#oh my god i also have SUCH a soft spot for plusle and minun
napping-sapphic · 11 months
Fav starter? (Pokemon) or fav pokemon/s
Just curious cuz you give cute pokemon vibes
Like, I dunno, a shinx or a springatito
I thought about this for SO long lol and perhaps it’s a basic answer but i HAVE to say turtwig and bulbasaur i love them so much, i love their designs and turtwig was also my starter in diamond which was my favorite game and i used it through my entire play through because it was my baby😌
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shepard-ram · 4 years
For dealing with the Nuzlocke spam, I got some headcannons for you. :) They may be bland but I really like them.
Hermit Craft
- Grian specializes in flying type Pokémon. Grian would probably have a Ledian, an Altaria, Togekiss, Ducklet, and Archen.
- Mumbo def needs to have a Centiskorch, Joltik, and a Rotom.
- Those who specialize in red stone also have a ton of electric types. You can’t tell me otherwise.
- Builders got strong Pokémon. Probably water, ground/rock, and grass types for sure because decoration helpers! And building helpers!
Dream SMP
- Tommy def has a Scraggy.
- Oh what’d be cute is if Tubbo and Tommy got a pair of starters together. Like they both got some Rockruffs and they evolved into the different forms. Tubbo got the Midday form, but they have a biiig personality and bad temper. Will easily attack everything and anything that annoys or offends it. Tommy gets the Midnight form and besides the looks, it isn’t that scary. It’s probably one of the sweetest Pokémon you’ve ever met.
- They probably also have Plusle and Minun
- Oh god Ranboo having that Morpeko because aw it’s small and cute and kinda like him! It has two colors! And so easy to care for! And then it shifts :/ sigh. He doesn’t even remember that it shifts so he doesn’t expect it to happen. ever. And when it does, he almost always responds with “they’ve never done this before!” While Tommy and Tubbo just give him a look that just says “you sure about that”. If ranboo weren’t panicking so much, he’d probably be asking them what was up with the faces.
- Techno has all of these super strong Pokémon but the catch is half of them don’t even look strong. You just see this lineup of super strong and big Pokémon, and then you have a jigglypuff or something that literally sweeps their whole team.
- What if Wilbur had a Chatot, a Chingling , and a Jigglypuff? Little music buddies!
- Haha Fundy got Fenekin for the aesthetic. I also seen him having a Yamper and a Joltik.
- I think Nicki to would have a Galarian!Ponyta And a Vulpix.
- Puffy has to have a Wooloo. Fits her vibe and aesthetic.
- Bad would seem like he deals with a lot of dark type Pokémon, but he’d definitely also have a toooon of fairy types because of how cute they are ☺️
- George has to have the Primarina line. And an Alolan Meowth.
- Sapnap specializes in fire type Pokémon. He probably has a Charizard, Rapidash, Litleo, and an Arcanine.
- Karl has come in contact with Celebi a few times because of his time-traveling shenanigans. But because of his time traveling shenanigans, maybe he owns some psychic and fairy types? I can see him owning fairy types period, but he’d gain some temporary physic type companions on his little “trips”.
I think you can tell I know the dream smp better than the hermit Craft server. I’m getting to know them now, though! Really liking all of them, which is a surprise. I don’t always like everyone from the get-go of a series. -🦤
All of this???? Yes??? Where do I even start? Also sprinkling in my own ideas
Grian having flying types is a no brainer, redstoners having electric types makes soo much sense, Love mumbos mustache bug (especially since I have a soft spot for rotom) builders having pokemon that can help them teroform and carry heavy materials? Absolutely!
Tommy and Tubbo having a ton of pairs??? And since Tommy has a scraggy I'm gonna toss in Tubbo having a beedrill. The lycanrocks idea is top notch! That whole morpeko ranboo situation is just so perfect. Techno having such unassuming power houses- (maybe also an embore cause haha stong professional fighter pig), Wilbur little poke-band is adorable!! Fundy, Nicki and puffys fit thier vibe so well, love the whole dark and fairy thing bad has going on. George having primarina works more than I expected it to, I also need him to have a komala. Sap having arson buddies is expected but still a+, Karl having run ins with celebi is AAA just having psychic and fairy mons,,,, you absolutely nailed it with these <3!!!
In conclusion: woops I dropped my- ❤💞💕💗💞💘❣💓💗💌❤💖💝💞💗💓❣💌
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