#oh in case you haven't realized it yet : yes I do believe in ghosts
Okay we know you love Ghost but can you see ghosts? 👀
WELL. I can't see ghosts, but I can feel and hear them, if that makes sense. But I'm not afraid nor scared of them, like they just be doing their stuff it's their business, I just don't bother them LMAO.
Here's a list of ghost stories that I've encountered in my life (LET'S GO SPOOKY STORY TIME) :
(disclaimer I swear I'm not lying on any of this. Me and my fam are quite religious yes, and Indonesia is also known for the ghosts and myths, so buckle up)
I can feel a lot of ghosts in different churches. One time I saw one is at night I saw a white figure on top of the church roof. Everything else was dark, but that figure was shining bright. Super bright. Usually ghosts are pitch black figure/shadow figure, but this one is shining bright. Probably an angel idk.
I know there's a spirit that resides in my house (my house is in front of a cemetery). My dog likes to bark at a tree and that's like the telltale. One of the housekeeper that used to work for my mum (that can see ghost) said that the ghost is a kid and not harmful.
I sleep in the second floor, but the first floor is open to see from me and my sister's room. One night around 2-3 AM, me and my sis got woken up by the sound of a crowd. Yeah. A crowd, like in a party from the first floor. Sounds of people conversing and stuff but fr there's literally no one. My mum said the spirits are gathering and just having a party downstairs lol.
In me and my sis' room (the lights were turned off), I saw a 'grey' woman dressed in a mukena (Muslim women's praying garment. Usually white in color) doing her prayer literally ON our bed. I couldn't see the face, but she had glowing eyes. We still sleep on that exact bed to this day HAH (Girl that's MY bed. Go get a sajjada or smth).
We have hollow metal fences, so if you hit it, it would sound like a baseball bat, if you get what I'm saying. Some nights at 2 AM I would hear someone hitting our metal fence super hard that I can't sleep. Me and my dad are very sensitive to sounds. Any sound at all and we BOTH would wake up. But my dad apparently CANNOT hear this person hitting the fence and didn't wake up. So I assume I might be the only one to hear it. Probably the kid ghost that I mentioned above.
This is quite scary, and I sincerely am afraid of and HATE this trait of mine. Whenever I can't sleep until 3 AM, (I easily fall asleep. I'm very tired during the day, and I always sleep easy. I don't have insomnia), whenever that happens, someone I know/in my family dies. The most recent ones are on January 4th 2022 (My uncle) and on November 22nd 2022 (my grandmother). I fucking hate this trait cuz I fear it could be my parents or siblings. But yea, gotta live with that.
There're many more ghost stories in museums, churches, and stuff. Fortunately in my hostel there's no activity at all so I can relax and shit.
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Gone Soft
Word count: 6,000
Pairing: Loki x reader (platonic or pre-romantic, open to interpretation)
Warnings: Accidental triggering of a bad memory (but not a traumatic memory, it turns fluffy I promise)
Based on a Prompt from @crimson25! You all can thank JJ for two fics in one day, I was gonna make you wait 😉😉 Hope you enjoy 😊
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Loki had a soft spot for you.
It was difficult to say exactly what it was about you. Perhaps it was your sarcastic yet vibrant spirit, which complimented his own personality quite nicely. Or perhaps it was because you always laughed at his jokes or his pranks. He always did appreciate a friend who could stroke his ego. Likely, it also had something to do with your witty intellect.
In any case, he usually spared you from his mischievous endeavors. He preferred you as an ally. Not to mention, he found it difficult to think of anything he could use to prank you that wouldn't seem excessive for someone as gentle a soul as you.
That is, until he overheard you talking one day.
He hadn't intended to eavesdrop. And really, if you didn't want others to overhear your conversations, you shouldn't be having them in the middle of the common room. The fact that he didn't make any attempt to announce his presence was besides the point - you were in a public area, and therefore your conversations were public by nature.
"I heard Loki got you good yesterday," you teased, nudging Thor with your elbow where he sat beside you on the sofa. He shot you a glare, though even Thor couldn't seem to conjure up much anger toward you.
"Yes, I'd rather not speak of it."
"Oh, come on! You have to admit, putting ghost peppers in your favorite brownies was pretty amusing. I thought you were going to actually breathe fire for a second!"
"Ha, ha. Yes, very funny." Thor did not look amused. "When was the last time he fooled you with a prank?"
"Me?" You chuckled. "Loki doesn't prank me. I have immunity from his tricks."
"What?? You can't be telling the truth. Loki does not choose favorites!"
"Well, looks like he did this time. It's probably for the best. He'd just make himself look bad if he tried to prank me."
Oh, is that right? Loki thought to himself. Perhaps he'd been going too easy on you. He couldn't have you touting on about being above reproach, after all.
"Oh-ho, what makes you say that?" Thor chuckled skeptically.
"It's never been done. Nobody has ever succeeded in pranking me. Not in my adult life, anyway." You had a self-assured smirk on your face, Loki could see on your side profile.
"Now, that I don't believe!"
"It's true! I'm a clever person - I almost always pick up on it before the prank can carry out."
Loki had never seen this side of you, this... proud, borderline conceited side. He wouldn't lie and say he wasn't impressed. After all, he shared a similar attitude. But the fact that you were going on boasting that he couldn't touch you with his pranks - well, that was something he couldn't stand for.
"I certainly hope you haven't told my brother of this sentiment," Thor warned. "You must know he would stop at nothing to prove you wrong."
"Oh, no. We haven't discussed it. But, even if we did, I'm still not worried."
Oh, we'll see about that.
Loki had heard enough. He slipped silently out of the room, bound and determined to come up with a prank that would make you eat your words.
* * *
He began observing you more closely, trying to conceptualize what might get under your skin. He worked to learn your routines, assess your quirks, determine what you enjoyed and what you feared. One of the first things he'd learned about you was that you were a particularly organized person, but now that he'd been pointedly watching you, he realized that it irked you when things were out of place. Really irked you.
So, he snuck into your room one afternoon when you were in the training room and rearranged the books on your bookshelf. A fairly harmless prank, really, but he still couldn't quite bring himself to try pulling something as mean as he sometimes tried on the others. Besides - this would be a good starting indicator of how deep this 'immunity to pranks' you thought yourself to have might run.
Loki made sure he was nearby to hear your reaction when you returned to your room. He held his breath as you disappeared through your doorway, waiting silently to hear you say something about your missorted bookshelf. There was a bit of shuffling for a few moments, followed by a sudden sigh of frustration. He had to quickly duck around a corner as he heard your footsteps treading back toward your doorway, disappearing from view just in time for you to re-enter the hallway and stride in the opposite direction.
"Peter! I've told you a million times to put my books back where you found them after you borrow them!" you shouted, voice echoing faintly down the hallway as you headed straight for Peter's room.
Clearly, his prank had succeeded in irritating you, although he didn't feel victorious just yet. Based on your reaction, a disorganization of your books was not an uncommon occurrence. Loki knew he could do better than that. He just had to keep thinking.
* * *
The following evening, he determined the plan for his next attempt.
Steve had insisted on one of his infernal 'team bonding' dinners, and so Loki found himself reluctantly seated at the dinner table with the rest of the tower dwellers. Of course, he'd attempted to decline the invite, but Thor had a tendency to be... aggressively persuasive about such matters. The only redeeming quality of this dinner was that he could continue to observe you for ideas for his next prank attempt.
Tony had insisted that if he was going to suffer through team bonding, it at least had to be taco night. Loki still didn't quite understand the appeal of dumping a bunch of random ingredients into a tortilla, but he at least found the food to be tolerable.
Bruce passed the bowl of jalapeno peppers to you, and you politely declined, stating you weren't a fan of spice. Could it really be so simple? Loki had literally just executed a similar prank on his own brother. Now, granted, he wasn't typically one to repeat his past pranks, preferring to keep people guessing, but you weren't anticipating a prank from him in the first place. It was certainly worth a try.
He knew it would seem suspicious if he made food for you - he wasn't much of a cook himself, at least, not with Midgardian cuisine. So, instead, he chose a different vector to deliver his prank; someone from whom nobody would suspect anything malicious.
"Ah! Parker! Just the person I was looking for," Loki declared the following afternoon after Peter entered the kitchen. Peter stopped dead in his tracks, a panicked look flashing across his face.
"Wh-what did I do, Mr. Loki?" he stammered.
"Nothing. Contrary to popular belief, I don't always seek people out to complain to them," Loki sighed, rolling his eyes. Peter noticeably relaxed, tilting his head curiously. "Now - you can't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you, is that clear?"
"Y-you want to tell me a secret??" Peter's eyes flashed with excitement, which quickly morphed into a wary gaze. "Wait... this isn't something illegal, is it?"
Loki laughed unsettlingly. "Of course not. Not today." Peter chuckled nervously. "I've been... attempting to learn how to bake, and I'm not certain I'm doing it correctly."
"Really? I thought you hated earth food."
"Yes, well, I'm trying to learn to appreciate it a bit more. If I'm going to be stuck here on this planet, I suppose I should learn to enjoy the cuisine. Or, at least, learn not to hate it." Loki pulled out a box of cookies from the cupboard where he'd hidden it earlier. "You see... if I go around asking people to taste these, they won't tell me truthfully if they enjoy them or not. It seems many have some ridiculous fear that I might become angry if they insult me."
"Ha, ha, how ridiculous, right?" Peter laughed anxiously, averting his gaze.
"So - I'd like to ask you to have someone try these for me, without telling them I made them. Someone who will be honest."
"Like Mr. Stark?"
"No, he'll be a bit too honest, I fear. How about the young agent?"
"Oh, yeah! That would be perfect!" Peter exclaimed.
"Wonderful. Please - take this, and let me know the verdict." Loki pressed the box into Peter's hands. He nodded animatedly, promising to find you straight away as he ducked out of the kitchen.
He hadn't been so cruel as to put ghost pepper in these cookies. If that had set his brother's mouth on fire, he could only imagine how much it would burn your mortal throat. He did, however, sprinkle a few of those jalapeno seeds into the baking mix.
Loki had anticipated Peter would return relatively quickly, given how eager he appeared to help out with this endeavor. What he wasn't anticipating was for you to walk into the kitchen instead. He swiftly busied himself with making a cup of tea just to appear busy and unsuspicious.
"Something you want to tell me, Loki?"
He glanced up from the tea kettle, feigning confusion. "What? I'm not sure what you mean."
"Well... Peter just came running into my room just now, begging me to try these cookies." You held up one of the offending cookies in your hand, an accusatory expression on your face. "He wouldn't tell me where he got them, so I broke one in half and sniffed it first. It smelled an awful lot like jalapeno peppers, strangely enough."
"Is that right? Perhaps he was trying to play a trick on you," Loki responded, brushing you off.
"The thing is, Peter is terrible at playing pranks. He'd have fessed up the moment I started acting suspicious." You stepped closer, holding the cookie out toward Loki. "Know anything about where these actually came from?"
Loki allowed his expression to become dark and indignant. "Are you insinuating that I would stoop so low as to bake trick cookies just to prank you?"
"You heard me talking to Thor the other day, didn't you?"
He couldn't hide the momentary startled raise of his brows at the sudden accusation. It was more than enough to tell you that you'd discovered the truth.
"You know, I expected more of you, Loki. This is a pretty lame attempt, if you ask me." An impish smirk spread across your face as you watched his fall into a scowl. "Let me guess - it was you who rearranged my bookshelf the other day, wasn't it? I blamed Peter for that, you know. You should really apologize to him."
"I will do no such thing." Loki straightened his posture, squaring his shoulders as he strode proudly past you without another word.
"Gonna have to try harder than that to trick me!" you called after him. He scoffed, refusing to turn around as he continued on his way.
* * *
You were clearly privy to his plans now, which meant he had to step up his game. No more playing around - if he was going to get you, he had to start bringing out the big guns. And now that you were on to him, magic was no longer off the table.
Loki bided his time carefully, waiting to strike again until he learned something about you that he could use against you, something that would really get under your skin. He couldn't let you continue to believe you were invincible to his tricks.
It was almost a week before he learned anything of consequence, but boy was it good.
You had gone on a trip to the pet store with Wanda and Vision to help them pick out a pet of their own. She had asked you specifically to come to help talk some sense into Vision if he decided he wanted some strange, exotic animal. The two of you were close, and Wanda knew you'd have her back.
When the three of you returned, you all headed straight to the lounge where many of the team was hanging out to show off Wanda and Vision's new kitten. You were cooing over the feeble animal at Wanda's side, completely enamored with showing it off to an uncharacteristically doe-eyed Steve and Bucky, while Vision sat down beside Thor and engaged in conversation. Loki thought little of it, until he suddenly heard your name come from Vision's mouth.
"I tried to convince Wanda to select a lovely yellow parakeet," Vision explained, "But the young agent recommended against it."
"Remind me - is that a bird of sorts?" Thor asked curiously.
"Yes, it is. A rather self-sufficient pet, actually." Vision appeared somewhat confused. "The agent was quite adamant that it would not make for a good pet. So, we went with Mittens instead."
"What a quaint name!" Thor bellowed heartily with a huge grin. He went on to ask about how they'd selected it, but Loki had tuned out of the conversation by this point.
Birds. You disliked birds.
He supposed it was a rather common Midgardian trait. They could be rather dirty creatures, dependent on the breed. But you seemed to have a particular distaste for them, based on Visions account of the conversation.
Perhaps he would need to explore this further.
He found you alone in the common room later that afternoon, sitting in one of the oversized armchairs and reading quietly. You hadn't noticed his presence, being far too involved in the words on the pages in your lap. It was the perfect opportunity to cause some mischief.
Loki hid around the other side of the doorway, opening the window in the common room with a wave of his hand. You didn't seem to notice, shifting in your seat to drape your legs over the arm of the chair. With a smirk, he continued on with the rest of his plan.
Another flourish of his hand, and he'd conjured the illusion of a bird entering through the open window. He directed it to fly in your direction, wings flapping as it soared right in front of your field of vision before changing direction to fly upward toward the ceiling. It certainly caught your attention.
He hadn't anticipated your reaction, however.
You let out a high-pitched screech of terror, leaping to your feet and knocking the book in your lap haphazardly to the floor. Your hands flew to cover the top of your head as you ducked down, backing away in a crouched position without taking your eyes off the illusion where it was flitting randomly along the ceiling. Curiously, Loki sent the illusion on a nose-dive toward the chair. The sudden change in direction made you scream again, this time with a watery waver to your voice as you spun around and sprinted from the room. Loki stepped back swiftly to evade your detection, but you didn't so much as look up as you bolted down the hallway toward your room, swinging the door open and slamming it shut behind you.
Well that was unexpected.
Loki waved away the illusion now that you were no longer in the room. A heavy sensation of guilt weighed like a stone in his stomach. He thought you simply disliked the creatures - he hadn't realized you had a true fear of them, based on Vision's account from the pet store. He hadn't intended to frighten you into hiding. He only meant to get on your nerves, to prove to you he could succeed in playing a trick on you. A harmless trick.
He had to make amends. You were one of his closest friends - he felt absolutely terrible for hurting you. So, he took a deep breath, then anxiously paced down the hallway to your bedroom, knocking gently on the door.
There was a bit of shuffling on the other side, followed by a turning of the door handle. The door cracked open only slightly, and you peeked through with one wide eye.
"Is it gone?" you choked. Suddenly, it felt as though something had a vice grip on Loki's chest, hearing your distraught voice. He hung his head, shaking it slowly.
"It was an illusion."
You were dead silent for a moment, processing his words as you stood motionless. Then, with a growl, you slammed the door shut in his face.
Oh dear. What had he done?
He knocked again on the door, hearing your muffled voice telling him to go away. "I've come to apologize!" he called to you. The door swung open all the way this time, revealing your tear-stained cheeks and puffy, red eyes.
"Happy?? You win, Loki," you gasped, whirling around and storming over to your bed so you could slam yourself down onto the mattress. He slowly entered the room, shutting the door behind him as you backed up into the corner of your bed to lean against the wall, hugging your knees to your chest and burying your face in your arms. Your shoulders shook as you released hiccupy sobs.
"Happy? Of course I'm not happy," he responded gently, crossing the room to sit on the edge of your bed. "I never intended to hurt you, darling."
"Well, m-maybe you should have thought of that before you sent a realistic image of a... a... bird at me!" You didn't look up as you spoke, your voice muffled in the sleeves of your shirt.
"I had no idea you felt this way about birds. I merely thought you disliked them, after Vision told Thor what happened at the pet store yesterday."
You tilted your head back a bit, peering over your arms hesitantly. "Yeah, I told him not to get a bird because I didn't want one hanging around the tower!"
"Did you tell him you were afraid?"
"Of course not! Who is afraid of birds?? I don't go around advertising it!" Your eyes disappeared against your forearms once again as another sob wracked your body.
Loki was well versed in mischief and mayhem, but what he was not well versed in was comfort and kindness. Still, he couldn't sit here and listen to you cry over a trick of his own doing. He reached over and rested his hand on your arm, attempting to offer a comforting touch despite the fact that it felt foreign to him.
"I... I'm truly sorry for scaring you. It was not my intent." He squeezed your arm fondly. "Could you find it in your heart to forgive me?"
You slowly lifted your head to look at him, a conflicted look in your watery eyes. He shot you his best effort at a pleading, pouty look. With a quivery laugh, you nodded.
"Fine... I forgive you."
"Thank you."
He gave you a few moments to try to recollect yourself, tears slowly coming to a stop. His hand never left your arm, thumb sliding tenderly along your sleeve as your hiccups quieted.
"Look at me - I'm such a mess!" you laughed, wiping your eyes with the heel of your hand.
"You're not a mess. It's me who should be laughing at the absurdity of my actions."
"Well... yeah, I suppose that's true."
He grinned sheepishly. "So... might I ask - what is it that you find so terrifying about those creatures?"
You buried your face in your hands to hide your flushed face. "It's silly, really. It's not a very good reason."
"Try me."
You peered through your fingers. "Promise not to laugh?"
"I swear on my life."
You giggled. "Wow. No need to be that dramatic." With a sigh, you leaned your head back against the wall. "Alright. When I was a kid, I was at my uncle's farm, and... I got chased by a goose."
Loki bit his tongue to keep from grinning. "Oh?"
"I know, I know. It sounds ridiculous. But seriously, they are terrifying when they're pissed off!"
"I believe you!" he insisted, turning his face so you couldn't see him straining to avoid smiling. You shoved his shoulder with your hand playfully.
"Alright, alright. I know, it's funny. But ever since then, I've been scared of all birds. So... that's the story." You glared at him warningly. "You can't tell anyone about this."
"It will be our little secret." He winked, pleased with the fact that it made you smile just a little. "You know... I'm happy to show you that illusion again, if it would make you feel better. Now that you know it isn't real."
You gazed at him hesitantly, then nodded. "Alright, show me."
He lifted his hand, palm facing upward, and conjured the bird once again. He let the illusion remain still in the palm of his hand, allowing you to view it from a distance. You eyed it hesitantly but curiously, sitting up a bit to get a closer look.
“It’s so real,” you breathed, flinching as he made it duck it’s head, then laughing at yourself self-consciously.
“It’s merely a projection. It isn’t solid, it can’t be touched, and it can’t touch you,” Loki explained. He looked at you, watching as your shoulders relaxed gradually away from your ears and you shifted your legs from their place against your chest to fold cross-legged in front of you. With a raise of his brow, he moved his hand only slightly closer to you, making certain not to make sudden movements. “I can put it in your hand, if you’d like.”
You shook your head firmly. “No, thank you. This is good enough. But, thank you for showing it to me. You have an amazing talent for illusion casting.”
“Thank you.” It was impossible to hold back a smile at your compliment. The only person who ever had kind words for him about his seidr was his mother. He made the illusion dissipate in his hand.
“Well, I’ll give you one thing,” you stated, “You definitely succeeded in pranking me.”
“Hardly. My intent was to have a good laugh, not to make you upset.” Loki shook his head sheepishly. “Perhaps next time I’ll stick with the classic spider trick.” He reached around behind you and skittered his fingers down your back for emphasis, pleasantly surprised when you suddenly arched your back and giggled.
“Hehey! You can’t do that, I’m ticklish!” you whined through your giggles, a bright smile finally lightening your features. He grinned impishly, chuckling as your cheeks flushed. “Uh… heh, jokes on you, that was just a trick.”
“Oh really?” He grabbed your side and tickled you more intentionally, his grin widening when you shrieked and buckled away from his hand. With a playfully nervous look, you began to scramble to get off the bed, leaning forward to land on your hands and knees and crawl toward the edge. Loki was faster than you, seizing the opportunity to grab hold of both your sides and knead his fingertips into the sensitive skin.
“Ack - Lohoki!! Nohohot fair!!” You collapsed onto the mattress as his fingers hooked around to scratch at your belly where your sides wrapped around your front. A feeble attempt to block his access, really - he already had his fingers underneath you, and so he continued wriggling them into the spot, encouraged by the increased volume of your giggles.
“Not fair? You literally told the God of Mischief you were ticklish. What exactly did you expect would happen?” Curiously, he shifted to flutter his fingers at the small of your back, amused by your sudden surprised jolt and more desperate squirming.
“Soho much fohor APOLOGIES!” You rolled onto your back to prevent him from reaching it, only succeeding in providing him open access to claw at your belly. You turned onto your side and curled your knees up into yourself, and he merely shifted one hand to scratch at your back while the other remained in its place at your belly. “LOHOHOKI NOHOHO!!”
“My, how unfortunate. You are ticklish everywhere. How exactly do you go about hiding it, hmm?”
He paused to give you a moment to breathe, pleased at the fact that your face was no longer bright from crying, but from laughter. You shifted to sit up, curling your legs in front of you protectively with your arms wrapped low around your shins, protecting your sides and belly.
"You... you know, I should b-be the one to get to torment you after you pulled such a cruel trick," you grumbled. Loki laughed, his head tilting back from the effort.
"Don't be ridiculous. I'm not even t-mmpf."
"Sorry - what was that?" you chided, hand retracting from his side where you'd snuck in a quick ticklish pinch. "I didn't catch it. Sounded to me like you were trying to say you weren't ticklish."
With a low, playful growl, he latched his hand onto your ribs, slipping past your defenses to knead into the bones. You released an ear-splitting screech before toppling over sideways in a rather pitiful attempt to evade his fingers.
"Darling, that isn't how this works. You know Midgardian social construct better than I." About halfway up your ribs, your laughter became sort of squeaky as you writhed under his ticklish touch. Your eyes scrunched shut with the sheer effort of your giggling, which was a much happier sight than the puffy red eyes he'd encountered when he first opened the door. Perhaps he did still feel a bit badly about all of that.
He let up once again as your squirming became weaker, chuckling fondly at your disheveled state. You cracked your eyes open to give him the least threatening glare he'd ever seen.
"I-hi still think... I should get a turn."
"You honestly think I would submit to this?" He scribbled into your ribs again for emphasis.
"AHAH-hehey! Don't you feel any remorse for making me so upset?"
You adopted a soft, pouty expression as you gazed up at him. Normally immune to such tactics, Loki was more than a bit startled to find he actually felt a pang of guilt in his chest. He glanced away from you to rid himself of the image, but it was burned into his brain now. Curse you and your innocence.
Loki let out a heaving sigh. "I suppose it would be... fair."
"Really??" The sheer degree of excitement in your voice was overwhelming.
"Yes, however - I will only offer you ten seconds unhindered."
"What? That's like nothing!" You folded your arms defiantly. "I think I at least deserve ten minutes."
Loki snorted at the mere suggestion. "Absolutely not. Thirty seconds at most."
"Five minutes."
"Thirty-five seconds."
"Oh, come on! You're not even bartering right," you groaned, eliciting an amused laugh from the trickster.
"You want to bargain? Fine." He pondered for a moment. "Alright, here's my final offer." You leaned forward, listening intently. "Two minutes-"
"I'll take it!"
"I wasn't finished." He smirked. "Two minutes, but the moment those two minutes are finished, the tables will turn."
"How is that fair??"
Loki shrugged. "It's your choice what you do with your two minutes. Perhaps it would be wise to save one of them to find somewhere to hide."
You shoved your tongue into the inside of your cheek, glaring at him. "This doesn't really seem like payback for your cruel and unusual prank."
"Darling, I'm not certain you understand what the value of this offer is. You'll not receive an offer like this again."
The internal conflict played out on your face as you considered his offer. "Ok... I'll accept the terms, IF you promise not to fight back for those two minutes."
"I will do my best."
You grinned. "Worried you're too ticklish to handle it?"
"Don't push your luck, darling."
"Ok, ok. Stay still, I need to get ready."
Loki did as he was told, wondering exactly what possessed him to give in to this little game as you shifted to sit behind him with your legs stretched out on either side of his hips, sliding your arms around his middle. What was it about you that made him go soft? He'd never even consider allowing anyone else to trap him like this with the intent to seek out his weak points and exploit them.
"You comfortable there, Loki?" you asked teasingly.
"I suggest you get on with it. Your two minutes starts now."
With a noise of disapproval, you wasted no additional time in kneading your delicate fingers into his sides. He grunted, sucking in a breath in an effort to keep from gratifying you with a reaction. If anything, it only encouraged you to try harder as your fingers pressed gently into the entire length of his sides and ribs in search of a sensitive spot. He couldn't help but jolt when your fingers grazed his lower ribs where they wrapped around his front. Ever the perceptive one, your deft fingers refocused their attention on that spot, tickling until he finally broke into broken, breathy laughs.
"Ah-HA! I knew I'd make you laugh," you cried triumphantly.
"Yohou have ninety s-seheconds."
"Plenty of time to find your weak spot." You suddenly clawed into his belly, earning louder laughter from the god. "Ooh, even if I don't find it, I could just stay here and listen to you giggling the rest of the time."
"Yohou insolent- mmh." You slotted your fingers up under his arms and he immediately tensed, crushing your hands beneath his biceps.
"Ah-ah! You promised."
With a grumble and a glare, he slowly lifted the pressure of his arms off your hands, clamping them right back down the moment you began wriggling your fingers into the soft skin once again. He was laughing without restraint now, unable to hide the fact that you were getting to him.
“Did I find it?” you asked, scratching harder into his highest ribs. He nodded - a lie, of course. It may have been centuries since someone had dared even attempt to tickle him, but he remembered exactly where it was. “Oh now I know I didn’t, if you’re telling me I did.”
You cursed clever thing.
With some difficulty, you tugged your hands free from under his arms and tickled your way down his sides. He held in a breath, letting it out when you shifted back to his abdomen and fluttered your fingers against the thin fabric of his shirt. Fortunately, you hadn’t seemed to notice - you were too busy testing out every inch you could reach of his belly in search of the one spot that made him laugh the hardest.
"Hmm." You paused a second, allowing him to breathe.
"Yohou have fourty-five seheconds," he reminded you pointedly.
"I swear I'm going to find your weak spot." You drummed your fingers on his sides where they rested just above his hips, and he hoped you didn't notice his sudden tensing. "Wait - is it your feet or something? That would be so unfair."
"I don't believe you. I need to know for sure."
Loki shrugged. "Suit yourself. You're wasting your thirty sec-ONDS." His eyes widened as you pinched curiously at his hip, his voice pitching up in volume out of reflex.
"Oh-ho! What's this?" You squeezed your fingers into both hips simultaneously and he jolted hard.
"N-need I remind yo-HOU that you have twehenty seconds to RUHUN."
"But..." You sounded terribly conflicted. If you took the time to exploit this newfound knowledge, you would almost certainly not be able to escape. But if you bolted now, there would definitely not be another opportunity to even attempt to exploit it.
Clearly you decided the risk was worth it.
You were ruthless, fingers springing into action kneading and pinching at the sensitive spot. Loki couldn't even try to tone down his reaction - he simply burst into hysterics and squeezed your wrists in an effort not to actually push them away and prompt you to say he cheated. It turns out twenty seconds is a rather long time to have someone relentlessly targeting your most ticklish spot.
Unfortunately for you, it was twenty seconds for him to build on his desire for revenge.
So, when time was up, he wasted no time in whirling around on you and tackling you to the bed. You let out a shriek of protest, quickly drowned out by your own laughter as he launched his counterattack on your hips.
"My turn," he growled playfully. You appeared surprised at how sensitive you were in that spot, eyes widening and laughter pitching up in octave as he dug his thumbs deeper and faster into those soft spaces by your hipbones. "Now you understand, hmm?"
"You say that as if I'm finished - I need to find your weak spot." He let his hands go still, amused by your incoherent babbling protests. "Perhaps your earlier suggestion has some merit?"
"Wh- oh, ahabsolutely not! Loki! LOHOKI!"
He ignored your shouts, reaching over and snatching your ankle off the bed where it rested. Eyeing you with a mischievous smirk, he raised his free hand to the sole of your socked foot threateningly with a wiggle of his fingers. The effect was immediate, and you began desperately pulling at your ankle as anticipatory giggles poured from your mouth.
"THIS IHISN'T FAHAIR!!" you whined.
"Darling - I'm simply trying to make you laugh," he insisted. "I do so hate to see you upset."
"Then MAHAYBE you should learn to be FUHUNNY!"
He narrowed his eyes at you. "Bold - insulting me when you're in such a precarious position."
Before you could offer false apologies, he scribbled his fingertips into your sole, and your words died in your throat in favor of squeaky laughter. You may have been perceptive, but he was even more so, quickly finding that a light scratching of his fingers along the inner arch of your foot made you screech with loud ticklish laughter after only a few seconds of his targeted attack. He almost felt badly for you, but the vibrant sound of your laughter was a wonderful alternative to the shaky sobs coming from you earlier. Still, he supposed you might explode if you continued to laugh this hard. So, reluctantly, he released your ankle and ceased his ticklish onslaught, grinning fondly as you curled up in a ball on your side to pull your feet in close.
"Oho my gohod, Loki... thahat was..."
"Well, yes. But... it was fun, to be honest." You smiled sheepishly. "Not sure I should thank you for torturing me..."
"Oh, it's far too late for that. You're welcome." He winked cheekily at you as your face flushed. "And... I truly do apologize for scaring you. I hope you can actually forgive me."
"I meant it when I said I forgave you, Loki." You rested a hand on his forearm with a warm smile. "I know you didn't mean to hurt me. Just... maybe don't try pranking me again."
"I've no need for that - I can just sneak up behind you and tickle you whenever you start getting cocky about being 'immune to my pranks.'"
You shoved him teasingly with a roll of your eyes. "Alright, you still owe me though."
"How can I ever make up for my transgressions?" he asked dramatically.
"How about... there's an ice cream shop down the block. Buy me a cone?"
He sighed, rising to his feet. "I suppose it's the least I can do."
It occurred to him, as you led the way out of the tower and down the street to go to this ice cream shop you spoke of, that he'd never felt the need to apologize for a prank before. But you... you had some unusual power in you that he still couldn't explain.
You'd truly made him go soft.
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reigenhusband · 3 years
Psychic Wedding Time!
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Art by @/cowboyologist
After months of holding back, we finally tied the ole knot! Me and the conman are officially hitched today September 10, 2021!
This silly little blonde anime man means an awful lot to me and its really more than I can say. These months with him have been a great help.
When I went through some of the roughest things I've ever gone through, I had him to think about for comfort. He is a little part in what keeps me going and I wish I could thank him for everything. He sparks a lot of joy so I think I'm gonna keep him!
I've never been happier and I'm so lucky to call him husband! He's had such a positive impact and I love him so, so much.
Special thank you to my friends and of course our son Mob who carried the rings!
Under the cut is a little fic about getting ready for the wedding. Thanks everyone for your support!
Reigen squinted at his reflection, dark eyes hauntingly focused on a strand of hair that didn't take to the product he put in it. A grunt of dismay rumbled low in his throat.
"Just a second, Serizawa. Almost got it."
The taller man's voice wavered but he managed to hold fast and keep his confidence. Reigen could almost hear his hands wringing. 
"Er...Well. Its just...you've been staring at yourself for a little over 20 minutes now and you haven't moved and…"
Reigen sucked his teeth and pressed his palm firmly to the side of his head. Damned strand of hair! Slick like the rest of it! Don't you know know day it is?!
"What I mean is..! Are you alright?" Serizawa finally asked, his voice heavy with concern. "Since it's your wedding and all I figured you'd be nervous but you seem really on edge. Is something bothering you?" 
The blonde twitched.
 "W...what are you talking about? Of course not! I'm calm and-" He stopped abruptly and slammed his hands flat on either side of the mirror, his eyes wide and bloodshot upon inspection of his suit. A fleck of black thread pervaded his white vest and he looked around frantically for the lint roller. "You thought you could hide but you can't best Reigen Arataka." He muttered as he furiously went over his all but pristine wedding attire. 
His best man scratched his own cheek nervously and looked on with clear uncertainty. "If you're sure." 
Once he was satisfied after a thorough inspection and having Serizawa scrutinize the back, he dropped into a chair. Nearby was a table decorated in what was probably a thousand congratulatory flowers from clients. He exhaled and stared a hole into the arrangement of colors. His heart was pounding. His brow, coupled with his hands, were visibly slick with chilled sweat. His stomach was full of stones. 
He met his own gaze in the mirror again. He looked well kept and yet...disheveled at the same time. Come to think of it, his face was flushed the shade of his usual pink tie. The last 3 days without sleep also hollowed out dark circles under his eyes. His shirt collar began to feel more and more constricting as time went on no matter how much he tugged on it. 
Maybe he really was scared. 
He didn't doubt that he loved Mitty. In fact, he wanted to be with him more than anyone. A case of cold feet wouldn't change that. It was himself he was wrestling with here. 
Spirits, monsters, and deadly espers. He'd faced them all and came out on top. But they were nothing compared to these looming expectations to be a person to rely on. This wasn't something he could bullshit his way through. This was marriage. Mitty was going to see the warted underbelly of when he was Reigen the man instead of Reigen the psychic. His fiancé was going to experience sides of him he only revealed when he was alone. Would he still like him even then?
Reigen was good at a lot of things but this had to be the one that counted most. Could he really be a good partner forever? 
Was he really going to cut it as a husband? 
"Hey, Serizawa?" Reigen asked, not looking at him. 
The man's shoulders lurched at his name suddenly being called. He straightened his back. "Oh! Yes sir?"
"Do you think we'll be good together?" 
Silence sat heavily for a moment. Every second felt longer than the last. 
His friend seemed taken aback by the question but nonetheless looked at the ceiling as though collecting the right words to answer. "Well…"
Another moment passed and Reigen waited with his hands clasped and breath baited. 
"I've never been with anyone so I can't say for certain what a good relationship is but," A compassionate smile spread across the esper's face before he continued, visibly more sure of his words. "I think you and Mr. Mitty understand each other. You always seem to know what the other is thinking. You motivate each other to be better and you seem happy when you're together. And...and you trust each other too. And I think that's whats important." 
Reigen looked at the velveted floor. "Then…"  
"You've become more honest by being with him and he talks like you're really important to him. So please...get married if it makes you both happy! I think you can really be something!" His friend was beaming with 
what Reigen could only say was genuine assurance. 
"I really believe you'll take care of each other." 
His co-worker actually really was resourceful. Maybe someday he ought to pay him more. The uncomfortable feelings waned slightly and his shoulders slowly slacked. Mitty was waiting for him so now wasn't the time to lose it. 
After a few seconds of letting his feelings iron themselves out, he stood and smoothed his hands over his suit jacket. "Well alright then. If thats what you think then I guess there's no backing out of this one." 
Serizawa pressed his hands together in delight. "YES! I've got your back, Reigen!" 
The door into the hallway opened and a set of black eyes peered into the room. "Master, It's starting. Are you coming?" 
The jarring announcement had him scrambling to fix the piece of hair he'd been fussing with. 
"OF COURSE." He jabbed his thumb into his own chest to feign total confidence. "Right behind you, Mob!" 
He held his breath. Alright, let's do this. 
Mitty POV
Teal eyes darted around the room carefully. 
"Hey...Dimple? You there?"
The whizzing of the spirit materializing buzzed next to his ear. 
"Yeah whaddya want? You're on soon, aren't you?" 
Mitty jabbed his right hook into the air where the voice was coming from. "AGH WHAT THE HELL?"
A swift flash of green dodged his reach. 
"HEY, why are you hitting me?! You asked for ME, remember?" The ghost clucked his tongue in disapproval and floated a few inches away for safety. 
"On edge? What for? You're the one who wanted this, right?"
"W..well….yeah, sorry." He looked at his clenched fist and opened it. "...sorry." He said again more thoughtfully this time. 
Dimple raised a spectral eyebrow. "Whats wrong? Having second thoughts? I mean it's Reigen so who can blame ya."
Mitty scowled while straightening his tie in the mirror. "Hey! REIGEN'S…." His voice softened closer to a whisper. "A pretty good guy. Get off my case. Aren't you supposed to be my support? You're being kinda harsh!" 
"Well kid, something is obviously on your mind so let's hear it. Wedding starts soon right? Yeesh. Once you do all this he's your problem forever." 
"I'm not worried about him!! I'm more worried about...me."
"About you? What're you talkin' about?! You're too good for him!"
"Thanks for the flattery. You still can't have my body though."
"Well I didn't want it anyways, ya bastard. You're weak compared to Shigeo. I'm just being honest here!" 
"So? Out with it, What did you want anyways? You're talking nonsense here!" 
Mitty wrinkled his nose in discomfort.  "I just needed to ask something. But you can't run your mouth off like you always do, you old gossip. You're like a knitting circle."
"TCH. like I'd blabber your business to someone. It's all so boring."
"Yeah, yeah just listen, alright?!"
Another few seconds passed. "So? Say it. We don't have all day, you know."
He was looking at his hands again like he was somewhere far off. "Well. D...D'you think I'll be good at this?" 
"Good at what, exactly?" 
"Being married." 
Dimple's form rippled with thought. "You're seriously worried about that?"
Mitty was going to make a sharp remark but his head dropped and his face buried into his knuckles. "Yeah."
Dimple deflated slightly in exasperated defeat. Humans could be so ignorant. 
"Listen. That fraud never shuts up about you. You think you're not good enough? You should hear him talk. It's annoying how you both don't realize things."
"Realize things?"
He sighed and shrugged his tiny arms. "I hear everything whether you like it or not. You two idiots never stop talking and moaning about the other is too good for the other. It's getting old, really." 
"HUH? He says that? No way! But he's always beaten me at everything! I always thought he was way out of my league." 
 "Kinda the opposite actually but...sure. What I'm saying is…! You're both seeing the best parts of each other. Keep doing that and it'll be smooth sailing."
"Yeah but...what if he stops seeing the best in me?'
"You planning on making things hard?" 
"Not really. I just know I can be difficult to deal with." 
"So is he. You really think you got this far because Reigen's all roses and sunshine? 'Course not. You've seen all the stuff he does and you still like him, right?" 
He certainly was flawed, that was for sure. Mitty spent most of Reigen's antics with his eyes rolled up in his head but that didn't mean he wasn't enjoying the moment either. 
"Then it's the same for him. Sure it won't always be fun but that phoney won't give up on you just because you're annoying. He's way too persistent. It kind of ticks me off." 
I'm annoying???  That stung but he shook it off.
Reigen was going to have to deal with him for the rest of his life once they said the right words. But if Dimple was right...would it be so bad to annoy each other for the rest of their lives if the other was willing to put up with it? 
Reigen seemed okay with it so far. Mitty would just have to listen to him make a fuss about his coffee table clutter until he died. But really, he wouldn't have that any other way. His voice was kind of cute when he hit that inhuman octave he had when he was in disbelief. 
The door from the hall swung open and a blond clad in what was perhaps the most blinding and loud suit he had ever seen poked his head in. 
"Oh, You're still in here? It's bad luck to be late on your wedding day! Master Reigen is waiting. " He cocked his head to the side. "Or did you need some help with your suit? Its looking a little plain." 
Hanazawa. This kid would try to accessorize his suit in the worst way possible. He put up his hands to wave him off. 
"N-nah, kiddo that's alright. I'll be right there."
Hanazawa, after a few more attempts to get Mitty to let him help retreated back into the hallway. When it was quiet again he eyed Dimple. He was abrasive and unpleasant. He always had a motive for everything and rarely had something nice to say. 
But he came through when it mattered. 
"Hey Dimple?" 
"Yeah? What is it?" 
Dimple wouldn't meet his eyes and levitated towards the hall. He didn't want to acknowledge he was helping, he supposed. It was in character for that tsundere blob.
"You ought to get out of here now if you wanna make it on time." 
He stood and dusted himself off. 
"Welp. Here goes everything."
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Mist | Choi San | Chapter 5
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Pairing: Choi San x OC (Seohyun)
Genre: supernatural (ghost), romance, high school
Trigger Warnings: paranormal, death mentions, violence
Words: 8.7k
Disclaimer: I do not own anything except my original character and the story. I do not own any gifs or pictures used.
Full story on Wattpad (don’t spoil here if you read there too)
chapter directory
Seohyun woke up to her phone buzzing. She groaned and rubbed her eyes, checking who was calling. It was San. She declined the call to read the several text messages he had sent. It was something about how they were all going out for lunch and she was joining (funny how they'd stop asking now, just said it) and that she was... to go on a date with him later.
She texted back a simple OK and checked the time. It was already almost afternoon- she had slept in. After showering, she was brushing her teeth when she paused.
It was gonna be her first date with San.
"Ayyy~" she waved at her reflection, resuming. She wasn't one to make a big deal out of stuff, but she had to admit it was... a little bit exciting. And she couldn't say the same about San. He seemed like the type to take these things serious, like first dates. So she decided that she did not want to disappoint him and would put in a little bit effort.
Seohyun checked her wardrobe. She didn't have much 'cute' stuff. Her first priority was always comfort when she picked her clothes. And they were usually monochrome or dark colours. She didn't like wearing bright stuff. Her only mildly cute outfit was the green dress she'd worn the last time with Jiwoo.
She moved on way too early, Seohyun thought. There was no one to help her dress up now. Her mom...
Seohyun realized there was something. Her mother had given her some sort of a top for her birthday last year. She had buried it in the back of her closet because she had deemed it too 'fashionable' for her. Seohyun threw her clothes out to find it. Indeed, it was still there.
It was a purple blouse with lace around the neck and tiny pearls. She shrugged. She'd pair it with pants and ankle boots.
After dressing up and tying her hair in half a ponytail, she stood in front of the mirror. She looked presentable, if one ignored her still-puffy-from-sleeping face. She sighed and put on the only lip gloss she had. That could do. She smiled at her reflection once before grabbing her phone and leaving the house.
They were meeting at a new café that Yunho and Yeosang had been wanting to try on forever. Yeosang had assured them it had good reviews for their desserts too. They were all already there by the time Seohyun reached. She had spent a good minute admiring the exterior of the café while the boys laughed at her unaware self, watching her through the window.
Mingi waved at her once she was inside and they made space for her. After exchanging greetings, they decided they would order food first. They decided on ordering two of everything and sharing, and once they gave the order, they all looked at Seohyun.
"You look... like you actually made effort today," Hongjoong commented.
"What do you mean?" Seohyun asked, forgetting for a second.
"Hey, don't say that, or she'll never dress up again," San pouted, and Seohyun realized, looking down at her dress.
"Is it too much?" she asked, "I've actually, honestly, never made effort. So I need honest reviews."
"It's not too much, it's perfect," Seonghwa assured, "In fact, you could have done more, but since this is you, it's perfect."
"That sounds.... like a compliment and insult at the same time, thank you Seonghwa."
They laughed and Yeosang said, "Hongjoong's the fashionista. You should only ask him."
"Yes, yes, Seonghwa's right. You look good!"
"That's the only top I had," Seohyun sighed, looking at San who was staring at her with an adorable expression on his face. "The rest of my wardrobe, you've seen."
"I guess we're going shopping then after this. I hope you have the card on you that you liked to flex about so much," Hongjoong smirked.
"I do-"
"But we're going on our first date today-"
Seohyun face-palmed. San had done it.
San looked at Seohyun for help and she sighed. "Well, no need to over-react, Wooyoung. As you all know, San and I are... sort of, uh... dating?"
Yunho snickered first before everyone started laughing at how awkward Seohyun suddenly got, and it was her turn to look at San for help. It wasn't everyday she lost her demeanor. Falling in love did make one a different person, she realized.
"Yeah, so you're sort of dating?" Jongho wiggled his eyebrows.
"Yes, Jongho, we're DATING." Seohyun said, "And San was planning to take me on our first date after this."
"You haven't been on your first date yet?" Wooyoung asked, "But it's been days now that you've been together! Sannie, you disappoint me!"
Before San could choke Wooyoung, Seohyun interrupted, "It was me. I was busy dealing with ghosts. It turns out Jiwoo had actually been a saint. Did anyone of you know that she used to do half my jobs?"
Everyone fell silent as they listened, "She was never 'bored' of coming to school with me. She just had so much time to kill that she'd help ghosts instead of me. I kind of miss her more now."
"That's sweet," Mingi said, "She really was a great friend."
"I know right! Anyways, this is the reason we haven't had our first date yet."
Other than San, the boys shared looks, and Seohyun saw with dread the devilish smirks appear on their faces as they announced: "Too bad! We're crashing your first date!"
San groaned and dramatically fell back in his chair while Seohyun gaped at them. "I-I'm speechless for once." Laughter filled the room as she said, "If that's what friends are for, I think I'm gonna change my mind..."
Before anyone could protest, food came and they started discussing Hongjoong's love for fashion and the various items he had reformed. Hongjoong assured her if she had a clothing item or something she would like to reform, he was the man.
"I do have this denim jacket that I'm too attached to," Seohyun thought about it, "Can you write something cool on the back of it?"
"Yes, just give me the jacket whenever you can. It'll take no more than two days, unless we have exams."
Seohyun looked at Seonghwa for confirmation and he nodded. "He also makes custom bracelets for us."
"Nice," Seohyun said, "I'd like some too," she wiggled her brows at Hongjoong, who laughed and nodded.
"So what were you gonna do on your first date?" Wooyoung and Jongho leaned in and asked Seohyun.
"San was the one in charge, ask him," she said.
"I was thinking we'd just walk aimlessly around the city..."
They both tsk-ed at San, muttering something about how he was an 'amateur' and would probably bore me to death.
"Hey, that's a nice idea actually. I don't mind."
"You're just saying that to be nice," Jongho said and Seohyun folded her arms.
"I don't say things to be nice, Choi Jongho."
Everyone hooted at that, having heard her, and Seohyun stared at her drink intensely, contemplating if she should 'accidentally' spill it on everyone.
"But she's right, actually," Yeosang said, "She doesn't say things to be nice. If she didn't like that idea, I'm sure she would have said to San with a hidden insult in between. I'm right, aren't I?"
"Thank you, Yeosang," Seohyun said, "I love you."
Yeosang saluted and San pouted, "Hey! You haven't even said that to me yet!"
Everyone was silent for a good minute before they burst out laughing, including Seohyun. San's pout went bigger and Seohyun poked him.
"Ayyy. I say that everyday, just not in words."
"OHHHH!" Everyone hooted and San actually smiled, trying to hide a blush but failing.
"How do you say it then?" Mingi asked, wiggling his brows, and Yunho made kissing sounds in the air, earning a smack from Wooyoung who was right beside him.
"Next time I encounter a dangerous ghost, I'm actually gonna befriend them," Seohyun said, smashing her now empty glass on the table as she glared at them, "I have a few ideas of how to make you all suffer."
Yunho snickered and Mingi immediately bowed, muttering praises about how Seohyun was the most kind girl he'd ever met. It was Seohyun's turn to smirk.
After they were done eating, everyone got up and they decided to go to the mall. It seemed like Hongjoong was bent on getting her good dresses, and he whispered to her that she should wear them on her dates, which actually made Seohyun flush for a good second.
"Hi," San said, holding her hand in his. He was walking with her now, both at the end while the others were ahead.
"Hey," Seohyun smiled, squeezing his hand subconsciously as she continued walking forward.
"Did you know purple is my favourite colour? I love this on you," San said, and Seohyun smiled.
"I did not. You'll have to thank my mom for this," Seohyun said, "She got me this for my birthday last year,"
"Oh, when's your birthday?"
"21st December."
"Right. So we have about two months. Is there something you want?"
"I wish my mom would be home actually," Seohyun said, "The last birthday I had with her was my 14th. I actually had fun then. Mom's friends had come, there's one that I'm close with. We had a banger then."
"That sounds fun," San smiled.
"It was," Seohyun smiled wistfully, "Now she's always busy during that time. So she just sends me a gift and a cake. And I spend my birthday alone."
San felt quite sad to hear that. "You won't be alone this year, I promise."
Seohyun looked at him. He had said that with such clarity that she believed him.
"I have a feeling that won't be the case," she suddenly said, and San almost stopped.
"What do you mean?"
"It's my gut. It's always right. I suppose it comes with the ghost thing. I just suddenly felt that wasn't going to be the case when you said that."
San put his arm around her, "You probably felt that because you've spent most of your birthdays alone. But now you have us, and there's always a chance your mom could come too. I can assure you, you won't be alone this year."
"Maybe," Seohyun let herself hope, pushing the feeling of dread back.
They reached the mall and Seohyun watched as Hongjoong and Wooyoung took the lead, discussing what would go well with her hair and skin colour, stuff that Seohyun didn't quite understand. She was too busy rejecting the ones Yunho, Mingi and Jongho were picking for her, making sure they got bright yellows and neon shades just to annoy her. They were having quite a laugh.
Seonghwa, Yeosang and San had disappeared to another shop it seemed. Wooyoung threw a top at her, ordering her to hold on herself so they could check.
"This has too many beads," Seohyun muttered.
"There are literally only 6 beads on it, stop being a child," Wooyoung said, snatching the top back from her and she pouted as they put it in the cart.
Hongjoong held another top, checking its size.
"Isn't that too short?" Seohyun asked.
"It's a crop top, Seohyun, of course it is short."
"That's basically the size of a bra! How am I supposed to wear it?!"
Hongjoong and Wooyoung tsk-ed at her. "It's not, it comes to your waist. Wear it with high waisted pants and a jacket if you can," Hongjoong threw it in the cart.
Seohyun threw her hands in the air as she looked back, the trio laughing at her misery. They were clearly enjoying. A thought struck Seohyun. She went to the three of them and asked if she should buy something for San.
"I guess he could use a new jacket," Yunho looked at Jongho and he nodded, "He's been using the same two jackets since forever."
"Help me pick," she said and dragged them to the men's section, and they picked a black denim jacket, putting it with her clothes so San wouldn't be suspicious.
After about 15 minutes, they were all done, and San, Yeosang and Seonghwa joined them as well.
"Where were you all?" Seohyun eyes them suspiciously.
"Just looking around," Seonghwa nodded, and San scratched his neck.
After they all got ice cream as refreshment, they decided to part ways, and Seohyun thanked Hongjoong and Wooyoung sincerely, saying she'd use them well.
"I'll get you both something too. Tell me what you want."
"You don't have to, just wear them, that'd be a gift," Wooyoung laughed.
"No, I can't! You guys put so much effort. I'll get you both something, just you wait," Seohyun promised.
San and her decided to walk back home, carrying the shopping bags with them.
"This is not how I had imagined our first date would go," San admitted.
"I had fun still," Seohyun smiled, "And anyway, the day is not over yet."
"It is! It's 7pm already!"
"Well, what do you say I take you on an adventure after we drop these at home?" Seohyun wiggled her eyebrows, saying, "Unless you have to go home."
"Well, no one's home today so..." San smiled, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Alright, I'll follow you."
Seohyun smiled, skipping as she walked, making San laugh out loud.
San and Seohyun reached home, dumping the several shopping bags in the living room. They decided to eat dinner and rest a bit, and Seohyun said she'd take him somewhere, but it had to be a surprise.
After they got fresh, they had ramyeon and Seohyun fished out a jacket from her wardrobe. It was gonna be chilly. She went to the living room, searching for San's jacket and went to San.
"Try this on," she said, and San got up from the sofa, trying the black jacket on. "Where we're going, it's gonna be a bit chilly."
"Wow, it fits perfectly," Seohyun stood back to check. "It's a gift."
"Really?" San looked down at the jacket. "Did you get this today?" Seohyun nodded. San smiled, thanking her with a hug.
They locked the house, grabbing only a bag with water bottle and chocolates. They took a taxi, a 30 minute drive to a hill. Seohyun told San she knew a shortcut to get to the top, and indeed, after a short hike, they reached the top.
"The view is amazing," San said, admiring how the full moon lit the night sky, the stars in the sky bright too. The city lights down seemed like stars too.
"A few months ago, a ghost teleported me here. He had died of an accident somewhere around here, and wanted help finding his sister, who had passed away with him. Jiwoo was with me, thankfully. It took us the whole day but we found her."
"Wow, I'm glad Jiwoo was with you," San said, and they both sat on the grass, facing the moon. "Imagine if you were alone and had to go back."
"Oh, I'm not sure if they even moved on. They said they wanted to spend some time together before they moved on, since they weren't sure what life ahead had for them. They might still be enjoying the ghost life."
"Really? Isn't that... dangerous?"
"They did promise. I said I'd come back after a year, and if they hadn't moved on by then, I'd personally exorcise them."
San laughed. "That's kind of you."
Seohyun winked at him. San was looking at the stars, and she took that time to admire his side-profile. He really was a work of art.
"Byeol," San said.
"I'm naming our cat Byeol. Now that's an acceptable name, isn't it?"
Seohyun stared at him. "I mean, I was okay with Shiber too..."
"HEY!" San tackled her, tickling her everywhere and Seohyun laughed loudly, "Do you know how much time I spent thinking of a name for the cat!"
"Stop!" Seohyun laughed, and San stopped tickling to hear her out. "I love it. Byeol. Shiber. Whatever you wanna call her."
San shook his head at her. Seohyun realized he was still on top of her. San was staring at her, rather intensely.
San touched her hair. It was a habit of his now, playing with her hair. The grey in her hair was shining thanks to the moonlight. Her eyes shone just as brightly. Her mouth was slightly parted, and San ran his thumb across her lips.
"You're beautiful," he finally said.
Seohyun wanted to tell him that she was not, but she was too flustered to say anything. His broad shoulders blocked the moonlight, making his figure shine instead. He leaned in and kissed her softly, taking his dear time, making sure every peck was slow and good.
Seohyun's internal state was a mess at this time; her heart was beating too loudly, her stomach rolling too furiously, and her mind- oh it was an absolute mess. So she just let him kiss her senseless, her hands going through his hair and back to cup his face as they kissed.
San drew apart and Seohyun held onto his neck, making them sit, and San joined her forehead with his as they caught their breath. He rested her hands on her waist, and Seohyun gulped as she took his hands and put them on her waist under her shirt this time.
San inhaled sharply at the touch, looking at her for confirmation. He was always so patient with her, which she loved about him. Seohyun cupped his face and kissed him, more forcefully now. San followed along, his hands staying at her waist only, his thumb caressing her skin there. She kissed his neck, earning a satisfying moan from him.
"You're being naughty today," San whispered.
"You're being too good today," Seohyun retorted.
"Don't challenge me, Lee Seohyun," San warned, grinning.
"What you're gonna do, Choi San?"
San shook his head once, taking his hands away from her. Seohyun was going to protest but he took off his jacket and kissed Seohyun so hard that she found herself curving back and back until she was lying on the grass. He kissed her face, her neck, her collarbone, one hand on her waist, one roaming around, and Seohyun was a mess.
"What do you say? Do you regret this now?" San asked, smirking.
"Can't say I regret it," Seohyun answered, out of breath.
San laughed, kissing her one last time before lying down with her, holding her close.
Seohyun smiled. "This reminds me of the time when we first kissed," she said, "You were so sleepy."
"I was wide awake internally," San said, making her laugh a little. Seohyun traced his face with her fingers.
"I love you, San."
San's eyes went a little wide in surprise. Seohyun continued, "I know I haven't said it before. I don't know what I waited for. I'm sorry."
"Don't be," San brought her closer as if hugging her, "You didn't have to. I see it everyday."
Seohyun smiled, "Still. I have to say it out loud. I love you. I love you so much that it hurts. If I knew love would make me feel pain like this, this weird satisfying sort of pain in the heart, this ache, I would've run away. But I still love you."
"I feel the same," San said, sighing, "I feel scared for you, I'm afraid that you'll get hurt. You do such a dangerous job. I hope I could have been more help. I love you so much that I wish I'd have to do all this instead of you."
"You don't have to," Seohyun said, "This is enough. You, like this, is more than enough."
San couldn't help it; he kissed her again, and it felt like he could cry.
After a few moments, they finally got up. San wore his jacket, and said, "Oh, I almost forgot."
He took out a box from his pocket and handed it to Seohyun. Seohyun opened it to see a locket with a silver star, a single diamante shining in the middle of it.
"It's beautiful," Seohyun smiled, "Is that what you shopped for today?"
"Yep. Come here," San took the necklace from her and helped her wear it.
"Thank you. I'm never gonna take it off," Seohyun said and San laughed.
"Are you saying I should never take this jacket off too?"
"Well," Seohyun shrugged, "If you can manage."
They were laughing when Seohyun's smile suddenly fell from her face.
"There's someone behind me San," she whispered, not taking her eyes off him. "Don't look."
San almost looked away on impulse but Seohyun took his hand, grabbing his attention. "I said don't look. Smile like you were before, quick. Laugh."
San laughed awkwardly, making sure he was smiling. "Look from the corner of your eyes, can you see something?"
San did, and whispered, "I think I see something moving to your left, but it's a bit far I think."
"It's not good," Seohyun whispered, and San understood. "We're gonna have to make a run for it. On the count of three?"
San nodded, squeezing her hand.
"One. Two. Three."
San took her hand and made a dash, realizing that they couldn't go to the trail they'd come for since it was in the opposite direction. Seohyun took the lead, dragging San with her, trying to remember the other way. She looked back once and saw a sickly old woman almost caught up now. A little scream left her and they both ran, Seohyun stopping to grab a rock and aim at the woman. It narrowly missed her but distracted her long enough that they gained speed.
"Where's the other trail?" San shouted and Seohyun went through path after path, not bothering to reply. They were probably lost now.
Seohyun was about to give up and face the woman when a pair of hands grabbed her and she felt herself teleporting a few feet away from where they were, gaining more distance. She heard San gasp and looked to make sure he was okay, but hands grabbed her and she was running again.
"You!" Seohyun exclaimed. The boy and the girl- the brother and sister that had died here. She could not believe it.
"There's a cave here, we're teleporting again, grab on tight!"
Seohyun squeezed San's hand and shut her eyes. One moment she was running and the other she had jumped through time and space and was in the said cave.
"You call this a cave?" Seohyun asked. The boy ignored her, peeking out of the 'cave' as he covered the entrance with more tree branches.
San still held her hand, out of breath, taking out the bottles from Seohyun's bag and handing one to her while he drank some too.
"She lost us," The boy looked back and smiled proudly, high fiving his sister.
The boy must have been 16- he was a tall, lean kid. His short hair were spiky and his eyes were the same as his sister's- who must have been a year older. She looked at Seohyun and said, "Didn't expect to meet you like this, Seohyun."
Seohyun wiped her mouth. "Hi, Gayoung." She looked at the boy then, "Thanks, Youngjae."
"We owed you one," he said, motioning them to sit and take a breather. "We've been living here, so we kind of knew about the woman. She's an old soul, that one. I don't think you can do anything about her, best if you avoid her."
"Well, she should avoid me! Next time I'm gonna kill her-"
"I see you haven't changed," Gayoung grinned. "Who's that with you? And why is he not freaking out?"
"He's my boyfriend," Seohyun said, and Gayoung and Youngjae ooh-ed. "He knows. There was some accident, so he can see ghosts now too. Can't touch them."
"Interesting," Youngjae scanned San. "I didn't know we could teleport others too."
"Only because I was holding him. I guess because it was the two of you, it didn't require me to properly hold him. Remember Jiwoo? She tried it once. Took me to the ghost realm accidentally, with him!"
"With him!" Gayoung gasped, "Is that why he can...?"
"Yes!" Seohyun answered, "I almost died making that trip."
San elbowed Seohyun. "You call that dying?"
"Shut up. So you live here still?"
"Yes, we'll actually move on before the year completes," Youngjae said, "We're just waiting for our parent's wedding anniversary. We used to celebrate it, so we just wanna see them happy before we move on."
"Ah, that's good."
"Where's Jiwoo anyway?" Gayoung asked.
"She moved on," Seohyun sighed.
"So she finally remembered? Good for her!" Youngjae said and they nodded.
After catching up a few minutes, they decided it was safe to go back. Seohyun thanked them earnestly, saying she owed them one more now because this was too big a favour. They just dismissed it, telling her to stay safe. They guided them to another shortcut and soon the two of them were on the way home.
They stopped by at Seohyun's first, and San went inside with her for a moment, hugging her, telling her she was so brave for keeping her calm in that situation, telling her he was proud. With a kiss to her forehead, he left for home.
Seohyun washed up and fell on her bed, beyond exhausted. She recalled the day in her mind; it was a day well spent, if you ignored the last part. She smiled as she played the moments in her head; San was such a sweetheart today. She was playing with her necklace as she fell asleep.
The few days that followed their rather adventurous first date were as normal as they could get, keeping in mind the fact that it was Seohyun's life in question. She had a tremendous amount of school work to catch up to, and several ghosts to help move on.
Having friends actually helped, Seohyun realized one day as she was doing her homework. She was an average student; she'd do great if she tried, and if she didn't... well. So they'd help her with the subjects they were good at, they'd be her personal motivators, and she'd try to return the favours as well as she could.
She'd been thinking about how she could return the long due favour to Hongjoong and Wooyoung. They'd help her update her wardrobe, and the feedbacks she'd gotten were amazing. She supposed San was a softie and would compliment her even if she was in her worst hoodie, but when critics like Yeosang complimented her, she'd feel glad. She didn't really care about how she looked, but it felt good to dress up once in a while. Special occasions only.
Seohyun sighed as she shut her notebook close and got up, stretching. She found herself going to the music room. There were no drums anymore to relieve her of her stress, but she supposed she could do with something else. The violin reminded her of San as she picked it up, and she kind of missed him, so she put that down. She went to the piano, and inhaled. She'd be playing it for the first time now, after Joon Hyuk.
She tested the keys; it sounded out of tune. But she let her fingers naturally roll over them, found herself playing a familiar tune, the one Joon Hyuk had taught her. She smiled as she played. It had truly been a while.
After she was done, she nodded as she figured out what she'd get Hongjoong and Wooyoung. Something they really needed.
"You're the best!" Wooyoung tackled Seohyun in a tight hug, making Seohyun yell as she tried to push him away.
"How did you come up with this idea?" Hongjoong asked as he admired the speakers in front of him.
"I noticed you could use speakers here without disturbing anyone. And with how loud you all are, you definitely needed it."
Seonghwa connected the speakers to his phone, blasting full volume as he checked them, his mouth turning into an O as he nodded in admiration. "They must have cost you quite a bit?"
"Oh, it's okay. Let's forget about that part," Seohyun waved him off, and Yunho ruffled her hair.
Mingi passed her a juice box and she sipped on it, checking the time. "I have to go now. Mom's coming home tonight."
"Do you want me to walk you home?" San asked.
"Oh, don't bother, enjoy these speakers," Seohyun said, giving him a fist bump as she left. She hummed along as she walked, but she had only taken one turn when she thought she saw something out of the corner of her eye.
Another ghost? She had just dealt with one right after school, before joining the boys in the warehouse.
Something flashed right behind her and she whipped to her left, stumbling. She checked left and right but it seemed the ghost had disappeared. But something about its rotting scent was familiar-
Seohyun's breath left her as she was pushed, and she turned just in time so she'd hit the wall with the side of her body instead of face first. She winced in pain, pushing the hair out of her eyes. There was no one there.
But she didn't have to check who it was. The scent had been enough for her.
Seohyun contemplated running home or back to the warehouse. Ghosts couldn't enter property without the owner or mediator's permission, and since the warehouse was the closest, she decided she'd make a run for it.
She smelt it as she run, dodging one attack but getting scratched on the back near her shoulder with something sharp- she assumed it was nails. Seohyun ran faster; glad for all the running she'd done as a kid, wishing a good soul would appear and help her. But it was only her- a useless mediator with the power to only see and touch the ghosts, against a vengeful spirit.
Seohyun turned and she was in front of the warehouse. She could hear the music blast and she ran even faster if she could, until she came within what she assumed was the boundary of the property. She turned and indeed, she saw the woman, this time in the clear of the day. She wasn't sure if she could even call it a woman at this point; it was a tangle of overgrown hair, pale skin and dark eyes with purple lips. And long, long nails.
Seohyun shook her head as it disappeared and she stood in the middle of the road, contemplating once again if she should go home and risk encountering them again, or going to the warehouse, and encountering THEM.
She threw her hands in the air in frustration and went inside the warehouse.
"Oh, she's back-" Jongho paused mid-sentence as he saw the disheveled figure of Seohyun, with a bruise on her cheekbone.
Seohyun walked to them, looking at San whose eyes were wide. "It's her," she said, "the one from that hill."
San came to her, inspecting her face; the bruise was light, thankfully. "Are you hurt somewhere else?"
"On my back, I think," Seohyun turned her neck to see and indeed, her shirt was torn where those nails had scratched her. San took her to the sofa and Seonghwa brought a first aid kit, Seohyun eyeing it warily. "I should ask why you have a first aid kit."
"For a day like this, I suppose," Hongjoong said, handing her a glass of water. Seohyun looked at him once as she drank.
"How did she find you?" San asked, taking her hand and caressing it.
"It took her a while to find me, it's been more than two weeks."
"What happened?" Hongjoong asked and Seohyun explained, everyone sitting around her to hear her story.
"Why do ghosts start to look like that?" Yeosang asked.
"I don't exactly know, but time does that to them, I think."
"Don't they look scary?" Wooyoung asked.
"They look scary, but I think the fact that they were human once makes it less scarier to me?" Seohyun shrugged. She grabbed the ointment, applying it to the wound on her face. Then she looked at Seonghwa. "Is the wound on my back bad?"
Seonghwa peeked at what he could see from the torn part of her shirt, there were long cuts. "I think you should get them treated."
"Can you do something about it right now? I'll get them treated later," Seohyun said, biting her lip. Seonghwa nodded. He inspected her state, then said in a low voice, "You'll have to take off your shirt."
Seohyun groaned. At times like this, she really did miss Jiwoo.
"Or we can cut your shirt, since it's already torn," Seonghwa suggested, looking at her with a sad look in his eyes.
"I'll take it off," Seohyun said, "Let's not be awkward about this, okay? Which one of you is the best at first aid?"
"Seonghwa definitely," Mingi said.
"Should I do it?" San asked.
"You're the worst at it," Wooyoung muttered, making Seohyun scoff.
"It's just when it's someone I'm close to! I can't bear it!"
The two of them started to argue, and Seohyun decided to stop them. "I'd like you all to disappear to a corner while Seonghwa does his job. Give me some privacy. And San, you can stay if you want to."
The rest of the boys rushed away, and Seohyun bit her lip. "Not how you thought you'd see me without a shirt for the first time, eh San?"
Seonghwa went into a fit of coughs while San gaped at her statement, finally giving in after a few seconds and laughing, shaking his head. "You really pick the worst time for jokes."
"Alright, here goes," Seohyun turned her back to them and took off her shirt, San helping her hold her hair. She was left in a black bra. She wasn't flustered; not when the exposed wound left her skin stinging, and she sucked in her breath.
San helped her sit on the floor and she brought her arms to her chest, her hair covering the rest of her as Seonghwa carefully applied ointment on the three parallel scratches that ran from her shoulder all the way to the the middle of her back.
"She got you bad, Seohyun," San said worriedly, "what if she comes here?"
"She can't," Seohyun answered, "Can't enter property without owner or my permission."
"That's useful," Seonghwa muttered.
"That's actually handy, Seonghwa," Seohyun had noticed the sarcasm in his voice; she supposed he was angry at the whole situation. "I'm glad I was near when it happened." She rested her head on her knees, San watching Seonghwa apply bandages now, so careful with it. He was definitely being extra careful.
San went to get an extra shirt they had around for Seohyun, and Seonghwa finished up. Seohyun peeked at the bandages, impressed.
"Thanks, Seonghwa."
"Don't mention it," Seonghwa put the stuff back in the kit, "I wish you'd be more careful in the future."
"I can't help it, Seonghwa, believe me, I'm the most careful now," Seohyun said and Seonghwa locked his eyes with her.
"I just don't want to see you hurt, Seohyun-ah. It pains me."
"I know," Seohyun sighed, "I understand."
Seonghwa hesitated then patted her head. "I'm sure you did well back then," he smiled warmly.
"Finally. Thanks again," Seohyun laughed, and San was back. Seohyun took the shirt from him and wore it, standing up. "I'll take a taxi now."
"You sure you don't want me to come with you?" San asked.
"Oh no, it's okay now. She can't follow me in a taxi."
"Okay, at least let me walk you out."
Seohyun said thanks and bye to them all, and they told her to be careful. San and her walked out of the warehouse, and San grabbed her hand, bringing her in for a hug. Seohyun hugged him back, her arms on his back, smiling.
"Were you scared back then?" San asked.
"A little," Seohyun admitted, "Just glad I was near."
San broke the hug, putting her hair behind her ears, touching her cheek below the bruise. "Does it hurt?"
"This? Nope. The one in the back, yes, a little."
"Do get proper treatment," San said, looking at her worriedly.
"I will," Seohyun laughed, "Don't worry too much?"
"How can I not?" San shook his head, leaning forward to kiss her. "Your taxi's here."
Seohyun reached home, cleaning the mess around the house, until she heard the sound of the door opening. Her mother was home.
Seohyun said hello and smiled at her. She looked nothing like her mom; she was tall, had pointy features and narrow eyes, and she looked sharp and intelligent. Her dark hair reached her shoulders. She put her handbag on the table and came to gave her a hug.
"How have you been?"
"Just the usual," Seohyun said, "What about you?"
"Ugh, I've been so busy," she said, collapsing on the sofa. "What do we have for dinner?"
"I'll set the table," Seohyun said. She had prepared her favourite dishes with the help of their previous housemaid, who she was still on good terms with. The old woman would drop by every once in a while, and she'd exchange her kimchi and some traditional dishes for Seohyun's pastas and desserts that she loved.
The mother and daughter caught up on studies and work as they ate. She told Seohyun she would have a busy time in the following month, but she'd try to come for her birthday, or else it was gonna be Christmas.
"How's the ghost business?" Her mother asked, drinking water.
"Was going well, until today I encountered an evil one," Seohyun said, "You'd have to help me with a wound I got on my back."
Her mother stared at her. "Are you alright?"
"Oh I am," Seohyun nodded, "I'll deal with her, I was just caught off-guard. She got me for a second."
"I hope you do," her mother said, "Tell me if you need help."
Seohyun smirked at her, "Wrong thing to say."
Her mother laughed, "Yeah, you probably know way more people than I do. Come on, let me have a look."
Seohyun showed her, and her mother winced. She helped change her bandages and gave her a doctor's information so she could visit and get treated, make up a story about how it was a stray dog or something. Seohyun thanked her, and after chatting a while, she left her to sleep.
"When will you return to work?" Seohyun asked.
"Tomorrow evening. I'll see you off for school in the morning. We'll see each other next month then."
"Oh, okay. Goodnight," Seohyun said, coming to her room and lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling. She wished she had stayed longer. But it was okay.
This was enough.
A week had passed without further incidents. Seohyun was careful; she'd take taxi if she could, or she'd keep the sibling duo with her. She called them in, saying she'd owe them one if they could teleport her when needed. So the duo happily stick with her, saying they were bored of living in the hills and would like to visit a school too.
The boys had become friendly with the duo; they'd either communicate through San (who had given up now; he was quite tired of being their voice) or through the old-fashioned way: notebooks. They'd pretend to be studying in class when in fact they'd be having a conversation with the ghosts.
"I have a question," Yeosang said to Seohyun in the middle of class. Seohyun, who had been staring at Mingi and Gayoung conversing, looked at Yeosang.
"How would you get rid of old ghosts like the one you encountered?"
"Good question," Seohyun said, "There are a few options. I could try to talk sense into them. If that doesn't work, I get help from the good ghosts and threaten them. Like, every ghost had some sort of faith, right? Usually works if you use their god against them."
"But what if they have no faith anymore?"
"Goodnight, then, I guess," Seohyun said and Yeosang gasped. "You take help from actual exorcists then too. I once did. Got quite rough, but it works."
"Sounds dangerous," he muttered.
"Kind of," Seohyun agreed.
Seohyun was walking home after school with her new ghost friends when she sensed something amiss. "Just when I thought it was over."
Gayoung and Youngjae covered her back and front defensively. The woman appeared out of nowhere, stopping when she saw the ghosts.
"Well, well," she said, and Seohyun winced. Her voice sounded creepy. "What do we have here?"
"What do you want?" Seohyun asked.
"Death of you," the woman laughed, "Don't try to talk me out of it. You can't."
"What good is that gonna do to you?" Seohyun asked, genuinely curious.
The woman laughed again, this time sarcastically. "Don't tell me you didn't know? When a mediator dies, there is a short time period during which there is no other mediator in the world. That's when ghosts can do whatever they want; trespass, interact with humans, and much more."
"How is that true? I mean, if it were really true, more people would be trying to kill me, won't they?"
"Oh dear," the woman smiled this time, all knowingly, which sent chills throughout her body, "That's why it's a secret, isn't it?"
Gayoung and Youngjae shared looks. If it was true, they could interact with their parents, which was all they wanted. But they wouldn't harm Seohyun for that. Not after all she had done for them.
"I'll be back, girl," the woman's voice was sure, "When you least expect it. And I'll make sure I hear you screaming before you die."
The three of them watched as she gave her a long final look before she disappeared. They were quite for a few seconds and Seohyun caught her breath. "Don't tell me you both want to kill me now too."
"Oh, we wouldn't," Gayoung said, "We really wouldn't."
"You sound very assuring, noona," Youngjae said sarcastically, earning a tsk as he looked at Seohyun. "Let's get you home. We'll look for someone else who can get rid of that old bitch."
Seohyun nodded and they walked home, the duo arguing while Seohyun just walked blankly. She couldn't get the look the ghost had given out of her head. She sounded so sure. As if she had something already planned for her.
Seohyun sat in front of the TV for hours, her mind blank. All she could think was how her gut had felt when she'd said that. As if that was something that was bound to happen. Was she really gonna die?
Seohyun had never been too afraid of dying; not like an average person. For her, it was a life full of danger. She had welcomed and played with aspect of death. But her life had changed drastically over the past months. She had found people to live for. And that meant she was more scared this time.
Her phone buzzed and she read the text. It was from San asking if she wanted him to come over. Seohyun bit her lips in thought. Then she texted 'come over with chocolate ice cream please'.
And San did so. They sat on the sofa, watching TV and eating ice cream as they talked about this and that. Seohyun somehow found it very easy to talk to him, and so did San. He told her all about how he used to live in the countryside when he was little (hence the slight accent), he had mostly grown up with his grandparents because his parents were busy people.
"Don't you miss your parents when they're away?" Seohyun asked. Her ice cream was finished.
"I do, of course. Don't you?"
"I miss my mom sometimes," Seohyun admitted. "She's not as bad as you all think."
San gave her a pointed look and she threw a pillow at him, which he caught. "Come on, you have to admit. She talks to me. She let's me do normal stuff. She doesn't think I'm crazy. And she remembers my birthday every year. That's more than I can ask for."
"Don't you wish she did more?"
"I used to, but then I just accepted it. It's just the way it is."
San looked at her and spread his arms for her. She just threw another pillow at him, rolling her eyes. "I'm serious."
"Okay, okay. What about the ghost?"
"Well," Seohyun sighed and told him what had happened. San listened intently.
"Is there something we can do about it?" he asked.
"I'll go to that exorcist I know, but San," Seohyun turned to face him, "Something's different this time. I can't shake the feeling that something bad is gonna happen."
"It's probably just you overthinking?"
"No, it's different this time," Seohyun sounded sure, and San was actually surprised, "Something is gonna happen and it's gonna be bad. God, I want to cry."
San watched as she put her head in her hands, sighing. She heard San scoot over and she scooted away. "If you hug me now, I'm afraid I'll really cry."
"It's okay to cry, Seohyun, come here," San grabbed her arm and brought her in for a hug, and Seohyun let herself cry. It had been so long since she'd last cry.
"I'm sorry," Seohyun said, sniffing, "I miss Jiwoo a lot, if she was here, she would have handled this so well. I can't help but feel scared for you."
"Do you think something's gonna happen to me?" San asked as he patted her head.
"No. I don't know. I don't know and it's making me so frustrated," Seohyun said and cried harder. San only patted her back, muttering comforting words.
Seohyun drew back and wiped her face. "Sorry for crying on you."
"Anytime," San laughed. "I can understand that you're scared Seohyun, tell me what I can do for you."
"Just- stay with me. That's enough."
San nodded, taking her hand. "Do you want me to play something for you?"
Seohyun raised her brow, "Can you?"
"I can play the piano a little bit, unless you want me to play the violin and scare the dead away."
Seohyun laughed, "Let's go."
They went to the room, and San showed her what he'd learnt from Hongjoong of the piano. Seohyun appreciated the gesture, and on his insistence, she played the violin for him again, and he watched her adoringly.
When she was done, she put the violin down. "I came here a few days ago. I wanted to play the violin but I couldn't because it reminded me of you and I missed you. I played today. It seems like now I only play for you."
Seohyun was packing the violin when San hugged her from the back, his arms around her waist as he rocked them back and forth. Seohyun smiled. He was such a romantic.
"I like that," he whispered in her ear, making her laugh because it tickled. He nibbled on her ear, making her laugh.
"It's like the music room does something to you, San, you become such a romantic."
"I can assure you I'm the same anywhere else too," he said, still hugging her.
Seohyun looked at the clock. It was already 10 pm and they had no school tomorrow. She broke the hug and looked at him, his hands on her waist now.
"I know it's too much to ask, San, and I need you to give an honest answer, okay? I won't mind. But, can you... stay here tonight?" Seohyun almost whispered, tears welling up in her eyes again. "I'm just- I can't be alone tonight. I feel it. Something's gonna happen."
San touched her face, nodding. "Of course. If you want me to. I'll leave early in the morning."
Seohyun sighed in relief, a tear escaping her eye, "Thank you, San. Thank you."
San wiped the tear from her face. He felt scared about how she was feeling too. It was so unusual. Seohyun was always so strong, and she felt so... human. He couldn't leave her like this. He bent down and kissed her lips slowly, her arms going around his neck and her hands in his hair, clearly glad for the distraction.
She broke apart and took his hand, taking him to her bedroom, only the dim lamp on. She pushed him on the bed, surprising him, as she shut the door and kicked off her shoes, climbing on the bed and sitting on his lap. His arms were holding him from lying down and Seohyun went to cup his face and kiss him, so deeply as if she was saying her thanks through this. San's stomach turned, his heart beating wildly and he took the chance, taking one arm to grab her, but fell flat on the bed.
Seohyun was now on top of him. She stared at him for the longest time, and it made San feel so many different things. He saw the necklace he had given her dangling off her neck, and his hand went to touch it as a smile made its way on his face.
Seohyun smiled too then gave him soft pecks on his lips, both of them smiling through it. She was taking her sweet time and San had enough. He flipped her down, now on top of her, making her gasp in surprise as he smirked. But his smirked wiped off as she leaned forward and took his shirt off, running her hands through his toned body.
"Damn, San, I didn't know you worked out," Seohyun smirked.
San only smiled as he kissed her, loving the feeling of her hands all over him. His hands went to her waist and she broke apart for a second, motioning him to unbutton her shirt. San looked at her to make sure it was okay and she nodded, rolling her eyes but smiling.
"Is your wound okay now?" San asked as he unbuttoned her shirt.
"Probably left a scar," Seohyun muttered and he made her sit so he could check.
She was right. 3 parallel scratches had left their scar. It would take time to fade. "You reminded me of that ghost again, San. Distract me."
San kissed her bare shoulder, making her gasp, and kissed and nibbled on her neck, playing with her necklace. Seohyun moaned and felt San smile. She slapped his shoulder, making him laugh. "You asked for it," he said.
"I'm gonna make you moan so loud, Choi San-"
"Sshh," he said, kissing her passionately. Seohyun took that chance to bite on his lower lip while her hands gripped his waist now, and that earned her a moan. It was her turn to smile. San kissed her some more, before lying down with her, pulling the covers over them.
"It's late," he said, bringing her closer, "Sleep now."
"I don't wanna..." Seohyun said, putting her arm around him and kissed his neck, earning a sigh.
"I'm not gonna be able to stop if you keep doing that," San sighed. Seohyun melted at his words.
"Glad to know that," she whispered, but just hugged him, kissing his shoulder innocently now.
"I love you, San. You know that, right?"
"I know," he whispered back.
"I should tell you that everyday. Hell, I should have told you that everyday. I'm sorry."
"Seohyun," San made her face him, "You don't have to. I know that. You don't even have to say it out loud."
"Still," Seohyun said, "I should have told you that everyday."
San stared at her. He kissed her forehead and hugged her. "I love you too. And you know that right? I say it everyday, goofily, jokingly, or sometimes serious. But you still know it, even when I say it as a joke. That's because you know, just like I do."
Seohyun nodded. She buried her face in his chest, going under the covers, his arms securely around him.
"Goodnight, love." San whispered.
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