mana:....*beaming on the inside* ^v^ ???: "Looks like fun! Should we try?" mana: sure, go ahead. ???: *pulls back their fist, sighs...and delivers a punch that knocks the bag off the chain* *Power Meter: 4,000* mana:.... O.O;; ???: ^^; "Sorry. Let me hook it up..." *smiles at Mana* mana: ^^; ( ^^# like hell im going to lose to you.) ???: *holds out their hand* "May the best person win." -elsewhere- Lucy: *sets the cupcake in front of Sylvia* "Enjoy!" *and sets a small ice cream for Atsushi* atsushi: thanks. ^^ *nom* sylvia: ....*tiny nom* Lucy: "How is it, Sylvia?" sylvia: i-it's nice.... Lucy: "Well, good." *smiles--then whaps Atsushi on the shoulder* "Don't forget a tip." atsushi: i wont. Lucy: *smiles--then glares at the other diner* "And here's yours." *drops a bubbling mess of soup in front of Dazai* "Choke on it." Dazai: OwO;;; sylvia: .~.; Lucy: "And pay your damn tab this time." *walks off* sylvia: ._.;;;; atsushi: *sweatdrop* odasaku: *sweatdrop* Dazai: TwT "It'll get better, it'll get better..." atsushi: *pap pap* do you want to talk about it later? Dazai: *nod nod* atsushi: ok. odasaku:....*nods and pats atsushi's shoulder* Dazai: *dips his spoon into the soup--and the spoon melts* O_o "..." -elsewhere- mito: *mreeeow* Chuuya: *pets* "What're you doing?" mito: *purrs* Chuuya: *strokes* "Happy?" Mito: *mew* Chuuya: *passes a ball of yarn* mito: *chases and brings it back* Chuuya: "??? ..." *smiles* "Didn't think cats were into fetch, too..." *toss* mito: *runs* Chuuya: "Heh!" *smiles* mito: *brings it back* ^w^ Chuuya: "Good girl..." *pets* mito: *mew* -elsewhere- Kid: *puts on music* "Ready, Shiori?" shiori: weddy! Kid: *holds her hands, moving a bit* "Dance, dance, dance..." shiori: *dancing along* ^u^ Kid: ^^ "Good work!" *hums along with the music* shiori: hahaha! Kid: "Happy, Shiori? You know the song?" shiori: no ^u^ -elsewhere- *at the tournament, there's a very tall, muscular woman with a competitor button, '24'--she looks pissed* Number 24: -_____- mana: may i help you? Number 24: "...I can't find the bathroom. You see one around here?" mana: there's one over there. Number 24: "...Oh. Thanks." *mumbles* "Can't find anything around here..." *walks--in the opposite direction* mana: ma'am, ma'am! its the other way! Number 24: -_-# "DAMN IT!" *slams a foot down--and the floor cracks* "CAN'T THEY MAKE ANYTHING EASIER TO FIND AROUND HERE?!" *punches the wall--putting a hole into it* mana: OwO;;; *Someone with robotic antenna out of their head watches...Number 13* Number 13: ._.; "..." *snaps a photo with their phone* -one of the shiketsu students, a boy with a pumpkin head, watches- Kabo: ._.; yikes. rough crowd dis yea' Inasa: "NOTHING WE CAN'T HANDLE!" ???: sure dude. *there is a short ogre--Number 12* Number 12: *nervously sips on a juice box* >3< -elsewhere- Kid: "..." *staring into his tea* lord death: *humming* Kid: "...Father?" lord death: something on your mind, kiddo? Kid: "...Could you keep a secret?" lord death: of course, is something the matter? Kid: "...Stocking and I have decided...to try to have a child." lord death: oh that's wonderful! Kid: "...It's taking time." lord death: i see. Kid: "I don't know...Maybe I'm obsessing." lord death: *pats his back* its alright. im sure it will happen, one way or another. you just have to be patient. Kid: *sighs* "I'm...not very good at that." lord death: just take it one step at a time. Kid: "..." *nods* "I just don't want to fail..." -shinjuku DWMA branch- ???: *walking up to the door* DWMA soldier: *pacing* ???: <excuse me, i'm here to pick something up?> DWMA soldier: "???" <Identification, please.> ???: *he shows a citizen ID; Soichiro Kinjitsu* DWMA soldier: <Who sent you?> Kinjitsu: <i was the one who requested pick up for the subject.> DWMA soldier: <I'll contact my supervisor...> *talks into incom* <Hello?> Kinjitsu:... *silent smirk* -elsewhere- leroux: *cracks knuckles and begins playing 'clair de lune' on the piano* Kafka: *listens* leroux:... ?? kafka? may i help you? Kafka: "N-No! Just...What are you playing?" leroux: 'Clair De Lune', by Claude Debussy. Kafka: "...How long have you played?" leroux: i just started playing the song a few minutes ago- Kafka: "OVERALL. When did you start playing the piano?" leroux: oh, i suppose i started when i turned 11 years of age. usually by playing the theater's organ and reading books on music. though when i grew older, christine gave me additional music lessons~ u///u Kafka: "...Yes, fascinating..." *looks at the sheet music* "Hmm..." leroux: were you interested in learning as well or- Kafka: "No need." leroux: oh...*ahem* Kafka: "...I...already know. A bit." leroux: is that so? do tell! *shiny eyes* Kafka: "!!!" *backs up* "I-I...just had to learn it. Because I was told to..." leroux: hmmm...would you be willing to show me anyway? OwO please? Kafka: -__-# "You're as bad as Walter...Just...wait." leroux: i see....well, if you ever do change your mind, i would love to hear. *smiles* Kafka: -________- "I meant wait for me to get my violin." leroux: *SHINY EYES* for real? Kafka: "Shhhh!" >_< "This does not leave this room, got it?" leroux: i wont say a word. Kafka: "...Wait here." *exits, goes to his room* *Walter's head pops up in the hallway, unseen* Walter: "???" Kafka: *exits with a violin* Walter: "!!!" *hides* -and so- Kafka: *returns, sets up* "...Okay. Stick to the time, don't step on my toes." leroux: *excited* OvO Kafka: "..." *inhales...then begins* leroux: ....*playing along to go with him* Kafka: *eyes closed, following with Leroux* "..." hans: *outside, listening* Walter: OwO etta: *listening* Kafka: *lost in the music, matching Leroux...with something else added to the song...* christine?: *singing along* Kafka: *listening...* ("...What am I hearing?") -after the song finished, the illusion of christine faded- leroux:.... Kafka: *opens his eyes* "...Leroux?" leroux: yes? ^^ *wipes eyes* Kafka: "...Thank you." leroux: of course. ^^ Kafka: "...Well, then. I'll put this thing away." *takes the violin* -creeak- etta: oh boy. -the door opens- leroux:.....how long have you been there? hans: ^^;; Kafka: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. etta: you're really good, guys. ^^ Kafka: O\\\\\\\\\O Walter: *nod nod* hans:....*claps* Kafka: "..." Q\\\\Q etta: ^^ leroux: *claps as well* Kafka: "..." *chokes* "Th-Thank you..." *bows* -elsewhere- Benimaru: *shaking* kabuki: nervous? Benimaru: "...Yes. Why am I nervous?" kabuki: pre-wedding jitters. just remember to breathe, ok? ^^ Benimaru: "..." *sharp inhale...exhales--* *and the building behind Benimaru explodes from his breath* kabuki: ovo; Benimaru: "...They blow up all the time anyway." Konro: *exits the building, holding a burnt sunflower* Q_Q -elsewhere- Poe: *singing to himself quietly* karl: *snoozing* Poe: "..." *cradles Karl, taking him to his bed* karl: =w= lana: *asleep* Poe: "..." *tucks Lana in* lana: =//w//= Poe: "..." *lies down* lana:....*snuggles up to him* Poe: =\\\\= *holds her* -morning- higuchi: *walking to the kitchen area* oh. you're up early, chuuya. Chuuya: "Uh-huh..." *cooking* higuchi: *glances out a window*.....the trees are starting to bloom a little more now. Chuuya: "...Yes..." *flips over the omelette* higuchi: it's been a long winter.....glad its finally springtime. Chuuya: "...If only we could go out..." higuchi: yeah......*sigh* Chuuya: "...What do we do?" higuchi: play it by ear i guess.... katya: *groans and scuffles in* coffeeeee..... =A= fuck hangovers. Chuuya: "...Rough night?" *sets out coffee and sausage* katya: drank a lot... *siiips* bah....'least the booze here is good. made the shit the rats had taste like rat piss. Chuuya: "...Who gave you the alcohol? I though their boss was protective of his..." katya: there's an in house bar. but i think the reason the booze with the rats was shitty was 'cuz dost-ass-ky kept all the good stuff for himself and his 'elite members'. what a crock-a-shit. higuchi: do you have to be so vulgar, katya? there's little kid's around, for cryin out loud. katya: girlie, i've been this way for years now. *sips* higuchi:......it really is off-putting that you're older than both of us. katya: watch it.........did i tell you 'bout the time i bit a guy's ear off? higuchi: .________________. Chuuya: "...He wouldn't listen, huh?" katya: he was some one-off thug pushkin and i had to deal with. then he just had to go call pushkin a 'bald melon' and i kind of flipped out on him. broke two of his finger and bit his ear right off. thats what ya get when you talk shit, fucker! haha! Chuuya: "...That's dedication." *slides his food away* "And I'm not hungry." higuchi: you really care for him, huh? katya: yeah. he and lev are my only real companions in life, and i appreciate it. Chuuya: "..." *looks down* katya:....they've dealt with me better than most people do. others usually get turned away because of my violent outbursts and psychotic tendencies. cant really blame em though....heh, look at me, getting all sentimental, guess im still a bit buzzed... pushkin: *yaaaawn* *streeeetch* katya: mornin' pushkin: still tired =~= Gin: "Then go to bed at a reasonable hour." *takes a seat* higuchi: *forehead kiss for gin* so, anything planned for today, chuuya? Gin: ^\\\^ Chuuya: "...Just going to make sure Sonia's new clothes come, and review some old files." higuchi: ah. Gin: "I think I have self-defense training for certain individuals..." -elsewhere- Announcer: "Welcome to the Salt Lake Battle Tournament!" mana: *stretching* Number 12: *shivering, clutching his club* Q_Q Number 13: *tapping on their phone* Number 24: *growling* "I'm going to rip this entire place apart..." Inasa: *beaming* "LET'S SHOW WHAT WE GOT! RIGHT, EVERYONE?!" Kabo: yeah! Announcer: "Let's reveal the first match setup..." Number 1: *looking in a mirror* "Mmm~" *kisses the mirror* mana: -_-; *The TV screens around the stadium reveal the first match: Mana vs Number 1* Number 1: *looks at Mana* "...Here." *hands her...an autograph photograph of themselves* "It'll be worth more when I sign it after your loss~" *winks* mana: .....oh i cant wait to rip you a new one. Number 1: OwO;;;; "..." *wicked voice* "Then I look forward to ripping you limb from limb..." Announcer: "--and no killing. Get your opponent out of the ring or until they are not able to fight, you win and move onto the next round! Fighters, take your places on the field..." mana: *taking her stance* Announcer: "Ready...GO!" Number 1: *stands still* ((They have an ability and/or quirk.)) mana: *jumps ahead* *Suddenly, someone appears under her* mana: ??!! *It's...Number 1? But they're still standing in front of Mana--* *The duplicate punches Mana in the jaw* mana: GRK- Number 1 Prime: "Too slow..." *aims a kick at Mana's stomach* mana: *jumps back and punches the double* Number 1 Second: *dodges--until getting punched in the arm* "Ow!" *reaches for Mana* mana: *grabs their arm and tosses them into prime* HYAH! Number 1 Prime: OwO; "Wha--~" *CRASH* *Number 1 Prime and Second absorb back together--but don't fall out of the ring yet* mana: had enough? Number 1: "..." *evil grin* "Hardly..." *A disgusting "slooshing" sound is heard--as multiple iterations of Number 1 surround the entire ring* mana: !!! Number 1 Legion (All of Them): "How are you going to win, one against all?" mana: one makes all the difference. Number 1 Legion: *smirks* "We'll see..." *they all run at her* mana: *dodges* *Number 1 crashes into...Number 1...who crashes into...Number 1...* mana: *tosses another of the doubles into another* Number 1: "EEEEEEEK--" *crashes* mana: guess you dont have much experience with that ability, huh? Number 1 Prime: *panting* "Wh-Who..." *gulps* "--n-needs experience..." *smirks* "...when you have the numbers and raw power?! ..." *dry heaves* mana: i would saaayyyy.....you. *KICK TO THE GUT* Number 1 Prime: O~o *sent flying back* "..." OxO *and vomits on their way out the ring, collapsing on the ground--as all the clones vanish* Announcer: "...Ew...Um...The winner is...Mana Hinoki!" mana: ^^v Announcer: "Um...Can we get a medic? And a custodian?" Number 1: X___X -elsewhere- Yohei: *watching in the living room* "Phew...That was a surprising start." chie: *claps toru's hands* yaaay she did it! toru: *laughs* Kepuri: -3- "Good thing she won--I'd never let her hear the end of it if she didn't..." -elsewhere- emily: i got ourselves a lead! Steinbeck: *looks up from reading* "Really?" emily: apperantly the van tassel's are hosting a banquet tonight. *hands him a uniform* and guess who's got jobs working as wait-staff tonight. twain: nice! em, you are our alfred! Steinbeck: ^^; "I'll go practice my 'waiting'..." *goes to change* -elsewhere- Damon: *holding his stomach* soul: feeling ok? Damon: *whines* *shakes his head* soul: ....do you want to see the doctor? Damon: "...Can I go to the bathroom?" soul: have you had water? Damon: "..." *shakes his head "no"* soul: well lets get you some then. ^^ Damon: =~= "Okaaay..." -elsewhere- tachihara: *throwing a ball at a wall* ...... Chuuya: *walks by* "???" tachihara:....afternoon. Chuuya: "Hey...What you up to?" tachihara: bored i guess. might check out the game room later. Chuuya: "Ah...What they got? Billiards? Arcade games?" tachihara: all kinds of stuff. Chuuya: "Want to go at billiards?" tachihara:...eh, sure.......*looks around* *the arcade machine is making some beeping noises...there's a jukebox playing music* Chuuya: "..." *takes off his jacket, grabs two sticks* tachihara:....kinda quiet, people wise.... Chuuya: *chalking up, sniffing* "Hmm...Someone's been smoking..." tachihara: probably the old man. Chuuya: "Hope so...You been bored here?" tachihara: getting by.......say, can i admit something kinda...personal? Chuuya: "Sure." tachihara: *looks around* now, you cant tell _anyone_, especially not gin. Chuuya: *hand on heart* "Promise." tachihara:....for a while....i've kind of.....had a crush on higuchi... 7///7; Chuuya: "...Oh. I didn't know..." tachihara: yeah....guess i missed my shot....so too late to tell her now....she seems happy. i dont want to be a dick and ruin that for her.... Chuuya: *nods* "Good...That's the right thing to do...What was it when you realized it? Workplace interaction?" tachihara:...t-thanks....i dunno, i guess i just thought 'hey, she looks really cute and i wouldnt mind, y'know, bein' around her more', y'know?.....yeah. look at me, feeling sorry for myself. real damn embarrassing. Chuuya: "..." *pat pat* "Yeah..." ("Missed opportunities...") tachihara:.......ping-pong? Chuuya: "...Sure." *sets down the pool sticks* -elsewhere- Number 12: Q___Q kabo: *swinging them around with pumpkin vines* Number 12: "MOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMY!!!" Announcer: "Competitor 12 is really flying!" kabo: dis seems 'bout the right momentum. ally-OOP! *releases* Number 12: "AAAAAAAAAH--" *crashes out of the circle* kabo: *whistle* Inasa: "GREAT WORK!" -elsewhere- PlushFix: *looking through binoculars* "...Yeah, that's the place..." hina: *whistles* nice. PlushFix: "We'll need two on the front door, two on the back...Someone to go through the window..." mimeca: *raises hand* saku:....<very well> PlushFix: "I'll go through the back door..." *winks* saku: .... PlushFix: "Now, that just leaves a distraction...Okay, hot stuff--distract the guard." hina: *sneaks up and tazes the guard in the neck* PlushFix: "Perfect..." *runs inside--and spots a door* "??? ..." *tries to slide under the door--and gets stuck halfway through* "...Um...Little help?" hina: *takes the card key and scans it* PlushFix: *coughs, inhales* "...Pfew..." *looks up* "..." *spots something...* "..." *evil grin* mimeca: o^o~? PlushFix: "This...is going to be like old times...Get the wolf man to help move this thing into the truck...Er, I guess put it onto the back of the truck..." hina: just what do we do with this thing, huh? PlushFix: "What else? Cause damage, grab and smash, havoc in the streets, shoplift--you know, fun!" hina:....fuck yeah.. -elsewhere- Izuku: "This tournament..." *writing notes* "I think there are people with quirks involved..." tsuyu: i think there's students from shiketsu competing as well. Izuku: "Oh! I had looked into that school...Its teachers seem to take a different approach than ours..." satou:.... ._. cant imagine what its like. sero: maybe we'll meet them some day. that'd be cool. Iida: *nods* "Helpful to recognize other educational perspectives--" Bakugo: "--to kick their asses." Izuku: .______.;;; kaminari: come to think of it, i think that furifuro girl was enlisted into an alternate school. Izuku: "Oh, is that what happened to her?" kaminari: darn, and i was wanting to ask her out too. Iida: "..." Izuku: "..." Bakugo: "You had no fucking chance." kaminari: QvQ harsh kacchan. Bakugo: "Truth hurts." *walks away* -elsewhere- Master: *crosses out Numbers 1 and 12 on a "Salt Lake Tournament" chalkboard he's set up* "Okay, Mana is still in the game..." mono: good for her. liz: awesome! Patty: *claps* "Yay, secret Thompson twin!" liz: ^^; mono: ?? Patty: "In-joke, Kid's nightmare girl--don't worry about it." ^^ mono:.....i....see......*sweatdrop* Master: "If she wins, I'll add a drink to the menu. Any recommendations?" -elsewhere- Agate: (no 13) [up in the next round.] Number 24: *walking out of the stadium* "Where is that damn ring?" Agate: other way, Bryn. Bryn: "..." *turns, glowers* *growls* agate: *resumes texting* -elsewhere- ivy: ....... Joker: "You're quieter--than usual." ivy: what, is that illegal? Joker: "No, but if it would, you'd fit in even better here. What you thinking about?" ivy:.....useless things... *draws a fire snake from joker's cig* Joker: "Ah...So, people?" ivy:....i guess. Joker: "Anyone you left when you were out of the prison?" ivy:.....like _that_ matters..... Joker: "Hmm...Still got a chip on your shoulder after Hibana?" ivy: *grimace* just hearing the name makes me sick.... Joker: "Want to do something about it?' ivy:....i want her off her high horse and 6 feet under. Joker: "Then hit her where it hurts..." ivy:....*smirk* -elsewhere- Kid: *holds up one of Shiori's dolls* shiori: haha! Kid: ^^ "And who is this pretty dollie?" shiori: lila! Kid: "And is Lila a good dollie?" shiori: ye! Kid: "That's good. Does Lila want to play?" -elsewhere- Todoroki: "Mom, I finished folding the clothes..." yuki: thank you, shouto.... Todoroki: "How is lunch coming along?" yuki: .......*shaking* Todoroki: "...Mom. It's okay." yuki: *inhales* r-right.... fuyumi: why dont i take over for now? yuki: y-yes....thank you....fuyumi....*sits down, hands still shaking* Todoroki: "..." *holds her hand* yuki:...*sniff* Todoroki: "We're here..." fuyumi: *hug* Todoroki: "We're not going anywhere..." yuki: t-thank you.... Todoroki: *smiles* "Just...one step at a time." -elsewhere- Ivan: <How is she?> lydia: <she's just resting for now> Ivan: <What do you think is wrong?> lydia: ..... <perhaps its that girl from school?> Ivan: <??? Really? ...Why?> lydia: .....<perhaps she grew to like her.....but she had to leave her behind for her own safety.....i can understand that pain as well...> Ivan: <...We've all had to leave things behind, for the greater good...> lydia:........... Ivan: "..." <Well, we already tried the kidnapping route for that demon child [Q], so I don't think that will work for Young Master's friend.> lydia: <and she did request we leave her out of this.> Ivan: *nods* <Best not to question her...Still, she cannot afford to remain like this.> lydia: <then what do _you_ suggest?> Ivan: *shrugs* <Food, sleep...someone to talk to?> -elsewhere- Anya: "Again..." *sets up another block of wood* *She looks exhausted* tsugumi: anya? Anya: "What?" tsugumi: are you ok? Anya: "I'll be better when we go again..." tsugumi: .... Anya: "..." *struggles to lift another log--then stumbles* tsugumi: !!! *goes over to her* Anya: *on her hands and knees...shakes* tsugumi: *hug* Anya: "..." *sniffs* "I-I'm fine..." tsugumi: you sure dont look it... Anya: "Shut up...I have to keep going..." tsugumi: anya, just look at me....*she seems worried* you cant push yourself like this, it...it isnt healthy... Anya: "..." Q___Q "I just want to get stronger..." tsugumi: and you will- ao: but why? Anya: "...I don't want to lose anyone else..." ao: .....i see. Anya: "..." *falls back on the ground, lies down* "...Just let me lie here for a bit..." tsugumi: *carries her* you're going to medical. -elsewhere- ???: "What do you mean a tiny plush toy stole it?!" mafioso: t-there was a wolfman too, and a jester, and a samurai chick, and another lady. Mafioso Superior: "...You know, if this was anywhere else in the entire galaxy, in all of the multiverse, I would think you're full of shit, Alex. But we don't have time for that--so, we need to find them." *turns to exit--* "...'Another lady'?" alex: *shows the camera footage* see? Mafioso Superior: "...Huh. Not bad...Okay, story checks out. Remind me to cut off your finger for letting it get stolen." *grabs a crossbow* "Let's go..." alex: qwq; -elsewhere- Announcer: "Now for our next round! Competitors 13 and 24, take your marks..." Bryn: *facing the wrong way--then turns around* "...I'm going to rip those goofy antenna off your head..." Agate: ... Announcer: "Ready...set...GO!" Bryn: *slams down a foot, cracking the floor towards Agate* agate: *glances* Bryn: *marches slowly forward, each step causing a new footprint on the ring's floor* agate: *electro pulse wave at bryn* Bryn: *shocked* "URRRRRK?!" O______o *shakes* "..." -_-# agate: !! Bryn: *bends down, grabs the ring's floor...and starts pulling up a rocky chunk of it, lifting it over her head* agate:....*FLEES* Bryn: "GET BACK HERE, YOU WALKING BUG ZAPPER!" *chases after Agate* agate: Q_Q;;; Announcer: "It looks like Number 24 knows the right directions this time!" Bryn: *GLARE* Announcer: O_O "..." *hides behind Mana* agate: ....!! *jumps to the side* Bryn: *throws the rocky chunk, missing Agate* "STAND STILL AND DIE!" agate: >~<;;; Bryn: *rushes at Agate* "RAAAAAAAAAAAWR!" *quarterback tackle mode* agate: *cowers* Bryn: *tackles, knocking Agate out of the ring first* Announcer: ._. "...Um...Number 24 wins?" Bryn: *head-locks Agate* "YEAH!" agate: TTATT Announcer: "Jeez...Hate to face off against her...She's going to rip someone in half..." -elsewhere- Dazai: "--and that's what to tell the cops if they pull you over." atsushi: i...see.... (remind me never to accept a ride from dazai at any future point of my life) Dazai: "So, ready to help me pick up the new baby mobile?" atsushi: i guess so. ^^; Dazai: "Excellent!" *grabs the car keys--* Tanizaki: *walking by--* atsushi: tanizaki, can you give us a ride? Dazai: .w.; Tanizaki: *looks at Dazai* "..." *looks at Atsushi* "..." *pats his shoulder* "Wise choice." Dazai: *stabbed in the heart* XwX atsushi:...*paps dazai's back* Dazai: "Just put me in the back seat..." Tanizaki: "...We'll pick up fast food, too, buddy." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "You think Mana will win? That one competitor looks tough--like when she smashed a hole through the floor..." chie: she sure has the strength for it. Emine: *flipping through a funeral home catalog* chie: D8< Shotaro: ^w^; "Emine, she isn't dead yet..." Emine: "I'm just trying to be helpful. And if she doesn't die, I'm sure we can fit someone else into the coffin..." saki: emine no. -elsewhere- Kuro: *in the library...asleep atop books* mahiru: *researching* Hyde: "Well, howdy!" mahiru: hey guys. *wave* licht: 7_7 Hyde: "What you reading?" *pokes Kuro* Kuro: -_-# mahiru: just looking up some history on vampires....doesnt seem to mention servamps anywhere.... Hyde: "...Yeah...Not surprising..." mahiru: but i did find some other info on other subspecies of vampires. bloodsuckers, true ancestors, the likes....apparently they're pretty strong. Hyde: "Huh...I think Soul mentioned one of them buggers." mahiru: really? Hyde: *nods* "Heard there were remains of one found somewhere..." mahiru: creepy. *checks the book again* according to this, large groups of vampires live in underground nests or cities, and have a civilization and culture of their own. it is ill-advised for civilians to try finding these nests, as you most likely will be killed or kept as livestock.... ._. *gulps* Hyde: "...'Kept as livestock'? Like sheep-vampire? 'Veeps'?" licht: *TOSSES HIM* dont be an idiot.........but are vampire sheep a thing? *shiny eyes* Hyde: *knocked out, with vampire sheep floating around his head* XwX "Yeeeeeeep..." Kuro: =_= "Too noisy..." -elsewhere- Touma: "Ready?" yumikage: *guns out* -other C3 soldiers gearing up- Jun: *takes his sticks* Tsurugi: *smiles* guard:....you hear something? Jun: *gestures to others to go around* soldiers: *sneaking in* Guard 2: "..." *listens, readies a stance* guard:...*sniff*...!!!! human intruders! ???: "Ha ha ha ha--" *someone grabs the Guard* guard: ??!!!!? Tsurugi: "Hi~" *flings the Guard* guard: *SCREAMS* -sirens going off- Jun: "?! Darn..." *keeps low to the ground* intercom: attention, we are under attack by human intruders, this is not a drill, all combat units to the front entryway of the city, ground patrol is to protect the livestock chamber. Combat 1: *scanning* "..." -BOOM HEADSHOT- vampire sniper: got one lower ranker down. -BANG BANG- vampire sniper: !! shit! yumikage: be careful! they have snipers! Tsuguri: "Then just have to move faster!" *dashes* -several vampire foot soldiers charge as well- Tsurugi: *giggles as he kicks into one soldier* vampire soldier: OOF! vampire sniper: *aiming*...damn, he's not standing still... Tsurugi: "Bouncy, bouncy, we go!" *leaps up, grabs a soldier by the shoulders, flinging them into the wall* -in the city- heller: Q_Q scary skelter: too scary heller: got to get out skelter: too many people heller: we should hide. -the two hide in the sewers- skelter:....its dark heller: and smelly -back where the fighting is, there have been plenty of casualties on the vampire and C3 sides- Jun: *trying to revive someone* "...Goddamn it..." vampire sniper: *aims at jun* *shoulder tap* vampire sniper: ?? *turns* !!!!!!! Tsurugi: "Hello~" *punch to the jaw* vampire sniper: GRK- AH!!!! *aiming* Tsurugi: *grabs the gun, aims it over his shoulder* "Let's dance." *takes the sniper's hands, swings her around* vampire sniper: !!! *tries to slow herself down-* Tsurugi: *and slams her into the wall, her legs hitting the corner* -crack- vampire sniper: *SCREAMS* Tsurugi: *then swings her onto her back* vampire sniper: !! Tsurugi: *sits on her stomach* "So..." *flips a knife around* "What's your name?" vampire sniper: *spits in his face* Tsurugi: "...Nice to meet you, Spitter! I'm Tsurugi! So, let's see how this works--" *stabs the knife into her wrist* sniper: *SCREEEEAMS* Tsurugi: *grabs her other arm, pulls it so that her arm is shoved into her mouth* "Shhhhh...Sh, sh, sh...I'm not done..." *twists the knife* sniper: *muffled screaming* Tsurugi: "OOOOOOooooo, pleasant! So, what's next..." *takes out the knife* "Give me a bit more info." -elsewhere- Jun: "I found the holding pens..." yumikage: *shoots the lock* Jun: *opens the doors...* man: !!! woman: ah! yumikage: its ok, we're here to let you out. Jun: *looks at them* "..." ("Awful...") girl: mama? who are these people? Jun: "We're with an organization that stops vampires...It's going to be okay." -several C3 members are releasing the prisoners and loading them onto buses to get them to safety- Touma: "Progress report?" yumikage: about 82% of the vampires eliminated, the rest fled. but we got the human prisoners released. Touma: "No vamps captured?" yumikage: at least 5 captured. Touma: *smiles* "Get the humans medical treatment. Take me to the vampires." yumikage: .... -elsewhere- Toby: *whimpering* mary: whats wrong? Toby: *nuzzles, whining* mary: *cuddle* Toby: *calms down...* T_T mary: *hums* Toby: T~T *sits close...breathing relaxes* *fox mutter* mary: ^^ Toby: *plops head down on lap....looks up at Mary* *small fox relaxed growl* mary: *pet pet* Toby: =w= *snores* -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." *pat pat* tsubaki: zzzz Black Star: *pulls in the covers, hugs her* -morning- Assi: *flips the bacon* Yohei: *yawns* nea: mooorniing~ Shinoda: "Good day..." Yohei: "Yo...What you up for eating?" *grabs pancake mix* chie: *feeding toru* -elsewhere- mana: *walking* ???: *grumbling, muttering* *sounds like someone re-packing luggage* mana:...?? *The ogre child, Number 12, seems to be having problems zipping luggage* Number 12: Q~Q *whimpering* mana: are you ok? Number 12: *shakes their head* "I-I can't get it to zip...I need to check out by noon..." mana: need help? Number 12: "..." *nods* mana: *smiles and helps him out*....you did great out there. Number 12: "..." *shakes his head* "I lost..." mana:...but you still tried, right? Number 12: "A lot good that does...They're all gonna laugh at me..." mana: .....*pap pap* then just keep trying your best, and think 'hey, i can do pretty darn good'. Number 12: "...I wish I got as far as you did..." mana: maybe next time you will. ^^ Number 12: "...Was this your first tournament?" mana: i've been in a few before. some i won, some i lost. Number 12: "...How did you get this far? It's my first..." mana: lots of training, awareness, and perseverance. Number 12: "...I came to get away from bullies..." mana: ...i know what that's like. i was bullied when i was younger too. Number 12: "...I thought if I could show off here, no one would try to hit me ever again..." mana:...do your teachers know? Number 12: "..." *shakes his head* mana: then you should tell them. Number 12: "...That'll make the bullies angrier..." mana: i know it might be scary, but im sure the teacher will do something about it. you have to learn to stand up for yourself. Number 12: "..." *nods* "I guess..." mana: *smiles* there you go. -elsewhere- Gin: *walking to the gym* "..." *nods to Hans* hans: good morning. Gin: "Morning. How is everything?" hans: peaceful thus far. Gin: "Good." *sets towel down, grabs weights* "Did you need me to do anything here today?" -elsewhere- emily: ok, since we missed it _yesterday_, we'll try at tonight's. *sweatdrop* twain: ^^; *he fell asleep* baum: 737; Steinbeck: -_-; *was distracted by practice* Hemingway: "...Wait, what banquet?" emily: *facepalm* you guys.... dorothy:....*pulls out an airhorn and blows it* Steinbeck: O_o twain: YEEE! Hemingway: "?!" *grabs his harpoon* baum: QuQ emily: everyone, please pay attention! -elsewhere- heller: so this is death city? skelter: indeed it is, heller. heller: and those guys who killed everyone live there, right right? skelter: indeed they do. heller: then we'll just inform the council to strike back! skelter: good idea! good idea! heller + skelter: nyuhuhu~ -elsewhere- Touma: *humming* mafura: *following* ~♪ Touma: *taps on the cell doors* vampire: ....... Touma: *waves* "Hello." vampire: dont think you can get away with this, livestock. the progenitor council will hear of this and come for us! Touma: "..." *smiles* " 'Livestock.' Tell me, how do you contain livestock?" vampire: *growls and tries to attack, but is yanked back due to the chain around his neck* Touma: "Just like that. So, who is the livestock again?" vampire: *SNARLS* mafura: ~? Touma: "We'll be having some fun. A few tests. Find out how you differ from some of our other lab rats..." vampire:....that female...just what is she?....her scent is that of a vampire...and yet it isnt..... Touma: "..." *smiles* "So, you are curious about her..." *pats a hand on Mafura's shoulder* mafura: ~? Touma: "How about we trade some information? Let's begin with how your society is structured..." *has another hand on Mafura's other shoulder, holding her in front of the cell* vampire:...why should we tell _you_ anything? Touma: "...You care for those around you." vampire: .... Touma: "Perhaps..." *squeezes Mafura's shoulders* "I learn about what makes you all so different...by getting in deep..." mafura: ?? mr touma? vampire: ....... Touma: "It's okay, Mafura...I just want to know more about these new 'friends'...and I'd hate for them to refuse our friendship...We just want to know more about each other..." mafura: ok mr touma~ ^^ vampire: *HISSS* Touma: *smiles* "A pity..." *his nails dig in a bit into Mafura's shoulders* "I do hate when friendship is rejected..." mafura: .... vampire: go to hell! Touma: "I think you fail to understand...If you saw how I treat my 'friends'..." *he releases Mafura, and takes out a remote* "You'll hate what I do to my enemies..." vampire: ??? Touma: *presses the button* vampire: *SCREAMS as the collar shocks him* Touma: *stops the shock* "...I'll give you some time to think it over. Remember a few things I may want to hear." vampire: ..... -elsewhere- PlushFix: "Beautiful...Just look at it! And it's all mine!" saku:....and _it_ is? mimeca: OvO PlushFix: "...Just stand right there..." *crawls up it...and sits inside...and its armor lowers...as the giant robotic suit stands* hina: *whistle* nice tech. saku: just how does this benefit us?? PlushFix: "Ever hear of 'smash and grab'?" saku: i have not. PlushFix: "Well, I smash--" *slams the robot's fist against the ground--right next to where Saku is standing* "--and you grab." saku:...... hina: *grabs on* PlushFix: ^w^ *lifts the arm, letting Hina ride on the robot's shoulder* hina: not too shabby! PlushFix: "I think we'll need a test run..." -elsewhere- Bryn: *on the phone* "..." *nods nods* "...I know. I will. ...Yes, I'm eating well." bryn's daughter: do your best, mom! Bryn: ^\\\\^ "You know I will--thank you, sweetie!" mr hilder: we're rooting on you, honey! ^//^ Bryn: "Aw...I'll make you proud." -elsewhere- Hyde: *has a book opened at the work counter* "..." ochako: hey hey hey! Hyde: "Hmm? What up?" ochako: whatcha lookin' at? Hyde: "Oh, just about vampires." ochako:...wait arent you- Hyde: ^w^; "Aren't I...what?" ochako:...oh nothing. Hyde: ^^;;; *opens a can of soda, awkward cough* "You working out for your exam?" -elsewhere- Yotsuba: *carrying a tray of food* ^w^ *hands it to a guard* guard:......*slides it under the slot* here. Friend: "...Why is it sparkling?" guard:...long story. Friend: *grumbles, shovels food* "...Hm. Not bad...Can I get some new clothes?" -elsewhere- Damon: *drinking children's electrolyte supplement* "..." becky: how is it? Damon: "Okay...The berry tastes kind of fake-y." -~- becky: >XP yuck Damon: "...I guess I'm supposed to drink more water now..." *grumbles* soul: *pats his back* Damon: *slight shiver* "This sucks..." soul: i know, kiddo, but it'll be better, i promise. Damon: "..." *nods* "Do I have to go to the doctor?" soul: next week, but you'll be fine, i promise. Damon: "..." *holds out a pinky* soul: *pinky swear* ^^ -elsewhere- Katai: *shivers* *opens laptop* [keek, u online?] keek: [ya whats up?] Katai: [can u keep something?] *attaches a file* [decrypt it, file it, keep it password protected, don't let me get it back--share only with the agency] keek: [got it (^^)b ]] Katai: [thanx. sorry 2 ask] "..." [how r u?] keek: [hanging in there.] Katai: [need me to cook anything?] -elsewhere-
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standfortheangels · 7 years
🛁- To take a bath with my muse. [ok but chester and cinder washing each other's hair yes please all this cute QwQ ]
((Oh my gosh, okay. Let the cutes continue~ ^^ now the post did say starters I think, and this was getting kinda long so I stopped writing, but if you don't fancy it as a thread and/or want to keep reading, I can always extend it for you later ^^ just let me know~ ))It had been a long and busy few days. Chester had been run ragged in the village, Cinder hadn't had a moment spare in camp. Together, the pair of them NEEDED a break. When Chester went over to see her for the weekend, he could already see a few scrapes and bruises on her skin, and he watched her carefully each time her back was turned, following her as she walked and twisted, just in case she'd been injured while they'd been apart. And each time Cinder turned back, he could see her eyes scanning him too. If he hadn't been so eager to get here, maybe he would have put a little more thought into his own appearance first. Looking down at his robes, he couldn't remember how long he'd been wearing them without changing. This visit, thankfully, the tension of a guard on edge seemed to be missing from Cinder, her movements calmer and more natural than he'd seen her the last few times. Chester too was finally finding that his mental calendar of jumbled jobs had scuttled off to the back of his mind, leaving him with enough room to think. They had to relax. Unwind. And right now, he could think of one great way to do that. He was glad when Cinder agreed to come back with him to his house; The plan he'd layed out was vague and disjointed at best, but he'd promised it would be for the best this time. He'd make it special, and they'd be a whole world away from her responsibilities. Keeping up that pace, he went upstairs alone to organise a nice space for the two of them- giving her the task of choosing something with a nice smell from the shelves of many bottles. Meanwhile, the one recurring idea in Chester's mind was a nice, hot bath. He tidied away a few things quickly, made sure the pile of towels really was a pile of clean ones, and set the water running. Before it was done he headed back downstairs to check on Cinder. "Did you pick something out yet?" He asked her. The labels on the bottles were near unreadable, but through the clear glass, it wasn't hard to tell which ones held flowers or neat herbs. Satisfied that Cinder's choice was made, he reached out to her, gently taking the bottle and her other hand, and leading her upstairs. The door was left open, water still filling the tub and warming the room just a little, as Chester finally released her hand. He removed his cloak and dropped it over a basket filled with pebbles and shinier coloured stones. "I, thought it might be relaxing. To- you know. I-if, you don't mind- it's not the biggest tub but.. You can go in alone if you want, but, if it's okay I... I'd.. I thought we.. I'd like to join you. Maybe we could make it nicer for each other." Movements a little awkward, he hopped across and opened the little bottle, tipping most of the contents slowly into the water as it fell, stirring up a pleasant scent. Finally, he shut the water off and dipped in the back of his wrist to test the temperature. "Some people say bathing in infused water has healing properties~ I just, think it's relaxing." He spoke with that quirky smile of his. "You can keep your clothes and things over there, or, there are hooks on the door to hang them on.. I-if, you, wanna do this, that is."
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I think that would be cool, btw speaking of headcanon... I had a pretty rough but good day so I was wondering if you had any hug headcanon for the team? I think Ace would be one of those nice soft hugs when initiator but the one to go rigid when hugged themselves before melting into secure friend hug. What do you think about them and the others? xxx
Ahh so glad you think so Anon! Yeah, I’ll be changing this blog soon then! Look around for an update to this blog!
Omg hugs, I never thought of that!
Okay, I am done screaming, time for the headcanons!
Rookie I feel like would be the type to give hugs out like he has nothing to lose.
Sees you after not seeing you for the whole day? Hugged. Going to leave for the night? Hugged. Just feeling like in a hugging mood? Well, he’s going to hug you.
Rookie’s hugs can range from short and sweet to long and close. Since he gives a lot of hugs out, he knows that some people have a range of what they feel most comfortable with. 
Jet? He prefers a short one if anything he knows that Jet is fine with a pat on the head or shoulder. 
Ace? For some reason, Ace would already have their flippers up ready to initiate it. They rarely, if ever catch them off guard. Yet when they do, they act like what you described before. Those are Rookie’s favorite times. Ace doesn’t care what type of hug it is. Although Rookie is realizing that Ace likes a longer hug. 
G? They would give some sort of half hug, perhaps it’s the idea of being hugged with someone that’s your employee that gets to G, or maybe it’s just because he’s awkward with hugging. 
Dot? She likes any type of hug, just make sure you aren’t hugging her while she’s working though. That would end with a needle stuck somewhere.
Whenever Rookie is hugged, he will gladly return it back without hesitation.
Doesn’t matter who or whatever they’re doing, Rookie will just drop everything to give that hug back.
Sometimes though he will hug back harder.
I feel like with Jet it would be at first…awkward.
Jet is the type who doesn’t really react when being hugged.
Like he’ll hug back and maybe give a pat on the back, but that’s it.
Unless there’s a reason for the hug.
That’s when he typically initiates.
He’ll wrap his arms around the penguin into a secured grasp and gently hold them.
Jet’s grasps are close and firm, yet they aren’t to squish the person in his hug. It makes one feel safe.
Unless he’s happy about something.
If a mission went right or better than the terrible situation would lead on to, he will just run up to you, hug you and spin you around.
Those tend to be short and sweet, yet the best ones for any of the agents.
He typically does this with Rookie and Ace, sometimes Dot.
One time he kissed Rookie after doing that type of hug. (Okay I am sorry I am shipping trash QwQ;;;)
G typically initiates hugs whenever something has gone south. Whether a mission failed, or there’s a disheveled agent, he would be the type to hug them close and tell them that’s everything will be okay. The hug is typically father-like and protective. Although at first, he will hold his flippers out, giving the choice for the agent to walk into the hug or not. Since he understands that not everyone is a hugger.
If G is hugged, he first just stands there surprised and then just pat the hugger on the head. Sooner or later he does give in and hugs back. Yet they’re quite loose.
Like I said before, G typically doesn’t hug unless needed.
Which is rare for him.
Like if he’s upset or angry he wouldn’t want to be hugged. He would rather just pace about and either come up with plans to fix whatever mess happened, or just take a few moments to breathe and clear out his thoughts.
Cause I just feel that G would be the one who doesn’t hug since he would have his guard up most of the time to even relax in a hug.
The only time Ace was ever to hug him for a good amount of time was when Ace found G after him going missing those few times.
Those times G just relaxes into the hug and hugs back, giving them a good squeeze as well.
It’s a way to let them know that he’s alright.
So now whenever he hugs Ace, he gives them a good squeeze, to let them know everything will be alright.
Dot! AHHH She would be the girl who would know about those silly air hugs with the air kisses to each cheek.
But when she is hugging the Squad, she goes about it entirely different.
She just gives them a big smothering hug.
Like she will put all her weight on you. Making you need to support her up.
Of course after a moment or two of struggling she’ll stop and then just give you a big hug.
Except for G, she would give him a side hug. She doesn’t want to crush the poor guy by putting her weight on him.
Surprise Herbert!
If any of the Squad would try to hug Herbert, he will just shove them away.
Because, ew, physical affection from those guys!
One time Ace tried to hug Herbert.
They were promptly peeled off and thrown.
It was worth it to Ace. Totally worth it.  
But to anyone else (that he cares about), he would hold them close when he’s receiving a hug. If they’re smaller than him, he will pick them up and allow them to snuggle into his fur. He’ll just be one big protective bear. 
If they’re bigger than him? He will look up at the hugger and snuggle into them.
If he’s initiating? OH BOY
He will pick you up and SQUEEZE YOU. Perhaps shake you around a bit.
If he hates you, he will shake you like one would shake a salad dressing before using it.
He one time did that to Ace. Although he dropped them the moment after he did that and ran.
Ace was so confused. So many feelings, and all of the confusion. AND ANGER CAUSE HE’S RUNNING AWAY.
But if it’s someone he cares about, he will give them a hug from behind and wait until the other person faces him, then he’ll lift them up and hold them firm, yet careful. Like you’re his delicate flower.
With Klutzy, he gives him the most delicate hugs.
Picks up the crab and just gently hugs him, pet’s the crustacean’s head and then places Klutzy on his shoulders.
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elliotthezubat · 6 years
 Momo: *looking over the menu* "Hmm...Excellent options."
ochako: ooh this one looks nice!
Izuku: *staring at the menu* "They have superhero-themed desserts! Look at the one for Gang Orca! It's made with Oreos..."
???: *setting down drinks* "Ladies~ Enjoy."
jirou: thanks kamina- k-k-KAMINARI?!?!
Kaminari: "What up? You all visiting I-Island too?"
ochako: yep! woah, snazzy uniform!
Mineta: "Why, thank you, Ochako." *eyebrow wiggle*
ochako: *disgusted look* i was not talking to you, mineta.
melissa: oh, are they friends of yours?
Mineta: -^- "Can't blame a guy for trying..."
Izuku: ^^; "Classmates."
jirou: classmates, though in mineta's case, who cares.
Mineta: DX< *then he looks at Melissa* "... ... ...Hi."
Kaminari: "I'm Kaminari. You from around here?"
melissa: oh, hello there. *smiles* yeah.
jirou: melissa, please, dont talk to mineta, it's not worth it.
melissa: huh?
jirou: trust us on this.
melissa: im sure he's not that bad-
jirou + ochako: YES HE IS.
Mineta: >x< "You're just jealous for when I show what I'm really made out of!"
Momo: -_-; "He's made out of water, grapes, and perversion. We've tried everything to correct him. The only solution is blunt force." *pulls out a mallet*
melissa:....*looks at izuku* is this normal?
Mineta: Q_Q *hides behind Kaminari*
Izuku: *small shrug* "This is kind of a better day: Mineta hasn't tried peeking up anyone's skirt."
melissa: o_o;;;
Kaminari + Mineta: "...Midoriya..." *grab him, pulling him over to another table*
Izuku: O_o "H-Hey! Hey!"
Kaminari: *slams Izuku down in a chair* "Okay, dude, I appreciate the hustle--BUT ARE YOU CHEATING ON TSU?!"
Izuku: "Wh-What?! Why does everyone--"
Mineta: *slaps Izuku with a grape* "DON'T YOU DARE BREAK HER HEART, YOU BASTARD! Even if the hustle is appreciated..."
Izuku: Q_Q;
melissa: i dont even know who this 'tsu' is. ._.;;;
Momo: ^^; "Izuku's girlfriend. She's great. In fact, she's touring the island as well."
*BOOM BOOM BOOM from the tournament stage*
ochako: what was that?
*a nearby TV in the restaurant seems to be showing some opponents going at it*
???: *on the TV* "I'LL KILL YOU DEAD!"
jirou: ho. ly. fuck. is that...?
Kaminari: *shaking Izuku--then pauses* "..." *looks at the TV* "...Oh boy."
ochako: classic bakugou.
Izuku: @~@ "Kacchan?"
Opponent: *running from Bakugo* "THEY SAID NO KILLING!" *dodges, summoning vines--that get burned away* "AAAAAH!"
amplifier: wow, kacchan is certainly getting into the spirit of battle.
Shotaro: "HEE HEE HEE! The plant person just peed themselves!"
Emine: "I said he was a typical villain." *looks at Mana* "Which flowers do you want at your funeral?"
mana: get bent.
Emine: *tilts his head--in a painful looking position* "..."
Opponent: *slapping their hand on the floor* "Uncle--UNCLE!"
mana: .................................forget i said anything then.
jirou: come on, we better stop him before he gets arrested or something.
Shotaro: "Oh! That looks painful...Time for a good deed!" *steals a medic's first-aid kit* "Let me re-attach that limb, plant person!"
Izuku: "Y-Yeah..."
-and so-
kirishima: hey guys!
Bakugo: *flexing, screaming into the camera while holding a microphone like a pro-wrestler* "--AND THE SEATS WERE TOO CRAMP! WHAT IS UP WITH THAT KIND OF SERVICE ON AN AIRLINE?!!!"
Izuku: "Hey! How was the trip?"
kirishima: super awesome!
tsuyu: oh, hey izuku. ^^
Izuku: "Tsu!" *runs over, hug*
tsuyu: !! hello to you too. *hugs*
Momo: "Aw..." *looks at the damage* -_-# "Bakugo..."
Bakugo: "HANG ON A MINUTE! I'M TELLING THE MASSES--...What the hell is HE DOING HERE?!!!"
Izuku: ._.;;;;
Izuku: "?!!!"
melissa: sorry, i panicked.
Bakugo: "?!!! Since when does he have--"
kirishima: oh cool!
ochako: oh boy.
jirou: *facepalm*
Izuku: "N-No! Melissa invited me and All Might! I have no interest showing you up in an exhibition!"
*ice starts forming on the stage behind them*
Bakugo: .______. "..." *turns slowly*
Todoroki: *standing on the platform, stoic* "..."
ochako: oh!
Bakugo: "... ... ..." *small pitiful crackling on his fingertips...*
ochako: todoroki! hi! *waves*
Todoroki: "! ..." *slides down to them* "...Hi."
Bakugo: >_<# "You little sh--"
melissa: another friend of yours?
Izuku: *nods* "Our classmate, Todoroki. He came in second in the Sports Festival."
Todoroki: "Midoriya..." *looks at Melissa* "...I didn't know you had a cousin."
Todoroki: "..." *pulls Izuku aside* "So, All Might is your f--"
Izuku: -_-# "Stop."
melissa: eh?
Todoroki: "...Well, that match was a good practice. I guess I am again facing Bakugo--"
melissa: .__________________.;;;;;; is _this_ normal?
ochako: and this is him on a _good_ day.
melissa:.....................................if i actually went to UA, i'd probably die.
jirou: at this point, i doubt anything can shock us.
Momo: "Oh, it's really not that bad! I mean, aside from the villain attack...and the other villain attack...and those Infernals that one time...and the terrorist hostage situation last summer...and--"
Shotaro: "Mana, stop! He said he was sorry!"
ochako: ???
Emine: *Mana is on his shoulders, punching his head* -_-#
Todoroki: "Oh. Are those 2 competing?"
jirou:....melissa, what's the i-island legal drinking age?
Shotaro: ^^ "Mana is! Emine and I just snuck into I-Island in luggage!"
melissa: *sigh*
robo nurse: scan complete.
Dave: *looking at the read-out on a computer screen behind him* "Hmm..." *the screen shows an outline of All Might's body, with a small glowing mass around his heart* "...All Might, it's reduced in size considerably since the last reading following All for One...Your Quirk is leaving you at an even faster rate."
All Might: "..." *nods* "I was afraid of this..." ("...I can't tell Dave that it's not just because I've weakened: I can't let him know Izuku has the Quirk, or he'd be at risk, too...")
Dave: *sad smile* "I wish there was more I could do. It's not fair--"
All Might: "Not this again." *forces a smile* "I've had to make peace with this. It's just...acceptance."
Dave: "And how will the world accept the Number One Hero, the Symbol of Peace, fading away?"
All Might: "..."
Dave: "You've seen it. The increased crime rates around the world in just the last decade. Infernals. Dokeshi. Rogue witches. Villains. Without you...it's only going to get worse. We can't let this happen."
All Might: "Hey, Dave, calm down. ...It's why I'm a teacher." ^^; "Going to need a new generation to replace us at some point, am I right?"
melissa: so that's why i said that.
tsuyu: ah. i see.
ochako: QwQ;;;
tsuyu: but it's fine, i know izuku wouldnt do something like that.
ochako: that reminds me! dont we have that reception tonight?
Izuku: "Oh, right! That'll be fun when--"
Shotaro: "Hey, are you Mr. Midoriya?"
Izuku: "Yes? Wh--"
Shotaro: *BONE OF GORILLA* *muscles up*
Izuku: "?!!"
melissa: oh!
Shotaro: *flings Izuku onto the stage* "You're next in the competition!"
Izuku: "AAAAAAAAaaaaaaah--" *THUD ON THE STAGE*
ochako: wait isnt that-
amplifier: and we have our next match up! izuku 'deku' midoriya vs tenya 'ingenium' iida!
Momo: O\\\\O "Wh-What?!"
Izuku: *picks himself up* "I-Iida! ...Oh! You've taken on your family's name!" ^^ "That's so--"
ochako: oh boy.
Iida: *already rushing at Izuku*
Izuku: "!!!" *leaps--and didn't time his Quirk right* *lets out a yell from injuring his foot*
mina: i cant watch, but i have to!
melissa: !!!!!!!
Hagakure: "Oh, who do I root for...Um...Go both of you! Yay!" *pulls out cheerleader pom-poms*
Iida: *leaps up, twirling his leg* "RECIPRO--"
Izuku: "?!!!" ("How did Gran Torino do it...Oh, right!") *aims--and uses One for All to boost himself back DOWN AT THE STAGE!*
mina: WOAH!
Iida: *swings--misses* "?!" ("What is he doing?! At that speed, he's going to slam face-first into the floor!")
jirou: *covers her eyes, but peeks through her fingers*
Izuku: QwQ ("...Well, I guess I die now, slamming face-first into the floor...THINK THINK THINK--") *light bulb* "!!!" *curls into a ball--and slams hard into the stage, kicking up smoke and dust*
ochako: WOAH!
Kaminari: "?!! Why did he curl up into a ball?! Midoriya! That stuff only works in video games, man!"
Mineta: "RIP, young hero. ...I call dibs on his notebooks!"
Momo: *smacks him with a fan*
Iida: *lands...approaches cautiously...* ("I'll stay back, wait for the smoke to settle...") *peers into the crater--* "?!!!"
tsuyu: it's not over just yet.
*he's not there*
*something rumbles underneath the stage...*
Iida: "?!!!"
*part of the floor shatters, as it lifts up, knocking over Iida--with Izuku underneath!*
Izuku: ("I'll have to thank Ochako for this reminder, back when we fought Kacchan and Iida when we started...Using the debris as a weapon, improvise until I find an opening and--") *FULL COWL TOSS!*
Iida: "AAAAAAH!" *trying to run--and only ends up running around the debris like he's on a tiny planet until--*
ochako: WOAH!
*the debris slams Iida into the side of the wall underneath the audience*
Izuku: D8> "Oh no! I didn't mean to toss him that far!"
Momo: "..." *passes out*
jirou: YAOMOMO! are you ok?
mina: *takes the fan and fans momo's face*
Momo: X_____X
Iida: *skids to a stop under the debris...panting...looks down, seeing the grass* "..." *sad smile* ("Brother...I'll do better next time.")
Todoroki: "Impressive...I didn't think Midoriya had improved so much since the Sports Festival."
melissa: .......
Bakugo: "OF COURSE HE'S IMPROVING!" *slams his fist into the palm of his hand* "BECAUSE IT'LL MAKE ME KICKING HIS ASS EVEN BETTER!"
Todoroki: "Ah, true friendship indeed."
Izuku: "!!! Um..." *waves to the crowd with a smile, as he limps off the stage, favoring his non-injured foot*
-a little later-
ochako: you both did great out there, guys!
Izuku: *looking at his ankle* "Slight sprain..."
Iida: *bandaged on his face* "Thank you. Izuku, that was a surprising performance! Well done."
melissa: i think i have some medical spray in my bag.
Izuku: ^^; "I'm still getting myself all wrecked physically from those kinds of stunts, though. All Might and Recovery Girl are going to be upset. And so will Mom. And Mr. Aizawa. And--"
melissa: you get injured a lot, dont you.
Mineta: "Yes, he does. He's a full-on masochist."
Izuku: "N-No, I'm not! I'm just...still getting the hang of my Quirk."
tsuyu: *throws mineta in the trash*
Robot Trash Can: "????!!! HEY. YOU! I DON'T WANT THIS EITHER!"
melissa: hmm....say, why dont you take this. *gives him the gauntlet*
Izuku: "Oh? The polymer? What will it--"
*it springs up*
Izuku: "?!!!"
ochako: WOAH!
Izuku: *it wraps around his ankle* "...Huh. Like a splint? Or bandage?"
Mineta: *pops out of the trash* "No, it's more like--"
Robot Trash Can: *slams the lid down, silencing the trash-person*
melissa: something like that.
Izuku: "Melissa...This thing is so incredible! But this is yours--I don't want to damage your invention."
melissa: i can always make more of them if i need to. it'll take a while, but im sure it'll be fine.
Izuku: *smiles* "I'll put it to the best use and heal faster! It will not go to waste!"
???: what's this i see~?
Izuku: *shudders* O____O "Oh, God All Mighty, no..."
melissa: ??
mei: salutations everyone! fluffy, gravitron, pikachu and- *looks at iida* have we met?
Kaminari: "..." *whispers to Ochako* "I think you're Gravitron. Am I Fluffy?"
ochako: surprised to see you, mei, right?
mei: correct! i came to the technical nirvana known as i-island as a guest of my dear gruncle, swashbuckle!
Izuku: *held upside down by Mei as she's examining the gauntlet on his ankle* "Wait?! You're related to Swashbuckle?!! That's amazing! Like the time in Lake Ontario when he--"
mei: what's this on your ankle? i smell new tech.
Izuku: .w. "It's currently attached to my extremities, so please don't smell. Too close..."
mei: hmmmmm.
melissa: it's one of my inventions. it's a shapeshifting polymer that can use multiple functions such as a scooter, a bracer, all kinds of things.
Izuku: "... ..." ("...What is that sound?")
mei: *vibrating*
Kaminari: "... ... ..." *whispers to Ochako* "She's not talking. Why is she not talking?"
Izuku: *getting shaken by Mei* O_O;
mei: *vibrating intensifies*
melissa: um....are you alri-
Kaminari: "?!!! Oh, crap, she's going to blow up."
mei: *grabs her hands* MARRY ME!!
Izuku: ._.
melissa: e-e-EH?!?! O////O !!!
Kaminari: "...D'aw!"
Izuku: -n- "Please let me down before you propose."
jirou: um-
Iida: "Hatsume! This is still a school-sponsored trip, and you are representing the Support Class of UA! Calm yourself!"
melissa: i-im a student too! and i still need to focus on my studies before i settle down into a relationship!
mei: that's fair. why dont we exchange numbers to keep in touch? ^w^
Kaminari: *whispers to Ochako* "She's not saying 'no.'"
jirou: *elbows him in the stomach*
Kaminari: OxO
atsushi: @~@;;;;
naomi + maki + naho: *singing the end credits song for kross new judgement*
Tanizaki: *wearing noise-cancelling headphones, a sleepmask, curled up in a blanket in his seat* *snoring*
kenji: woooow, everything looks so small from up here!
Tanizaki: *snort-snore* *wakes up* "Huh?" *removes the mask* "Oh. Yeah." ^^; "I should fly you around more--we could see more around the desert."
atsushi: *shaking* Q~Q;;;; *internally screams*
Tanizaki: "??? Atsushi? Are you nervous flying?"
atsushi: just some PTSD related to the moby dick incident.
Tanizaki: "Oh. Must've been bad flying to Germany too, huh?"
atsushi: i dont remember much of the flight there. maybe i passed out on the plane.
Tanizaki: *nods* "I was a little preoccupied..." *glances at the girls singing*
kenji: *singing along, even though he doesnt know the words*
Tanizaki: ^^; "I think I was having to keep an eye on Naomi during the flight. But look how happy she is now."
naomi: hehehe ^^
Tanizaki: "Granted, I am avoiding the theme song like the plague. One time, she left it playing on a loop after bedtime...The nightmares." *vacant dead eye stare* "The nightmares."
atsushi: oh yeah, the opening song does seem pretty intense. isnt it by that one gothic-rock style band?
Tanizaki: *nods* "It's like the devil himself composed it."
maki: the lyrics are about never losing face even in the face of fear and danger, at least that's my interpretation.
naho: i just like the music itself.
naomi: and the opening animation is superb! and there is so much zephro subtext to it! hehehe~
naho + maki: huehuehuehue~
Tanizaki: .____.; *tilts away*
Yohei: "And this is one of only 7 left in the world."
chie: wow....
*The sign says "Seraphim Shark," with the creature inside looking like a shark but with fins protruding more like an angel's wings*
toru: *stares*
-another display is a model of a tarantula-scorpion hybrid known as 'Tarapion'-
Tarapion: *odd noise mixing a snort and a slight chitter*
chie: 0-0;
Yohei: "I-Island had this initiative decades ago to try to 'fix the world.' But lately it's been preserving things since, you know, saving us from ourselves hasn't been working out well enough..."
chie: truth. kepuri seems to be interested in it enough....
Kepuri: *petting the glass case holding Apamea nakamura, 'The Giant Moth'*
Giant Moth: *happy purring*
akaderu: *asleep*
nea: *bangs on his door* akaderu! you're supposed to mow the lawn!
akaderu: too tired.
Shinoda: *clipping the hedges, wipes his brow*
Assi: "I got the leaf blower! Maybe I should handle the mowing while Akaderu sleeps?"
nea: *sigh* FINE i guess. =n=
Assi: "Yay!" *then he accidentally turns on the leaf blower--and it leaps out of his hands, bouncing down the hallway* OwO;
Kunikida: *talking to Aya and Sylvia* "Without Naomi and her brother here, your responsibilities to the maintenance of this Agency have increased."
aya: aye-aye!
sylvia: o-o-ok.
Kunikida: "Begin by distributing assignments." *hands them folders*
Fukuzawa: "I'm sure they will not disappoint."
sylvia: w-w-we-we'll do our best!
Kyoka: *looking at one folder* "Another person missing. And they have a Quirk."
sylvia: *looks*
*seems to be a person with elastic Quirks...*
aya: like the straw hat.
Lucy: "...You mean Kenji?"
aya: i mean i like the straw hat they're wearing here.
Lucy: *looks again* "Oh, I see."
melissa: welp, here's the hotel. how's your ankle?
Izuku: "Better--thanks again! I should return the polymer to you--"
melissa: you were holding back...
Izuku: "...Huh?"
melissa: in today's fight. you were holding back the full extent of your quirk, werent you?
Izuku: "..." *looks down at his hands* "My Quirk, um, manifested late. My body isn't ready for all this power..."
melissa: i can tell by the scars....sorry, that might be a bit too personal...but maybe if you use the polymer on your fist, it might help absorb the pressure?
Izuku: "Oh, it might! Um..." *taps his ankle--and the polymer springs up and onto his fist and over his forearm* "...I keep saying it, but this is such an impressive material."
melissa: ^^ thanks. i should probably head home to get changed for the party. you have my number, right?
Izuku: "Right! I better also see All Might. And thanks for the tickets for Kaminari and Mineta!"
melissa: ^^; i guess i felt a bit bad for them.
Izuku: "Oh! But if this polymer is your scooter, how will you get around town?"
melissa: dont worry, i can just call up an i-uber. ^^
Izuku: "Okay...I do feel bad given the costs. I'll make it up to you!"
Todoroki: "Anything you're excited to see on I-Island, Ochako?"
ochako: oh tons of stuff! there's the zoo, the shopping mall, the amusement parks, the cafes- *blah blah*
Todoroki: *nods, listening to her* "..."
ochako: and the- oh right! the formal event tonight! momo invited us to go along!
Todoroki: "Ah, you'll be there, too?"
ochako: yeah!
Todoroki: "I will be, too. I guess I'll see you then."
Bakugo: *shaking through his luggage* "NO ONE TOLD ME THERE WAS SOME FANCY DINNER!!!"
kirishima: which suit do you think would look best?
Bakugo: *stares* "...What is with that color?"
Iida: *limps slightly* "Ah..."
momo: are you alright?
Iida: ^^; "I think the tournament was a little more ambitious than I anticipated."
momo: well, try to take it easy tonight, alright?
Iida: "Yes, well, it is a reception, so it should be relaxing--aside from some insistent mingling with family friends." ^^;
momo: yeeeah. ^^;;;;;
Iida: "Did your parents ask you to speak with anyone at the reception?"
momo: i think frostbyte will be at the event. she was one of mother's classmates in high school.
Iida: "I see. She is popular in her hometown--and the news said she stopped the musical villains Rock and Roll just yesterday."
momo: i heard about that.
Iida: "..." *tenses up* "Then...There's that pirate hero..." *Excalibur face*
momo: oh, swashbuckle?
Iida: *cringing* "Yes...I learned that Support student Hatsume is related..."
momo: oh wow! but then again, they both have the same quirk...
Iida: *face-palming himself repeatedly* "I should've seen this!"
Shotaro: "Don't be nervous!"
Emine: "You'll die out there."
Shotaro: "You can win this!"
Emine: "No one will miss you."
mana: wish me luck. ^^
Shotaro: "Good luck!"
Emine: "I hope it ends quickly."
Yohei: "Kick some butt out there."
Kepuri: =A= "All this does is remind me of losing that robot tournament..."
Tool: "Oh, yeah--that time Mana beat you in London--"
Kepuri: *SLAP* "Shut up!"
Tool: x_-;
mana: *steps out*
*the opponent is walking from the other side--and they have antenna*
Yohei: *stares* "Wait...Mana's opponent looks familiar..."
*the opponent's antenna crackle*
Agate: *smiles* "Oh, hello! You were at that Salt Lake tournament!"
mana: *battle stance*
Agate: "But I'm not going to lose this time. I'm going to--" *phone rings* "??? Oh! My AP is up! I should get back to--" *looks back at Mana--* "Oh, right--the match..."
amplifier: begin!
mana: *taking steps*
Agate: *small smile* "Careful where you step..." *an electric twitch comes off their eyes*
Kaminari: *watching on a TV at the restaurant* "...Wait..."
mana: ??
*some of the tiles on the tournament floor shine*
mana: hn?
*tiles pop up into the air--and are coming down at Mana*
Kaminari: "Dude, that fighter's an electric type like me?!"
mana: oh shit! *dodging*
Agate: "I got better since that time I fought that--that--that Amazonian." >~< "That headlock still hurt my neck...But you'll be easy enough! You're not as strong and fast as her!" *shoots an electric blast*
Kaminari: "Yeah! Go for it, electric type!"
mana: WOAH!
Agate: ^^ "That's better. Oh, I should tweet this..." *pulls out the phone*
mana: you're seriously using your phone in a fight?!
Agate: "Got to stay current--HE SAID WHAT?!" *a bunch of tiles fall* "That monster! How dare he! I'm reporting this account!" *more tiles fall, as electricity leaps between Agate's antenna...she’s not looking at Mana*
mana: *running behind her*
Agate: "Aaaaaaaand sent!" *taps the phone, puts it away* "Now, where were we--" *looking* "???"
Agate: *knocked down* "OW!"
Agate: "... ... ...MY PHONE!"
mana: oops.
*there's a crack on the touchscreen*
Agate: "...You...BASTARD!!!"
mana: oh shi-
Agate: *grabs Mana's wrist*
mana: !!!!
mana: *SCREAMS*
Kaminari: "Oh no! That's going to hurt..."
Agate: "One shock for each crack!" T~T "My poor phone...I'm just lucky it didn't brick before I did this week's gacha deal..."
mana: get OFF! *SMACK*
*and at that moment, Agate's head flew off*
Kaminari: "... ... ...EEK!"
mana: *stunned horror* ah-ah.....
Agate's Head: *eyes closed, not moving*
Agate's Body: *frozen, still clutching Mana's wrist*
mana: *collapses, staring* ah-.....
amplifier: um....
Emine: O_O "...Holy f--"
Agate's Head: *eyes break open* "...OH, THAT'S JUST RUDE!" *shaking in the grass*
Agate's Body: *let's go of Mana's wrist, slamming her feet down*
mana:........*PASSES OUT*
amplifier: well, it seems agate wins the round?
Tool: "Well, Mana killed a fighter. I knew it was a matter of time, but like this?"
Agate's head: =~= "I hate this...I feel shorter now..." *trying to roll back to the stage*
???: *watching a TV in a dark room, staring at Mana passed out* "..."
{???: "Help me..." *debris is holding his leg*}
{mana: grab my hand!}
{???: *reaches*}
{mana: *grabs his hand and pulls*}
{???: "Thank you...Thank you..." *pulled out*}
{*a shadow looms over them, with gleaming eyes*}
{mana: !!!}
{NoFix: *inside the Fear Robot* "Aw, look--your little friend, YoYo!"}
{Yohei: *tied up inside the Robot* "No! Don't!"}
{Fear Robot: *fist rotates--spins--and slams down*}
???: "..." *a robot hand rubs the side of his face* "...I'll get you for this..."
Hani: "And here is where we store the failed experiments!" *looks at her phone, then at the tour group* ^^; "Sorry, more work came ahead. Albert, could you take the tour group to the test kitchen? I'll be there shortly."
albert: yes ma'am. come along please.
Hani: *waves--and after the doors close behind her with automatic locks, she frowns* *takes the call* "What?"
???: when to we move on to the next step of the plan?
Hani: "Reception tonight--the one I'm at. I'll make sure Nanami and his people are there. You're to take him, the boy, the girl, and the kappa only--no one else. Be sure the ride is ready, too."
Tanizaki: *stretches* "Glad to be back on solid ground..." -_-; "You can let go of me, Atsushi."
atsushi: Q_Q
naho: @~@ traveling in cosplay may not have been the smartest move...
Kenji: "--and then there were mountains! And then green stuff! Then small moos and bigger moos!"
Announcer: "Death City Flight 018, Luggage on Carousel 4. Welcome to Los Angeles International Airport. Please be aware that security is increased today--Oh, and there's a fire in the parking lot. Enjoy your stay."
maki: welp, we better check into the hotel.
Tanizaki: "Here comes the luggage. Naho, how many pieces do you have to pick up?"
hibiki: hey saria!
Saria: "It was so much fun! We went camping, stayed at corny themed motels--I think we saw a bigfoot!"
izumi: wow!
Saria: "But I want to know what I missed while I was out. You all okay?"
stocking: *panting* that was great, kiddo~<3
Kid: *lets out a happy sigh* "I aim to please..." *kisses her neck*
stocking: *giggles*
Kid: "You were great...So enthusiastic." *strokes her head*
stocking: mmmn~<3 *nuzzle*
Kid: *strokes, letting her rest on his shoulder* "We have so much time today..."
stocking: indeed....*whispers* you up for round two~?
Kid: "Oh, I'm not sure..." *his hand traces down her stomach* "Only two~?"
Gin: *checking the armory* "This one..." *pulls out a rifle*
naoya: oooh, nice.
Gin: *nods* "It'll need to be cleaned up and tested." *checks for ammo* "What else do you need?"
naoya: we'll need some smoke bombs too.
Gin: "Okay." *locks the cabinet* "That'll be next door..."
katya: *giggling like a kid in a candy store*
Tachihara: ._.; "Seeing someone that enthusiastic is kind of creepy..."
katya: <it's been far too long since i got to do one of these missions.>
Pushkin: <Woo!>
higuchi: *sweatdrop* at least they're having fun.
Gin: "Hmm. Just need to keep an eye on them. Too much fun can be a problem."
Sakuya: *plops down on the couch* "..."
-it's rather quiet-
Sakuya: "..." *curls up* "..."
lilac: s-sakuya?
Sakuya: "Hmm? What's up?"
lilac: a-are you alright?
Sakuya: "..." *groans* "I don't know...Naho isn't here."
lilac: ...
Sakuya: "..." *slaps himself in the face*
lilac: s-sakuya?
Sakuya: "J-Just trying to shock myself out of this." *slap slap* "I need a distraction."
lilac: w-want to watch a movie?
Sakuya: "...YES."
lilac: o-ok. *looks at the DVD selection*
*looks to be a mix of everyone in the house's interests, including some kung-fu movies*
lilac: h-how about this one?
Sakuya: "Sure, fine..." *looking up*
Akitaru: "Ah, come on! It's not that heavy!"
Arthur: *struggling* "How did Maki lift this..."
shinra: *peeks in*
*looks like they are moving some equipment, weapons, and machinery*
Vulcan: "Watch the magnetic bombs!"
shinra: what's up here?
Akitaru: "Taking an inventory. We've gotten so many weapons since Vulcan joined--but we need them inventoried and figure out which ones to get baptized."
tamaki: OW! careful with that needle!
Arthur: "Sorry--didn't mean to poke you."
tamaki: not you arthur. im talking to lisa.
lisa: *sewing tamaki's outfit*
Arthur: *still holding one of the giant needles* "...Point taken. So to speak."
Vulcan: *looking over sketches* "Hmm...Could still go for cat earphones..."
lisa: tamaki, try to stand still, ok?
Vulcan: "Yeah, you don't need to be full of holes."
tamaki: =n=
shinra: anything i can help with?
Akitaru: "Depends--do you want to help keep Tamaki distracted, or do you want to do back-breaking labor?"
shinra: .........the second one.
Tamaki: *glares*
Akitaru: "That a boy! It'll build character! Now, let's load up the Matchbox."
Kyoka: "This way. We'll see the client in a moment."
sylvia: *follows*
Kyoka: "How do you feel about this?"
sylvia: a-about what?
Kyoka: "Working as clerical, going on another mission."
sylvia: i-i-i couldnt say...
Kyoka: "Well, this is a missing person case, so we'll need to be supportive of the person we're meeting."
sylvia: r-r-right.
Kyoka: *looks up* "Here's the address..."
sylvia: c-c-could you knock first?
Kyoka: "Of course." *knocks*
mana: nng...
Shotaro: "Hey, I think she's waking up!"
Yohei: "Hey, Mana...How you feeling?"
mana: my head hurts...
Yohei: "Well, you had a nasty stumble after...well, after the tournament."
Yohei: "Sorry you lost. But that'd surprise anyone--"
Kepuri: *looking all around Agate, taking notes* "Optical drives. Sensory tactile bio-skin. Fascinating, fascinating--" *lifts Agate's arm*
mana: .....
Agate: -~- "This is demeaning..."
Shotaro: "..." *pat pat* "You did great!"
mana: um...hello?
Agate: "..." *small grunt* "...My phone screen is still cracked."
mana: kepuri, could you fix it?
Kepuri: *shiny eyes* "I could...if I got to further examine this miracle of android engineering..." *creepy finger movements*
Agate: O\\\\O;;
mana: kepuri... -_-;
Kepuri: -3- "You're all no fun..."
Agate: "...Are these people, like, your family? Is that thing with the bones in his mouth your brother?"
mana: wellll....it's kind of a long story.
Shotaro: "I'm Shotaro! Mana is my friend, and we live together with these people. The one examining your head is Kepuri. She's short!"
Kepuri: -_-#
Shotaro: "And that's Chie and Toru and Yohei and Tool and Emine."
mana: pretty much.
Agate: "...Um...I don't like talking to this many people all at once..."
mana: oh.
Emine: "Join the club. I keep trying to push them out of open windows--"
chie: *whack* bad emine. bad.
Emine: X_-; "I didn't say you. You at least have an ability, unlike Garbage Girl--"
Shotaro: "Nama Mana! Mana Nama--"
Agate: O_O;;; *her body is walking away* "!!! Get back here! Don't leave me alone!"
Tanizaki: *looking out the hotel window*
naomi: isnt the sunset beautiful?
Tanizaki: "It's a lot different than Death City...Can even see some of the mountains."
naomi: ^^
Tanizaki: "Well, what you feeling like for dinner? Are the others coming?"
izuku: .~. *trying to tie his tie*
All Might: *coughs as he exits the bathroom in his depowered form...his suit is hanging off of him* "??? Jeez, you've been in school uniforms this long, and ties are what's giving you trouble?"
izuku: the school ties are clip ons. ^^;
All Might: *sighs* "How are you going to be the Number One Hero with a clip-on..." *takes the tie* "Let's straighten this out..." *ties it for Izuku* "When we get back to school, I'm going to teach that to you, too."
izuku: thanks dad.
All Might: "... ... ..." ._.
izuku: .....*realization* s-sorry! it was a slip of the tongue and-
All Might: ^^; "It's fine--just one of those things the older generation teaches the younger..." *pats his shoulder* "There. Now you look like a fitting representative of UA."
chie: showtaro, please stand still.
Shotaro: >n< "This gunk in my hair feels yucky, like squid slime or cow poop!"
chie: now now, it's just for tonight.
Shotaro: *whines* "Why do I have to be fancy for this? Is Yohei even going to dress up for this or just wear sneakers?"
Emine: *his hair is pulled back in a ponytail* "... ... ..."
Iida: *reviewing his calendar* "Ahead of schedule, so that leaves enough time..." *dials 'Home'*
mrs iida: hello?
Iida: "Hello, Mother. It's Tenya."
mrs iida: hi sweetie! how's i-island?
Iida: "Wonderful! The new presentations are quite fascinating, and I look forward to seeing more of them tomorrow, after tonight's reception."
Hagakure: "And this--and that! Oh, and that!" *pointing at items on her tablet's food service* "And we should order a movie!"
tsuyu: that would be fun.
Mina: T~T "I wanted fancy reception food. And who knows which heroes are going to be there to hob-nob with..."
Bakugo: "Hurry up! I don't want to get mobbed by more crazy fans."
eijiro: comin!
Bakugo: *growls* "I can't believe I lost my dress clothes--WHY DO YOU HAVE ROSES ON THIS VEST?!"
eijiro: *shrug*
Bakugo: -_-# "This is worst than that host club..." *shoves his hands in his pockets--then realizes--* "I FORGOT MY BLASTED PHONE!"
Izuku: *huffing, puffing, looking* ("Which room was it again? Man, for being the pinnacle of Quirk progress, they could use more signs...")
kaminari: heeey midoriya!
Izuku: "Oh! Hey!"
Mineta: "Jeez, you get lost or something?" *wearing what can only be described as a purple pimp suit*
Todoroki: "Hey, how are--"
Iida: "You're late! We've been waiting 15 minutes! And Bakugo and Eijiro are still not here..."
kaminari: and the girl's arent here yet either.
Iida: T^T "It's like all social order is falling apart..."
???: we're here!
Todoroki: "???" *turns*
ochako: *in a pretty pink dress. she almost seems to be shimering* how does it look?
Todoroki: .\\\\\.
Izuku: "Hey, Ochako! Is that a new dress?"
ochako: yeah, momo bought it at the shopping center. ^^
Todoroki: .\\\\\. *gulps...walks up to Ochako*
ochako: hey todoroki! love the suit!
Todoroki: "..." *nods* "Thank you. ...You look nice."
jirou: yo. *in a suit*
Mineta: -n- "A suit? Really?"
jirou: the 70s called, they want their suit back.
Mineta: "Oh yeah? The 80s called--they want that joke back."
momo: hello everyone. ^^ (AHHHH TENYA LOOKS SO GOOD IN A SUIT HOW EVEN?!?!)
Iida: "Greetings!" *waves to Momo* "That dress compliments you well."
momo: thank you. ^///^
melissa: hey everyone. ^^
Izuku: "Hey, Melissa! You're wearing contacts tonight?"
melissa: yeah. im honestly not a fan, but oh well.
jirou: yeah, my mom has the same problem.
Iida: *claps his hands* "If that's everyone, let's get going--"
security: *checks the cameras*
Security 2: "Anything of interest?"
security: some girl's going the wrong way.
security 3: maybe she needs to take a shit?
security: god dammit jerry, be mature about this.
Girl on Camera: "IT'S JUST AROUND THIS CORNER, I'M SURE OF IT--" *goes around the corner* "DANG IT!"
Security 2: "...I bet it takes her an hour to get where she's going."
Security 2: "?!"
???: *talking into a speaker* we're in, boss-man.
Security 2: *knocked down, unconscious*
Boss: "Secure cameras on All Might's location."
???: got it. *pressing buttons*
*A camera shows All Might in powered form, walking proudly through the halls*
All Might: *humming to himself*
???: found him.
Boss: "Track him and notify me of the room location..."
Tool: "Huh--don't you see in dresses much, Mana."
mana: yeah, yeah...
Kepuri: "And yet you kept the hat?" *is wearing butterfly wings on a fairy Tinkerbell-esque dress*
Agate: *following far behind, wearing an LED-light up dotted dress*
mana: yes.
Shotaro: T~T "I hate this junk in my hair. My pants itch. I'm tired--" *sniffs* "...I SMELL FOOD!"
chie: ^^;
Emine: "That's the wrong reception. We want--" *bumps into someone* "...Watch where you're going."
Emine: "... ... ..." O_____O
Shotaro: *gasps*
toru: ama?
Tool: "...Holy crud, it's All Might."
Shotaro: "..." *glomp hug*
chie: o-o
All Might: OwO; "...Is your son usually this affectionate?"
chie: oh, he isnt _my_ son, he's a family friend. ^^;;
Shotaro: "IT'S ALL MIGHT IT'S ALL MIGHT!" *Bone of Gorilla lifting him*
All Might: ^^;;; "I see...Um, if you put me down, I could--"
Shotaro: *drops him, opens his autograph book* "SIGN UNDER THE FIFTH CHARISMA JUSTICE AUTOGRAPH!!!"
All Might: "...Ah. Yes..." *pulls out a pen* "He was a good man."
Shotaro: "..." *nods*
David: *looking around*
mr plastic: *enjoying food*
frostbyte: mr shield? are you quite alright?
I-Island Executive: "--and Hani is off to speak with the new inventors visiting. I swear, she's obsessed with just more and more--"
David: ^^; "Just wondering why All Might is late."
frostbyte: perhaps he's being fashionably late, as it were.
David: "Given the mobs that have been hounding him for autographs, likely."
sam: *ahem* sir?
David: "Ah, Sam, yes?"
sam: the new intern should be here within the week.
David: "A week? That seems early."
sam: guess he's eager to start.
David: "..." *nods* "I'll adjust my schedule to give him the tour."
Hani: *shaking hands* ^^ "Thank you, Prisha--your innovation sounds just thrilling!"
prisha: *nods*
Hani: "I'll have to introduce you to--" *spots someone* "...Excuse me." *practically shoves Prisha as she straightens herself up to approach the guests entering*
Shotaro: "THERE'S THE FOOD!"
Yohei: *looking in awe* "...Oh my God. There's Dr. Humpert. And Leslie McIntosh--"
Kepuri: *shaking with glee, giggling to herself*
doctor: AGATE! there you are!
Agate: "!!! D-Doctor?"
doctor: are you alright?
Agate: ^^; "Just...got ahead of myself in the tournament. But this, um, person repaired me...Sort of." *rubs the back of her neck*
doctor: thank you so much!
Kepuri: "Fufufu~ It was nothing for a brilliant roboticist to handle. And you are?"
doctor: my name is Remina Renfield.
prisha: grand-daughter of Vladimir Renfield.
remina: >n<#
Kepuri: *shiny eyes* "Were you the brilliant mind who crafted this exquisite model in android technology?!" *stroking Agate's face*
Agate: .\\\.;
remina: um..yes?
Kepuri: *grabs Remina's hands* "TEACH ME!"
remina: oh! um. .///.;;
Yohei: "Ah, Kepuri made a new friend."
chie: i'd say so... ^^;
Yohei: "So, how about we get something to e--"
Yohei: "...Yes?"
Hani: *smiles* *offers her hand* "Queenie Hani, I-Island Executive." *shakes his hand firmly* "Delighted to have such a bright mind visiting us."
Yohei: "Oh, thanks. We're happy to be here. This is my wife Chie and our son T--"
toru: *crying*
Hani: "..." *small frown at Toru*
Yohei: "Oh, kiddo...Chie, need me to hold him?"
chie: it's ok, sweetie. here. *hands him over to yohei*
Yohei: *holding Toru* ^^; "Kids, huh?"
Hani: "...I wouldn't know." ^^; "I was kind of hoping to introduce you--your robotics and programming are top-notch, you know?" *looks at Chie* "Did you know that? That your husband is at the top of his game?"
chie: indeed.
*a cloaked figure stands before a set of people all dressed in identical soldiers, each with an oddly insectoid helmet on*
guard: can i help you?
Cloak: "Yes..." *holds out a cylinder, aiming it at the Guard's face*
guard: ??
*a beam of light explodes from the cylinder...the Guard never had a chance*
Cloak: *holding a laser sword* "Let's go..."
Izuku: *breathing heavily* "This is going to be a room with so many superheroes...And I am terrified I'm going to spill my drink."
kaminari: just breathe and keep your cool.
Todoroki: *nods* "You get used to it."
ochako: *humming*
Mineta: "I just hope there are some hotties with digits."
jirou: *jabs him with her earjack*
Mineta: >~< "Is flirting so wrong?!"
jirou: nah, it's just you that's wrong.
Mineta: Q_Q
Iida: "Behave yourselves out there. You represent the pride of Class 1-A!"
momo: *nods*
kaminari: here we go! *runs....and slams into the door*
Mineta: "HA! The door says 'Pull,' buddy--" *tries to pull--and it's stuck* "..." *pull* -_-# "..." *PULL PULL PULL* "WHY IS NOTHING HAPPENING WHEN I TUG IT?!"
jirou: the heck?
Izuku: "??? Melissa, was there some pass card we needed first?"
melissa: no, i dont think so...
melissa: ?!?!
Iida: "Gunfire!"
jirou: shit!
Izuku: "Let's get in there--"
Todoroki: "Bad call." *points up* "Sky dome above the room."
ochako: !!!
Izuku: "...Jirou, Ochako, let's head up there. We may be able to listen in..."
Mineta: *hiding behind Kaminari* Q_Q
jirou: right.
ochako: *nods*
Iida: "Momo, we'll need a shield here in case victims escape through these doors..."
Todoroki: "Be careful up there."
ochako: *gravitying herself, izuku, and jirou*
Izuku: *looking down through the sky dome* "Okay, there's All Might, and--!!! He just got tied!"
ochako: !!!
melissa: !!!!
jirou: *listening in*
All Might: "UMPH!" *collapses*
*There's a man in a cloak, aiming a gun at Sam*
hero: what's going on, who are you??
Wolfram: *to the hero* "We are merely here for the latest tech, and this heist is for I-Island's treasure trove." *looks at Sam* "Who has security clearance to get us in there?"
sam: i-i-i believe i-i do-
Wolfram: "Then I guess you're my hostage tonight." *pulls Sam, holding an arm under his neck, gun aimed at Sam's temple*
sam: !!!!!
David: "Stop! Don't hurt him! Sam has access to the room...but not to the individual safes."
Wolfram: "?! What?!"
David: "Each safe is a unique combination...You're going to need me, too."
Wolfram: *to Sam* "Is he lying? WERE YOU TRYING TO TRICK ME?!"
sam: h-he's telling the truth! honest!
All Might: "DAVE, NO!"
David: "Please, just don't hurt him, and I'll let you in--"
Wolfram: *nods to lackeys* "Take them both." *shoves Sam into David*
All Might: *struggling in the restraints...*
grunt: you got it.
Wolfram: *smirks at All Might* "Like it? Really sticks to you, huh? Too bad you can't get out of that, Symbol of Peace." *looks to grunts* "Don't kill anyone unless they make a move."
kirishima: *whistling*
Bakugo: "SHHH! Stop whistling! Didn't you hear that?"
kirishima: hear what?
Bakugo: -_-### "Your hearing is better than mine and you didn't hear that bang?"
kirishima: i dont remember. ^^;
Bakugo: "God, you're insufferable." *starts running* "Come on--I got a bad feeling--"
kirishima: !!
kirishima: hey there um....hatsune miku?
Mei: *in Kirishima's face* "MEI HATSUME! SUPPORT CLASS! INVENTOR EXTRAORDINAIRE!" *closer* "I WAS ON MY WAY TO THE PAH-TAY WHEN I GOT DISTRACTED BY ALL THE WONDERFUL BABIES DOTTING THE WALLS!" *strokes the wall, rubbing her face against it* "That's a titanium plastic steel blend, baby--durable, flexible, and oh-so-good at holding this entire building up! WHO'S A GOOD POLYMER-METAL COMPOUND?! YOU ARE! YES, YOU ARE, YES YOU--"
Bakugo: *already walking away* "I need to punch someone. I hope Deku is at the reception already..."
kirishima: *sniff* you smell that? smells like gunfire...
Bakugo: "!!! Those bangs...WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!"
melissa: *shaking, breathing hard*
Todoroki: "...I'm sure your father is fine..."
melissa: *whimpering*
Iida: "We need a solution...Melissa, we need you on this, too. Where is the security's main office in this building?"
melissa: t-top floor...
momo: we're going to help your father, alright?
Mineta: "You can count on us!" *presses a button on the elevator* "We just need to get to the top floor--" *looks at the elevator...a giant electric "OUT OF ORDER" error appears* D8< "WHAT IS WITH THIS STUPID ISLAND?!"
momo: we'll just take the steps.
Izuku: "What can you hear?"
jirou: well, the leader's name is wolfram, and they seem to be looking for some kind of tech that they're making david and his assistant look for.
Izuku: "Can we get a message to All Might?" *looks down to see him tied up*
jirou: does he know sign language?
Izuku: "!!! Yes! He trained in it while working on the Scarlet Sapphire Mystery!"
jirou: let me.
All Might: ("Damn...I'm at my limit...") *looking around* ("The hostages are safe, for now. Why are they after just tech? Why take hostages? It's not like someone else couldn't hack in--") *glances up* "?!!!!"
jirou: *waves* *signing* <just hold on, we'll help you out> anything else i should say?
Izuku: "We're going to security to try to track the villains and call in guards and the robot sentries to stop these villains."
jirou: *conveying the message through sign language*
All Might: "!!!" *shaking his head* ("No! This is too dangerous! What if they kill you, or David...Melissa...")
jirou: he's shaking his head...
Izuku: *hardened look* "...I think we better get going..."
Hani: "Everyone, please, calm down!" *trying to maintain a calm smile* "
toru: *crying*
Yohei: "It's okay, kiddo..." *looking around* ("All exits sealed, so that's good...")
chie: !!!
Shotaro: "Let me out--I can help! I--"
*something bright slams through the wall, right over Shotaro's head*
Shotaro: Q__Q "EEP!"
mana: ?!?!?!
*the wall is sliced open, revealing the lightlaser saber-wielding cloaked individual*
Cloak: *labored breathing...looks around*
Agate: *fighting pose*
chie: *forms a shadowy barrier around yohei and toru*
Cloak: *gestures to his troops* "Tie up the others. We know the ones we're taking with us..."
mana: ?!
Kepuri: "And me without my heavy artillery..." *taps on her wrist behind her back...*
Trooper 1: "You, with us." *grabs Mana by the wrist*
mana: !! *kicks them in the stomach*
Trooper 1: "UMPH!"
Trooper 2: *aims a wrist-mounted weapon at Mana, firing an electrified bolo at her*
mana: !!!!
Yohei: "!!!" ("...I recognize that...I made that for...!!")
Shotaro: "Mana!"
mana: *SCREAMS*
Emine: -_-; "This is getting annoying..." *summons the Wall--and smashes it into Troopers*
Shotaro: "EMINE! DON'T--"
Emine: "They aren't dead. Just held back--"
Cloak: "Lay down your weapons and abilities--" *holding Hani by the throat* "Or the Executive dies."
Hani: *choking*
mana: !!!!!!!
Agate: "?! Doc...What do I do?"
remina: *shaking*
Hani: *gasping*
Yohei: "Enough! Chie..." *hands her Toru, steps through her shield*
chie: !!!!
Yohei: "Let her go."
Cloak: *cackles* "You finally recognize us."
Yohei: "..." *nods*
Cloak: "Say it. Who are we?"
Yohei: "...Fear Factory."
mana: !!!!!!!!!
Shotaro: "..."
Emine: "No..."
Tool: "What the hell...We stopped your operation years ago!"
chie: i-i thought they were wiped out!
Cloak: "Yes...That's why I'm here. The new Fear Factory can be reborn only on the corpses of those who brought it down." *nods to the Troopers*
*The Troopers each taser Tool, Shotaro, and Mana*
Yohei: "?!!! Stop it!"
chie: NO!! *shadow arrows aimed*
Cloak: *lets go of Hani, grabs Yohei and holds the laser saber to his neck* "Stop."
chie: !!!! let....let him go...
Cloak: "I'm afraid I cannot." *nods to the Troopers* "We're taking them. Our boss has an audience with them."
Hani: *gasping for air, scurrying away from the Cloak, hiding under a table*
chie: STOP!
Kepuri: *sharp inhale, slight hyperventilating* "Wh-Why are you back...Why?!"
Cloak: "We are leaving...I don't suppose you remember all your inventions for Fear Factory, do you, Nanami?"
Yohei: "...How could I forget them all...I think you're forgetting one other thing I made."
Cloak: "???"
Kepuri: *smirks* *sighs* "I guess they did."
Cloak: "?!"
GET and WASHU: >o< *rush into the room, punching the Troopers in the gut*
toru: baba!
Emine: *punches another Trooper in the face* "Old Lady! Go for the head!"
Yohei: "Toru!" *tries to make a run for it--*
Cloak: *grabs Yohei by the neck, squeezing* "I'll just knock you out--"
*Cloak's helmet flies off, revealing a face half-covered in robotic parts*
mana: !!!!
Kepuri: "... ... ..." *shaking* "LOOK AT IT!" *tugs Remina's arm*
Agate: "Gross."
remina: !!!!! *covers her mouth in horror*
Cloak: *growls--and launches a net, capturing Toru*
chie: TORU!!!
toru: *crying*
Yohei: "Stop! GET, WASHU, stop! Emine, put them down! Shotaro--"
Shotaro: *swinging a Trooper over his head* "What?"
*something is humming nearby...*
mana: ??
Yohei: "...If we surrender, you will let my son go, or even Hell won't hold me back."
Cloak: *laughs* "The Shinigami himself, eh? You know where you and your friends are to go, right?"
Yohei: "Yeah, yeah...But I'm not driving it."
chie: yohei...
Yohei: "Chie...I'm sorry." *walks towards the wall...which explodes behind him*
chie: !!!!! YOHEI!!
*the wall falls apart, revealing a starship...*
Trooper: *stabs a syringe into Mana's neck*
mana: !!!!
Yohei: "?!!"
mana: nghh... *passes out*
Shotaro: "MANA! I--"
Trooper: *stabs a syringe into Shotaro*
Shotaro: "...Oh, like that even hurt--"
Trooper: *another syringe*
Shotaro: *lip droops*
Trooper: ._.; *another*
Shotaro: "I doooon't efen fweel..." *passes out*
Tool: -_-; "You're literally trying to stab it into my dome, you twit. I'm a kappa--you could literally hit any amphibious skin--"
Trooper: "I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING! I--"
Tool: *picks up his axe and slices the Trooper* "Enough of this shit." *runs*
Yohei: "?! Tool, stop! They'll kill them--"
Cloak: *shoots syringes at Yohei's chest*
Yohei: *falls over...he's not breathing*
chie: !!!!
Cloak: *walks* "We're leaving. Drag the Dokeshi and the human."
chie: *shaking, her eyes going dark*
Hani: "?!!!!" *covers her mouth*
Cloak: *collapses, ripped in two*
Tool: "...Holy shit."
chie: let.....them.....go.....NOW....
Troopers: "!!!" *dragging Shotaro, Mana, and Yohei onto the ship--*
Kepuri: "Get back with them!" *sends WASHU and GET at them--before Troopers tackle her*
Troopers: *screaming as they are stabbed*
(kagemaru: yes, kill em! KILL ALL OF 'EM!)
WASHU and GET: *grab at Mana--only for--*
Kepuri: "?!!! WASHU! GET!"
*they are...flattened...they aren't moving*
*it's...another Fear Robot?!*
remina: *breathing hard*
???: "Hee hee...Mass automation, Mrs. Nanami."
Agate: "Doc..." *holds her hand*
chie: *looks up*
*as she looks up at the Robot, someone is getting back on his feet behind her, and picks up the laser saber...*
chie: *glances and slices*
Cloak: *grunts...but laughs* "Oh, that hurts...But then again, I've had every last part of me crushed under tremendous weight..." *grabs Chie by the neck, squeezing*
chie: GRK- *she still glares; as if she isnt in control...*
Cloak: "Why would you turn your back on Dokeshi for some human mongrel?"
Tool: *removing the net on Toru, cradling him*
chie: *snarls*
???: *deep inhale...as something sliced is heard...blood drips on the floor...*
remina: !!!!!!!! *faints*
Cloak: "A mere beast, eh? Too bad my boss didn't ask me to bring you..." *aims the laser saber* "I guess your corpse will be enough for experimenta--"
Cloak: "???"
chie: *looks back*
*looks down...a bloody mess in the form of blades have sliced through Cloak's chest...the blades pull back, revealing...*
Emine: *clutching his wrist, panting...*
toru: *crying*
chie: !!! *snabs back to reality*
Cloak: *smirks* "Like that's enough to--"
Emine: *grits his teeth* "GUILTY BLADE!" *leaps forward, forming a X with his arms, swings them at Cloak, and--*
*Cloak's head goes flying--into the starship, where Yohei, Mana, and Shotaro are loaded*
Cloak's head: "Enough of this--forget the kappa! Just go!"
Fear Robot Pilot: "ROGER ROGER." *closes the doors...*
chie: YOHEI!!
Emine: "!!! No!" *slices his other wrist, as a four-bladed fan departs* "Fujin!" *the blade sails at the ship and--*
*the starship is gone in the blink of an eye*
Kepuri: *staring...crawls over to the remains of GET and WASHU* "Oh God..."
chie:......*holding her baby, weeping*
Emine: "..." *stares at the headless body of the Cloak...looks down at his wrists...sees the blood pooling under him...collapses, passing out*
prisha: w-what the hell??
Hani: "..." *picking up her communicator* "Security. I-Island Security. Report. Report, goddamn it...REPORT! IS ANYONE OUT THERE?!"
prisha: medi, tend to the wounded.
MEDI: *beep* understood, doctor. ^^
Tool: *staring at the hole in the wall* "..." *holds his head in his hands*
Emine: *passing out* "Sho..."
Agate: "..." *looks out the wall, her eye narrowing up to the sky, zooming in...following the ship's path...*
setsuna: !!!!!!
Assi: "?? Ma'am?"
setsuna: s-showtaro...yohei...mana...t-they-they've been...
Shinoda: "What? What happened?"
setsuna: t-they've been taken!
Assi: "?!!! How can you--"
Shinoda: "What?! And Emine? Is he..."
setsuna: e-emine's still on the island...
lin-kimpur: !!!
akaderu: what about kepuri?
setsuna: same as emine...
Shinoda: *dialing* "Come on...Answer..."
ochako: how much longer till we get to the top?
melissa: i think there's an elevator on floor 80.
Mineta: T~T "I might as well just bounce all the way up there..."
Izuku: "At least we haven't run into any of those thugs..."
Iida: "We are not to approach these villains--our goal is to report and get backup only."
momo: right...
Todoroki: "...Is that really the right approach? We could stop this right now--"
Iida: *glares* "We don't need a repeat, now do we? I think you and I both know that."
Izuku: *looks down*
ochako: ???
Mineta: "I can't go on..." *collapses on the stairs* =~= "Someone, carry me."
jirou: did you hear something?
Mineta: DX<
Izuku: "I know we're all tired--but this is to save those people."
melissa: here it is! floor 80!
kaminari: if we do this, we'll have fangirls all over us.
Mineta: "..." *bounces back up, struts to the door* "Stand aside--let a hero handle this, ma'am!"
*the door opens to reveal a giant indoor garden*
Izuku: "Oh, wow...I-Island is amazing."
melissa: this floor is used to determine how quirks affect different plant life. the elevator's over there.
Todoroki: *looking along the walls...spots windows and ceiling beams*
Iida: "Let's be quick about this before--"
*doors open*
momo: !! hide!
*everyone ducks*
grunt 1: lotza plants, here, eh?
Grunt 2: "Yes, that's what greenhouses have, dummy."
grunt 1: you think dey got weed up here?
Grunt 2: "You idiot! ...Of course they do. They want to see what quirks do to make new breeds, right?"
Izuku: ._.
*everyone looks at Melissa*
melissa: *shrugs as a 'dont ask me'*
grunt 1: you think we can sneak some of- HEY! YOU THERE!!
???: "WHAT?!"
Izuku: "...Oh no."
eijiro: hi, you guys security? we cant find the party.
Grunt 2: "Yes, we're security. Why don't you come with us, kid?"
eijiro: you hear that guys? we're saved!
Mei: "Wait a minute..." *leans up to Grunt 1* "You suuuuuuuure you're security?"
grunt 1: uhhh..... yeees? owo;;
Bakugo: "Uh huh. Then maybe you can tell us what all those explosions have been."
grunt 1: uuuuhhh.....OH LOOK WHAT'S DAT?!
Mei: OwO *turns* "What?"
Mei: *goes flying*
ochako: !!!
Bakugo: "Oh, you motherfucker!" *his fingers are sparking up*
Mei: *crashes into the bushes*
eijiro: you alright, hatsume?
Grunt 2: "Jeez...Boss is going to be pissy if we let some kids out of here. Better kill them."
eijiro: *hardens up* oh boy
Izuku: "This is not good--we need to get to the elevator, but we can't leave them and Kacchan to fight alone..."
Todoroki: "..." *steps out*
Iida: "?!"
ochako: !!!
Todoroki: *shoots an ice blast at Grunt 1*
grunt 1: *wilhelm scream*
Todoroki: "There. That solves half the problem."
Bakugo: "ICY HOT?! YOU TRYING TO UPSTAGE ME AGAIN?!!! ...Wait, why are you freaks here?"
ochako: why are _you_ here?!
eijiro: we got lost.
eijiro: .......
Mei: *waves* "Hi, everyone! How's the reception?"
grunt 1: ok, just HOW many brats are walkin around here?! WHERE'S THE ADULT SUPERVISION HERE?!
kaminari: that would be iida.
Iida: -^-; "Well, Todoroki just got us caught up in this fight, so it is unavoidable to use our quirks for the sake of self-defense...Let's get to the elevator before--"
*a giant fist pops out, slamming Eijiro*
kaminari: oh shi- KIRISHIMA!!
Grunt 2: *cracks out of the ice, now triple the size* "Brrr! That was too cold!"
Bakugo: "?!!! YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" *lobs attack at Grunt 2--*
Izuku: "?! Kacchan's attack disappeared!"
Bakugo: "What the hell..." *lobs another attack--*
Grunt 2: *suddenly in front of Bakugo and the kids*
momo: !!!
jirou: *grabs mei and runs*
Mei: OwO;
Izuku: *aims a shot--*
Bakugo: *pushes Izuku away* "Run, doofus!"
Izuku: "?!! Kacchan--"
Todoroki: "I'll back up Bakugo--get to the security office." *fires ice at Grunt 1*
Bakugo: "I DON'T NEED BACK--"
*Grunt 2 punches Bakugo in the face, knocking him through 3 trees and into a rose thorn bush*
Izuku: D:>
ochako: deku, let's go!!
Izuku: "...running* "Don't you dare lose, Kacchan! We still have a fighting match when this is over!"
Bakugo: *leaps up out of the bushes, a rose held between his teeth as he smiles demonically* "COUNT ON IT!" *slams a fireball punch at Grunt 2*
grunt 1: where do you think YOU'RE goin', brats?!
Todoroki: *ice wall* "Away from you, reprobate." *then sends a fireball at Grunt 1's head*
grunt 1: !!!
*the fireball disappears*
Todoroki: "???"
*suddenly, snow is falling on him*
Todoroki: *looks up* "...Wait...He doesn't _cut_ space. He--"
Grunt 2: *tackles Todoroki, ripping his jacket in the process*
grunt 1: space displacement, baby!
Bakugo: "Displace this!" *fires bullet-shaped shots at the ceiling*
grunt 1: dafuq you doin?!
*something is creaking loudly above...before lighting fixtures on the ceiling fall towards Grunt 1*
grunt 1: ..... 0_0 mother-
Grunt 2: "BRO!" *growls, rushes at Todoroki*
Todoroki: "Wait..." *turns around* "It's not space displacement if he is storing up all that space...That means our attacks from earlier will--"
*fireballs get released, slamming into Grunt 2*
ochako: woo-hoo!
Todoroki: "..." *small smile*
melissa: hurry, the elevator!
Izuku: *rushes inside*
eijiro: go on without me, im trapped.
eijiro:.. oh... oops. ^^;
jirou: *glares at mineta and kaminari* NOT. A. WORD.
momo: what else is new?
Mineta: T~T
Mei: *limps into the elevator* "Jeez--I just wanted to get to the reception! Why are there thugs everywhere?"
melissa: allow us to fill you in.
-she explains the situation-
Mei: "Oh, wowie! Then you're going to need to get more than just security!" *pulls out something from her purse*
melissa: ??
*it looks like a radio communicator*
melissa: oh!
Mei: "They are obviously listening in on all communications, so we need to jam it!!!"
jirou: and how do we do that?
Mei: "A POWER SOURCE!" *holds up an iPhone charger* "...CRAP! I MEANT TO BRING A USB-C!"
jirou:....*looks at kaminari*
kaminari: alright, i'll do it. FOR THE FANGIRLS! lay it on me!
Mineta: TwT "Make us proud, buddy."
Izuku: ^^;;;
Todoroki: -_- "Just shove the electrical cord in your mouth already."
kaminari: im sorry wha-
Mei: *hands the cable to him* "Okay, who's going to send out the message?"
momo: i'll do it.
Mei: "Okay--not sure how far the signal goes, so keep it short, then I'll put it on a loop."
momo: alright.
Mei: *pushes a button*
momo: attention, i-island's HQ is under attack, we need security backup!
Tokoyami: *listening on the hotel room's clock radio* "?!"
mashirao: *getting out of the shower* what is it?
Tokoyami: "Yaoyorozu somehow hacked a local radiowave and is sending a message--" *stands up* "I-Island is under attack."
mashirao: !!!
Hagakure: "D'aw, my phone reception is out!"
tsuyu: what is it?
mina: listen to this! *playing the radio*
Hagakure: "The radio, Tsu!"
tsuyu: !! what do we do? we dont have hero licenses yet...
Hagakure: "But that doesn't stop us from looking around, does it?"
mina: hagakure, i dont know what expression you're making, but i have a bad feeling about it.
prisha: *helping to repair GET and WASHU*
MEDI: incoming radio transmission! *playing the message*
Kepuri: "I got their backups downloaded..." *plugs from her wrist-watch into GET and WASHU*
toru: mama?
chie: *still in shock*
Hani: "...Doctor, who is that talking on that radio transmission?"
prisha: i-i dont know, but she sounds like mrs nanami.
Emine: *passed out on a cot, a blood pack by their side*
remina: *still out cold*
Tool: "..." *steps through the hole in the wall* "Kepuri, I'm heading out."
Kepuri: "?!!! Now's not the time for some macho-head bullshit!"
Tool: "That radio said they need help--and I'm useless here." *climbs down with his pick-axe*
prisha: ...
Agate: "..." *groans* "Wait up!"
*Security Robots are rolling through the streets*
Sero: *waves down a Bot* "Help! Our friends are in trouble!"
-someone pokes their head out-
Security Bot: "???" *looks over the scenery...a small glitch appears...everything goes red* "...YES. HOW MAY I HELP?"
Sero: "We just heard some radio signal about an attack on the HQ here! We're trying to get someone to go there! Can you help--"
*The Bot's eyes turn red*
rikido: uh-oh
Sero: ._.; ("Oooooooh, I've seen enough movies to know this is bad...") *tapes away before--*
kouda: >~<;;
Bot: *sends out a taser where Sero stood*
Sero: "RUN!"
kouda: WAAAHHHH!!!! >A<;;
*Bots around I-Island start turning red, chasing after bystanders*
Sero: "When you're trying to tase me, it's hardly unwarranted use!"
bystander 2: WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!
bystander 3: so they DO glow in the dark!
bystander 3: glow in the dark stuff is hella cool.
Bot: *keeps running into Rikido...which is pathetic as it's not knocking him over*
kouda: *shaking*
Bot 2: "RETURN TO YOUR HOMES. EVERYTHING IS FINE." *giant metallic carving appendages come out, as the Bot rolls towards bystanders*
rikido: !!!!
Sero: "!!! Kouda! Ants!"
Sero: *tapes up 2 bots before they can shock him*
kouda: ?!?!
???: *has slashed some of the bots with a whip* ....
Sero: "Wow..."
???: shhh, you didnt see me, i wasnt here. *runs*
Sero: ._.;
rikido: i-i think that was a vigilante.
Sero: "Given everything else on this island, not surprised?"
Hagakure: "EEEEEEEEK!" *picks up a room service plates, smashing it over a Hotel Bot's head*
tsuyu: come on, this way!
Hagakure: *flings the plate at a Bot, running after Tsuyu* "This is crazy!"
tsuyu: right now, the best idea is to find the others and make a plan.
Hagakure: "How?! Phone signals are jammed by whoever is doing this! Where would everyone have gone to right now?"
mina: HQ! the big old tower! that was totally yaomomo's voice on the radio! and that's where she is!
Hagakure: T~T "This is not how I wanted to go to the party!"
Hagakure: Q____Q *turns around* "?!!!! WHAT THE--"
*It's a giant soda machine...that starts firing soda cans*
Hagakure: *follows*
Bakugo: "So it's just across the power grid station, up a few more floors, and we're there, right?"
melissa: yeah, just past the power grid, and we'll be there soon.
jirou:.....you know. 'girl from ipanema' really isnt fitting the mood right now.
Todoroki: "...When this is over, I'm complaining to the travel agent."
-the door opens-
Iida: "... ... ..." *frantically pressing the 'Door Close button'*
kaminari: wrong floor.
*One Bot shoves appendages into the doors, ripping them open*
Mineta: D8> "Didn't you hear the man--wrong floor!"
Bakugo: "FUCK THIS! Kirishima, Icy-Hot!"
Todoroki: *icicle through the Bot*
kirishima: you got it! *hardens arms*
Bots: *rush at them into the elevator*
Izuku: "Jump!"
Bots: *swarm into the elevator*
Mei: *crawling over them* "Bad babies! BAD BABIES!"
melissa: !!!
ochako: *gravity tossing the others*
Bots: *all down the hallway, rolling towards them*
jirou: *phone jacks one of them*
Mineta: Q____Q "I CAN'T DO THINGS LIKE THIS!" *runs...into the men's room*
ochako: *floating the others to a higher level*
Izuku: *Full Cowl punching--and notices his fist* "?!!!" ("The gauntlet...I'm not feeling any pain! It's moderating my power output!")
ochako: *trying to hold herself together, but shaking*
jirou: yaomomo! get us a grappling hook!
momo: you got it!
Mei: *shifting through her purse* "No." *tosses out some makeup* "No." *tosses out a pocket mirror* "Ah! Here it is!"
melissa: *looks*
momo: done!
Mei: "We need some distance back there, so..." *tosses a smoke bomb behind them*
momo: everyone grab on!
Mei: OwO; "Maybe I made it too powerful--":
Izuku: "Wait--we left Mineta back on that floor!"
Todoroki: *grabs on*
Iida: *grabs onto Momo*
ochako: g-guys, i dont think i can hold much more...
momo: >///< *shoots at a higher guard rail*
Todoroki: "Ochako..." *grabs her hand*
ochako: t-thanks.
jirou: everyone's on!
*they're pulled up...*
Izuku: "S-Sorry!"
eijiro: WEEEEE!!!
melissa: i think i lost my high heels!
*below them in the smoke are hundreds of blinking red lights...but now they are at a higher level*
jirou: ah crap.
Mei: "D'aw..."
Iida: "We can't afford to linger. Let's keep moving. Anyone unable to continue?"
momo: we're almost there!
*sign: Power Station, turn right*
Bakugo: "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" *aims--and fires*
momo: WOOOOAH!!!
Iida: "Recipro...Burst!"
Mei: *face pulled back*
ochako: @~@ i think im gonna pass out!
Todoroki: *catches her*
*the door to the Power Grid is quickly approaching...*
-they made it!-
ochako: release!
Izuku: "!!!" *aims...and punches through the door*
*they all crash on the ledge over the power generators...*
melissa: come on, hurry!
ochako: *woozy* ugh...
Izuku: *face-down on the floor* *muffled* "C-Coming..."
Mei: *looking at the generators* "Hmm...Best be careful--don't want to touch the coils."
eijiro: *looks around*
*Iida picks up the door, while Todoroki and Bakugo fuse it shut behind them*
jirou: well, we're all here.
Izuku: "...Most of us..."
jirou: well everyone of any importance is here.
momo: ?!
*something is whirring up...*
*it...looks like a giant walking cyclone machine?!*
jirou: oh come on!
*more Security Bots roll around it*
Todoroki: "...We're not all going to be able to continue beyond this point. Some of us will need to make an escape for the next hall while we hold it back."
melissa: just dont break any of the servers.
Iida: "Those with speed and knowledge should move ahead: Hatsume, Melissa, Izuku, Momo, myself. Can the rest of you stay back to hold down this beast?"
ochako: i-i'll try.
Bakugo: *glares at Iida and Melissa* "So, beat the thing up, but not wreck the servers. Gee, you're making this so easy for us..."
Todoroki: "We'll trap it and attack it without damaging the servers. Now go!"
jirou: take ochako with you!
Iida: "???"
jirou: she's not looking well, and i think she'll be safer with you guys.
Izuku: *nods* *picks up Ochako*
Todoroki: "...Stay safe."
ochako: im gonna take a lil snooze, 'zat ok?
momo: come on, let's go!
Izuku: *follows*
eijiro: think fast guys! here it comes!
Whirlwind Bot: *inhales...and blasts at Eijiro and company*
grunt: ey wolfram, we got someone out front.
Wolfram: "???" *looks*
mina: *in a dominos uniform* pizza delivery! ^w^
Wolfram: "...Which one of you stooges ordered pizza?"
grunt 2: not me, im vegan.
Grunt 3: ._.; "I-I might have? I'm hypoglycemic and have short-term memory."
Wolfram: -_-# "Go down there, kill her, and take the pizza. I got to keep Shield and his partner on track."
Child: *crying*
mother: it's ok, sweetie.
Bot: "GET BACK." *approaching the mother and child*
mother: !!! *shielding her child*
Bot: *releases a taser--*
*something scoops up the mother and child*
mother: !?!
*The Bot goes flying like a rainbow*
Tokoyami: *using Dark Shadow to lift mother and child* "It is okay now. We are here."
mashirao: aoyama!
Aoyama: "Bonjour! What a mess this is turning out to be."
mashirao: so now what do we do?
Tokoyami: "Keep these machines back and get civilians back into safe spaces."
mashirao: right!
agate: and just where are you going?
Tool: "These robots...They're screaming. It's getting on my nerves. I'm going to give them a nap."
agate: i dont hear any screaming.
Tool: "I'm a kappa. I lived in a garbage dump. Since then, I don't really hear living things talking...but I can hear the feelings of inanimate objects..."
agate: oh, so robots are automatically just objects?
Tool: "...You ever talk to the soul of an object? The soul of a robot?"
agate:...well, no-
Tool: "I have. Robots have souls. And these robots' souls are screaming in pain because someone is taking them over...just like before."
Tool: "...That doctor. Is she your parent or something?"
agate: she did build me, yes. but she built me to act as a companion....considering who her grandfather was, she was often looked down upon and viewed as an evil person. but she's nothing like her grandfather at all. she just wants to help people and make them happy.
Tool: "...Her grandfather?"
agate: vladimir renfield. he created various robot monsters, some of which were used in a terrorist attack on the kiraragi starship. since then, the renfield name has been blackened in the scientific community. so that's why when she received an invite to i-island, she was so overjoyed and ecstatic.
Tool: "...I'm sorry this happened."
agate: we cant change the past, that's why we have to make the future better.
Tool: "..." *clenches his fist around his weapon* "I'm going to find those Fear Factory freaks, save my friends...and slash through anyone who gets in my way."
agate: ...
mina: *tapping her foot*
Grunt 3: "Um, hi? My pizza?"
mina: yep! want to see it just to make sure we got it right?
Grunt 3: "Ah, good call. 'Cause this one time I ordered pineapple and--" *leans forward*
Grunt 3: X_X *collapses*
mina: he's down! go go!
tsuyu: *runs in*
Hagakure: "I cannot believe that worked..."
mina: i dont know how you got the costume and the pizza box, but we'll worry about that later!
Hagakure: ^^;
melissa: just a little further now.
Izuku: *following*
Mei: "Once we get in there, can you shut down where they're holding your dad?"
melissa: i think so. oh, and thanks for the sneakers, momo.
momo: no problem.
Izuku: "Ochako? You holding up okay?"
ochako: i-i think so. i dont feel as dizzy now.
Mei: *shiny eyes* "I might be able to help with that~"
ochako: ._. um-
Mei: *pulls out a headband*
ochako: what's that? ._.;;
Mei: Cranial equilibrium modification apparatus...prototype. It helps you with feeling wheezy while going all gravity!"
ochako: oh, cool!
momo: how very convenient.
Mei: *puts it on*
ochako: how does it look?
momo:...well the color matches the dress at least. ^^;
Izuku: ^^ "Stylish, but what do I know."
Iida: -_-
Izuku: "!!! There's the last turn--"
villain: where do you think you're going?
Izuku: "...No..."
ochako: OH COME ON!
villain: you're not going any further than here.
Iida: "We've come too far to be held back!"
melissa: why are you even doing this?!
villain:...we all have our reason....mine is that my daughter is being held prisoner by the mastermind...and if i dont get this done, i'll never see her again.
Izuku: "?!!! That's still no reason! What if we could help you?"
villain: why would you help a villain?
Izuku: "Because it's what a hero should do."
villain: ......you're really naive. *attacks*
Izuku: "!!!" *dodges, running along the wall before bouncing off of it* "I'm sorry for this..." *swings his fist--*
-the villain's body becomes liquified and dodges the punch-
Izuku: "?!!!"
villain: you underestimate how far a parent will go for their child's sake.
Izuku: ("Liquid quirk...Could evaporate or compromise solidity? Perhaps with speed--") *trying to dodge*
villain: *solidifies*
Izuku: "Iida! Get around them! Momo! What you got?"
momo: im thinking of something!
Izuku: *slammed into the wall* "GRK!"
Iida: *trying to out-race projectiles*
Mei: *aims* "Locked on!" *fires a small pellet from a slingshot, which hits a projectile--immediately covering it in foam, sticking it to the wall* "BULLSEYE!"
villain: ?!
*the foam is growing along the wall and floor*
Death the Kid: Mei: "My Dynamic Expanding Foam Expansion Anti-flammable Tactile Emergency Deterrent or as I call it, 'DEFEATED'!" *smiles at Melissa*
villain: and how is _that_ to stop me?
Mei: "Ever get gum in your hair?"
villain: ??
*the foam starts crawling towards the Villain*
villain: ?!!!
*the foam climbs up the Villain's legs*
Mei: "Hee hee hee--SUCCESS!"
villain: !!!!
Mei: "Now stay there! We have to get around you..."
mina: *peeks past a corner*
*seems to be guards standing with rifles...*
mina: hmmm.
Hagakure: "I could sneak around--but I don't know whether they have a visual quirk to see through my invisibility."
mina: anyone else got any ideas?
tsuyu: *looking around*
*looks to be a fire alarm right behind him...not within arm reach, but maybe frog-tongue reach...*
tsuyu: im gonna try something. *focusing*
Hagakure: "???"
tsuyu: *her skin seems camouflaged?*
Hagakure: *gasps*
mina: neato!
tsuyu: *reaching for the fire alarm with her tongue*
Guard: *snorts* *looks around*
Guard: "?!!!" *looking around* "Fire? Fire!"
guard 2: oh shit!
Guard 1: "Let's get to a spot of the building where the alarms aren't going off!"
Todoroki: *shielding his face, as his ice blasts are blown back at him* "GRK!"
Bakugo: "Damn it! I'm barely putting a dent in its armor!"
kaminari: how many of these guys are there?!
Todoroki: "The curses of automation..."
Whirlwind Robot: *inhales...*
Bakugo: "... ... ...Well, if you can't fight it from outside..." *pushes Kaminari into the Whirlwind Robot's suction*
kaminari: HEY HEY HEY HEY!!! D8
Whirlwind Robot: *sucks in Kaminari...then starts shorting out* O_____O *GLITCH GLITCH*
jirou: ?!?!?
Whirlwind Robot: *WRRRRRRRR--*
*It explodes, producing a tornado in the room, sucking in all the robots...*
eijiro: KAMINARI?!
kaminari: *face planted on the ground*......ow.
Bakugo: *ducking to avoid falling robots* "He's fine--he's got a hard head."
jirou: guess we better hurry.
Todoroki: *produces an ice slide* "Let's move."
Tokoyami: *holding the crying baby awkwardly* ._.;;; "How...do you deal with these things?"
rikido: you have to support the head, like this.
Tokoyami: "O-Okay?"
Dark Shadow: *holding the baby's rattle*
baby: bah...baba ^o^
Dark Shadow: "Yay..."
Sero: "Guys!" *waves* "What's been going on here?"
ochako: are we just about there yet?
Iida: "Straight ahead! That leaves the last set of stairs..."
momo: right!
melissa: *running*
Mei: *looking at readings on her wristwatch* "And it looks like we'll have some help--I got 2 heat signatures following us! Must be Icy Hot and Kacchan!"
ochako: that's good.
*the floor is rumbling*
Mei: ^w^ "Aw, Kacchan is excited to fight."
Izuku: "...I don't think that's Kacchan--"
*something explodes under the stairs, bringing them down*
ochako: WOAH!
melissa: AH!
Mei: O_O; "...Jeez, I knew he was violent, but gosh darn."
Iida: *looks* "...!!! Everyone, get down!"
*a fireball, shaped like a bird, flies at them*
ochako: EEP!
*the flames dissipate, revealing...*
Villain: *walks through the flames, seemingly unharmed, staring harshly at the students*
ochako: OH COME ON!
Villain: "You will not pass. Your journey, and your lives, end here." *holds up her forearm, lighting it on fire as the faces of birds seem to be screaming off of it*
ochako: ._.;;
momo: !!!!
Izuku: "This is bad...We're already at our limits. And we're so close!"
Mei: *shaking her purse* "I'm running out of babies..."
ochako: *gulp* ideas?
Iida: "...I think it's time for something reckless."
Villain: *drops flames along the floor, blocking any access underneath the command tower*
momo: !! *summoning a cannon*
Villain: "What? Is that tiny thing supposed to scare me?"
momo: *fires*
Villain: *smiles, sending her firebird forward again--*
ochako: *gravitying izuku and melissa up to the door*
Izuku: "??!! Ochako!"
ochako: go!
Izuku: "..." *nods*
Villain: "No, you don't." *sends flamebird up--*
momo: *fires again*
Villain: *dodges, running swiftly around the blast and towards Momo...smirks*
momo: !!!!
Villain: "Versatile...But not a very powerful Quirk, is it? What use are you, child?"
momo: more than you'd think. *summons fire extinguisher*
Villain: "?!"
melissa: almost there!
Izuku: "Let me give us a push..." *charging up Full Cowl*
*something whirring sounds like it is behind them...*
melissa: *looks*
*it's drones and flying Sentries...*
melissa: !!!
*a Sentry now has a toilet plunger sticking off its 'face'*
Sentry: ._.;
melissa: ?!?!?
momo: -A-; you have to be kidding me.
*It's...Mineta?! Strapped with...toilet paper on his belt like weapons and...holding plungers*
Mineta: "YOU THOUGHT I WOULD JUST RUN AWAY!" *aims grape balls and toilet paper* "I'LL BONDAGE YOU UP RIGHT NOW!"
Izuku: -_-; "...Let's just get up to the command tower..."
melissa: ._.
Mineta: "...I didn't think this far through the plan, BUT I'M STILL GOING TO RUB MY BALLS ALL OVER YOU STUPID KILL-BOTS! DIE!!!" *flinging his balls at the bots*
*the Sentries are still swarming...*
Villain: *brushing extinguisher off of her* "Like I needed just my quirk to stop you..." *steps up to Momo, cracking her knuckles*
momo: !!
Villain: *fist flies--*
ochako: ?!
Bakugo: *slams out of the floor, slamming his fist into the Villain's jaw* "OUT OF MY WAY!!!"
*an ice bridge flies up, freezing the sentries*
Todoroki: *half of his body is on fire, his suit half-burned off*
ochako: GUYS!
jirou: yo.
kaminari: =w= huehehe~
Mineta: "??? He shocked himself stupid again?" *pumping a plunger on the robot, ripping off its shielding*
jirou: you're alive. how dissapointing.
Mineta: -_-# "D'aw, I missed you too." *tosses a roll of toilet paper at her*
Wolfram: *watching security cameras* "Why are a bunch of children mopping the floor with my troops?"
grunt: wait a sec, i recognize some of those kids, they're UA students!
Wolfram: "..." *sneers* "Should've figured."
grunt: what now?
Wolfram: "...Dr. Shield still in the vault?"
grunt: yeah, why?
Wolfram: "We're getting the package and leaving..."
sam: ....
David: *counting through cabinets* "Hmm...Ah! Here."
sam: thank god.
David: *nods* "Our ride waiting for us?"
sam: yeah.
David: *sighs* "It'll be worth it...This will restore All Might to greatness."
melissa: DAD!
David: "??!"
melissa: oh thank god you're alive.
sam: h-how on earth did you get here?
Izuku: *fast-talking rambling* "I-I'm sorry! We made sure to keep Melissa safe! But she's here now to help get control back for the tower! We don't have a lot of time to explain. We have to get out of here before those villains get here. Don't worry, we'll protect you."
David: "Y-You can't be here--not yet. ...Come on, Melissa, we're leaving."
melissa: dad? what's going on?
David: "Melissa, please--we can't stay here, not once they find this missing..."
melissa: what are you talking about?
David: "..." *sighs* "You deserve to know...My funding's been cut."
melissa: ?!?
David: *holding the case close to himself* "Toshinori...Your uncle...His will is dying."
melissa: w-what...?
Izuku: "?! Dr-Dr Shield, I don't think--"
David: "He's losing his Quirk. The Symbol of Peace...will soon be no more. Not without this!" *opens the case, showing a headset*
melissa: !!!!
Izuku: *noticing a sticker on the case: "DANGEROUS--PROHIBITED TECHNOLOGY"* "?!! Doctor--Is that some weapon?"
David: "No! No...Sam and I developed this Quirk enhancement device..." *small laugh* "A way to augment one's inherit abilities, to rejuvenate...To let All Might be reborn!"
melissa: but i thought the villain-
David: *shakes his head* "An actor. One we hired to distract the I-Island executives and security long enough to retrieve this tech before they kept it locked away forever."
Izuku: "..." *serious frown*
melissa:....h-how could you? risking innocent people for this?! the papa i know would never do that!
David: "Melissa...I'm doing this for the world. We can't afford...to lose anyone else."
melissa: that doesnt justify-
Wolfram: "It more than justifies." *walks in between Melissa and Izuku*
Izuku: "?!!!"
melissa: ?!?!?!
Wolfram: "The helicopter is waiting. Let's get a move on." *grabs Melissa by the arm, squeezing* "We'll get you out of here, dearie."
melissa: *winces and steps on his foot*
Wolfram: "..." *grabs her by the chin* "Behave yourself, girl."
David: "!!! Hey! Let her go!"
sam: this wasnt part of the deal, wolfram!
David: "Yes! This is just an act! It's--"
David: "?!" *looks down to see a metal brace put around his neck*
Wolfram: "...Come along, doc." *squeezes his hand, as the brace shrinks around David's neck*
melissa: !!! DAD!!
sam: *takes the suitcase* here, just take the helmet, just let them go!
Wolfram: "Hmm..." *takes the suitcase* "Thank you. Let's deal with your payment--"
David: *gasping* "Pay-Payment? Sam...Did you sell me out?!"
sam: dont we deserve fame and money for this tech? we worked on this together, yet YOU got the lead credit! im DONE being in your shadow sir!
David: *lying on his side in pain* "Sam...This wasn't for me. It was for All Might..."
Wolfram: "I'll be sure to let him know that. Now hurry up--I need the head scientist on this to come with me."
Izuku: *stunned...looking around* ("Metal quirk...Metal everywhere...One wrong move, and he'll kill Dr. Shield...What do I do...") *looks at his gauntlet* "..."
Wolfram: -_-; "You're seriously going to whine like this the entire trip, aren't you?" *sighs* *aims his gun at Sam's chest--and fires 3 times*
sam: !!! *stumbles, blood dripping from his mouth before he collapses*
David: "?!!! SAM!" *stares at Wolfram*
melissa: *shaking*
Izuku: "You bastard!" *throwing a punch* "DAKOTA SMAAAAA--"
*braces wrap around Izuku, covering his mouth and pulling his limbs back with a POP*
Izuku: *muffled scream, like he feels his shoulder pop*
melissa: *frozen in terror, tears falling*
Wolfram: *hurls David over his shoulder, picks up the suitcase* "You're out of your league, kid." *stares at Melissa* "..." *holsters his gun* "Not even worth it. Say 'bye' to your dad, girlie." *starts to walk away--*
melissa: no....please....
Wolfram: *imitating* " 'No, please.' Ha...Quirkless brat. What good are freaks like you?"
Izuku: *shaking in the braces...they are starting to snap as Full Cowl takes effect...*
melissa: *looks* !!! (is....is that...?)
Wolfram: "???" *turns--*
*the braces snap off, slamming into Wolfram but not David*
Wolfram: "???!"
Izuku: *not a word, as his fist slams into Wolfram's stomach...*
Wolfram: *coughs up blood...before he goes sailing into cabinets of inventions*
David: *goes flying up--before landing in Izuku's arms*
melissa: DAD!
David: "Melissa..."
Izuku: *pants...stares shocked* "..." *smiles* "Melissa! The polymer! It really--"
*An entire cabinet smashes Izuku in the face, knocking him down, and David with him*
melissa: !!!!!!
Wolfram: *standing up...marches forward, multiple metallic objects swirling around him* "..." *looks up* "..." *lifts a hand, squeezing it...the room starts shaking--before a hole rips in the ceiling*
David: *groans*
Wolfram: *picks up David...and the floor beneath them cracks and explodes up, letting Wolfram leap to the rooftop with his hostage*
Izuku: "!!!" *looking down, as the floor has cracked so much it's going to drop completely* "!!!" *his nose is bleeding...he leaps across the growing chasm towards Melissa*
melissa: !!!!!!!!!!!
Izuku: *catches Melissa...but he's already falling* "!!! Hold on!" ("I got to time this just right...") *he uses One for All to time his leaps across the debris until he can get back to the entrance of the vault--before the vault collapses behind them* "...Melissa...I'm going to get your dad back. And you need to get control of the security system!"
melissa: *shaking*
Izuku: "..." *gets down to her level* "Melissa...Please. You're the only one who knows how the security system here works. We can do this--we're going to save your dad. And if you can get into security, we can get All Might to help..."
Izuku: "..." *nods* "I'll be right back." *looks up at the ceiling* "..." *cringes* "This is going to hurt..." *leaps--and smashes through 3 floors to the rooftop..."
mina: i think that's the security room.
Hagakure: "Yep--the monitors in there look very security-esque..." *looks inside* "Where is everyone?"
tsuyu: *looks around*
*there are video feeds all over, showing the students inside fighting Villains and robots*
tsuyu: !!! look!
Hagakure: "!!! Oh no...They're getting demolished out there!"
mina: what do we do??!!
Hagakure: "I don't know--this is beyond just a typing class! Why can't they put the kill switch as some big red button?!"
mina: i dont know!
Thug: "FREEZE!" *aims a gun at the trio*
mina: OH SHI-
tsuyu: !!!
Hagakure: *puts up her hands...as much of them as can be seen in her shirt* "...Hi. We're lost. Can you direct us to the ladies' room~?"
Thug: *click* "Against the wall."
mina: *gulp*
Hagakure: -_-; *looks around* "..." *manages to grab a coffee mug, tucks it into her pocket before moving to the wall* "We won't tell anyone!"
Thug: "I know...We're all going to sit here and relax until Boss gives the order to let you go..."
mina: cant we at least get a phone call?
tsuyu: we dont want our families to worry about us.
Thug: "Can't allow that. Besides, cell reception is still down, so what would you even say to them?"
mina: say, do you like movies?
Thug: "...I mean, I guess?"
Hagakure: *sneaks her hand back in her pocket...*
mina: oh cool! what kind of movies do you like?
Thug: "...I mean, the usual...I was hoping to see the new Space Wars prequel...Then boss pulled me into this."
mina: there's a NEW prequel? i havent heard that!
tsuyu: are you talking about the ghostly menace? because that one's been out for a while now.
Thug: "...Okay, I'm going to be real with you: boss over-works me so much, I haven't had a chance to go out to the movies in months."
mina: must be tough. say! if you let us go, we'll hook you up with some movie tickets, sound good, fam?
Thug: "R-Really? ...Let me see them."
tsuyu: our friend has them.
mina: totally! give 'em to 'im, toru-chan!
Hagakure: "...You really want them?"
Thug: "Yes! Give it to me!"
Hagakure: "..." *shrugs* "Okay!" *pulls something out of her pocket*
Thug: ^w^
Thug: X__X *a broken mug over his head*
Hagakure: *pats her hands* "Well, that's that!"
mina: aaand he's out. let's try and figure this thing out.
Hagakure: "Ooooo! A microphone..."
security system: please enter the passcode.
mina: um...ravioli ravioli please free the hero-olies?
security: ACCESS DENIED.
*the door slams open*
mina: oh boy.
Hagakure: -3- "Yay..."
tsuyu: be careful...
Mei: "It's fine! What's the worst that can happen--" *plugs in the USB stick*
Mei: *head-banging*
tsuyu: Q~Q kerooo…
melissa: what is going on here?
Mei: "??? Hey! You finally got here!"
melissa: how did you-
mina: pizza delivery.
melissa: nevermind, now isnt the time for that, for now, we need to unlock the security system.
Mei: "You know the code?"
melissa: *typing it in*
Mei: OwO "Amazing."
-it worked!-
Mei: OwO "Amazing."
-it worked!-
Lackey 1: "So I said, 'Honey, the color does not work.'"
All Might: *straining under the constraints when--*
All Might: "..." *loosens his arms* "..." ("I'm almost at my limit...But I can't rescue Dave until--")
X: leave this to us!
Lackey 1: "?!!" *calling into walkie talkie* "The constraints are loose! What's going on in secur--"
Lackey 1: X_X
All Might: “THANK YOU! STAND BACK!" *leaps up through the ceiling*
Wolfram: *shoves David into the helicopter* "Tie him up."
grunt: got it, boss.
David: "This wasn't the deal! You can't--"
Wolfram: "Shut up. You made this. You knew you were told not to. And now...Now, you've unlocked the next advancement, the new evolution..."
*the helicopter lifts up...then something shakes it*
grunt 2: uhhh sir?
Wolfram: *looks out the window* "?! A cling-on!"
Izuku: *hanging on for dear life* "PUT THE HELICOPTER DOWN!"
grunt: *shooting*
Izuku: "!!!" *shoves his feet into the skids, hanging upside down* ("This needs to work...") *before lifting, grabbing the other skids, and tossing himself up and into the door of the helicopter--then slamming into the grunt*
grunt: OOF!
Izuku: "*grabs David* "Let's go--"
Wolfram: *slams a fist into Izuku's face, as he's wearing brass knuckles to increase the force, sending Izuku flying out of the helicopter...and down towards the ground*
Izuku: *barely conscious* "Wh-Wha...!!!" *looks down* ("OH GOD THE GROUND IS COMING AT ME!!!")
-a mattress appears below him-
Izuku: *soft landing* "UMPH! ..." ._. "Where did this--?"
momo: midoriya!
Izuku: "!!! Guys! Dr. Shield is in that 'copter!"
ochako: *jumps up with gravity*
Wolfram: "!!! Keep going! Get higher!"
ochako: oh no you dont!
Todoroki: "Ochaco!" *forms an ice path*
ochako: thanks! *sliding along it and jumps off with momentum*
Wolfram: "Higher--higher!"
ochako: *grabs on*
Wolfram: "?!" *aims the gun at her--*
ochako: *focusing*
grunt: uhhh, boss?
Wolfram: "?!!! What's that rattling..."
grunt: OH FUCK!!
ochako: release!
-the copter begins to plummet-
ochako: *grabs david and jumps, using gravity*
Wolfram: *trying to hold the copter's remains together with his metal quirk...then he spots the headband* "!!!"
David: *screaming*
Iida: "Get ready to retrieve the civilian."
momo: right!
*the helicopter crashes to the ground in a fire far away*
ochako: release!
Iida: "Easy, sir. You're safe now..."
David: *shudders*
melissa: DAD!
David: "M-Melissa..." *runs up to her...*
melissa: *hug*
David: *hugs* "I'm sorry...I got so wrapped up. They were right--this tech could be duplicated. But I'm so glad you're safe."
Izuku: *small smile* "We better get back to let the others know what happened."
David: "...I..." *nods* "Okay. I'll--"
David: *SCREAMS*
melissa: !!!!!
*metal rebar has pierced David's leg*
Mineta: Q___Q "Guys? Something big is coming out of the fiery helicopter mess..."
ochako: !!!
*a hulking mess of assembled parts marches through the fire...the flames just roll over him...he looks like a patchwork of different skins, muscles, metals...It's a hulking, almost mutant-looking version of Wolfram*
Izuku: "?!!! What happened to him?! H-His quirk was metal manipulation--wasn't it?!"
melissa: *looks* !!! the headgear!
Wolfram: *chuckles...it sounds like animalistic braying, his pupils rectangular in shape* "The achievements of modern technology..." *taps the headband*
momo: brace yourselves everyone!
*Wolfram's torso ripples...before it opens like a mouth, as a tongue-like appendage whips out of it towards David, wrapping around him*
David: "?!!!"
mina: WHAT THE FUCK?!?
*Wolfram's torso-tongue pulls David in, locking him in his chest cavity...his screams are heard...then muffled*
Wolfram: "Yes, Doc, calm down--we'll be home soon enough..." *prepares to leap away...*
melissa: WAIT!
Wolfram: *holds out a metal fist, the electricity circling around his mitt...and quickening its speed...he sneers at Kaminari, aims...*
kaminari: !!!!!
Iida: "Kaminari!" *running* ("Damn--I'm too slow! I'm not going to make it!")
???: "DETROIT..."
kaminari: ??
All Might: *catches the electricity--and throws it back*
Wolfram: *absorbs the blow* "..." *sneers* "All Might...He'll be so happy."
All Might: "???"
ochako: ?!??!
kaminari: the villain fucking vored him.
All Might: "...Young Midoriya...What is 'vore'?"
All Might: "?! But he doesn't have a Quirk..."
Izuku: "He does! I mean, he has a magnetic quirk! But then he had all these other quirks when he put on Dr. Shield's Quirk amplification headset--"
All Might: "Quirk amplification what?"
Izuku: "--but the headset should only increase inherent Quirks, not _bestow_ Quirks! It's not like One--Er...It's not like anything I've ever seen!"
All Might: "..." ("Wait...Multiple quirks..The Nomu...Bestowing or taking away Quirks?!") "!!! STUDENTS! YOU ARE NOT TO BE HERE! GET BACK!"
momo: what's going on?!
*and then suddenly, the ground swallowed up Bakugo*
eijiro: KATSUKI!
Wolfram: *he's touching the ground, as it pulls dirt around the spot where Bakugo once stood*
All Might: "NO!" *rushes at Wolfram--*
All Might: "ROGER!" *skids to a stop, but his arm is pulled back, as his fist connects with Wolfram's head with a loud CRACK*
Bakugo: *under earth* *muffled yelling...you can see the sparks popping underneath...*
eijiro: hold on! we'll dig you out!
Izuku: *watching from afar* "Did he stop the villain..."
Wolfram: *head knocked back...then snaps his neck forward, headbutting All Might*
melissa: UNCLE MIGHT!
All Might: *goes sailing, crashing through a jutted wall*
Wolfram: "Oh, no, Number One Hero...HE'S NOT DONE WITH YOU!" *leaps after All Might, following him and wailing at him*
ochako: *throwing a piece of rubble* HEY! LEAVE HIM ALONE!
Wolfram: *the rubble hits him* "Hmph. I think we need to go somewhere more private..." *tosses All Might higher, resuming an air battle*
All Might: *getting pummeled*
Wolfram: "You already know, don't you! What he did to me? He enhanced me! Gave me these beautiful powers, all so he could finally kill you, All Might! All for One gave it to me now!!!"
All Might: *struggling to get a hold of himself* "You...bastards...I'll end your evil...I'm rescuing David...AND YOU'RE GOING DOWN!" *wraps an arm around Wolfram's neck, slamming his fist repeatedly into his face*
Todoroki: "What if we encased both of them in ice?"
Iida: "Wouldn't that also harm All Might?"
Todoroki: "Look at him--he can handle it. ...Probably."
momo: maybe if i made...no-no that wont work...
Izuku: "What is it?"
momo: i considered a net gun, but im not sure how effective that would be.
Iida: "What kind of material would hold the villain..."
Izuku: *looks at the polymer* "If only you could duplicate this..."
melissa: could you?
momo: i'll need full details on how it would work...
Izuku: "??? Hatsume, do you see--"
momo: !!! mei, do you still have your grappling hook?
Mei: "Is the large hadron collider capable of accelerating protons at 0.999999991 c? ...The answer is yes." *holds up the grappling hook*
mina: aim for the weak point!
Mei: *looks carefully...steadies her hand--* "WAIT! What if he falls? Who's going to catch him?"
Bakugo: *still underground, letting out a groan of fury*
tsuyu: i'll catch him.
Mei: "RIGHT! FIRE!!!" *shoots at the heart*
tsuyu: *running in*
Wolfram: "Say hello to your mentor in Hell!" *a blade shoots out of his wrist for All Might's throat--*
Wolfram: *lets out a scream, as a pellet has struck through his heart*
All Might: *BROOKLYN STRIKE!* *his fist slams into Wolfram's face, causing the chest cavity to open up, David slipping out...*
tsuyu: *tongue out*
David: *unconscious...*
tsuyu: *mouth open* <he's still breathing>
momo: we need to get him out of here before he gets hurt even more.
Wolfram: *bleeding profusely, struggling to reach his back, screaming*
All Might: "I'm sorry...but this ends now..." *takes Wolfram by the face--and hurls him down into the debris...*
mina: *helping hold up david* this way sir.
David: *trying to follow*
All Might: *three-point landing* "..." *looks back* David...Melissa...You're safe now..."
momo: let's get him inside, then i'll make a stretcher.
Bakugo: *slams up out of the dirt, panting* "I COULDN'T BREATHE DOWN THERE!"
eijiro: you ok?
Todoroki: "Yet you were screaming, so technically you were able to inhale--"
kaminari: is the villain-
Izuku: "..."
Iida: "Killing one is...not something we're all prepared for. But it was either him or--"
*the metal debris flies up into a giant ball*
Izuku: "?!!"
mina: come on doc, let's go!
David: *trying to follow--*
*an electrical cable circles around Mina's ankle, pulling her up*
mina: !!! *throws some acid on it*
jirou: !!! you son of a BITCH! *aims her earjacks*
*a vaguely human-shaped mass of metal appears, body-slamming Eijiro*
eijiro: GRK-
Bakugo: *blasting at metal golems* "Son of a crap!"
Iida: "!!!" *rushes for David and Melissa--*
*a giant metal hand emerges, reaching for Melissa and David*
melissa: !!! *trying to shield her father*
David: "!!! Melissa, no--"
*scooped up*
melissa: !!!
All Might: "NO!" *races* "TAKE MY HAND, NOW!" *reaches to them...*
melissa: *reaching out*
David: *pushes Melissa to All Might before the hand closes around him*
melissa: DAD!!
*the hand pulls into the earth--before a giant apparatus of metal and gears emerges, with the half-dead Wolfram in its center, clutching David*
kaminari: HOW IS HE NOT DEAD?!?!
Izuku: "...It's multiple quirks...I don't know how, but until every one of his quirks is broken, he's not going to die..."
Wolfram: *coughs up blood* "If I can't get this idiot back to him...I at least will go down in history as the man who killed All Might."
ochako: !!!! this is bad...
Todoroki: "I-Island metal like that in this building can withstand intense heat and cold...Even Kirishima's punches may not be enough...We have to keep any more metal from getting around him--Ochako, make it float away from him."
ochako: r-right! *touching as many metal pieces as she can*
All Might: "GIVE HIM BACK!" *rushes at Wolfram--only to freeze in place, as if he's lifted in the air*
melissa: !!!
All Might: "GRRK!" *pulled by telekinesis to Wolfram's face*
Wolfram: *smiles weakly* "What will it be like, to have your brain explode from the inside? Or perhaps...That old injury of yours needs a refresher--" *summons a beam--that he slams like a bat into All Might's side*
All Might: *SCREAMS*
Izuku: "!!!" *crouches--and leaps--*
melissa: !!!
Izuku: "I-ISLAND...SMASH!" *his fist collides with Wolfram's face, freeing All Might, as both he and Izuku fall*
ochako: DEKU!
melissa: !!!!!!!!!! (that's......)
Bakugo: "You nerd! He's not down yet! GET BACK UP AND FINISH HIM!"
Todoroki: "..."
izuku: all-might! are you ok?
All Might: *coughs...puts on a smile* "It's not enough for just one of us, young man. This is a job for two heroes. Can I ask you for your help?"
izuku: *nods* any time.
All Might: "Right! Keep up the speed--we're going to do something I've wanted to try for the longest..."
izuku: ?? and that is?
All Might: "Use the abilities you have, the ones you've earned, the ones you've developed, to run really really really fast! If this works, it'll speed us faster than just one person!"
izuku: o-ok.
All Might: "...We're doing this for David and Melissa...For I-Island..."
izuku: right.
All Might: "...One for All..."
izuku: ...double...
All Might: "DETROIT..."
All Might + Izuku: "SMASH!"
*they take off, streaks of green and gold along the ground*
ochako: COME ON!
eijiro: YOU CAN DO IT!
jirou: KICK HIS ASS!!
melissa: .... (this is.....)
Hagakure: "SAVE THE ISLAND!"
Wolfram: *roars, as he fires all metal he can at the two...*
tsuyu: YOU CAN DO IT!
Todoroki: *watching* "..."
mina: PLUS ULTRA!!
*a spire of metal heads right for All Might's head*
All Might: "!!!"
All Might: "...THIS IS IT!" *readies his fist*
izuku: *does the same*
izuku: that's what YOU think!
izuku: HAAAAAAH!!!!
Wolfram: "NOOOO--"
*a shining light explodes out of Wolfram...everything seems to float in the air for the longest moment...*
melissa: *staring in awe and shock*
*all that is left in the sky are bits of metal and 3 shapes descending rapidly to the ground*
ochako: YAOMOMO!
momo: *making a platform to catch them*
*All Might lands first, slamming through the platform and into the ground, kicking up dust...*
melissa: UNCLE MIGHT!
David: *lands safely on the platform, unconscious, his leg bleeding*
melissa: DAD!!!
Izuku: *flailing his arms, screaming* "AAAAAAAAAAH--" *POOF* *lands face first into the cushion* "..." *muffled noise*
ochako: deku!
tsuyu: izuku!
David: *barely conscious* "Melissa..."
melissa: daddy?
Iida: "Momo, first aid..."
momo: right! *making some gauze*
David: "Melissa...I'm..."
All Might: *his time is running out...he coughs up blood*
melissa: !!! uncle might? are you ok??
Izuku: *gets up* "..." *looks around*
All Might: "D-Don't look...Please..."
melissa: uncle might, what's going on?
*the smoke clears, revealing an emaciated figure*
melissa: !!!!....uncle.....might?
Izuku: "Al-All Might!" *leaps down, running* "Melissa, don't--"
All Might: *coughs up blood, trying to get up* "...This...is looking pretty bad, huh?"
momo: *making the stretcher*
eijiro: ally-OOP! *hoists him onto the stretcher*
David: *passes out*
mina: *calling 911*
Todoroki: "Come--let's get him to the med room." *looks*
All Might: ._.;;;
David: *groans*
ochako: dont you worry, sir, you're in good hands now.
David: "Toshinori...Melissa...Where..."
ochako:.....who's toshinori?
Izuku: "W-We're fine! Just fine! Everything's fine! ...How are you?!"
Iida: "...Did you hit your head? ALL MIGHT, SIR! Are you--"
All Might: *waving at Izuku and Melissa*
melissa: he-he's fine! nothing to worry about here!
Iida: "Okay! We need to get the doctor to the hospital!"
ochako: kind of ironic.
jirou: he's not that kind of doctor.
ochako: i know, but i couldnt help myself to the joke. ^^;
jirou: -_-; ochako, you are really weird sometimes.
ochako: ehehe~ ^^;
Todoroki: "...Ha."
jirou: well, at least we're all ok.
Bakugo: -_-; *spits up more dirt*
Hagakure: *hugs Tsuyu* "Yay! We're not dead!"
Mineta: *holding the plunger* "We saved I-Island! COMMENCE WITH THE FAN-GIRLS!"
*a giant gear falls on Mineta*
jirou: and we didnt even use lisences........ohhhhhh aizawa's gonna kill us.
kaminari: hey, it's summer break, he's never gonna know.
Aizawa: *petting a cat* "...I don't know why, but I have the sudden feeling those kids did something stupid again."
-back on the island-
Todoroki: *shivers* "...Did anyone feel that?"
kaminari: NOPE!
Tool: *stroking an offline robot* "Whatever it is, it's over--they're at peace now."
Tool: *closes his eyes, holds his hands together* "...Be safe, you three. I'll bring you back."
agate: so....now what?
Tool: "...I think go back to our families. I've blown off enough steam."
chie: *holding toru, silent*...........
I-Island Detective: "Anything else we can add to the description?" *looking at Chie and others*
chie:...........*lip trembling*
toru: baba?
Detective: "I know this is difficult. But this isn't enough to go on--some weird cyborg android thing?"
Hani: *practically fuming*
Kepuri: "Chie..."
remina: well, i drew some sketches. *holds up a notebook; the pictures are rather burton-esque*
Kepuri: ._.; "Kind of...um, Lewis Carroll meets loli?"
Detective: "Were the eyes really like that?"
remina: .///. .... >///< d-dont judge me! it's the only style i know how to draw! >n<
Detective: "I see...I can't say I have any idea where to find them--outer space is not in my jurisdiction--"
remina: outer space? ._.;;;
Detective: "That was a sub-orbital starship, wasn't it? That's what our aerospace division said after examining the security footage."
prisha: well, that gives us a clue as to their location.
Kepuri: "Outer...space..." >~< "Why does Yohei get all the luck?!!!"
*outside is darkness, dotted with small spots of light...the Earth can be seen below*
mana: nngh....
Cloak: "You're awake." *looks like he's been repaired*
mana: what's going on? where am i?
Cloak: "Far away from home." *pulls up a chair, sits outside her cell* "We have plans for you and your friends."
mana: what's going on here? who are you?
Cloak: "We are Fear Factory. You and your friends destroyed it. But now that Fear Factory has been resurrected, our first mission in this new life is to snuff out yours."
mana: and who are you, individually?
Cloak: "..." *pulls back his cloak, revealing a face dotted with cybernetic attachments* " I was Luke Akiho."
mana: !!!!!!!
Shotaro: "HOLY MOLEY!" *in another cell, holding onto the bars like a monkey* "...Who's Luke Akiho?"
mana: showtaro! you're alright!
Shotaro: "Yep! I heal quickly thanks to--" *holds up an empty hand* "... ... ..." *looks around* "?! WHERE ARE MY BONES?!!!"
Luke: "We confiscated them, along with all the weapons your traitor held. Amongst other items..." *twirls Mana's cap on his finger*
mana: *glares*
Shotaro: "Jeez, mister, I don't know what Mana did to tick you off. Mana, did you rob him or date him or spit in his food or something?"
mana: where's yohei?
Luke: "...He's back at work."
Marie anette: helloooo mr nanami~ did you enjoy your naaaap~?
Yohei: *shirtless, strapped to a giant crucifix* "..."
Marie anette: not gonna answer? boooooriiiiing!
Yohei: "..." *his eyes look back and forth* *whispers something*
Marie anette: what was that? i couldnt hear you, speak up!
Yohei: *whispers still--* "--I."
Marie anette: ehhhh? *trying to listen*
Yohei: *smirks* "I needed to share that with you."
Marie anette: GYAH!! *glares, tears welling* WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!! NAOKAAAAAA!!!! HE'S BEING A MEANIEEEE!!!
naoka: *wipes her eye*
marie anette: *sniffles* i-im gonna enjoy this! *presses a button*
Yohei: *his body convulses as a current is sent into his body*
marie anette: that's what happens to big dumb meanie heads! >XP
Yohei: *passes out, slumped against the crucifix*
Assi: *reading the news out of I-Island* "It's horrible..."
saki: *worried*
nea: they've really been captured?
Shinoda: "It's been difficult getting in touch with police. The news reports hints as such."
lin-kimpur: *calling emine*
*a raspy voice is heard*
lin-kimpur: EMINE?!
Emine: "..."
Emine: "...They took Shotaro."
lin-kimpur: i-im going to put you on speaker phone now, everyone else is here.
Emine: "...Oh."
setsuna: emine, are you alright?
nea: what's going on? setsuna said that showtaro, mana, and yohei were taken, is that true?
Emine: "...They took Shotaro."
setsuna: *covers her mouth, crying*
Emine: "...I'm sorry. I'm sorry..."
nea:.....do you know _who_ took them?
Emine: "...They kept insisting they were Fear Factory."
mono: i thought they went defunct?!
Shinoda: "Destroyed, actually. At least, the leadership was...Except...their president."
akaderu: i thought that bastard rodigy was their president?
Shinoda: "_Vice_ President."
mono: then who was their leader?
Shinoda: "From what I heard, Yohei crushed the President after sabotaging the Fear Robot."
mono: really?
Emine: "...'Crushed' isn't the same as 'killed.'"
mono: ._.
Shinoda: "Well, that answers one question. Too bad we don't have former associates...Except when Lin infiltrated...and Kepuri worked for them..."
Assi: "I worked for them!"
Shinoda: "...Who are you?"
Assi: D8<
Zuno: "Who are you?"
Assi: -_-; *pat pat*
nea:....is anyone else there with you?
Emine: "...The others are elsewhere. I don't care."
nea: well you _should_ care, because i have a plan to get them back, but we'll need all the help we can get.
Emine: "Then go call them. They aren't here."
akaderu: *calling up kepuri*
Kepuri: "Babe!"
akaderu: hey babe, emine just told us what happened. are you alright?
Kepuri: "Shaken...GET and WASHU got broken."
akaderu: seriously?
WASHU: >3< we're right here-shu!
akaderu:.....babe? what was that? ._.;
Kepuri: "Oh, I upgraded them with voice chips." *pets WASHU's head* "It's okay, sweetie."
akaderu: were mana and yohei taken too?
Kepuri: *nods* "Yeah. Those Fear Factory stormtroopers shoved them into a starship."
Kepuri: "Starship--it went into outer space."
akaderu:....they're in space?
nea: you got a location?
akaderu:...i think so-
nea: *takes the phone* kepuri, is anyone else there with you?
Kepuri: "Chie is...recuperating. Tool is out on the balcony, trying to...I couldn't follow--something about nature communion."
nea: well get them here because we're about to have a team meeting!
Kepuri: -_-; "GET, could you help Mama and ask Chie to come here?" ^^;
GET: yes ma'am-gege!
Shinoda: "...Well, congratulations, Akaderu: you're a father."
akaderu: =////= s-shut up.
*Class 1A have changed out of their damaged formal clothes, sitting in the hospital commissary*
Hagakure: "Well, it's not your fancy reception food, but hospital food is usually not bad."
Todoroki: *slurping noodles*
Bakugo: -_-# "My mouth still tastes like dirt."
Izuku: *picking at the broken remains of the polymer on his wrist* "..."
swashbuckle: there ye'are mei! ^^
Iida: -______- "Oh, God, it's two of them..."
swashbuckle: yargh? these be yer friends?
Izuku: *covers his mouth, shaking like the precious fanboy he is*
Mei: "YEP! They're in the hero course! That's Kacchan, Fluffy--"
Bakugo: *snaps the hospital food tray in two*
melissa: *waiting outside david's room*
All Might: *in his weakened form* "..."
melissa:....i guess he told you, huh?
All Might: "...Melissa, I'm sorry. If I had been honest, maybe...maybe your father would've known and...This is my fault."
melissa:.....uncle might.....i need to ask you something....it's about izuku...
All Might: "Melissa, I--"
melissa: your quirk and his......they're one in the same....arent they?
All Might: "..." *sighs* "I never told your father because I was afraid if he understood the qualities of my quirk, it would put him, and you, at risk."
melissa: please i-......i just want to know the truth.
All Might: "..." *sits down* "..." *pats the seat next to him*
melissa: *sits down*
All Might: "...I was born without a quirk."
melissa: !!!!???
All Might: "Growing up, I saw what heroes could do--how they helped neighborhoods, cleaned up messes, saved people. But I also saw the wickedness of people with evil hearts. I wanted to be a hero...but back then, I didn't think you could do that without a quirk."
{rebecca: melissa, sweetie.....it's not your fault that you dont have a quirk...}
{young!melissa: ....}
{rebecca: you're still always going to be our special girl.}
All Might: "I just thought...if one person could make a difference...if one person could save just one life...Maybe what people need are role models...Symbols. Pillars of the community. Gosh, I looked up to her..."
melissa: ??
All Might: "...My predecessor. Nana Shimura."
melissa: *listening*
All Might: *small laugh* "I was pretty annoying back then--not like now where it's more boisterous." ^^; "I kept talking to her, trying to explain what the world needed...Heroes can't just _do_ something. They _are_ something. They stand for what is right. And sometimes, if you want to get the bullies of the world, the cowards, to back down...You got to show them how confident you are, with a smile." *forces a smile* "I asked her...to lend me her power."
melissa: so then her quirk....
All Might: *holds out his hand...a small glow appears on the palm* "Was passed onto me, like it was passed onto her...and her predecessor...and so on...and so on...One for All."
melissa: and izuku's quirk...is the same?
All Might: *nods* "I chose him to be the next Symbol of Justice."
melissa:.....i think you chose just the right one for the job.
All Might: "...Thank means a lot..."
melissa: *nods* *glances at david's door*......
All Might: "..." *pats her shoulder*
melissa: i know....he had good intentions....i just......im scared.....nothing's the same anymore.....i havent felt this helpless since mom died....
All Might: *hug* "Melissa, you're not alone. Your father is a good man. I will do whatever I can..."
giran: *on the phone* uh-huh....uh huh......i see.....i'll tell 'em. *hangs up* welp, wolfram's dead.
TV: *sighs* "What a waste...Still, more and more opponents for All Might bring us closer to the next step of his inevitable fall."
giran: and most of the others were arrested, but mizuiro and hino managed to escape thanks to kurogiri. and the teacher from that school said that mizuiro's kid's training is complete and is ready to graduate.
TV: "Hmm...I think it would be good to have a chat."
giran: shall i schedule the touching family reunion?
TV: "Proceed."
Phoenix Villain: -_-; *controlling one of her flamebird heads like a puppet* "So, what do you want to do now?" *imitating a voice for the flamebird head* "I DON'T KNOW. I'M NOT FEELING TOO WELL--I THINK I GOT A FEVER! CAW!"
liquid villain: *phone rings* yes? !!!!! really!? o-ok! i'll be there soon! *hangs up* hold on, namie, papa's going to be there soon.
himiko: hehehe~ they're silly.
Twice: "What a bunch of weirdos. LIKE YOU'RE ONE TO TALK!"
banshee: um, kurogiri? i think we have a situation. the puppet's acting stranger than usual...
shaula: he just started going bear-zerk.
mimeca: >n<
shaula: i saw the opportunity and took it.
PlushFix: "FRICK FRICK FRICK FRICK FRICK!!!" *slamming his teddy bear fist on a phone--but it's not doing anything, because it's a soft teddy bear fist* "I'M GOING TO SMASH THIS THING!"
mimeca: D8>
himiko: what's he talking aboooout~?
PlushFix: "I'm putting in my 2 weeks notice--I'M GOING ON VACATION!!!"
tomura: bye.
spinner: that was a quick answer. ._.
PlushFix: "Fuck you too, handy! Mist Man, see you soon! Lizard Stain, have a good one. Creepy blood girl--cut the sugar! Shaula, my bro--Smash is coming, we're doing online play, you hear me?! Kinuta--"
kinuta: yeah?
PlushFix: "..." *HUMP HUMP HUMP*
banshee: *sweatdrop*
mustard: ew. stop. no.
Dabi: -_-# "This used to be a normal place...Comparatively normal."
Muscular: "Can we just get on with killing some heroes?"
magne: soon soon, dears.
Dabi: "Hmph. I'm getting tired of feeding that brat. Didn't we get enough blood out of her? Or did she use it all up already?"
magne: she's still hanging in there.
Dabi: "She better...I don't like it. She's too quiet."
Hani: *sitting with other Council members* "I do not think it is an understatement to say this is a disaster. Not only do we learn 2 of our leading scientists were attempting to steal prohibited technology, but we were attacked by not one but two separate villainous organizations. Tell me...How did this happen? Why didn't security catch this?"
council member: it's likely that the first group disabled security and the second took advantage of the situation.
council woman: i-island along with tartarus prison are some of the most secure places in the world. if villains can break in here, then....
Hani: *nods* "I find it hard to believe those thugs could operate a microwave...Could Shield have disabled _all_ security on his own? One building, yes. But those Fear Factory monsters..." *sniffles* "I'm sorry."
council man: this is concerning....
Council Member 4: "I recommend a more extensive investigation...including people who came here, like those UA students."
council member 5: do we continue with the expo as planned?
council man 2: well cancelling now would be a huge loss of funding.
Hani: "...I say we continue." *wipes her eyes* "We are a beacon of hope to the world. We cannot let it be extinguished by the feats of small-minded fools."
council member 6: and what do we do with the shields?
Council Member 4: "We can't let them keep that tech or spread knowledge of it, that's for certain."
council woman 2: i vote we suspend mr shield's research for a year, as for melissa, she had nothing to do with the crime itself other than helping to stop it.
Hani: "...I want to look over the tech personally--figure out how to disable it completely. And I'll speak with Melissa."
council man 3: well, most of the headgear was destroyed upon the villain's demise.
Hani: "Even the tiniest piece is a threat--imagine the damage someone could do it they figured out even one centimeter of it."
mina: hey guys! *waves*
kouda: *waves*
Tokoyami: "Greetings."
rikido: you will not beLIEVE the night we had.
jirou: same, honestly.
Sero: ._.; "Mina, what's with..."
mina: long story, my dude.
Sero: "...'Kay? Um, it looks like the expo is still suspended after all that, so not sure what we're doing."
Tokoyami: "...That's a monstrous hunger."
mina:.....you guys thinkin what im thinkin?
eijiro + mina: BREAKFAST BBQ!
Sero: "Barbecue? For breakfast?"
rikido: wouldnt have been the weirdest thing i've ever heard.
Tokoyami: "Hmm...Food is food."
kaminari: QuQ can i take a nap?
Iida: *sighs* "Trying to stop villains without licenses...What a bother."
tsuyu:..... .______.;;;;
Hagakure: "??? Tsu?"
0 notes