#oh my god they were bikemates
beansprean · 2 years
So who in the gang rides a trike?
Black Pete bc he thinks it's cool and doesn't balance that well on two wheels. Also he and Lucius can make out on it without it falling over.
Frenchie and Wee John share a bike with a sidecar
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beansprean · 2 years
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[ID: full body of wee John and frenchie driving down a long road in the Australian bush. Frenchie is on a blue motorcycle covered in superstitious trinkets including lucky dice, rabbit’s feet, dreamcatchers, scarabs, evil eyes, shamrocks, acorns, horseshoes, and black cats. He is wearing lightwash jeans, brown boots and gloves, a faded leather jacket, thin green scarf, and black helmet with sunglasses. Wee John is stuffed into the attached sidecar, which is bright orange and covered in explosion decals. He is wearing a brown leather pilot cap and goggles with a matching leather jacket and fingerless gray gloves. Both men are smiling widely, the background blurring behind them as they speed along the open road with no mind to stay in a lane. /end ID]
Oh my god they were bikemates….*born to be wild blasts thru the speakers*
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