#also i never got to talk much about pokemon with people growing up so!! if yall wanna share what are your favorites??👀
napping-sapphic · 11 months
Fav starter? (Pokemon) or fav pokemon/s
Just curious cuz you give cute pokemon vibes
Like, I dunno, a shinx or a springatito
I thought about this for SO long lol and perhaps it’s a basic answer but i HAVE to say turtwig and bulbasaur i love them so much, i love their designs and turtwig was also my starter in diamond which was my favorite game and i used it through my entire play through because it was my baby😌
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
Could you tell us something underrated about Bulma? For being around since literally the very beginning, I find she’s not talked about as much.
Bulma is the scariest person in the Dragon Ball universe. The anime softens a lot of her edges. And, like, she's not a total monster; She cares about things like people not being killed by genocidal assholes too.
But she is such an asshole and I love it. Bulma is the character I relate to most in Dragon Ball.
(Also she has an unshakable faith in Goku and he'll always be the number one martial artist in her eyes, and any man that wants to be with her needs to respect that.)
For starters, it's worth noting that the naming convention of Bulma's family is called out as weird even in-universe. Nobody bats an eye at characters being named after fruit or vegetables or rice or the Dairy Special Forces but they draw the line at underwear.
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That's weird, Bulma. Your name is weird. Your father Briefs is weird. Your sister Tights is weird. Your son Trunks is weird. Your daughter Bra is weird. Why is your family like this?
Nearly every single person in the cast is someone who Goku initially had to fight in some way or another. Bulma is no exception, though their battle took place as early as issue #1.
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When shooting a 12-year-old in the face with a gun failed, Bulma resorted to manipulation and subterfuge, and thus the most important relationship in the entire Dragon Ball universe was born.
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Though Goku would not be the only person whose arm Bulma twisted, as this initial journey also sees her enslave a sentient being to do her bidding.
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Despite ironically filling the role of a Buddhist monk in the original Journey to the West, this opening arc lays a lot of groundwork for who Bulma is. She tricks Goku and enslaves Oolong to coerce assistance in her quest to conjure up a magically-generated boyfriend (or infinite strawberries).
...then again, Tang Sanzang imprisoned Sun Wukong in the original so maybe Bulma's a better adaptation than I gave her credit for.
Point is, Bulma's a fireball. Even Goku sees it.
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In the first arc, we also see her get accustomed to calling on Goku like he's her Pokemon.
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Bulma is not a martial artist. She knows next to nothing about the implicate complexities of the art. Though she does enjoy being on the outer fringe of it and watching from a distance.
Well. Not from that much distance, because she always has the best seats in the house. Courtesy of inappropriate violence with firearms.
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Not only is Bulma complicit in this - they clearly discussed it in advance, based on Oolong's remark and Bulma's knowing smile - but in the 23rd she actively makes it happen.
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Sitting in the nosebleeds is for peasants; Bulma is a princess.
I should probably note that after Lunch moves on and leaves the group, Bulma doesn't lose access to violent backup. She just trades Lunch out for Chi-Chi.
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The Battle of the Soccer Moms is the best part of the 25th's Junior Division. There's only room for one Alpha Bitch in these audience stands.
Notably, it doesn't take long for her relationship with Goku to grow into a genuine friendship. Following this first arc, Bulma goes out of her way to hang out with Goku when she can and is always excited to see him.
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Fun fact, despite the fact that Bulma's boyfriend Yamcha is actively living with them at the time, Bulma's dad ships her with Goku.
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No love for Yamcha in this house. Notably, when they're six years older and it's not fucking weird, Bulma herself starts to agree.
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But it's honestly best for everyone that this never became a romance. Bulma would have been even more miserable with Goku than she was with Yamcha, and having them hook up would deprive us of one of the greatest platonic male/female friendships in anime.
I'm not saying Vegeta is a replacement goldfish for Goku who got married and became unavailable this same day.
...but I'm not not saying that.
So far as martial arts go, her practical knowledge of the art is simple: Goku is a) invulnerable and b) infinity powerful, and that's all she needs to know. Nobody matches Goku. Ever.
You might think that this unyielding confidence in Goku as the Supreme Warrior would cause some conflicts for Bulma. Her boyfriend Yamcha is one of Goku's rivals, and has his eye on the Tenkaichi Budokai medal.
You'd be wrong. Bulma knows exactly who she's rooting for.
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It's Goku. It's always been Goku. It's always going to be Goku. Bulma watches Yamcha and Krillin gush over how well they plan to do in the tournament and her takeaway is "LOL Goku's going to school both of you clowns."
This attitude makes it really funny to imagine what her relationship with Vegeta must be like, I gotta say. That Goku will always be #1 in Bulma's eyes can't be doing good things for Vegeta's insecurity.
But I digress.
Bulma is an exceptional scientist who comes from an exceptional scientific background. She's from one of if not the richest families in the world courtesy of her father inventing revolutionary shrinking technology that changed the entire nature of how products are transported.
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You can put anything in a Capsule Corp. hoi-poi capsule. Throughout the series, we see not just vehicles stored in these capsules, but portable homes, weapons, and her father's pornography collection.
For her part, Bulma's a chip off the old block. I've spoken at length in the past about Bulma's invention of the Dragon Radar, trivializing what was meant to be a holy quest of virtue and turning the miracle dragon Shenron into her own personal plastic surgery vendor. She was 15 years old when she made that.
One year later, she extrapolated her father's shrinking technology into a portable device that safely applies its principles to people.
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But both of those devices pale in comparison to the greatest invention of her life.
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No, not the kid. Though he's cool too.
In a sense, despite being out-of-focus for most of it, the entire Cell Arc is Bulma's masterpiece. It's a proxy war between two mad scientists over the fate of the Earth. Seeking to kill Son Goku and avenge the Red Ribbon Army, Dr. Gero destroyed the world with his Androids.
Bulma took exception to that. And by "took exception", I mean she bent the time-space continuum over her knee and spanked it.
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Trunks's journey through time is the culmination, both of Bulma's impossible super-genius and of her unyielding faith that Goku is the answer to any problem that needs to be solved with violence.
Dr. Gero's master stroke was to flood the world with murderous Androids. Bulma's response was to load a bullet named Goku into a gun named Trunks and fire it through time to put it between his eyes. Everything that transpired from there was the consequence of their two plans colliding.
The happier future we get to know in the Buu Saga is the world that Bulma made happen. Because the woman who would make a personal assistant out of our Great Green God's greatest miracle had the audacity and the irreverence to violate causality itself.
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novelconcepts · 1 year
Watching my mom evolve over the years has been such a fun experience. For context, she's got nine kids (at least five of whom have turned out to be queer; at least four of those have turned out to be non-binary), and for most of my life, she was just your average Gen-X Irish-Italian Catholic mom. She didn't really do vocal homophobia or whatever, but she also clearly didn't know how to handle it when her firstborn interrupted a Red Wings game to announce, "I think I'm gay." (Spoiler alert: that was me at fifteen or sixteen. In retrospect, of course the Tomboy For Life who had never been remotely interested in boys but was ALWAYS talking about actresses/female friends at school a bit too much wound up being gay. And announcing it. During a hockey game. Of course.)
She also didn't really know how to handle that same kid starting to date in college, bringing a girl home, and so on. She did a bit better when the next kid came out as a lesbian, but when that kid came out as non-binary (shout-out to that sib for doing some of the heavy lifting first), it was a whole new deal. It clearly had never crossed her mind before, that this might come up. Gay? She was figuring out gay. Gender stuff? Whew. A shiny new Pokemon of a situation.
The changed pronouns have been a bit difficult for my mom. The new names still get jumbled. (In fairness, the old names got jumbled, too--it was always a laundry list of names before she got to yours, no matter what you went by, because there were just so goddamned MANY of us.) It gets harder when she's stressed, and sometimes she just seems not to be getting it. I know it frustrates my siblings deeply. It can grate on me, too. You just want people to understand out the gate, to take you at your word, to shift gears without a slip-up. You don't want the awkward conversations, the painful skips, the rough patches. It's tempting to just give up on people if they don't stick the landing immediately.
But if you look a bit deeper, there's such a soft mama bear energy to my mom. Such a stubborn determination to get it right where it really counts. My mother, who never once skipped Sunday mass as I was growing up, has left the church completely because "they don't treat my family well." My mother, who once told me not to bring a girl home because it might confuse the youngest children, bought Converse sneakers expressly for my wedding to a woman. And my mother, who had never known the word non-binary, who didn't seem aware of the trans umbrella at all before her kids started huddling beneath it, keeps leaping to tell me all about the shows she's watching lately. The ones where "there's a non-binary character, and it's so cool that people can see that now!" The ones where "and this one is non-binary, and they're so great, and maybe it'll teach the shitty politicians of the world that they're just people, you know?"
Sometimes you just have to give people a little space. Let them stumble occasionally. They're going to. They're going to trip up. My mom hurt my feelings so many times when I was young, said so many of the wrong things right on the heels of the right ones, confused and upset me because I couldn't understand why she just didn't get it. But here she is, almost sixty years old, and so gleeful to tell me about the power of queer representation on TV. She doesn't always get it right, but goddamn, does she love her kids, and goddamn, does she want the world to love people like her kids, too.
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daystarvoyage · 3 months
Hi! I read somewhere about someone not liking Luz's ending since she "didn't grow as a person" at the end of the owl house. They said that she only became more depressed or traumatized but she's still the same cheerful and helpful girl like in the first episode of season 1. Do you agree?
Hello Hope you have a great day from the brown sugar queen, I know it’s late by the time you get this so ima clear a lot,
time for the tea.
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Now i have all the love and heart for my girl Luz Noceda but lemme me tell you her personality made me look at how she was handled gave me a SIDE-EYE besides that,
Yes, i agree on this, definitely,
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I felt That the crew wanted to do so much with the show but felt they had no idea writing Luz, however they too had there drawbacks, Yes I LOVE LUZS CHARACTER AND SHE IS SELFLESS A GOOD FRIEND (even if it’s the wrong person) Loyal, and cheerful. How we get moments that
Luz's character can be bastardized!
i feel fans try to view her as this bubbly girl boss, we know and love, however we overlook her flaws cause of discourse. she’s this impressionable, unruly, explosive girl with self imaging issues & unresolved grief, that effected her lifestyle.
I truly do depict her as a girl failure which ill get to a list of reasons, I’ll be getting into
EDITED its Masculization
heres a term masculinization comes to her character writing, style-wise, cause this word has been used throughout the animation to the point it’s a trope.
Now let’s get down to reasons why, she gets to the way she is.
Luz wants to do so much for others, that she hasn't practiced learning about self-love and acceptance, it all backtracks in her past of her deceased father & trying to relate to earth kids with opposite interests that can be harmful.
I felt they truly had fun time to an extent how they can push her in a negative direction, (this goes for hunter which I’ll do a post/video soon.)
how they wanted her to be more of an edge lord along the series run, (and the proper writing of the show didn’t help.)
Heck to the point in season 3, she never interacted with anyone on earth in her school, which is concerning, cause that can lead to self-harm or failed relationships, also known people as kikimora or talking to her other friends in season 3 coulda gave her a wake up call.
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2.They should've let a POC (person of color) write Luz cause of how she turned out Personality-wise throughout the series, which I rewatched, along critic videos and yes even in season 3 they decided to make her some shonen wannabe edge lord,(A wannabe Pokemon Goh But more emo.)
Luz's is flawed, as a character & written wise, felt the show didn’t know how to write for POC, cause fans who are another ethnicity might view this, and say oh, where portrayed as this etc, but without our black features or even how where portrayed in society in social norms.
Yes I did a post on her fashion & wardrobe and how it affects a character, boy they got my girl looking a hobo at times. ( and the good so called hair symbolism could’ve made Luz even better.)
ALSO (I may be ranting but hope ya listen)
Hated how they tried to Mary Sue her at certain episodes when she's faced with problems or issues that can affect everyone in dire times, for example,
her willingness to learn magic, which she can be impressionable and wanting Praise for the wrong reasons, but To be loved I Understand.
She is a person wanting acceptance and tolerance ( which that whole wanting to be understood season 3 dialogue could've been for season 1), just to be liked by a new world, would have fleshed out her character more, and given the viewers and her friends reasoning why she does staggering things.
also when she wanted to get to learn magic from her sensei, Knowing Eda knew how unpredictable & reckless at times luz can be, but Eda has her issues. throughout 4 episodes I think its been dragged out she has done stupid things to put others in harm's way even OWLBERT.
3.she can act nonchalant & ambivalent in dire situations, (to the point her friends should've Gotten angry with her actions, GUS AND WILLOW PERIOD) But don't worry all that's being glazed with the Mary Sue trope, discourse, & her being submissive to amity,
which she can take many stabbings and hits for a cause you know all is well with a Good ship. INSERT SARCASM
tragically i do feel she ended up a girl failure, But they Try hard at girl bossing her up, cause she was put in situations where she didn't have dire punishments and consequences. plus excepting a power she had no choice accepting at the season finale,
Comment below for more, about how Luz should be improved or the fact the series could've written her better.
Hopes this answers all your questions, have a great starlight day. glad we can unlock the topic with a key, & sip some tea.
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crystalelemental · 2 months
As I've mentioned, part of what got me replaying Pokemon games was a stream series I've been following. During the course of one of their other streams, their cohost made the comment "Who cares about the story in a Pokemon game?"
This was a fascinating comment, because generally speaking I think the response would simultaneously be "everyone" and "no one." Story is an often discussed aspect of Pokemon, but at the same time it feels like stories are often skipped. There's a giant rift between those who seem to really engage with the story of Pokemon, and those who are just here to play, and that discrepancy tends to inform preference for the games. As they become more story-centric in modern generations, the more gameplay-aligned grow less and less attached, though the complaint is more often that the story is bad, rather than the gameplay-story ratio is out of balance. It seems like story is often wanted, but to be more "serious" like some nebulous older days when they cared.
With that, let's talk about that nebulous time: Gen 5.
Okay so real talk! Like, super real and earnest, and kinda deviating from what I usually do with the Pokemon write-ups. I don't really care too much about story in games like this as long as it's out of the way.
I think when story is discussed, people often expect "good story" to mean the most complex and thematically potent thing released. But that's not really true. A perfectly serviceable and sensible story can still resonate well, and adds a bit of flavor to the world you explore. This is often what Pokemon aims for, even now. The stories are never that complex, but they can be engaging and fun ways to rope the player in to whatever is going on around them.
Gen 5 is heralded as the strongest story, in large part because of what it discusses. The question of whether Pokemon are being oppressed in our current society is a fair one, riffing on a long-standing joke about Pokemon being slaves and doing whatever players tell them to etc etc. Thing is, the story never really challenges anything. The people advocating for releasing Pokemon are entirely framed as misguided at best and overt lunatics at worst. The decisive answer given is "No no, this is fine, don't think about it." It's a story that pretends at strong themes and exploration of a conflict, but it doesn't really exist.
The same is true of characters. A lot of characters are presented as really deep and complex, but that...also isn't entirely true. Cheren and Bianca have their own things going on, but they're not necessarily more complex than, say, Silver or Wally. They just show up and talk more often, waxing philosophical about their inability to determine what they want for their futures due to being roughly 10-14 years old. I'd be willing to argue that even N is not particularly complex, and offers less depth as a child of abuse than SuMo Lillie and Gladion did.
This isn't to say you can't like these characters. I certainly do. But I think it's odd how much emphasis gets placed on Gen 5's story and cast despite them not really being more complex than anything that came before. There's more time given to the leaders and rivals and such, but they're not more fleshed out, just more present. Which is the point. You don't know more about them. You're around them in the gameplay longer.
What this suggests is that there's a good gameplay-story balance within Gen 5, which is...possible. Gen 6 onward do feel like you're being stopped every route to have people talk at you. But having just played it...Gen 5 does the same thing. And in some ways...Gen 5 is legitimately worse.
I talked about this a few weeks ago, but Gen 5 is the first game I've replayed that I put down for a while, because it was driving me crazy. The game has a lot of trouble in the early acts, due to EXP scaling. Your level is universally below your opponents, and every single fight feels like a shitshow as a result. You're constantly in need of healing, and opponent movesets are expanded and much stronger. Compare Lenora, whose Watchog has access to Crunch, to Gardenia, whose Roserade has almost exclusively Grass moves. Despite Roserade being stronger statistically, Gardenia is easier to beat because they offset the stats with a movepool that can be counterplayed.
This is the crux of Gen 5's...I won't call it issue, but I'm thinking it. Difficulty has been a hot-button topic with Pokemon for a long while, and the Gen 3-5 era is the main draw for those discussions. Gen 3 was challenging because it had a lot of good strategic play from opponents. Gen 4 introduced really strong opponents and restricted movesets. Gen 5 turns this up with scaled EXP and expanded enemy movepools, without giving players the same. For example, my Deerling didn't learn a damage-dealing Grass move until level 32, which was 9 levels above what I caught it at. We did not have a Grass move for Clay as a result, but don't worry, his Excadrill has Steel, Ground, and Rock-type attacks.
Your solution to this is meant to be Audino farming, which is a huge spike in EXP, but you have to run around doing nothing until the grass wiggles, then hope no other encounter intercepts before you get to it. It's a slow, tedious process that really hinders the flow of the game, and this continues until you get the Lucky Egg from Juniper in Chargestone Cave.
On that note: this was the second fastest clear of any game I've played, losing only to Blue. The game feels long, but was one of the shorter experiences.
This game, more than any other, feels hindered by flow in the early game. Past that Lucky Egg, my team was able to actually stay above the level of opponents until the League. But getting to that point feels so wildly tedious because of the EXP scaling. There are tradeoffs. Using a strong Pokemon like Durant late in the game results in rapid levels, getting even two in a single fight. But the problems that arise tend to involve sharp spikes that cannot otherwise be overcome with any reasonable ease.
I got locked in this game. My team could not outspeed Ghetsis' Hydreigon, and it one-shot everything except for Emboar. Yes, even Zekrom, who rolled a -Sp Def nature and must've gotten crap Speed IVs. My solution at this point was to take one of two options: go back and somehow farm levels past 50 using enemies in the mid-30s, or find a way to reroll events until Ghetsis missed Fire Blasts or Quick Claw activated. I opted for the latter. It was Not Fun.
This then blends into the immediate post-game experience of being in the low-50s, and having to immediately face opponents in the mid-60s in every direction. I despise this part of the game. While you get more EXP for them being higher level, trainers tend to be not fully evolved, which sharply reduces the EXP gained. So it takes forever to break through that ceiling as well.
Gen 5 lacks for a clear level curve, instead having awkward spikes that are impossible to keep up with. Lenora's nigh-impossible to keep up with if you have more than your starter in use, and that's a dangerous prospect in itself. Elesa's impossible to keep up with due to lack of Audino in the desert, and the obvious Sandile doesn't evolve until it's at her level and cannot statistically hold up against her team. The post-league hunt is a mess of opponents being much higher level than you for a long while.
These kinds of jumps are not new to the series, but this is also the first game where it feels like there's no actual response to what the opponent brings. When Norman is a huge level spike with no real room for training, you at least have the possibility of Aron or Rock types that largely block his attacks. When you have an opponent like Whitney who is huge, there's a ton of extra routes beyond her that can be used to level. Gen 5 has little to none of this, or at least not enough.
Let's take that example earlier of Clay. Clay has Ground types, weak to Grass, Water, and Ice. Around him, you have options: Deerling, Swadloon, Ducklett, and Vanillite. Great! Except Deerling doesn't learn a Grass move until too late, and can't evolve so it's statistically worse than his entire team. Swadloon evolves via happiness, which you're sure not gonna have, and is weak to Rock, which he has a ton of. Ducklett has similar evolution problems to Deerling, you don't have Surf yet, and it is also weak to Rock. Vanillite also doesn't evolve until late, and is both weak to and does not deal much to Steel. Essentially, there is no solution to Excadrill nearby if you haven't already trained one. And if you do pick them up, you're wildly below his level, and better hope you can handle all the fights nearby enough to clear.
Add to this, the change to reusable TMs was a double edged sword. Unova allows you to put your big moves on everything as needed, but in compensation, all the good moves are postgame locked. This results in tragedies like Seismitoad, who can't learn any Ice moves until post-game and is useless against Iris, and doesn't get a good Ground move until postgame when you find Earthquake. I can't say it even feels like they're restricted for reasons like Gen 4, where boosting was BP locked because the game wasn't balanced to respond to them, leaving only a few options. Like every Psychic learns Calm Mind, it's not a big deal.
At a guess, I think the design intention here was one aiming for difficulty. I was not super attentive to fandom around this era, so I may be offbase, but I wonder if arguments about difficulty in these games escalated around this time. It just feels like the type of game that tried to do things solely to make it hard, that...well, it didn't, it just made it tedious. I can't think of any other reason for movepools to feel so awkward, good TMs to be so scarce, boss fights to be so constantly above your level with tremendous movepool coverage, and even random encounters having serious threat potential while having a million of them. It just feels like something that was designed not to be fully its own adventure experience with your Pokemon, but to be actually challenging. And if I remember critical reception, the game bombed. I kinda wonder if that's not a huge cause of it.
To be honest, it feels like I'm mostly complaining at this point. There were a few points of fun, specifically around getting my new additions leveled up, like facing the League to get Deino to evolve and start contributing. But on the whole, this was...the least fun experience I had with the series thus far, from a gameplay perspective. Maybe I'm just burning out a bit after all this time, but even coming back there were times I felt like progress was just too slow and frustrating. I'm not sure how the next sets will go. I've been a long-standing hater toward the EXP All era, but I'm going to give this an honest try, and see what I feel about the games moving forward.
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sk8termikey · 4 months
Chapter 4 of 21 Questions
better interface on wattpad
Matt, Lily finally had a name to put instead of only texting the random digits that Alex had given to her a few days prior. Unable to resist and despite the late hour, Lily was eager to share this with her best friend who would definitely enjoy having the latest details regarding the mystery boy as she had called him.
As Lily got up from her bed and rushed to her friend’s room, she didn’t wait for a response when she knocked and immediately entered – Lily knew that Alex was still awake because of the light coming from the bedroom and the fact that Alex was a hundred percent a night owl. The look on Lily’s face and her tone were enough to draw Alex’s attention:
“Lily!” the blonde replied with the same excitement her best friend had despite not knowing yet what would follow.
“Guess who has a sort of new friend?” Lily asked with a tone that was pretty much giving the answer. 
“Ooh mystery boy is back? Tell me!” Alex was absolutely involved in whatever happened between her friend and the stranger.
“Okay sooo, I have a name: it’s Matt. we actually cleared the ghosting situation, he was just busy which is completely understandable like– we barely know each other so I didn’t need a whole explanation to be honest.” Lily shrugged as saying that – it was true, she wasn’t really bothered by it.
“What else have you learnt about him?”
Alex could see how genuine the smile on her best friend’s face was when talking about this potential new friendship of hers. By force of habit, Lily gave her unlocked phone to Alex for her to read the latest conversation while she replied to the question:
“I’m so happy because he is a huge Pokemon fan and I don’t know, I wasn’t expecting it like he’s not as into the DS games as I am but he seems to adore Pokemon like in general, the universe and everything as much as I do so it’s really exciting that we can bond on that! I hope we can find more stuff we have in common in the future like movies or TV shows, you know?”
While listening to Lily, Alex couldn’t help but think about the only Matt she knew: Matthew Sturniolo, one of the triplets she’s been following on YouTube. A bit far-stretched maybe, Alex thought as there were probably thousands of Matts on earth who love Pokemon, it's just a coincidence. 
For now, Alex was just enjoying her friend having someone else in her life apart from Jade and Lucas who also worked at the café. The blonde was thinking back to middle and high school when it had always been the two of them without anyone else. Obviously, they had had a few classmates they liked talking to at school, but never has Lily ever had other friends for she wasn’t very outgoing – Alex became more of an extroverted during high school and kept a couple of friends from that period but it was hard, even nowadays, for Lily to go up to people and get to know each other. Online friends was a concept that Alex always thought would correspond to Lily as speaking to people without meeting them was so much easier than being face to face with someone you absolutely don’t know. She was really hoping that this friendship would help Lily grow and appreciate new beginnings as well as changes.
For the following weeks, a new routine had started for Lily. On the one hand, she was spending more time knowing Matt – she had for instance learned that he loved hiking in the mountains, while she briefly talked about her wish to travel the world. On the other hand, Alex was successfully getting her deeper into the Sturniolo fandom and twice a week when Lily would come home from work, this was what she was welcomed with:
“NEW VIDEO!!” Alex shouted when hearing Lily close the door.
“Yayy, let me just take a shower and get changed, I’ll be here shortly”, Lily replied, eager to watch the new video.
“Okayyy, I'll wait for you! What’s twenty more minutes after an hour”, Alex laughed at herself.
Since Alex had managed to convert Lily into watching the triplets with her, she decided she would now wait for her best friend to come home so that they could watch the new videos together. Before that, Alex would simply watch the Sturniolo Triplets alone in her room, but as Lily had now found interest in watching them as well – Alex was glad the Wheel of Doom video had convinced Lily that the triplets might be funny, they actually started watching them on their TV in the living room.
After Lily returned from her well-deserved shower, the two girls sprawled out on the sofa and Alex gave a snack to Lily as she looked for the latest video on the boys’ channel – this had been their ritual for every Wednesday and Friday.
“I didn’t see the notif on my phone, what’s the title of today’s video?” Lily asked.
“It’s Triplets brothers lie detector test (Chris’s revenge), it’s gonna be so fun!” Alex replied, excited to see how it would turn out. “Remember last week it was only Chris who had to answer questions, so this time I guess he’s gonna ask Matt and Nick.”
“Yeah I remember, I’ll remind you that most of the time I’m the one with a better memory than you!” Lily argued – honestly it was half-true because there was one time when Lily forgot what Alex said to her only two seconds later. “Last week was really funny, I loved how Chris would just smile after every question for no reason.”
“Oh my god, yes he waaas”, Alex – a certified Chris girl – agreed with her best friend.
As they watched the video, the girls couldn’t stop laughing at the answers given by either Nick or Matt. For instance, when Nick denied that he would give a kidney to Matt – the reply being so quick but turning out to be a lie was always funny to see. Moreover, it simply ended up showing the special bond between the three brothers, something hard to understand but beautiful to look at.
Then, as Nick tried to cover the lie from John – the computer guy that somehow always does these tests, no matter the YouTuber, Lily couldn’t help but feel like she was missing a piece of information.
“Wait what– Chris has a brand? Of what?” she asked the girl sitting next to her.
“Oh, it's his clothing brand. I’ll show you after the video, it’s honestly sick!” Alex explained. “I’d die to have something from FreshLove”.
Unknown to Alex, this was something that Lily would definitely not forget as she was already planning on looking it up on her own – away from Alex’s eyes – so that she could maybe find a birthday present for her best friend. This was always a very special event for the both of them as they were both gift givers that loved trying to find or make the perfect gift for the other.
On the same subject, as Matt was now the one answering questions from his brother, a relationship as pure as the girls’ could be observed when Chris asked him if he ever felt jealous of his brothers. Matt’s no was agreed by John to be true; and while the three boys were smiling, Matt decided to add that he only felt proud of them, thus getting an aaww from both Chris and Nick – as well as Lily and Alex.
The video nearing to an end, Alex and Lily couldn’t help but burst out laughing when Chris mentioned his Pepsi addiction.
“It’s honestly a wonder how this guy even survives on Pepsi like– bro fully believes that it’s not crazy even when his brothers tell him it is.” Lily couldn’t comprehend this triplet.
“No yeah, I don’t know whether to cry or keep laughing right now because I know Chris is def not making it to forty years old”, Alex could only agree with the blonde.
After this simple exchange, Alex looked at her friend and couldn’t help but feel overjoyed with the feeling of knowing that the person she loves the most in her life was loving the same things as she does.
Thank you for reading. Votes and comments are always appreciated if you like this story :) The story is co-written w @/little_grapejuice
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aki-bara · 4 months
Pokemon Trainer - Percy Jackson
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Now, obviously there are a lot of water pokemon and pokemon in general that would have been a great fit for Percy. I think Percy has A LOT more pokemon than the ones I've listed here, but these are the ones he would generally choose to use in battle.
Walrein - Ice Break Pokemon 
To protect its herd, the leader battles anything that invades its territory, even at the cost of its life. Its tusks may snap off in battle. Spheal, its basic stage, is much faster rolling than walking to get around. When groups of this Pokémon eat, they all clap at once to show their pleasure. Because of this, their mealtimes are noisy.
Walrein is a pokemon that starts as a soft silly ball of fluff and becomes a badass. Which I think is actually very Percy-like! I wanted his go to pokemon to be one that could live on land and sea, and was tough, but kind of goofy at the same time. If you remember in Son of Neptune, there's a scene where he breaks a glacier in half. Which isn't why I picked Walrein, I just felt that Spheal was a fun water pokemon that could grow with Percy and be a powerful and trusted partner to him. I like to think he got this pokemon as a gift from his dad when he first left home to begin his pokemon journey, which is the reason for it's tougher/cooler sounding nickname.
Tauros (Aqua) - Wild Bull Pokemon 
They fight each other by locking horns. The herd’s protector takes pride in its battle-scarred horns. This Pokémon blasts water from holes on the tips of its horns—the high-pressure jets pierce right through Tauros’s enemies.
Another herd protector pokemon. This one chosen because of it's similarities to the ophiotaurus. You may not know, but all Tauros are male, so just like in PJO canon its nickname is a bit of a mismatch. The Paldean form was chosen because of its potential water typing, which I thought made it a better fit than the regular normal type version of Tauros.
Lycanroc (Dusk) - Wolf Pokemon
This Pokémon is very friendly when it’s young. Its disposition becomes vicious once it matures, but it never forgets the kindness of its master. When properly raised from a young age, it will become a trustworthy partner that will absolutely never betray its Trainer.
I wanted Percy to have a dog pokemon to represent Mrs. O'Leary. However, dog pokemon are also usually said to be loyal, and Rockruff, the first stage of this pokemon is considered to be one of the most loyal of all. People fall in love with Rockruff's friendliness when it's young, but as it grows and gets stronger it quickly becomes too difficult for most trainers to handle. A lot of the pokedex entries talk about how Rockruff are usually abandoned as they grow older because of this.
Maybe it's silly, but that sort of reminded me of Percy and how everyone sort of assumed the worst of him as he was growing up, blaming him for things that happened and saying he was too "difficult" to deal with. Dusk form Lycanroc's are the rarest and also supposedly the very hardest to raise. The one on Percy's team is also a shiny! I figured it was okay to give Percy the dusk form Lycanroc because of his main character energy. And since they are supposed to be the hardest to raise it made sense to me that even a shiny Rockruff might be abandoned.
I like to think Rocky was Percy's first pokemon. He found him as a scrappy Rockruff while coming home from school one day and started leaving him food. Eventually the Rockruff grew closer to Percy and followed him home where Sally reluctantly allowed Percy to keep him. Since Percy was still small when he adopted Rockruff, he ended up giving the pokemon a somewhat childish nickname. Since both Percy and Rocky were dismissed by society as being "too troublesome" they are very close and Rocky can usually be found hanging around Percy outside his pokeball.
Meowstic (Male) - Constraint Pokemon
The defensive instinct of the males is strong. It's when they're protecting themselves or their partners that they unleash their full power. Though it has enough psychic power to blast away any opponent, Meowstic prefers to support its allies rather than attack.
Meowstic evolves from Espurr, a pokemon that is known for having a rather humorous vacant expression, which is the reason for it's name. Percy has a habit of giving pokemon nicknames that are actually the names of other pokemon once he's older, mostly because he thinks it's funny, but it definitely makes conversations a little difficult sometimes!
Meowstic is one of those pokemon that can be very different depending on it's gender. Female Meowstic's actually have stronger attack moves, and a completely different moveset than the male ones. Originally I wasn't considering giving Percy a Meowstic at all, but when I read it's pokedex entries it felt like it was just too good of a fit. Plus, it's very blue!
Male meowstic have more of a support-based moveset and only unleash their power in defense of others, even though continued use of their abilities is said to cause them considerable damage. It's protective nature made it a really good fit for Percy and also its ability is "prankster," which I felt was a good fit too.
Dragalge - Mock Kelp Pokemon 
Tales are told of ships that wander into seas where Dragalge live, never to return. It’s not good at swimming, so it clings to the seaweed. In the Alola region, it’s often found near Dhelmise.
I wanted to give Percy a seahorse pokemon for rather obvious reasons. However, there really aren't that many seahorse inspired pokemon. Actually there aren't that many horse inspired pokemon either! The other obvious seahorse choice would have been Kingdra (evolved from Horsea), however I was really trying not to overload Percy's team with water-type pokemon. Obviously Percy has a ton of water and beach related pokemon, however as far as pokemon battles go it's actually really bad to have a lot of the same type on your team.
Dragalge is probably one of the few pokemon Percy sought out specifically for using in battle. Even though it's inspired by the Leafy Sea Dragon, it isn't actually a water type, so it wouldn't have the same weaknesses as the other pokemon on his team. It lives among and eats seaweed, which felt appropriate for our seaweed brain. Thanks to the camoflauge on it's head, Percy decided to name it Kelphead. This pokemon and Percy have a somewhat antagonistic relationship with each other. Dragalge probably definitely cares for Percy, but it also takes pleasure in Percy's misery, which Percy does not appreciate. But it's all in good fun! Probably!
Dhelmise - Sea Creeper Pokemon
The soul of seaweed adrift in the waves became reborn as this Pokémon. It maintains itself with new infusions of seabed detritus and seaweed. It wraps its prey in green seaweed and sucks away their vitality. It only likes to go after big prey like Wailord.
When he was looking for a Dragalge to catch Percy ended up catching this Dhelmise as well. Sort of like a buy one get one free! Despite it's clear boat association, Dhelmise also isn't a water type, which is great for battle purposes. Dhelmise also has the same seaweed associations as Dragalge so it fits for those reasons as well!
Personally I don't like this pokemon, but it made sense for Percy and I thought he might actually feel somewhat connected to the spirit of a sunk ship, so it seemed stupid not to give it to him because of my personal distaste for it.
I like to think Percy and Nico were hanging out together when Percy was looking for Dragalge when they both got an uneasy feeling. Nico was thinking it was the spirit of a vindictive ghost, but Percy was concerned it might be something that needed their help, so with Nico backing him up he dove into the water to check it out. The Dhelmise was intrigued by this, so it decided to follow Percy back home, much to his surprise. Dhelmise and Percy have a strange relationship. Most pokemon are really smart pets. You take care of them and they reward you with companionship. Dhelmise isn't like that. It has a large presence that demands respect. Percy sort of treats it more like a person than a pokemon, which is great because Dhelmise wouldn't tolerate being treated as though it was less. It's not a negative relationship, but it's definitely unusual. Since Percy's Dragalge (Kelphead) grew up in this Dhelmise's (Boaty's) seaweed bed, it will listen to Dhelmise even when it won't listen to Percy. Percy does not think this is funny, but everyone else does.
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blues824 · 2 years
Speaking of Pokémon obey me mc, I do want the boys reacting to mc being the new champion of the Sinnoh league after Cynthia, mc didn’t say anything about it because they’re humble about it & constantly dodging the paparazzi back home(plus the diamond and pearl anime series was the first time I was introduced to Pokémon, Cynthia is such a girlboss)
I never knew this would blossom into a freaking series, but here we are. Also, I’m doing the brothers since doing 12 boys is too much lol. PLATONIC
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Again, it was probably in your student profile, but he has to say that he is very impressed that you had this great achievement at such a young age. And you go against his own sin of pride and stay humble about it. He thought that children would crumble from the pressure, but not you apparently.
Over dinner (which he attends just for you, since you’re like a sibling to him), he had asked you about it and you told him that you prefer to stay out of the spotlight. People still knew of you, since they had to challenge you to get the title of the Sinnoh League champion, but that was the only reason why you emerged from the shadows.
If you want to hold a very small celebration for the hard work you put into it, he will get you a small dessert and maybe a candle to blow out, as well as write you a card signed by each of the brothers. Your achievement deserves to be recognized, so he makes sure that it does.
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He found out from the medal you got from winning the battle, and he was shocked that a human as young as you could be that strong and well-versed in their Pokémon. He had only just found out about the little creatures because of you and Solomon.
Mans was ‘upset’ that you didn’t tell him about this big title of yours, which was when you told him that you stay out of the spotlight out of preference. You didn’t like paparazzi, and so Mammon was determined to do something about it.
Whenever the two of you go to the Human Realm, he will help disguise you so that no one recognizes you, and that shit works. He’s had a few modeling gigs and people have recognized him back in the Devildom, so he understands the struggle you go through. Don’t worry, though: Big Brother Mammon has you covered!
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Bro probably already knows all about you because he is updated on the most recent Human World news, but he’s surprised that you haven’t mentioned anything about it. Typically, people would be happy to share the word, but he doesn’t make any comment about it.
Eventually, you grow comfortable enough to tell him that your hesitance comes from a fear of paparazzi, since they were always on your trail back at home. He now understands why you never talked about it, and he doesn’t mind if you want to keep it under wraps.
However, he feels as though this is an event of some sort of celebration. So, he went to the kitchen to get some snacks and he offered to buy you something (within reason) off of Akuzon, and you both spent the day snacking and gaming with an anime playing in the background.
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He tries to make sure that you are aware he can be a source of comfort for you and that you can always talk to him if you need to. So, when you tell him that you had won the title of the Sinnoh League Champion back on Earth, he was happy that you saw him as someone to confide in.
Now, he does ask about why you didn’t want to share the news initially, and he totally understood when you said that you hated being in the spotlight. So, he offers to host a small celebration in your room with your Pokemon.
Satan decided to host a very small tea party and he set it up himself, and he told your Pokemon what was going on. You came home and entered your room to see a huge CONGRATULATIONS banner, along with a table with a tea set with your favorite tea.
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When he found out, he was high-key offended that you never told him about such a big achievement. You were like a younger sibling to him, and with how much he already told you he would have thought that you would be able to trust him with that information.
Nevertheless, he is a demon on a mission. He is taking you out to a cute cafe so that you can have “sibling” bonding time and to celebrate this big achievement of yours. He will even make sure that you are in disguise so that no one recognizes you.
This isn’t anything new to you, though. You could simply get a good grade on a math test and this man will think that it was the greatest thing to ever happen in the Devildom or the Celestial Realm combined. So, have fun as he does a mini toast between the two of you.
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He didn’t have too big of a reaction when you told him, and that was mainly because you asked him not to. He was very happy for you, don’t get him wrong; he was mostly just confused as to why you didn’t tell him until now.
Then you explained that you constantly had to dodge the paparazzi back in the Human Realm, and everything clicked into place for him. It all made sense now, and he still felt that you needed to be celebrated, so he offered to go get your favorite snacks and you can have a snack party.
When I tell you that this man did not have a single bite of your snacks even though his stomach was telling him to eat everything, I mean it. He didn’t even eat his snacks until you were finished with your first one. He also made sure to eat slowly so that you finished your food first and he wasn’t tempted by it.
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He was able to see into your dream, and you were reliving the moment where the paparazzi shoved cameras into your face after you defeated Cynthia and won the title of Sinnoh League Champion, and he could tell you were in distress.
After he woke you up, he asked why you were scared and you said that you just didn’t want to brag about it and would rather not be treated any more special than you already were as the youngest exchange student. Honestly, as a demon who leaned more towards being anti-social, he completely understood where you were coming from. Belphie used his powers to get you to go back to sleep, and he made sure that it was a good dream of you celebrating with the brothers about this big accomplishment. As he was leaving, he saw the medal along with the pokeballs that you kept in case you ran into a pokemon. Good job, Y/N.
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grayfeather · 3 months
Tell us about pokemon OCs!
ooh my pokemon OCs okay
I've got a decent number of them for pokemon, but sadly some are less developed than others so I'll talk about the two that are more recent / more prevalent in my thoughts. my pokemon OCs usually tend to fall into the category of protag-insert mostly cuz when i feel more comfortable applying my own completely original character to the existing plot, especially when I wanna get a little sillier with it (read: expand upon) than the actual plot does.
Putting the rest under a read more to not clog up anyone's dash as this'll Absolutely get long
it's 2k words oh my god how did this happen
First one on the docket is my newest kiddo, my scarvi protag Harley. They're a little femme nonbinary kid from Galar (like the regular scarvi protag is implied to be). I named them Harley mostly as a motorcycle joke bcuz that's the game with the motorcycle pokemon friend lmao.
Harley grew up in Turffield (little grass-themed farming town) with their just their mom (as pokemon protags tend to) after their dad passed away due to illness. Growing up, they weren't shunned per say, but more like as their age group grew up and everyone fell into their own cliques, Harley ended up being left by the wayside. They were never bullied or anything like that, but while everyone was friendly with them, no one was ever really close to them. They developed some serious people-pleasing tendencies bcuz if they could be useful to people then maybe they'd eventually want to spend time with them. This also led to them becoming one of those "extremely cheery to hide the pain" types, very outgoing and happy on the surface, but kinda a mess internally.
Eventually, Harley's mom moved them to Paldea in order to get a fresh start where they enrolled in Uva Academy (cuz this is violet and not scarlet). I've got a vague timeline in my Google Docs to make the whole Treasure Hunt thing make sense from an actual schooling perspective and not just as a game mechanic, but to summarize, Harley transfers into Uva a little after winter break and then the Treasure Hunt happens for like a month before the second semester starts.
Harley gets asked by all the scarvi friends to do their specific questline and Harley (the people-pleaser) says "yeah, of course I can do all that!" and they complete the gym challenge, take down team star, and fight all the titan pokemon in the course of a month at the end of which is area zero where they get crazy trauma-bonded to the zero gang and thus become the zero gang. Harley learns to rely on people and not try to do everything themself, celestial by ed sheeran plays, credits roll.
So then for the scarvi dlc. I've got Teal Mask happening at the end of the second semester (cuz i cannot justify to myself the entire main game plot And the tm plot happening during the same time frame). Harley's a little hesitant to go on the school trip, especially cuz the Zero Gang has basically been Attached to each other following area zero, but their friends convince them to go.
In Kitakami, they meet Carmine and Kieran and I love Carmine and Kieran 💜💜💜
The plot here is pretty much just what happens in TM, but I really wanna play up the whirlwind situationship of Harley and Kieran bcuz It Is Funny To Me
Anyway, everyone congratulate Harley on the newly acquired legendary pokemon daughter who is unfathomably older than them. This is a comedy.
Indigo Disk is truly the part of this that makes my brain buzz the most. I'm extending its events to a whole semester bcuz that gives me so much more time to play with. Harley's a second-year now! Carmine convinces them over the summer to apply for the Blueberry-Uva exchange program (mostly cuz she's worried about Kieran, also cuz she'd like to see Harley again). Harley would've been much more apprehensive about applying and accepting but they've got friends there! They'll know people!!
uhhhh unfortunately for them, Carmine is an upperclassman (thus they don't see her much) and Kieran (who they share a homeroom with) is an asshole now! haha whoops!
Harley has a Pretty Shit Semester all things considered. They get roped into the League Club bcuz everyone's convinced that only they can beat Kieran (and make him go back to normal), which sends them into a bit of a spiral cuz they don't even Like competitive battling and in fact really struggle with double battles. They have serious doubts that beating Kieran will even Help the situation at all, but they press forward bcuz they are kinda lost without the zero gang support network and thus fall back into their people-pleasing tendencies bcuz Everyone around them is saying that This Is The Best Plan.
So after much, much stressing and studying and honestly kinda neglecting their health, they eventually do beat Kieran and become the League Club champion and surprise, surprise it Does Not Help! So now Harley's feeling extremely guilty on top of everything else. And then maybe two weeks after that battle we get the terapagos stuff and everyone gets to have a heart to heart and everyone's friends again and Harley's last few weeks at BB are much better than the past months have been.
Mochi Mayhem stuff happens over the summer, it's very cute, Harley and Kieran get to be a battle couple for it. Zero Gang gets to meet the Kitakami siblings and I love it, super cute and self-indulgent.
For post-game stuff, i've got some vague ideas, but uhhh Harley and Kieran get together in their fourth-year (planning a oneshot about this one if i ever get the motivation back). Eventually, as an adult, Harley becomes a teacher and eventually takes over as headmaster of Uva bcuz they realize at some point that what they really enjoyed about being a pokemon trainer was helping their team reach their fullest potential and after tutoring Team Star they realize that that extends to people to. Nemona's champion in this, she deserves it, Arven spends some time working in the school cafeteria before opening his own restaurant, and Penny uhhhh i think she's still committing some cyber crimes, she deserves it.
My beloved Alick, the oldest and most self-indulgent of my pokemon kids. They are Easily the closest thing i've got to a self-insert, but i like to think that the character development they get makes them different enough from me. They are you see....... a gamer...... 😞
We got another they/them user here, bcuz if i'm gonna be self-indulgent i'm gonna go all out. Alick is my protagonist for my favorite pokemon games, black and white. and also black 2 and white 2. and also legends arceus. They're a multi-game protag bcuz i thought it was super fun this way, and you know what? it totally is.
Their backstory is pretty similar to the regular bw protags'. They grew up in Nuvema with their two friends, Cheren and Bianca, they live with just their mom. In this case, their parents are divorced and their dad works a lot and also travels a lot for work, so he's mostly a vague presence in their life, the most interaction between the two being when he sends expensive birthday gifts.
I will admit that I aged up the Nuvema kids a bit to recent high school graduates, mostly cuz I was using Alick as a way to channel my angst at not knowing what the fuck i'm doing with my life, cuz they only go on the pokemon journey bcuz their friends are going and they don't wanna be left behind.
This does of course put them in the path of team plasma and N and i loooooove N, but you probably could tell that. One more thing I gotta tell you about Alick, and I need you to stick with me here, is that they can understand pokemon (like N). This doesn't exactly...... help things with regards to N, but I've included it bcuz i'm fucking obsessed with characters that foil each other and i'm also using as a kinda allegory. Cuz all Alick's life, they've hidden this part of themself from basically everyone, so to meet someone who is like them for the first time in their life is kinda freeing? Except then surprise! N is king of team plasma, the guys that have been harassing them and their friends this whole time so now things are pretty tense.
A lot of Alick's angst throughout bw is fear at what they've been roped into, feeling disconnected from their friends, and begging the universe to please not make them be the protagonist here please!!! unfortunately for them, N has decided that only they can be the one to summon Reshiram and beat him bcuz obviously this is how ideological disputes get settled, that is after all, what all of his fantasy stories have taught him. Alick, meanwhile, is like "life is not an rpg!!!! why do i have the pretty boy antagonist insisting we're rivals????"
BW ends with Ghetsis and his Hydreigon killing one of Alick's pokemon, sending Reshiram back into stone hibernation, and traumatizing Alick so badly that they give up pokemon battling for two years. They say goodbye to N on the roof of the Pokemon League Hospital bcuz he stuck around a little after everything to make sure things settled down before he left. They aren't really ready to be friends yet, Alick's still hurting from everything that N dragged them into and N needs to spend some time figuring things out for himself. They part ways, hoping that maybe in the future they can start over.
Alick moves with their remaining team to Aspertia City, becomes friends with the family down the hall, and spends some time as a pokemon handler for pokestar studios (even staring in one movie). They stay in contact with Cheren and Bianca as well as some of the remnants of team plasma (specifically those from driftveil).
Due to some shenanigans, they get a pokemon egg from the driftveil plasmas, so they decide to give a pokemon journey one more shot in order to raise this egg right, which is good call after it hatches into a baby Deino (pre-evo of Hydreigon for those unaware).
Team Plasma comes back! Alick Is So Fucking Mad! Their new friend Hugh from down the hall Is So Fucking Mad!
Alick doesn't angst much in this one, mostly they seethe. The depression and anger have overridden much of the anxiety that plagued them two years ago.
At the Giant Chasm, N saves Alick, and then Alick fights Ghetsis and his Hydreigon again, but this time they have their own, well-raised, and very much loved Hydreigon and their team manages to beat the half-mad Ghetsis.
Alick makes it to the Pokemon League and finally officially enters the Hall of Fame as a Champion, and their original team from BW even gets added to honor them.
I've got actually a whole bunch of post-game stuff for Alick before they get shunted off to legends arceus. Immediately after b2w2, they go with N back to the remains of his castle to dig the light stone outta the rubble, cuz Reshiram is Still asleep from the end of BW lmaooooo
Alick and N then go on a cute little backwards journey from there to Nuvema Town so they can fulfill that promise of starting over.
In another stroke of sheer self-indulgence, these two are in a queerplatonic relationship bcuz it's My Story and I Do What I Want
They end up traveling around the world together for like 5 years before disaster strikes and Pokemon God Themself decides that they need Alick to do a favor for them.
Legends Arceus happens. Alick still has their memories. They Do Not Want To Be Here.
They're so focused on completing the pokedex and getting home that they alienate themself from the village as a whole, and they aren't pretending that they can't understand pokemon anymore, so to a village of people who are afraid of pokemon, Alick is a Bit unnerving.
They form an odd camaraderie with Volo as two individuals on the peripheral of society. Also I like drama.
Alick gets banished from the village and I hope that in my version of events the justification for that makes a little more sense, cuz Alick hasn't really given these people any reason to trust them. Part of their team is a Hisuian Zoroark, so in this moment, instead of being escorted out of the village, they death glare at Kamado, say some ominous shit, and then disappear into the fog that their Zoroark conjures.
LA continues pretty normally from this point. The rift closes and Alick almost panics at that, but convinces themself that once they complete the pokedex, arceus will send them home.
Volo fight happens. I love the Volo fight. Alick has a slight ptsd flashback at yet another scary dragon-type that wants to Kill Them.
Alick finally meets Arceus, Arceus basically refuses to send them home. Alick Hates God Now.
Alick's best bet for getting home ends up being Giratina and the Distortion World. They spend...... who can even say how long, in the DW (a place with no time or space). Essentially, in my mind, while in the DW, a person does not age or hunger or tire or experience anything to indicate time is passing. They can even encounter other people in the DW regardless of when or where they entered. The DW has many different portals to reality that can take a person to different times and places in the world. Alick is looking for a very specific portal that can take them to or near to their time period.
The funny thing is they don't even make it back thru the DW. No, instead, one of the portals takes them to the far future, where one of their pokemon gets captured by a mysterious pokeball, they grab it, but uh oh! this was actually from the area zero time machine! Alick gets pulled through time that way and ends up in area zero about a week before Harley begins school. No! I did not mention any of this in Harley's section!
Eventually, thru Harley's adventure, Alick is freed from area zero and reunites with N and then gets to go home. It's been about two years since Alick disappeared. They move in with N (especially since their bw and b2w2 teams are there already). They become the official replacement elite four for Grimsley (sticking with dark-types). And sometimes they are a guest instructor at Blueberry Academy and give bad advice to emotionally fraught high schoolers. 💜💜💜
And if you've gotten this far.... first of all i love you!!! second of all a special little treat for you.....
Their character playlists: Harley and Alick
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pokemenlovingmen · 2 years
I love your blog!! Can I rq fluff for Arven with a masc reader who loves to dance with him and tell him how much he means to them?
Oh my god you’re so sweet stop!! And of course you can, Arven deserves to have a pretty man tell him how important and loved he is. We (the gays) cherish our boy so much.
Step By Step — Arven x Reader
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🥪 — Arven doesn’t know much about dancing. Arven, uh… doesn’t know much about a lot of things. If it’s not cooking and anything related to it, the Pokemon of Area Zero, or his dog, he really doesn’t know much. But he’s willing to learn, because you love it, and he loves you.
🥪 — When you do dance together, he’s often stumbling over himself like he’s got two left feet, and he’s definitely stepped on your toes plenty of times. But you always laugh it off. The little mistakes he makes are so adorable, and the way he gets all red-faced and huffy after you point them out is even cuter.
🥪 — Arven can’t manage much more than a simple box step, but that’s fine. It’s more than enough for your favorite pastime: slow-dancing in the kitchen at night. You can’t say why it’s the kitchen specifically. Maybe it’s the way the moonlight gleams off the tiles and countertops, maybe there’s something so domestic about dancing together there, or maybe you’re just a bit sadistic and like seeing Arven slip and slide when he’s wearing socks on the tile—maybe a bit of all of the above. Either way, it’s something you do often to decompress before bed.
🥪 — You two always fall into a slow dance, getting closer and closer to each other until one of you has the other held against his chest. And by that point you initiate phase two of your favorite activity and begin talking about him. About the both of you.
🥪 — You’re well aware he didn’t get much attention growing up, and Arven isolated himself from the other students at the academy for the longest time. He’s not used to being spoken to so kindly, so unashamedly adored. You remember one night, Arven interrupted your contented rambling about how much you love him to deliver a line that was absolutely sweet and heartfelt, but also the funniest thing you’d heard him say in weeks.
🥪 — “I used to be really scared about my sexuality. Now? I’m glad I’m gay. Seriously. I can’t even imagine being straight or something, and I’d be living my life never knowing how perfect loving a man like you is.”
🥪 — That was so sweet, a huge “awww” from you for sure, but at the same time you held the “I’m glad I’m gay” and “I can’t even imagine being straight or something” over his head for a long time, because that was so out of pocket and so comically worded and he needs to be reminded of it regularly because he doesn’t realize how hilarious he can be when he doesn’t try.
🥪 — He melts whenever you compliment him. Just melts. He’s so not used to it and you lay it on so thick.
🥪 — He’ll try and compliment you back, but again, he’s really not used to interacting with people like this and his compliments are anything but eloquent. You love him for it anyway, though.
🥪 — Your voice brings him so much comfort, you know? He hears you and everything is suddenly okay.
🥪 — Arven would prefer if the dances between the two of you stay in the privacy of home, both because he’s awkward being a recipient of affection at all, let alone in public, and he just knows he’ll trip and fall even more often than usual if it’s in front of people.
🥪 — He miiiiight want to ask for your kind words from time to time… but he’s too awkward and shy about it, it just comes out as 👉👈🥺
🥪 — All your words hang in his mind so often. Everything you say to him is tucked so lovingly away in his memories for him to smile to himself about later.
🥪 — Since your love language is so specific, he’ll be hitting you with his oddly specific love language. Cooking for you. Cooking for you all day, every day. You can hardly make your own meal in the house if Arven is around to have any say in it. Because he might not be good enough with words to return your compliments, but he’s plenty good in the kitchen to cook all your favorite meals.
🥪 — And even if he knows he’ll never be good at it, know that Arven wants to keep dancing with you for the rest of his life.
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hamofjustice · 1 year
it's nice that we're getting anything i guess, but, i'm gonna be what may come off as a little petty and whiny here; it'd be cool if either iteration of the gen 9 anime so far was actually about gen 9's characters instead of using them as cameos to promote original stories we have no investment in yet
it's like, i dunno, like the bait and switch with sonic appearing in wreck it ralph ads, except if wreck it ralph existing meant there would never be a sonic movie, and if you were invested in those characters and recognized they weren't generic platformer mascots, sucks for you, nobody cares
maybe they're just giving the DLC space to do its thing with them first (if they do anything at all...) but idk, i was cautiously optimistic about nemona in horizons, only for her to be a character of the day that the episode wasn't about, and pretty excited by "gen 9 prequel anime" only to find out it's going to be like, four short stories about OCs who have quick brushes with them. these are like the lacroix hint of what an anime about the game could've been like and you're left to imagine the rest yourself
i shouldn't be that surprised if the gen 8 anime reduced hero of galar hop to a character of the day with a level 5 wooloo in order to let the galaxy revolve around ash battling his brother because epic charizards, but man. what if it wasn't like that that now that ash is gone.
we haven't seen penny and team star at all because they're the hardest to talk about without bringing up the trauma of school bullying and the fear of being yourself at school when you're way too young to be dealing with all that drama responsibly. she's still learning to love and forgive herself and feel wanted.
arven's story is about, like, being a latchkey kid to a self-absorbed parent, being unsure how to feel about repairing the relationship or how seriously to take them saying they love him, and struggling to make friends due to misdirected resentment toward people he's jealous of for having apparently normal families and the stubborn self-reliance he was forced into. he's still trying to process things, find himself, and let people in.
nemona is supposed to have been a directionless lonely and depressed kid who hated being called gifted when everything was hard for her, until she met the player character and gained a peer who understood and appreciated she was a little different and she didn't have to mask her true self to have friends anymore. she's happy for now, but may still be under a little too much pressure to be perfect at the expense of her own personality, and probably won't deal well with being abandoned.
as much as they resonate with adults and are a little darker than usual pokemon fare, they're also smaller scale and realer. they are all stories that are explicitly about and meant to be relatable to kids going to school! y'know, your audience! you don't need to paint over them with 3-4 new characters and new stories every time like there was nothing there, or something shameful you need to sanitize and cover up! you can just use the game the way it is!
this got a little more heated than i intended, i just feel a little ridiculous waiting anxiously for loose scraps of a sign that this story isn't over and in the trash already and nemona's life-changing attachment to the player character isn't going to go totally ignored, as we are bombarded with what is supposed to be followup material that almost all seems eager to talk about literally anything else like they think the main story was a mistake they need to run away from
now, i'm not one to complain about original stories being told, but this was already a story that had room to grow. imagine a world where the gen 9 anime was actually about nemona, arven, penny, and the friend who brought them together. or what their lives were like before that friend came along. every episode. that would get me to watch the anime again and whatever movie came out for it. ask yourself why we don't have that, or even the traditional, like, 1-2 characters tagging along with the MCs per region thing that would leave us knowing them better than we know some irl friends
how was starting over with 100% original characters and new lore that might conflict hard with the upcoming DLC the safer bet? why is a 44 minute miniseries specifically for fans of the game making up OCs for them to get invested in and scrambling to tell their stories as quickly as possible before throwing them in the trash instead of being about the damn game?
sigh. i shouldn't get invested in a series that's about selling monster plushies just because it had one story that stuck with me
#paldean winds seems to mostly be making fun of the infodumping fat pokemon nerd character until he gets his own episode#y'know. the one that represents a lot of their viewers#while nemona is right there outside the window hyping up little kids about battles as usual because they don't hate her like her peers#honestly her overhearing the conversation and looking a little uncomfortable about it would've been a good touch#confirmation that the subtext i noticed is actually considered part of the canon and not a happy accident they'll never talk about again#something i have only gotten from pokemon masters so far#pokemon sv#pokemon#nemonaposting#pokemon scarvi#pokemon scarlet and violet#yada yada ten million other tags#'well at least there's the manga' the manga that inserted its own wacky main character that will probably also revolve around him#idk that one could still be good but it's also an AU and not the versions of the characters i'm invested in if that makes sense#i've been begging for pokemon to feel in touch with its audience forever and as soon as it is they treat it like a hot potato#i feel fucking obsessed because of how long this tease has been stretching on for no good reason#they could've just let us ACTUALLY hang out with the friend trio in vanilla postgame and shown them in the DLC a single time#and i could have had a normal social media presence for the past 3-6 months#instead of dreaming about a pokemon npc last night because of how little faith i have in her getting any justice outside of a fucking gacha#i am so sorry that this is who i am now except for the 2-3 of you who follow me specifically because i post these things#pennyposting#arvenposting
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loafbud-wc · 1 year
How do the clans work in your universe? I mean, it seems more humanized/anime-esque (not that it's a bad thing!) and I'm curious
I've been meaning to write out how the Clans are in my AU but never got around to, so I'm happy that you asked this!!
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Warriors AU: A Superhero society of cats!
Each cat is born with their own superpower with a unique title that is said to be StarClan-given; not every superpower is unique tho, since multiple cats can have similar powers (e.g. lightning, super speed). So if two cats had the same superpower (e.g. fire power) the titles for their superpower will be different (like "Fire Blaster" & "Rage Flame"). For the powers regarding The Three, I'll talk more about them later on!
The ranks in this AU go like this:
Kits -> Kits
Apprentice -> Intern
Warrior -> Hero
Medicine Cats -> Medics
Deputy -> #2 Hero
Leader -> #1 Hero OR Superhero
Elder -> Retiree
(this AU is heavily inspired off of My Hero Academia btw!)
Some examples of Heroes & their powers: Longtail's Tailwhip / Lionheart's Mighty Roar / Sunbeam's Sunburst
Instead of being known as "warrior" cats they refer to themselves as "hero" cats, and the Clan cats live in more of a superhero society. Most often rivalry amongst Clans are about which Clan is the most heroic, etc
All the cats in the AU have humanlike capabilities/knowledge, like operate machines & occasionally walk on two legs
The Three (aka Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Dovewing)
Every Clanborn cat has superpowers in this AU, so what does that make The Three (who have StarClan-given powers in canon)???
In this AU, The Three still have their powers like in the books. But the difference with them is that they are known as The Superstars!! They can take their superpowers and reach it to maximum heights by briefly evolving into a Superstar Form! <- I'LL MAKE A SEPARATE POST ABOUT THIS CONCEPT LATER
When Firestar got revealed to be the Fourth cat in the prophecy, his Superstar Form is literally just him going Super Saiyan mode LOL!!!
By the end of the Great Battle, they've fulfilled the prophecy and can no longer take on their Superstar Forms. Just like in the books, they also lose their own superpowers altogether in this AU.
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BloodClan in the AU!
BloodClan in this AU are a squad of punks that reside in Radioscream City, an abandoned city that was once sprawled & bustling with many people. All-over town are cardboard forts and LOOOTS graffiti. The members in BloodClan are referred to as grunts; their vibes have inspirations taken from Pokemon rival teams, specifically Team Yell!!!! Much like Team Yell, BloodClan grunts are HUUUGE FANS of Scourge & also have like,, posters they draw fanart on to show support for him. Even after Scourge is gone, BloodClan basically lives on as a Scourge fanbase haha
BloodClan cats do have superpowers, but they all share the same kind: Graffiti Saliva, where their saliva has become toxic paint they use to graffiti anywhere they go (i created this concept years before pokemon came up with grafaiai who's literally just my bloodclan concept- im p sure the concepts used elsewhere too but man lol)
A VERY TL;DR (NOT REALLY) BLOODCLAN LORE: growing up, Scourge (as Tiny) grew up being obsessed with video games, vampires & loved dark-colored aesthetics & graffiti-styled stuff (got it from one of their owner's kid who he liked to watch while they're gaming). When he ran away to Radioscream City after the Tigerclaw incident, it was overrun with cats without a name for themselves.
When Tiny called himself Scourge, he created BloodClan out of the stray cats & introduced them to graffiti painting. His otaku, vampire-loving side never changed & he references video games in life a lot. Scourge'd also say something like "LAWL" or "WE ARE TEH HAWTNESS o3o" or "GET REKT". After Scourge obtained Graffiti Saliva, he found a discarded painting mask that he wears 24/7.
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I'll talk more about my interpretation of warrior cats in the future as different posts so I can go more in-depth + draw pics for those!
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tierra-paldeana · 4 months
i will be interested to see your expanse upon the semi feral upbringing and how it impacted rika in social as well as intellectual development. will you be referencing any studies on (fully) feral children or reported cases?
// (holy shit anon i am so sorry i typed like a maniac but I HAD TOO MANY THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS)
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tbh, as much as i talk about my made-up clodsire ecology n stuff, this is a part of rika i'm due on writing on- rika's different from someone like my N for example, since N was raised mostly ferally until he was ~7 years old (although due to the nature of pokemon as well as the fact that it's a fictionalized account, it isn't as tragic as a real life feral child case... for one, this didn't impend his speech, though i have my HCs for why that's the case, but this isn't the blog to discuss it LOL), whereas my rika is more a mixture (hence why i keep using the word semi-feral to refer to her), since she was (poorly) raised by her human parents until she decided on her own to live mostly with the clodsire pond she frequented, rather than growing up with them from birth.
now, when i use semi feral it's because, while yes, she did grow up more socially in connection with wild pokemon, she never really stopped attending elementary school (even when skipping class here and there). she could've just gone and stop attending altogether, but what makes her semi-feral is that she had a taste of human interaction from the beginning and she, even unconsciously, still craved it in some form.
she lived in a contradiction of ''the people who should've cared for me don't and it makes me not want to establish strong human connections with others out of fear of getting hurt and abandoned'' and ''i still have a glimmer of hope within me that someone -human-, someday, will give a shit about me the same way these clodsire and wooper do'' (which is why i describe her childhood and teenage years as 'liminal', a threshold between rejecting and embracing the humane part of herself, which geeta helped her cross).
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socially, she's always been about putting up fronts for convenience's or survival's sake (which is, in part, why she has a front during league tests - in that case, it's a conscious decision on her behalf, because she cares about her job and about the league and she wants people to take it seriously, and if she's her usual laid-back haha funni self, they won't).
she's always been cool and laid-back, don't get me wrong. matter of fact, during elementary, the equally rowdy kids in her class admired her, and she never suffered bullying during that time simply cause she was just 'so cool', showing off a very lone wolf 'i don't need anybody' persona while around people that even carried on to her teenage years. she enjoyed the positive attention, but she also only considered people acquaintances, and no one got truly close to her during that time. she was always a little popular because of her looks and the way she carried herself even as a kid and teen, though difference here is that she's much more open to letting people get close to her as an adult.
intellectually, she changed A LOT after she started attending naranjuva. a lot of shit she had to unlearn. a lot of therapy to go through. her more dramatic change definitely was her reckless attitude. as a kid and teen, she'd provoke wild pokemon to challenge them to races, she'd dodge slow pokemon that wanted to bite her, and when she wasn't doing that, she'd protect papá clod's pond from predators which, as efficient as she was, was equally dangerous. she had mad luck cause she never got a single hit landed on her until the espathra incident, and that made her overconfident and reckless and very cocky. (and this ties well with her reaction to knowing that the MC went to area zero - only someone who was equally reckless in the past and learned shit the hard way would have such a strong angry and concerned reaction, imo LOL)
for better or for worse, the trauma of being put in a near-death situation and getting a deep wound on herself for the first time coupled with the fact that geeta saved her REALLY made her consider things. not only the path her life was heading towards, but the fact that for the first time in her life, someone of her own ''species'' gave an actual fuck about her well-being and safety. geeta was the first human person she opened up to and was vulnerable with, which is a huge achievement. and upon following her to naranjuva and joining her, she also helped her unlearn a lot of rude behavior. 'feet off the table, use these serving utensils to eat and not your bare hands, don't throw crumbled up paper at others, don't start physical fights even if it is to protect me, etc etc'
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her animalistic behavior is considerably toned down nowadays, and it's not something she shows to people she barely knows at all. but the more relaxed and close she is with someone, the more these little behaviors will start showing, as well as more neurodivergent behaviors of her own. things like growls of delight, mouthing the other person's arm, stimming (using a chewelry toy near them, letting herself show off raptor hands, kneading etc), moving in a more 'feral' way (be it on her fours, laying on the floor, making lil grunts and growls, etc)...
as for your last question, i've read up a lot of real cases on feral children cause i've always found the topic fascinating, and there's one case that really inspired me as a i was working on this - the case of marcos rodríguez pantoja, one of the few documented cases of feral children in spain. years before i made this blog, i watched the spanish film entrelobos, which was based on his case. there's very few similarities between his case and my rika's, but the fact that it happened in spain, the fact that both endured abuse in their childhoods (though in my rika's case it was more neglect than physical/verbal abuse, but hey, still abuse), and that they spent from late childhood to mid-late adolescence living in the wild...
yeah, idk, even when it's not a 1:1 at ALL, it was slightly in the back of my mind as i started to give my rika's backstory shape.
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citytrialost · 9 months
random game superlatives for 2023
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I just wanted a space to talk about the games that were special to me. I'll be updating it now and then, and even when finished will not be removing my Geocities Under Construction gifs.
game of the year - Pizza Tower, and it's not even close. I can't believe we got just a blisteringly fast platformer with this level of animation and such an incredible soundtrack. It is one of the best handling platformers I've ever played and it just lends itself to wanting to master the gameplay like nothing else.
mod of the year - Archipelago! Archipelago hosts cross-game randomizers for you and your friends. Want to play Pokemon Emerald while your friend plays Kingdom Hearts 2? Great! Instead of a gym badge, Norman gives Donald the ability to shoot lightning out of his ass (I don't play KH2) while your Surf HM is in some random treasure chest in their game. It really is incredible being able to play your favorite single player games with the goal of helping your friends progress. The game list is still growing, too, so definitely worth keeping tabs on.
weird game that heals my soul in the way that only something like Katamari could manage of the year - HUMANITY. Not a surprise coming from the devs of Tetris Effect, HUMANITY is just a fun, surreal experience where you play a shiba that tries to guide a crowd of people that at best behave like liquid and have a propensity for running off cliffs. I haven't finished the game yet, but it's been a beautiful experience that I've been saving for whenever life gets too stressful.
genre twist of the year - Your Only Move is Hustle (FKA YOMI Hustle). A turn-based fighting game experience that emulates fighting games so well I still panic at the exact same spots in the neutral whether it is YOMI or a traditional fighter. It's a time consuming and stressful experience, but still very rewarding when you have a good friend to play with. Also a decent Discord scene from what I hear. Also fuck it, YOMI gets fighting game of the year.
Spiritfall gets honorable mention here as a platform fighter roguelike. Honestly feels like a decent blend of floaty platform fighting and Hades. A lot of fun, and the dev team have been both openly communicating and updating the game frequently.
best character of the year - AKI (Street Fighter 6). Fighting games have such little room to add personality, but Capcom stepped their game up with SF6. AKI is just as weird and quirky as FANG (SFV), but a lot more sadistic. The added quirk of idolizing FANG goes a long way to giving her some fun flavor. I'm already biased towards characters with a poison archetype, but AKI is just fun in a "this character is delusional beyond saving" sort of way.
best game released from early access of the year - 30XX. It is a great roguelike that builds on 20XX in just about every way possible. It's improved graphically, in terms of gameplay, challenge, overall design. If 20XX asks "what if Mega Man was a roguelike?" then 30XX confidently tells you "Mega Man works as a roguelike." Fun solo, way better with co-op.
best 7/10 of the year - Exoprimal. Saw this concept trending and I think it's a great way to highlight an overlooked title this year. Among huge Capcom news like SF6 and a newly announced Monster Hunter, "what if Dino Crisis but it's a co-op hero shooter with muddled PvPvE and PvP modes" really doesn't stand out. Maybe it would have as a budget title, given how much it popped off on Game Pass. Regardless, the game was a lot of fun. I finished it's campaign, did a few of the challenge maps, found characters and archetypes I liked, and even had the familiar/classic TF2 "our team has four snipers, would somebody like to play a different class" conundrum. I'm glad I spent as much time on it as I did, and I hope I feel motivated to give it another run while it's still active.
best return to form - Armored Core VI. I honestly never thought we'd get another one of these. Waited a decade, and after the runaway success of the Souls series I never thought I'd get a new one. Some things have changed, but from the first mission I felt like I was a kid with a PS2 playing Silent Line all over again. Honestly got emotional from the nostalgia. Still need to finish the game, but I waited eleven years to play it so the game can wait a few months for me to get through it.
game that refuses to die award - Grim Dawn. Normally this game has a fixed statue of Terraria in its place, but after a huge community patch and the reveal of an entire expansion one or two years after claiming the game was dead, Crate Entertainment have given a seven year old game something new to look forward to.
Runner up goes to Killer Instinct. So happy for the sickos in the community that wouldn't let it stay dead, and even a balance patch is more than I expected. Had so much fun getting to see it at Evo. Fuck Rash lmao
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ben-talks-art · 1 year
Some of my favorite ships in media! ❤️🥰
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I'll admit, I'm not exactly the biggest expert or the biggest fan of ships in media, at least not as much as I assume most fans are, but every now and then I see a ship in a movie, tv show, or even game that's just so interesting and holds so much promise that I can't help but go "I want to see more of it! 🤔"
Ships when done well can be a great addition to the story, for they allow us to imagine completely different scenarios for our favorite characters to be in. They open the doors to many possibilities and give birth to that excitement of making us wonder where they might go with it. "What would happen if they went that route with this ship? What if they did this with that ship?" It's just entertaining to explore the possibilities.
Because of that, I felt it would be fun to talk a little about some of my favorite ships in media. Again, I'm not an expert on the topic, but I feel like I still can enjoy a good ship when I see it!
Astro Megaship, from Power Rangers in Space
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Growing up I was never a big fan of Star Wars or Star Trek, so while some people had their Starship Enterprise or the Millenium Falcon, I instead had the Astro Megaship, which much like the other two, has a very wide and circular design that makes it look like a sick flying machine plate mixed with a bunch of rockets.
I don't know, maybe its just nostalgia but just looking at this thing puts a smile on my face. I love the strong tones of blue with the small red details. Maybe its because I'm a little tired of spaceships in media always being so grey all the time but this one just makes it look like it has a bigger "fun" energy. It just feels more inviting.
Plus, it can turn into a giant robot armed with a sword and shield. How can you not love that?
Ship, from Ben 10 Alien Force
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It would be a crime to not include a character named "Ship" on a "favorite ships" list.
Ship is basically a puppy version of Ben's "Upgrade" alien, but instead of fusing with machines and improving them, he can just become the machines himself... Which in hindsight, makes Ship super broken.
His regular form as a little blob that can only say his own name like a Pokemon is very cute but he also can turn into a cool-looking robot armor and, of course, a spaceship that can just blast things from the sky.
Super adorable, and super deadly.
The Black Pearl, from Pirates of the Caribean
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Or as I like to call it, "The Yo-Yo ship", because all this thing does is get stolen and get recovered, get stolen and get recovered.
Regardless, what's cool about this ship is its presence, just the fact that through the movies so many people try to get their hands on it even though... I'm not really sure what's so special about it.
I think it's mentioned that it's faster than most ships but... That's about it. The most engaging thing about it is just the fact that it belongs to Jack Sparrow and that it keeps getting stolen and recovered all the time.
All the hype around this boat kinda makes the ship feel more interesting than it actually is, and accidentally, makes the ship itself interesting as it makes you wonder what all the hype is about.
Everyone wants this thing so much that it kinda makes me want it too!
Going Merry, from One Piece
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People are either team Merry or team Sunny.
I like Merry a little more than Sunny, probably due to the underdog vibes. I like how this thing went through so many hardships and challenges even though it wasn't really made for it, it just makes it more impressive just how long it managed to survive despite the odds.
I love how we got a whole arc just focused on the crew members being conflicted about what to do with it and for the first time ever actually butting heads with one another.
This ship is such a big deal that it actually almost split up the straw heads forever! That's impressive.
The Donut Ship, from Kingdom Heart 2
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Probably one of the most ridiculous ships ever, and that's why I love it.
The donut ship is a ship you can build in Kingdom Hearts 2 to help you handle all the optional challenges of the game should you ever want to 100% the game.
What makes it so funny is that all the attacks from enemies in the ship challenges are aimed at your center, so when you make a ship without any center, you basically never get hit, EVER!
And while the missions you have to play are still not the most amazing thing ever, it can get a little fun to just watch as you destroy everything in your path with ease without ever having to worry about taking damage. It's like turning on your "god mode" and getting to enjoy all the destruction that unfolds.
Not as fun as playing as the actual characters in the game, but still fun in its own way.
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zip-toonz · 1 year
if u have ANYTHING to say abt trevor (either your interpretation, anyone else's, or just plain old canon trevs) id LOVE to hear abt it...i care abt him soooo much trevor fans make some noise ‼️
I HAVE MANY THINGS TO SAY ABOUT TREVOR WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN!! First and Foremost I have to say I love your interpretations of the characters! I love reading your head canons and Ideas and I'm honored my stuff inspired you like your work inspires me! (Obsessed with Schrödinger's Trevor). I should draw our Trevors hanging out sometime I think that would be a fun art piece! Also the fanart you made for the PLA au still makes me go crazy /pos
ALRIGHT *cracks my knuckles so hard my bones turn to dust* Trevor time! Read more cause I never shut up about Trevor
Trevor is by far my favorite Pokémon character of all time. I use to spend hours scrounging up any fanart I could find back in like 2013-15. I'm pretty sure he did things to my gender identity. Trevor of Trans your Gender.
He reminds me a lot of one of my other big time blorbos Mary Ann
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Something about kids with this hairstyle I guess haha. I think they'd get along though they have similar personalities.
My Interpretation of Trevor!!
My interpretation of Trevor is a weird amalgamation of the game, manga, and anime. And sometimes I have multiple interpretations of him depending. But the one that I have a design for is a solid mix of all. He likes photography and wants to complete the pokedex. Gets really excited seeing Pokémon even if its a Pokémon he's already seen before and yet is very shy when meeting new people. He's only really comfortable with his friends, his sister, and Sycamore (who is effectively his father figure). Very smart but kind of clumsy, he tends to get a little beat up because he focuses in on things and forgets his surroundings. He's not big on battling but he loves studying Pokémon and want's to be a professor when he's older just like Sycamore. He takes photos of pokemon and keeps them in a little scrapbook with help from Shauna. Also he thrifts all his clothes and can never find anything that fits him just right.
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Canon Trevor HCs
I tend to have sadder head canons for him due to the lack of parents. I don't think he likes Celebrating his birthday because his parents are never there to celebrate it with him. He has a hard time making friends and is always silently worried his friends will leave him one day. He's scared of getting hurt and so he tends to shut himself off from others involuntarily because he's scared of being abandoned again, and most of the time he only meets new people through the others in his friend group. Sycamore is one of the few adults he trusts.
Because of the manga I like to think he has this sixth sense of snuffing out harmful or dangerous people based on their aura. Lysander makes this kid faint his vibes are so bad. But that's really just for fun rather than anything serious or concrete.
I think he's got a wet paper bag for a stomach and gets queasy very easily. Its possible his anxiety has something to contribute to his health. and he should probably be on some kind of medication to manage it.
I love love love how hes handled in the manga. He's not the coward he thinks he is. He's scared but he's willing to fight for what he believes in. He's willing to stand up for his friends even when he struggles to stand up for himself and its so nice watching him grow.
I have a few aus major with Trevor PLA and REVIVAL are my two major ones but there's also Paldea (a spin off following PLA) and Wondar (My fan region that features him minorly)
Despite both major ones having godly deer screwing him over in one way or another I characterized him differently
In PLA is emotionally dead. He's got no fucks left to give and handles Pokémon with his bare hands. He's exhausted and numb. I don't think I've talk a lot about him and his relationships in PLA but he practically adopted by Laventon, and ends up making good friends with Akari and Rei. When he does return home he finds himself missing them a lot. Also he never wants to see another shinx in his life hes got scars for days from shinx alone. Also theres a Yanmask with a mask of him implying he died before returning home. (Paradoxical nonsense but its meant to represent the part of him that lived in paldea and not the part of him that died if that makes any sense? its like the physical manifestation of the impact he had on the past).
In the Revival au (sometimes lovingly called Revival Rival cause its fun to say) he's physically dead. He's practically a walking corpse with a conscious. His heart barely beats, his skin is cold. A medical anomaly. Xerneas splinters a piece of its power off (so to speak) to bring him back because humans are far more complicated than foliage. Because of this he can understand Pokémon, Flowers grow in his wake, and can revive fainted Pokémon. It seems neat but to him it just further alienates him from his peers and is a responsibility he doesn't want to have to handle. Its overwhelming. He can't stray too far from Xerneas who's is practically his life support. I've jokingly compared it to a soul gem from Madoka where if he strays to far he slows down and then eventually loses consciousness/dies again. Theres a grace radius but he can't really explore places like Lumiose anymore because Xerneas can't/won't follow. Meaning he can't go home. He lingers around smaller towns and forest. When emotinally distressed he loses his ability to control these new powers.
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anyway!! enough of me rambling!! if you wanna talk about him more or have follow up questions just ask!! My dms are also open!! I can keep talking about this silly lil guy for ever!
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