#oh look more tsumioda
goshdangronpa · 9 months
ibuki 🤪
Yeethaw it's Best Character
Favorite thing about her: There's so much to love!!! Her spunk, her look, her distinct voice ... Something really underrated about her, though, is her emotional maturity. For all her quirks and silliness, she's among the wisest people on the island. Her FTEs with Hajime are unique in that she's the one helping him deal with personal hang-ups, not the other way around. The advice she gives resonates perfectly with the themes surrounding the characters' dark past and the better future they can create.
Least favorite thing about her: It really is messed up that she tells Mahiru to "snatch some shots" when Mikan accidentally exposes herself in a tumble, but I think she'd relent if she knew about that girl's circumstances. So maybe the real worst thing is her hilariously rude takes on music. No, Ibuki, there is more to drumming than making loud noises!
Favorite line: "Welcome to the world of girls' love! It's slippery when wet!" There's much to criticize about DR's portrayal of LGBTQIA+ chars but I love how overtly queer many of these characters are, especially the enthusiastically girl-loving Ibuki.
brOTP: Whether you like it as a romantic ship or a friendship, Ibuki's bond with Imposter is a genuine delight. She takes their crappy Byakuya attitude so good-naturedly that they can't help but respect it. If they'd lived past Chapter 1 ... well, I'll go into that more as I develop my Ibuki protag swap project, but suffice to say they'd have a strong impact on each other. She'll help bring the individual at the core of the Imposter, and they'll help Ibuki channel her boundless energy into being a genuine force for hope.
OTP: You already know. I've liked some noncanon ships even before I knew the concept of shipping (zutara was just so obvious to me even as a kid), but tsumioda is the first to make me lose my damn mind. "Sweet girl helps sad girl" is irresistible, especially with my spin where the sad girl helps the sweet girl right back. The whole "Mikan once killed Ibuki" is a dealbreaker for some, but it actually seals the deal for me. This extreme interpersonal conflict is the kind of barrier that, once overcome, will make them both better people and better partners for each other than they ever could've been ... Oh my god, I talk about them like Nagito talks about hope, HELP
nOTP: I don't think I have any nOTPs - only ships that are more interesting (or funnier) as failures. Sayabuki is one. Ibuki strives to always be herself, no matter how that might alienate potential friends and fans. Sayaka would call that idealistic and naive, having her own motivations for doing things she otherwise never would. A clash would be inevitable. In fact, have a surprisingly detailed relationship arc for them in my head, taking them from musicians on the same tour to secret lovers (and first love, on Ibuki's end) to bitter exes. I'll write that fanfic someday.
Random headcanon: Ibuki's always so brazen when flirting with people, but when she develops an actually serious crush, she gets really awkward and even more motormouthed.
Unpopular opinion: I don't think Ibuki would immediately be all smiles and forgiveness with Mikan after they all wake up in the pods. A girl who prizes being real with people got taken advantage of in the worst way by someone she called a friend. Even for someone as friendly and emotionally stable as Ibuki, that's gonna require some deep reflection, emotional processing, and tough conversation! I do agree, though, that they'll eventually work it out (and fall in love)
Song I associate with her: HEY BIG MAN PUT THE MONEY IN MY POCKET
Favorite picture of her: The one I drew!
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burnt-toast-life · 4 years
*Sees your fankids* This is an info robbery. Tell me about all of the fankids or I will shoot/j/lh
Oh bet bet bet
I forgot half their names tho so imma just list ship names for those ones, and since DR2 fankids are the most fleshed out... here!
Kazuki Hinata (Komahina)
-Ultimate/SHSL Therapist
-shy anxious bby
-introverted but can ramble about his interests for hours
-inherited a part of Nagito’s luck cycle but it’s more of a minor inconvenience than life or death
-like he’ll break a plate but 20 seconds later he’ll find like $20 so that’s nice
-v friendly!! Just wants to help others however he can!
Aimi Mioda (Bandaid/Tsumioda)
-Ultimate/SHSL Dentist
-the “weird” kid
-obsessed with looking in peoples mouths/at their teeth
-“can you smile just a sec...? I want to see your teeth uwu”
-will get onto you about dental hygiene
-really nice and means well but also has the strangest vibes to her (both moms are to blame)
Natsumi Kuzuryu (II) (Fuyupeko)
-Ultimate/SHSL.... have not decided
-named after her aunt (rip)
-Peko picked the name despite what most may think
-very loyal and friendly, yet aggressive
-lots of aggressive positivity too
-“you WILL love yourself!!! Or else I will shove this fish into your mouth!!”
-l o u d child
-very protective of her friends
Unnamed Akanidai
-Ultimate/SHSL Street Fighter
-s c r e a m s
-had 0 indoor voice
-strong and chaotic
-likes to rough house and play fight with his parents
-has really nice and soft moments too!!
-has an unexpectedly soft fixation on flowers for example
-Mus cl e
Unnamed Soapies/Mahiyoko
-Ultimate/SHSL (undecided)
-absolute baby
-hes cute but he’ll kill you
-actually pretty intelligent
-has a soft spot for rabbits
And that’s all for now~!
I do have fankids for all three games but again- these are the most fleshed out.
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dangan-ronpa-cafe · 3 years
@mhmhyeahyeah102030 said “Pretty cool blog. Hey mod maki or mikan, c an i get some custom tea and coffe? I would like custom tea with tsumioda fluff hc and custom coffe with saimota where transgender Shuichi having a panic attac and Kaito comfort him”
You have very good taste! I apologize, but mod maki is no longer here. :( I will take your request however! - 💉 mod Mikan
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Bandaid/Tsumioda Fluff Head Cannons (sorry it’s short!)
-They switch a lot who is big spoon, who’s little spoon when cuddling
-Mikan is often big spoon
-Ibuki likes being little spoon
-if you ask Ibuki why, she’ll say “chest pillow chest pillow chest pillow chest-“
-Mikan is very gentle and will always ask to do something before she does it
-Personal space who?
-When ibuki’s down, Mikan will treat her to the best of her ability! This includes cuddles, making her favorite snacks/drinks, favorite movie, and comfort
-Mikan is very caring!
-when Mikan is down, ibuki will cheer her up with singing (like with Fuyuhiko) and music
-when Mikan is sick, cuddles and food!
-when ibuki is sick, oh no
-Mikan can sometimes be overwhelming with comfort, medicines, injections, anything. But she really just wants her beloved to be okay
Saimota/Investigating Stars Custom Coffee (trans!shuichi having a panic/dysphoria attack)
•Third POV•
Dysphoria was hitting the poor boy again. And at such a bad time. Kaito and him had been dating for over 4 years now, and Shuichi knew to go to Kaito for help when he needed it. Kaito and him were about to go to one of Kaito’s favorite amusement parks. Kaito was downstairs waiting on the blueberry. (Kaito calling Shuichi blueberry is adorable-)
While Kaito was fine, Shuichi was upstairs in just jeans and a binder, having dysphoria hit him like a train.
Why do you even try to be a boy? You are a girl.
Just give up.
He couldn’t shake those thoughts away. Kaito was aware of him being transgender, but he couldn’t ruin his plans. It was those stupid thoughts ruining his plans. “Honey, are you almost done?” The deep yet calm and comforting voice startled him, making him look at the door.
“Yeah, just…just give me a minute?” He asked, his voice shaky. The space lover entered the room, seeing his beautiful blueberry in such a sad state.
“What’s wrong honey?” He asked, kneeling down to his lover.
“I just don’t get why I was born in a girls body…why are my body and mind separate? I don’t get it,” the older wiped the youngers tears, which he didn’t realize he even had, then smiled.
“Oh, I see. Would you like to know what I think, babe?” Shuichi shrugged, the other pulling him into a hug. “I think everyone has atleast one or two main problems that they need to overcome in life. Maybe that’s the meaning of life? I’m not sure. But maybe yours is to prove to the world that you are a boy?” He simply shrugged once more. Kaito sighed. “I didn’t want to tell you until your birthday, but I should tell you now.” The raven haired boy looked up in curiosity. “When you turn 23, I wanted to take you to get top surgery, like you wanted?” Shuichi gasped.
“Really?!” His eyes sparkled with joy. Kaito smiled and nodded.
“I will pay for it too.” The boy hugged him tightly, probably tight enough to bend his rib cage in.
“Thank you!” The now happy boy would praise him with compliments.
“I-I can’t get it if you b-break my ribs th-though” Kaito said, trying to breathe.
“Sorry,” he let go. The older smiled and pet the raven haired.
“Come on, let’s go have fun now.”
No matter how many times Shuichi was scared to ask his beloved for help, in the end, he always felt better.
Ahhhhhh, I loved writing this! I hope you like it too! - 💉 Mod Mikan
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gremedits · 4 years
The ask thing for Mikan? Feel free to ignore.
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this ask game
1. favorite thing : ok ik I've said this but... her design. it just suits her so well and her color scheme is fun to play around with i just aaa i love her design. its so so iconic. i also love her reason for loving nursing so much, she feels more powerful than her helpless patient and i think this adds more darkness and sinister aura to her (which i love)
2. least favorite thing : this isn't about her but about how they treated her.. she's suffered from csa so of course they sexualized her and use her as fanservice, she was bullied really badly as a kid and was manipulated immensely to the point of obsession so of course they make hiyoko bully her again... just give her a break💔 and therapy
3. favorite line : ughgghhhh i think its "if you get hurt, please let me know!" cause its just SO CUTE like ms. tsumiki.... your hand in mine pls
4. brOTP : seiko kimura... like from the anime, they're both so similar in many ways and i just wish they'd met and had the chance to sorta.. connect yk. i think they'd take great care of eachother.
5. OTP : nanamiki and tsumioda hands dowwnnn, i love nanamiki's aesthetic and how they'd be soft gfs who snuggle a lot and kiss eachother's cheeks... tsumioda is a close second cause i think ibuki's more brash and loud personality can overwhelm mikan a lot but they,,, thems,,, ibuki playing soft music for her gf,,, good ship.
6. nOTP : hiyoko x mikan and jun//kan. need i say more?
7. random headcanon : i think i did this uc for someone else but like- mikan definetly likes soft textures... fluffy blankets and plushies.. white covers and silk... velvet pillows?? yeah... good stuff.. good stuff..
8. unpopular headcanon : she's a lot more than meets the eye, more than fanservice. props to danganronpa for making fanservice add to a character and plot. she "trips" a lot for positive attention from others and the only reason she tripped TWICE was so that players would think she's just clumsy and brush it off in the trial. kinda smart when you think about it
9. song i associate with them : idk just random jack stauber songs like baby hotline, doctor, or oh klahoma.. it just has her vibes iykyk
10. favorite picture :
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(look at her. she is smiling. she is happy. protect with all costs)
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Mikan and Ibuki’s day off (Part 1)
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So, it’s really ok for us to go out today?
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Of course. For all that you have done, you greatly deserve it.
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In fact, take these.
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Huh? What’re they?
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We have a very lovely hot springs resort up in the main town. These are two tickets for one night.
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Huh? R-Really?
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These look super expensive! Are you sure!?
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Please. Enjoy yourselves. It would be better for me if you could take them off my hands.
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Well, I feel like I owe you money now, but I’m definitely not gonna look this gift horse in the mouth...
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C’mon! Let’s go!
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*Ibuki and Mikan go out to the town. Ibuki is carrying around a video camera with her, and she keeps pointing it at Mikan.
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OK Mikan! Look this way! C’mon, say something!
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Oh! Uh...!
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Th-This is the lunch box that I brought earlier...There’s some tangerines too...Ehehe...
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Ok, let’s have you eat that!
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Don’t you want any?
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Meh. I can eat later. You go ahead.
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If you say so...
*Mikan begins eating her lunch.
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*The girls end up exploring the kingdom, and end up arriving at an open train track.
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*Narrating while aiming the camera at her* Tis the express train...Mikan Tsumiki is on a life changing journey...Witness the overflowing emotions of a traveller...How amazing!
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Um...Ibuki, you’ve been on that camera ever since we left the base. We have to enjoy the scenery or this whole trip will have been a waste...
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You’re right...it WOULD be a waste...
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EEK! Don’t yell! And that’s not what I meant...!
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Ibuki, I can understand you’re excited. This is technically our first date after all...
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But I think, since the two of us are alone, we should have fun together. Don’t you think so.
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*Sigh* Yeah, you’re probably right...
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Good. Now say aahh.
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Aaaaahh! *nom!*
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Wow! The kingdom looks so beautiful!
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Hells yeah!
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*Aiming the camera” Ok Mikan! Give me that reaction one more time!
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Ibuki, come on!
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So this is the resort, huh? You know, I never understood why this place has all these resorts and no theme parks...I think we should probably go to our room and drop off all our stuff, just so we don’t have any baggage.
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Good idea. Hey, in the meantime, do you wanna take a picture?
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*Quick Camera movements” Sure!
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No, I mean together...!
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Oh right...uh...
*Ibuki taps the shoulder of the stranger near to her.
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Excused my, can you are a to take that picture of us pleasure?
Civilian: Um...Sorry, I beg your pardon?
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Sorry, myself'm originate japan and I english is don't this well.
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Prevent yes, myself will appreciation to to take that picture taking I girlfriend.
Civilian: Ah, very well. You want a picture of you and your girlfriend? Sure thing.
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Thanked you are. You are a only press this place.
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Ok Mikan! You ready for the pict-
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Good to go! Hurry over Ibuki!
*Ibuki trails off as she suddenly notices Mikan is standing behind a Photo stand-in, of a princess and a knight.
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Er, this...isn’t what you wanted? Did you just want a picture of us in front of the station?
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Nrgh...Sorry! I got too excited!
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No, no, it’s fine! Just let me be the knight.
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*Mikan and Ibuki stand behind the stand-in and the stranger takes their photo for them, giving Ibuki her camera back when she’s done.
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Hey, I’m back! I got you your manju! Careful, it’s hot...
*Ibuki goes to take the hot springs manju from her.
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Yowch! No kidding it’s hot! 
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I can blow on it for you if you’d like?
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Please do.
*Mikan blows on the manju and then Ibuki joyfully takes a bite as she feeds it to her.
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Ah! It’s so good! 
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Today’s the first time I’ve ever tried this hot springs manju...I didn’t have any back when we went on that road trip with everyone...
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I’ve never really gone on trips before, so I’ve never had a chance...
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*Ibuki instinctively takes Mikan’s hand.
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From now on, we’re gonna go on a whole bunch of trips to all sorts of different places. You feel me?
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Hello. It’s Mioda and Tsumiki. We’ll be staying here today.
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Aw, what!? Your English is so much better than mine!
Lady at desk: Ok, guests under Mioda and Tsumiki, is it? Oh, my, you’re both adorable girls. Taking a trip with your friend on vacation?
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Ah um, well...
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She’s my girlfriend...
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Our am on that relationship...?
Lady: Hm?
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Um...she’s saying we are in a relationship...
Lady: Oh my, that is wonderful. Please, enjoy your stay.
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It’s pretty weird...I’m already calling you my girlfriend...
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W-Well...it’s true, isn’t it?
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I mean what I told you last night. I love you Ibuki.
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I...love you too...
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*Mikan and Ibuki get settled into their room, and then after a short amount of time, head down into the baths. The settle down on opposite sides of the wooden bath.
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Haaa...This is wonderful...
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It really is! It’s such a...pleasant feeling, isn’t it? And that smell...
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It’s much wider than the bathtub back home. There’s so much space here...
*Despite saying this, Mikan shuffles around the edge until her and Ibuki’s shoulders touch.
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Saying that...I still think I’d prefer to be closer together...
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Yeah...But hey, doesn’t it feel like the water’s making your skin smoother?
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Look! Your skin is super smooth! Like porcelain now!
*Ibuki runs her finger gently on Mikan’s exposed collar.
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YEEE! Ibuki! Don’t casually go touching strange places!
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Hm? Strange places? I’m touching the only exposed part of you, so I’m safe!
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No, no you weren’t! Out! Out of the safe zone!
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Alright, alright...
*Ibuki begins to climb out of the bath.
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Come here Mikan. I’ll wash your hair for you.
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*sigh* Ok...
*Mikan climbs out of the bath and sits down on one of the stools. Ibuki grabs some shampoo and a shower head, and begins to wash her hair.
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Are there any spots you would like me to wash miss? 
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Hm...could you maybe do more behind my ears please?
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Certainly! I’ll just-WHOOPS!
*Ibuki pretends to slip her hand, and playfully gropes Mikan.
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Ah! I-I’m sorry!
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No, it’s my fault...I just got too excited.
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Hmph! Then I’ll get you back double!
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Ah! H-Hey! Nohoho!
*The two girls play with each other, until they both get tired out, from the mix their exhaustion of the hot spring air.
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Let’s eat!
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Wow! A feast worthy of that of royalty!
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Are we even going to finish this?
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Well, we can definitely try. And maybe we can save some for tomorrow, or give some to the others when we get back.
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Ah, that’s a good idea. I was going to bring some of the hot spring manju back for Hiyoko.
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Yeah, I think Hiyoko, Himiko and Sonia would enjoy some of those sweets they were offering too.
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Woman: Who are those two? Are they foreigners?
Man: Hm, it seems so. They’re really jamming it out at that karaoke box.
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♪ Umbrella at your side, it’s raining but you close it tight! ♪
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♪ “And how are you?” purred a cat just passing through! ♪
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♪ Those heels that you like are soaking but is that alright? ♪
Woman: It makes me happy to see they’re enjoying themselves, even with all that’s going on.
Man: Don’t worry. Angie Yonaga cannot become queen. Princess Sonia would not abandon us. I am certain she will keep her promise.
Woman: I sincerely hope so. Even after all that she has wrought, I do not want to turn my back on the Nevermind Family, for humbly ruling over this kingdom for millennia. If it weren’t for what happened int he tragedy, we would have been just for many years to come.
Man: It is not too late for that. All we can do is hope someone out there will help us out of this plight.
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*The girls arrive at their room.
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They already have our futons set out for us...I’m gonna go brush my teeth, be back in a jiff.
*Mikan heads into the bathroom.
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(Mikan and I are alone in here together...I hope things don’t turn...spicy)
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*A few minutes pass with Ibuki just standing in the middle of the room, only moving to pull the light switch. Mikan finishes brushing her teeth and steps back into the room.
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Ok, I’m ready...Looks like you already turned the lights off...
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Which futon are you taking? I don’t mind which.
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S-Sorry...But this is an important night for me...and when things turn out like this, I get this way...
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I bet it’s a little weird huh? For me to hesitate? Usually I’m a hit first ask questions later kind of girl...But this is unfamiliar territory, even for me...
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*Mikan takes Ibuki’s shoulder, pulls her closer and gently kisses her on her lips.
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Sorry...I just think it’s nice for me to take initiative every once in a whi-
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*Ibuki pushes Mikan and floor kabedons her.
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Mikan...I...You know I’m not really all about seduction and...going to tier 15...you know?
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But I just want you to know that despite that...I still love you...I love you so much...
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Ibuki...I love you loads too...
*In the end, the girls decide to share one futon with each other.
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Hinazumi, Fuyupeko, Sondam, and Tsumioda, go to the tunnel of love. Twas inevitable.
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There’s actually 8 people per boat. Why don’t we all hop in one?
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That’s not a bad idea!
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I must say, it’s very dark...
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Yeah, there’s nothing but darkness and the sound of water...so much for a nice ride, this just makes me uncomfortable.
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Oh. There’s something.
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Aw! Three little pigs!
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C-Could it be...!? Leprechauns!?
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Oh my, you’re right.
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Leprechauns are supposed to symbolize good luck or something, aren’t they?
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Yes. But they are fickle and petty tricksters. Be wary of them...
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Wonder what it would be like if Nagito came down here...?
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The hell? Are we back at the start already?
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No, not yet. The ride’s still going. We just passed by the entrance.
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And now we go back into the fucking dark...
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Quit being so gloomy Fuyu!
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More leprechauns?
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These look more like gnomes.
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Aw, they’re so adorable.
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Really? They kinda just look like tiny old men...
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Is this a reference to Bambi or something?
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Just because it is a young deer, does not make it Bambi. 
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Yeah, Bambi didn’t have a raccoon in it as far as I remember.
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Didn’t it? I thought there was Flower...
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Flower was a skunk, not a raccoon.
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I’ve always found it weird how the skunk’s name was flower and it was a boy. Surely Flower would be a girls name, right?
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They only gave it that name because when Bambi first met him, Thumper was teaching him about Flowers, and when he went to sniff one, he popped out of hiding.
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I like how we’re all grown adults, and we’re on a kiddie ride talking about the lore of Bambi...
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Well, looks like that was it...
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That was kinda shit honestly.
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This is an old ride. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was one of the first tunnel of love’s ever.
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Small World is better...
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